#she said she wanted to be a bee with goat legs so i was like 'okay sure' and gave myself goat legs too bc i felt like the sloth element wasn
hiemaldesirae · 3 months
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sibling impsonas for me and my baby sister (the irl one)
theyre the gluttony/sloth and envy/sloth imp mixes 👍
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galaxina-the-pyro · 3 years
Random (but Canon) Facts About Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
(I got bored during work and jotted a buncha stuff down - I'll admit I was inspired by @metaphor-cheese's hot take about how Isabella should've been developed more. Some of these facts are elements about Isabella that I do wish were explored more, though a lot of these are just fun, random tidbits of information that aren't in any particular order. There will also be some Phinabella stuff, but we already know she has a crush on Phineas so I'm not gonna put that on this list.
Also keep in mind, "facts" is being used loosely here - if there's anything you disagree with on this list, feel free to say whatever. This is just stuff I remembered from the top of my head and verified, but some of this stuff could be interpreted differently.)
Isabella is very competitive ("Got Game", "Put That Putter Away", "Brain Drain", etc)
She is/was claustrophobic ("Knot My Problem")
Is a maladaptive daydreamer [though this mostly confides to her trips down "Phineasland"] ("Isabella and the Temple of Sap", "Bee Story")
Has an intense fear of failure ("Bee Story", "Where's Perry Part 1")
Speaks a little French ("Buford Confidential")
Is Mexican-Jewish
Celebrate Hannukah ("Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!")
Makes/creates Mexican-Jewish delicacies ("It's No Picnic")
Has an interest in unicorns ("Doofania", "Out of Toon")
Her cuteness is stronger than that of Cuteonium, an element said to be the most powerful cute source ever ("Meapless in Seattle")
Can switch from an adorable girl voice to an intense, low-pitched masculine one ("It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World", "For Your Ice Only")
Doesn't like it when other people use her catchphrase, and can sense when others use it [the exceptions being Phineas, possibly Baljeet, and Buford during "La Candace Cabra" while she was absent] ("Out of Toon", "Suddenly Suzy", "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!")
Has a bamboo named Bambina ("The Curse of Candace")
Believes that referring to one's self in the third person is fun [but admits that it's "not a hard and fast rule" when it comes to the likes of her dog Pinky ("Isabella and the Temple of Sap")]
Knows a lot about vehicles, from race cars to spaceships ("The Fast and the Phineas", "The Secret of Success", "Candace Against the Universe", etc.)
Excels in math, particularly triangulation ("Night of the Living Pharmacists")
Finds triangles to be an attractive aspect ("It's No Picnic")
Really Likes Puns ("De Plane! De Plane!", "It's No Picnic", etc)
Is an overachiever ("Bee Story", "Where's Perry Part 1", "Act Your Age", etc.)
Likes the spotlight, and dislikes when others take it from her, intentionally or otherwise ("The Chronicles of Meap", "We Call it Maze", "Suddenly Suzy", etc.)
Loves spectating/participating in extreme sports/activities ("Got Game", "Return Policy", etc.)
Likes strawberry ice cream ("Ferb Latin")
Plays soccer ("My Fair Goalie", "Act Your Age")
Can be distractable, particularly when it comes to Phineas [though there is at least one instance where she's distractable on her own] ("Isabella and the Temple of Sap", "Bee Story", "Mission Marvel", "Last Day of Summer" etc.)
Believes that cute nicknames are embarrassing ("Operation Crumb Cake")
Visits her Nana in the retirement home often ("Operation Crumb Cake")
Wants Candace to plan her[s] (and Phineas') wedding ("Candace's Big Day")
Believes one woman's capris pants is another's regular-sized pants for girls with short legs ("Last Day of Summer")
Has had her tonsils removed ("I Scream, You Scream")
Doesn't consider Baljeet cute ("Bully Bust")
Buford owns a plus-size version of Isabella's dress that, when pulled inside out, doubles as a goat costume ("La Candace Cabra")
Alternatively, Isabella can swiftly change from her normal attire to her Fireside Girl's uniform by pulling up her belt [and the hat? Cartoon logic, I can't explain that any other way] ("Night of the Living Pharmacists")
Considers not having to earn every Fireside Girls patch to be a ridiculous notion, and even outright horrifying ("Bee Story", "Where's Perry Part 1")
Isabella thinks that swapping bodies with an animal is considered cool ("Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?")
Likes going to the pool, and has one in her backyard ("Rollercoaster", "Get Ready for the Betties", "Day of the Living Gelatin", etc.)
Looks forward to middle school ("Cranius Maximus")
Has memorized Phineas' Summer wardrobe by name and color ("Save Summer")
Has used patch related threats ("Candace Against the Universe")
There is most certainly more, these are just the ones I thought of on the top of my head. Again, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I did double-check these but I could be misinterpreting some things and that's fine (except the goat-costume thing. That's the one thing you're not gonna sway me against, so don't even waste your time).
Also, feel free to add more facts and stuff if you want. :3
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Day 8: Chickens
The moment he stepped through the wards around their property, all of the stress and anxiety from his day fell away. Harry's magic tingled over his skin, washing away any remaining tension and he found himself breathing a little deeper.
The sun was warm on his face as he headed toward the cozy little cottage that Draco still couldn't believe that he got to call home. The wind rustled through the ivy and Draco drew up short, his body stilling as he breathed in the fresh air and listened to the bird singing in the trees.
For what must have been the thousandth time, he felt wholly unworthy of this little slice of heaven.
One of Harry's bees floated over across the open space between Draco and the hive and settled into his hair, disrupting his thoughts, he landed lightly before lifting off and pausing somewhere else on his head. Something warmed in his chest at the memory of Harry, his voice ringing clear in his ear's, He thinks you're a flower. You should be flattered!
Draco had never swatted at a bee again after that.
After another moment of enjoying the warm breeze and the scent of lilacs drifting through the air, Draco resumed his walk to the cheerful red front door.
"Harry?" he called out as he entered, shooing Tillie (the orange tabby) down off the counter so he could set down his things.
When there was no response he wandered back toward their bedroom, "Harry?" he tried again, pushing the door open only to find Rupert (the three-legged beagle) curled up on their pillows.
"Are you supposed to be laying on our pillows?" Draco asked, hands on his hip.
Rupert merely thumped his tale in reply, lifting his head and sticking his nose out slightly, obviously in search of pats.
Draco obliged him for a moment, "Where's Harry?" he asked him. Rupert rolled onto his back for belly rubs. "Better yet, where's Marcy?" he asked.
At that name, Rupert perked up, wagging his tale and looking around the room for the giant dog that Harry had rescued from a trap three months ago. Draco maintained that she was part wolf but Harry either disagreed or didn't care, and Marcy (like the other dozen animals) had been adopted into their home.
Draco often joked that he wasn't the first lost, desperate creature that Harry had rescued and he certainly wasn't the last.
And Harry always replied, 'but you are the one I love the most.'
(More below the cut)
He smiled to himself as he gave the dog one more pat before standing up and starting toward the door. A warning hiss had him pausing and looking down, "Zephyr," he sighed, bending down to pick up the snake, "We have been through this. If you don't want to get stepped on, don't go slithering across the floor all willy-nilly."
The snake slid up his arm and wrapped himself around Draco's neck. Draco tsked and headed back out toward the living room once more.
Just as he was heading into the kitchen to start on dinner, the door was kicked open and Harry came bundling in, arms laden with fabric of some kind. Marcy trotted along behind him, eyes clocking Draco before she trailed Harry to the kitchen.
Completely oblivious to the fact that Draco was standing there, Harry bustled into the kitchen and over to the island at the center, murmuring, "I've got you, babies."
Draco's heart just opened itself up, the bottom completely dropping out as he watched the other man. He followed him into the kitchen where Harry was setting the fabric down and spreading it open.
"What do you have there?" Draco asked.
Harry jumped, "Cor, Draco," he said. "You startled me."
"Sorry," Draco replied, mostly unrepentant as he leaned in to press a kiss to Harry's temple.
"Hi," Harry said, a warm smile spreading across his face as though Draco had done something amazing by simply coming home. Harry leaned in to kiss him and Zephyr decided to jump ship and slither his way to wrap around Harry instead.
Harry hissed a greeting to the rainbow boa as he butted his head against Harry's chin.
Marcy nudged Draco's hand and Draco greeted her as Harry turned back to the table. He hissed something at the snake, a warning Draco thought, before opening the folds of the cloth to reveal five perfectly ordinary looking eggs.
"What are they?" Draco asked, a bit suspicious in spite of himself.
Harry glanced over at him, "What do you think they are?" he asked, a twinkle of mischief in his eye.
"Something menacing, most likely," Draco replied.
Greta stuck her head in the window at that and let out an ungodly noise, nearly startling Draco out of his skin.
"Yes, I hear you, you noisy goat," Harry chided. "It's past your dinner time, I know. Come round through the door like a civilized creature," he added as he nudged her back from the window over the sink.
Draco shook his head as the stupid goat obediently left the window and trotted over to the door. "Menace," he grumbled. "I still think she does it on purpose just to startle me."
Chuckling, Harry grabbed a bucket and fetched some grain from the barrel in the corner, patting Greta's side as she dove in.
"We need to get an incubator set up for these little loves. Their mother was murdered," he added with a frown.
Draco started to help him move things out of the way. "So what are they? Alligators? Thestrals? Dragons?"
Harry laughed, "Chickens."
Six days later the chicks hatched.
Draco found Harry at half past five in the morning, out of bed, leaning over the incubator that they'd set up, speaking to the chicks softly as they peeped up at him. He was very gently stroking their fluffy little heads with his finger, obviously besotted.
Draco pressed a kiss to the side of Harry's head, his hand skimming across Harry's lower back as he walked past to make coffee, "How early were you up?" he murmured into the warm, dark kitchen.
"Mmm," Harry hummed, "A quarter to four, I just had a feeling that they were coming, you know?"
And while Draco did not have any such premonitions about animals, he understood that Harry somehow always knew so he nodded, "I know."
"I didn't want them to be alone," Harry whispered, turning back and gently stroking their downy little heads.
And Draco's heart ached with love and affection. It shouldn't be possible to love someone this much, he thought to himself.
"I know," Draco said, carrying a cup of coffee over to Harry and leaning against him as he looked in at the baby chicks.
"Want to hear their names?" Harry asked, his voice excited like a child at Christmas.
"I do," Draco replied, hooking his chin over Harry shoulder and wrapping his free arm around Harry's waist.
"This is Helga," Harry told him, pointing to the fluffiest chick. "This one is Sally," he said, pointing to the one with her head tucked, sleeping. "Godyva," he said, indicating the one with dark feathers in her wings who was pecking at her reflection. "That's Rowena," he said, stroking the head of the smallest chick. "And this one is Betty."
"Betty?" Draco asked and he couldn't keep himself from laughing.
Harry chuckled too and Draco could feel his laugh and he loved that. Loved Harry. "Betty seems like a perfect name for a hen."
"It does," he conceded, pressing a kiss to the warm skin of Harry's neck. "It just surprised me."
The other man leaned against him, yawning, "I hope they imprint on Marcy."
Draco spluttered a laugh, "You're ridiculous."
"Mmm," Harry hummed, voice soft, and low, and happy; and Draco wanted to melt in it. "You love me."
"Circe help me, I do," he replied. "I really do."
Day 7: Wedding | Day 9: Nose Kisses
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feiquacker · 3 years
Cs I am bored and can't stop thinking about this. Feel free to add stuff lmao.
Aang: A cutie. He respects them and they respect him. If an animal doesn't want to interact with him he tries as hard as he can until it actually startes liking him or runs away. Favourite animal clearly skybison and lemure.
Pets: Appa and Momo
My hc: A lot of birds. Lmao
Sokka: Goes crazy. First he always wanted to eat them but now he wants to squish them and hug them and kiss them like a maniac. He likes scales and feathers alot. His favourite animals are clearly penguinotters and fufucuddlypoops but I also think he is in love with Suki's eelhound.
Pets: Hawky
My hc: Penguinotter. That.
Toph: She is neutral. If an animal wants attention she interactes with them and tries to interact sometimes. If they aren't interested she leaves it be and doesn't think about it too much. But she goes insane when an animal interracts with her since she wasn't allowed to have some when she still lived with her parents. Her favourite animal is clearly the badgermole but I also think she would love deerdogs.
Pets: Doesn't have some
My hc: Deerdog. It could also help her by beeing a service dog. Yes she can use earhbending to "see" but it is still useful.
Katara: Fluffy. Everything that is fluffy she loves it. Animals eather hate her or love her. That's it. No inbetween. She just waits for an animal to come over and if it does she gets so emotionally attached to it that it becomes her sorce of emotional stability for a week. If it doesn't she's sad. I think Katara would really like polar bear dogs since they r fluffy af. But owls and fish are very nice too eventhough they don't have fur.
Canon Pets: Doesn't have one
My hc: 2 Turtleducks a bunny a (singapura?) kitten and a parrot. (i will talk about the parrot later on uwu)
Suki: Animals love them. They naturally love them. Any animal just wants to be in their presence. Also loves fluffy animals but big ones. Like really big ones. Snow leopard and lynx. They probably grew up outside since I hc them as an orphan they wouldn't have to do much instead of train and eat so I think as a kid they really loved spending time with the animals in the forests and unintentionally learned how to comunicate with them and understand them or better said how to treat them correctly without knowing it. So animals just automatically see them and go. Oh look. A nice hooman that will probably love me for all eternity.
Canon Pets: eeldog
My hc: Kyoshi's spirit fox and the unagi (if they are a descendant of Kyoshi or if the spirit fox lived since spirits don't die) or a really big snow leopard that they can ride if they wanted to and an enormous eagle that likes chilling on their shoulders (was actually Katara's but fell in love with Suki so Suki baught Katara a really magestic blue parrot that's like really big) Suki gave Katara the singapura kitten too cs it stays tiny for like forever
Yue: Loves animals but doesn't know how to interact with them at all. She always end up not knowing how the noodle that cat ended up in her lap and she also has no idea how you pet a cat. For the longest time she thought you scratch it and still doesn't that you can pet it. Favourite animal probably the unagi cs it is so cool.
Canon pet: idk i think non
My hc: Ferret. Absolutely. A snow ferret. It never leaves her side. And a squirel monkey. Since it is coled at the watertribes it really likes getting dressed up and Yue is absolutely the peron that would dress her monkey and ferret if they don't mind it (ofcourse)
Zuko: I know people hc him as someone animals love but imagine the caos if they did not. Like. Animals genuently don't like Zuko. He would be just going for a walk and then a pigeon on the road starts starring at him and they have eyecontact for 5min before it starts attacking him and he ends up screaming with a really highpitched voice. Higher than Sokka's. I think ostric horses like him a lot and that was it. Fish like him. He makes the water warm. Other animals eather attack him or run for their lives. Fav animal is the ostric horse.
Canon Pets: None (the turtleducks weren't his pets they just lived in the royal place)
My hc: Ostrich horse. And a hamster. Goldfisch. A gold fish. Yes.
Azula: Neutral respect. If there is someone with her she is neutral. Else she is Sokka but in gentle. She would never hurt an animal. And never act like she likes animals infront of other people. Fav animals: Something smull and with scales. Anything that actually freaks people out. She gives me big turantula lover vibes.
Canon Pets: the lizard thingyes?
My hc: snek *mlem* smul snek and a frog *nose boop*. Tiny frog that sits on her head or shoulders. The snek is always in her sleev or around her wrist or neck. Fenneck fox. You know the ones. Idk what mutation that would be in atla but one of those. She is insane for foxes and smul reptiles.
Ty Lee: Screames, runs after them, fangirls over animals. Basicly becomes the animal she is intaracting with. Is very sad when an animal runs away. Cs be ruff cs she doesn't know her own strainght but lojves to hug animals and sqish them and cuddle them and kiss them and that's it. Fav animal is probably an alpaca.
Canon pets: None
My hc: Monkey just cs she can and cs it makes so much sence im my head. Camelion cs it can change colours and she loves that.
Mai: Neutral. You know the people that don't want to interact with a cat but the cat desides to bother them? That's Mai. Her favourite animal is the raven
Canon: idk i think none
My hc: Black cat with really long hair. Like really long. Maybe even a crocodile cat. She doesn't like having a lot of pets. One is enough
Jet: He tries beeing manly but sometimes can't stand it and just has to touch that little puppy that has been rubbing it's head on his leg for the last few minutes. He LOVES hedgehogs
Canon pets: non I belive
My hc: Raccon and a goat. Like you know. A pygmy goat. Cs he likes them and noone can tell him he can't have a goat.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Hello! i don’t think i’ve given you any of my weird headcanons in a hot minute so here’s a new favorite! Steve with ADHD, at first nobody notices it, he gets along well enough as a young kid people just think he has an active imagination, when in real it y he just can’t pay attention. He’s in 5th grade when his teacher pulls him out of class and tells him he needs to start paying attention, Steve almost starts crying as he tries to explain to her that he just can’t, that it doesn’t work (pt.1)
(pt.2) so the teacher tells him to stay back after class that day, he totally forgets and almost ends up leaving just further probing her suspicions. She asks him to extol in what he means, he doesn’t know what to say, says that too many things are happening for him to pay attention in class, and that sometimes if he hears another teacher he’ll end up listening to that, or if he can look out a window he’ll get distracted, and she already knows what’s going on, calls his parents for a meeting
(pt.3) So his mom comes in, his dad “could make it” but that works out for steve because his mom actually gets him tested, and his test comes back positive so he has to take meds now and sure his grades aren’t the best but they are so much better and he can actually sit in class and focus, but randomly in his sophomore year tommy finds the pills and makes fun of him and he gets so embarrassed that he just stops taking them, and his grades drop bad and he can’t focus and he feels like shit 
(pt.4) he goes around like that for a while feeling lost and distracted but refusing to take his meds and be lame, he only starts taking them again after nancy breaks up with him because he needs to focus on something that isn’t the break up, but they aren’t working well which is to be expected he hasn’t taken them in more then a year, so he ends up totally freaking out and that’s how billy finds him, sitting on the bathroom floor with the WORST headache he’s ever had and he takes pity on him
(pt.5) billy and steve were kind of friends after the fight they had talked and worked things out, not super close but enough to not be so weird around each other anymore, so billy takes him home and makes sure he gets new meds and makes sure he keeps taking them and on days when he can tell steve is space and distracted and clearly forgot he’ll drive to his house and make him take them, and steve will bitch and moan but he actually loves that someone cares enough to make sure he’s ok
(optional pt.6) billy realizing he really likes steve when steve is talking about a special interest and getting super happy and he just can’t help but feel in love with him (is this totally based off my expletive with adhd? yes it is! is this the exact way my hug said she realized she love me? yes it is 🥰)
Hi! I have another one of your AMAZING headcanons in my drafts still, I’m working on it I’m sorry I’m the slowest writer ever.
So, I think I’ve said this, but ADHD makes A LOT of sense for Steve. I don’t have ADHD, so I’m sorry if this is in accurate, I did some research, didn’t want this to be like, bad.
Also, I put him on Ritalin for timing purposes and bc it can cause panic attacks. 🤷‍♀️ and his favorite animals are giraffes, goats and lobsters, 3 of my favorite animals.
Read on ao3
When Steve was little, he could never focus on something for longer than ten minutes.
He would be running through the house, leaving toys on the ground when he remembered a game he could play in another room. His nannies would roll their eyes, picking up after him.
When he got to school, it was more of the same. He would get distracted by every bird that he could see outside. He would be in the middle of class, the teacher would say something about giraffes and his mind would race about animals, would think about every country in Africa he could name, would think about whether or not Lithuania was in Africa.
His grades would slip, tests were a nightmare when he got caught up watching a bee buzzing near the window, only to realize he had answered three questions and only had eleven minutes left.
He was always a poor student, until fifth grade.
Mrs. Wilson had called him up after class, had noticed him zoning out and was about to chide him when she noticed the tears in his eyes.
“I just, I don’t know what happens, sometimes, my thoughts go too fast for my own brain and I can’t focus.” He was sniffling across from her.
“Steve, I’m going to have a chat with your parents. You’re not in trouble, but I think we can help you.” She smiled as she pat his shoulder, letting himself get collected before going to his next class.
She called his parents in at the end of the day, his mother sitting in the seat next to Steve, the principal joining them.
“I’ve noticed some trends in Steve’s school work and his presence in class. We think it may be in his best interest to test him for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. We feel that pinpointing the problem for him may be more helpful moving forward.
Mrs. Harrington agreed, waved her hand in a way that said she was bored of the conversation. Steve spent the whole next Saturday going through various tests, was wrung dry by the end of the day, but left with a clear diagnosis.
He began taking a low does of Ritalin, began focusing in class. His grades skyrocketed, getting the very first B+ he had ever gotten on his English essay.
He was okay until sophomore year.
He was an okay student, could focus in class, but not necessarily retain or understand the information.
But then Tommy found the pills, had laughed at him and called him retarded, the word that had haunted him his whole life, spat at him by the father that didn’t care about him.
So he flushed the pills, never refilled his prescription.
His grades slipped immediately. He wasn’t able to focus in class, had gone back to the days of staring out the window and getting confused about why it was called a square root.
He was constantly moving, would bounce his leg, would tap his pencil, would sometimes take the hall pass and just walk.
He knows taking his meds would fix the problem, but he had Nancy know, didn’t want her to know this weakness of his, this shameful secret.
But then he didn’t have Nancy, and his thoughts were racing, jumping from Nancy to demodog to Barb to Billy to his dad to Nancy to demodog to Barb to Billy to his dad to Nancy to-
He broke down February of senior year.
Graduation was soon as Steve’s grades were ass. He needed to focus on something that wasn’t Nancy, demodog, Barb, Billy, his dad. So he filled his old prescription, took the same does he had two years ago and went to school.
When he was first put on the meds, he was told panic attacks and anxiety could be a side effect. He had never experienced that before, but now, now he lived in constant anxiety, and with his Ritalin, he was a mess.
He had locked himself in the bathroom above the gym, the one nobody uses. He was on the floor, trying to ground himself against the wall, trying to think of anything other than Nancy, demodog, Barb, Billy, his dad, Nancy, demodog, Barb, Billy, his dad, Nancy, demodog, demodog, demodog, demodog-
“Pretty Boy?”
Billy was in front of him, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Steve.
“You okay? You’re kinda, kinda losin’ it.”
“I, I went off my meds for a, a few years, and I put myself back on them, and it’s, I, I know it’s lame, but they usually help and now-” he sobbed as Billy pulled him into his chest, soothing him softly.
“What meds?”
“Ritalin. It’s for, for ADHD.” Billy huffed a laugh.
“I fuckin’ knew it. The way you talk a mile a damn minute.” Steve’s heart sank. “And it’s not lame. Some peoples’ brains are just, wired different.”
Steve was starting to calm down, the anxiety shoving over into a raging headache. He groaned into Billy’s shoulder.
“What’s up?”
“Head hurts.”
“Want me to take you home.” Steve just nodded, his eyes squeezed shut. Billy drove him home, sat with him while Steve called his doctor, made an appointment for next weekend.
Steve had gotten a new medication, adjusted to his current state. The new meds were like magic, allowing Steve to focus when he needed, wouldn’t let him fall into hyperfocus on something that wasn’t productive. He finished senior year on a good note, with okay-enough grades to score his diploma.
He spent the summer at Scoops, working alongside Robin.
Billy came in every day. Would sit with him on Steve’s break. On the days Steve seemed more spaced, he would marrow his eyes, would say you didn’t take your meds today, would drive to Steve’s house to get them for him, would make sure he took them, would take drinks out of Steve’s hands at parties, would make sure he wouldn’t do anything to interfere with them, would dread the days he would find Steve nauseous from the meds.
Steve realized he was in love with Billy when he found out Billy starting keeping a small store of Steve’s meds in his car, would update them periodically to make sure they were safe, effective.
Billy realized he was in love with Steve when he was talking about every animal he could name. He showed Billy the small library of books he had bought for himself about animals, could explain the difference between kingdom, class, phylum, and genus. Was throwing out Latin names for his favorite animals, giraffa camelopardalis, capra aegagrus hircus, nephropidae. Billy couldn’t help himself, had just leaned over and kissed him, left Steve giggling as they made out.
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lumassen · 4 years
How about for the Drabble challenge, either: 39 with Norway, 64 with Finland, or 103 with Iceland? (Not fussed with whoever else appears)
I went Finland and 64 because I had to XD I might do the others we as well though fuck it.
Prompt: “Just don’t buy a goat. I don’t care what you do, just no goats.”
Berwald started the car as Tino placed a small lunch bag onto the passenger seat through the rolled down window before he then leant on the car door, his arms crossed, and peered in.
"I've packed some sandwiches for you. Now, send me some cute pics of the animals, just don't buy a goat." Tino shot a warning look at Berwald as he sat behind the wheel of the car, then another at Peter who was strapped in his booster chair in the back seat.
"I don't care what you do, just no goats. Got it?"
"Got it." Berwald and Peter said in unison.
Tino smiled upon hearing their agreement and stood up, patting the roof of the car before he walked back toward the house. Berwald turned the car around in the driveway, then he and Peter waved to Tino as they set off down the dirt track towards the main road. It had been 6 months since they moved to the Finnish countryside. After living in Stockholm for years, Tino started to get fed up with the city and missed his home country greatly after being away for so long, so just before Peter was to start school they decided if they were going to move they should do it now before he got settled and made friends. 
Moving here was the best decision they'd made, and he was happy. Though his Finnish wasn't great he could get by with it, and Berwald was fine speaking Swedish or English in Helsinki with no problems. Out here in Askola however the majority of his neighbours only spoke Finnish or broken Swedish. But Berwald was picking the language up quickly, and Peter was enrolled to start at a Swedish speaking school and would learn Finnish there so it was a little easier on him.
They'd bought a house in Askola, an hour's drive from Helsinki so Berwald could still work in the city, but far enough into the countryside for Tino to be happy. They had quite a lot of land around their red wooden house, and Berwald thought it would be nice if they kept some chickens and bees. And a goat. Tino had entertained the idea of chickens and bees, but drew the line at a goat.
It was summer, and Berwald drove with the windows down, smiling as Peter shrieked and giggled in the back seat as the wind rushed through his hair. He looked out at the fields that stretched out around them, the only signs of life were the other houses dotted around in the distance and the single other car that he'd passed in the couple of kilometres he'd driven already. 
He sighed in content as the farm he'd spotted on his way home from work one evening neared and he flicked the car indicator on and pulled into the visitor car park. 
"Look at the cows!" Peter cried and pointed out of the window as Berwald turned the engine off and got out. 
"Tervetuloa! Kaksi lippua?" (Welcome! Two tickets?) One one of the farm staff asked as she greeted them. She was dressed in a costume of the Elovena girl, complete in her traditional outfit with her blonde hair sticking out from beneath her white headkerchief. Oh Berwald loved the weird and wonderful Finn's.
"Lehmä." Berwald said as he unbuckled Peter from his car seat and set him down beside him, then took his little hand in his and they walked to the entrance of the Country Fair and open day that the farm was holding this weekend.
"That's cow in Finnish. Can you say Lehmä?" Berwald said it again, and Peter repeated the word over and over as he excitedly jumped up and down.
"Joo. Kaksi, kiitos." (Yeah, two please.) Berwald said, and handed her a couple of euros in exchange for two tickets. Then she stepped aside with a smile to let them through and Peter tugged at Berwald's hand, dragging him over so that they could pet the little calves. 
They spent an hour or so wandering round, tasting samples of the farm produce and petting the animals and Berwald was enjoying being out in the sunshine with his son, watching him happily skip along chatting away to both other visitors and animals alike, until he stopped in front of a small pen and gasped dramatically, spinning round on the spot and looked up at Berwald.
"Dad. You might not wanna look in this pen. I mean, you will want to, but you shouldn't." Peter said, though he was grinning mischievously. Berwald stepped forward and peered into the pen and wished he'd taken his sons not to subtle hint.
There, munching on a bale of hay, was a tiny baby goat. He felt Peter tug at his leg and looked down at him,
"Can I pet it?" He said, and ran forward when Berwald nodded. As Peter was petting the goat, Berwald took his phone out and sent a photo of his son and the goat to his husband, hoping to guilt trip him with the cute picture. He sent the message on WhatsApp and almost straight away a reply came through.
12:34 Message from Tino: Yes it's cute, but NO!!!
"But pleeeeease Dad, I promise I'll look after it. Why is Isä okay with chickens but not a goat? It's not fair."
"Isä still says no, doesn't he?" Berwald looked down at Peter and put his phone away again in his jeans pocket and crouched down to Peters level, slightly amused that Peter knew exactly what he'd tried to do. His son was too like him sometimes, as Tino would say when he scolded them for ganging up on him.
Berwald nodded reluctantly, and Peter whined, leaning against Berwald's shoulder.
Peter was always Berwald's cute little enabler when it came to desicions that he was torn by, and although he loved Tino dearly, it was two against one on the subject of a pet goat. Besides, Tino liked cute things and would eventually come around. Right?
"Alright Peter. You stay here while I speak to Isä. Keep still and I'll come and get you when Isä has calmed down a bit." Berwald said over his shoulder as he glanced at Peter, who sat clutching the baby goat. There were dirty hoof prints all over the back seat of the car, and Berwald was glad of the fact that the farm wasn't a far drive down the road or the Poliisi hadn't driven by to witness a goat on the rear window shelf at one point. 
"Okay! Good luck!" Peter grinned, and Berwald knew he'd need it and then some.
He unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car just as Tino was walking down the garden path. Before Berwald could reach him or even say anything, Tino stopped dead in his tracks and Berwald felt the blood drain from his face at the expression on his husband's face. It was the expression of a man who'd just spotted his son clutching a baby goat.
"Rakas? Is what what I think it is in the back of our car?" Tino said, his voice dripping with rage despite the use of his pet name for Berwald. 
"Tino, I can explain. It was Peter's idea." Berwald said, his voice cracking nervously as he hurried over to Tino, grasping his hand for a second before he snatched it away. 
"Uh-huh, so Peter has a credit card now does he? With enough money to buy a fucking goat?" 
Tino's glare was harsh enough to bore holes right through Berwald's skull.
Berwald opened his mouth to try and calm Tino down, but at a loss for words he just stood there with his jaw gaping.
"Well that went better than I thought. Best not talk to Isä for a few hours though." Berwald warned, and Peter cheered, startling the goat a little.
"Fine. You can sleep in the barn with it then." Tino said, turning on his heel and stalked back towards the house, slamming the front door closed behind him.
Sighing as he ran his hand over his face, Berwald walked back to the car and opened the rear door to find Peter and the goat both peering at him with wide eyes.
"Hooray! So does that mean we can keep her?" Peter asked, and Berwald shrugged.
"I think so. Though I should probably invest in a sleeping bag..."
Isä = dad in Finnish
I absolutely loved this thank you so much Random for the prompt :’) This was inspired by a ‘cow party’ I went to in Askola when I was staying with my friend who lives there, so there are some aesthetic pics below plus a stock image of how I imagine Peter and the goat. Tada!
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fericita-s · 5 years
The Sky Will Be Blue
After seeing the Royal Sommerhus and this family portrait, I wanted to write some happy fluffy family times of Agnarr, Iduna, Elsa, and Anna. It takes place in the canon-compliant When All is Lost series but can stand alone. Thank you @the-spastic-fantastic​ for beta-reading!
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Agnarr gripped Iduna’s hand with a nervous energy that made her smile. He had promised a delightful surprise for her and the girls - one that would last a whole month.  Maddeningly, he had refused to answer any of their questions about what it was.  Iduna knew their summer schedule was usually busy with travel in and out of the harbor of their northern kingdom being easier in the warm weather.  The resulting influx of visiting dignitaries meant summer was their  peak season for official meetings and events.  To have Agnarr take this time away from the council and from the castle felt like a gift, no matter what the surprise actually was.  
With Anna and Elsa asleep in the back of the wagon, Iduna readied herself to show enough enthusiasm for all three of them. But as they rounded the last bend in the dirt-packed road, she gaped in open-mouth surprise, dramatic gestures forgotten in the expression of her genuine shock.
“There it is! Our summer cottage! What do you think? I had it built for us; a special place for us to spend time away from the castle and the bustling town.  So we can feel more like a family and less like royalty.” Agnarr smiled at her and she smiled back, laughing as she brought her hands to her face and then to his arm, squeezing him tight.
“Oh, Agnarr, it’s beautiful!” She looked at the cabin, painted brown and red and white, and the grassy roof that made it look like it was part of the mountain rising up behind it.  The way it looked carved out of the earth reminded her of the earthen dwellings of her childhood.  She then noticed a sign and laughed again. “The Royal Sommerhus?” You wanted us to feel less royal so you named our cottage The Royal Sommerhus?”
Agnarr jumped down from the wagon, and offered his hand to Iduna as she climbed down.  “Well yes, but notice my restraint.  Not one letter in gold! And I left some things unfinished so we could do them together.  The window boxes could use your attention. I thought you would rather plant those than have someone else do it.  I had the servants deliver books and paints and brushes and canvas.  Dolls for the girls and lots of room for Elsa to make snow without anyone noticing. And see?  There’s a gate here to keep Anna from wandering off at night and falling into the fjord. The guardhouse is at the edge of the ridge - it will be quite private back here.”
Either at the sound of her name or because the wagon had stopped moving, Anna sat up and rubbed her eyes. “Mama? Papa? Are we at the surprise yet?”
Agnarr leaned over the side and lifted her up, cradling her against his chest. “Yes, dear one, we are here! A special house for us to live in this summer, away from the castle.”
Anna gasped and squirmed in his arms, desperate to go have a look.
“Elsa, Elsa, wake up, wake up! We have a new play house! Like a dollhouse! But bigger! But smaller than a castle!” Anna slipped from Agnarr’s arms and Iduna caught one of her hands. The dispatch of guards had pulled up behind them now and were beginning to unload the wagons and tend to the horses.
Elsa rose from her sleeping position and Agnarr scooped her up as well, placing her on the ground with a kiss. “Papa! It’s lovely! Can we go see?”
“Certainly!” Agnarr took Elsa’s hand and she took Iduna’s.  The four of them walked to the cottage, the scent of rosemary and heliotrope in the air and beams of sunlight falling on the red door. It already looked like home.
“Anna! Elsa! Time to eat!” Iduna called up the stairs and braced herself for the leaping hug she knew would be coming from Anna, who had decided that instead of navigating steps she could just throw herself off the top of them and be caught by whoever happened to be there.  Anna tossed down her dolls and then herself, and Iduna managed to catch her before her head collided with the trunk in the alcove at the bottom step.
“Soon you’ll be four Anna, and then you’ll have to start using stairs with walking feet instead of flying feet.” Iduna tucked the dolls under each of Anna’s arms and gave her a gentle pat on the bottom.
Anna laughed and ran to the kitchen. “No, Mama, I always fly!”
Elsa walked down the stairs, a lump of ice beginning to take shape in her hand. She had been making ice models of each of the flowers they had planted in the boxes and the yellow rose was her next project.
Agnarr was in the kitchen, a picnic basket on his arm and a blanket over his shoulder. “Shall we, ladies?” He bowed and gestured to the wide expanse of green grass just outside the kitchen door. Anna and Elsa ran ahead, already knowing where the best picnic spot was.
Iduna and Agnarr trailed behind, hand in hand.  Iduna breathed deeply of the salty air and Agnarr watched as some strands of her hair danced in the wind.
“Being here, further north like this…the way the breeze is always moving, I…”Agnarr shrugged and shook his head, unsure of how to continue. “I sometimes think I’m about to remember something but it slips away before I quite have it.  Your hair, floating about you, my whole body flying. But I can’t make sense of it. It’s maddening!”
Iduna turned her head to look at him. “We played in the wind.” She looked around to be sure the guards were far enough away that they wouldn’t hear, that the girls were occupied with their dolls ice flowers in the shade of the trees. “When the forest was open. We played hide and seek and the wind helped me find you.” For a moment, he was worried he had made her sad, but then she laughed. “The wind pulled you into the air and even then you tried to chase me.”
Agnarr leaned in close and kissed her behind her ear. “I’ll always chase you. And I’ll always catch you.”
Iduna laughed again, and then ran, shouting over her shoulder “I wouldn’t be so sure about that! Who’s carrying a heavy basket and a cumbersome blanket and who is as free and as fast as a fox?”
Elsa and Anna saw their mother running and joined in, dolls discarded haphazardly and ice flowers carefully set down.  The shrieking laughter of a family of four echoed in the trees as the wind pulled and tugged at their hair, their clothes, their memories.
“Do you want to build a snowman?” Elsa and Anna lay on the blanket, full of food and starting to get sleepy. And when Anna got sleepy, she liked to quickly come up with a new activity to stave off napping. She sat up, pulling on Elsa’s hands. “Do the magic!”
Elsa sat up too, and began making a miniature snowman. “Here.  This snowman likes summer and sun and all things hot.”
Anna giggled. “Snowmen can’t like summer! He can’t get hot!”
Elsa shook her head. “Not this snowman.  He’s special.  He likes picnics.  And eating sandwiches outside. And taking naps when he gets sleepy. And he especially likes you.” Elsa handed the snowman to Anna. “I bet he’d like to take a nap with you.”
Agnarr swatted at a bee that buzzed near his ear and watched as Elsa paused in her storytelling to pick a dandelion and blow on it, sending a shower of fuzz over Anna that made her laugh and then sneeze. Elsa lay down again and Anna copied her, snuggling the snowman close as her eyes started to close.
Iduna lay down too, putting her head in Agnarr’s lap, pulling his arm around her like a blanket. “Wake me up when Anna’s awake. I’ll just – “
Agnarr and Elsa looked each other, silent laughter coming from them as they looked at the sleeping half of their family.
“Let’s look at the clouds, Elsa.  I bet I can find one that looks just like The Duke of Weselton’s mustache.”
“Agnarr! She’s gotten the goat on the roof!” Iduna’s voice carried into the cottage from the front yard where she was considering the quickest way to scale the roof herself.
“Again?” Agnarr ran out of the front door, and bumped into Anna who was proudly looking at the goat she had led onto the top of the house.
“Goats like climbing! And grass! I like those things too!” Agnarr watched in horror as she swallowed, and saw the streak of green remaining in her unfurled fist.
Agnarr caught Iduna’s arm before she began using the shutters as footholds. “The goat will come down on its own when it’s ready. I’m more worried about the grass she ate.”
“Oh that’s fine. She might have a stomachache, but that will just teach her not to eat it again.”
Anna burped and laughed. “Yummy!” She pushed another handful of grass into her mouth and Agnarr slapped a hand to his forehand, groaning.
“Always check the other hand! I should know that by now!”
Bags packed, furniture covered, and goats hugged, the family said goodbye to the sommerhus and stood in front of it for one last look before the journey back to Arendelle proper.
“It’s a wonderful home, Agnarr. Let’s come back next summer.  Anna will be easier at almost-five than almost-four.”
Agnarr draped an arm around her shoulders and leaned in close to her ear, whispering “Or perhaps earlier than that, just you and me. Judet has had the whole month off. I’m sure she can handle the girls for a time this fall so you and I can play hide and seek just the two of us.”
Iduna kissed him and then whispered back. “Are you so sure I’ll let you catch me?”
Agnarr lifted her up and twirled her around as Elsa and Anna pulled on his legs for their turn spinning with Papa. “I’ll always catch you.”
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that-bi-bliophile · 4 years
So my friends and I have an ongoing collection of quotes that my crazy math teacher has said. We had our last math class today so I felt it would be a good time to share this. (I added some annotations so that it makes more sense to people who weren’t there)
                                                 Quotes by Mr. G
                                             -An Ongoing Project-
“Grizzly bear will never get reindeer, correct?”
“Health is good”
“I don’t know what planet you are from”
“Hey, build pyramids!”
“And Humperdink will be sitting at his lonely table” (I looked it up and there’s a song called Lonely Table by Engelbert Humperdinck)
“Power to the power, power to the people.”
“I like that you laugh, it means you are still alive”
“Don’t laugh because people around you are shaking.”
“Someone is laughing, it is not supposed to be like that.”
“You are so engaged, that makes you 19”
“I appreciate if barricades are taken off your desk onto the floor.”
“And fish becomes shark and eats copies.”
“Also, cover your tails”
During an earthquake drill: “Take these drills seriously” -Mr. Asdfghjkl’, “Also, take seriously mathematics” -Mr. G
“I thought it is a box”
“Lice, only in your brain”
“Welcome again to the same stream, but water is different.”
“No, there is no Mr. G.”
“Yes, Mr. G is here”
“Why are you sitting?”
“I am concerned about your grade, and your knowledge. Mainly your knowledge.”
“By the way, I like tables.”
“About geometry and your life.”
“I don’t know what you are digging”
“Kids; too many”
“Look China, look China, look China”
“What information shall we withdraw from China?”
“Give me two points India!” (These last three were from a thing we did graphing country populations by the way)
“Specifically in the mountains.”
“I am driving, Maxime, do you understand?”
“He is doing minimum, it is food for thoughts.”
“He is also a jumper, will you share what you see in the other world?”
“Mr. G often goes tangentially.”
“Ellie chose and very wisely!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, our train is approaching, silence, tunnel, please, or else explosion.”
“Goat leg”
“I will now burst with my anger.”
“Mr. G is standing on his head now.”
“Homework is a bridge.”
“Anita was a fox and Basilio lost his money: golden bars.”
“I feed you, you are a shark and sharks are biting everything.”
“Thank you for stretching, maybe you have the right.”
“Your teacher is Mr. G, I know him.”
“Don’t be scared, but some of you didn’t learn and you are going to suffer.”
“You are the first representative of a younger generation.”
“I am not poisoning you.”
“I am entertaining you. It is the afternoon.”
“Look at their information, it’s terrible!”
“Where comes two? Oh! From the ceiling!”
“I made a mistake, wait, did I?”
“They forbid me to go to school, they say they will arrest me.” (During quarantine)
“Stop with attention span, whatever happened, don’t pay attention.”
“Go, go, go, go, go, go!”
“Anastasiya, did you learn your fingernails very nicely?”
“We are all working, I don’t know what republic you are.”
“No big goose.”
“Now we have geese in the water, looking something.”
“It’s not a pack of wolves, okay?”
“It’s called an undisciplined guy.”
“It came because we were catching all big fish”
“Algebra: without algebra there is nothing in life.”
“You are like fish”
“Your brain will grow like a cabbage”
“O.M.G. Our mutual goal”
“Tongue rolling attitude”
“A gebra named al”
 “Knowledge shouldn’t be soft”
“Hands up, how many hands do you have?” Max says, “10.” (We have a theory that he’s an alien, he’s also said things like “blonde eyed, blue haired”)
“Only happy people watch a clock, because they want to extend their happiness.”
“Relax, feel in my classroom, at home.”
“Someone is running water.”
“In U.S. you have freedom and liberty” (Mr. G is talking about not finding the discriminant before solving.)
“Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, where is my bacon.”
“Alexa, turn off, Alexa will you turn off your music?” (Caused several other people’s Alexa’s to turn on over Google Meets)
“Dying, just relax guys, I’m not dying.”
“Tilda likes her boys like she likes her numbers, positive.”
“What’s up is here.”
CMC: “A score of 14 and over should be commended.”
Mr. G: “A score of 14 and over shouldn’t be commended in this classroom.”
(He told math team he expected us to get at least 26)
“Relley, you are number 7”
“Two minutes! It is too much time!”
“Sixth graders are like rabbits. They are always twitching, and each time you turn around there are more of them.”
“Only Mr. G can put flesh and blood into these skeletons.”
“In Ukraine, they call it the big bear, but here, you call it the big diaper.” (He meant the big dipper)
“Boo, did you do your homework?!” (We have a great recording of this one. We did it for our Spooky Room™ in advisory because his granddaughter is in my advisory)
“Sing the song!” (Then he ‘sings’ the quadratic formula on like one note)
“The textbook is your bible.”
“Shake your heads!”
“‘Good Morning!’ said Bilbo, ‘What do you mean?’ he said. ‘Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good one?’”
“Alessandra, you need a life.” (This was really odd for him to say a student shouldn’t just spend all their time on mathematics, a different teacher ran out of the room to tell people @ohnoimfangirlingagain)
“Tilda, you are good, not great, but good.”
“You are the best of the best.”
“You now owe me a Ritz box.”
“Any questions” -Mr. G, “Nope” -Student, “Okay, also not good because there should be questions”-Mr. G
“Like a magic wand.”
“Is anyone falling apart, is anyone under the table?”
“I can see behind the sofa, is anyone in the orchard, picking fruit?”
“Sending them out of the boundaries of the United States, oops out of the equation.”
“You are great specialist at this one.”
“Not president of the united states, but candidate for the equation”
“You are very good citizen of BPC school.”
“Guys tell me, difficult? Difficult in training or easy in battle taking test.”
“Extraneous root is like outside fish that we throw back to the sea because it is not the fish.” (One of my favorites. I’m making it bold so that it’s more visible)
“Relax, go under sofa or whatever is best place for you.”
“ZPP, not Zina.”
“Off we start”
“Alexa, I am not asking you, switch off, Alexa, Alexa, thank you.”
“Tangent tangent tangent secant secant secant secant tangent”
“You need to respond, it is why police respond.”
“Its been one minute, I will count one minute from our time.”
“He is doing simultaneously Step 1 and Step 2! I love you!”
*leaning in and whispering into the computer, so just one student will hear* “Can you hear me? Psst can you hear me? Turn in your homework!”
“Gabby, open your face.”
“You have 9 minutes to relax.”
"Examples, they are clear? Good color?"
"Who is joining shout?"
“Everything: Mr. G is doing everything thoroughly, digging, digging, digging. Where is digging?”
“Coming to this minus, says, ‘Hello!’.”
“The secret is easy: you don't do any stupid things.”
“I will introduce the basic things, and skeleton.”
“Margaux, show me your face. I have forgot already in two months.”
“Drink coffee, oops, tea... talk to your dog... make your cat happy... keep energy up.”
"Just take in your bloodstream"
“Why are you running in orchard, picking wegetables.”
“In many countries. In Ukraine, we had Chernobyl and stay at home, in Africa, we had disease outbreak, no tvs. Now. I am good at distance learning.” (He’s from Ukraine and also taught in Africa)
“See they are asking you? Did you get four? If you didn’t get four, you have a problem?”
“I know, I know, but they are more mistakes here, they are playing tricks, they are wrong.”
“Grudge on you, very big grudge on you.”
“You see, I am covering.”
“Don’t jump to conclusion, good teams don’t jump to conclusion. Now jump to conclusion.”
Anastasiya “Play ocean sounds for one hour.” Mr. G “You have to go somewhere?”
Cole plays music, Mr. G says “Not funny.”
“Seventh grade are all five, five musketeers.”
“We are 15 already which means someone else is here”
“So far, I am boxing you.”
“Herrings are little fish that Russians love, not Ukranians.” 
“In Zambia there are potholes in the road. So I would fill them in with gravel. Now we are going to do that with your knowledge.”
“Cinderella had to get peas from sand. And she shook the blanket. Use BUCK.” (He often tells us to shake our heads)
“Please guys, open your faces.”
“You are like little red riding hood: lost.”
“To my surprise, it is time to start.”
“Now it is time to collect stones.”
“What will you do in Europe?”
“I don't like that it’s excluded, because 2 will feel excluded.”
“Infinite algebra 1”
“I am back to discuss with you our problems.”
“What is secret about? You are canceling.”
“It’s like I am merging to highway.”
“Welcome to Ukraine, my friends.”
“I have plans for you, but you will always change plans.”
“Wow, it’s attacking me from all sides! Zina in the kitchen...”
“It's like avalanche or cabbage growing, I hope paper cabbage is still growing full of your energy.”
“Be cute enough to see.”
“Give me volume! Volume, volume, volume, volume, volume!”
“I wasn’t running with you… you know, fast?”
“Three trees doesn’t make woods.” (But in Chinese two do, just saying)
“So far you are free.”
“Is there anyone falling apart, under the table, please come out. I see you.”
“What should I say now? That it is too much work, sorry.”
“The last is seesaw problem. I am joking, I don’t know if I will show you today seesaw.”
“And I will be watching you now.”
“Do you want to talk about life? We are talking about life.”
"Don't touch 7th graders, they are like a hive of bees, you never know, they will bite you."
“You are late for the date with Mr. G.”
“Someone wants to join, no.”
“Someone is just troubling us.”
“Someone is just breaking my computer.”
“There is no problem, it is my invention.” 
I will miss his class a lot.
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yonch · 6 years
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wow he actually doesnt have orange hair :) oops first and foremost!! the design for unity is by @legendoflovely​ who has!! very good art!!! very cool!! i tried to imitate their style!!! but please check them out
ok and im gonna do more headcanons because :( yurei said my last ones were bad under the cut
link in general.. selective mutism and insomnia. dont like being locked up . Also they are all autistic because fuck you i’m autistic fuck whoever made that callout three years ago for a 15 year old. all the links are autistic because i said so and im allowed to say whatever the fuck i want and theyre all trans some of them are also poc because i said so. maybe all of them are evne the white passing ones theyre mixed becuaseu i said so
he chunky
he’s just a funny little dude i think. i think he has a great sense of humor
he has LIGHTNING SCARS from FIGHTING DEMISE.. and also lanayru because i was bad at fighting teknolbolings
he has asthma and narcolepsy
he likes how zelda smells (she smells like mist and clean linen)
he doesn’t like small, dark places (it reminds him of something he doesn’t know)
small(est) and angri(est)
probably has rabies because he is A Loony.. He is Insane... He is Mad!!! 
he’s a blacksmith and takes over for his grandpappy after his adventure
doesnt like heights very much
doesnt shower very often and his hair feels like coarse ass dog hair
is scared of cats because he almost got Killed by one when he was Tiny
really doesnt like the goddesses?? he’s got a shit load of trauma dude
the scar on his nose is from tripping on a rock and slamming his face into another one
got his eye mangled in a fight with some bandits :/
doesn’t like the sound of clocks ticking
but that doesn’t stop him from having a Spot On internal clock
can’t stop seeing red eyes and blue lights
very good with kids and animals!!!
he’s socially anxious and his favorite way to stim is by petting his goats 
color blind! specifically red green color blind
likes being scritched behind his ear and will thump his leg really hard on the ground (he starts doing this after he Transforms into Dog)
has a nice singing voice
he has sharp teeth!!!
designed!! by !! @legendoflovely​
he’s never lonely!! always has friends
happier After his adventure than before
spirit of the hero said its my turn on the brain cell (he has one)
likes flowers a lot and has nice memories of picking them with zelda
likes warm drinks
is so adhd you wont Even believe
yawns and sneezes.. like kitty
H U G E big brother energy
he likes watching birds with his family 
pirate life is the life for me (but no stealing bc thats bad :( )
he’s hydrophobic and can’t swim for long before having a panic attack
he grew up with trains!! so he knows a lot about them and he likes to info dump about them a lot
not having like. Specific Instructions makes him panic a little (catch me projecting)
he lives with grandma aryll and grandpa niko!! (they arent married!!!!!)
his eyes are hazel...
one of his ears... is crooked
he chipped his tooth by running away from bees and slamming into a train (this is based off something i did in game)
has the most scars
apple farmer!! smells like appel all the time
the pink hair is from his mom!! 
ptsd and depression 
still wishes that koholint was real
nonbinary  and masc aligned :)
has a lot of weird scars? look like paint splatters but you can’t rub them off
goes undercover in hytopia with the pseudonym of Finch! (his partners are jay and robin)
stops his apprenticeship to the blacksmith, considers beekeeping, eventually becomes a fashion icon
can’t stop trying to walk into walls
easily guilt tripped
heterochromia!! iridium!!
eats raw meat (doesn’t get a stomachache)
he has.. big bro vibe
his hat was a gift from his sister 
completely mute!
self taught in swordplay
doesn’t like bright flashing lights
what if fuck ing what if he what if he just what if he just ate rocks what if he jus tstraight up ate rocks
still has spotty memory (he never gains back any other memories)
doesn’t remember things unless he touches them
has chronic pain 
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l0chn3ss · 4 years
City Girl
Written for @se-rarepair-day​ August 2020 Prompt: Honey
Patty x Soul; Patsoul: Soul trades his city life for country life. He moves in with his recently married brother but gets lost almost immediately in the vast fields. Luckily for him, the country girl next door Patty is also from the city, AO3 | FFNET
Patty was a city girl through and through. She didn’t show it often, especially when she had mud up to her knees and straw hidden in her already bright blonde hair, but there were rarely moments when Soul questions where Patty was really from. Though she played the country bumpkin persona well, her New York style seeped through often.
Growing up in Queens— not the good part of Queens— Patty learned to talk quick and think fast. As a child, she had no issues with seizing what she wanted and when she wanted. As a young adult though, she knew how to bargain and play the system well. She’s grown more patient and cunning than a typical simple farm girl. Even an hour away from the nearest big city, months from when he last visited Manhattan, Soul was always reminded of his home when he’s with her.
Early fall, somehow, when Soul moved into his brother’s spare bedroom in the farm closest to her, he lost himself in a field until she found him a couple hours later into the evening. It was their first meeting, and she could already tell that he wasn’t from around town. Patty deposited him at Wes’s door and asked rather unabashedly, “This one of yours?” as if Soul were a lost cow.
Wes was too dumbfounded to reply, but his new husband briefly looked over Wes’s shoulder to say “That is.” He herded Soul into the house, leaving Patty and Wes at the front with all the awkwardness that came after. The next day, Soul was instructed to bring over bags of produce to thank their neighbor for finding him. The only problem with that was that he came back with an equal amount— if not more— of other goods from their farm thanks to Patty’s slick talking and free running mouth.
The two homes treated Soul like a pack mule until the following next week— a.k.a. when Soul (and the bag) finally snapped and a handful of apples went tumbling down the road. Patty helped him carry the produce after that and made truce with Oakley, Soul’s brother-in-law. Any debts were thereby repaid, on the condition that the Thompson household did not try to return the 3 dozen eggplants from the other day. The Evans-Beckett family refused to grill any more for the season.
However, Oakley asked Patty for one more favor— to show his new in-law around since it’d been two weeks since Soul came, yet he still hadn’t ventured off the boundary of their land. Soul blushed heavily; he had no excuse for himself. He supposed that he was still as unadventurous as he used to be, even though he promised himself that he would change when he left home.
She took just one look at Soul and asked Oakley, “You reckon he can last out here?”
Oakley shrugged, “Can’t imagine he can’t under yer wing, ey?”
To that, Patty laughed, and she took Soul by the hand to introduce him to his family’s own goats. “You’ve got a lot to catch up on, city boy.”
At first, Soul was being sensitive; he didn’t like being called that, much less by a girl he didn’t know. It got worse when he did get to know her. The nickname seemed too affectionate, too condescending to be towards someone who wanted to be her equal. Patty had the upper hand in a lot of things around the barn, perhaps even more so when she used to live in the city. He didn’t want to be a liability for too long.
One afternoon in the orchard, Patty swung her legs over the side of the branch, crunching on an apple that she deemed to be worthy. Soul was still on the ground, careful to not get his boots too muddy. He had his arms crossed and his lips set, unwilling to climb up like how she showed him.
Patty grinned in her signature carefree way. “You a chicken?”
“Don’t call me that,” he said rather harshly to her joke. He remembered often that she was a city girl, too, even when other townsfolk forgot.
Patty didn’t hesitate to respond though, as always. “Then prove ya ain’t,” she said in her most mischievous tone.
Soul knew that he couldn’t, at least by her standards. But, he hoped that soon, she could see him as a man and not as the city boy from the far away world that she loathed so much. The first step (maybe) was to go against her commands.
He grumbled something unintelligible, something she couldn't quite hear, and he turned to stomp away— again, minding his boots. Patty called after him until he was too far away. Then, once she caught up, she ran at him in a tackle hug.
She said, “Come’er, city boy,” laughing and unbothered still. “You mad at me?”
He was, and then slowly, he was not. Her cheerfulness could melt his emotions away and leave him feeling like a stranger to himself. Soul turned away from her, attempting to shove her off half-heartedly, and said, “I’m not.”
“But ‘cha are!” she laughed, hugging him tighter around his waist.
In that moment, it was clear that Soul was much taller than her, but she was much stronger. He was lean where she was sturdy, and he was serious when she was cheerful. She made up what he lacked, but maybe that wasn’t bad. However, he didn’t want to be just a neighbor who happened to come from NYC like she. He wasn’t just a dumb city boy who needed watching over.
Soul repeated that he was not mad, and by the second time around, it was the truth. However, he was feeling an odd way after all, one that made him awkward and her very determined to chase it away.
Later, after surviving winter, the wildflowers were blooming again in the fields. They stayed silent against the still air but shifted slightly when Soul walked by. He followed Patty to a little area away from her family’s barn where they kept a few bee hives, far enough from the other animals but a walkable distance.
She only warned Soul to not get any closer when he became visibly nervous around the bees; he heeded her warning gratefully. Patty, however, completely unbothered, approached one of the man made hives gently. On TV shows and movies, beekeepers always wore thick suits and a round face veil; that girl only had her overalls and rubber boots. She slowly opened the hive and scooped out a clump of bees with her bare hands, face relaxed and movements predictable.
From a distance, Soul saw that she was talking to them as she went. Maybe he was mistaken, but she seemed like a different person at that moment. He thought that even someone abundantly loud and naturally precarious could make those sort of soft expressions.
Eventually, Patty came back with her fingers dripping in honey. She held up the piece of honeycomb to his face and said gleefully, “Have ya ever had it fresh?”
He squinted at it, “Is it safe to eat?”
“Sure is!” she laughed, ready to take a bite herself.
“Anything you think is ‘safe’ makes me cautious.”
Patty hummed. “Like? I wouldn’t put you in danger.”
“You didn’t wear gloves when handling bees, though,” Soul said. His worry came out in strange ways, but obvious.
“You can accidentally squish them if ya do. Kinda nice to feel them, builds the trust between ya, yeah?” She spoke in a way that made it seem like common knowledge. “Now, you gonna taste?”
Soul looked at the mess in her hands. It was new to see the honey still contained in the combs; the only honey that he’d ever had came out of squeeze bottles or farmer’s market jars. He briefly remembered Wes’s visit home two years prior— when he first got engaged. Soul didn’t try honeycomb when Wes brought some to him, but apparently, it was a treat to eat it that way.
He reached out to take what Patty offered him anyway. She already expected his reaction to be positive, even though he hadn’t truly accepted it yet. As she licks her fingers, he appraised the yellow mass that became his. He didn’t like how the honey sticks to him immediately and how questionable things floated in small corners, but when he chews into the wax, he thinks it’s delicious in unfamiliar ways.
During a summer storm, Soul went missing during the worst of times. He was supposed to be checking on the animals in the Evans-Beckett’s barn, but he never made it back before the wind and rain rolled in. Oakley went out to see what kept Soul for so long, only to return alone with a grim line set on his face.
Patty, who had been visiting (as she did often), stood up abruptly from the breakfast table as quickly as Wes. They both jumped to the most terrible of conclusions, but Oakley merely waited for them to quiet down.
Ever calm and steady, he put his hand over his husband’s and said, “The kid will be back.” He didn’t have to address the storm or the dangers outside to convey his message. Soul would be ok, and the rest of them would wait for his return.
Wes had taken it harder than Patty, but they both understood. If they all chased Soul, it would do more harm than good in those weather conditions. They understood, but it was hard to sit still. Wes made himself busy instead while Patty planted herself in front of the radio, stone faced and listening.
Oakley gave her a knitted blanket, but she didn’t respond to him. She was only concentrating on the forecast and urgent warnings that spilled from the machine. He’d seen Patty so serious only a few times before— one time when he married her sister Liz, and once more when he divorced her. Both times, Patty expressed maturity beyond her age, knowingly that the path to happiness was fluid.
The two sisters were distant relatives of the Thompsons from next door, the grandchildren of Oakley’s neighbor’s mom’s brother— second cousins once removed, maybe. They came to the farm as young teens almost eight years ago, wild and grave. 
But the seriousness didn’t suit her.
When Soul knocked on the front door under an hour later, it felt like a lifetime. He was soaked to the bone and his hair stood up more wildly than how he normally styled it. Wes came to his side immediately, but when Soul stepped aside, a small calf emerged from behind him. Oakley threw another blanket over it and led it inside after Soul, sighing out a year of his life from relief for both creatures’ safety.
Patty was far less forgiving. She took one look at Soul, and then the calf, and then back at Soul. Her rage was clear as day and stormy as the rain outside.
Soul explained first before she even asked. “He wasn’t in the barn, so I went looking.”
She didn’t let him finish nor did she cut corners. “Are you dumb?”
He winced, “I’m fine, though.” He made it back safely, so he thought it didn’t matter. “The baby cow is fine, and I’m fine.”
It did little to soothe Patty, who got angrier by the second. “That ain’t the issue, Soul,” she said lowly. She almost never called him by his name, only ever ‘city boy’ or other nicknames. To him, it was jarring.
“It would’ve been a bigger issue if we lost him.”
Oakley watched the two carefully while Wes awkwardly patted the calf dry. The former began, “Pat, he’s back.”
Ignoring him, Patty glared to Soul, “And what if you got lost, too? Then we’d have two.”
“Then, you’ll just have to find me again,” he said plainly. At her silence, he added in good humor, “Like how you led me back here like a lost cow before.”
He was cheerful when she was serious, and that melted her unsettled feelings away. Patty finally laughed at how ridiculous Soul could be and she hugged him despite his wet clothes.
“Dumbass. Spoken like a true country idiot, ey?”
The way she held him made his blood run to his face. She had her arms tight around his ribs and her face dug into his chest. He didn’t respond quickly enough to hug her back, but Oakley swooped in to guide Soul to the bath once Patty released him.
Soul’s first harvest and his second autumn came fast. He forgot to respond to his pestering parents about a visit to Manhattan, but Wes told him to send them boxes of vegetables before it was too late. It was a good idea because Soul couldn’t stomach another eggplant for the season. Even the Thompson household started to return bags that Wes snuck onto their porch.
Patty came by in the afternoon clutching plenty of cucumbers, hoping for some room in Soul’s already overweight box. His stomach lunged at the sight of her produce and he grudgingly made more space for it.
“Get another box.” She eyed his work. “One for each parent.”
“Good idea,” Soul agreed.
After he taped the first box shut, Patty sharpied on the address. He saw her following his paper carefully as reference up until she reached the city and zip code portion. She knew the last part by heart, like a city girl raised in the area. She didn’t have to think twice about the numbers and it was like the one thing that was unquestioned out of everything else she wrote.
When she caught Soul staring, Patty snorted, “What?”
“Dunno,” Soul said. “Just thought that you are definitely a city girl.”
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whitetigerdemoness · 5 years
This chapter took longer because when I started it, I realized I had accidentally written myself into a corner. I think I got out of it in a believable way but we’ll see.
They say the pen is mightier than the sword. Penknight, having an absolute galaxy brain, thought ‘If I have both I must be unstoppable” 
Master post of all chapters
The silence in the penthouse room was broken only by the heartbroken sobbing of Ladybug, drowning out the cries of the various kwami. Marc barely registered Penknight gently guiding him to sit on the floor, in shock from the horrible images.
“It’s not him, Ladybug. It’s not-that’s not Chatnoir. It can’t be if they took his ring! Ladybug-shit.” Penknight hissed, leaping to his feet and drawing his sword. Marc hissed inward through his teeth when he saw what had drawn the akuma’s attention. Wiggling their way through the seams in the balcony doors was a horde of red butterflies. No one had to guess who they were after.
“Creation!” Penknight shouted, stabbing the doors. They, along with the windows, twisted into themselves cutting off the insects entry point. The few that had slipped through were swiftly sliced out of the air by the akuma, who was unaffected by their power by virtue of already being occupied by one of them. There were too many though. Viperion saw the errant bug the same time Marc did and hunched over Ladybug, trying to shield her with his body. Marc knew it wouldn’t be enough. Ignoring the pain in his leg, he lunged.
“Ah, Reverser. How good to see you again.” Scarlet Hawkmoth purred in his ear. Ladybug’s horrified, tear-streaked face was so close to his he could feel her breath. “Fitting that you should be the one to bring me Ladybug’s miraculous. After all the reverse of constant defeat is victory.” And the opposite of panic is calm, Reverser thought to himself.
“Reversion.” He said, reaching out to touch Ladybug’s face.
“Stay away from her!” Viperion shouted, knocking him back as Ladybug slumped in his arms. Penknight snarled and leapt at the snake hero, sparks flying when his sword met Viperion’s lyre. Reverser heard Chloe shout her transformation phrase, but he had other concerns. 
“What was broken should become whole.” He said, touching his leg. He noticed his black half was now red, like he had been drenched in blood. He didn’t like it.
“Viperion, Penknight, stop. I’m ok. Are you ok?” Ladybug asked Reverser, her voice emotionless. He nodded and stood.
“What did you do to her, Reverser?” Queen Bee demanded, keeping Sabrina behind her. Scarlet Hawkmoth echoed her in his head.
“He calmed me down, which I sorely needed. Seeing the Master and...what looked like Chatnoir dead took my sense from me. If Reverser hadn’t used his powers on me, I would be akumatized.” She said, glancing at the remaining butterflies uselessly battering the sealed doors.
“Why would he do that? Akuma don’t just help people out of the kindness of their non-existent hearts.” Queen Bee accused, ignoring Penknight when he coughed.
“Why wouldn't I?” Reverser asked, taking Penknight’s arm. “When I first became Reverser, it was because I wanted Nathaniel to accept me. He does now. My...drive? I guess you could call it, is gone.” Penknight beamed at him, leaning down slightly to touch foreheads.
“Hopefully some of the other Akuma feel the same way and decide to help us instead of Scarlet Hawkmoth.” Ladybug said, glancing back at the still playing news coverage.
‘You will not be one of them.’ Scarlet Hawkmoth growled in Reverser’s mind. He gasped as intense pain stabbed at his chest. He had to act fast, there wasn’t much time. Gathering what he could of his power as Scarlet Hawkmoth tore at him, Reverser grabbed Penknight by the back of his head and made one last reversion.
Marc clenched his eyes shut as he waited for the vermilion butterfly to over take him. The sensation was warmer than he remembered, and there was a strange pressure on his lips. Wait, what? Marc’s eyes shot open as he stumbled back (vaguely noticing the pain in his leg was gone), hands on his mouth. Penknight gave him a dopey grin that slowly turned thoughtful. 
“You did something to me.” The akuma said, thoughtfully touching his own lips.
“I’ll say.” Queen Bee snorted. When had she transformed? What happened to Ladybug? Marc spotted the uh, spotted heroine near the tv looking much better. Oh. He had already been akumatized and cured. That was fast.
“We’ll have to worry about that later.” Ladybug said. She gestured to the tv, where an akuma Marc had never seen before had taken over the broadcast. They were a man, wearing a white wolf skin cloak, the head of the beast covering their own. The akuma had a hooked staff, the crook gleaming sharply.
“Citizens of Paris! I am the Shepherd. For too long have these so called ‘heroes’ been aloud to run free. Join me in aiding Scarlet Hawkmoth to end this terrorist threat! Join the ranks of the Office of Akuma Affairs, claim your rightful power, and turn Paris into Akuma City!” An image of Penknight and Prism from the fateful interview yesterday flashed onto the screen. “A reward for the race-traitor calling himself ‘Penknight’ and his now human bride is being offered to the heroes who bring me their heads!”
“Bride? That’s moving a little fast, don’t you think? We haven’t even had a real date yet.” Penknight mused as Shepard continued to rant. Marc buried his face in his hands and groaned. 
“Great, now there’s an entire city full of akumas after me.”
“I’ll protect you.” Penknight promised. 
“Marc will be able to protect himself. The reason I came here was to gather allies, and now that the enemy is doing the same that goal is more important than ever. I am going to need all of you to keep the akumas at bay while I find the other heroes so we can, hopefully, rescue Chatnoir.” Ladybug said, holding out two miraculous. 
“Sabrina, Marc, these are the miraculous of the dog and the goat. Use them to protect Paris. When the mission is over, you must return them to me.” 
“Oh my gosh! Of course Ladybug!” Sabrina squealed, accepting the miraculous. The dog kwami zoomed over to her and began excitedly describing his powers.
“My name is Barkk, and I’m the kwami of loyalty! With my power, fetch, you can move an ally out of danger and to your side! To transform say, ‘Barkk, join the pack!’” Sabrina looked elated, while Chloe looked proud. Their friendship might be weird, Marc thought, but it was genuine. Where Sabrina had eagerly accepted, he hesitated.
“Are you sure Ladybug? I’m not exactly a fighter.” He really, really wasn’t. Just the thought of going into combat terrified him. 
“Me either really. That’s probably why Ladybug is pairing us.” The goat Kwami said. “I’m the kwami of dreams, I hate fighting. Sometimes though we have to fight if we want to protect all the beautiful dreams of peace.” Marc held out his hands so the little kwami could sit.
“You won’t need to fight with me around.” Penknight boasted, resting his sword on his shoulder and posing. For some reason the display made Marc incredibly sad. Up til now he had been thinking of Penknight as just Nathaniel, but more bold. That really wasn’t true, was it? The akuma might be part of who Nathaniel was, but he was missing all the other parts that made Nathaniel Nathaniel. Marc couldn’t leave him like this, and if defeating Hawkmoth was the only way then…
“I’m Ziggy, and I think we’re going to be friends.” The goat said, sensing his determination. “My power, sweet dreams, lets you send someone into a trance where their fondest dream is lived out. To transform say, ‘Ziggy, start counting!’”. Marc accepted the miraculous from Ladybug, then paused. What was he going to do with hair clips? His hair really wasn’t long enough to hold them in place. He clipped them to the top of his hoodie instead.
“Ok, Barkk, join the pack!” Sabrina’s hero outfit was, cute, in a word. She was predominantly brown and white, with a pair of floppy ears. A wagging tail (was it real?) was attached to the back of shorts that ended mid thigh. Oversized gloves looked like paws, the pads of her fingers pink. Her weapon seemed to be a...frisbee? Well, it fit with the theme. “I think my name will be...Retriever!” The newly dubbed heroine looked at Marc expectantly. Actually the whole room did. Oh boy, time to do this, he guessed.
“Z-Ziggy, start counting.” The transformation washed over him like warm sunshine. Oh, this felt much better than being akumatized. Marc looked down at himself to see a black and white body suit. That seemed to be a theme with his transformations. The two parts of his miraculous had come together to form clasps that secured a black, cottony cloak. Marc felt his head. The hood was up and were those...horns? He gave the curved objects a tug, feeling his skull tug back in protest. Sweet kwami, they were real. The final part of his getup was a wooden shepherd's crook that seemed to leave a trail of glittery light when it moved. Now that he thought about it, his bodysuit was a bit shinier than the other heroes too. Marc made a face, was it because he was gay? He definitely had some mixed feelings on this.
“Wow, they’re going to be able to see you coming a mile away.” Queen Bee helpfully commented. “Well, what are we calling you sparkles?” That was a good question. Ziggy had sad they were the kwami of dreams, right? Marc watched the light falling from his staff wink out on the carpet.
“...Stardust.” He decided. Chloe sniggered slightly. Penknight used his creation to dump about a gallon of actual glitter on her. “Now they’ll see you too.” He hmphed as she shrieked. 
“The extra visibility is a good thing seeing as we’re going to be distractions while Ladybug gets the rest of the team.” Viperion pointed out while Ladybug nodded.
“It shouldn’t take me long to find them, I know where most of them should be this early in the morning. I’m only going to spend half an hour looking. If I haven’t found everyone by then who we have will just have to do.” Ladybug turned to observe the few butterflies still floating about outside. She seemed too calm for the situation, considering how distraught she had been previously. Stardust wondered what had happened in the short time he had been akumatized to make her like that.
“Is everyone ready?” Ladybug asked. 
“As we’ll ever be.” Viperion said, backed up by nods from the rest. Ladybug smiled briefly, readying her yoyo.
“Alright heroes, let’s take back our city.”
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gauntie-o-dimm · 5 years
Dandelion | What A Play
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Prompt: ‘I expected you to be much bigger...’
Word count: 2100+ Warnings: Smut, swearing, public sex
Looking at myself in the mirror, I fiddled with the fabric of my dress. Tonight, I would go on a third date with no one other than Dandelion himself and my, was I nervous. I didn't know what we were going to do, as he told me he wanted to keep it a surprise. Sure, we had held hands, cuddled, kissed... But that was it. My desire to take it a step further had grown over the past few days - I loved to imagine him on top of me, groaning and grunting my name. Part of me was afraid he would turn me down, or that he wanted it to be a case of "friends-with-benefits". The other part of me dared to just rip the clothes off his body as soon as I saw him tonight. But I didn't want it to be just once. Dandelion was so much more to me than just a friend, and I yearned for him. As I was pondering this over, a knock on the front door was heard. '(Y/n)?' I looked up and rushed towards the door to open it. 'Hey Dandy.' I said with a small smile. Dandelion showed me a charming grin, raising an eyebrow. 'Really princess? Dandy?' A smile tugged at the corner of my lips and I pulled him into a hug. 'Do you mind?' He sighed, resting his head on my shoulder. 'Not at all.' After a moment, he pulled back. 'You look gorgeous.' A blush spread over my cheeks and I gave a twirl, the dress flowing around my hips gracefully. 'Thank you, Dandelion.'
He took my hand, kissed the back of it and guided me outside my house. I locked the door and followed him towards his horse. He helped me mount it and sat behind me soon after. His hands grabbed a hold of the reins and urged the brown mare to go forward. I closed my eyes and leaned back into his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Dandelion wore a new kind of cologne I hadn't smelled on him before, and it made me blush a little. 'You smell nice.' I complimented him. Dandelion pressed a kiss on the top of my (h/c) hair. 'Thank you, princess. So do you.' We rode in silence until we reached Novigrad. 'Ready for the surprise, (Y/n)?' I heard him ask. His voice vibrated in his chest and I hummed. 'More than I will ever be.' 'Well,' Dandelion began as he halted his steed in front of the Kingfisher, hitching her against a post before helping me off. 'We are going to see a play!' 'Oh.' I replied, putting on a fake smile, but disappointment grew inside my chest. That wasn't much of a surprise - we had been going to plays together already several times. I loved spending time with the poet, but it had grown boring to go on the same dates time after time. 'What is it called?' I feigned interest. 'It's called The Bear And The Honeypot.' He replied, taking my hand in his as we walked inside. The inn was already busy with townsfolk, the only table left in the back of the room, a bit isolated from the rest. 'What is it about?' Suddenly his cheeks flushed bright red. 'Well... It's quite erotic, I've heard. Something about sex.' I felt the blood raise to my face and I nearly fell off my chair. 'I... Okay, sounds fun!' Jaskier looked at me for a few seconds, surprised with my answer. 'Really? Not too raunchy for your tastes? We could go see something else if you-' 'It's fine, Dandy.' He smiled at the nickname. 'After all, I kind of like a good sex scene every now and then.' 'You've been to this play before?' 'No!' I said a little too loudly, causing a few patrons to look at me with furrowed brows. 'No.' I repeated, my volume now decreased, 'But I like to read sex scenes in books that I have.' 'Oh.' Dandelion smirked, leaning closer. 'And what do you to yourself while reading things like that?' Just as I was about to reply, a chipper red-haired maid came to our table. 'What can I get for you two lovebirds?' 'We'll have two mugs of Sodden mead, some dried fruits and some bread with goat cheese, please.' Dandelion ordered. As soon as she left, he turned to me again. 'You should tell me more about your books.' 'Should I, now?' I teased him, smiling a little. He opened his mouth to reply, but the sound of a lute caused us to become quiet and focus our attention to the stage - even though it was difficult with Dandelion next to me, egging me on how I should tell about touching myself while reading erotica... "This is the story about a bear, the crush of a bee, The bee brought him honey from over the sea. But then the bear fell in love with the honey instead, And the bear strangely brought the sweet liquid to bed!" 'How odd!' I whispered in Dandelion's ear, 'It's an animal who is going to-' 'Hush now, Princess. It's art, don't question art.' The maid brought us our food and we watched the play in silence. Despite of it being erotic, it was cringe-worthy. A bear (played by some old dude) eating out a pot full of honey - but literally though, it was weird. Who came up with this shit, I thought. Looking over to Dandelion, I saw that he was enjoying himself. He sipped from the mead, laughing about an obscene joke, face flushed of the alcohol and the constant innuendos. An idea began to brew in the back of my mind... Wouldn't it be a bit cheeky if I just...
I put my hand on his thigh, letting it inch closer to the edge of his trousers. 'What are you doing?' he questioned, drawing his attention away from the play. I smiled sweetly at him, leaning in. 'What does it look like?' 'If I didn't know better, I thought you were trying to get into my pants.' he chuckled, putting an arm around my shoulders. 'Can you promise me something?' I breathed against his cheek, kissing it lightly. 'Hm?' 'If we are taking this relationship a step further, I don't want this to be a one-time-thing.' Dandelion closed his eyes, focusing on the feel of my hand teasing him. 'O-Of course,' he stuttered, 'If anything, I was afraid that I was the only one wanting something more...' As my palm rubbed against his crotch, his leg shot up, hitting the table rather loudly. A few guests looked up angrily at the noise it made, angrily shushing us. Giving them an apologetic look, I still let my fingers ghost over Dandelions growing erection. 'What if someone sees us?' he hissed, wrapping his hand around my wrist to keep me from opening the button of his pants. 'We are sitting in the back of the room, honey,' my voice was practically dripping with lust, 'Unless you moan out loud, no one will hear us.' We locked eyes for a moment before he gave me a small smile. 'You naughty thing.' he mused, leaning in to press a kiss to my lips. 'I really want you to be my girlfriend.' 'Do you, now?' I purred, finally able to push his underwear down. Against my hand his now bare bulge pressed, the skin hot and growing stiff against my palm. 'I ah... Do you want to be my g-girlfriend?' he whispered. I was quiet for a few moments, just looking at his face twist and his bottom lip slipping in between his teeth. He was obviously trying to withhold a groan. I gave him a small nod. 'I would very much like that.' I told him, looking over to the stage the very moment that loud music started playing - something about the bear getting chased by some hunters. With one hand, I eased Dandelions cock completely from his briefs, a sigh of relief leaving the minstrels lips. 'You're rock hard.' I gasped quietly, becoming more and more aroused when I imagined it being inside of me. As the music blared through the room, I grinned uncontrollably. I sank to my knees, crawling under the table. Dandelion let out a gasp, putting a hand on my shoulder. 'What in the hell!' he hissed, 'What are you going to do!' 'Be fucking quiet, OK?' I whisper-shouted back. I shifted to sit somewhat more comfortable on my knees, eyeing his crotch for the first time. I took him in my palm, feeling it become erect against my touch.
'I expected you to be much bigger...' I teased him, jerking my hand against his erect length. He grunted slightly, putting his hand in front of his mouth. 'Holy shit, (Y/n), we will be caught!' he whispered. 'Don't get me wrong, I am very glad that you want to give me a blowjob, it's just- Hmm, oh, fuck... Not the right time right now- Shit!' I didn't listen to his protests, sliding my damp hand against the base of his cock, fingers teasingly squeezing for a moment. I leaned closer to him, brushing my lips against his tip, giving it a light kiss. 'I want to milk you...' I felt him twitch in my grip, 'To take your seed in my hand and rub it all over my wet cunt.' Dandelion let out a sigh, closing his eyes tightly. 'You want us to get in trouble?' 'They won't notice.' I took his testicles into my palm, starting to massage them. 'How can you be so sure? Fuck, that feels good...' He slightly bucked into my hand. I smiled. 'Can't we go to a more private setting for a moment?' 'Do you want to walk through this inn with that tent in your pants?' Dandelion wanted to respond, but we were interrupted by one of the waitresses. I chose that time to fully envelop him with my mouth, taking him till the hilt.
'Is everything to your liking?' I expectantly gazed at Julian to make him answer. 'Hm, y-yes. My date has gone to the r-restroom for the moment, that's all' I continued teasing his cock, pulling back with a quiet pop,  licking across the vein that ran across his length. 'Do you wish to have another drink?' she asked him, noticing the empty cups on the table. Dandelion bit his lip and nodded. 'Y-Yes please...' he sighed as I pulled back his foreskin, starting to suck on his tip firmly. As she walked off with the mugs, Dandelion's eyes shot towards me. 'What the fuck... You're good with your mouth, Princess... If I knew you were into such things, then...' 'Sssh!' someone hushed from the crowd somewhere. Jaskier put one hand on my head, lacing his fingers through my hair. 'Just... Keep quiet.' I murmured, 'Let me take care of you, alright?' I took him in my mouth, starting to bob my head up and down. His grip tightened, hips rolling upwards as I continued blowing him in a steady pace. 'Holy fuck, (Y/n)... You're so good...' I gave his thigh a squeeze so he would shut up, fully taking him till he hit the back of my throat. I suppressed my gag-reflex, wishing I could've seen his expression right now. He twitched in my mouth and I pulled back with a small gasp for air, pressing open mouthed kisses over his length. His leg twitched and he slightly sunk downwards in his seat, fingers grabbing my hair tightly. 'Do you want to cum, baby?' I coaxed him, jerking him off. 'Fuck, stop, (Y/n). The maid is coming back with our drinks!' That knowledge only egged me on to continue fondling him. I saw her legs approach us and as soon as she was very close to our table, I fully took Dandelion in my mouth, swallowing around him. 'Your drinks, sir.' He had stilled in his trembling, his spend spilling into my mouth shamelessly. I closed my lips tightly around him at this unannounced orgasm and caught every drip of it with my tongue. 'T-Thank you.' he said with a hoarse voice. 'Are you alright, sir? You look a little shaken.' 'I think it's the alcohol.' he muttered, one of his hands gripping my hair. 'Alright. Enjoy your night, then.' As soon as she had left, Dandelion leaned down under the table. 'What was that?!' he hissed, face bright red and eyes lust-blown. I smiled at him, licking the remnants of his cum off his length. 'That's one way to fucking time this.' 'Well, I liked the thrill.' Julian shook his head in disbelief. 'The longer you keep looking at me, Dandy, the more suspicious you'll become.' He sat back up and I tucked him back into his pants, wiping my palms across my face to see if something of his excitement was left on it. As if nothing had ever happened, I sat back down next to the poet, innocently smiling at him. Dandelion leaned closer to whisper something in my ear. 'Just wait until we get home, you little minx.'
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waltzofthewifi · 4 years
Kota Chapter 31: Team Building
Table of Contents | Beginning
The details were the hardest part to work out, but somehow Marinette managed it.
Figuring out where to hold the meeting was the biggest obstacle. They ended up in a super-fancy dining room at the hotel. Ladybug asked Martok to do a security sweep of the room (from a distance, of course, since most of the heroes would recognize the robot), and then had Chat Noir do another one on his baton just in case. Chloe ordered complete privacy, and she and Ladybug worked to find discreet entrances so no one would know the heroes were there.
The final issue was figuring out how to get Fu into the room without anyone seeing him. In the end, Marinette convinced him to use the tiger miraculous and turn invisible.
"I don't think the miraculous should be used for such trivial matters," Fu had argued.
"This is important," Marinette countered.
Ladybug and Chat Noir were the first to arrive in the back dining room, as planned.
"I'm surprised Fu agreed to this," Chat Noir said. "He isn't very forthcoming with information. I haven't even seen him since he gave me the transformation potions."
That was news to Ladybug. She was aware Chat Noir didn't know where Fu lived - it was too dangerous if he did, since they might run into each other unstransformed. But since Chat Noir had received the potions, she had assumed they figured some other way of meeting up.
She didn't get a chance to respond, because Fu arrived.
He had already detransformed, and the tiger kwami, Roarr, immediately ducked behind the two heroes.
"Ladybug, Chat Noir," Fu greeted.
"Master Fu," Ladybug replied. "Glad you could make it."
The heroes started trickling in and sitting around the table. Actually, "sitting" might be a strong word - Chat Noir balanced on the top of his seat, Kota kneeled on hers, and Roi Singe sat backwards with his back on the seat and legs on the back. Queen Bee put her feet up on the table, Ryuko sat rim-rod straight, Rena Rouge pulled one leg up on the chair with her, Viperion sat criss-cross, and Pegasus sat with his hands crossed like an old lady. Carapace remained the only normal-sitting person besides Ladybug and Fu.
"This is so cool!" Rena Rouge started. "I have so many questions." She unfurled herself and leaned forward, holding up her notebook.
"She's been talking my ear off all night," Carapace contributed. "Hope you're prepared, dude."
Queen Bee scoffed. "You can't call Ladybug 'dude'."
"She said I could!"
"It's okay," Ladybug confirmed. "I know you all are used to me and Chat being held up as celebrities or idols, but even though we are the leaders here, this is a team and we're your teammates. And the point of this is to grow as a team."
"Where's Souris Rose?" Pegasus questioned.
"She decided she didn't want to come," Ladybug answered.
"That's a shame," Pegasus answered. "Her powers were useful, and she was talented at using them."
"How do you decide who to use?" Kota asked.
"It depends," Ladybug said. "Since I began studying the miraculouses, I had started to connect certain people to certain miraculous. Rena was - and still is - my first choice, and when the time came to call on you, I knew the exact miraculous for you.
"Carapace was a little different. I picked the right miraculous for that akuma, and I knew you would be the right choice as well for that akuma, but I didn't necessarily pick that miraculous for you. And then for Queen Bee - I had actually intended to give the bee miraculous to Rena."
"And I stole it," Queen Bee finished. "That was selfish of me, and I'm sorry. I won't do that again."
Ladybug smiled. "I'm glad to hear it. But don't be too hard on yourself - you could only steal it because I lost it to begin with."
"Wait, you lost a miraculous?" Rena Rouge asked.
She didn't mean it maliciously, but Ladybug still shifted in her seat nervously.
"Uh, kinda?"
"Ladybug was under a lot of pressure from Style Queen," Chat Noir intervened. "And, in a way, that only happened because I also made a mistake, and wasn't able to help."
"Ryuko, when I picked the dragon Miraculous for that akuma, I realized you would be a perfect fit," Ladybug continued.
"Yet I also messed up my first time," Ryuko added.
"You learned, and that's what makes a good hero," Ladybug responded. "Pegasus, your situation was unique. I only had the one extra miraculous. As for you, Kota - I knew we needed the rooster miraculous to fight that akuma, and when I thought about it, I realized you were the best fit."
"What about Roi Singe and Viperion?" Rena Rouge questioned.
"Ladybug didn't choose me, actually." Viperion glanced at Ladybug for permission to tell the whole story, and Ladybug gave him a nod. "She originally gave the miraculous to someone else, but it wasn't a good fit for him. He decided to give it to me."
"Ooh, interesting," Rena Rouge replied.
"I didn't choose Roi Singe either," Ladybug added.
"I was wondering about that," Roi Singe said, still upside down. "Both you and Chat Noir had been disco-balled by the time I got mine, so who gave it to me?"
"That would be me," Fu said.
Rena Rouge did a double take. "Wait - who are you?"
"I'm the guardian of the miraculous," Fu answered. "I keep them safe when not in use."
"How many miraculouses are there?" Alya asked.
"Many," Fu said. "But most have been lost. I only have the one miracle box, which when full contains nineteen miraculouses."
"When full?" Rena Rouge repeated.
"The butterfly and peacock miraculous were lost," Fu said. "Only now they have reappeared. And the ladybug and black cat miraculous are no longer in the box as well."
"So what are the other animals in the box?" Rena Rouge asked. "I have a few theories myself. Some people believe it's the Chinese zodiac, but I've also seen some historical proof of a lion miraculous, and foxes aren't part of the zodiac, are they?"
"Our miracle box, like most, is divided into three groups," Fu explained. "The top circle is the two most powerful miraculouses - the ladybug and black cat - which balance each other out and have safeguards for the other miraculous. Then there's the inner circle - the turtle, fox, bee, butterfly, and peacock. Then there's the outer circle, which contains the animals in the Chinese zodiac. The lion is actually part of the outer circle of another box."
"What powers do the other animals have?" Rena Rouge asked.
"The ox miraculous can give it's wielder super strength," Ladybug said.
"I thought all the miraculouses did," Pegasus said.
"Extra super strength," Ladybug explained. "The tiger's power is invisibility. The goat creates a surface to climb on, the dog can track, and the pig calms down a person."
"If the dog can track, why don't we track the butterfly miraculous?" Ryuko questioned.
"The dog is an outer circle miraculous," Fu said. "It can track almost everything except the inner circle miraculous."
"So everything but what we need it to?" Carapace questioned.
"Sounds like our luck," Chat Noir commented.
"Is that why the ladybug miraculous is the only one that can purify akumas?" Rena Rouge questioned.
"Yes," Ladybug replied. "The ladybug and black cat miraculous split the ability to undo the powers of the inner circle. Chat Noir's powers are the only thing that can destroy a shelter or mirage, once the wielders have reached a certain point. Likewise, the ladybug miraculous is the only thing that can purify an amok or akuma once they've reached their targets - a cataclysm only works before they've affected a person. And the bee's venom is only undoable by the miraculous cure, which draws on the powers of both mine and Chat's miraculous, even if I'm the one that casts it. That's why I couldn't cast it the first time we fought Stoneheart - well, that and I didn't know I could. When Chat and I solidified our partnership while facing the Stoneheart clones, the ability just... appeared."
"Cool," Carapace said.
"What about your lucky charm and his cataclysm?" Rena Rouge said.
"Once we've reached a certain level of power and experience, my lucky charms will only be able to be destroyed by a cataclysm, and his cataclysms only fixable by the cure - though to fix damage like that, I could theoretically call the cure myself."
"I have a question," Viperion said. "Am I the only one getting animal side effects?"
"I am," Rena Rouge replied. "My hearing's improved."
"So has mine," Chat Noir said. "And my vision. I even think I'm getting night vision."
"Shame your jokes aren't improving," Ladybug commented.
"Hey," Chat Noir whined.
"I keep having the instinct to climb things," Roi Singe commented. "But I had that before I became a hero."
"What side effects might the rest of us have?" Ryuko asked.
"According to my research," Pegasus interjected. "I suspect that Queen Bee, Ladybug, Carapace, and Viperion night become more susceptible to the cold."
"Yep," Ladybug confirmed.
"There's also diet changes," Fu added. "When I was a child, I hated fish, but when I actively used the turtle miraculous, I couldn't have enough."
"This is the first I've heard of this," Ladybug noted.
"Ladybugs are predators," Rena Rouge offered. "They eat bugs."
"I have been eating a lot of meat recently," Ladybug said. "I thought I just needed the extra protein from all the superheroing."
"What about dragons?" Ryuko asked.
"Shrimp," Fu answered. "Like a seahorse."
"Longg does call me seahorse," Ryuko said.
"Trixx keeps calling me pup," Rena Rouge added.
"My kwami just calls me kid," Chat Noir said. "I'm pretty sure that's not a cat thing."
"I'm really glad Tikki never calls me larva," Ladybug added. "That would be weird."
"What is it like, living with Trixx?" Fu questioned. "I've heard they're one of the more difficult kwamis."
"It's interesting," Rena Rouge said. "They don't like answering questions directly, but they're great for brainstorming ideas, like - wait, secret identity. But they're like anyone else, upsides and downsides."
"Wait, you have your miraculous permanently?" Roi Singe asked.
"That's one of the things I wanted to talk to you about tonight," Ladybug said. "I think it would be beneficial if each of you spent some time with your kwamis - for the past couple of days, Carapace and Rena have kept their miraculous. After this meeting, we'll trade off and Roi Singe and Viperion can keep theirs."
"Really?" Roi Singe asked, perking up. "Sweet!"
"Don't get too excited," Fu warned. "Xuppu can be tiring."
"I assume that you won't let me keep my miraculous," Queen Bee said.
"At the moment, no," Ladybug answered. "But your transformation has given me a few ideas. I'll talk to you about it later."
"Out of curiosity," Rena Rouge said, as if she did anything for any other reason. "How would you rate the kwamis as far as livable-ness?"
"Wayzz and Tikki are definitely the easiest to handle," Fu answered. "I would say Plagg, Orikko, and Xuppu are the most annoying."
"Plagg stole a pair of socks, once," Chat Noir commented. "He did return them, though."
"Why Orikko?" Kota questioned.
"What do roosters like to do at sunrise?" Fu replied.
Kota's face fell. "Oh. That would be annoying."
"I have another question," Rena Rouge said. "Can you combine miraculous?"
"Yes," Ladybug said cautiously. "Combined, you gain both the powers of the miraculous and more powers."
"Is that why Hawkmoth is after both the ladybug and black cat miraculous?" Pegasus inquired.
"Yes," Ladybug confirmed. "Combined, the two are very powerful. It's why we must keep them out of his hands at all costs."
"I also have a question," Kota said. "How does the miraculous magic interact with other forms of magic?"
Ladybug had no idea how to answer that. Until her conversation with Lacy and Orikko about the love potions, it had never occurred to her that there were other types of magic - though if she had thought about, she would have probably came to that conclusion.
"It depends," Fu answered. "There's a lot of different types of magic. Each miraculous interacts with each type of magic differently. For instance, if an akuma or amok were to enter a magical object, it could increase the toughness of that object or the danger of that akuma. Is there a type of magic you were wondering about?"
Kota hesitated. "Uh, kinda?"
"Is this about you not being affected by the love potion?" Ladybug asked.
"Sorta?" Kota answered. "I - my - it's hard to explain."
"I would ask your kwami, then," Fu suggested. "If you get a chance."
Kota nodded. "Okay."
It took over an hour for the questions to run out - most of which came from Rena Rouge. After that, Ladybug brought up the idea of some training exercises she and Tikki had brainstormed.
Honestly, a race was inevitable.
It was one of the first things that Ladybug and Chat Noir had done together, outside of fighting an akuma. Rena Rouge and Carapace had raced each other earlier that week. It seemed to be an instinctual need to see who was faster.
Of course, it didn't help that both Ryuko and Roi Singe were severely competitive. And, apparently, so was Queen Bee.
Ladybug declined to race, as did Viperion. Viperion was not a naturally competitive person, and he already knew he was one of the slower heroes. Ladybug was a competitive person, under the right circumstances, but thought watching would be more interesting.
"Everyone clear on the rules?" Ladybug asked.
The track was simple - a loop around the city. Ladybug would be tracking them to make sure there was no cheating. First person to touch back on the rooftop won. No powers but all weapons were allowed.
"Three, two, one, go!"
Chat Noir and Rena Rouge practically arrived at the same time, both out of breath.
"Hah!" Chat Noir said. "I won!"
"Uh, no," Rena Rouge replied. "I definitely got here first."
"No you didn't!"
"Yes I did!"
"Ladybug," The two heroes whined, turning the Ladybug.
"I think it's a tie," Ladybug decided.
Queen Bee was next, followed by mere inches by Carapace. Ryuko and Roi Singe arrived together, followed by Kota. Pegasus arrived last.
"All of you made good time," Ladybug said.
"But I made the best," Rena Rouge bragged.
"I beat you!" Chat Noir argued.
"No you didn't!"
Ladybug sighed, deciding it pointless to get involved this time.
They're going to be arguing about this for a long time.
They were almost finished for the night. Ladybug had already collected Pegasus's and Kota's miraculous, and Alya and Nino were saying (a temporary) goodbye to their kwamis. Now all she needed were the bee and dragon miraculouses - but she had something she needed to talk to them about first.
She found Queen Bee on the roof of the hotel, talking to Chat Noir.
"- I guess what I'm trying to say is," Queen Bee was saying. "I'm sorry. There's no excuse for treating someone like that."
"I didn't mind it," Chat Noir replied. "At least, not that much. But I'm glad to hear that you're turning over a new leaf."
"It's not the first time I've tried," Queen Bee said.
"Hey, I bee-lieve in you."
"And here we were having a moment."
Ladybug cleared her throat, alerting them to her presence.
"Queen Bee," Ladybug called. "I need to talk to you."
"Of course, Ladybug."
Queen Bee followed her to the rooftop where Ryuko was waiting.
"What did you wish to speak about?" Ryuko questioned.
"I've been talking with Fu," Ladybug said. "And I think there's a way to make the miraculous's magic conceal your identity again."
"You mean, so I can be Queen Bee and no one will know it's me?" Queen Bee asked.
"Yep," Ladybug confirmed. "We've almost figured it out. Once that happens, I'll tell you two as soon as possible. Until then, you'll only be called on when I have no choice."
"This is great!" Queen Bee said. "Thank you, Ladybug!"
"I appreciate it as well," Ryuko said. "Though my m- my family already as safety measures, as I've said before."
"I know," Ladybug said. "But this could allow you to keep your miraculous on you, if there's ever a reason to."
"Yes!" Queen Bee squealed. "Please? I love Pollen so much!"
"I know," Ladybug replied. "I rely on my kwami a lot, too."
"I would like to talk at length with Longg someday," Ryuko said. "He seems very knowledgeable."
"The kwamis have seen a lot," Ladybug said. "But they're not always the most forthcoming with information."
"I'll keep that in mind," Ryuko said. "Thank you, Ladybug."
"So, how's Sass doing?" Marinette asked.
She and Luka were curled up together in his living room. It had only been a day since Luka had been given his miraculous, but she was sure Sass had already had an impact.
"He made me buy a sun lamp," Luka replied. "Fortunately, no one pays attention to what I buy. It's difficult keeping him hidden from Jules though."
"That's right, you two share a room."
Luka nodded. "But Juleka isn't nosy. And Sass is really cool to talk to music about - he says he knew musicians going as far back as Ancient Greece and Egypt!"
"Mhm," Marinette confirmed. "Our miracle box got around quite a bit - part of being the one with the transportation miraculous in it. Tikki's mentioned a few ladybugs from all over the world."
"Sass also said he hasn't been out in more than a century," Luka said. "He had never seen or heard an electric guitar before he met me."
"Same with Tikki," Marinette replied.
"He also knew about my synesthesia - that's when I associate colors and sounds and things like that," Luka said. "And my ability to 'hear' other people's songs. Says I might even have magical lineage."
"I didn't know you had synesthesia," Marinette noted. "That's cool."
Luka shrugged. "It's minor, compared to some people. Sass said he once knew a hero that could paint entire pictures based on what they heard in music, and vice versa."
"I know, right?" Luka said. "He won't talk about any of his previous heroes fighting, or how they used their second chances though. I think - I think a lot of them died from it."
Marinette nodded. "Yeah. Tikki can get the same way, sometimes. But don't worry - miraculouses like Hawkmoth's have fail safes that keep them from being fatal. It's why my miraculous cure is so thorough with the damage from akumas - that's just as much the butterfly miraculous as it is mine and Chat's."
"I didn't know that," Luka said. "That's nice to know."
"Makes you wonder what happened to cause them to put those fail safes in though," Marinette admitted. "Tikki gets too sad when I bring it up, I just can't."
"It doesn't matter now," Luka said. "Whoever it was learned from the past, so we aren't doomed to repeat it."
Next Chapter
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concerningwolves · 5 years
Before the earth had settled, before magic allowed itself to be bent and shaped, humans lived in terror. Only a select few dared to brave the wildness of Ys. These were the fisherpeople — the Herdannan. They fished in the bays in early spring and harvested the herring’s eggs in summer, taking what they could from the teeming waters before winter descended once again. But no matter how bountiful the waterways of Ys, the land was hungry and perilous. Things from the marshes crept amongst their yurts at night and snatched children from the cradle, stealing faces and playing tricks with the human mind. Wolves savaged the goats and emptied the hunting grounds. 
And worst of all, ravens plagued the settlement night and day. 
(Rostfar scrunched up her nose and broke in, "No, not ravens.”
Skanna frowned down at the telling stones, and Natta frowned at Rostfar. 
"What else were they then?" Natta scoffed. "Flying ponies?" 
"No. Why would ponies—?" Rostfar gave up with a shake of her head. "Look." She pointed to where three chiselled divots in a vertical line intersected the painted symbol for a bird. "Not like Ethy’s ravens. Ravens like—like the wyrdaetha. They weren't really ravens at all." 
Skanna took the stone from Rostfar and held it closer to the candle. Her pale eyebrows arched. "You've good eyes, my girl. So they were." 
"I'd have seen that," Natta huffed, even though Rostfar knew her sister couldn’t read the stones. Not that she minded the lie. She just wanted to hear the rest of the story.) 
Wyrdaetha who assumed the shape of birds plagued their settlement. These not-ravens stole the fish from their nets and descended in great flocks during the roe-picking season, plucking the clusters of herring eggs straight from the hemlock branches as fast as people could harvest them. The fisherpeople were in despair.
But then, when the winter bore down upon them with freezing rains and hunger, a beast came walking. 
The beast was many things; he was a silent watcher who slumbered among the mountains, and he was a single constant in a world that was forever changing. One day, they would worship him as a god. But he was also a monster, and for this, the people feared him. His eyes gazed out on the world beneath brows of blooming fireweed, and the antlers of a caribou wreathed his head like a crown. Moss grew on his back and bees nested in the branches of his antlers, for he moved so slowly and so infrequently that he became a part of the land itself. 
The people called a meeting. Shambler, as they knew him then, was someone to live in awe of. Not someone to trust. He was magic itself, and magic had not been a friend of the fishers for many a year. 
"We haven't any choice," said the Old Man who served as both Dannaskeld and Dannhren. Nobody else wanted to lead or protect a settlement under siege.  "If he can call away the creatures, we may yet save our last roe harvest for trading." 
All the people seemed to agree, and that was when a boy spoke up. 
"But what is his price?" asked Boy. "We have nothing he would want." 
Old Man laughed. "Why would he ask anything in return? He came to us." 
The next morning, when Recc was high in the sky, Old Man went to Shambler. He seemed like a small replica of the mountains where he slept, just a few spans outside of the Fisherpeople's circle of huts. When he breathed, the earth shivered. 
"Will you help us?" Old Man asked. His voice startled a nesting flock of terns from the miniature forest on Shambler's back, and Shambler lifted his shaggy head with surprising speed. Old Man was afraid then, but he would not show it. 
"You've woken me," Shambler said in a voice that wasn't a voice at all. His words went right through Old Man's head, clear as day, but he had no mouth to speak with. "For what purpose?" 
Unease spidered down Old Man's back. But, undeterred, he said, "You came to us from your mountain roost. Was it to help?" 
Shambler hummed, and the earth hummed with him. 
"Perhaps," he replied. "We are kin, after all. Or perhaps not, for those you would have me defeat are my kind." Shambler rose until he stood on his hind legs with his long, long arms dangling down past his knees. He was so tall he blotted out both moons. 
“We will give you anything,” Old Man said, too hastily. He did not understand that the ancient mountain-beast had already decided. 
Shambler laughed. "Do not give me thanks. That is all I ask." 
"Do not give thanks?" 
"No," Shambler agreed, "I will not accept any instruments of debt from you, little one, not when I am going against my kind." 
Old Man sensed that he had a deal. From his belt he drew a sharp knife. Bending down to Old Man's height, Shambler held out one of his own hands. It was as big as a human was tall. Old Man drew the blade across his palm and pressed the wounded skin flush in the centre of Shambler's leatherlike hand. 
"We're settled," Shambler said. And with that, he turned and loped back into the mists from whence he came.
That night, the Fisherpeople were woken by the thunderous grinding of stone on stone. They stumbled from their yurts, children clinging on to the limbs of their parents in mute terror.
Cast in the light of both the red and silver moon, his body cut from the shadows of deep night, Shambler was an awesome sight to behold. In his long arms he held great boulders, and to these stones he whispered the words of a language that only the earth knew. When the rocks would not listen he hurled them out into the tundra and then went to retrieve them — all with a gentle, serene gait. 
In the morning, Shambler lay down near his huge pile of stone slabs and half-closed his eyes. The children, curious and frightened in equal measure, edged ever closer. They did not near him that day, nor the next. But after three nights, when Shambler had laid the foundations of the wall, he was no longer frightening. The first to approach him was a girl. Her name was Almr, a name that people would love and fear in equal measure in the centuries to come. 
Almr rode on Shambler's shoulder the next day, half-hidden amongst the fireweed and lousewort. He made strange flowers blossom from his palms and Almr wore them in her black hair with pride. Crisp, sweet berries grew along the ridges of Shambler's spine for the children to eat and he would hold them up so high that they could pretend to touch the clouds. They loved him, and he loved them in return. That, for Shambler, was worth more than all the thanks and gifts in the worlds. 
But Old Man did not understand. He was already planning, desperate to pass his titles on to someone — or something — else. He whispered to the children in the evenings across dying fires, planting suggestions: make him a bracelet, ask him to help, show him where baby hares sleep, seek him out for your chores. Unaware of anything but their fondness for this huge, slow beast, the children listened. They were, for the first time in their short memories, safe. The walls encompassed everything, with space aplenty for play, and for once their parents did not call after them in hushed terror. Shambler had given them that. So surely, they thought, they should give him something in return. 
By the Bloom’s end, Shambler had finished the walls around the settlement, but he showed no signs of leaving. The people grew accustomed to seeing him asleep outside their walls, or carrying most of the village children on his back. He helped with the roe-harvest and whispered old words to the earth to make it fertile. Beads of clay and silver adorned his antlers, glinting in the sun and moonlight, and the birds that once found safety on his body fled for quieter, child-free heights. The children wanted to share their sweetcakes, so Shambler made himself a mouth and sat at mealtimes, tiny little drinking-bowls clasped in his fingers. In time, the adults loved him, too. 
Only Almr withdrew from Shambler’s shadow. She heard how the adults spoke — asking favours when Shambler was content by blazing fires, using their children as mouthpieces if they thought he would not otherwise agree — and it rattled her to the core. Shambler had trusted Almr with his true name, told her secrets and showed her how to let the magic of the wyrdness into her soul. Old Man’s game made her bristle. 
In the depths of the night when everyone was asleep, Almr donned her cloak and crept out to Shambler’s sleeping-place. Seated upon his shoulder, she whispered her suspicions and begged him to leave. 
“I’ll come with you,” she said, holding on to the crags of his face so she could gaze into one drowsy amber eye. “But if you stay here, they’ll chain you up with your own kindness.” 
Shambler did not believe her. He didn’t want to. And he continued to dismiss her claims night after night, until the fateful feast on the last day of the Bloom. 
Safe in Shambler’s presence, everyone gathered outside of the walls eat and drink. Fires blazed and spirits burned bright in defiance of the long, dark winter to come. No creature of magic could cross their walls, their children were safe, and the summer had been bountiful. For this winter at least, they would want for nothing. 
Standing on a pile of sacks, Old Man blew his horn and called for quiet. His voice carried in the sudden stillness. “Tonight, we feast, and tomorrow we close up our homes against the winds. But there is someone who made all this possible — our friend, Shambler.” 
Cheers went up. Shambler nodded his head as if he was listening to an interesting new idea, his face otherwise impassive. Almr sat at her mother’s side and held her breath. 
“I asked the K’anakh smiths of Aaven to make you a gift finer than any you have had before.” At this, Old Man stepped off the sack-cloth and pulled it aside. Bone-forged steel glistened in the moonlight, huge links carved with beautiful patterns. Almr wondered how much corn Old Man had traded for it. She felt sick. 
Brow furrowed, Shambler lifted the chain and held it up between forefinger and thumb. His newly made mouth curved into a grimace, but Old Man did not seem to notice. With a triumphant smile, he drove the final blow home. 
“You are loved here, my friend. Without you, I fear we would have died — our children would have died, starving and frozen.” He reached up and placed a hand on Shambler’s leg. “For that, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” 
Shambler dropped the chain. He looked past Old Man, across the fire-pits, and met Almr’s eyes. A shiver of rage passed through his body, stirring the earth and making the walls tremble. 
“You have shared your last meal in my company,” Shambler said. “Tomorrow, I leave.” And then, without another word, he lay down with his back to the people, as unyielding and cold as the mountains he came from.
And he kept his word. 
On the first morning of winter, after five whole months among the herdanna, Shambler went home with Almr sitting proudly on his shoulder. Seeing this, some of Almr’s closest friends gave chase. They followed all the way out into the tundra, where Shambler welcomed them with open arms. 
“Where are you going?” Old Man yelled from atop the walls. 
“I am Erdan,” the beast called. “I nurtured your kind, pulled you from the foaming sea, and I would have loved you no matter what you did. But you’ve wounded my faith in you.” 
“But we gave you our gratitude!”
At that, Erdan turned around. New flowers bloomed on his arms and back, and birds had returned to his antlers, sensing a change on the winds. Almr was the one who spoke. She stood between his antlers, a crown of flowers in her hair, and cupped her hands around her mouth. 
“No, we did.” She held out her arms to show the other children. They waved. “You tried to trap him with guilt and use his good old heart against him.’S best you let us go, else he might lose his faith in all of humankind everywhere — and then you’d starve for real.” She grinned, bright and gleeful, Erdan’s magic humming in her veins. 
Old Man gaped, but no words would come out. 
Content with his newfound company and satisfied with a job well-done, Erdan turned and loped away into the horizon. And all the children went with him. 
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Don’t know who or what a “when dealing with wolves” is? Here’s the info post.
A wild Ysan folktale for WDWW appears! It’s been aaaaages since the last tale (Speaker and Shield) but! Hopefully, it won’t be too long until I get the next instalment out. This just spent a very long time in my drafts and i forgot abt it oops. 
Tag crew: @yvesdot @kriss-the-writing-nerd @lady-redshield-writes @thespooniewrites @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables @wri-tten @oheoo @focusdumbass @wolvesofarcadia @incandescent-creativity @heniareth @ofvisitorsthefairest@reikeburgen @mirror-of-too-many-books @pixiepurple 
If you want to be added to/ removed from the tag list, just let me know!  
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rcris123 · 5 years
The buck fathers
“Chloe, look out!”
Too late, the car swerves out of the road, into the ditch. There’re no airbags in this thing so both of them end up slamming with their entire bodies into the board. Head bumps against the windscreen.
 “Ow...” That’s one hell of a headache if she’s ever had one. “Ow, ow ow ow...” Chloe tries to pull back slowly. “Max?...” Panic. “Max!”
She rushes over to shake her friend awake, but to no real avail. She seems to be breathing though. Shit, shit, shit-
The other car stopped as well. Two men came out, running towards them. One’s got a stupid cowboy hat.
“You okay there?” The cowboy dude bend through the window, then grimaced when seeing Max like she was. “Shit... Buck, call 911!”
“On it already.”
“Can you get out, miss?” The man said, extending a hand.
“I... Think so.” Chloe tried to pull herself out of where she got crashed to.
“They’re on their way here!” the other, ‘Buck’, beckoned, somewhere between her car and their own, just putting his phone back in his pocket.
With just a little help, a bit of a struggle, heart running a minute a mile, Chloe got out of the wreckage and that’s when realization sunk in, faster than the ache in her ankle and knee:
“Shit... Shit shit! Fuck! Fuck no...” She hit a stone with her foot, pursing her lips and rolling her fists when the bristle pain shot up through the leg. And let’s not even mention feeling like she’ll fall over ‘cause her head was as big as a bowling ball and twice as heavy, hurting like it just came out of the goddamn track after hitting all the pins.
That was all she got left of Arcadia. That car and Max.
The car’s ruined...
The cowboy, a massive dude with a real thick southern - or maybe it was midwestern – accent, came nearer, hands raised as if trying to pet her. She’s no animal.
But she doesn’t pull away when the man tries to put one of those hands on her shoulder. She could use the comfort, well at least that’s what she thinks...
“Just call me Chloe...”
“I’m Arthur. Arthur Castellanos. You a’right there? Bumped ye’r head or somethin?”
“...I’ll live-”
The somewhat silence that settled in after the crash got busted by the cries of a small child.
“Daddy?” A girl, maybe 10 or 12 pokes her head out of the van the two strangers got out of. “Isaac’s...”
“Want me to check up on him?” Arthur shouts over to ‘Buck’. Guess they were partners and that was one weird fucking petname.
“No, no, I got this.” The brunet heads back into the car. There’s some mumbling, then the man gets out of the car with the baby.
She can’t help it; she doesn’t have the nerves not to talk about something: “So... urhm, that your kid?”
A muffled sound from the car, movement: “Chloe-”
Sprained ankle and all Chloe jumps towards the car, towards her one and only thing in this world. “Max!” Mister Cowboy Arthur follows, arms raised as if trying to stop them from doing something.
“Now you take it easy, miss. There’s an ambulance on the way here.” He talks, but between them, and Max still tries to stand up. A sigh: “Can you get out?”
“Yeah.” Why was her voice so weak, drained. It reminded her of that crazy week back- well she can’t call it a home now. Poof! One tornado and it vanished.
“Lemme help ya’ out.” Arthur huffs, arms like tree branches stretching inside to get Max out. And there she was.
“Max!” She’s not even fresh out of the wreckage when Chloe presses her within her arms: “Max, oh, Mad Max.” She was scared.
“Chloe... I’m fine...”
“We’re sill gettin’ the two of you checked by that ambulance.” Arthur said; now that was a dad tone if she ever heard one. Kinda familiar in a way.
“Thank you, Arthur, thank you.” Chloe said, and soon enough both of them get seated in the shade of a tree by the side of the road. It was one of those bright, hot summer days when, if you put as much as a pinky into sunlight, you’ll get burns.
The baby’s still crying and Arthur’s gone to check up on it. She’s guessing it’s the heat and the fact that they stopped for so long so suddenly. She’s feeling sorry. She almost ran them over, and then crashed Max into a ditch. Her head falls in her palms. Really sorry. She can’t even do driving right. Fingers claw at the scalp.
Baby switches dads, and she can still hear them talking.
“We should be calling their parents.” ‘Buck’ said.
“Shouldn’t we let ‘em call ‘em themselves?”
“Maybe we should wait for the ambulance before that.”
“I guess... Did it say how long till it’s gonna get here?”
Baby seems to have calmed down under the gentle rubs of those big ass hands: “Is Lily a’right?”
And as on cue, girl pokes her head out, springs out of the car and clings to the ‘Buck’ dad; man bends down and picks her up: “It’s okay, Lily.”
“They okay, Daddy?”
“Guess so. Maybe we should give them some water. Wanna come with me?”
And Chloe dares a look at Max, slumped against the tree, staring back at her:
“Are we okay, Max?”
“Can’t say we haven’t been through worse-” slight smile; Maxine’s gotten her lips busted.
Red lights. The ambulance.
“C’mon up, Mad Max!” Chloe shouldn’t be jumping up like she did, but there she was to assist her girlfriend.
“What happened?” the paramedic asked.
“Misses got in an accident.” Arthur replied.
“And you were witness?”
“Yeah. They were goin’ fast and swerved into the side of the road trying to avoid us. We were comin’ from the opposite direction.”
“They’re conscious so we’re going to ask them a few questions- Miss?”
“Caulfield. Maxine.” Damn, she admired her courage.
They were asked to walk for a bit, had their blood pressure and heart-rate taken and all the other crap, allergies and the like. Then they were asked to phone their relatives. Max... Where would she be without her- Well obviously in a grave.
But what if that was better...
Now they had to tell those paramedics that she was an orphan. Well Max did, and she was also obligated to call her parents; told them they’ll be reaching Seattle tomorrow. She did all the legwork. Well... Max had the plan. Chloe just sort of tagged along to it all. It’s been about a week since it all happened. They tried calling Mom, Joyce, for a few days. At first there seemed to be some hope that she might pick up. No... The phone battery died about 3 days into their journey.
She cried that night, in the car. They had to stop. She cried all night. Didn’t even remember when she fell asleep. Max even tried to convince her to drive herself that day. Not happening.
They were heading to Seattle; hoping Mr. and Mrs. Caulfield will kindly take her in. Well... not with all those kisses and the possibility of a naughty one- Did she just think that... Yeah, regardless, it didn’t sound like it was gonna happen.
But Chloe got nothing left and this was probably her best chance at anything ever.
She fucked it all up this time around. If... if only Max chose-
 The paramedics let them go, blood wiped away and a cold compress applied to Chloe’s ankle. In the meantime tho’, the guys heard all they said, and Max told them about Arcadia, ‘cause she thought they surely heard on the news about the tornado. They did...
“You can spend the night at our place, and we’ll drive you tomorrow into Seattle. We stay in Olympia City.” The brunet said; Arthur was seating the baby back inside the car.
Did they have a choice?
“I mean sure...” Chloe said, and with that they hopped in the car. The girl got in Arthur lap.
“Oh. This is Lily. And that’s Isaac back there.” Kid fell asleep, chubby cheeks smooshed against the side of the baby chair. “I’m Sebastian. And Arthur. My husband.”
“Hello~” Arthur greeted, with a silly, long, drawn out o at the end. Sebastian smiled at that. And well Chloe had to as well; there’s something about seeing married gays that kinda gave her hope...
“So we ain’t going to the Nes Percy Park today?” the little girl, Lily, said. She meant the Nez-Perce National Park, right? Jesus they were on vacation and Chloe’s ruined it for them.
“We’re gonna go tomorrow after we leave the ladies back in Seattle.”
“Ah, Chloe, right?” Arthur called back. “What’s your friend called.”
“Maxine, but you can call me Max. Caulfield.”
“Chloe Price.” She added; now she didn’t think saying her surname will leave her feeling bitter...
 The ride back to Olympia city was one surprise after another. Firstly, the dudes were unironically listening to Kesha and Lady Gaga like it was the best thing ever. The Johnny Cash and other country music she can’t place. But there was that one guitar solo that her dad used to listen to. They sang to it. And maybe for the first time in a long while Max saw her really smile; she started singing too, why the fuck not. Then the house came into view. Well, house is an understatement. The husbands had a whole fucking domain; ranch and all. Arthur proudly announced that they built the stables themselves, like the chicken coops and most of the garden. They had 5 fucking horses, goats and, obviously, chickens.
Chloe jumps straight outta the car to stare at the large, lavender lined, fields. Beside the house were tucked some bee hives and if the thought of insects wasn’t creepy the fact that they got themselves home-made honey simply had her in awe. Dude. What kind of magical fairy gay fathers did she stumble upon.
“Woah.” Yeah she couldn’t help it; leaned over the railing of one of the pastures. It stretched for so long! And indeed 5 horses grazed peacefully not too far off.
Maybe today wasn’t so bad...
She caught herself smiling before one of the horses, one with a brown head, fixed her attention on her and came towards her. Others noticed too but didn’t move.
“E-easy there.” The animal poked her massive snout beyond the fence, lips pouted as if sniffing.
“Chloe!?” Max sounded scolding; “Did you even ask?”
“It’s a’right!” Arthur beckoned from the car, unpacking some of the essentials. Sebastian was talking to a middle-aged lady on the porch; she was probably going to take care of the animals while they were away. “I could show ‘em to you later if you want to!”
“Of course!” Chloe was in heaven-
Came running like a bullet and hopped up on her, tongue out, trying to lap at her face.
“Copper!” Dog perked its head back to Sebastian. “Down boy!”
Chloe tried her best: “Down boy, down!”
Dog listened, pranced back on all fours, wagging his thick tail side to side with such power it moved his entire butt.
A whistle from Arthur: “Com’ere, boy.” Damn that accent carried over in the way he said boy, but with that dog was off to it’s owner. Cowboy wasted no time bending down to bend the fluffster, the praises carrying over to her.
“Chloe? Max? What’d you like for dinner?” Sebastian had his hands on his hips; she just noticed that the man was dressed in a flannel that was now wrapped around his waist leaving the man in a tank-top. Damn what a dad...
No, actually, all of this.
Lily poked her head out of the house: “Shrimp Fajitas!”
“Seconded!” Arthur said. “Some fries and guacamole? Think we still have a couple o’shallots.”
“The avocado’s in the bags.” Sebastian said, those last lines were between themselves.
“Yup, gotcha.”
“So’s everyone down for shrimp fajitas?”
“Hell yes!” Chloe resonated, sprinting down the pasture to back home- nope, not sprinting, her ankle hurt lie a bitch.
But she gets to the house eventually, and inside: sunflowers on the table in the living, a cat on the couch and the kitchen being warmed up for dinner.
Of course Max helped with the dinner, or tried to, ‘cause they sorta let her on the back burner. Chloe was watching in awe from the couch. The girl plopped on her lap at one point, asked if she was alright, complimented her hair. Then her and Max tried to braid it. Lily tried on her beanie. It was too big for her head but it suits her. Somewhat.
The all cooked, dinner got served up. Arthur went upstairs to feed the baby, and play with him until he was all exhausted and ready for sleep. Sebastian informed the two of them that Max will be sleeping upstairs in Lily’s bedroom while Chloe will get the spare room downstairs. And the food was fucking delicious, tasty and juicy, with a little beat of heat in each bite. The guacamole too, you could tell it wasn’t one of those store-bought kinds that tasted just a bit too sweet, just a bit too addicting.
And it’s the fullest she felt all week. The two of them have been living off fast-food and snacks bought from gas stations at 2PM for the last past few days... Always on the road... And today, despite losing the car... she kinda felt the happiest she has been in a while... Like, things were gonna look up...
Max found herself playing with the cat, unexpectedly named, drumroll, Cat, and she watched. Lily went upstairs, looking for a boardgame, but instead came down with Arthur. It was getting pretty late.
“We gotta get the horses in the stables, wanna come with?” Arthur asked the girls.
Lily already bolted out the door.
“Isaac’s sleeping?” Sebastian intervened, looking up from the sink where the dishes just got done.
“Not really. He’s still a bit rowdy.”
“Should I put in a round of laundry?”
“I ain’t thinkin’ we got any? We did the last batch yesterday ‘cause the trip.”
Sebastian bobbed his head, hands on hips. “I’ll figure something out.”
“ ‘Course you will.” A peck on the lips as the cowboy parted from his husband to go rustle some horses.
What can she say, Chloe got all excited about it: getting to witness the gay wild west up close and personal. Man seriously just went about rounding horses up with a few whistles. All 5 of them came right up, ears perked and eyes all doe-like, snouts extended. Both Max and Chloe got designated halter holders as Arthur put them around the horses’ heads one by one. Chloe got the courage to try herself, on the little horse, the pony. She did it! ... after apologizing for bending the animal’s ear. Arthur laughed though. Presented them all.
“The black one’s Ash.” That one was the first to go into the stable. “He was a racer; got in a accident: caught in the chute at the start of a race.” And the poor thing has one big scar on the shoulder and some smaller ones on the neck and cheek. “He’s a bit jumpy ‘cause o’that but he’s a real good loyal horse and I have a hunch he’ll just die for Sebastian ‘cause he’s lovin’ that man so much.” Arthur caressed the dark head before taking the halter off and closing the stall up.
Then outside again for the next horse: “The big brute’s Victoria.” Well she really was big, almost all white, but looked much gentler than Ash. “She was my first horse, even before I met him. Poor ol’ girl’s seen some stuff.”
Next horse; the pony: “She’s prob’ly the most expensive horse we got on ‘ere. Lily’s competition horse: Princess. And she lives up to the name.” Chloe got the sense that she was a spoiled little thing with a bit of a temper. She looked the part.
Up next the horse that came and greeted Chloe as she jumped out of the car: “Morrowind-”
“Wait. Like the game?” Max asked.
“Was Sean’s idea.” Who the hell was Sean? “Made Sebastian play The Elder Scrolls, but we couldn’t name‘er Skyrim.”
Max snorted: “Well why not?”
“Well you try riding a Mustang named Skyrim.”
“Woah, A Mustang? Like a wild horse?”
“Yeah, got her from the Bureau of Land Management. ‘bout last June I think. And the one left in the pasture’s Whitehide; also from the Bureau.”
 They still played that board game with Lily upon re-entering the house, up until the little girl more or less fell asleep in Max’s lap. She was to sleep with the dad.
And Chloe was to go downstairs. Spare room. And that’s exactly what it looked like: all filled up with trinkets and older stuff and... workout equipment. But there she goes, sneaking by the heavy machinery and under the yellow blanket of the bed there, trying to find a pose that felt nice. Head up, nope, on the side, still nope, on the belly, arms dangling from the side- wait what’s that.
Square, plastic, but paper thin- cigarettes.
Chloe sat straight up. Men smoked. Oh yes, yes, yes. She pulled one out and lit it up; she still got the lighter with her. Cranked up the window as well. Oh how she missed these. She could of used some of these this entire week, damn.
Yeah today wasn’t so bad. Today wasn’t bad at all.
She got no place to go. Maybe she can ask of them to stay here. She’d like to.
 She woke up to the soft strumming of a guitar. She thought it was a dream, but no, someone was actually playing the guitar; out on the porch. Baby gurgling. She got up to peek out the window; she could understand the lyrics now:
“Mama don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys- Don’t let’em play guitars and ride’em old trucks-”
The front door swung open as Arthur got out with the bags he got out yesterday. They still had a holiday... and her and Max still needed to reach Seattle.
“Should I wake ‘em up? Don’t wanna drag the kids to Seattle. Isaac’s been awake-” a sigh. And for a moment Chloe felt like an intruder in this house.
“Let them sleep, Arthur, they had a rough day yesterday.”
Chloe watched the man seat down by his guitar-baby-holding husband, arm wrapping around the shoulders.
“Guess just anxious. Girls’ been through lot... barely survivin’ that tornado in Arcadia. That Chloe lost her family back there...” a sigh.
“We’re gonna get them to Max’s parents in Seattle. It’s gonna be fine.”
Chloe’s hands shook on the window sill. A huff. She went back to the cigarette pack she hid under the bed. She didn’t dare open up the window again.
Two cigarettes.
She heard someone come downstairs, thought it was Max so she opened up the door.
“Mornin’!” it was Arthur, grand smile on his lips.
Then a wheezed breath and a cough.
Oh shit...
Another cough.
“Can... Can you open up a window, Chloe.” And another cough. “Please.”
She rused to do so; clumsy hands didn’t do a good job at it, but she tried... Arthur leaned over towards the window, taking in some really deep breaths. She could hear Sebastian coming in from outside too.
“E-everything alright?” she dared ask; the coughing seemed to be gone.
“Yeah...” A drawn out inhale that sounded loaded with mucus, followed by a spit out the window. “I’ll be a’right...” A scratch of the beard.
Sebastian let Isaac roam the room:
“You smoked in here?” scolding.
“Buck-” Arthur held his husband back. “It’s a’right. He ain’t known.”
The scowl that covered Sebastian’s face mellowed: “Go get some fresh air.”
Some more dried up coughs while trying to get the words out: “Will do. Gotta feed the horses.” And the man stumbled out.
“I’m sorry. I’m... I’m so so so sorry.” Chloe tried.
“Those were my cigarettes, right?” Sebastian cut her up.
“The ones under the bed...”
“Yeah... I shouldn’t have-”
Sebastian listened, bobbed his head. “Help me open up the windows.”
And that they did; the man took the remaining packet and thre it in the bin. There was a story behind that... and Chloe’s not sure if she wants to know it. Dude’s all snappy because of it now. But once Max’s awake, they fix themselves some breakfast and set out to Seattle. It’s a few hour’s drive, depending on traffic.
 “Max...” They’re almost there, the skyscrapers breaking the horizon line with their ‘magnificence’. “I don’t think I can stay with your parents.”
“You know they won’t be mad at you for what happened.”
“I know, I know...”
“You’re not a burden, Chloe, okay?”
“It’s not that...” she snapped back. Sebastian gazed at them in the rearview mirror.
“Is... Urhm, Sebastian... Do you think I can make it up to you? I...” This was so selfish of her, but she can’t help it: “I’ll stay just a few more days until I can make enough money to afford a place. I’m-”
“You’re always welcome at our place.”
“What?- Wait. Really?...”
“You need a place to stay, of course.”
  Safe to say she might have gotten adopted by fairy husbands. Oh, did she mention they were badass detectives too?
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dysphoric-dumbass13 · 5 years
guess what bitch. all of the flower asks. if i have to do it, you have to do it
Hahaha, love you too. Asshole.
Alisons: Sexuality? - Hahahaha bold of you to assume I have any clue. I like girls. I like guys. I like nonbinary people. And other people on the spectrum. I’m not pan, idk what though. Plus the label doesn’t really matter.
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender? - I’m a demiboy, so he/him/his or they/them/theirs. Whichever, it doesn’t really matter. Though I personally feel more masculine.
Amaryllis: Birthday? - Today lol (January 13th)
Anemone: Favorite flower? - Would it be cliche and stupid to say roses? Because those. Weirdly.
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show? - Damn that’s hard. Between BBC Sherlock, BBC Merlin, Supernatural, Once Upon A Time, and John Mulaney (shut up it counts)
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger? - It really depends on the situation. I would give away clothing, risk my life, give them shelter in my home, allow them to borrow my phone, but them lunch... I’d do a lot for anyone. Even though I have trust issues.
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes? - “Yeah, the asshole who sent me this (love you alex)” - @eyeforaneye-toothforatooth lmao. Truly though? “Your destiny is calling, you better find out what he wants.” and “A half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole.”, both from Merlin, about Merlin and Arthur. They're just so gay.
Aubrieta: Favorite drink? - Tea.
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - Meh. Sure. I don’t really care. The one right before that by like 10 seconds, 100%.
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love? - Yes. Oh god yes.
Baneberries: Favorite song? - Literally impossible. You are insane.
Basket of Gold: Describe your family. - A disaster. Both biological and chosen. I have 3 little brothers in my chosen family and all of them are younger than me.
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it? - I have 5. The bitch who sent me this (love you), Evan, TJ, Shiro, and Sid.
Begonia: Favorite color? - Bloodred and black.
Bellflower: Favorite animal? - Wolves. They’re amazing.
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person? - I’m not a person. But mornings fuck me up dude.
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be? - A dodo bird. Because they’re all dead.
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? - So many things. A lead singer of a band (which I might get to do soon, yay), a policeman, an fbi agent, a photographer, etc. 
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children? - I love them, I’d probably adopt older children because they need it the most, but I love children so much.
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why? - I answered this earlier, “I am afraid of spiders. Because they have so many legs and so many eyes and THEY DON’T FUCKING NEED ALL OF THEM LIKE WTF?!?!?!?!?!”
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood. - About 75% of the food my brother and I ate was Ramen, Pop Tarts, and instant rice.
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth? - With the people I love the most.
Buttercup: Relationship status? - Sadly single :(
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go? - Ireland. Without a doubt. It’s so beautiful.
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved? - I answered this one too. “When I’m cuddling with someone I care about while watching one of my favorite shows or movies. Or just when I’m cuddling someone I care about. And yes, that includes my puppy. (Funny joke, I’m watching Merlin while watching Merlin) (Merlin is my puppy).”
Canna: Do you have any tattoos? - Sadly no. I will though.
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings? - Two in each ear.
California Poppy: Height? - 5′3½″
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts? - Yeah.
Carnation: What are you currently wearing? - Jeans and a flannel, as always.
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight? - Yes.
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged? - Sid. He’s the best, honestly.
Chrysanthemum: Who was the last person you kissed? - TJ. He’s basically my brother. The person before that was Shiro, and both of those were New Years Day at like midnight.
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font? - Calligraphy. It’s so fun to write in. But in computers, Times New Roman for some reason.
Columbine: Are you tired? - *in Snape’s voice* Alllllllways
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to? - A good night’s sleep for once.
Coneflower: Dream job? - Lead singer of a rock band, which I’ll probably get to do soon!
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert? - Extrovert, definitely.
Crocus: Have you ever been in love? - This question was already asked. But yes.
Crown Imperial: What’s the furthest you’d go for someone you care about? - To the ends of the Earth.
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it? - Yes. It was a huge stuffed cheetah. Now it’s a giant stuffed bear from Evan.
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign? - Capricorn. I was supposed to be an Aquarius. And I personally think I’m an Aquarius more than a Capricorn.
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering? - Not really. Other than date people.
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? - I don’t fucking know. Winning the school spelling bee in 5th grade?
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)? - I wouldn’t care. If I love them and they love me, that’s all that matters to me.
Dandrobium: Who is the last person you said “I love you” to? - Sid I think.
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at? - Idk. Singing?
Foxgloves: What is something you’re bad at? - Everything.
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened to you in the last month? - I got a puppy, I got my binder, I gave my (now ex) girlfriend the best gift I’ve ever given in my life.
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today? - Considering all I’ve done is watched Merlin, type this, and cuddle with Merlin? Pretty good.
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you're at in your life? - Nope.
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two? - Die :)
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life? - In no particular order: @eyeforaneye-toothforatooth, Evan, TJ, Shiro, Sid, Merlin, BBC Merlin, Sherlock, Supernatural, Harry Potter
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed? - Healthily? Dying my hair, listening to music, reading, writing, and getting hugs.
Hellebore: How do you show your affection? - Many ways. Mostly hand hearts, gifts, trust, and hugs.
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of? - My flannel collection. I don’t know the exact number but it’s immense.
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day. - cuddling with my friends while watching shows and movies and reading.
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time? - Read. Write. Listen to music. Watch TV. Cuddle.
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them? - ok gimme a sec.
@eyeforaneye-toothforatooth: They hated me when we met. We’ve known each other for... 3 or 4 years? We met in science in 6th grade I think.
Evan: We met in 6th grade. They noticed we had the same flannel on and commented on it. I hated them for like 2 years. Then we became friends, dated, now we’re best friends. I love them so much.
TJ: He was a friend of my best friend’s friend. Started hanging out in 7th grade, been like brothers ever since.
Shiro: Barely knew each other, then kinda “met” in 8th grade. Quickly became friends, dated, became best friends ever since.
Sid: Met him in SAGA this year. He bought me a binder, he’s the kindest person to me at my new school. I love him so much.
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything? - I can talk to @eyeforaneye-toothforatooth about practically everything. I love them so much.
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have? - Surprisingly a lot.
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? - Idk. “You look very handsome today.”?
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself? - What an utter piece of garbage.
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself? - My eyebrows? Idk they look cool, especially when I do them. One’s got a slit.
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself? - All of it.
Lilac: What is something you liked to do as a child? - Sleep. When I could.
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid? - It changed at least once every year. Paige, Sheyenne, Peyton, Chloe, the list goes on.
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty of? - I followed everyone in kinda making fun of this kid who was a trans girl. I felt so guilty about it then, and I feel so guilty about it now. I hope she is living her best life now, and if she’s reading this I want her to know I am so so sorry. And I have felt it too, I have been made fun of for my gender identification. I am so sorry.
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about? - Idk. There’s one thing I’m sworn not to tell about but the person who asked me this knows, so it doesn’t matter.
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name? - My deadname? Means “grace of god”, because my family is very Christian. My chosen name? Means “Defender of men; protector of mankind.” Which is honestly just so badass. I chose it because I liked it and it was genderneutral.
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it. - Fort Collins, Colorado babyyyyyyyyy. It was nice and peaceful and small and I loved it.
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up? - Small. Always a disaster. Sadly shared with my brother.
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years? - So far? Sucky as fuck. I hate it. I love my friends, but other than that I hate it. I’m only like halfway through them anyway. It’s been spent trying to prove to my parents that I am just as good as my brother, who I happened to raise.
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom. - Awesome. Sweet and kind, short, with red hair, hazel eyes, and freckles. She’s caring, and she was raised in a Christian house but she’s trying so hard to be accepting, to fight against her religion for her child and I love that so much. I love her so much.
Onions: Tell about your dad. - Kinda annoying. Plays video games all day and makes my brother and I do everything around the house. He tries to be nice and stuff but it really doesn’t work that well. He basically says he “doesn’t care” about the whole sexuality thing and gender thing and then he says stuff like “you can’t really know til your hormones have settled” and “Your name is your name until you can legally change it.” It’s stupid.
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents. - Which ones? I have multiple. I have 4 grandmas and 4 grandpas. Tho I suppose they’re all pretty similar. Very Christian, yet pretty accepting. They love me to death. I have one super transphobic grandpa, but basically all of them helped me raise my brother when I was little and my dad was asleep from working nights and my mom was at work all day. I owe them a lot. And I love them so much.
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it so memorable? - My 12th. My best friend Val was there and so was my friend Tei and that was it, and they basically got along too well and I was really left out of things at my own birthday party. It was annoying. It was the first time I ever felt true jealousy, and that’s why I remember it so well. I haven’t liked a birthday since because it reminds me of that. I used to like it because it was a day when my parents actually payed attention to me and were off, but now everyone makes too big of a deal of it and I just wish it didn’t exist.
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any? - SAGA club, he founded it a couple years ago. He’s super kind to me and he does so much for me, god I don’t deserve him. He bought me a binder. And he’s my best friend. I love him so much.
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain? - Healthily? Getting hugs and cuddles from my better friends. I can’t really do much of that lately though. *cries in a corner*
Pink: Where is home? - With the family and friends I’ve found.
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change? - Wow. Hard choice. I’d either kill Hitler as a baby, or prevent my own conception.
Prarie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them. - Sid if you’re reading this I am so sorry, and I’m so sorry for mentioning you so much. But I look up to him, because he is one of the best people I know. I love him so much. He’s sweet and just sadncaspdnnhciodsifcnsjxsojcm.
Primrose: Describe your ideal life. - Idc what’s going on in it, as long as it’s with my found family and friends. I’d like my depression, anxiety, and ADHD to disappear though, ideally.
Rhondendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child? - Jesus. Or life. Either one works.
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life? - That’s hard. @eyeforaneye-toothforatooth, Sid, Evan, TJ, Shiro, Freddie Mercury, Elton John, or David Bowie (may Mercury and Bowie rest in peace)
Rose: What’s your favorite sound? - Music. Definitely music.
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory? - When I was at our first organized rehearsal for OneActs. I just love hanging out with so many fellow gays (and yes, I am including the straight twink that is Simon)
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory? - Um, I don’t want to go into detail on that. I was 5. It was bad.
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want? - A boyfriend lol
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things? - Depends. In a relationship? Pretty easy. Any other time? Near impossible until I break.
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine your life without? - There’s 3. Pie, music, and my brother TJ.
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night? - I doped myself up on melatonin so about 7½. Usually its between 1 and 4, if I’m lucky enough to fall asleep.
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning? - The people I care most about. My best friends. Also the reason I don’t stab myself through the heart. They keep me going. I love them all so much. They mean too much to me to hurt them, if I could in any way.
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job? - Living or school? Either one I hate it. I don’t have an actual job.
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing? - My flannels. Or my band tees. Or my leather jacket from TJ.
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic. - I don’t fully know what this is asking. I guess the smell of worn flannel, old worn leather, grease from a car, hair dye, smudged eyeliner, and conjoined lips? Idk.
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you? - Idk. Best present I’ve ever recieved was a binder. But I’d say worn flannel from a thrift store.
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now? - Grandparents spamming my phone with “Happy Birthday [deadname]!!!” texts
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the last few months? What were they called? - Idk dude.
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year? - Dead or with a partner.
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is? - Oddly enough, no. But I don’t think I want to.
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself. - I have green eyes.
Kass I hate you.
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