#she said she felt completely the opposite because she likes going fast and it keeps people away from in front of her
ceruleanfuckup · 28 days
Does anyone have a reliable way to let the LED headlights behind you know that they are a child of Satan? Asking for a friend
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spinningwebsandtales · 5 months
Imagine Kafka Taking Care Of You At A Kaiju Cleanup Sight
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Kafka Hibino X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Kaiju gore, blood
Word Count: 1.3k
(A/N:) I have been so dang excited about the Kaiju No. 8 anime! I have read the manga since it came out and when they finally announced it getting an anime adaption, I freaked out. So yesterday was so awesome, I watched it three times! XD So I apologize for the fangirl I'm about to become and hopefully all the other Kaiju No. 8 fangirls can appreciate what I'm about to do! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
You just knew your bosses hated you. It wasn't unusual for companies like Izumo Tech requesting specialists to go out in the field and oversee the kaiju cleanup crews. Only to make certain that they were receiving the best parts of the kaiju to create weapons, armor, and various forms of gear for the brave men and women who take the battles to the front line. But for some unfortunate reason you were the one being constantly sent out to supervise. It had to be done, even though the majority of the cleaning crews did their jobs right, but you'd be out of a job if you didn't go. This time you were to watch and take note of the Monster Sweep Inc. crew. The best of the business and always making sure they sent nothing but the parts Izumo requests. This wasn't the first time you had overseen this crew and you enjoyed being around them. What you didn't enjoy was dodging spurts of blood, or tripping over entrails, or squishing eyeball pieces under your shoes. The Defense Force always left a mess and it was the brave and iron stomached men and women of the cleaners.
Rubbing at your temples, fighting the oncoming headache, while your driver navigated the destroyed streets of the city. Your bag across your knees and the seatbelt strapped tight. You said a small prayer for the poor white shirt you unwittingly wore today. The car squealed to a stop as you couldn't go any further in the vehicle. Giving you a sorrowful smile, your driver let you out before backing out as fast as he could, leaving you alone in front of a giant bloody kaiju mess. Heaving a large sigh, the tainted coppery tang of kaiju blood filling your nostrils, you got to work.
"Hey Kafka," Masahide called to the dark haired male.
Kafka lifted his face shield wiping sweat from his forehead before heading to Toku's direction. Dread settled in the pit of his stomach, sensing he was being dragged into something else. He just hoped it wasn't entrail duty like the other times. But when Kafka saw you standing at Toku's side everything became clear, but it still didn't mean he was dodging entrail duty just yet.
"(Y/N) just got here. She's being assigned to your side since you're closer to the parts Izumo Tech are looking for."
You gave him a small wave, holding your bag tightly and standing as straight as could be. Making yourself as small as possible seemed like the safer option of keeping clean. You and Kafka knew each other pretty well by now as you had been on several scenes with him and the crew. You had become his charge every time you were on scene and it wasn't unusual for you both to go out for drinks and dinner afterwards. Majority of the time the other guys would join but sometimes you both were alone. So in Kafka's care you always felt safe as he tried his best not to splatter you with any kaiju fluids. Majority of cleaners didn't like you around, thinking that you were only here because the company thought they were doing their jobs wrong when it was the complete opposite. So it wasn't unusual for you to get doused in gore in an act of retaliation.
"Welcome back," Kafka said giving you a warm smile.
"Looks like you guys have your work cut out for you this time," you replied.
He sighed, shoulders sagging in defeat, "They keep upping our finish dates every time a kaiju is dispatched. They're really working us to the bone."
"Well if anyone can do it and handle it it's you guys," you offered him what little encouragement you could.
"Thanks." Kafka walked past you leaving you a little confused as he went to the company van. He tugged a large protective jacket from a bag on the floorboard before setting it on your shoulders. You gratefully slipped your arms inside and zipped it up to your chin. It swallowed you but you wouldn't complain.
"Thank you so much!"
Kafka blushed, "Didn't want your pretty shirt to get messed up."
"I didn't know I was coming out into the field until I came to work," you grumbled. "I would have dressed accordingly. Please continue like I'm not even here."
"I couldn't do that even if I tried," Kafka laughed. "Follow me. Some idle chat would do me some good."
Time passed by quickly as you and Kafka fell into easy chatter and before you both knew it lunch break was called. Majority of the time the smells of the dead kaiju killed your appetite but some form of luck came your way as the wind was right. Blowing the majority of the stench in the opposite direction. But still you couldn't do anything more than nibble on a few veggies you had packed in your bento. Kafka noticed you barely eating, so he dug around in his cooler. Tossing you a can, you caught it, barely.
"Ginger ale," he said at your confused glance. "It'll help settle your stomach. I carry them around just in case I'm on entrail duty. I also have some nausea pills somewhere too." He started to pat around in his pockets.
"No that's okay," you hurriedly grabbed his wrist. "This is more than enough thank you."
Sipping at the cold beverage and testing out a few bites of your lunch. You were able to finish most of it, but didn't push your luck as you had a couple more hours of staying on sight. The bark of the tree you leaned against, bit into your back. But you enjoyed the moment of just being able to take it easy. It was a rare thing to get to enjoy the slow pace of life. Between kaiju attacks, rushing around for work, and the fast pace of just life in general; you didn't find many times like this. Kafka, now finished with his lunch, leaned backwards cushioning his head with his hands. He breathed deep relaxing as the sun danced across his skin.
"Want to grab something later together," Kafka asked. His shoulders shaking as his nerves almost made him redact his question. You carefully slid your hand over, tugging at his sleeve, Kafka removed the hand you wanted from behind his head. You clasped his tightly in your grip, threading your fingers together causing him to stiffen. He knew he was sweaty and it only made his hand sweat worse and he didn't know how you felt about that. But you didn't let go.
"I would like that a lot," you replied. This time resting your head on his shoulder. "Thanks for taking care of me Kafka when I come here."
He gulped, "I enjoy it and want to make sure you're safe."
That had always been the thing. Nobody made you feel as safe as Kafka did. Accidents happened all the time at the sights of kaiju clean up and while it was dangerous for everyone involved. With Kafka you felt like at his side was the safest place that existed. Kafka squeezed your hand, closing his eyes and relishing in the touch of you. He would keep you safe no matter what. As he felt it as his duty as a man and friend. That is just who Kafka is deep down in his core. He squeezed your hand tighter resting his head on top of yours. Taking in the moment with you before you both got back to work. Yeah if you were by his side it was the safest place you could possibly be.
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dual1pa · 1 year
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warnings: using she/her pronouns, lanugage, all around fluff, heavy makeouts in car
not really proofread
enjoy :)
All she thought about was prom. She’s been looking forward to the very special night since she was a freshman at Hawkins High.
She was more than halfway through her senior year and she was ready to graduate and get the hell out of that place. However, the only thing keeping her going: PROM
She already cut out several potential prom dresses in the paper and taped them to her bedroom wall to create a large collage and has it narrowed down to two. They were both equally as perfect, but she just couldn’t decide. 
Of course, she had the perfect boy in mind to be her prom date: Eddie Munson. However, he cringed at every prom poster he walked past in the hallways. 
He wasn’t the type of guy to “dress up.” A simple jean jacket and black pants would suffice his forever wardrobe.
She, of course, fell for him in the 10th grade. He sat next to her in English class. It wasn’t right, of course, but she let him look at her tests to help him pass the class — which he did. The two were complete opposites but clicked instantly. 
One night, she invited him over for a study session since her parents were away on business. One thing lead to another and they ended up making out all night on the couch. 
They’ve been happy ever since. 
Returning back to the now, she tapped her pencil on her neatly written history notes, waiting for that slow clock to finally hit 11:33 so she could see her boyfriend. 
Sure, they weren’t the most popular guys in school, but she really loved hanging out with his group of friends and learning all about Dungeons & Dragons.
She drowned Mr. Smith’s voice discussing the Revolutionary War ages ago. The thought of cramming more information into her brain gave her a migraine.
As soon as the bell rang, she quickly put her notebook and folder into her backpack and went to her locker to switch her books around for the second half of the school day. 
She put her three-number combination into the lock and opened it, admiring the photos she had in her locker — most of her and Eddie, but others of her friends and family. 
It wasn’t long before she felt arms wrap around her waist only to quickly be turned around and lightly pressed up against the locker beside her. 
Her beautiful brown-eyed boy was wearing his famous Hellfire Club t-shirt and his favorite jean jacket and pants. 
“Hi, angel,” he said, giving you a sweet kiss. 
“Hi, how was math?” 
“Fucking boring, as usual,” he sighed, “But I’m with you now and that’s all that matters.” 
She chuckled, “You really need to pass that final, Eds, If you’re not walking down that aisle with me, it’ll be the end for you.” 
“Speaking of... could you come over tonight and help me prepare for this test? I know I would fucking fail without your genius mind.” 
“Of course,” she smiled.
At the end of the day, she grabbed the books that she needed for the weekend and met Eddie at his van where she was greeted with a passionate kiss. 
“Well, isn’t someone happy to see me,” she kissed him once more before throwing her bag in the back. 
“Before we leave, I have a question to ask you.” 
Her eyebrows raised, “Is it bad?” 
“What? No! Of course, not,” he reassured her. 
He gave her a large envelope, which she opened quickly. 
“I was wondering... uh.. would you like to go to prom with me?”
She squealed when she saw the physical tickets for “Hawkins High School Prom 1986.” 
She instantly wrapped her arms around Eddie’s neck and jumped into his arms. 
“Yes, yes. Of course I’ll go to prom with you. Oh my God!!” 
She pressed kisses along his lips, then over his cheeks, and then all around his face. 
“I’m sorry it’s not a big ask like I’ve seen others do but,” 
She interrupted him, “Stop that. I love it and I love you. Thank you for doing this for me.” 
“I want to because I love seeing you so happy.” 
Prom night came so fast. 
Thank God Hawkins High canceled classes for the day. 
She was up and awake early in the morning to start getting ready. Eddie begged her to sleep over the night before but she didn’t want him to see her or her dress before the big night.  
Throughout the day, she was so busy: she had a hair and nail appointment as well as getting her makeup done by her best friend, Rachel. 
She saved the best for last, putting on her dress. 
After weeks of deciding between those two dresses - she finally found the perfect one. 
Her mother helped her into the baby blue dress and zipped up the back.
“The love of your life is downstairs,” her sister, Elizabeth, said, “And he looks incredible.” 
She put on her white heels and took her time to walk down the stairs - holding on to the railing for dear life so she didn’t fall. 
Eddie was facing away from her until he heard her movements.  
He took one look at her and fell in love with her all over again.
She felt the same, he looked so handsome wearing a suit. 
He raced to the bottom of the stairs to help her with the final few steps. 
“You look... wow. You look so beautiful,” he leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek. 
Deep down, she knew that all he wanted to do was pick her up, twirl her around and kiss her all over. However, since they were in the company of her family, he kept it PG. 
After several pictures, Eddie finally got her out of the house and into his van.
While driving back to school, his hand intertwined with hers on her lap. He constantly told her how beautiful she was in her dress.
Sure, they’ve been going out for a while, but he’s never seen her so dressed up before — and vice versa. 
She couldn’t take her eyes off her man and how hot he looked while wearing something other than his normal attire.
As he abruptly parked the car as far away from the school as he could — can’t have those popular kids hitting his car. 
He ran over quickly to help her out of the car. 
As he was about to lead the way, she pulled his hand back to bring him up against her chest. She leaned up to quickly kiss his lips a few times. 
“I’m excited for tonight, and you really do look so handsome,” she kissed him once more before joining the other students making their way into the gym.
“I kinda only really wanna for a few songs tonight, then get outta here,” she said. 
“My God, you are the woman of my dreams,” he kissed her cheek and twirled her. 
Since none of Eddie’s friends “believed” in Prom, she saw her friends waving to her to go sit with him. 
“Wow, Eddie, nice to see you not in your typical uniform,” her friend, Rachel said — sort of joking. 
He turned around to give the table a full 360, “You all like?”
Hoots and hollers came from the table as she held her boyfriend close. 
“We’re gonna go dance.” 
“Behave, you two,” her other friend, Veronica stated. 
“Don’t we always?” she asked. 
“Never!” Veronica joked.
What felt like forever, the band finally played a slow song. She was still out of breath from dancing. 
Eddie pulled her in by her waist and swayed back and forth. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. 
Deep down, Eddie didn’t find prom as bad as he thought it was going to be. He had the girl of his dreams in his grasp and never wanted the moment to end.
Every now and then, she felt him place gentle kisses on her temple as he held her close — like he was afraid someone was going to take her away from him. 
This was the moment she was looking forward to since her freshman year – before she even knew Eddie. She wanted to slow dance with her first love while feeling safe in his arms. 
She lifted her head to look into his eyes.
“What do you say we get out of here?” she asked. 
“Honey, I’d never thought you’d ask,” he grabbed your hand and swerved through the crowd of people. 
The cool Indiana air hit them as they walked back to Eddie’s van hand in hand.
Luckily, prom wasn’t close to being over so they had a chance to leave before everyone else. 
He opened the door for her and quickly ran over to his side. 
“What do you wanna do now?” he asked. 
As he was speaking, she pulled her dress up so she could leap over into the drivers seat. 
“Woah, what,” he said, hands instantly grabbed her waist to balance her. 
His hand reached down to pull the seat all the way back and down for more space. 
She spent the next few moments attacking his mouth with kisses. 
“What’s all this about?” he asked. 
“You did something very nice for me tonight. You knew how much prom meant to me so you sucked it up and went along with it. Thank you, Eds.” 
“I love seeing my girl happy,” he smiled, reaching to pull her dress up so he could feel her ass. 
“My uncle isn’t home tonight, wanna get outta here?” 
“I don’t have a change of clothes,” she pouted. 
“Oh babe, you won’t need any clothes,” he smirked.
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gamma-rae-bursts · 1 year
Logic or Comfort?
Melissa comforts you after a rough day at work.
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Fem!Reader
Warnings: umm mentions of a homicide and court appearances, otherwise it’s just fluff.
Genre: hurt/comfort
Word Count: 1200+
A/N: Excuse the lawyer talk, I’m very much in my law & order era but felt like writing for Melissa.
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You pulled into the parking lot of Abbott Elementary, taking some time to calm down before you reached for your phone to dial Melissa’s number. You’ve never visited her at work before, mostly because the two of you worked at the opposite sides of the city. In fact, you weren’t even sure if any of her colleagues were aware of your relationship (excluding Barbara, who was a frequent guest at the Schemmenti household). She told you many stories about the other teachers, and from what you have gathered they did not seem like the most subtle people so in order to spare Melissa the pain of their questioning the two of you kept the relationship private.
You have been dating for a few months now, spending most of your free time together either testing out all the restaurants in the area or snuggled up of one of your couches, enjoying a quiet evening.
Today though you have just come out of court after a particularly hard case, where the jury delivered a not-guilty verdict despite the overwhelming evidence you have presented in favour of the prosecution, but a slight mess up from the police caused enough disturbance to raise a reasonable doubt. Saying that the day was not going as planned was a massive understatement and all you needed in the moment was the comfort of your girlfriend. Seeing as you were not required to attend any more trials today, you decided to take a half day, preferring to finish all your paperwork in the comfort of either your or Melissa’s place. As you left the courthouse you headed straight to Koch’s Deli, one of your and Melissa favourite spots, to pick up some lunch for the two of you.
After a few signals you heard the redheads voice on the other side of the line.
“Y/N? You okay hon?” she said, her voice filled with concern as it wasn’t usual for you to call her in the middle of her workday, especially if you were due in court.
“Yeah um, I know we haven’t done this before nor really talked about it but I’ve had a really rough morning and just wanted to see you, I’ve got some hoagies from the deli you like so much and thought we could have lunch together?” you said, trying to keep your composure. Trials didn’t usually affect you this much, but there was nothing more frustrating than the perp getting to talk free from a murder charge because of something completely out of your control.
“Yeah course, I was just about to have my lunch break” she replied ‘How fast can you get here? I’m honestly starving” 
“I’m actually sitting in the parking lot” you laughed weakly, “We can eat in the park if you don’t want anyone to see us”
“Nonsense darling, we can eat in my classroom and you can tell me about all that’s happened” Melissa said as she stood up from her chair “Lemme come and get you”.
You got out of your car, taking the bag with the food in one hand and your car kays in another. You locked up the car and started heading towards the building. Just as you approached the front door you saw Melissa. She gave you a soft smile and pulled you into the tightest hug, not bothered by anyone around. You wrapped your arms around her shoulders and allowed yourself to relax in the comfort of her embrace, careful not to damage the sandwiches. She placed a gentle kiss on the side of your head, holding you until you were ready to pull away. The two of you started heading towards her classroom, passing a few people in the hallways. You smiled as you entered the room, filled with decorations and perfectly showing the amount of work she put into making the place a safe and comfortable space for her students. You put the takeout bag on her desk while she grabbed one of the spare chairs and brought it to you, allowing you to take a seat. 
“Didn’t you have more plans to sweep the courtroom floor with defence attorneys today?” she joked, trying to put a smile on your face, even just for a split second more as she went around her desk to take her seat.
“My first trial went to shit, and the defence called for continuance on the second one, we’re starting again tomorrow morning” you smiled weakly, happy to finally be with your girlfriend.
“I’m sorry hon.” She reached for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. 
“Nothing to apologise for, unless you were the one that broke the chain of custody on my key evidence and got it thrown out of court” you looked up at her giving her the look.
“Shit sorry! I know breaking into a precinct wasn’t my greatest moment” the redhead sarcastically put her hands up, letting out a little laugh.
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that Schemmenti” you laughed, reaching out to the takeout bag to pull out the sandwiches you purchased earlier. You handed one to Melissa with a can of soda and she gratefully accepted them.
“Thank you” she said with a smile as she began unwrapping the food. “Wanna tell me more about it?” she asked, the softness overpowering her tone.
You told her everything you could that lead to the verdict, of course without breaching any confidential information. She carefully listened to everything, allowing you to express all your frustrations at the fact that the perp gets to walk free despite the strong case you’ve built, despite how hard you fought to get him convicted. You allowed yourself to get every thought out of yourself, pausing only to take some bites of the food.
“Logic or comfort?” her voice broke the short silence that fell between you two.
“Comfort please” you whispered, trying your best to keep your composure. You knew you were safe with Melissa, but you still tried to avoid walking out of her classroom with red puffy eyes.
“C’mere hon” she reached her hand towards you, encouraging you to walk over to her. You gratefully accepted the offer, settling yourself on her lap as she wrapped her hands around your waist, pulling you closer to her. Your head dropped onto her shoulder, finding peace in the crook of her neck as your body fully relaxed. She held you close to her, tracing patterns on your back. You stayed like that for a while, there was no rush for anything, not worried that someone would walk in to fins you like this. All that mattered to her was to give you the comfort you needed in the moment.
When the bell rang you lifted your head off her shoulder, looking into her green eyes as you gently stroked her hair.
“I guess it’s a sign for me to go?” you smiled at her, the softness of her face drawing all your worries away. “Thank you for this”
“No need to thank me hon, you can always drop by if you need anything” she placed a soft kiss on your lips and smiled. “Besides, you’re the one that brought lunch I should be thanking you”
“I love you Mel” you whispered as you kissed her, this one was deeper but still as soft and loving.
“I love you too hon”
Taglist: @nightmarish-fae @storiesofsvu @maybe-a-humanbean @geekyandgay98 @opheliauniverse @lisaannwalterstan @bratty-subby-girly @ashbones
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hockybish · 9 months
An Accident
l west winds au l dad!trevor l masterlist l
I have a feeling people are going to be mad at me for this ... also there are warnings car accidents.
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When driving to the game on March 19th things went a little haywire.
Trevor drove separate from Bean because he was planing on going out with some friends after the game to celebrate his birthday the next day.
Bean had picked Zephyr from Mia and Jamie's on her way to the game. It had taken her a little longer because Zephyr wanted her to pick some Reese's peanut butter cups up from the story so he could give one their friend Matt.
"How was school Zeph?" Bean asked as they sat in the car waiting in traffic. Although the drive to Anaheim wasn't very long, but sometimes there was traffic especially on game days making the drive longer.
"Good! We painted pictures, and Jojo said he liked my jersey. I told him it was my daddy jersey!" Zephyr ate his snack and recalled what he all did at the school that day.
Bean smiled listening to all her eldest baby had to say. She felt a little flutter in belly right in the spot where the new baby would be sitting and rubbed the spot.
While she was focused on the road ahead, a car on the opposite side of the road came toward them at a fast speed. The initial hit took her by complete surprise.
But it didn't stop with the one hit, by the time her car stopped getting smashed there were multiple cars involved with the vehicle the mother and son were most likely got the brunt of the impact.
"Mommy" Zephyr cried out for his mother. He had no idea what was going on. There were a lot of loud noises and then it had just stopped and his arm hurt and it was all so scary and confusing for the three year old.
"Zephyr, baby, hey. I'm right here. Mommy's here" Bean called out still in the front seat. Her whole body felt like it was on fire and it was getting hard to breathe. Also it felt like there a few droplets of blood rolling down her face "Zeph? I need you to be really brave right now. okay? Can you do that for mommy?"
She tried to reach her arm around the front seat to reach out for him, but she found she completely pinned in place, she couldn't move. What was worse was that her vision started to get a bit fuzzy and her eyes were heavy. Staying awake was a little bit hard at that moment. She thought maybe the pain would stop if she closed them for a little bit.
Trevor was having an off game to say the least. He was missing passes and easy goals, and looked completely aloof out there when he had accidentally committed a penalty and was forced to sit in the sin bin during the second.
"Dude what's got you so antsy tonight?" Jamie hit Trevor with his gloved hand when he returned to the bench after another shift.
"A funny feeling they aren't here and something's wrong." Trevor bit the inside of his cheek, a habit he picked up whenever he was nervous or anxious, similar to Bean's lip biting.
"Well you better pick it up or you'll get benched again." Jamie warned.
He didn't get any better by the third, but instead of benching they just greatly reduced his time on ice, making him feel worse. The Ducks' ended up losing the game to Minnesota.
After the game was over, the coaches could been seen talking with both Troy and Jamie. They were whispering and looking over at Trevor, making him feel a bit more uneasy.
Someone came over and gave him the news. His girlfriend and son were in a bad car accident. The news alone made him sick. Once he was able to contain himself, Trevor skipped the shower opting to get to the hospital as fast as he could.
"Are you Trevor?" A polite nurse tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. He nodded and followed her as she led him Bean's room.
Zephyr was sitting on Mia's lap, she was keeping him busy with a little hotwheels car, while Bean, who seemed to be asleep, laid in a bed with a couple of machines hooked up to her.
"They got lucky. They both have cuts and bruises, Zephyr has a broken arm and Tallulah has a broken pelvis that will most likely require surgery at some point." Bean's doctor looked over his noted again. "You can go in at anytime"
"What about-"
"The baby?" the doctor had finished his sentence for him. The man sighed, giving him a knowing look. Hearing him speak didn't give Trevor any reassurance everything would be okay in the long run.
It wasn't until later in the day on March 20th that Bean woke up.
She was super confused as opened her eyes and wiped the eye crusts from them. Where was going on. Bean looked over noticing Trevor, who was asleep with his head resting on the bed. She tried reached out for him, her finger tips just able to touch his hair.
"Trevor" Bean coughed, jolting the birthday boy awake.
"Hey Momma" Trevor leaned over to place bunch of kisses all over her face, finally relieved they all were going to be okay. Bean went to push herself up, but was met with major pain.
"Bean don't move. You broke your pelvis in the accident." Bean didn't remember what happened, so Trevor explained everything the accident, injuries and Zephyr the best he could. Her eyes wide running her hand over the bump. "He's okay, he's still there."
"I'm sorry. It's your birthday and we're here." She couldn't help but apologize. She knew this wasn't how he wanted to spend his birthday. Maybe they could get Jamie or Mason to bring in a cake or something.
"Tallulah Bean I don't care where we are. All I care about is that you're okay, Zeph's okay, and the new little dude is okay. I am happy where ever you are. I love you."
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inawickedlittletown · 1 month
Don't Make A Shadow Of Yourself (BuckTommy fic) - 16/16
Summary: "A man who's pure of heart...may still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright" - Howl (F+TM)
BuckTommy Werewolf AU. Throughout most of his adult life, Tommy had dealt with what he was. The duality of being a man and also an animal…a beast. Werewolves weren’t born, they were made. 
Rating: M
Words: 3,466
Read on Ao3
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three
Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six
Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen - Chapter Fourteen - Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Tommy didn’t remember much about the time between leaving the wedding and getting back to his house. He had snapshots of Evan helping him with his clothes and then not much else other than his pillow and the smell of Evan near him. He woke up slowly the next morning, felt a little too warm because Evan was still in bed with him and literally lying on him. He couldn’t tell what time it was, but he knew that it was later in the morning and that he’d had a full night’s rest. 
Months ago, he couldn’t have dreamed of having someone in his bed that he genuinely wanted there for more than just sex. Evan had changed that. He’d entered Tommy’s life and literally changed everything about it for the better. 
Evan moved, stretching a bit as he woke. 
“Hey,” he said, voice sleep rough and lazy. 
“Hi,” Tommy said back. “I wasn’t too much trouble to get here was I?” 
Evan chuckled. “No. You, uh, you walked on your own for the most part. I think my parents showing up was the final straw on keeping you awake.”
Tommy laughed. He did remember all of that. Out in the parking lot they had seen Athena make sure they got into their rental car and left, but he and Evan hadn’t hung out long enough to talk to her about how it had gone.
“At least they didn’t show up to the ceremony.” 
“There is that,” Evan said. “They, uh, they gave Athena a letter to pass on to me. I don’t know if I even want it, but she said she’ll bring it by. I invited her and Bobby to dinner.” 
“Here?” Tommy asked. 
Evan nodded. “If that’s okay?” 
“No, it’s…it’s great actually. We’ll have to go shopping if you’re thinking of cooking anything.” 
“Yes, I figured that. We don’t have to get up yet, though.” 
Tommy eyed Evan and he could see a glimmer in his eyes as he leaned over Tommy. 
“There is something we didn’t get to last night,” Evan said.
He leaned down to kiss Tommy with the same hunger that had been present when they were in that bathroom at the wedding reception. Tommy responded at once, his arms went around Evan, bringing him down to rest on him. Evan gasped against him and Tommy just kissed him harder. 
It had been more than a little shocking to Tommy how fast Evan had fallen into the physical aspect of their relationship. He was a bit of a sex fiend. Loved everything and was eager to learn. He had no hang ups about any of it, even though he’d never done anything with a guy prior to Tommy. He was eager too, and Tommy hadn’t known to trust that at first, had thought that Evan was putting some of it on. He had been so completely wrong because Evan was just that open about sex.Tommy had never wanted anyone as much as he wanted Evan and when he got him completely spread out, naked and his hole stretched out and ready for the first time, it was like a dream come true. It was always glorious. 
When Evan gasped out, “want you inside.” Tommy felt himself get harder if possible. 
“And what if I want the opposite?” Tommy asked.
Evan moaned. “Could be arranged,” he said cheekily. “Right now, though, I want you to fuck me.”
How could Tommy disappoint? He kissed Evan again hard and then flipped them over so that Evan was on his back under Tommy. He reached for the bedside table, still keeping as much contact with Evan as possible, and grabbed the bottle of lube. 
He kissed down Evan’s neck and chest, not making any stops until he was down to Evan’s hips. Evan wiggled out of his underwear and Tommy helped. His cock was hard and wet. Beautiful. Tommy couldn’t help but take him in his mouth. Evan groaned, spread his legs. 
“Tommy, please.”
“Turn over.” 
Evan did at once, ass up in the air, but his arms folded under his head. Tommy didn’t know how he managed to keep it together just at seeing Evan like that. His hands smoothed out over Evan’s ass. Evan spread his legs, arched his back. He was too much. Tommy was quick, then, getting Evan prepped and ready. He’d never met someone that loved having his ass played with as much as Evan did. 
By the time that he had Evan ready, he could tell his boyfriend was getting impatient, but Tommy knew what it felt like to not be prepped properly and he would never have Evan feel that. 
Evan let out a keening sound when Tommy finally pressed himself into him. He pushed back and Tommy let him, until he was bottoming out and Evan was begging him to move. 
It didn’t take very long. Evan came just seconds before Tommy,  grunting and moaning and saying his name in very desperate broken sounds, his hand on his own cock. They flopped onto the bed together sweaty and dirty and their mouths met in a lazy kiss. 
“I love you,” Evan said. 
“Love you too, Evan.” 
Shopping with Tommy turned out more fun than Buck had expected. Tommy really didn’t cook much so he was missing a lot and figuring that he might cook at Tommy’s house more often, Buck bought more than just what he needed for Bobby’s recipe. Tommy was apparently a fiend for free samples and he was also completely unaware of appreciative glances sent his way. 
Buck for his part, tried to keep the shopping list, but it turned out that Tommy got easily distracted by interesting looking items he was willing to try out. Buck, didn’t mind. He also wanted to buy everything he’d tried out. By the time that they got back to the house, it was late in the afternoon. 
“So, Bobby has been teaching you to cook?” Tommy asked. 
“Pretty much since I started at the 118. I’ve been trying to nail his lasagna, and I think I finally got it right the last few times I made it.”
He put Tommy in charge of a salad and focused on creating the layers on the pan. 
“Are you going to read it?” Tommy asked when Buck had finally put the pan in the oven. 
“I don’t know,” Buck said. 
On the one hand, he’d wanted to tell Athena to just burn it so he never had to have it in front of him. On the other, he was curious and it was also possible that the letter could work against his parents in some way. At the wedding, they hadn’t exactly acted like they hated Buck for what he was, but that didn’t take back everything else they had done. 
“Whatever you decide, I’ll be here,” Tommy said. 
Bobby and Athena arrived with a bottle of wine and dessert. 
“I’m glad to finally be here for a good reason,” Athena said.
“We are too,” Buck said. 
“And I do bring good news,” Athena said, “your parents were on a flight out this morning.” 
Buck hadn’t realized how relieving it was to hear that they had finally left LA. Athena patted his hand in understanding. After that they changed the subject and Buck got to find out that Tommy had been there when Athena and Bobby met for the first time. 
Bobby chuckled. Athena glared at him. 
“He just thrust this rooster at me,” she said. 
Buck burst into laughter and looked towards Tommy. 
“We were all out of our depth,” he said. “All of us were chasing this rooster around the yard and it still had knives attached. Nightmare. I wanted to just transform and bite into it, not gonna lie.”
Buck laughed even more and Bobby and Athena joined in. 
“That was my first day,” Bobby said. “LA was not what I was expecting, but it was definitely the new start that I wanted.” 
“It was definitely what the 118 needed,” Tommy said. “We’d gone through Captain after Captain for years before Bobby took it over. Definitely for the better. It made me rethink wanting to transfer, that’s for sure.” 
“Thank you for saying that, Tommy,” Bobby said. “And I’m not saying I wouldn’t have minded you staying, but Buck took your spot and we wouldn’t be here without him.” 
“No, we wouldn’t,” Tommy said and turned and pressed a kiss to the side of Buck’s head. 
Buck knew he was blushing, especially at the smile that Athena bestowed on him.
In the end, when he was presented with it, he opened it without a second thought. Bobby, Athena, and Tommy watched him as his eyes took in his mother’s handwriting. 
Your father is convinced you won’t even read this. I thought I had to try. We’re sorry. 
It may not mean much to you, not after everything we’ve done, but we are. 
I wish you had told us when you were turned, though I understand why you didn’t. 
It has made us rethink things. When your sister told us not to come to the wedding we realized that we were wrong. We had a lot of time to think sitting in jail and we’re not mad you put us there. 
You may not want to believe us, but we’re done with it. We’re heading home and getting rid of everything. I hope one day things will be different between us. Better. 
The last thing we want is to lose you or Maddie or Jee-Yun. 
I really do hope that one day we can be a family again. Your father and I are sorry. 
If there is anything we can do to make amends we’ll do it.
Love, mom 
His emotions were all over the place. On the one hand there was the anger that he still felt for them, and yet the letter felt like some kind of offering of peace. An apology. He handed the letter to Tommy and tried to figure out just where he stood. If there was one thing, it was that he didn’t want to see or talk to them any time soon. 
“Do you believe they’ll actually stop?” Tommy asked. 
“Can I?” Athena asked. 
Buck gave a nod at Athena and Tommy passed her the letter. “I, uh, I don’t know,” he said to Tommy. 
“Hmm,” Athena said when she was done. 
“You don’t buy it?” Bobby asked, taking the letter from her. 
“I just don’t know how genuine it is,” Athena said. “You would know best, Buck.” 
“All I know is that I don’t want to reach out to them. They’re not my family. You are.”
Athena shot a smile his way. Bobby did as well. Tommy gave his knee a squeeze. Tommy had never spoken about his parents much, but what Buck knew was that he had left home to go to enlist in the Army because he had no other options open to him and that when he was bitten he didn’t even think to go home or share the news with them. Instead he continued on his own. But he wasn’t alone anymore. 
“So, the question now is what you want to do about all of it?”
Buck and Tommy had sort of talked about it during their time grocery shopping. What it came down to was the Werewolf Division and their stance on the hunters. For a government agency they were doing more harm than good and all in the name of secret keeping. Who knew how many hunters were out there and how often they managed to actually capture and kill a Werewolf. How many people were presumed dead or missing? How many deaths were covered up? 
“I think we go right to the top,” Buck said. “What is good about keeping us secret if it means a portion of Werewolves are being hunted down and killed.” 
Bobby was smiling and nodding. “We’ll all be here to help you both however you want that help.” 
“Thanks, Bobby.” 
“One thing I will say,” Athena said, “your parents might help in making this easier. They will have some information that will be of use. We could use that.” 
She wasn’t wrong and it would be the best proof that they were willing to change. 
“You’re probably right,” Buck said. 
“She always is,” Bobby said. 
Athena grabbed Buck’s hand. “We’ll talk about this more another time. No decisions need to be made tonight.”
Bobby and Athena didn’t stay too long after dessert. When Buck hugged Athena, she gave him a good squeeze and then did the same to Tommy. Bobby pulled him into a hug as well and Buck got to see how surprised Tommy was to receive the same treatment. 
When they got back inside, Buck let Tommy pull him towards the living room. They collapsed together onto the couch. Buck was tired from all the cooking he’d done. He and Tommy still had to clean up the table and the kitchen and it just seemed like a lot. 
“That went well,” Tommy said with a grin. 
“I’m glad. I really do think they’re more my parents than my parents.” 
Tommy smiled at him. “I’m glad you had them. I’m glad we have them. It makes all of this easier. Athena’s right, you know, your bio parents do have information that could be useful.” 
“I know. I’ll think about it.” 
“And now, come on, dishes. I would leave everything until tomorrow, but I know you, Evan.” 
Buck laughed. He knew Tommy wasn’t wrong. He’d be annoyed if he walked into the kitchen in the morning and found piles of dirty plates and messy counters. He groaned getting up, but Tommy grabbed his hand. 
“We’ll be done faster together and then we can just watch a movie.” 
Buck let his mind wander as they cleaned. Tommy took care of filling up the dishwasher while Buck put things away and wiped everything down. They worked in sync and Buck couldn’t help but think about how easy it was for them to do things together. Maybe it was a bit early, but Buck didn’t hate the idea of living with Tommy. Of coming home to Tommy. 
“You look a bit far away,” Tommy said. 
“I’m just…I’m thinking about what you said.” 
“About your parents?” 
Buck shook his head. “No. About living together. We’re not rushing, not when we know this is it. I know it and I think you do too.” 
“Yeah,” Buck said and he’d never been so sure. “I’ll have to check when my lease ends, but I think that’s the next step for us.” 
Tommy grabbed him around the waist, brought him into a soft cherishing kiss. It said it all. 
“Have I ever mentioned how glad I am to have met you?”
“Maybe not recently,” Buck said. 
“Well, I am. I am so glad, Evan.” 
“I hated to admit it to anyone but myself, but I was really lonely. People tried to befriend me but I was always afraid to let them in because I’m a Werewolf and how do you get to know someone if you can’t be truthful about who you are. You showed me that it can be easy and that there are people that will accept you for who you are. But I needed you and I’m just so glad you came into my life.” 
“Wow, I don’t think I did all that on my own, but I love that I got to help you and make you less lonely.”
“A lot of it lands on you,” Tommy said. 
When they were done cleaning, Tommy made them popcorn and Buck grabbed them beer. They settled onto the couch, Tommy putting on a romcom that Buck hadn’t seen before. They sat cuddled up together. Buck wanted this forever.  
It was dark out, the moon was in the waxing gibbous phase, shining bright in the sky and almost full. A lot of the stars were visible. They were far enough into the forest that most light pollution didn’t affect what they could see of the sky. Their second night camping had left them all tired. Eddie was passed out on the hammock, tail wagging from time to time. Tommy couldn’t understand how he’d even made it onto the hammock as a wolf, but he had. He looked comfortable. 
“Do you know any of the constellations?” Evan asked, finger pointed at the sky. 
Tommy leaned back. “Some of the more visible ones. The big dipper.” 
“Not a constellation,” Evan said. “It’s an asterism, but those stars belong to Ursa Major which is a constellation.” 
“Oh,” Tommy said. 
Evan smoothed the frown on his face with his fingers. “Everyone thinks it’s one since it’s easy to find. But I guess the most seen is probably Orion since it’s so bright.” 
Evan lifted his hands and pointed them at the sky and Tommy followed the figure that Evan traced. 
“Is that the biggest?” 
“Hydra is,” Evan said. 
“And which is your favorite?” 
“Um…I guess the easy pick is Canis Major.” 
Evan began explaining Canic Major, complete with the story behind it. Tommy listened, eyes going back and forth from the sky to Evan’s face. He really was lovely to listen to and to look at. When he finished his explanation, Tommy kissed him. Evan smiled into it, kissing back. They both settled back on their sleep mats a moment later. 
It was a bit cold out, not helped by the fact that neither of them was wearing much. For Eddie’s sake they had put on underwear after changing back, but since then the sweat from running around had cooled off. Eddie had probably been right to shift to sleep even though they had set up the tent and it actually was big enough to fit all three of them. 
The trip had felt right after how the last full moon went. Tommy actually had no idea who had decided it would be smart to go really deep into the forest and camp for more than just the night of the full moon. It wouldn’t be doable every month, but it was still nice. 
They had even been talking about how maybe they could invite some of the others along and really make it a pack thing. Somehow, Tommy didn’t think that Athena and Karen or even Maddie could be persuaded to go camping but maybe Hen and Chim and the kids. Maybe even Bobby and Ravi. If he had managed to come out as a Werewolf to his friends at Harbor maybe some of them might be interested. 
Earlier in the night, he’d sent a picture to Lucy, Melton, and Garita who only knew he was taking a few PTO days. He’d received several questions about his naked activities under the full moon. Someone had started a rumor that Tommy was a practicing wiccan and that had almost made him cry, he was laughing so hard. 
He’d yet to answer, but he was thinking about telling them the truth on his next shift. Maybe on one of the slower days. With everything they were getting done with Athena regarding the Werewolf Division, it was probably about time he explained things to the people he worked with. 
The wind was starting to pick up, making the night even cooler still.
“I think I’m going to shift,” Evan said. “Unless you want to go in the tent?” 
“Shift,” Tommy said. 
Evan kissed his cheek. Next he got up, dropping his underwear and transforming on the spot. He climbed back on the sleep mat with Tommy, splaying himself out against him. His fur was warm and soft and Evan gave his cheek a lick before pressing his cold nose to Tommy’s neck and letting out a yawn, his warm breath falling over Tommy. 
Tommy ran his hand down Evan’s back and side and then up to his head to scratch behind his ears. Evan leaned into the touch. Evan was meant to be a Werewolf, he existed so well as one. He was confident about it, embraced every part of it. Tommy loved him for it too, for what it had brought out in him after he met Evan. He placed a kiss atop Evan’s head and then got out of his own underwear before transforming. 
They cuddled together under the stars as wolves. Tommy breathed Evan in and slowly he drifted off feeling more peaceful than ever. 
The next night, he, Evan, and Eddie transformed under the light of the full moon. When Eddie began to howl at the moon, Tommy tipped his own head up and joined him. Evan added his own howl a moment later. In the distance they heard other howls. 
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mooniania · 1 year
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Hardly Ever Smile (Without you) PT2
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SYNOPSIS - You are typically the quiet girl that no one talks to and who has a hard time showcasing any emotion, so what happens when a very good-looking guy starts to pay attention to you?
PAIRING - soobin x fem!reader
GENRE - angst, fluff, friends to strangers? to lovers!
WARNINGS - mentions of cheating, cussing, mentions of kissing (if i missed any more let me know!)
WORD COUNT - 6,428
part 1 if you haven’t read it yet! -> Hardly Ever Smile (Without You)
a/n - i’m so sorry this took forever to get out it’s been months i apologize and i hope the word count makes up for it! If you enjoyed please like and reblog it’s appreciated.
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You were such a fool to think Soobin would like someone like you.
But whatever, that was over now, and that was past you. You didn’t want to stay upset about Soobin; he wasn’t yours to begin with. But you couldn’t be friends with him anymore. It wouldn’t be fair to his girlfriend if he had a friend who was a girl who had a crush on him. You didn’t have any clue what to do. Ignoring him at school would be awfully impossible, so truly, your only option was to just stay friends with him, distance yourself from him, and then you would be able to say that you guys had fallen out naturally.
After the plan was over and you weren’t friends with Soobin, you weren’t quite sure what you would do with yourself. Would you just go back to being regular old you, or, most importantly, would you ever be able to find someone who made you as happy as him?
That was a question for after the plan.
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You entered your first class of the day and took a seat in your spot. This class happened to be history, the only class you had with Soobin. Since you and Soobin only had one class together, he usually walked you to your other classes, and then during lunch, y’all would part ways, he had lunch with his group of friends.
and you, well, you had no one.
It was sad, but it was the truth. It was your fault, though; you never let yourself get close to anyone, and Soobin was now a reminder of why you never got close to anyone.
As you were patiently waiting for class to start, you put music in your headphones and listened to it until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You instantly knew who it was. You looked to your side to find Soobin with a huge smile on his face. "Y/N, guess what?" he said excitedly while bouncing his leg really fast. What?" Your cold response seemed to make his excitement go down, and you can see the shift as he frowned. "Are you okay?" he asked, and before you could respond, he started to talk again. "Actually, this reminds me, why didn’t you show up for our study session?" You wished he would’ve just not brought it up, and as you remembered what you had witnessed that night, you felt your eyes watering. "Oh, um, I caught a cold," you responded, looking down to fidget with your fingers. "Then why didn’t you respond to my message?"
Why does he have to ask so many fucking questions? "I fell asleep, sorry, just continue with what you were going to tell me," you say, looking back up at him and giving him a small smile while continuing, "you seemed very excited to tell me.” “Oh right, well, I've been meaning to tell you this because it’s been about 2 months, but we decided to keep it a secret until now," he says, shyly blush, covering his cheeks, and you feel your heart drop. You knew exactly where this was going. "I have a girlfriend; you know Moon Haeun, right?" How could you not know? She was the most beautiful girl in the school, and what makes it even worse is that she is the sweetest girl ever; she's a sunshine, she’s outgoing, she's popular, and she is also the complete opposite of you.
"Oh, congrats, you say in an unenthusiastic tone, your voice slightly trembling. You quickly face the front of the class, hoping that class will start soon while trying to hold back your tears. "Y/N, I thought you would be happier for me." You look back at Soobin, and you can see how disappointed he was, and you can’t help but feel like a monster. "I am, but you know I can’t express my emotions well." You felt anxious. You were bouncing your leg up and down. Your tears were extremely obvious by this point, and all you wanted was for the teacher to finally show up and start class. "I’ve seen you be happy before when we were at the amusement park. You were smiling and having fun. So why can’t you showcase happiness for me right now?"
because I'm so in love with you that it physically hurts.
That's what you wanted to say, but you didn't, and to your luck, your teacher had finally arrived. Every student stood up and bowed to the teacher before taking a seat again. You looked over at Soobin, and he quickly looked away from you, shaking his head in disappointment. You could tell he was upset at the fact that you never gave him a response.
Your plan was never to end things on bad terms with Soobin, so during class you were planning on talking to him while he walked you to your class and just telling him that you still felt off from the cold.
That's what you wanted to tell him, but you didn't have the chance. When class ended, he walked out almost immediately; he usually waited for you. When you finally walked out of the classroom, you saw him with Haeun, who was leaning on the lockers. Both were giggling and having fun while you felt your world crashing down. You weren’t the one for him, and you never were. Seeing how cheerful she made him after you made him gloomy proved exactly that.
School today was so different than usual. You were so used to Soobin walking you to your classes, and now you had no one. The only thing that would be normal today was lunch. During lunch, you went and sat on a very old bench outside of school. It was comforting for you. You got fresh air, and you didn’t have to worry about anything. Today would be exactly the same, or so you thought until you saw a girl you had never seen before sitting on one side of the bench. Normally no one ever sits there because of how the bench looks, but she did. You decided to take a seat next to her and mind your own business.
"Oh hi," she said, bowing her head at you. She was extremely beautiful. She had plum lips and beautiful wavy brown hair. You bowed your head back at her and continued to unwrap a sandwich you had made for lunch. As you were about to take a bite of your sandwich, you heard her speak again. "I'm sorry if I’m bothering you, but I’m new and I was wondering if you could help me get to my classes," she says, leaning a piece of paper towards you that has her schedule on it.
You put down your sandwich and wiped your hands with a napkin before touching the edge of the paper and tugging, indicating to her that you wanted to grab it to look closer at her schedule. She lets go of her schedule, and you both fall into silence while you look at her schedule.
You finally speak again and break the extremely awkward silence by saying, "I can help you. We have most classes together," you say while handing her schedule back. "Thank you so much. My name is Yunjin. Huh Yunjin." She bows her head at you again. "No problem," you reply, grabbing your sandwich so you can take a bite. "May I get your name?" she asks. "My name? Why do you want to know my name?" You didn’t intend for it to come out sounding impolite, but it did. “Sorry, I was just hoping you would like to become friends with me." She looks down at her fingers, embarrassed at her attempt to make friends. “Y/n," you say. "My name is Y/n. We can be friends if you want, but just so you know, I don't have any other friends. I- I’m not very good at being friends with people." She looks back up at you with a smile on her face.
“I can teach you how to be friends with people. We can be the best of friends if you let me. I pinky promise." She said she was raising her pinky and waiting for you to raise yours as well. You said you wouldn’t let anyone into your life again, but maybe this could be different. She was different. “Alright," you said, raising your pinky next to hers, and you felt Yunjin tighten both of your pinkies together. You couldn’t help but let out a small giggle, and she couldn’t help but also let out a giggle while letting go of your pinky. You look down at the sandwich that is in your lunchbox and then notice Yunjin has nothing to eat.
“Yunjin, do you? Would you like half of my sandwich?" you ask, splitting your sandwich in half and signaling for her to take one half with your hand. "But wouldn’t you be hungry?" she asks before hesitantly grabbing one half of the sandwich out of your hand. "Oh no, it’s okay; I usually never finish my sandwich either way." Complete lie, but you couldn’t help but feel a soft spot for Yunjin; she was probably one of the only people besides Soobin who was not afraid to approach you and talk to you.
You and Yunjin ate in comfortable silence; lunch was about to end, and you both didn’t want to have to throw away your sandwiches. You then wondered why you hadn’t seen Yunjin during History class since that was the first class of the day. You wanted to ask, but you felt too shy to bring up conversational stuff like this. "Are you done with your sandwich? I can throw our napkins away in the trash bin nearby," Yunjin asks, standing up and reaching her hand out so you could give her your dirty napkin. “Oh, thank you," you say, handing her your napkin.
She walked back to the bench, about to take a seat again, when the bell rang. “Oh, that’s the bell. We should get to our art class." You said you were standing up and dusting off your uniform, which was filled with breadcrumbs. “Alrighty, show me the way," she said enthusiastically, taking you by surprise when she linked her arm with yours. You weren’t quite used to physical affection, but Yunjin seemed to love it, so you didn’t mind.
You and Yunjin walked into the cramped halls arm in arm. You could feel the stares of students when you both arrived at art class. "Never knew she had friends," you heard a student say out loud, and the others laughed at this remark. As you were about to walk Yunjin to your desk, you heard the teacher speak. "What’s so funny?" the teacher said while entering class, immediately going silent. “Oh, you must be Huh Yunjin, right?" the teacher said while signaling her to come forward. You let go of Yunjin’s arm and took a seat. "Please introduce yourself." "My name is Huh Yunjin, and I come from a performance school in New York." She bows towards the class and waits for the teacher to give her further instructions. "Thank you, Yunjin. I hope we have a good year together. You may take a seat wherever you’d like, "the teacher said, signaling empty seats. Yunjin took a seat next to you; she turned to you and gave you a smile before facing forward to hear further instructions from the teacher.
The rest of your school day was spent getting to know Yunjin more. You both laughed in class telling each other silly stories about your childhood, and sure, you got looks here and there, but she didn’t pay attention to them, so you didn’t either. At the end of the day, you and Yunjin exchanged numbers. You had expected today to be horrible, but thanks to her, it wasn’t.
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Tuesday was going to be a good day, and you knew that. You had Yunjin and Soobin for history class. You wanted to clear things up with Soobin so you could end on good terms. But unfortunately, things never go your way. When you entered, you saw Soobin sitting with his friend, who had called you a weirdo, and when you passed him, his face had a sour expression. You sat down in your regular spot soon after Yunjin entered the classroom looking for you. When she spotted you, she gave you a huge smile and walked towards you to sit on Soobin's old chair. Soobin noticed how excited Yunjin looked to see you, and when he looked back, he was shocked to see you return a smile at her. From what Soobin knew, you had never had any friends, so how come it was so easy to replace him, or were you just lying to him to catch his attention?
“Hey, why doesn’t anyone ever sit by you?" Yunjin said she found it weird how in every class she had with you, you never seemed to have a tablemate. "Oh well, someone did sit there, but he changed his seat," you replied, looking at Soobin. "Why?" she asked. She noticed how everyone found you weird, but she didn’t understand why. Well, we used to be close, and then something happened. I wanted to end things on a good note, but he hasn’t talked to me since," you explained quietly so Soobin wouldn’t hear you. "What an ass," Yunjin replied, "sounds like he needs to know how to have a conversation." No, it was my fault; I was the one who pushed him away, if anything," you said, looking down at your lap. "Oh well, that’s what I’m here for, right? I'm going to teach you how to be friends, remember?" She says this, grabbing your hand and giving it a squeeze.
Soobin noticed this interaction and was not happy at all. He hated how Yunjin was probably falling for your stupid sob story. He hated how you didn’t care about his feelings. He hated how you didn’t even try to talk to him, but you could quickly open up to a new girl. but he doesn’t know why he hated it. He had his group of friends, not to mention his girlfriend, so why did he care so much if you had other friends who weren't him?
During lunch, you and Yunjin decided to share both of your lunches together on the same bench where you both met. You were having fun, and occasionally Yunjin would make an extremely bad dad joke and would get jokingly upset at you when you wouldn’t laugh at it. The first time she got upset at you jokingly, you really thought she was upset, and you were almost in tears, but she had to clarify that she wasn’t upset, and she gave you a hug to cheer you up. You felt comfortable with Yunjin; she was an easy person to talk to about anything. You even told her about You and Soobin instead of judging you. She was understanding and didn’t try to solve the issue; she just comforted you, and you really liked that.
You really did still want to talk to Soobin to clear things up, but he was busy with his girlfriend anywhere you and Yunjin went. Soobin and his girlfriend were also there. It's like you couldn’t escape them, so over the week you gave up and stopped trying to fix your friendship with Soobin.
After a few weeks turned into months, you stopped caring what Soobin was up to. You had Yunjin, and as bad as that sounded, it was true that she was there to uplift you when you were down. You and Yunjin were stuck by the glue; y’all had started doing everything together, going shopping for clothes and makeup. You normally didn’t really care for your looks, not that you hated makeup or were against it. You just didn’t know how to use it, but Yunjin was kind enough to teach you. You and Yunjin went to lots of bookstores, music stores, and arcades. She truly was your best friend. She even taught you how to express your emotions more, and by the end of the school year, you were more talkative than you were before meeting her.
During the summer, you both decided to get a job at a local bakery for some extra money. You enjoyed spending your time with Yunjin. You were surprised that you guys hadn’t run out of anything to talk about yet. Y’all spent almost every second of every day together when it was time for University to begin. Both of you decided to get a dorm together. You girls were truly inseparable.
University was like a fresh start. There were more people in a University than in a high school. You hadn’t been trying to find love ever since Soobin, and to be honest, you hadn’t been curious about Soobin for a long time, but you did know that he was still with his girlfriend. He had shown up on your Instagram feed a week ago, and you couldn’t help but look through his account. Although you weren’t happy with the way things ended with you and Soobin, and you knew that the chances of you ever reconciling your friendship with him were slim, you were just happy he was happy.
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On your first day of university, you were excited and nervous because you and Yunjin weren’t majoring in the same thing; you were majoring in photography while Yunjin was majoring in business. So you didn’t have any classes together.
You decided to take a seat not too close to the teacher but not too far; you couldn’t see that far. Your first University class had begun, and it was the most boring thing you had to sit through, so the relief your body felt when you were able to leave was unimaginable. As you were leaving, you spotted a familiar person in front of you, but you couldn’t make out who he was. That was until he turned back, suddenly bumping into you. “Oh, sorry, I wasn’t looking," he said without looking directly at your face and bowing down. but you instantly knew it was Soobin from his voice. “Oh, it’s okay," you replied, bowing down and getting out of his way so you could continue to walk out. "Y/n?" Just like you recognized his voice, he recognized yours as well. You stopped and turned around. "Oh hi," you said. You didn’t know what else to say. He stopped talking to you, and suddenly he wanted to finally talk to you. "How’ve you been?" He asked Soobin realized how much of an ass he was back in high school; he never fully let you explain why you weren’t great at showing your emotions, and he felt bad about it. He was such an asshole, assuming that you had bad intentions. "I’ve been good." You wanted to keep it short and simple. You knew he had a girlfriend, and this was probably wrong in some ways.
Oh, that’s good," he said with a small smile on his face. "How have you been?" You decided to ask back because you didn’t want to seem self-centered. Oh, I've been good as well; thanks for asking." Soobin said, and then you both fell into an awkward silence before you decided to dismiss yourself. Alright, I have to go goodbye," you said quickly, turning away from him as fast as possible. "Can we possibly catch up later or whenever it works for you?" he said as you were about to leave. "Oh sure, just text me." You are the stupidest person alive; why would you accept his offer? You didn’t know if you could stop yourself from falling in love with him again.
When you arrived at the dorms, you immediately told Yunjin everything. Well, just make sure that he has the right intentions." Yunjin said, and that was truly not helping you. How the hell were you supposed to know what his intentions were? Alright, we’ll go shower; I need to relax," you said, entering your bathroom. As you put your phone down on the counter, you saw your phone light up with a text notification on the lock screen.
Soobin 6:17
"Do you want to meet up tomorrow at Sugar Rush Cafe in the morning before class at 8 a.m.?"
You didn’t want to make yourself look desperate, so you decided to take your shower before responding. During your hour-long shower, you were wondering how you would reply and what both of you would talk about. There wasn’t much to say, and you weren’t even sure if you wanted to be his friend again. You weren’t sure if you could handle it yet. After your shower, you finally decided to reply.
Y/n 7:40
Yeah, sure, that sounds good!"
Soobin 7:41
Alright, see you there!"
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The next morning, you woke up early so you could do some light makeup and catch the bus in time. You were anxious; you’d been overthinking anything that he might ask you and how you would respond. You even decided to get to the cafe 20 minutes earlier than planned. “Hey, Chaewon, I’m going to wait for someone, so I’m going to take a seat before ordering." Sugar Rush Cafe was the bakery you and Yunjin worked at, and you both met Chaewon, who was the daughter of the people who owned the bakery, and you all got pretty close, even hanging out multiple times with her during the summer. “Ooooo, are you waiting for a special someone?" She teased, wiggling her eyebrows up and down while you stood near the counter talking to her. “No, Chae, he was my old friend, and we fell out of friendship, and now he wants to chat, I guess." He definitely wants more than just a friendship," she said, continuing to tease. "Chae!" you exclaimed. "He has a girlfriend. I would never date someone who is taken. That’s shitty." You replied defensively. "Sorry! I had no idea." Chaewon said, “Okay, well, since it’s not busy yet, we can chat until he arrives." Alrighty," you said with a smile on your face.
It didn’t take long for Soobin to arrive, as he arrived 10 minutes before you both had planned, and he was shocked to see you sitting on a stool near the counter laughing with the worker. Both of you seemed to be deep into conversation. He finally decided to enter the bakery, the doorbell ringing as he walked in. "Oh hi, Soobin," you said with a huge smile plastered on your face, which wasn’t super normal for him to see. "Hi, have you ordered yet?" he asked. “Nope, I was waiting for you, but now that you're here, we can order!" You said since you had been talking with Chaewon, you felt your energy level go up, and instead of feeling nervous, you felt more calm. Before he could speak, you had already started ordering with Chaewon. “Okay, Chae, I’ll take an iced caramel macchiato. What would you like, Soobin?" you say, looking at him. Oh, an Iced Americano will do, thank you." He said he had never seen you order for yourself when you both were friends, and he would be the one to do it despite being shy. It was like seeing a new person. “Okay, that will be 6.82," Chaewon said, reaching for Y/N’s card before Soobin put his card in front of yours. "I’ll pay; I invited you after all," he said with a smile on his face. “No, it’s okay, I'll pay-" you tried saying before he interrupted you. “Chaewon, please run my card," he said, handing Chaewon his card. Okay, both of your drinks will be ready in a few minutes. You may take a seat until I call y’all’s names."
"Thank you," Soobin said while bowing his head to Chaewon. "Where do you want to sit?" Soobin asked. “Oooo, let’s sit in that corner," you said instinctively, grabbing his arm but quickly letting go. Sorry, I'm just so used to linking arms with my friend." You said you were embarrassed, but he had just found it cute. When you both were friends, you had never let him grab your arm or hand. He liked how your friends brought out the happiness in you. "It’s alright, let’s just take a seat," he said, chuckling. He didn’t want you to feel awkward with him as well.
"Thank you for buying the coffee; you really didn’t have to." You said you felt bad that he paid for the drink, and you were practically death-staring Chaewon when she took his card. "It’s alright, it was nothing," he said. Anyways, how have you been? You know in depth this time, not the basic "I’m good" answer," he said, slightly mocking you with a smile that showcased his beautifully dimpled cheeks. “Well, it really has been good. My friend and I went to a lot of places during the summer, and she really has taught me a lot." You said you couldn’t help but talk about Yunjin. She was a huge part of your life. “Oh, Yunjin, right? I’m glad that you had someone like her." He said he felt bad that he hadn’t stayed friends with you. He was so quick to assume, and he wanted to clear things up, which is why he wanted to meet with you. He had also just hoped that maybe the two of you could be friends.
"Me too; she's great." You were happy just thinking of Yunjin; she was a really big part of your life. "Y/N, I’m sorry that I was such an ass in high school." Soobin suddenly comes up, and you are confused. He was never mean to you at all. What was he talking about? "I’m sorry, Soobin, I don't know what you mean; you weren’t an ass."
"You know, I just stopped talking to you randomly, and I could see that you were hurt when I did," he explained nervously. "It’s okay, Soobin; I never tried to reach out, so it was also my fault as well.
"But enough about that, Soob; how have you been?" you asked. Yunjin told you that whatever happens, continue the conversation and don’t let it go dry. "Oh, I've been great. I also hung out with my friends during the summer; I'm not sure how I feel about University yet," he said. "Me neither, I mean Yeah, I know it’s only been a day, but I’m still adjusting," you replied. "Same I-," Soobin began before getting interrupted by Chaewon yelling out both of your names. "I’ll go get the coffee," you say, standing up from your chair. "So how’s it going with Soobin?" she says teasingly. Chaewon, you know he has a girlfriend," you replied. You didn’t want to ruin his relationship; that was not your intention. "Right, sorry, I forgot. Well, well good luck," she said, handing you the coffees. "Thank you; have a good day, Chaewon," you said. "No problem, and you too," she said before you walked towards Soobin. "Hey, would you rather us walk and drink our coffees? You know, get some fresh air while chatting." You suggested the cafe was starting to get busier because of all the people waking up to start their days. "Alright," Soobin replied.
On this walk, you got to know a bit more about him again, and vice versa; it felt like both of you had never stopped talking to each other. “So, Soob, how’s your girlfriend?" you asked. You both stopped at a park nearby a couple of minutes before class started. You two didn’t want to be that early; you got on a swing and signaled Soobin to get on the other one. You wanted to know how his relationship was going on Instagram; they looked like the happiest couple, but his sudden quietness when you asked made you think otherwise. "Oh well, I don’t know." "What do you mean you don’t know?" you replied, confused. What could possibly be wrong with his relationship?
"I caught her cheating on me during the summer with one of my friends." He looked like he was trying to hold back tears from falling down, and then he spoke again. "And then again more recently." You felt your heart drop for him. You knew how it felt to be heartbroken. Oh, I'm sorry, Soobin. I didn’t know," you said, rubbing his back in an attempt to comfort him.
"Why haven’t you ended things?" You spoke again. Why would he just let her continuously cheat on him? " I did, but she told me I wouldn't ever be able to find someone who loves me as much as her, and I know that it’s true. Who would ever like someone like me?" You felt terrible for him; he truly believed this, and you could tell. Soobin never had much confidence, and this was a well-known thing. You wished you could’ve told him how you felt about him at that moment, but you couldn’t. "That’s not true, Soob; I’m sure lots of girls would like you." You said you were trying to comfort him, but you could tell that didn’t help.
"May you please get up?" You asked what you were about to do, which required you to be standing; otherwise, it would be awkward. "Hm?" Soobin said, but complied. You opened your arms, moved them under Soobin's, and leaned in for a hug. It was indeed extremely awkward, and he couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. "Thank you," he said as he let go, a smile on his face, so you knew you had indeed cheered him up. "Yunjin said it would cheer people up," you said, now slightly embarrassed. "I see Yunjin has taught you a lot. Maybe one day I’ll be able to meet her properly." He had a smile so big that the tears that were previously forming started to fall. You watched as he wiped them off with his knuckles. "Let’s go to class; it's getting late, cmon!" You mentioned fleeing from him. "Wait for me!" he said, running behind you.
“God, I’m out of breath," you said, entering your University class. "We wouldn’t be out of breath if you didn’t decide to run." Soobin exclaimed. "Did you want us to be late?" you said while walking up the steps towards your seat. "You're right," he said, accepting defeat. "When am I not?" you said jokingly. He takes a seat next to you; you weren’t quite expecting that, but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have a friend in class.
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Your mornings continued like this for the past 2 months; it was a daily routine. You both would go to the cafe, take a walk to the park, and then go to class. And university was so much better with a friend who you had classes with. Although sometimes you would have to deal with Soobin being sad because he suspected his girlfriend had been cheating on him again, You felt horrible for him, but you could never tell him how you felt. Never. You both hang out in and out of school. When he met Yunjin, it was quite awkward, but with time, they warmed up to each other. And same with his friends; you met his best friends, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai. They had become very important people in your lives as well.
Currently, you are on Soobin and Yeonjun's dorm couch, working on a project that you have to finish with Soobin. "Hey y/n, let’s do something else. I want to take you somewhere." Soobin said out of nowhere, and that had taken you aback. "Where are we going?" you said, looking up from your laptop to look at him, your face filled with confusion. "It’s a secret; just trust me," he said with a light smirk on his face, and now you are curious as to what the hell he was up to. “Fine, let’s go," you said, closing your laptop and getting up from the couch. "Wait, you need a blindfold." Soobin says to run to his room to grab something to close your eyes with. "Alright, put this sleep mask on," he said, handing you a black sleeping mask. "Is this necessary?" you asked. “Where on earth could you be going that you needed an eye mask? "Very c'mon, you can put it on when you are in the car so you don’t have trouble walking to the car," he said, grabbing your hand. You felt your cheeks heat up.
A long car ride later, without being able to see where you were arriving, you finally felt the car jolt to a stop. Alright, we are here. “I’ll help you get out, don't worry," he says, and you hear the car door shut and feel your side of the door swing open. Here, grab my hand and make sure you don’t hit your head on the car." Soobin was very attentive when talking to you. He didn’t want you to get hurt. You feel Soobin's hand and move your leg out of the car as you were about to move the other one and take a step outside. You felt yourself starting to lose balance until you felt Soobin's hand lay on your waist. "Don’t worry, I've got you," he said, chuckling. You were completely clueless and had no idea when you had both gone, but he knew you would love it. "Just hold onto my arm and I’ll let you go," he said, latching his arm with yours. "Okayyy," you say. You just wanted to take off your mask and see why you were so impatient.
After a few minutes of walking on a trail, Soobin stops. Okay, you can take off your mask now." Soobin says, and so you do, and once you do, you are greeted with a field of flowers of all different kinds. “Wow, Soobin, this is amazing! I haven’t seen anything like this before!" you said with a huge smile on your face. “C'mon, let’s continue walking the trail; there’s more," he said, chuckling down at you. Seeing your excitement and happiness was one of his favorite things by far. You both continued walking, and you continued talking about how pretty all the flowers were while Soobin was admiring your own beauty.
At the end of the trail, you saw a red and white plaid blanket with a picnic basket and a bunch of cut-up fruits surrounding it. “Wow, Soobin, this is awesome," you said, looking up at him. Both of your arms were still linked together. “Let’s take a seat." And so both of you walked towards the picnic blanket and took a seat. "Why did you bring me here, Soob?" you asked curiously while eating a strawberry. “Well, you know how me and Haeun have been on and off," he started, and you now felt nervous as to what he was going to say. "I broke it off with her a month ago. I haven’t told anyone." Soobin said nothing and stayed quiet before continuing. "I realized I deserve someone better," he said with a small smile on his face. "That’s good, Soobin; I'm glad you learned that you are worth more than how she treated you," you replied, rubbing your hand against his shoulder. You were happy that he realized that she was never going to change.
"But what am I doing here?" you asked him, now confused. “Well, in that one month, I realized that I really liked someone, so I prepared something special for them, and if it goes according to plan, then I hope I will be able to date her." The smile was so big that his eyes turned into crescents. Whoever this girl was, you just hoped he made her happy. “Well, I hope she treats you better," you said with a smile on your face. “Yeah, well, I hope so too," he said, putting his hand on your thigh and looking around. "When are you planning to confess?" you asked, making him look back at you and chuckle at your cluelessness. He grabbed your hands and caressed them with his thumbs. You felt yourself blushing.
"Y/n.. I really, really like you. You’ve been there for me when no one else has and I was so stupid that I hid my feelings away in high school .Will you be my girlfriend?" He said he was looking deeply into your eyes. With his face close to yours, you could feel his breathing. "Yes," you replied with tears in you eyes and that was all you had to say before Soobin captured your lips. One of his hands was grabbing your waist while the other was caressing your cheek. Your arms were thrown around his neck. The kiss was nice and gentle; there were lots of feelings that were built up, finally letting go. For the longest time, this was the thing you had been wanting, and now it was finally yours. When you both let go for a breather, you both laughed while holding each other. You looked into his eyes filled with joy and happiness and knew that everything you had ever dreamed of him at night was finally becoming reality.
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© mooniania 2023
do not copy, translate, rewrite or repost any of my works on any other social media platform.
taglist: @pinkisthenewangst, @alexs-mardy-bum, @sato-chan-2709, @sheeshhhhfelixsworld
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Afterlife Lessons
Chapter Fourteen:
“He’s not here,” Sam called to Tucker, poking her head out of Danny’s closet.  “He must have left right after we did.”
“Then he could be anywhere,” Tucker said, looking around in concern.  “Where would Danny hang out as a ghost?”
“I don’t think he does,” Sam said.  “He told us he never got to goof off as a ghost— or, he told us as Phantom, anyway.  I think he really does just use his ghost half for fighting.”
“Okay,” Tucker muttered, tapping anxiously on his arm with his opposite hand.  “I don’t want to ask his parents.  If they start looking for him—”
“Yeah, let’s not do that,” Sam agreed.  “Fuck, okay, um.  He can’t break into the observatory in the middle of the day.  He didn’t look like he’d be in the mood to go pull pranks.  And obviously he just stays here, so that hangout place was a lie.”
“We kinda made it not a lie, though?” Tucker pointed out.  “I mean, with all those decorations and what not.  Do you think he actually appreciated them, or was he just putting on a face?”
“We got them because we knew Danny would like them,” Sam said.  “And we didn’t think we knew what Phantom would like yet.  He has to like them.  Maybe that’s a good place to start.  I honestly don’t know where else to check.”
“He’d have to show up eventually, right?” Tucker said.  “I mean, he has a life to live too.”
“Unless he just completely tries to avoid us now as a cover,” Sam said.  “Because he’s an idiot.”
“Okay, we’ll worry about that later,” Tucker said.  “We’ll start with the hangout place we set up.”
So they both flew out through the walls of Danny’s room, and off towards the clubhouse place they’d made with Phantom— with Danny.
Which, Sam still had so many questions.  Why on earth had he tried to do all of this alone?  She had first hand experience with how hard it was to learn to be a half ghost, she couldn’t imagine Danny trying to figure it all out without any help.  All of those stories he’d told them about his half ghost friend were obviously just about him, which made her even more concerned, because those stories hadn’t exactly sounded like someone who was handling the transition well.
Not to mention all of the ways she now knew Phantom got hurt on a daily basis.  Ways she couldn’t brush off anymore, because Phantom wasn’t a professional superhero who had tons of experience and knew exactly what he was doing, he was Danny, and he was clearly not doing so hot.  She’d started to realize Phantom wasn’t doing well before she realized he was Danny, and that obviously just made it worse.  God, she really hoped everything he’d said over the past day about Phantom wasn’t something he actually felt, she hoped it was just something he said to keep up the ruse.  But she had a feeling it wasn’t.
All of the thoughts rushing through her head on the way to the clubhouse meant she didn’t exactly say much, but Tucker was clearly in the same boat, so the two of them just held tightly to each other’s hands so they could see each other while flying intangibly and made their way there as fast as they could.
Thankfully, their gut instincts actually paid off for once, because when they got there, Danny was sitting on the ground as Phantom, curled up around the plushie Tucker got him.
Sam exchanged a worried look with Tucker, and then they both flew down to meet him.
“Danny?” Sam said, because why put that part off.  Danny jerked upright, clearly not having heard them coming, and his eyes widened in panic as soon as he saw them.
“Who— who’s Danny?” he said weakly, sliding back while keeping a tight grip on the plushie.  He had tears running down his face that Sam politely ignored.
Instead, she gave him a deadpan look.  “Who’s Danny” wouldn’t have even worked if they hadn’t put the pieces together, they’d talked about Danny before.
Danny seemed to realize this, and pulled the plushie closer to him and buried his face in it.
“Dude,” Tucker said, floating closer and putting a hand on Danny’s shoulder.  “It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay,” Danny said weakly, muffled by the fabric in his face.  “It’s not okay, it’s— I couldn’t save you.”
“You helped us,” Sam said, wrapping her arms around Danny before he could protest.  “You moron, we couldn’t have made it through this without you.”
“You could have,” Danny said, shaking his head, even though he didn’t pull away from Sam, and he let go of the plushie and buried his head in her chest.  “You— it was just easy for you.”
“Yeah, because we weren’t trying to handle everything ourselves, dumbass,” Sam said.  “And because we had you to help us.”
“Dude,” Tucker said, joining the hug from Danny’s other side.  “You can’t protect the entire town all by yourself.  That’s too much for one person.”
“I can’t even do it right,” Danny muttered, seeming to completely ignore the last part of what Tucker said.  “It’s not— I suck at it.”
“Hey,” Sam said, pulling back just enough to whack him on the head.  “Stop that.”
Danny wiped at his eyes and didn’t say anything.
“Hey, seriously,” Tucker said.  “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Would you have believed me?” Danny muttered.
“I mean, maybe after we literally turned into half ghosts too, Danny.”
Danny sniffed and wiped his eyes again.  “But then you were dead,” he whispered.  “You were dead and it was all my fault—”
“Oh, my god, I was serious, stop it with that,” Sam said, giving Danny a lighthearted shove.  “How about instead we blame the guy who actually decided to kidnap and kill us, considering he’s the one who actually did it.”
Danny shook his head.  “But he wouldn’t have if I hadn’t—” he started, and then stopped.
“If you hadn’t what?” Sam asked.  “Can we be done with secrets, please?”
Danny looked down at the ground.  “He was trying to make me talk to someone,” he muttered.  “Because every ghost and their dead mother could tell that I needed to.”
“Wait,” Tucker said, sounding baffled.  “Like, he was trying to be nice?”
Danny snorted.  “Yeah.  That’s Vlad for you.”
“Okay but he’s the one who decided the best way to get you to do that would be to actually kill us,” Sam pointed out.  “Which—” she wrinkled her nose.  “That’s dumb.  He’s fucking dumb.  And I’m gonna kick his butt later.”
Danny laughed, and though it didn’t sound like his best, Sam was glad to hear it.
“Point is, of course it’s not your fault,” Sam said, pulling back so she could look Danny in the face.  He didn’t look up from the floor, however, so Sam reached out and tapped his chin until he did.
“I mean it,” she said.
Danny nodded.  “Okay,” he said weakly.
“Good,” Sam said, and she reached out and pulled him into a hug again.  This time, Danny hugged her back, and Tucker joined again a second later.
They all sat there for a bit, though they eventually sat back.
“But hey,” Sam said, drawing Danny’s gaze again.  “For future reference, maybe don’t try and get us off your scent by saying that the beings we just turned into are terrible and dangerous?  Because uh, that sucked.”
Danny looked away again.  “Yeah, I’m sorry,” he said.  “I didn’t think that one through very well.”
Sam snorted.  “No kidding,” she said, playfully shoving Danny’s shoulder.  She added just enough lightness to her tone that Danny started to smile again.
His smile only lasted a second, though, before he was looking down and starting to fidget with his fingers.  “I’m really sorry Vlad dragged you into my mess,” he said.
“Oh, don’t be stupid,” Sam said.  “We’re helping you now.”
Danny’s gaze snapped upward.  “What?  No, I already said—”
“Yeah, you’re teaching us how to fight, and then we can kick some ghost butt with you,” Tucker said.  “I mean, we did alright last time.”
“You really didn’t,” Danny said.
“Oh, and how exactly did your first ghost fight go?” Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I don’t see why that’s relevant.”
“Danny, come on,” Sam said.  “Look at me and honestly tell me a half ghost fighting superhero doesn’t sound like something I’d absolutely love to be.”
Danny looked at her.  “A half ghost fighting superhero is not something you’d love to be, Sam,” he said.  “It’s not glamorous.  It’s hard and it’s painful and it sucks.  You have to hide injuries and exhaustion and your life starts falling apart.”
“Well, all of that sounds like something that would be a lot easier with three ghosts doing the fighting instead of one,” Sam said firmly.
“And if you think we’re letting you do all of this by yourself, you’re nuts,” Tucker said.  “We already weren’t going to let you do that.  We’re especially not now.”
“Besides, I think part of the reason you think it sucks is because you don’t ever do literally anything else as a ghost other than fight ghosts,” Sam said.  “Are you trying to tell us you didn’t enjoy pulling ghost pranks with us?”
Danny snorted.  “That was so stupid,” he said, with his ‘god I love you two idiots so much’ smile growing on his face.
“But it was also fun,” Tucker said, grinning right back at him.
Danny shook his head, and wiped at his eyes one last time, but his expression was lighter, and he didn’t look quite so miserable anymore.
“Hey,” Sam said, catching his gaze.  “I love you, dumbass.”
Danny smiled, and this time it stayed there.  “I love you guys too,” he said quietly.
“Good,” Sam said.  “Glad we got that settled.  Next time you half die, just tell us, okay?”
Danny gave a short laugh.  “Yeah, you got it.”
“Good.  Now who wants to go steal some ice cream?” Sam asked.
“Oh, I do!” Tucker said brightly, hopping to his feet.
“Sweet, let’s go.”
“You guys,” Danny said, flying after them both as they took off.  “I’m supposed to be the good guy—”
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jukipptx · 1 year
my youth is actually a song that jeno wrote about you ????? this broke my heart, i don’t know why I wrote it ????? and so many words????? i’m so sorry ???? This is a story about jeno’s first and only kiss 💔💔💔
jeno and you have been friends for as long as you can remember. You met him when you were both thirteen years old, and this is how it went…
you didn’t want to do it at first, but your mother insisted on you joining this entertainment company. you’ve been doing commercials since you were a baby, so she thought it might be a good career path and wanted you to at least try. turns out you could actually sing!!! you couldn’t dance, but for that there were people to teach you, and there was 💗jeno💗
you met jeno exactly on the day you were going to give up. it had only been 4 months since you’ve joined the company, but it had been enough to get you on your nerves (it had been more than enough!!! you were exhausted!!!). on that day, you were sitting on the practice room floor, the mirrors were foggy, you’ve been practicing for hours since the dance teacher scolded you for not memorizing the choreo, and still you couldn’t do it. you layed down facing the ceiling (so dramatic) and you cried and cried and cried (in silence). you were wearing headphones so you didn’t hear when he entered the room; you only noticed when he was standing next to you, his little head peeking in your vision. he was so cute 😭😭😭 his little emo black hair almost covering his eyes, his baggy sweatshirt and pants 😭😭😭
“i was wondering if you wanted this ice cream.” he said holding his ice cream closer to you. you couldn’t hear him because of your headphones, you barely understood korean anyways, but you understood what he was saying when he motioned with the ice cream.
you sat up, cleaned your face as fast as you could, you were now so embarrassed about crying, and you took the ice cream. it was a popsicle and it already had one single bite. “was it yours?” you asked, you didn’t care and gave it another bite.
he blushed and ignored your question. “i’m jeno.” he held his hand out for you to take and you took it. “i can help with the choreo. it made me cry, too.” you took his hand and stood up with its help.
and that’s basically how your friendship began. as rookies, you had to deliver a performance every friday, so you took jeno’s word and accepted his help every single week. you practiced together, you ate together, you laughed together, you practically lived together 😭😭😭 jeno fell in love with you exactly 7 hours after he met you that day in the practice room, when you were crying and when you thought you looked so ugly, he thought the complete opposite. he thought of you as the prettiest person he’s ever seen. oh the pretty brown eyes, he felt guilty for saying this, but you looked so pretty when you cried; eyes so puffy and crystal-like, cheeks and nose so red. the beautiful messy black hair, always tied up in two perfectly slicked back ponytails. he couldn’t get enough of your face and it was ooooh so obvious, he could cry just thinking about you 😭😭😭 but he was so shy???? he could never get too close before getting all red. you occasionally gave him a push or pulled him in for a friendly hug, but he would NEVER make the first move, only on your birthdays.
as soulmates go, your birthday was April 22, and his the 23. for the company it was basically the same day, so year after year, they opted to celebrate your birthdays on the night of the 22nd until the clock marked the 23rd. it was the only chance that jeno got to hug you without it being awkward. and he did. every year he held you for at least 30 seconds. everyone around you would always get so awkward, but jeno didn’t mind because “it was your birthday” 😭😭😭😭😭
one day you decided it had been enough. you couldn’t keep on waiting until the company magically gave you the opportunity you’d been training so hard for during 3 years straight. you were strong, but you were so impatient, not even jeno could stop you from leaving, and even today, he wishes he had tried harder, he wishes he had held on to you for longer💔💔💔
you were going to leave on the 23rd, but you couldn’t do that to him, so you left the day after. he even wanted you to stay for his debut, but you couldn’t resist any longer. you celebrated your birthdays like every year before, but this one was so different. it was so sad and so important to everyone. they all wanted it to be perfect because it was the last time you would celebrate together, but they didn’t know it was already perfect for you just by the fact that HE was there and that all of your dreamies were there as well 😭😭😭
it was the night of the 22nd, two minutes till midnight for the 23rd, when he kissed you for the first time. it was so innocent, it broke your heart and fixed it at the same time. it was all you needed to leave happily, but it was all you needed to make you not want to leave anymore. you were both sitting on the rooftop of the company, everyone left from the party already and it was only you and him, drinking soda with the tears falling from your eyes. music was still playing in the back, but all you could hear was him. you looked at him because you wanted to look at him all the time, but he was facing elsewhere. he didn’t want you to see him crying as well.
“you don’t have to leave, please keep on trying. i know they have something planned for you.” he said with such sadness and insistence on his voice. this wasn’t the first time he said it, and apparently he didn’t grow tired of saying it.
you couldn’t talk anymore because if you did, you would start crying like a crazy person (again).
“i can talk with manager noona.” he insisted. he moved a little bit closer to you.
“come on, we’ll talk with her now.” he held your hand and started to stand up, but you started crying. you wanted him to stop insisting because he only made you feel worse. he made you feel as if you hadn’t tried hard enough to stay, but you did, you reaaaally did; not only for you, but for him.
“please, stop.” you didn’t move, making him sit down next to you again, but this time a little closer. he didn’t let go of your hand this time, and he wouldn’t for a long time.
“i’m sorry.” he faced the ground, again trying his hardest not to cry. “i just don’t know what I’m going to do.” he laughed a nervous laugh, and he was serious, he really didn’t know how to live without you.
“nothing. you don’t have to do anything, jeno. just keep doing what you do and being you.” you looked at the clock on your phone screen, only five minutes left until your day ended and his started.
“i can’t keep doing what i always do because everything i do is with you. for starters, i can’t be happy on my birthday anymore.” he almost whispered, he was about to cry so if he talked normally, he would.
“jaemin would be so mad to hear that.” you tried to joke in hopes of raising the mood, you even pushed him slightly, but nothing helped at this point. “it’s almost your birthday. you should make your wish already.”
“i wish for you to stay.” he finally looked at your eyes, and you wished he didn’t. his eyes were red and shiny. he didn’t hold the tears any longer, he finally let go 😭😭😭 you’d never seen jeno cry, only once when he fell on his face back in 2013, but not like this, not with such sadness, with such impotence and desperation.
“i promise we’ll keep in touch, we’ll see each other every time you’re available. i’m not leaving the country, just the company.” you held your hand out to him, willing to pinky promise, and jeno took your hand, but instead on pinky promising, he pulled you in his arms.
he hugged you so so so sooooo hard. he thought that maybe if he held you hard enough you could choose to stay. he knew you weren’t leaving the country, but he knew that leaving the company would make everything so different and so hard. you would not be able to be close to him, the company would not allow it anymore, but he didn’t want to tell you that.
he hugged you for so long and you didn’t dare to move, you didn’t want to. you could feel the need and the desperation once again, you were scared to move, you were scared to break him and yourself 😭😭😭😭
“please, don’t do this to me, please, don’t leave me.” he said with the most painful voice you had ever heard before. and coming from him??? it was all too much, it was unbelievable and it all seemed like a nightmare to you. it all may sound a bit dramatic, but you were both so young 😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔 minutes away from being sixteen.
now you started crying like an actual crazy person in his arms. shoulders started shaking and face was as wet as it could be. his hoodie was getting wet from your tears, but neither of you moved. he let you cry out loud and whimper and all. you were almost sure that the people downstairs could hear you, but you didn’t care anymore. this was probably the last time you were going to be able to be this close to him, so you didn’t let go 😢😢😢 deep down, but really deep down, you were not only crying for him, you were crying because leaving marked the end of this era, the end of pursuing this big dream of yours, so you could finally let it all out right there in that rooftop.
jen was the first to break the hug. He did only to look at those pretty eyes of yours, so pretty when you cry as he always thought. your eyes were shining like bubbles and your nose oh so pink as always, he wanted to bite it just to see if it actually tasted like marshmallows as he always thought.
he looked straight into your eyes, and without even thinking for once in all the time he’s known you, he held you by the chin and brought you to what was your first and only kiss ever, the same goes for jeno. he swore that yours would be the only lips he would kiss because he didn’t think he could find anything close to the taste of yours. they tasted like cherry lip balm and like the cotton candy that you were eating before you started crying.
it was just a short and soft kiss, but it was full of love and of hope and of tears, it was full of him and his shyness. and when he let go, you could do nothing but wonder if it was possible to love him more and more and more.
and that was all there was. you didn’t keep in touch like you promised because, like he said, they didn’t allow it. and after finding out that he wasn’t allowed, you wish you had stayed, not for yourself, but at least for him and for all the love there was. you wish, you wished, you wished for months, you wished with tears in your eyes. you wished on all the songs he wrote about you. on all the clues he left for you everywhere he goes. you wish on his pretty moon eyes and on all the stars in them. you wish and only hope that he remembers and misses you just like you do (he does💔💔💔💔💔💔)
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16: A Pink Revenge
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Ludwig, resentful because his sister had hit him, hides in a large flowerpot nearby. Peeking out from among the plants, he looks with some suspicion in the direction of Wendy's bedroom door.
Just then Iggy appears, adjusting his glasses and passes by Wendy's room, knocking on the door, to which the female Koopa comes out moments later.
Wendy: Oh, hello, Iggy. What's wrong?
Iggy: I came to tell you that the order you asked me for is almost ready
Wendy: Great!! And by the way, do I look okay? (adjusts her ribbon)
Iggy: That's right, as always you look fantastic
Ludwig, hidden, puts on a face of complete disdain at that comment.
Iggy: Come on, little sister, let’s go have breakfast
Wendy: Oh, Ignatius, you know that you're only almost two months older than me, I'm not that little
Iggy: I know. It's a month and twenty-one days apart, but who's counting? Well, me (gives a smug but friendly smile)
Ludwig rounds his eyes and makes an annoyed face
Wendy: I ​​guess I can't beat the most skilled, right? Hehe, anyway. I'm hungry
As they both leave, just at that moment they meet Jr. and Mykey, the former being loaded with his hamburger backpack.
Jr.: hello
Wendy: hello, Jr., Mykey
Mykey: good morning. How did you wake up?
Iggy: all normal. I got up early to check some details in my lab
Mykey: whoa, you have a lab?
Jr.: yes. Iggy is very studious, more than any of us.
Iggy: speaking of studying, how are you doing with your homework? I heard you keep exercising
Jr.: yes, we were just coming from that (scratches the back of his neck) Mykey is a great teacher, he has a lot of patience
Mykey: well, you put a lot of effort into it, that's really important.
Jr.: it's just that... I like the way you teach. It's tedious for me to see so many numbers, but you make it more fun.
Mykey: I have practice with my brother; he also has some problems with some things, although he's very fast at writing
Iggy: oh, well don't neglect him; we may have another genius in the family.
Wendy: and anyway, Jr. is the artist here, so there's a bit of everything
Iggy: yes. Emotional intelligence is something that not everyone has. There are those who can be intelligent but their way of expressing themselves is not adequate.
Jr.: Like Ludwig?
When the little redhead said those words, the others looked at him but without objecting, since they felt that deep down he was right.
Ludwig, for his part, looks at him, waiting for some reaction, becoming very thoughtful. At that, Iggy answers
Iggy: Yes, like Ludwig
Faced with that, Mykey tries to lighten the situation.
Mykey: Guys, I don't think it's right to talk badly about someone behind their back.
Jr.: It's true, but I'm still upset with him. I hate being taken for a ride
Mykey looks at him with some pity, giving a slight silent sigh. Wendy decides to break the tension a little by intervening and changing the subject.
Wendy: Well, we better go to breakfast
Jr.: Before that, Wendy, can I put my things in your room for a moment? I'm in a bit of a hurry and I'm sure Bobby and Larry are waiting for me to go out
Wendy: Oh, sure (she opens the door to her room) leave it on the table in the entrance.
Jr. obeys and then leaves to go to the great hall, but not before saying goodbye briefly. The three Koopas there wave their hand in farewell.
Iggy: Anyway, let's go to the dining room, are you coming, Mykey?
Mykey: Thanks, but I already had breakfast, and I still have another matter to attend to
Iggy: Oh, okay. Have a nice day
Wendy: See you later, dear (winks)
Both brothers leave and Mykey turns and walks in the opposite direction.
When he has already covered a distance, Ludwig looks out to see if there is anyone else nearby. As he moves, he accidentally steps on a small branch that makes a somewhat low creaking sound. At that, Mykey notices this and turns towards that sound. Ludwig quickly hides.
Mykey looks in that direction for a few moments, but then resumes his path and reaches Morton's room. He knocks on the door and moments later Morton greets him, rubbing his right eye and yawning a little.
Ludwig, from a distance, notices that both of them talk for a brief moment. Morton returns to his room and closes it, while Mykey walks back calmly. As he passes by him, Ludwig feels a strange feeling of familiarity, instinctively putting his hand on his chest without realizing it.
Noticing that the purple-haired boy is not there, Ludwig comes out of his hiding place and heads towards Wendy's room, entering. Once there, Ludwig locks it.
When he looks around, he notices that his sister has many elegant and beautiful things, most of them pink and violet, including things like jewelry, makeup, clothes, accessories, and other things. However, something that stands out at first glance is that beautiful dress that he had seen her in that very morning. That garment was on a hanger next to her large mirror.
Ludwig stared at it for a few moments and then saw, through the mirror, Jr.'s backpack, so he goes there and opens it, taking out some of his paints and some scissors. The young man drops the backpack, accidentally throwing away the other things he had inside.
He positions himself in front of the dress and has a hateful thought. Memories that torment him are running through the young man's mind, like Jr. hinting that he wasn't good enough to teach her math and that he prefers someone else, or how Wendy hits him once or twice when Ludwig tells her something she doesn't like, or how Iggy supports Jr. in saying that he isn't usually as nice as he thought he was to others, or how he feels displaced by Mykey, who had come to take his place, according to Ludwig himself.
Thinking about that, his expression becomes more annoyed than it was a while ago
Ludwig: So I'm not good enough for you, right? Well... this will teach you...
Ludwig takes the paint, staining Wendy's things with it and in turn using his younger brother's materials. He also throws several things on the floor, breaking one or another accessory; he takes out his makeup and throws it both on the floor and scattering it all over the room. Then, he takes the scissors and rips Wendy's dress into strips of fabric and leaves them on the floor everywhere. Finally, he takes a lipstick and writes a message on the mirror.
Ludwig: Let's see what you think, little sister... this is for everything I've had to endure...
Without realizing it, Ludwig stepped on a section of the floor that was stained with one of Jr.'s paintings.
After finishing making that mess, he goes to the door and pulls the latch, carefully opening the door and peeking around both sides. Fortunately for him, no one is around and he closes the door, then walks away, with his hands behind his back and raising his chin in a smug manner.
Because he didn't notice that his foot was covered in paint, Ludwig left a small trail with each step. As he walked, the footprint became less and less noticeable, the trail of paint disappearing completely.
Later, both Wendy and Iggy finish breakfast. The others had gone to do their things. King Bowser was busy in the forest taking care of some business, while Kamek had also gone out to check if his delivery had arrived.
At that moment, Ludwig appears. His expression looks calmer but still has a pompous body language.
Ludwig: Good morning
Iggy: Good morning
Wendy: Enjoying your morning?
Ludwig: Oh, you have no idea (smiles somewhat smugly)
Wendy: I ​​hope you're not upset about today
Ludwig: No, not at all
Iggy: What happened?
Wendy: Well...
Ludwig: Oh, nevermind
Iggy: If you say so...
At that, Ludwig changes the subject
Ludwig: It's a beautiful day, don't you think?
Wendy: You're right; it's a completely beautiful day. I love summer days.
Ludwig: Yes, they are memorable
The Koopa in blue smiles somewhat mischievously while looking away so that no one notices.
A little while later, the three youngest arrive: Bobby, Jr. and Larry, who first drink water, drinking it almost without breathing
Iggy: Wow, you're quite hot
Jr.: Yes, it's just that we went out to play in the park for a bit.
Larry: And it was fun, I'd like to do it more often
Bobby: I agree, and you told me that after lunch we would go play tennis
Larry: It's true. You're getting better and better, Bob
Bobby: No more than you, you're really skilled
Jr.: Do you mind if I accompany you? I'd like to play a little too
Bobby: Of course not, I'd like you to be with us
Larry: That's good, lil’ bro. Come with us
The three older ones present were watching that conversation, being surprised. Iggy and Wendy look at each other while Ludwig raises an eyebrow in suspicion.
Iggy: Did you hear the same thing as me, Wen?
Wendy: Yeah. I never thought those two would like to go out and play together
Iggy: This needs to be documented, it's sure to be big news
Ludwig: Oh, don't exaggerate. Although, I must admit that it's quite curious, at least
At that, the three little ones leave, but before they leave, Wendy makes a comment.
Wendy: Ah, Jr., don't forget that you have your things in my room
Jr.: oh, yeah! That's right. I'll go get them. Thanks, sis!
Wendy: Whenever you like
Ludwig squints his eyes indifferently at Jr. as he leaves the dining room.
The little redhead goes to Wendy's room and when he opens it to take out his backpack, his energetic and smiling face turns into an expression of dismay and surprise, seeing how his sister's room was in complete chaos
Jr.: oh-oh... this is not good...
The young redhead looks at his backpack on the floor, open and his things inside were thrown and scattered
Jr.: m-my things...
Apparently, Bowser Jr. did not come out of his trance, he was really reluctant to believe what he saw.
For their part, since Jr. was taking too long, Bobby and Larry went to look for him. They saw him at the door of Wendy's room.
Larry: wow, it's okay that you're a turtle, but how slow you are
Bobby notices Jr.'s expression and worries about him
Bobby: everything okay? What is it that...?
The little boy interrupts himself when he sees what Jr. was seeing, as does Larry
Larry/Bobby: What happened here?
Jr.: I don't know. When I arrived it was already like this
Larry: Wendy will be very hysterical
Jr.: Someone will have to tell her
Larry: Don't even think that I did it. She'll think that I did it (he puts his hands at the height of his chest showing his palms in a sign of denial)
Jr.: Don't look at me either; I don't want another bonk (he puts his hand on his head while shaking it)
Bobby: Then I'll go tell him
Larry: You're too young to die, better not
Bobby: We can't hide it forever
Jr.: Yes... it's true...
The little boy goes to where Wendy is, who was leaving the dining room
Bobby: Wendy?
Wendy: Yes?
Bobby: You have to come, something happened...
Wendy: What?
On the other hand, in Morton's room were him and Mykey, practicing the little star-shaped’s writing. Morton now writes a little more fluently.
Mykey: Very good, Morty. You're getting better and better
Morton, hearing that, wags his tail happily without realizing it while he writes
Morton: THANK YOU (covers his mouth, whispering) s-sorry… (Giggles) Morton is excited
Mykey: It's okay. In the future I'll help you regulate your voice
Morton: (whispers) Morton thanks you (smiles)
The young dark-skinned boy is about to continue writing when suddenly they hear a high-pitched and thunderous scream. That causes Morton to make a scratch in his notebook because of how unexpected it was. Mykey becomes alert and decides to leave, accompanied by Morton who was behind him.
As they walk down the hall, they notice that Iggy, Ludwig, Bobby, Larry and Jr. are there, generally looking very worried
Mykey: What's going on, guys?
Larry: W-well…
Larry points to Wendy's room. Mykey looks in that direction and peeks out. Seeing the whole scene, his expression becomes serious
Mykey: Oh, gosh... what happened here?
Then Ludwig comes in, who with a haughty tone says:
Ludwig: It's obvious, isn't it? Someone broke into his room and made a big mess
Mykey looks around him: he notices that there are many things stained, thrown, destroyed and broken. Then he notices that Wendy is kneeling on the floor, covering her face. The boys try to get closer but at one point they stop to give her some space, because she gets up
Mykey: Wendy?
Wendy: (raises her voice) I'm so furious!!
Her voice was so loud that it resonated throughout the room. Morton and the little ones covered their ears. Mykey noticed this
Mykey: Bobby, you guys better go somewhere else. Things are a bit tense here and I don't want you to get into trouble
Bobby nods and walks away. Larry and Jr. follow him.
Wendy makes a face of complete anger
Wendy: When I find who did this, he's going to pay dearly
Iggy: Wen, calm down. We'll find the person responsible; he couldn't have gone very far
Wendy: I ​​don't understand how someone would do something like that, and even more so, why?
Ludwig: Maybe you don't have to investigate too much. Look.
Everyone looks in that direction and notices something written on the wall. Everyone there makes a strange face when reading it, except for Ludwig, who remained calm and trying to hide his intentions.
Mykey: Uh… what?
Morton tries to read what the message says
Morton: “MI… KEY… WAS… HERE….” huh? (tilting his head slightly)
Ludwig gives a sigh of annoyance
Ludwig: (sarcastic) thanks, Morton. Your reading speed is as fast as a goomba
At this comment, Morton felt somewhat annoyed, although he quickly ignores it. Wendy, on the other hand, adopts a suspicious and annoyed tone at the same time.
Wendy: Mykey, was it you?
Mykey: No, I had nothing to do with this
Wendy: So why is your name written there?
Mykey: I don't know, but I assure you that I didn't do it
Mykey could see the look of disgust and anger that Wendy was feeling.
Mykey: And believe me, I would have no reason to
Wendy stares into Mykey's eyes for a long moment. Little by little Wendy's face becomes calmer
Wendy: For some reason... I feel like you're telling the truth... but this is all very strange and confusing. I don't understand why all this is happening to me.
Iggy: I'd love to know what's going on too, sis
Ludwig: So, if that's the case, Mykey, where were you when that happened?
Mykey: I was with Morton helping him with his homework
Morton: IT'S TRUE
Ludwig: Oh, for the love of Koopas, can you stop screaming? Seriously, you're really irritating
Morton stays silent, looking at the ground
Iggy: Okay, enough. Let's not start another problem
Ludwig: Hmm, whatever... how are you going to repair this damage, Mykey?
Mykey: What?
Ludwig: Morton saying that you were with him doesn't prove anything. We all know that he usually lies, so it has zero validity.
Mykey: But... it's true that I was with him
Ludwig: And what do you say about that message on the wall? I don't think it was a Boo. If it was the case, the castle alarms would go off, since they are not allowed to enter our rooms.
Mykey: I didn't write that either, obviously
Ludwig: How can we be sure? Are you going to tell me that's not how you write it?
Mykey: You have to be kidding me... besides...
Mykey goes to the dress and kneels down and takes one of the pieces that were left, detailing it and feeling it with his claws.
At that, Morton looks up and has an idea, so without anyone noticing he leaves the room to go to his own
Ludwig: And now what do you do?
Mykey: I wanted... to make sure of a detail
The young purple-haired boy takes some more pieces and continues examining them, as if he were looking for something, until he finds it. Later he gets up and goes to Wendy.
Mykey: Wendy… tell me one thing, please… was this dress brought from the neighboring kingdom?
Wendy: yes… why?
Mykey: well, it's just that…
At that moment Morton arrives with his copybook and next to him is Bobby. Everyone looks at them
Mykey: what are you doing here, Bobby?
Bobby: Morton told me that you were suspicious and I got worried
Mykey: okay. In any case, we are still looking into the matter.
Ludwig: So, where did you go, Morton?
Morton: (whispers) Morton went to get something…
Ludwig: What for?
Morton: (whispers) Morton thinks Mykey is innocent
Ludwig: Do you have any evidence?
Morton opens the copybook and finds Mykey's name. Meanwhile, Bobby reads the message on the wall
Morton: (whispers) here it is
Ludwig, Iggy and Wendy approach what Morton wrote and compare it to what Mykey wrote
Mykey: As you can see, my name is written like that even though they are pronounced the same. If I had been the one who wrote that, I would have made sure to get it right at least
Iggy: So that means that… it was written by someone who doesn't know how to spell it…
Ludwig: Oh, come on, he could have also written it wrong on purpose
Bobby: I don't think so. My brother takes great care of his name.
Mykey: Also… there's another reason why I would never do this, especially with your dress, Wendy. (Looks at his younger brother) Bobby, can you recognize this fabric?
Bobby: Let's see…
Bobby notices it and then looks at a tag on one of them
Bobby: This… is a work of… mom?
There, the other Koopas are surprised by that. They didn't believe that there would be a casual connection between that gift and the boys who came to visit.
Remembering his mother, Bobby sheds a few small tears without realizing it, to which his brother carefully dries the tears with his thumbs, then gently caresses his head and hugs him.
Mykey: Why would I... want to destroy something that my own mother made with great effort? I would be incapable of doing that...
Bobby: I do believe you, Mykey
Upon hearing that, he hugs his younger brother again. There, Wendy and Iggy look at each other somewhat doubtfully, and Wendy feels that Mykey is completely innocent; Ludwig sighs in annoyance looking away.
Iggy: Well, we've gone around in circles enough. It's time to end this
The green Koopa with glasses takes out his wand and with it a device appears. With this he makes a screen appear. Everyone pays attention to him
Bobby: Incredible!!
Wendy: What is that, Ig?
Iggy: A surveillance system. This way we'll settle this once and for all
Ludwig feels his blood run cold and is somewhat paralyzed
Ludwig: a… what? (thinks) damn… I didn't expect this… since when did he have that?
Wendy: and if you had that… why are you bringing it out now?
Iggy: I was impressed with all this, now I'm remembering
Mykey: Iggy, please, we want to know what happened here
Iggy: good. Here we go…
The young scientist activates the screen, showing from a perspective that is between Wendy and Morton's rooms. There it is shown that Ludwig goes to the dining room but then turns back, looking both ways and then hides in the nearest flowerpot.
Wendy: Why were you hiding, Ludwig?
Ludwig did not answer. And Wendy continues watching.
Later, on the screen it is shown that Iggy arrives at Wendy's bedroom and she leaves. They talk for a while and then both Mykey and Jr. arrive, who join their conversation. This continues until they separate. Mykey goes to Morton and then turns back and passes by. At that, Ludwig goes to where Wendy is sleeping.
Wendy: Why did you come in, Ludwig?
Ludwig did not answer again. At that, Iggy changes the perspective, now showing that he is in front of the door. From there it was noted that Ludwig grabbed Jr.'s backpack and took out his materials, and moments later closed the door. He continues like this until he leaves the room, noticing a trail left by his footsteps. After a while, Jr goes there and discovers the disaster, Bobby and Larry arrive. Then, Bobby comes out and arrives with Wendy and Iggy.
Everyone there is surprised and turns to look at Ludwig
Wendy: So… it was you…
Ludwig: Are you really going to believe that? Don't be naive
Wendy: I ​​saw it, we all saw it… What kind of fool do you take me for?
Ludwig: Everyone judges by their condition…
Wendy: I'm getting fed up!! Why did you do it?
Ludwig remained silent, looking away. Wendy loses patience and shakes him by the shoulders. That doesn't change Ludwig's look of indifference
Wendy: (sobbing) tell me why… why??!!
Ludwig: I didn't do it. If you don't believe me, it's your problem
Iggy frowns, he was already getting tired of all this and even more so seeing Wendy so upset, so he approaches his older brother to violently lift his foot, detailing that on his sole there are traces of that paint, which corresponds to the one spilled on the floor.
Ludwig: What are you doing? Let me go, idiot!!
Iggy lets go of Ludwig's foot and he stands up. The blue-haired boy gives a long sigh
Ludwig: Yes, I did it, are you happy?
Iggy: Believe me, we're not. On top of that, you tried to frame Mykey
Ludwig: Well, so what? Wendy deserves it for hitting me not once but several times. Jr. deserved to have his things destroyed; I don't accept that he wants to replace me, especially with someone unknown. It's something I can't conceive
Iggy: I mean, this was all out of pride
Wendy: And you took it out on me just for a stupid thing. I'm very angry and furious with you.
Ludwig: Not just for that. One time you stained me with your nail polish. The stain was hard to get out, how could I not be upset about that?
Wendy: It was an accident. Believe me, if I really wanted to hurt you, I would have used my own fists.
Ludwig: (sarcastic) Oh, wow, you show off all your femininity like that, don't you? Do you want me to get you some boxing gloves too?
Wendy clenched her fists and her teeth
Wendy: I DO ​​hate you...
Ludwig: Hmm, I DON’T care anymore... I already told you: use your brain, don't waste your time on such stupid things.
Wendy: You... (She starts to shed tears and with an angry expression) believe me, I will never forgive you for this, did you hear me??!!
Bobby felt a little uncomfortable, so he took his older brother's hand, who put his hand in front of him to make him feel safe; Morton was also a little nervous, his legs were shaking a little; Iggy was very tense and upset by the situation; as for Ludwig, he showed a real indifference and arrogance about everything; and Wendy, she was furious, sad and disappointed.
Ludwig: Do you have anything else to say?
Wendy: I ​​would just like to add one last thing...
After saying that, Wendy raises her hand, and in a quick movement, slaps Ludwig in the face, marking his nails after a swipe. Everyone there is surprised by that. Mykey looks away, feeling really uncomfortable.
Ludwig puts his hand on his face, having an expression of complete anger, but decides not to do or say anything
Wendy: now go away or there will be more blows than just that.
There, the Koopa in blue walks out of the room, but not before feeling how the others are watching him: Iggy and Morton look at him with disappointment; Bobby and Mykey are still surprised by all this.
As he passes by Mykey, Ludwig looks at him out of the corner of his eye with an expression of complete contempt. Mykey looks at him out of the corner of his eye too, somewhat sad and worried, but he didn't want to say anything so as not to make things worse.
There was silence for a long time. Wendy kneels down once more and begins to cry. Iggy approaches her sister and hugs her by the shoulders. Through tears, she expresses a few words.
Wendy: Everyone get out…
Iggy: B-but…
Wendy: (interrupts) I want to be alone…
Iggy is silent for a moment and then continues
Iggy: Okay… we better do what she says
Mykey gathers the few remaining Jr.’s supplies and puts them in his backpack. Everyone, except her, leaves. Iggy closes the door slowly from the outside.
Outside, Iggy sighs and covers herself, putting her hand on her forehead in a sign of exhaustion. There were also Jr. and Larry outside, who heard everything, but did not see what happened
Bobby: Will Wendy be okay?
Iggy: I hope so, buddy…
Bobby looks down. Morton notices that and takes his hand
Morton: (whispering) Hey, do you want to go get some ice cream?
Larry: I don't know, Mort…
Bobby: I do want to…
Larry: Well, if Bobby wants, I'll go with him
Jr.: Me too
Iggy: there are ice cream in the fridge. Eat my share; I'm not in the mood for that
Morton: (whispering) Th-thanks, Iggy
There, the three little ones and the chubby one leave. Morton looks out of the corner of his eye at Mykey, who smiles gratefully at him, causing Morton to smile back.
Iggy stays talking to Mykey
Iggy: I'm slowly getting used to understanding Morton's whispers. Before he would just yell and that was it.
Mykey: I guess not many people had patience with him
Iggy: Well, my brothers behave better since you guys arrived. I hope they all are like that (looks in the direction of Ludwig's room)
Mykey notices that and puts on that worried face again
Mykey: Hey, I'm sorry about what happened. I feel bad for Wendy, all her things…
Iggy: Yeah, and I'm sorry for you too, Mykey. That dress was really beautiful, your mother did a great job and it was destroyed by my stupid brother
Mykey lowers his gaze a little but then looks back at Iggy.
Mykey: Well, we have to appreciate the moments with our loved ones
Iggy: Mykey… did your mother…?
Mykey: (interrupts) I'd rather not talk about it now, at least not here…
Iggy: I… understand… I'm sorry.
Meanwhile, Ludwig is in his room, specifically in his bathroom. The poor guy was rinsing his wound. It was burning and he was moaning in pain. When it comes to it, Ludwig complains to himself, putting gauze and a band-aid on his left cheek.
Ludwig: Stupid Iggy, if it hadn't been for him, everything would have been fine… why the hell do these things happen to me? My brothers are a complete nuisance, if it's not one it's another… but you'll see… I'll be more cautious from now on…
It seems that this Koopa doesn't learn…
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scryptids · 1 month
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emilio sakraya / he/they  ———  no way is that KASHA BRONSON.. they’re a 28-year-old ENHANCED notoriously known for being CANTANKEROUS  &  GRUFF but there are some people who have seen them being STRONG  &  HUMOROUS.  if you ask me, they remind me a lot of clothes piling up in front of the laundry basket, cuts and bruises always littering his skin, the lack of a proper shirt at any given time, and scarred knuckles, but that could just be because they’re considered the RUTHLESS around town. just keep an eye on them  &  see if their true colors shine through..
TW: car accident
full name: kasha emir bronson birthdate: june 29th height: 6’0” occupation: underground fighter ship status: in a relationship with sabrina marin bio:
kasha was born and bred to be a fighter, and that’s all they’ve ever known
their father had been a career boxer, all of his awards proudly displayed on the walls growing up so his son could be shown what it was like to be a winner
and of course kasha looked up to his father; he was strong, and loving, and he cared about his family more than anything
and so by the time he was six years old, kasha had his first pair of boxing gloves and was in the gym training almost every day
their mother didn’t particularly like it, but she knew it made her husband and son happy, so she chose not to say anything
kasha was never particularly serious, always sporting a smile and cracking a joke just so he could bring some sort of joy to others
but when it came to being in the ring, he made sure that people knew not to mess with him
it was clear that kasha took fighting seriously, and as the years went on and his training got more intense, so did his attitude
in school he made a lot of friends, always surrounded by a minimum of two people at a time, and seemingly developing an untouchable air about him
most people assumed he was cocky and full of himself, but once they got to know him they realized he was the complete opposite
kasha wanted to be able to protect everyone,so when he saw a bully in the hallway he didn’t hesitate to defend whomever the victim was
he became known as the protector in the hallways, and that was a title he wore proudly
unfortunately his classes and grades weren’t his top priority, and when his grades began slipping, his mother took fighting away entirely, making it a stipulation that if he wanted to fight, he had to at least pass his classes
he was able to complete that goal, barely passing by the skin of his teeth and earning himself a diploma, which made his parents beyond proud
but kasha had no plans on attending college, and so he threw himself into training, just like he’d always done
he made a career out of fighting, often winning people bets ad reaping the benefits of the exposure
he was well on his way to becoming a professional when and unsuspecting accident occurred
he was on his way to the gym on a particularly rainy night, and no matter how fast his windshield wipers were going, they just couldn’t seem to clear the glass fast enough
he had been driving carefully, but the same couldn’t be said for the car that T-boned him
kasha woke up in the hospital without any recollection as to what happened, surrounded by his loved ones
the only way to save him had been by cybernetically enhancing him, and kasha felt like his whole world shattered
he had taken pride in how hard he worked to gain the strength he had, but now he felt like a fake
not only that, but his enhancements made it so he could no longer feel pain, which was dangerous in his world
his attitude shifted to one that was more dark, no longer so willing to make friends and be surrounded by people
he felt fake, and he didn’t want to inflict that upon anyone
it was a good two years before he got back in the ring, but he didn’t go to the gym he normally did
instead he met an individual who told him about the underground ring, and kasha never turned back
he had been fighting there for a couple years before he met sabrina marin
she was sassy and headstrong, and everything he’d ever wanted in a partner
kasha took his time courting her, wanting to get to know her first and foremost before they made their relationship official, especially given everything they’d both gone through
these days, kasha is almost back to his normal, goofy self, all of which he has sabrina to thank for
he still very much fights, finding that the money he brings in from it is enough to keep him going until the next match
kasha still isn’t used to being enhanced and doesn’t think he ever will be, but slowly he’s coming to terms with it
overall, he’s just a very chill guy with a laid back personality 
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balkanradfem · 2 years
So, I wasn’t gonna write about this, because this makes me look like disaster, but I promise, this is not my usual work. Usually I am just fine on my own for like, decades, not requiring any medical assistance. But this is the story about how I ended up in the ER and had some adventures in there.
Now don’t worry, I am completely fine and up to my usual shenanigans, the incident is minimal, I am already making plans to ignore medical advice and do weird things to the injury because I feel like I’m the authority on this.
So, I was at work, having a good time, being careless, listening to music, and I was using a sharp tool for the first time, that I didn’t realize would possibly be dangerous (it had a big razor on it which I thought would never do me any harm). By the matter of chance, I was distracted and one of my hands stumbled into the other, and that hand was holding the sharp tool, and the sharp tool cut into the back of my hand. And I barely felt it, I need to clarify, it happened so fast there was no pain. If I didn’t see it I wouldn’t have known.
But, as it was, I was staring at the layers of my skin that I did not enjoy seeing, and my brain went ‘we watched some medical shows and they all said you need to stop the bleeding’, and I agreed with that. The back of my hand was cut into deep and the injury was too big for a plaster to cover, so, I put a bit of a paper towel on it, then I found a day-pad and glued it on top, so it couldn’t bleed. Then I also put on a very tight plastic glove, which kept my injury completely suppressed, and I felt like I’ve done a great job! Bleeding was stopped.
Then I went on with my work, thinking about what to do next; I still had about two hours to do, and then I maybe would, or wouldn’t, go to the ER. The arguments in my head went like this: This wound extremely likely needs stitching. Well I could do that on my own at home. But I don’t have the correct string and I could get it infected. I could also not stitch it and then it would heal all wrong and leave a scar. But, maybe scars are sexy? Would I not be happy to have a scar if it ensured I get a girlfriend more easily? But then I thought, wait, would I prefer my future girlfriend to leave a scar on her body so I would like her more? No, I would definitely not want that. I’d want her to take care of herself the maximum amount and I’d love her regardless of scars. So, its been concluded, I’m going to get it stitched. My friend, who I texted the picture of the injury, also told me to go.
I got done with my work and biked to the ER, and I got told to sit in the yellow chair, and this is where the true adventure started. This is when I saw some stuff. It was not a busy day by any means, it was Saturday late afternoon, there were maybe 3 other people sitting there. But also, when I looked around, I noticed a stretcher with what I could only describe as a ‘dead person’ on it. She was old, pale and unmoving, she wasn’t breathing. I stopped looking around, feeling like maybe I shouldn’t have seen that. Then I looked at the other situation; there’s a m*n with a heavy limp in there, obviously something with his foot is injured. But right after I saw that, I saw another person heavily limping in the same way, but he was in scrubs, he was an employee. It seemed like this limp is contagious.
Then a team of people start carting the pale dead-looking woman into a room, and the label above said ‘Reanimation Room’. I’m like, no way. At the same time, I hear yelling and screaming from the room opposite of that one. “What happened? Can you see me? LOOK AT ME! WHAT HAPPENED! TALK TO ME!” and it keeps getting louder.
I’m sitting in there with my gloved hand feeling like I’m very low priority, and then a dude starts wandering down the hallway, looking around both confused and pale like he’s seen a ghost, and he’s holding, a bag of blood in his hand. He’s not holding it high above so this blood could potentially be getting into his system, no, it’s barely off the ground. I look away, feeling like I also shouldn’t have seen that. He eventually goes away.
The reanimation room opens. The previously dead person on the stretcher is now having a conversation looking like nothing happened. My jaw drops. That looked unreal.
‘Those medical shows were not lying’ I think to myself. ‘This is exactly what they said it was like. Greys anatomy is so right. I hope a bomb doesn’t explode somewhere’.
I got my turn in maybe an hour, and I got stitched up quickly, I refused anesthetic because I had a bad reaction to it once, and then they also wanna vaccinate me for tetanus, and I’m like YES PLEASE I love that option, and I think maybe they were a little surprised to see someone so eager to be vaccinated but I just love being impervious to damage. So I get two shots and only afterwards I realize I need to pay for the vaccinations which was a bummer but I’ve been working extra this month so I can afford it.
All the way home all I could think of was ‘Now I can’t have the tragic death of Dean Winchester’ since I just got immune to it. This would have saved Dean, he should have gotten this vaccine. It’s really easy too, you just show up with any injury and they wanna vaccinate you.
I got tons of directions of how I have to go get my bandages changed, how I need to get to my doctor to get the stitches out, how I should be started on some antibiotics, but I have no intentions of doing any of that (not that I condone my own behaviour) because it would take effort and money and I subtly let them know I do plan on just submerging my hand into some plantain infusion (the herb that speeds up wound healing) and then take the stitches out myself, and they were like ‘well do what you want we just need to legally say this stuff’.
Now because I’m smart, I know I can’t go submerge my hand immediately and it needs to do some deep-tissue recovery first, because plantain actually makes wounds heal so quickly, if you apply it to the outer layers of the skin, they will heal so fast the body will not be able to extract any dust or foreign matter from inside the wound. This is why naturally, bodies heal their wounds from inside out, so nothing foreign would get trapped in. As soon as my wound gets a bit more shallow, it’s fair game to submerge it in plantain solution, then it’s going to get healed in no time.
I was told I’m going to have some scarring so I will get a souvenir to remember this by! My hand right now looks so creepy, like some Frankenstein shit happened in there, I already ditched the bandages because they were irritating the wound, rubbing against it and making it hurt, but I put some soft cotton on it and secured it with tape so the wound is well protected and dry. I’ve also completely forgotten about the vaccination and started drinking elderberry syrup the next day, but I had zero reaction, meaning all of this cutting and vaccine just had no effect whatsoever on my immunity, which is cool.
My disadvantages are that I can’t do anything to do with water, like washing the dishes, or my hair, or taking a good shower or a bath, because making the wound wet would increase the chances of infection, so I’m just going to be a bit gross until this heals. I am more than anything extremely amused at how fun it was to go get stitched up, and how the ER is a completely wild place where you can just see anything on a Saturday afternoon.
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mixsethaddams · 2 years
When He Loved Me. 59226 words. Completed.
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Ignore typos for clear skin.
Everything Steve had thought about his future came crashing down over the course of less than an hour. There was no fighting or screaming, which honestly Steve thought he might have preferred. Fight for me Eddie please god keep loving me his insides screamed but he knew that he didn’t deserve it. Instead, the pair spoke calmly, evenly, about what they should do next. They sat at opposite ends of the couch and they measured their responses because even though Steve wanted it to be loud and messy, Eddie just looked tired.
They had spent a couple of months before that point dancing around the reason why they had stopped touching while they slept, stopped being so enthusiastic when the other got home after work, until one day it was too obvious to ignore. It had become more than an angry slip of the tongue that couldn’t be forgotten no matter how hard they tried and no matter how much they tried to bury it. It was a boulder between them that made them stop just short of touching each other on the arm when they spoke, or stopped their smile from reaching their eyes when they made jokes together. It wasn’t until it was staring them right in the face yet again, thanks to a flier in the mail, and if one of them didn’t say it out loud, it would eat them both alive.
“This isn’t working anymore, is it?”
“No. No, it’s not.”
Steve was the one to move out because of course he was. Neither of them said it but it was him that caused this. They both knew it. Steve was too embarrassed to admit it. Eddie was too polite. He’d called Robin and offered to pay rent for her spare room which she would refuse to take even though Steve insisted. Eddie went to stay back with his uncle for a few days. Give him space to pack up his things, there would be no arguments over who owned what. The more Steve packed away the more he realised how different their tastes were, but he still thought it all fit together so well.
They had spent three beautiful years together. The each knew the other’s favourite weather, predicted how they’d react to a new movie in the theatre or song on the radio, found the curves of each other’s bodies in the dark and knew what noises they’d make when they touched right there. They could feel their way to paradise without even saying a word. They didn’t need to speak, they knew what the other liked, wanted. They’d know each other blind. Steve was new to basically everything that came with this relationship, but Eddie was a great guide. Patient, gentle, reassuring. Everything Steve had never had and everything he wanted now.
When Steve had nightmares, Eddie knew the right things to say to soothe him back to sleep. He would take him in his arms and pull him close, right into the crook of his neck, and whisper sweet promises of how bright the morning would be. Steve would rarely wake up screaming anymore, but he would shake violently into consciousness gasping for air. He’d be flailing and trying to reach for a weapon, so sure that they needed to go rescue someone. Eddie was always right there to grab him and hold him. Steve would breath in deeply while his boyfriend cooed his reassurances, drinking in the smell of Eddie’s skin. Sweat and cigarettes and the awful scented candles the record store he worked at would burn.
Whenever Eddie would have a flashback to his time in the Upside Down, Steve would remind him that Vecna was gone and couldn’t hurt him anymore, couldn’t hurt any of them anymore. Eddie cried in his sleep sometimes, some distant part of him remembering how it felt to be trapped there, but Steve knew how to help him. Softly. Always softly. Anything too fast or that wasn’t whisper-gentle would make him wake up in a panic. Steve had perfected calming him while he was still sleeping. He’d scoop Eddie’s long hair into his hands and hold it away from his face as he kissed his jawline while he spoke truths of how much he loved him against his pulse. The whines would slowly subside and Eddie would become peaceful as he relaxed under Steve’s touch.
It was bliss, for a while. But it was, Steve thought, ignorant. It was never built to last
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Ignore typos for clear skin.
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paisholotus · 2 years
𝓒𝓱. 7
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Today the Quileutes was coming over, to have dinner with the Wilton family. To say Nae and Lea was nervous about having them over was an over statement. They hoped that their family would make a good impression.
"Okay, everybody, please be on your best behavior. Please keep your etiquette in mind." Their mother said, focusing her attention on Aaron and Lea, the family troublemakers. Knowing Nae don't speak unless she is spoken to.
Aaron and Lea mumbled an ok, and their mom rolled her eyes. Aaron carried the plates and sliver ware to the table. While Nae and Lea placed down the dishes.
Jacob's pov
Everyone was getting ready to go over to Nae's house, to have have dinner with her family. And I was anxious, but I pushed my emotions aside and told myself that I wouldn't screw this up. In the mirror, I checked out my clothes, which consisted of a long black sweater and black jeans. I grabbed the carved wolf bracelet I made for Nae. I hope she likes it, I hope I'm not going to fast with her. Considering I haven't been interested with another woman since Bella. I grimaced at the thought of her, and them blood suckers have put me through alot of shit. Me and Nae have been on three dates, since our first one. She genuinely makes me happy.
Before leaving my room, I took one last look at myself and walked downstairs to see Emily and Leah cooking for them.
"Do you think they'll like it, Jake" I looked at glass baking dish that she placed on the counter, and the tablet screen, which read roasted strawberry crumble. "I think they'll like it, Em." I hugged her on the side, and carried the dish to the car.
"He should stop moping around like a lost puppy now that he's found a girlfriend." Paul said, laughing with Jared. I gave him a irritated glare. "Paul, Jared, please stop teasing Jacob. You should be happy for him. Not everybody is able to find someone to make them happy." Emily said, with a smile.
Paul muffled an sorry. Which shocked me because he never apologizes. "Don't get used to it." he said, quickly when he saw my smirk.
Seth burst out laughing and hugged him from the side. "Well, Embry and I are both proud of you, bro." Quil said.  With Embry nodding eagerly. We finished getting ready, and carried everything to the car. Emily smiled at me, giving me a hug. "okay, we'll be leaving shortly. Go tell Embry to come down, Jake."
She turned to Sam and said to him, "I hope everything goes well." He nodded, saying a quiet "me too."
Embry's pov
I was finishing my hair in the shower. I wanted to make an good impression when I saw Lea again. Even though we only been on two dates, I felt overwhelmed by everything happening too quickly.
I realized she was no girl I ever met before. I mean I've had plenty of crushes on girls at school, but I was never the out going type, to ask someone out. To me I thought she was one of those pretty girls that wouldn't give me the time of day, but once I got to know her, we have so much in common. She's sweet, outgoing, funny, smart, she has the cutest laugh I've ever heard. She's the complete opposite of me, but that's why I like her.
That's when my mood sank, what if I mess up? What if she realizes I'm no good for her. I mean out of all the pack, I don't really think I'm the best looking one. I-i don't know I just want things to work between us. I asked Jake if I should bring her something, and he said he made Nae a carved wolf bracelet. It took me a couple hours beforehand to think of what to get Lea, and I remembered she told me she loved flowers. So I got her favorite, blue hibiscus flowers. Emily and Leah grow them out back, Emily likes planting Vegetables and flowers. She's notorious for her green thumb, lord knows Sam can't keep something alive to save his life.
I took a deep breath to try to calm my nerves, so I can think positive. I can't think negative all the time, maybe Lea actually likes me for me. It's her chocolate brown eyes, that stare into to mine that makes me feel all giddy. My thoughts were disturbed when Jake knocked on my door.
"We're ready to go. You should come on, so we don't be late." I signed and shut the door behind me before following him down the stairs. Everyone was outside waiting for me and Jake, then all of sudden that nervousness came back. Jake noticed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "chill out, Embry. You'll do just fine." He said, giving a reassuring nod.
I nodded and got into Sam's truck. Which had me, Jake, Emily, and, Quil. While Billy's truck had Jared, Paul, Leah and Seth. I looked at Lea's flowers as we pulled off leaving, heading to their house.
Nae and Lea checked themselves in the mirror one last time, before looking at each other and chuckled. "Damn, didn't think I'll be here. Actually having the boys we're seeing have dinner with our family. Has Jacob even asked you to be his girlfriend yet?" Lea asked, Nae.
Nae sat beside Lea on the couch and shook her head, smiling a little bit. "Has Embry asked you yet?" She asked, Lea. Lea shook her head and held her hands in her lap. They sat in comfortable silence before Lea spoke again. "You and Jacob look good together. " She told, Nae. Nae blushed, looking at at her younger sister. "Really?" Lea nodded, sitting closer to Nae, grabbing one of her hands. "I really like him, he ain't like any of the other boys I've dated. He's sweet, kind, funny. We have the same music taste, that man listens to R&B." Nae hit Lea's leg with a big smile on her face, but it fell a little bit. When she realized something.
"But he's been hurt before. And I just wanna be good enough for him." Nae said, sadly. Lea leaned over and kissed Nae's cheek, "You are good enough. Anyone would be lucky to have you." Lea said, proudly. Nae smiled and mumbled a small thanks.
"You and Embry look good too." Nae said. Lea confidently crossed her arms and said, "yeah, I know." Nae smacked her teeth, and playfully shoved Lea.
"THEY'RE HERE!" Aaron yelled. Nae and Lea looked at each other and signed. "Welp, let's get this over with." Walking out the living to go greet their dinner guest.
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bippot · 8 months
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On The Same Paige
Story Summary -> Jake is preppy and charismatic and dumb and talkative, which is the complete opposite of Beth's niece. Why do they work so well together then?
Tags -> Opposites Attract, Dorks in Love, Love at First Sight, Fluff, Shyness
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Jake was a generally happy go lucky guy. People often told him he was like the human version of a golden retriever but he'd grown up with one and, in his experience, Starsky was a really intelligent and well behaved pup so he didn't think of himself that way.
The dog he felt that suited his personality the best was a beagle. He was fast and friendly and, though he wasn't traditionally smart, he was really skilled in one particular area - hunting for beagles, and racing for Jake - and who doesn't want to have the same personality as Snoopy?
He had an awesome life. He was living his childhood dream. He was a god damn NASCAR driver! He lived in a really nice apartment. He had enough money to make sure his family lived comfortably, and had plenty left over to spend on useless little trinkets that had no purpose other than making him smile. Like, his collection of Hot Wheels would make any little boy jump with joy and that's so sick!
And as of five months ago, he had a girlfriend. That was a big change for him. None of his other romances had ever lasted that long. It was a change, that was for sure, but a good one. If Jake was honest, he'd always be more sad and self-pitying than he let people see whenever his previous relationships fell apart.
For as long as he could remember, he wanted someone to share the good life with. And after so many false starts, he was so surprised when Y/N stuck around. He was planning to keep her around as long as humanly possible, if she was willing to.
They'd met when Beth gave her niece a tour around Bobby Spencer Racing one day. Y/N had just moved to the area and her aunt was forcing her to spend as much time together as possible. Beth hadn't let Jake know that someone was accompanying her that day, so he had not been prepared for the most intimidatingly beautiful woman he'd ever seen to be introduced to him on one random work day.
Y/N walked right in with a leather jacket and completely stoic face, her combat boots making a slight echo in the garage as she strode across the concrete floor, and Jake was drooling. He'd always had a big boner for two fictional characters - Trinity from The Matrix and Belle from Beauty and the Beast - and he'd soon come to find out that Y/N was a mix of the two.
On the outside, she was Trinity. Lots of black. Leather. Tiny sunglasses perched on the top of her head. She looked like she owned clothes with a lot of straps and corsets and safety pins. But on the inside, she was a lot softer. She was quiet, not because she was rude or uncouth but because she was shy, and was far more likely to be found in a reading nook than out at a goth rave.
If Jake was like a dog, Y/N definitely was like a cat. She even owned a British shorthair and he could see the similarities between pet and owner.
"Am I dreaming?" He mumbled to himself but said it far too loud and both women picked up on it. Beth nudged him and pointedly shook her head to discourage him from whatever flirting was about to fall from his lips so he settled for a happy "Hi, I'm Jake."
"I'm Y/N."
Everyone else had only received a wave. Jake had gotten two whole words out of her. Beth was astonished. Y/N sometimes would still be all quiet around members of her family that she'd known since she was born, yet she'd chosen to speak to a famous pro athlete within seconds of meeting him. With Y/N's disposition and Jake's fame, Beth never would've expected that.
And she never would've expected that her niece continued to speak to him either. At lunch, Beth left Y/N for two minutes to yell at Kevin for something stupid he'd done and she came back to find the pair chatting away. Well, Jake was mostly doing the chatting but Y/N contributed the occasional hum or laugh or affirmative comment.
Why not give them some alone time? Beth retreated back into Kevin's office and watched through his blinds at what was unfolding before her.
What Beth didn't know, however, was that Jake had charmed Y/N enough that she gave him her phone number. He immediately added it into his phone and started a text chat. Then, they began calling each other every chance they got. One date was arranged. That went well. Then a second. A third. Fourth. Fifth... on and on. They soon got to the point where Jake spent more time at her home than his own.
His coworkers didn't know the extent of his relationship with Y/N, but Jake had been acting like such a lovesick idiot - more of an idiot than usual - that they assumed that things were going well. Beth frequently grilled her pal with so many questions, yet he stayed tight-lipped because he knew Y/N was a private person and he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
As a teen, Jake had been a jock who was prom king, captain of the soccer team, and spent his weekends at whatever party he could find. Y/N had been one of the emo kids who had her nose in a book and earphones glued into her head.
Even the way they dressed was so vastly different. Jake liked yellow and baseball caps and workout gear. Y/N was more accustomed to messy eyeliner and leather jackets with patches on them and combat boots. She thought he looked adorable. He thought she looked badass.
It was Taylor Swift with a side of Metallica. Cars. The Evil Dead. Arthur the Aardvark. Are You Afraid of the Dark? They were very different people. So, how the hell did they end up together? And why were they still going strong?
As soon as Jake used his key and walked into her house, he knew Y/N was around somewhere. Her shoes were neatly placed in the foyer and her jacket hung up on a hook. It was no surprise when he found her on the couch, sitting criss-cross applesauce with her nose in the book she'd been reading in bed the night before.
"Hey, pretty girl," he greeted, walking to the back of the couch and leaning down to kiss her temple. She smiled up at him, the light in her eyes bright and kind. He felt his throat tighten at the sight of her.
"Hiya, Jakey," she replied. "Did you have a good day?"
"It's better now I'm with you."
Yes, it was one of his lines. It was cheesy. And he'd said it to women before, but those times he'd been trying to charm the pants off them. With Y/N, it was true. Her cheeks still got a shade or two pinker, though, and that was the desired reaction.
Sitting in the corner of the couch, he opened his arms wide and waited for her to crawl in and nestle her head on his shoulder. Like always, it didn't take long. Her head fit against his collarbone as if they were sculpted to perfectly go together.
Ozzy, Y/N's cat, was joining the embrace in no time. It had taken him a while to grow to like Jake. Hell, the first time Jake came into contact with the sour puss, Ozzy scratched a few shallow cuts into Jake's cheek. After so long, now they'd come to a truce.
"Hey, Oz. How you doing, buddy?" Jake cooed, stroking behind the cat's ear until he began to purr. "You miss me?"
The cat's reply was a little nip on the hand. "I'm going to take that as a yes."
Presumably as an apology, Ozzy licked at the two little tooth holes he'd just made - or maybe he was savouring the drip of Jake's blood - and hit Jake in the face with his tail before jumping to the floor and running under the kitchen table.
"Ozzy might not have, but did you miss me, baby?" He asked, brushing some hair off Y/N's forehead with gentle fingertips.
"Always do," she replied, closing her book and placing it off to the side so he'd get her full attention. He leaned in, closing the tiny gap between them into an even tinier gap, and nudged his nose into hers affectionately.
"How much did you miss me?" He asked, his voice a little deeper than usual.
Whenever he sounded like that, it made her pulse do funny things. Especially when he let his hand rest on the side of her neck, his thumb rubbing back and forth over her jaw line.
"A lot," she admitted, her voice getting a bit breathier than intended.
"Yeah?" He let out a huff of air. "Then where is my 'welcome home, Jake, I missed you so much' kiss? The one I'm dying for?"
Y/N tilted her head up so she could place a sweet peck on his cheek. Clearly, that quick press wasn't enough since Jake got a hold of her chin and held her in place so she could shy away from the big, sloppy smooch he planted on her lips.
"I missed you too, baby," he said before going back in for another kiss that Y/N gladly reciprocated. She melted against him, her body soft and pliant for hands to roam over, his fingers finding their way underneath her t-shirt to rest on her bare skin.
After a few minutes of being pressed up against him, she pulled back and broke the kiss. "Are you going out tonight?" Y/N asked, her voice muffled by the way he was chasing her lips with his.
"Kev did say that some of the crew were meeting at The Pit Stop later on. But, I wanna spend my night with you."
"I'd like that, but are you sure you don't-"
He stopped her before she could go on. "I'm sure, beautiful," he said, leaning in to kiss her again. "I wanna be glued to you all night long."
That sounded nice. Yet, she knew he was an extrovert. He used to go out clubbing and hang out with his buddies and do all kinds of things. Ever since he'd met her, they'd spent a lot of their time at home, just with each other for company.
"What if I came with you?"
"To The Pit Stop?"
"Yeah, would you like that?"
"Yeah, I'd like that," he beamed, his entire face lighting up. "Are you sure you want to go with me? You don't have to-"
"I want to go."
With Y/N on his arm, Jake spent the evening getting a beer or two with his coworkers and Beth would come to realise how the couple worked as she watched them interact.
Throughout the evening, Y/N spoke a bit more. And then a bit more. She kept tucked into Jake's side as his coworkers asked her so many questions but she answered them all without cowering away or clamming up. If anyone happened to take a peek under the table, they'd see Jake's thumb rubbing comforting circles in Y/N's palm any time she was pulled into a conversation.
Then, the moment some of the crew went up for refills and less eyes were on them, Jake was giving Y/N a soft kiss on the temple and whispering, "You're doing so good," against her skin.
"You think?" Y/N asked, her voice hushed.
"I know, sweetheart."
Her cheeks reddened and she tried to push his head away, but Jake wasn't having it. He got a hold of her waist and tugged her into a hug, attacking her cheek with a bout of mushy kisses until she was a giggly mess.
"Stop it, Jakey. Stoooop," she whined, although it was half-hearted and she was smiling through it. He stopped so he didn't make her uncomfortable with all the PDA, but couldn't help the way his fingers were itching to gently tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.
So, he did exactly that and was rewarded with the sight of Y/N's big, round lovesick eyes looking right at him. "Thank you," she said softly.
"For what?"
"For making this less scary."
"Anytime, baby," he replied, giving her another quick kiss on the temple.
From the bar, Kevin nudged Beth at the display and muttered, "That's disgusting."
"Disgustingly cute!" Beth giggled and punched Kevin in the bicep. "Y/N always was a lonely kid, this is a nice change."
"Yeah, at least we don't have to worry about getting him STD checked every other month now," Kevin joked, getting another hit for that comment. "Ow! Ow, watch how hard you hit me with those man hands of yours! I have sensitive skin, you know!"
Y/N nodded her head in the direction of her aunt. "Are they a thing?" She asked Jake, having noticed the pair huddled together.
"No. Not yet."
"But they will be?"
"Yeah, once Kevin gets the balls to fess up."
Eventually, the group outing fizzled out for the night and everyone went home. Their confusion about whatever was going on in Jake's personal life completely figured out as they'd endured how content and relaxed he looked in Y/N's presence.
Despite how different they were, it was impossible now to see them as sole beings. They were a pair, and it was clear that Jake had been waiting for a day like this to come to fruition. A day where he'd finally found someone to exist in the metaphorical passenger's seat in the vehicle that is called life.
*Click here for my Adrian Chase masterlist (including Jake Martin and Jeffrey Steinberg), or here for the entire masterlist*
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darkjanet2 · 1 year
Drusilla's Soul Ch. 29
JapaNews 24 2:30 PM 
"We interrupt this program with the news that there has been a very ominous red sky over Japan. The skies have been blackened by large quantities of smoke being seen over Tokyo." The anchorman's voice crackled through the speakers in an apparent attempt to make the news more exciting. "The cause of these dark clouds is unknown at present, but it is believed that they are an attack made against the nation. There has also been a strange event here in the city today. We have Lena Kamamoto here in Shibuya reporting on it." 
A woman in her 30s appeared on the screen, holding her hand out for the microphone as she spoke. "I am standing outside on the main street where Shibuya Station used to be. And the sky is truly red like blood, not just from the pollution. But it seems like it came from above the buildings," she gestured upward. 
"There is nothing visible in the sky to suggest that something like this is happening," continued the anchorwoman, who was now trying to sound more upbeat. "There are no signs of danger in the air. However, police have been called for in the area. All citizens should stay indoors while they investigate.''
In the next part, they filmed the man with a dog and told them about the situation.
"I was walking with my dog down the main streets when I heard Akemi barking," he said. "And then this thing happened, when I looked up the sky seemed darker than before. At first, I thought maybe it was fire pollution, but it wasn't. The red sky was enveloped by thick, red clouds as a huge red cloud had fallen right onto Shibuya. There is no sun. The sky was completely red, and all around me was chaos. The people were screaming and running around, calling for help, but they couldn't seem to get any. No one could see what was happening in the red sky. I saw people diving under their desks and behind trashcans to hide from whatever was happening."
*Back to Lena*
"It is terrifying to think that this might be an attack. The red sky is such a stark contrast from everything else we've seen today," Lena said into the mic. Her face was a bit pale but still managed to show some excitement. "We're going to keep our eyes peeled. If you see anything suspicious, please call us immediately, or if you feel threatened, please evacuate as fast as possible. If anyone can tell me what is going on in that red sky, please do. Thank you."
*At Blade and Whistler's vacation home*
Disappointed, Whistler shook his head slightly and turned off the TV. The television reporter's report hadn't been much better. It sounded like it had been fabricated to scare the people away from the place; they had only heard what she wanted them to hear because it was obvious that she had been ordered to make sure it sounded authentic. 
"Ugh, I can't believe they did that!" said Whistler angrily as he flopped back into the chair. He rubbed his hands across his face and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees and stare moodily at the floor. Blade got off the chair and walked to the window. He stared out silently, listening to the sounds outside. As much as he hated what was happening to the world, he still felt somewhat responsible for bringing it to this point, but he didn't know how to fix it. His plans had always relied heavily on the element of surprise. In this case, though, it didn't seem like that plan was going to work out. He needed to make sure that it wouldn't go too wrong again. This time, it would be different. It had to be. He needed to make sure of it. He hoped that somehow, somewhere, someway… he'd figure out how this whole mess started…
"What do you think was happening, Blade? Why does the sky look so odd?" asked Whistler suddenly. Blade shrugged his shoulders as he replied. "Who knows?" He walked over to Whistler, leaned against the wall opposite him, and crossed his arms. "But whatever it was, it probably wasn't good."
Whistler sighed, "Yeah, I don't think I'll ever get used to the fact that the sky is fucking red now. I mean, the vampires will be able to move around the broad daylight! Hell, they could even hunt during the day!" He exasperatedly threw his hands up in the air. "I want those bastards gone!" He fell silent after that, staring at his feet. 
Blade remained quiet as well, his eyes focused on Whistler. He knew exactly why Whistler had been so upset. He could feel it in the air. They both knew that this whole thing would be extremely dangerous if things went as planned. It was bad enough that they already had a target on their backs, but if they screwed this up… Well, there was no telling what the consequences would be. 
Blade took a deep breath, "So, we need to come up with a way to distract whoever it is. Or better yet, someone we can control…"He trailed off, thinking. After a few seconds of silence, his eyes narrowed slightly and he glanced over at Whistler. "How about you try to contact your friends?" he suggested.
"With whom?" asked Whistler.
"Tai and the other kids. Maybe if we can get everyone together, we can try to reason with Angelus." Blade looked away as he spoke. "Tai, especially, would be the best to start with, since he's the oldest, most experienced fighter we have, along with his friends." 
"What if they can say no?" asked Whistler.
"They won't." Blade frowned. "Besides, it won't hurt to try. Tai is a very brave kid, which makes him even harder to convince. And you know they have Digimon."
Whistler nodded his agreement. "Okay, I'm going to call Tai right now." 
*At Kamiya Residence*
"So, Izzy, anything's going on outside?" he asked through his smartphone as soon as he got Izzy and Whistler on the line. He sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote. "Any news about the red sky?"
"Yes, but I'm not entirely sure where the red sky comes from. I found some old files online saying that the red sky is formed apocalyptic. That's what the red cloud covering the sun is doing, I guess. Anyway, I don't know how it works." Izzy paused for a moment, clearly concerned. "But if you want to know more about the sky, I think that maybe I can find out who caused this."
"You mean, Angelus is the one who's behind this whole thing?" asked Whistler. Izzy gave a short nod, "Yes, definitely. I have a terrible feeling about what's he up to. I really wish I'd gotten more information from him before all this shit hit the fan."
"Whistler, are the vampires able to walk around in broad daylight?" asked Tai.
"Well, yeah, apparently so. You know how they can't stand sunlight, right? They must have created this shroud to shield themselves from the sun," explained Whistler. "Then they must have developed this special kind of technology. Something that allows them to use the power of the sun to protect themselves from light and heat. That's what I'm guessing anyways. So, if they're able to move through the daylight, then I doubt that it would make much difference whether they could see the sun."
"The Shroud... So that's why they built this machine. Because they knew that it would give them protection from sunlight," concluded Tai, sounding thoughtful. "We need to destroy this somehow."
"Yeah, I agree. How do we do that, though? What do we do to take care of that?" asked Whistler. He paused, considering the question carefully, "Do we want to expose the vampires in Japan?"
"No, we can't let that happen," replied Tai. "If the people learn that the vampires were hiding here all along, then the world will be in danger!"
"Then we better get moving, before they decide to do something terrible," said Whistler.
"Right, let's meet back here in an hour. I'll get Kari and the others together to come up with a plan. Until then, just be careful." said Tai.
"Got it." With that, the phone line went dead.
Angelus waited at the lab patiently while the three vampires in lab coats worked on the computers, studying the data they gathered thus far. He listened intently as they discussed their results and theories about the red sky. He was interested; they weren't wrong in any way, at least, not when he considered the situation. The world was getting darker every second, with the red skies constantly shifting in color; sometimes bright red, like the sky itself, almost blinding. Everything in the entire world was changing.
Soon, the old scientist in the vamp face came out of the lab room. "All done," he told Angelus, carrying a potion filled with black liquid in each hand. "I made this to help you regain your health. It'll replenish your energy significantly if you drink it."
Angelus grabbed the knife from the table and cut his own hand to bleed, "This better be work."
He took the potion from the scientist's hands and drained it slowly, ignoring the burning sensation in his throat. When he drank all the potion, his hand stopped bleeding and healed rapidly. He clenched and unclenched his hand a couple of times to test its strength. Satisfied, he smiled evilly at the scientist. "This stuff is amazing. And I like the taste of black cherry."
"This mixture of blood and demon blood can regenerate broken bones and repair torn muscles," replied the scientist. Additionally, it helps heal wounds and burns."
"I bet it does," chuckled Angelus. "And I bet this stuff will really help me keep my strength up. Thanks for your hard work."
The scientist grinned widely. "My pleasure, Master Angelus. I will pack up your potions as soon as possible."
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