#she realy doesn't like her full name
gumnut-logic · 2 months
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You asked for a sequel, you got one.
This is ship. Oh so much ship in such a small handful of words. If you don't like m/f romance, this isn't your fic. If you do, then good luck, because there are only 700-odd words and I might have sprained a writing muscle cos these words are...well, I'll let you form your own opinion.
Virgil Tracy/Cass McCready
I hope you enjoy.
Soft lips on his forehead.
Fingers brushing gently through his hair.
A whisper. “Thank god for you, Tracy.”
Virgil pushed his heavy eyelids open and the white fuzz of the world bit into his retinas.
The fingers paused in his hair. Fingertips touched his cheek. “Tracy? You with me?”
His throat clogged with barbed tumbleweeds, but he managed to blink his eyes and force them to focus.
She smiled at him and it lit up her eyes. “Hey.”
He loved her smile.
Her fingers brushed through his hair again as his brain finally booted and updated him on the fact he was in hospital.
And Jeremy had fallen through a window.
“Jer-“ The tumbleweeds clawed at his windpipe and he coughed, shaking what was apparently a body in pain underneath whatever he was high on.
She cupped his cheek. “Jeremy is fine. Thanks to you.”
Another smile. “Scott did warn me.” She straightened and walked around the edge of the bed and disappeared beyond a blue curtain.
Scott? What?
The soft hiss of hoverjets and both Jeremy and Russell hurried into the room. “Virgil!”
Jeremy may not have had Gordon’s blond curls, but the five-year-old had more in common with his fish brother than Virgil did. The little rapscallion darted over and for a moment Virgil thought he was going to leap onto the bed.
“Gentle now, Jer, Virgil is injured.”
For a moment that energy in his eyes dulled. “He’s going to get better, though, isn’t he? Not like Russell?”
Cassandra stepped up between her two sons, a hand dropping to each shoulder, squeezing Jeremy’s. “Virgil will get better.” She leant over and kissed Russell’s tight curls. “And your brother is getting better at walking. He just needed the ‘chair today.”
Virgil blinked again, cursing the fog in his head.
The eight-year-old looked up at his mother. “It’s fine, Mum.”
Virgil swallowed. Russell was the eldest of the two boys, but he had suffered an injury in the fire that had taken the children’s father several years ago. Russell reminded him of John. All the smarts and the determination. Not so much for space, though. Russell wanted to build things.
“Thank you for saving me, Virgil.” Jeremy’s wide, dark eyes stared up at him from beside the bed.
He looked so much like his mother.
Virgil hacked through the bramble in his throat. “Y-You’re welcome.”
Little fingers intertwined with his.
Cassandra was smiling at him again.
“Okay, boys, go back to Gordon. I need to speak with Virgil.”
He loved it when she said his first name.
“Yes! Thunderbird Four rooooooocks!” Triumphant arm in the air, Jeremy dashed off, obviously none the worse for falling off a skyscraper.
Russell rolled his eyes and turned to follow his little brother. Hoverjets hissed out of the room.
Virgil found himself grinning.
“You know, I have my suspicions that you only asked me out because of my kids.”
His eyes widened and her smile became a laugh.
She leant in and kissed the corner of his mouth. “Don’t worry. I got a great deal.”
But then she was kissing him ever so softly and the fog became a pleasant haze.
He could have just existed there forever.
“Thank you for saving my son.”
He stared up into her dark, dark eyes. “Thank you.”
She smiled at him as if seeing something he was completely unaware of and loving it.
“I need to let your brothers in before they break down the door.” She straightened up, still smiling softly.
A slow blink and she turned, disappearing beyond the curtain again.
A clatter at the door and Alan burst in, almost as exuberant as Jeremy. John followed quietly with Grandma and Dad, questions about his health firing from all directions.
Virgil took the gentle hugs and the queries, but he was distracted by Cassandra stopping to speak to Scott at the door a moment before leaving.
He couldn’t see her face, but he could see his brother’s. Blue eyes flashed and he touched her shoulder briefly as she followed her boys out the door.
Virgil had all the questions, but as Scott turned towards him, his big brother only smiled.
Ever so proud.
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xmycxx · 9 months
Abby with a masc!reader
A/N: Whiel i love the trope of masc!abby x fem!reader, gotta say I'm more towards the masc side so I had to write this
sharing! CLOTHES
im sorry but can you imagine!! like you can borrow her clothes and shirts and she can borrow yours
personally i have a jacket that looks realy similar to her WLF one so most people can't tell who's clothes you're wearing at any time
depending on your style, you def end up slightly improving hers
she gives vibes that she wouldn't really care how she dressed as long as it was suitable and appropriate
if you dressed to the dark academia, prep for her stealing your sweaters, if you dress punk, yea you're never seeing that jacket again
i feel like she would be the type to go for femmes (or men if she wasn't gay yet) then you fucking showed up at this party, dressed to the nines in a black button up and trousers with chains and rings, charming as hell
and then you startt alking to her with that sweet smile, innocently putting your hand on her arm
she realized then and there that you are more charming and sweet than any man she could ever date
"Nice to meet you..." You trailed off, putting your hand forward for a handshake, lopsided smirk on your face as you waited for her to finish your sentence with her name.
"abby, my name is abby." She said in a lower tone of voice, clearing her throat. She winced immediately when she grabbed your hand with more strength than she thought, seeing your face change.
"Pleasure." You said, trying not to grin at the obvious effect you were having on her, the pain in your hand becoming dull as you watched her fumble.
you cannot tell me a masc doesn't care about their hair
if you had shorter hair, she woudl fuckin adore running her hands through it and seeing how short it was
if you ahd longer hair, she'd teach you how to braid it like hers
peak switch energy
ik most people say she's a top but have you seen this girl
a service top if i ever saw one
the rare time she bottoms is an absolute treat for you
i think she would secretely love the idea of being your housewife
like, imagine you came home from work to see her making dinner adn you make an innocent joke
"Damn," You said, grinning, dropping your bag to the ground before coming up behind her. "If i knew my housewife was waiting for me, would've come home sooner." It was meant to be a joke. You hid your smile by hiding your face in her back, not coming upto her full height. She took it more seriously, face breaking out into a blush as she ducked out of your eyesight. The nervous hitch in her breath was something she couldn't hide from you.
"Aww did that get you all flus-" "Shut up."
ik it's a drastic change but like dude, im a beanie girl and she would love the idea of using your beanies because she can still smell your shampoo on them
dates would be so funny bc she would wanna pay because she knows how to treat a girl
there are full blown arguments where the waiter is concerned y'all are gonna break up before even paying
eventually you settle that you'll just alternate it
I might write more for this if there are any prompts
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witchofthesouls · 8 months
I have this image of Jack standing next to Arcee as June introduces her new boyfriend, the Titan (insert name here). Jack was already mortified when he learned his mom was a robo-fucker. This is a humongous mech who turns into a space ship and a city. A cybertronian sized city! The teen is floping down on the base couch having a full on nervous breakdown trying to push away all questions he realy doesn't want to think about, let alone get the answers too.
Meanwhile you have the Autobots marveling over June becomeing the first new cityspeaker since before the war. Also just the Quintessions being active is Alarming™️.
Who knows what our unhinged Titan friend is going to do when he learns human lives are so short especially if he's got a personality that's part Ratchet's and part Optimus.
Jack is having a breakdown for entirely different reasons because the Cybertronian gods did a coin toss to see if June will have Megatron and his child at Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays or if she will plan Megatron's demise. They'll either get along like dynamite in a mine, someone will end up dead, or both.
He has no idea how it will turn out, but when his mom has a Project. It's hers.
And I meant it's June that has a personality between Ratchet and Orion Pax. Like every good hospital worker with shitty administration, she's very much a person who has Malicious Compliance embedded in her bones with the addition of spite, energy drinks, and hidden contraband somewhere you wouldn't expect under a serene smile and a spine of steel.
If you are her people, then she'll mother-hen the shit out of you. She's intense and she knows that. June has gotten better over the years in that aspect, but should a friend or family need help, she's there.
20/10 will drive you to your surgery at 4 am as a designated driver, terrify your shitty apartment managers into compliance, or help plan a massive heist to take back all the money your cheating lover has stolen over the years for their side piece(s). She's built on solid alibis and documentation, documentation, and oh documentation.
She made a nest of giant pillows in the garage for Arcee, and even partitioned it out to give the femme the privacy to be rest in her root-mode when June needs to use the clicker. And Jack uncovered the plans to target Airachnid, and he has no idea how to feel about it because he can tell that his mom is heavily utilizing the medical commentary from Ratchet, the details of the 'bots' exploits that Miko manages to wheedle out, and his own experiences with 'bot-eating parasites...
The unhinged Titan has found a match, but it's not romantic. Oh no, June Darby now has a life-long project to spruce it up. And said Titan is not only over the moon that its new favorite person with similar levels of devotion, but has a lineage with a son that looks so much like her. It was once a major research facility that dealt with xenobiology. It's not above looking into ways to expand their lifespans. Anything for their favorite. Anything. Even if it must lure the resident scientists to its bosom and trap them to make use of its repository of accumulated data.
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yanderehsr · 10 months
Hiya! So I saw your OC x Character thingy and decided to request, note that im not very good at making OCs so it might not be the best.
So basicaly his name is Aleron (It comes from latin and means the The winged one) he is a Pigeon Hybrid. He comes from a world/planet that Is full of diffrent types of Bird-Hybrids. It's full of vast forests and beatifull plains, from an outsider's point of view it looks like Paradise, but it doesn't take much to realise it's not as beatifull as it seems. This world's Society operates on a Class System, where Bird-Hybrids like Pigeons, Crows and Ravens are lower class Citizens, and legendery bird- like Hybrids (Like pheonixes etc.) Are at the top of the "foodchain". This Unfairnes and overall bad treatment from his "superiors" had coused Aleron to dream of leaving this World/planet and Traveling, meeting new people and cultures. Said Dream was unfullfilled for the longest time, until one Day The Astral Express had made a stop on his world. After learning who exactly they are, he practicaly begged them to let him join them. After some thought, the Astrall Express Crew had decided to agree on letting him join.
His is somewhat shy, not to the point where he Has problem talking with people, but he only realy opens up to people he knows he can trust. 
He usualy prefers to avoid crowded areas, he is insecure about his wings and thinks everyone is staring at them. (Forgot to mention he Has wings, sorry)
Due to personal expiriences, he despises people that consider themselfs superior to others. 
His hobby is cooking. He isn't super talented at it, but he knows how to make something Simple and good. It relaxes him and he Likes seeing people eat what he made.
As for his looks, he Has a short grayish hair and Brown eyes. He is on the shorter side of things. On his back is a small pair of Brown and White pigeon-like wings. They are too small to fly, but if the wind is just right he can glide. 
I don't realy know what character I want to be yandere for him, so I would prefer if you were the one to choose. Hope it's not a problem.
Well I Hope I didn't forget to write anything important needed for the request, if I did feel free to ignore this
Thanks for sending in a request, Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Venti: He loves Aleron's wings, he loves to pet and take care of them, there is one thing he hates about them tho, he hates that Aleron can glide away from him, Venti might be the archon of freedom but that freedom is limited to HIS side... please don't leave him alone.
It's probably great that Aleron can cook since Venti cannot, he will be superannoying about it and request food from Aleron at every opportunity he gets, mostly he requests apple pies, he loves apples.
Venti will sooner or later get paranoid about Aleron's ability to glide, who's to say that Aleron wont glide away from him, sure he hides the wings but that doesn't change that he has them, and even if Venti is the archon of Wind, that doesn't mean he controls all wind, so Venti takes Aleron away to somewhere safe, somewhere he has no chance to escape from, and Aleron is all his.
"Such pretty wings, in the wind I see you glide around in rings, you truly look sublime, how lucky of me that you're all mine"
Guinaifen: She forced herself into Aleron's life, whether he wants to or not, if he's doing something then she's doing that as well, if he goes somewhere then she follows, it's suffocating having her around, especially for someone like Aleron that is so shy.
On top of that, Guinaifen asks alot of questions about Aleron, about his childhood, his favorite foods and stuff like that, she just wants to know alot about her lover is that really so wrong... oh, she isn't one, well she doesn't care, she sees herself as his girlfriend so it's pretty much official.
Guinaifen will make Aleron be part of her videos, she wants to show off what her viewers cannot have, what is hers and hers alone, she also likes that he hides the wings, she wants to be the only one who knows about them, a little secret between Aleron and her.
"Such pretty wings, can I touch them... Hmmm, I'm gonna do it anyways"
Tried to do something poetic with Venti's voiceline... hope it wasn't too cringe😅
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sayakxmi · 10 months
[Magi reread] Night 24: Dungeon Capturer
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: ' )
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Huh. Weird. I wonder what does it mean.
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Darn, you ain't even pretending anymore. Also, fuck you.
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LMAO, wreck his shit, girl
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Oh no. How sad.
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Mhmmmm (also, yeah, I guess she was promoted recently.)
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Heh. Lmao.
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Household Vessel :)
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She looks really cool there.
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Also sick.
I kinda wanted to get these screens first before talking about it, but in general, this is the first time we get to see what a Dungeon Conqueror can realy do with their vessel. Not to mention the Household Vessel that we also know nothing about. In the anime Hakuei goes into full-body djinn equip, which, tbh, makes her look kinda bad in the end. I get the idea, but still. The fact that she's about to lose... And in the anime she was in the goddamn djinn equip... It looks neither good for her nor for the djinn equips in general, even if we later find out that power can literally make a hole through a mountain.
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Ok, actually, how much magoi do these two have? You get the impression that it wasn't that long, for the guy whose name I forgot sorry especially. I can sort of imagine Hakuei, cuz she actually summoned Paimon-shaped tornado, so that was big, but still. It feels like she doesn't have all that much of it.
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Well, shit.
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I hate to say it, but he kind of has a point. Like, Hakuei, plz. They really didn't make her look too good in this arc. Idealistic, but not very strong... about to get saved by a blue-haired kid with a magic flute... that sounds familiar, actually.
I kind of wish she'd met Alibaba, I wonder what would have happened.
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Oof. But, man, I forgot how violent it was. Tho, to be fair, I also didn't remember how violent the Dungeon Arc got, so it's just me not remembering it all. But I feel like this arc even moreso.
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Yea, that's kinda bad.
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THERE'S THAT BITCH (I love him). Honestly, kinda wild when you think about it, both Hakuei and Hakuryuu are trying to protect each other in any ways they can. I honestly really like that about the Ren Family in general. They're, aside from Hakuryuu, duh, fiercely loyal to each other. Well, their siblings/cousins I mean. But still, I like that about them.
Also, man, now I'm lowkey thinking that guy Ryosai I think. Man, dude. You have no fucking idea. You fucking moron. If you killed Hakuei, you would have ended up very, very badly. With the entire fam, tbh, but Hakuryuu especially. He's nuts, and he's about to fuck shit up so badly. You really thought you stood a chance against this guy. Killing Hakuei would've been a deathwish. You have no fucking idea, man.
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Don't try to harm the other siblings. It's a berserk button.
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Told ya!
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It's not one.
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This is a very serious moment, but it's kinda hilarious, too.
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Get wrecked, bitch.
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trashlie · 3 years
hnnng i’m still trying to process this- everyone knows yeonggis real name now, he’s alienating himself and he can’t even call himself nolan without getting flashbacks and associating the name with worthless 😭 why is he so insistent on cutting off his ties with everyone before something bad happens like he’s so big brained like that in his own eyes that he should just make everyone leave him aaaaaa
I don't want to like, alarm you, but things just keep getting sadder for a while lmao ;~;
But okay in a non-spoilery response to this, I CAN talk at great length about the extent of Nol's self-sabotaging - and more importantly, how it's literally so hardwired in his brain.
I'm going to use this timeline, although there's a chance it might be a little outdated, because it was done a year ago, but we can work with that. I also don't agree with everything in it but again this is just kind of to give us an idea about Nol's past, because that's realy integral to understanding why he is SO insistent on cutting people out.
The biggest takeaways are that:
Nol has absolutely been vilified at different points in his life
It's easy to assume that in these cases, it's easy for him to see his own fault (for instance, the fight that happened between him and Kousuke, could possibly have been instigated, but because he'd have had an act in it, it's easy for Nol to believe he's at fault
Kousuke has spent his life demanding the name Nol and making Nol believe that he himself is worthless
He's ALSO convinced Nol he was a mistake and repeats this EVEN NOW (overheard on the phone the night before Nol's hearing when he reached out to him)
His own father is verbally abusive and degrades him at every opportunity
We don't even know the full extent of Yui's damage but we know it's deeply psychological based on how Nol reacts to her in abject fear.
We don't know yet if Nol was sent to a mental institution of juvie - both have been hinted at. (We've also got hints that Nol tried to kill himself, which has always made me think a mental institution, but remember when Nol met with his lawyer, he told him he'd have to complete "another rehabilitation program to help with your anger" which feels more connected to the fight with Kousuke. Knowing how Kousuke used to talk to Nol, calling him nothing, calling him a mistake, insisting he has no brother, and all the other abuse Nol was shouldering, it's not far off to think that Nol could have reacted to something in anger and tried to beat the hell out of Kousuke lol. (We've also seen that he deals with his anger through his punching bag, so I'm not going to pretend that Nol lacks anger issues. We've seen that. He gets it from his shitty dad.)
But whether or not it was juvie or a mental institution, either way it comes with a stigma, and it's not just about how others see you (badly, as we've seen from his classmates) but how it makes you feel about YOURSELF, too. Nol has been framed as a burden, as a mistake, as a screw up from the time he was a child. Think about that. Think about how many years of that it is.
We also don't know when or how his mother exited the picture. Did she die when Nol was young so he had to move in with the Hiraharas? The way we've seen Nol through the ages trying to give Kousuke birthday gifts feels that way.
The only person we know of in Nol's recent life (didn't Kousuke say it's been "about 5 years" since the incident or something early in the story?) who really showers Nol in affection is Nana. She's the only one. Everyone else only reminds him he's a mistake, he's a screw up, he's a burden.
Bad things happen. Bad things happened to his mom, bad things happened when he fought Kousuke, bad things happened to Shinae. He's got this mentality that he is so absolutely worthless, that he only causes harm, that he easily believes everything is his fault. He literally has no self esteem. He doesn't love himself, man! He was stripped of that via the abuse he's endured since coming here.
Shinae's pool injurty absolutely correlates, in some way, to whatever happened when Nol was a child, to whatever gave him that flashback, and because of his low sense of self-worth, because he's been made to feel like he's just a mistake, a burden, that he causes bad things to happen, it's easy for him to put the blame on himself. If he'd just kept hold of them, Shinae wouldn't have gotten injured.
Never mind that Yui knew what she was doing when she "tried to help" him, never mind that Shinae never would have been there if not for Yui. Except, these are important points. Yui's interest in Shinae wasn't about her "making babies with Kousuke" or whatever bullshit she spouted - if Yui speaks something out loud, that means she doesn't mean it (in most cases). There's been a theory for a long time that the Hirahara's interest in Shinae is rooted in Nol's relation to her - Kousuke took interest because Nol took interest (and he learned that he could use Shinae to manipulate Nol into compliance). Yui took interest probably in the same way she took interest in Alyssa - just another friend she could steal from Nol and isolate him and further torture him. Nol probably feels that had he never become involved with Shinae, she'd be safe.
(Here's a thought for you: all the way back in the masquerade arc, we've assumed the person watching Shinae who tried to drug her was Sangchul. If Sangchul and Yui have been working together, he could have reported what he saw to Yui - Nol spent the night hanging around some girl and Yui likely took interest THEN.)
What Nol is a fool to believe, though, is that leaving won't protect Shinae. If anything, it leaves her unprotected. But he is so caught up in a dark, bleak place where he feels like his involvement will only bring further harm to her, bring danger to her, will eventually bring hurt to his friends. He also desperately wants to get away and if he's tied down to his friends here, how can he possibly leave? By allowing himself to believe that he's not worthy of good friendships and peoples' care, it makes it easier for him to leave.
Remember the hospital balcony scene, where it's implied both Shinae and Nol believe "You deserve someone better"? Shinae wanted to become a better friend for him, but Nol's self-worth is SO impossibly low he decided to just leave her to someone better for her (someone like hmmm Dieter?)
And man, that's DEVASTATING. I am BIG SAD.
Anyway, yeah it's been a LOT to process. Quimchee threw EVERYTHING at us all at once - Kousuke's perspective, Nol's perspective, the name reveal, this devastating chapter revealing the extent of Nol's self-loathing and UGH I ache a lot okay lmao ;~;
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randomsevans · 4 years
maid to be part 3
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Ransom made his way back to his family with a small smile due to you being on your mind . He slipped into the living room , where his family were waiting for him . The food long forgotten and not eaten  in the room next door .As most of the family were stood up with a glass of what ever drink was going around . 
Ransom didn't want to hear the pathetic whines from his mother nor his uncle . So he made his way over to the corner , where he spotted his younger cousins Jacob and Megan . Yes he hated his family , but his cousins was the most bearable .With Megan hating the family just as much as him , and well Jacob just sits their quietly on his phone ... so Ransom never really fought with him , Apart from this one time when Jacob made his way upstairs and almost caught you and Ransom . But Ransom played it off by shouting at both you and Jacob in his cruel dickhead way .But of course you didn't take it to heart , it wasn't the first nor the last time  he acted that way to you with his family around . 
Ransom sighted , straightening his blue knitted sweater before sitting down on the oversized ,chair , that was so unconformable . He moved around on the seat , eventually getting some what comfortable places his armed on each side , bring one of his fist to lean against 
“is she okay ?” Megan looked up  from her college book for a second to Ransom , only to go back to it 
“huh !” Ransom responded , tired from his family already , he had some much on his mind , and you were at the front of it as always , as well as the pressure he already feels from soon to be a father . 
“Y/N is she okay ?” Megan asked once again closing her book , Megan made it her job to know all the helps names , she didnt like having other on her beck and call , and calling them “the help “ 
Ransom decided to play dumb and show off his arsehole personal “who ? the maid “ 
Megan glared at him in annoyance “you know their have names right Hugh , not just maids or the help “
Ransom just simple shrugged his shoulders “oh well “
“why did you even help her , she only hurt her self a little i dont see you do that with anyone ?” she narrowed her eyes at him , it caught the attention  of Jacob bring his head from his phone looking from one cousin to the other 
“oh well you know me Meg i see something pretty , i wanted it and i take it “ he let out a little  dry chuckle “its amazing how a girl can open up to you if you show them a little bit of kindest “ Ransom smug smile played  happily on his face . 
Megan looked at him in disgust and her face scrunched up , while Jacob snicked at his older cousin “your disgusting Hugh , she would never go any where near you , she actual has self respect you know !”
Ransom chuckled at his self , if only she knew , if only all his family knew , That you were indeed already his , and he is your ever since he wanted you , he couldn't get enough , he never looked at another girl since , and that was well a year ago . But Megan was right you do have self respect which is why you wanted nothing to do with Ransom at first , but after months , And Ransom means MONTHS , 4 long ones , you finally agreed to allow him to take you on a simple date . You didn't wanted anything fancy or expensive . So you and Ransom spent your first of many dates at a park , just simple walking and talking . 
“sure its never stop me before i always break them in the end . And its RANSOM and the help calls me ...
“HUGH ! yeah i know “ Megan said getting up from her seat . “ you really are vile piece of work “ she barked as she walked away exiting the room 
“why thank you very much “ Ransom said amused , watching Megan walk towards the kitchen . His eyebrows shoot up curiosity , as his lips tighten 
“why does she need to go into the kitchen ?“ 
Ransom shot up and made his way back to the kitchen he was in moments ago . 
as he  got closer he heard mumbles of voice , as he hide around the corner 
“ i mean it y/n “  megan’s voice boomed 
ransom sighed shaking his head “what is she still doing down stairs she needs to be up there resting “
Ransom heard you delicate laugh that fluttered his heart  , he took  a quick glance and saw you standing at the sink , with your hands in the water , scrubbing away at a plate  “god she never listen , so stubborn ,she  needs to learn that its not just her she needs to look after now its our baby too “
“dont you think i know that Megan “ you giggled 
“y/n his a fuck boy okay , if you let him near you , he will use you and then leave you and move on to the next chase “
Ransom let out a snicker , but he couldn't blame his cousin he was indeed like that ,   that was before you , and Ransom hoped and prayed you knew he would never leave you especial now you and him were staring a family together 
“ Megan i know okay “ you dawned out “ i promise okay im not foolish enough to follow under the charm of  Hugh Drsysale okay “
 A smug devilish smile came to Ransom lips as he thought “but thats exactly what you did ! look at my girl lying so well , im rubbing of on her , well  she is growing a miniature version of me anyway “
if you had told Ransom a year ago that he would be in love and looking forwards to becoming a father , he would of laughed in your face , And if you said it was to the help well , you would simple end up in ER by the end of it . 
“ but y/n he has he eye on you “ megan stated 
and i was true , and its all Ransom would until his last breath 
“hes not going to st... “ 
“Who has an eye on y/n “ Joni interpreted her daughter as she stumbled in the kitchen from the other entrance 
“who is y/n anyway ?” she asked , megan pointed towards you as she rolled her eyes at her tipsy mom “oh the help ... who would want you “ she snarled . Ransom felt his blood began to boil at the way Joni was speaking to his girl 
“Ransom “ Megan simple answer . You cheeks become blushed with embarrassment , as you turned away from the sink , and began fiddling with the end of your apron and you become nervous . Ransom wanted nothing more then to wrap you in his arms and take you home , To spend the rest if the day sleep on the couch as Ransom babbles on about plans for the baby . As much as he tries to hide it Ransom cant help but be exited over the baby . That why his is so protective because if anything happened to you or the baby Ransom would loss the only happiness he has ever known . 
“pfff Ransom is many thing , a low life is one of them . But at least he has taste he wouldn't dare for for a fat , trampy ...” 
 before Joni could finish Ransom busted into the kitchen 
“say one more thing about me or her , and ill knock the Botox of your  face “ Ransom snarled ,fist  formed on his side . As everyone in the room , you , Megan , Joni and the rest of the help looked at him with wide eyes 
“pfff what ever you'll just get the STDs “ Joni wobbled 
“MOTHER !” megan shouted 
“you should know , how many people you passed it on to “ Ransom rage showing , as he stood right in front of Joni blocking her view of either you or Meg 
“WHY YOU LITTLE .....” Joni began to screech at the top of her lungs 
“What is going on in here !” Richard voice boomed throughout the kitchen , everyone glanced his way , seeing the rest of family moving into the kitchen 
“nothing “ megan answered as she went closer to you 
“pff doesn't sound like nothering “ Linda snirked downing the rest of her drink placeing her glass on the counter . starring at her son , who was clealry anger , as he starred daggeres towrads Joni with his fist still by his side turning white 
“son whats going on ?” Richard asks 
“yes id like to know that to “Walt questioned placing his hands on his hips  
Joni lened away from Ransom as her lip began to tremble “ i ... i dont know .. he just started ... on me “ Joni was trying to act all innocent , but it wasnt working on anyone as there all snirked , giggled with “ oh god “    “ here we go “    “ who is ready for the preference of a life tme “    “ oh mother “ 
But Ransom only lerned down towards his aunts ear , so only she could hear him “ i mean it joni say one more thing and ill tell Harlan were Megans college money realy goes “ he barked . 
Joni slapped Ransom full force around the face . The whole room fell slight , watching Rasom  wipe the little blood , form the small cut on his  bottom lip . Ransom smiple nodded his head and wnet to step forward with his fist ready , he didnt care if you were his family , his aunt , a women , she insuled his girl , called her fat when she is carrying his child . 
But just before Ransom could swing , you stepped inbetween Ransom and Joni , placing a hand on his chest while the other wrapped your hand around his fist and brung it down . While she starred into his blue eyes , that were iceberge forced on Joni , only to glance down at you and soft in to the blue ocean , that flashed with , conserin , guilt and above all love 
As the two of you stood there locked eyes with each other , the family looked at you two of you, squinting there eyes , amazed and confrussed on how you so easily calmed down  the short tempered , play boy . Harlan was rolled into the kitchen by Martha he looked around his family . He heard the screaming of couse , but he was beyonded confused on how silent his family , were as there all looked at Ransom . Harlans once eyebrows shoot up , at the way Ransom was looking at you . He shot at look up to Matha , who shrugged not knowing herself
“ oh great his fuckin the help “ Walt broke the silents lifting his armes in the air , shaking his head 
“fucked a baby into her too “ Ransom snarles , with a lovly smile , as he looked upon your shocked face , eyes wide month wide open . He just told everyone your biggest screate , you didnt know if you was to be anger at him or found it all funny . But how could you be mad at him and he locked eyes wit you stoking your cheek , as one hand went to you small blowed stomach , with love and effection . the room was quickly filled with screams , shouting and gasped 
“what !”
“hes joking right !” 
“that explain why his being acting weird “ 
“oh just like him to do that i bet she not the only one his knocked up “
“the help , and our family !”
“ you better be fuckin lying “ 
“OH SON !”
“hes not fit to be  a father “
“there better get ride of it , “
“ Are you fuckin kidding me the help “ 
“so much of not going near him “
“of couse shes up the duff “
“ i never knew his stands where so low 
“really y/n “ 
you and ransoms just starred at each other slowing giggling with each other , that quickly turned into a booming laugh from the pair of you . the family grew slight , snarking at you and Ransom childish behaviour. While Ransom grabbed your hand , interwinding your fingers , as he gave you a knowing look , you simple nodded knowing what he was going to do  Moments later . You and Ransom were ranning through the halls of the manner , as Ransom held tight your hand as he dragged you behind him heading towards the front door , ignoring the shouts of the mad family 
But may add an odd one shot or two to the story in the future
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hunnyb-san · 5 years
"Aot 3 ep 22: To the other side of the Wall" reaction
Ah. AH. AH!
This is it? I mean, it ended like this? What? Why? WIT studio, I have already thanked you, but, but, I don't like how you all are joking with our hearts. I don't like it!
Anyway, before I start to freak out I wanted to say that I enjoyed this season and that I liked every episode for graphics, story's developments, characters' developments and all. I really liked how they animated some manga's scene, and in general, I realy am happy about how this important season came out.
Then, let's start with this last season 3's reaction. I'm gonna make so many points here:
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This! These three beautiful, amazing people that I love with all my heart have survived together, they are here after all they have been through, after all the deaths, all the things they left back. Now they can rest... or so they thought!
This is cruel, I know, but it is exactly how it is! The killed all the titans, they found about their origins, their history, but now they know the enemies who want them dead.
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So, these three babies came here, to Historia and here come this fucked up peace of shit named Flock, who insulted ARMIN, MIKASA, EREN AND THEN CAPTAIN LEVI because of their choice to let Erwin rest peacefully.
What a peace of shit is him? I mean, I know that most of the people there would have trusted Erwin most, BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW ARMIN, but the fuck, he doesn't know Armin neither, so he can't say that it was a bad choice.
Armin is 15, better than anyone else, THANKS TO HIM THEY FOUND REINER, HE FOUND OUT ABOUT REINER AND BERTHOLDT, guys. Really!
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Now Mikasa. I know, I always talk about her, but I can't help it! I love her, and I keep falling in love with her! How can you not????
Anyway, he said that mikasa was more mature because she gave up... WTF. Sorry dude, what the fuck is in you head? Did you ever use your brain? Do you have one??
Or you head is just full of shit?
I'm NOT saying this just because I love Mikasa and Armin, well too, but he is a terrible person! He said so many horrible things about ANYONE THERE. The ones who survived, the ones who died, and he joined the Survey corps only recently, he doesn't know ANYTHING. I'm so angry with him, when he actually screamed to Armin, I wanted to punch him so badly, because he doesn't know him, what he can do, what will happen in the future ecc.
And Eren? Eren just defended Armin, and I'm so proud of him, but I'll talk about this in the next point...
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Eren immediately stepped towards him to defend him, because he was saying so many shits, that I seriously question that he has a brain. Or some neurons.
But he DEFENDED HIM. He care so much for his friend, so there is really something going on in the manga, EREN DOESN'T HATE ARMIN NOR MIKASA.
He loves them like he doesn't love anyone else, because they know each other from the beginning, when everything was still peaceful. So now he is absolutely doing something to protect both of them. Maybe he doesn't want to involve them, or maybe, like I personally think, he knows something will happen to them!
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Talking about Eren, I can't stop thinking how much he grew up from the start of everything. First he was so innocent, then he wanted only revenge, killing sll titans, then he started thinking about those who were near him, like Armin, Mikasa and the others, and then this. It's just like everything in him died when he understood that behind the ocean were wars and enemies who waited for them. There was so such thing like peace, like he hoped.
And now in the manga we know how he is! He accused his own friends! His cold even with Armin and Mikasa. He killed thousands of people. I mean, Gabi is seriously more mature, because she understood that there are no demons in the islands, just normal people, like her.
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HOW FREAKING CUTE IS MY GIRL!! I mean, she is too much, she is badass, a bit cold, protective, but she is also so beautiful, cute and I wanna hug her for the rest of my life.
This scenes is my favourite one: she look so peaceful, so happy, so cute!!!!
How can people not love her????
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Just my precious guys enjoying their freedom and smiling at each other like the two precious and amazing things they are.
I was so happy for the two of them, and I have to say, this episode I was concentrated more on Armin, because the sea has always been his special dream, but of course my baby girl is the important thing to me. But Armin, just look at him:
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I'm going to make this point for other things like:
-Hanji and Levi, that are precious, I mean, at 30 years, they were capable to see the sea, and I was so happy for them, they lost so much, so they needed something, because they are the ones left who have been in the Survey corps for years.
-Sasha, Connie and Jean: well, I cryed all the episode for Sasha, if you know what I mean, but these three always stick together, and I'm so happy about this!! They are so united, this is way in the current manga, things are delicate, too much even.
-Flock is a piece of shit. Have I already said this? Well, I can repeat it as many times as you want, because I can get out of my head the shitty things he has said, even if all he did was use his horse like a shell.
Well, thanks tou for reading my reaction, we'll see each other for others Aot's review in the near but still far away 202, for the final season.
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