#she pushed him soooo hard LOLOLOL
storge · 1 year
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Gone with the Rain 1.14
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senbons · 3 months
I love how you put the note to discuss the ending scene in ch 2 because I NEED to discuss it!
I dont know if I interpreted it right but "you could do it" was more like an invitation than a challenge. She wasn't challenging him. In my head she was asking him to release it, release them. They both want it and they both knew. And SHE knew. But when his fingers grasps too tightly into her neck, she realized and that's why she is so scared. She did not expect it. She thought she got him. (And you fucking got me. Really thought that they were gonna kiss until he mentioned that he's imagined doing it to her for years lol). I think that was the first time she actually realized how much he hates her. Like, hates her. He is so hard. But he's been through alot. The beginning of the chapter and the brief explanation about the occupation, the war, and his family really gives so much into that end scene. The feeling of frustration and guilt Shikamaru experienced in this chapter brought tears to my eyes in the end (even tho it ends with him looking at his sperm-covered hand lol).
It's sad but it's hot and it's soooo goood I literally shiver.
Just please fucking update it soon!
LOLOLOL that's not AT ALL what I wanted to discuss about the last scene -- my reasons were absolutely without substance 😂 dying that you're like making a critical analysis and I'm just giggling in the corner like "hehehehe semen"
Interesting interpretation of her line. I honestly don't think it's incorrect at all. I love so so much that you're focusing on it -- and forcing me to really articulate my way through it! I love that! In my take it also is said with multiple meanings/intentions, and then, of course, his action leads to more mixed/multi emotions.
I took first and foremost her line as a power play. Like showing that he has everything he needs in that moment to do what he wants to do most -- her life is literally on a silver platter before him. Like a pig with an apple in its mouth put before a starving man -- and that he stilllllll won't do it because she is (ALWAYS) in control of him. He will look at the pig but not eat it (weird analogy idk why i'm running w it). So it's like her showing off and also torturing him kind of with her power (but obviously in that really subtle way where they know it, but it's overwhelmed by the other thing -- it isn't a torture he wants to escape in the moment, even if he knows in the back of his mind he should). Really the "you could, but you wont" part of it.
Second, I think her line is also a kind of a dare. And I mean that not as a challenge... because even though I think the challenge is part of it (see above) I think the dare is kind of like... idk, a request for him to actually do it. Not to push him, but requesting him to do it. To make her physically feel the weight of herself. Like he said, she's stifled. And obviously has really complex feelings about her own life and role. And so there is this "do it" kind of proposition that has this unspoken "please" on the end of it. And to have him do it would be different because she has this thing with him. Whatever it is, they have a thing. He describes it as something in this chapter, but regardless of the truth of it, it's definitely a thing (whatever that means) (also please write me later (after next chapter or so) because i have more thoughts on this issue but dont want to say too much yet!)
And then, also, as a third thing (though honestly there's plently more one could get through here) there is the sex. Like, obviously, there is always the sex. The touching, the control, the desire to be controlled, the intimacy of that specific action (not at all trying to advocate a choke fetish please do not take this that way like the way people had a tie fetish in aibg 🤣🤣🤣 (everyone read that nyt article about the prevalence of choking in teens? bc im not saying im not into it, just be aware! 😂)
I think the squeezing of the throat scared them both because it was some form of actualizing all of the above and neither wanted to actually take the jump they'd primed themselves up for. like they both walked to the edge of a high dive and then shikamaru shook the board and they fell back terrified. HILARIOUS you thought they were going to kiss bc it didn't even occur to me. I am going to have to go back and read it! I love that. I mean, the intimacy is there. They're so dangerous together rn. (as you said, they both want it and they both know it).
Honestly though (per usual) Shikamaru is the big mess here -- like you said, his frustration and guilt is so overwhelming... I know she is also going through soooooo much (more than him honestly), but I'd date the temari in this story in a heartbeat over the shikamaru 😂 he's a wreck
long long response but thank you so much for sending this and hopefully everything written above makes some semblance of sense! and thank you SOOOOOO MUCH for reading! the fact that you're into it is literally the best compliment I am so thrilled. Thank you!
(oh god, now how to even unpack her still feeling her throat after he leaves.... what is going through her head tonight?!??? oy vey!)
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cutegirlmayra · 2 years
Hi Mayra soooo exited for when you start writing anyway may I submit a prompt? Sonic breaks his leg protecting Amy. He expects her to be doting on him while housebound but other than a care package nothing. Confused he calls her up and she admits to feeling responsible he got hurt so she's keeping her distance in case he's angry. Sonic then has Amy come over and talk explaining his speed is not more important than his friends safety and he'd give it up in a heartbeat to save her if it came to it
Sadly, I won't be able to take requests at this time, but I'm glad I'm trying to find time to write too ^^ Yours was within the 'Grand Reopening' time so here we go!
Especially after that nice Anon was looking for my past sonamy story TAT it really gave me the 'uumph' to keep striving to make time for it! Life gets hectic, but that's when we need stories more than ever!
As always, I will do my very best ;)b
Forgive the errors... lololol if any. Typing this quickly so that you get something and while I have the energy and time, you still have something wonderful to read ^///^
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(Harder and harder to find unique pics for these Preview Prompt Images xD)
HEY, PROMPTS ARE STILL LOCKED AND ON SHUTDOWN, YO~ So be respectful and don't submit any more, bro!~ Yeah!
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(Mario, on my Sonic Prompt? More likely than you think)
Also, this idea kinda reminds me of my (shameless plug) "Rememory" Fanfiction online! Give it a looksie at either Fanfiction, Wattpad, or Archive of Our Own!
Sonic saw the hammer shoot off the Metarex ship, the on-coming hit only bounced off like his punches and kicks, but unlike his limps, the hammer was now rotating at a dangerous spin towards its thrower...
Amy Rose.
"Ammyyy!!!" Sonic sped up over the Blue Typhoon, racing towards her with each step being like a leap due to the gravity situation.
He held out his hands and finally just let gravity move him, flying like a comet to push her out of the way, hearing her cry out in shock at how fast he got to her. While still hovering in the air, the hammer's hard-ended side broke through the ship's exterior, causing a crater impact due to the force it had generated, and physics would still be physics.
Sonic's eyes shook as he let out a painful, air-shaking quake from his throat in agony, his leg feeling like it got snapped like a toothpick as the hammer flung off into space, still at a weird spinning angle but 'poof'd as Amy recalled it back to her with a snap of her wrist and flex of her hand.
"S... Sonic..." Her eyes were one of horror...
"Physical attacks are only rebounded! We'll need Super Sonic!" Tails's voice spoke over the intercom, manning the ship. "Sonic? Are you okay? Sooniicc!!"
Sonic hovered in the air... floating as though dead weight.
He slowly reached out with quivering hands to grab a ship part that was floating by him, securing his hands to the railing as his eyes were glossy in holding back tears, his teeth tightened to the point of aching his jaw. He was doing everything in his power to not make any loud sounds of distress, "Tck... Tsk-ikk... ggrrk..." he strained against the pain of his floating, broken leg...
"T-TAILS..!!" he cried out, which had everyone spooked a moment by the escaped tone of severity in his voice. "N-NOW!"
He pushed off the ship as Tails released the Chaos Emeralds into orbit, and quickly managed to turn Super Sonic as he forward rotated and flipped into the transformation.
Amy's hand that was holding the hammer trembled... then dropped to fully de-summon the weapon... as both her wobbling hands rose up to her cheeks. "What... What have I done..?"
She fell to her knees as tears fell without a single blink, her shock completely overwhelming her as Sonic flew out to deal with the Metarex's enemy cruiser.
It was a long... hard fight to get through, and Super Shadow even noticed the strange way Sonic bent one leg but let the other dangle below him.
"... Sonic..." He looked up at him, seeing Sonic straining and his lower-eyelid twitching as he held in the pain.
He looked over to Shadow and winked, "Heh-heh!" with a cocky grin on his face, "Let's get this over with... S-Shadow..." his body betrayed him... though it was meant to not cause alarm to Shadow of his situation, it only revealed itself when his body twitched in the air as though a quick jerked movement to reveal something was wrong with him.
Before Shadow could open his mouth to response, to even dare ask the hero what was the matter, the two were fired at and had to quickly part. Sonic still threw a kick with his good leg... but he could barely spin-dash in his condition, the pain too great to-
But he had to do it.
"We need a hard hit, Shadow! At their center!" Sonic called out, pointing to their generator which held a small tree in a glass box, but the barrier around it was intense.
Shadow's eyes softened, "That may be one of their people... using them for their own means..."
Sonic looked sympathetically to him, "I'm sure she'd want to be free of it... Shadow."
He nodded, but then looked to Sonic... "... And what about you? Are you trying to be free of it?"
Sonic didn't look back at him, just kept his serious expression. The Metarex were using their own people as power... to free the tree would be to help the poor soul not endure the torture anymore of being used and manipulated...
"Come on," was the last words Shadow heard before Sonic tried to strain and force his body to curl.
Watching the hero even attempt to pick up the leg that appeared somehow 'wrong' to Shadow,... it almost amazed him at how much Sonic wouldn't speak of it... but in the heat of the moment, he admired that Sonic wasn't thinking of himself, nor complaining.
Shadow would have done the same.
He nodded, dropping the topic and curled to spin as well. The two fired into the barrier, getting stopped at first but pushing through... until finally... a large beam of light showed their success, and the ship exploded...
The tree flew off and seemed to lose its petals and leaves... as a young girl's voice seemed to pierce Shadow and Sonic's ears... "Thank you... Oh, please... protect the universe... Heroes..."
Sonic, once losing the Super form, floated weakly to his knees first, then his hands, before finally twitching his head down and then crying out in agony, unable to hold it in.
He had tears in his eyes and flopped over, his hands twitching as they wanted to grasp his hurt leg but Sonic writhed in pain on the ground.
Shadow watched as the hero couldn't withhold his suffering anymore... and seriously took one arm of Sonic's and pulled it over his shoulder.
In silence, Shadow carried the injured, at times unable to not scream, hero back to the ship's medical bay...
Sonic awoke to the lights above him, blinking before Cream's sweet face came into view, "Mr. Sonic!" she gave him a kind open-smile, gently pulling up his hospital white sheet over his covered body as he noticed the leg up in a sling.
Cheese also chimed in, floating around him and hugging the side of his head, which made Sonic close an eye and happily scratch in a pet the back of Cheese's own tear-drop head.
"Heh-heh, hey there, guys." He didn't want to worry anyone, but it felt like someone worked on his leg... he'd probably be fine. "How is it? Everyone alright?" he smiled as he masked, mostly not caring about himself, though.
He didn't want to hear any bad news... so no news would be fine.
For now...
Cream nodded sweetly, but her eyes bent back, as though realizing Sonic wasn't asking about himself, first. "Oh, Mr. Sonic... everyone's been worried about you.", "Chao, Chao..!" Cheese held one little arm up to his head, showing his concern too.
There was no sound in space... but even Sonic heard the 'Piko!' of the hammer splitting the leg in two, but maybe it wasn't so bad... maybe it didn't shatter anything...
He just smiled and tilted his head, "I'm sure you've been taking good care of me in the meantime, Cream." he closed his eyes, not allowing any fear to reside in himself.
But there was one fear...
"Where's Amy?" He asked, blinking his eyes innocently open only to be surprised to see Cream's face full of deep helplessness.
"Oh, Mr. Sonic... we've tried to get her out of her room, but..."
Sonic's face lost the smile.
'I tried so hard...' he turned his head lifting a hand over his face, 'So that she wouldn't notice...'
He didn't want her to blame herself.
That was his greatest worry.
For a man who runs through life just enjoying what comes at him.
That hammer he knew was rogue and had nothing to do with her.
She threw it to help defend, it rebounded and had nothing to do with her after it left her hand.
"Her room..? I'll go check it out." He started to lean up when suddenly-
"Mr. Sonic, no!" Cream tried to stop him but a sharp pain escalated like an arrow made of lightning up from his leg towards his chest and straight into a critical hit in his brain.
"Gahh..! Hahhh..!" his eyes went white and he fell back.
That... didn't feel... so good.
He awoke again with seeing Tails and Chris behind the soundproof window, and Shadow seeming to gesture out his unfolded arm to speak and then put it back to crossing over himself.
Chris looked back at Sonic, his face full of fear before his eyes widened to notice Sonic awake.
Sonic made a grimace.
That atmosphere over there didn't look so good.
He threw the white bedsheet off of himself and rolled, watching only briefly out of the corner of his eye how everyone seemed to panic, and caught himself with his good leg and hands, lifting his bad leg up in its cast as he fought some pain. It was within the sling so he had to twist himself to get it out, too, which made his leg feel like blood was rushing down from it, leaving it tingly and sharply pulsing a pain throughout him.
He held a serious look, a bit of sweat running down his eyebrow. 'If I leave everyone making those kinds of faces... then what kinda hedgehog would I be?' he raced on three legs out of the room and spun to kick the lever-flipped door open to race out. 'First... starting with-Ah!' he screeched to a halt as he backed up, seeing Team Chaotix holding out their gloved hands.
"Oh, no, you don't!" Vector smirked, "A hero needs his rest, Sonic! Sorry, but we've got orders to-" he was cut off as Sonic hopped back to avoid any invisible 'grabbing' from Espio and then charged to jump over the three, Charmy trying to wrap his arms around him in mid-air but Sonic was just too quick for them.
"H-hey!" Charmy threw up his hands and then down in a mini in-flight tantrum. "You come back here this instant, Sonic! You're hurt, you know!?"
Espio become visible again, looking over his shoulder, "Perhaps... he doesn't want anyone to worry about him..."
Vector slung an arm around him, "Or maybe he's just being reckless! You know how Sonic is! Besides... how'd he know you were coming at him?"
Espio's pride shook him to his core, "I... Don't know, Vector..." He shook a fist up in the air, "But my pride as a ninja will not be sedated till I find out why!"
The three were on the case!
Sonic hopped on one leg before turning to Amy's door, a serious expression on his face, before knocking on it and leaning on the wall in some discomfort, the pain was really agitating him...
He hated being in a cast.
He pounded lightly the side of his hip with the hurt leg, just trying anything to push the pain down.
He could mask all he wanted... but that didn't eliminate the fact that he didn't know how bad his leg was... or if it was treatable.
Amy didn't answer, and he knocked again.
"Amy..." he was straining to remain upright, feeling the blood rush back to his leg and make it feel heavy. "It's not your fault..." he was feeling his consciousness slip again, getting woozy...
"In all honesty..." he was starting to hunch over, his hands trying to grip the front of the door with nothing to grasp onto to its smooth surface... his body twitching up and down to stay erect, and his eyes squinting against the blackout to follow... Adrenaline was moving him at this point. "To know you're all worried about me... is kinda scary." he shook his head, then leaned it against the door, "I could live... I could breathe... but thinking this could have happened to you, Amy... if I hadn't been fast enough..? That's a fear I couldn't take." he started losing his strength, bending on his good knee as his other leg stretched out and shook at being over-expended.
"Amy... I couldn't live... if something had happened... to any of you..." he slowly slipped to the ground, "Gahh... hahh..." the door opened as his head fell down.
"Sooniiiccc!!!" it was the most comforting sound he could have heard... as he breathed heavily... and smiled as he lost consciousness.
(I know it's evil to end here, but I hope you enjoyed the prompt ^^)
(Lol, just kidding!)
Sonic opened his eyes in the hospital wing's nice warm, soft and durable bed again... but this time...
Amy's smiling face, full of tears, greeted him with her hand in his own. She tilted her head, "Hehe~" giving him her most cheerful look, and closed her eyes as tears sprayed off in a beautiful sparkle by the sides of her long eyelashes...
He smiled, lowering his eyelids a bit.
His friends were all around him now too, each giving him a proud look as Amy must have told them what he said.
He could rest now.
"Your leg is gonna be fine, Sonic." Amy stated, "I just... I worried you wouldn't be." She looked down, her eyes shaking somewhat as Sonic chuckled, making her look up in surprise.
"Ohhh..!! We were worried!" she puffed up a cheek at his mocking of her.
He smiled brightly to everyone.
"Everyone!" he called out, "Thank you!"
They all seemed pleased that he wasn't in as much pain anymore.
"Buuuuut..." Tails just had to inerupt the happy moment of healing.... "Umm... it does mean... you'll be bedridden for some time, though..."
Everyone slowly leaned back... and just as expected, Sonic's eyes shot out wide and he cried out in a huge whine.
"You'll live with it, though, right?" Amy smiled as the gang all joined in on her joke with a laugh, but Sonic just looked so silly in his little self-pity party...
They brought him movies and good food though, he liked cheering them on while Shadow took care of any more enemy spacecraft, but really got riled up to the point that he would hop out of bed to go help.
He did recover smoothly, though... He gave a wink to Amy and a thumbs up over his shoulder when he turned Super and proved his leg was just fine... Amy's eyes twinkled at her restored hero, and she never locked herself away in her room again...
(Anyone notice I wrote this with Japanese Sonic X personality for Sonic in mind? hehe, cause I did XD did you know the new Sonic game will also have two entirely different scripts for English and Japanese audiences? the dislink, man TAT but at least that means we get a canon Japanese script for the Open-zone Sonic game!)
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fallindomino · 3 years
how i would have changed s2 of hsmtmts
obvious disclaimer but im not a screenwriter or anyth so im not claiming what i want is best, this is just for fun lololol
okay so first of all nini would still have dropped out of yac but she wouldn’t have gone back to east, she would have transferred to north bc she was too ashamed to tell anyone she left at first and maybe she still wants to explore who she is away from ricky and the others
nini could join north’s batb and this way maybe we could have some playful rivalry with lily and nini and more scenes with antoine shdhdjdj also it could have been a great opportunity to flesh out lily’s character so those scenes where she reaches out to ricky and her confession at the end of the season actually make sense lol
speaking of ricky ,,, i think he should have left the play at some point hear me out. he only joined in the first place because of nini and barely wanted to do it at all once he realized he wasn’t gonna be able to perform with her. he could have joined crew and been a manager with natalie or smth considering he rlly does see the theater gang as a second family. also this would leave so much room for ej and ricky development and bants since ej joined the av club and began to pursue film. they could have some convos where idk ricky asks ej how he figured out what he wanted to do after duke didn’t work out and ricky could actually develop some interests that arent the play or nini ,,, maybe fucking art club i mean he did p good on that centerpiece for carlos’ quinceañera.
with ricky not being the beast anymore i think seb should take his place that would be soooo good. and since seb isn’t chip anymore carlos won’t make those snide comments about chip being a small unimportant role and we can just cut that whole fight bc it was dumb and bad. we could still have seb being insecure that carlos is only dating him bc there aren’t really any other gay guys at school. in a heartbeat is great and i did like ricky being supportive in the background it was kinda funny too idk dhdjdjfj
ooh i almost forgot abt rini ahshdj okay so i still think they should break up. but in my version there’s no ricky pulling an ej 1.0 and deleting comments off of nini’s insta, cause with ricky in art club and nini at north trying to figure out what she wants i think one of them would realize that they’re going in different directions and only got back tgt because they made each other feel safe cause what they had was familiar. this could be triggered by ricky mentioning smth abt nini at yac and then nini breaks down and tells him that she dropped out and is at north and doesn’t know where she’s going. and then they can both realize they aren’t good for each other rn and have a less tragic mutual break up.
honestly i really liked the scene of nini taking charge after miss jenn freaked out cause with the character detail of nini giving every person in the cast of productions she’s in a thank you note she just seems really like someone who is suited to lifting others up. this could still be explored at north, maybe she could help lily through her issues that were briefly implied in ep 11 and nini realizes she wants to be a drama teacher and encourage kids to go off book and put themselves into their acting, something she couldn’t have at yac.
okay now ej ,,, so like i said in ricky’s section, more bants between them cause i feel like friendships kinda fell by the wayside due to all the relationships so more friendship !!!! also the scene where ej tells his dad he’s not going to duke shouldn’t have been an ending scene, it should have been fleshed out with his dad pushing back saying how he pulled all these strings to get him in and ej saying he doesn’t wanna go if his own hard work couldn’t get him there. and also more scenes of ej doing av club things !!! and realizing he rlly likes film and wants to do it OMG IT WOULD BE SO COOL IF HE BROKE THE FOURTH WALL AND ASKED THE DOCUMENTARY CREW ABT THE FILM INDUSTRY god i would love that. the only scene we rlly got of ej doing film things was at the quinceañera which made me kinda sad. uhhh also i just wanted to specifically mention how ej got mr mazzara that job at cal tech bc it really showed how he wanted to be there for people not just for gina, who he had a crush on, but for mr mazzara who supported him outside of romance, so i wanna keep that for sure.
gina !!! okay so i mostly liked her arc in this season, the only changes i would make would be to flesh it out a teeny bit (god this hypothetical s2 would have to be like 22 eps at least shdjdjdjfj) anyways besides ashlyn singing home to get gina to stay i think there should be a scene where they actually talk in her room abt how gina feels safer when shes on the run (second chance reference ilysm) hhhh and also a scene of her and carlos actually working out compromises for their choreo cause i liked that bit of development too and fleshing that out would make gina an even better foil for lily, who felt a need to hog the spotlight like gina used to. with gina’s own arc fleshed out her character would feel more whole independently from romance and portwell would be even more rewarding than it is in the current s2. the only thing i would really change abt portwell is that they would kiss !!! in the finale but thats bc im biased.
ashlyn should have gotten a more fleshed out storyline about being insecure about not being a good enough belle or the typical belle. there were some throwaway lines when north did their typical dramatics but the only two real scenes that showed it were when ash talked to big red about it and when she was telling nini she wanted to do a run in “home” bc lily did it. ashlyn should get more screen time where she has to grapple with the reasons she doesn’t feel good enough and big red can still support her but also gina too bc i would like more roommate besties interaction.
kourtney could still date howie, that harry potter shit was cute but there needs to be smth else for kourtney’s arc. idk she’s still into fashion so maybe she could be out here trying to create her own line or smth? this doesn’t have to be resolved in s2 like making a wholeass line takes time and she could work on it into a potential s3. kourtney just didnt get much outside of howie and the stuff at the beginning of the season where she said nini inspired her to be independent and that's why she got a job was just dropped?? so i think that fashion could fill that for her if she’s still dating howie cause like having her whole arc just be the pizza place kinda overlaps w big red’s mini arc abt how he wasn’t settling for hospitality, its what he wants to do with his life.
ik what ur thinking. anna, even if you added more episodes, where would u find the room to add all these plotlines?? well first we cut (most of) the seblos fight, so thats some time saved. honestly most of the time that we r going to gain is going to be from cutting ms jenn’s time. things like ms jenn’s and nini’s car ride would get cut, but mostly all of ms jenn’s romances would get cut down. considering she’s the teacher and isn’t actually a character with an arc how does she have THREE love interests this season?? like all of the weird tension between her and zack can be cut, like just some short scenes of them being competitive can stay. all of the stuff with ricky’s dad can go bye bye we don’t need it. i did like her w mr mazzara so most of that can stay i just didn’t like how he said he would give up cal tech for her, ew no that would be gone.
the MENKIES !!!! this is the last thing im gonna address cause in a perfect world every character would get a long fleshed out arc but then the season would be waaay too long and also im mostly trying to work within material the show gave so this is mostly made up of “realistic” deviations from what actually happened. lol idk what that even means it just makes sense to me. but anyways!! uhhh bro idk i thought them dropping the menkies was funny but it also made the finale really BAD lmao. in this finale, seb is the beast, east still had to deal w the fact that they’re underfunded compared to north but no one is injured, lily is less of a poorly written character and maybe ppl are even rooting for her, and wow i just realized i never actually said what role i think nini should have in north’s show. OOH she could be student director instead of lily cause lily both being in the play while also directing was weird considering omg i just checked and according to her wiki page shes a FRESHMAN?? and they let her be student director? lol hell nah. okay so with all that in mind ,,, the menkies should have been the season cliffhanger instead of portwell. east and north should both be nominated, both schools perform at the menkies, and then the award winner is about to be announced and THATS when it cuts to natalie and the end of the season.
one, this actually gives more tension for a summer s3 as we would be waiting to see the consequences of whichever school won. also i bet people would be wondering if nini’s gonna be transferring back to east or staying at north. people would also prob wonder if ej would be getting the scholarship if east won and what that would mean for his interest in film.
lmao that got longggg and idk if anyone’s even gonna read this but it was fun to do :D
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spadesinglasses · 4 years
Korean BLs (Series)
Under the see more is a compilation of all of my thoughts for the korean bls that came out in 2020 and in the start of 2021 so namely, the BLs that will be mentioned here are; Where Your Eyes Linger, Mr. Heart, To My Star, Color Rush, and Wish You : Your Melody From My Heart.
As a TLDR this is how I would rank these five.
To My Star
Wish You : Your Melody From My Heart
Where Your Eyes Linger
Mr. Heart
Color Rush
Let’s do this in order. 
Wish You : Your Melody From My Heart
It was such a light series. The conflict was not heavy and it was resolved very quickly. I think it would’ve been more dramatic if the series was longer, but since its very short, they fortunately decided to resolve it as soon as possible, and because of that no time was wasted between the leads. And the actually got a happy ending.
Kang In Soo and Yoon Sang Yi are both precious ;A;.
Sang Yi’s thirst was so strong and palpable it was a miracle that In Soo didn’t realize it, specially when homeboy was staring hard hard at his hard body lololol.
I get lowkey annoyed whenever I see reviews about this series and then putting a mark on the story as like 6 out of 10 or something, because most of the time the thing they are criticizing it for, and the reason why its so low is because of the length. They really went flexible who?
Personally yes the story or conflict was easy and light, but if you’re going to critic it base on how long the entire series it, it was pretty smart to do so. The conflict was not just the father blocking his son’s debut, It was ongoing from start to finish, from even the series started. 
WE SEE in the first episode at how much In Soo struggled on the streets busking, getting his music out there one way or another. The Problem was not created at the time his father did what he did, it goes way before it.
The issue wasn’t also farfetched. We all know in real life that parents can be fucking assholes. So also claiming the story was out of the blue or nowhere is fucking dumb.
LET’S TALK ABOUT THE MUSIC. Honestly I’m no wise dude regarding music. I listen to a song and I base whether I like it or not, on how the song or music makes me feel. And honestly, the music in the series were beautiful I truly love it.
The supporting characters are also dope! I forgot the person who basically pushed Sang Yi to In Soo, but in this house we stan her so much!
Where Your Eyes Linger
I was hesitant on starting this one. I don’t like violence specially around homosexuality. It just stirs so much bad emotion in me. So when I saw that scene of Han Tae Joo’s father beating Kang Gook, i cannot make myself see more of the show.
But I gave in and watched it. It was adorable and actually heavy. I think its the heaviest out of these five examples and I’ll tell you why. (because I just know you’re wondering why this is heavier than Color Rush.)
The story revolved around multiple tropes or relationship marks. First is the servant and master trope, then it went to unrequited love to a friend, then to a master, and then after that it went to jealousy with a new love interest, and then it ended with them not realizing their own feelings until it’s already too late.
Now before I watched this series, I’ve already heard about the opinion of this series being a fanfic plot brought to life, and honestly yes. 
the Servant Master trope and then falling in love with one another is a very popular trope in fanfics, and the way the dealt with it is very reminiscent to how a fanfic writer would usually go about it. 
Other than that, the story actually help quite strongly despite the tropes they used. 
Kang Gook’s fears and uncertainties were actually reasonable. I wished we got more of their backstories, but its logical to see Kang Gook struggle that much with how he feels for Tae Joo. 
Han Tae Joo’s realization after Kang Gook started spending time with the girl was similar to the feeling of “only realizing what they have after they already lost them” feeling and it was such a heart breaking moment. It was a bit annoying to see him struggle that much to put a name in the feeling he was feeling as if homosexuality was just created right before his eyes, but he eventually got there i guess.
Tae Joo’s father was annoying. What he did was a typical parent move, hence annoying.
The ending was satisfying, but also questionable.
I found Kang Gook’s sudden ... change in how he dress and move completely out of the blue. I don’t know if it was just to signify that he was finally not working for Tae Joo’s father and now he’s not restricted to some hyper masculine facade or if it’s a way of the director show what being gay and accepting homosexuality looks like. But whatevs, I’m not gonna dissect that one because I’m sure it’s gonna be a blood bath when I do it.
Mr. Heart
This show was confusing at first then it made sense. Let me explain.
The series started with the two already chummy. 
Go Sang Ha is already open about what he feels for Jin Won. While Jin Won was the typical ass with repressed feelings. Their main conflict was the constant miscommunication between the two.
They show love in two different ways. Act of service, and gifts and money. It’s one of the reasons why the two didn’t get together in the first place in my opinion. They both have issues that both are running away from. 
Aside from that there was also the minor conflict with Sang Ha and his debt. The debt people were of two extremes, being very chummy with Sang Ha or downright horrible, e.g. the scene where he beats Sang Ha up.
There is not much to say about this series. It’s very straight forward, and Jin Won actually straight up called out Sang Ha for running away during the time they actually do need to communicate to one another.
ALTHOUGH I SHOULD SAY JIN WON PUNCHING SANG HA WAS UNNECESSARY AND OUT OF PLACE. That was stupid of him to do and I was very annoyed at him during that time. If you want to put Sang Ha out of his spiral, you could’ve just shout, or shake him. But no, you punched him, IN THE GODDAMN FACE.
That was stupid honestly. 
To My Star
The start of the series was confusing because I literally kid you not, i was confused who the guy with the motor helmet on is. Like I genuinely thought he was a different person and not Kang Seo Joon.
The characters are phenomenal. They portray and embrace the opposite attracts trope but also found a compromise, or stable footing for each differing personality to meet the other.
It was lovely to see mr hot, and mr. cold be in the kitchen. Seo Joon’s personality was so bubbly and light that I was surprised to what really happened in that restaurant. (Altho to be fair he did keep it a secret mostly because of his issue and not just because he doesn’t want his friend to have bad press lol I really thought it was because someone was being homophobic while they were on a date lolol)
I RELATE SOOOO HARD TO JI WOO. I myself loves not disrupting my peace bubble. I would literally do everything I can as to not have any form of conflict with another person. It’s very problematic and destructive to my own being in the long term, but for short term comfort, I would take it lol.
So to see Ji Woo express what he was thinking while he was rejecting Seo Joon’s advances, made me cry so much. Because I see myself doing that. I see myself saying no to someone because I’m so scared. Add to the fact that homosexuality is still judged in public spaces, I WANNA LOVE A GUY THAT I CAN HOLD HANDS OUTSIDE WITHOUT FEAR.
SO I do get it, I do get Ji Woo and it was so heart breaking to see him suffer because people are fucking assholes. 
Seo Joon’s lines about loving people who have high walls because they look so strong and sturdy is a mood because that is so relatable. I wanna be surround by people who looks sturdy, and will be there for me. Seo Joon hiding this side of him with bubbliness and bursts of joy was so sad.
I tweeted this on twitter but let me repeat it here.
People might disagree with me and say that it’s better to see Ji Woo be the one who takes the initiative this time to get Seo Joon back, because it shows character development BUT HONEY.
Big changes like that are not a thing in real life! PEOPLE CAN’T JUST CHANGE THEMSELVES INSTANTLY LIKE THAT. Yes they can do stuff out of a sudden burst of emotions but its not a common thing.
 So to see Seo Joon come back, and see Ji Woo so heart broken was so fucking good I love it so much.
Seo Joon pushed for the last time, and you can just see Ji Woo just tired of fighting inside him. He probably has a monologue inside him shouting, “please come back, please come back” when Seo Joon left. And to see him just deflate when Seo Joon did came back was soooo satisfying.
THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO NOT KNOW WHAT A NO IS. You’re not Seo Joon and you situation is not like theirs, so shut up.
OH DON’T GET ME STARTED WITH THE ANTAGONISTS OF THIS SERIES. Let’s talk about the actor from Seo Joon’s side. The bitch ass really took Seo Joon’s decision and ran away with it like nobody’s business. He really deluded himself and justified in his head all that shit. AND THE AUDACITY to ask Seo Joon to take the fall more was fucking hilarious. He deserves the hate bitch ass shit.
NOW FOR THE FUCKER THAT IS JI WOO’S FRIEND. BITCH KNOWS JI WOO FOR SUCH A LONG TIME NOW, and he has the audacity to pull that shit up in front of him?
Like bruh you know your friend, do you really think he’s the type of guy to do something like that? HILARIOUS.
I think his friend secretly likes him, so when he saw Seo Joon getting chummy around Ji Woo, and seeing Ji Woo show sides because of him, he got extremely jealous.
The US reporter woman was funny tho. xD She really went to arms and defended Seo Joon and Ji Woo to him. The bit with the other employee was funny too. He deserves all the misfortune in his life lmao. That’s what you get from outing a gay guy.
Color Rush
So Color Rush has the most interesting premise of all of them. That I have to admit.
Other than that the series was lacking.
There are two main plots happening, one is the killings of the mono or probe? I forgot, and the plot of whatever is happening between Choi Yeon Woo and Go Yoo Han.
The series was too short for these two plots. The plot behind the killing was completely disregarded. While the relationship between Yeon Woo and Yoo Han were emphasized.
The ending also confused me. Everyone just forgot that Yeon Woo and Yoo Han ran away? and that Yoo Yan’s family basically threatened to claim Yeon Woo kidnapped his probe? REALLY?
Specially with all of them being in high positions of power? That’s dumb. I really think that they were wrong as to what plot they should emphasize. If the series focused on Yeon Woo and his aunt Yoo Yi Rang solving the case of the killed probes while Yoo Han secretly helps them out with his connections, it would’ve been a much more interesting series. 
The ending of Yeon Woo and Yoo Han would also be more acceptable because now they all know that someone else was behind the killings and its not just the monos going crazy.
Aside from the cute very seldom scenes between the two, and how awkward some of them are. The series really lacked for me.
If you like Color Rush good for you.
This might be unnecessary to add but, something about the actor of Yoo Han makes me uncomfortable. His recent or at least post series statements really unnerves me. If you have no problem with it, cool.
That is all! I think there’s a new incoming korean BL from the same director or at least same universe/line as Where your eyes linger, mr heart, and To my star, called You Make Me Dance? That will be something to anticipate about :D.
Despite being new to the game of BL, korean BLs were really so good. The plots are not as problematic, or toxic as the other bls from other countries were and honestly I’m very impressed.
They seem to have a much more knowledgeable grasp of what a BL should be by avoiding toxic behaviors and just annoying ass plots. Not naming any names but ya know.
Any who, these five were a nice thing to watch.
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human-trash-fire · 4 years
Shot Through The Heart: Chapter 7 (part 4- Rowaelin) NSFW
First and foremost I want to apologize to all my readers for the delay. This is my 5th pass at this chapter. I lost motivation when it seemed that every time I went to write this it didn’t do the buildup justice.
A few notes going in: 
1.The total money Dorian, Asterin, and Mannon made from their game will be posted at the end of the chapter. 
2. This is the first chapter that will feature a group text, so I’ve changed the formatting on text conversations to make it slightly easier to track. That being said, we see the Group Chat from Aelin’s phone and, as you’d expect everyone has a name. Here is a list of the characters and their text names so it’s easier to understand:
- The Queen: Aelin
-Sexy Liger: Lysandra
-SINnamon Roll: Elide
-Dorian’s Dom: Manon
-Blonde Demon: Asterin
-Elsa Havilliard: Dorian
-Balto: Aedion
-Discount Deadpool: Ren
Lastly, a GIANT THANK YOU to all of you who have kept up with this story and to @starseternalnighttriumphant​ for beta reading this chapter. I hope you all enjoy <3 
(Click HERE to bring you to my masterlist if you need a refresher course on what’s happening bc I took so long to write this)
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What the fuck is going on? Aelin thought as she reached for her mimosa, taking care to lean as far away from Rowan at her side as possible. Last night…. Last night was clearly eventful in more ways than one. She had been awake for approximately 15 minutes and wasn’t entirely sure she was sober yet, if she was being honest. The demon 3-way at the end of the table had spent the entire morning cackling like a pack of witches and, not-so-subtly marking tallies for their fucking “bets.” By Aelin’s estimation she’d made Dorian enough money over the course of their friendship to buy a fucking Lambourghini.
“Hey Rowan,” Dorian sounded mild but the smirk playing about his lips gave him away. This motherfucker. Aelin cut him a scathing look over her sunglasses.
“Sup?” He responded, while Aelin lifted her drink to her lips and started a long pull, eyes now locked on Dorian.
“I was just wondering if you enjoyed your night,” Dorian said, all to-casually. “I seemed to have lost track of you after you went out for fresh air.” Four Things happened simultaneously:
Aelin choked on her mimosa. Pale orange liquid sputtered from her lips as she fought to catch her breath.
Aedion loosed what could only be described as a growl from across the table.
Dorian and Asterin fist-bumped, without looking away from the debacle.
Manon muttered “Fucking cheaters.”
Son of a bitch.
He leaned forward, a sensual smirk playing at his lips. Aelin glanced down, then back up to his eyes as she moved forward, their breath mingling. One of his hands slid up to cup her cheek, while the other slid down her lower back to squeeze her ass. Aelin closed her eyes when their lips came together, but as she went to deepen the kiss a loud giggle escaped instead. Fen’s eyes snapped open and he began to pull away. 
“Oh gods, no, I’m so sorry, let’s try this again” Aelin pleaded, once again closing the distance between them. This time as their mouths opened and tongues met Fenrys began to laugh. He was laughing so hard he was shaking, and Aelin couldn’t help but join. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t.” He wheezed  between bouts of laughter. “Don’t get me wrong Ace, I’ve wanted to try that since I first saw you gut a guy in Assassin's Blade. And it’s not that I’m not grateful,” at this point tears were streaming down both their faces and they tried to regain their composure. “It’s just, you’re.. it’s like kissing connall! You’re way prettier, for sure, but it’s just not…” his hand waggled between the both of them. 
“Full of fireworks and shit?” Aelin supplied. 
“Exactly! And as much as I adore you, I think maybe we were just meant to be-“ 
“Friends? Oh thank gods.” Aelin breathed.  She couldn’t help but be relieved he felt the same. As much as she had grown to love him over the past few months, and didn’t want to lose his light in her life, she couldn’t help that as they kissed she found herself wishing it was a different blonde in her arms. 
“Besides, you're nearly as pretty as I am, it wouldn’t be fair to hoard all this to ourselves.” Fenrys responded with a smirk, and grabbed Aelin’s hand dragging her back down the hall and into the festivities.
When they re-entered the room, Fen’s eyes immediately landed on Asterin. She was chugging whiskey from a bottle while standing precariously atop the coffee table. “Soooo… tell me about Asterin,” he whispered in Aelin’s ear. 
She snorted, “I admire your recovery time Moonbeam. She’ll tear you to shreds. But I rather think you’d enjoy that” she said with a knowing look. “Go on,” she nodded. And with one last wink Fen sauntered over to his next conquest. 
“Hello little wolf” Asterin purred as she lowered the bottle from her lips. “Care for a body shot?” Fen’s eyes dropped to the intricate chandelier style tattoo that began somewhere beneath her breasts and spread out across her abdomen. Eyes trailing back up to meet hers, he slowly reached for the bottle in her hand. 
“Lay down,” Aelin heard him say in a commanding tone. Asterin lowered herself onto the table, eyes never leaving his. She was a predator luring it’s prey by feigning compliance. While his face remained stoic, Aelin saw his throat bob. 
“Try not to get me too messy,” Asterin purred. 
“I can’t make any promises.” 
Aelin chuckled quietly and looked away from the, frankly pornographic scene, only to find a pair of pine green eyes watching her across the room. She smiled, and grabbed a bottle of Johnny Walker off a nearby table and headed outside hips swaying.
“Smooth,” Gavriel muttered from somewhere amidst the chaos. Aedion was still glaring daggers, if looks could kill Aelin was sure Rowan Whitethorn would have been obliterated. Overprotective asshole. After catching her breath she snagged her phone from the pocket of her sweatshirt and fired off a text to the group chat.
Elsa Havilliard: ????
Blonde Demon: Problem?? 
Blonde Demon: hahahahahahah
Dorian’s Dom: fucking CHEATERS
Balto: I will burry his fucking body under the field
Balto: Ren will help
Discount Deadpool: Eh…
SINnamon Roll: Oh shut up Assryver
SINnamon Roll: Go back to eye-fucking Lys
Dorian’s Dom: LOLOLOL 
Dorian’s Dom: $40 and counting
Discount Deadpool: Elide out here snatchin’ wigs
Sexy Liger: Fuck. You. All. Stop making brunch WORSE. 
Sexy Liger: And no one is “eye fucking” anyone
SINnamon Roll: IDK what you’re talking about, this is the best fucking brunch I’ve ever been to
Blonde Demon: 10/10 agree
Elsa Havilliard: One for the ages
Dorian’s Dom: iconic
Discount Deadpool: *gasps in gay*
Balto: …….
The Queen: You heard me, you fucking traitors. 
The Queen: Except you Lys. I love you always.
SINnamon Roll: rude.
Aelin knew he had followed her to the pool, her skin pebbled with anticipation. She took a huge swig from the bottle and turned around, slowly dragging her lips off the top. “Hello Buzzard.”
Aelin brought a hand to her chest, “You wound me.” She allowed her hand to linger, toying with the edge of her bathing suit top. Fingers drawing his gaze to the valley between her breasts. Rowan brought his thumb up to graze his lower lip, and dragged his gaze back to hers. “I was considering going for another swim, care to join me?” Aelin set the bottle at her feet and slowly removed her sheer bathing-suit cover, letting the material pool at her feet and biting her lip.
“And Fen?”
“Tongue deep in a new prospect, as you saw…” Aelin lowered herself to the edge of the pool and gracefully slid beneath the surface. Breaching the water, she pushed her hair back and swam back to the edge, arms folded in front of her. Looking up with a smirk.
Rowan squatted down in front of her, bringing a finger underneath her chin and forcing her eyes from his spread thighs to his face. “And you?” He asked, voice low and head cocked to the side.
“What about me?” Aelin asked, voice a near whisper and heart hammering in her throat.
“What do you want, Aelin?”
“What I’ve wanted for a while now…” His brow hitched in question, and she swallowed audibly. “Whatever you’ll give me Whitethorn.” Rowan nodded once then released her chin, standing to remove his shirt. HOLY FUCKING GODS she thought. The tattoo that crawled down his face danced across every chiseled plain of his body. Covering the entire left side and disappearing beneath the low-riding waistband of his Terrasen flag swim trunks. 
“Eyes are up here sweetheart,” he chuckled.
“I’m sure they are,” she choked out, licking her lips and continuing to stare at the V of muscles hovering above her head.
“Menace,” Rowan growled and dove over her head into the pool. Aelin turned, resting her elbows against the wall behind her and tracking his body as it moved under the water towards her. He came to the surface a foot from her face, shaking his head and brushing his silver hair from his forehead. 
“Dramatic.” She whispered through a smile.
Rowan brought himself within inches of her, hands on either side of her shoulders, strong arms boxing her in. 
“If we do this, we do it my way.” She tilted her head in silent question. “I don’t do soft. I don’t do vanilla. If you can follow my rules I’ll treat you better than anyone ever has. If that’s not something you’re interested in, we stop now. No harm done. A ‘no’ from you will stop this, no matter what. You’re safe with me, always Aelin.” She was shaking with anticipation, and the smirk he wore was indication enough that he knew he had her. “I have spent months thinking of all the ways I could take you apart.” He leaned in even further, lips ghosting hers. “So I’ll ask you one last time… What do you want Aelin?”
“You, Sir.”
And with that, he kissed her. It wasn’t gentle, it was a brand on her lips, fire licking its way to her core. A large hand slid down her back beneath the water and dragged her body against his. Instinctually she wrapped her legs around his middle, rocking against the evidence of his arousal prominently resting against her ass. He pulled back from her mouth with a click of his tongue. “Did I tell you to move?” he asked, voice almost bored.
“No, what?
“No, Sir.”
“Back against the wall,” Aelin did as instructed, dropping her legs from his waist and pushing back. Heart hammering a staccato beat against her ribs, her every nerve-ending was both too hot and too cold. “Good, girl.”
His praise shot straight to her core, Oh shit. He moved back into her, pressing her bodily against the wall as he nipped and sucked his way across her jaw, up and down her neck. The hand that had pulled her in initially dragging its way across her stomach… moving south, hooking a single finger into the material he paused. “Yes or no?” he whispered into her ear, and punctuated the question by dragging her earlobe into his mouth. Sucking gently, teeth grazing. 
“Gods yes, pl- please sir.”
Aelin thrust her phone back into the pocket of her sweatshirt, and shrank down into her chair with all the grace of a sullen child. Her friends were assholes, and if they didn’t stop they’d fuck up whatever it was that started last night. They don’t know shit, she reminded herself and glanced at the hulking man next to her casually drinking his coffee. There was no way Rowan and the Cadre were unaware of the tension that had settled at the table. It seemed as though the only people exempt from it were Connall and Vaughn, currently feeding Ren at the opposite end of the table. 
What in the actual fuck is happening? 
A hand on her thigh startled Aelin from her highly obvious oggling of the threesome, and she turned her head to fully look at Rowan. He hitched a brow and smirked, his eyes seeming to ask Something the matter? Aelin rolled her eyes and gave him a look that she hope conveyed Not at all, I’m just curious.
Rowan leaned in then, using the movement to drag his hand to the apex of her thighs beneath the table and whisper in her ear. “Connall and Vaughn like… Pets. They’ve been looking for someone new since we got back, looks as though they’ve found one.”
“Should I be worried about Ren?” She whispered back.
“He seems to be handling himself just fine.”
“For now…” Aelin mused. “But if they hurt him I will personally cut them into pieces and feed them to Fleetfoot.”
“If they hurt him Princess, I’ll help.”
Mouth sucking a pert nipple through the soaked material of her swimsuit, Rowan slid a single finger along her slit. Torturously slow. Swirling her clit with to-light pressure, and then back to circle her entrance he dipped just the tip in. She was shaking, so tempted to grind into his hand, desperately seeking the release that had been building and now sat on a knife’s edge. 
He kept teasing, holding her at that edge while she begged “More” and “Please Sir” and “I’m so close.” He was taking her apart with a single finger and a set of teeth slowly dragging their way back up towards the shell of her ear. 
“Do you wanna cum, Princess?” he whispered. Pulling his finger from her sex and resting his palm against her. That damn finger now resting lightly against her entrance. She barely held still.
Aelin nodded her head furiously.
“Use your words.” A command.
“Yes, Sir. Pl-Please I need to cum. Please can I cum, p-” Her plea cut off as he plunged two thick fingers inside her and began to fuck right against that spot. 
“Cum.” He growled. And Aelin saw the Gods.
Rowan worked her through her orgasm, thumb circling her clit and fingers hammering, until she was sobbing with over-sensitivity. He eased out of her, pulling his face from her neck and his fingers from her body, bringing them up to his mouth. Pine-green eyes boring into her soul, he slowly sucked her taste from his fingers. 
“Good Girl.”
Rowan lifted her out of the water, setting her on the edge of the pool and hoisting himself up with sheer upper-body strength. The front of his trunks still tented, she gathered what brain cells she had left and nodded towards his glorious erection, “What about you?”
“What about me?” he reached for a towel, and came back to her side helping her to her rather useless feet. How the fuck had he made her like this with only his hands?
“Isn’t it my turn?” Aelin asked dumbly.
“No?” She was so fucking confused. Didn’t he want her? “But I thought…”
“You thought, what. That I’d fuck you tonight?”
“Well… yeah, don’t you want to?”
“More than you know princess,” Rowan wrapped the towel around her shoulders. Pulling her in to kiss her forehead. “I want nothing more than to fuck you until you can’t remember your own name. But I won’t do it when you’re drunk.”
“I-I’m not tha-” her protest died in her throat when he gave her an irritated look.
“Mhmm. Enough.” He began to lead her towards the door leading them back to the rooms. “Now, let’s get you dried off and in some warm clothes. Would you like to sleep in my room or yours?”
“Yours please, Sir.” She smiled as he kissed the top of her head.
“As you wish Princess.”
Dorian: $75 (Because Aedion had some fucking opinions)
Manon: $40 (Because Lys and Aedion studiously ignored eachother after being called out in the group chat
Asterin: $40 (Because Aelin was a stumbling mess- though curiously Rowan remained calm)
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kyunsies · 3 years
hi mädch tis 🌱 anon again :)) how are you? i'm writing this during a break between classes
LOL yeah sometimes i think mbb twt is a headache but i haven't engaged w stan twt in a while,, usually i follow translators, fansites and cc's so my experience on kpoptwt is v diff from the typical stan twt user,, drama makes my head ache and i use the mute button a LOT haha. aside from that being on twt+tumblr is p chill despite it being kinda lonely cause i don't have a lot of mbb friends irl+online (most irl kpop stan friends are arm*es haha) so i send stuff to a close friend that puts up w me :')) (+ @changkyun show us your face you cryptic)
long haired changkyun my beloved <3 but also his red hair was so so cute :( it might be my favourite "non-natural" colour on him,, but black/natural is superior. i think that hair definitely makes a difference in your appearance + ur vibes. esp w hyungwon his long hair gave him this mysterious + enigmatic vibe and when he cut it the bread cheeks were more pronounced,, soft bean
it does feel kind of good to be done w high school!! esp cause i feel like this year was especially long. i had intense courseloads at the beginning and end (so the middle was kinda chill) but i finished the ib without having to do exams so i'm forever thankful for that :'))) i have definitely felt very stressed at times during hs. and i agree!! the expectations in high school are quite unrealistic, and w the pandemic it's really easy to feel overwhelmed and burnt out all the time. it didn't help that the program i was in was pretty rigourous/intense. absolutely no time for myself unless i was procrastinating,, which i did a lot. very much looking forward to some sort of fresh start in uni though, even if i think my first year is gonna be stressful (STEM major ahah). @ the uni i chose, the first year is "designed" to weed ppl out,, if that makes sense. that being said, v much looking forward to the summer because i will FINALLY have time to do whatever i want and not have to focus on a math essay like last year T^T.
and for the ask game, let's do chungha! idk much abt her but i really liked the song she did w rich brian (88rising - these nights)
hi sweetheart 💖💖💖 sorry i’m late to this bubbie i saw it right away but i wanted to give u a well thought out response when work was done so i’m done for the day now :)
yeah seriously like i don’t mean to be a twt hater all the time but that app literally gives me the sh*ts when i go on there MFNJFF i get so anxious going on there :( i literally only follow like 20 ppl on there and honestly i might start unfollowing again HHH my twt is such a flop i just rt and bookmark things 🥲 but i also really relate to the second part babe tumblr tho it’s really chill and i love it, it does get quite lonely at times :( but i want u to know thag this place will always be a home to you and u can talk to me whenever you’d like okay !!!!!
also YES :((((( i don’t think my manifesting is working ….. really thought he was going to drop the selca today :( but !!!! i still have hope hehe i have a feeling it’s coming soon !!! 🥺 i also really liked his red hair too i think it was a really good look for him, i also adored his purple hair for fantasia era too 💖 wish he had it for longer !!! his undercut for Fantasia era was soooo pretty :( but ……. i kinda wanna see what he would look like with blonde hair again KDNKDJD i know ppl think he would look “dirty/unkept” with blonde hair but i would like to at least see it ONE MORE TIME LOLOLOL <3 i do think his black hair is absolutely superior too tho :)
i’m sure it feels so nice to be done hun !!! i’m so proud of you 🥺 high school was v tiring for me bc i pushed myself to take rigorous classes and then my sport had me out until about 7/8pm every night so it was just so hard to get my hw done at a reasonable time :( but especially with the field you’re going in stem it’s really tough … but you can do it !!!! you’ll find your grove <3 and i feel the whole weening ppl out tho, bc i’m a nursing major our uni’s policy is that if you have anything below a B (80%) in your nursing classes you get kicked out so i’m always stressed about my grades 😭 you will be fine, okay?
AND SKDJJD OKAY !!! miss chungha my queen <3
my first impression of her : diva 👀 KNDJD i wasn’t sure about her she looked really scary but my first ever song i heard was snapping and i LOVED it !!!!
what i think her best era was : either gotta go or the era with her pre-release (stay tonight + play!!)
what i love about her : she is unlike any other female soloist !!!! her dancing is u matched truly she can be dainty but her down too she’s incredible … she’s a huddled !!! the gal never rests KDJKD and her voice is absolutely stunning 🥺
0 notes
ijungkooki · 7 years
Your headcanons are soooo cute😍 can I request how the RFA would react when they're crushing on you? You choose if MC knows or is oblivious. Thanks youuuu
thank you so much! i had a lot of fun writing this! lololol it’s all super cute and everything and then BAM! feels train for seven sorrynotsorry
Crushing on MC
He’s had the BIGGEST crush on you for months now but he was way too shy to say anything
You two were best friends and would always hang out and play video games together
Soooooo many people pointed out how cute you were together
“Aww that’s so sweet!” You would reply as Yoosung died internally
y u do dis mc
The RFA members are trying so hard to help Yoosung out and drop not-so-subtle hints bc oh man this boi was whipped
Like if they all hung out together, they would purposely leave the chair next to Yoosung available for you
Or they would all “casually” leave the room so you two were alone
But you were so oblivious
The poor lil bean is suffering as the RFA struggles to come up with new ways to help him out
It’s Jumin who finally breaks
“This is pointless. MC, Yoosung likes you. Just go on a date with him already.”
Yoosung is blushing so hard and is seriously considering moving to a different continent
When you two are alone, he confesses himself because he can’t hide it anymore
You pull him into a bone-crushing hug because omgomgogmjdksfb you like him too
You give him a lil peck on the cheek and he pretty much dies then and there
He’s flirting to the MAX with you
He compliments you more than himself lolol
But you think he’s just joking around so you flirt with him back even though you’ve got a huge crush on him too
With you two, it’s like a competition on who can flirt the best
Constant compliments, funny innuendos, “friendly” kisses on cheeks, the occasional slap on the ass
Ok let’s be real it’s like you’re an actual couple
When people ask about it, you’re like “nah just friends”
Zen is mentally slapping himself in the face because what else is he supposed to do???
It isn’t until you two are at his apartment hanging out when he decides to confess
You notice he’s a little off and nervous so you ask him about it
“MC… I, uh, well…”
He can perform in front of gigantic crowds just fine so why is he so nervous pull yourself together Zen
He takes a deep breath and just
lol wut
When you finally process what he says, you’re so happy
You tell him you like him too and he gets super excited and kisses you then and there
She’s had a couple boyfriends in the past but none of them were really long term
Besides, she was too busy for relationships
But then you showed up
oH MaN
At first, she didn’t think much of it just some admiration
But when you hung out at her place while watching some Zen movies and she looked over to see you smiling
She was a goner
When she realized her feelings were more than friendly, she was so nervous and scared
Because first of all, she’s never had feelings for a girl before and second
Did you even like girls??????
It took months for her to accept it and when she did, she turned to Zen for advice
“Just tell her, Jaehee. You never know what could happen.”
“Why do you sound like you know something? WHY DID YOU WINK?”
She eventually got you alone and confessed about a week after that conversation
You were so happy that she confessed and told her that you felt the same
She felt like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders and felt all warm and fuzzy inside
Jaehee has now upgraded to Baehee™
what even are feelings lol
You’ve had a crush on him for the longest time
And you kinda figured he felt the same???
He was always so caring and kind towards you and put you above almost everything else
But you knew he had a hard time dealing with emotions, so you decide to let him figure things out on his own time
He’s confused as to why you can make him smile without effort or how his mood improves just by talking to you
All he knows is that he likes being around you and it makes him happy when he has your attention
When you have a get together with the RFA, he sees you talking to Zen
Jumin is not happy but he doesn’t know why
When he realizes that he’s jealous, he also realizes that he’s in love with you as well
He waits until after everyone leaves before he musters the courage to take your hands in his and tell you how he feels
You smile and tell him how you’ve fallen for him too
He’s super happy when he hears that and offers to take you out to dinner later that week
Of course you agree
The moment he saw you for the first time, he knew he was going to fall in love with you
But he believed he didn’t deserve you at all
But as the months passed and you two became closer, he found himself completely head over heels for you
And the fact that he was suppressing his feelings made it even harder to ignore
He desperately wished he could tell you how he truly felt but how could you possibly love someone like him?
omg i just wanna wrap this poor boy in a billion blankets plEASE
Seven is literally the kind of person to be super nice and flirty one moment and then push you away the next
At first, this really confused you
Eventually you figured out that he liked you but was having trouble dealing with it when explained to by Zen and Yoosung
You knew he was always hard on himself so you understood his behavior towards you
One day, you’re hanging out at his place and notice he’s extra distant
You decide to confront him about it
He’s struggling to find the right words and suddenly you just pull him into a hug
“It’s okay if you don’t want to say anything. Just know that I love you, too.”
He’s so taken aback and nearly cries because he finally found someone who could love him back
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