#she never hid nudity from me and taught me that the body is beautiful
butch-bakugo · 1 year
I want to be a natural parent.
I want my children to see nudity.
Not pornography, not kink, not sex.
Nudity. Nudity in art. Nudity as a form of beauty.
Nudity as a form of power. Nudity as natural and beautiful.
Nudity is not shameful. Nudity is not gross. Nudity is not sexual.
I want my children to see human bodies as beautiful. I want my children to see this as natural. I want my children to see the beauty in the natural human form. I want them to confident in their bodies. I want them to see bodies of all types. I want them to not shy away or blush at nude painting.
I want my children to look at themselves as see a beautiful human being and to see beauty in other's bodies. They will see breasts and see the feeding of children, not sexy tits. They will know the proper words for their body parts. They will not call it their cookie or coochy, that is their vagina. They will not call it their peepee or sprinkler, that is their penis. Studies show those nicknames excite predators. Pedophiles reported being turned off when a child said the proper terminology.
They will be taught that no one other than themselves should see their naked body, only people they want to see it should. What places are or aren't appropriate to be naked. When it is or isn't appropriate to be naked there. Who they should show it to and who not to. They will be taught to not allow anyone to touch them in certain areas and I will make sure they feel comfortable telling me if someone dose and who.
Children only see things as sexual when they are taught to and my children will not be taught that a naked body is inherently sexual. Because it isn't. It is simply a natural body.
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Make Me Sway | Song of Sway Lake AU
Chapter 1: The Naked Stranger
Warning: Strong language, nudity, mention of death and alcohol
(Make Me Sway masterlist)
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Nikolai didn't think about the fact that he was naked when he heard soft cries coming from the barn. The urge to be useful inside of him took over and he burst through the door without even covering himself. What if someone got hurt? What if someone was in danger?
There was a girl was sitting on the corner, hugging her knees and sobbing to the sound of a record playing Dream a Little Dream of Me. At first, Nikolai didn't see her face, so he slowly walked towards her, which was probably a bad choice, since his naked body was the first thing she saw when she lifted her head.
"Am I hallucinating or is there really a naked stranger in my barn?"
"Oh," he noticed that from her angle she was nearly directly facing his cock and quickly hid behind a chair. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
"Didn't scare me, you're lanky enough, I could probably take you..." the way she spoke was dull, empty.
"I would never! My pop taught me to never hit a woman."
"That's a nice lesson to teach... Who the fuck are you, uncut Russian guy?"
"I could ask you the same thing. This is private property of the Sway family."
"And I'm Ms. Sway."
"Oh! I'm a friend of Oliver!" he put his hand out. "Nikolai, sorry for the intrusion, that must be a horrible first impression."
"Great, Ollie's here..." she sighed, shaking his hand. "That's gonna make things easier."
"You don't sound very excited about it. Are you his cousin or something?"
"I'm his older sister."
"Sister? He never mentioned he had sister."
"Makes sense, he hates my guts, I never really knew why."
"And what is your name, Ollie's sister?"
"You have Russian name?"
"Yeah, it's Slavic," she jumped to her feet and put both hands on the arms of the chair. "Goddess of-"
"Beauty," Nikolai smiled. "It suits you."
"Nikolai? Shit man, I've been looking for... Lada?" Ollie walked in and his face contorted upon seeing his sister.
"Hi, long time no see," she thought about hugging him for a second, but gave up on the idea.
"What are you doing here?"
"Wow, nice to see you too, missed you at the funeral," Lada nodded. "I brought gran, she said she had important stuff to do around here."
"Put some fucking clothes on," Oliver threw a cape forgotten after their drinking spree the night before at his friend.
"Yeah, yeah, sorry," he covered himself.
"How long will you stay?" Ollie gave Lada a death glare.
"Just a week."
"Oh, I almost forgot," Nikolai hugged her, taking her by surprise. "I'm sorry about your father."
"Thanks..." she didn't know how to react or why her heart was racing like that.
"Nice of you to abandon the city for a week to follow grandma to this shit hole. I'm sure Broadway is going dark without you," Ollie sneered.
"You're Broadway star?" Nikolai smiled excitedly.
"I wouldn't say star..."
"Yeah, she is," her brother interrupted. "Are you still doing that... Fiddler on the Roof?"
"No, it closed back in June, now I'm in Crazy for You. You'd know if you came to watch... I sent you the tickets for the opening night."
"Crazy for You? What is that about?" Nikolai asked.
"It's a comedy about this guy, Bobby, who has to go into a small town to take a theater in the name of the bank he works for, but ends up falling in love with the owner's daughter, Polly."
"Yeah... So Bobby decides to produce a big show to save that theater."
"Sounds interesting, I'd love to watch it."
He had a talent to seem interested in things, to make people feel like they were special and important. A natural charm that made Lada feel immediately intrigued and scared at the same time.
"You should come."
"Lada, your grandma is-" Marlena walked into the barn and gasped seeing Oliver. "Ollie, I'm so sorry for your dad."
"I would recommend wearing something other than a cape for dinner," Lada looked up and down at Nikolai. "My grandma might have a fit if she sees your... Assets."
"Oh, of course, we wouldn't want that," he chuckled, loving the look on her face as she stared at him.
"By the way... If she says something mean or upsetting, don't worry, it's not you, it's just the way she is."
"Ollie told me about it, it must be hard on her losing her husband and then her son, right?" he intentionally let the cape part slightly as he made his way back to the house.
"I guess, yes, but she's not the easiest person to deal with. I'm the golden granddaughter, but the way she treats Ollie is really shitty sometimes," she tried not to get distracted, glancing over at him from time to time.
"You know... Now that I look at you, you look exactly like your grandma when she was young," he looked between the woman in front of him and the picture on the wall as soon as they walked inside.
"Thank you, that's so kind of you," she smiled.
"Everyone says that," Ollie rolled his eyes.
"Well, I should probably take a shower before dinner," Lada sighed, she needed a very cold shower to push the image of the naked Russian hunk away from her brain. "It's really nice to see you, Oliver."
"Likewise..." Ollie's words were completely empty.
She ran upstairs and locked herself in the bathroom, her chest heaving, her cheeks blushing.
"No, stop that! He's a weirdo who walks around naked, he's a flirt! Your father just passed, that's why you're here! You're here to help grandma!" she stared at herself in the mirror. "Snap out of it, don't think about his body, don't think about his eyes, don't think about his lips, don't think about his sexy accent..."
"Wow, you look gorgeous, Lada," Nikolai pulled the chair for her. "That's a beautiful dress."
"Thank you," she tried to convince herself that the reason why she picked this lavender silk sundress was just because of how hot it was, and it was the first one she got her hands on... Nothing more. "You're such a gentleman."
"I love that dress, dear, I had one just like it," Charlie smiled, taking a sip of her wine.
"This was yours, gran, you gave it to me, remember?"
"Oh yes- We eat it while it's hot, Nikolai," she gently scolded, watching him pray in silence. "Respect the chef."
"Hey," Lada muttered uncomfortably, she could be so insensitive sometimes. "Leave him be."
"When was the last time you washed your hair?" Charlie asked when Ollie and Marlena joined. "I remember when people wanted to look their best..."
"Gran! That's enough," Lada gave her a pointed look.
"When did you decide to become an activist for the vulnerable and oppressed?" Ollie looked at his sister with distaste.
"I'm so sorry, Nikolai," she mouthed, but he didn't seem to mind. Being there to watch the drama made him feel like part of the family, something he didn't realize he wanted until he got there.
"You know Hal rescued Marlena from Cuba," Charlie looked over at their guest. "We desperately tried to bring her kids as well... No te preocupes, Marlena."
"That's not very nice dinner talk, is it?" Lada wanted to disappear.
"No es por mí que estoy preocupada, señora Sway," Marlena nodded politely.
"Abuela, ¿podrías dejar de avergonzarme, por favor?" Lada pleaded.
The rest of the dinner was really quiet, uncomfortably quiet. It wasn't until after everyone was done that Charlie finally decided to speak again, thankfully this time, she was willing to be nice.
"Lada, my dear, would you sing that song I like from your new show?" Mrs. Sway suggested. "It's just so beautiful, I think your brother is gonna love it."
"Of course, gran," she stood up, blushing slightly.
"Amazing, precious Lada doesn't get enough attention as it is..." Ollie sneered.
Nikolai shook his head in disapproval, he truly had no idea why Oliver hated his sister so much. She was quite nice, quite interesting, quite beautiful... When she started to sing, his heart nearly jumped in his chest.
Her voice, she sounded like an angel! Her eyes, the way her mouth moved, everything was just so perfect, so captivating. She reminded him of the leading ladies from old '50s films, the ladies he fell in love with growing up.
He knew, right that moment, that she was the one he's been looking for. The woman who wasn't just any girl he could pick up at a bar, she was special, she was magical.
"I'd like to add his initial to my monogram
Tell me, where is the shepherd for this lost lamb?
There's a somebody I'm longing to see
I hope that he turns out to be
Someone who'll watch over me
I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood
I know I could always be good
Someone who'll watch over me"
Her words, her body, it was like she lived in a different world, a world Nikolai wanted to visit, maybe even live in. He felt tears starting to gather in his eyes, as if her beauty was so great and so powerful, it just didn't fit his vision and spilled out of him.
I'll watch over you, Lada, I'll dedicate my life to it if you ask, he thought. I'll be your shepherd, I'll be to you exactly what general Sway was to your grandma, our lives will be just like the pictures on the walls, I will give you the moon and the stars if I can, just please be mine.
"Bravo!" Nikolai clapped excitedly when she was done. "You are... Incredible."
"Very good," Charlie praised, something rare coming from her.
"Thanks," Lada bowed as a reflex.
"That was wonderful," Marlena was leaning against the doorframe, watching from a distance.
"Why don't you come to watch the show? Gran, you can give Marlena a few days off so she can spend some time with me in the city, right? There's so much I wanna show her."
"Well, I'm sure we can find a way," Charlie agreed without wanting to get in a discussion with her granddaughter.
"Give up," Ollie whispered as if he knew what was going through his friend's mind. "She won't want anything to do with you."
"I've never been turned down, my friend, I don't intend to start now," Nikolai scoffed smugly. "Do you mind? If it bothers you I will back off..."
"No, not at all, be my guest."
The young man fixed his collar before walking up to Lada, flashing his most charming smile, he knew the power of his looks, but he also knew he would need more than that to gain her heart.
"Would you like to go for a walk maybe? The night is so beautiful."
"Um... Sure, sounds lovely. Are you coming, Ollie?"
"Not really in the mood," he shrugged, putting his hood on.
Nikolai offered his arm for her to hold and they made their way outside, heading towards the dock where they sat, watching the reflection of the moon on the black lake. It was very hot, but Lada shivered when the gentle breeze hit her naked shoulders.
"Are you cold?"
"Just a little, but it's fine..."
Without skipping a beat, he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, covering her back. She hoped the darkness of the night was enough to hide how startled she got, intoxicated by the scent of his cologne.
"Better?" he smirked, watching the silhouette of her chest heaving.
"Yeah, thank you... You really don't miss an opportunity to take your clothes off, do you?"
"A real man never lets a lady feel cold, especially not a lady like you."
"Your dad taught you that as well?" she looked over at his beautiful face bathed in a mysterious glow.
"He did."
"Where is he now?"
"In heaven, with my mama too," there was longing in his voice, but he didn't seem sad. "I've been on my own since I was 13."
"I'm really sorry, Nikolai. If losing my father now at 29 is hard, I can't even imagine losing him at 13... Do you have any siblings?"
"I have Ollie now, he's like my brother," the young man grinned.
"So that makes me... You sister."
"What? No!" he laughed. "I don't think that's how this works."
"How does it work, then?"
"Look at that, the stars are so beautiful," he tried to change the subject to be in control once again. "Almost as beautiful as you. But you are also a star, one that fell from the sky to make the world more wonderful."
"I know what you're trying to do, Nikolai."
"What do you mean, Zvezda?"
"You're trying to sweep me off my feet with your charms," Lada chuckled, resting her head on his shoulder.
"Is it working?"
"I can't say it isn't, but this can't happen, this won't happen. You are very handsome and very sweet, but I can't, you're just a boy."
"There's something you should know about me, Zvezda. I'm not the type that gives up so easily."
"I never thought you were."
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @firstpersonnarrator @spanishmossmagnolia @a-ghoulish-tale @seanfalco @salvador-daley
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1066od427co · 7 years
Fair is Fair
This is a light-hearted and fluffy one-shot involving the Force Bond that she and Kylo Ren share.  Growing up on Jakku, Rey had lived a solitary life devoid of any interactions with the human race. This has led to some interesting outcomes.  Not really spoilery, because everyone knew abut the Force Bond from the promo material and the rest is fluff.
Read it below the cut or read on FF: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12765978/1/Fair-is-Fair
“What the- sorry Rey.”
In her room again, thanks to the bond, and not at a good time.  Kylo instinctively turned away from the girl, inwardly cursing himself.  He had never apologized to anyone for anything in years.  It had slipped out.  Not a moment of weakness, but of instinct.  She wouldn’t see it that way, though.  He might have to be a little colder to her than usual once she got herself together, just to keep things on an even keel.  
“What for?” she asked from behind him.  She let bitter sarcasm drip into her voice, “All things considered, you’re going to have to be a hell of a lot more specific.”
He felt a soft touch on his shoulder.  From the corner of his eye he saw her fingers curling around his leather-clad shoulder, delicate digits that hid a surprising amount of strength, he knew.   Gently she tugged at him, trying to turn him to face her.
He refused to be moved.
“For nothing,” he growled, resisting her gasp.  “It’s clearly not an appropriate time for you to have a guest, is all.  The bond shouldn’t have brought me here.  Not now.”
“Ben?  What’s going on?” she demanded from behind.  
She pulled harder on his shoulder this time, then stepped all the way around to face him when he still refused to budge.  He sighed with a loud huff then folded his arms across his chest.  As she moved directly in front of him, well within arm’s reach, his gaze shifted straight up.  He absolutely refused to look at the Jedi girl.
“Why won’t you look at me, Ben?”  she asked, seemingly in genuine confusion.  “Is this about the liberation of Ryloth?  We spent months planning that together.  No casualties...  It worked out, didn’t it?”
“It’s not that, Rey,” he said.  She couldn’t really be this dense, could she?  “You’re naked.”  Taking the opportunity to steal a long glance, he nodded to her bare chest, eyes flowing down her flat and almost- but not quite- too lean stomach, before settling on the vee formed where her thighs started.  Disappointingly, it terminated at a few wisps of dark hair poking from the top of a small towel that wrapped around her waist. She had the two ends of the thick cloth twisted at the top and secured at her side.  Small water droplets covered her bare skin, collecting and clinging to all the right places.  Her body hair, so fine as to be all but invisible, prickled in the cold.  She was making it very hard to think.  He blinked twice and returned to staring at her ceiling.
“I’m not naked,” she protested, balling her fists and pressing them onto her hips.  The action had the effect of defiantly thrusting her chest out at Kylo.  
The man growled internally.  She wasn’t helping.  
“I’m wearing a towel,” the Jedi said.  Rolling her eyes, she grabbed a section of the cloth where the two ends met and shook it.  Her bare thigh peeked through the gap like the slit on a cocktail dress.  “See?!”
It was Kylo’s tun to roll his eyes.  She had to be doing this on purpose.  Fine.  He wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of thinking she was having any kind of effect on him.  He swallowed hard and met her eyes, willing himself not to glance down at her perky, shapely, and perfectly sized-
This wasn’t going to work.
“Rey.  Put on some clothes.  Now.”
“Ben.  No.  Alright?  So, what were we going to do this time?” she asked, her eyes wandering in thought.  Strolling to one of her chairs, she sat facing Kylo and, thankfully for him, crossed her legs.  She gestured to the chair next to hers.  “Sit.  I think it’s your turn to teach me something, isn’t it?  More calligraphy, maybe?”
“No.  It was the history of the Great Hyperspace War, but now it’s nothing.  No lessons until you get dressed.”
“I mean it, I cannot concentrate otherwise.”
“Fine.  Today’s lesson is how to put a shirt on.”
“I don’t get it.  What the hell has gotten into you?” she asked, sounding genuinely upset.  “I would have gotten dressed, but now you’re turning it into a thing and I’m refusing.  I think I’m going to spend the rest of the day like this.  You better get used to it.  I think this bond is going to be a long one.  Couple hours at least.  I can feel it, can’t you?”   
Kylo took a the seat next to her.  At least as close as they were, and as small as she was, he could only see the top of her head and not much of anything below that.  She was right, he could feel it in the bond too.  The more time they spent apart, the more the bond would try to keep them together through the force.  They would have to meet again, probably within the month, or they would be spending entire days like this.
“Yes, but this is really, really distracting to me.”
“I don’t get it, Ben,” she said, “You don’t think I get distracted whenever I see your tits out?  Maybe a little horny, even?  Every damn time?  And I swear, you’re shirtless more often than not up in that suite of yours.  Not my fault you can’t handle yourself as well as me.”
“How is that even close to equivalent, Rey?” he asked, “You’re a girl.”
“I know that,” she snapped, folding her arms below her breasts, “I’ve known that for years.”
That sounded off; not like sarcasm at all.  Instead, she sounded serious and even a little defensive.  “How many years?” he asked slowly.
“A little over six, not that it’s any of your concern,” she said.  The young woman glanced up in thought.  After a moment, she continued, “There were maybe five humans on all of Jakku, and I don’t think I spoke to any of them, that I can remember.  I once asked a traveling Iridonian Zabrak what species I was because I didn’t know.  I talked to her because she looked like me and I was hoping she would tell me when my horns would grow in.  She pointed to an old scavenger woman who only ever mumbled to herself and said, ‘she’s your kind, I think.’  I had no idea we were the same species, we looked so different.  I’ll never forget it.  Learning what a female was- and that I was supposed to be one- came shortly after that.  To me, I’ve always just been Rey.”   
Every now and then Rey had to be taught some of the basics that one wouldn’t have necessarily picked up living a solitary life on Jakku.  He remembered when she had told him about the durasteel fork she had salvaged from a crash site.  That conversation had come up when he caught her combing her hair with it.  Until then, he had been debating asking her to an official dinner, in disguise of course, as his guest, but that was shelved indefinitely as long as things like this came up.  Force help them all if the Supreme Leader’s Imperial courtesan ate with her hands, cleaned her gun at the table, or tried to eat her napkin.
“Who taught you about becoming a woman?” he asked, “That old scavenger?”
She chuckled, “No.  The only thing she ever taught me was what not to become.  Why is that something that needs to be taught?  If I am one, I am one.  Is it different from being a man?”
“A little,” Kylo replied with a small shrug.    
“Well, you can teach me about both of them if you like,” she offered, “but it doesn’t mean I’ll do anything with that information.”
“Fair enough,” he said, “So.  Men can go topless.  Women can’t.”
“Bantha shit.”
“Excuse me?” he asked, glaring down at her.  
She craned her neck all the way back to meet his gaze with a quiet fury.  Her teeth flashed as she spoke each word.  “Bantha.  Shit.”
“No, I’m telling the truth,” he hastened to reply.  “That’s one of the cultural differences between the sexes.”
“Pass,” she said, turning away and waving a hand, “I guess I’m not a woman after all.  What else you got?”
“No, Rey-”
“No, you.”  She turned back to the man, “You don’t get to walk around shirtless whenever you want, Mr. Perfect Tits.  You don’t get to grease yourself up-”
He interrupted, “I told you I have eczema and that’s lotion to-”
“-and strut around like a chiseled god.  I’m sorry that mine don’t look as good as yours.”  She was working herself into a verbal storm now, “I’m sorry they’re so much smaller and aren’t nearly as lean or muscled and I can’t make them flex and do that bouncy thing you do.  I’m sorry you’re so disgusted by seeing me topless that I have to cover up.  But this is me and I will not be ashamed!  Deal with it, Ben.”
Kylo closed his eyes and breathed out slowly, willing himself to remain calm.  Rey had to be the most bull-headed person he had ever met.  “It’s not that.  Girls don’t-”
“Bantha shit!” She pointed a finger centimeters from his nose.  “If it was just some cultural thing between the genders, your reaction wouldn’t be so different from mine.  We both know you don’t give a lizard-monkey’s ass about culture.  You need me all covered up.  I don’t mind you naked.  What does that tell you, huh?  I think it’s obvious.”
He mentally sighed.  That settled it.  He could deal with her nudity, but one thing he would not tolerate was the hurt and shame he feel through their bond.  Those awful feelings he had caused radiated from her like searing heat off a stove top.
“You’re right.  You’re right and I’m sorry,” he said.  He pried on the bond just a little and projected his feelings as best he could, opening his mind to her so she knew he was speaking the truth.   “I Just want you to know that I think you are the most beautiful person I have ever met in my life and I think you are a perfect human being in every way possible.”
Eyes wide and mouth agape, she stared at him for a handful of seconds, speechless.  Clearly, she could feel beyond all doubt that he was telling the absolute truth.  “I…  Okay,” she finally managed, nodding her head slowly.
He bent down to plant a kiss at the top of her forehead, a soft peck.  She tried to leverage herself up and change the destination of his lips to hers, doing everything in her power short of grabbing hold of his jacket and yanking.  He pretended not to notice and let her sink back down, dejected and unsatisfied with his chaste token of affection.
He stood, taking off his jacket and shirt in the process.  He turned to walk back into his world, eying Rey over his shoulder.  He flexed his back muscles, bringing his shoulder blades together and then apart.  The Jedi was biting her lip.  He smiled to himself.  
Moving into his bedroom, he retrieved his skincare lotion and resumed his seat next to Rey.  Squeezing some of the thick liquid onto a hand, he rubbed it between both palms and then began slowly spreading it over his pectorals, the sound of softly slapping skin filling the space between them, all while keeping his steely gaze and neutral expression locked on the the topless young woman.
“My droid is broken,” he said, still rubbing his already slippery muscles, “so I need you to help me with my back.  And while you do that, there is some business to attend to before I forget.  We need to discuss the recent trouble your resistance has been giving us on Taris.  We’re open to a few more concessions, but-”
“You know what?”  She interrupted, swallowing hard.  “Suddenly, I believe you.  It is possible to be that distracted.  Shirts on?”
He tossed the bottle into his room and picked up his clothing.  “Shirts on,” he replied.
“Shirts on,” she seconded, nodding vigorously.  Getting up, she dug through her dresser drawer.  “For now,” she whispered.
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