#she made discoverers about herself right there
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raindreames ¡ 10 months ago
happy pride month hinata hyuga!
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ilsolefiesta ¡ 7 months ago
the unpleasant thing about asteroids
hello-hello, long time no see! this month has been crazy, but here we are again. today I want to talk about an important topic that might make some people disappointed or even angry with me. some might say that I don't understand astrology at all.  the issue I want to raise is the total madness surrounding various asteroids and their persona charts. take it easy, it's not more than a fun addition to "real" astrology. 
however, the fact that people have become suddenly obsessed with finding their Aphrodite asteroid in order to check if they are necessarily extremely beautiful... (note: guys, Aphrodite is simply the Greek name for Venus, which was already occupied...)
or Boda, for example. how will my wedding look? c'mon, Boda was only discovered in 1938. unlike the main planets and objects which have been observed since ancient times, and some for at least 200-400 years, modern asteroids discovered recently may not actually have any patterns yet. and the names are mostly given according to astronomical standards and the imagination of those who discovered them. sometimes, I come across really bizarre and far-fetched facts that are presented as genuine astrological observations. and many people become really disappointed when they don't find Fama in their 1st house/Leo/5 degree. do you want me to create a similar "100% true" fact right in front of your eyes? if asteroid Mr. Spock (2309) forms a conjunction with your Venus, then "Star Trek" is destined to be your favorite movie. (well, the asteroid actually gets its name from the discoverer's cat)  absurd, right? another example: there's an asteroid named Tomhanks (12818). oh. my. god. it falls to my 1st house! (I'm not kidding, btw) does it mean Tom Hanks has a great influence on my life or personality? I couldn't even remember his face until I looked up a photo...
want more? my best friend has a slightly unusual internet nickname. she calls herself "Stasik", which is a diminutive of a Russian boy's name. she has her own funny story about how and why she chose this nickname, and it has become strongly associated with her personality. guess what? exactly. there is also an asteroid called Stasik (4131) and it makes me feel cringey even to write that I've checked it... well, this name is literally a part of who she is, so there must be some connection, right? it's just in her 9th house. that's all. NOTHING special. I want to emphasize one thing: I'm not against asteroids, and I use them myself often. however, there is a point where it can become a strange form of self-made astrology with even less evidence than traditional astrology. everyone has the right to believe what they want, but my opinion is like that:
some asteroids, such as "Starr" and "Glo", don't necessarily make you a star, even if they are in a harsh conjunction with your ASC. and the absence of these asteroids in "important" houses doesn't mean you lack star potential. btw, why is "Glo" associated with popularity, actually? why can't it simply represent the fact that you smoke a tobacco heater of the same name lmao? I hope you understand what I'm saying. astrology is more complex than people think, which is why it's easy to manipulate facts. that's okay, but please stay rational. I always say this, but astrology can help provide insights, but it shouldn't define or rule your life. 
take care and thank you for reading! Picture credits: mine
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jpitha ¡ 1 year ago
Between the Black and Gray 22
First / Previous / Next
"Uh, One moment please!" Fen flicked through the screen at her chair. What was this ship called? She found that it had no official name yet, and she was the legal owner of "Frigate 2233" She didn't have time to think of a name - nor knowledge yet on how to change it - so she had to go with it. Traffic Control's accent was pretty thick as well. Fen rolled the dice and switched to K'inmar "This is... Frigate 2233, Captain Fenchurch Whitehorse in command. I am requesting permission to enter K'laxi space and dock at Minaren."
Minaren was the name of the K'laxi main starbase that sat at the L1 point of their homeworld. It housed the K'laxi authorities and was a major seat of offworld government.
"Acknowledged... Frigate 2233. You are cleared to dock at bay 344. The Discoverers will be waiting to speak with you. Be prepared to debrief them."
The Discoverers were the investigative police and worked directly with the Grand Council - the 4 K'laxi elders that represented their people among the stars. Fen had only heard about them from her adoptive family and always in the context of someone you did not want to meet.
There was still half a day or so before she reached Minaren, so Fen spent her time getting familiar with her ship and working on her story. Everyone who could dispute it was conveniently dead, so Fen decided to go with simple and believable. She and 'her' Frigate had chartered Dreams to carry them from the Shipyard to K'lax where she could enter the Gate system and make her way to the larger Galaxy. She was aboard the ship when Something Happened on Dreams and she was told to leave. As she soared away she saw the same thing the K'laxi did and she was just as confused as they were. Simple enough to remember, didn't require any fancy embellishments and she could repeat it with enough confidence that the Discoverers should accept it as the truth. After all, the frigate was legally hers, as well as all the guns and money she now had. Just the thing you need when you're going out to form a mercenary group.
Before she docked, Fen also had a meal and tried out the kitchen. The frigate was small, designed for less than a dozen people total, but the kitchen was well appointed, and Dreams had made sure it was stocked and ready to go. It was nice to be cooking for herself again.
She even took a nap in her quarters before the docking completed. She didn't have time to get a full night's sleep, and she wasn't sure what time it was on the station anyway, but she had enough to be refreshed, and she was so tired she didn't even dream of anything she saw onboard Dreams. It was going to be different the next time she got a full rest.
Refreshed, in clean clothes, and her hair combed, she stood by the airlock as Frigate 2233 was brought into the docking area of Minaren. Before the docking fields even set her down all the way, the ramp was lowering and the door sliding up. Fen decided that the only way to play this was confident. If she didn't act like there was anything out of the ordinary, then there wasn't, right?
"Right!" Fen said to the empty airlock.
As she strode down the ramp, she saw three K'laxi standing at the foot of the ramp. Two wore complicated looking armored spacesuits - with their helmets tipped back - and the one in the middle wore a very dressy uniform. It was cut asymmetrically, brown with a pale blue trim. As Fen came into view, the middle K'laxi's ears flattened for a split second, then they recovered and smiled widely, human style, and bowed.
Why were they surprised? Fen wondered.
"Welcome to Minaren, the home of the Grand Council and the K'laxi. I am Zherun, with The Discoverers. I trust Traffic Control let you know we would be speaking?" Zherun was a young female K'laxi, maybe a little older than Ma-ren was. Her ears were highly pierced and the earrings flashed under the harsh lights of the hangar.
"I greet you friend Zherun, I am Fenchurch, raised by Group Gen'mil." Fen decided to pull out all the stops. She made the gesture of welcome, she bowed low and she spoke the traditional K'laxi greeting in K'inmar. She even let her slight northern accent come through.
The Discoverers trained Zherun well. She barely even reacted when Fen gave the traditional greeting. She flicked her tail in amusement and continued in K'inmar. "Well then friend Fenchurch, please accompany me." Zherun turned on her feel and walked away, without checking to see if Fen was following. The two guards flicked their ears and subtly gestured for her to follow. Fen trotted behind Zhe and they entered Minaren proper.
Fen had heard that nearly the whole station was a forest, but she was unprepared for how... literal that was. When they stepped through the hangar doors, Fen would have sworn she was planetside. Light from their star streamed in overhead, trees all and spindly grew, stretching towards the light. The whole area was warm and moist and smelled of the forest and water. People walked everywhere on footpaths that looked like they were worn into the forest floor from scores of feet. It was all a carefully crafted illusion of course, but it was masterfully done. Fen didn't even try to hide her amazement.
"This is your first time on Minaren, Fenchurch." It wasn't a question.
"Please, Zherun, I prefer to go by Fen."
"You may call me Zhe then."
"Thank you Zhe. Yes, this is my first time on Minaren. I had heard of your forest, but hearing it described does not do it justice!"
Zhe's tail flicked and she smiled. "It never does. We are very proud of our forest. It's nearly six hundred years old."
K'lax orbited their star slower than Earth, so their 'year' worked out to about two Earth years, which means the forest was already old and established before the K'laxi and Humans ever met.
Zhe led Fen across the main floor of Minaren towards a small elevator seemingly built into a tree. As she approached, a guard saluted, and stepped aside just as the door slid open. The four of them stepped into the elevator and one of the guards pressed his palm against a panel. Fen felt movement and her ears popped as the pressure changed.
"Sorry Fen, the top floor is for the tourists and Grand Council. We're going to a place with a much more humble decor."
The elevator door opened with a soft chime, and the guards stepped out. As Fen and Zhe exited, they saluted, and stepped back into the elevator. Fen craned her head back as they walked. "No more guards?"
"Oh, we don't need them down here. Once you've made it this far we can... take care of things if necessary."
Fen glanced up and saw panels recessed into the ceiling at regular intervals. Slug throwers. "Ah."
"Indeed." Zhe led them down the hall a little ways and opened a door with her own palm into a bright conference room. Inside was another K'laxi, wearing a much simpler uniform. They were looking down at a pad, frowning. A steaming pot of tea and three cups were next to them on a elegant wooden tray. "Councilor." Zhe saluted and waited.
The Councilor raised one of their fingers while they finished the paragraph they were reading, and then looked up. "Ah, Zhe, thank you for bringing out guest." They turned to Fen. "Fenchurch? Please sit. Would you like some tea?"
Fen did as she was told. "Yes please, thank you, er Councilor."
"Councilor Tavren Oreni, Councilor of Stations and Starbases." The inclined their head slightly. "I must say I am impressed. I did not expect a human to know proper manners and to speak in such a refined way."
Fen blushed slightly. "I was raised by Group Gen'mil, and my wife was K'laxi. I must admit that K'inmar is my first language."
"Ah, yes, that is why you speak so eloquently. Wonderful!" Tavren's ears flicked. "I find Colonic much too difficult to get... subtleties across. This will be much better. But first, my manners! Let me pour you some tea"
Fen blinked. The fact that the Councilor of Stations and Starbases was pouring her tea meant that she was truly an esteemed guest. Normally, Fen would offer to pour for Tavren.
Tavren picked up the teapot and with a minimum of motions filled the three cups. She slid one towards Fen first, then herself, and finally Zhe. That was also odd. Zhe was the lowest social rank here?
Being first served, that meant that Fen needed to drink first. Neither could do anything else until she did. She should also say something. Fen picked up the small cup and smelled it. It was chamomile and it was perfect. She took a small sip and inclined her head.
The rite performed, Tavren picked up her tea and did the same thing. Once she was finished Zhe completed the ritual.
"Now then." Tavren spun around her pad. On screen was a still from a long range telescope, showing the moment when Dreams detonated. "Please tell us how you destroyed three Imperial Super Dreadnoughts."
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hikarimiyanaga ¡ 2 years ago
Forget Me (Part 5)
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I hate my internet for real.
Taglist : @letssayless , @audemarze
You were fully avoiding Hancock.
It's been a month since she fired you and not once did she ever see you again after she confronted you that night.
You've always been popular among the Kuja women but you became even moreso when the herbs that you've grown were so effective. Even Hancock herself has been drinking some of the tea that you've grown.
She sneaked around the night before but was so unsuccessful at even getting a glimpse of your face.
"It feels like she knows wherever I am." Hancock mumbles to herself in her office.
What she didn't know was that Sonia, Mari, Kikyo and even Margaret were all helping you avoid her.
Signals and codes. The four of them planned and did everything together in order to let you live without pain from the heartache.
You were humming to yourself as you take a walk in the forest. You were about to be pounced by a lion when you glare at it. It stops mid-air and quickly flees.
"Show more guts!" You call out and sigh. It's been a month since you've been in a fight and you were getting annoyed by it. Mari and Sonia can't even spar with you because they've been so busy.
"You seem frustrated." Before you knew it, you were actually at the place where Shakky were resting. You hum as you look at her and you realize who you were talking to.
"You must be Shakky! The previous Empress?" Shakky nods and you smile. "Can I ask you for a favor?"
"What is it?"
"Can you spar with me?"
Hancock was just resting when she felt it. Two hakis clashing with each other. She quickly goes to the window and she spots you grinning as you punch Shakky who was also smiling at you.
Before you and Shakky knew it, you were both on the castle's courtyard and was blowing the staff away with your sparring.
"You're strong, brat! I didn't know we raised warriors like you here!" Shakky pauses and you grin.
"I trained myself! Not here!"
"I went to the island south of here!" You smile and Shakky laughs.
"A discoverer, are we? You'll have to tell me what you found." You nod and ready yourself again.
"After I win." Shakky chuckles at that.
"Brat!" Shakky lunges at you but both of you stop as Rayleigh holds out his palm to stop your momentum. Meanwhile, you couldn't stop even if you wanted to so you let him block your punch. Rayleigh's palm gets parried and Shakky grins.
"Stronger than you look." You pant as you slump to the ground, you arm tingling with pain. You gave that punch your all and it didn't even faze him.
"Strong? I didn't even faze him."
"Kid, you parried his hand away. You're doing much better than you think." Shakky ruffles your hair and you sigh. You try to stand up but you fail. Just as you were about to fall, Hancock catches you.
"Hancock! It's nice to see you." Hancock just glares at Shakky in return.
"Are you okay?" Hancock asks you softly and you just nod at her. "You! I told you not to step in here!" She says to Rayleigh who chuckles.
"I just wanted to check out who was giving Shakky a hard time. I thought it was either you or Elder Nyon. Didn't think it was actually-"
"My granddaughter." Gloriosa says as she steps forward. You were still leaning on Hancock's shoulder when Elder Nyon takes your hand and pulls you away. "Let's go home. I'll brew you some tea." Shakky and Rayleigh look at each other and begin to follow you. Hancock wanted to follow as well, wanting to make sure that Rayleigh actually-
Rayleigh and Shakky might take you away. It's a huge possibility. It's also a huge possibility that you might accept. That made Hancock flinch and follow you home as well.
Gloriosa unceremoniously pushes you onto the sofa and you grunt in pain as you completely miss the sofa.
"Elder Nyon!" Hancock reprimands and helps you sit right on the sofa. Shakky and Rayleigh sits around them.
"Wait there. I'll brew some tea." Silence envelopes the living room as Hancock waits for you to recover.
"Did you know about backlash, brat?" Shakky asks and you grunt in answer. "Why didn't you hold back then?" You groan at that. Truthfully, you were going to hold back but it just seemed so lame to hold back against someone like Shakky.
"Seems like she did it because it's you." You hum as you regain movement in your hand.
"That stings." You say as you try to move your arm next.
"Don't move it then. Jeez." Hancock worriedly massages your arm and as much as you want to avoid her touch, the massage is actually helping you.
"Here." Elder Nyon serves tea then glares at Hancock. "Stop being touchy with Y/N."
"What- she needs this! It's backlash."
"Move over then. I'll be the one to do it."
"No. I'm already here."
"Please stop fighting." You sigh as you let Haki flow into your body. In an instant, the pain and numbness in your arm disappears. You stare at it in amazement. "Huh." Rayleigh laughs at that.
"Did you just discover how to let Haki flow in your body?" You nod at him and he chuckles. "And that's your reaction?"
"Am I supposed to go whoo and yay?" You sip your tea and sigh in relief.
"You just discovered a higher level of Armament, brat." Shakky says and hums as she sips the tea. "This is good."
"Thanks. I grew those leaves. And so what? It's a great thing. Doesn't mean I need to be praised for it." Rayleigh hums.
"You're an interesting kid. Why don-"
"No!" Hancock slams the table then glares at Rayleigh. "If you think I'm giving away my best friend then you got another thing coming, Rayleigh!"
"Not anymore." You say and Hancock freezes. "You're just The Empress, remember?" You look at Rayleigh. "I have to refuse as well. I like protecting my people, you see."
"Fair enough." Rayleigh concedes. Hancock trembles and you ignore her hurt expression.
"Can I at least buy some of this tea before we go then?" Shakky asks and you smile at her.
"For you? It's on me."
You were yawning as you get inside the house and you notice that Hancock is still on the sofa.
"Was that letter a lie?" You stop at that question and look at her. She was looking at you with teary eyes.
"No. I just wanted to find a job before I hung out with you. Unlike before where I have to be with you all day, if I found another job, it meant that we could hang out like normal friends." Hancock looks at you with hope in her eyes. "But you went ahead and did that." You sigh and she trembles. "You can see yourself out. I'm going to sleep."
You leave Hancock alone with her thoughts and quickly plop down on your bed.
"I'm such a fucking liar." You say and groan. You knew that what ou said was the best possible outcome for her but it would be the worst one for you.
Feeling hurt while praying for her happiness. Making sure that your feelings are bottled up. You didn't want to feel like that anymore.
"How the hell am I supposed to get over her?"
You wake up with a heavy feeling. You couldn't breathe normally. You groan and try to push the heavy item on your chest but it wouldn't budge.
"What the fuck-" You open your eyes and quickly jump from your bed. "HANCOCK!?" Said woman rubs her eyes and smiles at you.
"Good morning." She softly says and you glare at her.
"What the hell are you doing in my bed!?" You shout at her and she flinches at you. "Why are you-" Before you knew it the tears just fall down your face as you look at her.
Why does she do this to you? Is this fun for her?
"Do you hate me that much?" You sob. "Do you despise me? What the hell, Hancock? I told you! I'm wishing for your happiness!" You try to wipe away the tears but they just keep flowing. "Do you have to rub it in my face that you won't ever look at me that way?" You hiccup. "I get it, okay? You won't ever like me. That's why I keep staying away! That's why I avoid you! To not cry anymore! To not feel this fucking pain that just consumes me!" You sob. "Why can't you just leave me alone? Why do you always have to be close?" Before Hancock knows it her body moved faster than her head. The instinct to not let you cry, to protect you and love you is just ingrained in her. She hugs you but you push her away. "FUCK-" Before you could finish, Hancock's lips were on yours effectively shutting you up. Your eyes widen and Hancock takes that in stride as she deepens the kiss. You push her and she looks at you with a blush on her face. You feel your heart beat faster and try to run away but Hancock was fast this time, she anticipated that you would run away, and grabs your leg. You plop down on the ground face first and groan from the pain.
"Don't go." You hear from behind your ear so you turn around and sure enough, Hancock is straddling your waist. Hancock holds you down as she cries.
"When I first saw Luffy, I thought it was love."
"Then when you were gone, I just keep thinking about you everyday. Were you eating? Sleeping well?" She trembles. "Are you safe?" She buries herself on your chest and sobs. "I never thought of Luffy again. I visited him last week but you know what my heart didn't do? It didn't beat faster. I thought it was because he didn't do anything romantic but then I realize when it did beat faster. Whenever I'm with you, my heart feels so at ease. And when I caught you yesterday, I confirmed it." She looks into your eyes. "What I felt for Luffy was infatuation. I admires his determination and drive. I was just in love for you so long that I never realized it was that." Your eyes get teary at that. "I remember now why I engraved our names. Why I made that promise wit-"
"Stop. Please." You try to free yourself. "I'm not strong enough. I'm not good enoug-"
"You are." You groan at that.
"I'm not." Hancock puts her forehead on yours and you can't help but blush.
"You are." She says so softly that you can't help the tears. "You parried Rayleigh. You fought equally with Shakky. You are strong, my love." You pause for a minute then look at her.
"Am I dreaming?" Hancock smiles at you.
"No. I'm telling the truth. I'm so sorry that it took this long to realize." You hum at her.
"I'm mad at you." You say and Hancock smiles.
"I know."
"Like so mad, okay?" Hancock nods.
"Yeah, I know. I'll make it up to you." You glare at her.
"You better start now." Hancock smiles as she leans in.
"Got it." Hancock kisses you and you reciprocate this time.
You go out your room and see Elder Nyon sipping her tea peacefully. You were about to greet her when Hancock brushes past you.
"Good morning, grandmother!" She says with stars in her eyes and you groan as you facepalm.
"I officially started dating Y/N-"
"You never asked me though?" Hancock pauses and she looks at you with teary eyes. "What? I'm telling the truth." You shrug as you sit besides Elder Nyon and eat a piece of toast.
"Oh. So she assumed, huh-"
"What- we kissed!"
"You still didn't ask me." You say as a matter of fact and Hancock grumbles as she sits on your lap.
"Fine! Do you- um-" Hancock blushes as she can't get the words out. You just raise an eyebrow at her as you sip your tea. It really is good. "Would you please-" Hancock stops again and she leans on your shoulder. "This is hard." You hum as Elder Nyon gives you a piece of toast.
"Continue." Hancock pulls back a little and glares at you. You deadpan at her. "I'm still mad at you. A couple of kisses won't change that." Hancock becomes flustered at that and she takes a deep breath.
"Wouldyoupleasegooutwithme!" She says in one go and you raise an eyebrow at Elder Nyon as if asking 'Did you understand?' Elder Nyon shakes her head and just nudges you.
"Sure." Hancock beams at you and you look away from her. You calm yourself down as your heart keeps beating faster.
You really need to put up defenses against her.
Against your girlfriend.
You blush at the thought.
Damn it.
You stretch your limbs as you leave your house. You were going to take care of your herbs and plants when you suddenly feel arms around your waist and a head on your shoulder.
"Hancock?" You ask and the woman in question just hums. "What are you doing?"
"I'm making up for lost time. You avoided me for two months at least, you know?" You just know that she's pouting right now.
"Who's fault do you think that is?" Hancock stiffens and you chuckle as you release yourself. "Go to the castle and do your job. I'll come by during lunch."
"And cook? I miss your cooking." You look at her pleading eyes and sigh.
"Fine. Okay, I'll cook." Hancock kisses your cheek then quickly goes to the castle to do her job.
"What an idiot." You mumble with a blush on your face.
As you promised Hancock, you were inside the castle with two lunch boxes for the two of you to eat together.
You were about to go to her office when you hear your name being called out.
"Y/N!" The next second, you were hugged by Hancock and it makes you blush as she unintentionally (Or was it intentional, you weren't sure) pulls your head into her chest.
"Hancock!" You quickly pull away and look away in order to calm yourself down. You just know that you're red as a tomato right now.
"Y/N! You're here!" Sonia and Mari beams at you and you grin at them.
"Yeah. Oh and I brought you guys something." You get a pouch from your pocket and toss it to them. "The promised seeds. Oh and-" You get a note from your pocket as well. "Here's how to take care of them." You give them the note and smile.
"Thank you, Y/N! We'll be leaving sis in your care then!"
"Yeah, I got her!" The two sisters excitedly leave you and Hancock alone.
"What was that?" Hancock pouts as she clings to your arm.
"Are you seriously jealous of your sisters? Mari and Sonia? My best friends?" You raise an eyebrow at her and she glares at you.
"I'm your best friend too!" You roll your eyes then pull her in to kiss her.
"Yes, you are. But you're the only one I will kiss." You drag her to her office as she blushes.
"You better." She mumbles.
You were reading a book while Hancock was reading over reports when the door to her office suddenly opens. Kikyo sighs in relief when she spots you.
"Oh good, you're here." You hum as you close your book.
"Did something happen?" You stand up and Kikyo notices Hancock's glare.
"Um. There's a roaring Yuda near your home. Elder Nyon told me to come and get you." You smile.
"That should be Pyhia. I'll go give her some food." Before you could leave though, Hancock grabs ahold of your wrist.
"Don't go." You sigh then pull her cheeks.
"I have to. That Yudai is the reason why I can come back." She looks at you with teary eyes and you kiss her. "I'll be back soon." Before you could fully leave, you give Hancock a smirk. "I'll be sleeping with you too." Hancock blushes at that and you run away before she could your blush.
'What happened to my defenses?' You thought to yourself and groan.
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catboymettaton ¡ 2 months ago
a transgender note interlude
your challenge: figure out whose pov this is before you click the ao3 link. had to pick between being mysterious and being discoverable and I chose discoverable
exactly 700 words. full work below
I’m glad he’s gone but I miss him but he was so mean to me but he made Light happy but he treated her so badly but I can see she’s not the same since he’s been gone and I’m glad that he offered her happiness offered me happiness but I hate that him dying took that away so I wish he never died but I hated him and he was weird and ugly and mean to me and thought I was stupid but everyone thinks I’m stupid Light thinks I’m stupid and maybe she’s right maybe I am and the reason I miss L but I’m relieved that he’s gone is because I’m too stupid to just make up my mind and maybe I deserved what he gave me
and maybe I should be glad that he saved me instead of just letting me die and he could have let me die he didn’t need to save me I know he doesn’t value human life anyway so why did he save me he did so much to save me so was he good after all maybe he was good and it’s a shame that he’s gone and I miss him but he was willing to let people die he fed Kira a lamb and he locked Misa-Misa up for 52 days pure sensory deprivation and he wouldn’t tell Light when Kira came back and he made Light wear those cuffs and didn’t even put cameras in their room so we had no way of knowing if he was hurting her violating her torturing her or worse but she seems to miss him but I know it’s not that simple I know you can long for the hand that struck you and maybe I’m longing for the hand that struck me or maybe I’m thinking about a hand slipping sugar down her throat could it slip sugar down my throat
and she wears a costume she wears a mask and it’s drowning her suffocating her he let her breathe he let her open her eyes I opened my eyes but now she blindfolds herself she binds herself she hides herself and it’s starving her and it’s starving me and she can’t without him she can’t breathe without him I can’t breathe without him but he was a bad bad man l the only reason he knew to help her was because he was spying on her I wish he’d done the same for me and he called her a friend but how could you do that to a friend how could you keep a friend chained to your side in your sight like a bad dog I could be his dog I could be her dog it’s not right it’s not right and it’s not right to cock the gun aim the gun fire the gun in someone’s hands father’s hands father to daughter it’s not right it’s badbadbad
but I’ve known her since she was a young boy a young girl and I know she liked the changes and I can’t blame her really I can’t and I wish I could have talked to him on my own once I want the sugar in my throat but it was never just me I was no one I was only an afterthought but that’s not just him that’s how it always is I’m the fool stupid stupid stupid all I ever do is make mistakes and why am I still here why did he keep me here why didn’t he let me die I am bait I am a sacrifice I am Lind L. Tailor all over again and he could have let me die and die and die and die but he kept me and why did he keep me and all I taste is sugar sugar sugar
and I see her and I hear her and I wish I could be more like her I wish I could be smart like her I wish I could be useful like her I wish I could be her I want to be her I want to be her be her be her be her her her her her her her
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kidlit-queen-competition ¡ 2 years ago
Round 2 poll 1: Anne Shirley vs Lucy Pevensie
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Entrant propaganda:
Anne Shirley:
The poster child for female-presenting ADHD before the diagnosis even existed for stereotypical hyperactive boys, she's a mess who always seems to stumble into trouble and generally seems like just too MUCH for more than one character, yet her general enthusiasm, creativity, and determination just compells people to love her sometimes against their will. And if you tell her she's in this competition, she will NOT STOP until she comes out on top.
because she's the most delightful little girl in the world & anne of green gables has held on as a classic for over a century
wild and wacky Troublesome girl representation!! also her deep love for diana!
Smart, imaginative, loyal orphan from a classic book series
The original kid lit Queen!
Anne has a big imagination and a big heart! She is full of passion and always tries to do best by the people she loves. She turns Green Gables upside down when she arrives and opens up everyone's heart right up. This competition wouldn't be complete without her!!!
A classic weird girl icon. I love her so much.
As someone who was always taught to be the 'good little girl' - Anne whacking Gilbert on the head for pulling on her hair made her an absolute legend in my mind. She loves nature, has a temper, and finally gets to enjoy the simple joys of childhood with her new family the Cuthberts.
she is so dear to my heart. she never stops talking and is always finding beauty in the world around her. she grows up through the series and reading it at different ages through the years meant I sort of got to grow up with her, which was really special to me. she has this wonderful story about finding family where she doesn't expect it and winning people over through being herself and being kind to them. also, canadian content <3
Lucy Pevensie
Discoverer of the Wardrobe, Queen of Narnia, The Just, beloved friend of all creatures from fauns, dwarves, mice, and kings to holy mutiversal lions
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finalacts ¡ 10 months ago
Your thoughts on ep 7 give me life! I get that Becca is making frustrating decisions for some viewers--but I think you hit the nail on the head! All of the characters are treated with such care, but Rebecca is consistently a favorite of mine. She's so messy. She's so human--and she's trying to find meaning and sift through these tortured voices because she hears herself in them. The show has set up very clear parallels, and Riley Keough's portrayal has added so much to that! This version of Rebecca Godfrey is so haunted by her past "mistake" and they made that so clear via her conversation with Warren about wishing she could drown sometimes too and those small moments in the bath. I remember reading an early interview with Quinn Shepherd talking about conversations she had with the real Rebecca Godfrey as they were shaping the character, and she mentioned how glad the real Rebecca was that the character would sometimes be an anti-hero. As a narrative tool, the story really needed that, to have her stand as a foil to Cam and what she stands for. God, Just, the conversations this show is trying to have. About Manipulation. Violence--communal and interpersonal. About justice--whether or not it's attainable, how it can look so different. About truth and stories and the media and the audience and how they keep getting tangled up and fundamentally change each other--
Sorry, I just love this show so much and appreciate your insight so much!!!
hi thank you for this!!! yes, becca as the show's anti hero is so apt and i love the juxtaposition between her and cam as well--i think, at their core, they want the same things, they're just completely missing each other on a few key points and that tension is wonderful to watch unfold. i love that the show operates in a grey area because it allows for nuanced discussion of things like policing and justice. like, becca is 100% right in her belief that the system will always work in favor of the most privileged but cam is also 100% right that we should first and foremost center victims in our critique of the criminal justice system! they're both sooo right now if they would just sit down and finally talk to each other......
also to your last point about the show also being about truth and media and audiences--100%!!! becca coming in as a journalist/writer, supposed discoverer of truth (in opposition to cam, the police, who is supposed to be the gatekeeper) but then it's revealed that her book is actually entirely biased by her own perspective/experiences thus complicating what objectivity and truth and journalism even are? the entire character of rebecca godfrey being an in-show critique of the true crime genre overall? as a j-school dropout this is very delicious to me. this show is so smart i love talking about it thank you for sending this ask!!!
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peachyteabuck ¡ 2 years ago
i’m out of my head when you’re not around
summary: shiv has a lot of secrets. you happen to be one of them
a commission for @cherrysweetdevine​
pairing: shiv roy x reader
words: 2366
content warnings: mentions of whorephobia (reader is a stripper), survival sex work, vaginal fingering, car sex, angst, they love each other but they Can’t Be Together, fingers in mouth, orgasm control/denial, D/s dynamics, “mommy” pet name used
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Shiv is not a woman who likes to have weaknesses. She covers her tracks wherever she makes them. She has shell companies for her shell companies, and then shell companies for those, too. She’s got lawyers heartless and well-paid enough to defend her. She’s got corporate spies, and government ties, and both fear her.
Somehow, though, you’ve weaseled your way into a certain spot in her chest that pangs when she’s far away from you for too long. It’s not as though she can text, email, or call—all of which are discoverable in the event of an unfortunate legal situation. No, she has to go in person, has to speak in a subtle code, and hope you understand. She has to leave her phone in the car, contacting her driver with a different burner each time. She’s careful, practiced, and precise.
Especially when she sneaks out to see you during work hours. She’d deny it if anyone asked—not that they were dumb enough to think they could ask her such a question. What Shiv does off company property is no one’s business but her own, and she intends to keep it that way.  
Entering the facility, she refuses a coat check (she knows from you the person running it tonight has sticky fingers, and a penchant for mixing up tags) and slides into one of the velvet-lined semi-circle couches in the darkest corner of the club. It’s far from the stage, the usual clientele leaving the seat vacant for that reason. Not many people are here—probably because she decided to come after the dinner rush. A smart move, considering how much she hates being overcrowded. It’s stifling, to be around many people—especially when all of those people are old, sweaty men.
She’s not here to throw cash, though, she’s here to see you.
And you, she notices, have just stepped onto the floor. Not only that, but you’re wearing the dress she bought you recently.
The white dress, dripping in hand-beaded, translucent crystal fringe, hugs your figure. The crystals move as you do, dancing as if they’re the ones on stage. Each one shines in the light, licking at your skin like flames onto wood. You don’t let it subsume you, though. No one else could wear that dress like you are right now. No one has the presence powerful enough to rival the crystals, or the V-shaped hem, or the deep neckline. The shoes, the ones she also bought you, are the same white as the dress. The toe strap has just enough crystals to call attention to them were you to be upside down, the ankle strap and thick heel bare.
The most important facet of your attire, though, is that Shiv had it custom-made for you and had it delivered to your apartment on the Upper West Side. She saw it on a model during fashion week, touting the gaudy, too-short dress with an atrocious pair of heels and a walk that reminded her of tripod dog that just woke up from a deep nap.
Shiv saw something though, behind the horrid styling and wretched model. She saw a chance, which she immediately took to prove that she hadn’t forgotten about you despite months of no contact.
If Shiv were anyone else, she would’ve grabbed you already—gave you a giant diamond ring and an outrageously expensive wedding and swept you to some cottage in the countryside where she’d make love to you as if she was trying to produce an heir.
But she’s herself, and you’re you, and so she finds herself here: in this high-end strip club-slash-sex dungeon, watching you from afar like a hunter in the brush. At least for them, though, they have the pleasure of taking their kills home.
No, she just saw a five-figure price tag and filled out the check. What can she say, she likes things that are expensive. She anything as long as it has a big enough price tag. The powerbroker inherited an unfortunate number of traits from Logan—her hairline, how she likes her coffee in the morning, the way she expresses love in the same way the average general speaks to their soldiers. This, though, seems to get her into the most trouble. Particularly, the most trouble with you.
One of the other girls offers her a menu as she sits down, one she turns down. She knows what she wants, ordering a bottle for herself and a single cocktail for you.
It’s not long before you find her, sitting to her right. Right after, the sever brings her order and leaves without saying anything else. She’s seen you and her together before, she knows she won’t be needed until it’s time to pay the tab.
“Fancy seeing you here,” you say, no hint of irony in your voice. Shiv likes that about you, how dry you are. No lube before the fucking, just how Shiv likes it.
She takes a long drink from her glass, savoring the rich taste for a moment before speaking. “I could say the same to you as well.”
“Still with your husband?” you ask, sipping on the virgin sex on the beach. Shiv could convince you to do quite a lot—but you’d never drink on the job, and you don’t intend to start now. Even for the beautiful woman with a bottomless wallet and a toy collection that would put the pro-dominatrixes who work in the club to shame, you’ve got to keep a clear head and not break house rules. It’s kept you alive this long, and you’re not one for breaking tradition.
Shiv respects that, popping the cork and pouring herself a glass of 2007 Sassicaia. She’s the only woman you had ever met who drinks red wine at a strip club, but you admire her commitment to avoiding champagne and vodka.
“By all legal accounts,” is all Shiv says in return. A divorce is costly, even with the prenup, and could make her appearance to shareholders worse. She’s tough, and a good CEO, but the bastards are always looking for a way to undermine her. Still, she and Tom haven’t slept in the same bed in years, now, their legal addresses are the same only in case someone were to ask. They haven’t spoken to each other about anything except business in even longer, their conversations about times when they need to be seen together going through their assistants.
Shiv Roy maintains a steeled image, and she can’t give that up for anyone—even you.
You know it, too; your profession acts as a piece of bulletproof glass, separating you for eternity.
This job may not have been your first choice. In fact, it was a last-ditch effort to keep yourself from getting evicted. Your mom may not know what you do, your career a shameful red A on your personhood. You lie to anyone who asks, dodging questions from landlords and lenders and your financial advisor.
But it had paid for your niece to go to nursing school. It had kept your sister out of collections when she had that cancer scare. It kept a roof over both of their heads when both of them lost their jobs. It keeps you out of debt and your apartment paid off. You don’t have a lifeboat, you are a lifeboat.
Shiv can’t understand that. The silver spoon hidden artfully under her tongue still shines when the dim lights of the house floor hit it just right. You can’t be too mad at her, though. The valley it creates between you keeps you from getting too close, from falling into her clutches. She’s a customer, and, you, providing a service. A very expensive service. Nothing more, and certainly nothing less. It keeps you both in your respective rigid categories, the borders shocking you every time you attempt to navigate past them.
“Meet me outside?” she asks, raking her eyes up and down your form. You shake just a bit as you break from your own line of thought, remembering the rest of the world exists. “I know your shift’s over soon.”
Shiv’s right. Even if she wasn’t, it’s not like you’d make more money showing your lace thong to the grandpas currently whistling at your coworker.
You nod, not giving her the satisfaction of a verbal reply. She just smiles, though, knowing she’s won and that there’s nothing anyone can do about it. There’s a certain smugness that comes from succeeding in battle, and Shiv will take it in any form she can. At least silence saves your dignity.
“One more thing,” she leans over to whisper, her lips just barely grazing the shell of your ear. “Keep the dress on.”
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Back in the dressing room, you put on the biggest coat you can find, mindful of handsy customers’ bad habits regarding dancers out in the unprotected open. See a pretty woman in a short dress, and know she’s a dancer? It’s a concoction that ends in either a police report or a trip to the morgue, and you don’t have time for either. The mink and chinchilla fur blend keeps the February New York air from biting too deep into your skin, and the general public from seeing you dressed to the nines on a Tuesday night.
Confident in your half-hearted disguise as a normal civilian, you somehow find the courage to leave.
The dancers all have a special exit, patrolled by two security guards who are big as houses. They’re Russian, covered in tattoos, and wear earpieces you’ve never seen them talk into. They have, however, made sure no one who isn’t a dancer gets into the dressing rooms and kept every creepy customer from harassing leaving girls. In your book, that’s all you need to know that they’ll keep you safe.
You can feel their eyes following you as you step into Shiv’s car, the driver opening the door for you before walking back to his place in the front. Shiv’s already there, working on a tablet you’re sure is on airplane mode. She doesn’t look up to greet you until the car has already begun driving, and even then all she does is press a button on the central console.
You watch as the soundproof partition rolls up, the driver’s blank face staring straight ahead as you watch him disappear behind the black divider. Only then does Shiv turn to you, leaning forward to press your foreheads together.
Her perfectly manicured nails—painted in a deep purple that contrasts her pale skin—trace up your leg. “I’ve missed you, you know.”
In the safety of the car, you let your guard down. Your thighs open slowly, carefully, making room for her between them. But she doesn’t go that far, instead tracing up your navel before cradling your cheek. “And I know you’ve missed me, too.”
All you can do is flick your eyes between looking at her hand, and looking into her eyes.
“C’mon, open up, darling,” she coos, her index and middle finger rubbing over your plump bottom lip. Your lipstick, a matte nude meant to keep all the attention on your dress, doesn’t come off on her fingers just yet. For that, you’re grateful.
You hesitate for a moment, looking from her soft hands to her relaxed face. Shiv pouts, her calm demeanor giving way to a faux-niceness that has your center aching.
“Baby, don’t be like this,” she tuts, moving her hand so her thumb ever-so-subtly pulls your lips apart. “Let Mommy have some fun before we get home, won’t you?”
You nod ever so slightly, swallowing in a weak attempt to build your own courage back up. “Yes, Mommy. I’m sorry.”
She smiles as you open your mouth, welcoming the intrusion.
“Such a good girl for me,” she coos, her fingers rubbing circles onto your tongue before thrusting to the back of your throat. You can feel bits of drool fall down your chin between your thighs and pooling on the seat. It’s not the worst thing these seats have seen, at least not from you. And yet here, now, as Shiv balances her other hand behind you, as her wedding ring glints against the bright billboards of the city…
You gag around her fingers, the sudden drop in your ability to retrieve oxygen causing you to jerk.
“Shh pretty thing,” Shiv whispers, moving to rub at the tip of your tongue again. It gives you a chance to breathe, even as your jaw aches and your desperation grows. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”
You can barely hear her over the ringing in your ears, your heart a racehorse in your chest. Your body slumps against the seats as you try to steady your breathing, but the last thread of your self-control snaps as you feel her tease at the thin fabric covering your weeping pussy. She doesn’t take them off, merely pushes them to the side.
“Fuck,” your voice is barely above a whisper, breathy and wonton. Her movements are confident and practiced as she gathers your wetness, circling it around your neglected clit. You buck into her hand, your hips moving on their own accord. No one else can touch you as she can, no one can elicit the same animalistic moans as her middle and index finger curling inside of you while her thumb rubs at your clit.
It’s good, it’s so fucking good, and all too soon you’re muffling your moans by biting into your hand as your other hand digs into her arm. Just a few more presses, just a few more twists until you-
Shiv laughs as she pulls away, watching as your face contorts and you cry out choked sobs.  
“Nuh-uh, baby,” she smiles as you whine, kicking your feet and pleading quietly. “Gotta make sure you have a reason to come home with me.”
It’s only then that you realize the car has stopped, and Shiv is moving your dress down and coat to cover your body. You follow her, stumbling along as she leads you. Still, in your frenzied state, you know you’d trust her to lead you safely anywhere.
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shatteredfears-arch ¡ 3 years ago
Having Headcanon thoughts abt Donna seems off rn considering shes on my req list but anYWAYS
as stated on the archive, I personally write Donna as the youngest, and most recently transformed of the lords. The lore we can discover in game, and some of the lore discoverable outside of the game, hints that Claudia is her little sister. The bones left behind are not the bones of a child, but you know what is the right size and shape to be a childs bones? Angie, who close ups you can see, Donna’s father most likely created Angie from Claudia’s decomposed corpse.
And Donna is non the wiser. I don’t think she’s childlike because of ‘mental illness’ (personally, btw, i headcanon donna as autistic w mutism, much like myself when i was younger). I don’t think the scar mentioned in game is physical, since it’s only referenced in the American adaption and the japanese adaption basically says she just has anxiety around people and being picked on. I do not headcanon Donna as older than 21 years old, personally. 25 max (at death and subsequent rebirth from the mutation)
also, here’s a thing. Many autistics have one eye thats slightly more closed than the other. i know personally my thinner eye gets injured, swollen, and the skin splits on its own without warning. I wouldnt be surprised if it were the same for Donna as a child, which led to the town bullying her, and her reclusive nature. She craves that connection, she just doesn’t know how she could achieve it.
When Donna was transformed via the cadou in her eye, she lost all vision in that eye. it became a bulging, concerning mess that made what Miranda thought would be a perfect Eva, into far less than perfect for her physical looks alone. Donna becoming a lord and being left to her own devices definitely didn’t help matters.
after slaughtering her help in order to prove her loyalty to miranda, she’d ultimately be left often alone. her hallucinagenic powers left to grow, and she used it to envision the sort of friendships she always wanted— thus how the idea to spread her cadou throughout her dolls came to be. it gave her the ability to live through them, the life she always wanted.
i think she’d have adored her ‘siblings’ actually being like siblings to her, but she wouldnt know what that is without violence just based around how she was raised. Barely a child when Claudia died, and barely a teen when her father gave her angie and sacrificed her to miranda before him and her mother both dying.
personally, i think the fraction of the cadou that held her spirit was put into Angie, and the only part she truly kept in her physical body was her mind. that’s why she completely disintergrated, and angie was left behind in her place. because everything left about her was in angie. the fraction of a soul she had left is angie. Angie gave her the ability to speak, to not be concerned or scared or nervous. the physical projection of what Donna always wanted to be.
also one day i’ll make a transformed version of donna tbh bc capcom didnt, but i think they did have reason for that: she spread her cadou across every fucking doll she made. She could control all of them and make the entire town hallucinate from the flowers she had planted around. she weakened herself when she spread her mind across all the dolls, meaning donna’s physical body wouldn’t be what would transform. The most of Donna left behind wasnt her physical body, it was placed within Angie. Angie would ultimately be the one to transform if anything, because every aspect of Donna’s life, the life Donna dreamed of at the least, is in Angie.
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lxssalxnnblogs ¡ 4 years ago
This episode really just made me understand the representation argument at a much deeper level. As a black woman, I have dealt with trauma and expected trauma to be done to me in the future, but it was not always that way. I dreamed, like Hippolyta, that I would be bigger than the place I was and because I knew that my skin stopped me a lot, I thought that I knew how to push past it. Surely enough, like Hippolyta, I had to accept that I am not an exception to trauma. That the things said and done and, will more than likely continue to be done to me, WILL affect me. 
Walking throughout life thinking that because I know I am a black woman that I don’t have to let what people do affect me leads to an inward conflict that Hippolyta had to decide during this episode. Do I continue to be big even if that kills me or do I compromise to protect whatever life they’ve given me. Once you do this once, I can attest the sense of peace it feels to be small, like what you do affects nothing, is a hard thing to come back from. 
But if you do choose to come back, life (represented by our black woman who claims herself as I am) asks you questions like “Who are you, with the trauma you’ve been though but not BECAUSE of what you went through.” Hippolyta is still a discoverer, even if her husband told her she couldn’t be. She was still a person who wants to be free, to just be, in this world. 
After she has this revelation, she has to go to “war” with the people who have affected her view of herself the most and “kill” that view. However, something I realized that was really important that I think I had skipped on is how Hippolyta had to GET STRONGER. When she finally wanted to be free, the next step is remembering that it has been a long time since she’d been as  “big” as she wanted to be and just like our bodies, the mind gets weak and to frail to fight for it. She had to fight over and over again until she was strong enough to battle her demon. If she would have given up, let herself just sit in her anger she would still be what the white people wanted her to be. If I can only throw a leaf at you because I am too weak to throw a bolder, would you see me as a real threat to the world you built. 
And I think that was the point of the whole episode, “Who are you?” “Do you like who you are?” “Why did you become that way and What was/is in your way?”. 
Answering all these things made her realize how big ALL of us are. Those answers are not simple. Example being when she acknowledged herself as a wife, as much as she wanted to share what she’d discovered she had to be real and answer the question, even if she didn’t want to, but her husband was in her way. But he’s also dead, she got the closure she needed to let him go in love and understanding and not hatred. She let go of white folks hatred by validating her own but letting it go instead of staying and fighting because she is not at war with them, truly.
This episode exposed something that I have started to truly believe. My people have so much to heal but we feel we must first fight our wars. But I, as well as any other human (black human especially), am not immune to the affects of the trauma I’ve been exposed to. I acknowledge that I am too weak right now to fight but I am not afraid to. I have hope in the knowledge of my ancestors, like Hippolyta with the N’Nonmiton warriors, that I know we are naturally inclined to want to be stronger and better than what they think of us and also how we might have felt about ourselves. 
This episode asks the watcher, “Who are you and what are you willing to do to be free?” because what the episode exposes is that if you do, who you are is more than enough to get it. 
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teaganmyrick ¡ 3 years ago
Shameless || Anita & Teagan
TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @a-bugz-life @teaganmyrick
SUMMARY: Teagan walks in on Anita having a fresh meal.
WARNINGS: Internalized Homophobia, Alcoholism
Teagan was having a hard time adjusting, especially so close to the holidays. It was her first year without her siblings, and the sibling she had in town needed more time. She wasn’t upset or angry. There was only understanding in her heart for Mina. It sat right next to her loneliness, which was so heavy that it toppled it over and made it ache. That’s how she found herself at the lake again in search of comfort. While it was warm in the water, the night air on land burned her skin. Steam rose from her skin, the heat from her body making the droplets react to the stark contrast in temperature. She had just finished getting dressed when she heard the screeching of a dying animal.
“Hello?” She called out, grimacing at herself for doing what every stupid person did in a horror movie. Even after being told to be careful with the woods in White Crest. Then again, Teagan wasn’t any other person. She wasn’t human and could protect herself easily. Okay, just tread lightly and quietly. Her body moved slowly towards the sound, keeping her claws ready for an attack. “I have a weapon!” She warned, leaping into the bushes and stumbling upon a grotesque scene of something feeding.
Anita was trying so hard to be good. She was battling two vices and she felt like it was just a matter of time before one of them did her in. If a normal person was struggling with drinking and murdering they would proubably focus on trying to stop killing before they tried to put the bottle down. But for Anita, when she started killing people again it reawakened everything her family had taught her for the first sixteen years of her life. It felt as natural as breathing. But it had cost her friend their life, so Anita was trying.
Bugs weren’t filling the cravings. She needed to find something big. Around her place on Dark Score Lake, however, there was always wildlife wandering about. Normally she would wait until the dead of night to have a big meal, but it was winter and she was desperate. There was a deer walking along the edge of her property so she went for it. Anita was so one-track minded that she didn’t even take off her glamour nor did she realize soon enough that someone was approaching. “This isn’t what it looks like!” Anita shouted as the other woman abruptly appeared from behind the bushes. It wasn’t super compelling, considering Anita was crouching over a freshly killed deer with blood both covering her hands and dripping down her lips. “Or, uh, I mean - I can totally explain!”
Oh. It wasn’t just something feeding. It was someone. Teagan could understand that need, could tell when a supernatural being was just looking for sustenance. “N-no. No need to explain!” She stumbled, her arm falling to her side as scales faded to fair skin. “Should—I…” Words were difficult to articulate, especially with the cocktail of feelings she had. Cold shattered her skin, likewise the amount of fluttering that surface onto her chest shattered her brain. It was like static made it impossible for her thoughts to align properly.
“You’re…feeding, correct?” Teagan asked, already knowing the answer. She just needed Anita to know she meant no harm. To know that she understood that she was doing what she needed and there was no judgment. Never any judgment for a supernatural person doing what nature called for. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I’m…um, I’m Teagan. You don’t need to worry. I’m not quite human myself. Or at all. We all need to eat, right?”
The way her discoverer was stuttering made Anita wonder if she was scared, terrified, or appalled. Probably a mixture of all three. If the roles were reversed and Anita didn’t know all she knew about the real world, she would likely be feeling the same way. But then Teagan kept speaking, and evidently it was a fellow member of the shadowy realm of the world that had stumbled upon her. Then she said her name and something clicked. Maybe it was because she was so startled by being discovered that Anita hadn’t recognized the woman immediately. But she had literally gone out for coffee with her just days earlier.
“Teagan?” Anita said softly as she wiped the blood that was on her hands off on her jeans. Maybe it was because she was crouching and blood-covered that the other woman didn’t recognize her. “Uh… it’s Anita.” Standing up, she used her scarf to wipe the blood off of her face. Though she knew, even without seeing it, that it wasn’t all gone. It was hard to truly clean up a situation like this. “You’re not…” There was part of her that was truly shocked that the first new person she had hung out with in town also wasn’t human. The rest of her was just relieved. “Yeah, we all gotta eat. I’m sorry you had to see this though, not really a pleasant sight to come across.”
Her name was parroted back at her, but it was a cocktail of recognition and confusion. “Anita?” Teagan gasped quietly, stumbling back a little. She hadn’t expected the woman she just had coffee with to be a part of her world. There was no fear, only shock. “You’re not either.” A smile tugged at her lips, a little too happy that Anita was a little like her, not human in the least. That made things less complicated for her, less confusing. Based on how she’d been treated, she felt like she should’ve known that Anita wasn’t human. Humans just weren’t that kind so quickly. “I’m not sorry at all. I’ve seen worse for heinous reasons. This is necessary. Did I—Should I…?” Rubbing the back of her neck, she felt like she was intruding and maybe like she embarrassed the both of them.
“I can leave you be. The sounds startled me since I’m usually all alone out here. I’ve been staying in the lake. But just know, this doesn’t change anything. I still like you.” Teagan tried her best to reassure Anita, seeing how she reacted to being caught. As if she had wanted to keep the way she fed hidden, like it was something to have shame about.
Truth be told, the gasp and backing away didn’t surprise Anita. It was what she expected would happen to anyone who saw her in a position like this. Well, almost anyone. It still hurt the same though. A natural urge of hers she couldn’t suppress fully, yet she would always be seen as a monster for it. And Teagan hadn’t even caught her eating a human. As Anita had been mentally preparing for the worst, she saw Teagan smile. It was sort of like a whiplash, going from one emotion to another so quickly. “No, no, it’s fine. Or, well, I mean - if you want to leave obviously you should do that.”
Not that Anita really knew what the coffee meet up was about, nor did she know if she was in the right mental space to even like another person again, she was fully aware of how unromantic it was to be covered in blood standing in front of someone else. “What did you say you’re staying in the lake?” One of the interesting things about this town was that Anita was constantly learning more and more about the other species of her world. “I live… well, there.” Anita said as she pointed back to her house that was only a few hundred yards away. The second comment Teagan made finally processed in her head and Anita smiled, possibly one of the first real honest and unencumbered smiles in a long time, “Well, good. Because I still like you too. A bit more, perhaps… given our newfound mutual understanding.”
“I don’t want to leave. It’s easy to be around you. Even now.” Teagan laughed at Anita’s surprise with her current living situation. It was a little amusing to see such an intelligent woman be stumped by such a normal aspect of her life. Really, that was probably the most normal thing about her. “I’m a freshwater fae.” She looked back to where Anita pointed and raised a brow. The two were closer than she thought, sending each other messages while only being mere yards away. “A nix to be more specific.” Raising her arm, she let her scales form on her skin. Webbing and claws were exposed with a smile full of pride. She loved her nature and it filled her with joy whenever she got to display it.
Teagan took a few steps forward, taking a better look at her companion and taking in all the blood. Even with her normal senses, she could smell the death and the copper-like aroma that permeated from the animal. Anita said she liked her even more thanks to the world they shared. And that was always such a relief. So many people tried to hide their nature and dilute others with them for the sake of humans. “Glad I didn’t scare you away during coffee and I’m glad I didn’t scare you away now.” Cheeks grew hot, too hot as she got lost in tides of sage. She cleared her throat abruptly. That happened at the coffee shop too. Maybe she was getting sick. “Do you want to get cleaned up? With your house being so close, we can just walk over so you can do that, if you’d like.
Being close with another supernatural being wasn’t something new to Anita. What felt new was how quickly Teagan seemed to accept her. Prefer her, rather, as a creature that lurked in the shadows of the world. So many people in White Crest, herself included, spent so much time and effort concealing themselves even from others so similar to themselves. Everyone she had told in this town, it was only after months or even years of getting to know them, trying to figure out if they could ever accept the darkness that came with who she was. It was almost ironic. She had been raised to have a deep pride and acceptance of what she was, but in the 16 years that passed since she had run away she had buried so much of her true self that it rarely ever saw the surface. A fae, she’d met a few of those around town. Too many species to keep track of though.
Anita’s eyes widened a bit in awe when Teagan revealed scales covering her arm. Scales not wholly unlike those that covered her own body. Granted, if nixes were freshwater creatures, she wondered if their scales were more fish-like than reptilian. “That’s beautiful…” She couldn’t take her eyes off of the scales and webbing that the Nix had displayed. There hadn’t seemed to be any hesitation in revealing her true form, which Anita couldn’t quite relate to. “I’m a Lamia.” Saying those words out loud felt sort of freeing, Xiomara had been teaching her the beauty of accepting herself fully. Maybe she was right about that, even if she had been wrong about murder. Anita touched the earrings she was wearing, “They’re glamoured. Without them I’m also quite scaly.” In the course of just a few days, Teagan had learned more about Anita than people she had known for years. Yet, surprisingly to her, that didn’t terrify her. “Yeah, that would be… good. I wouldn’t really want someone else popping in and seeing me like this.” She smiled and then took a few steps towards her house, “I’m also glad I didn’t scare you away just now.”
Teagan didn’t know her face could get hotter, but it did. She’d never been called beautiful by someone outside of her family. And whatever fever she had made it easier for a blush to dust over her cheeks. She made a mental note to get some Tylenol or cold medicine. She’d never needed it before, but she thought perhaps maybe she needed it now in such a strange place like White Crest. “Lamia.” The name was familiar and strange at the same time. “Scaly like a snake? I think I’d love to see that some time. I’m scaly all over, too. It’s not a glamour, but more like a shapeshift. I can mix between human form and nix form. Like…” her face changed, revealing sharp teeth and a kind visage with scales all over it. It was only for a blink, but it was enough for Anita to see everything.
“It would take a lot more to scare me away. I know a few things about lamia, but I’d love to learn more.” Teagan shifted completely back to her human form, looking at Anita with ocean eyes that were filled with excited energy. Her first real friend in White Crest was different just like her but different in every way at the same time. This was a chance to finally start making connections and not feel guilty for it. “Lead the way, chérie.” The nix followed closely, every step light and a little bouncy.
“I’m jealous,” Anita commented in reply to the shape-shifting revelation. “I’m always so worried that my earrings will fall out and I’ll be fully exposed.” It was a legitimate concern. And it almost happened once many years back, which was why she had taken to wearing multiple pairs of glamoured earrings for added security. “¡Es increíble!” Though she had never heard of a Nix before, or maybe just had never heard of it by its proper name, she was astonished at how similar they were. Fangs and all.
“I wish I could say I know a lot about Nix… but I don’t. I’ve heard of creatures covered in scales that live in water, but that description didn’t come with a name to match it.” Anita knew with relative certainty that there weren’t any fellow Lamia in town. But here was a woman who was quite similar to her who looked at her with even kinder eyes than she had when she thought that Anita was human. Maybe she didn’t need to be with people of her exact kind to feel accepted. “Vamos, it’s the blue one just up ahead. Most of the other homes around here are abandoned. Which I suppose is why this place appeals to people like us.”
As the pair approached Anita’s home, she got momentarily nervous. She had been so caught up in the acceptance Teagan was providing her that she had almost forgotten about how dangerous her life tended to be. She wasn’t often one to jump to conclusions, but Teagan was riddled with such optimism that Anita wondered how someone from their world could possibly have kept such an outlook. Maybe her life wasn’t filled with as much loss, or maybe she was just really good at coping. “I hope you don’t mind, the place is a bit of a mess right now. Moving back in and everything.”
Spanish. Anita had spoken Spanish from her excitement and it was probably one of the most adorable things Teagan had experienced since her arrival. Her smile continued throughout the walk and she had almost overlooked that the woman beside her was covered in blood. She didn’t mind, but if anyone walked by and saw the two, it would definitely look suspicious and be a cause for concern. “Abandoned? Maybe I should look into them and see if they’re available for rent. I’m looking at houseboats, but the ocean, the salt hurts me. Like I said, being dry is very painful.” She paused, looking back at the lake, where her belongings were currently tied to a branch high in a tree. “Plus, I’m really tired of being worried about my electronics getting ruined by the climate. I had to leave the hotel because roots bursted through the foundation and took over some rooms.”
Teagan eyed the blue house and shook her head. In her studio apartment back in Michigan, she had managed to always keep it messy and crowded despite not having many belongings. “I don’t mind at all. A messy house is either well lived in, or about to be.” For a moment, she felt bold, feeling like the two of them had been friends for a long time. Nudging Anita playfully with her shoulder, she chuckled and felt that same warmth fill her cheeks again. She should probably warn Anita about her possible fever. Having a fever meant she might contagious. But she found it strange that her only symptom was a fluttering feeling in her stomach. Strange. “I think I’m feeling a little warm. My cheeks are really hot. Like I have a fever. I’d hate to step into your home just to get you sick. Which is weird. I feel fine otherwise.”
“Honestly, some of them are so abandoned you could just move in and nobody would even notice,” Anita hoped her next comment wouldn’t offend. She didn’t really understand if Teagan felt connected to the lake or if it was just a biological necessity to be near fresh-water. “The lake is kinda known to be, well the locals call it haunted, the reality is that it’s just dangerous. That’s why so many of the properties have been abandoned. I like it like that though, affords me a decent amount of privacy.” Usually it really was quite private. Granted, Anita had been desperate for a meal which is why she hadn’t been as careful as usual this afternoon, but other than today she had never been interrupted during a meal.
It felt nice feeling the warmth of Teagan’s shoulder against the coldness that Anita constantly experienced. She’d almost forgotten how nice that felt, having spent so much of the past six months only with a fellow lamia. “Oh?” Anita was no medical doctor, and certainly wasn’t attuned to supernatural diseases that fae might get, but it honestly didn’t seem like Teagan was any warmer than anyone else. Using her thermal vision, Anita looked over her new friend. “I’m not sure what temperature you’re supposed to be, but you’re running a pretty standard 98.8 degrees.” She paused, smiling softly and shrugging, “Thermal vision.” Anita unlocked her front door and pushed it open. “I don’t really get sick much. So, either way, I really don’t mind if you come in. Unless you don’t want to. I can always clean up then come back out. No pressure either way.”
“I think I’m the only dangerous thing in there as of yet. Then again, I’ve only been in it a few days. I’ve been hopping around, trying to figure out which I like best.” Teagan’s body of water that she called home was so far away. It made her heart ache a little to be disconnected, but she knew it was the right thing to do. Finding her sister has been everything, so a little discomfort wasn’t going to bother her. “The privacy has been nice. I’ll give you that. I haven’t been worried about anyone walking near the lake and seeing either my nix form or my naked human form.” A small squeak escaped her throat and she took in a sharp breath. “I suppose I should be careful now that I know you’re around.” She couldn’t help but laugh and thank the shadows for covering her features.
Eyes could be felt on her, and she tended a little. Teagan wasn’t used to being looked over in such a manner, but all worry ceased when Anita gave her assessment. “Remarkable. Incroyable!” The excitement brought out her accent and she covered her mouth shyly. Anita just kept amazing her. “I’ll come in, if you’re sure. I’m having too much of a good time. Like I said, I like you.” She meant in a friendly sense, at least, she thought she did. No, that couldn’t be right. Stepping in, she sighed contentedly and accepted the warmth the home brought. “Do you invite strangers to your home often?” It was a small tease, but it was enough to make her laugh.
Anita raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly at that comment, “Oh, don’t mind me. Do whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. Plenty of lake to share.” It was obvious even from their small amount of interactions that Teagan was a bit shy, a bit more sheltered than Anita had ever been. Which was sort of refreshing. Anita could do a bit of harmless flirting without having to think about whether or not she was emotionally ready to do anything more than flirting. Cause the answer would probably be no, not right now anyway. “Don’t worry though, I haven’t seen you running naked around the lake or anything.”
“Yes, of course.” As they walked into Anita’s home, she let out a relaxed breath now that the temperature around her was warm again. Most of the furniture and keepsakes that she had left behind before heading down to Mexico were covered in a thin layer of dust still. The bright colors of the walls still cut through all the dullness of the world outside, and the half-unpacked boxes all around weren’t quite as bad as Anita had thought they were going to be. “Kind of all the time, honestly.” Anita laughed, realizing there was no way that Teagan knew her reputation from before. “Long string of one-night stands. Not so much recently, but what can I say, the ladies love me.” As she answered the question, Anita made her way back towards her bedroom. Probably would be rude to shower while she had a guest over, but she could at least change clothes and wash her face and hands. “I don’t have much in the way of food… which thankfully I don’t need to come up with an excuse for with you. But there’s some water and soda in the fridge if you want anything.”
Teagan sighed in relief when Anita informed her she hadn’t seen her around the lake. She wasn’t ashamed of her body by any means, but having a newfound friend see her naked was definitely not something she wanted to happen immediately after meeting once. “Thank goodness.” She slumped onto the couch and sank into it joyfully. It had been far too long since she had been able to give her body the small reprieve that came with cushions. Being in a lake was perfectly fine, but she’d grown accustomed to the human luxury of all things cushion. Her whole body relaxed with a smile and then, just like twice already, she was blindsided by just how comfortable everyone was with their sexuality. It made her confused, made her think far too much about the things she’d felt and thought about.
“Ladies? They love you? I can see why—” Eyes widened and she scrambled a bit to sit up and have a rigid posture. “Sorry!” Teagan was feeling far too warm again and was too distracted to even toy with the idea of food or beverages. “Everyone seems to be just so…comfortable with themselves. Meanwhile, I’m an anomaly and have never even kissed anyone.” She was grumbling to herself, thinking out loud as frustrations with herself took over. For someone so proud of her nature, she found her pride lacking in that department. Everyone seemed perfectly fine with themselves, why couldn’t she be? Or at least give herself the chance to see what the feelings mean.
In a regular situation, Anita likely would have left her bedroom door open without thinking much about it as she changed. To her, nakedness was’t something to be ashamed of or hidden. Teagans obvious relief upon hearing that Anita hadn’t seen her naked, however, made it clear that it was not a shared sentiment between the two of them. So she pushed the door mostly closed, leaving a crack open just so the conversation could continue. She quickly stripped out of her blood-stained clothes, tossing them into the laundry basket so the blood wouldn't get on the floor or on her bedding. “Don’t apologize,” Anita said back with a chuckle. “I’m far too charming for my own good it seems.”
A few minutes later Anita emerged from her bedroom wearing a simple pair of jeans and a sweater. Even with the heat on full-blast she still felt the need to bundle up. Her eyebrows raised up a bit at the never-been-kissed comment. She found that to be shocking considering how beautiful the other woman was, but she also knew that everyone found themselves and their sexuality at different points in life. “It took years for me to be fully comfortable. Being a lesbian growing up in the 90s wasn’t really as fun and cool as some people presume. Luckily I didn’t really give a shit about what people said about me. And I had a very accepting family…” she paused for a moment, almost surprised that she had just said those words out loud, “Accepting of that, anyway.” Anita crossed over towards the couch and sat down beside Teagan. “Just because you’re moving at your own pace doesn’t make you an anomaly.”
Brows furrowed together as a familiar tightness in Teagan’s chest formed. It felt like her eyes were burning even though she had no salt in her tears. The tension in her head had a way of doing that. And now a headache was forming. The time spent was going so smoothly, but it looked like it was taking a sharp turn. “I’m not…I’m not. I don’t know what I am. My family made plenty of comments to make it sound wrong enough to not even consider. And I’ve never considered anyone besides…” She trailed off, not wanting to verbalize who she looked at. Verbalizing meant she couldn’t take it back. She was having to consider who she liked in front of someone she just met and she would be lying if she tried to say she wasn’t.
“Me moving at my own pace has made me an anomaly.” Teagan’s eyes began to water, making her rub at her eyes to prevent any tears from falling. “Sorry. I don’t know where that came from. This was all going so well and now I’m panicking a little.” With a sharp inhale, she calmed down enough to speak a little clearer, reducing the tremor in her voice. “I apologize. I think I just—I feel weird around you and I don’t know how to decipher it, and not knowing how makes me feel kind of overwhelmed.”
“Hey, hey - no, no I didn’t mean to imply anything about who you are or how you identify. I swear. I wouldn’t do that. I was just sharing my experience.” Even though Anita had been fortunate enough to have a family who didn’t care who she was sleeping with so long as she brought home a fresh human meal, she knew that there were horror stories about families and sexualities. “I don’t even know you well enough to make a presumption… and honestly even if I did know you really well, I’d still know that it wouldn’t be my place to comment on something like this.” The last thing she would ever want would be to have someone, anyone, think she was trying to force them to admit something they weren’t ready to.
And now the other woman was starting to cry. Anita had seen, and made, many women cry over her lifetime and she hated each and every instance. This one was particularly awful because she didn’t really know what to say to comfort Teagan. “I’m really sorry if I make you feel weird. If I did something, or said something to make you feel that way - I swear I am so genuinely sorry.” She moved a bit further away from Teagan on the couch, giving her some literal and emotional space. “If you want to leave, I understand. If you want my help trying to decipher anything… I’ll do my best.”
“You’re kind,” Teagan gave Anita a small smile that fell quickly at how she scooted away. While she was trying to give her space, the nix took it as her being so much that there needed to be extra space between the two. Guilt seeped into her stomach and she wrapped her arm around her own waist for comfort. “You didn’t do or say anything. You were just you. I feel warmer and I was so excited to meet you for coffee. And—and,” I think I want to kiss you. Her brain felt like it short circuited. That was the first time she ever admitted something like that to herself.
Teagan stood up suddenly at Anita’s offer. “What do you mean by that? How could you help decipher?” She thought she might have an idea, but she needed more of an explanation. “I don’t want to leave, but I do at the same time. It’s not because of you. I think I’m just confused. I'm sorry. It feels like my stomach is sinking into itself.”
There was that word again. Only this time it was coming after having seen Anita covered in the blood of her prey. Yet it still felt genuine. Even other people who had claimed they loved her despite what she had done had never called her kind. “It’s okay, you don’t have to explain anything to me.” She might not be an expert on emotions, but Anita could tell that Teagan was distressed. Her body language and her actual language made that apparent.
“Well, sometimes it helps to just say whatever you’re feeling. Say whatever pops into your head. And, I’m just a stranger but I’d be happy to help you by just sitting here and not judging.” Anita wasn’t really sure if that would or wouldn’t help the other woman come to an understanding about anything, but it was really the only suggestion she had. “And please, don’t apologize. Being confused is a big part of life, or at least that’s been a decent amount of my experience with life. If you wanna stay and talk, or stay and not talk. Or go, or we could go for another walk together. My day’s wide open, and I’m not sure if I’ll be very helpful, but I’m happy to try to help. If you want.”
Anita was doing everything she could to keep her from falling further into distress, and that was something Teagan was extremely grateful for. They were indeed strangers, but she was being treated as if she was a good friend. That made the words practically fall out. “I think you’re really attractive and that’s been throwing me for a loop. It feels wrong to find you gorgeous and wonder what it might be like to…kiss you.” Her whole body stiffened at the confession, but there was no going back now. She knew there wouldn’t be judgment, but there was fear about how Anita might take it.
“Perhaps I should go. That must’ve been a lot. And how shitty is that? To put all of this on you. I’m having an anxiety attack and I barely know you, and that isn’t fair.” She took a few steps to the door and turned around to look at Anita once more, or to apologize, or figure things out, or ask for that walk. Teagan was spiraling, coming the closest she ever had to coming out. The closet door was open, but she was determined to close it and lock it. At this point, it might be impossible.
While it was fairly obvious that some of what Teagan had been fighting internally about involved potentially complex feelings for Anita, she honestly didn’t expect the woman to verbalize them that evening. The person Antia was a year ago would likely have just reached out and kissed Teagan at that confession. But she had changed so much lately, developed far more empathy than she thought possible. “It’s not,” she started softly with a smile “Wrong, I mean. Those feelings aren’t wrong at all. They’re natural and normal and … mutual.” If she had a drop of warm blood in her body, Anita might’ve been blushing.
Anita stood up from the couch so that she could look at Teagan better, “I quite literally gave you permission to put all of that on me. I don’t mind. I’m glad, actually. That you felt okay enough to say all of that.” If Teagan wanted to leave, Anita would of course respect that desire. A revelation like that had to be difficult. Having feelings like that and thinking they could possibly be wrong? She couldn’t really imagine how stressful that must feel. When Teagan turned back towards her, Anita smiled and took a few steps forward. “It’s really brave to admit how you’re feeling. Especially when it might feel confusing. And I’m sorry if anyone ever told you feelings like that were wrong to have. If you wanna go, that’s ok. If you wanna stay… well, that’d be okay too.” The last thing she wanted to do was to overwhelm or scare off her new friend. Especially since this afternoon just kept revealing their similarities.
“Mutual?” Teagan’s cheeks turned red, and she squeaked a little at Anita’s returned confession. And she was adamant that her attraction wasn’t wrong. If Teagan didn’t see the other’s attraction as wrong, why was she so hard on herself? Then all the comments and ideals her family had came rushing in, and she thought maybe it was just her that was wrong. Maybe there was a reason she only focused on finding her sister and taking care of her family ever since her mom died. There were more important things than her desires. “You…you’ve wondered what it’d be like to kiss me? I’d…I’d probably be bad at it. I’ve never…yeah.”
Teagan took a few steps herself, toward Anita. Her heart felt like it was pounding along with her head. But Anita was glad and offered so much despite not knowing the nix at all. “I can’t believe how sweet you are. It makes me feel…I think a little flustered. I don’t talk to people often. Even less so to people I find…like you.” Attractive. She couldn’t say it again. She’d already said so much, and now she was stepping forward even more, looking down at Anita. Eyes stared at her lips and all it would take is for her to lean down. A lump formed in her throat, forcing her to swallow harshly. Harshly enough to lean further, but only enough to reveal intent.
“Very mutual.” Anita confirmed with a smile. As reserved as she was with a lot of things, she was never very reserved about admitting who she wanted to kiss. Or who she wanted to sleep with. Though she knew she wasn’t ready to sleep with anyone just yet. And she had a feeling that even mentioning it would send Teagan spiraling even more, so that she kept to herself. “I’ve been… a decent amount of women’s first kiss. Been even more women’s first queer kiss. Some people are naturals, some people take practice. The good thing though, is that practicing kissing is really really fun.”
Anita felt better as Teagan moved a bit closer to her. She didn’t really know what she wanted out of this dynamic. She was undoubtedly attracted to Teagan. But things were just so complicated. She was still grieving Xiomara and trying to analyze her feelings for Marley, adding another person into that felt wrong. But being around Teagan felt so freeing. She had seen more than most and wasn’t phased because she understood. They were so similar that just being in her presence felt comforting. “Nothing wrong with being a bit flustered.” Looking up at those bright blue eyes felt intoxicating. They were so light and vibrant, they reminded her of the oceans back home. As selfish as it was, it felt good to be wanted by somebody. And in an unprecedented act of restraint, instead of leaning up to kiss Teagan, Anita simply reached down and held her hand. “I’m happy to keep talking to you, to keep getting coffee and going on walks. I like you, Teagan. But I don’t want either of us to rush something that doesn’t need to be rushed.”
For a moment, Teagan thought she might’ve done something incredibly wrong. Possibly hurt Anita in some way in the middle of their interaction, in the middle of her loosening her restraints. Upon further inspection of her eyes and her words though, she could see something deeper. She recognized that look of pain and despair, the kind that sticks with you after experiencing horrible things. It was the same kind of sorrow she saw when she looked in the mirror. The pools it created in her eyes diluted considerably with time, but Anita probably just experienced her pain and therefore still needed to process. Teagan could give her that time. Especially because she needed more time too. After all, she could be wrong about what she felt and could have made a big mistake.
“No rushing. I’m okay with that. Talking and walking and getting coffee. I’m okay with that too.” Teagan squeezed Anita’s hand and stepped back to slide past her and get back to the couch to settle in, much calmer now. “We can do the talking now. You can tell me all about lamias and I can tell you all about nixies. How does that sound?” Her smile was languid and warm as she patted the seat next to her. Maybe she didn’t understand herself fully yet, but she didn’t need to think about it now. Or ever, if it was up to her. All she had to do was simply exist and talk about the things she did understand.
On another day, Anita might take the time to sit down and try to understand the complexities of her emotions. Today wouldn’t be that day though. Teagan sort of felt like a bright spot in a world that had gotten very dark, and while Anita wasn’t very good at friendships - she was even worse at romantic relationships. There was part of her that knew this wouldn’t - couldn’t - last, but she wanted to enjoy this warmth that had entered her life for as long as she could. Anita grinned when Teagan returned to her spot on the couch, then followed suit and sat down beside her. “I’d really like that. I’ve never knowingly met a nix before, and I always love learning new things.” This level of conversation was easy, talking about what she is opposed to who she is. It felt comfortable having Teagan there. It felt good to not be alone anymore, to be seen. “So, if you’re fae, that means you were born a nix opposed to being turned into one, right?” This conversation was going to be easy, in the end they would both satisfy some of their curiosities about the other without having to be truly vulnerable. For Anita, that was about all she could handle at the moment.
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reiven2017 ¡ 4 years ago
Delicate steel.
Chapter 2.
Raven wondered for a long time when this happened.
Her morning started quite early, but all she remembered was how, having discovered the opportunity, she immediately slipped out of the house and was about to walk, as at the most inopportune moment she was overtaken by a panic attack.
As if this is the right time.
She remembered only how at one moment it became dark in her eyes, and oxygen stopped flowing into her lungs. It was happening so violently and swiftly that Raven felt like she was dying. Fear slowly settled in the very center of her chest and that's it. One slightest fear filled her entire body. She remembered how she sank onto the wet asphalt, her body, legs, arms, head ceased to obey her and she was unable to stand on her feet. The breathless fit continued and seemed not going to stop and Rachel lost hope for a split second. She did not remember how much time had passed and how long she was already on the side of the road, when she caught the movement next to her, and then she was smoothly put on the curb. Raven was still tossing between panic and reality, but she could feel how all this time someone was carefully giving her water. The stranger seemed not for the first time to see such a development in front of him, his actions were clear and careful, just what Raven needed. And then, when she came to her senses and the stranger was still trying to offer her help and take her to the hospital, the girl thanked him dryly, but completely withdrew from persuasion. All Raven remembered was the man's pale blue eyes before he disappeared around the corner.
Rachel winced and remembered another attack without much enthusiasm. This shit was repeated to her without any schedule or even warning and Rei sometimes felt that her body was demanding her death. She could not control the work of her brain at such moments and it was quite irritating and problematic. It made her ... vulnerable. And that's exactly what Raven hated the most.
She had a rather bad habit of switching off and thinking for too long, so she was not embarrassed when a floating hand appeared in front of her eyes.
“Hey, if you’re not going to hang around here forever, I advise you to go home. - Raven dismissed the remarks of her classmate and he grunted in response, left the class.
She blinked a couple of times, returning to reality, and then her face took on her usual sullen expression and Rachel glanced at her watch. 8:30. The last lesson ended 40 minutes ago, which means that she was passed out all this time and Rachel moaned pitifully, dropping her head in her hands. She is confident that her mom is going to arrange an execution at home for another curfew violation.
She took the phone out of the back pocket of her jeans and turned it on and off. A couple of missed calls and threatening sms from my mother were highlighted on the screen of her mobile phone and Rachel decided that she would somehow sort it out later and, taking her bag with her, left the empty audience. In the school corridor she met only a couple of cleaners and two students, but they immediately disappeared into one of the school toilets and Raven had little interest in what they were going to do there. In the front, huge doors appeared and, wrapping herself tighter in her kurta, thrusting her hands into her pockets, Rei greeted the cold autumn wind with a shiver. It was late autumn outside and in Day, a fairly northern city, it felt a few degrees colder. Rachel let out a breath, mentally wondering if it was as cold in New York this time of year, and a warm cloud of steam began to billow from her lips. She followed this short journey of warm air and caught herself with a soft smile on her lips. It was strangely calm. Even though she still has a problem with her mother, Rachel continued to stand on the school porch, inhaling and exhaling air. Everything in this city was strangely calm and quiet, but Rachel didn't mind that much. She had been here for about two weeks and was satisfied with everything, and deep down Raven was ready to admit that she even liked Date. It was a small town, abandoned in the thicket of the forest, with its legends about heri and about the brave discoverers. It was not as famous as Las Vegas and not as densely populated as New York, but that was its sweet charm.
Raven rubbed her hands, trying to rid her body of the approaching cold. She frowned, increasing the friction between her palms, but she was still cold and Raven wasn't sure if it was the weather. There was a short whistle and Rachel reflexively paid attention to it, lifting her head and fixing her gaze on the forest in front of her. Dusk had already fallen on the street, so the huge tundra and the trees in front of it were several shades darker, but it did not look frightening, one could say that Raven liked just such a forest more. Dark but quiet and calm. Maybe her gothic nature was played out in her, but in Raven there flashed a fleeting desire to walk there, but ... she was sure that the sound came from there. Rachel shivered chilly and rolled around in place, looking around.
Several minutes passed before Raven's phone rang again and the girl frowned in resignation. If she continues to be here and not at home, Raven is not entirely sure that she will have a home at all. She threw a last glance at the night forest, saying goodbye to him for today and ... froze in indecision. If it was a stupid game of her sick mind, then she gave her brain minus 10 points for a bad joke and asked to bake it in the hospital. In the very center of the forest, where a huge black hole gaped and it seemed that all objects in it were disappearing, there were two glowing lights. They did not move, did not move, even when a gust of strong wind blew and Raven grabbed the bag on her shoulder more tightly, they did not flinch, continuing to loom in the very center. Rachel frowned, a fine line on her forehead, but in her mind she felt a lump of fear slowly creep down her throat. As if even the air froze in tension, afraid to move in front of this devilry and deathly silence fell, Raven literally felt how life had stopped, and her heart was pounding anxiously. Part of her analytical and rational brain insisted that this was some kind of misunderstanding, but something was wrong in these lights. They shone with a bright, yellow light and they seemed to be conscious, as if someone, or something, was looking at her from there. Rachel narrowed her eyes, swallowing nervously and mentally urging herself to calm down.
Of course, we did not have enough to make friends with the Martians Rachel Roth.
It was the first thing that flashed through her thoughts, before Raven's eyes involuntarily widened with horror and instantly enveloped in a wave of fear. The blood in her veins became a lump and Rachel was sure that she had stopped feeling the pounding of her heart. The lights moved and after a split second, it seemed a huge, black spot, dimly resembling a muzzle, half hidden in shadow with eyes glowing with a bright yellow light and looking directly at her.
Rachel blinked, unable to really accept in front of her and when she opened them, neither the eerie glowing lights, nor the unknown creature was already gone. In the blink of an eye, the air became alive again, the sounds returned, in the distance there was the noise of passing cars and the dead silence evaporated.
Raven swallowed hard, looked around the darkening forest and turned sharply, walked as far from this place as possible. She did not turn around, but with each step she took, she increased her speed, remaining with the only thought in her head - to bring down.
When some ass happens, it's never too late to dump Rachel Roth.
Damian sat back wearily in his desk chair, massaging his face with his hands, hoping to get the paperwork out of the way as soon as possible. Unfortunately, questions from the pack were not resolved by themselves and for a long time hung over the younger Wayne as a heavy pendulum of danger and the guy ditched the whole evening for this. Sometimes Damian began to regret that he lived in the modern century, and not in the Middle Ages, where all questions and reflections were solved alone by the menacing growl of the alpha.
He frowned again at another piece of paper with numbers, as his ears caught on the first floor the joyful exclamations of his mother and Damian mentally whined knowing perfectly well who could deserve such a warm welcome. Grayson. The happiest ass in the world and also his older brother. He was aware of his arrival ... well, of course, his entire family and some members of the pack kept buzzing about it throughout the week, causing more and more irritation in Damian. Not that he hated Richard, he was as unbearable as his brothers ... well, he had some advantages over Jason, but several rather stupid personalities once said that they were not happy to see the gloomy cloud of the younger Wayne at the head of their pack, and would gladly replace him with the sunny boy Richard Grayson. After that, Damian was completely furious. He himself did not understand how his older brother manages to be so liked by people, but even to some extent he envied Grayson ... although, on his deathbed, he would not dare to admit it even to himself. So, now he wanted to feel like a 17-year-old teenager and lock himself in his office, gloomily ignoring what was happening. So he did, and even when he heard how his whole family spilled out on the first floor and Talia displeased asking about where Damian had gone, the guy stayed where he was.
It didn't take long before his secret hideout was discovered and loud footsteps were heard, and the next minute Grayson's pretty face appeared in the doorway.
Ugh you.
Damian wasn’t quite sure he hadn’t said it out loud.
- And I'm glad to see you too, brother. Richard opened his bear hug and a smug grin spread across his face.
“Don't be like Jason, Grayson, degradation doesn't suit you. Dick ignored Damian's disgruntled grumbling as he brushed him off and walked over to the table.
- And you become like the old grumpy wolf Demi.
“Forgive me for upsetting your hopes. Wayne was going to continue to ignore Dick, but as the man approached his desk, Damian didn’t consciously stiffen. Either Grayson had successfully changed his perfume, or some strange, but rather disturbing, smell appeared in the room. Wayne looked up from the pile of papers and sucked in air through his nose with all his might. The pupils of his eyes dilated as if after a strong rush of adrenaline into the blood, and his brain slowly floated. Smell. A subtle, almost imperceptible scent made Damian's blood burn hot as fire, and his wolf whined inwardly.
Dick watched the change in his brother's face with a mixed expression and stepped back reflexively as Damian rose abruptly from his seat, never ceasing to sniff. All the same, he is a young alpha ... what can get into his head Richard had no purpose to know. But when Damian seemed unable to find anything within a radius of a meter, approached Dick and began to sniff with the same eagerness, the man could not help laughing.
- Wow, take it easy, I understand that you missed me, but can we limit ourselves to hugs? - but Damian obviously did not listen to him and did not hear. He, like an instinct, walked around Grayson's circle, sucking in air and seemed not to notice what was happening while in his world. He eagerly grabbed his brother's hands, sniffing and froze for a moment in that position. Several seconds passed before he returned to the starting position and without opening his eyes, clenching and unclenching his fists, he firmly asked and was surprised at how unfamiliar his voice sounded. His question turned more into a kind of command and a rude uterine growl, which are on the verge of little politeness.
“Now Grayson, you’ll tell me in detail about your day. - a mute question arose between them in the air, when Dick raised an eyebrow inquiringly, being in confusion from his brother's rudeness and strangeness, he wanted to joke about the change in the mood of the young alpha, but stopped ... Damian finally looked up at Richard ... eyes bright and burning with green flame ... Grayson swallowed involuntarily and tensed, mentally preparing for something bad.
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sweet-evie ¡ 4 years ago
Sea Witch: The Mermaid AU Nobody Asked For [Fanfic Commentary #6]
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Fanfic AO3
He hated how hopelessly he had fallen in love with this creature. But he couldn't deny the wishes of his own heart — and how it called her name with every beat. [AU Lelouch/CC story]
No one asked for this. I don’t know if anyone other than me even thought of C.C. as a lonely mermaid, but here we are. I personally blame the rabbit hole I fell into one day, because I just obsessively started reading deep lore surrounding sirens and then mermaids, and the ideological merging of the two. I was a woman possessed with the research spirit. xD
Pile on the fact that I rewatched Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and we have ourselves a Code Geass Mermaid AU, Ladies & Gents! Around the same time, I was also having a blast with a mermaid Sim in the Sims 4 Island Living pack, so there we go.
I was in a slump around that time of year too, and it reflected in my Author’s Notes, coupled with empty promises about Señorita: When It's Been Said and Done. I don’t even know who reads these fanfic commentaries, since I’m doing this for my own need for self-expression on the internet. But if anyone’s curious about why I dropped the plotline I had, it’s in the Fanfic Commentary #5.
I was in such an indulgent mood for this AU that I was seriously thinking about turning it into a whole-ass fantasy series. And then I remembered my WIPs and knocked some sense into myself to slow down with starting things, because it was just getting out of hand. Ergo, I settled with writing a watered down version of what I imagined. And to be fair, I just really wanted to write a mermaid/human romance. My deadass brain also considered making the story more steamy (with foreplay involved etc.), but then I figured that that was too much and I had no energy to sustain it.
Behind the Scenes of the Plot (?)
Sea Witch is very vague.
But the gist of it is, Lelouch is a Crown Prince of Britannia (classic & cliched plot right here). He went on a classic discoverer’s expedition (16-17th century-esque). I set up Lelouch as a competent and excellent naval commander, so the news of the shipwreck took the kingdom by surprise, and struck a mortal blow into the royal family of Britannia.
Lelouch’s ship was destroyed by a storm. But it was a rainstorm caused by no other than C.C. herself. C.C. is a bloodthirsty mermaid, okay. xD I mentioned her sharp serrated teeth in that one-shot, along with her irises that are literally gold and blue swirls… Somewhat similar to Mermaid eyes in the Sims 4. Her tail is also blue-white.
You know what? This is what her tail, teeth, & eyes look like. xD I made it in The Sims 4. XD
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Anywaaayyy~ She was hellbent on eating Lelouch’s heart too, but she’s intrigued because he’s resistant to her songs, for some reason. So she rescues him and brings him to her grotto instead.
There was supposed to be a convoluted backstory for Lelouch involving accidents in the middle of the ocean when he was younger and encounters with sea creatures that spawned his subconscious interest and fascination for the sea. For some reason, he has immunity from a Siren’s spell. I didn’t take notes, and I regret it, because now I can’t remember clearly.
Sooo~ C.C. finds him intriguing. They end up falling into a sexual relationship of sorts. (Or as sexual as one can get with a piscine woman). But as one can see and read the implications in Sea Witch, they fall in love.
And Lelouch feels torn about going home to the life he once led, or choosing to stay with C.C.
It cuts there. A very unsatisfying ending to a very vague one-shot in the first place.
But as we all know, I wrote a sequel for this a year after I published Sea Witch.
And that is The Last Siren Kiss.
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utterlyinevitable ¡ 4 years ago
Please give us your HC where Ethan discoveres Becca's toys and how they make him insecure of his skills (a biiiiit at least??) :P
not really NSFW but talks about her vibrator and orgasms. you’ve been warned. 
Ethan Discovers Becca’s Toys
Ethan and Becca have spent all morning and afternoon packing up her bedroom - after two years of dating and residency coming to an end, the man finally bulked up the courage to ask her to move in. 
He’s been to her place many many times but damn he didn’t realize how much crap she actually has. As they’ve boxed things up he made mental notes of how much more he’s going to have to move around in order to make room for her. For someone who is is 100k debt and wears sneakers nearly every day, she has way too many shoes. 
They were finally getting around to the smaller, less important parts of the room. Becca chucking things from her desk drawers into the cardboard container and Ethan tasked with doing the same with her bedside table. 
Silence fell over them. Comfortable at first but then awkward tension seeped through.   
“Why do you have this?” Ethan asked, staring at the not-at-all inconspicuous pink and black box of her rabbit nestled in the bottom drawer.   
“What?” Becca stood up and shuffled over to her now statuesque boyfriend. 
“It’s my vibrator,” she shrugged like it was nothing abnormal.
“I repeat, ‘why do you have this’?” 
Ethan’s arms were now crossed over his chest and his spine was unnaturally straight as his icy blues implored her. 
Becca picked up the box, opening up to inspect it, thinking there was something unsightly there. That maybe she hadn’t cleaned it properly after the last time.  
Ethan followed up with: “We’re together now, you don’t need it.” 
“I’m not going to throw it out just because we’re dating,” she said as she closed the box back up, not looking up at him. 
To her this wasn’t a big deal. It’s a vibrator. Any busy and self-respecting woman probably has one. And it owning one has nothing to do with her relationship status.  
“You don’t need it,” he admonished, his hands balling into fists under his armpits.  
“What if I need a release when you’re not here?” Becca bit back, playfully. She doubted she’d use it at all now that they’re living together, but who knows what could happen! He could have to go away for a week or so and she could be in dire need. 
Becca threw the box onto the bed and got a good look at him. 
In any normal situation she would be mad at him for trying to control her habits. Ethan was all about autonomy, so this was not in his character at all. His cheeks were starting to flush and red was already evident on his ears.   
“Are you insecure, Dr. Ramsey? Think I’m going to leave you for a battery operated fallice?” she teased, taking a step closer.  
He looked anywhere but at her.
They stood there in silence for a bit longer before Ethan finally whispered the most enlightening reason for his opposition; 
“I’m not good enough for you.”
It was something Ethan thought almost daily since they began their relationship. Even before he had the chance to officially call her his, Ethan knew he wasn’t the man that deserved her. Never could he imagine that fear would creep into their sex life too... 
Becca watched as his guarded resolve crumbled with his words.  
“You are. Oh my god, Ethan you are more than good enough!” she leapt towards him, concern etched all over her features. She cooed, “You have nothing to worry about.”
Becca’s palms cupped his face, pulling him down to meet her gaze. 
Ethan still wouldn’t look her in the eyes, his focus on his peripheral vision; 
“If I was good enough you wouldn’t need that… thing.” 
“It’s different,” she retorted, her hold loosening. “They’re two completely different experiences.” 
The sneer and scoff he emitted was harsh enough for her to remove her hands completely. 
Becca rubbed her eyes and groaned. 
Why did she need to defend her choices to a grown and kinky man? They’ve played with enhancers before... why’s he throwing a strop over this thing? 
“That is a quick release, like under 2-minute satisfaction to scratch an itch,” she informed, a pointer finger hitting the point home.   
Ethan’s eyes went wide. He could never get her to come that quickly. 
She noticed and back-tracked; 
“No strings, no emotion release. One-and-done type of thing.” 
Becca wasn’t helping herself in his eyes. 
Ethan slumped down on the edge of the bed next to the offending device. 
Becca sighed. 
“But with you - with you it’s something way better,” she added, moving to stand in the gap between his legs. 
Naturally Ethan’s hands rested on her hips. His gaze fixed on the old carpet, still. 
Her hands weaved through the soft strands of his hair. 
“A vibrator can’t kiss me, or whisper in my ear. It can’t touch me in all the ways I need.” She muttered, accompanying the soothing strokes along his scalp.
Ethan was powerless against her touch. He melted into her.  
She continued; “I get to feel your warmth and your heart racing against mine. How large your retinas are and heavy your eyelids get when you look at me, and that lopsided grin.” A private smile found home on her lips as she recalled her favorite intimate things about him. 
Ethan’s lips pinched together. 
He wasn’t reacting and Becca had already run through the meat and potatoes of her argument. There was just one more reason as to why she only pulls the pink silicone out in the most dire of situations.  
“With you it’s love, Ethan. Nothing could ever replace you. Not in my crotch and certainly not in my heart.” 
Finally, ocean eyes met a sea of espresso. 
“I don’t like it,” he grumbled. Though the edges of his lips quirked upwards briefly when their eyes met. 
Becca’s hands went to pat his shoulders, “Get over it. I bought it with the girls, we all have one.” 
His face scrunched up at the mental image; 
“That doesn’t help! I don’t want to think of you and your friends in a sex shop!” 
Becca rolled her eyes dramatically;  
“I don’t know what to say to stroke your fragile masculine ego, but please know you have nothing to worry about. Get with the times, old man. Couples go to sex shops all the time.”
She stepped out of his hold and continued to pack up the rest of her things. A little thankful he didn’t look further in the drawer and find the silk pouch with some other, smaller vibrating toys.  
She added with a noncommittal shrug, “And vibrators are great toys during Skype Sex.”  
His eyes went wider than ever; 
“Who are you having Skype Sex with!?”
“No one!” she all but screeched back. “Probably you if you went away for a while.”
Alright. She understands adding the last line did more harm. It was unintentional. If he wasn’t so up himself right now he could actually acknowledge how ridiculous this argument is. 
“But with the way you’re acting I don’t think we’ll ever have sex again.” 
“You’re acting like a child, Ethan. It’s an inanimate object.” 
He opened his mouth to counter, but she got there first. 
Becca held the object out for him to take, “Just put it in the box and we never have to talk about it again.” 
And for once, Ethan Ramsey did as she asked. 
“Thank you.” 
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keepingupwiththealfeans ¡ 3 years ago
Stella & Sky or why they are right person, wrong time trope
Nobody asked me about this, but I will be elaborating on Stella&Sky and their relationship. I metioned yesterday that I see them as the right person, wrong time trope and now I am going to convince you (not really) why they are indeed a perfect match, but in the current timeline their relationship was to be doomed from the very begining. And I am not good at writing these and I might do errors, because when I write too passionatelly about something, I get distracted. And ENG isn't my first language. With this out of the way, let me elaborate.
Sky and Stella met when they were 15? I believe Stella didn't have much of a contact with people of her age before going to Alfea. Her mom seems to hold her by the short end, and doesn't let her daughter to distract herself from things that are important. I believe Stella never really got praised for the good things she has done, but scolded for every little mistake. This made her feel worthless about herself, not good enough for the world and never satsfied with what she had accomplished. Sky on the other hand, had Silva who praised him (maybe a little too much). Of course, there were high expectations for Sky too, but I doubt Silva would scold him for mistakes. Because being a warrior means that sometimes you are going to do mistakes. The wrong swing, you step too close, too far, you hold someone bad and you get knocked down, etc... Sky most probably had these experiences as something that pushed him to do better. Meanwhile Stella never truly learned from her mistakes, becuase she was never said it's okay to do them and grow up based on them. So when Stella & Sky meet for the first time, they both come from very different backgrounds.
I believe Sky might be bewitched by Stella when he first sees her. He is a teenage boy and he sees a pretty girl. Stella is (and it's more about Hannah, but Hannah is a very gorgeous woman, I am also in awe anytime I see her) a princess and she even looks the part. Long blond hair, blue eyes, nice smile, good manners. It's easy to be enchanted by someone like Stella. And Sky is a very nice guy, a gentleman, he knows his way around ladies. He knows how to get to their souls. And I believe it was similar on Stella's part. Sky is said to be, by Terra herself "he is a great guy, legit the best" and of course, Stella wouldn't settle just for anyone. They find something to talk about, to reminiscence about their days. Slowly trough this, Stella discoveres someone who understands her and doesn't belittle her for a little mistake she might do.
Their relationship had to be developed pretty quickly, because by the begining od S1 they have already broken up. So they might have had a really quick jump into the relationship. At 15 I believe you don't really know that this needs time, and for the for the first time in their lives, they found someone who understands them on a whole different level. Saul is understading, but still, he can't fully understand the mind of a 15 year old boy who goes trough his own stuff. Contantly being labeled as Andreas' son, being just like his dad, etc... Sky never really had his own personality? And Stella gave him that, the personality, she saw him and as a individual. Sky on the other hand, saw Stella not just only as a princess. But as a friend and a potential lover. Many of these things might have been the factors for thier very fast relationship. In the beginig it might have been very ideal. Fun, love, honeymoon phase.
If you have your own traumas and ghosts that haunt you tho, it is a recipe for disaster. Stella had many of her ghosts of the past/present that haunted her. Still does even in S1 as we can see. But she comes around at the end, but still it might have costed her a lot of convincing of herself. This isn't the important thing rn. Stella always strives to be perfect, to do good because her mom told her that. She is the future heir to the Solarian throne, extention of her power and Luna is the most powerful fairy in Solaria (and maybe even in the whole Otherworld, I might guess). She expects her daughter I believe, from the day Stella understood a said word to be her bestest self she can possibly be. Shaping her daughter into a shape she has dreamed of, had an idea about? Influencing Stella, the way she thinks and acts. Yes, I think Stella being bitchy was a good addition to the story and I don't mind writers doing that. It gives her personality depth, she has a room for growth and redeeming. I am justifying Stella being a bitch at the begining of the show, but if you were going trough similar things she has, you probably wouldn't turn out differently. This is her coping mechanism, her defensive mechanism. Her mother can hurt her, but she won't let others do it because then she would appear weak. And as Stella herself says to Musa "And it was better if people thought I did it on purpose. Becuase at least if I'm a raging bitch or a monster, I'm not weak". Appearance is everything as Luna tells her, and Stella was growing up with this on her mind. She has two sides to herself, the one people usually see and the one she only lets the most closest to her see (so Sky and Rikkie).
She relies on Sky a lot, because it is indicated in their scene together after they capture the burned one that hurt Silva. She calls him her safetynet and that she must be sure he is there when she needs him. Sky asks the same thing, but there is silence from Stella's side. And this is where things went wrong with these two.
Sky is a good guy, wants to please people, help them. He wanted to help Stella out of her very bad situation with her mother. He knows the real Stella. Again in ep1 he tells her "You better than you think Stella. And other people can't see that if you don't." indicating that he KNOWS the real her. The emotional, vulnerable, sweet, bubbly Stella he grew to love. But Stella did bring into their relationship her ghosts she couldn't cope with before and Sky couldn't really help either. He was her safetynet, many times and it does become overwhelming after some time. You always catching someone and being afraid, that if you don't catch them in time, it will ruin them. Again Sky runs into the same boulder that he does all his life. People expect him to save them, be there for them 24/7 and suck it up because it's him, Sky. But he also needs someone to lean on, to hold him and tell him he is enough. He said it himself to Bloom "I am a fixer. I fix other people so I don't have to think about how fucking broken I am." (we do love a good broken boi storyline btw). And Stella couldn't help him, because she herself was going trough shit with her mom and herself alone. This contributed I believe to their break-up (I don't consider the Rikkie incident as their reason of break up, because we know it was an accident). Stella and Sky had their own issues that they didn't solve them before jumping into this big love.
And now why I think they are the right peson but wrong time? Because of this, what I just said. Both were in a place in their lives, where they had to deal with a lot of things. Maybe a relationship was a good distraction for a while. But you can't run from your ghosts forever. We see Sky open up to Bloom, he could have done that with Stella too. Yet he didn't do it out of respect to her, because he knew how bad she felt herself and didn't want to load more on top of her. And Stella, not having anyone her whole life, couldn't stop searching for Sky everytime she was in trouble or had trouble herself. I don't think she has done this on purpose, she just couldn't control it. At the last episode we see Stella coming back to the suit, despite her mother didn't want her to go back to Alfea. First time in her life Stella opposed her mother and her wishes. She opened up to Musa about the whole Rikkie situation and the real deal with her mother. This was a huge stone that fell off her chest and gave Stella a way to grow. To get better and rely on other people, not just one. And to give those people the same thing. As Sky told her, until she doesn't see herself other won't. Sky on the other hand, finally realized that he doesn't have to suffer alone and opened up to Bloom. Told her how he really felt, and in a similar fashion as to Stella, a huge stone fell from his chest. That is character growth. They let go of the ghosts that haunted them and were the reason why their relationship was doomed from the begining.
Do I believe they would be a forever couple if they met after they solved their issues? Yes. Both needed time. To find themselves and let other people see them. So if they dater after S1, maybe there would be a chance for them. We will never know. And I am hurting myself knowing that if they had met in different time, they would be a good pair. Forver my right person, but wrong time couple.
And if you came all the way here, thank you for reading and I hope it made a bit sense. This is purely my view and I don't even know why I felt that this is so important to share. But it's good to have this off my chest. Love you!
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swtorpadawan ¡ 4 years ago
20. alone, finally (micro story prompt)?
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Author’s Notes: Warnings for sexual content. This story takes place sometime in the future - sort of a flash-forward. Taken from the “Send me a number and I’ll write a micro story using the word or phrase” Tumblr prompt, ‘alone finally’. Thank you, @raven-of-domain-kwaad ! Sorry I couldn’t keep it “micro”. )
I’ve finally done it. Kira Carsen thought to herself.
The red-headed not-quite-a-Jedi-anymore was lying face-down on her beach towel, basking in the sun’s rays. She could hear the waves of the ocean crashing peacefully nearby, a pleasant reminder of her tropical environment. Her sun-goggles offered protection for her eyes her deep blues tinted green from the lenses when she bothered to open them. Her bikini had been discarded onto the beach towel next to hers, so confident was she that she was one of just two sentient beings on this planet at the moment, and it freed her from any concerns about avoiding any tan marks against her fair skin.
I’ve finally learned the trick of how to relax by doing absolutely nothing. Her lips smirked, pleased with herself.
Of course, she’d had some… encouragement to get to this point. A certain fatigue had set in, and her body was a bit worn out. After all, yesterday had been a very busy day for her. And then she’d been busy again last night. And then once again this morning before she’d started sunbathing. Twice, in fact.    
Kira had found this world in the Unknown Regions years ago, back when she’d been running with an anti-Zakuulan resistance movement. She’d been surveying planets for potential base locations from where she and her comrades could strike at the Eternal Empire. She’d ultimately rejected this world as a candidate, as there was absolutely no infrastructure to speak of. It was also too remote; the rebels had wanted to operate in hiding, but still with the capability of striking at Zakuul’s supply lines through accessible hyperspace lanes.
But she’d never forgotten this planet. Or its magnificent beaches, and lack of any hostile fauna. It was beautiful. A paradise. Its like Rishi, but without the pirates, the Revanites and the bird people, she observed.
And now, years later, her long-held secret had paid off.
I’ve found a planet where nothing will try to kill us. She pursed her lips in contemplation. Where we can finally be alone together. At last.
She’d have to pick a name for this planet, Kira considered. And a name for this island. And a name for this beach. If she really were the discoverer of this world, then doing all that should be her responsibility.
Just not today. She had more important things to do at the moment.
Kira honestly intended to get up at some point from her sunbathing and to do something exciting. Maybe she’d bust out their hoverbikes from the cargo bay so they could use them as jet skis. Or maybe she’d follow through on her plan to turn those spare bulkhead panels from the ship into surfboards. She’d never actually been surfing, but it certainly looked exciting on the holos she’d seen. Or heck – maybe the two of them could just spar on the beach with their lightsabers. That could be fun, especially if they waited for the moonlight in the evening. That certainly fit Kira’s idea of a romantic night.
These are all good plans. She thought proudly to herself, as her head lay contentedly down on her crossed arms.
She felt him approach her through the Force because of course she did. After these last two days, she doubted either of them would ever lose track of the other again, carbonite prisons be damned.
“You’re going to get sunburned.” He gently chided her.
Groggily, she let out a sigh then lifted her head from her arms to look up at Corellan Halcyon.
The man who had once been called the Hero of Tython, the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order and the Outlander was looking down at her with a bemused expression. Water dripped down from his wet hair and body as he glistened in the sun; he’d been swimming in the ocean for nearly two hours, almost as long as Kira had been laying out in the sun. She watched fascinated as a particular drop of water rolled down the muscles of his broad chest and abdomen down towards his swimming trunks, causing Kira to lick her lips.  
As much as she enjoyed checking him out when his body was glistening like this, she inevitably felt her eyes drawn down to the fourth finger of his left hand.
The band around the finger was ornate, etched with tiny engravings invoking Tython and Odessen, along with the word ‘Eternal’. The metal itself was fairly non-descript; a careful examination by a metallurgist would have revealed that it was actually composed of an alloy of natural materials from several worlds, none of those metals being regarded as particularly precious among the various jewelers of the galaxy.
That wasn’t important to Kira. What mattered to her was what the ring represented.
It meant that Corellan Halcyon was hers, and hers alone.
She absent-mindedly fiddled with the diamond ring wrapped around her own finger with her thumb as she smirked up at him.
“Well, you did quite an impressive job rubbing me down with sunscreen earlier.” She mused, her head tilting towards his towel where the bottle of Alderaanian nectar-scented lotion lay beside her bikini and their lightsabers. Playfully, Kira wiggled her oiled butt up at him. “I feel safe enough from the sun, tough guy.”
Corellan Halcyon’s eyebrows bopped up as it was his turn to admire Kira’s body. He let out a slow exhale as he crouched down beside her… only to find himself ambushed as Kira’s hand reached out and grabbed him by the neck, pulling him towards her for a long, passionate kiss.      
There was no crisis to worry about. The Eternal Alliance back on Odessen would keep the galaxy safe without their famed ‘Alliance Commander’ for a few more days at least. At Kira’s insistence, Teeseven was the only one who knew how to reach them, and it would probably take the Emperor himself returning from the abyss to compel the droid to contact them.
Corellan’s body grew rigid at the contact for only a fraction of a second before he melted into the kiss, wrapping an arm around her. She felt a brief tinge of guilt for startling him like that; she’d chosen this planet not just because it was beautiful, not just because they could be alone, but because Corellan – who had seen enough fighting over the course of his adulthood for twenty lifetimes – had once told her that he had never been to a world where he hadn’t used lethal force to defend himself or others. She knew how much that had worn on him and wanted him to feel like he had seen at least one planet where he hadn’t been forced to kill anything or anyone.
A planet where he could just be… him.
But as she felt his body and his soul start to respond to her touch and his strong arms tightened around her, she knew she’d made the right choice. Here, on this beautiful, unnamed world in the unknown regions, the only thing ambushing him would be her.  
Wasn’t stuff like this what honeymoons were all about? Kira smirked as the kiss finally broke. She playfully pushed him onto his own towel.  
“Here.” She grinned, turning herself onto her back and tucking her arms beneath her head to leave herself completely open. Corellan was practically gawking at her now, eyes widened, unable to look away and looking like he was quite out of breath. She was charmed by his reaction: The two had made love hundreds of times, but he still looked at her like it was his first time seeing her this way.
“I think you might have missed a few spots when you oiled me up this morning.” Kira teased, noting that she’d still been wearing her bikini at the time. “You can make that up to me now, I think.”
Dutifully, attentively, eagerly even, Corellan reached for the bottle, applying ample amounts of the lotion to his hands.
“Yes, my lady.” He answered gallantly, returning her grin.
Kira let out a sigh and closed her eyes as he set to work, lavishing attention on her with the same dedication with which he did everything else in life.
Corellan Halcyon didn’t do anything by half-measures she’d learned long ago. Even relaxed, at ease and happy, this was who he was.
This was the man she had married two days ago.
She felt her legs parting as his skilled and oiled fingers teased her, then gasped as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss just below her naval. Then another gasp escaped her lips as he kissed just a bit lower, still…
Kira sat up suddenly, reaching out and grabbing at his shoulder and gripping him a bit harder than she’d intended. He paused in his ministrations of her body, looking up at her questioningly.
“Know what, tough guy? It’s your honeymoon. You’re over-dressed.” She smirked as she glanced down at his shorts. “Lose those.”  
As Corellan smiled and moved to comply with her command, Kira laid back and watched contentedly.  
Relaxing by doing absolutely nothing is overrated. she thought to herself.
Kira never did get around to learning to surf that day.
She couldn’t complain.
Author’s Notes : I’ll do the wedding story at some point. Honestly, though, it’s a huge thing.
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