#she loos so good with shorter hair
kaantt · 2 years
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comme promis j'ai essayé de dessiner uinda cheveux courts 👉👈 je lui ai fait les grains de beauté d'eva green mais jsp si elle les a zqstfddf
Ma puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce elle est trop belle je l'aiiime!!!!
(Ses grains de beautés sont incroyables TKT)
Merciiii bichette <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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Unpredictable, Part 4-Limoreau x black!fem!reader fic
A/N: I thought this one was going to be a little shorter but I was wrong. Hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: swearing, sensuality, and Rufus appears in this part.
Word Count: 6.6k
Series Masterlist
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Being perpetually early was a good habit until it left me bored and looking up from my phone every few seconds. Of course, it was always a stranger, and we would exchange quick smiles when we made eye contact. However, my nervousness increased each time it wasn’t Jordan.
As I replied to a voice note from Sydney, I wondered why Jordan asked to train with me today. Last year, they basically forced me to train with them all the time after our first match.
“You can’t be one of Brink’s new favorites and be this bad at basic combat,” they’d insisted.
Every match was horrible, and I thought I was going to die each time. Though Jordan never hit me hard, they were still intense, and my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest at the end. When I passed my Intro to Combat class, Jordan agreed that we didn’t have to train together as much but they still expected me to practice.
I gulped at the thought and sent off the comment.
At least I was in shape.
“Lookin’ good, Y/N,” a deep voice called.
When I glanced up, Chad Mitchell and Thad Browne, the Alpha Tau vice president and treasurer, were walking up the gym steps. A pair of skinny blondes in Lululemon leggings exiting the gym gasped at the two of them. Chad grinned widely, revealing his movie-star smile, and Thad winked at them as they passed. No one could blame any girl for staring at two tall broad-shouldered guys in Gymshark t-shirts, Gymshark shorts, white Nike ankle socks, and Nike sneakers.
Chad pushed his dark blonde hair away from his face while he towered over me.
I straightened up a little. “Oh, thanks, Chad.”
“I never thanked you for warning me about trying to do a backflip during the Get Lei’d party,” Chad said.
“It’s no problem; I’m glad I had a vision about it in time.”
“But it would’ve been awesome if you landed a backflip from the house roof!” Thad interrupted.
Chad glanced at him. “The broken nose and knee would not have been worth it.” He turned back to me, eyes roaming the black Alo Yoga set I wore before making it back to my eyes. “So, was rush a success for Si Chi?”
I swallowed and folded my arms over my chest. “I would say so; Bid Day will be interesting. How about Alpha Tau?”
“We always get the best,” Thad interjected, chuckling.
“Yeah, ours aren’t looking bad. You know, after Bid Day’s over, Alpha Tau and Si Chi should have a mixer; make sure all our recruits get to know each other,” Chad proposed.
He placed his hand on the wall beside me, right next to my head, and leaned closer. The scent of musk was nauseating, and I turned away from him to cover my nose with my jacket.  
“You should reach out to Alina about that; she’s in charge of social events,” I rushed.
Chad nodded but I wasn’t sure he listened. “Yeah, Thad, do that.”
“Cool,” Thad agreed.
“You seem a little jumpy, Y/N. Are you waiting for your boyfriend or something?” Chad asked.
 Last year, Thad and Chad ignored me, opting to hover around Alina and Sasha. I guess my warning impressed Chad at the end of the year Get Lei’d party. Plus, it wasn’t like either of them were bad prospects but each time Chad looked at me, it was like ants were crawling over my skin.
“Sort of.”
“Doesn’t sound like you’re too sure. Why don’t you warm up with Thad and me? I’m sure he won’t mind.”
That would be the worst idea since acid-washed jeans. However, Si Chi and Alpha Tau were close houses and one had to maintain the balance between them. Sydney and Lydia always made it look so easy.
“I can’t leave you alone for five minutes?” Jordan’s voice cut through the air as she strolled up the steps, irritation clear on her feminine features.
Suddenly, Chad was about a foot away from me, both hands in front of him for a second before he finally put them back at his sides. Thad looked as though he saw a ghost as he moved to stand next to Chad.
“My bad, Jordan, I didn’t know she was with you,” Chad rambled.
“Yeah, man, we had no idea,” Thad added.
Jordan glared at both as she moved to stand next to me. “You can go away now.”
I never saw them move so quickly and when they were gone, I stared at Jordan. “What was that?”
She shrugged. “They know their place. Were you waiting long?”
“No, they just happened to beat you here. Thanks, by the way.”
“Don’t worry about it. Do you have to see them a lot?”
“Kind of and this is the first time either has been that close to me.”
“I thought frat guys were every sorority girl’s type.”
I scrunched my nose. “Not the stereotypical ones.”
“Oh, I forgot, you’re the pickiest girl I know.”
I huffed and gently pushed her shoulder, but she didn’t miss a step as we walked towards the gym entrance. “Don’t judge me for having standards.”
“It’s not my fault that you’re easy to tease.”
Since Jordan rented out the training space, it was quiet outside of the few grunts and weights clanging in the neighboring weight room. The entire space was reinforced for any power mishaps and the focal point was the blue mat in the middle of the space with a large black ring lining its perimeter. I groaned as Jordan pushed on my back, forcing me closer to the mat and making my inner thighs burn in the splits.
“I thought yoga was supposed to make you flexible,” she quipped.
“I am, but I think you like seeing me in pain,” I replied.
“Never,” she teased. “So…did you get anything else on Emma?”
Her words made me stiffen and I sat up on my forearms and shook my head. “Something’s blocking me. Usually, even when I can’t see clear images, I get blurry images but it’s like something has shut off that part of my brain.”
It was the same issue last night when Jordan, Marie, Andre, Cate, and I went looking for Emma. All I could see was her with that guy I never met. Even though everyone said it was okay, their sulking shoulders and lack of eye contact spoke louder; especially Marie’s.
When I got back to the house last night, I gave myself a migraine trying to find Emma and it took me forever to stop hyperventilating. I could have killed Andre for coming up with the dumbest plan on planet earth.
“Don’t worry about it,” Jordan said, cutting through my thoughts.
She let me sit up and I turned to her.
“I just feel useless. Finding things out is the one thing I’m good at and I can’t even do that?”
“Hey, it’s not the one thing you’re good at. You’re good at dancing, studying, fashion, and helping other people.”
Jordan’s tone was earnest and matter-of-fact; no one could have argued with her and I suddenly felt all fuzzy.
I smiled. “I am the best-dressed on campus.”
“Relax, we’ll find Emma, just focus on what you can do. Like, trying not to get knocked out of bounds four times in a row.”
I scoffed at Jordan but she grinned at me. “Maybe you should take your own advice.”
“Oh, she has an attitude now?”
“Maybe you just bring it out of me.” I pushed myself up to stand. “Usual rules?”
“I won’t use any powers outside of shifting, you can use yours as much as you want, no cheap shots, and the one knocked out of bounds the most loses.”
“I can’t wait to try the new sushi place at the union; Shelby said it’s amazing.”
“You’ll be trying it on your own dime.”
Jordan always got cocky when sparring. Now that Luke was gone, Jordan was the best fighter on campus. Whenever we trained, I tried to use wiping that big smirk off their face as motivation and it never worked. The best I ever managed to do was not break anything.
Jordan’s smirk never left her face as we squared off from each other. I took the deepest breath I could and tried to quiet my mind. Seconds later, my mind filled with the image of Jordan going for a right hook. I blocked her and went for a jab of my own, skimming her left cheek.
“Not bad,” she huffed as she dodged it. “You need to hold your upper body better; anyone could knock you off balance right now.”
Based on a brief flash, I knew that she was either going to sweep me or push me to prove her point. So, when she went to push me, I slipped away from her, maintaining my guard. She blew a piece of hair out of her face.
“What was that about my balance?” I panted.
“Don’t get cocky, freshie, I won’t go so easy on you,” She taunted.
My heart might have skipped a beat as I took a risk based on a vision and rushed her. When I saw she was going to shift, I stopped just short of Jordan’s reach, slipped down, and swept her feet. Just when I was going to make contact, she backflipped, shifted in the middle of the back flip, and landed in a crouch.
His elated expression made the hairs on the back of my neck stand as he stalked towards me. Our sparring match continued with me utilizing my ability as well as I could to get in the best hits. My heart hammered in my chest as I kept up with their ever-changing forms and fighting styles. In between jabs, Jordan continued giving me tips.
“Use your full body weight with each punch.”
“Your right roundhouse has gotten stronger, that’s good.”
“You’re dropping your left elbow too much when you weave.”
I did my best to incorporate all their tips into the sparring match and even got a couple of hits on them. At one point, Jordan and I exchange a flurry of punches and blocks and for the first time, I almost laughed while fighting them.
It was…fun.
I was able to get some distance between us before attempting another roundhouse kick that was guaranteed to make contact with the side of his head. Just as I was about to kick out my left leg, Jordan shifted to their female form and tackled me. Her grip was harsh around my shoulders while mine struggled to hold onto hers because of the sweat. I paused and noticed she was practically drenched and panting over me. A few strands of black hair fell out of her ponytail and stuck to her forehead, and she was still so pretty.
She seemed to pause as well and raised her eyebrows at me. “Focus on the fight.”
Her words stirred something in me, and I focused on what could be my best move.
The image was only a few seconds long but it almost left me catatonic went it ended. If this didn’t work, I had no idea how I would live it down.
Quickly, I leaned up and closed the distance between us.  Jordan’s lips were so soft against mine and I yelped a little when her body pressed more into mine. Her soft breaths felt like whispers over my face as she kissed me back and I squirmed underneath her.
Focus, Y/N, focus! My mind screamed.
As casually as I could, I pushed my wrists against Jordan’s hands, and a second later, she loosened her grip. Her fingers trailed down my arms as my legs wrapped around her waist, pulling her even closer to me. When I felt her smile against my lips, my stomach sunk.
The leverage I had around her waist was useful as my hands grabbed her shoulders and swung her down onto the mat. Jordan gasped as we pulled away and my hands captured her wrists. “What the---”
“I win!” I cheered.
“No, you just pinned me,” Jordan rasped.
I shook my head and gestured to her right hand, which was just over the out-of-bounds line. In the dozens of fights we had, this was the first time that I won. If I could fly, I would have probably been floating. When I looked back at Jordan’s face, I came back to earth.
“Oh, sorry,” I muttered, releasing her wrists and pushing myself to stand. “And I’m sorry about kissing you without warning.”
When I extended my hand, she looked at it as though it was a cobra ready to strike. After a few seconds, Jordan took the risk and let me help her up. Then, she walked back over to her bag, grabbed her water bottle, and chugged.
“It’s okay, uh, just don’t make out with everyone you fight with; that’s how you catch mono,” Jordan rambled.
I wrinkled my nose. “Ew, I wouldn’t even think about it. With us, I knew it would be my best way to beat you.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself.”
Then, I took a second to look at Jordan. Something was off, she seemed tenser than she usually did after we sparred. Also, she stopped looking at me and started playing with the rings on her fingers. It had to be because of the stress of Emma missing and how there was more lurking on campus than anyone thought. That on top of Brink and Luke’s deaths would make anyone nervous.
Yes, that had to be it because those were the reasons my lips buzzed the entirety of the next training round.
The two extra rounds gave Jordan their bragging rights and no one could wipe the giant smile off her face as we wandered around campus. At the very least, the blazing sun provided some comfort from the cool breeze that blew past us. Since there were several classes in session, only a handful of people were hanging out, panic-studying, and Tik-Toking.
“You should have seen your face when you landed, it was gold!” she laughed.
“I’m glad it was entertaining,” I replied.
Jordan glanced at me, fished a protein bar out of her gym bag, and handed it to me. “Here.”
I shook my head. “I’m fine.”
Jordan paused in her walk to side eye me and I stopped as well. “Don’t give me that shit. I didn’t say anything earlier but, you look awful.”
“Thanks,” I muttered.
Jordan sighed. “That came out wrong; I mean, you look like you haven’t been taking care of yourself.”
The situation was almost laughably ironic since just a couple of days ago, I was sleeping like a baby. However, the Emma-shaped hole was enough to spike my anxiety and the final touches on Bid Day were not helpful either. If Alina tried to deny my top pick at this last meeting…
Oh no, I had totally forgotten to take my meds.
“It’s okay, you actually have perfect timing,” I replied, accepting the protein bar.
It wasn’t super chalky and even if it was, I didn’t care as I popped two of the pills from Shetty and chased it with water.
“You pop pills in public now, freshie?” Jordan joked.
I shook my head and nibbled on the protein bar. “They’re prescribed by Shetty. That explains why I was freaking out earlier.”
“With Dumb and Dumber?”
“Chad and Thad, and yes.” Jordan nodded. “So, they work?”
“Yeah. I probably would have been able to save you the trouble if I’d remembered.”
I put the pill bottle back in my bag as we continued walking. The medicine would take a while to kick in but it was better late than never.
“It wasn’t trouble,” Jordan said.
I didn’t know how to respond so all I could do was nod. In all honesty, I was still processing that kiss. Jordan must have reacted the way she did because she was so caught off guard. If Emma were here, she would help me process, that is if she was willing to speak to me.
“So, do you want me to buy you lunch today or tomorrow?” I asked.
Jordan shook her head. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Hey, I’m a good sport and I always hold up my end,” I tried to joke.
“Yeah, so it makes sense that I would do the mature thing and treat you to that sushi place you were talking about. You beat me for the first time and that shows how much you improved; I remember when you used to drop your guard every time you got scared.”
“It’s not my fault that my first instinct is to run!”
“You won’t always have the chance to run when you’re a supe. Now, I feel better about you being out there on your own.”
Her words made me swell with pride and I thanked her.
“Plus, there’s no one out there as good as me.” I playfully rolled my eyes. “Of course, it all goes back to you.”
“I’m being honest. Seriously, wherever you get a contract, you’ll kick ass especially if you practice more.”
“Fine, Mx. Li.”
At that moment, I couldn’t wait to go back to the house and shower. Class wasn’t for another hour and a half which gave me enough time to try and process everything.
“Is that Marie?” Jordan asked.
I paused and looked in the direction she nodded to. Across the way, Marie slowly approached the bleach-blonde weasel that was Rufus, who was smugly perched on an overpriced bench. He was (fake) reading a book and looking semi-thoughtful.
The protein bar suddenly felt like a rock in my throat.
“What’s she doing with Rufus?” I muttered.
Jordan didn’t reply and we both watched as the two started speaking. Then, Rufus set his book aside and reached his hands out to Marie.
“Shit!” Jordan exclaimed.
“Marie!” I called at the same time.
It was too late, as soon as her hands grazed his, they disappeared. Panic started rising up from the back of my neck and everything was suddenly quiet.
When I blinked, Jordan’s hands cupped my face, and our faces were nearly touching.
“Focus, where did Rufus take Marie?”
After taking a couple of seconds to focus on it, I answered Jordan, and she nearly yanked my arm out of its socket as she raced towards the location. A minute later, we were pushing past people in the dorm until we reached Rufus’ room. My stomach lurched at the muffled sounds of “True”.
“So, what’s the plan?” I asked.
Jordan didn’t respond. Instead, she took one step before kicking Rufus’ door down. The sound of the door hitting the ground should have made me jump but I was too busy staring at Marie’s blood-splattered face as she stared down at Rufus’ keeled over body on the floor. When he rolled onto his back, I saw all the blood covering his groin and the agony on his face.
Somehow, it was both disgusting and exhilarating to watch, kind of like those ridiculous mukbang videos.
I didn’t realize I was staring until Jordan tugged me by the arm down the hallway, Marie in tow. When we got a few hundred feet away, Jordan released us and glared daggers at Marie.
“What the hell was that?” Jordan demanded.
“I don’t know…I just exploded his dick,” Marie uttered, astonished.
“That was…wow,” I breathed.
Marie smiled, accepted the towel Jordan handed her, and wiped her face. “Thanks, I didn’t know I could do that.”
“Why were you talking to Rufus anyway? He’s a creep,” Jordan scolded.
Marie narrowed her eyes at Jordan. “We didn’t have any leads on Emma, and I heard he was a psychic.”
I winced at the jab.
Jordan rolled her eyes. “Rufus is not a psychic; he’s a perverted loser who takes advantage of anything with tits.”
“Gee, thanks,” Marie hissed. “I can take care of myself.”
She shoved the towel in Jordan’s chest and started storming down the hall. Immediately, we started following her and my irritation grew with each step.
“Fine, then I won’t rescue you next time,” Jordan called.
That made her stop and whirl around. “What?”
“I saved you back there, well, Y/N and I both did since she knew where Rufus would take you,” Jordan insisted.
Marie took a step towards us. “I exploded his dick; I didn’t need your help.”
“But I provided a distraction; tag-team cocksplosion here,” Jordan said, gesturing between the two.
“I’m okay being cut from this team,” I commented.
“Oh no, you’re in it too,” Jordan said.
Marie shook her head. “Weirdo.”
Jordan shrugged. “More importantly, Tek Knight is on campus and he’s doing a story on Luke’s death.”
Marie’s eyes widened and I had to stop my mouth from falling open. Tek Knight was the slimiest, most prolific true crime “journalist” on Vought TV. He covered only the buzziest stories, and it made sense he would be on campus. I thought I heard some guys talking about it during a lecture yesterday, but I was so preoccupied that I didn’t focus.
“He’s guest lecturing Shetty’s class today and he’s going to want to talk to you,” Jordan stated.
“Shit,” Marie cursed.
I ran my hands through the ends of my braids. “And if he even gets a hint of what might be going on, we could all be screwed.”
“So, what do we do?” Marie asked.
“If you decide to keep up the lie, don’t let him see you waver, he loves going after that shit,” Jordan grumbled.
Marie rolled her eyes. “Are we on this again?”
“Yeah, you lied!” Jordan snapped.
Quickly, I stepped between them. “Okay, this won’t get us anywhere. Just breathe for a second.”
They both did, eyes still shooting lasers.
“We need to think about this. Since you two are in Shetty’s class, you two will have to figure something out.”
“Are you taking her side?” Jordan accused.
“Are you taking theirs?” Marie asked.
“I’m not taking anyone’s,” I insisted. “If you two keep fighting, no one wins. Just go your separate ways for now and regroup before class?”
It was not my best work but they both seemed to agree as Jordan went one way and Marie started to head down the other. I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding and jogged to catch up to Marie.
She slowed down a little but didn’t face me. “I’m not sorry for trying to find Emma.”
“And that’s great but you should talk to the rest of us before getting mixed up with someone like him.” I shivered at the thought.
Then, she turned to me. “Like I said, we had no leads.”
“I know that, and I am working on it, trust me, I am but I can’t believe you went with Rufus the Rapist instead of giving me time.”
“We don’t have any, Y/N!” Marie snapped. “She could be hanging on by a thread somewhere or dead but we don’t know anything and now I have this Tek Knight shit to worry about.”
I flinched. “I told you, she’s alive and I know you’re scared but I’m scared too. Emma is my best friend and not being able to figure out where she is has been driving me crazy.” Tears began burning in my eyes.
Marie hesitated and looked down for a moment. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, it just sucks that the last time we talked, we fought. I didn’t even get to talk to her at the gala,” I admitted.
“Yeah,” Marie looked back up at me, “I saw you were talking to a lot of people.”
“I kind of had to.”
“With Jordan?”
I cocked my head at her and she stared at me. “Wait, what?”
She sort of pouted. “I saw you were spending a lot of time with them.”
“We were schmoozing for their ranking,” I explained.
I didn’t need a vision to tell me that she wanted to say more. What was going on with everyone today?
“Next time, I could help you do it, I mean, I don’t think you’ll need my help with Vought liking you,” I thought out loud.
“Don’t remind me.” Marie leaned against the wall. “I don’t know what to do! I’m so deep in this shit that there’s no crawling out.”
She slowly slid down until she sat on the ground, and I sat across from her.
“It might seem like that but, there is a way out, you probably just won’t like it.”
Marie’s eyes flickered up at me. “Are you siding with Jordan?”
“No! What is it with you two? It’s like a live X beef and I’m somehow in the middle!” I exclaimed. “No, I’m not on anyone’s side, I can see both your sides clearly: you want to get ahead and this a great chance to do it and Jordan feels like they saved you only to have you trample all over them.”
Marie frowned at my words. “They would have done the same thing!”
“I don’t know…” I don’t know anything anymore.
I pushed myself to stand. “It’s your choice, Marie.”
“What would you do?” she whispered.
“Honestly, I have no clue but I would probably talk to Cate about it.” I pulled her to her feet. “By the way, that cocksplosion was so awesome.”
Marie smiled. “Like I said, it just happened out of nowhere.”
“I knew he had some bad karma coming his way, but I didn’t think you’d deliver it.”
Then, she hugged me and I felt stunned. She smelled like cinnamon and something earthy that I couldn’t put my finger on. I had no idea that she had such a strong grip, it was kind of comforting. I slowly hugged her back and when she pulled away, she gasped.
“I got blood on you, I’m so sorry,” Marie apologized.
“It’s okay, no one should be able to tell unless they have a luminol ability,” I pointed out.
She nodded and as I made way out of the dorm, my curiosity got the better of me, and I focused on how the lecture would go. Unfortunately, all I saw was a brief scene of Jordan and Marie speaking in Marie’s dorm. They weren’t fighting so that must be positive.
Two hours later, I was sitting in one of the beach chairs out by the Si Chi pool, fuming. Sasha thought she was so slick, trying to persuade Sydney to let Justine in despite all the issues. She could have at least come up with a decent argument; the fact that she hadn’t even tried was almost the most insulting part.
I just happened to catch the two of them speaking on the staircase when I returned from my advanced modern dance class. Sydney politely nodded as Sasha spoke.
“…and she’s the best in her class!” Sasha finished.
“That’s great, but I don’t want anyone who uses someone else’s triggers for their own gain representing this house,” Sydney replied firmly.
“Sydney, how’s the selection process going?” I called.
They both turned to me and Sasha lost some color in her face.
“Good, we’ve narrowed it down and we’ll finalize it tonight,” Sydney said.
That should have been satisfying but it wasn’t. Who did Sasha think she was? She could be antagonistic but she never outright bullied anyone. Does she want Justine to be a protégé?
“Y/N,” someone whispered.
I jumped in my seat and glanced around the pruned backyard. No one else was out with the other girls either heading to another class or studying. It must have been my imagination.
That time it was louder, and I slowly stood. “This isn’t funny, whoever’s out there!”
This day really was turning into too much. First, I kissed Jordan----which I still hadn’t unpacked----, second, Rufus got castrated in the most violent way possible, and third, I was hearing voices or being stalked.
Slowly, I started creeping back towards the house. Maybe it was time for a nap since sleep deprivation could drive anyone crazy. Maybe that would help me find Emma.
“Y/N, it’s me!”
And now the voices sounded like her.
“Over here!”
Something told me that I wouldn’t end up like every non-final white girl in a horror movie. So, I started walking in the direction of the voice, which just happened to be in the thick wall of shrubs that lined the perimeter.
“Where is here?” I whispered.
Then, a hand reached out from some shrubs on the right side. Carefully, I approached it and knelt down, still keeping my distance. Then, a head of curly blonde hair poked its way out of the shrubs, pieces of greenery attached to its scalp.
“Emma!” I rasped.
“Hey, do you mind being surprised after you help me out of here?” she asked.
As soon as I got her out, I hugged her. I was right, she was alive this whole time. I almost cried tears of joy as I slowly pulled away from her.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so happy to see you!”
“I’m happy to see you two but we’re both in trouble if someone catches us like this,” Emma said.
As quickly as I could, I snuck her up into my room and she collapsed on the bed as soon as I closed the door. With the better look at her, I noticed she was in a random black movie theater t-shirt, shorts, and she only had one shoe. She wasn’t too dirty but I tried not to think about having to wash my comforter once she left.
“Emma, where have you been? What’s going on?”I asked.
“Well, Andre sent me on a mission to find Luke’s brother,” Emma started.
“I know that much; is that the guy you were with?”
Emma shot up to a sitting position. “You saw us?”
“Sort of. I had no idea where you were going, why?”
“No reason, I don’t know why I was surprised, you see everything.”
Even though I didn’t, I let Emma continue. As she spoke, my eyes got wider and wider. There was so much to unpack: there was a research lab under the school called The Woods where they tested supes, the researchers faked Sam’s, Luke’s brother, death but kept him in The Woods, and they are working on something big.
“What is it?” I asked.
Emma shrugged. “Sam has no idea but he knows that the doctors have been working on it for a while and they’re almost done.”
I nodded. “Okay, where is he now?”
“In an abandoned theater. It sounds creepy but the stale snacks and ambiance make it kind of cute,” she chirped.
I shook my head. “You like him.”
Emma gasped, “What? I do not!”
“He’s your type: cute and a little messed up.” “I don’t have a type and even if I did, you might’ve been close to it,” she muttered.
I smiled and hugged her again. “It’s so good to see you again. I don’t know what I would have done if…”
“Hey, like someone could kill me.” Emma tried to keep her tone lighter, but I could tell she was scared.
When I pulled away, I apologized for everything that happened before the gala. I wasn’t that good of a friend and Emma did everything she could for me, even when she didn’t have to.
“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have projected and called you perfect; I know that everything with your parents has been rough for you and you’re managing it as well as you can. Plus, I hid the whole how I get small thing from you,” Emma rambled.
“Why’d you hide it from me? You can tell me anything, that’s what best friends do,” I whispered.
Emma looked down at her hands. “Because I knew it would make us both feel like shit. You had other stuff going on and I didn’t want to be a burden. I’m the one who cheers you up and I was ashamed.”
“You’re allowed to feel bad sometimes, Emma, but it really hurt knowing you felt like you couldn’t reach out to me for help,” I managed, feeling myself starting to choke up.
“Don’t cry because if you cry, then I’ll cry.” She hugged me again and we both sniffled. “Okay, from now on, we tell each other everything.”
When Emma pulled away, she had the most mischievous grin on her face paired with a fake nonchalant look in her eye. I immediately eyed her as she crossed her legs and started glancing around the room.
“So, to go off that, what’s going on with you and Jordan?” she asked.
“Are you kidding me? You come back from disappearing and that’s the first thing you want to know?”
“I could have died, Y/N.”
“Do not try to guilt me!”
I took a deep breath and mulled it over for a moment. A couple of hours ago, I would have killed for this chance to talk to Emma and now that it was here, I was stopping myself. There shouldn’t be anything stopping me, especially since we just promised each other that we wouldn’t keep anymore secrets. With that thought, I told her everything, from the night at the club, to when we kind of rescued Marie.
When I looked at her, Emma was stunned.
“What?” was all she could muster.
I nodded. “Yeah, it’s a lot.”
“You went from almost kissing Jordan to full-on kissing Jordan. I could tell you liked them by the way you talked about them last year but this is progress,” Emma remarked.
“I didn’t like them like that last year, I don’t now. Anyway, I only did it after I saw the vision and it was to win the fight, so does that really count?” I asked.
Emma raised her eyebrows. “Did you feel anything on the other side of that kiss?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, did you feel them kissing you back? Were they breathing all heavy? Were their hands moving all over your body?”
All those things happened but, Jordan must have been caught up in the moment.
“If Jordan was caught up, they would have snapped out of it but they didn’t until you pulled away,” Emma pointed out.
“I did it as a distraction tactic!”
“Doesn’t matter since they liked it,” Emma said with a shrug. “And you must have enjoyed it.”
“How would you know?”
“Because the tip of your nose is turning red.”
I yelped and covered my nose. “It’s because this conversation is embarrassing. Besides, I don’t have time for a relationship; I have to finish out rush week and then there’s initiation and not to mention classes---” Emma placed her hands on my shoulders and forced me to look at her. “Y/N, ‘having time’ has nothing to do with liking someone. You’ve had googly eyes for Jordan for a year now, it’s okay to admit it!”
“I have not! They bullied me for half of last year.”
“Really? Did they ever say anything super mean to you or try to hurt you?”
As I took a second to think about my dynamic with Jordan, I realized that they only delivered playful jabs that I returned when I got comfortable around them. So, I shook my head.
“And aren’t they always trying to keep you out of trouble?”
“Not always,” I muttered.
Emma groaned. “Why did I think it would be easy to get you to admit that you like someone? You’re so oblivious.”
“I am not!”
“Really? So, how would you describe your relationship with Marie?”
“Really? Because when you were doing her makeup that night, I thought you got lost in her eyes. Those big, beautiful, puppy dog eyes.”
I playfully pushed her but she maintained her pose and I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped me. Even though her words were lighthearted, I had paused a few times that night to admire Marie but she was pretty, everyone admired pretty.
“I was trying to do a good job with her eyeshadow. Besides, I thought you were still insisting I like Jordan,” I responded.
Emma relaxed and stared at me like I grew a second head. “You are way deeper in denial than I thought you were.” “What are you talking about?”
“I know that sexuality is a spectrum and a journey and everything but, Y/N, you clearly like two people.”
Her words hung in the air as I returned her stare. Emma had lost it, officially.
There was no way I liked both Marie and Jordan. Marie relaxed me as soon as I saw her and friends are supposed to be relaxed with friends. I felt like I could tell her anything and any friend would feel bad about accidentally ditching their friend on a night out. Also, any friend would feel like crying if their friend told them that they accidentally killed their parents. Any friend would want to try to make them feel better since they couldn’t take away the pain.
And as far as Jordan went, I was well aware of how attractive they were in both forms and occasionally felt warm inside when they smiled at me, but those were just hormones. Plus, Jordan was a protective person so it made sense that they would jump in when necessary. The shivers I’d attempted to hide when they pulled me onto their lap were normal.
“No, that doesn’t make any sense,” I muttered.
“I can only help you so much. It’s clear to me and maybe even to Jordan and Marie.”
I shook my head. “We don’t have time for this. We should find Marie and let her know that you’re alive and everything you told me.” “Okay, and if she just happens to give you a thank-you kiss, I’ll try not to gloat.”
“Emma,” I warned.
“Okay, can I borrow some shoes before we leave?”
Emma practically bounced with each step on the way to her dorm. Even though I convinced her to wear one of my hoodies just in case, she seemed happy to be back on campus. Hopefully, we could get everyone together and get this all figured out. Once this was over, then I would be able to focus on Bid Day and maybe what Emma had been saying.
It was going to be so awkward talking to Marie after that conversation. I felt so many things that I didn’t know what to settle on: confusion, frustration, anxiety, and all the others I couldn’t name.
The meds must have kicked in as Emma began trying to unlock her door. I was settled and comfortable. Everything was going to be fine.
Finally, Emma threw open her door. “Holy shit, so much is happening!” she announced as she stormed into her room.
I trailed after her and felt my anxiety break free from its cage. Jordan had Marie pinned against the wall, kissing her like it was his last chance. Marie seemed equally as passionate as she tugged on his shirt. At Emma’s words, they jumped away from each other, both frazzled and disheveled, eyes wide.
Then a flood of more emotions I couldn’t name washed over me.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Gala pt. 2
‘Reader insert’ – They haven’t heard Ted swear before or raise his voice, when they get dressed up for a gala the first word out of Ted’s mouth is “Fuck.” - for @dadbodfanatic-x . AFAB!Reader.
Chapter 1
Did this chapter get away from me? Yes it absolutely fucking did, sorry about that!
Chaper 2
You feel more awkward than you could possibly imagine. Worse than sixth form prom where the zip burst on your dress and you had to be tied into it with your best friends shoelaces. Worse than the morning after a one night stand at Uni where you found yourself in a seminar with the person whose bed you'd slept in. Worse than spending the next three years in lectures, seminars and on nights out with that same person. Your stomach churns, the granola bar snack you'd had while you got ready threatening to make a reappearance. To your stressed mind, the only logical conclusion is that you look terrible. You must do - what on earth else would make Ted of all people swear. As soon as you're clear of the red carpet, you dart inside to the loos to check the damage. Lipstick on your teeth? A broken heel? Fuck no, a nip slip?
The dress was far, far lower than you'd normally go for. Its lowest point was lower than the curve of your breasts, so a nip slip was the most likely possibility. On a good day, you were pretty happy with your breasts but you'd really rather they weren't on the front page of the Daily Mail, and you weren't exactly sure whether this was a good day after all. Panic settled into your body like it had found a new home, making itself comfortable in your rapid heartbeat and shaking hands. You're still staring blankly into the mirror when Keeley breezes in on the highest heels you've ever seen. 
"Babe, amazing red carpet! You looked fucking fiiiiit!" She sang.
"No." You said, a little louder than you expected. 
"Umm yes, actually. And don't even get me started on Te-"
"Something's wrong isn't it, what is it? My hair? Have I got lipstick on my face?" Keeley stopped flitting around and took your hands in hers. 
"Hun, nothing's wrong - why would you think that? You look beautiful, I would kill for my tits to look like that. And where I have this boring flat pack arse, you have a bum that Kim K would probably love to clone or do coke off! What could possibly be wrong?" You frowned, panic slowly being kicked out by confusion.
"I heard Ted swear, I thought I'd done something wrong?"
"Ha! Far from it - I think you scared his words away! He only had a single fuck left to give and he gave it to you, how sweet!" She burst into giggles. You look back to your reflection. No stray lipstick, no nipples making a break for freedom, no wild hair. You looked fine, good even. Maybe edging close towards great. Not the best judge of your own appearance (ever the self saboteur), you had to trust Keeley. Shoulders down, head up, you allowed your good posture to boost your confidence. The posture correction resulted in a boob lift and waist amplification that you wished was shouted from the rooftops for everyone to discover - 'Your body is beautiful! But for fucks sake it's better if you stand up straight!' Keeley came to stand behind you, a couple of inches shorter, even in heels. She locked eyes with you in the mirror. "Fucking gorgeous. I'd do you." A peal of laughter rippled through your body and you joined her in giggling at your reflections. "See - and that smile the icing on the cake. You look hot babe, own it. If Ted isn't ready to admit it then there is an entire football team out there who I'm sure would give you a good time!" 
"Oh jesus Keeley, no! I'm too old for them - they're babies! It's been too long since I had sex for me to settle for a disappointing fuck with a footballer who only got their driving licence last year."
"So if its a toss up between sex with a footballer or no sex at all… it's a no? Be fucking for real right now! Some of them are not so young. Isaac's cuuuute." She teased. 
"Isaac is gorgeous, and trust me, I'd be ready in a heartbeat, but I think my crush on Ted might be ruining all other men for me."
"Well then tonight is recon - I'm pretty convinced he likes you, but I'm open to being wrong for one night only. We do the work, find out what the crack is and if it's a no, then you move on and spend your time on someone who does like you."
"Bish bash bosh, easy as that, eh?"
"Sure is. Now, can we please get out of this bathroom and get a fucking drink before Roy decides I've fallen down the loo?!"
You'd only been at the bar for a moment when Richard was at your side offering to buy you a drink. You took him up on the offer and clinked glasses with him before turning to survey the room. You leaned back against the bar, letting your elbows hold you up. Rebecca was holding court across the room greeting shareholders. Keeley had found Roy and they'd joined some of the other players at a table. You tried to look as though you weren't looking out for Ted, but you couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed when your first sweeping glance of the room was fruitless.
"Looking for someone?" A deep voice said to your right. Richard raised his glass in greeting to Ted and went to join his friends.
"No, just seeing what's going on. I was curious to see how everyone scrubbed up." You raised an eyebrow at him. 
"And do they pass muster?" He leaned against the bar next to you. "Like what you see?"
"Hmm. They look great, as usual," You took a long drink.
"But there's someone else far more distracting than a bunch of pretty boys."
"Ahh," he laughed a little, "of course, you've seen the same person I have."
"Have I?"
"Well, I hope so. I mean, I hope there wasn't anyone else pouring you into that dress this evening. I'm assuming you have looked in a mirror?" The blush started somewhere at the junction of your thighs, you were sure of it. The heat of it travelling up your body, across the valley between your breasts and up your neck until it flushed in your cheeks. 
"I… umm…" You breathed out a little laugh, "I'm not sure what to say to that." You admitted. He looked victorious,
"At last. It's about time I caught you out. You do it to me often enough." 
"I don't know what you're talking about, Coach Lasso."
"Ohh I think you do. But hey, if you want an out then here it is T Swizz" He nudged you gently with his shoulder so you turned to face him, peering at him over the rim of your glass. You scan his face, taking him in and let your eyes wander to check out his suit.
"I don't think that'll be necessary, I'm sure I'll get you back." Shenanigans on the dancefloor distract you just long enough for him to look you up and down without you noticing. You'd been slightly too far away on the red carpet and surrounded by photographers. Satisfied that Moe wasn't about to try and replace the DJ, you turn back just in time to see that he'd been looking. "Busted." You whisper with a smirk.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He threw your words back at you, blushing a little. "You look incredible, you're wearing the heck outta that dress."
"Thank you, Ted. Though it's hard not to get imposter syndrome." He waved your comment away, 
"You work with these guys every day. You're definitely not an imposter."
"Hmm. Work with, not socialise with."
"You socialise with me, do you feel like an imposter standing here?" He asked, you noted a little concern in his eyes.
"Nope, I think I'm feeling pretty good standing here." He smiled at that. You could see Colin waving over to you and decided it was high time you went to see the team. "Save me a dance, Coach?" You asked coyly.
"Just the one?" 
"I'll take more than one. If we run out of time, you'll just have to take me dancing somewhere else."
The boys were in high spirits, letting their hair down with a few beers in good company always put them in a great mood. They greeted you happily, pulled out a seat for you and complimented your dress, hair, anything else they could without overstepping.
"And your-" Jan gestured with his hands around his own chest, "look absolutely am-" he was cut off by an elbow to the ribs by Isaac.
"Oi, show some respect." 
"Thanks Isaac." Behind him, Jan did the chef's kiss gesture instead, making you giggle. The evening progressed smoothly, you sat with the team for a while before moving to the same table as Keeley and Roy. Ted was at the same table but sat directly across from you. With a couple of drinks giving him more confidence, you noticed his gaze linger on you for longer and longer each time he looked over. You tried to aim for composed and indifferent, focusing on laughing and talking with Keeley. With the auction over, Rebecca was also able to relax and the three of you enjoyed a couple of cocktails together. You danced to the livelier music with the team and Keeley, the DJ churning out classic dance songs. Eventually you dropped into the seat next to Ted, hot and breathing hard. 
"Hope you're not too tired?" He teased. 
"Don't worry Ted, I've got plenty of stamina." He laughed,
"Drink or dance?" He queried. 
"Quick decisions, I like it." He stood and held out his hand for her, leading her to the dancefloor. You stepped into his arms, looping your arms around his neck. You felt his large hands on your waist, could feel the heat from them through your dress. You moved together, hips slotted against each other. Your fingers toyed with the hair at the nape of his neck and you heard his breath hitch. "You know there's a bunch of footballers over there probably far better at dancing than me?"
"Maybe so, but I've been wanting to dance with you for a while."
"That so?"
"Evidently I was far better at disguising it than I thought I was."
"I wouldn't say that." 
"So… am I good at hiding my ogling or… not?"
"Just because I'm oblivious doesn't mean my fellow coaches are. Let's just say Beard has been very vocal about it." You hid your face by turning away from him and looking over his shoulder to glare in Beard's direction. 
"Excellent. Thought I was doing so well." He leaned down to whisper right into your ear, the whole of the side of your neck and down into the non existent neckline of your dress completely exposed due to the way your hair had been swept to one side. 
"So it's true?" You turned quickly, his lips brushing against your cheek as you did so, making you shiver.  
"The ogling? 100% true." You held his gaze, determined not to crumble in the face of your embarrassment.  You heard Keeley's voice in your ear, a cheerleading inner monologue. You're hot, you're smart, you're funny. Trust in yourself. The seconds ticked by and you could feel your resolve weakening and your heart pounding, nerves getting the better of you despite the gin and tonics you'd been sinking all evening. Finally, his hand on your waist gripped just a little tighter, slid just a little lower and he smiled. His eyes crinkled at the corners, darkening as you took a half step closer to him. 
"Good, thought I was alone on the ogling. Weird word." 
"You haven't been! I've never noticed!" He laughed at that, suddenly a bit surer in himself. 
"Ohh I have been. Love those yoga sessions you do right in front of my window. Love the yoga pants in particular actually, though this dress has a pretty similar effect." You were astonished. This whole time you'd been absolutely convinced that he saw you and saw sweatpants and a ponytail. 
"You should have joined in."
"Now that would have potentially been very embarrassing, so no." His hand once again drifted across the top of your arse making his intentions very clear. You'd no idea how long you'd been dancing at this point, songs had blurred into each other.
"Shame, I do love a willing student."
"I'm very willing, no need to worry about that. Only question is, how we gonna get out of here without being the talk of the room?"
"Sure that's what you want?"
"Are you?"
"Do I want you to get me out of this dress as soon as possible? Yes, please."
You don't know how it happened exactly, but it certainly involved Keeley (obviously). You were looking for a suitable opportunity to duck out when she'd collared you by the bar. 
"OK babe, I've done my recon and I can say I'm like 95% confident that he's into you."
"I know hun, we talked when we were dancing. Apparently I'm oblivious." Keeley would have been put out at being beaten to the scoop had she not been so excited instead. "Anyway, now I'm trying to get the hell out of here without it looking like that's what I'm doing, I'm avoiding the lads so they don't ask me to the after party."
"Is that why Ted looks like he's getting closer and closer to the door?"
"Probably, first one out calls a cab."
"OK… ok, you go now. Right now, babe. I'll say to Roy that I'd been with you in the loos and you didn't feel well." You beamed at her, kissed her cheek and darted for the door, shooting a quick glance in Ted's direction. Hidden at the side of the building, you brought up the Uber app and called for your ride. You turned around to check the doors and walked right into Ted, your heels nearly disappeared from under you and your soul left your body. 
"Holy shit, Ted! You scared the crap out of me!" He caught your elbow and held you steady. 
"Sorry, sweetheart, ready to go?" Behind you the cab had just arrived. You didn't say much in the car on the way to his flat. He'd asked where you'd rather go, not wanting you to feel worried about having someone in your space but equally not wanting you to feel like you couldn't leave if you wanted to. You hesitated behind him at the door as he fiddled with the lock, once open, he let you in first and you took the stairs up to his floor. Inside the door you toe off your heels. "Whiskey ok?" He asks.
"Please." You've been to the flat before, he hosted games night a couple of times, but you've never been here alone. You move to look at some of the photos he's got dotted around - mostly Henry, of course, but also one of the four coaches, one of all the players from a team night out, one of you, Rebecca and Keeley from Higgins late summer BBQ. "Cute photos." He hands you a tumbler of whiskey with ice. Shyness starts to take over now that the gin is wearing off so you're glad for the booze top up. 
"How long?"
"How long what?" You wonder.
"How long has the ogling been going on?"
"Ahh. Well, I've not quite been there a year. So…just under a year."
"No? Day one?"
"Day one." You nod. No point in hiding anything anymore.
"Same." You cough a little on the drink you'd just taken.
"No way."
"Honestly. Higgy was givin' you the tour and you just looked at Beard and told him his posture was terrible. And then you tore Roy a new one about how badly he'd been lookin' after his knee. I thought any woman who walks in on their first day and straight out the gate gives Roy shit ought to be worshiped." You arch an eyebrow at that, finishing off your drink. The ice cubes clinked as you set the glass on the mantle. "And all you've done for 11 months is prove everyday that you should be worshiped." He adds, his voice barely above a whisper. You scoff at his comment, 
"Hardly. I'm already into you, Ted," you tease. "You don't need to go that far." He frowned.
"Sounds like I do if you don't believe me?" You roll your eyes but before you can speak again he steps toward you and slips one hand behind you on your back and cups your cheek with the other. All coherent thought leaves your body. "If you don't believe me, I'm happy to show you." His eyes search yours and you meet him halfway in a long awaited kiss. The hand on your back lowers and he runs his large palm down your arse and squeezes, pulling you into him. You groan at the action, deepening the kiss. Your hands take on a life of their own, running up his arms and into his hair, pulling him as close as you can. He finds your zip and pulls it gently down, the heavy rose gold dress slips down your arms and drops to the floor with a soft thud. You're immediately exposed, you weren't able to wear a bra with the dress, and your soft lace knickers don't exactly provide much coverage. He moves away from you, originally to help you step out of the dress puddle, but is distracted by just how quickly you've ended up so nearly naked. You feel your arms moving to cover yourself, but he takes your hands. You step out of the dress, he doesn't give you your hands back, he pulls you back in to him. "You never need to cover up for me, honey. Fuck, you are so beautiful."
"And you're overdressed." You move to undo the buttons on his shirt, loosening the tie first and lifting it over his head. Each button opens him up more and more to you. At the last one, you pull the shirt out from his suit trousers. He takes the shirt off, you're far too distracted by ruining your hands over his broad chest, fingertips tickling across his soft stomach. You catch his eye, his expression hard to read - somewhere between shy and nervous. "You're beautiful." You reassure him in kind, planting kisses along his collarbone. Your hands span across his back, feeling the tension in his shoulders. "Hmm. I'd love to work those knots out for you, but I think there's more important things to do first." You mutter against his lips. Spurred into action, he walks backwards towards the bedroom, pulling you with him. You find the bed eventually, landing in a tangle of limbs and Ted's clothes. His body is pressed against yours so perfectly, you wonder how you've done without it for so long. His hands run through your hair, down your neck and the column of your throat. You tip your head back to give him more access and he roughly palms your nipple, making you gasp. "Fuck me, Ted." You moan, 
"Ummhmm, that's the aim baby." You swat his arm making him laugh somewhere near the underside of your breasts, his mustache tickling the soft skin. He travels lower still, a trail of hot, wet kisses against your stomach and hips. He hooks your knickers into his thumbs and looks up at you, a silent request. You smile shyly while he rolls them down your legs. Before you can think, he's settled between your legs and is moving your thighs apart. You could swear you see stars when he pulls your hips down the bed and sets his mouth on you. Your back arches you away from him until he brings an arm across you to pin you down. His mouth is hot and his tongue teases you in ways impossible to describe. He works you up until you can hardly breathe and the only sound you can identify is his name. Your thighs begin to shake, the pleasure almost too much, but he doesn't change anything he's doing. Your orgasm feels like it's been ripped from your body and you feel a sob rise from your throat, as if the relief is too much to bear. You're so out of it for a minute that you don't see just how affected Ted is, he moans into you, grinding into the mattress. When you can finally breathe, he follows his original path back up your body. You've slung an arm over your eyes but he gently removes it and kisses you. You taste the heady mixture of yourself and whiskey. He pauses, wanting to look at you, to check in. 
"You OK?" He whispers. You nod, still not quite ready to string a sentence together. You can feel his cock, hard and straining as it presses against your thigh. You move your leg just enough so that there's a little friction and he immediately bucks his hips towards you. 
"I need you, now." He says, making you whine. You pull him back between your legs and roll your hips towards his. He quickly slides his boxers down and grabs a condom from the side table. He's back and pressing against your core in no time at all. You cup his cheek as he did to you earlier, 
"Show me." He pushes into you, slowly, carefully until he's fully seated within you. You both take a second, but the weight of his body on yours and the feel of him inside you has you craving more movement, more friction. You roll your hips again, and he drops his forehead to your chest with a guttural moan. "Show me." You repeat. This time, he listens. Slowly fucking into you but building to a desperate pace. Your legs lock around his waist. The new angle has you on the edge straight away. With only a couple of thrusts, your own orgasm lines up with his, and you're both incoherent with the intensity. His body slumps against yours, and he leaves a tender kiss just under your ear. You're still trying to figure out how to breathe when you hear a stamping from the floor above. He moves off you, you instantly miss the delicious warmth of him. He discards the condom and reaches for his boxers. The stamping again. 
"Sorry, Ms Shipley!" He manages to shout. He looks down to you on the bed, still boneless. "I'll get you some water, be right back." He smiles. While he's gone, you use the bathroom and pull on a t-shirt you find in there. By the time he's back, you're sitting cross-legged on the bed.
"Thank you." You take the water gratefully. 
"Nice t-shirt." He smirks.
"You don't mind?"
"Definitely not." He reaches for you, and you lay down against him, tucking one knee between his. He runs his hand up and down your back. "I love you." You hear him murmur into your hairline just as sleep begins to take you both. You're just about able to reply, 
"I love you too, Ted." He holds you tighter. 
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siasobessions · 9 months
you said you wanted recommendations for a jean fic, and my brain couldn’t help but think of reader having a fling with eren and jean just being a jealous man and wanting reader for themselves 🙏🏼
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☰ SYNOPSIS ⋮ You’ve always been told that to get over someone, you have to get under someone. But it’s not working out very well for you, and maybe that’s what you’ve always wanted.
— pairing ⋮ Jean kirstein x reader.
— Word count ⋮ 2.6 K
— Content ⋮ 18+ content minors please do not interact. Friends to lovers, angst, pining, mean jean (in some scenes), jealous Jean, swearing, pussy eating, fingering, dirty talk, hopeless fools
— Notes ⋮ I am aware that this is not my best work but it is my first work. I’ve wanted to write something for a long time but I do know that I have a long way to go so I’m to get some feedback from you guys :). Alsoooo, possible part 2?
You met Sasha 2 years ago, sharing the same class and same seating plan. You introduce yourself, not having the energy to have a in-depth-talk this early in the morning you keep it simple and short. Sasha however, you notice is not the best at picking up on signals. She goes on and on about herself, one story leading to another and another and another. You hum along, eventually tuning out of the conversation. It’s not until 5 minutes after that you meet your professor for the first time, he introduces himself, welcoming you all to the first semester of university and eventually he lists what to expect this semester. Your professor, you notice is on the shorter side but you keep a mental note of his hard exterior.
30 minutes into the lecture Sasha lets out a gasp, the expression on her face reading a light bulb that just went off in her head. “My friend Connie is hosting a welcome party this weekend, you should totally come!”
It’s at the party that Sasha introduces you to the infamous Connie. Connie is what can only be described as a “goof”, he certainly knows how to have a good time. You decide you like him. Sasha wanders off with Connie, disappearing into the crowd of partygoers.
“Perfect” you sigh to yourself, you look around the party but are only met with unfamiliar faces all around. Eventually your eyes land on someone far off in the crowd, someone that’s hard not to notice with his tall build. He’s talking to someone but you don’t care enough to look at who. You’re stuck in a trance, it’s almost like you’re looking at living art. You notice his hair first, it’s the perfect shade of ash-brown, the hair is slicked back with a few stubborn front pieces that have fallen out. But even that, you notice, looks perfect. He turns a little to the side and..is that a…mullet?? Was the mullet invented for this guy? Your eyes wander to this side profile, he has a perfect nose, it’s long with no bumps, his jaw is chiseled, his lips are thin but they’re perfect. He has broad shoulders, a white tight tee that adorns his physique perfectly and light blue jeans. What the fuck, how can one be so perfect? You almost feel like a creep, standing off in the distance and admiring a stranger but you can’t find it in yourself to care, so you don’t stop. He turns around and his eyes are immediately met with yours. Shit. Shit. Shit. Do you keep looking? Do you look away? Do you run and never loo back? You decide to keep looking, because how can you look away when his eyes are pulling you in like that? He nods along to his friend, keeping his eyes locked on you. You like this, you think. What you don’t like is him walking towards you, the air in the room seems to have ran out. What the fuck, why is it so fucking crowded in here?? You should run, you think, but you’re stuck, and then he’s in front of you. He says his name is Jean, he offers a dance, you say yes. This is too good to be true. You dance with him for what feels like eternity until you hear a loud voice booming in your ear “Yn, you’ve met Jean!!” And then you know for a sure, that it really is too good to be true.
You’ve spent 2 whole years l, hopelessly in love with Jean. He knows you better than anyone, he knows it all, the bad and the good. You get along with him so naturally, so perfectly like it was always meant to be like this. You fit perfectly into this arms, and your lips would mould perfectly with his, you think. Your hand fits perfectly into his, your soul feels right when you’re with Jean. Jean makes you feel alive and you’ve both confirmed on more than one occasion that you must be each others soulmates. But Jean means a platonic soulmate, how can you tell him that you mean more than that? How can you tell your best friend that he is your romantic soulmate? How can you tell him about all the nights spent with your fingers buried deep in your pussy wishing it was him? How can you tell him about the sleepless nights you spend crying over him?
You can’t. So you opt for Eren Yeager to ease the pain. You think this must be the solution. To get over someone, get under someone, right?? So you do just that, you’ve been hooking up with Eren nearly two months now. He knows about Jean. His name slipped out, when it was Erens cock buried deep inside of you. But he doesn’t tease you about it and he doesn’t bring it up, so you return the favor by not bringing Mikasa up. You’re both fools, you’re cowards but you’re okay with that. Losing Jean would be the end of you.
But that’s what you’re doing, and you don’t know why and you want it to stop but you don’t know how. He’s distancing himself, not talking to you as much as he used to, and he snaps at you, a lot, you notice. He seems annoyed anytime you open your mouth to voice your opinion, he seems like he wants to strangle you every time you laugh, he seems like he wants to shoot himself in the head anytime you talk to him for more than 5 minutes at a time. You want to cry, because this is not the Jean you know, this is not the Jean you’ve fallen so hopelessly in love with. Your Jean is soft, he’s nice, he’s a gentleman and he would never intentionally hurt you. Sasha and Connie seems to have picked up on his behavior, too. He only acts like this with you, he’s just fine with Connie and Sasha. Connie and Sasha are not okay with the way he treats you, they snap at him, tell him to calm down, tell him to stop being a dick but Jean doesn’t seem to care.
You’ve planned a movie night with your little group of friends that are slowly turning into family. It has become a tradition amongst your friend group, hosting a movie night once a month. This month, you’re the host. You’ve prepared everything, the snacks, drinks, blankets and the movie. You’ve agreed that everyone should be at your house 7:30. Connie is the first to arrive, late, but still first. He arrives at 7:40. Sasha appears shortly after, 7:55. Her breathing is hard, like she just ran a marathon to get here, but you know that’s not the case. You know she just ran up the stairs to make it seem like she was in a hurry, to avoid getting scolded. But you let it slide, your mind is busy thinking about Jean. Jean who’s always the first to arrive, where is he now? The movie is set to start at 8:30, 10 minutes left and still, no Jean. At 8:30, you start the movie, you’re not one to ruin your friends night because Jean wants to act like a baby. Despite the red, hot anger coursing through your veins at jeans behavior, you can’t stop thinking about him. It doesn’t feel right without him, nothing does. Your thoughts are interrupted, some manic pounding on the door. As you open the door you’re met with a drenched Jean. “You can also knock, you know. I have perfectly functioning ears”. He just scoffs, pushes right past you and strides into the living room.
15 minutes later, your phone pings with a text message. It’s Eren, wondering if you’re free tonight. You pick your phone up, about to respond when you hear a “tsk” coming from Jean. “I thought we decided no phones?” He remarks, venom laced in his voice. “This is important, I’ll just be a sec” you mutter. But Jean doesn’t stop, instead he lets out a forced laughed. “Because Eren asking if you’re down to suck his dick is so important?” and you stop everything you’re doing, your last thread of patience finally snaps
“What the fuck is your problem Jean?”
“Me? I don’’t have a problem.” He scoffs
“Then why the fuck are you acting like I’ve gone on a killing spree and murdered your entire family?”
He laughs at that, it’s not genuine, far from it in fact and it irks you. But he stays quiet, doesn’t utter a word and keeps watching the movie. You shoot a look at Sasha, begging the heavens that she for once will pick up on what your pleading eyes are trying to tell her. Some merciful god far up in the heavens must have heard your silent prayers because Sasha shoots up and drags Connie along with her. Your entire focus is on Jean now, but he wears an unimpressed look on his face and you refuse to leave this room without answers.
“Answer me, Jean.” He doesn’t move an inch
“Can you fucking look at me when I’m talking to you? If I’ve done something to upset you, please tell me so we can resolve this.” And luckily, this time he does look at you, but his eyes are entirely too dark for your liking.
“No, what the fuck is your problem?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You, you and Eren.”
You don’t know what to say, so you opt for nothing. What does he mean by that? But Jean fills the silence, he always does.
“Why are you fucking him?”
“Is that what this is about?” But he just looks at you, doesn’t say a word and it seems that he grows angrier by the second.
“Why do you care so much Jean?” Your voice drops a few octaves, and your heart is beating so wildly against your chest that you’re scared it’s gonna break all the bones of your ribcage but you can’t find it in yourself to care.
“Because I’m selfish” and then his lips crash into your own, you were right, his lips do mould perfectly against your own.
The kiss is heated, all tongue, clashing of teeth and heavy breathing. Your hands lock into his hair, slightly pulling at it and Jean seems to like that because he lets out a groan of satisfaction that makes you clench your thighs. He pulls away, and you whine at the loss of contact, but he makes up for it fast. He places gentle kisses on your jaw.
“Because I want you all to myself”
He moves onto your neck, placing light kisses on the skin, and then he’s sucking and you’re tilting your head to allow him more space.
“Because I hate the thought of someone else kissing you like this.”
You’re a hot mess, whining and moaning and pulling at his hair, saying nothing yet so much at the same time. This language is reserved for him only, meant only for him to understand and, oh does he understand. Because his kisses wander further down, he places kisses all over your body, memorizing every inch of your body with his soft lips. Jean has never been religious, never been a believer. But now as he kisses your body, worships your body, he’s a believer, he believes in you and he believes that you’re the answer to it all. He looks up at you through his lashes, and it’s just like the first time again, the hunger in his eyes, the lust, the desire, the predatory gaze. You get lost in his eyes, and that is nothing new but you’re afraid you’re not gonna find your way out this time. His hands toy with your pajama shorts but he looks at you for consent, your whole body screams at you to say yes, but your head doesn’t agree and words spill out of your mouth before you can stop them
“Jean, maybe this is wrong. I mean what if this ruins our friendship? Aren’t you scared of the consequences?”
“I don’t give a fuck about the consequences. This is all I’ve ever wanted and I’d rather die than let you go now that I have you”
You know you shouldn’t do this, but how can you not? How can you let go of him now that you have him? So you go against your better judgment and give in to the desire.
“Show me how much, Jean”
Everything happens so fast, he pulls your pajama shorts down, wearing nothing underneath he’s met with your bare pussy.
“Can’t believe you’ve been hiding this perfect little pussy from me all this time”
“Didn’t want to, Jean. ‘M always dreaming about this”
“Yeah? He kisses your clit softly “and what” another kiss “exactly” kiss “do I do in those dream?” He looks into your eyes, waiting for an answer but this is far too embarrassing, far too vulnerable for you. But Jean is stubborn and he won’t let up “answer me.” His tone is authoritative, leaving no place for resistance.
“ ‘s too embarrassing Jean”
“Tell me.” He demands
“Always think about your fingers inside of me”
He chuckles slightly before giving you exactly what you’ve always dreamed of
“You’re so wet, ‘s this all for me, baby?” He eases a finger into you, going slowly at first before slightly picking up the pace, doing a come-hither motion with his finger. Your moans are far too obscene from just a finger, if this is just a finger, how would his cock feel? Your pussy tightens at that, and if Jean picks up on it, he doesn’t address it.
“Want more, Jean”
“My greedy little girl, anything for you.”
He eases a second finger into you and god, his fingers reach places that your own fingers never have been able to. Maybe that’s how it was meant to be, maybe those places were only for jeans fingers to reach. He hits the spot that makes you see starts and moan out his name like a broken record. You think this must be heaven, but he goes above and beyond when he latches his mouth onto your pussy. It’s so nasty, so fucking filthy. The way he looks into your eyes like you’re god himself, the way he eats your pussy like a starved man and you’re his last meal, the way your walls clench around his fingers, begging him to never leave. His other hand slithers up, gropes your breasts before he’s choking you, adding just the right amount of pressure to make you see stars.
“ ‘s too much Jean”
Your legs are starting to tremble and your hands are wandering mindlessly. Despite your words of it being too much, your hands betray you as they push him impossibly closer to your pussy. Jean doesn’t have a special technique that separates him from all the other guys you’ve been with but his fingers know how to hit all the right spots, he knows just how to flick his tongue to make you you roll your eyes into the back of your head. But Jean doesn’t seem to like that, and his words hypnotize you in a way like never before.
“Open your eyes and look at me, baby”
So you do just that, because how can you say no to Jean? You can’t. Even as your legs are starting to shake, even as your body is trying to push him away from you, even as the coil in your stomach tightens, Jean doesn’t stop.
“Jean, ‘m gonna cum”
“I know sweetheart, cum all over my face.”
That does it for you, sends you right over the edge and with a loud scream of his name, you cum all over his tongue. Jean isn’t one to waste, always resourceful, so who is he to waste the cum that sticks to your cunt. He cleans up your pussy with his tongue , never once breaking eye contact, and then he’s licking his fingers clean with an obscene groan escaping his mouth.
“You taste so fucking god, even better than I’d imagined”
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Addams & Abbotts 😈 | Rhett Abbott x Addams!OC — crossover AU
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Rhett Abbott masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Rhett Abbott x Persephone Addams!OC (romantic), Wednesday Addams (Wednesday version), Amy Abbott, Desdemona Addams, Maria Olivares.
Content Warnings: profanity, dark humor, mentions of torture | Female!OC (she/her) | wc: 2.2k
Premise: After months of being together, one would think the stares and flabbergasted expressions of the town folk would settle down whenever the Addams & Abbotts were out. But it still came as a surprise. And for one person in particular, she wasn’t expecting to come face to face with the person of her nightmares when trying to shoot her shot with her ex.
Note: so sorry it has taken me this long to post this update! Thank you all for your patience if you’ve been waiting and I hope you enjoy it! I know it’s shorter compared to the others I’ve posted but the next one is going to follow episode 1 of Wednesday!
“Oh fuck,” were the first words out of Rhett’s mouth when he glanced out the window for a breif second, coffee mug in his hand nearly falling from his grip.
“What is it,” Amy asked with a mouthful of food, turning to see what he was looking at before her own groan sounded. “This is gonna be interesting.” The cowboy gave his niece a look causing her to shrug and continue to eat.
They were currently at the diner for a quick lunch after running errands all day. But it wasn’t just them together, in the bathroom was Persephone, Desdemona, and Wednesday. It was a nice Saturday afternoon with the group depositing the monthly profits from the stores, shopping for school supplies for Amy and Wednesday, and picking up things for their families.
At no point did they expect Maria to waltz into town.
She was with a friend and it appeared they were heading right for the entrance of the restaurant. “Don’t say anything,” Rhett pointed a finger, when he heard the bell above the door ring, “and don’t make eye contact.”
“You ain’t gotta tell me twice.”
They continued to eat their food, not paying attention to their surroundings as they waited for the others to return. Mona had been getting fussy so Percy went to change her diaper and freshen up, Wednesday tagging along to assist since sometimes tending to little Mona was a team effort. Rhett prayed they'd be getting back at any second because the last thing he needed was to deal with his ex.
Speaking of the devil….
“Rhett?” Fuckin’ great.
Gulping the coffee in his mouth with a light grimace, Rhett looked up to see Maria staring back at him. There was surprise in her gaze, obviously not expecting to see him. “It is you.”
“Hello, Maria,” he nodded, going back to his eggs. Amy made a face, turning away as to not let Maria see her amused expression.
“Wow, it’s good to see you,” she tried to smile. “You look good.”
“Thanks,” he didn’t compliment her back, and her reaction confirmed she expected he would. “Didn’t expect you to be back in town.”
“I’m just visiting for the week. I’ll be heading out Sunday.”
Was she trying to hint something? Probably. The way she was looking at him gave off the sense she was hoping he’d ask her out. Amy made a face, viewing Maria’s demeanor as a pathetic attempt.
Rhett just nodded, “Well best you get back to your friend. It looks like she’s waitin’ for ya,” he pointed the fork briefly to the direction her friend was seated at. He expected to hear her walk away, but when she remained standing Rhett tilted his head at her. “What is it, Maria?”
“Can…” she hesitates, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. “You wanna maybe grab a drink later? Or after the rodeo this weekend if you’re available.”
He couldn’t believe what she was asking. Was she really serious? She ended things with him after he left everything behind to be with her. Now she wants a second chance and is acting like nothing happened.
Amy cut him off before he could even say a word, “I don’t think his girlfriend would like that.” The look on Maria’s face would’ve sent Rhett laughing, but instead he just shrugs when she looks at him for confirmation.
“She’s right. My girl wouldn’t like that at all.”
“Your girl?” Maria repeated, stunned by the revelation. “You’ve got a girlfriend?”
A different voice answered her, one that sent chills along her arms. “You’re damn right he does.”
The voice was much older than in high school, but still possessed the haunting tone it was known for. It almost made Maria not want to turn. For she knew the onyx colored eyes would be staring back at her. Still, she couldn’t help but wonder if it really was Persephone Addams.
Turns out she wasn’t alone. Beside her, with the same blank expression with subtle hits of fury, was Wednesday Addams. And in Persephone’s arms was a baby girl who was the spitting image of the woman. If Maria’s eyes were playing tricks on her, it looked like the baby was glaring too.
“Maria,” Percy’s voice was monotone. “What a surprise to see you….here of all places.”
It took a moment for Maria to find the words. Their stares were what you’d see in horror movies. Wednesday appeared as though she was lighting Maria on fire where she stood. It was unsettling.
“Persephone,” she finally said the name after so many years. “The same could be said for you I guess. I didn’t know you were back in town.” A sound emitted from Percy, likely a scoff.
“Oh I’ve been back for a while,” Mona was passed to Rhett, the cowboy placing her in his lap to distract her from the tension rising between the two women. Persephone could imagine what her nemesis was thinking, “Am I missing something?” “Is that their daughter?” “Why are they having lunch with her sister and his niece?”
“Have you?” Maria was genuinely curious to know. At no point did it come to her attention that Persephone was also in Wabang. While she noticed the new antique and book stores, she just assumed it was one of the many businesses the Addams family owned.
“Over a year. Going on two this coming spring,” placing a manicured hand on Rhett’s shoulder, feeling Maria’s eyes shoot to the gesture, Persephone lightly squeezed, “Right, darling? I believe it’s been that long.”
“You know I ain’t good at keeping track of time, baby,” Percy noticed Maria react to the pet name. A mix of defeat and envy. “But it sounds about right.”
Addams and Abbotts. Abbotts and Addams. There was a combination no one was expecting.
Cutting in, Maria asks, “how long have you two….been a thing?”
“I believe dating or in a relationship is the appropriate term,” Percy turns back to her. “And almost a year.”
“Wow,” Maria exhaled, lips tightening. “I didn’t expect you two would…..” Smirking, Persephone starts to nod her head.
“Go on. Say what you’re thinking.”
“I-I shouldn’t—.”
“Why not?” She tilts her head, encouraging Maria to free the words from her lips that she so desperately wants to say. “It’s never stopped you before.”
“That was a long time ago,” Maria’s eyes narrowed, “I’m not like that anymore.” She received a scoff.
“Oh, that’s so wonderful to hear. Don’t you think, Rhett? Maria is all grown up,” the condescending tone in Percy’s voice was making the anger rise in Maria. Bringing delight to the oldest Addams. “But….you obviously were thinking it, Maria. You can’t help but want to know how Rhett Abbott and Persephone Addams became what you call ‘a thing.’”
Rhett thought about stepping in. Only because people were starting to watch the scene unfold. But he learned a long time ago that when Persephone Addams needed to say something she was going to say it.
And this bout with Maria was ten years in the making.
Holding her chin high, as though it would really do anything, Maria paid a glance to the cowboy and baby girl in his lap. “Well if you want honesty, then I’ll give it to you. I think you two hooked up in drunkenly Rhett Abbott fashion and he knocked you up. So, it only makes sense he’s with you because you two have a child together.”
Silence followed, so thick it could cut through wood. Rhett placed his coffee mug down slowly, glancing to see what his girlfriend would do. One look between Wednesday and Persephone and, to Maria’s surprise, the two sisters burst into laughter—an unsettling sight since Wednesday Addams never laughed in public before. A sigh of relief left Rhett, rolling his eyes at his ex who just stood stunned.
“What the fuck is so funny?”
“Oh, Maria?” Persephone wiped her eyes, “It amazes me you actually got a job as a bank teller when you have no idea how to do math. It was always your weak spot in school considering you paid Jason Barker to do your homework.”
Seeing the confusion, Persephone broke it down for her. “Maria, my daughter is just shy of her second birthday. I told you I returned to Wabang just over a year ago and that Rhett and I have been together for almost a year. So, please explain to me how the math adds up?” She didn’t allow Maria to answer. “That’s right, it doesn’t. Rhett is not her biological father, but he treats her like she’s his own.”
“I can see you are already questioning what happened to the child’s father,” Wednesday voices. “I can assure you he’s occupied at the moment. Life in prison keeps his days busy.”
Maria was flabbergasted. “Wha—?”
“He didn’t do anything…but I made it sure it looked like he did.”
That made a choked sound leave Maria, waiting to see if Wednesday would admit she was fucking with her.
But Wednesday Addams never fucked around. It’s other people who do and they find out the consequences.
Persephone narrows her eyes slightly, “How disrespectful of you, Maria, to assume Rhett and I are only together because of a child conceived from a one night stand—and even if that were the case, who’s to say nothing real could’ve come from that? For some people, it does happen to them.” She takes a step closer, causing Maria to take one back. “Clearly don’t know the type of man he is now. And you sure as hell don’t know me. But you seem to have stayed the same—despite you believing the opposite.”
By now Maria was red as a tomato from the heat in her, “who the hell do you think you are to judge me? I highly doubt you’ve changed since high school, Persephone. The only thing that’s changed is you got a kid—who I wouldn’t be surprised if the father ran off because he realized what a psycho you are.” If the words were affecting Percy, she wasn’t showing it. Instead she just remained smirking, nodding as Maria continued to rant. “Still the same gothic freakshow who obviously manipulated Rhett into feeling sorry for you—.”
The slapping of Rhett’s hand on the table made Maria and Amy flinch, neither of the Addams girls reacting as Rhett passed Mona to his niece to stand by Persephone.
“That’s enough,” his voice was heard. “You’re ain’t gonna insult my girlfriend or insinuate shit about me to make yourself feel better. After everything you’ve done—high school to now, you’ve no right to come in here and act all high and mighty,” Rhett watched her flinch, face consorting into a frown. “You’ve got no place here. Best if you leave now while you can, Maria. Otherwise…” he trailed, bidding a glance to the Addams sisters, “you know what, I’ll let them warn you.”
“Warn me?” The way he said it sounded more like a threat than a warning.
“Well actually,” Percy hums, a menacing smile taking over. One Maria was already dreading to find out what it meant. “I already did what I wanted to do a long time ago. You remember, Maria?” The color drained from Maria, a paleness replacing.
She was referring to the incident in high school. Where Percy dropped a black widow spider on her face and sent her to the ER…..and therapy. The shitshow that followed had Maria wish she could erase it from her memory. Only good thing that came out of it was Percy leaving Wabang, but not because she was forced to, but because she wanted to. They couldn’t press charges or expel her without issuing the same on Maria.
Seeing the memory replay in Maria’s head, Percy’s grin grew wider. “But Wednesday’s been planning her bit for years. And now that you’re back she can finally put it in motion! How exciting, sister! I know you’ve been waiting years for this.” A childlike clap makes Maria flinch once more, staring at Percy like she was crazy.
“I have been looking forward to using the new blow torch father got me for Christmas,” Wednesday confirmed, never straying her gaze from Maria.
Within seconds the woman was out the door, her friend that was waiting chasing after her, but not before shooting a glance at the group. Persephone gave a sigh of victory, “I knew that would work.” Turning to Rhett, she placed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, “Thank you for standing up for me, darling.”
“I know you can handle anything on your own, Percy. But I’ll be damned if I let her call you those names. No one will ever say that to you again—especially her.”
Wednesday appeared disappointed, “I didn’t even get the chance to mention about the rats I’m training to use as a torture method. Maybe I will get the chance next time.”
At the mentions of rats, Rhett and Percy turned to each other, both thinking the same thing. “Well if that ain’t fucking poetic.”
Leaving the tip, Rhett gathered Mona in his arms, taking Percy’s hand in his free one and followed Wednesday and Amy out the diner. People stared, especially the ones familiar with the stories between the couple and Maria.
It seems history was about to repeat itself. There was always something going on whenever the Abbotts and Addams hit the streets of town. First a drifter ends up in a hospital, and then buckle bunnies are coming down with food poisoning. Now throw in an old nemesis/ex and things were bound to get crazy soon enough.
After all, revenge was a dish best served cold.
Tag list for this series: @endofdays56, @avaleineandafryingpan, @tallrock35
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hazbincalifornia · 8 months
Hazbin Liveblog: Episode 5
That promo picture is encouraging, let's gooo!
Bedheaded Vaggie is adorable. I love her.
Everybody seeming concerned except for Niffty is great. Also, frazzled Charlie hair is cute. Me before I brush my hair, tbh.
Have we seen Charlie in just her suspenders in the 'main' series? I rewatched the second half of the pilot more than the first so it's the look I really liked on her, too bad it's showing her as down to her last rope here.
Huh, I was wondering how that worked! I imagine Lucifer, since he can only see the evil in humans, bargained to save Hellborns in exchange for Exterminations being only targeted at the 'just evil' Sinners, since Heaven probably said 'it's this or we kill everyone'.
AMON SPOTTED IN CHARLIE'S CONTACTS... which means that my Aamon is spelled wrong. Oh well. Not gonna bother fixing that, it'll differentiate them if he ever shows up anyway.
I like how all the egg boys have different contacts, but they're still labeled 1, 2, 3, ect. Do they all have their own phones?
Big bombshell that Lilith and Lucifer split, but all I'm looking at is that little drawing of Angel as an actual spider in the background.
Oh, of COURSE Niffty would want him.
I like how, as opposed to the strained faces in the Loo Loo Land portrait, Lilith, Charlie, and Lucifer all genuinely look happy in their portrait- wide grins and happy eyes. There was something at some point, it just... didn't last.
Huh. He really is a goof.
Staring at the giant pile of ducks with 'important things' is great. I'm not sure really how to feel about him yet? I wonder how people who were 'fans' of him think of this. (He's one of the 'I'm waiting for canon to see how I feel before getting attached' characters, like the Vees.)
I always sort of assumed that the building itself came from Lucifer, I don't remember if that was something mentioned at some point or just a headcanon that I had, but now that makes me wonder, does she just have mountains of Princess Cash that she bought it with if he didn't even know?
Huh, he still wears a gold ring on his pinkie finger?
Angel's 'oh god this is cringy but I feel bad for her' expressions are top-notch but I'm wheezing at Husk's flat-mouthed stare and Pent's fucking.... crying cat face. They don't know what to do with Niffty so she's just got a blank smile.
Oh hey, some kind of diagram of the rings! They'll be easier to look at than the shot of the elevator in Ozzie's!
If they only had an hour to clean up, I see why the 'it's a boy!' banner from that one promo clip was there, lmao.
OH MY GOD HE IS TINY, I thought that was just perspective in that one show but he's actually shorter than Vaggie, holy shit
Have we seen Razzle and Dazzle before now? I imagine we just haven't had time to fit them in before now.
Shaking the scepter is funnier than it has any right to be, and Charlie and Husk have basically the exact same expression in the background.
The fact that this is Alastor's first on-screen swear is hysterical. He probably expected Lucifer would know of him but he's taken down a peg- I doubt Luci's paid any attention to individual sinners since the split with Lilith. Beautiful.
I physically cringe into myself with second-hand embarrassment from tv. I did not think the series would provoke that response in me as often as it does, but then again, I don't watch the interview portion of the pilot much, so it probably should have been expected.
Alastor: On one hand, I dislike the idea of being with Charlie. On the other, I need to fuck with this guy for insulting me.
Hey, at least he's not homophobic about it.
You know, from Angel, that feels like he's genuinely trying to make a good impression.
Oh. Oh I normally try to save changing icons but I HAVE to change to Alastor on that pan. My Brand. I just spent like five minutes opening up prime on my computer to get it from there, change it on twitter, and come back here.
I have to say, I did NOT expect the Lucifer song to be Lucifer and Alastor going back and forth but I kind of love it? Also, a flash of the fun neon colors from his pilot song!
Oh my god, I made a comment on the spoiler twitter joking about how it's funny imagining Alastor doing the boring shit an actual facility manager would do but he actually DOES unclog toilets and shit. Fucking incredible. (Granted, it being Niffty means it was probably a special case. Cute that she called him 'sir' though.)
On one hand, a thousand Charlastor cries at this. On the other, him making 'I'm more of a father to her than you are (and I literally met her like two months ago)' his play is a diabolical move.
(I did hear about those leaked character audition sheets that indicated Alastor's age jumped up from his mid-thirties to his mid-forties. My joke about how Angel finds out 17-18 year old Stellaluna has a crush on him and just 'man, kid, daddy issues much?' and she's just 'shut the fuck up' is even stronger now, even though she's actually got a generally-fine relationship with her dads, it's mostly screwed because of outside forces.)
I wonder if that thing going around the Viv might have wanted Weird Al for Lucifer was due to the accordion thing. Probably not, I can see how the personality got her there, but still. Funny.
I feel for Charlie in all this.
Well, Mimzy was unexpected!
I like how Husk looks completely unimpressed while the others are confused. What do you wanna bet she just pops up around Alastor once in a while so he's used to her pulling this?
She's fun! I like her.
Ha, called Husk didn't like her. There's a lot of good background stuff in this episode as the characters react to stuff.
Having Mimzy (as a friend of Alastor's) recount the story fits into things a lot better, and I like the idea that he didn't just go on a giant bloody rampage that first day but started with something more sneaky. I think it fits better.
I was curious if this bit would be in this episode. Alastor's been a bit... tame, in previous episodes? He mostly seemed to aim snark generally or at those who 'deserve' it like Vox, it's great to see him being more of a 'villain' to Husk to really hammer in that while he's different from Val, the comparisons in Loser aren't just surface-level.
Making loan sharks actual sharks is great. Also, Mimzy running over the dude's girlfriend makes me like her even more.
As someone who is Literally Here because a friend told me Alastor was a cannibal after I watched the pilot and it got me interested enough to jot off a oneshot where he shrinks someone and eats them and then start poking around in the fandom, this pleases me down to my very bones.
Huh. With the knowledge that Lucifer and Lilith are separated, Alastor was gone the same amount of time she was, Husk's comment about how he's on a leash too, and now he's genuinely trying to uphold the idea of the hotel in some small part... I really wonder if Lilith did actually task him with this in some way, especially with a comment someone made about how him showing up moments after Charlie called her mom in the pilot might not be just how the scenes shook out.
Oh, this song is so sweet. Lilith having no face in the flashback is A Choice though, especially with how her card is faceless with just a mouth as well. (Which may even tie back to the idea of her working with Alastor- it's the same sort of grin he has.)
The animation here is... a little wonky though. It feels like it's a bit 'movement for the sake of movement' again, wanting it to look fluid but without certain direction. The song itself is lovely, though.
Vaggie's got something to hide, doesn't she? Does... does Charlie not know if she's a fallen angel?
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s6ngbird · 8 months
flowers from beneath — ACT IV
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[ warnings ] — NSFW, dub-con, mentions of oral (f. receiving, p in v, your mother going crazy, coryo being possesive kidnapping, lmk if i missed anything
[ pairing ] — hades!coriolanus snow x persephone!reader
[ a/n ] — sorry this one took a while, i've been having exams all week and barely have any time to write, so this one is shorter, but i promise act v will be long since it is the last part
[ beta read by my savior @etfrin ]
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life wasn't as miserable in the underworld as you had made it out to be
either that or coriolanus had been slowly brainwashing you
he had showed you a great deal of care these past few days and even let you out of his room more than once
unfortunately he still chained you or tied your wrists, his newest form of torture for you was the chain on your ankle that still allowed you to roam his room but stopped you a few feet before the door
he also had been fucking or going down on you at any moment he could find, frantic to feel you at all times
and you let him, growing more accustomed to his touch and letting him kiss you, even kissing back at times
as much as you were growing to love this horrible man who kidnapped you, you longed to be up on earth again and feel the sun's warmth
you often told coriolanus about this at night, when he was lazily going down on you or just stroking your hair while you laid on his chest
he always told you that as much as he loved you, he couldn't allow you to go up there because he might lose you
you didn't understand why that stopped him, couldn't he just come with you up there and watch while you played how you used to
what you didn't know was that your mother was going absolutely ballistic, frantically searching everywhere for you
she had first asked the nymphs and once they told her that they actually had no idea where you could've gone, she went mad at them, cursing them to become hideous creatures 
she then looked for clemensia, as she had also been seen last with you, but once the nymphs had informed clemensia of what your mother had done to them, she fled, fearing your mother would do worse to her
as your mother continued her long search, she neglected taking care of the earth
the plants were dying and the flowers were withering, this is exactly why coriolanus did not want to let you up there, knowing it would break your heart to see all of your hard work put to waste 
“do you think i'll be able to visit my mother at least?” you ask, looking up at him with those doe eyes he could never say no to
“maybe…only if you're good though” he replied with a smirk, letting his hand trail down your back
you giggle, trying to get off of his chest and he laughs, grabbing you and holding you close
“i'm just kidding, if you don't want to fuck right now, it's all good…but you owe me later” coriolanus says, tickling you as you start laughing 
were you really falling for the same guy who kidnapped you and tied you up? the same man who made you give him head just because he fed you dinner?
certainly not, you would never forgive yourself, but this form of him that you saw him turn into over the past few days was more vulnerable, more willing to care about what you thought before he did anything that may hurt you
and if that was the man you were falling in love with, then so be it, you had no problem with that
he showered you in gifts, even bringing you the same pretty flowers that you had grown up in the meadow, unknown to you, they were also the same ones that were now dead
and at night he'd fuck you slowly, kissing you and telling you how much he loved you 
“y'know you're mine forever right?” he asked, thrusting into your cunt in a lazy manner as he attacked your neck with kisses and hickies
you giggle, but urge him to go faster, disliking how slow the pace had been for about ten minutes
he stops his thrusts entirely, making you whine and try to get him to move, but he stops you, holding your jaw painfully to get you to look up at him
“answer me dove” he demanded, his jaw clenched while his fingers clenched yours
you felt your pussy clench around his cock, eliciting a groan from him that quickly turns into a laugh
“fine you don't want to answer? you don't get to come” he said, smirking at your wide eyed expression and how quickly you succumbed to his wishes
“i know, i'm yours coryo! please please let me come” you begged, tears in your eyes and that seemed to do the trick as he started thrusting again, slamming into your cunt at an ungodly speed
“mine, mine, mine” he kept repeating, even after you both came and you had fallen asleep in his arms
unfortunately you being his wasn't going to last long, especially after he found out the next morning that your mother had went to zeus about your sudden disappearance
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booksobsess · 2 years
Lucky Charm - Part 2
Charles Leclerc x Doctor! Reader Part 1
Synopsis: After the car crash and being in the hospital, things are left out you have a date waiting for.
Warnings: Language, car crash, nearly death, PTSD
Words count: 2'7k
A/N: I'm sorry it took so long to write, I had a really busy week at work and I didn't have the energy to write. I know it's shorter, I'm sorry. What I wanted to tell is already here but if you want a 3rd part I can make one, just let me know
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"Perfect, It's a date then!" Charles said so confidently and I could see his eyes slowly open up as well as mine when he said that.
Before I could even open my mouth he corrected himself "Wait, not a date, old habits. I know you are engaged, sorry. But we can meet up to catch up and you can bring your fiancé too if that's alright with both of you" God, he is nervous. Is he? I don't think I have ever listened him talk as fast as he did right now "Sorry I didn't mean to make things uncomfortable"
I just stand there with his medical profile in my hands.
"Oh" oh? OH? the only thing I can think to say is oh?
"I would love to come over and talk for a bit" He looked at me and god I missed his green blueish eyes so much. I avoid his gaze and loos at his profile and change the subject.
"I just checked that Dr. Lavigne already did an MRI and It's good. I would like to check it back in two days if that's alright just to make sure everything is alright" I still notice his gaze at me but I keep looking at his medical profile.
"Oh that's alright for me"
"Ok I will call the nurse to give you the appointment right now"
After all the process is done and I tell him he can go home, all his family is there with him to pick him up. Since he will stay with his mother to not be alone for the night. And before I leave the room to go home he asks me one more thing.
"Will you come tomorrow?" Charles is looking with spark in his eyes and also is family.
"I will" With a smile on my face I leave the room and sense a presence on my back that I know too well, Arthur.
"You told him about Dorian?" He looked at me with a questioning face
"Not yet. He still thinks we are engaged" Arthur looks me and I know that look he is asking me if I want him to tell him. But that's something I want to do myself "I will tell him tomorrow, he asked if we could meet up"
"Yea, I noticed back there" He tilts his head to the room, hugs me and when the hug ends he looks at me with hope in his eyes "I'm so ready for you to become my sister-in-law again" and before I can even deny it he is already back into the room.
The next day in the afternoon, it's time to go to Charles house. I stare at his door for 5 minutes trying to compose myself from I don't know what. When I finally get the strength to know at his door.
I can listen to his mother shouting at him about something I can't understand quite well but a second later Ms Leclerc opens the door.
"Y/n dear, he has been waiting for you. I will go to do some errands and I will come back after dinner. He is in good hands with you" she kisses me on both cheeks and leaves with a bag in her hand.
"Thank you, Ms Leclerc, I will take care of him" she turns around to smile at me and continues walking.
I get inside Charles' apartment and It hasn't changed a bit, I still can remember when he bought it. He wanted me to come with him to help him choose. The only difference is that it is more full and more trophies hanging around. When I get to the living room I see him sitting on his couch fixing his hair.
"Hi, how have you been?" He notices me and quickly composes himself
"I've never been better than right now" I sense he is a bit tense looking behind me all the time looking for something or someone.
"Your fiancé couldn't come?" Of course, he was worried about that, he was looking for him.
"Oh yes about that" I drop my gaze and look at my feet "I don't have a fiancé" I'm still standing and I move my eyes to look him in his green eyes. I see a little bit of hope? happiness? I don't know. "Not anymore at least" I notice his eyebrows move together making a questioning look on his face.
"How so? Arthur told me you were engaged" he looks at me with fear in his eyes I believe and notices me standing. "Sit down please, this is also your home"
I sit next to him ready to explain what happened to me after we broke up
"Tell me, how have you been? I hate the fact I only got news from you from my brother. I hate we lost contact" And I started to explain everything since we broke up and he listened quietly taking mental notes of everything.
"After our break up I went to Paris and there was amazing. Those years were the best years of my life as much as I struggled to get the grades I loved it." I make a pause to continue "In my last year I got an internship at Mayo Clinic for my last year and I moved to Rochester"
"Mayo Clinic, I know. My brother told me, we were so proud of you." he looks a bit distant now when he speaks "You know, when you were at Mayo Clinic, there was one time I came, looking for you" That leaves me in shook I've never known this
"Oh I guess you didn't found me, I was probably at a operating room" I start to put some biscuits and dinks that I brought for us to eat on the small table.
"Oh no, I did see you. I waited at the coffee shop in front of the main door looking for you" With that my heart shrinks.
"Why didn't you say anything? I could have shown you everything" This time he avoids my gaze.
"When I saw you leave the door of the clinic I was coming to you. But a group of four was coming behind you and I knew they were your friends. You were happy, it reminded me of how you were with me. I was relieved to see you where you belong and not working for anything. But I still wanted to come and talk to you. But then I was a boy grabbing you from behind and giving you a kiss."
Dorian. I remember that day, we were so happy because a patient with a tumour on his brain was removed and we were euphoric. But right now, knowing Charles saw me with Dorian makes me feel guilty, seeing his sad face right now makes me sick.
"I didn't want to bother you and I walked away. You were happy and that was the most important thing in the world. Even if it was without me" I can sense his sadness in his words "That boy, was he your fiancé?"
"His name was Dorian" Charles tilts his head a little "He died last year in a car crash, I was the driver and a truck lost control of the vehicle and stomped into us, since that I have not driven a car. That's why I came back to Monte Carlo" Immediately he hugs me to comfort me. "When I saw you the other day come to ER I had a mini panic attack"
He wasn't expecting that. Maybe he thought we broke up because he cheated or maybe we had different objectives in life like what happened with him. But Charles wasn't imagining he died.
"Did you love him?" that's the only thing he asks me taking my head into his shoulder
"Yes, I did" I can feel his shoulders tighten but I continue "I have only loved romanticly two people in my life. Dorian and you Charles" His shoulders relax a bit when he hears his name. "You will always be my first love" He grabs my face with his hands and looks me in the eyes
"You are my first and only love" I notice his eyes moving from my eyes to my lips. But before we could close the distance between us I must ask
"I saw you dated a brunette, did she treat you good?" Great, I killed the mood, because he takes his hands off my face.
"She did love me, and for a short time, I wanted to believe myself I love her back. But we finished it off because I was lying to myself and to her. I didn't want to waste her time with me when I knew I could never love anyone like I have always loved you"
He is really close to me and I want to kiss him, I want to kiss him. It makes me realise have never stopped loving him I never will stop loving him.
"You know, like you, I always asked Arthur how you were going. Also every Sunday I watched the Grand Prix, I have never missed a race. Dorian and I watched every time, he knew about you" I smile at him but my smile dissolves as soon as I think of the last Sunday when the crash happened "Well, this Sunday it was the first time I've ever missed a Grand Prix and that happened. Pretty ironic isn't it?"
"You were always watching me, I always wondered if you were. Now I know" He pulls a look of hair behind my ear and cups my face with his hand "You are my lucky charm, you have always been and always will be"
With that, we cannot contain it any longer and he pulls in for a kiss and I let him kiss me. God, I missed him so much, I have always missed him but never thought I desperately needed him. I kiss him back and he pulls me onto the couch, Charles on top of me. I put my arms around his shoulders to deepen the kiss.
Time must have passed so fast because we listen to the would of the front door unlocking and Charles immediately pulls us up and we fix ourselves so his mother doesn't notice.
"Kids I'm home, I bought some chicken and pasta. Y/n are you staying for dinner?" Well, that was awkward especially when Ms Leclerc points with her index finger to the corner of her mouth looking at her son when I see a little of my lipstick run out at the corner of his lips. Charles immediately wipes it out with his hand and I put my hand on my forehead while his mom is laughing. "Don't worry kiddos I will not tell a soul, I'm glad you are back together"
"Ms Leclerc I will get going, there is no need to make dinner for me, thank you for your kindness." Ms Leclerc objects a little trying to persuade me to stay but I will get home, tomorrow I have to work early "Charles, I will see you tomorrow. Remember, you have to go to the Hospital and I have to check if your brain is still everything intact"
"Do you want us to go together?" Charles asks me stretching his arm to grab my hand "I go on foot to the hospital, if its good for you"
The next day I'm walking down the street with Charles and even though we got out early we arrive short on time since we had to stop multiple times for Charles to take pictures with fans.
Now he is in the MRI room and I'm back behind the glass looking at the results when the photo of multiple MRI arrives at the computer I'm completely mesmerized.
"God, it's beautiful"
"I know I'm beautiful but I always love hearing it from you" I now notice I said it with the mic on and he listened to me
"Your brain is beautiful"
"That's the weirdest and the best compliment someone has ever said to me"
"You are also handsome but you already know that"
I can see from the little camera a little blush on his cheeks and I smile like an idiot.
"Good, it's all done" you can go back and put your jewellery back" When he gets out of the room he waits for me to register the results and analysis on the computer. And a little later I get out.
"Everything is in order, your brain seems to function correctly. Now you have no need to come back to the hospital" We are walking out of the hospital, since I have my 15 minutes break we are going to a little coffee shop so no one can bother us.
"I have all the reasons to come back to the hospital" he pauses a little while he takes my hand in his "You are here" He kisses the back of my hand without taking his eyes off me.
"As long as you don't come here with an injury that's fine by me"
Three months have passed since that day and we got back together officially two months ago. Despise that we are not a public couple, only our family and our closest friends know. When one day I receive a call from Arthur.
"Y/n! Y/n! have you seen the article?!"
"What article? What are you talking about?"
"The one I just send you" I hang up on him to check this article Arthur send me.
CHARLES LECLERC IS DATING AGAIN The F1 driver Charles Leclerc is most likely off the table since it's been taken a picture of a young woman leaving his apartment and multiple pictures of evidence seem to indicate he is dating this mystery girl. Before we got to publish this article we decided to reveal who's the mystery girl and from the multiple pictures that have been taken it seems to be that the mystery girl is Dr. Y/n Y/l/n. Who is she you may ask? Well, she is de doctor Leclerc had in ER back in Monaco when his crash happened, you can say she is his hero. But if we go back in time we know they have a history together since Dr. y/l/n was the driver's first ever girlfriend. You can also see she has accompanied him for his last race of the season at the Belgian Grand Prix. What do you think of this shooting news? Could this be the best couple ever?
In the middle of the article, there are some pictures of Charles and me at his doorstep one we are just talking, the other he is kissing me goodbye to go to work and the other is just me walking down the street with one of his Ferrari t-shirts on.
It should bother me that the paparazzi have invaded my privacy but it doesn't a part of me is released by it. I need to speak to Charles. but right now he is doing his practice 1 for the race on Sunday.
When he has ended the first and second practice and it's done by the day and before we walk back to the hotel. I show him the article.
"Well that's nice to know before they attack us with questions and pictures"
"Aren't you nervous?"
"No, why I should be? I love you" He grabs my hand and brings me into a hug. "Are you uncomfortable?"
"No, I'm not, I don't mind. I love you and we are in this together. What bothers me is that they hadn't given us the chance to say it ourselves"
He puts his arm against my shoulder and we begin to walk to the car
"Would you like me to make a post on social media?"
I nod when I get a heavy weight on my shoulders and see Pierre next to me.
"Hey love birds are you ready to face the world as a couple, again"
"Yes, we are" Charles says while walking off the paddock and kissing me on the lips and I hear the sound of multiple cameras flashing and taking pictures. But I don't care, I'm with Charles and that's what matters the most.
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wolken-himmel · 3 years
In which Idia reluctantly takes (Y/n) to his home to meet his parents during school break.
There, his mother seems especially smitten by (Y/n) and even, much to Idia's embarrassment, begs her not to leave him in fear that her son will never find a girlfriend again.
Request by @elenatheartist18.
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"Is it always this cold and dark here, Idia?"
The hallway that stretched out in front of you was eerily dark and cold, too. The Shroud Estate sure was no homely place — at least not to you; Idia seemed unbothered by the creeping cold and the utter darkness. Well, at least Ortho's and Idia's hair did a good job at illuminating the darkness, so you weren't completely blind if you made sure to stick close to the two pair of siblings.
The tips of Idia's hair flickered with how tightly you clung to his slim arm, and he suddenly considered himself lucky that he wore his extra-thick jacket today in fear that the slightest trace of your hands running over his exposed skin would have made him faint right then and there. You, too, were happy that the jacket he wore was fluffy enough to accommodate for your comfort, as well.
Idia shrugged, yet still was worried when he saw you visibly trembling and exhaling raggedly. "Yeah. I guess I just got used to the cold—" Idia explained and was about to return his attention to his phone when your eyes flashed in mischief. In one single swoop, you detached yourself from his arm and reached out to carefully take his long tresses of flaming blue hair into your hands. Idia, shocked, almost dropped his phone. "H-Hey! What are you doing—?"
Laughing at how he froze, you simply continued to collect most of his hair before wrapping it around your neck to act like a scarf. And indeed, you let out a blissful sigh once you could feel the comfortable warmth his hair exuded warming up the skin around your neck-area. "I'm cold, and your hair is fire," you cooed upon finally turning to the boy whose hair you were using as a scarf. "It was the only logical thing to do, Idia."
Idia's hands were trembling in surprise. "You could have warned me—!" he whined and shakily put away his phone before he could accidentally throw it at the wall.
"You know how sensitive Big Brother is." Ortho giggled, who had been quietly floating next to you, carrying your luggage, until now. "You wouldn't want to break him, would you?"
"Ortho," the flustered boy complained, "I'm not weak!"
The young boy giggled once again and shook his head innocently. "I didn't say that—"
"Hush, you two," you cut in as you buried your face in the impromptu scarf you had made out of your boyfriend's hair of flames. The two males' eyes turned to you, and they looked at you expectantly, although Idia couldn't really bear to look you in the eyes in fear of melting at the adorable sight of you using his hair as a scarf. "Aren't we late on meeting your parents already?"
Before any of your companions could say anything, a foreign yet soft voice said, "Yes, you are."
Before you could process what was happening, Idia's hair was promptly unwinded from around your neck since a small figure zoomed forward and latched onto the boy standing next to you. The gust of wind sent you tumbling, but Ortho caught you with inhuman reflexes before you could fall over.
"M-Mother—" Idia cried out as he tried his best to push the woman away that was hugging him with a vice grip — or maybe Idia was just weak. A large frown appeared on his face when the woman with brown hair got onto her toes to cover his pale face with kisses. "Please... remember what I told you about body contact?"
Mrs. Shroud giggled and shot her son an apologetic smile before she detached herself from him to join her husband's side again, a tall and intimidating man with the same blue hair and pale complexion that Idia and Ortho possessed, although Mr. Shroud's hair was much shorter than theirs. Mr. and Mrs. Shroud were a curious pair, you noticed; the beautiful and bright brunette with a large smile on her face didn't look like she belonged to such a dark and depressing place as this.
"Oh, dear children!" Mrs. Shroud cried out as she pulled Ortho into a hug that the robot-boy eagerly returned. "We missed you so much!"
Mr. Shroud nodded, a small smile on his lips, as he looked down at you from his tall height. "Welcome home," he said curtly, his voice deep and gruff, a large contrast to his wife's.
You were so focused on staring at your boyfriend's father, feeling a little bit squeamish in his presence, that you didn't notice his mother approaching you with an excited sparkle in her shimmering green eyes, the only bright thing here aside from the others' hair. She quickly grabbed you by your shoulders and looked you up and down, causing a startled yelp to escape your lips. "Idia, is this your girlfriend?" Mrs. Shroud asked joyously, and although she made you feel slightly uncomfortable, she was the only one in this place that made you feel welcome somehow. Soon, she began gushing over you. "Aren't you a pretty one? And you're sure you want to be with our son—?"
Idia furrowed his eyebrows, offended. "Hey!"
"Oh..." Mrs. Shroud, completely ignoring her sons's weak protests, narrowed her eyes in worry when she could feel you trembling with how her hands still lay on your shoulders. Tilting her head to the side, she softly mumbled, "You seem cold, dear—"
You nodded sheepishly. "Y-Yeah— it's so cold here..." Nonetheless, you could still feel Mr. Shroud's pressing gaze lingering on you, and his wife seemed curious and excited to know more about you, too. So, trying to cease your trembling, you put up a smile and exclaimed, "But it's nice to meet you! I'm (Y/n)."
"I can only say the same!" Mrs. Shroud laughed in a warm way, warm enough to comfort you somehow. The difference in aura between Idia's parents was clear as day and night — and it threw you off horribly. The small brunette giggled as she slung an arm around you, and you could feel the warmth she exuded. "Let me tell you, when I arrived here, I was horribly cold, too, at first. You get used to it, though! And my husband made sure to give me lots of blankets and cloaks. Oh— also, eating that pomegranate really helped getting used to the cold down here!"
"By chance— could I have one, too?" you asked, a little bit embarrassed — but at least her friendly demeanour made you less shy and awkward. "A blanket, of course... not a pomegranate."
"Of course you can," Mr. Shroud replied politely, and his eyes softened when he gazed at his wife ever so affectionately. "Dearest, will you procure our guest something warm?"
Mrs. Shroud nodded eagerly, although she simply kept on rambling while taking off her own coat to drape it around your shoulders without a second thought. It was only then that you noticed that her dress consisted of bright colours like orange and green — a large contrast to her husband's black and dark blue gown. She didn't seem to mind your flustered expression at all and simply kept on talking and talking, as innocent as a child.
"Oh, I used to live somewhere warm with my mother before I became betrothed to my husband," she said, laughing softly. "I get to visit my mother every spring... although I do miss her quite a lot— and now our children are gone all the time, too! Not as if things were really lively here with Idia around— but I'm sure you staying here will make this place much more bright! You'll stay for a while, won't you? We always have a few spare guest bedrooms! And I'm sure Idia would be happy, too."
Idia, who had been trying to disappear within his oversized jacket, peeked out when he finally couldn't take it anymore. "Mother, no—" he cried out, close to sobbing already.
Mrs. Shroud, as energetic as ever, clasped her hands together and shot you a desperate look, one that made your heart sink in pity. "So, please don't leave our son—" she exclaimed, and her husband joined in with a small nod. Idia's hair by then was flickering around wildly in anger and embarrassment. "We never ever thought our son would have a girlfriend with how he never left his room— but now you're here!"
Confused, you merely managed to croak out, "Ma'am—"
The way Mrs. Shroud was smiling from ear to ear prevented you from saying anything that could wipe that smile from her face. "Take good care of our son, alright?" she asked softly, genuinely overjoyed with your presence, which touched you greatly.
"Mother!" Idia hissed furiously and looked at his father for help. "Stop embarrassing me like that!"
Much to Idia's dismay, his father was of no help and only made things worse by throwing in, "I do have to say that I certainly did not expect you to bring home a girlfriend, son." A humoured smile decorated Mr. Shroud's pale face as he watched his wife fuss all over you from the corner of his eye, his attention lingering on his son. "I thought you were jesting when we got your letter."
"Stop it!" Idia yelled out, but his parents wouldn't stop with their efforts to embarrass the poor boy any further. Ortho, having pity on his older brother, patted his head in an attempt to calm him down again. Idia had his face buried in his trembling palms. "I shouldn't have brought you here, (Y/n)..."
"No no! Don't say that!" Mrs. Shroud playfully glared at her son for saying such a thing and merely led you away from him and down the corridor. "Now we have plenty of time to spend with our future daughter-in-law!"
Mr. Shroud followed closely behind, quite happy as well. "Let us begin the festivities at once."
Idia stood frozen in his place. "I want to die. Now."
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canofpurpleflowers · 2 years
Flowers in ashes
Part one
80s!au, aged up!boys, Rindou x F!artist!reader(kind of Oc??), ft. All the other bonten men.
Warnings: Language, blood, slight gore, alcohol, smoking, Eventual filth in later chapters. Either way let’s keep it 18+ MDNI
Summary: reader is an artist that goes by the “stage” name Ash (but real name is Charlie so it’s easier for me to write lol), Rindou runs into her and all the sappy jazz happens after he realizes she’s completely her own breed. What he doesn’t realize is she’s hiding something huge
✨Also this is in the mens point of view first because I feel like it’ll make more sense for this part✨
AN: ok I haven’t written anything in ages but I’ve had this idea running through my mind a lot so might as well right?! and I’m winging it.
“Ok so tell me why exactly we have to go to this art show deal?” Rindou grumbled, pulling the cigarette from his mouth and exhaling a cloud of smoke to add to the haze in the fancy hotel room, “because Mikey said so” Ran replied, putting out his own cigarette in the ashtray on the glass coffee table, “that still doesn’t clarify anything for me” Rindou takes another puff of his, “ok look, ..Mikey said something about making a deal with some old ass” Ran replies, leaning back on the red velvet couch, “plus some work from Keith Haring and Andy Warhol will be there and that might be kind of interesting” he shrugs, “yeah well I don’t really give much of a shit about all that you know”
“Plus that new artist, Ash, will be making an appearance I hear” Ran adds, “am I supposed to know who that is?” Rindou puts out the cigarette in the pile of ashes in the green bowl as well, “how could you not know about ash you dumbass?!” Sanzu walks in from the balcony, “damn ok, didn’t know it was that big of a deal, what’s so great about them?”
“Well first off no one’s really seen them in person before and they’re making their first appearance tonight” Ran explains, “I’m not one to be super into this shit but they paint some pretty wild shit I can definitely get into” Sanzu adds, “they’ve really started to blow up here in New York” Ran stands up stretching his arms, “but Mikey’s gonna be here any second so we should get going” “right, ok, I hope there’s someone I can beat the shit out of at least”
“Behave yourselves until I get back” Mikey smiles, but the underlying threat leaves a chill in everyone’s bones even if it wasn’t intentional, as they walk into the pure white marble venue.
The entry way leads into a huge room filled with paintings and people dressed in the most expensive clothes you could find in New York. The sound of people quietly gossiping and the music played by a piano is all that can be heard in the room. Red curtains covering the windows and two levels looking down on the huge room making for a very extravagant evening.
Everyone starting to stare at the intimidating men with the brightly dyed hair walk in the room.
“I feel like we’re standing out like a sore thumb” Rindou mumbles to Ran standing next to him, “screw em, -dammit where did Sanzu go?! I’ll be back” “wait-…shit” Rindou says under his breath, as Ran already disappeared into the crowd, “ok guess I’ll go get a drink then. There should be some expensive champagne or something right?“ Rindou says to himself, walking up to a man in a tuxedo holding a platter with glasses of liquid gold making his round, “I’ll take one of these” Rindou says as he grabs a glass, and the man nods back and continues on his track.
Rindou walks up to a painting of an abstract naked woman covered in blood, starting to get sucked into it. Hm, this is actually pretty good, he thinks to himself taking a sip of the drink. “Kinda odd isn’t it?” Turning to his left there’s a shorter woman dressed in a white tee shirt with a tye dye vest and baggy jeans, covered in tattoos and lavender curly hair that reached just past her shoulders, “that’s an odd look for a fancy evening like this” he mumbles, “says the one who looks completely clueless and wearing a purple suit like that I might add” she mumbles as she sips her champagne, he chuckles at that when she asks “what do you think of the painting?” “I can get into it but something feels off” he replies, “like the artist is leaving something out” she points out, “I don’t know much about art so I can’t say much about it” “that’s alright, the whole art thing isn’t for everyone in my opinion. I feel like she’s trying to portray the feeling of pain can be an act of art in a way”
He looks at her then back to the painting, thinking about it, “oh yeah I can see that” he leans in closer to see the card next to the painting, reading ‘beauty in pain by Ash’ “oh this is that Ash person” “yeah, I don’t really get her art that much or why it’s that popular honestly” she replies pulling out a cigarette and getting a few stares from some older men on the other side of her, “need a light?” He pulls out his lighter, “yeah, that’d be great, thanks” she grabs the lighter from his hand as he notices her fingers decorated in rings. “Damn you even got a few rings” he says and he grabs the lighter back from her after she lights her cigarette and takes a puff, “of course, gotta be a little flashy right?”
They stood in silence for awhile, people walking by whispering incoherent gossip.
Rindou and the woman move onto the next painting by Andy Warhol, “oh I love Warhol” she comments, “eh” he pauses, “I really don’t get this shit honestly” “he’s definitely better than that Ash though“ she chuckles, “actually I think I like that Ash one more. I feel like there’s more feeling poured into it” he replies, “nah she’s got some weird shit goin on in that head of hers” she says in a quiet voice, “why do you call them a she? Do you know them?“ he questions her, she doesn’t answer for a moment then replies “I might”
Right before he was going to say something an older woman in a blue dress grabs the odd woman’s arm and off they went into the crowd, he gives them a weird look and goes back to finishing the glass of champagne in his hand when Ran and Sanzu show up.
“Mikey needs us upstairs” right as rindou was going to reply to Sanzu when a man on the stage announced something about Ash being here, so Rindou squeezed through a few groups of people quickly, forgetting that his friends are trying to get his attention. “hey hold on!” Shouts Ran, trying to catch up to his brother. He found a spot where he could get a glimpse of the stage and he froze in his tracks. It’s her, it’s that girl with the lavender hair he was just talking to. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the realization, he was talking to Ash. Of course… he thought to himself, right as she was about to speak Ran catches up to him. “Oh hey that’s Ash isn’t it? Looks like you’re pretty into this” He laughs, Sanzu following close behind, adding a ‘no way!’ But Randou was too distracted to pay attention to his friends. He doesn’t know what it is but all of a sudden this girl has his curiosity peaked, he has to talk to her again.
“Seriously though Rin we gotta go meet with Mikey” Ran pulls on his arm and off to god knows where in this huge building.
They finally reach a deep red door and walk in to find Mikey with an older man who looks like he owns the place, literally. “There you guys are!” Mikey smiles, as the other three men stand by the door, curious as to why Mikey needs them here. “Our friend here has been the one orchestrating all those attacks on bonten” he calmly looks back to the man and back to them, the look in his eyes saying something completely different. “Mr. Kingston, meet my men” he raises his arm to the haitani brothers and Haruchiyo, each growing a wicked smile.
“We should get going now before the cops get involved” Mikey says, wiping the blood from his hands, “god I love this job!” sanzu almost squeals, Ran sitting on a chair in the corner with a cigarette hanging from his lips. As for Rindou he was still going at it, finally breaking the mans neck and standing up straight. Blood covering all the men in the room and expensive furniture ruined, they walk out of the room with little to no clean up of their soiled clothes and skin.
A woman walking by the room screams as the four men walk out leaving a trail of panicked and horrified faces behind them. Rindou was the last to rush out the building when he caught a glimpse of her, she was staring right back at him and he expected her to be just as panicked as everyone else but no, it was like she was more so…curious. He smiles to himself as they drive off passing cars with sirens and flashing lights heading to where they were just at.
God I have to find her
AN: I promise this’ll pick up and be more exciting as we go on and I get back into my writing groove:) I literally have written anything like this in at least 4 or 5 years so cut me some slack😩
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existslikepristin · 3 years
A Two-on-One Match
Part 2 of 3 of the OC Jung Hyunjin's arc. A request from Rex [of the ever-changing name] I recommend starting with A Quick Fix to follow the plot if you haven't read it already.
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Tags: TheLounge, Gfriend, Eunha, SinB, male OC Jung Hyunjin, "oh hey I know you", one dom one sub one clueless boxer, some butt stuff, request
The bell rang to announce Yuta’s departure. He turned back as he walked through the door and waved. “Thanks Hyunjin! Good to meet you!”
“You too man! Enjoy!” Hyunjin waved back. It was his second week working at The Lounge and he was getting to know quite the wide range of people, and the first day he was working the morning shift, now that he was fully finished with his evening training.
A familiar voice came from behind, just at the entrance to the kitchen. “Nice catch. How’d you know Yuta would like the cinnamon sprinkle?” It was Hyunjin’s new boss, Kim Soomin.
“Wish I could tell you Ms. Kim. Honestly I just guessed.”
Soomin shrugged. “We’ll chalk it up to intuition then. Anyway, it seems like you’ve got things handled up here. I’m going to start up the oven for some brownies. Sungho is going to be here in half an hour, but I’ll be right there if you get rushed, alright?”
“You got it, Ms. Kim.”
Hyunjin wasn’t especially worried, since he didn’t imagine they’d be getting that many more customers in so early in the morning. When Soomin was gone, he leaned back against the perfectly clean counter and pulled out his phone.
Sowon had told him she was an idol, but he still hadn’t bothered to look up her music. It seemed to him that while he was waiting for customers was as good a time as any. He opened up his default browser and tapped in her name. A second later, his phone was flooded with pictures of Sowon in a variety of outfits, generally much fancier than what he usually saw her in. In the sidebar, her real name appeared, as well as the company she worked for and the group she was part of. “Gfriend,” rung a bell in Hyunjin’s head, at least, though he had no clue if he’d actually heard any of their music before. Maybe at a convenient store while he wasn’t paying attention?
He tapped the link to change the search to Gfriend. The images that showed up were far more zoomed out than before. He could pick out Sowon’s face among the six women in each picture, but immediately scrolled down and saw their names. He nodded his head and kept going down the list. Jung Yerin was next. No clue who she was. Then Jung Eunbi, also known as Eunha. That name sounded somehow familiar to him, but he continued to read. Choi Yuna, also known as Yuju…
He was interrupted by the bell ringing. He bounced away from the counter and popped his phone back into his pocket. Looking up, he saw two women had entered. One of them took off to the side toward the lounge chairs right away, but the other one approached the counter. She walked normally at first, but slowed down when she and Hyunjin’s eyes met.
“H-hyunjin?” she asked.
Hyunjin hesitated to respond. He pulled his phone back out and looked at the images still on the screen. “Do you go by Eunha?”
Eunha nodded slowly. “Yeah… Were you in drama club in middle school?”
“I was.”
There was a long pause.
“Holy shit, Hyunjin! It’s been such a long time! When did you start working here?”
Hyunjin laughed. He knew the name was familiar. “Just a couple of weeks ago. I got referred by Sowon.”
Eunha laughed back. “She and I are in a girl group together!”
“I literally just found that out! I was looking you guys up! See?” Hyunjin held out his phone.
“Woah! Yeah! How are you doing these days?”
The two took some time to reminisce and catch up. Despite the initial moment of not recognizing each other, they quickly remembered their connection. They had grown up in the same neighborhood, and recalled a variety of events they had gone to together as children. Eunha was a year above him in school, but had encouraged him to participate in drama. The Lounge continued to stay effectively empty the whole time. Hyunjin told Eunha about how he and Sowon met and how he ended up there, and about how he was training again to fight. Eunha told him about the rest of Gfriend, and how the other woman she entered with was Umji.
To avoid making Umji wait too much longer, Hyunjin took Eunha’s order and got to work. He was all smiles. When he brought their coffee to them, he included a napkin with his phone number on it and invited Eunha to the fight, but couldn’t continue to chat with the other customers that began to pour in, the bell going wild.
* * *
The bell went wild. It was the end of the last round. Hyunjin wiped at his nose with his arm. His opponent backed off and the two bumped their gloves together. Hyunjin wasn’t especially happy with the turnout. It had been far too long since he’d stepped in a ring, and it showed. That wasn’t going to stop him from being a good sport though. He kept a smile on.
Fortunately, the referee still held his arm up in the end. “... by split decision: Jung Hyunjin!”
The crowd cheered. Whether it was for Hyunjin or not, he couldn’t really tell. The crowd wasn’t exactly huge, and the two fighters nobody had heard of (it was only his opponent’s second official match) in a small venue didn’t exactly have a fanbase yet. Hyunjin couldn’t pick any familiar faces out of the crowd either.
His disappointment was quickly abated by who he saw while making his way to the locker room. Dressed in frumpy, nondescript sweatshirts and hats, Eunha and another girl Hyunjin barely recognized from Gfriend’s group pictures as SinB caught him right at the doorway.
“Hey! We were hiding out in the back row. Congrats!”
Hyunjin ran his fingers through his hair. “Thanks. I was rusty though.”
“Rusty? What do you mean? You were great!”
SinB tapped Eunha on the arm. “No, he’s right. They both looked like amateurs.”
Hyunjin grimaced, but before he could say anything, Eunha grabbed him by the arm. “Hey, let’s go in there, where it’s not so noisy! I can barely hear you two!”
She wasn’t wrong. When the door closed behind them, the lack of noise was a relief.
“So yeah,” SinB started, “what I was saying is that he’s right. They loo--”
Eunha silenced her with a strict look. “SinB...” is all she said, and it was all she needed.
SinB averted her eyes and a blush crossed her cheeks. “It’s um… Nice to meet you, Hyunjin. My name’s SinB.”
Hyunjin smirked. “Hey, good meeting you too. Don’t worry about the fight though. I used to be a lot better. I’m just out of practice. I’ll be starting regular training again next week.”
“You really did do great though,” Eunha said, “I mean, you had to, right? You won.”
“Yeah, I guess so. I’m just being critical of myself. But anyway, thanks for coming! I really appreciate the support.”
“Of course! Just think of us as your first fans?” Eunha ended with a questioning tone, but followed up quickly. “Actually, let’s not be fans yet. It’s weird for fans to take you out to dinner.”
“Dinner, huh? I’d like that. I need to get washed up first. Pretty sure I’ve still got some blood in my mouth.”
“Totally, yeah! We’ll just, uh, wait here.”
Hyunjin gave a nod and went to the locker room. He could hear Eunha hushedly giving SinB an earful the whole way.
Undressing was a bit painful. Hyunjin had taken a particularly strong hit to one of his left ribs, and now that he could see the site of the impact, he could already tell it would be bruising. He hoped it wasn’t broken.
As he made his way to the open showers, he could hear Eunha and SinB again. They sounded like they were close to the locker room. There wasn’t a door to block the sound though, so he didn’t think much of it, but he knew something was up when he heard footsteps over the sound of the running water. Nobody else should be on this half of the building except his coach, who he hadn’t even informed of the fight. He quickly covered his dick with his hands and turned to the entrance.
And there was SinB, blushing furiously, looking straight up at the ceiling. “H-hey, Hyunjin. I’m sorry.”
“Um. Well, cool. Apology accepted. But is this really the--”
Hyunjin cut himself off as Eunha brushed past SinB. But unlike SinB, she was completely undressed. She walked toward him, small breasts bouncing with each step, getting soaked as she went directly through the spray of the showers. He started to smile, but noticed and quickly got rid of it. “Eunha, you’re…”
“I’m here to help you get cleaned up,” she finished his sentence for him, though it wasn’t what he was intending to say. “We can get to the restaurant sooner this way, right?”
Eunha grabbed a bar of soap from one of the little shelves along the wall and stopped just short of Hyunjin, who had lost all hope of being able to hide his erection. Not that Eunha seemed to mind, or even pay any attention. But it’s what she said next that made her intentions much, much clearer.
“You and Sowon aren’t exclusive, right?”
“No. I suppose we’ve been very clear that we aren’t.” Hyunjin took a hand away from his crotch to rub the back of his neck.
Eunha put a hand on Hyunjin’s arm, pointing at his neck. “Oh no. Are you feeling sore?” She gestured toward a stool. “Let me give you a massage. SinB!”
Hyunjin watched, half afraid and half mesmerized, as SinB quickly undressed and tossed all of her clothes back into the locker room. He let Eunha pull him down to sit on the stool she dragged underneath the stream of the shower. “I don’t really need a massage. It’s okay.”
“That’s good to hear! I’ll just get started on washing you up then. In the meantime, can you do me a favor?”
“Uh… Sure?”
While sitting on the stool, Hyunjin was just barely shorter than Eunha, which let her lean down to whisper in his ear. Her tone made it clear she was asking a question. “Let SinB practice on you?”
Hyunjin’s eyes went wide. “So Eunha, I don’t mean to sound like a perv here, but are you implying something about practicing a blowjob? Because I’ll take that.”
Eunha motioned for SinB to approach. “No, no. Why would you think that?” she asked, clearly twitching at the corner of her mouth as she tried not to smile. She slowly pulled Hyunjin’s other hand away from his full-mast dick.
In no time at all, SinB was standing in front of Hyunjin, hair getting drenched by the shower, hands behind her back, and eyes anywhere but on him. With a little difficulty, she moved to straddle his lap. The width of her legs put her bare pussy dangerously close to his cock.
Sure he knew where the situation was taking them, Hyunjin shifted his legs, pushing SinB’s a little farther apart. The head of his dick speared her. He watched as her chest rose and fell rapidly. She used her hands to brace herself on his shoulders. He wanted to make a snarky comment, but was having difficulty coming up with anything good. He was also distracted by the feeling of something hard against his cock. He reached around SinB and grabbed her butt. As his fingers explored, he was able to verify immediately that she had a butt plug inside of her.
“This is an interesting night,” he said simply.
Just then, Hyunjin felt Eunha pressing her front up against his back. Her skin glided over his, as if it was (and it was) covered in soap. At the same time, SinB lowered herself further onto his dick in a jerking, twitching way.
“I don’t know what you mean. Is something unusual, Hyunjin?” Eunha asked as she rubbed her tits and stomach up and down his back.
Hyunjin’s sarcasm struggled its way out of his throat as SinB started fucking him, bouncing herself and making a beautiful, wet scene of her slim body. “Not at all…” Hyunjin said, “Perfectly normal Wednesday night.”
Eunha couldn’t contain her giggle. She ran her soapy hands over Hyunjin’s shoulders, arms, and whatever parts of his legs she could reach with SinB in the way. He winced a little when she swept over his new bruise, but otherwise did his best not to react.
“How do you like SinB’s pussy?”
Hyunjin groaned. His grip on SinB’s asscheeks tightened subconsciously. He had to unclench his teeth to say, “It’s alright.”
“Hear that, SinB? Just alright. Maybe a bit amateurish.”
SinB’s shoulders tensed up visibly. “I said I was sorry…”
Eunha walked around to the shelves on the wall to pull a bottle of shampoo off. The close up view of Eunha’s plump, naked, wet ass just about set Hyunjin off. She was obviously arching her back just enough to make it noticeable.
“Damn, Eunha. I always admired your butt when you were my senior, but now… fuck…”
She turned to look at Hyunjin over her shoulder. “Oh thank you! Sounds like you’re thinking about cumming?”
Hyunjin nodded. With no hesitation at all, Eunha set the shampoo back down and pulled a visibly shocked SinB off of his cock. He was shocked too, about ready to ask why Eunha would do such a thing, but found his answer right away.
Eunha, facing away from Hyunjin, positioned herself between his legs and spread her ass with one hand, and grabbed his cock with the other. She directed it to an unexpected target, and Hyunjin’s breath caught in his throat as he was hilted completely in Eunha’s asshole.
“Now you can cum,” she said.
Hyunjin didn’t need to be told twice. He barely needed to be told once. His orgasm hit him harder than his opponent did in the ring. He grabbed Eunha’s hips and held her down against him as he pumped a gigantic load into her ass.
He brushed his hair back, suddenly light headed, feeling like his soul had just been pulled out of him through his cock. He saw SinB sitting back against the wall, still blushing bright red, masturbating as she stared between Eunha’s legs at the spot where Hyunjin was impaling her.
“So then,” Eunha said casually, despite having an ass full of Hyunjin’s dick and cum, “Did you want anything special for dinner? I have an idea if you don’t!”
Hyunjin smiled. He was still trying to comprehend what just happened, but he was happy with it, even if the intensity of his climax left him with the sound of a bell ringing in his ears.
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The Dark Princess
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*gif not mine//credit to the owner
A/N: Hello loveliessss! 🌸 so I’m hoping that my writing in this chapter has improved somewhat from the last and that it is as magical for you to read as it was for me to write ☺️ I appreciate every like, reblog and follow so thank you all so much 🥰🥰 there’s a bit of a jump between the prologue and the main story so this is more of a filler chapter and in case anyone is confused she has the diary because Tom makes sure (Y/N) intercepts it in between Ginny getting rid of it and Harry finding it. Alsooo I suck at introductions so bear with me 😅 Happy reading peoples! 🥳🥳 Italics = flashback/dream, (E/C) = your eye colour, (H/C) = hair colour
Summary: It is the beginning of the summer after your fourth year and you are moving into Riddle House with your father, at his insistence, making you think back to when you first met him during your second year at Hogwarts. You won’t be there for long though... 
Pairing: AU Lord Voldemort x daughter!reader, Tom Riddle x OC!
*I don’t own any of these characters except the OC, all rights belong to J.K. Rowling and the filmmakers
Chapter One
Riddle House once stood as the most prestigous mansion in Little Hangleton. Now whimpering on top of the hill, a ghostly shell of itself; it’s derelict and decrepit condition reflected the sinister history encased within the walls. Each room explored was more somber than the last, and emptiness clouded the air so thick it was almost suffocating.
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*gif not mine//credit to the owner
The floorboards creak beneath your feet as you traipse down the hallway, your father a few steps ahead.
“And now... we have the kitchen” he announces with a flourish of his arm. Dimly lit by a grubby window, the room, like the rest of the house, left a lot to be desired. Tiles hung from the walls whilst every surface was caked in decades worth of dust. Cobwebs strewn here and there, the sink was more rust than steel and there was a large cavity where the cooker once stood.
“It’s.... interesting” you force out, the weak taste of iron flooding your tastebuds as you bring your teeth down on the flesh of your bottom lip. Taking out his wand Voldemort flicks his wrist and the dingy room quickly transforms itself into a modern kitchen.
“Wow!” you whisper running your fingers along the cool marble.
Turning to face you, his nonexistent lips contort into a terrifyingly sweet crescent. “Luckily I had the foresight to prepare your bedroom before you arrived.”
Trudging back through the hallway, you take time to notice the portraits hanging along the wall, a series of black smudges where the faces once were. Wandering upstairs you spot a door with a wooden rose-embossed sign reading ‘Y/N’s Fortress’.
“Here goes nothing” you sigh.
Entering, a gasp escapes your lips. In the middle of the large room stood a king sized four-poster bed, adorned with a rose quilted headboard and white chiffon curtains. To your left was a beautiful vintage french dressing table complete with matching bedside tables decorated in tiny hand-painted black, red and pink roses. The grand wardrobe standing beside it, decorated in the same tiny roses, could surely house more garments than you even owned. To your right hung a wicker swing seat, pink rose buds woven throughout, appearing as though it was made entirely from the delicate plants, positioned perfectly in view of the large Edwardian window. Hanging above the headboard were pictures of you, your mother and father, clipped evenly along a piece of string intertwined with fairy lights, glistening as each scene plays out before you.
“I mustn’t take any credit, Bellatrix was in charge of the preparations.” Your father states watching you from the doorway.
“It’s beautiful” you whisper, tears welling in your eyes.
Voldemort set about fixing the rest of the house giving you time to settle and take it all in. Lying on the soft mattress, you think back to the first time you met your father, a stark constrast to the man you know today.
Sitting at your desk the blank pages stare back at you and your fingers rake through your messy (H/C) curls for the hundredth time. Front to back the diary was barer than the day it was made.
You had been in the girls bathroom during lunch when you noticed something on the floor. Finding a small black book with leather as soft as feathers and gold lettering along the bottom, you pick it up to inspect it further.
“Tom Marvolo Riddle.” 
Your eyebrows crease as the name rolls off your tongue, a frown etching it’s way onto your forehead. What would a boys diary be doing in the girls bathroom? Nevertheless you keep the book, and make your way to class, letting it burn a hole through your satchel until the end of the day. Your last class was Potions and with any luck it would go quickly. Settling into your seat, you spin around to the cute blonde haired boy behind you.
“Is there any one at Hogwarts named Tom Riddle?” You ask him, red hot flames licking at your cheeks as his crystal blue eyes meet yours.
“Not that I know of. And I know everyone who is anyone around here” he snorted. Choosing to ignore the radiating arrogance you turn back to the front, mind racing. The diary didn’t belong to a Hogwarts student at all, so how on earth did it end up in our bathroom?
Your leg jerks up and down repeatedly below the desk and your eyes wander back to the clock. 3:43pm. Exactly one minute had passed from the last time you checked. Ahead of you Professor Snape is droning on about a potion you hadn’t yet caught the name of. 
“And the 5th step in the brewing of the Wiggenweld Potion is...?” Snape drawls out, his beady eyes searching out his next victim. Chewing on your lip you try to concentrate, to no avail.
“Miss Rosier?” His expectant eyes land on you, lips curling into a signature smirk.
“A-add more salamander blood until the potion turns t-turquoise” you splutter.
“Very good. Someone who has obviously been making notes, wouldn’t you agree Mr Weasley?” The air escapes your lungs with a whoosh as he narrows his eyes at Ron across the room. Ron gulps, ducking his head in an attempt to hide the crimson blush now creeping up his cheeks.
Finally the clock stikes 4 and you make sure you’re the first one out, darting between the students and managing to make it halfway through the dungeons before the bell rings out. “Pureblood” you mutter, the portrait swinging open. “Ooh someone’s in a hurry!” Paying no mind to the painting you dash up the stairs.
With no answer you plonk down at your desk and begin writing.
“My name is Y/N Rosier, and this is my diary.” 
Your (E/C) eyes go round, lids refusing to blink as you watch the words slowly sink into the page. Your small hands vigorously rub at them and yet the page remains just as blank as it had been originally. Your brain scrambles to make some sense of what is happening, but not giving your thoughts a chance to untangle themselves, words begin to materialise across the page.
“Hello Y/N.”
Curiosity trumping any thought of sense, the tip of your quill connects with the aged paper once more. “Who are you?”
“My name is Tom Marvolo Riddle.
And I am your father.”
Your breath hitches in your throat. The fluttering birds that previously occupied your ribcage die out as your heart threatens to beat right out of your chest, pumping ice throughout your veins at an ungodly speed. The pounding in your ears nears defeaning as the middle of the book suddenly throws out streaks of blinding light.
Regaining your vision you’re surrounded by stone walls and green glowing lamps. The click-clack of shoes echo through the dungeon as hushed whispers become audible.
“No Tom! I told you- I warned you- I told you something bad would happen- that something so evil would surely have consequences, and you ignored me. And now look! A girl has died Tom!” The young woman vigorously shakes her head, her wild ginger curls bouncing about her face while she scolds the boy. 
“Lower your voice before somebody hears you.” He hisses, the pair coming to a halt in front of you. His lips curl into a sneer as his large hand wraps around her dainty wrist. “I am Lord Voldemort after all.” 
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that!” she seethes. Snatching her wrist from his grasp, her perfectly manicured finger points at his face. “Your name is Thomas Marvolo Riddle and I am not one of your little followers bowing down at your feet and kissing your arse! And most importantly Tom, I am not scared of you!” She storms off and Tom continues hot on her heels as you scurry behind. 
“For Merlins sake! Fleur wait-” Blocking her path, Tom’s hands come to rest on the girl’s arms, this time gently caressing her skin. “I’m sorry I should never have spoken to you like that, I don’t want you to be scared of me... I forget myself sometimes. Forgive me?” His hands move to cup her cheeks, and her slender arms wrap loosely around his torso as her anger seemingly dissolves.
“Well don’t forget yourself too much around me otherwise one day you may turn around and I won’t be here Tom.” At least a foot shorter than him, his chin rested comfortably atop her head. 
“Don’t worry, Princess, it won’t be long now before I am crowned the greatest sorcerer the world has ever seen.” Her head buried into his chest ignoring the icy tones lacing the boys words.
Your hand shoots to the base of your skull as a dull ache begins to resonate. ‘He needs to work on his landings.’
“Y/N there you are! Where were you? We missed you at supper. And what on earth are you doing on the floor?” Daphne gives you a quizzical look before extending her hand and helping you up.
As you dust off your robes you try to think of a convincing lie. “I wasn’t feeling very well after Potions. I had to run straight to the loo and then came to lie down - I suppose I must have fainted.” With a shrug of your shoulders you begin to change out of your robes, Daphne following suit.
With everyone else now asleep you decide to take your chance to figure out just what on earth is going on. The faint glow illuminates the makeshift tent you had created with your bedcovers, an inkpot balanced expertly between your knees and quill secured between your teeth. Opening the diary with your free hand you reposition the wand. 
“Are you there?”
Just as before the ink disappears, so sucking in a breath you stare at the page. After a few moments nothing had changed. ‘Of course it’s blank you bloody idiot. I must be going bloody barmy!’ 
Before you could finish scolding yourself, the words appear across the page.
“Hello again Y/N.”
“What happened earlier?” Not having much time you wanted to get straight to the point. 
“No beating around the bush, I like it. Just like your mother.”
“My mother Fleur?”
“Yes, Fleur. She truly was a wonderful witch. Say, do you think you could do me a favour Y/N?” 
You weigh up your options before replying. “Not until you tell me what’s going on.” 
“I will answer all of your questions, but it must be in person.”
“But how would I? You couldn’t even see me earlier.”
“I will show you how, just go to the girls bathroom on the first floor.”
Under the mask of the invisibility spell you sneak out of the common room, diary clasped tightly under your arm. Moving through the dungeons it doesn’t take you long to reach the first floor bathroom. As you await your instructions you begin to feel a strong magnetic pull towards one of the sinks. Unable to resist you move to stand opposite. Lightly tracing the stone serpent beneath your fingertips, your mouth opens and words of a language unknown to you flow out. Suddenly the marble sink shifts to reveal a vertical tunnel.
“Jump Y/N. Jump!”
Without giving it a second thought you launch yourself down the hole. Your face scrunches up like a ball of paper as you brace yourself for an impact that doesn’t come. Landing on something soft and scaly, you open your eyes.
Below you was the largest snake you had ever laid eyes on, with skin the colour of green ivy and piercing red orbs easily the size of your skull, if not bigger. Bowing down, it repositions your body on its spiky head, and begins speeding through the tunnels. Coming to a stop in front of a large stone monument, the creature bends down and gently slides your slim frame off, and onto the wet floor.
As you stand upright, a silhouette steps out from the cover of the shadows.
"My darling Y/N..."
Bolting upright, your confused eyes dart around the room. The sky was now jet black and above you the fairy lights were glowing softly in the darkness. Rolling your legs off of the bed you answer the door to find your father standing on the other side, arms tucked neatly behind his back. 
“My apologies love, did I wake you?” he asks with a level of affection you hadn’t been expecting.
“Yes but no matter, I hadn’t meant to fall asleep in the first place” you reassure him, shrugging off the last remnents of sleep. 
“Very well. I have some unexpected business to attend to, and as you are still new to this house I don’t feel comfortable leaving you here alone, so I have arranged for you to stay with a dear friend of mine for the remainder of the summer” he states matter-of-factly, leaving no room for compromise. 
“Oh. I hoped I would be staying here for the summer.” 
With your (E/C) doe-eyes and lips pouting just enough to be noticeable, you were the image of your mother when she was sulking, and Voldemort found a dull warmth spreading throughout him at the reminder of the distant memory. 
“I know Princess I do apologise. I hoped we would have the opportunity to bond during your time away from Hogwarts. However the situation is simply unavoidable.” 
“Fine” you sigh in defeat. “So who will I be staying with? Anyone I know?”
“You’ll be staying with the Malfoy’s.”  
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3pirouette · 3 years
Fic: The Honey Trap (7/?)
Title: The Honey Trap By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette Disclaimer: They're not mine. Distribution: AO3 Anyone else please ask first :) 
Story Summary: Peggy’d lost count. She wasn’t sure if she was a double or triple agent at this point, and in the end, it didn’t matter. What mattered was getting out of this alive.
A/N: Sorry that this chapter seems shorter, but that’s where the natural break was. I’m going to work on getting back onto a regular posting schedule, and may even try to get some mid-week posts in as I now have several WIPs thanks to Steggy Week *facepalm*
Fun fact: This afternoon I totally scrapped the ending I had originally planned because I think it fits much better with one of my other WIPs. So… now we’re all gonna find out where this goes together!
Chapter 7: Turning the Tables
January 3, 1945
Wallace stared at her, eyes cold and dead. “You could have jeopardized everything.”
“You’re kidding me, right?” Peggy nearly laughed, lounging back on his bed. They faked a fight from the moment she showed up at the door, Wallace playing the jealous boyfriend to Peggy’s unbothered tone, but the fake fight died down the moment they stepped into the un-bugged bedroom. That didn’t mean Wallace was fully on board with her pretending to have an affair behind his back.
Though Peggy was now 100% sure that his bedroom was bugged, too. She was going to check the next time he stepped out to the loo.
Peggy stood and started to pace. “He’s Steve Rogers. Captain America.” She laughed and looked  at Wallace, but just rolled her eyes when he stayed stoic. “Our cover story is that they were caught and separated. Not that one of us broke up with the other, or cheated, or any horrible thing. We were wretched apart by the military.” She sighed heavily, sitting back on the bed. “Of course, we’d get back together, Richard.”
Wallace crossed his arms like an angry toddler. “So how does this help us?” He pushed away from where he’d been leaning against the wall and stepped into her space. “How does this give us more advantage?”
“It means we’re not passing notes like school girls,” Peggy said sharply, stepping back and reclaiming her own space. “Steve and I can talk, face to face, and strategize.”
“We’re already getting plenty of information. If Hydra starts to think I’m not competent or that you’ve turned back…”
“They won’t.” She could barely keep from smiling. “I can get more details now, like that they haven’t quite had the time to take the base over six clicks down on the French border.”
Peggy felt a pang of victory at the way he had to hide his surprise. “Why, surely you know if it? The one Phillips plans to use as a base?”
“Of course!” he covered quickly, nodding and walking away to try to hide his concern. She saw the moment he came the conclusion she wanted him to, and the way his eyes brightened when he thought he had her cornered.
Oh, she thought, if only the little rat knew…
~*~ January 9, 1945
The Pub was busy, but she found Steve quickly in the back corner. Peggy didn’t waste a moment, but slipped into the chair across from him quickly, taking his hand in hers. “Darling,” she whispered, a smile on her face.
Steve, likewise, didn’t waste a second. He stood, pulling her right back up with him and out the back door. He stopped, kissed her fiercely and quickly, then looked her up and down. “Are you ok?”
She nodded, still surprised. “Yes, but, Steve—”
‘Wire?’  he asked with only the slightest hint of volume to his voice.
“No,” Peggy replied, loud and clear. “No surveillance on me that I’m aware except the man at the bar.”
“Good.” He pulled her farther past the trash cans to a bike hidden behind the next store over’s dumpster, and he swiftly settled her behind him before pulling out into the alley. After a complicated series of turns he slowed, and drove them up the back ramp of a parked delivery truck.
Peggy tightened her hold against him as the evening darkness turned to pitch black in the back of the truck. She heard the grunts as the ramp was pulled back into the truck and the back hatch was closed. She knew she had nothing to be afraid of, but the situation made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, anyway.
She heard the sizzle of a match as the truck lurched forward, and quickly two lamps were lit.
She’d never been happier to be in the back of a truck as the light touched the faces of Stark and Barnes. Steve set the stand on the bike and stood, helping her off. “Hope you don’t mind, we needed to get our heads together.”
Peggy looked at Barnes and Stark and Steve, all bouncing in the back of the truck along with her, and smiled. “It’s a risk, but for friendly faces? I’d say it’s worth it.”
The truck ride lasted all of five minutes, just enough time for Howard to arm her with a pen camera, a bug detector disguised as a lipstick, a compact that hid a new encryption key behind the mirror, a cigarette case that was actually a wireless telegraph, and a perfume bottle whose lid was actually an emergency beacon. As little was said as possible, and time was of the essence. Before she knew it, they’d parked again and Steve was lifting the motorcycle and turning it to face the ramp again.
Steve slid them back off the ramp of the truck and onto the streets of London smoothly, the gadgets safely in her purse and the short meeting enough to buoy her spirits. Holding tight to him as they weaved in and out of traffic, she couldn’t deny there was still fear simmering in her that this wouldn’t work, that they’d be outed, but it had been significantly quieted by the feeling of having a team with her.
Steve stopped them in the alley just across the street from Hydra’s favorite pub and French Bistro, in full view of the little apartment full of surveillance equipment. He gunned the engine once before shutting it down, making just enough ruckus that the curtains moved on her least favorite apartment.
They were being watched, and it was perfect.
Peggy slid off the bike and slipped around the front, settling herself in his lap. While the thought of kissing Steve for show wasn’t exactly enticing, they’d both done far worse things and the feel of his lips on hers, the way his hands gripped at her hips, made her heart beat faster.
“You think Wallace knows?” he asked, kissing his way down her neck.
“He knows I saw you once,” she said, struggling to make the words louder than a whisper. “He was quite sore at that.” They were barely close enough to be in range of the listening devices Hydra could use from the apartment, and she didn’t want them to miss a word. “But that I’m meeting you again? No.”
“Keep it that way,” he demanded, taking her lips again.
He slipped a hand up her thigh and she moaned, trying to climb higher into his lap. She lost herself in him for a while, relishing in the feel of his body under hers, the scent of the soap from the base that permeated his skin, the bulk of him wrapped around her. Even with Hydra only feet away, watching, she’d never felt safer. If there was going to be one good thing about this godforsaken assignment, this was going to be it.
She pulled away, breathless, and used her thumb to wipe the lipstick off his lip. “I’d usually make you buy me dinner first, soldier.”
He laughed, brushing the hair from her face. “Most places are closed by now, but we could try if you like.”
She smirked, running her finger over his cheek. “I should make you take me home, then.”
He turned and kissed the tip of her finger, then took her hand in his. “Worried about your virtue?”  
She didn’t even have to try to hide the hunger for him in her eyes. “Worried about yours.”
Steve licked his lips, his voice low and hoarse. “Don’t tempt me.” He looked away to collect himself, then pulled a letter out of his pocket and slipped it down the front of her dress. “For later.”
Peggy couldn’t tell which she was more impressed by: the fact that he’d found a way to slip her a letter in such a way that was so conspicuous that there was no way the Hydra agents didn’t see it, or that the same man she’d met in the back of that car who could barely stutter a response to a woman was being so suave with her. She bit her lip as his fingers hovered at the edge of her cleavage, very carefully not touching skin. She knew he could see every idea in her eyes of what she’d like to do if they weren’t being watched. “I should go,” she whispered, knowing full well it was what neither of them wanted.
“I could take you…” The offer was both play and real, the fear starting to show in his eyes now that he had to let her out of his sight.
“I’m just a few blocks over, wouldn’t want to get anyone suspicious.” She gently untangled herself from him, Steve helping to balance her as she shifted off the bike. She leaned over and kissed him softly one last time. “Same time next week?”
He nodded, one hand coming up to cup her cheek gently. “Yeah. Same place, ok?”
Peggy hated walking away from him. She felt his eyes on her every step it took to get to the small apartment building she called her own, and being on her own suddenly made her feel a little less sure about the whole thing.
But things were on her terms now, and they were going to bring Hydra down.
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sweetmisschesire · 4 years
Pt 2
Maysibelle (mayday)
Mayday is the last fight before eve
So the fight starts with her singing and the brothers blasting their way in
Since they dont have a guitar player they just sort of use some recordings they render to their liking to make up for it
So in their interruption imagine it like the Highway to Hell opera video, only right before the singing of the rock song starts maysibelle stops the music by snapping her fingers
She has both those mannequins neon j made for her and actual people dancing
After she stopped the music the dancers stopped with the human dancers moving off to the side of the ballroom for their own safety
This is the dress she is wearing
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And this is the mask
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And hair
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(She speaks in an aloof, emotionless tone)
“Ah so this is the infamous duo who don’t know their place”
(Z is zuke w is west)
W: and what exactly is our place
“Away from these districts, learning how to play respectable music”
Z: you all need to come off it already, what do you have against rock?
“It boisters itself as superior in music and yet now look at it. Only the talentless dare practice it. “
W: me thinks the lady doth protest too much
“How dare you. Leave, now.”
Z: sorry but not without this district
*laughter* “very well then have at you”
So the video i linked before with the three songs is what plays during her battle
(This is not a fun fight for west, gotta add some humor)
While she sings west and zuke have to dodge the mannequins as they dance towards them as a attack
They find out they’re mannequins when a mask gets knocked of one of them leaving the oulines of pupiless eyes on a blank face
W: mannequins why mannequins?
Z: seriously those things still freak you out?!
W: yes! Especially ones that dance on their own!
They also keep getting hit by something they cant really see
Zuke: what the heck is going on what is even hitting us
W: she’s got nice pipes though, but we can play better
The next phase starts with the second song and after theyve beaten the mannequins, with a head of one being knocked into her mask damaging it
The mannequins are cleared out and some life sized marrionettes drop down
W: it gets worst! Please no dolls.
Her costume in this phase is this (it was under her dress)
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And both her and the marrionette dance ballet as she sings
The difference here is the marionettes will lift up and drop down so they have to watch the shadows to see where they land
This is also how they start understanding what’s hitting them
Z: *watches a shadow fly towards his brother and hit him* so that’s what been hitting us? Bro! Watch for all the shadows on the floor, i think that’s what was getting us in the last phase!
W: why am i the one she keeps aiming for?! Lady lay off already!
Z: bigger target?
They cut down the marionettes from their strings leaving them useless with west panicking when one touches him and throwing it at maysibelle, fracturing her mask more
“I’ll get you for that.”
W: you’ve literally been going mostly after me already!
(She changes her costume during the convo, she walks behing a screen and steps out in it)
“As your brother said you are indeed the larger target. And your brother has been far more respectful than you.”
W: hey
Z: she’s kind of right though
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The skirt is a bit shorter covering her feet bit easy to move in
No assistance this time though she has fans she throws that are weapons and they still have to dodge the mystery attack
At one point dk west trips over a doll that somehow lands on the floor
W: *screams*
“..... it’s just a doll. And don’t you dare break her.
Z: bro we’ve gotta do something about this fear of yours
The end of this phase after they’ve hit her enough ends with wth west knocking on of her fans back into her mask which is now covered in cracks
“Are you incapable of anything but disrespect?”
W: are you capable of talking like you can feel emotions?
“Perhaps i should hit you harder?”
Z: you are just on fire today bro
W: what she acts and talks like she can’t feel anything
“Emotions are meant to be controlled, it is inappropriate to let others see you in such a state.”
Z:... what
W: you know you would probably have an easier time telling people how you feel eithout that mask
“Don’t you dare to touch it! I am never to show my face in public!”
Z: okay this is getting a bit uncomfortable
W: what kind of messed up logic is that?
“I don’t expect you to understand his teachings. Nor do i expect you to understand that you two could never power Vinyl City!”
W: says you and every other so called artist. Can’t wait to prove you all wrong
“I’ve had just about enough of you. Since you’ve made it further than i thought capable, allow me to show you my true power. Bask in trance techno opera, all i was ever born to do.”
Z: alright now it’s really uncomfortable
She walks behind another screen and steps out in this
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The lights center on her and the brothers can make out this black smoke like mist surrounding her a bit
She moves her hands to the start of her phantom of the opera performance and the mist moves with her
Z: that’s what was hitting us before?!
As she sings she sends out this mist that is basically like energy and they have to dodge it while attacking her
They get to the lull in the song with no singing
Z: whoever you’re doing this for you dont have to
West isnt quite following yet
“Hmm, charming. I do this because i must. But since you seem to love doling out advice, allow me to return the favor.”
“Apologize. She deserves that much from you, and more.”
Zuke is surprised by this and maysibelle gets in a hit as she goes back to singing
W: maybe focus on the fight instead of small talk?
Z: ...
W: seriously she’s just messing with ya
Z: no she’s not. I know exactly who she’s talking about
It takes a lot to get through this fight and maysibelle actually shows some signs of anger and frustration before immediately pushing them down
This is where west starts picking up on something being wrong with her
Towards the end of the song they work their way up to her and zuke manages to push though and smash his drumsticks down
Hebhad been aiming for her microphone but accidentally hit her mask finallt shattering it
The music stops as she screams and drops to her knees covering her face
W: woah man that was a bit much don’t you think? You coulda broker her nose
Z: I don’t think that’s the reason she screamed.
He notices some of the people left are peering over and sees the cameras oving to see her better
Z: *frowning* do you all not know how to respect someone’s privacy?!
They back off a bit startled at him zuke picks up a cloak that came off a mannequin from earlier and drapes it over her
Maysibelle readjusts it so the hood shrouds her face completely she grasps at the shards of her mask trying to put it back together
“can’t let them see can’t let them see can’t let them see”
W: okay what is wrong with-
Z: west don’t. Look i have no idea why you think those things. There’s nothing wrong with your emotions or the way you look
“How would you know? You’ve no experience of them.”
Z: yeah but do you either?
*voice quivers, but still remains emotionless not crying* I don’t remember my face. It’s been so long.”
W: how do you not-
Z: west. Just...why? Why not let yourself feel or show?
“I’m not allowed.”
Zuke moves towards her but she cuts him off
“Leave. I don’t need your pity.”
Z: that’s not what i-
“I said go.”
The two leave her ballroom and she calls out to them still gripping her mask pieces
“Remember to apologize. You owe her so much.”
Z: that was super uncomfortable
Kliff appears
“What was uncomfortable?”
West goes to answer but zuke cuts him off
Z: the walk back, the fight was really exauhsting so it was uncomfortable wslk back
West gives he brother a loo and kliff shrugs
“Well good job getting another district. She was gonna beca hard one. Go get some rest we’ll take the last district tomorrow”
As the two leave to their rooms west talks
W: what was that back there?
Z: kliff keeps ignoring me when i mention how bad the nsr artists look and i dont know if you’ve noticed but i listened to some of maysibelle’s fans on the way back
W: and?
Z: they were praising her for staying “proper” during our fight, like they really do expect her to not show emotions and when i asked them about that thry say it’s what they expect of her how she’s always bern this way
Z: west there’s something really wrong with the nsr artists it’s like they’ve been... broken
W:... what did she mean by apologize
Z: it has to do with the last district.
Z: it’s nadia’s district.
This was a long one
Next one will be long too, mainly cause if the last fight with tatiana
I’ve really hurt mayday huh? :D
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fantasiesandbooks · 4 years
From Ashes To New Fires
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I don’t own any of the photos.
word count: 7.9 k
Chanyeol x Reader 
Genre: Angst. Fluff. Romance
Prologue Part 1 
Chanyeol was running through the halls of the palace. He had been summoned by the king in the big dining room and he knew, as well as the rest of the people living there, that it bothered him others will keep him waiting for too long.
“Hey!” One of the guards named Baekhyun yelled at him. The boy started jogging, trying to match Chanyeol’s pace.
“Not now” The other man said in between breaths.
“Where are you going?” Baekhyun panted.
“The King wants to see me” Chanyeol said, trying to keep his voice steady. “He sent Alfred to fetch me about 30 minutes ago”.
“He’s gonna be furious” Baekhyun pointed out.
“I know” Chanyeol said matter of factly.
“Are you still going with us after dinner?” The brown haired boy asked him.
“Let me see what the King wants first and I will catch up with you and the others” The tall boy said giving him a quick glance and quicken his pace.
“If you are not at the barracks at 8 o’clock, we will leave”. The other yelled as he stopped to look at his friend coming to a halt before he opened the dining room’s doors.
The room was quiet except for the cutlery’s clacking and a servant saying something to the King in a quiet voice.
Chanyeol looked at the front without giving a second glance at the decoration that was around them. There was no need since he knew the castle like the palm of his hand. All those years living there since he was a boy had made him familiar with the place and after becoming Captain of the Royal Guard well, it was his duty to know it that well. He walked until he was a few steps away from the other two people in the room. “You can go now” King Athereon said at the woman and waved a hand dismissively at her. The woman bowed. She glanced shyly at Chanyeol and kept her gaze down as she exited the room with her tray in hand. 
The King turned to looked at the Captain and said “You are late”.
Chanyeol without faltering his gaze away from the King’s eyes answered him “Pardon me your Majesty. I was supervising the archery lessons on the east side and I came as soon as Alfred told me you wanted to see me”.
The King looked at him in silence for a moment. He didn’t look as angry as the tall boy would’ve imagined but didn’t look happy either.  Most of the people in the castle and outside of it, according to Baekhyun’s perspective, were intimidated and afraid of him. He certainly wasn’t in the “Good and benevolent” king’s list and even people from other kingdoms knew that too. Nevertheless, Chanyeol and some other servants and guards already got used to his harsh manners so it was something that didn’t impress him anymore. The man only hummed in response and gave a sip from his wine cup.
“How is the training going? Can I expect fully prepared men or we would have to dispose some of them?” The man asked.
“They are training hard and have been improving a lot since last month your Highness. Of course you will have a very good army”. Chanyeol explained securely.
“I have just received a letter where they informed me that the meeting of Arethea will take place in five weeks from now. I need you and all of your men to be ready by then”.
The meeting of Arethea is a gathering that occurs once a year. All the Kings and Queens from the continent must go in order to discuss the problems of each one of the kingdoms and come up with solutions to fix them. It is also useful in case there are conflicts between two or more of the lands as they have to find diplomatic ways to maintain the peace. After The Great War 50 years ago, all the continent’s rulers came to an agreement on trying to maintain the peace so the destruction and death that once hit the land never occur again. Chanyeol looked at the man weirded out. Usually in that meeting the Kings and Queens were accompanied by a small group of people in which you could count their Royal Guards, family like wives and husbands or their first born heirs and some servants.
He didn’t understand why the King would want for all the army to be ready for that meeting.
“I don’t understand my Lord. I already have selected the men that are coming with us to the gathering”. Chanyeol said.
“I know that” The King said sternly “But this meeting is different. There are some kingdoms that are having problems due to the weather. Some had their crops flooded and others couldn’t harvest because of the droughts. They might be expecting for the rest of the lands to give them part of ours”. The King snorted and continued cutting his steak. Chanyeol could sense where this coversation was going but decided to kept quiet.
“I have had enough with being the remedy of their misfortunes” The King said. “If they doesn’t know how to rule then it’s time for them to give away their thrones to someone more fitting for the job”.
The tall boy looked at him and clenched his jaw. He knew after all, the King wasn’t expecting his opinion on the matter.
“Have your men ready in case there’s need to handle things differently. They are not coming to Arethea but I want at least half of them near the proximities of the land”.
“Yes my Lord” Chanyeol said dryly.
“And also, I have a mission for you” The King wiped his mouth with a napkin and threw it on the table. He stood from his chair and started walking towards the gates gesturing Chanyeol to follow him.
“Gather some of your best men. I need you to go to the lands outside the Kingdom and gather the leaders from most powerful magical creatures you could find”. The King’s voice echoed through the halls as they were walking to his office.
“Wizards, fairies, witches, whatever you come across” He opened the door as he went through and left it open for his guard to pass.
The King rummaged through the papers scattered around his desk. He took a map where it could be seen all the land across the continent including the Kingdoms and the land between them that belonged to no realm in particular. He signaled at the borders between Arethea and Tassea and said “Rumors said there is one of the most powerful coven there. Bring the witch in charge of it”.
“And what if she doesn’t want to come?” Chanyeol asked him.
“Then kill or arrest them all” King Athereon said sharply. “Seeing a witch trial it is always amusing for the people in town”.
Chanyeol didn’t like the idea but it was clear to him that nothing he could say would disuade the King from it. He gave an intake of breath and nodded.
“Tomorrow bring another map so you trace the spots you’re going to be looking for and the list with the names of the people that will go with you. You need to leave as soon as possible and be sure to arrive before we need to leave for the meeting.” The King sat on his chair as he was contemplating the map.
“Is there anything else you need, Sir?” Chanyeol asked him.
“That’s all. Leave and close the door behind you”. He was writing some things on his black note.
“Good night My Lord” The brown haired boy said as he turned around and left the room.
  Baekhyun and the others were waiting impatiently at Chanyeol. There was already half past the hour they’ve agreed to meet.
“He’s not coming” Kyungsoo, one of the Royal guards said.
“Lets go. It’s already late and remember he told us to be at 6:00 am on the sparring field”. Sehun whined.
“Just wait ten more minutes” Baekhyun said. “The good thing of hanging out with the captain is that he can’t lecture us for being late, if he is late too”. The other boys groaned. “Guys!” Chanyeol yelled as he was running through the stone bridge to meet them.  Everyone turned to look at him.
“I’m sorry” The tall boy panted. “We can go now”.
“About time” Jongdae said.
“It’s all right, boys” Baekhyun said as he and the others started walking towards the castle gates. “I’m sure we will get to practice tomorrow a little bit later than usual, isn’t that right Captain?”.
The boy padded Chanyeol’s back and he looked at him with a frown. Baekhyun urged him silently to say yes.
The tall boy groaned “Fine, whatever.”
“Thank you” Baekhyun smiled pleased.
Two of the boys, Yixing and Kyungsoo, suppressed a laugh at seeing their friend’s annoyance.
“You know, I sometimes feel you only invite me because you want to be late at work without facing consequences” Chanyeol told them. The rest of the boys denied that immediately. 
“We actually like you” Yixing said and smiled at him. Chanyeol gave him a little smile in return “I can trust in your words but not in Baekhyun’s”.
The shorter boy grimaced and put a hand over his heart dramatically “Your words hurt me”. Chanyeol pushed him playfully as the other boy laughed at his friend.
“So, what did the King wants?”, Jongin, his best soldier for sparring, asked him.
“He asked me to get the men ready for Arethea’s meeting”. Chanyeol said as his tone and expression became serious. “But Royals are not allowed to bring entire armies to the meeting.” Junmyeon said weirded out.
“He wants them near the realm” Chanyeol explained.
“That only will bring suspicions and confusion to the others, isn’t it?” Yixing asked.
“Well, he’s fed up with other Kingdoms asking for help.” The tall boy said. “Specially since he is not doing it willingly. He only does it because of the agreement”.
“So, if he doesn’t want to take part on the solution, we are going to war?” Minseok asked worriedly.
“Most likely” Chanyeol said without a hint of mocking. Everyone stopped walking to look at him.
“That’s madness!” Baekhyun said. “We would be one army against 5.”
“We don’t have enough men. We are the second strongest army in the land behind the Nareans”. Jongin pointed out.
“We are better in tactics and skills” Chanyeol said.
“That doesn’t matter when you have 3/4 of the continent against you.” Junmyeon said.
“We would be slaughtered before we can take over one of their cities” Minseok said.
“Enough!” Chanyeol said impatiently. “I already know that and maybe that is why he is sending us to find magical creatures”.  The other 7 men looked at him wide eyed.
“What are you talking about?” Kyungsoo said.
The tall man sighed “He ordered me to gather some men and go to the lands between the kingdoms. He wants us to find witches, fairies, whatever we encounter on our way and bring them with us before the meeting”. 
“What does he want with them?” Sehun asked “Magic is forbidden here”.
“He didn’t tell me his plans but I think it has to be related to his other request”. Chanyeol said.
“I don’t think they will be willing to speak to him. He had never being nice to them”. Baekhyun said.
“He said that if they refuse to come, we should arrest or kill them”. Chanyeol said.
“And exactly how are we going to do that?” Junmyeon said “They have magic. We don’t”.
“You can hurt fairies with iron” Minseok answered.
“What about witches and wizards?”. Jongin asked.
“Some said crosses can be effective with them”. Kyungsoo said.
“That’s for vampires” Baekhyun corrected.
“Also for them”. Kyungsoo retorted.
“No” Baekhyun countered back. The two boys started arguing when Chanyeol cut them off.
“Stop it!” He said. “The are not immortals nor invencible”.
“Except for Vampires” Baekhyun murmured and Chanyeol glared at him.
The rest of the boys got quiet and an awkward silence took over the atmosphere. “Let’s just talk tomorrow about this, ok?”. Their Captain said tiredly and the rest nodded. “I would really use a drink right now”. 
The boys agreed with him and kept going on their way to the tavern.
 It was already past noon. King Athereon and Chanyeol had been talking for several hours now, planning and checking the routes the little army was going to follow into the borders of Tassea.
“Are we clear on the steps to follow?” The King asked.
“Yes, Sir.” Chanyeol answered. “My men are already aware of the situation and they are getting ready to leave at midnight as we speak”.
“Good” The King said. He started walking towards a trunk that was settled in one corner of the office. He opened it and squatted down to look for something inside. After a few seconds he came back to the place where Chanyeol was standing and handed him two jars with different liquids. One had a blood-red colour while the other had an olive-green.
“Put one drop of the red one in every weapon you and the others will carry and the green one saved it for an emergency”.
Chanyeol looked at the jars in his hands. “What are they?”.
“The red one is poison and the other has iron molecules within its mix.” King Athereon said
“Smash it against the floor and it will create a fog against fairies”. The brown haired boy nodded and put them in his pocket. 
“Captain” The man said “I expect you will be here in three weeks tops and with good news for me”.
 “I’ll do my best to please your wishes My Lord” Chanyeol assured him. The King hummed in response “Go now. And be sure to be careful enough so no one from the others Kingdoms find out about the quest”.
“I will” The boy said “Good night your Highness”. 
As Chanyeol exited the room, the King was looking at the map on his desk when a shadow came out from the door that lead to his chambers.
“Are you sure he’s competent enough to do the job?” A feminine voice asked. The King turned to look at the figure now standing next to him.
“So far, he had never failed me” He answered. He took the woman’s hand and squeezed it in a reassuring way.
“He better not” She said and smiled at him wickedly.
“Come Y/n!” One of the girls called you excitedly. You looked at her and walked towards her direction.
Everyone in the room was practicing how to manifest their powers as most of them were young apprentices. You were the second in command after your grandmother, the head of the coven, and Naima your friend and third in charge. -In every Yule festivities, most of the younger witches receive all their powers and it is up to the more experienced ones teach them how to control them and used them properly. Now with the date approaching you were in charge of seeing this girls learned how to handle and manifest their gifts.-
“I did it. I blew up the apple!” The girl smiled at you as she focused her attention back to the new apple in front of her a couple of meters away. You could see pieces of fruit scattered around the floor, a signal of her previous attempts.
“I can see you did that many times” You said surprised. “But you should rest now, take 30 minutes and come back to it.
“No, I’m ok. Watch”. She lifted both hands quickly and waved them in a semi-circular way. A movement so delicate and yet powerful enough to make the apple and the table beneath it explode.
A blast echoed through the room as pieces of apple and wood flew around. Some of the other girls screamed as they got down on the floor and cover themselves with their arms while others through themselves at the nearest pillars and walls to take cover from the explosion. “Is everyone alright?” You lifted yourself from the ground and looked around the mess. You heard “yes” from several of them and helped the girl next to you to get up.
“Bitsie, are you ok?”. Both of you were dusting off the debris from your clothes and heads.
“Yes” She said. “I’m sorry” she winced at seeing the wrecked scenery before her.
“I thought I had it in control already” She murmured.
“That’s why I told you to rest before you have tried again” You sighed. “When your mind is not focused enough your power can expand without restraints and caused this”. You gestured at the room.
In that moment, the door opened and Naima entered the room hastily.  “What happened?” The girl asked shocked at seeing all the chaos around.
“Bitsie make the apple explode along with the table” One of the girls near the door said.
“Is everyone all right?” She yelled and spotted you in the corner of the room. The girls agreed and she came walking towards you.
“Look at you. All covered in dust and apple” Naima told you, trying to suppressed a laugh.
“Well, at least it’s not butter this time” You said.
“Girls, help us clean this mess” Naima said out loud and the people around went to fetch cloths, buckets and brooms, some of them whining.
“Bitsie” You said “I know you’re eager to manipulate your power, but you need to be patient”.
Naima looked at the girl and nodded at your words “We had seen other witches getting on the wrong path due to their power’s thirst. We don’t want that for you or the others.”
“I know” The girl exhaled “I’m truly sorry. It’s just that sometimes I can’t help it”.
“We know. That is why we are here for” Naima said.
“Now, go with the rest. Tomorrow morning you will go with me into the forest” You said.
“Why are we going there?” Bitsie asked you.
“You will have your lesson outside. Maybe being in an open space will help you to focus more and if not, well, at least we could still have a place to practice after all”.
“Ok” she said. “See you tomorrow”. She exited the room with her head hanging low.
“Are you sure that will be a good idea?” The girl standing next to you asked.
“I hope so” You sighed.
“Ok so, how are we going to know when we find the coven?” Baekhyun asked as they were walking through the forest. It was dawn and they could barely watch where they were stepping into as the fog was covering the ground. “I mean, it’s not like we can go around and said hey, are you in a coven? Can you tell me your location?” Baekhyun said sarcastically.
Around them, the only noises they could hear were branches cracking as they stepped on them, some birds chirping, the hooves and carriage getting pulled by their horses.
“I think I haven’t seen a witch in my entire life”. Jongin said thoughtfully. “How are we supposed to recognize them?”.
“Once I saw one in a witch trial” Junmyeon recalled “Her skin was stuck to her bones and hear face was quite grotesque. She barely had hair and the people around said she had lived over a 1000 years”. Jongin grimaced at the description. 
“No one can live that long. Not even witches” Baekhyun said “Or can they?!. What do you say, Chanyeol?”
“I don’t know” The tall boy said, tired of hearing this conversation. 
He had seen a few witches too. Pretty much they had looked the same as Junmyeon’s picture them although he didn’t know how old they were. Nor it was an information he would find relevant. This beings were unnatural and Chanyeol didn’t want to have any interactions with them. At least not willingly. He just wanted to get over with this stupid quest from the King, fulfill it and leave the rest to him.
“Some said there are witches that have long nails and use them to get the men’s guts out”. Sehun said “They lured you just as mermaids do and next thing you know they are ripping your guts from your body and eat them in front of you as you are dying agonizingly. It gives them youth”.  He poked Baekhyun’s side and the boy let out a scream.
The rest of the boys cackled and his friend slapped Sehun in the head. “Stop it, guys!” Baekhyun said angrily as the black haired boy rubbed his head.
As they were getting nearer to their destination, the first rays of sunshine were visible through the branches and spaces between the trees. Some of the boys were sleepy already so Chanyeol ordered to stop near a pond in order for them to rest and let the horses drink water.
“How come witches have powers and yet they don’t escape from the trials?”. Yixing said inquisitively.
“There are different kinds of witches” Minseok said “There are those who only have powers when they cast spells from a book. Others can have mix blood from other magical creatures or humans and that genes are prevalent in them so magic is not their forte”.
“And the others, the originals as some called them, are the ones whose blood had ancient magic. It had run through their veins and families for centuries”. Chanyeol added.
“So most of the ones that had been in trials were from the other kinds”. Jongdae said. Minseok nodded.
“And we are look-“ Yixing was saying when Sehun cut him off.
”I hear something” Sehun announced.
“Yeah, our voices, fool!” Baekhyun said.
Sehun rolled his eyes and shushed them. “Listen!”
All the boys went still and looked around their surroundings. They could were some voices chattering and getting nearer.
“Cover yourselves” Chanyeol urged them in a low voice. They did it and took their swords and knives out. Luckily for them, the horses and the carriage were a few meters down the place of their bonfire and were well covered by the bushes. Sehun was getting his bow ready when Kyungsoo pulled slightly from his tunic “Get down” he urged him.
“They are coming, look” Brent, another soldier and archer, said and gestured them to the path a few meters above. Their figures were getting closer and once the fog cleared out a bit more, they could see a young woman chatting lively with the girl that was next to her.
“There are just girls” Baekhyun huffed.
“Maybe they are witches” Minseok said.
“We should follow them” Yixing suggested.
“Sehun, Jongin, Minseok and Baekhyun, go after them. Jongdae and Yixing keep a watch on the carriage and the horses.” Chanyeol ordered “The rest will go to grab our things.” Everyone moved quickly, trying not to get noticed as they executed the plan.
 “Are you sure it’s ok if we practice here?” Bitsie asked you doubtfully “Of course! It’s early enough for people to use this path” You said cheerfully. The girl hummed but didn’t look at you nor talked more.
“What is troubling your mind Bits?” You asked her.
“How can you be so sure I won’t blow up the whole forest?” She said worriedly. You smiled fondly at her, remembering a young version of yourself full of worry and self-doubt.
“One, you have me and I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen” You said “And two, sometimes stress plays an important part of our lack of concentration. There are people who handle it better than others and it’s something you will learn as time goes by. But now, as a twelve year old girl, I don’t expect you to do that”.
“Maybe being in a closed space with more people around is what gets you worried. The possibility that you could hurt someone, am I right?” You asked. She nodded shyly.
“Everyone have had those kind of fears Bits. I still have them sometimes.” You admitted and she looked at you wide eyed. “You too?” The girl asked you incredulously “How come? You always look so confident”. 
“There are times when you need to act like everything it’s fine even if it’s not” you chuckled. Both of you came to a halt in the middle of an open space between the trees. There were already several logs forming a line in the center.
“Ok! Here we are” You announced. “I’m going to put a fruit in every log and you have to make them explode. Just as in the practice room” Bitsie nodded and stood a couple of meters away.
“I can do this” She said to herself and gave an intake of breath.
 “What are they doing?” Jongin asked.
He and the others were hiding behind a couple of trees on one side of the place. They could see you and Bitsie clearly but barely understood what you two were talking about.
“Maybe they are going to practice archery” Baekhyun suggested.
“They don’t have a bow with them”. Sehun pointed out.
“An eating contest then?”! Baekhyun said.
“I don’t think they are witches” Jongin said and gestured at Bitsie “She’s just a girl and both look ordinary. Nothing like what Suho said”.
“The older one is very pretty” Baekhyun admitted and Minseok nudged him in the ribs.
“What?! It’s true” Baekhyun complained. They watched you approaching Bitsie and it looked like you were instructing her about something.
“We should leave”. Sehun whispered “It is clear they are not doing anything interes-“. A boom echoed through the glade and all the boys turned to look perplexed at the girls.
“She just...” Baekhyun was saying when Minseok covered his mouth.
“Be quiet” The older one whispered. Another similar sound came after the one they heard and another after that.
“She’s doing it with her hands”. Jongin noticed with some fear in his voice “that means...”
“She’s an original” Sehun completed.
“By the Gods!” Minseok said.” How are we going to catch them?”.
“Catch them?! Nobody said anything about catching witches” Baekhyun said in a rush.
“Then how do you expect we find the place where they live?” Sehun said annoyed “The map says they are in the borders and it could take weeks before we find the right place.”
“Maybe the King wants another kind of witches” Baekhyun tried to sound convincing. Sehun snorted “I can bet you 10 jars of beer that he send us to find them” he pointed out at the women. Baekhyun gulped.
“Ok, this is what are we going to do” Minseok said “There’s a high chance they go that way” He signaled at the little path from where you entered the glade. “We will surround it and two us will be waiting on this side while the others are on that one. We need to separated them.”
“What about their powers?” Jongin said, looking at the others with concern. “Bind their hands and cover their heads with this sacks. Perhaps they cannot used them”. Minseok took the bags and handed them to Jongin and Sehun.
“We are not taking them to the camp, are we?” Baekhyun asked worriedly.
“No!. We are going to interrogate them here. Now, let’s move carefully around the trees,ok?” Minseok said and everyone nodded. “Go!”. All of them started to moved swiftly around the glaze in wait for you two.
“You were great today!” You said at Bitsie. The practice was over and both of you wanted to go back to the house and have a nice supper.
“Thank you” She said happily “I can’t believe I didn’t blow out other things besides the fruit”. “It was quite remarkable” you said “But you still need to practice. Maybe next week you could try with bigger things”. “Like what?” She asked you.
“You already have proved you can do that with furniture as well” You said teasingly. Both were laughing at the memory when you felt someone pulled at your right arm and heard Bitsie screamed.
“No!” She cried out. You were trying to get yourself loose from the man’s grip while another was trying to cover your head with a brown sack.
“Let go of me” You said as you struggled with the man. 
“Be quiet” The man behind you said and tightened his grip around your body. You released one of your hands and move it. There was a loud sound coming from the ground and big roots from the trees around emerged and pushed the man in front of you. The one behind you got his legs trapped between the roots and you used that distraction to nudged him in the ribs. His grip loosen and you started running after Bitsie and the men.
“Let her go” You yelled and used your power again. The men were pulled down and you passed them by to get to the girl. She had tripped over because of a rock. You yanked her up and pulled the sack out of her head and untied her hands.
“We need to get to the market. There we could blend and they will lose track of us” You said hurriedly and watch how the men that attack you were getting free from the ties. Bitsie nodded and you took her hand so she could follow after you.
“Run!” You said and both raced across the path. “Stop!” One of the men yelled. He and the rest of them were running behind you. You gazed at them for a brief moment and realized they were getting closer.
“Use your power” you said to Bitsie. “I’m not ready.” There was concern on the girl’s stare.
“It doesn’t matter” You panted “I don’t care if you blow them up or the forest with us in it”. You took an intake of breath as the adrenaline rushed through your veins. “It’s better to die that been enslaved by them”. Bitsie turned her head to look at the men. She lifted her free hand and a second later there was an explosion that send pieces of mud in all directions. You could hear the men grunting but that only slowed down their pace for a moment. Bitsie did it again. The ringing in your ears from the blasts didn’t allow you to hear if they were near. You looked over your shoulder to check if they were out of sight. It only took you that moment when you crashed into someone. The impact made you loose your balance and Bitsie stumbled over you, making both of you fell to the ground.
“Cover their heads” Another men you didn’t recognize yelled at others.
“No, wait!” You said as he was standing next to you and shoved the sack over your head.
“Take them to the camp”. The man with the hoarse voice said. Sehun, Jongin, Minseok and Baekhyun caught up with them.
“You are a bunch of morons” The man snorted.
“Shut up Brent!.” You recognized the man’s voice. It was the same that have fought with you at first.
“Ouch!” You heard Bitsie complained but couldn’t see where she was.
“Be careful Bolson” Another men said.
“She’s a witch. Witches don’t have special treatment” This man had a deeper voice.
“She’s just a girl” Other with a silvery boy said. Well, at least there are ones with a little humanity in them you thought. That didn’t mean what they were doing was right but could considered go easy on them once you figured out how to escape and teach them a lesson.
The forest was long gone when you heard other men talking. There were noises from horses and a bonfire. You assumed you already had arrive at the camp. You came to a halt and the men behind you and Bitsie forced you to kneel. They took the bags from your heads and you squinted your eyes as they were getting used to the light again.
“Who are you?” Bitsie said.
“I’m the one doing the questions little witch, so be quiet” Brent said.
“Now, here is how it is going to be” He said as he paced around the circle other men had formed around you. “You are not going to talk unless I say so. If I find your answers convincing enough, we will let you live”.
You looked at him full of hatred. If you were alone you wouldn’t mind dying while fighting against them but your main concern was the girl next to you.
“Tell me your names and which coven do you belong to”. The man said.
“Bit...” The girl was saying when you interrupted her.
“She’s Brisellia and I’m Elena” You said quickly.
“Which coven are you part of?” He continued.
“Lirea” You said.
“Where do you live?” He asked. You averted your gaze from the man and kept quiet. You couldn’t tell them the location of the others. He approached you and squatted on the ground in front of you. 
“You are not going to answer?” He asked you menacingly.
“No” you said through gritted teeth.
“Alright then” He stand up and grabbed Bitsie by the arm.
“Get up!” He yelled at her as she was crying and trying to stand up.
“Don’t” Jongin wanted to interfere but one of the men held him back.
“Maybe you need a motive to talk”. He said and put his arm over Bitsie’s neck and shoulder.
“You can’t do this” other men interfere and a ruckus broke loose. There were men yelling and trying to get him while other were preventing them to go near you and him.
“You tell me where are the rest of your witches or I’ll break her neck”. He threatened. The was no ounce of doubt in his stare and you knew he wasn’t bluffing about it. You put both hands on the ground and closed your eyes. You were trying to even your breath in order to focus. You felt the soil through your fists and a white mantle lifted around the three of you. It was so thin and through it you could see the other men looking at it in shock.
“End the show now, witch!” He snarled. You set your eyes on him and he winced.
“What are you…?” He tried to say as he was having trouble breathing.
Your nails turned you skin around them red from how hard you were clawing at it. He tried to turned Bitsie’s head to one side but wasn’t able to as his strength was diminishing and collapsed on the floor. You let out a breath as the mantle disappeared and went running towards Bitsie.
“It’s ok now.” You said relieved as the girl cried in your arms.
“Grab them” Someone shouted.
Several men went to check the man lying on the floor. You looked at your surroundings and saw a bunch of men debating who should be the brave ones and tried to get a hold of you.
“Silence!” There was a loud scream and everyone kept still. There was a tall man walking through the crowd with another 2 following his steps. He stood a few feet away and looked around. He had a big frown on his face. His gaze went from the man on the floor to you and Bitsie.
“Someone explain what happened here” He said.
“These are witches Captain!” One man pointed at you two accusingly. “And that one killed Brent”.
“We should burn them” A young man yelled, followed by the agreement of a few.
“He’s just fainted Giggins” Sehun said dismissively.
“He threatened with killing the girl” Kyungsoo explained. The Captain, looked at the last boy who spoke and nodded slightly at him.
“All right everyone, go back to your duties” He yelled. 
“You two” He gestured at some soldiers. “Take Brent and put him in a tent”. They moved to get Brent’s body and carried him. 
“Minseok” He called one of the men you remembered from the forest. “You and the others were supposed to follow them. What happened?”
“It’s kind of complicated” The shorter man said awkwardly. The tall man sigh in frustration “Go to my tent. I will bring the witch with me so I can confirm the facts”.
“Yes Sir” Minseok said.
“And tell some of your men to keep an eye on Brent. He is not allowed to leave the tent until I spoke with you two”. Minseok nodded and disappeared into the crowd.
“What are you going to do with them, Sir?” Someone said, reffering to you and Bitsie. “I’m going to talk to them, Rollings. “That’s what civilized people do” The Captain said annoyed “go and keep guard of the supplies”. Chanyeol started walking in your direction but you held out a hand.
“Stay away or you will be the next” You warned him.
“Calm down” He showed the palm of his hands to you. “I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to talk”. He was standing three steps away from you. You looked at each other and his gaze settled on Bitsie.
“Please” He offered his hand to you. The man sounded sincere but you still were wary about all of them. You didn’t take his hand and helped Bitsie to lift herself up instead.
“Could you go with me to my tent? I need to talk to you, privately.” He said.
“I’m not going to leave her here” You said.
“Fine. Bring her with you” Chanyeol said and started to walk across the field.
“Y/n” Bitsie sobbed “I want to go now”.
“We are almost over with this”. You said quietly “Be brave just a little more, ok?”. The girl nodded and tried to wipe her tears with her sweater’s sleeves.
You stopped in front of a big tent. The Captain, who was walking ahead of you, step aside and gestured for you to come inside of it. You looked at him hesitantly as you moved forward.
The inside of the tent was big. It had a log on one side of it that was used as a bench, you imagined. The were two tables too, one in the corner that had a bunch of papers and maps scattered around while the other one was in the center with only two chairs, one in front of the other. Since it was noon already, light from outside was illuminating the place.
“I need to discuss an important matter with you” Chanyeol addressed to you. “She can wait here”. He signaled the log. You looked at Bitsie and nodded slightly. “Fine” You said and followed him to the table.
Both took a seat and he said “What is your name?”.
“Tell me yours first”. You answered him.
“I’m Captain Park” Chanyeol said.
“That’s not a name” You pointed out.
“It’s part of it” He retorted.
You glared at him.
“Your name?” He insisted.
“Elena” You answered. Chanyeol look intently at you and smile wryly. “I heard the girl called you Y/n. So either you have two names or you are lying to me”.
“Ok, let’s go with the first option then” You said with a fixed smile.
“Very well Y/n.” He smiled “I’ll call you that because it sound less fake”.
You knew annoyance was visible on your features but tried to hold back that emotion.
“I want to know what happened. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt but bear in mind that everything you tell me, I will discuss it with my soldiers.” He put his back against his chair. “If your story doesn’t match theirs, we will take you and the girl into custody”.
“I will like to see you try” You laughed. “There are over 30 men here. Most of them willing to kill you, as you already noticed”. The Captain said.
“And there’s two of us. Don’t underestimate us” You said.
“Then why don’t you harm the rest of them?”.
“It was something personal with that man. And I was just getting started when you arrived” You emphasized.
He laughed “A lot of people say originals are strong. Maybe you’re not that much after all”.
“We can try that theory if you’re so doubtful about it”. You offered.
He said in all seriousness “I am not afraid of you. I might not have powers but I know how to fight people of your kind”. Your blood boiled at his last words.
“Listen, I just want to go with her” You pointed out at Bitsie without moving your stare from him “She has went through a lot today thanks to your men and that brute” You said angrily. “I don’t care what you think of me or my people but there still are boundaries. She’s a girl, witch or not, and she didn’t do anything wrong. Your men were the ones who attack us first. They put sacks above our heads and tie us in order to bring us here”.
A sound came from the outside of the tent. One side opened and Minseok step inside. “The men are...” He was saying but didn’t get to finish his sentence when Bitsie yelled.
“It was him. He was the one that covered my head with the bag”. You and Chanyeol stared at him.
“I...” Minseok said startled “I told you we didn’t want to hurt you”. Bitsie stared at him angrily and he gulped.
“Bitsie, calm down!” You said to her, worried that she might use her power and put them both in more trouble. She was breathing rapidly. You made a subtle movement with your hand and her breath steadied. Chanyeol’s gaze went from Bitsie to you, wondering what have you done to her. He didn’t want to show any signs of bewilderment so he spoke to the other men in the room.
“Minseok” The man looked at his superior “This lady, claims that some soldiers attack them for no reason. And now the she is accusing you” He pointed at Bitsie. “Care to explain?”.
“It’s true” Minseok admitted “Part of it”.
He came closer to the table “We have doubts about whether they were witches or not. We saw the girl using her powers, practicing. We thought the best would be talk to them straight away instead of looking around the land but we were afraid of her using her powers against us. That is why we tied their hands and cover their eyes.”  Minseok said awkwardly.
“We didn’t want to bring them to the camp but they attacked us and ran. We chased them across the forest but Brent and his men found them. You know the rest”. He continued. Chanyeol sighed and rolled his eyes. “You were supposed to followed them not kidnapped them”.
“Oh! How thoughtful” You said sarcastically. “We didn’t do that, Chanyeol” Miseok raised his voice “That part was Brent’s”.
“Fine. I’ll deal with him later”. The Captain said tiredly. “I suppose the others help you, aren’t they?”.
“Yes” Minseok answered.
“On behalf of my soldiers, I apologize” Chanyeol stared directly at you. “To both of you. I expect they do the same”. He stared at Minseok severely and the man followed his apology.
“Bring the others”. Chanyeol ordered “tell them to wait outside”. The shorter man nodded slightly and excused himself from the room.
“I appreciate your manners, Chanyeol” You said.
“I’m a Captain. I prefer you call me by my rank”. Chanyeol said.
You sneered “I’m not part of your Kingdom. Therefore I can speak informally to you as you are doing with me.” The man glared at you. “It’s for courtesy”.
“Sometimes I lack of it” You said arrogantly. “Once you’re soldiers apologize we will go”.
“I’m afraid I can’t allow it” Chanyeol said.
“Why not?” You stood from the chair “You already know we are innocents”. “The thing I wanted to discuss with you is about an entire different matter” Chanyeol stood up from his chair too. “The King of Tassea gave us the quest to find magical creatures and bring them with us to the Palace”.
“What for? Magic is forbidden there” You said “Unless is for trials, we aren’t allowed to come in”.
“I can assure you is not for that” Chanyeol said.
“Then?” You said inquisitively.
“He wishes to speak to the leaders of the covens and clans before the meeting of Arethea.” The man explained.
“Your King isn’t known for talking to our kind” You pointed out.
“I know. But apparently he has change his mind” Chanyeol said.
“Good for him but we are not going with you” You said sharply. “I don’t want you to go with us” He explained. “I want to speak to your leader. She is the one the King wants to meet”.
“You are insane if you think I’m taking you to her”. You said.
“You will do it. If it’s in good or bad terms is up to you” Chanyeol said confidently.
“How would I know this isn’t a trap for you to imprison us?” You told him.
“You don’t. It’s a leap of faith” Chanyeol answered “And it goes both ways. I don’t know if once we are there you and the rest of the coven will murder us”. You didn’t want to admit it but he had a point. After all, you were complete strangers to one another.
“What will we win in return?” You said inquisitively.
Offered them whatever they want The King’s words resonated in Chanyeol’s mind.
“Whatever you want” He said. “Although the terms of the agreement will be approved by the King himself. For now, I can promise you and the girl will return to your home safely”. You were silent for a moment. Planning your next move. You knew your grandma wasn’t in conditions of traveling but the only thing you wanted right now was to get Bitsie to the institute. Feel safe again with your sisters around you.
“I have conditions” You said. 
He lifted a brow. “Named them”.
“You won’t take all this men with you” You told him “You can choose 7 men, excluding you of course. You will be the only one that will enter the institute and if my leader don’t accept your proposal, you will leave along with the rest of them. For good”. Chanyeol look at you quizzically for a minute before he spoke again. “Fair enough” He said.  You exhaled. 
“But I warn you. If you try to pull any trick on us, I will kill you” Chanyeol said. His features hardened.
“I could say the same for you” You told him without a hint of mockery in your face. 
“Do we have an agreement then?” He asked you and extended his hand for you to shake.
“Yes” You said and gave his hand a firm squeeze. You wanted to believe he will honor his words but you weren’t entirely sure about that.
Guess you will have to see as time passes by, if your instinct was right about him. 
Hello everyone! Thank you for the Christmas wishes and for your requests. I hope you like this new series and enjoy this chapter. I am feeling very proud of myself for finishing it before the year is over and I’ll come up with the next one as soon as possible . If you have any comments regarding this chapter  feel free to send me a message. In these times I think it would help me a lot. Also, I wanted to let you know that I’m working in your Christmas scenarios and the other 2 series. I’ll try my best in order to post them during this week.  I hope you all have had a good Christmas as well <3 Take care of yourselves ^^ 
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willowistic22 · 4 years
*claps* spromeo angst spromeo angst spromeo angst let specs comfort his boy romeo this is probably a weird ask but whatever you made a post about wanting prompts lol
I can assure you i have sent other ppl weirder prompts AGNXGAHSHAVS I’ve left this and other prompt requests in my drafts bcs school gets in the way from me finishing it so sorry yall. There was two other prompts before this one was sent in but i was only inspired to write this one first for the time being. Anyways I hope you enjoy! 
Despite my hectic schedule with school, yall can still send in some requests! and as an extra note I love angst :) (idk if I’m any good at it. I think i’m kinda good at it but idk abt your opinions hehe)
Romeo sits in the midst of the messy boxes stored in the attic, dusty and old. His first intentions was to look for answers on his own. It didn’t took long, but the truth really stabbed his heart out. 
His mind rewinds the events from yesterday. It was a normal day at the bakery after he finished his last class. His mother busy baking with the only other employee that came into work that day while Romeo was busy tending the customers. 
He got to the last customer in the line, a man with a hood over his head but looks harmless. There isn’t much he can identify but he still could see a little strain of black hair falling off his head. It didn’t bother his brown eyes from starring intensely back at Romeo. He’ll admit, it’s very unsettling. Still, he pushes away the thought with a bright smile on display. 
What the man said caught him off guard, “You don’t know me, but I’m your mother’s brother” 
The voice was stern, a little breathless. He noted the slight Asian accent, the same one his mother has when she feels a certain way.
Romeo wasn’t sure how to turn this man away. He should’ve done that sooner, but curiosity had clouded his mind and stayed quiet with a visibly intrigued expression drawing the lines of his face. 
The man took his silence as compliance and continues to explain. He only caught a few words before his hand got yanked away from the scene. Romeo’s mother stands in front of him to face the man. He can see the visible anger spewing in his mother, the only thing keeping the man alive was probably the cash register in between the two.
Romeo’s mother spoke in mandarin with the man. It didn’t matter if it was for the secrecy since Romeo also speaks mandarin.
“What are you doing here?!” The usual friendly accent his mother would use in this language has been replaced by a dangerous venom. It was the first time Romeo heard it and caused him to jump.
“I came here to see you!”
“That’s not what you said the last time!”
The other customers looked worried at the well being of the old lady who runs their beloved bakery, viciously arguing with a man in a language they don’t seem to understand. It causes a dilemma in them whether to break up the fight or let it be.
But Romeo understands. He stands still in the back, listening carefully to their argument and watch his mother’s back in case the man got out of line. His mother have always taught him to mind his own business, but Romeo can’t help eavesdrop the two. 
With the knowledge Romeo has, everything they’re saying doesn’t make any sense. Though at the same time, it simultaneously does. The mysteries he’s always wondered in the past finally getting answered, but it only leads to more. He darts his eyes to whichever of the two was talking, taking in every word they throw at each other. 
He was cut short by the other employee, asking Romeo for help to unload the huge oven full of freshly baked bread. He shakes out of his daze to get back to reality and walk in the kitchen, still keeping an ear open to keep listening to the argument. 
It didn’t last very long. Probably after a few seconds, the argument stopped. His mother returned to her work as if nothing had happened, but stayed eerily quiet. Romeo would’ve asked for an explanation but thought it was better if he didn’t. 
So now Romeo’s left to sit in the attic all alone. A single vintage paper loosely hanging in between his fingers with two lines caused by the neat folds. His sits on an old box, back hunched down to his knees. His loud breathing rings through his ears and fills the extra space of the attic. 
“Knock, knock” 
Romeo turns around towards the source of the semi-playful voice. Leaning on the door frame was a tall figure with the familiar comforting smile Romeo loves. 
“Specs!” Romeo exclaimed, standing up to get to him whilst still holding on the paper from previously.
He crashes into his chest and reaches up to wrap his arms around his neck. Specs rests his arms around whatever body part he could reach to pull him closer. After realizing they’ve been lingering in this hug a little too long, Specs threads through his black hair. Typical Specs, always able to read the room. 
“How’d you know I was here?” Romeo lifted his head. 
“The others says you went straight to the bakery after your last class” 
It was convenient his home is quite literally above his own workplace. So Specs figured it out quickly when he didn’t see Romeo behind the counter. Despite being a grown adult, Romeo chooses to stay in his childhood home only because he didn’t have the heart to leave his mother living alone. Plus, Romeo works at their bakery on the ground floor. 
“You disappeared on me” Specs lightly said, still stroking his hair. He was expecting to see Romeo at Jacobi’s with the others, like where their friends usually hang out after class. 
“Sorry, I meant to call. I just...” Romeo trailed off, pulling away from the hug. He gestures to the paper with minimal effort and a sorrowful face. 
Specs takes note of the paper’s presence with an inquisitive face then drags his eyes back to Romeo, “Are you gonna tell me what’s goin’ on?”
Romeo smacks the paper to his chest, catching him off guard for a second before grasping it properly. Specs adjusts the position so he can get a proper look at what’s causing his boyfriend to be this upset, though can’t understand the writing. 
Romeo wanders back further in the attic, dropping his head and sighs, “A guy came in yesterday, telling me that he was my uncle”
He turns around to face Specs again and sits in the same box as before he arrived, “Anyone could’ve done that but when ma started arguing with him... it just... sounds real”
The taller boy approaches him, sitting next to him on another box. Romeo instinctively rests his head on his shoulder. Specs wraps one arm around him, softly rubbing his shoulders as he waits for Romeo to find the words. 
“He was saying things about how they missed her and they want her to come home” Romeo explained, still not sounding sure with what he’s saying. 
“Her family” 
For as long as he knew Romeo, his only family is his mother and no one else. Specs stops his hand strokes, fully turning his head to face the shorter boy. 
“I didn’t ask her to explain and end up finding my own answers” Romeo turns to pick up the paper he gave Specs and holds it up for the both of them to view it. Specs props his glasses up to examine it as Romeo continues on, “This was a letter from her family, a reply from the previous letter she sent” 
“It’s basically saying something like.... ‘we don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore, you’re a disgrace to the family for having a baby outside of wedlock” 
They fell silent after that. Romeo drops the letter in his hand to the ground and burying his face into his palms. Specs pulls him closer to his chest and wraps both of his arms around him. They stay like that for a couple of minutes, the only sound filling the room is Romeo’s breathing.  
“Are you okay?” Specs looks down, keeping his grip firm around his torso
Romeo drops his hands down on his lap, revealing a little redness in the corner of his eyes. Specs can see the little droplets of water nearly watering the dark brown color in his eyes. He sighs out, “I don’t know...” 
He fully turns to face Specs and crashes back into his chest, gently wrapping his arms around his torso. Specs moves one hand up to thread through Romeo’s hair, while the other keep a tighter grip around him. He stayed quiet despite feeling trickling water staining his shirt. A few sniffles soon followed which he answers with a kiss to Romeo’s hair and resting his chin on his head. 
Romeo pulls his face away from Specs’ chest just by an inch. He tugs on his boyfriend’s shirt a little as he looks up to face him and sniffles, “I just... I can’t stop thinking of... the idea that...” 
His voice got stuck in the tightness of his throat and continues to sob instead of continuing on what he was going to say. Specs gently wipes his tears down his cheeks and pulls him closer. Romeo’s head now resting on his chest again as Specs rocks them and thread through his hair again. 
“... I was the reason why my mother doesn’t have a family” Romeo whispers though his sniffles, “She wouldn’t have gotten outcasted if it weren’t for me” 
Specs brings a hand to cup his cheek, pulling his face up for him to view it clearly, “Is that how you see it?”
Romeo just sniffles while Specs wipes the rest of the tears away with his thumb. 
“It’s crazy how many possibilities we could think of if we skip a certain event from our past” Specs said, “Things definitely would’ve been different if you aren’t here” 
Romeo stays quiet, wiping another tear falling down his cheek. 
“Your mother would’ve stayed in Singapore and have never opened this bakery in the first place” Specs started, the gentle voice soothes Romeo’s ears, “She wouldn’t have met you... And neither would I” 
Specs smiles, warming Romeo’s heart instantly. Though, it isn’t enough to pull his smile back up yet. 
“Her reality is right here, right now. Making the choice to raise you while running her very own bakery” Specs continues on, “And I don’t believe she regrets it. You can’t exactly fake happiness” 
He pulls Romeo by the cheeks gently, placing a kiss on his forehead and parting his lips with a sweet noise at the end. He looks back down to the boy, “And I’m glad she gave me the opportunity to fall in love with her son” 
Romeo sniffles out a small smile, though the sadness hasn’t left his heart. He lets himself be envelop by Specs’ warmth once again. But now, his breathing is following the pace of Specs’ heartbeat and his eyes has ran out of water to leak out. 
Eventually, he’ll have to face his mother again. He hasn’t seen her since this morning, and he even purposely skipped breakfast to get away from the awkward tension on the dining table. He still has questions that needs to be answered from his mother. But that’s a problem he doesn’t have to deal with till later on. Right now, Romeo’s glad that Specs came here looking for him when he disappeared from their friends. 
Romeo’s glad he’s given the opportunity to fall in love with Specs. 
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