#she looks like someone trying to keep their eyes open while they're getting their picture taken on a very sunny and bright day
shysheeperz · 28 days
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linksqueerawakening · 3 months
Miscellaneous LU Headcanons
Four doesn't cast a shadow. when questioned, they flatly state "it died" and refuse to elaborate. if pushed on the matter, they become more and more irritated, while still refusing to elaborate
Time always knows what time it is. you could wake him up in the middle of the night and before he's even fully opened his eyes he could tell you the time without having to even think about it
Hyrule has the most magic, but Legend knows the most magical theory, followed closely by Time
Warriors, Legend, and Four are the only members of the chain who are actually legit monarchists. like the others are pretty much neutral on the concept (tho Wild doesn't like how flora was treated with all the expectations and lack of freedom, but that's another matter entirely than being of the opinion that monarchy is inherently bad), they're fine with monarchy. they just don't have strong opinions one way or another, so long as the current holder of power isn't corrupt. meanwhile Four Legend and Warriors would probably fight you if you insinuated that hyrule's monarchy should be abolished
Legend and Fable are twins but it's a secret. and also due to Fable getting kidnapped and transformed in various worlds in some of their adventures, they're no longer the same age; Legend is 19, she's 16 or 17. they still look very similar so they used the excuse that they're cousins on their father's side
Legend used to want to be a knight very very badly when he grew up, because his uncle who raised him was a knight. the knights who were controlled and attacked him during Link to the Past were pretty much all trusted adults that he knew and admired. he stopped wanting to be a knight after that
Wild may be the best cook when they have good ingredients, but when the chain is down to the wire and they need to make every little bit count? Hyrules horrible concoctions are actually the best option. he can't make it taste good but he can make it keep you alive when there are no other options
Wind is the best at navigating without a map or compass due to his experiences on ships - he would rather have the tools, but he's pretty damn good at managing without
Four has a habit of referring to themselves with "we/us" pronouns ever since they were split and then reformed with the four sword. the other heroes don't know why, but sort of shrugged and started using "they/them" pronouns bc it seemed polite. Four is mostly unaware that they do this - green picked up on it but hasn't pointed it out to the rest of four bc he knows it'll make them stress, and it clearly hasn't caused any issues
Twilight is disarmingly charismatic but only when he's not trying. if he's talking to someone casually or even somewhat irritably, they tend to be completely taken by him, but if he's actively trying to be smooth it just comes across as awkward
Sky is the most mild mannered person you've ever met until you cross certain lines, at which point it's like a switch flips and he's so pissed that even the other heroes hesitate to deal with him
Discounting the hundred years in which Wild was unconscious, Warriors had the longest single adventure, with the war of eras lasting about 7 years. Legend's six adventures altogether may have lasted longer, but they were split up into multiple parts, not one long quest
Wild takes pictures of pretty much everything they can to show Flora whenever they're back home, because they know how much she wants to learn about the ancient past, like their species, their societies, and their magic
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
imagining Charlie having an Oh moment when she finds Vaggie napping in a chair one day, early on, with Razzle and Dazzle sprawled out over Vaggie like they're trying to cover as much of her small body as they can with their own even smaller ones-
Charlie pulls out her phone and stealthily inches closer for a picture (she's doesn't' wanna wake them she swears) (she's just never seen something so cuuuuute-)
but a floor board squeaks and Razzle cracks an eye open to glower while Dazzle shushes her
and Charlie stops
There's another Oh... moment, because they've never shushed her before. They were brought to life to keep her safe and they've always only cared about that one thing- it took months for them to stop following Vaggie around the house suspiciously, like they always did with anyone Charlie tried having a relationship with, like a pair of silent, plush guard dogs-
(glaring at Vaggie from shadows, from across the table at breakfast and dinner, from the pillows directly over her head when Charlie finally convinced her maybe sharing a bed would help with the night terrors)
-but that'd all changed, at some point. Only, Charlie hadn't noticed until now
now she does. Now suddenly, she wonders
Charlie creeping over on silent, careful hooves, to gently stroke between the tiny wings of her childhood friends, looking from them to Vaggie's relaxed and sleeping face (getting a little lost watching her, for moment) (reaching out to tuck back a strand of the hair Vaggie is growing out long, accidently stroking Vaggie's cheek, forgetting to take her hand away afterwards) (the longer hair is hard not to play with, she excuses)
Charlie leaning in and asking Razzle and Dazzle, in the softest whisper-
"....are you keeping her safe for me?"
a pair of soft little churrs rising up in answer. Two little plush demons, snuggling closer to Vaggie as Vaggie frowns in her sleep, shifting restlessly, stirring-
Charlie freezing bc she has NO idea what to say if Vaggie wakes up and finds her- well. looming kinda?? while Vaggie SLEEPS???
it feels different than just already being there when Vaggie wakes up in the night, different in how waking up like that was normal when they'd gone to bed together, but crouching down to STARE at someone like this, with your hand still on her cheek, scared to move it in case that REALLY wakes her up when she DIDN'T get much sleep last night and DIDN'T wake you up that time for some reason so you couldn't snuggle her or make her feel better and now you might startle her instead or make her feel awkward which you hate- you don't want her to ever feel awkward around you-
it doesn't matter though
because Vaggie settles down again, as Dazzle croons quietly and Razzle reaches out a little paw to gently press her arm
she used to jump and flinch a little every time she saw them
when did that change?
these days she flicks little snacks at them from off her plate, no matter how many times Charlie reminds her they have their OWN plates and their OWN donuts and are just begging to get ATTENTION, the little show-stealers-
(not like Charlie's doing that too by complaining) (noooooo) (not like she grins like an idiot when Vaggie smiles and says cute things deserve a little extra attention, while looking over at Charlie instead)
these days any annoying demon who comes looking to curry favor with Lucifer (or trying pulling one over Morningstar's "naïve" daughter) gets pinned by THREE dangerous glares while waiting at the door for Charlie to hurry downstairs and meet them
(or rather shoo them away before they say something too not nice and Vaggie grabs her spear while Razzle and Dazzle get within ankle biting range)
when she thinks about it, things have been different for a while now
better. They've been better, and Charlie still doesn't know when or how it happened, and maybe that part doesn't matter so much anyway
in the present, Charlie takes the chance to retrieve her hand (reluctantly..) so she can slip off her jacket and tuck it around the three of them- Razzle, Dazzle. Vaggie- her two old friends and one new but very important one-
important enough to be considered part of her, by them as were created to protect her
and that's a new idea too. but she likes it a lot, she thinks
she likes being part of a family again
Vaggie wakes up a good solid two hours of nap time later with Razzle and Dazzle draped over her like furry boas and Charlie's head in her lap, a former Exorcist absolutely COVERED in cuddly demons-
she stays completely still for another hour more afterwards, stiff neck be damned, watching the three of them sleep. Smiling.
.... (it's only the three of them, later)
(when vaggie flutters up and finds razzle curled up on dazzle's memorial, the night after the battle. when she tucks him into her shoulder and heads back to her and charlie's rebuilt room. as a relieved and teary eyed charlie scoops him up and the three up them huddle together under vaggie's reformed wings)
(it's only three of them... but part of why charlie cries that night is knowing dazzle did his job- vaggie is still here)
(dazzle did his best. and for everything charlie lost, the old hotel, too many of the cannibals who followed her, almost all the egg bois, sir pentious, dazzle himself, the faith that she could solve all this without anyone getting hurt...)
(she didn't lose the part of herself that'd held her together the night before the battle, held so many other times, through family calls and failed meetings with heaven) (she didn't lose vaggie-)
(and some of charlie's tears that night, for dazzle, are grateful)
(he died trying to keep charlie safe. and he did. he did)
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iz-star · 1 month
Some thoughts about Zayne in "Adventure above clouds" event:
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Like I've explained here, I've been having a bad feeling about Zayne's fate in the next main story updates, and after finishing Zayne's route in "Adventure above clouds" my feelings of uncertainty are just increasing.
So, I'm going to write down some thoughts I had while playing his route, especially about him wearing Dawnbreaker's variant outfit "Shadowfall dawn", which might be a bit interesting for some.
Disclaimer: I would like to pride myself as a Zayne connossieur but that's actually quite far away from reality. I'm a Zayne main and I devour every piece of info that there is about him, however my interpretations and opinions are my own and can be wrong. I'm someone that sometimes tends to overanalyze so, it's up to you if you agree or no with my takes! I'm also always open to be corrected ❤️
Let's get strated with by saying that in this event, Zayne was undoubtedly and utterly perfect. He's honestly all what he's always been: Sweet, patient, cute, smart, funny, gentle, caring and a lot of other things, the only difference here is that he's more prone to show his affections openly and straightforward which only showcases his development as character. It's like he finally feels at ease by expressing himself, especially around MC. When I say he was perfect, I'm not talking at how lovely he was (he's always been lovely anyway) but more like, he's natural, he feels less stiff, totally happy with MC and himself, smiling most part of the time and showing his love even through words, to the point MC says this:
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Since Snowy Serenity he's been more direct at expressing his intimate thoughts towards MC. For example, in previous cards he would always refer to her as "someone" and even refer to him in third person: "Someone thinks it's special treatment" [Drunken Intimacy] "He can't ignore you even if he wants to" [Tranquil Heart] "Recently, a certain someone ocupies my mind. Whether I'm walking, eating or sleeping, I keep picturing myself with her" [Heartstring healer] to mention a few.
It's in Snowy Serenity that we have a clear change in his way of expressing his feelings. He starts with "I don't want the person I like to get hurt", in here he's still using the third person but the message is really straightforward "the person I like" and as the conversation goes by and it becomes more meaningful, deep and intimate, he leaves all his chains behind and says "I need you, I have never denied that". This card is all about communication, even he admits that he's always been bad at saying what others want to hear and still, he's trying.
In Hidden Motive, this behaviour keeps going. When MC says that the lights behind him are beautiful, he looks at her and replies "Indeed, very beautiful". Because his eyes are fixating in her, she clarifies that she's talking about the lights but without hesitation Zayne replies: "I know. I was talking about you"
And I'd like you to recall Drunken Intimacy because this is like a paralel with Hidden Motive, since both cards were made for lovers' day festivities; Drunken intimacy for Valentine's Day and Hidden Motive for Qixi festival which is lovers' day in China. Not only they are like cards that go hand in hand but also showcase Zayne's and MC's character develompment and how their relationship has changed:
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See the difference?
In Snowy Serenity and Hidden Motive, there's a focus on improving communication, being honest about their needs and feelings (Zayne saying "I'll survive" at MC's concern and her telling him that he'd better stop talking in Snowy Serenity and MC talking about her "last wishes" before dying and entrusting them to Zayne and he replying that he didn't come all the way here to listen to her talk about that nonsense) and finally, getting both physically and emotionally closer.
In this last event, "Adventure above clouds" it feels like the result of this devlopment is finally paying off all their effort: they're both happy working together to solve the escape room, showing open affection, talking about the future and the past ("Us in 50 years" "Our childhood memories" or how was Zayne's university years without MC and the big difference now that he has someone to watch the falling snow with). They talk about how they're each other's sun, how they keep each other warm. When Zayne says that the snow will show them the way and they both "pray" it kind of reminded me of Master of Fate. They getting at the top of the Ice Palace reminded me of Foreseer.
(It's like we've reached peak, literally lol. Ok, bad joke, that's why I love Zayne).
And once all of this has happened, once they've gone through all this develpment, they've come this far together, even bits of the story reminded me of Zayne's myths, and they've talked about the past and the future, what's next?
Zayne mentions eternity.
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Zayne has mentioned eternity a couple of times, like in one of the PV's where he's wearing End of Depths outfit ("As the cosmos dances to the tune of eternity, life will reach the fathomless depths of deepspace") and in some of the texts that show up when you level up your affinity with him ("I want to turn every moment into eternity).
In here, he doesn't mention eternity directly, but it's implied when he says "Every snowflake will rememember your name. As well as our story". Eternity is just another way to refer to death for immortal people. It's like Zayne is saying "Your name and our story will endure in the snow even when we're no longer here". We often talk about the memories we leave behind in this world once we part from it, who will remember us? What are the proofs that we existed and lived in this world once we're gone? Will our story fade away? In here is like Zayne is just promising her that their love won't be forgotten.
Let's remind that one focal point in the story is immortality. We know that MC it's immortal and even in the main story, when Zayne it's explaining things about the protocore in MC's heart, he mentions that he doesn't know too much about it, however he knows that her protocore creates a shield around her when she's attacked and that she will live long enough to discover its misteries (kind of reminds of the Creatio Protocore that Foreseer gave MC but that's another talk for another day).
Whether if Dr Zayne knows about MC's immortality or he doesn't, that's something we don't know yet (altho something tells me that he knows, but I won't be explaning this here, if you're curious about it just ask), however we know two things:
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1._ Zayne it's against using protocores in human hearts to reach "immortality". To him, death is still essential to life.
2._ Even knowing this, he also knew in his heart that he would do everything in his power to prevent MC's death and he seems to know that something bad is about to happen.
Master of Fate and Foreseer already proved these points. Master of Fate had to kill MC for the greater good but decided to say "fuck it" and instead chose to seal her powers. Foreseer also broke the rules for her sake and gave her the Creatio Protocore, going against Astra's will in order to cure her illness and extend her life (probably one of the things that caused her immortality?). She's always been the exception to every rule in Zayne's book. Something tells me that things with Dr Zayne won't be the exception.
And now... we have to recall something about Zayne's first PV.
Ever since the beginning, Zayne's route was presented as something with angst. It's interesting to hear these unknown voices saying "Won't you regret it" "She will not come back" "You've paid the price"
This whole PV makes it look like Zayne puts MC to sleep in order to protect her (like with MoF) so she wouldn't "come back" ( revive with the help of her aether core) and then... he loses control of his evol and freezes the whole hospital? Dies in the process? These are just speculations and can be wrong, however we simply know that something bad is happening there and, if we recall them talking in "Adventure above the clouds" and "Us in fifty years"... this PV kinda shatters the hopes for them to have a life as long as that. However, 5* memories and events are not exactly connected to the main story but I think they kind of... interconnect somehow? I'm still wondering how the devs are going to relate each ML route with the Main Story. The announced that they are going to release more "Main Story Branches" from September to December, and I don't know if by saying "Branches" they meant routes? Or simply referencing to the way they've released the main story until now, with each chapter dedicated to each LI? Either way, those are questions for another day.
Now, let's remember this:
"When you and the world wake up, I hope we do not meet again"
A quote that kind of leads us to Zayne's next lifetime: Dawnbreaker.
I've mentioned above that there are bits of Zayne's route in Adventure above clouds that reminded me of MoF and Foreseer, but now it's also time to mention the most obvious thing, the Dawnbreaker reference in this event, of course: "Shadowfall dawn":
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There are two things about Zayne's look here:
1._ He's wearing the variant version of Dawnbreaker's outfit.
2._ He also has a halo above his head.
And these two things together create an interesting concept considering that Dawnbreaker Zayne, the serial killer is considered the Grim Reaper, his whole aesthetic is dark, it's even clarified in his anecdotes that his wardrobe was full of black clothes. To see him with a brown variant of his outfit wouldn't make sense at some point... So, of course, Doctor Zayne being his opposite, the one who instead of ending lifes, saves them to the point of exahustion, wears the clear variant outfit, looking like an angel.
Were have we read this before?
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Of course, Doctor Zayne is in the opposite role of Dawnbreaker Zayne and even tho Doctor Zayne is always wearing black clothes outside of his lab coat, it's actually wearing his profession's clothes what completes the aesthetic with Dawnbreaker: The Guardian Angel (white) and The Grim Reaper (black).
However in Adventure above clouds, Zayne is not wearing his lab coat cause he is not in his Doctor role. He's just being Zayne, he's being himself, what he is. He's being free, like I commented at the beginning of this post. Still, the fact he's wearing Dawnbreaker's variant with a halo seems a bit supicious considering what I've already pointed out, right? It could also be that I'm simply looking too much into it, but I also believe in the power of foreshadowing, especially considering that we all know that Zayne's birthday is coming next and it kind of connects with Dawnbreaker.
In the story of Adventure above clouds, of course there is a reason as to why everyone is wearing an accessory, in Zayne's case, it's because his role is being "Winter's emissary" just as MC, so she is also wearing one, however we all know that "Winter's emissary" it's more likely to be a fitting title for Zayne than for her. Recalling what it's been previously mentioned here, he says "With Winter's Emissary by your side, every snowflake will remember your name, as well as our story".
Zayne is saying that he'll be by her side in the snow, he is promising her eternity in the snow and with the halo above his head, it is clear that he kinda looks like MC's Guardian Angel, the one who is always going against his duty to ensure her safety, the one who pursued a medical career in order to take care of her heart disease, the one who is always on the lookout for her health and tho stric, still indulges her a lot. Aren't angels emissaries as well?
But you know, in order to become an angel, you first have to die? Doctor Zayne didn't have to die in order to fullfil his role as a doctor, however this one is simply Zayne. Emissaries never stay, they always have to return to the ppl who sent them. Will Zayne return to snow?
What was Zayne's reply to MC's post again?
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At the end, all of this are nothing more than supositions that of course, it'd be very happy to get wrong. I wouldn't mind ending up looking like a clown if these theories are wrong and we get to spend a lot of time and precious memories with Zayne. I genuinely just want to see him being happy after all these years of respressed emotions.
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bravo4iscool · 9 months
Levi Baby🖤
The way I adore you for pairing Simon with a Chubby girl. I bring a thot to you if you're interested:
Bodyguard!Simon Ghost Riley x chubby f!reader
- He's newly retired , gets asked for a favor from Price for a friend's kid
- Said kid is a mid 20's thicc woman who is all business since she's a lawyer in Human Rights and involved with the UN.
- He thinks she's going to be a snob based off looks bc girl loves to dress and she does it well, she observes Simon as he is. Brooding, Haunted and Self Assureed with a drizzle of dark humor but loyal.
- They get off on the wrong foot [Simon was being an irrational ass forgetting his manners and respect], reader isn't scared of him and doesn't take lightly to being disrespect3d for no apparent reason.
- They're holed up living together under the radar since the thr3at to reader was pretty big seeing it was world leaders
- They're going to have to learn to live with each other, where Simon barks orders - reader is anamused and calmly condescends. He can't even get annoyed bc she's antisocial and a houseplant but he's trying
- doesn't help that he's so.so attracted to her.
*make this as suggestive as you want (give ghost heart attacks with her choice of home clothes please. We know he's touch straved, emotionally constipated and needed a therap session.
Make her stress him out by confronting all of that in her short fiery demon way please.
I hope your new year is sweet Love💋
oh lord. oH LORD. how can you write this and not think about me fainting😭 THIS IS- URGH- AMAZING AHHHQGACQGQVQZQZAVQ!!!!
i hope i can do this justice😭 normally i try to imitate simon’s accent but bro… i was just too tired to do it now, so i hope you can forgive me for that🥲
not really happy but i tried my best :) also not proof-read!
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“There’s no but’s!” Simon argues while almost dragging you—his protégée—along the hallway inside the safe house. “You’re in danger and it’s my job to protect you!”
“I’ve been perfectly fine on my own before,” you argue, trying your best to wriggle away from his grip. You hated it when he manhandled like that.
He turns around, his eyes fiercely staring down at you and you feel like they’re piercing through your soul. “Have you ever had the Taliban threaten you, huh? Or fucking ISIS? I don’t think so; so stop whining and follow me!”
You want to argue with him, tell him he’s not allowed to talk to you that way but damn, you knew he was right. Ever since you started working for the UN you’ve been threatened—you were getting used to it—but only by small groups not someone like the Taliban.
“We’re gonna stay here until the threat is eliminated for not serious anymore.” His statement leaves little room to argue but you’re itching to say something anyway. It’s wasn’t your nature to just shut up. You were a lawyer, you were used to arguing.
You grimace as you force yourself to accept your fate. You didn’t want to but in the end you knew Simon was right. So, you follow him, an annoyed look on your face. You hated it when he was right.
“It’s only temporary,” he grumbles as he kicks a door open and pushes you inside. “It’s not like I want it, okay?”
You only roll your eyes, throwing a halfhearted ‘whatever’ at him and inspecting the room he hauled you into. “This is where I’m gonna stay?” you ask him, a slight hint of defeat in your voice.
“Pretty much, yes. I’ll be on the other side of the hallway,” he explains, leaning against the door frame. “In case anything happened, of course,” he immediately adds; just so you don’t get a…wrong picture of this whole thing here.
“We got wifi here?” is you next questions when you turn to look at him, your arms crossed in front of your chest.
“No wifi. No contact to the outer world,” is his answer and you feel your blood start to boil.
“You have to be kidding me! How am I supposed to work then?” You throw your hands in the air, letting out an angry huff. “You can’t just cut me off civilisation!”
He only shrugs. “I can and I will. Work can wait, alright? Your life is more important now.” Again his voice leaves no room to argue but this time you won’t take it. You put your hands on your hips, looking up at him.
“You think that’s how it works? Then, please Lieutenant Riley,” you spit out his rank “fly over to the dozens of war criminals and tell them to stop too! Oh wait-“ you act shocked. “That’s not how it fucking works! You can’t expect me to sit still and look pretty while the world drowns in injustice!”
“Would make things a lot easier tho,” he mumbles under his breath while pushing himself off the door frame. “Just…do something that doesn’t require wifi or anything like that, alright?” Before you can even think of an answer he leaves, shutting the door behind him. Why the hell was he treating like some little child?
“How old is she?” Simon wants to know as he hands his old Captain the picture of you back. He’s sat on a chair, his legs spread, one arm resting on the back rest.
“Mid 20s,” Price answers, placing his folded hands onto the table. “She needs security and her father’s not really…trusting the usual companies; and since you’re nearly retired I thought you could use the job.” Simon holds Price’s gaze and nods along. “He trusts me, therefore he trusts you. She’s a lawyer, heavily associated and involved with the UN and human rights.”
“What are the details?” Simon slightly tilts his head, curiously raising his eyebrows.”
“24/7 protection. The full package. You’ve done it before,” Price explains and Simon once again nods along. “Before you take the job tho-“ he pauses. “She’s, well… she’s a lawyer Simon. You need to know what you get into.” The Captains gaze hardens, his back straightening. “She won’t like that she’s on protection detail, therefore she’ll be treating you like that.”
Simon only smirks, flipping his well kept coin between his fingers. “There’s nothing I can’t handle John. I’ve met people like that before and I was perfectly fine.”
Now Price was the one smirking while shaking his head. “I know and I don’t question your abilities but she’s a civilian—the one you’re protecting. You can’t handle this the way you’ve handled other subjects before.”
“I know what I’m getting into,” Simon assures in a calm tone definitely not knowing what he was getting himself into.
“Fucking hell,” Simon mutters when he first sees you. You’re walking straight to you office—the one he was sitting in—involved in a heated talk with that seemed like your secretary.
He’s able to make out single words but well, his hearing wasn’t the best anymore after nearly 20 years of military service. And now he thinks he probably should’ve stayed in the field.
The way you’re waking and talking and dressing just screams ‘snob’ at him. He slightly lowers his head to gaze at you, once again playing with his coin. Maybe he should’ve declined the offer and taken on the underground wrestling instead. Would’ve been more fun for sure.
As soon as you spot your guest you send your secretary away, bracing yourself for the following conversation. You weren’t a fan of getting security and you definitely weren’t a fan of the fact that it was a friend of your father’s friend and he—apparently—was everything but easy.
“Lieutenant Riley,” you greet him, extending your hand to him. When he stands up to his full height you slightly crane your neck; the professional smile still on your face.
“Ma’am,” he greets in a gruff voice, the skin of his hand raw and calloused as he return the handshake. “Pleased to meet you.” He isn’t. He just wants to leave but he brought this on himself so he needs to finish it now. ‘One year’, he told himself. ‘Then I can quit.’
“I can only return the pleasure,” you smile, clearing your throat. “Would you mind sitting down at my desk?” You ask, pointing towards said desk. “I think it’s easier to discuss business over there.”
Simon agrees, towering over you as he makes his way over to one of the chairs in front of the desk. You take place behind it, carefully straightening your blouse. He needs to warn himself not to stare. Fuck, why were you so pretty? A pretty little snob…
“This has to be taken seriously!” Simon raises his voice at you, successfully blocking the door of your office.
“This is nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” you argue with him, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “So please, Simon, let me get out of my office and back to work.”
He huffs, “Not a change. You’ll be staying here until the threat is cleared.” He glances over his shoulder, loving and hating the fact that you had a glass office. “Are these bullet prove?” he asks, looking at you again.
You sigh, “No.”
“We’ll have that changed,” he immediately answers and you start to shake your head.
“We’ll have nothing changed! You weren’t hired to renovate my office!” You walk towards him. “Now, Mr. Riley, please step aside so I can continue working.”
“Not happening.” He straightens up to his full height, expecting you to back off but you do the exact opposite. You swat your finger at him, looking up.
“I don’t care what you think, you will stay here; if you want it or not.” His voice is stern and stoic and you need to do your best to not full on scream at him.
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that,” you hiss, your index finger jabbing his chest. “I can make my own decisions, I’m a responsible adult. So don’t you dare talk down to me that way!”
When Simon doesn’t make a move you let out an angry huff and shake your head. Then you turn away and stalk towards your desk. “Fucking military man,” you curse under your breath, ignoring the way he stared you down.
You stare at your open suitcase, debating what to wear. On the one hand, you kinda were on your own, on the other hand, Simon was with you.
You were comfortable in your body—no question—you actually kinda liked the extra cushions but sometimes you felt like Simon was staring at you. Like he wasn’t able to take his eyes off of you and that made you…feel something. Something you were afraid of.
“Ah fuck it,” you say under your breath, fishing out some shorts and a shirt. You could care less about what Simon thinks. You both are only work related. Nothing else.
You tap down the stairs, walking straight into the kitchen. “You want something to eat?” You ask Simon, glancing at him when you hear him enter.
“You willing to make some?” he jokes, expecting you to say ‘no’ but when you say ‘yes’ his eyes widen and he pauses for a second. When you notice it you let out a small chuckle, opening the fridge and multiple cabinets to see what you could make.
“Any friends that’ll miss you?” he asks once you place a plate in front of him, looking up at you with curious eyes.
You shake your head, “Nope. Not really.” You sit down opposite of him, grabbing your fork. “Too busy to have friends.”
He tilts his head, blindly picking up the food either his fork. “No boyfriend?” He knows you don’t have one. You have no dates, no flings, nothing; but he wants to hear it from you. Maybe then his fantasies wouldn’t be so forbidden…
“Please,” you laugh. “We’d be divorced before we even married.” You take a sip of water and look at him. “I don’t have time for relationships and that kind of stuff. I have a target to pursue. Ain’t no time for distraction.”
He only nods in an understanding manner, playing with his beer bottle. “And you?” you ask. “You got someone?”
He shakes his head. “Nah. I’ve got you to deal with. That’s enough.” He smirks when he sees your facial expression, letting out a low chuckle. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for,” he continues joking. “But no. I don’t have anyone. Never really had.”
“Oh…” you say in an almost pitiful tone and he hates it. It not that he couldn’t get someone. He just didn’t want to. That’s a big difference. “Well not really different for me,” you then snort, slightly grimacing. You had this one guy ask you out for prom but that turned out to be a bet rather fast and after than you decided to not to date in school or university anymore.
Yeah sure, you were more chubby than other girls but that doesn’t mean that you’re not lovable, right? By now you were comfortable in your body—you were in your mid 20’s—but sometimes you felt yourself slipping back into the insecure girl you once were. The one who thought that no man would ever lay his eyes on her in a lustful or loving manner.
Simon’s itching to say something; to ask why you don’t have anyone… You’re perfect. You’re nice—even if he hated to admit it. You’re pretty, you’re so fucking soft… Did the men around you not see that?
“Simon?” You wave your hand around in front of his face, chuckling when he slightly flinches, his pupils blow. “Are you alright?” you carefully ask, eying him as if something was wrong.
But he only clears his throat, “Yes. Everything’s fine.” Then he hastily stands up and nods at you. “Thank you for the food.”
You watch after him as he leaves, a frown on your face. Was he really okay or was he just lying to you?
Simon on the other hand was probably turning red as a tomato. How could he allow himself to slip like that? Fuck, he needed to keep himself better under control.
As soon as he reaches his room he shuts the door and leans against it while opening his pants with shaking hands.
He had a—growing—problem and he needed take care of it. Now.
Approximately one week into the lockdown Simon finds you in the living room, crouched over a bunch of files and documents.
“What’s that?” he wants to know, looking over your shoulder.
“Work,” you simply reply, taking notes and pushing the papers around. You were so close, this close to finally finish this case but something was missing and it stressed you out.
He slowly nods, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “And how did you manage to get these files?”
“I’m a lawyer Simon. I have my ways and connections,” is your plain answer and you can basically feel him tensing behind you.
“What if they give away your location,”
“They won’t.”
“How can you be sure?” He tries his best to be calm but god, you were testing his nerves. He gave you strict orders and you were supposed to follow them.
You turn around with an annoyed sigh, looking up at him. “Because my father brought me those. You think he would sell me out to the enemy? I doubt so.”
You raise your eyebrow, waiting for any other complaint by him but be only looks at the files behind you, then at you again. “Maybe check the mission reports of the special forces.” With that he leaves you alone, more than confused.
You know why Simon told you what he told you when you find what you need exactly there. The mission reports were sitting somewhere beneath everything else because you didn’t pay much attention to them; in the end they were the solution.
Now you could finally link the crimes to someone and with that to the government or the military at least.
The next time you see Simon you almost jump into his arms, thanking him over and over again. “Now the case is finally closed,” you tell him with a big grin on your face, completely forgetting that you’re usually not so happy when around him.
Simon just awkwardly pats your back, pushing you off him and ignoring the burning desire deep within him. He knew it was risky to give you a tip but you were struggling and he didn‘t like that. He just hoped that you wouldn’t ask him why he knew that you should look at the mission reports. Once you knew that he was a war criminal this job would be over. And while you certainly were a pain in the ass sometimes he felt a very present attraction towards you.
Simon realises he’s a goner when he wakes up one morning and sees you walking around in a shirt. Just a shirt, as far as he can see and it does something to you. His hands are itching to touch you and he finds himself excusing himself more and more to the bathroom.
And you? You started to notice the kind of power you have over him and it makes you boast with pride. You, a chubby little lawyer in your mid 20s, has him, an almost 40 year old retired military Lieutenant, wrapped around your little finger.
After that you decide to play a little game. Wouldn’t hurt, no? Just subtle touches. Brushing his arm when you walk past him, patting his chest when he helps you with something, your legs touching his whenever you sit beside him.
He tries to shrug it off but you can practically feel how worked up he gets and how hard it is for him to keep him shit together; and that fuels you only more. How long would it take for him to break? To crumble beneath your touch, huh? You wanted, no, you needed to find that out.
Simon knows what you were doing. He isn’t stupid but he hates it. How was he so weak that you were able to play with him like that?
After a week, maybe two of you dancing around him he has you caged in against the kitchen counter, towering over you.
“What makes you think you can just play with me like that, huh?” he asks in a low voice, his eyes scanning your face for any reaction. “You think it’s funny? Working me up like that every day?”
You try not to be intimidated—or turned on—by him but god, he’s just- you don’t have any words for it. He’s tall, broad and fucking strong. You once got a look at the muscles under all his clothes and you weren’t the same after that. Nu-uh.
“I thought you like it,” you reply with a cocky grin, trying to overshadow your uncertainty. “Do you want me to stop?” You blink at him, acting all innocent and pure. In the corner of your eye you see his grip on the counter tightening. Oh, you had him where you wanted him.
A ‘bloody hell’ is all you get before his lips crash down onto yours and he heaves you on top of the counter. His hands find their way to your hips, scarred fingers tracing them and squeezing, wanting to pull you even closer.
The moment his lips touch yours you forget everything else. This is want you wanted—needed—for weeks. And lord, that man knew what he was doing.
You weren’t a fan of him dragging and pushing you around but right now? Right now you couldn’t wish for anything else. You bury your hands in the dirty kind strands of hair on the back of his head, gently pulling at them which results in him groaning in your mouth.
“Take me to the bedroom and maybe I’ll stop teasing you,” you breathlessly tell him once he breaks the kiss only to kiss you again immediately making you all hot and tingly.
You can feel him smirk against his lips before they trail down your neck towards your collar bone. “Ain’t gonna take you anywhere love,” he whispers and you’re able to once again feel him smirk against your skin. “Gonna fuck you right here on that kitchen counter. You want that?” he looks up at you through hooded eyes, which makes you swallow.
“Words love, words.” His tone is playful even tho you can see the desperation in the way his hands move all over your body, letting you see stars already.
“Yes…please,” you almost choke out, feeling like everything you want to say is being swallowed my your throat again. You’re unable to talk.
“That’s what I wanted to hear,” Simon teases, straightening up to kiss your lips again, cupping your cheek. “Gonna take good care of you,” he promises. “I’m gonna show you how a real man treats you,” he swears and you can feel a familiar but also unfamiliar heat building in the pit of your stomach.
(i got scared to write the rest👍🏼. i’m sorry, i’m still new to writing smut😭)
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thezombieprostitute · 3 months
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A/N: Written for @the-slumberparty's Sundae Bar:
🍧Cookie Dough: bakery au – cookie dough proves that a bit of baking can make anything better. Your characters now live in a bakery au, whether they work there, or come as customers, they can’t resist the sweet aura.
🍧Birthday Cake: secret admirer – it doesn’t have to be your birthday to have this flavour. And your secret admirer leaves you gifts every day, but just won’t give you the one thing you desperately want: their identity.
🥄Graham Crackers: flashback – a brief trip into the past reveals something important.
Warnings: Coercion, Stalking. Please let me know if I missed any!
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There was a time when you really enjoyed going to work. Your bakery wasn't massively successful but it did well enough. The regulars kept you in business and you were able to attract the occasional crowd with seasonal recipes. You loved baking and you loved that you could try new things along with the tried and true. Even with the protection money you had to pay out, you were still able to turn a small profit.
As much as you hated it, you had to admit they did keep things relatively safe. The grocer across the street had gotten robbed and not only had the person been caught, the store owner received all of their money back with a bonus for the employee who'd been working the register. Store owners who get the runaround from their insurance companies just have to tell the right people to get the fixes and payouts they need. So while you hated having additional expenses, at least you knew it wasn't going to waste.
But then you started getting gifts delivered to you at the bakery. Practically every day, for the past few months, you've been getting gifts of all sorts. It was cute and fun at first. A charm bracelet with a bunch of baking based charms, a small bouquet of flowers. But the,n the gifts started getting more and more personal. A book that had been on your wishlist forever but you never told anyone about, a dress in your favorite colors that fit you perfectly. You started dreading stepping into the bakery.
The small box is on your desk and you take a breath to steady your nerves before opening it. Given the packaging it could be a book. Given the way the gifts have been going, it's likely a book of photos of you. You slowly unwrap the gift and you're proven partially correct. It's a framed drawing of you, asleep in your room. It's definitely your room. All the details are painfully correct. Someone was in your home watching you sleep.
As much as you want to drop everything and cry, there is work to be done. You've got bills and employees to pay. On top of that, it's time for the quarterly protection payment. Maybe you can ask the “agent” you regularly meet up with to keep an eye out for the secret admirer. You fill up the manila envelope with the payments and head to the kitchen to get things started.
The routine is comforting. Cookies, small cakes, pastries, you could probably make these in your sleep. It does help when your employees start trickling in and taking over some of the tasks. The shop is running like a well-oiled machine and you're able to forget about the unsettling drawing in your office.
A little before time to open, there's a knock at the front. You recognize the woman, Nat, as the one who collects the payments. You quickly run up and let her in. She seems especially chatty this morning.
“Hey, did you stop wearing that charm bracelet?”
“Oh, yeah,” you reply sadly. “It's actually something I was hoping to talk to you about.” As you step into the office you hand her the envelope with the payment before pointing to the picture. “My secret admirer has gotten more and more creepy, like a stalker. It's really scaring me.”
She looks at the drawing, “they're certainly talented.”
“Oh yes,” you agree quickly, “but that's not the point. That's my room. No one has been in my room for...long enough. There've been other gifts that feel way too personal for a stranger to know. Hell, even friends of mine wouldn't know!”
Tears start forming in your eyes and Nat quickly starts trying to soothe you. “We'll look into this,” she promises. “I'll have answers for you by the end of the week.”
You nod and thank her before she leaves and you get back to work, letting yourself get lost in the rhythm of the day.
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“Excuse me, miss?”
You pause on your way to your car and turn towards the source of the voice. You recognize the man, Sam, as another “agent” like Nat. “Can I help you?”
“I've been asked to bring you to The Shield for dinner. We have some answers about your secret admirer.”
“Oh, what, um, what time?”
“Now,” he replies as he motions to his car.
“But I'm not dressed for The Shield. I'm covered in flour from work. I smell--”
“Now,” Sam repeats. His tone leaves no room for argument. Your hands shake as you put your keys in your purse and sit in the passenger seat of Sam's vehicle.
The Shield is a very high-end restaurant that's known to be a favorite of Barnes, the man in charge of the Protection for your neighborhood. You're not sure why he would need to see you in person. Did you overstep when you asked Nat for help? Do they need to start charging you more because of it? Can you afford the increase?
“You'll be okay,” Sam assures. “He just wants to talk to you over dinner.”
“I don't think I can afford the meal.”
He chuckles, “it's on us. He's making you come to dinner with him, the least he can do is pay for your meal.”
You nod your understanding. At least that's something you don't have to worry about.
At the restaurant, Sam leads you past the hostess and straight to, what you can only assume to be, a VIP area. Tables are set inside of nooks, some cordoned off by curtains to promote privacy.
One of the tables is occupied by two very different looking men. One of them is big and tall with long, brown hair and stubble. The other is smaller, with blond hair and looks...familiar. He looks up and smiles as he sees you and you're hit with a memory from over a decade ago.
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You were working late shift at Waffle House. Not great, but it paid the bills your scholarship didn't cover. Culinary School was your ticket out of this town and you were going to give it everything you had. And, because of class schedules, the late night shift was your only real option.
On a slow night it was just you and another server managing the floor. Curtis, the cook, was out back for his smoke break. Your one patron came up to pay his bill. He was scrawny, blonde haired, blue eyed, and very polite. Unlike other late night patrons, he wasn't drunk and didn't try flirting with you. He spent most of his meal drawing in his notebook and you noted he was very skilled. He smiled shyly and thanked you.
He went to the till to pay but went pale when his card was declined. “I...I knew I was cutting it close but...I'm so sorry! Let me try to find some cash or something!” He starts frantically pulling out his pockets.
“It's okay, I've got you,” you assure him. “It was just eggs and toast.”
“I don't want your pity,” he mumbles. “I swear I can pay.”
“It's not pity, it's kindness,” you retort. “You were a very nice customer, very respectful. Not used to that this time of night. You even let me look at your artwork. So let me thank you for being nice by being nice in return.”
His cheeks are pink with embarrassment but he steadies himself, “I...I promise I'll pay you back.”
“I'm not worried about it.”
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And now that same scrawny, blonde haired, blue eyed man was gesturing for you to sit next to him at the most high-priced restaurant in the city.
“I know it's been a while,” he states calmly. “So I'll understand if you don't recognize me.”
“Eggs and toast,” you whisper, making him smile.
“I still owe you for that meal. And with interest and economic inflation, I think you could order whatever you want from this place and I'll still owe you.” His companion, the big, brown haired man chuckles. “Please, have a seat. We've got some catching up to do.”
You sit down, still feeling in a bit of shock. “What...what are you doing here?”
“Me and Bucky,” he gestures to the brunette, “run this town. We're the ones you've been paying the protection money to.”
“You're Mr. Barnes?”
“That would be me, Doll,” Bucky speaks up. “I have the more intimidating presence people expect, complete with the skills to back that up. Steve here is the brains. The devious bastard figured out how to completely run out the other rackets, making us the only game in town.”
A sudden thought hits you. You look at Steve, “those gifts I've been receiving?”
“Those were me, Angel,” he smiles. “I figured you'd appreciate a glimpse at the nice things I can give you.”
“You...you broke into my apartment...”
“I own the building so it wasn't a break in,” he calmly tells you. “I have my own key.”
You freeze up. How many times has this stranger been in your apartment? How many times did he watch you sleep? And how much power does he have that he can openly admit these things to you without fear of repercussion?
“I warned him that the drawing was a step too far,” Bucky interrupted your thoughts. “But he insisted you'd be flattered.”
“Then we got Nat's report from you,” Steve frowned. “I really didn't think it would scare you.”
“You didn't think it would scare me to have someone draw me in my sleep? Without my knowing?!” You get out of your chair and try to back away. “You've been stalking me. Invading my privacy! I never consented to any of this!”
You try to turn and walk away but you're stopped by Sam. “I promise you,” he warns, “if you leave you will regret it.”
Confused you turn back to Steve and Bucky who are out of their own seats and stalking towards you, looking angry.
“I want to be nice,” Steve tells you. “But I'm sure you can guess, I don't have to be. Neither do my friends. Now please,” he holds out a hand to you. “Please come sit, and have dinner with me.”
You want to run. You want to scream. But this man owns your business. He owns your home. If you try to get away, where could you go? You've invested everything into your bakery and have no savings. You have nowhere else you can live. He owns everything you hold dear.
You take his hand, “I'm...I'm sorry, Steve. It's a lot to take in.”
He smiles while Bucky and Sam relax. “It's okay, Angel,” he covers your hand with his. “We've got all the time to figure this out.”
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Partially inspired by @theinheriteddutchess; Tagging @alicedopey; @delicatebarness; @fluxxdog; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @ronearoundblindly
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therapycat21 · 11 months
All Right Now Part 4
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Travis Kelce x Famous!Reader Description: The reader catches the eye of famous footballer Travis.
Warnings: None
Social Media AU
I’ve been on cloud 9 since that night, he has been texting and calling me almost every day, calling just to ask if I was feeling okay, what kind of flowers I liked, and how I preferred cats over dogs. For the first time, it feels right, actually true and real. Compared to the last few years and the relationships I’ve been in, this falls at the very top of my list.
Ever since that night at the restaurant I’ve been counting down the days until I get to physically see him again, we both have been so busy with life that I'm only able to see him on Facetime.   
But today is the day of his game against the Jets and I'm so excited to finally see him again, and bring my mom to her first football game. 
My thoughts still swirling, I’m interrupted by a knock on the door, checking the time, I know it’s my mom. I run to the door and open it to see my mom in full Chiefs gear, also wearing a #87 jersey like me. I give her a giant smile before we pull each other into a deep hug. “Ugh, I missed you so much Mommy,” I tell her, getting a little emotional from not seeing her “Oh I missed you too my baby” Our hug lasts a few more seconds before we let each other go. “So, how's Travis?” she asks. Yes, I already told her about him, I can’t not tell her, we’re way too close for me to keep secrets from her.
I try to hide my smile but inevitably it pops out “he’s good, he called me today before heading to the stadium, he’s a little nervous” I tell her, she frowns slightly “Why’s he nervous, he plays absolutely amazing” she tells me “we know that but he’s more nervous about how they'll treat me cause we all know they're gonna be ticked off about me being there and doesn't want it to give me bad press” I tell her slightly frowning.
I look over at her after not hearing her say anything. She is slightly smiling “What are you so smiley about?” I question
“Oh nothing, this is just the first time I’ve ever heard one of your boyfriends actually be concerned for you, your feelings, and your safety.”
 I sigh turning back around and gathering my things to leave “We have not had that talk yet Mom, so please refrain from saying anything about that to him.” “Oh honey if you think that man does not want to be your boyfriend, you are very mistaken, if only you saw how he looks at you,” she tells me grinning.
Looking at her confused, I question “What do you mean how he looks at me?” she belly laughs from the doorway looking at her phone “From when you guys went out to dinner that night, I’m looking at the picture now”. I look at her in a panic and rush to open my phone and find what she is talking about. Opening Instagram I see a post from ENews.
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Mouth agape in shock “Oh my god, I can't believe they saw us.” I say out loud. My mom laughs loudly “Honey no offense but you're a famous singer and he’s a famous footballer, of course, they would’ve found out. Look It’ll be okay I promise” I sigh a little in relief from her reassurance.
But I still have to let Travis know, that is what gets my nerves to skyrocket not knowing how he’ll take the information. I shake my hands a bit to shake off some of the nerves hopefully “Ohh man, okay let’s go, we will be even more late if we stay here” I tell her smiling at her assuringly. We both left the apartment.
1 Hour Later in The Chief's Family Suite
We both found our seats and ordered ourselves drinks and some light food. I lean over to my mom “So? How is it so far?” I question smiling at her “Oh honey this is so fun, I wanna do it every weekend” she tells me smiling. 
Before I respond we’re interrupted by someone calling my name I turn around to see Kylie and the two girls. I jump up to go greet them “Hey you guys, I didn’t know you were coming today,” I say while hugging Kylie she hugs me back responding “I know Jason decided last minute to come so his mom didn’t have to drive by herself” I nod smiling before turning my attention to the two girls and bending down to reach them “hey pretty girls” before I can fully greet them they both rush in to hug me “ugh I just love seeing you two” I tell them, letting them both go and standing back upright.
 “Oh you guys, this is my mom Katalina. Mom this is Kylie Travis’s sister-in-law and these two beautiful girls are his nieces” I introduce them. My mom stands to greet them pulling them each into a hug “Oh it is so nice to meet all of you, I heard so much from y/n, do you wanna sit with us over here?” she asks. Kylie smiles before nodding and guiding the girls into the seats between me and her. I look around searching “Where’s Jason?” I ask Ky “Oh he’s grabbing some drinks and snacks with his mom, he should be here soon.” she lets me know “Their mom is here?” I question with a twinge of fear lacing my voice. I can tell she noticed because of the sympathetic look on her face “Don’t worry Trav and Jason have been telling her amazing things about you, I know she’ll love you” she reassures me. I give her a small smile before turning back to my mom waiting for the game to start.  
A few minutes go by before we hear the oh-so-boisterous voice of Jason Kelce. Me and mom turn to face the sound and see Jason with a smaller and shorter woman. We wait for them to greet Kylie and the kids before I stand up to greet Jason “Hey, there my girly!” he says reaching to pull me into a bear hug.
 Laughing I hug him back before letting go and introducing him to Mom, he reaches around and pulls her into a hug before guiding us to meet Donna who he said was his mom's name. “Momma, this is y/n and her mom Katalina” I smile about to reach out and shake her hand before she laughs and pulls me into a motherly hug “Oh it is so nice to meet you sweetheart” After a few seconds she lets go “it’s so nice to meet you too, Travis talks about you all the time” I tell her smiling, she laughs “touche my dear” she smirks at me. I blush before introducing her to my mom. After all of the pleasantries are done we all sit down. My mom was on my right, Donna on my left with Jason and the kids, and Kylie on her left.
The game finally starts and we finally see Travis run out onto the field with the other players. Once the players are settled on the field I see him look over and up straight at me with a soft fond smile on his face, he slightly waves at me before turning back to the game.
I blush and turn to see his action brought attention to me in the suite. I look down to see some of the crowd taking pictures and videos. I catch the eye of one of the fans before smiling, blowing them a kiss, and waving at them.  A few minutes of this go by before everyone goes back to the game with fans occasionally looking back up here at us. In the meantime, me, my mom and Donna are all laughing and making jokes together. (if only I knew what gonna come from that on the internet). 
And as expected I look up from the field to the jumbo, smiling as I see my own face. I give a quick smile and wave before turning around and showing my jersey number with a proud smile on my face. Everyone gives a laugh before I sit back down and the jumbo goes back to the game.
The laughter halts for a moment after seeing Pat throw the ball and Travis jumps to catch it, everyone stands up jumping and cheering as Travis runs to make the touchdown with them winning the game against the Jets. The stadium breaks into hollers and screams, me included. Kylie still standing screaming for Travis reaches over and hugs me before Donna pulls me into a hug. We all hug each other before everyone calms down as Travis does his touchdown dance.
As the excitement dies down, everyone starts to gather their belonging. I’m then approached by one of the workers. “Hello, we were asked to escort you down to Travis and the car is that okay?” he asks me I look over at my mom, and she gives me a smile slightly pushing me towards the doors “go, it’s okay Donna and I are gonna go out to eat and talk some, okay” I smile reaching over to give her a big hug telling her I love her, I do the same to Donna “tell him he played amazing for me and I love him” she tells me I give her quick nod before nodding to the man and rushing over to go see Travis.
After a few minutes of walking, we hit the elevator the man guides me in before pushing the button to go down, a few silent seconds go by before the man slightly turns towards me “I’m sorry if this is unprofessional but Is it okay If I get a picture with you for my daughter? She loves your music” I look at him “Absolutely and believe me you’re not being unprofessional, how about I make a video for her, what’s her name ” he smiles reaching to fish his phone put “Her name is Jessica” I smile as he turns to video and I lean over to say a few words to her before he thanks me to put his phone away. I grab my phone and ask for his information “Is it okay if I get your information, I’d like to send her some stuff if that’s okay” I ask. He looks at me in shock before hurriedly nodding at me “Of course, you just made me the father of the year” he jokes at me, we laugh and talk a few more before the doors open and we’re greeted by Travis leaning against the wall with a few teammates. He gives them quick goodbyes before I walk out.
He makes quick strides toward me lifting me into a deep hug, his face pressed into the side of my hair. “Oh I missed you so much,” he tells me still hugging me. I relish in the feeling of his warmth before responding “I missed you too” he lets me go putting my feet back onto the ground “Oh by the way your mom asked me to tell you that you played amazing and she loves you” he gives a fond smile before it turns quizzical “you and my mom talked?” he questions. I panic a little “I’m sorry I didn’t know she was gonna be the—” he cuts me off with a laugh “Baby, it wasn't a bad thing you talked to my mom I was just surprised I thought she wasn't coming to this game that’s why” I sigh in relief happy he isn't upset “yeah Kylie said Jason decided to come last minute and drove your mom too” I tell him. He nods understanding.
“Anyway, did you wanna go home and watch a movie and chill for the night?” he questions. I nod profusely, excited for a chill night in before a concert the next day. “Yes please” I smile at him he gives me a nod before grabbing my hand and turning me towards the doors using his other hand to brush the back of my head pulling my forehead to kiss it “Oh you’re so adorable,” he tells me before stopping abruptly “what’s wrong?” I question he turns towards me “I was about to walk out this door exposing us to the world before asking you if you’re okay walking in public together yet?” I blush a little before raising my hand to his cheek “I am totally okay with being seen in public with you” I tell him proudly. He blushes turning his head down before nodding and clasping my hand in his leaning down and brushing his lips over mine. “Alright let’s go announce to the world I am the proud boyfriend of the infamous y/n l/n,” he says pulling my arm. “Ho ho hold on there a sec, boyfriend?” I question pulling my arm from his hand to get him to stop walking. He looks at me sideways “Um yeah, In case you didn’t know we’ve been together since I even looked at you that cool with you?” he smirks at me staring intensely. I blush underneath his gaze I ponder for a second “Yeah, yeah it’s cool with me.” I tell him before turning back to the door.
He nods also turning back to the door and we are then blinded by flashing lights as we are engulfed in the sounds of flashing cameras and screaming fans.
Why does this feel like the end??? Do yall want more of this series or no???? please let me know...
Like my writing? buy me a coffee! I would be so grateful!
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soulkeeper801 · 1 year
Lost Chances pt 2 - Twice Sana
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Requested: sana keeps seeing r with chaeryeong, and she just gets so angry and jealous. she decides to become evil and try to steal r back. maybe sana asks for someone's help to seduce chaer and make it look like chaer is cheating, thinking that r would come running back to her arms
Angst, fluff
Words: 2.4k
Part 1
The brightness of the phone made Sana squint for the nth time on the night. 
4:30 am.
She was supposed to be up in two hours for practice yet there she was, turning around on her bed, trying to keep her mind from going all the way to the memories that hurt her heart.
In an ideal world, Sana would have turned to discover you nestled beside her, your form fitting perfectly. Gently, she would have enveloped your waist with her arms, peppering soft kisses along your neck, coaxing you from slumber just so she could enjoy looking into your eyes for a couple of minutes before she had to flee to the studio.
But her heart broke even more when she realized you must have been in Chaeryeong’s arms. 
The image of the both of you being together from a couple of weeks ago still haunted her mind. Chaeryoung was pouting in your arms and you were looking at her as if she was the most precious girl you had ever laid eyes upon. 
Sana groaned.
She could swear she still remembers the scent of your perfume, so if she closed her eyes and tried hard enough, she felt as if she was still holding you in her arms.
Hers, not Chaeryeong’s.
Her lips on yours, her hands on your body, her movements and skills making you lose control as you would let sweet sounds fall from you due to what she was doing.
“Y/N…” she whispered, reminiscing the way she would call for you when you used to disappear between her legs. “Y/N…” 
A hand delved into her as she shut her eyes closed. She knew it was wrong but at times like this she couldn’t control her own body nor her mind.
She didn’t only miss the way you made her feel, she missed the sound of your voice, the look on your eyes. 
Sana couldn’t keep living with the image of you in her mind. She needed you back in her life.
“Don’t look at the entrance,” Jihyo warned as her eyes widened, realizing who had just arrived.
They were at a popular cafe located in the heart of the city. Enough people recognized them but gave them privacy to enjoy their day off calmly.
Despite Jihyo's advice, Sana's curiosity got the best of her, and her gaze involuntarily shifted towards the entrance.
Jihyo's sigh carried a touch of sadness as she witnessed Sana's heart shatter into countless pieces before her eyes.
“I told you not to,” she reprimanded, her hand reaching out to nudge Sana's shoulder, urging her to avert her gaze.
But Sana’s eyes were fixed on the source of her pain.
You and Chaeryeong, hands intertwined, made your way into the café where they sat. It was a momentous step: the first public display of affection between the two of you. While it was an open secret within your company that the two of you were together, parading as a couple in front of fans occupying tables nearby... What were you doing? 
Jihyo's voice dropped to a hushed whisper as the scene unfolded, fans approaching Chaeryeong for pictures as she politely excused herself, her focus clearly on her date. "Do they have any idea what they're doing?" Jihyo mused, incredulous. "Do they even have the company's approval for this?"
Sana’s eyes filled with tears unconsciously as a knot formed on her throat.
How did it feel to have you by the hand and flaunt you to the world? She could only imagine.
"Can we please leave?" Sana's voice was barely audible, a solitary tear tracing a path down her cheek as she whispered her plea.
“Bam Bam?” you raised your eyebrow as Chaeryeong wore a confused expression on her face, showing you her phone screen. “What is he saying?”
“You read it,” Chaeryeong insisted, pushing the phone closer to you so you could have a better look.
Several unanswered text messages from the Thai boy asking how Chaeryeong was, if she had eaten something and telling her how pretty she looked that day.
“Is he…” you started formulating a question as the idea popped into your mind, “hitting on you?”
Chaeryeong shrugged, retrieving the phone from you to take a look at the messages one more time. “It seems like it, doesn’t it?”
“Do you want me to scare him off?”
The younger girl bursted out laughing at your random suggestion. “Why would you do that?”
“Oh, so you want him to keep flirting with you?” you asked, a playful smile on your lips.
“Not at all,” she replied in a breath. “There’s only one girl I want to be flirty with”.
You chuckled at her answer, knowing exactly what she meant with those words.
Her phone buzzed one more time.
“Is it him again?”
Chaeryeong pouted, the most adorable confused face you could have ever seen, “he wants to have dinner with me,” she read the message. “Why is he insisting so much? We aren’t even that close as friends…”
You thought carefully, trying to put the pieces together. “When did it started?”
“Mmm,” she looked at the ceiling as if she was trying to look for the memories, “since the day we went out holding hands,” she replied after a couple of seconds.
The day you saw Jihyo and Sana sneak out of the cafe you were at.
Could it be?
They were friends with Bam Bam and the boy was known for doing everything the girls would ask him to. Was somehow all the flirting orchestrated by them?
You knew they could be resourceful when they wanted something but would they get to this extent? To the extent of breaking a healthy relationship between two people who are just trying to move on with their lives without hurting anyone else?
“What are you thinking about?” Chaeryeong asked, examining your features since you were silent for a minute. 
“Nothing,” you replied, trying to make it seem like it didn't matter that much. “Just keep ignoring him”.
Chaeryeong nodded and rested her head on your shoulder to keep watching the movie you chose to spend the afternoon at her dorm.
A couple of weeks had gone by and Sana witnessed how your relationship started to establish between headlines, dates and silly shout outs in TV shows. 
JYP had already given a statement regarding the relationship you and Chaeryeong had and encouraged everyone to welcome you as her partner since you two were starting the journey as a new couple.
Sana couldn’t help but feel almost hopeless, being her last resource, a 26 year old boy who wasn't as skillful as he bragged to be when it came to taking a girl away from someone.
“Really?” a voice echoed in the practice room where Sana was waiting for Bam Bam to inform her what he was doing and how it was working. “Asking someone to flirt with Chaeryeong?”
Sana’s heart skipped a beat as she slowly lifted her head to look through the mirror where the voice was coming from. She knew who it was, but for a second she thought she was imagining things.
Your figure was leant against the frame of the door as a disappointed expression adorned your face.
Sana felt weak once again. You weren’t supposed to be there, she hadn’t considered having to face you so soon. A couple of minutes before, she was angry even at how things were turning out for her. 
She was confused.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, as a trembling whisper left her lips.
“I should be the one asking that question,” you replied, stepping into the room and closing the door behind you. “Bam Bam told me everything”.
Sana’s eyes widened, confirming what the Thai boy had confessed to you while drunk the night before. He was just trying to do a favor to her friend, he didn’t mean anything bad with it.
“I…” she stuttered, her eyes diverting from yours since she couldn’t hold your gaze anymore.
“You what?” you asked, taking a few steps towards her.
Sana breathed in. 
As a wave, all the memories she had with you rushed through her head, all the cozy sundays, all the passionate nights. She could almost feel how real all of it was and how it almost physically hurt not to have you with her anymore. 
She knew she fucked up. She knew it very well, yet she also knew you both deserved a second chance. Chaeryeong was just a rebound for you after ending things so badly.
“She is not for you,” Sana replied, not facing you yet. Her voice was tinted with sadness and regret, “I know we could have been forever if I didn’t mess things up,” she continued, her emotions taking over, “I just needed a chance to show you that that one thing was a mistake I’ll never make in my life again”.
When her eyes found yours, you couldn’t help but feel all the memories hit you at once. Her eyes portrayed regret and sincereness, you could sense the vulnerability in her gaze. The room seemed to hang heavy with unspoken words, the weight of your shared history pulling at both of your hearts.
For a moment, there was silence. You looked at Sana, searching her eyes for any sign that this wasn't just another fleeting moment of emotion. The sincerity in her voice, the way she held your gaze, it all made you realize that the wounds from the past hadn't completely healed.
“And maybe I’m sounding like a jerk, I know Chaer doesn’t deserve any of this, but don’t we owe it to ourselves to try and fulfill all the what ifs that I’m sure have gone through your mind every now and then”.
You found yourself torn between the rush of memories and the weight of the present moment. Sana's words had opened a floodgate of emotions that you thought were buried deep within. You could sense the sincerity in her voice, the longing for a second chance, but the scars from the past were still fresh.
As her words lingered in the air, you took a deep breath, trying to steady your thoughts. Looking at her, you could see the remorse etched into her features. It was true that the memories were powerful, but they were also accompanied by the pain of betrayal and heartache that had once shattered what you both had.
You took a couple of steps towards her, knowing very well there was no going back to what you were about to do.
Sana’s startled eyes widened at the motion of your body, instinctively she reached out to pull you to her.
Your arms wrapped her waist as she encircled your neck with her arms, your breath mingling with hers seconds before your lips crashed in a desperate, longing kiss.
The kiss deepened, fueled by a hunger that had been suppressed for far too long. The weight of the past started to dissipate, replaced by a current of intense desire. As your lips moved together, it was as though you were relearning each other—the contours of your mouths fitting perfectly, the taste of familiarity mixing with the novelty of rediscovery.
But eventually, as all moments do, the kiss had to end. You pulled away slowly, your foreheads resting against each other. Sana's eyes were closed, her breath uneven, and you could feel her heart racing against your chest.
For a while, neither of you spoke. The air was charged with unspoken words, with the echoes of your past and the uncertainty of your future. It was clear that the connection between you was still electric, still capable of igniting flames that could either consume you or offer the warmth you had once craved.
“What does this mean?” she asked, her face buried in the crook of your neck, inhaling the scent she had missed so much.
“Chaeryeong and I never dated,” you stated.
Sana’s eyes widened at your words, pulling away just enough to see you, studying your face to be sure you were telling the truth. Although deep down, she wouldn’t have cared as long as she could still hold you like this. 
The tears that formed in her eyes finally spilled when you went in for another kiss.
The second kiss was softer, gentler—a connection that seemed to bridge the gap between your shared past and the uncertainty of what lay ahead. It was a kiss filled with promises and hope, an unspoken agreement to explore the possibility of a fresh start.
As your lips parted once more, Sana's tears glistened in the soft light of the room. You gently wiped them away with your thumb, your touch soothing and tender. There was a vulnerability in this moment, an acknowledgment that the path forward wouldn't be easy, but that the depth of your connection was worth the effort.
“Do I want to know?” she asked, not letting you go.
You sighed deeply. “The company needed something so people could talk about them and look forward to the album they’re releasing this year,” you explained, feeling a little embarrassed of being part of such a cheap strategy.
Sana chuckled, softly at first but as soon as you smiled at the silliness of the situation, you both laughed together.
Just like old times.
“She’s actually outside,” you whispered, taking a quick look at the door that was well protected by Chaeryeong in case anyone wanted to go in. “She knows everything about us and actually encouraged me to talk things out with you,” you continued. “She’s a good girl, don’t be mad at her”.
Sana chuckled once again.
It wasn’t what you said, it was the fact that you were back in her arms once again.
Sana's fingers traced the contours of your face as if she couldn't believe you were real. "I missed you," she admitted, her voice barely more than a whisper.
"I missed you too," you replied, your own voice filled with sincerity.
As you held each other, it became clear that this was the moment you had both been waiting for. It wasn't about the past mistakes or the pain you had caused each other; it was about the love that had never truly disappeared. 
It was about giving yourselves a second chance, a chance to rewrite the story that had once been filled with regret and thought to be lost.
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sapphoherselz · 3 months
Writing this in my docs cause it keeps deleting on tumblr!! SO, third time is the charm…
Lesbian andreil based on a fic a was working on “one of your girls"
Writing sucks!! So, Alexa play Picture You by Chappelle Roan
1. Neal and Andrea are not in love with eo, they’re just very good roomates and Neal is 100% straight and is going to end up with a man even though she has never felt any physical or emotional attraction to the opposite gender, until
2. Andrea usually brings her hookups to their apartment, and Neal usually leaves said apartment to give them some privacy, UNTIL
3. Neal has the apartment to herself one night, and she decides to follow her friends advice and explore by herself because apparently “you need to know what you like before trying it with another person”;
4. so, she watches porn, she read some articles but it's doing nothing to her, even if she’s tying to mimic what they're doing, UN TIL;
5. Andrea comes home and she’s brought someone over! Neal's hearing is very good and the walls are very thin so she can hear everything they’re doing;
6. everything, meaning the passion in their kisses, the hurried footsteps and…Andrea leaving her one night stand on her bed while she goes sitting on a chair because apparently she prefers to give orders and watch how their partners pleasure themselves;
7. And look, Neal is not a pervert or a voyeur or anything like that but she was there first and she’s going to get an orgasm out of her, come hell or high water!
8. It's not her fault if she can hear Andrea so clearly it's almost as if the blonde is whispering in her hear, it's not her fault if the "You're gonna touch yourself for me, Nath”, the order being given, the ever present authority combined with this intimate moment making Andrea's voice huskier than usual, or the accidental use of her almost-ex-name, that make all of her senses feel heightened; goosebumps rise delicately on the length of her arms and legs, the faint fragrance of cigarette that always seems to follow the blond seeping through the gaps of the wood pattern into her bed, wrapping her tightly;
9. It's not her fault if she starts touching herself just like Andrea is telling her partner-for-the-night to, her ears perked as if she were a puppy, trying to catch the faintest breath of air escaping from Andrea;
10. It's not her fault that the blonde's voice, once it comes, is as flat as it usually is, devoid of any emotion, reminding her one-night stand to slow down and Neal can't help the thoughts flooding in her head, telling her that she's doing good and wondering if the other would praise her if she knew, if she were the one- the mere thought is enough to make her her hips buck and jerk unconsciously against her cupped hand and…oh. That’s different, that's good;
11. It’s not her fault if she has to bring the unoccupied hand to her red-bitten lips as a a faint wail slips its way out of her, hips still oscillating despite the fear of being caught; the touch makes her feel ashamed but stimulated at the same time, heaving breaths getting out of her opened lips as silently as she can;
12. It's not her fault that she starts mouthing Andrea's name, wishing she were the one screaming her name, instead of having to swallow it down as she keeps rubbing oh so slowly, her long legs shaking, eyes half open and half closed, wisps of sweaty hair sticking to skin;
13. It's not her fault that once she comes, her vision blurring, her body trembling greatly as if an earthquake had taken place in her body, her hand still moving as if it had a mind of its own, that she wanted the wall between them to disappear, to have the blonde leaning over, her chest against her back, kissing her shoulder, her neck, whispering sweet nothings in her ear;
14. But that can’t never, ever happen because Neal is a straight woman, she's not attracted to Andrea and this whole night was just a fluke;
15. Neal throws these false hopes away as far as she could, as soon as they came. She has not even an ounce of strength left, simply letting the wall support her weight with a far-away look in her eyes, still gasping for breath and listened unwillingly as the other woman came off from the high, wondering if she was being helped cleaning herself, if her hair was being played with, if her forehead had been kissed…
16. But Neal didn't need any of this, she could do it on her own. She lays on her side, her knees up to her chest and shivering from the cold of the night, a hand resting on her own head, twirling a few curls, scratching her scalp, imagining a larger hand, a rougher touch…
17. And if Neal falls asleep, still muttering her roomates name, that's nobody's business;
18. And if Andrea had almost said the wrong name, lost in the red curls and freckled skin, if she had pursed that woman because she resembled one annoying roomate of hers…then it's really her business, and no-one else's.
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 2 years
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Killer in NYC (Tara Carpenter X Reader)
Part 7-Secrets Secrets Part 3
"I already told you Tara, nothing."
Sam chimed in glaring at me. "That picture doesn't look like nothing."
I sighed. "Tara got drunk I bought her home we got into it stopped and I left that's it."
The shorter girl grabbed you by your shirt pulling you to her so you had no choice but to make direct eye contact.
"Something else happened." She spoke softly after a few minutes. You try brushing her off but her hold stayed tight. "You wouldn't just leave, what happened?"
Your jaw clenched. "Chad called your phone to make sure you were good said he hoped when he kissed you that it didn't scare you off,"
Sam's eyes widened at the new information as Tara's face became guilty.
You continue. "He also went on to say that if you were open to it he'd love to try seeing where you two could go. I wrote you a post it note and put it on your fridge. You passed out so I went down the fire scape. I really didn't feel like being someone's drunken third choice."
Tara stayed quiet as Sam stared on in silence.
"I may like you but I still have some dignity. Now if you don't mind I'd appreciate it if you both left my apartment." Tara nodding going to leave taking Sam with her.
The older Carpenter took her arm away gently as she turned to Y/N.
"Like it or not, you're in this now too. You should be careful maybe come with us."
You shook your head laughing lightly. "I was born and raised in Brooklyn, it's gonna take a lot more than a mask and a knife to take me down."
"Don't be stupid." You look to Tara offended.
"Then I guess I'm stupid because I rather be stabbed then have you keep playing with me." You started gesturing to your door.
"Don't be afraid to let it hit your ass on the way out."
Both girls shuffled out getting ready to face Ghostface once and for all.
3rd Person POV
The Carpenter girls sat in the car in silence. Sam taking a deep breath before speaking.
"Is there anything else you want to tell me?" Tara side eyed her sister shaking her head.
"Tara you've been hiding a lot and it's really not helping us."
"Sam drop it." She warned.
"No, someone is out there trying to kill us and I can't even get my little sister to tell me when she likes someone-"
"Because it's not important-"
"Tara!" She slammed the picture on her dashboard making the younger girl flinch, "it obviously is who ever is watching you has been doing it for a while." She scoffed shaking her head.
"A fucking psychopath knows my own sister better than I do." She started the car the two riding on in uncomfortable silence.
Chad and Mindy were in the apartment with Mindy's girlfriend, Anika. The trio waiting for their friends to pick them up.
Mindy glanced at her watch again. "They're late aren't they?"
Chad put a calming hand to his sisters shoulder. "It's ok they'll be here soon."
The door slammed opened revealing the two, both looking upset.
"Is everything ok?" Sam just waved a hand to Chad who then turned to Tara, "are you ok?"
The girl glanced at him briefly nodding before grabbing her things ready to end this.
Mindy spoke up, her head shooting up from her girlfriend.
"Maybe it's just me but I'm sensing some sibling tension going on." Sam glared at the twin who held her hands up in mock surrender. "I'm just saying we might die and I really want to make sure it's not because you guys fought over who took the last piece of pizza."
Anika shook her head chuckling lightly as she smacked the girls shoulder. "Seriously?" She shrugged.
Chad clapped his hands. "Alright roommate meeting everyone around the table."
Sam and Tara sat at the table still not meeting the others eyes.
"What's going on?" Sam chuckled darkly before turning to the athlete.
"I don't know Chad, why don't you and Tara tell us?" He was taken back by the older girls tone but looked to Tara who glared.
"Chad and I kissed at the Halloween Party! That's it, it's not a big deal." The usually jovial boy frowned a bit hurt but said nothing as Mindy looked over to her brother almost impressed.
"Didn't know you had it in you." Anika once again smacked her girlfriends shoulder. The group was quiet before Tara spoke up again.
"Look that's not important what is important is that we stick together find this asshole and finish this once and for all." Sam nodded.
"It is but we can't help if people keep having secrets." Mindy sucked her teeth.
"She's got a point munchkin." Said girls eyes shifted to the film fanatic. "This opens up to more suspects, as much as I love my twin now he's just as suspicious as Evan and Y/N. If he can't have you no one can."
Chad scoffed. "Thanks sis." She smiled cheekily at him.
"And if not him someone close to him. Someone jealous maybe even someone from Woodsboro." A sharp bang interrupted her monologue. Everyone ran to the living room watching the front door.
"HELP!" Sam's eyebrows furrowed. Kirby? "SAM PLEASE HELP HES GONNA-" a knife went through the door and after a brief moment blood began to pool underneath and through the cracks. The group ran once the door was busted open going to the nearest room and blocking it off. Sam opened a window waving to the people across.
"HELP!" A party went on as no one seemed to pay them any mind. She looked closer to find the window opened and pulled Chad.
"Help me get the ladder across." He nodded the both of them lifting and sliding to make sure the bridge could hold some weight in their escape attempt. One by one they slowly crawled over the ladder trying not to look down as they did so. Mindy, Chad and Anika being the last two to cross.
"Mindy I-I can't I'm scared of heights." She put a hand to the girls cheek.
"It's ok just follow me I'll be right with you," she smirked slightly. "And it gives you an excuse to check out my ass."
Ghostface began banging on the door slowly prying it open as the girl took a shaky breath nodding. Mindy climbing on first as Anika went to follow. Ghostface had grabbed Chad who turned around to punch them. They fell as Chad turned to get on the ladder.
"HURRY UP!" The two girls were trembling Mindy trying to put on a brave face as she'd smile and wriggle her ass at her girlfriend to keep her distracted. She'd laugh making sure to not even spare a glance down when the ladder shook. She'd look back to see Chad getting stabbed Tara screaming as they'd grabbed Mindy. She glanced to her girlfriend smiling sadly as the killer tilted their head to the side. Ghostface slowly dragged the ladder back towards him. Chad no where in sight. She smiled sadly to the olive skinned girl as she let herself be pulled back kicking the killer to shut the window and lock it behind her.
"ANIKA!" Mindy was pulled into Tara and Sam as she cried kicking her twin and lover both taken right before her eyes. The sisters continued to pull her with them. "LET ME GO!"
"Mindy! Mindy!" A tearful Sam put her hands on the girls cheeks. "We have to keep going."
Mindy glanced back towards the only two people besides her parents who mattered to her. They had loved her unconditionally, accepted her and her poorly timed jokes, her obsession with film. She thought on how she wouldn't be able to tease them anymore-
Tara broke her out of her thoughts next. "Mindy..." her voice shook. "You know he'd want us to keep moving or else it would all be for nothing."
She wiped her face nodding the girls running to abandoned theater where Gale had originally found the Ghostface shrine.
It was a maze as they tried to guide themselves back to the hideout.
Meanwhile, Gale had went to the station to grab Detective Brooks.
"Look Mrs.Weathers I have no times to play games we just got a call from a bunch of teenagers that they saw Ghostface killing someone in their window."
"EXACTLY! The girls are on their way to corner him and I'm trying to get you there before he dies." The detective stared at the author.
"And why should I trust you? How do I know this isn't some poor excuse to get more money for your next book?"  She smirked.
"I told my cameraman to go home."
The girls continued running through the maze, when suddenly Mindy was grabbed and flung to the side a sharp knife sinking into her. Tara going to turn back but her sister grabbed her.
"NO MINDY-"  the duo kept running until they hit the center.
"You ready?" Tara glanced to her sister sweat on her forehead making her hair stick to her. Mascara running as she nodded. She looked to see Ghostface standing near by.
Ghostface lunged as Tara ducked, Sam following before they ran. The design of the building much like a theater. They had run from the entrance and began to run their way through seats the protective railing giving a sense of foreboding as it would make a steep fall. Sam saw Mindy’s still body on a table, a brief wave of remorse going through her before she grew determined.
Tara's going to live.
The second Ghostface cut them off.
"Ahh Samantha and Tara." The voice changer sang throughout the empty space. "So nice of you to finally join us."
Sam gritted her teeth.
They tapped the knife along the railing once, twice before nodding their head to the side. A stage curtain lifting, as three seats occupied the space.
In the chairs were Y/N, Chad and David. A banner hanging above them,
Secrets Secrets hurt everyone
Taglist: @alexkolax @maowlxslay
@annalestern @natasha25052 @wol-fica @tashakink @pdione11 @dksjskx @the-camilucha
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kneazle · 2 months
So while finally breathing was the first fic I posted for them/911, this here is what my original first was gonna be but it became too big and much in my head and I decided not to finish it, but I thought I'd share what I had written! (Its not much)
A burning smell was the first thing to fill his senses when he slowly opened his eyes, eyelids heavy with what felt like exhaustion but in the back of Tommy's mind he registered the heat from the fire and possibly smoke being the real cause. His head pounded as he turned it to take in where he was. Tommy sucked in a breath taking in the scene only to be stopped short by the sharp pain in his chest and torso. Groaning, he laid back flat on the ground relieving some of the pressure but not solving his shortness of breath.
Tommy's eyes burned for another reason—his mind racing through what he just saw. 
Their helicopter crashed and burning a little ways away. Debris scattered around. Supplies from the helicopter all over. Worst of all, the sight of Lucy just on the other side unconscious with what he thought was a head wound.
He opened his mouth to call out for her, to see if he could wake her, but his body protested along with the lump of panic building in his throat. A feeling that grew as he laid there with pain coursing through his body, unable to move himself no matter how much his mind screamed at him.
get up! you have to move! 
Tommy stared up at the bright blue sky through the trees above. Only the brief sounds of the fire and his labored breathing reaching his ears. His eyes slid shut slowly but he tried his hardest to keep them open. 
stay awake! don't fall asleep!
Sleep. He just wanted to sleep. Pain radiated throughout his body, and for a moment he wondered if all of him was even there. But...what did it matter anyway? Who would mourn Tommy Kinard? Certainly not his parents. The 217 would feel the loss but they would move on soon enough. Hen and Howie would do the same along with Eddie. There were only two people he could think of that would truly mourn him, or so he likes to believe. Lucy—he risked the pain to try to look at her once more praying she was breathing please not her please—and Evan.
Tommy let the rest of his tears fall at the thought of him hearing of his passing. He had to believe Evan would move on eventually too. He had to. They haven't even been together five months, and while Tommy knew he'd be utterly devastated if roles were reversed, he had to hope it wasn't long enough to cause Evan any lasting pain. His eyes closed to the picture of Evan's face. One of the most beautiful people Tommy ever laid eyes on, inside and out. His heart ached to see him one last time, to confess how it was too soon to be falling and yet he was. 
As Tommy felt himself drifting unable to stop it, he couldn't help but think that they weren't even supposed to be on shift today. This was all his fault…
What I was going to write:
One of the other pilots asks Tommy to cover a shift for him with some sob story lie and Lucy is his co-pilot. Said pilot got paid a lot of money by Tommy's ex who used the opportunity to control the situation to his advantage, having messed with the helicopter they were taking out and putting a tracker in it. It crashes and the ex finds them and waits. Lucy wakes up and hears someone and knows they have to get away, she wakes Tommy whos in bad shape but with her help they move. The ex follows. The 118 arrive on scene with Athena and they know it was Tommy, they find the crash along with the tracker, and Athena finds blood leading away from the scene along with three sets of footprints in the dirt. There was only Tommy and Lucy in the helicopter. That makes them try to find them even quicker.
Meanwhile Tommy's ex finds them, they're backed up against a tree while the ex has a gun pointed at Tommy who isn't doing too good only kept up with Lucy's help. The guy cheated on Tommy so he broke it off but the guy is a bit obsessed (aren't we all huh?) and believes if he cant have Tommy no one can. The 118 and Athena arrive and Athena tries to talk the guy down who rambles on about Tommy, no one paying attention to the silent communication between Buck and Eddie. Buck steps forward to get the attention on him, ignoring everyone else, while he does Eddie tackles the ex the second the gun moves away from Tommy to point at Buck, using a move Tommy taught him to wrangle the guy. They all run over while Athena handcuffs him, and Tommy passes out in Buck's arms. Tommy has a long complicated surgery but everything turns out okay and Athena lets everyone know what she found out. It ends with a happy moment with everyone, having used knowing the nurses to their advantage to sneak into Tommy's hospital room that was only allowed two visitors.
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thatstonedwriter · 10 months
⋆。˚ 「 Zoo Trip! 」 ⋆。˚
◉ Sinopsis; going to the zoo with their s/o
◉ feat; fizz, Loona, Blitz, Millie
◉ A/n- apologies for the wait- these ones are a bit shorter, but I tried to make them just as good <3
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── ˙•˚∘✮🌙ᯓ🪐˙•˚∘ ──
The Zoo; a place of adventure, expensive novelty cups and weird smells. If you're looking to learn, take aesthetic photos, and see amazing animals, a zoo date is perfect for you and your partner(s)
Fizzarolli is obsessed with all the cute, weird animals he can find. I think he'd be especially fond of Lemurs. Idk, something about the their big bug-eyes makes Fizz giggle every time. Fizzarolli is not allowed to be in charge of the map, no matter how many times he asks- y'all will get lost- I repeat, do not let him have the map. Luckily, he's more than happy to let someone else take charge while he takes a bunch of aesthetic photos. Unlike aquariums, the lighting is better, so you know Fizz is doing the most when it comes to photo ops. Don't think you're exempt from that. He wants a new home screen.
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Loona isn't particularly interested in learning fun facts or spending money on novelty items. She is however interested in seeing your face light up as you run around the different enclosures. While I don't think Loona would be interested in much, I do think she'd love Tasmanian Devils. If there's any animal she wants to get a picture with, its those lil guys. Loona would probably refuse to eat the food at a zoo. she won't judge you if you want to get anything, though. The most she'll do is share a sweet treat like ice cream or a fruit smoothie it- definitely not bc she wants to live out the "sharing a drink with two straws" trope At the end of the day, she attempts to sneakily buy a few pictures of the two of you so she can frame them on her wall.
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Blitzø is, once again, disappointed by the lack of horses. The Zebras are the closest he gets, so naturally, they're his favorite. Refuses to buy novelty junk- unless he sees it makes you really happy- but in that case he'll probably try to steal it (so be prepared to book it if he gets caught). While Blitzø isn't one for romance, you should try taking him to the koi ponds. At first, he'll be antsy and just wanna keep going- but make him sit down, shut up, and appreciate the moment, and he'll soften up. Absolutely drags you into those photo booth areas and spends way too much on literally every picture (the only thing he pays for)
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Millie has a soft spot for the reptiles and medium/larger-sized felines, especially Komodo Dragons and Servals. I also think she'd fucking adore going into the topiaries and butterfly rooms with her partner(s). A place where you can sit surrounded by plants and have butterflies land in your hair? She's so in love. Please, I'm begging you, take photos with her in the butterfly rooms. It's such an aesthetic. Know what else is an aesthetic? Getting food and sitting in those open plazas where you can people watch and have a good view of the animals. No matter what you're up to, Millie just has a fucking blast.
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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Two Spencers
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Summary: Spencer never knew his partner's real name until now. Or, Imagine Spencer finding out his partner's name is Spencer too Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader, Might mention reader is a guy one or twice Content Warning: Bad writing, english is my second language, im using an online editor though
In a way, it wasn't Spencer's fault he didn't know his partner's name. They've always gone by a nickname and requested everyone to refer to them by that nickname. The nickname wasn't inappropriate and was work appropriate so Hotch didn't have an issue with it.
Of course, Morgan tried to find out what their name was, but even he was unsuccessful. He tried every trick in the book with Garcia and was even close to getting an answer, but Rossi saved her.
"Leave the girl alone. Garcia is keeping her promise to (N/N). You wouldn't want to be the reason she breaks her promise to them, right?"
Rossi had managed to turn the situation on Morgan so he felt guilty and dropped the subject. Penelope walked away happy, Rossi walked away smug, and Morgan walked away confused. Only when he returned to the awaiting group, did it finally register that he was tricked.
Spencer had walked over just as they had all groaned in distress. He glanced at them, making eye contact with a grinning Morgan. Oh no.
"Hey, pretty boy," Morgan began, leaning back in his seat and propping his legs on his desk. Catching his plan, Emily smiled and leaned forward on her desk. Tilting her head at JJ while glancing at Spencer repeatedly.
"Oh," JJ gasped standing from her chair and walking over to lean on Spencer's desk just as he sat down. "Spence, what's (N/N)'s first name?"
Spencer paused, the pen in his hand dropping onto his desk and rolling away. He glanced between JJ's hopeful eyes and Morgan's failed attempt at acting like he wasn't listening. Emily stared back at him with her eyes narrowed before finally opening her mouth, "You don't know."
The genius looked down, busying himself with finishing setting his desk up. He heard Morgan tsk at him, "Come on, Pretty boy. You don't know your partner's name?"
"You don't know your best friend's name?"
No one said anything. The group was surprised by Reid's clap back and Reid from confusion. He was looking at a picture taped to his receiver. Spencer was laying between (N/N) legs, his face pressed into the side of their neck as they talked to Rossi. It was from one of Rossi's house gatherings, Penelope had taken the picture. He had gotten a little tipsy and (N/N) took care of him.
The elevator doors open and he hears the voice of his partner. They're talking to someone about a drink they want to try from a cafe. Their friend responds with, "You don't need any more caffeine, Spence."
And he looks up. His partner is now sitting at their desk and their friend is sitting next to them in a chair they pulled up. They're laughing at her, shaking their head in disagreement before huffing out, "I think I can handle a little more."
"Your name's Spence?"
The pair look to Morgan and (N/n) has the nerve to start laughing. His lady friend glances between (N/n) and Morgan, she can see the pure confusion on Morgan's face. So she glances around, looking at everyone's confused curious faces before her eyes lock on Spence.
His head is tilted and he's staring at (N/N) in awe and confusion, with a little guilt.
(N/N) finally looks down from where he threw his head back, leaning forward to place grab one of his pens. "My name is Spencer, Spence is a nickname."
"How did I not know that?" Spencer mumbled though it was loud enough for everyone to hear. (N/N) looks over him, their eyes bouncing around his face. Taking in his features, they see he's genuinely hurt.
"You never knew that?" (N/N) retaliates tilting their head at their boyfriend. Watching him shake his head while slowly slumping in his chair. "One of my nicknames is Big S and Rossi calls you Little S."
"I thought he was referencing our relationship and the height difference," Spence whispers, his face flushing slightly as he looks down at his fiddling fingers.
"We have a- What's going on?" Hotchner steps out of his office, Rossi already halfway down the stairs. Making their way over to the couple, Spence looks embarrassed, and (N/N) looks confused with a hint of amusement.
"Spence didn't know that my name is Spencer," (N/N) says as he looks over to Rossi with a grin. The older pair share a look of amusement just as Garcia jogs over to them. "My blooming flower, I have that new drink you were talking about. We're going to-"
She pauses as she stops in front of their desk, tilting her head at their laughter. "Why are you laughing?"
"Babygirl, did you know (N/N)'s real name was Spencer?"
She freezes, glancing at Morgan, and quickly looks back to (N/N) as if asking for reassurance. They nod, shrugging their shoulders as they wave a hand dismissively. "They all know."
She flinches at the hand on her shoulder, looking up at (N/N) with wide eyes. They tilt their head, looking down at her with concern, "You alright, love?"
She nods, and they both turn to look at Spencer, who looks up at them. He glanced between the two before looking back down at his fingers. "Spencer."
He looks up, his eyes were wide and unblinking.
"You look like a gecko," He flinches, repeatedly blinking before rubbing his eyes and looking back at a panicking (N/N). Before they can apologize, Spencer speaks up, "How come they knew before me?"
"Hotch read my file, you know with him being the boss, and my name was there," They point at Hotchner who was leaning on their desk with his head tilted down to hide his smile.
They shift to point at Rossi, who crosses his arm with amusement. "Rossi asked me what my name was, so I told him."
Then he points at a slightly panicked Garcia, "She asked me when she tried looking me up and only saw S. (M/N) (L/N) on everything. I should've known Morgan would try to corner her."
He glared at Morgan who grinned back at him. He looked over at Spencer who stared back at him with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Enough of that, we've got a case."
And there goes the moment.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
♥️ Fezco Masterlist 1 ♥️
This is strictly my Fezco Masterlist.
Before requesting, take a look at my Masterpost to gain more insight into my DNI and requesting guideline lists. Take a look at my Prompt List for some ideas regarding request too!
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la vie en rose (completed)- masterlist
Dangerous Woman (Completed)- masterlist
Soft Place To Land (Complete)- masterlist
Friends With Benefits: Part 1; Part 2
My Boys: Part 1; Part 2
Caught Red Handed: Part 1; Part 2
Cocaine Jesus:
Summary/Request: "Reader and Fez met one day at his store, the girl drawn to him immediately. He would be lying if he said that he didn’t feel the same, the need to please and spoil her consuming him. She loved the attention too, just wanting to be held and praised by him."
The Accountant:
Summary/Request: "Reader is a successful accountant just like Fezco is a successful business man. He’s only been to her place of work a few times but he felt the need to go support her and catch her alone."
Tell Me It's Okay:
Summary/Request: "After Rue spent all day wandering around, trying to find someone to take her in, the reader witnesses a fight between the two friends. A fight that would have a longer lasting impact than his previous ones.
Safe and Sound:
Summary/Request: "After a big fight with her boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend, the reader goes to the familiar corner store in need of support and help from her best friend."
Silent Treatment:
Summary/Request: "Fezco regretted to inform his girlfriend about Faye and her new living situation, which was now their home. She’s a bit pissed off and disappointed, Fez’s obvious disregard for her and Ash’s opinions making both of them equally upset."
Off The Deep End:
Summary/Request: "Reader’s having a difficult time with her mental health so her best friend Fez takes matters into his own hands."
Summary/Request: "Just a few little instances where Fez was not able to keep his hands off of his girl."
We're Not Friends:
Summary/Request: "The reader has been friends with Fezco for years. She’s never really been bothered or jealous over the handsome man, until Faye enters the picture."
Fuck To Make Up:
Summary/Request: "Even though they had a child together, the reader and Fez have spent months away from one another. They were amicable when it came to their child and making sure she’s healthy, but their friendship dwindled. One night after their baby goes to sleep, the reader and Fez have an eye opening conversation. And a leg spreading one too."
Fake You Out:
Summary/Request: "Rue and Faye get the reader, Fezco and Ash into a sticky situation with the local gangbanger Laurie."
Little House:
Summary/Request: "Just a ramble of the reader and Fezco’s life stemming from the beginning of their relationship, to the present."
Summary/Request: "After a heated night after getting high, the reader uncovers a part of herself to Fezco."
Watch Your Man, Watch Your Mouth:
Summary/Request: "Could you do a Fez x reader imagine where it uses the “watch your man, you should watch your mouth”, like someone tells Y/N, “You should watch your man” n like a bad bitch she does the “you should watch your mouth”:)"
Polite Company:
Summary/Request: "Could you write a fez x reader where she gets jealous cause Lexi keeps hanging around hum and he gets mad at her before she admits that she likes him."
Daddy Dearest:
Summary/Request: "This tells a handful stories of the Reader and her household. Reader has been dating Fez for about a year or two, her being the only girl his daughters ever known."
Summary/Request: "could you do about fez girlfriend actually getting along with faye while they're living together and fez being jealous of all the attention shes getting"
Saturday Nights:
Summary/Request: "could you write something for fezco inspired by saturday nights by khalid"
Summary/Request: "pregnancy scare with fez?"
Truth or Dare:
Summary/Request: "reader x fezco imagine where they are playing truth and dare and then they start having fun (you know what I mean 😏 ahah). But during the game there is a sort of sexual tension"
Labor Pains:
Summary/Request: "If you have time, I was wondering if I could please have one with fez? The reader is pregnant and goes into labor and he gets to hold and meet his baby girl for the first time? 🥺"
Clean Up:
Summary/Request: "would you mind writing a fez fluff where like the reader is his gf and she’s like doing skincare"
Summary/Request: "Can you write fez+reader where the reader is maddy's sister and is pregnant (boy or girl which ever you prefer) and maddy and ash are fighting about whose going to buy what for the baby?"
Summary/Request: "one of my previous asks about the fez x reader to everywhere by niall horan lowkey doesnt make sense when theyre best friends, so if u wanna make them exes or like they have feelings & tried to get together but didnt last long/didnt even start bc timing was off so they pushed it down & stayed friends idk but still friendly w each other & ash & her still love each other & hang"
Summary/Request "fezco is so whipped he treats reader like a princess and everyone teases him about it but he doesn’t care bc in the bedroom 🥵"
Ocean Eyes:
Summary/Request "Fez is sick and needs taken care of."
Rest and Recover:
Summary/Request "Just some headcannons about how a lazy day with Ash and Fez is like."
Sing a Song:
Summary/Request "These are some headcannons for Fez dating a singer."
Summary/Request "Just some headcannons about Fezco dating a skater girl."
Innocence Is Bliss:
Summary/Request "Just some headcannons of how Fez might be with an innocent reader."
Suit Shopping:
Summary/Request "Fez suit shopping for lexis play."
Leading Hand:
Summary/Request "Fez with a dominant girlfriend that like to hold his waist and rub his thighs while driving and stuff"
Summary/Request "Is there anyway you could something where Fez’s girlfriend is a sleep walker? and just the moments him and ash have to deal with when she stays the night"
Summary/Request "what if Fez has a gf who usually wears pants and hoodies but one day is in a tank top and shorts, revealing almost her entire body is covered in bright and colorful tattoos."
Puppy Dog Eyes:
Summary/Request "Could you do nsfw Fezco with prompts 17 and 22?"
Summary/Request "anyway can you write a fix about fez and his girlfriend being a celebrity actress/singer and she spends a lot of time away from him but when they are together they are both so so happy and maybe like little blurbs of them missing eachother or blurbs of them together and really happy? thank you!!!!"
Force Feed: 
Summary/Request " fezco x reader where the reader has a fainting problem"
Fezco NSFW Alphabet
Fezco Fluff Alphabet
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kissorkill16 · 3 days
Don't Tell Nicky: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
Summary: Everyone knows the truth, except Nicky.
Trinity practically burst into the room, her phone in her hand.
Everyone else was already there, and they turned around at lightning speed when they heard the door slam open.
"Did everyone get my message?", she asked. They all nodded.
"You could've just waited until our next meeting so you could just show us the video on your own phone. I really didn't need to be kept up even later.", said Enzo. Maritza rolled her eyes, "Wimp.", she mumbled. Enzo ignored it.
Trinity walked to the front of the room, "Did anyone else get any other proof of the Forest Protectors?", she asked.
Finch reached into her backpack and took out a piece of paper, handing it to her. "Principal Abanate.", she said. Trinity looked at the photo and nodded.
Enzo pulled his phone out and showed Trinity a picture of something that looked like a closet, and inside the closet was a black feathered robe and a white beaked mask.
"What is that place?", asked Trinity.
"Town Hall. The mayor's mansion. I found this in his closet.", replied Enzo. "Made it out alive, but I was stabbed. I would've died if Maritza hadn't saved me.", he smiled at Trinity. "And not to brag, but I also got a really cool scar if you wanna see it."
Trinity put her hand up, "Later, Enzo.", she said.
Maritza smiled smugly at her brother and mumbled loud enough for him to hear, "Try-hard."
Delroy spoke up, "Apart from those two, we also know that they meet somewhere in the woods near that abandoned weather station."
"And that the tunnels underneath the school also connect to it.", said Finch.
"And that almost all of the most trusted adults are accomplices to Crowface, and they're not being mind controlled.", said Trinity.
Maritza rolled her eyes again, "I don't know if I'd call Mr. Murtaugh a trusted adult, the man was creepy as shit."
Then Trinity asked them all something that shocked everyone. "By the way, can you guys not tell Nicky about Mr. Murtaugh?"
They all looked at her in shock.
"Why not?", asked Enzo. "The guy was working for that freak with a beak, he wasn't being mind controlled, he was literally helping Crowface bring bad luck to this town."
Trinity sighed and looked at her shoes, "It's just that while he was a cultist, he told me that he's grown attached to Nicky during their weekly therapy sessions with each other. Nicky probably got attached to him too.", she said. "I just don't want Nicky to be heartbroken when he finds out that he's been tricked once again by someone he thought he could trust."
Everyone exchanged a look and a nod.
"Don't worry, Trin, we won't tell.", said Delroy. "If Finch can keep her obvious crush on Nicky a secret, then we can definitely keep Mr. Murtaugh being a total traitor a secret."
Finch's face turned red for a moment, then she shook herself off.
Just then, someone walked in the room. The gang turned around to see Nicky, and he looked almost worried.
"Guys...", he said, "Has anyone seen Mr. Murtaugh? I need a refill on my pills and I can't find him. I tried asking Principal Abanate, but she hasn't seen him either."
Everyone's faces went pale.
Trinity slowly shook her head, and Nicky let out a sigh of disappointment. Trinity stood forward and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Nicky, I'm only telling you this. You don't have to come if you don't want to, but we're going to the weather station.", she said. "The Forest Protectors perform their little good luck rituals somewhere in the woods, and I think it's close to there. If we go, we can see who they really are and find out Crowface's identity."
Nicky thought about it for a minute, then Trinity tilted his chin to meet her gaze. "Again, you don't have to come if you don't want to."
A moment of silence passed through the room, then Nicky took Trinity's hand and looked her in the eye. "I do want to.", he said. "Not because I feel like I have to because you need me, but because I want to see the man who cursed you so we can give him his comeuppance."
Trinity smiled at him and gave him a big hug.
The gang stared at them. Maritza and Delroy were looking at them and silently teasing them while pretending to barf, and Enzo and Finch were giving them salty looks.
After they pulled away, Trinity turned her focus back to the gang. "We move now."
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dragonridernoobie · 8 months
UnderSwap Papyrus X Abused!reader
Stretch (Papyrus)<-
(Y/N) <-
Ex BF <-
Cashier <-
Blue (Sans) <-
Note: this is supposed to be a friendly fanfic, but if you are in a abusive relationship, don't be afraid to reach out! There's help. More info at the bottom.
Stretch was sitting on a bench at the local park. He had a cigarette between his teeth that he was taking pulls from. His hands were inside the pouch of his orange hoodie, his one leg crossed over his other, and he had on black sweatpants. It was a nice fall day, and stretch was enjoying the weather. The tall skeleton looked exhausted, bags under his eyes sockets like he wasn't getting enough sleep. He took his hand out of his pocket to pull the cig from his mouth to exhale the smoke, sighing as he did. While he relaxs, he hears someone call his name. When he sees who is calling him, he sees his best friend/crush (Y/N).
He takes the cigarette out of his mouth, looking over to see Y/N).
"Oh, hey (Y/N)"
He said, waving to (Y/N). (Y/N) sits next to him
"How are ya stretch."
"Tired. Always tired."
He said, taking another drag from his smoke.
"It's good to see you, though. What are you doing here?"
"Was passing thru the park to go to this new sandwich shop."
"Sandwich shop, you say?"
He said, intrigued.
"What kind of sandwiches we talking about."
"Don't know, it's a new shop that was opened yesterday. All I know about it is that the sandwiches are cheap. Like there 5$ per sandwich."
"You're already talking my language."
He says, giggling a bit.
"Cheap sandwiches? Lead the way."
He says with a chuckle. They then head over to the sandwich shop and go inside
"Dam...it's pretty nice inside."
"Yeah, it is."
Stretch says, looking around the joint.
"They have a lot of seating, too. That's always good, which means they're not always busy."
The shop was a nice calm look. Warm lights, warm colors everywhere. Pictures of flowers and animals, the smell of sandwiches and coffee in the air. They walk up to the cashier and look at the menu
"Hi, welcome to sandwich sky's. What can I get you to?"
"Could I get a turkey sandwich with light Mayonnaise, please? Stretch?"
"Just a BLT, extra bacon please."
Stretch says, looking over to (Y/N). He leans his elbows on the counter, looking at (Y/N) and smiling at her.
"ok, drinks?"
"Rootbeer, please, stretch?"
"Some honey would be great."
He says, his lips curving in a smile that held warmth.
"ok, that will be 13.21$."
(Y/N) pulls out her wallet and looks at stretch
"You can pay me next time by taking me back here."
She then pays for their meal and goes to sit down and wait.
Stretch said, watching her hand the cashier the money. After a bit, the casber comes over with their food. The cashier handed them the food.
"This place is actually pretty chill."
(Y/N) unwrapps her sandwich and takes a bite
"My this is good."
Stretch said, taking the first bite of his sandwich. He hummed in satisfaction. The bacon was a nice touch, crunchy, but not overly salty or greasy.
"This is a damn good BLT. I can't believe they can sell these for 5 bucks, this is a great deal."
They both finish their sandwiches and just stay in the sitting area, sipping on their drinks while talking.
"God, why don't all places have cheap sandwiches this good? The last place I went was like 12 bucks, and it wasn't even as good as this."
He took another sip from his honey, setting it down. He seemed to be in a better mood, as if the sandwich helped him relax.
"prices, sales, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if prices of this place go up in the next few months."
"God I hope not. This is a great little joint."
He said, stretching out and relaxing back, his hands resting on the back of the chair.
"So, what have you been up to?"
"...well, as you know, I'm still trying to break up with my boyfriend, but it's been... hard."
He said, not seeming surprised. He knew his friend was in a bit of a rough patch.
"Still having problems?"
"ya, I keep finding him cheating on me, and as much as I would love to break up with him, I can't because I live with him."
"He lives with you..."
He said and sighed.
"What's stopping you from kicking him on out? I feel like if he's cheating, it should be a done and done deal."
He takes another sip from his honey.
"rent, I won't be able to pay it on my own if I move I to a new place."
"No other roommates to help with that?"
He said, looking at her curious.
"Nah, so I'm just pretending to be in love with him...even tho I do that, it still hurts to find him in bed with another bitch."
He said, not really knowing what else to say.
"Have, have you tried to, talk to him about this, about him cheating on you, I mean?"
"yep, and keeps saying "I promise to never do that again" biggest fucking lie."
"God, he sounds like a dick."
He says, sighing a bit and looking over to her.
"Have you at least started looking for some one-bedroom places to stay?"
"None here that's in my rage of money."
He sighed, thinking it over.
"No parents or family you trust that you can stay with till you get that sorted?"
"Well damn, that sucks...."
He said, sipping on his honey. The honey was nearly done. He leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms over his chest.
"You could always stay with me."
He said, looking at (Y/N). She perks up at this
"That...I might do that, but what about your brother?"
"I'm sure he wont care."
He said, shrugging and making a small gesture with one of his hands. his face now holding something of an embarrassed expression.
"Hmm...IL think about it."
"Hey, no rush... Take your time thinking it over."
He said, looking away from her a bit and glancing around the diner. He leaned forward a bit on the chair, sipping his drink some more.
"You can stay as long as you like... It'd make me happy."
(Y/N) smiles and nods. She then gets up
"Anyway, I need to get going. I was glad to see ya again."
"See you soon..and I mean it. If you can stay with me, you're always welcome."
He said, leaning back and getting up.
"It was good seeing you as always, (Y/N)"
They walk out and give each other a hug before going separate ways. Their goodbye hug was long and full of warmth. He waved at her when they broke the hug, and she was walking off to go on with her day. His gaze followed her, and the smile that remained on his face was not one that would easily fade that day. Later in the evening stretch and his brother were in the living room watching TV. It was around 9 pm. While they watched TV, stretch the phone started to ring. Stretch reached into his pocket and looked down to his phone and saw that it was (Y/N) calling. He smiled at her name and answered.
"Yo, you called?"
He asked as he brought the phone to his ear. He hears sniffling and muffled crying.
He asked, a bit worried for his friend.
"You okay? Did something happen?"
His brother blue paused the TV and looked over at him with confusion. He waves at stretch to put the phone on speaker so he can here to, since he was also good friends with (Y/N). He nods and presses the speaker button, holding the phone out between him and his brother. They both here (Y/N) finally say something
"Can...can you come pick me up please."
She says and cries a little at the end. He looked over at his brother, confusion turning somewhat to worry on his face as he heard (Y/N) words.
"Uh, yeah, yeah, I can do that."
He said, not questioning what was happening yet, but ready to get to (Y/N) as soon as possible.
"We will be there in a bit, okay? Stay put."
When his brother and him go into the car and drive to (Y/N)'s place. She is seen sitting on the curb, hugging her knees and crying. He parked as close as he could to where (Y/N) was sitting and got out of the car, walking over. His expression changed as he got closer to her, a worried look coming over his face. He sat down beside her and gave her a comforting pat on the back. His brother is sitting next to her too.
"What's going on? What happened?"
When she looked at him, her face was covered in bruises and cuts
"I..I told him I was breaking up with him and moving out, and he beat me."
His brother, who saw how bad her face was, ran to the car to grab the first-aid kit. He gasped when he saw her face, his breath catching in his throat.
"Oh my god...."
He said, quickly putting one of his hands on her shoulder.
"Are you alright?"
He looked at her face, not really sure what to do in this situation.
"Was he still there when you left? Is he in the house?"
(Y/N) nodded, and let's Blue fix up their face. He looked to his brother and watched as he got to fixing her face while he remained silent. He was concerned for (Y/N), but he didn't really know what to say to help. He reached his hand out and gently rubbed her back, just offering comfort. While they are fixing her up, her apartment door opens, and her brother shouts out to her, not noticing blue or stretch*
"hey bitch, get inside and do the dishes!"
He froze and felt his body tensed up a bit, when they heard her ex shout out to her. He stood up quickly, looking over to her ex.
"Hey, buddy, let's have a talk, yeah?"
He said, his tone had a sudden shift, something more serious behind his words. His left eye slightly lighting up orange.
"What the? Hey, you the fuck do you think you are? Get away from my girl, she doesn't need your grose skeleton fingers on her."
"Actually, I think she does."
He said, stepping closer to him and getting right in his face.
"Because you're a piece of shit who hits women, the people he's supposed to love. That's all you are, a piece of shit."
He's looking straight in his eyes, his expression stone cold.
"Back off freak! You are a monster, I'm a human, and I have more rights than you!"
"Rights? You talk about rights? Your rights ended when you hit her, you have no rights. Do you really think anyone with any brain would agree with you punching someone who just wanted to leave you?"
staring him directly in the eye. He had no fear of the man, but this man had more than earned the anger of everyone in the world for what he had done tonight.
"ppfff, whatever, move."
He pushes past stretch to go to (Y/N)
"Oh no, you're not going anywhere buddy."
He pushed the man back, putting himself between the man,his friend, and his brother. not really letting him get too close to her.
"If you really are a man like you claim to be, then how about you just leave, huh? If you arent too much of a pussy that is."
"Whp the fuck do you think you are? That bitch is mine and I'll do what ever I want with her, so move."
"She's a woman who has the right to choose who she wants to be with, and she chose not to be with you. You dont own a person just because you decided to date her. She can dump you at any given time she chooses. Now, are you gonna leave her alone, or do I have to make you?"
He said, getting right up next to the man, looking at him dead in the eyes, still standing firm in-between them both. His magic flaring up. The ex is silent and scoffs. He backs away and looks at (Y/N).
"you're a fucking whore! All those time you left you went to go fuck a skeloton? Fucking freak."
"I never fucked him, he just my friend."
"Don't talk to her like that!"
"And even if she did, it's none of your business as she is not your property anymore. She can do whatever she damn well pleases. Who she has sex with is her business, not yours."
It was clear a button was pressed in him, as he went on another little rant about the guy.
"So how bout you just leave her alone? She didnt want to be with you anymore. So just move on with your life, yeah? If you're not too much of a pussy to accept that, yeah?"
The Ex Bf scoffs and throws some more rants and goes back inside. He then comes back out and throws all (Y/N) belongings onto the sidewalk.
"have fun fucking skeloton's whore!"
He was now truly pissed off. Not only did the guy hit the girl in the first place, but now he's kicking her out because he wasn't happy with this relationship anymore. It made his blood boil. He walked over to the pile of stuff, picking up the things that he knew meant the most to her.
"You're welcome to stay with me until you're able to find a place of your own, okay?"
"Ya, you don't need to rush to find a place to stay."
(Y/N) smiles and nods. She helped blue and stretch, getting her stuff into the car, and on the drive back to their place, the drive was quiet. He sat silently as well, occasionally turning to look at her in the backseat, just checking on her to make sure she's okay. He didn't want to ask her if she was okay, as he hated the question himself. He just watched the road and looked over to her from time to time, but kept the silence as they drove back home. Once home, his brother told (Y/N) that she could sleep on the couch, and he would go grab some blankets and pillows. (Y/N) wasted no time to fall onto the couch.
"Hey... You sure you dont want the bed?"
He said, walking inside and seeing her laying on the couch. He had no issue with her sleeping there. It was comfortable, but he didn't want her to have a cramped neck after all was said and done.
"I'm fine with the couch...plus, don't want to steal your bed from ya."
"Eh, it's fine."
He said, sitting down on the couch next to her.
"Plus, its not like ima get much sleep when I can't stop thinking about this whole thing..."
He sighed, rubbing his skull.
"Im just glad you're safe."
He said, looking over at her. (Y/N) smiles.
"Thank you..."
He nods, and leans back. The two sat in silence for a moment before he looked over to her, his gaze still on her for a few moments longer, the expression on his face one of worry.
"I gotta ask... Are you hurt at all? I mean, besides the bruises, just... Are you feeling okay now that you're out of there?"
He asked, sounding and looking genuinely concerned for her well-being.
"he just threw punches at the face, nothing else."
"Are you sure?"
He asked, his voice full of concern.
"Any pain anywhere?"
He looked down to her, his voice sounding more gentle and caring, just wanting to be sure she didn't have any serious injuries.
raising an eyebrow and continuing to look for any signs of any other injuries.
"Just tell me if you're in pain anywhere."
He continued and placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch not exactly harsh and more of a comforting gesture. (Y/N) smiles and leans against him. Resting her head on his shoulder. He smiled back and let out a quiet sigh, wrapping his arm around her. He couldn't help it, but she was just very comforting to have around.
"I'm here."
He said a bit quietly, not wanting to break this very comfortable and calming silence. Not long after, (Y/N) falls asleep. His brother comes and sees her asleep and singles to stretch to help him lay (Y/N) down so he can cover her up. He gets up and helps his brother to lay her down. After that, he puts a blanket over her and covers her up to keep her cozy and warm. When Blue walks out of the room to head to bed. Stretch was about to do the same, but before he left, he made sure to give (Y/N) a light kiss on the forhead. He then whispers
"Everytbing will be ok."
Please reach out if you are in a abusive relationship, there is nothing bad for reaching help. Boy, girl, demon, woman, man, whoever. Please reach out.
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