#she looks awesome in the new hairstyle
xiao-come-home · 1 year
Genshin + HSR men as dads;
✰ Characters:
↳ Genshin: Ayato, Itto, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Zhongli, Xiao.
↳ HSR: Blade, Jing Yuan, Luocha.
✰ Words: 3,5k.
✰ SFW ; afab!reader, because pregnancy mentions. fluff.
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Warnings: established relationship, the characters are reader's husbands, mentions of pregnancy, babies, ayato always ends up kinda horknee????? slight spoilers about blades past, not beta read THERES NO TIME FOR THAT
A/N: this is my first time writing for hsr and kaveh, but I tried my best </3 also I have work in 2h and I haven't slept yet. this is more important. pog also give me feedback if you like hsr pieces ;q;
Ayato Kamisato:
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he's such a girl AND boy dad you can't convince me otherwise. i just can't get that out of my head: imagine just chilling with your husband, you two enjoying some tea or coffee, while watching your children happily yell and play outside; ayato plays with your palm slightly, switching between rubbing it with his fingers and interlocking it, giving you occasional glances and tiny smiles.
ayato's definitely a strict parent, but wants his children to feel freedom - he does not force them to practice something they don't like, but teaches them necessary stuff they need to know if they are to be the future of the Kamisato clan.
he DEFINITELY had a boy first. and his son DEFINITELY looks like a perfect mixture of you two - he has ayato's eyes and hair type, but your hair color and smile.
your daughter, on the other hand, is exactly like ayato's copy, except with your personality - and he's extremely whipped for her. his little girl wanted to practice a new hairstyle with multiple pink hair clips? oh well, looks like he goes like this to his important meeting.
though, your son is just as mischievous as his father, if not worse - has probably trolled Itto more than once by the shy age of just three. he's also definitely interested in ayato and ayaka's battle styles, like hello??? HOW DO YOU JUST DISAPPEAR LIKE THAT??? AND TURN INTO SNOW??????
even though some fights between his children happen, as it's a thing you can't avoid - the big brother is very protective of his little sister and would do anything to make her happy! even if it means princess tea time. it reminds ayato of his, though not as fortunate, childhood memories with ayaka before she grew up to be the strongest woman and best auntie we know.
ayato probably teases you about wanting a third one, so they look like you this time. "say, darling, how about we get another little one?" feeling his smile, ayato whispers into your ear, "think about it, love," he wraps his arms around your waist from behind, "you just look so perfect I can't resist you."
Arataki Itto:
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i do nOT care, his child is just as hyper as him. they're his absolute best buddy, partners in crime, you name it. but there's a plot twist - thank god your child thinks more often than their father AND stops him sometimes.
listen. absolute boy dad. his son is his pride and joy,he bragged so much about his boy to the point that Raiden Shogun herself heard about him.
so, remember itto being severely allergic to beans as an oni? his son absolutely loves beans and could eat them with no side effects. but itto being itto, prepares him meals with beans and takes it as a challenge. he just might cry, or throw up at worst. but hey, everything for his little sunshine.
^^your son absolutely cheers when he's making him dinner and suffering like?? "go dad! you're so awesome!" "yummy!" and itto's screaming back with tears dripping down his cheeks, "yes, YES!! THE BEST COOK OF INAZUMA, ARATAKI ITTO!"
itto prides himself in creating the most perfect small person to ever exist. your son inherited itto's golden heart and your brains (thank god). he's truly a ball of sunshine, and possibly the happiest and polite boy in Inazuma. with a pair of red horns just like his dad, red streaks in his hair and markings, itto's pupils and your eye color.
hear me out: total best pals with ayato's son. they love playing board games and battle onikabuto with each other, and much to itto's delight, his son is usually the winner, but the boys always politely thank each other for the game and move on.
your son is actually such a smooth talker to ayato's daughter to the point that he considers giving them a blessing and suffering being in-laws with itto.
he's also (great)grandma oni's favorite child now... he loves baking, cooking and sewing with her, and showing her his favorite onikabuto that you and itto let him keep as a pet!
itto's actually VERY down to have a few more kiddos if your pregnancy went well. he'd love a little girl to spoil his long hair, or maybe two. and two more sons so he wouldn't be lonely..
that time itto caught ushi sound asleep with his ball of sunshine next to him was the day he'll never forget. with tears in his eyes, he covered them in a warm blanket and let them snooze for a little more before bedtime.
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literally no one, not even one soul knew that alhaitham has a child until they saw him walking a three-year-old. and the said child is probably the most behaved child that has ever been born.
seriously, your son is probably the smartest child ever. alhaitham, despite some worries, did and still does very well as a father - he began teaching him to talk earlier, he also seemed to have taken a liking to some instruments when he got older. the scribe's little one also enjoys it when his dad reads with him! be it alhaitham's books or fantasy ones, they have a special routine just for reading.
your son absolutely looks up to his father. when he sees him drafting some documents, his eyes shine with curiosity and adoration. alhaitham, can't help but smile slightly when he isn't looking.
nahida promoted alhaitham as the Acting Grand Sage. he promoted her as his babysitter.
^^but in a more serious tone, I genuinely think Nahida would be somewhat interested in your child - not in a negative light in any way, but.. it does make her wonder how a small child could be so smart. though his son has a long way to go and grow up, each year he manages to surprise her.
when his son is too bothered by the attention of other people, alhaitham gives him his noise-canceling headphones; they're a bit too big on him, but he appreciates it anyway.
alhaitham makes sure your son remembers his late grandmother, despite having not met her. even if the scribe does not consider himself a very emotional person, he wants the memory of her to live on.
he encourages his child to make his own decisions, too - just like he had that choice as well; if his son wants to break the ice and become more outgoing - alhaitham will not stand in his way. he wants him to grow up as the person he truly wants to be.
he definitely explained some god-tier science to his toddler son while holding him in his arms, receiving only some confusing "blah blag bwwwug" in return, watching him bite his tiny hand in happiness. he continued.
if there's something that alhaitham shares with his son, it's his love for naps. sometimes you all sleep together, and when it's time to wake up - both of them whine and your son snuggles up to his dad, to which your husband responds by getting his arm over the little one and giving you a small chuckle with one eye open, shortly before falling back asleep.
kaveh is your child's godfather. no, it wasn't his choice.
after a bit of hesitation and a lot of thoughts, he wouldn't mind to have another one; genders don't matter to him by any means, but I see him with yet another son :)
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kaveh and his twins could rival itto and his son's enthusiasm - it's what kaveh wants his kids to always remember - he wants them to enjoy every single bit of life, even if it's something simple.
the famous architect has decided to work hard to provide for you and the baby when you told him about the pregnancy- or, rather, about his future children; some of his work truly shone and got him quite a bit of attention, and therefore - a bunch of well-paid commissions.
kaveh has fought his empathy many times and tried not to overly spend money, which resulted in him being able to create and build your house that you share together; each of the twins has their own room, decorated according to their tastes.
your children have great emotional intelligence, just like your husband; if there's ever any conflict, they rather talk about it, than pout for hours, similar with you two. kaveh teaches them to always be honest, especially to themselves. they're also talented, but in different ways - your daughter seems to be fascinated by the role of the architect as well, but your son, regardless of what he's doing - he always makes sure it's perfect and polished as much as possible.
you cannot tell me this man doesn't do some kind of weekly family time - kaveh loves his family to the bone and would risk his life to protect you and your children with no hesitation. he's very involved in his children's lives and wants to be considered as their friend as well, not just a father; kaveh wants to know what they are interested in the moment, who they had their last beef with and who their crush is. he just really wants to gossip with them lol.
contrary to what a lot of people think, the twins and alhaitham's child(ren?) get along very well, and are aware they're just mirrors of each other. they can't however, understand how they managed to live together under one roof for so long... they never complain if they visit uncle alhaitham though, as he lets them search through his library so they can find out more about their interests.
in revenge, alhaitham is the godfather of the twins, just so you know.
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not only did he fall in love with you, but after hearing the cry of his little girl after she took her first-ever breath - zhongli fell in love once again.
he's so, so overprotective of his baby, regardless of her age. he's swooned by her - how tiny her fingers are compared to his when she finally grips them for the first time, how every month she looks even prettier than last one - he's always by her side, making sure she's the happiest she could possibly be.
since he has to sleep only once for a few days, he's willing to spend every second with her, especially after birth - zhongli also wants you to rest as much as you can, so you can both create memories together.
he most certainly takes her on a lot of walks with you when she gets older; not only around liyue harbor, but places dear to him and her only, if they discover one.
when your daughter grows up and begins to show interest in zhongli's hobbies, he smiles at her gently and sits her in his lap, only to start explaining it and feeding her curiosity; sometimes he has to stop himself for a moment to admire her twinkling eyes.
oh he DEFINITELY does her hair every morning. he's practiced on you before, having learned many new hairstyles to later on perform on your daughter; he carefully strokes her hazel hair with golden tips with a brush, feeling as he's almost watching his own in a mirror. sometimes, he adorns her hair with his own hairpin.
xiao was definitely the first person to know about your daughter. knowing that archon blood runs in her veins, he's less worried about being around her, therefore always more willing to spend time with her. both grow from this interaction - the little one knows how to protect herself (or to call uncle xiao when she's in trouble), and xiao understands small humans just a bit better.
zhongli's thrilled to know what her favorites are - no matter if it's tea, food or fabric, he has to know! perhaps they share the same favorites?
with the help of kamera, he's now able to immortalize the sight of you and your daughter. each birthday, he takes a picture and cherishes the young years of your baby, knowing they won't last long; erosion be damned, as long as he has the pictures - he'll always remember.
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xiao was clueless. clueless and frightened. he wasn't supposed to have a child - with a mortal on top; albeit he tries to stay calm for your and baby's sake, he wants both of you to heal well.
it took quite a bit of time for xiao to fully embrace that he's a parent - and he adapted very well, having you by his side; the only worry that hasn't gone away is the thought of harming his daughter with his karmic debt.
but so far, the little one hasn't shown any signs of it, which makes xiao more than happy. she's yet another reason to warm his cold heart up, which he always compares to being engulfed by comfy scarf in the winter.
he automatically turns his head around whenever he hears her tiny little "tap taps" with her feet; not only does he find it adorable, but he knows she once again managed to lose her slippers and socks.
listen. she inherited the same diamond mark on her forehead - and he finally understands why you always insisted you liked kissing it for no reason.
he always. ALWAYS shares his almond tofu with his baby girl.. and she always makes a mess while eating it.. but it's worth it.
your daughter seemed to have taken a liking to watching finches from a distance; they always look for a nice spot in liyue plains, make a small picnic and feed the leftover bread to the birds. she finds them so adorable to the point that xiao was looking for a finch plushie for WEEKS. that made her good friends with qiqi, whom she tries to remember as "the finch friend."
Zhongli never says it out loud, but thinks of Xiao as his son. therefore, he finally earned a title of a grandpa (though unofficial). he's very proud to see Xiao stand up in a role of not only a protector of liyue, but the ones closest to him.
yes, your daughter actually calls morax himself, grandpa. (he doesn't correct her. ever)
imagine xiao with baby carrier. now you don't have to imagine it anymore.
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don't even say he isn't a girl dad. HE IS.
he thinks he's a mere blade whose humanity has been lost hundreds of years ago - it's nothing more but a delusion in his mind. if that was the truth, why would he stay near his daughter's crib and watch her sleep peacefully, flinching when he saw her stir in her sleep?
she's absolutely not afraid of his cold, death stare, in fact - she looks at him back, waiting him to break first. just imagine a tiny baby eating a rice waffle, blade next to her and he just.. stares at her. but she stares at him back and eats the waffle like it's nothing.
your baby girl inherited blade's hair- or rather, yingxing's pearly white hair. he often pats her head gently and goes his hand through her hair, his eyes holding a tinge of bitterness and anger; not at her, however, but at the one he's after.
since blade spends most of his time on various missions with the stellaron hunters, he tries to make it up to your daughter by giving her gifts; hairpins, stickers (ekhem, silver wolf), coloring books, you name it. he slowly warms up to the idea of spending more quality time with her - after so many missions and the thought of his family waiting for him at home, his heart longs to see you again.
sometimes.. you can catch a faint smile on his lips when he plays with her. it's a sad smile - a smile yearning for it to happen back in simpler times, before getting reduced to a weapon, or perhaps in another lifetime.
he never admits it out loud, but he gets used to the new routine a bit too comfortably. before, when it was just you - in contrast to now, when he barely closes the front door and hears his daughter sprinting to him and clinging to his leg; he picks her up and feels her squishing her cheek against his while grinning. "welcome home, daddy!" are the first words he hears - and hopes to hear until it's his time to leave.
at times, blade becomes genuinely terrified - terrified of no longer craving death and wanting to stay. it sends him in so much emotional turmoil he starts to shake; how else do you process this? after so many years of attempting to look for that one thing that finally stops your breath, only to get swarmed by the thoughts of not wanting to leave your daughter behind? what if something happens to her and there's no one to help her?
there's a thing that I can't stop thinking about: I want to leave it up to you how you name your daughter, but I feel like blade would truly like the name Mari.
he lets her decorate him with stickers. it was silver wolf's idea.
Jing Yuan:
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he was blessed with a daughter, as well. and then again. and then... again.
he absolutely adores his three little girls, hellO?!?!? but if you think about it, it makes sense - almost all of them took after his personality.
there is a mandatory nap for him and his girls that no one can disturb, unless the planet is on fire or someone got you mad. they all snore quietly while cuddling their dad, one of them on his chest, second on his stomach, and last one has her face somewhere next to his hair. makes you wonder how they got in these places, considering they started sleeping beneath a pink blanket decorated with lions.
speaking of lions, mimi claims your daughters as her cubs and does not let jing yuan take them away. she loves being pet and getting small kisses from them, there's no way she gives him that amount of attention back.
jing yuan loves your daughters to death and spoils them with absolutely EVERYTHING. new plushie? will be here in a few hours. a damned rock that's stupidly expensive, holds no value but one of them liked it? he'll take five. hell, he might even buy them a dog or another lion and hope for easy consequences from you.
he's slightly scared of how fast his oldest got so good at chess.
the girls get very upset when someone mentions they have no older brother - after all, how could they forget about yanqing?
there is a high chance of him losing one of them at home. they're walking, he turns around and.. suddenly the math doesn't add up..
if it's princess tea time, it is princess tea time. fu xuan either becomes a princess or comes back later.
even though they sometimes bring a lot of trouble, jing yuan always tells them to appreciate you - when it's mother's day, they all sit down and prepare a gift for you, same for your birthday; your special days will never go unnoticed.
probably wouldn't mind having another child, but is fully prepared for another girl lol.
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he fathered a beautiful boy and girl a few years after. none of them were planned, but very welcome by both of you.
he's.. such a doting father. he always takes care of his children well, shows them affection - especially as small babies, he can't get over their chubby cheeks and peppers them with kisses, so he could hear them giggle.
in general, I think he just. can't get enough of them when they're toddlers or even younger. he loves holding them. he loves seeing his tiny babies get curious when he prepares medicine. he loves when they extend their hand to him for seemingly no reason, so he has an opportunity to give it a kiss. ARGH
he's thrilled to share his medical knowledge with his kids, if one shows interest in it!
luocha's definitely the one to style his babies' hair, I mean have you seen this man's gorgeous locks???? he's also the one to cut it if they don't like it long.
this isn't really about the children themselves, but.. he's just so grateful that you brought them into this world?? and he makes sure you know it every day, be it through actions or words. when you gave birth to your daughter, he held her in her hands and approached you from behind, leaning down and planting a chaste kiss on your cheek. "love, she's so wonderful, thank you for your hard work. I can't stop looking at her, and I wouldn't have that opportunity if I didn't meet you. I've never been more happy to meet such a person like you."
just like kaveh, he wants to be very involved in their lives. he always asks them about their day in school, if they made any friends. luocha also tries to be stern and has only one expectation as a father - he wants them to have a good, comfortable life, in which he'll assist in achieving as long as they need.
your son is very, very talkative with his dad and they could converse for hours. like for real. he's so smart, luocha is more than happy to broad his horizons, even in topics of lesser importance.
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paigegonerogue · 2 months
TLOU s2 first look (in video form) came out, and HOLY FUCK IT’S INCREDIBLE!! But you guys know me… you know how I am… let’s analyze this sucker.
Spoiler for tlou part 2
Other than the amazing dialogue and acting here, this scene thrills me because now we know we get at least a little more time with Joel. Thanks, Craig❤️
I’ve seen people say it could be therapy, which I love, but it’s also possible it could just be a normal conversation. Either way, I can’t wait!
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Onto the next shot!
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The “the tattoo looks bad!” People are sweating lol This looks AMAZING!! The scarring makeup is so well done! But ALSO did someone say shallow depth of field?? No?? Okay we’ll screw me I guess. Also, IT’S THE MOTH AGHHHHHH
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Beutiful recreated shot. The shallow depth of field is gorgeous, and the lights… it’s just beutiful!
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First thing’s first…
It’s possible that the person holding onto Ellie’s shoulder is Maria, since if you turn your brightness up you can kinda see her side-shave hairstyle.
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I have two theories for this: 1, this is right after the chemical burn? Or 2, this is after Joel dies? I could be totally wrong, though.
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The guy in the background doesn’t look familiar to me, and none of the main cast have beards like that. I think he’s a new character, probably just a small role as a doctor.
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This is definitely Jackson. You can see that the gates are the same as Jackson’s from ep 6.
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And I’m fairly sure that it’s an infected horde, since none of them seem to have guns or weapons.
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(No analysis here. Just hype.)
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Definetly Seraphites, probably from the iconic forest scene. Looks great, love the lighting here.
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First look at Dina!! Woo!!
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Ellie has an assault rifle, and I think she might be on some rafters here, judging by the metal and because she’s definitely above ground level.
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Gorgeous landscape shot, probably around the Jackson area.
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JEFRREY WRIGHT RAHHHHHHHHH I don’t believe there’s a fight in the kitchen with Isaac in tlou part 2 (correct me if I’m wrong, but I definitely don’t think so?). He could be fighting Ellie here, which would probably be triggering for her (bad memories of guys fighting her in kitchens)
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Firstly, KAITLYN LOOKS SO GOOD WOOHOO!!! Secondly, awesome recreated shot.
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Not 100% sure, but could this be Tommy and Ellie? The first person looks like Tommy, with the longer dark hair and jacket. And the second person has the same color jacket that Ellie was wearing in the first look, and seems smaller than Tommy, which would also line up.
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Awesome shot! I bet this is in the tunnels, especially since the shot after you see an infected slam against the doors.
Anyway, those are all my observations for now! This was the best 20 seconds of my day, and I’m so UNBELIEVABLY hyped!!
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andy-wm · 1 year
3D by JK (feat. JH) - my take.
Ok, unpopular opinion maybe, and I might get my ass beaten for this (not in a good way 🤣)
Feel free to disagree RESPECTFULLY.
Disclaimer: If anyone comes at me with that cancel bullshit I will block you, because we all get to have an opinion.
If my post enrages you, scroll past until you can be civil, then come back and talk. Or block me. I dont mind.
And don't tell me that because I don't love this song I have to hand in my ARMY card... I'm not going to.
I'll start by saying I love JK so, so much. Adore him. Will always support him.
But for me, 3D is a misstep.
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My feeling is Hybe should have reconsidered releasing it as it is.
JK's lyrics are fun and sexy. The innuendo is on point. The melody is great and the chorus has excellent sing-along value. Even though I'm not a huge pop music fan, I like the vibe.
The MV dancers are awesome, and I got a kick out of the fire hydrant metaphor.
And in that jacket with nothing under it, JK looks hot enough to melt asphalt.
Including Jack Harlow's rap IMO is a mistake. It sucks, frankly. Not in a good way.
It not only misses the mark on the tone of the rest of the song but his lyrics are really just offensive. Misogynistic. And racial refrences are just... not cricket. It's 2023 not 1995, regardless of what his hairstyle tells you.
His lyrics sound like an incel bragging about their sex life when all they've ever done is watch porn. From his words, I doubt he knows how to please any person but himself.
His message is gross, but its still just... generic. Like he went to urban dictionary for spicy language and then googled how to treat women like shit. There's nothing original about what he's saying. He's not even being gross in an intersting way. It's gross AND boring.
(Jack, if you're reading this, sorry my guy you gotta do better.)
I've been army since 2018 and this is the first BTS song I have tried to find merit in and given up.
I honestly tried to be into it and i just... can't. It doesn't sit well with me.
This is a new experience for me because even when BTS release something i don't immediately love, i still stream and watch and let it sink in, or I work on figuring out what I am missing and why it's ACTUALLY good even if i can't grasp it.
This... it's just... not good, in my opinion.
I have to clarify here...
It isn't about explicit content, i am totally down for that. If anyone read my post on Seven, they will know my response to that song. In a nutshell, I believe all adults who want to, should happily and shamelessly be doing ALL the horizontal tango. Every type, every day, in every way. With anyone and everyone they fancy as long as all parties are informed and consenting adults who are equally enjoying the experience.
Yes. I am all about getting down.
That doesn't mean treating your partners like a body count or using and abusing them with no consideration. That's not cool.
**PSA: please be safe and use protection. Get tested regularly if you have multiple partners. Don't do anything you don't feel good about and dont stay with partners who harm or manipulate you 💜**
Now, back to the smut.
Some criticisms i saw of Seven were about how dirty it was. A few people were upset because JK said fuck, and because he sang about how and when he liked to fuck. But more criticism was levelled at Letto. Why?
It seemed like it was because she's a woman, singing about sex.
Letto totally owns her sexuality and she knows what she wants. I snorted with delight at how deliciously filthy her lyrics were. Some very clever wordplay made her verse so visceral, and pretty shocking to the pearl-clutchers, without her ever saying anything directly. I really enjoyed it.
She was telling us straight up how good she is in bed. Good for her. She totally rocks. And she wasn't disrespecting anyone. She didn't need to do that to make herself cool AF.
The difference between Letto's rap and jack harlow's is that jack sounds like he's just looking at the women he's singing about as a hole to stick his dick in. Women have fought for long enough for equality and respect. They don't need this bullshit. You can sing about getting down, and you can be absolutely filthy and nasty and wild, and you can do it without degrading your partners.
I did read a theory about this song being social commentary on toxic masculinity. You can find it here and you can read it below:
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Its not bad as a theory. At least it wouldn't be if Namjoon or Yoongi or Hobi - or Jungkook himself - had written the song. If that were the situation we'd see some inkling of self awareness in the rap, and maybe a hint of character development. But there's none.
Sorry ARMY, this is not the class of lyricism we have come to expect.
If jack is trying to make a social statement^*, or play a character, he is not succeeding in showing any growth or humanity at all. He's really just that stereotype.
In the last few lines, after he offers to fly his victim from Korea to Kentucky, he says "and you ain’t gotta guarantee me nothing I just wanna see if I get lucky."
How considerate...
All I see is zero care factor about the actual person he's trying to get with. Which is quite different from JK's lyrics, which show awareness that he's interacting with a conscious, living human being, not a piece of furniture.
jack follows with "I just wanna meet you in the physical and see if you would touch me"
Ugh. Not with a ten foot pole, douchebag.
And how about, in his first verse "All my ABGs get cute for me"
Good god, really? Is he seriously saying this?
So its a no for me.
The ONLY saving grace is that there's an alternative version which is pretty fun. It's almost as if Hybe knew we would hate the version with jack harlow. Wow, such insight!
Now, i know that's not the only reason they made an alternative. They needed a clean version for US radio play (let's be real, what possible other purpose can this song serve? *°)
But they could have censored jack's... actually they couldn't. The rap verses can't be salvaged. They genuinely have no merit, the only hope for the song is totally removing them.
What does that tell you?
ARMY will no doubt still chart the main track but personally, I would feel morally compromised if i supported that version. So I'll stick to the alternative and hope for better things to come.
^* Stylecaster doesnt think so either. I visited their website to check thr lyrics. They said, of D3, "Meanwhile, Jack Harlow brings the cool with his two verses as he raps about all the women he could pull"
Uh, really? I hope that's intended to be ironic.
*° The MV had only 4.5million views after 12 hours. And we know what brilliant strategists Hybe employs. I am travelling in Korea right now. There was no promo visible here. And it was no accident that it was released at lunchtime on Chuseok - the biggest famiily holiday of the year - when relatively few people in Korea would be available to engage with it. THEY KNEW IT WAS A STINKER.
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houseofpendragons · 5 months
New Ideas for HOTD Alicent Fashion pt.2
So technically the last one I did for Alicent was apart of a Rhaenyra one, but for continuity sake this is my second outfit redesign for a younger Queen Alicent Hightower.
The dress in question we’re changing is one that will be changed in both scenes it’s worn. One will be a new dress entirely but the other will be just mentally recreating it to look more like the concept art.
The scenes are the dismissal of her father as Hand & The confrontation between she and Rhaenyra about the rumor that had her father dismissed:
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I actually love this❤️❤️❤️ it’s just missing a little something, so when comparing these two pics:
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If you notice these look exactly the same, except the black is darker, perhaps a velvet, the gold embroidery is more in the form of a design and brighter. The necklace is also more regal looking, bigger than the ones we saw her wear in her girlhood as a noble Lady. Those are the things they should’ve kept for the design of the dress in this scene, she’d look more like an actual Targaryen royal of the time. No offense but the dress that made the cut is kinda bland in tone.
The hair as well, she went for a jeweled hairnet to back to her girlhood hairstyles, precisely why I wish they would’ve kept the braided jeweled crown. It makes her seem more mature (despite her not being but jewelry can be a mask just as much as makeup sometimes) and more royal. She could even still keep it in this half held up hairdo just with the jeweled braided crown/twist added into it:
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And the last thing about it the to want to say, the cape would’ve been awesome to see and it would’ve fit the scene. It was raining and she had a man carrying an umbrella for her, I think she’d have that cool ass cape too. Again makes her look more regal, more queen like, more mature.
The next time she wears it that I’d like to change, when she confronted Rhaenyra. A tense scene.
However at this point in time is when she is the most conflicted between her marriage to her husband and her “duty” to her house. I feel she’d reflect that in a representation of both houses. More so red, almost as if adding green was an afterthought, bc I rather think it would be a last minute decision for Alicent to add a green sash or piece of fabric to her usually Targaryen adoption in appearance. A way to feel close to her father by wearing the colors of the house she was born from (just like I headcanon she wore blue as a child to feel close to her mother; Helena Cuy, look it up where I go on a whole rant).
That in mind, imagine something similar to this:
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The green being held in place at her neck, Targaryen dragon scales but in gold (perhaps a subtle nod toward Sunfyre/Aegon), it comes to wrap around her waist like a belt, tied at one side the remainder of the green fabric falls free on her left side of her hips down side by side the red dress. Also from the neckline, a half cape of green coming to cover her right side, thin gold chains reaching out from the neckline to hide beneath the half cape.
The red dress underneath would suit the summer climate/warmer climate of the time in the Red Keep, it’s just the right shade of Targaryen red, not to mention the red dress isn’t what really makes the dress but really what is meant to catch ur eye is that she’s wearing green for the first time in a long time. It meant to be hinting at her internal battles. Ofc her cleavage wouldn’t be exposed as depicted so it’s have a higher neckline, perhaps some simple gold and/or black embroidery to enhance it a bit.
Her hair would be something else to consider, thinking back to how we want it to be more mature and queen like. So perhaps a head peace or a jeweled net?
A mixture of these two would suffice:
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The first picture is my favorite one and the main inspo for how I’d have done her hair, the pearls, the way her hair is twisted at the top with her bun being kept nice and beautiful in a net. The only thing I’d add from the second photo is the gold lace around the edges of the net, as well as the braid surrounding that as a whole. I’d also take the bands and add them loosely to the bottom part of her hair left down.
As for jewelry, they could’ve taken inspo from actual royal jewels. Something like this for Alicent:
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Like I said the look starting originally as her traditional Targaryen Queen attire, with her Hightower symbolism added as an afterthought. Some small pearls could be added between diamond to go more with the pearls in her hair (although I think I might see some pearls in there but I might be dumb).
As for the earrings they could be something like this:
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Again incorporating pearls into them or straight up replacing the diamonds entirely.
It’s just Queenly. It’s appeasing to the eyes. And it’s what I expect people to design royal fashion as to look like in period/historical dramas when you’ve proven yourself not concerned with accuracy or if it is a style fantasy gown.
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chenziee · 2 months
AKA Obligatory everybody is alive and nothing hurts, attempt #254666
This piece is a "Pick one" commission from the_rin on AO3! Thank you so much again for commissioning me and for your endless patience while I struggled with this creature that decided to run away from me 🤍🙏
One day, I might be able to actually write this story in Luffy's POV (which is what it was originally supposed to be both four years ago when I first had the idea and now.. but I still don't have enough skill and confidence to successfully make it ☠️
So for now, please enjoy Nami's slowly losing it while chaos rules over Sabaody 🍊
As Nami climbed up onto the Sunny’s deck for the first time in two years, with a wide smile on her lips and arms full of shopping bags, she could barely contain her excitement. After all, it now finally felt like time was moving again after the crew’s separation.
When she had gotten the news of the war while on Weatheria, it was like a punch in the gut. She had seen the photos of the state both Luffy and Ace were in before their escape—both with terrible burn scars on their chests with blood all over their faces, looking on the brink of death. The following days were nothing short of a high-speed nightmare filled with nothing but worry, fear, and the need to be by Luffy’s side with no way to get to him.
She trusted that Luffy would make it… but there was no real guarantee he would. Or that Ace would.
Nami didn’t dare imagine how Luffy would feel if he had lost his brother. While completely alone, with no one from the crew by his side… Her heart nearly broke at the mere thought of it.
So, when the news of Luffy’s escapade at Marineford reached her a few weeks later, seeing the message he had for his crew, it was like a huge weight had been lifted off her chest. She knew what Luffy was trying to say. She understood. And she knew that she, too, could get stronger.
With Weatheria’s science, she was sure she could become a navigator capable of getting Luffy wherever he damn well wanted.
And she was confident that now, two years later, she was more than able to do that.
Even though she imagined that Luffy was going to come up with the stupidest, most dangerous places to sail to…
But, that was a battle she would fight when they got there; for now, she was just beyond excited to see everyone!
By the time she had arrived on Sabaody a few days ago, only Franky and Zoro were already there—one of which was definitely hopelessly lost and possibly half-way to Fishman Island by that point—but now… Now it all felt so much more real.
Usopp and Chopper were with her—or had been before they ran off to rave over Franky—, Shakky said that Brook and Sanji were somewhere on the archipelago, and now, even Robin was on the ship already, waiting for Nami to climb up the ladder.
They were only missing Luffy now, but that was just a matter of time.
Honestly, their biggest problem at this point was finding Zoro and dragging his directionally challenged ass back here.
“Nami! I’m so happy to see you!” Robin said, pulling Nami into a hug as soon as she found her balance on the jelly-like coating under her feet.
Nami laughed easily, returning the gesture. “Same to you! You look amazing!” she complimented the archeologist, sighing in content at the familiar warmth of her friend’s presence.
That is, at least, until a high-pitched scream resounded around the deck, startling Nami and making her jump.
“Hair comes out?!”
“Can you make any hairstyle you want?!”
Heaving a deep sigh, Nami shook her head. “I can’t believe Franky’s body got even more ridiculous. What even is going on over there?”
“Who knows?” Robin chuckled “Looks like the boys like it though.”
“Such a bulky body seems so inconvenient. I don’t get it,” another woman piped up.
“Right?” Nami agreed with a huff. “I mean, what’s with those shoulders—”
Suddenly, Nami stopped talking. Blinking a few times, she tried to figure out what it was that suddenly felt so off… but then, she whipped around in the direction of the last voice—a distinctly unfamiliar voice.
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justtonto · 17 days
Hello!! Do you have an XS headcannons 💕
Your art is awesome
Glad you asked! (Chronicles canon doesn't count here, I haven't reviewed that yet)
Headcanons for Kimiko
Her parents are divorced
She is very much like her mother in character, which she doesn't like to admit, they very rarely communicate
All those Crazy hairstyles are wigs (because if they're not, her hair is just dead from the dye)
Kimiko once caught Omi wearing one of her wigs and posing in front of a mirror
Kimiko doesn't really like that Omi is always in the same clothes, once she and Omi spent the whole evening trying out new looks on him (Their friendship is so dear to me)
Before Xiaolin, she was thinking of becoming a designer, But actually, she used to be kind of an irresponsible rich girl, but nice.
She gets Clay to repeat Tik Tok trends with her
She's bisexual because I said so
Headcanons for Raimundo
When the whole team first met, Rai made Omi believe that Kimiko's phone needed sun and water to charge, so Omi put Kimiko's phone on the highest point in the temple and then almost drowned it, then Kimiko gave Raimundo a hard time about it
He has a strict father and his relationship with his siblings is the same as with Omi and Clay
Before Xiaolin, he didn't have much plans for the Future
The oldest in the family
he's pretty smart, but because of his behavior and his attitude, In school, he always balanced between a F and a C
Headcanons for Clay
He gave every animal on the farm a name, at night he wishes them all goodnight
When he was little he was afraid of chickens and ran away from them
Very good relationship with his mother, in many ways he is very much like her in appearance
He's just as bad with technology as Omi
He's very good at sewing (and knitted Omi a hat and scarf)
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ambigirl · 3 months
Why are girls so different!? Part 1
Notice: this is an au for Wind breaker characters
Characters: Haruka Sakura, Tachibana Kotoha, Hajime Umemiya, Hayato Suo, Kiryu Mitsuki, Akihiko Nirei, Kaji Ren, Toma Hiiragi, Taiga Tsugeura, Tsubakino Tstsuku
Ship: Kotoha x Sakura
"Why are girls so different?"
This question has been living in his head rent free for days. It isn't like he had encountered many girls in his life! As a matter of fact, in all his life, girls had been avoiding him. It may be because of his aggressive attitude, or may be because of his heterochromia weird appearance.
But recently, a girl has entered his life. She doesn't seem to be scared of him. In fact, she stared into his eyes, face to face, and said his appearance is awesome! He felt something in his heart that wasn't familiar, so for avoiding it, he snapped and yelled. But she didn't seem scared of his attitude, too! What a weird girl...
All of this fun started from the time he met her, and now, he's in front of the mirror, weirdly caring about his appearance. He had his comb in his hands and was trying some new hairstyle that makes him look better. Suddenly, he snapped out of imagination and found himself with his hair looking like Umemiya Hajime, his senpai in school.
He felt weird, why is he trying to change his appearance!? He tried to find the answer from what he remembered from yesterday:
~ He was walking in the street with his hands full. The first year's patrol finished just half an hour ago, so, after saying goodbye to his classmates and a little chit-chat with Suo and Nirei, he met with people he helped during the patrol. For some reason, people has started to call him "captain Sakura". The sound of "captain Sakura, take this" "captain Sakura, take that" was filling the area. Sakura couldn't stop blushing, thinking about how popular he has become. He both like and hate being the centre of attention.
"This town is full of weirdos" he thought.
Suddenly, someone passed by him that caughthis eyes. His eyes widened by the sight of shiny brown threads dancing in the air.
He stopped himself, remembering how embarrassing it is to call her by her name. It loks like she was in hurry, and her face was sweaty. The weather was kinda chilly, so he couldn't understand why she was sweating this much. He took a big step and caught her hand.
She turned back with a big gasp. But then, her eyes sparkled.
"Sakura! What a relief, you scared me."
He grabbed his things in one hand, then opened his hand in front of her face.
"Let me carry your stuff"
She smiled and said: "are you sure!? Your own stuff seems heavy, but mine aren't"
"J-just give them to me already" he blushed. "A man wouldn't let a woman carry things when he's around."
Mitsuki taught him that. He never thought he'd use this on her, of all people.
Kotoha smiled and handed over all the things that was carrying.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to trouble you."
"It's nothing."
She looked her back real quick, kinda nervously.
"Uhhh, Sakura, I'm happy that I've seen you! You're a life saver." She gave him a big smile.
"Can you... please... go somewhere with me tomorrow!?" She said it while trying to open the cafe.
"Well, I wanna go shopping, and since I have a lot of things to buy, they're going to be heavy for sure. I wanted to ask Nii... I mean, Umemiya, but he's really busy."
He put all the eggs on the cabinet and said: "well, ok. What time!?"
"How about 10 a.m?"
"it's ok". He sat on the chair. "Can I have omelette rice?"
Kotoha giggled. "Ok ok. Wait a little". ~
Sakura came back to present, suddenly remembering it's 9:45.
"Gah, I wish my hair wasn't 2 coloured. I look weird with any hair style!"
He left the comb on his futon and ran outside. He didn't want to be late for...
He stopped and grabbed his head between his arms. "Stop thinking about date, this isn't a date, you're just gonna help her, that's it". Would someone as mature as her even think about dating someone like him!? This question popped into his mind, causing a pain in his heart. "Well, that hurts."
Kotoha was standing in front of cafe, with a long white and green dress. This was the first time Sakura had seen Kotoha with a dress! "She looks so pretty!" He couldn't resist this idea in his mind. "I should tell her, I think."
Kotoha gave him a smile. "Hello Sakura."
Sakura couldn't open his mouth to say "this dress suits you so much" or "you look pretty". It was so embarrassing that thinking about it made him blush wildly.
"Y-y-you have changed your appearance". He said it while trying to look away.
"Oh, you mean this dress!? Yes. I... like wearing these kind of dresses, but wearing them when I'm alone makes me feel uncomfortable." She blushed saying that, with an uncomfortable face.
"Why? It looks pretty on you!"
Suddenly, he understood that he let that slip his mouth, tried to fix it.
"I-I-I-I mean..."
But Kotoha seemed kinda sad. "Thank you, but when there isn't a man around, other men try to harass, especially when I'm wearing these beautiful dresses."
Sakura couldn't stop himself from feeling sad. She seemed really upset about it. Sakura could remember the first time they met, there were a group of boys surrounding her, trying to drag her with themselves.
"Well, now I'm here, so don't worry about anything and enjoy wearing this dress"
Sakura said it by instinct, with a blushing face. Kotoha looked at him with surprise, but then, she smiled. "Thank you, I really appreciate it." She grabbed his arm as they were entering the mall.
Sakura looked at Kotoha's face, blushing about her grabbing his arm, but saw Kotoha with a shiny face and eyes full of sparkles, with a tiny blush on her chick.
"Let's Go!!!" Her voice was full of excitement.
Sakura never had seen someone being this happy about shopping! "Why are girls always look so happy while shopping!?" Well, according to what he knows, guys mostly think shopping is a pain in the ass, and don't do it till it's completely necessary, but girls!!! He heard that girls love going into shopping malls and not coming out for hours!!!
Sakura took a long breath. "Haaaahhhh, I hope God save me from a long shop!"
"I wished we could've went back and eat your omelette rice instead of eating ramen here" Sakura said it with a pout. Kotoha gave him a small laugh.
"We're out, so why not enjoying a meal outside of what we usually eat!?"
"I-I like trying new things!!! But... I like food at your cafe more... kinda"
Kotoha gave a very kind smile. "I'm happy to hear that!" (Her face in my mind: 😄)
Sakura put the chopsticks into his mouth angrily. He couldn't help but think Kotoha is angry at him. For 3 or 4 hours straight, she was putting on different kind of dresses and showing them to Sakura.
"Does it look good on me!?"
And Sakura, while couldn't help his dropped jaw could just say: "Yes! You look absolutely beautiful."
He feels like because he kept saying that, Kotoha is upset with him. She even said: "Are you saying it like this so we can finish our shopping sooner!?"
And Sakura answer it with "No, I mean everything I say."
Sakura wished he could give his vision to Kotoha, so he could see how stunning she is with the dresses she wear!
"Do guys look this different with some outfit change!?" In his opinion, guys don't look beautiful in any clothes, they can just look cooler and cooler. And it's not like if they change their t-shirt with another t-shirt, their appearance look cooler! But when Kotoha changed her t-shirt with another cloth that was strange to Sakura, her appearance went from stunning to absolutely stunning! And Sakura's jaw dropped on the floor by witnessing that!
"I'll pay the bill." Sakura said that with a pout. Kotoha stopped eating and looked at Sakura.
"Really!? How!? Do you have enough money!?"
"O-of course I have! I've been paid for doing some small things in town by elder people."
He - was - lying!
Yesterday, Hiiragi came in front of his home, after some talk they had about things they do in school, Hiiragi said: "Kotoha-chan told me she's taking you with her for shopping, is that right!?"
"Then, have this."
He gave Sakura some money. Sakura was blushing surprisingly.
"What is it for!?"
"For tomorrow. If you two went to a restaurant to eat something, or if there were small payments like taking taxi or buying something, do it with this. It's not that much, but it should be ok for the little time you two are going to spend together." Hiiragi looked at Sakura who looked struggled, and smiled. "I'm not doing it for you, I want Kotoha-chan to have a good time, and I know she'll have a good time if you don't get embarrassed in front of her." He sighed and turn his back. "We men have different world view about everything with women, and now, you're going to experience it yourself, and not with anyone, but with someone I consider my little sister, so, just have fun and don't worry about anything, your big brother have both of you guy's back!"
He waved at Sakura and disappeared in the darkness.
"Hiiragi, thank you." Sakura thought that with a smile.
Outside of restaurant, there was a game with some prizes. And the biggest prize was a big pink bear!
"Tch, who is that idiot to give money to get a big bear!?" Sakura thought, then turned around to see if her shopping is finished or not, just to face Kotoha with an excited face of her that sparkles were flying around her!
"Eh!? Eeeeeehhhhhh!? She's excited just for a big bear toy!?"
"Do you want it!?" Sakura said it with surprised face.
Kotoha turned around with puppy eyes. "C-can I please try!?"
Sakura felt his chest was empty for some seconds. "Eh!? Where's my heart!? I feel like I'm about to die!"
What's her deal!? "Ugggghhhhhh"
"It's f-fine, let's try it." HOW COULD HE SAY NO TO THOSE EYES!? DAMN IT!
Kotoha paid for the game. It was a simple game: throw the ball to some kind of animals. If you could take down the lion, you could get the big bear. Kotoha could throw it, but it didn't take it down.
"Aaaawwwwww". She seemed so sad.
"Don't worry, beautiful young girl, you can have one of these smaller items." The man said.
"Hold on, let me try once, too!"
Sakura grabbed the ball and throw it with every strength he had. The ball hit the lion and make a hole in both lion and the decorations behind it.
"What did you do!?" The man seems so angry.
"I'm sorry for that." He gave the remaining money he had to the man. "Can we take the big bear now!?"
The man threw hand angrily. "You can take whatever ... you want!"
Sakura got angry because of the curse he said. "Calm down Sakura, calm down. Remember you promised Kotoha and Hiiragi to not fight."
He picked the bear and went to Kotoha. "Is this the one you wanted!?" He asked.
"Yes! Yes! Can I carry it myself!?"
"Yes, here you go."
Sakura hand the big bear over to Kotoha, and she get it with a happy smile.
"Why are girls so different!? How can a girl smile this bright and suddenly becomes the centre of the world!? How can the world vanish and only she stays with such a beautiful smile!?" Sakura couldn't stop the thoughts popping into his mind.
"Sakura. Thank you for getting me this. Now, I wanna share my happiness with you."
She stands on her toes and gave Sakura a cheek kiss! He got frozen, he couldn't even remember how to breathe! He tried to imprison the shout that was coming from the bottom of his heart, and gulp down all "What was that for" words that were coming up his throat. She was hugging the bear very happily and he didn't want to ruin her mood.
Walking out of mall, they saw Tsubaki on patrol.
While Kotoha tried to get Tsubaki's attention, Sakura ran to him while shouting "just a minute, I have to tell something to him".
He grabbed Tsubaki's arm and dragged him a little further.
Note: I'll write a part 2 for it, this one got too long and we're still in the middle of story ;-;
Note 2: according to official English editors of manga, the mangaka announced that Tsubaki's official pronounce is he/him.
Note 3: other characters will show up, too ;-;
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candyistoosweet · 3 months
Now since I see how much you're interested in hellcrew...Who's YOUR fav character???
Oh my fav hellcrew characters are A LOT! Almost all of them!! Well I just can't pick only one, so I'll just text it down with ranking◝(*'◡'*)◜
1. Kelly Duffy
2. Cian Lynch
3. Seamus Wrynn
4. Seraphina Shaw
5. Lucien Delaney
6. Sullivan Sweeney
7. Julius Doherty
8. Octavian Doherty
9. Devlin Doherty
10. Duvessa Doyle
11. Killian Lynch
...Haha, I'll explain in order! First off, Kelly is my fav cuz...I don't know I love his design so much! I love how he looks, and...the lack of infos or stories about him makes me feel more attracted to his mysterious aura I guess?
Next, Cian! Well, Cian is definetely at the top tier since he has so many best traits out of HC casts, don't you think? He's good with kids, cooking, social, looks handsome....so many great characteristics to tell! Definetely #1 or #2!
Seamus...I love himmm I love his aura, I really appreciate how he shows his personallity!! His face and hairstyle is also very calm and interesting...only if his way of describing 'love' as his photos weren't so twisted, I could've just gave him #2 tier, honestly.
Sera...Actually @gracilissart 's artwork of his characters and their introductions are favorite out of three creators' works in the Hellcrew project. I'm a straight girl and Sera makes me into lesbian time to time LOL🫣 I love her design!!! 8/10.
I can explain. I can explain about Lucien...I like the way how easy it is to say out his name. Lucien...And also, his job occupation is the same dream job I want! A pediatric psychiatrist! At least his JOB doesn't describe what he is like...does it? 5~6/10.
Sullivannnn!! His nationality reminds me of mine! He's part chinese, and my nationality is korean which kinda relates as the same asians. I also love how tanned his skin is compared to others, it gives unique vibe!! 7/10!
Despite how much fanarts I draw out of him, Actually Julius doesn't reaches to the highest tiers. I love his design, backstories or the way he kills, but maybe his personallity is the reason I'd say? I love him!
Octavian Doherty. Oh gosh, I won't lie, his first design before looked a lot alike Jason The Toymaker, the creepypasta. But since his design and settings changed a lot, I like this new version 10000 times better!! I just cannot understand what he talks when he texts, that's affecting his middle tier. 6/10!
Devlin? Oh he's nice...Yeah...But I don't like the way he've treated his girlfriends before, 4/10.
I don't know anything about Duvessa, just except that she's Killian's favorite woman, her hairstyle, and her eye color!! But at least she gets along with Sera and she's pretty so...I'll just place her above the worst fav tier. No rate comments yet since I don't know her yet!
Killian....Well, I know he's the best and all, but I just don't think he's my type character...Notvtrying to say he's bad character. He's still awesome, there're already too many characters who attracts me better than him, which shows him below them as the result...7/10!!!
Thereee's everything I'd say for now. I bet you guys have been shocked of how high rate I gave Lucien, but....🫠 I just admire his job. Don't blame me, it's one of my dream job ᕙ༼ ≖ᴥ≖༽ᕗ 
Julius, Killian, Cian, Duvessa, Sullivan, Octavian, Kelly - @sanityshorror
Devlin, Lucien - @scarfaxia
Seamus, Seraphina - @gracilissart
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lastarvek · 5 months
not sure who needs this, but here is a list i've made of all the "realistic" serana replacers, bc i know the "doe-eyed 16 yr old" look that most replacer mods have gets old real fast (and creepy, given her backstory)
replacer for serana by @yennethan : i love this one and i'm going to use it for my next playthrough. gives her more of a 'wise older sister' vibe, as opposed to a 'young vampy bimbo'.
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anima nera by serkethetyt : this one has a creepier vibe than all the other serana replacers i've seen. if you like your vampires to be more on the horrific and visceral side, then look no further.
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npc overhaul - serana (high poly) by ihuntalone : this mod manages to strike a nice balance, keeping her facial proportions realistic while still making her look delicate and elegant
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eeekie's serana by eeekie : one thing i love about eeekie's mods (besides the stunning realism) is that the characters always look like grown adults. if you want a more mature and seasoned look for your serana, this is the one.
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seranade by annaccident : i only found this mod while making this post and ?? why is this one so underrated lol, she is gorgeous. i like her tired eyes, because wouldn't you also be exhausted after taking nirn's longest nap? the hairs are also mashups, making them quite unique and giving her the signature braids she sports.
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dashing dawnguard followers by tragedian : one of my all-time faves ! this one (and all of tragedians mods) puts a refreshing spin on vanilla style, staying true to the game's original vibe but making serana a lot more aesthetically pleasing in the process. (note that this mod is not standalone and will replace other dawnguard npcs)
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definite serana smp hair by mharlek1 : another mod that stays pretty true to vanilla style, with the added bonus of smp hair ! (if you don't use smp, there's an option for no physics as well).
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serana - daughter of coldharbour by southpawe : this mod models serana's face after her voice actor, laura bailey. the ethics of this mod are... questionable lol, but on the plus side, who fits serana's voice better than her literal voice actor?
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nithi npc enhancement - serana by nightmarezone : this lovely serana has a realistic face and has 3 different hairstyles to choose from. if you like the style of this mod, you should check out the rest of their work, bc their npcs are awesome.
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dragonborn waifus - yet another serana replacer by lucazoid : don't let the name fool you, this is no waifu mod. this replacer gives her a strong brow and tired eyes, and has a whopping 24 (!!!) hairstyle options.
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sprinklenoodles · 2 months
I'm so tired right now. Is 10pm at the time of sending this on my end. I DID IT THOUGH!!! Woooo. Since there are two, my blabbering won't be as long though.
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Chapter 2 is the reason why there are two of them here. Would have sent yesterday on my end but I struggled so hard on the composition here. Like, I blanked the minute there was more than 3 people. This is what I get for not looking up a reference T-T. Also, I just had no clue what to do with Leon's outfit. Like, looked references of the pre-despair pics. Like, the photos. He never wears his school uniform though!! Like, he's just allergic to it I guess. It's just so close to his og clothes in canon though so I didn't wanna just draw that. So, I tried a balance? Who knows. Maybe he just slipped on the uniform jacket cus it was closer than his regular jacket and he was just too tired to change out of it for the day. I dunno though!
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For chapter 3, this one was also a bit of a struggle since no matter what I did, I felt Chihiro didn't quite look right. Also, as you can tell, I drew Chihiro getting the hairs all ruffled. It was too cuuuuuute!! I loved that so much. That scene was adorable and also illustrated the nueance of these "mean" students. Like, I could gush more about the fic but I am just too tired unfortunately. Another thing to note that I wish to state here is that I was unsure how I should have posed Junko. I won't lie. Her posing isn't as good as it was in the first drawing. I did try and just play around with her outfit though. I liked the idea of her wearing a new bow each time cus she just has that kind of money to have each bow be different since she's just extra like that. Also, I am so sorry for what became of Byakuya's torso. It just became mush cus he's in the middle and I drew him last ;-; I'm glad I got Makoto in here though this time! He's just lost. And I totally didn't even bother to draw the troublesome trio's lunch cus I just had no clue what they'd eat. I am bad with that stuff. All I know is bad quality American school lunches and it shows -_-
AHHHH!!! Thank you!!! They're both sooo awesome!
Really love how happy Sayaka just is in that first picture. Like, they're discussing sorta serious things and she's just like "new friend!"
And the way u drew the second picture is sooo cute! Love the fact that Junko had a different hairstyle this time around- she would so be like that!!
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possiblycringe · 9 months
make an au where callie is healthy and mentally stable :)
Okay okay I see what ya want! I know the perfectly mentally stable Callie au I haven't talked about yet! (TW for delusions. I have done mild research on this subject, but not enough that I can claim this is in any way accurate. Do not take this au as accurate to real life delusions) Also gotta credit @eikaprime for a lot of these details, she's evil and you should read everything she creates because they are all awesome :)
Callie is the sole news host of inkopolis news. She never had a cousin. For splatfests, she brings in two co-stars to choose which side they want. These guest celebrities can be popular bands, idols from other areas, or brand models! Then, one day, a splatfest starts. Callie says she has a 'very special' guest today. The camera pans away for a second, and then pans back to...Callie. Wearing a mustache, and her hair swoop the opposite direction. She's clearly trying not to smile and failing, creating a half smile. This is 'Marie', Callie's 'Cousin'. She actually ends up becoming popular, popular enough that her persona is ironed out, made to look more unique and real, even though most people understand its just Callie with a different hairstyle and some makeup. Then the final fest rolls around. Callie laughs when she finds out the two sides. 'sure, I'll write some self burns'. And then she loses. To MARIE. To someone who doesn't even exist. She's fine. It's just a silly competition. Yet Marie is still in demand while Callie falls out of it. Marie sponsors brands, Marie guest stars on shows. Not Callie. Some of Marie's fans think she's even a real person, now. And then Craig and Three go on their mission. and Callie is left alone. ... Four spots a white haired woman by a grate. She waves them over, and they follow. "I'm Marie Cuttlefish", she says, and Four looks confused, because Marie Cuttlefish isn't real. She assumes Four just hasn't heard of her and moves on. Callie Cuttlefish recently went missing, though, along with the Zapfish, so Four is dubbed that name and helps 'Marie'. When Marie tells Four that her cousin, Callie, is missing. It's sort of true. The Zapfish is rescued, but Callie isn't there. Luckily, Agent 3 and Captain Cuttlefish are there! They can help!
But they keep on calling her Callie. And they ask if she's alright. Because Marie was never a real person, and Callie is right in front of them.
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so yeah au where Callie is perfectly mentally stable
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notebooks-and-laptops · 3 months
Oooooh I love how your Amelia looks! What mods did you use for her outfit? :D
Hi friend!!
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Thanks for coming and asking about my gal Amelia! Always happy to answer questions about my ocs especially when they're fresh in my mind!
This is the outfit I'm using - the author has so many beautiful mods (she's the one who does the seasons texture packs as well as a bunch of awesome outfits) I highly recommend scrolling through! If u don't like this outfit they'll probably be one you do like!
And This is the mod I'm using for her hair. It's the first long hairstyle mod I've found for DAI which doesn't have awful clipping problems - like yeah it clips a little but ultimately it's not a huge issue and comparable to like...aloys hair clipping in horizon 0 dawn rather than super take you out of it clipping all over the place style.
All her other details were sorted using the enhanced character creator mod!
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spo-ork · 1 year
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For your troubles after the season ended^
TRIGUN STAMPEDE SPOILERS AHEAD (talking about how season 1 was in comparison to the manga and what I’ve watched of Trigun)
Starting with the praises:
The animation was beautiful
I’m not too big on 3d, but it really had a lot of good moments
The last fight was fucking amazing
The animation was just spot on
Meryl’s emotions were animated well (crying & disgust)
She’s a little floppy though
Kinda like soggy toast
The opening and ending were really nice
The music was fitting
Especially going into this new age of animation
I really enjoy the new outfits
I think it fits with the style
I think each of the outfits fit with their respective material
I don’t think the straps would look that great in tristamp tho
I love the dynamics
Very excited for Milly :)
Both English and Japanese voice actors are phenomical
They fit the characters so well & it’s really cool that Johnny can come back to voice Vash
He’s come a long way as a VA, doing an awesome job
Gonna head straight in saying that:
I think the first 4 episodes were phenomenal,
but I feel like the pacing was too fast the last 8 episodes.
If they went with 16 or 24, it would work better I think
On first glance, I didn’t really think the hairstyle really fit with the 3d.
Obviously it’s being more faithful to the original, but you’d think it would be wet because he just got out of the plant juices
idk what it’s made of
I don’t think I wanna know
It kinda goes back to pacing, but I wish that there was more bonding with the main characters like in Trigun
I mean, they are serious-ish episodes, but there’s a lot more exploration into character
Not sure how to word this but I wish the clothing kept their dirt because I don’t think they have ready access to washers and dryers
There will always be sand
So much sand
I can feel it in my teeth there’s that much sand
Blood as well
How is Vash’s shirt not really fucking bloody
I want shots of that, please, I beg
OVERALL, I liked it but there are some things that could be worked on. Good job to everyone who worked on it, props to studio orange!! Can’t wait for season 2.
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hello-there-world · 1 month
more Fnaf Rewrite Modern Era stuff!! yippee!!
just about everyone of the original gang who's still alive is in therapy (so like Mike, Jeremy, Andrew, Sammy, and Evan, for example). understandable.
after everything was said and done, Mike and Sammy finally exposed William. Mike just kinda went "Oh it's the funniest thing haha so my dad called me on the phone and told me all of that and said he was dying well that sure is something, ain't it?" and. it certainly shook the town up, i'll say that!
Vanessa is actually the niece of one of William's '87 victims (specifically the Toy Bonnie kid).
Vanessa's last name is Warren. there's an interesting meaning behind that one, so if you figure out what it is, you get a sticker!!
Cameron (Mike and Jeremy's oldest son) has a bunny fursona. Mike is seriously wondering why so many people in his family is obsessed with rabbits and/or hares.
Cam is also the Gen 2 kid who knows the most about "past events."
Cameron, after hearing about his grandfather, really hoped that he'd never meet his ghost somehow, and Mike reassured him that it'd be unlikely. Apparently, However, Not Even Being Stuck In Actual Hell Will Stop William.
Mike and Sammy are so cagey about telling their kids anything because A) 2/3 of the kids are literally first graders, and B) there's basically no way they can talk about their childhoods without it pretty much being traumadumping.
Cameron's middle name is 'Liz' (Mike's way of remembering Elizabeth).
Cameron sometimes thinks about all the aunts and uncles he never got to meet, and it makes him sad.
Gregory got Cassidy's old room in the house, as well as his old toys.
Cassie literally looks like a younger version of Charlie. hairstyle and all.
since Sammy had dedicated his entire life to avenging Charlie's murder, he doesn't really know what to do with himself now. even Henry, the man who'd give him some form of direction for other things to do in between looking for evidence, is gone now. with the new restaurant open, as well as the fact he now has a daughter, he's got some things that he can work with.
Cassie is very much a Daddy's Girl :]
Charlie visits Cassie in her dreams, and occasionally in person. as a ghost, obviously.
Sammy got Cassie a smartwatch (that he fooled around with) that functions as an advanced version of the old security bracelets that his father had used in the original pizzeria. it's even green...a bright green, too.
Gregory had no idea who Cassidy was until the end of Security Breach.
when no one really showed up to Cassie's seventh birthday party (save for a few people in their class who thought she was cool), Gregory got a bit petty and threatened to not invite anyone to his own party, purely just to spite everyone. quite literally the only reason he didn't go through with it was because Cassie told him not to and that it was fine. he did make it clear that he was still upset about it when a lot of people showed up to his own party, mostly by saying something to the effect of "Oh, so you've got time for my super awesome sixth birthday party on a Tuesday, but apparently coming to Cassie's super awesome seventh birthday party on a Saturday was too much for you 😒 I see how it is. Uh huh."
huh...petty kid...KINDA LIKE CASSIDY WAS-
like Cassidy, Greg also has partial/sectoral heterochromia in both of his eyes, though while Cassidy's heterochromia was green and greyish blue, Gregory has light brown and amber brown (close to what his canon eye color looks like). i'll draw a ref for him eventually.
Greg's hair looks like Cassidy's if it were brown and halfway down his neck.
I love them! Poor Vanessa... does she still sometimes go by Ness?
Cassie and Gregory being protective at each other my beloved. :}
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I really really loved this years Grammy dress/shoes/gloves, but I felt like the jewelry/hairstyle seemed too chaotic and messy to fit with what was otherwise a very elegant, almost old Hollywood outfit, and it cheapened the whole look for me. I think I would have liked it so much better if for hair she had done either an updo or some very styled, structured loose curls (I mean this lovingly, but her hairdo as is made me think of when I used to braid my hair before bed in high school so I could just unbraid it without brushing it in the morning) and ditched all the necklaces except for the watch choker. I have really liked most of her stacked necklace looks as of late, but the Grammys dress was better suited for sleek, elegant styling imo (I really did adore that dress — the draping is so gorgeous and I’m sad the rest of the look didn’t quite click for me). The watch choker was awesome though and I think it should have been the centerpiece instead of getting smothered with necklaces
I had a few bones to pick with the Grammys dress that I talked about at length via the TSS Patreon and in my original caption that had a lot to do with how the styling of the look. Mostly, that the styling in service of launching a new era was sacrificial to styling a look to be a good look full stop. I can see the intention (which Taylor brings to the table in everything she does) in what they were doing and why they were doing it but ... why were they doing it at that cost lol.
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rorah · 8 months
Your Leraje design is so beautiful!!!! I loved Ammeh's story so much and your design brought it to live marvellously!!! It felt like you guys made her a completely new and original character instead of a copy of Byleth or Dimitri.
Do you have any extra headcanons / brainworms about it??
PS. By the way the wiki says Leraje is a handsome demon in green who is carrying a bow. And in Yugioh there's a card that is called the "Leraje The god of Archery".
PSS. If Leraje loves horsies thanks to Dimitri in Ammeh's fic, Bow Knight Leraje when??
Oh, dear anon! let me smooch you =3= Thank you!! Hope you had left a good comment on Ammeh's work, because It's beautiful 💕. I mean, it's not a duty, but it's always appreciated by authors 🫶 Now, for brainworms I can't really say much because she's mainly under @ammeh7 's conception. I only translated her in visual language👉👈. If you ask me about those visual aspects I can expand🫰. For example, Given Byleth's and Jeralth's raw haircut, you could imagine Leraye should have look like a wild kid on the streets, however, Alois have been with them, and who knows where his spouse and daughter are during that time. I just imagine they could have go to them and get the extra help needed for those stuffs. But of course, it's not really something on me to say. Perhaps They went to someone else for a fresh haircut who knows (tbh, i went with the 2 idea that came to my mind, If I were serious I should've explored different hairstyles and such). Besides, I did Leraye's hair thinking about a mix of both, Dimitri and his princely straight hair, and Byleth's fluffy and wavy hair (I draw her fluffy bc Look at Sitri's). So since she has those royal genes, that hair must be something manageable ✨ I could expand on her clothes too. Since Jeralt and Byleth's clothes have similar patterns, I imagine Jeralt must know some tailor he can commission. In addition, since he already has experience in that matter, he can tutor Byleth on the topic of "Wearing big clothes because kids grow like weed." So some type of garment that can be adjusted over time comes in quite handy, since they can't carry a lot of things. Not to mention the footwear because it is also changed every so often. So sometimes you have to be creative xD I also could think of motherhood suits Byleth so nicely, since being a teacher made her grow, now that she doesn't have that in Hopes, she can take this chance to learn and develop herself a bit. And there's Sothis too. Perhaps Sothis wakes up early and she is fond on the little kid so she is less condescending than what was portrayed as in this game C:
Btw I looooooove the idea of Leraye could have a preference for bows 🥺. I like to think Byleth learned bows because for kids, it's convenient to just hide than fighting in close range (It totally doesn't have to do with the fact That I almost always made my Byleth a Falcon knight with bows bc brrrrrrr). Bow knight Leraye would be Awesome!! 🙌💓 (I am concerned about her strength though 😅)
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