#she looked pretty in the mv at least
solojihyo · 1 year
am i the only one who found flower really underwhelming agsjshdjdhdk </3
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jibunbosh · 2 months
Mesmerizer is a satire of TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and the rest of the modern short-form vertical video format
A brief thematic analysis.
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I'm sure there are countless people already interpreting the imagery and details in this wonderful song & MV, like here and here, so I won't spend too much time retreading that ground. Miku and Teto are dancing. Miku gets hypnotized. Teto signals for help, but gets hypnotized at the end as well.
That part is obvious enough, but that's still pretty surface-level. What is this seemingly hyperspatial horror scenario supposed to mean to us?
While checking to see if anyone before me's already come to the same conclusions as I did and if I should bother not writing this text post at all (lol), I came across udin's great analysis video. She comes to the conclusion that the song tackles themes of disillusionment with reality and the ways we indulge in escapism to relieve ourselves of the pains of the world.
I agree with that reading! From practically the very beginning, we have Miku call to us - the viewer - to push away our true feelings. Teto comes in to peddle a solution, inviting us to surrender and empty our minds - in her words, "pretending to know nothing."
You, the viewer, are a critical character in this masquerade. For nearly the entire video, Miku and Teto's eyes are unfailingly trained on you. Or, well... perhaps they can't actually see you, but they can see a camera, or whatever other aperture the point of view is supposed to be from. And they know they're being watched. (Who else would Teto be sending distress signals to?)
Let's put a pin on that for later.
udin notes very early on that Miku and Teto are, conspicuously, kept in vertical frames - very similar to the video formats of TikTok (and Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, and whatever other clones of the format exist.) You know, just like the animator Caststation's Rabbit Hole fan MV that went viral some months ago.
Hey wouldn't it be crazy if the song's producer, 32ki, released Mesmerizer shorts too haha. Wouldn't that be crazy.
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Wow, wild.
These short-term vertical videos are captivating & alluring. If you're reading this, it's more likely than not that you've also found yourself caught up in them at least once, scrolling through the infinite algorithmic slurry and forgetting about the real-life issues you have at hand. Would you say, then, that you felt hypnotized? Mesmerized, even?
And so these two invite us to join their world and focus on the... uh... rectangle.
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Their dances are repetitive, following the same loop. Their outfits are distinct, but their choreography isn't. They're copying the same formula, repeating it ad nauseam to the best of their ability.
They're doing a fucking TikTok dance.
Back to the pin I told you about earlier, with Miku and Teto looking at a camera.
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Miku sways with the camera, eyes looking directly at it like a swinging pocket watch. She's been looking at it the entire time, after all. We've been seeing her via our screen this entire time, but, again, she doesn't necessarily see us. She's beholden to the camera, which she dances for day after day, caught up in its spell. She's hypnotized by it. Eventually, she breaks.
Teto, on the other hand, resists. For a while, anyway.
Despite her being the one jumping to us with the "solution" at the beginning of the MV, there's very quickly good reason to question how much agency she has in this. She dances for the camera as well, but she doesn't want to. She's signalling for help. She wants out.
Many content creators (as much as I personally loathe the non-specificity and soullessness of the term) have struggled with the adaptation to the short-form video format, and the preference the algorithm has had for these captivating, bite-sized videos. They're catchy, and easily drive up metrics. Practically anyone who's publishing their work via video format online needs to learn to adapt or fall behind, even if that means whittling their content down to fit the frame, the time, and people's shortening attention spans. Sometimes, that means compromising on specificity and completeness... or, in other words, the true representation of a full work.
The song's writer, 32ki, has been releasing songs on YouTube for several years. Their first YouTube Short, however, was posted only a year ago: a short, whittled-down segment of their previous song, CIRCUS PANIC!!!, hoping for it to win the ProsekaNEXT song contest. It was their first song to achieve widespread popularity and hit a million views.
The shorts, however, aren't the "true" versions of the song. The full song just won't fit.
We're being mesmerized as consumers of this endless stream of content, rather than appreciators of music and art. However, that relationship isn't completely symmetrical across the plane that is the 4th wall. Miku and Teto are trapped not by their attention spans, but by a compulsion to project their "truthful acting" and peddle that window into a colorful, problem-free world.
We, as the collective audience, need not dwell on any one thing for too long - we need only swipe, and move on to the next video. However, Miku and Teto are trapped behind the screen for eternity, day after day.
They're the only characters we get to see, of course. There's no evil 3rd voice synth character that's plotting to keep them trapped in there. We can't put a face to whatever force is hypnotizing them and trapping them behind the screen. It's faceless - like the inscrutable algorithms of YouTube recommendations or the TikTok For You page, or the impersonal corporations that develop & maintain those aforementioned apps. Miku and Teto's likenesses, on the other hand, are being exploited and extracted from for their entertainment value, being strung along by that metaphorical hypnotizing force like puppets on a string.
Many people, represented by Miku, enjoy their success on such platforms. It's freeing and liberating to throw oneself wholeheartedly into such an endeavor, of course! Others, represented by Teto, harbor their doubts of the emotional veracity of such a medium, but know they have little choice lest they face destruction... perhaps not literally as a person, but as an idea.
Wouldn't it be easier just to let oneself be swept away by it and give in?
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 2 months
Can you do rivals to lovers. Idol!wonwoo x idol!y/n (she's a leader) both are dom and rivals from trainee period in same company... Sounds so kinky amd steamy to me👀btw love your blog ❤️ - xoxo
tw: idol!wonwoo, idol!reader (fem), rivals to lovers!au, sexual tension, implied kissing, reader is implied to be shorter than wonwoo, cursing, wonwoo is being a little shit tbh - minors dni.
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"Good work today, everyone! Let's rest well for the next performance, okay?"
"Okay!" You hear an enthusiastic reply from your fellow members, beaming with excitement for the upcoming group activities.
You're still buzzing with adrenaline from the comeback stage, a bit worried about whether you'll be able to sleep properly, but it's not enough to stop you from smiling.
You walk in the corridors of the building, gently greeting any passerby staff or idol, be it senior or junior to you. As soon as you turn around the corner to search for the restrooms, you bump into a taller and quite muscular figure.
"O-Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" You bow profusely, feeling embarrased for not looking.
"Aw, what a great junior, aren't you? Behaving so well towards your senior."
The familiar deep timbre has you on high alert and you instantly straighten your back, your earlier smile completely wiped off your face.
"Yeah, it's me. Long time no see, huh, Y/N?"
"Why are you here?" You cross your arms defensively.
"Haven't you heard? We just had a comeback and it's already a hit." The man boasts with a smug smirk.
"Sorry, I was busy preparing for my group's comeback. I don't exactly have time to pay attention to other groups."
"That's a shame. You'd love Maestro - I dare say my MV shots would be to your liking."
"What do you want, Wonwoo?" You sigh.
"Hmm, I think that's not how you should address me." Wonwoo places his hand under his chin, pretending to be thinking.
"Cut the crap, we're the same age."
"Ever the clawy one. But it was always part of your charm." He leans closer to you, but you don't waver.
"Nice, you actually have a good memory. Now step aside, I wanna go to the restrooms." You try to push him aside, but he catches you by your wrist.
"But we're having such a nice conversation, don't you think?" He grins.
"No, I actually don't." You spit back.
"Oh, but what have I ever done to you, Y/N? Is it because I got to debut before you?"
"Just because I appreciate your group for the standards you've created doesn't mean I have to appreciate you specifically." You pull your hand back.
"Maybe if you let me kiss you, you'd appreciate me a bit more." Wonwoo chuckles, "Because I'd love to kiss your pretty damn face right now - just to shut you up, though."
"In your goddamn dreams, Jeon."
He leans closer and gently cages you between the wall and his body.
"What a great dream would that be, right?"
"Back off, someone will see us any moment now!" You plant your palms on his chest, using your full strength to push him away. But he doesn't budge an inch.
"No need to be so damn scared, Y/N." He pulls away immediately, "Besides, I'd never want to get caught up in dating rumors with you."
"So much for wanting to kiss me, I guess." You scoff, "Still the same loser when you were a kid."
You walk away from Wonwoo with quick steps, trying your best to calm yourself down.
You can't help but think how infuriatingly handsome and talented he has grown over the years - but also annoying as fuck. Towards you, at least.
Little did you know, the exact same thoughts run laps inside Wonwoo's head as he watches you walk down the corridor.
Kissing you won't be the only thing he'll dream of tonight.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 6 months
Seven Days to Fall Again | Thursday | Jeon Jungkook
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Inspired by the MV "Seven" by Jung Kook ft. Latto (obvi lol) Summary: Flowers for my love. Jungkook is trying absolutely everything he can to get you back. No matter how ridiculous it might seem. Pairing: Reader x Jungkook (almost exes to lovers lol) Word Count: 3.2k (longer one this time lol) a/n: So I haven't posted anything for this series in almost a month so I'm really really sorry for that. I have so many other series going at this point that it's taken me a second to come back around and write for this one again. This one is a little bit longer to hopefully make up for it. Let me know what you think! p.s. Pretty much wrote all of this is one night so I hope it's not complete crap but I thought it was cute hehe Start from the beginning
Jungkook's visit yesterday threw me for a loop to say the least. 
I've tried to do everything in my power to make sure it doesn't get to me but no matter how many pep talks I give myself or how many times I've tried to scold myself instead, nothing works. 
I miss him, and I hate myself because of that. 
I've been able to go through my morning and most of my afternoon with radio silence from him which has been incredible for my stress levels but I can't help but feel his absence more and more as time goes by.
He was hardly ever around for the last few months of our relationship so I don't know why his presence; which I had specifically chose not to have around now almost feels more painful. 
"Maybe I just need a walk" I say out loud "Yeah a walk and some fresh air should clear everything up" I continue, trying to lie to myself in thinking that some sunshine might actually fix this. 
Walking out of my apartment and heading straight to the subway I make a decision to go to a little cafe that I used to go to with my classmates. It's been a while since I've been there and their strawberry crepes were to die for from what I remember so I think it's time I treated myself to something nice.
Leaving the station I notice a big crowd starting to  gather around and I get a glimpse of what they're all staring at, seeing that it's some guy getting picked up off the ground and rolled out on a gurney. 
Taking a closer look, believing that I somehow know them, I feel the need to make sure they're okay but I'm stopped by the police tape they've put up. 
Once the guy's head turns towards me my eyes widen in horror seeing that it's Jungkook. "Wait! Wait! Jungkook! Wait that's my boyfriend!" I say and duck under the yellow tape not bothering to worry about the repercussions. 
When he hears my voice and opens his eyes and I see them quickly change from seeming like he had been on the edge of life and death into his big doe ones, sending me a bright smile, showing zero sighs of distress anymore and leaves me stopping in my tracks.
"CUT" I hear someone shout in the distance. "Who is this girl and why is she on my set?" the same voice say as they gradually get closer. 
"No one" I say, crossing my arms over my chest and see Jungkook give me an awkward smile in response. I scoff and don't bother listening to no doubt the director trying to speak to me and from the small bits I catch onto it sounds almost as if he wanted me to complete the scene. 
"Not interested" I mumble and walk off, ignoring their efforts to keep me there. "Baby wait!" I hear Jungkook say as he struggles to get the belt they had fastened off of him. 
I don't even bother responding and continue to make my way down the street to the cafe, praying that he won't follow me but it seems as though the universe is laughing at me because despite the growing crowd around us he still is able to keep his eyes on me. 
"Y/n wait! Please!" he yells, making sure that there's no way possible that I couldn't hear him but I choose to ignore him nonetheless. "Please Noona wait!" he continues, using a word that he knows will get a reaction out of me and my steps stutter for a second but I regain my balance seamlessly and pick up the pace seconds after. 
"Excuse me, sorry. Excuse me, thank you" I hear him say, continuing to use that loud voice letting me know that he's still on my tail but as soon as I get to a crosswalk I start to walk a bit faster, hoping to cut him off and lose him when he hopefully gets stuck waiting for the next light and luckily this time it works. 
I take a quick glance behind me to check and see him standing there catching my gaze and turning to a flower vender beside him and buying a bouquet of sunflowers, my favorite flowers during this time of year and I know he didn't just get them randomly because no matter how much I think he doesn't pay attention or care about our relationship I know he makes sure he knows the little things about me.
And that's one of the things that makes me want to take him back. 
"Y/n wait! Please" he yells and I turn around just in time to see him decide to take a risk and cross the street without waiting for the light and seconds later I hear the sound of tires screeching on the pavement and see Jungkook duck out of view. 
"Jungkook" I whisper, stopping dead in my tracks, my body totally frozen at the thought that he might've gotten hit. 
Moments later though I see the sunflowers resurface above the crowd and his head soon after that and I watch the exchange between him and the driver and then soon see him turning back to me and abandoning the conversation to start running after me again. 
"Wait!" he says and I turn on my heel to keep going, hating the fact that I've already lost the distance I had gained between us. 
I duck into a random shop in hopes that he'll somehow lose sight of me and walk right past it, losing me and hopefully letting me resume my intended relaxing day to myself. I'll just stop by the bakery instead and make my way home so I can head in the opposite way of what he probably had expected me to be going in. 
As I hear the shopkeeper welcome me I quickly return their greeting and hide behind one of their shelves, picking up a random book and holding it up to my face. Making sure it's open and covering me just enough for him not to notice, but also giving me enough visual to see him pass by and continue his search in the opposite way, just as I had planned. 
I watch as he walks past the store, frantically turning his head in all directions to see if he could finally catch sight of me again and to my delight he continues on the path he had seen me on a few minutes before. 
I let out a deep breath at the sight and put the book down, finally gaining some of that peace of mind. 
"Were you looking for anything specific dear?" the older shopkeeper asks. "No not really, I was just trying to lose my tail" I say pointing towards the window. "My ex boyfriend has been trying to get me back and he won't stop trying to talk to me so we can 'Talk things out' or whatever" I say, letting out a huge sigh, happy to get a chance to talk to someone at least a little bit. 
"Well have you given him a chance to say his piece yet?" she questions, leaving me shocked, expecting her to side with me. "Well...no, but we've gone through these sorts of problems before and I just don't want him to say something that will convince me to give him another chance again" I say, walking towards her and leaning on a shelf nearby. 
She takes a second to think before responding and says something that I was hoping she wouldn't. "You need to give him a chance to at least say something. Everyone deserves closure don't you think?" she says with a soft smile, hoping to get through to me. "Unless he's violent or something of that sort. Then he can go fuck himself" she says with a grin, already knowing that's not the case. 
I open and close my mouth a bit, not really knowing how to respond and she laughs at my reaction, loving how much she's caught me off guard. "He was the young man that just passed by with those sunflowers wasn't he?" she says with a knowing smile. "How did you-" I start out but she cuts me off with another laugh. 
"That boy had the most adorable panicked look, searching here and there as if he had lost his owner. He's quite handsome if you ask me" she say winking at me and making me blush a bit at her straightforward nature. "Give him a chance love. And if you let him go, then you let him go. Trust me, you don't want to deal with the what ifs if he stops trying" she says giving me a soft smile. 
I know she's right and I know I should at least hear him out but at this point I think it's something I've gotta work my way up to. His all or nothing attitude right now is just too much for me. 
"You're right. I'll take some time and when I'm ready I'll sit down with him to talk it all out. Thank you. Oh I'm sorry I should probably get out of your hair. Uh" I stammer at the end, feeling guilty for taking up so much of her time. 
"Um here, can I buy this?" I ask, placing a little bear with a lavender flower embroidered on it's collar on the counter, grabbing the first thing I laid eyes on. It can't be more than four inches tall with it's cute round belly and a little sun hat on it with the ears sticking through it. 
"Keep it" she say, not even bothering to offer room for discussion as she walks away from the counter. "It's full of lavender petals so keep it close and the smell will help calm you down whenever you need it. You might even want to hold it close when you're talking to that boyfriend of yours" she says with a wink and walks to the back of the store, disappearing behind a shelf, leaving me alone with my thoughts. 
I pull out my wallet and put a five dollar bill in the tip jar and take a second glance at the bear and hold it up close to my face, breathing in it's sweet and slightly musky fragrance. I smile down at it's cute little face and put it in my purse. 'I've never been in this bookstore before' I think to myself, now finally taking a second to check out the rest of the interior beyond the immediate storefront. 
I make it a note to come back here one day and return her kindness by bringing something for her to repay her not only for the bear but also for her hospitality and advice.
I take one last glance around and turn to make my way out. 
"You certainly took your time in there" I hear a familiar voice say beside me, leaving me holding my breath for a second at the scare. "Jungkook" I say placing my hand over my chest before using that same hand seconds later to wack his arm making him drop the flowers he had started to hold out for me to take. 
"Hey! What was that for?" he whines, rubbing his arm for a few seconds and picking them back up. "That's for not only scaring me just now, but also scarring me earlier today with that stupid ambulance nonsense" I say throwing my arm out towards what I now know as being a stupid movie set and when I turn back to face him all I can see is a big grin on his face. 
"Why are you smiling at me like that?" I question crossing my arms over my chest. "You know you called me your boyfriend back there right?" he says, his smile growing even wider. I scoff at the memory and don't even dignify his words with a response, turning and making my way back to the bakery just as I had intended as my plan B.
"Wait Noona please" he says and places a light grip on my arm. "What?" I spit out, turning to face him again, a look of displeasure on my face which somehow makes him smile even wider. "Can I at least walk you home?" he asks, poised in anticipation. 
Now that the shop keeper had equated him to a dog I can't help but notice how much he's been giving off golden retriever energy these past few days. Excited and begging for my attention no matter what I say.
"I'm not going home" I say pulling my arm out of his grasp but he grabs onto my hand this time instead, making me stop again, knowing that as much as I want to, I'm probably not going to get my way this time. "Can I walk you to wherever you're going then?" he questions, now completing the look with his puppy dog eyes that pull on my heartstrings every time.
"Fine" I say and he happily catches up to me after deciding to hand the flowers off to some guy and his girlfriend, knowing for a fact that I won't take them. For a second I don't even realize that he had decided to hold my hand again until he sways them back and forth a bit making me rip mine out of his grasp and opting to cross my arms over my chest instead, leaving it hard for him to try to grab onto me again. 
Walking up to the bakery a few minutes later I stop and face him for a second hoping to shoo him away. "Okay, you can leave now" I say and take a few steps but I still feel his presence close behind me. "Why are you following me?" I ask turning around again, not amused at the fact that he's not listening to me. 
"Who said I was following you? I wanted to get something from here too! You know I like the chocolate donuts here, remember?" he says giving me a soft smile. "Fine" I mumble and reach for the door handle but before I can his hand reaches for it and opens it for me. I spare him a glare and he sends me a sweet bunny smile in return making me roll my eyes in response. 
I walk in and when he tries to do the same he notices a group of older woman making their way out and he waits to hold it open for them as well and I can't help but roll my eyes again, watching him continue to play the sweet loving gentlemen. They smile and thank him a few times in return which he responds with a smile and once they're finally out he heads inside intending to stand next to me in line but is cut off by a few people between us leaving me smiling in victory but it doesn't last long. 
"Excuse me sorry do you mind? I'm with her" he says pointing towards me leaving me widening my gaze and turning around but not fast enough for the others to notice if he's lying or not. "Yeah, sure" one of the guys says and they step aside and let him walk up to me but in the process of squeezing through he stumbles and falls into me a little bit, leaving him latching onto me, pressing me up against the wall I had been leaning against. 
"S-sorry Noona" he apologizes, ears turning red clearly embarrassed at our current position. "It's fine" I grumble and push him off of me, creating some much needed space and walking up to the counter where they're waiting for the next customer. 
"Hi can I get a raspberry donut and a ham and cheese croissant? Thanks" I say and the worker looks over at Jungkook as he is standing next to me and waits for his order. "Oh we're not, we're not together" I say tripping over my words, this being the first time I've said that in front of someone while he's standing right next to me. 
The worker looks between us and draws what I can assume is a line under my order that she's written down and then asks for Jungkook's which he orders just what he had said before, a chocolate donut. 
"Thank you" he says warmly and the worker looks between the two of us, not believing my words from before but smiles almost amused by our situation and tells us our orders will be right out before handing the paper over to the cashier where she gives me my total. 
Before I'm even able to reach for my card though I see Jungkook place his phone on the card reader to pay. 
"Hey!" I say in protest while Jungkook tells her to ring him up again for his donut as well. I decide it's useless arguing with him in public and walk off to the side to wait for our food. "I can pay for my own food" I grumble as he walks up to me. "I know, but I wanted to" he says simply and we wait in silence until they hand us our bags. 
"So where are you going now?" he asks, holding the door open for me again and jogging after me, having to hold the door for the next person again. "Home" I say and make my way to the subway entrance. "Can I walk you home?" he asks, already knowing the answer but trying anyway. 
"No Jungkook. You can't. You asked if you could walk me to wherever I was going next but that isn't an invitation to follow me around for the rest of the day. Just leave me alone." I say, the last part not as confident as the rest. "I just want to make sure you get back safely" he offers and at that my blood starts boiling. 
"I'm more that capable of taking care of myself! I don't need you to babysit me because last time I checked I was the one that was older than you" spit out at him, pressing a finger on his chest. Getting more and more irritated with every breath and watch as his eyes get wide, surprised by my sudden hostile nature. 
"I'm s-sorry I didn't think tha-" "And that's exactly what your problem is. You don't think about what I want or even what I don't want. Now will you please leave me alone? I don't want to deal with this today and I don't want you to follow me" I say, punctuating my words so it'll get through his thick skull. 
He opens his mouth to respond but I cut him off again before he makes me even more upset. "Don't" I say and walk away, throwing my food away in the nearest trashcan and descend down the step into the subway station, hoping and praying he doesn't follow me. 
This time around though the universe smiles down at me, granting my wishes but leaves behind a broken and beaten down Jungkook, truly trying to figure out how everything went so wrong. 
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hello can I place an order ^ ^ it's a headcanon of what le sserafim would be like if they were your yandere classmate please
An order? Lmao, we're not at Burger King. Anyway, yeah, I'll do your request because I needed something like this. Also, for Eunchae, being still minor, I'll write something more light
Le Sserafim headcanon: how they would be as yandere classmates
Ah yes, the nerd of the class
She's kinda lonely and doesn't talk too much
Not really interested in you until one day she heard you talking about her favorite game
She was obsessed with that game, so now she's obsessed with you too
She would start with small talks like "Hi", "Good morning" or "How are you today?"
Over time you two started having more important and meaningful talks
She loved how you didn't judge her for her passion
She loved you so much that...she needed to have you all for herself
All the dummies in that class didn't deserve your intelligence and kindness
You obviously couldn't know about her creepy thoughts
For you it was just your cute and nerd friend
So, when she invited you at her house to play videogames, you were just happy about spending more time with her
She did a great job in making you enjoy her time there, thanks due her humor and her... well, her outfit
Such a tease with her tight crop top and her shorts(you know, like in the perfect night MV)
You started going there pretty often
Until one day she didn't let you go away
You dozed off for a second and you woke up tied to her gaming chair
From that moment you were going to be her play mate...for life😈
The beauty of the class
So pretty that people came to see her from other classes and even schools
But she was not interested in them, she was interested in you
Not more beautiful of her(of course), but pretty enough to stand out to a keen eye
In her mind she already had fantasized about you being the perfect couple
She needed to make that fantasy real...oh, wait, for her it was already real
In fact you were so surprised about her starting to act lovey-dovey out of nowhere
But, hey, were you going to refuse Chaewon kissing you in front of the entire school and pulling you to the toilette to make out (and probably more?)
Of course not, you enjoyed that since the first moment
Or at least you enjoyed until she's started to become a bit too...manipulative
"Why are you wearing that outfit? Do you want to make me feel ashamed?"
"You look too good with that outfit, go immediately change it!"
"What do you mean you have to spend with your family? I'm your family now"
The worst part was that when she was telling you these things, you could clearly see the craziness in her eyes
You were thinking about breaking up, but for some reasons all the partners she had before you seems disappeared from the face of the earth...
The IT girl
She's a social butterfly, so of course she knows everyone in the school...even you
You always had been chill and reservate, you had the right amount of true friends and you were satisfied with that
And that really bothered Yunjin
She was offering her friendship, why were you not interested?
Naaah, you only needed to know her better (right?)
She started to come to talk with you pretty often in class to show off her charms
She even switched her seat with the one next to you
Always bringing you to her table for the lunch break
And more time she spent with you, more she fell for you nonchalance about her every situation
You instead were not interested nor bothered, you simply accepted the new person in your life
It was all fine until one day she started to introduce you like her new partner
And you were like "WTF? We're not"
She was really angry with your behaviour, she was giving you her world but you were acting like it was not true
She brought you rudely in an empty classroom
"Are you going to play still more? Because you're embarassing me right now. What if I did the same to you? Should I show to the entire school...all of these?"
She had on her phone an entire collection of the embarassing and bad things you have done since your childhood to that day
How was she able to collect all of those? You had no idea
But you just lowered your head and accepted your new role of partner of the IT girl
The new student in your class
She recently joined after moving from her last school in Japan
There are some strange rumours about her
But honestly to you she's just a pretty dork
She sometimes still struggles with your language, so you help her happily in those moment
And she really appreciates you for that...maybe too much too
She starts with small actions like cooking the lunch for you or buying cute presents
And for once it's cool to be loved and appreciated for your kindness
But over time she starts getting really protective
It's not important if the person talking to you is a boy or a girl
Her eyes would be ready to menace her with a psychotic expression
If the talks goes over the few minutes, she would immediately put her hands around your body to protect what's her
Once one of your bestfriend said to her "mind your own business"
She kicked the poor friend right in the face, breaking the nose
So, yeah, she is not afraid to use violence
More a clingy little sister, than a yandere
Like, she's the youngest of the class
And you always worried about her
So it's was just natural for her to get really affectionate towards you
She always follows you everywhere
It's not rare to see her running to hug you
Ever more times in a day
If she's not with you, she's texting you
And if you don't answer, she gets really sad
She always says the one day you two will get married
You laughed about it, but actually she was not joking
Even if younger she always try to protect you and stand by your side during fights in classroom
Often she comes to get you at your house in morning to go to school together
She may have your laugh as morning alarm
And someone once said that she has at home one plush that she called like you
She falls asleep while hugging it
She's maybe really too clingy, but after all it's nice have this human vitamin around you
Well, I hope you liked that, Anon. I had fun writing about my Fimmies girls in this...different version🤭
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gowonders · 10 months
i genuinely 100% believe he's into girls that are mean to him lmao he likes the chase, likes winning them over,, he's the type to end up obsessed over one specific girl thats just a BITCH to him and he's like "oh yeah she wants me" every time she calls him an asshole and a creep lmao
WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO RIGHTTT omg i always giggle when you’re in my inbox TT.. your thoughts always turn into a little one shot and i always find time for them tee hee
anyways thought this’d be the perfect time to use the back for more mv AND back for more. it works it works!
back for more ♥ c.bg
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warnings : fem reader( who’s kinda meanie 😊) not proofread as always, lowkey perv gyu… but other then that not really suggestive at all! however, always lmk if you think i should add ♥
choi beomgyu. the name meant a lot of things to many people, but to you? it was the guy you saw in your classes that absolutely pissed you off. what did he even do? some ask.
he asked you out. 3 times and counting. you see, the first time you rejected him, it was because you hadn’t really known eachother much. second time was because it was literally four days after the last time he asked you out, and the third? because he was getting really repetitive.
sure! he was cute. sure. but so goddamn annoying. the way he’d snicker back to his friends when he complimented you, rolling your eyes in response.
“ynnnnnnn! love your skirt~” which might have been a normal compliment, if you weren’t adjusting it from when it rode up, so you just scoff in response as he turns to his friends, a giddy smirk on his face. “see guys, she’s literally sooooo into me.”
the way he’d shamelessly eye you in that one class you had together, looking up from your laptop and catching him with that stupid (incredibly charming!!!!) smile, raising his eyebrows and you just look away, not really wanting to give him the attention he wants.
little do you know, he loves this— a little too much. the rush he gets when you call him an “asshole” under your breath, or how pretty you look when you give him that face. he likes it. and sure, this game is cat and mouse was fun, but he honestly wanted it to end.. or at least see you get pissed at him again <3
so at the end of class, with a snicker, his fingers wrap around your wrist, pulling you back to him. “cmere, ynieeeee~” the way he said your name has your blood boiling, not to mention the way his friends crowd at the door, watching you two. “yn, your skirt is really cuteeee, seriously. and your top, too!” he grins, eyes traveling to your chest. he only likes the top because it’s low cut. “fucking creep!!” you slap his hands away, stepping away as you eye him up and down.
“seriously, beomgyu! what is your issue? you’ve asked me out 3 times, and you’re not about to do a fourth.” you exclaim, cheeks red in anger. “aaaaactually…. fourth times the charm, right? please, yn. i don’t care how long it takes. i want you.” he says, stupid smirk growing on his lips again. you groan and look back towards his friends who just sit there in silence, the same grin on their faces as you look back at beomgyu. “why the fuck can’t you take a hint. why would i date you? you’re really persistent and annoying, and i barely know you.” you say, raising an eyebrow as you nod at him, eyes widening slightly as you wait for his response.
“that’s exactly why you should date me, yn. persistent? shows you that i care. annoying? can’t really cheat, other girls find me annoying too. we don’t know eachother? that’s fine, yn. i can just adapt to what you need. please….?” he says, tilting his head as he now waits for you to say anything. one case, he would be thrilled to finally end the chase, now having to dedicate his life to annoying you in a relationship, but if you reject him? that’s fine. he still loves the thrill of how badly you treat him…
you step closer to him, putting a hand on his shoulder as you look up at him, a shy smile on his face. “awwww, beomgyu!!!! well… in that case… maybe fifth times the charm?” you giggle as you leave him, waving at him like nothing even happened.
“but guys!! she touched me!! and she said maybe next time!! she literally is sooooo down bad for me. i’ll bag her any day. just watch.” he says, catching up with his friends as they just laugh at him.
he’s gonna get you next time, you and him both know it.
˙✧˖°📷 ⋆。˚꩜
okayyyy this is kinda short BUT if you want either a part two , hereeeeeeee
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milgram-tournament · 7 months
MILGRAM Best Song Tournament, Round 1, Match 3 THROW DOWN vs. THIS IS HOW TO BE IN LOVE WITH YOU
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Propaganda for both options under the cut!
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Propaganda for THROW DOWN:
silly point is that throw down was my top song for this past year and i havent even been into milgram that long so. good song. also i sang it on stage once so. anyway
Flower imagery!!!! god i love flower imagery
the vocals are good
it has a banger es cover too
"ethics are a delusion" is singlehandedly the funniest line to come out of the t1 songs
the mv is SO pretty like. holy shit
the first note constantly jumpscares me
also i like the clock sounds in the background of the verses
the instrumental,,,,
throwdown is just a really nice. calmish song that still has the whole desperation thing conveyed through his voice props to va for that cuz its relatively subtle but really adds to it imo
im reiterating that ethics is a delusion is the funniest thing to me
also i really like the bridge (the whisper part)
irrelevant to the song itself but i like his fit in throw down i'd wear that irl
gardening/pruning as imagery is so fun for a surgeon character
also vocally i just really like throw down its calm sounding yet theres a hint of like. desperation? despair? in his voice and thats really cool to me
Jackalope's note: Only one propaganda piece... hmmhehe. Well, I'm glad our resident pretty girl got tons of asks! But I feel a little bad about Shidou, so let's let him argue his case at least! Oi! Shidou! Get over here! Oi! Sheesh, it's like he can't even hear me! This is why I need to send the reminders early...
(mod's propaganda: While I love both songs very much, Throw Down has a special place for me in that I can actually sing it. You sing way too fast, Mappi!! I also just think using flower imagery both made the MV one of the prettiest ones we have yet and helped distance both the viewer and shidou himself to the reality of his sin... I also really like the ethics is a delusion bit lol)
Propaganda for TIHTBILWY:
okay so like the thing im most in love with: the VOCALS!!!! this song has an absolutely AMAZING singer and AMAZING vocals!!!! the way the conversational talk-singing lines still feel so musical!!!! the cute cute cuteeeee mahiru voice!!!! it brings you so much energy!!!! its a song sung with so much love!!!! mahirus va brings such an amazing feel to the song with such amazing talk-singing!!!! its very skillfully done and it happens in i love you too!! mahiru songs r the QUEENS of musical talk singing
the silly phone call bit. kurururu~!
the little vocal flourish and the way her voice raises up like an excited exclamation in the final prechorus!! daijoubu nante kirai DA!
its such a fast song but everything flows so well!!!! it makes it feel so bright and cheery and peppy!!
the instrumental is so underrated just LISTEN to that catchy bass line thats so pretty in the verses!!!! no for real even if u dont vote this is how to be in love with you go listen to the bass line in the verses it works to move both the song and the listener forward at mahirus sweeping breakneck pace. and the cute keyboard sounding and synth instruments!!!! its SUCH a danceable song!!!! i cant listen to it without bopping along in my seat
the way the ominous bits are subtly hidden? it all sounds so cute but there are just these Things that she sings that are really kind of concerning and unhealthy when she sings them!! and the veiled desperation to be in her relationship- listening to that and the cheery tone and breakneck, quick song pace, it really does represent mahiru SO well. she throws in all these little bits that just go noooo teehee the relationships just fine!! when it REALLY isnt
i would listen to mahiru talk for hours
the MV!!!!!! HER FASHION SENSE THE MAGAZINE STYLE!!!! the magazine style especially works so well with her character!!!! its so cute and stunning and just looking at it you have a blast. also her birdcage!!!! her birdcage and the bright orange and the pink bars!!!! the way everything desaturates and becomes more sickly looking when she wakes up at the end!!!! its such a happy carefully curated and designed dream and then it drains away!!!! also god all her outfits are stunning. mahiru call me
the way she sings "overheat de~!" cutest thing in the WORLD.
the little faces she makes!!!! godddd shes so expressive
actually the whole songs so expressive!!!! shes putting her all into it!!!! her words have so much expression in them!!!! once more praising mahirus va the way her voice can soften and become bright or subtly desperate so quickly is MASTERFUL control of expression when singing and its so underrated. join me in being insane over miho okasaki delivers her lines. shes such a perfect mahiru.
funniest es cover. hands down. funniest es cover.
this is how to be in love with you is FREE serotonin!!!! free energy right there!!!! this is how to be in love with you sweep!!!!!
-The song is so cheerful!! I always feel like dancing and singing when this one comes up in my playlists!! Absolute banger, mood definer, kicking sadness in the shin with those high-heels and then hitting its face with a cute purse -THE HIGH-HEELS STEPPING TO THE BEAT OF THE MUSIC IN THAT ONE SCENE (0:50). SIMPLY ICONIC. NO ONE DID IT LIKE HER. -👠💅👝👗 -She is slaying. Look at her outfits. She put so much effort there. She gave it her all. Absolutely serving. -SUKITTE KIMOCHI WAKATTA TSUMORI? NARA KONO MAMA FUTARI O-VA-HI-TO- DE -The storyline of the mv MAKES SENSE and you can form a COHESIVE TIMELINE OF EVENTS (unlike other unspecified contestants' mvs you know 🙄) -look at herr 🥺 she beby 🥺 all she did was love too much 🥺 we all love mappi don't we 🥺 she deserved more let her win this pleease 🥺 -No medical malpractice happened in the making of this mv 👍
I care so much about This is How To Be In Love With You- it's visuals are brilliant in the ways it conveys its themes and narrative. I'm never normal Ever about the "Love as marketing" symbolism that is brought in by the use of magazines. It's a lovely upbeat song but the Horrors are Always Lurking under it, the breakup Ritual line is my Favorite Line cause its so horrifying but its said so casually and its so good oh its so good-
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coldfanbou · 1 year
After Work
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A SinB fic for her birthday too. A little different than my other SinB fics, because she's not submissive.
Length 1.6K
SinB x Mreader
After recording the mv for Pull Up, SinB looked at herself in the mirror. Thinking it would be a waste not to use her belt outfit at least once, she called you into the dressing room. She had gone the entire filming without any sex. SinB felt as if she deserved some for her hard work. You knock on the door and announce yourself, "SinB, you needed something?"
"Yeah, I did." You open the door and step in to find her sitting on the couch with her legs crossed. Her thick thighs in their pink stockings look thicker as she presses them together. SinB bounces her foot for a moment; you notice her staring at your pants. "I want to have sex." 
"But there are others around." You try to explain.
"I want to have sex manager-nim," she repeats. "I told Umji and Eunha already; they'll make sure we're not interrupted." SinB stands up and walks over to you. "Besides, you worked so hard making sure our music video went well," SinB says in a low, seductive voice. She takes your hands and makes them play with her ass. She exaggerates her pleasure, moaning loudly. SinB feels your developing bulge while you squeeze her ass of your own volition. "Do you like playing with my ass Mr. Manager?" She says teasingly. SinB unzips your pants and fishes your cock from behind your underwear. She squeezes it in her hands. SinB looks up at you, "You're getting so hard. Are you sure you don't want to have sex?" 
As you play with SinB's ass, you nod your head. "I want to fuck you." 
SinB smiles as she hears you submit. She kisses your neck, stroking your cock at the same time. Her soft hand moves from base to tip in a slow rhythmic motion. "You have such a nice big cock… and it's all for me," SinB moans as she feels your hands slip under her dress. As she strokes your cock, SinB uses her thumb to play with the head of your cock. You moan loudly, leaning back as SinB laughs. Precum leaks from your cock as she continues to jerk you off. "You can cum for me whenever you want." 
As you continue fondling SinB's ass, the soft flesh leaves you wanting more. Knowing this, SinB places your cock between her legs. You immediately start thrusting between her smooth thighs. She pushes them together, trapping your cock between them. SinB laughs at your eagerness. "Such a naughty boy, using my thighs as soon as you get the chance." You moan SinB's name, holding onto her ass as you thrust. She pushes down the top of her dress, letting her modest breasts free. SinB takes a breast in each hand and pulls her nipple taut. "Oh yeah," she moans as she starts to move her hips, increasing the pace of the thigh job. 
"Fuck, I'm going to cum." You moan into her ear. 
"Cum for me, baby. Cum on my soft pretty legs." SinB's taunts are enough to make you climax. You release all your tension, cumming between her legs. The sensation of your hot cum between her legs made SinB hornier. You gasp for air after your orgasm. SinB lifts your chin and kisses you, leaving some of her red lipstick on you. "Didn't that feel good?"
"Really good," you reply, still out of breath. 
"I'm going to make you feel even better." She whispers in your ear before taking you to the couch. There she strips you of your pants. SinB pushes the rest of her dress down and steps out of it. Her tight body is on display for you; you get hard again. SinB covers her face in faux shock, "Hard again already?" She teases. SinB rips her pink stockings at the crotch. She slides her fingers along her dripping cunt. "Do you want to fuck my pussy?" You nod your head vigorously.
"I want to fuck your pussy," 
"Well, you'll have to wait until I say so." SinB kneels between your legs, taking your cock in hand once more. "I want a taste with this mouth first." The woman before you holds your cock toward the sky before slowly dragging her tongue along the underside of your cock. She does it again, this time watching your body jerk; she flicks the head with her tongue. She smothers the head of your cock with her lips, leaving a red lipstick mark. Once she opens her mouth and takes your cock in, SinB swirls her tongue around the head. Her warm wet tongue drives you wild as she pushes more of your cock into her mouth. You take in every sensation, from the feeling of her lips being tightly wrapped around your shaft to your cock pressing against the back of her mouth. You throw your head back, moaning.
"Fuck SinB, your mouth feels so good."  SinB gives you a knowing look as she uses her tongue to work your shaft. Her hands start to caress your balls as you moan. You place your hand on SinB's head, letting her keep her pace. Your cock throbs in her mouth as she expertly uses her tongue. Knowing you're on the verge of cumming again, SinB stops her blowjob. She strokes your saliva and precum-covered cock, suckling on the tip. The intense waves of pleasure surrounding you make you yell out her name. "I'm cumming, SinB!"
SinB takes in the salty semen as you pump it into her mouth. She's untroubled by the amount, letting it all flow down her throat into her stomach. SinB kisses your cock, leaving it with a loud pop before she straddles you. Her cunt rubs against your cock as she rocks her hips back and forth. Face-to-face, SinB opens her mouth to show you how she drank everything. "I'm glad you're still hard; it'd be really sad if you could last long enough to try my pussy." You see SinB's thighs heavily covered in her nectar as she's kept herself from fucking you. SinB lifts herself and aligns your cock with her cunt. "Get ready," she teases. SinB pushes the head inside of her, then teases you by pretending she was going to be slow. She suddenly drops herself on your cock. You feel her walls split apart as you travel deep inside her cunt. SinB bites her lip as she feels you impale her. A slight bulge develops, showing just how far you are inside her. SinB rocks her hips, enjoying the feeling of being filled for just a moment longer. She rises and falls as she begins to bounce on your cock. The impression of your cock on her stomach appears and disappears as she bounces. 
"You're so tight," you moan. 
SinB smirks, "I know; now suck on my tits." Following her orders, you attach yourself to her tit, taking her small brown nipple and sucking on it. SinB's moans grow louder as she continues to bounce on your cock. She sinks deeper into the couch, allowing your cock further inside her. SinB's walls are clenched around your cock, making her feel tighter. "God, fuck," SinB cries as she edges closer to her climax. As your cock is driven further and further into SinB, you feel your orgasm building. Her tight walls hold you with care as you're being slammed into them. SinB leans down and captures your lips. The kiss is a suppressor keeping your moans from being too loud as you start unloading into SinB. Unable to control yourself, you grab SinB's waist and slam her down, impaling her on your cock and making her climax.
A high-pitched cry escapes SinB as she cums. Her walls milk your cock as her cunt accepts every drop of cum you give. SinB rests her head next on your shoulder as you recover. She rocks her hips back and forth the entire time, sending small waves of pleasure to you both. A small knock on the door makes you both stir. "Unnie! I want to go home. Are you done yet?" The voice was Umji's.
"I'm done; I just need to change," SinB yells back. The door opens, and Umji and Eunha walk through it, slightly surprised at the sight before them. "Thank you," SinB says, keeping her back to them as she grinds on your cock.
Eunha gets behind her younger member and slaps her bottom. "Ah, look at you!" She says excitedly before noticing the developing trail of cum leaking out of SinB. "Oh? You had him give you a creampie? Little SinB is being bold," Eunha says with a laugh before crouching down to lick up some of the cum. You both shudder, feeling Eunha's tongue lap at your nether regions. Eunha savors the taste, "Mmm, tasty!" Umji shakes her head, watching her unnies act so lewdly.
"I want to go home!" She says while stomping her feet. "Manager, hurry up and change!" She demands. SinB climbs off of you, the mixture of cum and nectar streaming down her thigh. Eunha takes position between your legs and cleans your cock quickly. You nearly cum again from her tight mouth, but she stops just short of that. 
"No more cumming for you, Manager-nim; we want to go home." Eunha stands up and whispers in your ear, "If you came now, I'd want to have sex too." You get changed quickly and prepare the car for the members, driving them to their dorm. They all talk amongst each other about how the day went. Their talking occasionally drifted into how having sex with you was. SinB would tease you without giving too many details. As you dropped them off, each woman waved you good night. SinB paused to kiss you on the cheek before hurrying along.
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isavelvel · 15 days
Can I request an sbg x fem reader one-shot who has the powers of winter from aespa's new Supernova mv in the phantom world, but the drawback is that she gets sick and vomits blood + she has lucky girl syndrome (which means she's lucky asf)
A sbg x gn reader who is like emu otori from wonderlandxshowtime and she is the captain of the dance team + and has the fighting technique of mizuki just search up "mizuki wrestler" on tiktok.
I’m doing the second one because I’m inlove with the cute theme soo.. hope you like it ^_^
— I also added the lucky girl syndrome for this cause it fits a little, I would take your first request but it takes SO MUCH more research, I’ll find a time to do it though. ❤️
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How could they truly react to you? When they had first met you their first impressions went well to say the least. You were bubbly and expressive and now or less extroverted. You were giggly aswell and it was hard to deny how you were a little ditzy sometimes.
Everyday at school you were always in a good mood, they never caught you in a bad one. At first when the phantom realm thing started they thought that it didn’t happen to you. They didn’t see you for the first or second time they went, it confused them, it truly did. You went to the sorrel weed house to? So how come it didn’t affect you.
They soon came to realize that was not the case. They saw you one day, running towards them and waving. Ashlyn was the first to react, it was only a couple minutes into the second day and you were just so happy to be here? Taylor ran towards you and you both hugged, even though you all aren’t close. Tyler and Ben were more or less standing awkwardly but Tyler looked a little upset. Aiden was just being.. Aiden? He was asking you some dumb questions and poking you. Logan looked concerned but everyone was overall okay.
You were really tired, you rubbed your eyes as they asked and harassed you with their concerned. You gave them a odd face and just shrugged.
“I don’t know! Lol?” You said with a little smile, they all suddenly had straight faces and Taylor giggled at how lost you sounded. “Those blob things were scary though!” You sounded so shocked, but not scared… at all.
You guys had been going to the realm for a couple days after this silly incident and they hadn’t really seen you fight, they all figured you couldn’t, Ashlyn decided that you guys might aswell see her parents to train. It could benefit all of you.
They were shocked, very shocked. ON HOW YOU REFUSED. Why didn’t you want to do it? It would literally benefit all of them. Tyler had the most negative reaction.
“Come on, this would help all of us! You’ll just drag us down if you can’t defend yourself!” He said something like that, practically saying you were dead weight if you couldn’t be of use. It didn’t hurt you to much, you knew what he meant to say and yet it didn’t affect you.
You decided to tell them you would accompany them, and accompany you did. When they asked one more time if you wanted to take your turn at getting your ass beat you said.
“No thank you!” And smiled sheepishly, “I already have sports I do like wrestling, I don’t need to learn anymore stuff!” The whole group went silent.
“Why didn’t you tell us that before?” Tyler asked. You didn’t hear him very well, it sounded like mumbling.
“Huh? What was-“ “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US THAT BEFORE?” His reaction was sort of funny, but you just kind of stood there all silly and blinked sheepishly.
You and Aiden get along pretty well, but you’ve had your creative differences.
“I think it’ll look better like this!” You said, showing him the show outfit idea for your next match.
“I think you should add a bow on the chest part, like a glitter force character!” He said nonchalantly as you groaned..
“Okay, should I add glitter?” You asked, your eyes lighting up, he quickly agreed. You got for work on it immediately.
They’ve come to a couple of your wrestling matches, you joined the school club. The club wasn’t separated by genders so imagine their suprise when you took down some guy who was much taller than you with little to no effort. After the match when you met up with them the first thing you said was;
“This uniform they make us wear is so not cute! Or comfy for that matter, they only let me put some sweatpants over the bottoms. And the bottoms are so tight!” You just raged about the uniform, you looked like a sad puppy, but they you brightened up again, “were you all impressed?”
“Why don’t you do this stuff in the phantom realm?” Taylor asked with a dumbstruck face as you mimicked her and everyone went silent. Ashlyn stared at you before sighing and dismissing Taylor’s question after looking at your face.
You and Ashlyn are close aswell. The grumpy, quiet and observant with the cute, playful, ditzy one was your guys favorite stereotype. Or at least yours..?
You two are complete opposites but go so well together, the only thing she has to complain about is how you can be so, so clueless.
“What do you think, (name)?” You blinked at Ashlyn’s question and made a weird face.
“About what?” You asked scratching your neck. She stared at you for a minute befor asking;
“Are you serious?” They had just been talking about the plan and you had missed so much of it. Besides that encounter you guys get along swell.
Taylor? Taylor is your girl. Your go to bestie, your number one. She gets you, she really gets you.
“Do you like my outfit? It’s for wrestling! I have a match tonight!” She marveled at your presented outfit, you had all been hanging out at your house and you wanted to personally show Taylor your outfit, in your room while the others hangout downstairs.
“It’s so cute? How is that for wrestling?” She says, messing with the bow that Aiden insisted you add. “The bow is cute.” You deadpan.
“Yeah it’s cute I guess.” You say blushing cockily, you flip your hair dramatically as you both burst out into giggles.
Now, Logan? Logan, Logan, Logan.. how did you approach this one? Well he was a little intimidated by you, you were so bubbly, loud and creative that he just couldn’t get over how overwhelming you are.
“Logan!” You said, hugging him it was early morning and you had gotten to school early, you didn’t take the bus. You saw Logan just standing off to the side awkwardly. At first he was always put off by your affectionate nature, also how nice you were.
“(Name)?” He said, slightly hugging you back. He had seemed to have gotten used to it. It were times like now that he appreciated your personality. Ben came up beside you two and waved, you and Logan had already stopped hugging as you waved at Ben.
Ben was sweet, really sweet. When you had met Ben you were a little put off. He was kind of awkward around you, but he was also really nice to you. He never spoke, unlike you, but you seemed to get used to it just like Logan got used to you. One day you both were in the realm and you had beaten the shit out of some globs, as you like to call them. You had scrapped your ankle when you all had booked it t safety.
“Thanks Ben.” You whispered to him, while everyone conversed. He had wrapped your ankle neatly for you, you couldn’t help but smile at his generosity. He looked at you before nodding and turning his attention back to the group. He was really just shy, or was he?
Tyler was a special case. I don’t think he’d ever get used to how peppy you are. Your kind of like Aiden, it annoys him to think that.
“Tylerrrr!” You said, trying to get his attention by poking him. You guys were at lunch, you were sitting at the table together and today you had sat next to him. He had to breath in before giving you a look.
“What?” He said before looking back at his plate.
“Are you gonna eat that?“ you said, looking at his extra soda he got from the vending machine. He looked at it, he was gonna save it for his next couple classes but.. he handed it to you, without even thinking. Why didn’t he think? He just gave it to you? You took it great fully, that’s where your guys mural friendship started.
You still scare them sometimes, everyone gets scared by how reckless you are, going into battle without a second thought is dangerous. You somehow NEVER get hurt other then the ankle thing. It literally shocks them.
One time you fell out of a tree you and Aiden were messing around in and you landed on Ashlyn perfectly. You could’ve gotten hurt but you somehow landed on her in the perfect position.. how the freaky deeky?
Another extremely lucky moment was when you guys were on top of a large building and you fell off only to land on one of the window sills, somehow? Taylor had to find that window and pull you through it.
Another time you were fighting a phantom and you jumped off of a fucking refrigerator and landed your feet hit directly on top of its head as it was WALKING PAST so it was still moving!
They have never seen someone so damn lucky.
“Do you have something that makes you so lucky?” Taylor asks and suddenly everyone else started asking too.
“Yeah, even Aiden isn’t that lucky.” Ashlyn barged into the conversation.
“She’s just stupid.” Tyler says and Logan silently laughs. Ben. Sighs at the insult before you pipe up.
“I guess you could call me lucky man!” You’d say, like you’ve discovered a new species.
“Your a female.” Aiden correct.
That’s all I have, sorry I’m lazy and tired tday lol
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accirax · 4 months
Alright, let me throw my hat in the ring for predicting who the upcoming DRDT MV is gonna be about. Spoilers for the series up to the second victim reveal.
So, I know that earlier today I said that I thought the MV might be about Levi-- I even voted for him on googledetective's poll. However, after actually looking at Yoidoreshirazu's lyrics, I have another prediction who (at the time of writing) has 0% on said poll. I actually think this MV could be about Rose?
I woke up as an unaware drunkard
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While Rose obviously isn't known for excessive alcohol consumption, I think you could use her sleepy demeanor as a substitution for drunkenness in this song. Alcohol is a depressant, which "can affect concentration and coordination and slow down a person’s ability to respond to unexpected situations" as the Alcohol and Drug Foundation puts it. Similarly, a person as lethargic as Rose might have trouble remembering what's just transpired, or quickly answering questions. Sleeping may be another way that Rose chooses to get away from her problems, an "addiction" similar to someone who drinks to forget.
All of this bickering goes on til the dawn comes Worn out, we all look horrible Until all thousand voices become hoarse
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Chapter 2 was full of lots of fighting and yelling, of which Rose was neither a participant nor an enjoyer.
I’m giving into you, but you don’t even have anything to say And my body is dyed
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In order to pay off her debts, Rose has to give in to what the Spurlings ask of her. Her art and her soul are now forever dyed by the intentions and ambitions of the Spurlings, as opposed to her own expression.
And then The sacred mountain is covered in mud, it’s smeared and chipping away, ah yes, it’s not half bad I’m a milligram away from succumbing Getting drunk again and again, unexpectedly- Ah, it’s not half bad I’m a drunkard unaware of my rival in love, so
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Rose's "sacred mountain" is art itself. Even if she isn't a sculptor working with clay, it's still the journey to which she wanted to dedicate her life. Her dream is chipping away, but she says it's not that bad because she knows the alternative would have been worse. Still, she's on the verge of giving up because of the depressing state her life has fallen to. The sentiment is then basically repeated with her choice to numb herself to the world around her, being an "unaware drunkard"-- it seems chill on the surface, but she still regrets giving up so easily and not being able to contribute more.
I'm not entirely sure who the "rival in love" is. My best guess is that it would sort of be herself? Or, like, the love itself is the rival. Her desire to make art for herself and love her life is the rival of being responsible and loving/supporting her family by making art for the Spurlings.
The singing voices are uncountable And once one gets lost in them, they end up at your xx
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If this is Rose's MV, this section is clearly about her nightmares. The "singing voices" would be the other participants of the killing game, specifically those who screamed out in pain from massive injuries or death. Rose gets lost in her memories via her dreams, and those visions stick with her as part of her photographic memory. You could interpret the "xx" as "door," which just means that they always wind up right in the forefront of her mind. But, you could also substitute in "canvas" or "tip of your paintbrush" to incorporate how Rose often paints the things that worry her.
Hey, look at how pretty it is, the daydream rondo一 I hide a thousand and can only spit out ten
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The paintings of Rose's dreams are beautiful, but Rose always has to hide them behind black paint, lest the Spurling Foundation fully steal her soul. Still, she's frustrated that she can't paint what she wants more often.
Please don’t let this fleeting happiness go away, Until I can lend an ear by your side I’m giving into you, but you don’t even have anything to say And my heart is dyed
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Rose has at least tried to make friends in the killing game. The two most notable, in my opinion, are Teruko and Nico. I'd like to believe that her brief interactions with the two of them, at some points in time, have made her happy, at least in comparison to the rest of the killing game. In Rose and Nico's FTE, Nico mentions how they like that Rose is a chill person who will just hang out and listen, and when Teruko asks Rose about her secret, Rose explains to Teruko that talking to others helps her work through her complicated thoughts and emotions. These two pieces together make me believe that Rose likes showing that she cares by listening to others, so "lending them an ear" is her way of reciprocating that happiness. Both of them are pretty quiet, but they've still changed who she is right now, for better or worse.
I’m a drunkard unaware of the story
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Rose's sleepiness and general withdrawl from social interactions prevent her from getting involved in major portions of the story, such as helping Levi reconnect with Ace. Her fears also directly prohibited her from being aware of certain pieces of evidence when she refused to enter the Playground to investigate Arei's body.
Finally, I also think that the style of the music just kinda fits Rose. Veronika would probably say that I'm just primed to believe that after Venus and I assigned Rose the song Always Tired, which has a similar low-key, depressing red flavor. But, while much siller, Cartoons by Louie Zong (which pretty much everyone agrees was Rose's from the official playlist), also has that slow synthetic/tech beat. (Does that make sense??? I don't know what instruments are.)
Obviously, I didn't go through every lyric, but I felt that most other lyrics were either pretty self-explanatory, ignorable, or more of the same. The lyrics of the song definitely lead me to think that we could be looking at a Rose MV, but there are a couple of other factors arguing against that interpretation.
The first is the choice to give Rose an MV now of all times. Our first MV was Sleepy, a song for Min which came out shortly after she died. Our second was Literature Girl Insane for David, which came out shortly after his show-stopping reveal which made waves in the killing game and the fandom. Rose... well, she did have some important scenes this chapter, between the reveal of her secret and her breakdown outside the Playground, but neither of them were particularly recent or relevant to where the story is currently paused.
Well, DRDTdev did say that not every character is planned to have an MV, and that the creation order of them isn't totally within his control. So, if the idea for Rose struck now, then we could get a Rose MV now!
For what it's worth, I realized that it probably doesn't make sense to give this MV to anyone who's involved in the Chapter 2 murder. Even if we're still a few months out from that reveal, I feel like it would make more sense if we just waited until the chapter was over to give the killer a nice MV sendoff, much like Min. I, along with... pretty much everyone else I asked back in August didn't think that Rose was going to die this chapter, so she's most likely free from that mark.
The second is the quote in the description under the video, "I lack self control." I... really don't know what this would mean for Rose. Generally, I think she's pretty good at controlling her emotions, and I agree that that part might point in the MV more in the direction of Ace, Levi, Veronika, or someone else.
Still, I think that the lyrics of Yoidoreshirazu fit Rose pretty well, and wanted to explain my thoughts somewhere. Most importantly, new content! Thank you DRDTdev; stay healthy out there!!!
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project-sekai-facts · 8 months
If it isn't too much to ask, which characters live in houses and which live in stuff like condos or apartments? Thanks in advance though!
i don't have the time to check through every card/event story right now, so I'm going from what I remember here.
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Starting with siblings just to get them out of the way. The Tenmas live in a house (a very big one at that). The Hinomoris live in a more traditional house, and based on their rooms, Shiho and Shizuku's rooms seem to be on the same floor (the ground floor). That's not to say there's no second floor though. I'm pretty sure the Shinonomes live in a house (I think it's mentioned in the Morning Sky event but it's been a while since I read that). But if you look out their window they seem to have a garden which pretty much confirms the fact.
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Moving on, Rui and Nene both live in houses. I mean, Rui very clearly lives in a house, and considering Nene lives nextdoor, it makes sense for her to also live in a house. Honami seems to live in a house based on the fact that her bedroom appears to be on the first floor (you can see some trees out her window), but this could always mean that her family lives in a first-floor flat. Minori lives in a house, which is briefly animated in the Gunjou Sanka MV. It's also mentioned a few times that Mafuyu lives in a house. I'm not sure about Kohane, since if you look at the window in the card above, it looks like she might be on the ground floor of her house, when usually the main bathroom would be upstairs, but given the sheer size of her bedroom I'm gonna assume she just has a downstairs bathroom in her house. That or she lives in a pretty big flat.
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If you look at this Airi card, you can see the top of some trees out her window. I was gonna call this confirmation of her living in a house but then I noticed the railing over the front of her window which just strikes me as a flat feature. Obviously you can have this on houses but it's something I see way more frequently on flats.
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I think Kanade might also live in a flat, just going off the fact her family isn't necessarily very good for money and it just seems a lot smaller than pretty much every other character's house. However, in her card from the Saying Goodbye to my Masked Self event, most of the buildings on her street look like houses (based on the fact they have garages), so I'm not too sure.
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Now we're into the rich people category. Emu literally lives in a mansion but she's a billionaire why wouldn't she.
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And I think Toya might live in some sort of penthouse suite thing? If you look at the window in his living room you can notice that it isn't on the ground floor and is on the 1st floor at least, and Toya's bedroom appears to be on the same floor as the living room. They also have a balcony that seems to go around the outside of both the living room and Toya's room. Jeez how much money does Harumichi make?
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Mizuki also has windows that go down to the floor which makes me think they live in either A) a flat or B) a decently big house with a balcony, because why else would you have full-length windows. Haruka has a visible balcony-thing that looks a bit like the ones in the bg of that Kanade card just a bit up from here, which makes me think she lives in a house (or maybe a flat considering Kanade might live in a flat. I'm not sure). Ichika also has these windows but you can't see out of them so I'm not entirely sure what's going on with her.
I'm not sure what's going on with An, neither her house nor her room has ever been shown and I can't remember any specific wording used to describe it off the top of my head.
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purgemarchlockdown · 9 months
Shidou, Mahiru, Amane and Parenthood
(Also Known As: Shidou and Mahiru are paralleled with Amane's parents and I need to talk about it)
(CW: Child Abuse, Cults)
So the newest interrogation question came out and the question is this:
If you had to make one of the prisoners part of your family, who would you choose?
Amane's answer to it was this:
A: Mahiru Shina. Her innate goodness might have brought the two of us closer, maybe
This is an interesting response for a lot of reasons, especially since the last time we saw Amane and Mahiru interacting they didn't exactly have a pleasant conversation.
23/01/17 (Mahiru’s Birthday)
Amane: Happy birthday. Mahiru-san. How is your body feeling? Mahiru: ……ah, Amane-chan. Thank you. Yeah, I’m fine. Now I can move around if I use a wheelchair…… It’s all thanks to Shidou-san looking after me…… Amane: I’ll give you one warning. The two of you are dabbling in something tabooed. If you continue to go against the way of nature like this, you’ll just bring an early death upon yourself. Think hard about this. Mahiru: Amane-chan……? Are you really Amane-chan……?
If Amane believes that Mahiru is dabbling in something taboo then why does she think Mahiru should be apart of her family? Well let's take a look at how Mahiru and Amane parallel for a bit. At first it doesn't seem like they have much in common but there's actually a substantial amount of connections between them.
The one most important to this discussion is the usage of water and their views on love.
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Now water for Amane is punishment, both symbolically and literally. She was waterboarded. However this torture was used to confirm something, her parents "love" for her.
But it’s not scary at all, because it’s love I can actually think of it as a good thing, see isn’t it a great thing?
The thing about Amane Momose is that she's sinful and impure. At least in the eyes of her cult. She's constantly messing up, constantly failing, constantly wanting to run from the trials presented to her.
Dear wise one, Is this ok? Is it ok to be weak sometimes?
In the eyes of her cult Amane Momose needs to be punished so she can become "better." A better girl, a better person, a better follower of god. Under this logic the punishments are her parents way of delivering...salvation, to cleanse Amane Momose's impure soul of it's faults and eventually turn her into a "good girl."
Pain is Love, for all intents and purpose, it means that her parents still care enough about her to try to purify her. Even though she herself knows that it's a lost cause.
Only if, only if, only if I could be a good girl
This is something she shares with Mahiru.
We fought sometimes, I was happy to get hurt Let's have matching pain, this sickness is pretty bad
Do you really think you know what love is? If you do, let's just overheat together
Mahiru believes that if you are in love you share everything, happiness, sorrow, joy, pain. Being together even if you are suffering and unhappy is proof of your "bond."
Giving you love to the point of pulling you down It's just because I still get worried, please forgive me Even when I test you, even the times we do the breakup ritual, Is because I love you
Using this lens we can read the water through a different lens we can see it as...love. Water is love, it is needed for people to live, it is rejuvenating and good.
Now multiple characters have this motif and I won't talk about it in too much detail but both Amane and Mahiru's boyfriend are covered in water, love. Metaphorically or otherwise. Except both of them are submerged in it, drowned even. The version of love Amane was given and the version of love Mahiru gave out was distorted and destructive. With Mahiru's love ultimately leading, in some way or another, to her boyfriend's death.
This makes two lines in their MVs super interesting.
My emotions are out of control, that’s inconvenient? I don’t care!
You’re sorry? I don’t care! Please, go ahead and die already
This is very similar phrasing but the context is completely different.
When Mahiru says this line she's talking about her love for her boyfriend. Her overly indulgent, suffocating, love. It doesn't matter if it's inconvenient to Him because this is how she shows Her love.
No matter how unaware she was of how unhealthy her relationship was (and I don't think she was malicious at all in her intentions), she was still Actively suffocating him by not taking his feelings into consideration.
Amane however is Reacting to her mother's abuse. Her mother's painful and horrible "love." "Love" that really could have killed her, people aren't supposed to survive waterboarding and electrocution without any medicine, or just in general.
When she goes to her mother and kills her she's doing this because she Hates Her. She doesn't care if she apologies because she never took Her Feelings into account when she punished her.
Not only that but we have this Timeline conversation.
Amane: You want to know about my family……? My father is a truly wonderful person. He’s honest, values fairness and justice above all else, and will work himself to the bone for other people’s sake……. Why do you want to know? Mahiru: Oh, I was just wondering what sort of parents you must have for them to have raised such a good child like you. Fufu, I’ll keep it in mind for the future when I raise my own family. Amane: I see. If it will be of use to you, I’ll tell you more. It’s still a long way off for me, but for someone your age the prospect of finding a partner and having a family must be feeling a lot more real. Now that I think about it, I recall my mother was around your age when she gave birth to me……
Amane's Mother was Mahiru's age when she gave birth to her? Mahiru thinks Amane is a good child and wants to use her parents as examples for how to raise someone like her?
To me, it seems like Mahiru is being paralleled with Amane's parents. Most likely her mother but you could probably argue the father too due to how Amane is (seemingly) on much better terms with him.
Now I've outlined most of the Mahiru-Parent parallels but we also have Shidou.
So, Amane hates Shidou, that's a well-documented opinion. Shidou violates cult rules and doctrine. He "steals" people's trials away. He's evil and horrible and needs to be destroyed.
Amane: Oh – speaking of which, there is one among the prisoners right now. An evil existence that’s trying to steal people’s trials away from them. Es: …! Amane: Shidou Kirisaki… His actions violate our rules. I have given him a warning. If he continues, I suppose it will be inevitable for me to intervene.
However this isn't the only reason why Amane dislikes Shidou, in fact she's disliked him since the start. For reasons completely unrelated to this.
Shidou makes Amane feel small.
Shidou: I…… I just don’t understand. If everything about MILGRAM is true…… why did a child like you have to become a murderer? Just imagining what sort of circumstances must have led to that, it makes me so sad…… Amane: ……*sigh*. Is that right. I don’t think I’m going to get along with you, Shidou-san. I don’t agree with the fact you refuse to acknowledge that I have my own free will, and that I should be held accountable for my actions, just because I’m a child. I may have only been alive for 12 years, but all the choices I’ve made, even if they weren’t the best ones, were entirely my own. What point is there in you getting sad when I have no regrets myself?
His actions are, for lack of a better term, triggering. It reminds Amane of her parents. The lack of control she had over the situation, and how her words meant nothing to them.
She cares about her free will because for most of her life her free will and choices weren't respected. So Shidou disregarding her feelings makes her feel disrespected and uncomfortable.
Is this done out of malice? No but it seems like Shidou is doing this more for his sake than Amane's.
22/06/27 (Amane’s Birthday)
Kazui: What’s up, Shidou-kun? You’re looking pretty down. I guess you must be tired, I’ve been relying on you a lot lately. Shidou: Yeah, I just remembered…… today is Amane’s birthday. I’m just getting a bit sentimental. Kazui: Hmm, it’s unfortunate, but at the moment we can’t worry about that. ……you understand, right? There’s something that you need to do right now. And if you tried talking to her your words definitely won’t reach her. Don’t look at me like that. We’ll just wait until the situation changes. Let’s do our best. Shidou: Yeah. I’ll do what I can. I can’t have a child making a face like that. Even though we’re “murderers”…… we’re also the adults here.
Shidou is Guilt Man. He's absolutely consumed with it, even now that he doesn't want to die his guilt haunts him. In a way, taking care of Amane is a way to "redeem" himself for whatever he did.
He's also presumably coping with the loss of his own children and is projecting that Onto Amane and also Es. You can see this very clearly in his T1 VD.
Shidou: I’m a fine specimen of what a murderer ought to be. I don’t mind when you hand down your judgement, but if it’s possible… Instead of being told by the law that I won’t be forgiven, I wanted a child like you, Es, to tell me that.
Shidou is condescending and makes both Es and Amane feel uncomfortable and disrespected, even if he doesn't want to. His actions harm them because Shidou cares less about them and more about the Idea of them being children.
(My emotions are out of control, that’s inconvenient? I don’t care!)
The clearest example of how the way he interacts with Amane is this scene in this Timeline.
Amane: I warned you. I can no longer turn a blind eye to this wickedness taking place right in front of us. You’re bringing ruin unto yourself. Do you understand? Shidou: No, I don’t understand. It’s my job as an adult to teach you that throwing a temper tantrum isn’t going to make everything go your way. If it’s a test of endurance you want, I’m happy to oblige, Amane.
Now as I've said. Amane likes having her opinions and choices respected, this comes from how they Weren't when she was living with her parents. Most of her positive interactions with people, especially in T2, come from people asking her about her opinions and how she feels about things. Shidou dismissing her emotions and calling them a temper tantrum was one of the worst things he could of possibly said to her. Outright confirming To Amane that Shidou doesn't care about how she feels.
Again that isn't exactly true, Shidou does care, but it doesn't change the affect it has on her does it?
Shidou makes Amane feels small and disrespected and Hurt. Like how her parents made her feel. Amane's just been given a righteous reason to hurt him now, like what she had for her mother.
(This is another reason why I can't exactly say Mahiru is paralleled with her mother and Shidou her father...it's possible we have a bit of a roleswap here.)
In short: 050608 family parallels haunt me forever and ever.
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1moreff-creator · 11 months
Happy Birthday David Chiem!
Usually, for these characters’ birthdays, I do a somewhat half-hearted attempt at a character analysis. But do you think I’m gonna do this for David? Hell no, he’s way too complicated for me to do something like that in this style of post! And I am not making a post that difficult right after that Mai thing.
So, instead, I’m just going to list a few fun facts, because that’s easier. Hope you like it anyways!
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(By the way, I’ve always loved that frame of the MV so, so much)
-His birthday lands on “National Book Lovers’ Day”, which says National but is recognized globally. Considering the MV, I’d say that fits. It also coincides with the Annual Perseid Meteor Shower Peak Night, Co-working Day (hah, as if), and get ready, “Hold Hands Day”.
-His profile states he likes ready-make oatmeal. According to the recent Q&A, he can cook, he just prefers not to. This actually fits with quite a few scenes in the series where it’s implied he prefers not to get out of bed unless necessary (mood), such as his brief outburst in the introduction and the several times he’s shown not to eat with anyone else. Though maybe that’s actually caused by him hating people.
-He dislikes expensive things. Kinda based.
-He does TEDTalks, and that’s presumably where he gets his talent from.
-As he stated himself, he has pretty bad bed hair. And apparently, he can summon it at will, as seen in Ch 2 Ep 11.
-His pupils seem to turn into stars whenever he… smiles or puts on a positive attitude? It doesn’t seem to follow a strict logic other than “whenever it looks cool”.
-He has an older sister named Diana. Or, well, that’s what he claims. Footnote 11 of you-know-what may imply she never actually existed. It’s unclear what this means at the moment.
-He seemed to genuinely like Xander, and wanted to be friends with him, as he’d value that relationship more than Xander’s idolatry.
-The secret quote in his page is "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I wish you could just die." How nice! This is either talking to himself, or presumably something he'll say to Teruko since their characters do be foiling.
-The quote on Mai's page attached to him is "She forgives everyone." It's the second to last line in the script, before MonoTV's. I have to physically restrain myself from theorizing.
-Some stuff from the Q&As:
*He usually wears semi-formal, 'professional' clothes.
*His blue hair is actually fully natural.
*This is the default sprite for his fuckboy persona:
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... But, like, why though. Why's he so sassy.
*Bisexual with a strong female lean. Diversity win! The biggest liar you know is bisexual!
*His favorite color is gamboge (the yellow of his star pupils), stating it’s inspiring; while his least favorite is gray, stating it’s depressing. This could imply he actually likes the cheerier persona he usually puts on more than his real self, or the villainous persona he plays in the trial.
*He handles his feelings badly. We been knew.
*His hair clips were his manager’s idea, to build brand recognition. Apparently David doesn’t like this manager too much, but he puts up with them for the contract. Also, when he takes off his hair clips in the trial, he places them in his PANT POCKETS.
*I’m sure you’ve realized this, but you remember that section of the Q&A where the dev gives details about the family members we had known about from the series (Elliot Cuevas, Felicity Giles, Fuyuko and Natsuko Naegishi, Ryan Moreno/Rosales)? Diana Chiem isn’t mentioned, perhaps further hinting at her non-existence.
*He has an average amount of strength.
*His favorite ice cream flavor is pistachio, because of course it’s pistachio.
*He smells like men’s cologne, but only faintly. Hope you’re happy with that answer, you weirdos (/affectionate).
*He’s American, like everyone else except maybe Teruko.
And now, for his playlist! I kinda already posted this in a reblog to another post, but here it is officially!
+Literature Girl Insane, by Karasuyasabou (I mean, obviously)
+Undead Enemy, by Suzumu and Giga-P (probably his song from the official character playlist)
+Monochrome Mentality, by Riproducer / RIP
+Grey, by QueenPB
+The Distortionist, by Ghost & Pals (CW: Abuse)
+Copycat, by CircusP
+How to Pretend, by CircusP (FNAF pog)
+Echo, by Crusher-P
+God-ish, by PinocchioP
+The Court Jester, by thquib
+Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, by Set it Off
+The Things I Deserve, by Ghost & Pals (CW: suicide)
+All Eyes on Me, by OR3O
+Not Your Angel, by NightCove_theFox (apparently I’m making him into an Alice Angel kinnie)
And, finally…
+Happy birthday! Though he would absolutely despise anyone who tries to sing it to him, I imagine.
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thezanyarthropleura · 2 months
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is... my favorite Godzilla movie?
Or: how the MonsterVerse changed my mind after 10 years.
I hate to be that person in a fandom who's constantly saying things like "the old stuff was great, but the new stuff sucks!" however, when it comes to the kaiju genre... for a time, I unfortunately got pretty close to that. I once rolled my eyes at the notion of the "Kaiju Renaissance," and how between Legendary and Toho it had "something for everyone" and thought that for me, that was only really true if you counted some of the IDW comics, the 12-minute Godzilla vs. Megalon short film, and the renewed availability/merchandising for the originals - which means I've recently seen about 20 classic films I never had before, including some of my new favorites, so in that sense, it sort of did feel like a Renaissance. It just wasn't feeling, at the time, like the newer movies had much to offer for me personally.
It isn't that I had a great many negative things to say about the MonsterVerse films, I just... didn't have a lot of positive things to say either. Due to a number of things I can now look back on as mostly minor nitpicks, there was a sense that they didn't even belong to the fandom I loved at all, and Toho's offerings as of late... had felt pretty much the same. Now, I'll have you know I do in fact love the heck out of Godzilla: Minus One, and in a way, that film feels like a great "part one" of my change in attitude toward the new kaiju boom, but in the end, I like it more because it's an excellent film overall than specifically because it's a kaiju film.
The Godzilla solo films, or films where kaiju are presented exclusively or almost exclusively as an antagonistic force, are *in theory* some of my least favorites of the bunch. I end up holding quite a few of them very highly on their own merits as movies, but what I'm mainly looking for in these films actually started with the original Mothra film in 1961 - the expansion of the genre from disaster film into urban/contemporary fantasy, and the treatment of giant monsters as spiritual, cultural, supernatural forces that can represent a whole slew of things other than a threat or crisis.
Now, if that just sounds like a fancy way of saying "giant monsters beating the crap out of each other" then you're not entirely wrong. I do love a good hero story, and it informs a lot of which films end up being my favorites. But there are other factors I find exceptionally strong in many of the classic films - personal resonance with the human element, the interaction of the human and monster elements, the overall uniqueness and earnestness of the story being told - that I just wasn't finding with the MonsterVerse.
...Until now
I went in not expecting too much from this movie. From all the hype surrounding it, I was prepared for a monster brawl I could sit back and have a good time watching, and that was about it. I thought the opening Hollow Earth scenes were cool (if a little gory), I laughed out loud in the theater at Doug's appearance, and since I was already spoiled on Scylla's death, I didn't take it too badly (she was my favorite of the MV original Titans, but since I wasn't that invested, it was easy enough to switch back into "oh, we were never supposed to care about them" mode).
Things changed as we got introduced (mainly re-introduced) to the human cast. It was specifically the car scene, with Ilene picking Jia up from school and the short conversation they have in sign, that resonated especially well and gave me the sudden hope that this film was, in fact, going to have a very strong emotional core. It sets both of them up for deeper, more personal character arcs than they had in their previous appearance in Godzilla vs. Kong, and that only continued as we got more scenes with them, and then added Bernie into the cast.
There's something I really love about the Ilene and Bernie scene - Bernie is, in a sense, a meme character, in that his laser-focused self-interest is continually played for laughs, but then we put him in a scene with an increasingly emotional and desperate Ilene. The contrast between the two of them cuts deep at the appeal to underlying humanity that we see play out with this cast, in small moments, across the rest of the movie. Jia was already the best character in the MonsterVerse, but she has an even stronger pull when we've been introduced to a deep emotional angst looming in the background of all her scenes. Ilene's worries about her strained relationship with her daughter are carried through and don't ever feel like they've been left behind for the sake of expediency. Bernie has always had a few serious notes to his character, but even though the jokes continue, his insecurity around being hounded by skeptics is eventually played seriously and he becomes much more than the memes by the end of this film. Trapper doesn't feel quite like he gets a complete arc of his own, but as the new addition, he has a great vibe and acts as a supportive presence for everyone else's arcs.
GxK is very much a "quirky people in a situation have decided to support each other" movie, reminding me very strongly of Ebirah, Horror of the Deep (1966), which previously held the title of my personal favorite Godzilla movie. And yet, given this specific cast of characters, both in literal dynamic parallels and how enjoyable they are to watch, I can't help but also draw favorable comparisons to the Heisei era Gamera films - which I hold in their own, higher tier that eclipses anything that's come out of the Godzilla franchise. I'd specifically mention Gamera: Guardian of the Universe (1995) as probably the closest comparison, both in character and overall tone. Both of those movies are already in my top ten, along with a few other comparable films like Ghidorah, the Three Headed Monster (1964), which also has similar vibes in the human cast but far more direct parallels on the monster side.
As for the tone - great. GxK has one kaiju sex joke and one Skull Island style death, in something that feels like a "last hurrah" for the MonserVerse's previous sense of humor, but after that, it takes on a certain Showa-style earnestness for even the fantastical story being told. When there is humor, it has more to do with the characters' personalities playing off one another, and IMO, it works very well (I still think it could do with less green/yellow blood splatter and monster gore in general, but most of that is also kept to the beginning of the movie). Overall, the film doesn't feel like it's making fun of itself or the genre it's in, or if it does, it's doing so more tastefully than some previous entries.
It's probably well known by now that Godzilla himself isn't in this movie all that much, mainly relegated to Kong's backup - which is fine by me, as that's actually more or less my exact favorite use of Godzilla. He doesn't need to be the main character, or a significant narrative focus, he doesn't even need to be an outright hero, he just needs to be convenient. Godzilla showing up in all his glory, to make a situation at least slightly better for someone I care about, so I can cheer him on. That's all I ask, and this film finally delivers that. The best I can figure, the previous MV films either made him too brutal/vengeful or made his enemies too sympathetic, or some combination of the two, such that he never felt like he had that big hero moment I was looking for until now. But Scar King is just enough of a love-to-hate villain that it easily tilts the moral compass in Godzilla's favor, and this film even does make a point of having a few moments where Godzilla chooses to set his rage aside and spare a former enemy (Scylla and Tiamat notwithstanding. RIP to them, I guess).
Now, as for Kong - I've never been a Kong fan. I don't have much interest in watching previous Kong movies outside of Toho's versions and sometimes the 2005 film. The classic take on the character, with the kidnapping elements and inevitable tragedy, just doesn't appeal to me, but even when I wasn't quite sold on the MonsterVerse, one of the things I did acknowledge was that it was actually starting to make me like Kong. This film cements that, and I have zero problems that it's more of Kong's movie over Godzilla's (and for as much of the movie as the trailers spoiled, I'm really glad they managed to hide almost everything to do with Suko. His story has so much more depth than "Kong adopts a cute baby ape," it's actually wonderful).
(I could also gush at length about Mothra, but most if it would probably be incomprehensible. Just know that despite her small role and short screentime, she's at some of her very best here).
So yes, a MonsterVerse film has, as far as I can tell, somehow topped my list of favorite Godzilla films, and is now up there competing with Heisei Gamera and the third Rebirth of Mothra movie for my top pick in the genre. But the next question is, did one good movie actually change my mind about the whole MonsterVerse?
...Kind of, yeah. With as much as GxK made me love Ilene, Jia, and Bernie, I now immensely enjoy Godzilla vs. Kong (2021) and I've found myself rewatching it many, many times just to see more of them, not to mention also appreciating it a lot more as Kong's film. Mothra and especially the focus on Monarch as an organization also brings me back to Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), whose characters I've since reevaluated and found that I also quite enjoy. Kong: Skull Island (2017) remains an enjoyable popcorn movie for me, also elevated slightly for being a Kong film and having Skull Island and Iwi lore, and Godzilla (2014)... is also part of the continuity, I guess. I do enjoy a lot of what it has to offer, but it's probably my least favorite.
To get serious for a moment, these days every new release, in any fandom I'm in, makes me feel like it might be the last one I get to enjoy, if not the last one period. And if that ends up being true about this movie, then at least I'd be able to say that as far as I'm concerned, the kaiju genre, if not human media in general, has gone out on a high note.
I'm not in a place where I can concern myself at all with sequels or spinoffs, anything we might get in the future. But for now, this is a good movie, and I'm going to be enjoying the heck out of it. I've seen it in theaters three times and counting. I bought the novelization audiobook and have listened to it twice so far. I'm writing a fanfic. I keep impulse-buying the playmates toys. I started learning sign language. I'm choosing to be not at all normal about this movie and if the world ended with it being my entire personality, maybe at least in some sense I'd die happy.
So from me, a classic kaiju film snob who could talk at length about how Japanese films from as early as the 1950s and 60s have more progressive values and better storytelling than modern Hollywood, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire gets an absolutely GLOWING recommendation. Somehow.
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...and in case I don't see you, so long and that's a lot of fish.
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olivia091108 · 4 months
HEYY gal!! Love your stuff, could I req a fic where reader is the guitarist in H.I.M and is Bams celeb crush ( he’s still a celeb ofc ) buttt hope Yk what I mean!! 😭🫶
Yesss I’ve been listening to H.I.M and I’m really excited to write this hope it’s good
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Guitar strings and romantic strings
Summary: filming HIMs new mv
Pairing: bam margera x reader
Word count: 1.6k
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We are filming our new music video buried alive by love today and I had to get up at the ass crack of dawn to meet everyone at some mansion in la so my manager got me on a plane as soon as saying that the others were already there. I hate filming music videos because it’s always some grouchy 60 year old who has never even heard of us before but this time bam margera is actually directing the whole thing.
I’ve met him a few times with the rest of the band but he didn’t really take a liking to me he just wanted to talk to the boys. It kinda annoyed me cos I thought he seemed pretty cool and wanted to get to know him. I’m gonna make it my goal that by the time he’s going back to the states I’ve had at least 1 good conversation with him.
A cab picks me up from the airport and it doesn’t take too long to get to the set. Once I’ve paid the driver I’m quickly rushed in by random people telling me that I need to be quick and some girls come over with an outfit telling me to change. They’ve given me a black mini skirt wich is very mini and a black zip up top that shows of my tits.
I quickly walk over to where the band is greeting them quick. Then I walk over to bam ready to strike up a conversation.
“Hey bam I haven’t seen you in ages how are you?” He stares at me for a sec and I thought he was just going to ignore me but he nods his head
“Yeah Umm Im good” he quickly says before going over to frantz.I turn in my heal and go see what ville is up to. We are taking for a while before bam tells us to play the song the whole way through so I grab my guitar and wait for Jukka to count me in.
Once we finish playing Juliet Lewis arrives since she's going to be the girl playing billed love interest in the music video I was excited to see her I loved her stuff.
Once she had introduced herself to everyone and Joe was setting up the shots and lenses whatnot me and Juliet started talking and we hit it off we have a lot in common and honestly it was nice for the both of us to have another girl around.
but soon she had to film so I walked over to Joe and bam and started to watch what was happening I stood behind bam leaning on the back of the chair and would glance over at him every few seconds. I wanted to talk to him but I didn't know what about so I said the first think that came to my head.
“What colour would you be?” As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted it.
Uhhhm I don’t know what you mean he says before turning away from me
“Like yk if you were a coulour what one would you be for instance I’d love to be like a magentary purple but I hate to say I think I’d be like a greeny blue but not the nice turquoise more like a dull boring one” I started to rant by accident and bam just kinda stared.
It was awkward for a sec of me waiting for his answer and if I’m honest he looked bored but thank god Joe was there. “I’d be orange I think”
“Omg yess you so would like a nice tangerine kind” I say getting excited which we both laughed at and I can see bams lip curl up almost like a smile.
“Your’e turn bam” i say putting my attention on him again. I don’t know yellow?
Nooo no definitely not you would be like either a nice navy blue but like lighter by a smidge you are like a nice purple like when I say purple the one You think of but more punk.
“Oh yeah” Joe chimes in before focusing on the camera making sure to follow ville and just like that conversation done and he only said like 10 words maybe I think I’m just gonna give into the fact that not everyone has to like me.
“Cut”bam yells and ville and Juliet walk over listening to what will happen in the next bit before Juliet comes over to me. “What’s got you in a sour mood?”
“Bam doesn’t like me” I say sulking like a little girl with my head in my palms. “Are you crazy of course he does”
“No he doesn’t eveytime I even try to talk to him he just isn’t interested and just shut me down straight away and he can barely even look at me” and do you know what I hear from me telling her my struggles
She’s laughing.
I giggle and push her “it’s not funny I’m serious”she’s hysterical now and trying to get a sentence out
“Y/n I love you but your’e really dumb” i look at her confused not knowing what she meant. “He likes you”
“No I just told you he can’t stand me”
“Y/n listen he has a crush on you it’s obvious he can’t look at you and I hear him stutter and fumble his words kudus he would probably implode if you even touch him” I think about what she’s saying but I can’t wrap my head around it
“Nah there’s no way”
“Ok yk what go over there and tell him his hair is messed up and quickly fix it for him and then you will believe me.”
Ok I will I get up and walk over to bam and ville sitting in their chairs pretending to listen to their conversation for a sec before looking towards bam and interrupting ville.” Sorry your hair is kinda crazy” I lean up and mess with it a bit not even realising his face is practically in my boobs. But I rake my acrylic nails through it and ruffle it softly before removing my hands and seeing his face the same colour as my guitar.
I then smile to myself and restrain myself from running to Juliet. Once I get to her I smile and admit she was right followed by an expected “I told you”
“What do I do? Do I ask him out? Wait I don’t even know if I like hi-“
“Oh please cmon y/n of course you do you wouldn’t want him to like you that much if you didn’t. I blush at her words realising she’s right.”
“Please help me” I put my hands together and beg her batting my eyelashes at her. “Alright we’re going to the bar later and you are gonna ask him out their simple”
The rest of the day I am just thinking about bam and how I was so oblivious about his feelings and mine. Want a drink? I snap my head up so fast I heard a crack in my neck I look to see bam standing infront of me waiting for an answer. “Oh um just some water please”
Once the days over we all walk to a bar down the road and straight away get a round in of beers. Im embarrassed to say I’m a huge leightweight so after 2 rounds I’m on the brink of drunk and when I’m drunk I am very touchy so I’ve heard.
Remembering what Juliet told me to do I stumble over to bam allay knocking a table of drinks over but once I reach him I use him to balance myself by wrapping my arms round his neck and staring up at him.
I couldn’t see his eyes as he was wearing his blacked out sunglasses so I reach up and lift them to rest on his hair. I mumble out “I like your eyes I couldn’t see them” and smile to myself
Whoever bam was talking to before had left after my sudden intrusion but I didn’t even realise. “Yknow I’m not meant to be telling you this but” I start giggling at what I’m about to say and whisper in his ear “ I have a crush on you”
He smirks and looks down and says a teasing “really” I nod up at him basically leaning my whole body weight in him and subconsciously scratching at his curls “and I know you like me back so are you going to do anything about it” I ask smugly
He rests both his hands at the undersides of my jaw rubbing small circles making me tigglish and giggling before he pulls my face towards his and I feel his soft lips against mine and I kiss him back and bring him closer and deepen the kiss forgetting we’re surrounded by all our friends and not even aware of Joe filming us but even if I had I wouldn’t of cared as long as I was still kissing bam.
He pulls away with his eyes dilated looking like he took the best drugs in his life before smiling and kissing me again this time letting his hand wander to my bum and giving it a firm squeeze and rubbing it almost causing my skirt to lift.
This time I pull away and take his hand and shout way too loudly a good bye and waving towards Juliet and holding up me and bamd held hands excitedly befire running up the bar stairs and feeling bam hold my skirt down making me not false anybody and asked the first person I saw
“where’s the closest hotel?”
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I hope this is ok sorry it took so long
Gonna be honest I thought this was posted like a week ago and I was thinking I haven’t got any notifications or anything and I check and I realise it hadn’t even been posted so sorry about that
Taking requests
Might do a Johnny one soon
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seoul-bros · 1 year
Seven, the greatest misdirect ever?
Well they are definitely trying to keep us guessing.
When Big Hit first announced Seven at the end of June it was described as an "invigorating summer song" that will make listeners feel the full breadth of Jungkook's charm. Since the song and the MV were filmed in California people started thinking it might be something like this (or maybe that was just me).
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Then we found out that Han So Hee was going to be in it the idea of a Creed style action video was discussed or even 007 days a week.
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Then Jungkook dropped his concept photos and the sexy ship was sailing.
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On Monday, we had him in the studio with lyrics interpreted (at least by me) as loving you right and seven days a week.
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Finally today the MV teaser drops and JK and Han So Hee are in a restaurant having the mother of all arguments. I mean they bring the chandelier down it's so intense.
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JK looking pretty contrite here. What did you do man and what are you going to do to make up for it?
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My stab at the lyrics, "weight of the world on your shoulders" is clear and it could be "I catch your waist and ease your mind" as people are suggesting but I also hear "I guess you're wasting ......... mind".
Then there is the feat artist, Latto who is new to me. Her most successful song to date is Big Energy from last year. When Billboard asked her about it she said “I basically took this masculine, trendy ‘big d–k energy’ quote from Twitter and made it a thing where all genders can have ‘big energy’ and take it deeper than just [something] sexual”. She's got loads of attitude and given this and the other videos I've seen, I tend to agree with those who think she may be fielding the explicit in the explicit version of Seven.
So what to make of all this? Well I think the restaurant scene is probably a misdirect. It won't be all about a break up. It could be about reminding someone of how a love story started, all the good things that happened, the affection and support and promising to find the way back to that, loving right, seven days a week. We may even get some dancing and JK and Han So Hee walking off down the beach into the sunset at the end. Just some fun guessing, we'll find out on Friday.
Post Date: 12/07/2023
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