askblueandviolet · 4 months
hi im back from reading....with a couple minutes lf trying to reconnect to my wifi (cus it disconnected right after i was goign to make an ask,and wont..connect after)
anyway, real, hershey is such s good dogn:3 pat pats for her yuhuh
ALSOALSOSOSLSLSLSKSDDM XIUYING RAAAHHH, HOWS BRO DOING⁉️⁉️ totally shoukd vidit the philippines soon hshhshs 😋😋😋
RAAAHHH IT WAS AMAZING READING THIS CHAPTERRR 😭😭 BRAVO, BRAVO,, so sorry if thid is somewhat long omg
throws another silly rock at macaculator
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enamouredless · 2 years
I think the reason the mileven confession was so bad is bc mike and el simply do not share that many genuine moments with each other throughout the show so the writers had to simply make shit up
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transgaysex · 2 years
the other day my mom found out about pineapple on pizza discourse and i have never in my life seen her so upset over something genuinely insignificant
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brandogenius · 5 months
hellooo :b can we get a oneshot of the reader surprising pheobe on tour after they’ve been apart for months? I feel like it’ll be so sweet :(
of course!!
Surprises on tour.
Phoebe x reader
Word count: 1,580
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the house being empty without phoebes presence was something you hated. no laughter or yelling as phoebe threw flour at you while baking cupcakes. no sounds of phoebe humming tunes to unreleased songs of hers filling the air. it was quiet and empty.
of course, phoebe promised nightly phone calls before both of you went to sleep after her shows. usually for an hour or two, both of you would catch up on your day. phoebe telling you all about what went on backstage, while you rambled on about the gossip you heard in the store.
tonight’s phone call was a bit different. the smile on phoebes face was wide as she listened to you. the connection and service sometimes cutting in and out as the tour has traveled to their new destination.
“where are you?” phoebes asks through the phone. noticing the layout behind you wasn’t the same as the shared bedroom both of you are so familiar with.
“at my friends house. staying while she’s out of town” phoebe nodded “you’re not coming to the show tomorrow?” there was a lace of sadness and disappointment in phoebes voice, ringing throughout the phone. you tried your best to look sad and upset. not wanting to ruin the plan.
“unfortunately.. bad timing baby. i’ll try come to the next show in new york?” you looked up from the phone, glancing down at your suitcase. the hotel was big and spacious. a double bed, for one person tonight- room for a familiar platinum silver woman to join you tomorrow.
“that’s fine” phoebe reassured, bundled up in your hoodie. you rested your head on the hotel pillow, holding the phone above your face. “honey, it is pretty late. you need sleep before the gig tomorrow” you checked the time on the phone. 12:45am.
phoebes laughed. the small dim light from the bunk illuminating her face. the way her eyes scrunched up when laughing made you smile. “ even millions of miles apart, you still are worried about my sleep schedule. rest assured i will be sleeping the minute we end call”
you felt satisfied with the answer as you nodded. “i’ll let you sleep now then baby. you text me when you wake up alright?”
phoebe nodded on the other side, giving a thumbs up.
“i miss you” phoebe frowned, her voice small. you smiled a bit, feeling your heart hurt a bit. “don’t get sappy on me tonight. you’ll be back here in two months.” the older woman looked away for a moment “i suppose so.. just missing those cuddles and late night chats”
“i know you do baby” you chuckled. checking the time again you watched as phoebe moved around in her bunk. moving onto her side as she propped the phone up against the wall.
“go to sleep baby”
getting phoebe to sleep was always a bit of a challenge. as someone who has a shit sleep schedule, she values the free time she has in the night. taking it as a form of alone time to be able to scroll freely on social media without the countdown before she gets her hair done or having to preform on stage.
she knew you were looking out for her but it was different. phoebe was a clingy person especially at night. always loving to hold onto someone or something. extra pillows stuffed into her bunk to hold onto at night and pretend it was you beside her. back at home when not on tour, both of you would stay awake until early hours. talking and rambling about anything. it was phoebes favourite time of the night. you allowing her to come up with topics for both of you to debate on.
is pineapple on pizza allowed or should it be banned?
which is the better hair colour, pink hair or blue?
they were silly little debates that kept both of you awake till sunrise. in each others arms, legs tangled as you were given the role of defending pinapple on pizza to be the best whilst phoebe have herself the role of wanting it to be banned.
it was something that entertained both of you. then there was the more serious, deep conversations. some on the topic of mental health, the world crisis, climate change and politics.
phoebe just liked to hear you talk for hours on end. something about hearing you dive deep into theories and why you believe each star represents someone who was once on this earth, intrigues her. you had a way with how you phrased stuff. an intelligent grasp on words that made phoebe wonder how you could possible say something so poetic about pineapple or stars.
phoebe guesses you were doing a good thing. forcing the blonde to shut off her phone while the buss driver drove overnight to the state for their performance. LA was on their next stop. closest to home and closest to you. there wouldn’t have been time to visit you with the schedule packed with unloading and preparing for the show.
but at least she can be thankful every night. shutting off the phone at a reasonable time, waking up at 6am to get ready for the day. when on a normal day, the two of you would be going to sleep at this time.
shutting off the phone, the silver haired woman grabbed the nearest pillows, hugging them close to her chest as she shut her eyes, waiting for the bus to stop.
you were always considered a morning person. waking up to the sound of the birds chirping always gave you immense joy.
waking up at 9am was a bit later than normal for you. you didn’t have much to do other than get ready and head to the venue. you had it prepared a week in advance. discussing amongst lucy and julien to surprise phoebe on tour.
it has been four months since you last seen your girlfriend. it was needed. you had it schemed out. book a hotel in LA close to the stadium and surprise phoebe backstage.
lucy working with the security to make sure you get in without anyone noticing. she was going to meet you at the venue in an hour so you had time to prepare.
taking a quick shower and putting on some makeup, you made your way to the hotel lobby. booking a taxi to the arena wasn’t that bad. it was a quick ride. you tipped the driver, sending a quick message to lucy.
not long after, lucy makes her out. the brings you into a hug. “it’s been so long” the taller woman announced, breaking away from the hug, slinging a lanyard around your neck. ‘CREW’ was written in big bold letters.
“it’s been too long” you answered, walking with lucy into the venue. lucy herself had a lanyard with ARTIST on it. staff instantly recognising and allowing both of you to enter.
you were nervous. was phoebe going to be mad at you? would she be excited? so many thoughts ran through your brain as lucy lead you down the hallway. staff and crew busied themselves with preparing for the upcoming show tonight.
lucy stopped you outside the dressing room door. “i’ll go in first and you come in after me yeah?” lucy tilted her head, smiling at you. you nodded your head, feeling anxious. “yeah sure-“ you watched as lucy opened the door, slipping into the room.
you quietly snuck in. phoebes back was turned to you as lucy talked to her. julien was sat on the couch, her smile growing wider, eyes flicking between you and phoebe.
julien cleared her throat as lucy looked over phoebes head. “what’s that?” lucy pointed towards your direction, causing phoebe to turn around confused. phoebes eyes landed on you as she dropped the phone that was in her hands.
“holy fuck-“ phoebe wasted no time running full force at you. she jumped into your arms, wrapping her legs around your waist as she yelled excitedly. you stumbled back a bit, holding onto her tightly. julien grinning while she sipped her coffee as lucy recorded the surprise on her phone.
phoebe lifted her head up from your neck, attacking your face with kisses. “i thought you weren’t coming?!” she said in between kisses on your cheek, neck, lips and forehead. you kissed phoebe back softly, moving to the couch, phoebe still in your lap.
“well it was a surprise wasn’t it? had it planned for a while, with the help of those two” you gestured to the other two boys. phoebe sighed happily, resting her head back onto your shoulder. “you don’t know how much i missed you”
you ran a hand across her back. “i know honey. but you know what?” your hands found themselves in phoebes hair, twirling some strands around with your finger. phoebe lifts her head up, raising an eyebrow.
“i’ll be with you for the rest of the tour. as if you can’t get rid of me now” you missed her on the forehead.
“seriously? like - for real?” she perked up with a grin. “i don’t need to hug pillows anymore i can just cuddle you?” you nodded your head
“fuck- this is the best surprise ever” phoebe laughed, hugging you tighter. you leaned back on the couch, holding onto phoebe for a little while longer before she had to be physically dragged away from you to get her makeup done
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hfjone-headcanons · 24 days
i saw someone talk about lcpd so let me do
-ava went to florida for an investigation (shes never going there again)
ava is adopted and is an aunt (not mother silly) of 3 kids with 3 siblings (my au HHAHAHA)
-officer goetz likes pinapple on pizza
now uh
-oscar is related to pen, eraser, pencil
-bryce is related to water bottle and teardrop
- the orange gem person screaming jasmine in the waiting room is jasmine’s husband
It's always fun to see headcanons of osc characters being related to characters from entirely different object shows
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ellaashmore · 15 days
i demand any and all of your kai headcannons. NYOW!!
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Pretty please :>
she seems like a no crust sandwich kinda girlie tbh
also i think she would pinapple pizza.
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 9 months
okay do shes not a self insert fan child or anything, but she IS a test tube baby and she is my child actually-
I guess she could be considered my child. Anyways-
This is Sora
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Shes just a Lil baby and I love her so much. She causes a bunch of trouble for her papa. But he loves her to bits. Sora loves Pinapple on pizza, contrary to her father's opinion, and likes to dance.
She is like, 2-3 in these pictures. I don't actually have any older pictures of her-
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OMG SHE'S SO DARLING! 🥺💜💜💜 I gotta ask about her more! How did Dee bring up the idea of a kid? Was there a reason she's a test tube baby? Was Donnie nervous? I GOTTA KNOW
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the-desert-beast · 5 months
🍈 [MELON] for Maelgwyn, 🥦 [BROCCOLI] for Llacheu, 🍍 [PINEAPPLE] for both :3c
TYYYY RYAN >:3c hell yeh
🍈 [MELON] If they had to be put into a box, what box would it be and why?
melon for maelgwyn because of his own fat mel- HMMMM mmmm the easy answer is nonbinary or transgender because you can easily describe him as ATLEAST "cis+" but hes very nonbinary in how he experiences life and social roles and such i think like he felt so confined shoved into the box of "hypermasculine image"
You can also shove him into the box of Criminal for various very accurate reasons. gwynnie is of the mind that if the law hes breaking doesnt benefit the majority of people who need genuine help then its not a good law.
🥦 [BROCCOLI] What do they hate about humanity/their species?
oh my god llacheu is such a little spiteful bitch- they hate A Lot. hater mindset. he doesnt like the laidback energy of his tree's avatar nor of his siblings because to him it feels "fake" it feels like a veneer to hide what they all really think and fear (its not really.) they also despise their tree herself without much reason??? he doesnt like what he saw in his dream cause it felt like Mom was saying "hey you have to be this cool" and thats not exactly what she was thinking buuut
🍍 [PINEAPPLE] Pineapple on pizza or not?
maelgwyn: idk if he knows what pizza is tbh. if he DOES then absolutely not that's disgusting and disrespektful to a beautiful fuit like pinappl
llacheu: yes but just to piss people off. they dont eat pizza. they also dont like pineapple.
[ask game linkie uwu]
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vanbredevoort · 11 months
--- PSA
What REALLY happens to Lydia in Thanedd
Hello! I'm briefly going to explain what happens to Lydia during the Thanedd coup in the books, in a comedic fashion bc if I think about this seriously I might combust internally and not in the fun way. i guarantee you'll laugh once. if you don't, a stick figure artwork of your muse will be given in compensation.
Be warned of: spoilers from thewitcher books (Time of Contempt) / mentions of death, blood and suicide (if that's a trigger for you, please do not read) / constant and i mean an absurd amount of stabbing jokes.
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Thanedd has two sides. The 'defenders of the North + their kings' and the 'traitors who allied with Nilfgaard and put pinapple on their pizzas'. They put the traitors in dimeritium shackles, AKA Francesca and Vilgefortz bc he apparently poster boi of betrayal and knightly costumes. SUDDENLY there's a fight, and one of the fighters is Lydia.
The fight stops because Lydia dies. It is IMPLIED that she went van Stabbyvoort and did the thing herself, because daggers are pretty and they're prettier when they're INSIDE UR HEART. Red is a pretty color too. EVEN PRETTIER WHEN IT STAINS THE HALLWAYS AND IT'S YOURS.
Lydia was to give time to Vilgefortz to get resistant to dimeritium, bc he's a mighty powerful god / cutest kinda deranged dictator wannabe, and there's no better way to do so than idk killing yourself.
Why go to such lenghts? Because she loved him like a lot. the book describes her love as 'silent, stubborn and relentless'. She was in love with Vilgefortz, went hearteyes every single time, and that love made her lose stuff in translation, as in:
vil was like 'gimmie time!' lyd went all 'instructions unclear will stab self'
This makes a good show and with good show I mean shit festival, because it was supposed to be all political mambo jambo. No deaths. Triss is like YOOOOOOOOO WHY CORPSE IN MY LIVING ROOM WHO CORPSE OOOOOO FUCKED UP FACE CUTIE NOOOOO.
So Lydia's death forces everyone to take a good look inside their little tiny ugly hearts and go 'yeah we kinda fucked up, didn't we' not because they care about lydia but because, and i might sound repetitive but THE COUP WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE WITHOUT KILLING PEOPLE. it was a political affair. a sorceress with a fucking dagger stuck to her tit is not political.
Tissaia blames Philippa. No one wanted any deaths.
LYDIA'S DEATH SETS THINGS IN MOTION. It marks the separation between Tissaia (who ends up killing herself after the fiasco) and Philippa (she literally goes like 'lyd be dead? oh daaaaamn'). it helps vil. it makes tissaia lift the ban on polka dots and using magic there.
Vil, now free because his assistant decided to become a human pin cushion, went to tor lara bc child of the elder blood with the power to bring the armaggedon of evilness and evil looking elves yada yada, and Geralt says GET THIS MAN OUT OF MY LAWN.
Vil is all 'let us go togetherrrrr ♥ we can hold hands while we stop thE PANDEMONIUM OF ICE AND BAD STUFF.exe, she's probably scared let us sing dora the explorer songs together'
Bad choice. like really bad choice. like 'i need to heal in brokilon bc i got fucked up real real bad' bad choice. everything was fun and games until he blames vil because of lydia's chest jewerly and accesory. so vil does the sensitive thing and pulls out a baguette and teaches geralt a lesson on humility and baguettes.
lydia is not your average villain power corrupted evil bundle of doom. lydia is a girl who loved too much, and allowed that love to kill her. it's fucking poetic.
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stargazing-zani · 2 years
State headcanons round 2!
random energy go!
- Minnesota, Mr. Land-of-a-Thousand-Lakes, is freckled all over. One freckle for each lake!
-Hawai’i does not mind pinapple on pizza. She does, however, mind that style being called “Hawaiian Pizza”. Pineapples are not indigenous to Hawai’i, and the style of putting it on pizza came from a Greek-Canadian. Do not bring the topic up around her, you WILL be humiliated. 
-Maine and Maryland enjoy having lunch together and tend to swap seafood recipies. Sometimes they invite Louisiana, but only when the feel like letting things go a little wild. 
-Illinois is missing a pinky from when he worked in Chicago in the meatpacking industry in the 1890′s. 
-Texas’ house (when not at the statehouse) is massive -- basically a mcmansion ranch decked out in just about every Texas thing you could imagine. But if you look in the smallest guest bathroom, you’ll see a noticably different decor -- bats. The animal. Pictures of them from floor to ceiling. This is Austin’s doing. (He’s got the bats that roost under the bridge and is home to Batcon International. He’s obsessed with them.) It drives Texas crazy, but the agreement was either that or a pride flag, and he’d rather burn brisket than do that.
-Arizona’s sleep cycle is wack. Aside from being one of the few states that doesn’t accept daylight savings time, he takes big siestas from 1-5pm to avoid the hottest times of the day. This infuriates everyone. 
-Nebraska and Iowa are buds with a rivalry that only they understand. Currently they are fighting about irrigation. Iowa has the upper hand because he has rain-fed corn while Nebraska has to use the Ogallala aquifer, which he mostly drained up. 
-California might be bi, but he believes himself to be an ally first and foremost. There’s nothing wrong with other people being gay. 
-Florida, New Mexico, and Puerto Rico speak Spanish the most fluently, but other states can speak it too! California and New York can hold conversations, Arizona and Colorado can understand when you’re talking shit about them, and Texas can speak it quite well, but with a god-awful accent. 
-Wyoming is somehow allowed to go into the off-limits-for-people section of Yellowstone. He spends his time in there petting bison like a disney princess.
-As a joke, the some northern states tried to convince the southern states that an ice scraper for your car was a sex toy. It worked. Alabama especially made a fool of himself trying to ban it.
-Nevada can do makeup, and do it well.
-The Gov feels... off... to the other states because he doesn’t represent a certain group of people or a certain area. At least the not-states like DC and Puerto Rico feel a sense of possesion and belonging among their people and land. They’re fine. The Gov is just an idea of organization and order. To the states, he feels like if someone didn’t have a shadow. Creepy. 
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themsource · 1 year
Hi! I'm new to fandom and I am going around asking different creators if they have any advice for me if that's okay
First off congrats, that's really awesome that you've discovered a passion for something enough to engage in the fandom space! ❤ I hope you have a wonderful experience in whatever fandom you're joining ^^ (If it's UT—YAY! XD lol)
Anywho, sure I can give some. But uh, it'll be derived from what I've experienced and won't be pretty. There's nothing guaranteeing you'll experience it at all as I have but still it has some stuff I wish I'd been told before getting heavily involved and learning stuff the hard way.
Placing it below a cut so people can easily avoid reading if they wish.
Be careful who you interact with. (People that frequently bad mouth others—make callout posts with no hard evidence.) And don't take someone's word on a person's character as truth.
You could become a victim of callout posts/drama no matter if you've spoken to the person or not. If it's someone you've been talking to a while or have only been kind to in interactions. Unfortunately people can be quick to jump on anything that has the slightest possibility of being taken negatively and spin it that way even if there's no ill intent or maliciousness behind it. Or they can paint you as negative just because.
You will face labels such as "Problematic" or "Toxic" to name a few, and once you get associated with those you'll see that a large portion of a fandom can and will blacklist you over it for their own mental safety, and/or to avoid potential drama you carry with you by probable association (such as "my idol creator hates you so I will too so they don't dislike me." or "I heard from someone that you think people that like this shipxship are stupid, and I like that ship so no bueno." Etc.)
Things I've said that people have called me "problematic" to my face for over the years:
"It's entitled and selfish for a following/fan base to get upset because the creator wants to explore a new genre the fanbase isn't comfortable with or used to, especially when they've labeled and warned so it can be avoided. Those aren't real fans or supporters."
"I ship Frans."
"The content you make doesn't matter when it comes to fiction. It's not real and neither are the characters. It's dumb if someone judges you over it."
"I don't believe hearsay without proof." (Twitter drama for example about someone)
"Denying where an idea comes from just so you can feel valid and good about yourself is wrong, especially if you're wrong in what you thought you knew and just don't want to admit it."
"I just wanted to be a Hufflepuff."
"I love pinapple on pizza."
"He said, she said, is a political debate. Because all it is is throwing words and accusations around without any evidence to back it."
"Chara is evil."
"Fluff is nice but sometimes you just need really dark unhinged stuff to balance it out otherwise it'll get bland."
"You can like content and not like the creator. And vice versa. I will always separate the art from the artist."
"I don't believe in the term 'problematic' when it comes to fiction."
"Toriel was just as much in the wrong as Asgore was."
There's probably more but these are the ones I was made aware of.
Other labels that have been pushed on me because of what was said above that fall under "problematic": P*do, Weirdo, Freak, R*p Apologist, Transp*be, and Exclusionist just to name a few.
Though none of those labels remotely align with my personal views and stances. It won't matter to a lot of people though if you've been "warned" for with those labels used. This world currently is very "Guilty until proven innocent" instead of "Innocent until proven guilty." Which means it'll be very hard or impossible to change someone's mind especially if they were "warned" by a friend.
You'll also find a lot of people will isolate and detach from you if you disagree on something such as how you view a certain creator or their work, so a lot of the time people will keep their mouth shut just to fit in or to not experience rejection, or will go so far as to say things they don't mean to appear as if agreeing. This is called an "echo chamber" and if you don't fit it, you'll likely get booted. Be prepared for people to maybe DM saying they agree with you, but ultimately not speaking up for fear of backlash for themselves. If someone does speak up? Cool! That's an awesome person and you are lucky to have found them.
So am I problematic given the examples above? To some maybe, others no, some definitely yes, and everyone has the risk of being viewed that way too. Thankfully just like most things in this world though, online you'll find not everyone will share the same viewpoint or opinion. You will undoubtably find at least one person that won't care how others label you.
I have a really small, really closed, friend group. There are six people I know for sure are lifelong friends that I've made through fandom. They took the time to get to know me, listened to my views even if they disagreed and did so amicably (as I've done too), and if there was an issue always talked to me about it. Six may not seem like much but you'll find a smaller number of people who truly understand you vs a crowd that you have to say the "right thing" or make the "right content" for is so much more fulfilling.
The golden rule is something I try to live by: "Treat others the way you want to be treated."
And the best way to determine that is through interaction. If they reciprocate the golden rule that is a positive indicator that they might be safe to interact and eventually open up to. It's best to decide for yourself what a person's character is like and if they're safe rather than having others decide for you by word of mouth, including the very person themselves because you'll find a lot of people in fandom tend to have terrible self confidence.
Unless there's hard proof like an admittance or gloat that someone can provide, then oh boy—the block button is a friend.
Personally, I've learned it's best to just post your stuff, give someone a like or reblog here and there, and answer any legit asks if they're received to try avoiding unnecessary conflict. But that's just me.
Don't get involved in "picking sides". (You're with us or against us nonsense)
This is a quick way to get you avoided and blacklisted because you'll either disturb someone's echo chamber or you'll be seen as a drama mama when people are here for content and fun, not the latest issue or gossip going on.
The world isn't black and white, and that includes the issues and viewpoints in it. It's shades of grey. By viewing it as black and white you leave no room for nuance, and people that use the "with us or against us" arguments so vocally expect 100% percent compliance or none. You're not allowed to agree on one thing pertaining to a topic but disagree on another thing on the same topic because then "you're adding to the problem".
Now this isn't to scare you into thinking that you can't trust someone you want to be friends with by opening up to them with your opinions. No, please do, that's how friendships are made, but if you feel like there is the slightest risk they'll drop you like a sack of potatoes then you probably shouldn't. It's 50/50 gamble sometimes. And if they do well they weren't your friend to begin with and you're better off without them. Bizarrely some in the "with us" camp believe having you around with a viewpoint they can't stand will somehow influence them in a way they don't want. Which is honestly just ridiculous to me because that eliminates the principle of free thought and will.
So I advise just enjoying the content you see and making it yourself if that's what you want to do. Don't turn yourself into an advertisement board for free harassment from those who actively want to pick a fight and make you look like a bad person somehow on top of it. Some get joy out of just destroying people.
Ignore the trolls
Every fandom has trolls. People who like to give shit and bully just for fun (for them) aka harassment. This can include "kys" messages or other negative things in your inbox from anons, comments on your post bashing a ship though it was clearly marked so it could be avoided, etc. These come in all ages and demographics, from minors and yes even from grown ass adults in their 40s and up. Sadly trolls can't be avoided no matter how popular you are or how wholesome the stuff you engage with is. You could be a mute virgin nun and still be attacked for something.
The only thing you can do is ignore them. If they get bad, really bad like do doxing (the exposure of your real identity), report them. They've been around since even before the invention of the internet and will be around even after.
Don't take being blocked or muted personally.
Some just block or mute to avoid content they don't like, and with how algorithms work on certain websites just you liking something without reblogging or sharing can make it show up on their feed, especially if you share mutuals or are gaining traction in a tag or whatever. This doesn't mean they dislike you personally.
And if you find someone does block or mute you over a comment you made recently or what have you, still don't get hung up over it. Chances are you probably wouldn't have a very productive conversation in the first place. Unless it's a case of misunderstanding since online text boxes can be too limited to get your meaning across, then I rec either reaching out a quick message via an alt to clear it if you truly care enough about the person.
But don't ever try to not be yourself just to please someone. If after talking they still want nothing to do with you based on differences in views, drop it. It'd just stress you out in the long run to linger over it.
And if you make an honest mistake, sometimes people will hold that against you, but it's best to just let that go too, because not everyone will hold that against you, and given time a few will get over it and even see where you were coming from after the anger dies down. Mistakes happen and they will happen. You can't hold that against yourself. Tagging can be confusing, the wrong word could be used when describing something, etc.
Just stay calm, take a deep breath, and compose yourself before you react. It's a mistake, not the end of the world. Let people block that need to block, don't take it personally because odds are they're hurt just like you are, apologize where you can, and just try to do better.
In the great words of The All-American Rejects, move along.
Don't do DNIs if you can help it (Do Not Interact lists)
I don't recommend having DNIs, I see it as a bar to what could otherwise be a good friendship so long as you simply tell them your boundaries.
DNIs can be taken as a red flag by some that if you see anyone that fits the labels you choose for your list that you automatically see them as a bad person, regardless of nuances or discussion, and that you'll likely target them for harassment if you come across them in a mutual's post or share a space for a community event. Obviously this is for the mundane labels, I've seen people list "Apple Lovers" (yes the fruit), and Vegetarians, to name a few.
I'm not saying that people who use DNIs will harass, just that I've seen it happen and have been targeted over it too as have others.
Seriously harassment can and will happen from anywhere, it's the internet, better prepared than not though.
But if you really feel you need one to feel safe. Please make sure you research the true meanings and definitions behind the labels you select. Otherwise people will stare out of confusion, or block you over more misunderstandings.
Have fun
Create and curate, for you.
Make the type of stuff you want to make or engage with without fear of judgement. Be shameless in what you enjoy because that's the only true way you'll enjoy being in a fandom. People will judge you anyways, no matter what, so don't get hung up on it.
Out of my friends there's some that absolutely loathe some of the content and ships I enjoy, so they don't follow my socials to avoid that content, but they still encourage me to be happy and to keep "doing me" with what I write or draw, because they know my character isn't reflected in my consumption. And the right people will see that with you, and encourage you if you're honest and happy with yourself even if they may disagree with it or not.
This is the most important bit of advice I want to give. Given the other stuff I know it may seem overwhelming but trust me it really is worth it in the end once you find a rhythm, and pretty soon after enough time you'll find yourself roiling your eyes over the other stuff when you've reached a place of comfort and contentment. Because once you have that none of the other stuff matters. Ultimately that's what every decent person strives for in a fandom. It may be easy or it may be difficult to reach but it's possible.
No one can hurt you when you're having fun and you're happy with yourself. Words will roll off like water on plastic after a point and trolls/bullies will largely disappear if they realize their name calling and words can't hurt you or sow doubt.
You also won't feel as lonely if you don't receive interaction on something once in a while because you'll still feel the joy from having made it. That's another thing, don't join a fandom just for attention and validation from others. That's the number one way to find disappointment and to end up dropping from a fandom in the end other than simply losing your hyper fixation after a while.
With that I wish you luck! Sorry if this was long winded ^^ and please don't take this as a be all end all guide, this is all just personal opinion and interpretation meant to help. (I also am terrible at discussing my thoughts cohesively and accurately so I apologize if anything is confusing.)
I hope you live your best fandom life, I'm rooting for you. ❤
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catmaidetho · 9 months
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hi hello!! would you write a drabble with danger days cletho and pinapple pizza(cat)? :D
crab i love you. this scene takes place not long after cleo and bdubs initially find etho, as depicted in a stranger's cat.
wc: 754
“Don’t hiss at me, you fucking gremlin!”
“I’m not giving you—HEY!”
You look up from the pistol on your lap for long enough to watch Pizza swat at Zombie Cleo’s hand as they frantically hold their can over their head, a look of terror on their face, and—it’s not funny. It’s really not.
Cleo looks over at you and narrows her eyes. “Etho, your cat’s being a goddamn menace.”
You hum and go back to tugging on wires. You pulled out the battery casing in an attempt to wire this thing to shoot hotter. Pistol wounds only hit the surface, you want to put holes in Dracs.
Pineapple Pizza yowls, and you look up just in time to see him standing on his back legs and reaching for the can in Cleo’s hands.
“Etho, can you—can you do something?!”
You shrug. “I’m kinda busy here.”
They grumble, making eye-contact with the cat. “I’m not giving you my dinner, do you know how long it took to find this many crickets?”
Pizza makes a sad little noise.
“You’re a smart kitty, why don’t you go hunt your own damn dinner?” 
She mewls, sitting back down on all fours and staring pathetically up at Cleo.
“Oohhh, I see how it is, you make your humans do all the work for you, huh? What kind of cat are you raising here, Etho?”
You yelp and almost throw the pistol off your lap—Cleo’s comment made you jump at the exact moment you were putting a wire back, and that tiny, sudden movement was enough for the plastic casing to slice your knuckles. “A very—ow, shit—a very resourceful one.”
Zombie Cleo clicks their tongue. “Obviously. Has he ever had to hunt for his own food?”
You breathe out through your teeth, stretching your hand out and trying to assess if you can keep working tonight. Your knuckles sting, and blood is seeping out and pooling in all the little folds of skin, but you’d hate to leave a half-disassembled pistol in the truck. Pizza turns his head around to look at you, and immediately jumps off Cleo’s lap and trots over to sit by your feet.
You sigh, patting his head with your not-bleeding hand. “Sure he has, but you’ve got some tasty food right there.”
He tilts his head and paws at your leg, and you offer him your other hand. He sniffs the still-bleeding cuts, and licks one of your knuckles. He makes a sour face, but keeps at it, and you giggle.
Cleo looks at you over the fire, her brows drawn together. “That cat’s mentally disturbed.”
“Uh-huh, always has been,” you reply. 
They quickly start shoving crickets into their mouth, as though Pizza could turn around at any second and steal some, but you like to think you know this cat pretty well—raising a cat since they were too small to even walk does that. Once she seems satisfied that your knuckles are no longer bloody—they still sting when you flex your fingers, but you’ll live—she purrs and jumps onto your lap.
“I think she thinks I’m her momma,” you comment, scratching her little head as she curls up. 
Cleo snorts. “That doesn’t excuse him being an asshole to everyone who isn’t you.”
You shrug. You’ll work more on the pistol tomorrow. “Pizza’s not an asshole, she’s demanding.”
“Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.”
“Oh, whatever. He’s my cat, anyway, you don’t have to love him.”
“Love him?!” Cleo spits, “Etho, that thing’s a menace, you think I even like him?!”
You gasp, throwing your hands over Pineapple Pizza’s ears. “Don’t say that in front of her! You’ll hurt her feelings!”
Cleo rolls their eyes. “I don’t think the damn thing has feelings.”
Pizza makes the softest, sweetest little sound as he buries his head in his paws. Cleo’s eyes burn into you as you look down, watching him settle in on your lap. 
“Etho, I’m just going to be blunt, if that cat jumps between my gun and my target—”
They don’t finish their sentence, cut off by the sound of something in the truck falling over and some very B-Double-O sounding noises. Pizza bolts up and leaps off your lap, yowling as he jumps into the truck bed and pushes himself through the half-open back window.
Cleo fixes you with a glare as they stand up. Your throat scratches and hurts as you lean down to grab the pistol again, now decorated with drops of your blood on the white plastic casing.
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silvermuffins · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet LIveblog! Part 7! I think!
W ar still at war with my E ky. I haveee takeen down five gyms, three titans, and three bases.
I am in Montenevra. I am in Zapapico. I got th Auspicious Armor. I am back in Montenevra. Oh man th battle court here is so cool.
Into th gym! Jacq is here! I may not know MY treasure, but Fani sure knows hers! awww jacq.
mayb after th gym i'll go back and grab a surskit. i need to had south anyway. my kingdom for a functional e key oh my god i hope this isn't too illegible.
oh snap I'm opening for the MC of RIP hrself?! oh...wait it's just battling? oh. oh, double battles....eh. man this gym tst is a li'l dull huh. ?! LANI?! DO I HAVE A DOPPELGANGER?!
You doppelganger! You pale companion! Why do you mimic my lovesickness that tormented me here so long ago?!
.....or something I don't remember the old P2IS opening off the top of my head, it's been a minutee
oh yah Sotero is a permanent team member now
....WAIT. MC SLEDGE. AS IN *MC HAMMER*. i cannot-- i can't. i just can't.
(can't touch this, I mean)
sir that would have been slightly harder if you hadn't blow'd up your own pokemon
i feel like Ryme is going to decide I'm her daughter now
wish I could hear the concert :c OH WAIT. OH SHIT HELLO. oh this is fun oh my gosh!
OH MY GOD i can challeng her to a rap battle?! I WANNA MAKE HER WORK
aww :c and so this is a doubl battl too.
honstly i love Ryme. her rhythm could use work, but this is profssional pokemon - I was never gonna get BDG. I love that she's an older woman who raps, though? you break those norms!
i actually stratted that a little, despite the main strat being brute fucking force.
hi hassel- oh my gosh. hi. you should do that more often. Okay lt's go gt that Surskit! After a picnic with a confusing sandwich involving...cram cheese, potato salad, chrry tomato, cucumber, and pinapple....but i think i want bug ncounter powr so hmmm. mor sandwichs until I mak it work. goddammit i keep gtting catching powr: bug. I don't ned that. ugh mayb i'll mak a rcip, if i hav on.
FOUND ONE THAT DOES IT oh i still get to build the sammich...well I found a Ralts, I need on of those. Gooble. FOUND ONE. Urlai!
Okay now we can had south to Tulip. I have gotten distractd and oncee again fallen off a cliff. theere is a cav here, I wondr where it will takee me...most of the cavees I've been through haven't been good caves. gonna xplore.
HOLY SHIT DRAGONAIR lectic tera...wait since whn is Daya "Daya the Reliable Partner"?! Dragonair will b Savne. Bonus, Stabby th Qwilfish and Hoona th Finneon and Chapiesk th Luvdisc. Keku the Tynamo. Duchae the Skrelp.
found a guy trying to dlivr a pizza....poor man. Oh there's another stake in this cave! yoink. OKay whre the fuck am I now? The orchard?
map says thr's wild eevee here so time to encounter power normal....maks sense the basic bitch sammich would make for basic bitch pokemon. let's home it works. ....scrw it i hav objctives to complte.
Okay this cav gos to Alfornada but I won't mak it on foot...? thr's also a dtour down th cliff. Ther's also Deino! Named Compky now. Oh this is a decent cavee!
doodeedoo exploring Balto is finally evolving into Corviknight, so tim to swap out for Surskit. ...Oh I found my way to that beach. Man where do I find Veluza? Hembo is finally volving so I can mov on.
Mildly concernd that this town's name sounds like "all for nada"...and who the hell decideeed to found a town in such a difficult to reach place??? Wll, I made it!
The fuck ar you? OH w good I bet Capsakid bcoms you. aaaa nw POkmon hr. Urlai volvd so I can swap out for...Jigglypuff, i hav moon stones, and it'll b kirlia and ralts aftr this.
i think this is it for tonight though i nd to b at work in...ight hours and twnty minuts
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brainfondue · 2 years
Holiiii para el coso de los ocs con rainer 23, 25, 26, 37, 45?
23: what is a random fact about your oc?
She goes to a catholic school.
24: what is their outlook in life? What is their philosophy/ what do they think in general about living?
Their outlook in life is...very shaky at the moment. During the rainerverse events her outlook will be changing a lot, though its a constant for her that...shes not going to live past her adulthood. Shes convinced about that. People will be constantly trying to convince her of different views, some more beneficial to hers and some extremely harmful. Above all else and final, she wants to live a normal life where she can live in peace. (Pretty hard to answer!)
25: what inspired you to create them/ how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality/ design like when you first made them?
My FIRST inspiration for rainer was thanks to a song called twin size matress, about a character that runs away. At first Rainer was going to be a boy, pretty punk-ish, with a shaved head called rené or rubén. Through the years ive been changing a LOT of things until they became rainer!
37: whats something your character does, that other people dont normally do?
Shes the only student in her class that writes in cursive i guess
45: if your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza?
I think she wouldnt be amused, shed be confused and wary and say that its not funny to force someone something they dont want to for your own fun. If you were REALLY insistent though i guess she would cave in out of fear and trying to get out of the situation as soon as possible with as little confrontation as possible. She HATES pinapple pizza, shes making faces and gagging and she will probably get sick afterwards.
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lcnguor · 4 years
𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚅𝙸𝙴𝚆. ( repost, don’t reblog )
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NAME:    leonora clemm - jareau 
NICKNAME:    nora , leo , nono , honestly there’s so many nicknames around
AGE:    25 ( default )
SPECIES:    human / red - eyed stalked
MORALITY: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil.
RELIGION:  catholic 
SINS: greed  /  gluttony  / sloth  / lust /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath.
VIRTUES: chastity  /  charity  /  diligence  /  humility  /  kindness  /  patience  /  justice
PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: live long and peacefully enough to not have regrets in her deathbed. help as many others of her kind to improve themselves into a healthy balance .
KNOWN  LANGUAGES:  japanese, spanish, english
BUILD: scrawny  /  bony  / slender /  fit /  athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average.
HEIGHT: 160 cm
WEIGHT: 50ish kg
SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS:   one hidden scar at the sole of her foot .
ABILITIES  /  POWERS:  emotion manipulation , general RES abilities , special ability:black step
RESTRICTIONS:  any physical interaction in battle is impossible . so much she can run and move with good reflexes but the stamina is low and her body is not strong at all .  she purely relies on her powers and ability to solve with speech .
FOOD:   spicy dragon noodles
DRINK:  strawberry milk 
PIZZA  TOPPING:  .... please, don’t kill her but she likes pineapple
COLOR:  blue but often related with red
MUSIC  GENRE:   blues , alternative rock
BOOK GENRE:     horror , mystery , psychological horror
MOVIE  GENRE:   same as books
SEASON:  autumn
CURSE  WORD:   bloody hell
SCENTS:   citrics and more often lemon
   fun stuff
BOTTOM  OR  TOP:   bottom , rarely switch
SINGS  IN  THE  SHOWER:   rarely , often hums more
LIKES  PUNS:  not so much
TAGGED BY:   @skyvar​ as always ♥
TAGGING:  @saevus​ , @garrotejima​ , @obtainedloss​ , @lorddiiavolo​ , @calpio​ , @evanesense​ , @maljefe​ , @fcarher​ , @sunpierce​
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monkeyparasite · 2 years
Need headcannons on what toppings they (the Gorillaz) like on they’re pizza/nf -Barbie Wire
i would suggest asking them but i also like headcanons so here we go!
Peppers, specifically green peppers. Probably likes pinapple on his pizza too. Gets the wacky gross pizza that no one but him likes, always offers it to everyone in the band and when they all say no, he goes "MOAR FOUR ME HEHEAGGAHA" in the most happiest mfing tone ever before downing it all so fast he almost chokes on it
Idk he's picky maybe. Probably just the classic plain cheese, pepperoni, and sausage
Yes. All of them (expect Muds because that man literally puts anything on pizza and says its good), especially pepperoni with pinapples added on it
Plain cheese or sausage. Sometimes he'll get pepperoni too if he wants a change of things. Also he has very STRONG opinions on pinapple pizza (he hates it)
She's a plain cheese girl! Might add some sprinkles of bacon and green pepper on her's too thou
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