#she hates Mor!
flowerflamestars · 11 months
Effloresce snippet
“How did you,” Nesta had managed to surprise her, “How did you come to meet this woman?” Nesta let out a ragged, half-mad laugh. “I tried to hire her to smuggle me into the Spring Court to save my sister.” She twisted, looking straight at Kali. “Why do they call Rhysand a pretender?” Warmth, whatever warmth Nesta had garnered, evaporated. “The heir died,” Kali pronounced. “The current High Lord prevented us from vengeance. We could not- the Lady Shahar did not return to the sky. You cannot lead the clans without honor.” Nesta’s honor was tarnished in every direction. Her father, her sister, her dead uncounted. “Who is the next heir?” Kali sucked in an audible breath and then, just as careful, off as the way Koram had touched her, clapped the back of Nesta’s shoulder where bone and muscle would meet in wings were she something else. “That pale bitch who’s been dragging Cassian around by his throat for centuries, my lady.” Morrigan. Of course, it was Morrigan. Nesta wiped her face. “Will it cause problems?” “Your friend, the mercenary? The mortal child of an Illyrian?” Kali shrugged, motion half wings, “It will be strange. Not violent.” “And probably good for them to see.” “Them,” Kali echoed. Nesta pressed hard against her wet eyes, once, the pressure twinned with pain in her face. “I’m not going to tell anyone who they can or cannot consort with,” Nesta nearly hissed, before she reeled herself back in. “I am not a High Lord. These things happen, and there is nothing wrong with them.” Kali, quite obviously cautious, squeezed Nesta’s shoulder like it was made of bone fine porcelain. “Lady Nesta.” It was kind, and utterly unbearable. “Why do you need her?” Kali asked, after a long moment. “The mercenary?” Nesta, feeling like the expression cracked her, bleeding open, smiled. “She travels in the company of Jurian,” Nesta told her, one more Archeron secret laid bare, “Breaker of chains and kings. I have need of him.”
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hugevanserrass · 4 months
reread the solstice scene from acofas and was surprised at how pleasant nesta was the entire time. from the way people talk about it, and from Cassian's reaction after she leaves, you'd think she was hissing and insulting everyone in the room. but no.
nesta wishes feyre happy birthday, she thanks elain for her gifts, and sits quietly, allowing them to continue with their presents. meanwhile mor gives cassian silk boxers that match the lingerie set he got her. nesta even kisses elain on the head before she leaves. she is 100% polite.
the next chapter is Cassian's pov and it starts with "he'd had enough. enough of the coldness, the sharpness. enough of the sword-straight spine and razor-sharp stare that had only honed itself these months"
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morurui · 3 months
“B-but Brooklynn faked her death and put the nublar five through grief” #notmyproblem #brooklanderforever
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theladyofbloodshed · 4 months
Mor who was forced into a betrothal against Eris, who was devastated that the night court were working with him, having absolutely no problem with Nesta having to seduce him… okay
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illyrianbitch · 4 months
ok y’all the chaos must continue…
and again i wanna know why, always so curious about y’all’s votes cause there are so many aspects to the games
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alicentsaegon · 4 months
In light of Pride Month i just want to point out that SJM is such a bad writer and her rep is so poorly handled that people still think that Morrigan is bisexual
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stargirlfeyre · 3 months
I am 100% okay with Feyre and Nesta never truly finding their way back to each other and never developing a close and understanding relationship. Nesta doesn’t deserve that level of forgiveness and I don’t think Feyre is ever going to be able to fully offer it seeing as she admitted that she’d never go to her sisters if she had a problem and their relationship isn’t as deep as the one she has with Mor.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 5 months
Hey Aerie! I'm sorry you had a bad week, hopefully this one will be better!! Could I have some Vampdrew? I love how different (close!) his relationships with his humans are! And Neil just smelling too delicious 👀! Thank you for sharing your work ily <3
WIP Wednesday (4/24) | Vampire Andrew AU (Part 117)
Andrew pulls away immediately, feeling a thousand times better. He uses Nicky’s eyes as a mirror and sees he’s only got a bit of blood trickling from the corner of his mouth this time. He thumbs it away before saying, “I owe you.”
“If you pick up the popcorn explosion, we’ll be even,” Nicky mutters before slipping into his post-drink coma. Andrew rolls his eyes at the request but agrees to the terms. He’s picked up twenty-three pieces before Aaron unwisely opens his mouth.
“I’m starting to think we need to lock you in a bathroom for a while.” 
Andrew freezes for a second at that. And Nicky valiantly tries to sit up, the venom making it a bit difficult for him to get his voice working. “Don’t—”
“If you find a bathroom that can hold me, you can try.” Andrew challenges, looking Aaron in the eye. To prove his point, he zips around the room and picks up every piece of popcorn he sees— which is all of them, one hundred and nineteen to be exact. Then he pushes the bowl into Aaron’s hands.
His twin looks up at him, bewildered for a moment at his speed. “I’ll get to work on that.”
“Good luck.” Andrew wipes his hands on his jeans to remove the greasy feeling. “I have to go back to the court now. If you hear sirens… It’s probably me.”
“We’ll bust out the good pitchforks for you,” Aaron jokes. Then he takes a piece of popcorn from the bowl and Andrew doesn’t stop him from putting it in his mouth.
“Hey… That was… on the floor,” Nicky slurs, making Aaron grimace.
“Oh. Ew.” His face twists and Andrew cackles as he leaves, finally in a decent mood.
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herrinarte · 3 months
Okay so I’m going to say something possibly controversial, and I hate to say it on pride month, but honestly I don’t want a book about Mor from SJM.
I’ve seen some people hyped about a book or novella on Mor potentially coming out in the future and absolutely no one can convince me that this would be a good idea. No one. My main issue would be Mor’s queerness and the blatant fact that SJM doesn’t give a single shit about queer stories or accurately portraying any marginalised group for that matter.
Let’s be real here, what SJM does best is straight fae smut stories that are enjoyed by predominantly straight, white, middle class women (obviously there are other people who enjoy them but I guarantee the majority are these women and there’s nothing wrong with that). I don’t believe for one second that SJM has the skills to write a compelling narrative about Mor and tbh, though I see people asking for a Mor book I don’t think it would sell as well as the other books, it would forever be known as ‘the gay one’ and yeah some people would read it but the series is mostly for the readers to self insert into and I just don’t think enough queer women would read it. I personally wouldn’t because I don’t think SJM cares too much about Mor. I mean we’ve know about Mor since book 2 and we still don’t even know what her dumbass truth powers are. She’s arguably one of the flattest characters in the series. Coincidental? I’m not so sure.
Mor isn’t a character who happens to be gay, she’s a character who the author felt she had to make gay. I will die on this hill. Honestly I don’t see why people complain about the lack of diversity in SJM’s work because look at the ‘diversity’ she has oh so generously bestowed upon us, it’s crap. If the woman doesn’t want to write about it I don’t see why she should have to. I think there are plenty of straight authors who write great queer and poc rep but SJM isn’t one of them.
I don’t think she will write a book about Mor unless she’s backed into a corner by the fans or her publisher. She doesn’t write queer stories and she certainly doesn’t do it for queer readers either.
But hey, maybe I’m completely wrong. Maybe SJM is secretly the biggest ally out there and as I type this she is furiously expanding her very narrow world view and writing the best damn book in the whole series with Mor at centre stage and I’ll have to eat my hat and die on my stupid little hill.
(Also if you completely disagree that’s totally cool but please don’t be a dick about it. People are allowed to disagree on things, there’s no need to get angry over fictional characters and an author who doesn’t even know who we are)
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rene-hl-trashcan · 2 months
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Cuddles? 🥹❤️💚
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elentiyapdf · 4 months
i love mor, but she needs to stop being mean to nesta for daring to be who cassian is in love with
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jazzistic · 4 months
Nesta doesn't save Feyre at the end of acosf AU
Everything is the same up until the last minute, maybe Nesta is too late or smth, either way Feyre dies on childbirth, Feysand's death pact kicks in and Rhys dies too. Cliffhanger!
No idea what happens in hofas but Nesta is acting suspicious the entire time until its revealed she's trying to bring Feyre (and Rhysand ig) back. Azriel is there too idk idc
Second Nesta book, post-hofas, Nessian is a SituationshipTM and the NC is in shambles. Nesta is obsessed in bringing Feyre back to life and Cassian is... not. Idk maybe Rhysand asked him for it before dying, but now all Cassian cares about is protecting Nyx and the NC, he doesn't believe in Nesta's mission and is busy making sure Beron or someone else doesn't invade or smth.
Honestly, I imagine this book being more Nesta and Mor-centric rather than anything. Mor has to step in as a regent and deal with Keir and the CoN. Nesta is off in her own Orpheus and Eurydice mission, maybe with Ember bc I like her.
In the end Mor confronts her past and deals with her father, maybe strikes an alliance with Eris, and Nesta... fails. She goes to Fae Underworld and finds Feysand, she makes a deal and tries bringing Feyre back to life but she has to not look back yadda yadda point is, Feyre and Nesta have a heart to heart, there's screaming and crying and hate and love and the walk goes on forever, the hallways so, so dark; Nesta can't make sense of what she sees in front of her, doesn't know if she even is seeing something, it feels like days and weeks and minutes, seconds, really, so long and so quick. Hunger and thirst aren't really a thing down there, it seems like nothing is, everything feels so... otherworldly. Like she is drunk on happiness. But every so often there comes dread, and she clutches against her sister's hand, says one thing or other, talks and talks and talks and... Listens? Is Feyre saying something? The wind whistles by, deafening everything else. Or does it? Is there any sound but the wind? When has Feyre stopped talking? Did she ever start?
The weight on her hand becomes less of a comfort and more of a mockery. She doesn't know if it really is there, can't make out whether the sweat on her palm is hers or her sister's, can't say whether the footsteps she hears is Feyre's or- No, it's hers. It has to be. They said it was her sister, they promised her, she only needs to walk a bit more, be brave only for a while more. She can do it; she will do it.
Nesta walks. She walks and she stumbles and whenever she falls, she gets up and walks again. Feyre is behind her. "Just a little more," she says. "I'm behind you," she says - but who is she?
Nesta walks.
She doesn't know for how long, but she walks. And when she sees the light of day pooling on this dreadful abyss, she doesn't have any more tears to cry - so she laughs. Nesta runs, pulling her sister's hand, almost jumping towards the light, and when she turns back-
Feyre is there. Their hands are connected, her sister looking just as she remembered, not the way she looked when she lost her, but just... Feyre. The brightest star in the night sky, shining amongst the darkness.
"Nesta..." she says. "Thank you."
And just like a star, she disappears in the daylight.
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hey, look: remember that it was mentioned one person can have multiple mates? So, Mor hates Nesta bc of """reasons""", but what if one of the reasons is bc she can sense Nesta is also mated with Eris, who she hates...
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astrababyy · 2 years
The humans in ACOTAR are literally just props. The story doesn’t actually care about them or what happens to them. The characters contradict themselves in the way they behave towards them. Hell, the author herself barely gives them a second thought.
During the endeavor to save the Mortal Realm through book 2-3, the Mortal Queens were consulted and their help was requested. The High Lords were consulted and their help was requested. But when it came to the actual helping part, I swear, the humans in the south of Prythian didn’t even know any of this was happening. While the Inner Circle plotted and planned out their fates like they’re pieces on a chess board, none of them even knew any of this was happening. That doesn’t seem a little screwed up to anybody?
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mycological-mariner · 28 days
I finally gotta give in, Poldark is literally just a soap opera. This is giving SUCH “at my aunt’s house while she’s trying to make dinner and look after three kids and left the tv on while going out for a smoke and Guadalupe just came on so you might as well watch” energy
Cornish telenovela
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flowerflamestars · 2 years
Course Correct snippet
Feyre played for time, biting the already beginning to disintegrate cardboard straw in her iced matcha. Feyre didn’t like green tea. Had been known to proclaim on many immoderate occasions that it tasted like grass, mournful that pretty tea latte colors couldn’t be worked into her grid without waste.
“Lucien always likes the omelets,” Elain pointed out, sunny. Nesta could hear the leather toe of her flats taping the floor. “We could split one?”   Feyre shook her head, setting back down the undrunk tea. “I’m not eating animal products. No sugar, no carbs, no coffee, no nightshades, no seed oils.”   Nesta’s normally very healthy blood pressure skyrocketed in a way she could quite literally feel.   “Seed oils?”   An open handed gesture toward the matcha, slowly separating as the ice melted under bright California sunshine.   “I’m on a cleanse!” She hopped up, catching the strap of her heart-shaped purse from the back of her chair, “Just running to the bathroom. Can you order me the kale kiwi protein smoothie? Thanks!”   The dark surface of Nesta’s coffee held no answers, but she gazed into it anyway. Three inches of liquid was about enough for a human being to drown in, theoretically.   “Do you think,” Elain was laughing, hushed, horror needing a sheer output, “That she knows almond milk has almond oil in it?”   Nesta heaved a sigh, tilting back in her chair. “Do nuts count as seeds?”   Hibiscus, darkly red and dreamy violet blue provided cover for the tables, trellis arched into a whole porch overhead. Feyre’s favorite restaurant, all day brunch. Feyre’s favorite foods. For her birthday eight months before, she’d eaten a waffle made out of bacon. “Maybe she’s pivoting into wellness content?” Elain asked, hysteria reeled in.
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