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morcantinon · 3 hours ago
tumblr is the best bc I can say that Kermit is a butch lesbian and at least one person will agree with me
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morcantinon · 3 hours ago
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look at this sign at my local monastery
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morcantinon · 3 hours ago
sometimes when a movie starts there is a scary lion but don't be scared
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morcantinon · 3 hours ago
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this is so fucking funny. im going to say "here come the locusts" everytime something goes wrong now
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morcantinon · 3 hours ago
the generational gap between me and the people my age who use chat gpt
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morcantinon · 3 hours ago
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this vintage meme is from a bygone time when trans people could get united states passports
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morcantinon · 3 hours ago
the legality of parodies is so funny. if you take a bit from someones work without their permission its illegal UNLESS you make fun of them
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morcantinon · 3 hours ago
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this little glamorized misogyny "joke" has run its course right. can we leave this corny demonic shit in 2023. it is done now. we've had enough.
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morcantinon · 4 hours ago
“Pratchett went back to older throwaway jokes (like dwarves being apparently unisex) and used them as metaphors to discuss social change, racial assimilation, and other complex issues, while reexamining the species he’d thrown in at the margins of his world simply because they existed at the margins of every other fantasy universe. If goblins and orcs and trolls could think, then why were they always just there to be slaughtered by the heroes? And if the heroes slaughtered sentient beings en masse, how heroic exactly were they? It was a long overdue start on redressing issues long swept under the rug by a parade of Tolkien successors who never thought of anyone green and slimy as anything but a notch on the protagonist’s sword, and much of the urgency in Pratchett’s last few books seemed to be related to them. “There’s only one true evil in the world,” he said through his characters. “And that’s treating people like they were things.” And in the last of his “grown-up” Discworld books, that idea is shouted with the ferocity of those who have only a few words left and want to make them count. Goblins are people. Golems are people. Dwarves are people, and they do not become any less people because they decide to go by the gender they know themselves to be instead of the one society forces on them. Even trains might be people, and you’ll never know one way or the other unless you ask them, because treating someone like they’re a person and not a thing should be your default. And the only people who cling to tradition at the expense of real people are sad, angry dwellers in the darkness who don’t even understand how pathetic they are, clutching and grasping at the things they remember without ever understanding that the world was never that simple to begin with. The future is bright, it is shining, and it belongs to everyone.”
— John Seavey, The Evolution of the Disc (via pornosophical)
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morcantinon · 4 hours ago
people really just walk into horror movies and expect them not to deal with uncomfortable things despite the genre being dedicated to discomfort.
i saw so many people complain that lisa frankenstein, a movie where one of the leads is famously a rotting corpse, was too gross for them. when i walked out of nosferatu, i heard people say that the nudity was uncalled for... in a vampire film. nudity? in MY gothic horror?! unheard of!
a LOT of people really need to accept that maybe some genres just aren't to their taste, idk. not every movie needs to be cookie-cutter clean. sexuality is a staple of gothic horror, if not the wider genre horror in General. you don't need to enjoy it, but it doesn't make these things uncalled for.
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morcantinon · 4 hours ago
When a cis girl tells you you're the luckiest girl for not having periods you should ask her if she wishes she was trans. The response is always incredibly funny
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morcantinon · 4 hours ago
I firmly believe that my (Chinese) mom is more Italian than my (Italian) dad. She earned multiple advanced degree in Italian history and studied abroad to learn how to speak the language fluently. She fought for it. The hell did he ever do? He grew up eating slightly more pasta than other kids in the United States. He was born into it. Fucking nepo Italian
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morcantinon · 4 hours ago
don’t understand where people get the energy to be an active participant in their own lives. the days just happen to me for real
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morcantinon · 4 hours ago
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I don't know. I just don't know
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morcantinon · 4 hours ago
stupid thing about me is I don’t cut corners but I also have no work ethic. if I do something it WILL be done right. no telling whether I’ll actually fucking do it tho
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morcantinon · 6 hours ago
I beg my kidnappers for a phone, swearing not to make any calls or texts, and they stare over my shoulder, holding a gun to my head as I use my newly-freed hand to post, "So do like, dudes just buy ropes and baklavas from the same store or what lmfao like a specialty Crime Store"
One of the kidnappers says "balaclavas" but it's muffled under the fabric. I ask them to repeat and they do, their voice raspy from disuse. "You wrote baklava, that's a pastry." The other kidnapper goes "stfu" and then after a pause goes "Why would you buy from a crime store"
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morcantinon · 6 hours ago
crossfaded on a pastry + a little drinky drink
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