#she had been in the ICU for 6 months
citronaut69 · 1 year
Work shit in the tags cause it's A Lot
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brains4brawn · 1 year
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It was a small thing, tucked away in the corner of the thrift shop. Victor had pulled it out, but the book was locked and bound in gold and wouldn't open. His mind piqued, Victor bought the book and took it home. Over the next week He tried everything to undo the clasp but nothing worked. When he had just lost hope a tiny but audible Click could be heard, Victor rushed back to find the clasp undone and the bindings slightly ajar.
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Victor carefully opened the ancient tome only to find that the pages were stuck. it was like they had been glued! Only the last page remained free. Written towards the top if fancy handwriting
"Write it down so i can enact Be-warned Though, What is written I can not retract!"
Under neath that was 5 evenly spaced lines. and another message at the bottom,
"I only remain open for this 1 day Until 5 complete Earth circle's will I open again"
Looking at the the 3 blank lines, And thinking this must be a joke he wrote
I will graduate from college
My older brother will never pick on me again
Over the next 20 years I will gain 150lbs
As Victor finished the book slammed shut and relocked itself. Scared Victor threw the book into his closet and ran down stairs.
That night his family recieved word that Victor's older brother was in a bad car crash. He was alive but in the ICU and had lost his legs. Certainly the taller brother would never pick on the shorter Victor again.
The crash had been the fault of the manufacturer so the family received and huge settlement. This money paid for Victor's choice of college.
Two years later, when Victor was home from college for the summer and his mother commented that he was finally starting to get bigger.
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The 20 Year old checked the scale and sure enough he weighed 140, 15lbs heaver then when he was 18. Victor knew it had to be the book.
Victor: 22, 155lbs
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The College graduate was now 23 and moving all of his stuff from his half of the bedroom to his first apartment when he stumbled across the book. Looking at the date on the wall Victor realized it was exactly 5 years since he had last seen the cursed object. As if it had a mind of its own the book opened to the last page, now with three new empty lines waiting to be filled.
Victor hesitated, he had imagined for the last 5 years what he'd do if he had this chance again. He could fix everything!
My older brother James develops a prosthesis so he can walk and run again.
My younger sisters will grow into smart talented women who will want for nothing.
Looking at his tiny 15 year old brother Bastion asleep on the bed Victor writes:
Bastion will grow up to be the popular jock just like his older brother.
Satisfied, the book shuts itself and prepares to grant Victor's wish.
Victor 24, 170lbs
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For the most part the Wishes went like Victor planned. Well except for Bastion's. In the proceeding months after writing those words Victor found himself becoming more popular and Jock-like. Words like Bro or Bruh, dude, man, had taken over. He joined a gym and from there joined some local sports teams. When he wasn't busy at work or working out Victor could be found screwing every chick he could find. No girl was immune to his baby faced charms and his Gym sculpted body.
Victor 26 185lbs
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Victor 28 200lbs
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Victor practically lives in the Gym now. His gains speak for themselves his body is a temple and he loves for chicks to worship him. His younger sisters call him a man whore, while Bastion is turning out just like him.
His girlfriend of 6 months broke up with him cause she caught him in bed with her mother.
Looking in his closet he stumbles over the Book, open and waiting for him to write something down.
In his jealousy of those gay guys who can sleep with anyone he wrote:
I'm like 100% gay, no chicks only dicks.
I wont get any STD's from sex.
Sex with me will change anyone's life.
Again the book closes and gets to work.
Victor 30, 215lbs
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Vic the dick had been out for 2 years now, the book took the man whore and turned him into a man slut. Everyone wanted a piece of him and at least Vic was smart enough to charge them for his services. Every option on the table is open he'd do any guy and make them feel like his number1. Every guy he slept with changed, most upped their stamina but some hunked out into gay sluts just like Vic.
Hell even Bastion had come out and if the rumors are true he's slept with every guy at his college.
Vic 32 230lbs
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Vic was becoming something of a local celebrity in the gay community. His looks had caught the eye of a movie producer and now he was staring in low budget action movies as the gay savior. He had been so busy that he wasn't home for his 33rd birthday. Some how the book found him on location in the bottom of his travel bag.
Vic watched as it opened up to the last page with 3 empty spaces.
He took his time and pondered over what he should write.
I want to find true love
I want to be content
I want to be smart again
The book seemed to close with a sigh. None of these were worth the trouble of granting. But a deal is a deal.
Vic 34, 245lbs
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Vic, 38, 275lbs
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Finally after 20 years, Vic had stopped growing. Life had settled down for the Gay icon, nowadays, he owned a successful chain of LGBTQIA Gyms that catered towards the community needs. He organized Pride events and helped with protests when needed. He looked at the open book on his desk. It was tempting but Vic no longer wanted to change anything about his life. Even though he had never found a lifelong partner.
He decided he had held on to the magic for to long, so he summoned his newest intern Jack and gave the book to him then let him leave so he could explore this newest acquisition.
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*bright flash of Light*
The intercom beeps and Vic pushes the button.
"Sir your husband just arrived to collect you. He wants to remind you that you still have to pick up the kids and get changed for tonights ceremony"
Before he could even answer the door burst open and Vic's husband of 7 years strolled in. Vic was already out of his chair and giving Jack a pec on the cheek while grabbing his toned ass.
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On his way out Vic glanced at the family photo on his desk and gave a silent thanks to the book.
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froody · 1 year
Tommy. Tell me about her. What wisdom does she hold?
She was born in the rafters of an abandoned barn one day in early May of 2017. She and her siblings had not yet opened their eyes when her mother decided to move her babies to the abandoned house about 50 yards from the barn. It was a grueling task. Tommy waited for her turn, sightless, helpless and so tiny. Her mother never returned for her. She abandoned her to die in that barn. It’s not an unusual thing for a feral cat to do. 80% of kittens born in feral colonies die before the age of 1. Tommy was so sick. She didn’t look like a normal kitten and she never would. Perhaps her mother knew she could not save her on her own. Perhaps her mother was young and sick herself and only had the strength for the other kittens. Either way, she left her.
Tommy’s digestive system was in tatters. She had multiple parasites. She was dehydrated. She still had the strength to scream, she always has, and she did. My father found her, got her down, took her to the vet. She opened her eyes later that week. She had to be bottle fed. It took several courses of antibiotics and anti-parasitics to get her back on track. She fought so valiantly. She always had an appetite as a kitten, no matter what was going on in her insides. She was so screamy. She loved to be held, loved to run up to the door every time you opened it.
Her struggles have never really stopped. She’s brachycephalic, she sneezes and wheezes, her sinuses are deformed, her eyes are crusty. She’s 6 now. My mom’s dog broke her jaw when she was about 2 and my mother rushed her to the emergency vet to get jr wired back together. Didn’t tell me what happened to my cat until I got home from high school that day. Last year I found Tommy in obvious distress, weak and drooling blood. I took her to the emergency vet and they found evidence of previously undiagnosed stomatitis and more pressingly, a mass on her jaw. Biopsy showed it wasn’t cancerous, it was an inflammatory reaction to her back teeth. She needed surgery to remove some of her severely deformed teeth and the bleeding painful mass.
She was out on steroids for the stomatitis for a few month. She didn’t seem to be getting better. She was dropping weight. Initially I thought it was just her mouth pain but I took her to the vet anyway. She was diagnosed with diabetes and sent home. The two days later she had an episode of hyperglycemia so severe I didn’t think she’d survive the night. She spent a week in the cat ICU.
Right now she’s regained her weight. She’s chilling at the edge of my bed. She’s snoring in her sleep.
She’s taught me a very important lesson. Don’t give up. Her constant and remarkably passionate fight for survival keeps me going. Her odds have always been so slim and yet she doesn’t know it or simply doesn’t care. She always has zest for life but in the most sinister cartoon cat villain way possible. I’ve always wanted to give up on myself and she’s never wanted to give up on herself. It doesn’t cross her mind.
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mamadoc · 5 months
1, 2, 11, 20😊
1 - Talk about someone who changed your life.
Okay. I took far too long to think about this. Since we're all in a post 6x6 and TTPD era, here's a vulnerable, tortured answer.
I had a very close friend for several years. My husband and I were very close to her and her husband. Our kids were friends. We went to the same church, all loved to travel, had similar interests and tastes, had all lived internationally, went on double dates, etc. We even considered having them raise our kids if my husband and I both passed away. In sum, we were super close.
Then COVID hit. As a doctor COVID was difficult. I struggled a lot because I was taking care of sick patients. I recall one tearful day of talking to a pregnant mom who was about to be transferred to the ICU and was saying goodbye to her other children. It really wasn't safe or comfortable to go to work for a long time. I wasn't really dealing with it well, especially with the people around me treating it like it didn't matter. I was really depressed for the first time in my life.
This friend didn't understand that or if she did, she didn't care. So, when I said I wasn't interested in going out in public and having any type of birthday celebration for my birthday (who wants to celebrate turning 41 anyway?), she started attacking me on a personal level. I was already in a dark place and instead of being a good friend and supporting me, she just keep sending me hateful messages.
That was the first and only time in my life I considered suicide. I reached out for help and got it. I wasn't in that dark pit for a long time. I'm much better now. I mostly have my sister to thank for that.
I brought her flowers for Valentine's Day with an apology note a few weeks after that. She never apologized. I brought treats to her a few weeks after that with an apology note explaining why I felt so hurt. I tried to call to explain how I felt so that I could heal. She never answered the phone.
I'm still not sure what I have to apologize for or why she never seemed to accept or offer an apology. But that was two years ago. We still don't talk. Our husbands don't talk. Our kids don't play together anymore. For a long time, I didn't like going to church because I knew I'd have to see her.
Most of that is better now. I'm just sad for a lost friendship and for the dark place I had to crawl out of.
I've used a slight modification of her name for a character in one of my stories who betrayed Lucy. I thought that might be therapeutic, but it just brought the situation up to the surface again.
Uhhh... I can't believe I just wrote all of that. I'll try to keep the rest of the answers a bit lighter.
2 - Talk about something you really want to do.
I LOVE to travel. I've been to 47 states and 16 countries. My husband and I had all of our plans in place to get to all 50 states before we turned 40. Then COVID hit and all of our plans were dashed when travel shut down. We're going at a slower pace now, but we're getting close to it. #48 (NM) in October, #49 (HI) July 2025 as a 20th anniversary trip, and #50 (AK) the summer of 2026.
11 - Share something you're proud of.
According to AO3's stats, I've posted over 339k words since I started posting 7 months ago (plus another 9-10k chapter I hope to finish tonight). I know there are those that blow me out of the water (Ahem, ahem @girlintotv and @centralperkchenford) with their numbers, but I'm pretty proud of that as a first-time writer and working mom with 4 young kids.
20 - Share with us a random fact or two.
I'm afraid I've already overshared. *yikes* But here we go.
I'm the oldest of 6 kids. The first 4 of us are all 23 months apart, then 27 months apart, and 25 months apart. So, we're essentially every 2 years for 10 years with all of our birthdays clustered together. 3 boys and 3 girls.
I had the chicken pox for my eighth birthday. My grandparents came to visit for my birthday, but they were afraid of getting shingles. So, I had to stay in my bedroom on the second floor, and they stayed on the first floor for the whole time they were visiting. I still remember standing in the hallway near the dining room while they sang happy birthday. One of my siblings blew out the candles for me and my mom brought me a piece of cake in the hallway. (Man, I'm still rocking those depressing TTPD vibes, aren't I?) I was officially not contagious the day my mom came home from the hospital with baby #5 in our family, and I remember being so excited to be healthy enough to hold my baby brother.
Sheesh. Now you probably won't ever ask me anything again. Between TTPD, 6x6, and the angst I'm supposed to be writing right now, I'm coming up with some strange answers.
Sorry to be the Eeyore in the crowd. Thanks for asking me to play though.
Ask game
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twinkleallnight · 1 year
False Truth-2
Book: TRR AU
Pairings: Drake x Riley, Drake x Olivia, Liam x Riley .
Word count:3075
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: mental health, mention of death.
Catch up here for chapter 1
A/N: Thanks a ton @lizzybeth1986 for holding my hand and bringing this to reality. This is a mini series of 6 chapters loosely weaved around themes for the days of drake-walker-appreciation week.
Prompt: Day2: Throwback @drake-walker-appreciation week
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3 months ago……
Sirens blared through the roads as one ambulance after another zipped through the Capitol city of Cordonia. Olivia was  frantically driving her SUV, accelerating at a deadly speed towards the ruckus in the city. She wanted to reach the hospital, right now! The usually composed Duchess could not digest the blow of the phone call that she received an hour ago.
'The Crown Prince's convoy has been  attacked while heading to the palace from the airport. The prince and his chief of guards were reported injured. They have been rushed to the hospital.  Conditions currently unstable.'  
She had almost dropped her phone but her training had kicked in and she had rushed to the garage without waiting for any assistance. 
After driving for almost an hour, she hit the brakes, her vehicle screeching to a halt in the parking lot of the City hospital. 
She dashed to the ER but froze at the chaos she witnessed. There were shrieks and shrills, screams and shouts, wounded and attendings, cries and tears, pain and panic, all together overwhelming her senses. 
She tried to peer through the plethora of people in search of her husband, her friend….. maybe even a receptionist who could guide her. 
She caught hold of the nearest person in the hospital uniform. 
"Excuse me, I am looking for my husband, Drake Walker." 
The person filled her in quickly, "Ma'am, there was an attack on a whole convoy, we have thirteen injured and two deaths. I would suggest you to please connect with the front desk over there." 
She felt a chill run down her spine. 'Two deaths' her mind reverberated the words. With heavy steps, she crossed the distance to reach the desk. Her lips parted but her voice was choked. 'Two deaths?' she was questioning herself. Was she prepared for the worst? NO.NEVER! Her thoughts screamed back at her. 
She cleared her throat loudly enough to crush down her fears and to gain attention. She asked the relevant details. Thankfully, this time she was guided well till the entrance gates of ICU where Liam and Drake were being treated. 
Constantine and Regina were already seated there. They were holding each other's hands in silent prayers, waiting  to receive the news of the well being of their son. Olivia greeted them both with a downcast face and stood in a corner. They gave her a meek smile.
Moments passed to make minutes and minutes passed into hours. Nothing moved, except for the shuffling of  security around the royals. Savannah slipped in next to her sometime in between. But there was no effort to break the silence. Worried eyes met anxious ones, then shied away to hide their fear. 
After what seemed like ages, the glass doors slid open. The doctors stepped in the waiting area to let everyone know that things were under control. But, it was going to be a long road to recovery. 
Present day ……
The ivorine winged-back chair looked tempting with plush cushions. Olivia lowered herself into the softness of the upholstery. Her hands rested naturally on the arms of the chair. She let her head relax back while her long porcelain legs pointed out. She closed her eyes and stretched out with a moan. 
"Feels better?" 
She wasn't ready for any intrusion yet. But that was the whole reason to visit this place. Her heart was stalling the process of greeting the person in front of her, but she knew time was precious. She opened her eyes with quite an unwillingness. She adjusted herself to prop up on the chair with modesty. "How I wish!" 
Her interviewer sat down on a sofa across the spacious room. She didn't understand why they needed such a big room when the conversation could have very well been conducted in a small office across a desk. Her eyes traversed the gap between them, creeping over the fine carpets, hopping across the center table, revolving around the coffee mug to land on the clipboard they held. The click of their pen demanded her attention back to the present. Now. Here. 
"It didn't go well?" The stream of questions started. 
She shook her head in defeat. Her eyes trained low on the rug, lest her audience could see the tears floating over her emerald orbs. 
"What did he say?" 
She swallowed thickly before replying, "It was as if he didn't care. As if he had not even read the letter." 
"Are you sure he read the letter?" 
" It was lying open on his table. No one else visited the room. So, yes, he did read it." 
"But he refused to acknowledge it?" 
"He stomped away as soon as I went into his room." 
"Did he call you or did you go on your own?"
" He was talking to someone again." 
"On the phone?" 
"No, his phone was on the stand." 
"So, whom do you think he was talking to?" 
Olivia turned her head to the side and let out a sigh. "It was her." She swallowed over the lump in her throat. "He called out her name, again and again and laughed like a maniac. It scared the hell out of me." 
"What else did u hear him say?" 
"I knocked on the door only when I heard his laughter and her name in his voice. I don't know what conspired between them, before that." 
"Between whom? Are you saying you believe there is a woman named Riley in Drake's life?" 
Olivia leapt ahead in her chair with a snarl. "What do you expect me to say?" 
"Whatever is coming to your mind. What you feel is the truth." A calm reply came. 
Olivia stomped her foot on the rug and stood up. " The truth is, I am losing him. Every passing day." She said through her clenched teeth. "He is living in a delusion."
She got up and went behind the chair to create a safe barricade between them as she faced her interrogator. She wasn't sure she could control her actions. She clutched the back of the chair hard and lashed out, "The truth is that damn accident snatched away everything from me. I lost my friend, my love...my husband, my peace of mind...my happiness. Everything! All I am left to do is, struggle day and night. I have to remind the only man in my life…. Of who he is and who I am."
She paused but her chest was heaving with the burden. She was puffing out hot air to calm herself. She dug her nails deeper into the leather. "This isn't helping Dr June!"
"Olivia, we have discussed this earlier too, there is no magic wand that I  can use and get you the results. It is a slow process and it needs a lot of patience, especially from your end." 
Olivia hung her head in despair. She had no other option. She had tried every possible measure to get Drake out of his dreamland. Dr June , psychiatrist and behavioral psychologist was her last resort after much research. She had helped relieve Drake from the nightmares that had followed after the accident. Drake was on the recovery path, though with a memory loss. Olivia knew better, so she composed herself and came back to take her seat. 
"Thank you." Dr June nodded. "Now, can you tell me any special moments that you had spent together? Just the two of you. A moment that you think may have a deep impact on Drake's mind. Some place that he may still remember is related to you?" 
"Lythikan rites." Olivia blurted out without a second thought. 
"What rites?" Dr June asked, confused.
"It's an old, obsolete tradition from my province, which has been illegal for half a century. The Lythikan Rite of Union. An unmarried couple traverses the icy peaks of the Alps and on the dawn of the thirtieth day, they are wed, their officiant being survival itself." 
"Interesting…" Dr June encouraged her to continue. 
"I was always fascinated with it. Two years ago, when we decided to get married, Drake decided to do it for me."
She spoke as if in a trance, reminiscing those moments. "The very next day that we started our journey, I was in a mess. I was frustrated to not have my lady in waiting to manage my tousled hair.
When he saw me struggling, he unfeignedly took my comb from my hands. He walked me to a small rock nearby and sat down on the rock, his legs firm on the ground. He then pulled me closer, my back flush with his chest and made me settle against him. He started releasing the knots in my hair. He gently raked his fingers through my tangles. He then delicately brushed it smooth." 
Her gaze shifted to Dr June. "Do you know, I have never felt so much loved ever. He made me feel special. My world had zeroed down on him at that moment." 
Olivia had a smile dancing on her lips, her eyes transfixed into a dtstant space, as she spoke again. "I had never seen him so jovial before. He was humming. Drake Walker was humming a song!... for me!...while he neatly interweaved my tresses into a braid. He then cupped my face and said, 'I like them this way, so that, I can drown into the oceans of your green eyes. Olivia Vanderwal Nevrakis, I love you more than my life. I don't want to say till death do us apart because I can never forget you even if this body fades away.' 
Olivia suddenly paused looking puzzled at Dr June . "He was never supposed to forget me, doctor. What went wrong?" Her pain broke out through her words. 
"We will find it out soon and correct it, Olivia."  She reassured her. " Until then remember what he did for you back then. He took good care of you."
 Olivia nodded in agreement, dwelling into the past. "It was cold for him, snowy, harsh, yet I had him, all the time, beside me.…..holding my hand." 
She peered through the lone window to her left. Her eyes were dreamy, looking far away across the greens of the landscape outside. Her voice was soft and low. "Our hearts felt exhilarated. Our bodies shared the warmth. Our minds had an adrenaline rush." 
"It was cold…." Drake started narrating. "Snowy, harsh but it didn't matter to me. Riley was beside me……holding my hand. She said she felt exhilarated. And the warmth she felt with me would pull her through. She felt the adrenaline rush, she said." 
Dr June listened calmly. This was another session where Drake was imagining Riley, she was sure now. His description matched what Olivia had narrated earlier. Dr June had to be careful. 
Getting Drake into the sessions had been difficult enough. 
"Why am I here?" He would ask every time. 
"You met with an accident. You have a memory loss and I have been appointed by your kin, as your doctor." She would remind him of every appointment. 
"Oh!" He would look around disoriented and then just settle down for his family's sake.
Dr June knew one thing for sure, Drake would go to any extent for his family. But wasn't it the same for Olivia too? She was somehow washed away from his memory after the accident. And an unknown identity Riley had taken her place. 
The question was, who was Riley? Where did she come from? No one had ever heard of her. 
What Dr June had gathered from Drake was that Riley was a brunette as against his red-haired wife. She had honey brown eyes unlike Olivia's green eyes. She was dusky but Olivia was pale as a pearl. She was merely five feet as against Olivia's taller stature. Everything about Riley was in stark contrast to Olivia. 
Was Drake attracted to a different person altogether and was he done with Olivia? 
"I don't understand it." Olivia had repeated it umpteen times and Dr June always had tried to explain. 
" No one does, Olivia. We claim a lot in medicine, still, for the most part, the brain remains an unknown frontier. The human mind is a very complex area. Neuroscientists don't yet fully understand how information is processed by the brain of a worm that has few hundred neurons, let alone by the brain of a human that has 100 billion neurons. You never know where and how it gets jumbled up into a thick heavy ball that's impossible to untangle." 
Olivia stared at her in dismay. Dr June held her hand to show her support and give her some strength. "All we can do is TRY." 
And so they kept trying.
"Where is Riley from?" Dr June planned to test the waters in today's session, asking Drake the details of his imaginary girlfriend. 
 "New york." He answered casually. His thoughts seemed very well sorted. 
She further asked, "Where did you meet her?" 
"At a bar." That didn't give much detail. She anyway noted his answer. 
"How long have you known each other?" 
"Almost a year now." This was a surprise for her. Olivia did not even know and Drake claimed to know Riley for a year now. 
"Where does she stay?" 
"Here, with me." 
Dead end. She again hit a wall in her investigation. But today she had planned to dig deeper. So she continued, "Is she here with you today?"
"Yes, I requested her to wait outside." 
"Please bring her in." 
Drake got up promptly and opened the door to call her in. He came back a bit worried. "She is not there. Do you mind if I look around and get her?" 
"Sure. I will see you in ten minutes."
Drake wandered around the place for sometime while,in a neighboring room, Dr June filled in Olivia with the new information that she had. 
"New york?" Olivia tried to assimilate the newly received details. 
Dr June nodded. "Past one year." 
Olivia looked wide eyed. She started pacing the room.
Dr June asked, "Any accomplice who can throw some light on what his itinerary was like? Whom he met? Which places did he visit?" 
Olivia stopped and turned to Dr June. "He never visited New York. Past two years Drake has been busy managing the role of head of security guards here in Cordonia." 
"Hmm." Dr June pondered. They both stood in silence in their grappling mess. A knock on the door startled Olivia. She scurried behind the door before it opened.
Drake peeped in. "Dr June, I found Riley. She was in the gardens. I just came to inform you that we will be waiting for you in your counseling room."
"Sure, I will be there in a minute." Dr June forced a smile. 
Drake left. Dr June shifted her gaze to the left of the open door. Olivia had hid herself there and now she stood there stunned.  Riley was here. Again.   
Dr June took a deep breath and stepped ahead. She patted Olivia's shoulder in reassurance.  
"What are you going to do now?" Olivia questioned with teary eyes.
"Let's see. Maybe burst his bubble." 
As much as she wanted Drake to come back to reality, she didn't want to see him hurt and in pain. "He has been through a lot, Dr June. Is there no easy way?" 
"We are trying our best." She asserted and moved on. 
When Dr June entered her counseling room, Drake was alone sitting in his chair. She could judge his anxiety by his continuously shaking left leg. 
"Is Riley not joining us?" Dr June asked. 
"She started feeling dizzy and wanted some rest, so I sent her home. Maybe you can meet her later?" 
"Sure. Can I ask you something?" 
"Yes, please." 
"Sometime ago you mentioned your trip to the Alps. Do you remember any special moment you spent with Riley there that she really loved?" 
Drake smiled,"I hunted for her, I practiced making s'mores for her. "
"Something you still do for her and she misses?" 
Dr June observed the change in his demeanor. He was deep in his thoughts, his eyes had focused on the bouquet of red roses that brightened one of the dull corners of the room. 
"Her hair, they were always so bunched up. She still loves it when I comb and brush them for her." He was captivated when he uttered, " Her thick red mane! I just love them.. but i love them weaved into a braid. It shows her bright green eyes so clearly, you can drown in them." He smiled shaking his head.  
"You mean Olivia's hair." 
"No, I said Riley's." He looked at her suddenly with a jerk. 
"But you said red hair?" 
"No I did not! " He protested. 
"You just now  said 'her thick red mane." 
He stared at the doctor while she warmly looked at him and continued, "her thick red Mane, bright green eyes. 
Drake gave her a confused look. She tried to explain. 
 " It was Olivia with you, Drake. Always. All this time. Riley is… she is someone in your subconscious mind, playing games with your conscience. She is a figment of your imagination." 
Drake shook his head violently. 
" No, no, no!  That can't be." And he got up from his chair. "You are lying. You are all lying. You are trying to kill her. I won't let you. I will protect her. I promised, I will…" He ran out of the door. 
Olivia rushed in as soon as he left. "What happened, Dr June? Why was he running away like that? " 
Dr June replied, still staring at the door where he left from, a few moments ago. "He thinks Riley is in some danger. He wants to protect her, he said he promised he would." She then looked at Olivia. "Do you know whom he made promises as a chief of guard? To protect someone or to save someone?" 
Olivia pondered, " As a chief of guard he was answerable only to the king." She peeped out of the door and asked, "Do you think he can be left alone in this situation? I feel I should go after him. He may need me. " 
"Sure. We will meet later. Go." Dr June waved. Olivia turned around to leave, when Dr June called her. "And one more thing,Olivia…" 
"What is it?" Olivia looked back. 
"Somewhere deep inside, he still remembers you." 
Tags: @3pawandme @alj4890 @angelasscribbles @bascmve01 @bebepac @busywoman @dcbbw @gkittylove99 @harleybeaumont @iaminlovewithtrr @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @lizzybeth1986 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @neotericthemis @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308 @princess-geek @riseandshinelittleblossom @sazanes @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @yourmajesty09
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ficsforeren · 1 year
hii kana, hope u and your family are doing okay, if you’re okay answering this, i just wanted to ask you how was pregnancy for you, i’m so scared of all about it, and about how my body will look after, did you worried about this?
Hi, sweetheart!! My family and I are doing just great, and I hope you are too ❤️
Read below the cut cause this ended up as a super long answer LMAO
Honestly, I was so scared too, Nonnie 😭 I had a planned c-section for my second time (cause I had c-section the first time so my doctor recommended me to do so) and even then I couldn't sleep at all the night before. I don't want to lie and say it was easy cause it definitely wasn't. During my second pregnancy, I could only eat white rice and boiled eggs every single day cause that was all I could eat (I always threw up if I forced myself to eat anything else), and during the first three months, I couldn't even climb down my own bed without help. I was nauseous all the time, and very emotional. I got hospitalized for two weeks, got treated in the ICU where they took my blood three times a day even from my feet and it hurt like hell 🫠 Fortunately, my family (especially my husband) were so supportive throughout the process so it wasn't as stressful as it could've been for me.
Hmm I don't think I've ever worried about how my body would look like, probably because I was worrying more about giving birth and my baby health's condition (now THIS is stressful. as a mother, it kills you to see your baby get sick and newborns are so vulnerable so during the first month I just felt like crying all the time cause my baby had jaundice, and we had to do a surgery cause she couldn't feed properly and she lost a lot of weight, so we went to the hospital for like once every 3 days, it was a lot, both mentally and financially 😭)
when I had my first baby, I gained 15 kg (33 lbs) but I lost 13 kg in less than 6 months due to breastfeeding. I don't like exercising, all I did was taking care of my baby and doing chores but I still managed to get my normal weight back so I don't think you have to be concerned about gaining weight (if that's what you're worried about). even right now, my baby just turned two months old and I've lost 7 kg (I'm hoping I can get back to my pre-pregnancy weight in the next 4-5 months hehe)
but your body will look different, that's for sure. I got stretch marks all over my belly, some on my breasts too, and they're still there though they don't look as nasty anymore. And of course, I also got my c-section scar but they don't matter much to me. I actually feel proud to have these marks/scars on my body 😁
If you're worried/scared about being pregnant/giving birth/being a mother, trust me, you're not alone. I'm a mother of two children and I'm still scared, but also, the joy of being a mom is truly something else. I used to hate the idea of getting married, let alone having a child of my own (rough childhood lol you know the drill) but after I gave birth and I held my baby in my arms, I was so, so happy. And that was just the start. The first time they smiled, the first time they laughed out loud, the first time they called me "mama" and the first time I kissed my son goodbye before he went to school... so much happiness in every little thing and I'm so grateful for it. so what I'm trying to say is, it's normal to be afraid, but believe me, it will all be worth it 😊
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
Day One (2/6)
Series Premise: What happened when Cassie met Sienna? Small moments that defined their friendship.
Book: Open Heart Characters: Cassie Valentine (F!MC), Sienna Trinh Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,140 TW: Mention of minor character death
Catch up: Part 1
A/N: Submission for @choicesficwriterscreations You Go Girls event, and to @aprilchallenge prompt "laughter".
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The penthouse apartment at the edge of Boston’s Beacon Hill neighborhood was quiet. Too quiet. Sienna Trinh glanced around the empty living room and kitchen. She thought how strange the apartment felt without Cassie Valentine in it.
From day one, she and Cassie had felt an instant connection as roomies. Sharing confidences and midnight snacks when neither could sleep. Baking cookies on a Sunday morning while the others slept in. Unwinding after a long day with a binge session of trashy reality TV shows and popcorn.
This apartment had become a home in the past year and a half. A refuge from the hard choices they faced as residents.
Eight months ago, Sienna had almost abandoned her dream of becoming a doctor. The realities of medicine were too harsh, even more so now with everything they’d been through.
In the space of forty-eight hours, Sienna had lost a dear friend to a senseless poison attack, watched another fall into a coma and urged her best friend to fight with everything she had. Except for a brief moment, Cassie hadn’t let despair derail her determination to live.
She closed her eyes and sighed deeply. It was late, and she should be asleep. She was working a double shift starting tomorrow, which was brutal without proper rest. But she knew sleep was the farthest thing from her mind right now. What she needed was her bestie.
Sienna wanted Cassie here, in this apartment that represented everything safe and good and right in their lives. Not in a sterile hospital room with machines beeping at all hours and the acerbic smell of antiseptic that permeated the walls.
An idea formed, and before she could talk herself out of it, Sienna marched into the bedroom to set everything into motion.
Almost an hour later, Sienna ducked inside the staff entrance, reflecting on how different Edenbrook was at night. The access to the Emergency Department and ambulance bay were always busy, but this part of the building was quieter. Most residents on the night shift were either on the floor or in the on-call room.
She first dropped her bag in the resident’s locker room, clipped her hospital ID on the lapel of her cardigan and then took the elevator to the medicine floor.
Visiting hours were long over, thought Sienna, but there were distinct advantages of working in a hospital. The nurse on duty would just assume she was on shift and checking on a patient. And that’s precisely what happened.
Not wanting to disturb Cassie if she was asleep, Sienna creaked open the door and popped her head through the crack. The ceiling lights were on low, and adjusting her eyes took a few seconds.
Sienna smiled when she saw Cassie was awake and thrumming her fingers against her stomach, as she did when she was bored.
“Want some company?” she called out.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” Cassie smiled in welcome, pressing the button to raise the back of the hospital bed.
Sienna entered, gently closing the door behind her, and placed a carry-on bag at the foot of the bed.
“I come bearing gifts. If you’re in the mood, of course,” she added quickly. “I can come back tomorrow if you’re tired.”
“Don’t you dare!” Cassie warned. “But, you’re not allowed to ask how I’m doing. Deal?”
Sienna pursed her lips as if considering, and then she grinned. “Deal!”
“I didn’t see you all day,” Cassie commented as Sienna pulled the visitor’s chair closer. “My parents were here earlier. I wanted them to meet you.”
“I’m sorry,” Sienna said. “I know Max wanted Twin Time, so I made myself scarce. And then I got busy with patients. I’m on the ICU floor this week.”
“It’s not a complaint, Si,” Cassie assured her. “I missed you, that’s all.”
She glanced curiously at the bag at the foot of the bed. “I’m dying to know what’s inside.”
“Well…” Sienna beamed and unzipped the bag, reaching inside with all the dramatic flair of Elijah’s unboxing videos. “I asked myself, if I had to stay in a hospital room, what would make that tolerable?”
Cassie gasped when Sienna pulled out her favorite nightgown. It was black silk with a scooped neckline and trimmed with lace. The matching robe followed.
“I can’t tell you how much I hate this hospital gown,” Cassie murmured, hugging the folded gown and robe to her chest like a teddy bear. “I’m going to get changed. Right now.”
She shoved the covers aside and climbed out of bed. Cassie waved away Sienna’s concern as she held on to the bed’s guardrail for a minute, letting her tired leg muscles adjust to gravity.
Cassie straightened once she had her bearings and carefully walked into the attached bath.
Sienna waited near the bathroom door in case her friend called for help, but Cassie returned a few minutes later with a pep in her step. Still, Sienna could see she was out of breath and helped her back into bed.
“What else?” Cassie asked, rubbing her hands in excitement.
Sienna pulled out an emergency make-up kit and portable mirror and set them on the tray trolley in front of Cassie. She also showed her the curling iron but didn’t remove it from the bag.
“Si!” Cassie exclaimed loudly before lowering her voice. “Omigod! You’re a miracle worker. A saint. They should name buildings after you.”
Sienna cheerily winked, grinning at the happiness on her bestie’s face. She still remembered how Cassie had looked in that room, sunken eyes, face drawn, a sense of defeat threatening to ruin everything.
“I mean, I know Ethan’s seen me at my worst, but I felt haggard every time he came to check on me,” Cassie said, unzipping the make-up bag and removing a few essentials. “Max just doesn’t get the life-affirming qualities of a good concealer and pretty lip gloss.”
“I know Max knows you best. But, as wonderful as he is, he’s still a guy.” Sienna shook her head in mock dismay. “And therefore clueless about what women truly need.”
Sienna rolled her eyes, and they both giggled. Soon they were doubled over in laughter, unable to stop even as they sucked in air.
“He tries his best,” Cassie said, wiping at the tears spiking her eyelashes. “Bless his heart.”
She held out the foundation to Sienna. “I know it’s the middle of the night, but I don’t want to wait till morning to feel like myself. Will you help me? My hands are still a bit shaky. The after-effects of everything, I suppose.”
Sienna sat down on the side of the bed and helped her friend feel like herself again. Later, she would think it was the best sleepover of her life, but thankfully not the last she would share with her best friend.
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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1. FBT - Finding Billy and Tommy
Paring: F!Reader x Wanda Context: After Wundagore in Multiverse of Madness, Wanda finds what she has been looking for in a small town – more precisely, in you. ... This one might ring a little (lot) different. Is more of a fluff-comfort-family thing.  Warnings: just comfort, fluff, angst(?), light - grief Word Count: 2.5 Part 1 (this) | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4*
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- “Are you there, Ms. Franco?” The voice echoed through your phone. You could hear the nurse loud and clear, you were just too shocked to say anything. Your brother had been on a car crash 5 days ago and were currently fighting for his life on the ICU - he had just lost the battle.
----- A couple weeks after your brother and sister-in-law passing, you were still getting use to not be alone anymore. On your 30’s, you have been living alone since after college, not even a serious relationship to keep you company. Your nephews rarely slept over, and now you had the two 6-year-old living with you. They hadn’t understood their parents’ deaths until 1 week after your brother’s funeral. Billy was the first one to miss them, but Tommy got the worst of it. For 5 days, the little kid did not sleep, crying day in and out, while Billy acted out making pranks and being loud– just as a normal grieving kid. You had to ask a leave from your work to be with them 24/7. Although your mother helped you, she simply didn’t have the energy to do more after losing her own child. You live in a small city and work as a math teacher in the only high school in town. Being a single woman in your 30’s were already hard on a small town where the gossip flew by. Being a lesbian single woman? Even harder. But when you added “mom solo” to being a single lesbian 30yo woman? The pitiful judging eyes of the whole city followed you everywhere. The market gave you priority in line. Your neighbors had the civic sense to feed you and your nephews for almost a month after the tragedy. Your coworkers no longer shoot you casual texts, but always hard and heavy “how are you”, “I know is hard, but if anyone can do it is you”. Gifts? The kids were swamp in clothing and toys. You know they were trying to help, but the intensity of it all, just made you fall even deeper in reclusion.
You opted to let the kids go to school to have some distraction, as their therapist suggested. Weeks passing by, the whole mood was getting better and lighter. Tommy no longer cried to sleep, although he still woke up to go to your bed every night. You got use to them, finally bought extra pillows and a mattress wrap – no longer a problem with the night leakages of Billy’s mind screaming for help. You grew calluses. You never had the proper time to grieve the loss of your brother and best friend, but you shrugged off any kind of fragility or overthinking. Your late nights with some stupid Netflix drama turned into Paw Patrol and some horrific YouTube channels of slimes and sticky gross toys. Your tacos Tuesdays at Amanda's? They turned into toasty bread and cheap butter you could barely afford with your only salary divided per 3. Your wine and crossword Saturday afternoons turned into puzzles, Lego and an exhausting game of chasing around kids. You were extremely pushed to your limits, but you didn't allow any self-pity, convincing yourself that you didn't have the time for it. It was mid-April when it happened. They had been with you for the best part of a year, and you always kept the idea of being their legal guardian and maintaining their parents image awoke on their minds. Tommy had gone to your bed just as usual, but this time he woke you up and asked to be cuddled. Once he was properly comfort in your big spoon, he said “Thank you, mommy”. It was sweet and spontaneous. From that day on, your little family finally found a new meaning, and you became their mom. ------ “Wanda Maximoff” – she said to herself in the mirror “You are Wanda Maximoff”. It was a grounding exercise she had learnt in Hong Kong Sanctum Sanctorum. After Mount Wundagore events, the Scarlet Witch used her last strength to teleport herself out of the mountain collapse – retracting back into Wanda’s to recharge her magic. Once Wang and Strange found Wanda wandering around the snowy mountains, she was brought back to the Sanctum where she trained to keep SW imprisoned inside.
They had tried to kill SW, to get her out of Wanda or to weaken her. Wanda tried and insisted that killing her was the only way – but SW wouldn’t let her pursue that route by herself and the Avenger's refused to go down that road after Natasha self-sacrifice. Soon they found out that Wanda and the SW where the same person, and the only person who could stop SW was exactly Wanda.
She trained day in and out, strengthening her hold on her own mind and body. After a few months, SW was no longer able to fully corrupt and possess Wanda, leaving her just a small part of her previous ability, still able to talk and get into Wanda’s mind in the days Wanda was specially distracted or exhausted. After a full year, SW simply resigned at her inner cell and stopped trying. That was when they concluded Wanda was free to live her own life out of the Sanctum. Of course, she wasn’t doomed responsible for the Westview or Wundagore accident, being obvious she wasn’t the one in control neither of the time. However, she still blamed herself and decided to retire her powers. She refused to use them for any harm or to go back to the compound; she was no longer an Avenger. The year after, she spent trying to find a little corner of the world where she could retire in a resemblance of peace. She decided to stay in the US due to the proximity to the NY Sanctum and Avenger compound in the eventuality SW got to possess her over again. After Thanos, Wanda was a celebrity and the public was fast to recognize her in every single character she tried to hide herself in. She tried to dye her hair brown, blonde, black, short, long, curly, straight, it didn’t work. She was too famous – and as the public didn’t know about Westview and the Darkhold: they saw her as a hero. The first town found out her secret in a week, and the over affection drew Wanda out of there last than a week after. The following ones were slower, they took their time to figure her out, but as soon the secret was gone, she was followed everywhere with hot meals and praises. Every damn grandma on those cities decided to cook her lasagna, cookies, and ever so sweet meat soup. At the last city, she gave up on trying hiding herself, and decided to assume her identity as a former Avenger and current history teacher. That is where she found a home. ------ Farmville, 20.000 habitants, 4 hours away from NY. After six months of your work leave, you were ready to go back to teaching. Leaving Tommy and Billy at school and going to your classes turned out to be a healthy new routine. When you got to the teacher’s lounge on the first day, you noticed something had change. Yes, your coworkers were still the same, kindly welcoming you back, but your gaze followed an imposing presence on the back of the room. There was the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. Wanda noticed the commotion in the room and spared a quick glance to see someone being hugged and kissed by the other teachers. She couldn’t decide if she was annoyed at the loud noise or interested on the new woman. You were on the pretty side of the people spectrum. Soft skin, hair held up, well-put together, nice formal clothing. Apart from the sleepless nights clear on your face, you could put a nice show. Wanda got herself staring at you more than once in that morning. You were the math teacher who had adopted your brothers’ twins. Even Wanda knew the gossip after being the history teacher on the same HS for a couple of months. She haven’t seen you around town, but it wasn’t a surprise: she kept to herself and your domestic life didn’t actually allow you to go out and be seen. You were reserved and introspective. Your lunch breaks spent in your classroom tutoring some students to get extra money. Once you got out work, you went straight to pick up your kids. You weren’t usually on the teacher’s lounge during your breaks or empty calendar, using the lazy time to grade in your classroom, run some errands or just tutor some more. Wanda got herself searching for you in the corridors, going round the square just to pass through your door and spare a quick glance. She was interested in the shy, cute and very busy woman you presented to be. Embarrassingly, she had even allowed herself to search for your thoughts during a special day where you looked more troubled than usual. Of course, you didn’t know any of that.
The gossip about the retired avenger moving into the city reached you as it did to everyone else. However, for you, it didn’t actually matter. You had your own life to sort through, too busy to be worried about some significant celebrity or superhero. At school, you quickly learned that Ms. Maximoff was a great teacher: she could keep even the most troubled student in her class, using her red magic to construct live presentations and scenarios of historic events. Even the teachers and the principal herself – a former history teacher- were caught in the interest of watching to one or two of her classes.
It was a Wednesday evening a couple weeks later, the first time you actually spoke to her. Both of you had a Parents and Teachers meeting that night, and the twins were with you mother. After your last class in the afternoon, you decided to pass the time grading and preparing your next class in the Teachers’ Lounge. When you got there, you noticed the fresh coffee scent and the red-haired sat in the only table of the room, lost in a thousand pages and books. You acknowledged her, but got silence in return.
She was concentrated, mumbling to herself while correcting what it seemed to be a particularly bad exam. Avoiding her papers and material, you sat in the far corner of the table and started to grade yourself. A few minutes later, a steamy cup of coffee was magically placed in front of you. “Black, no cream, no sugar” Wanda said with a small smile, still seated across the table, with her red eyes confirming that she was the one behind the floating Harry Pottery mug. “Thank you, Ms. Maximoff” you said shyly blushing. How could she know how you take your coffee? “Wanda, please” “Wanda. That was very thoughtful. You are the one who looks like you need a coffee, though.” You chuckled “How bad was that test?” “Bad. She just doesn’t get it.” She sighed, “I have tried everything, but she just…” “Have difficulties on an area that is not the one she is good at?” You said warmly “Who is she?” “Angela Brinks” She huffed “It is not it, she understands and pays attention- but fails every test.” “Angela? She is failing my class too. She was so good at math a year ago,” You thought going through you notes. “She is just having some trouble back home. “ Wanda slipped. She was not supposed to tell you that. She felt like invading someone’s privacy - is not like Angela told her about it. She couldn’t help: when the thoughts were too loud, too intense, or someone were just too close, sometimes their thoughts just invaded her mind and she couldn’t block it. “I just wished I could help. I am not used to be so powerless.” You smirked “Yeah, welcome to the ordinary” You said as a joke, but Wanda did not laugh or say anything about it for the pass hour. You thought it was a touchy subject so after long minutes of silence you spoke up. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude” “You weren’t.” She looked at you with a kind grin “You are a nice person, aren’t you?” You smiled shyly at the way Wanda was staring at you “Everyone has their demons, Wanda. I am as nice as anyone else” “Except that isn’t true” She dropped her pen and frowned as she tried to understand you. “See? If it is not true, then I am a liar – so, it is true. ” You winked “Plain old logical proposition” Both of you laughed.
You kept grading and making small talk until the parents meeting. You were clearly their favorite teacher, and the parents welcomed you back warmly, some brought gifts, others asked about the twins, and a few got your phone number for more tutoring lessons to their kids. After the meeting, Wanda stayed behind waiting patiently for you to finish a talk with yet another mother. “Someone is popular” She teased “Is nice to be back. I missed this” You sighed “Being a super mom isn’t enough?” Wanda said with a light tone, but she felt a sting of jealousy in her heart. You chuckled “Is definitely something. However, here I can just be me, you know? I am not their aunt, or mother, or whatever. I am not here for anyone else. Just… Y/N.” You blushed “Sorry, this sound so selfish” “There is nothing wrong with that. Being selfishly you is also part of being a mom. We need to be ourselves too” “Oh. Are you a mom too? I didn’t know” You stared at her. Did you miss that gossip? Wanda gulped. Yes, she had been. For a brief moment, she had her own set of twins and she was complete. After Westview, that feeling of nurture and love was just taken away, leaving a hollow vacuum in her chest that nothing or no one seemed to fill. You notice her eyes tearing up as she zooned out “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” “It is ok. I might tell you one of these days. Not today though.” She tight lip smiled as you reached the parking lot. “So, I hear you are giving tutoring lessons” “Yes. I need the money” You shrugged searching for your car keys in your purse “I am basically doing anything that brings me one-step farther from crippling debts” You said with a light tone. Wanda made your comfortable. Every time actually paying attention to you. It was refreshing. “I need some help on Saturday. I was just going to hire someone else, but do you want to help me?” Wanda asked. She didn’t really need any help, but she wanted you to say yes just to spend some more time with you. “Really? With what?” You asked interested, finally having found your car keys and opening the door. “Organizing” She said plainly. She had not properly taken her stuff out of the moving boxes since she got here. “I will be there at 8” You smiled getting into your car with a fresh smile and a warm heart.
Part 2 
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pantherheart · 1 year
Shurir Fanfic recs
I wanted to create some great fics for the ships. I highly encourage you guys to look at shuriri on Ao3.
Anything from @somethingcleaverandwhitty This creator is one of my favorites.
Here are some of my favorites:
Where did my baby go
Secret admirer
Brown Sugar
Fast Car
@karimwillia Is such. a great writer. I read anything they drop 10/10
Here are some of my favorites:
Teenage love affair
Coffee in the Morning
Of Gold and Other Colors (8479 words) by mymarsmoonandstars
Chapters: 6/8 (Not complete )
Rating: Mature
Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Spiritual, Mild Smut, Post-Movie: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022), Lesbian Shuri (Marvel), shuriri, Dark Shuri (Marvel)
Summary: Shuri let the words go. “I want to kill Namor.”
Peace & Comfort (5518 words) by macreadsthat
Chapters: 10/11 (Not complete)
Fandom: Black Panther (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Alternate Universe - College/University, Wakanda (Marvel), obsessed w/shuriri 4L
Summary: It had only been 2 months since Shuri had returned from Haiti. And whether or not she wanted to admit it, she almost immediately made a beeline for MIT. Shuri and Riri have been messing around during Shuri's trip. What started as navigating their feelings for one another, has now turned into moments they keep for just them. They have yet to say what their relationship is or share with the others in our Wakandan family what they plan to do regarding the new layer of their lo- like
The Unearthing (24120 words) by Cherham
Chapters: 6/?(Not complete)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Tags: Grief/Mourning, Friends to Lovers, Missing Scenes, Canon Compliant, until it's not, Shuri is going through a lot, Slow Burn, and so is Riri actually, Nakia and Okoye are parents
Summary: “I just buried the last person who truly knew me. My heart was buried with her.”
"It's my dad's car. We used to work on it before he…"
This is how Shuri and Riri found their hearts again after losing them and how they gave parts of them to each other along the way.
road home (to your sweet nothings) (1178 words) by walshisaweedbrain
Chapters: 1/1 ( Complete)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: really it's just self indulgent shuriri, Established Relationship, Post-Movie: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022), halfway there to meeting the parents, they're soft and in love
“Are you sure you still wanna come tonight? I know my mom can be kind of intense with her questions and meeting the family is kind of a big thing-”
Shuri chuckles and brushes the tip of her nose against Riri’s. She tilts her head slightly to the side and leaves a tender kiss on Riri’s lips, brief but rife with meaning.
“Are you sure you want me there tonight? You seem more worried about this than I am.”
Broken Clock. (9611 words) by sorrymother
Chapters: 5/5 ( Completed)
Rating: Mature
Tags: Queen Shuri (Marvel), Ironheart, Black Panther Shuri (Marvel), Pining, Smut, Angst, Post-Canon, Canon Rewrite
Summary: Shuri made a promise she couldn't keep. Riri is fairly upset about it.
5 times (16921 words) by qaradeservesrights
Chapters: 5/5 (Completed)
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Spoilers for Movie: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022), Survivor Guilt, Healthy Relationships, Pre-Relationship, Fluff, Love Confessions, Eventual Smut
Summary: "You're doing it again." A newly familiar voice from the door. She had been so absorbed in her latest experiment that she hadn't heard it open.
"Doing what, your highness?" Riri replies, turning just in time to see the way the title made Shuri's nose wrinkle cutely.
"Blaming yourself."
smells like jasmine and clover (drop our composure) (6203 words) by walshisaweedbrain
Chapters: 1/1 (Completed)
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: 5+1 Things, but make it (kind of) christmassy, shuri struggles and everyone around her is a little shit, in the best way possible, Fluff and Humor
Summary: 5 times Shuri struggles to find the perfect Christmas gift for Riri and 1 time she realizes it has been there all along
Safespace (7916 words) by WHorEsOMe_SLut
Chapters: 3/3 (Completed)
Rating: Not Rated
Tags: Kidnapping, Heartbreak, Trauma, Riri is missing, SHURI heart broken
Summary: Spirling feels like the whole world around, one that once looked familiar and safe comes crashing down not all at once but in bittersweet pieces that make the pain linger.
Something happens to Riri, and the pain of not knowing what it is is eating Shuri up. The leader of Wakanda, Black Panther, Shuri as she navigates through grief all over again
fever dream (5403 words) by Earthseed
Chapters: 2/2 (Completed)
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Sickfic, Idiots in Love, Hurt/Comfort, flu season at college sucks, anxious shuri, down bad riri, Post-Canon, Mutual Pining, Wakandan planes have fast travel Shuri told me herself, Author is not a doctor, Shuri calling riri baby girl is canon TO ME, Getting Together, riri has completely normal feelings about shuri’s hands, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Friends to Lovers, author/semicolons; an obsession
Summary: Must Haves for Surviving Flu Season at MIT
1. A big comfy sweatshirt
2. Tissues stolen from the common area
3. A Wakandan princess
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officialrtg · 1 year
Death in the Family (Elemental)
Elemental City General Hospital, 6:00 PM, Room 112
The room was all quiet, there was only one occupant in the room, but was in a painful sleep.
Dewey laid in his bed, the tumour had grown over the last two months which had caused most of his organs to shut down, even opening his eyes to look around was a painful experience.
Hundreds of things were in his arms to keep check of his pulse and what was still working in his body.
While out for the most of the time, he could hear the outside world with family visits and final goodbyes from friends. It became heartbreaking over the last two months with hearing Brook’s hope for him to recover, dwindle to the point where she silently crying every time.
He kept a tally of who visited him, who wasn’t Dr Coral, over the last two months he was in ICU.
Brook: 82 times (Twice Every Day) Brie: 71 times Jerry II: 70 times Lake: 67 times Harold: 66 times Alan: 65 times Wade: 56 times Eddy: 20 times Liv: 1 time #1: 1 time #2: 1 time
The light above him was growing slightly as he heard the door to his room open to a multitude of people.
“Hey Dewey bear.” Brook’s voice sounded as she walked to his side, he then felt his bed shift.
He breathed deeply as he painfully opened his eyes that hadn’t been opened in over a week to see his entire family and his mother along with Jerry II.
“Ha-Harold.” He asked for Harold who he could see through his blurry vision.
Harold leans forward to see the charcoal and bright yellow eyes of Dewey to listen to what he had to say.
“I want you to protect my wife from now on. You care for your sister a lot but if anything happens, I will find you.” He says, recounting the warning that Harold gave him all those years ago.
“Dewey. I will.” Harold says with slight sadness
Dewey then looks towards Brook who’s tears were already flowing out of her but she was keeping her cries at bay.
He blinks momentarily and she looks to see the eyes had reverted back to the beautiful baby blue that she first fell in love with all those years ago.
“Oh, Dewey!” She whispers, her cries slightly creeping out, but she was so happy to see his pure eyes that reminded her of the last 31 years of her life with him.
She was comforted by her children with all three hugging with love. Alan stepped forward to talk to his dad for the final time.
“How are you doing?” Alan asked.
“Feeling better.” His dry voice evident
“Take care of your mother for me, please.” He said as his voice grew shallower and shallower, his hand reaching out for Alan which Alan held, the tears streaming down his cheeks as Eddy went to comfort him.
“Dad… Please don’t leave.” Alan pleaded with him
Dewey’s breathing got quieter and quieter, he looked up at his shiny crystal of his life, the two shared eye contact.
His final act was to smile at Brook before he straightened out and then he sighed, his body became very relaxed as he passed on.
The final thing he felt was a kiss from Brook on his forehead and Alan’s hand before it slipped out of his son's grasp.
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years
MAG 122 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: baking something with apples
Ah yes, another episode with a meta-title. The statement is about "zombies", and Jon just returned from the dead.
BASIRA: "Could he have come back? Moved it?" GEORGIE: "I guess?" So there's some time between Georgie running into Oliver and this. She obviously called Melanie/Basira about the tape recorder and Basira came to the hospital. And in this time, Georgie reckons, Oliver could have had the opportunity to come back, so Georgie wasn't with Jon at least this whole time between MAG 121 and now.
BASIRA: "What, capital ‘D’ Death?" GEORGIE: "Yeah. Y’know, one of your… dark gods –" BASIRA: (frustrated) "They’re not –" [SHE CUTS HERSELF OFF.] This tells me that broadly speaking Georgie still has no idea what is going on with the Fears. It's okay if you don't understand something and don't want to understand something. But then you also have no right to tell people what to do about it.
BASIRA: "Right. So how exactly is it that you’re able to identify an avatar of the End on sight?" GEORGIE: "Honestly Basira, it’s not your business. (pause) Sorry." (Warning, bit of Georgie slander  xD) Yeah, I know, Georgie doesn't know Basira and therefore there is less trust to feel comfortable enough to tell why she's could identify Oliver. But the low-key hypocrisy. In the end, emotionally nobody ows anyone. Basira probably wanted to evaluate the situation and that also means evaluating, if Oliver was actually an avatar. Georgie probably saw it as an attack. (Like S1Jon asking every statement-giver if there was the possibily that they all just dreamed it!). Understanding what messages can say without directly addressing it is a key to understand communication. If anyone's interested, look up the four-sides-model of a message.
BASIRA: "I don’t know. The whole tape thing is… I don’t know." GEORGIE: "Right, well… I showed you like you asked, so –" BASIRA: "Shh." Okay, ignoring that Basira spotted the tape recorder, between Basira's "I don't know" and Georgie's "Right, well..." I already hear breathing sounds.
Ah yes, later the breathing more clearly audible and also addressed in the transcript.
GEORGIE: "So – what does it mean?" JON: (hoarse, tired, drained) "That’s a very good question." Okay, I mean the coma in itself is a trope often used in like family dramas. But the suddenly waking up and speaking is also such a trope! And I knew this day would come and the last 3 days I've been pestering my family (incl. former neuro ICU nurse) to tell me if there are any plot holes! (Luckily, they also listened to TMA...) Now, in consideration that this is a "magical" coma and the recovery of the patient is also fully supported by "magic", you can throw a lot about waking up overboard (for example that it's usually a slow process). I always thought someone in an ICU who needs ventilation is definitely intubated (what could have made the waking up and immediately speaking kinda impossible), but the nurse in my family said, it's not always required. You can go without intubation with the head-tilt and chin-lift manoeuvre to avoid air going down the esophagus and into the stomach. Sounds like hell of a strain on the neck, but said nurse family member seemed very on board with the portrayal here. I've heard them nitpicking about sci-fi before, so there are instances where they're bothered by things like this. Btw. I'm also guessing the Institute paid for a fancy room with only a single bed.
I was a bit surprised how Jon insists that he is alright but then, I mean, he doesn't know he's been in a coma for 6 months. He probably thought it was like the next day or next few days after the Unknowing. Which, was btw. on August 7th, Elias was arrested on the 9th of August and now it's the 15th of February.
JON: "Six… Uh, the others. T-Tim. Is he…?" Tim is actually the first thing that comes to his mind when realizing the Unknowing went not so smooth, that his position in the wax museum put him in a 6 months long coma.. Jon was semi-aware at the end there, and this realization immediately bringing him to Tim could be seen as a sign, that he may remember a bit more of what was going on including Tim's last words to him... Even if he wouldn’t admit it...
JON: "Honestly, I – I, I think I’m alright. I mean that’s – good, right?" GEORGIE: "After a six month coma? No – it’s not. This isn’t how it’s supposed to go, Jon." JON: "I – what? Y-y-you’d prefer I was – brain-damaged? Dead?" So yeah, usually waking up from a coma is a process. Jon waking up and being super alright tells Georgie that Jon has officially turned into one of these "monsters" he talked about. Because there is no way a "normal" human could recover that fast. This is also a good example four-sides-model of a message.
GEORGIE: "Jon. If this really is a second chance, please try to take it. But I don’t think that it is." JON: (breath) "Georgie, I don’t underst–" GEORGIE: "Take care of yourself." Georgie can't feel fear, but she does know what Death feels like. I once read the headcanon, that Georgie could also feel that on Jon, since he freshly got his End mark. Either way, I can kind of understand that she's upset and runs away, even if it is really bad timing for Jon's mental health. I do not blame her for cutting ties, that is very much her right to do.
Basira bringing a statement. Bit of an Eye moment there? Or just in case, since there was a tape recorder. Also, bringing a statement means she thought it would help Jon? So I can't really feel her being disappointed?
JON: "Recording by Jonathan Sims. The Archivist." That self-awareness... acceptance? resignation? of what he is now...
"So maybe it isn’t quite as surprising as all that. I like animals, too. They don’t pretend to be important." Yeah, can relate. Not that I don't understand emotions on the faces of others, mostly I even feel them too much I think. But animals don't assume. They might judge you on occasions, but if you're good to them, they won't hold it against you. You can try to be good to certain people all you want and they will just hate your guts and will let you know it.
Hearing about the statement-giver experimentally cutting this Liam to see if they're real is one horror I find in this statement. The statement-giver, who won't see you as a human being...
"The next day he was there again, this time in the hallway outside my office, standing in the center, so that I had to hug the wall to avoid touching his… motionless form." Yeah, that's more like it. People ignoring you... How it makes you feel...
On the subject of zombie, I don't really follow the concept of P-Zombies. But I really could feel the zombification as Dr. Steven Scholzman describes it. It's more about other people not seeing you as an individual. You're just a number, an NPC just like any other. A zombie won't care if they eat your brain or the brain of the one next to you, or the one behind you and therefore taking your individualism. Look it up, Dr. Scholzmann has TED talks about this, one about zombies and one about horror, really interesting.
JON: "They can be hard, though, other, other people. Feelings." Like the whole opening scene just proved.
JON: "I’m trying to focus, trying to make sure I’m the same me as before, but… how can anyone really remember that? How do you know you’re the same person that went to sleep?" Oh yeah, hit me with that existential shit, I love sitting in those thoughts! Generally though, there are certain situations out there, when you can absolutely tell, that this is not you. Depersonalization under Burn-Out for example. Would also fit theme of lack of empathy against others of this statement.
JON: "Honestly, I’m surprised Martin isn’t –" [BASIRA TAKES A DEEP BREATH.] JON: "What? (realizing) Oh god – the, the plan, it’s – Martin i-is – is he okay, w-what –" (he takes a breath to compose himself) "What did Elias do?" Yep, a Martin of 6 months ago would totally be the first one in the hospital. That poison in the last sentence though, realizing that something must have happened because Martin would totally be here otherwise.
JON: "What did he do to Martin?" BASIRA: "I… don’t know. We don’t see him around the Archives much these days. Best I can figure? He’s working on something with Lukas." JON: "No, that – No, that – that – There must be something else." Martin willingly, though for a greater purpose of helping others, joining an avatar and Jon can't quite believe that he would actually do that... Hmmmmm MAG 194...
BASIRA: "I’ll get you some new ones. Better ones." Lol. First, Basira says Jon's clothing style wasn't really good. And I'd like to know what kind of clothes she buys for him XD
JON: "Oh, or, uh, a cup of t–" Awww! I'm sure somewhere he began to really like Martin bringing him tea.
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leontyne · 9 months
I lost my mother last week. You know this kind of thing happens.. it's almost guaranteed to lose your parents, unless something terrible happens and your parents lose you first. I know it could.. but nothing can prepare you for it.
My mother had 5 children. I was her 3rd and only girl. When I was younger I remember getting upset about not getting a sister. My brothers had a sister and 3 brothers. I had 4 brothers and no sister.
My mum handled it like a champ of course. She wanted more girls but 5 was her limit of tries. So her solution was to step in for anything I might need a sister for. Helping me pick clothes, doing my hair, helping with makeup, explaining puberty, answering embarrassing questions, hyping me up when I needed, befriending my friends, pushing me when I needed it, giving me the tough talks.
My mother became my best friend and I never once got embarrassed by her despite her worrying qbout that. Alot. She'd ask if I'd rather go to this movie with friends or hang out with someone else for the day instead of her. No. Of course not. I was so proud to have such a wonderful mum. She was fun, smart, hilarious, caring, brave, protective, beautiful, kind and so incredibly good. How could I ever not want to spend time with her?
Some of my friends had different relationships with their mums, ranging from the typical "That's my mum, she buys me stuff and cooks for us and helps me when I get hurt. I love her" to the "She's so annoying, why can't she just leave me alone" relationships. If I had to hang out with friends that treated their mums like c**p for no reason I'd go home and immediately crawl into my mums arm and hug her (even as an adult) and tell her about how horrid they were to their mum and how I could never do that. She always hugged me tighter at those times.
She got sick 3 years ago, and after months of blood tests and iron infusions she ended up in the ER and was admitted and kept for 18 months. Eventually she was diagnosed with Refactory Celiacs and they started trial drugs and treatment. After her bone marrow transplant and chemo she stabilized enough to come home, not because she was better but because her mental health was so low from being away from home for so long that the doctors and nurses insisted she should be allowed home.
Home helped her happiness but the pain never left, the symptoms never left, the disadvantages and restrictions never left. She persisted though. She had to go back sometimes when an infection came up or she lost too much blood or, as her last admittance, she had difficulty breathing.
Her last stay was 2 months long. She couldn't breathe easy which they'd found shadows on her lungs but biopsies showed nothing. Her right arm was no longer responsive, she'd be lucky to move her fingers. Doctors did a few lumbar punctures but only found 2 types of t-cells present. Her last operation was to get more punctures but they took too few so they were rescheduling. Her liver and kidneys were failing because of her TPN but she was dependent on that so she was told she'd be eligible for organ transplants as she didn't drink or smoke.
She also developed an infection they diagnosed as staff a week before her passing before changing that to sepsis as her oxygen got so low they had to keep uping her delivery of such (nose hoses, then mask, then hood, then eventually the throat tube). She was moved to ICU, put on every antibiotic they can physically put in her body, put her in an induced coma and hooked her up to the oxygen tube and dialysis. 6 hours later we got a call from ICU saying she had took a turn and another 6 hours of sitting by her side holding her hand, still in her coma, they had to start turning the machines off.
My world narrowed at that point, and we hyper focused on mums funeral which we had yesterday. It's been a complete blur and I'm still struggling to understand that she's not here. I reach for my phone to call her. I push share on a cute puppy video. I order her lollies and get excited to surprise her. I hear something funny and have it half typed out before I stop. I look towards her chair to smile at her. I sit in her seat in the car and plan to move when we pick her up despite that not being the meaning of the trip. I write another chapter but I can't get her to read it. I push my anxiety limits and fears and beat them but I can't tell her or see her massive grin and hear her tell me how so very proud she is and plan with her what we'll do when we're both better. I cry from my thoughts and heart. In public. In private. I cry hard, loud and I can't stop until I'm exhausted. I can't look at my ceiling because she covered it with glow in the dark stars when I was 20 while I was at work. Half my books she bought me. Half my plushies she bought me. Half my clothes she bought me. Half my room is her and memories of her. Her dogs, her cat, her photos, her seat, her trinkets, her renovations, her art, her tissues, her lollies, her hoodie, her shoes, her spare room/clean room, her blankets, her pillows, her everything is everywhere..
My mother was my biggest fan, my rock, my best friend and the bravest person I knew and I can't wrap my head around not being able to speak to her again.. she is everywhere but nowhere to be found. I catch myself talking aloud to her. I talk to her in my mind and memos and I say our catch phrases and my laugh is hers and my smile is hers and my face is hers and I'm so so.. numb.. empty.. lost.. broken. I'm 32, my mother was 53. I thought I'd have so many more years with her.. but now she won't see my wedding, or any of the boys. She wont meet any of my kids or any more added by the boys. She wont help me move or drive or write or pick me up after a break up or help me with advice for wooing a pretty girl or picking my next pair of converse or drag me to watch ANOTHER Fast and Furious movie or get to watch the 2nd season of Wednesday or go camping again.. she had so many plans.. and I don't like knowing how quickly all of that.. life.. is gone. I'm terrified and heartbroken and angry qnd I can't even go to the one person who could help me sort through it.
My mother was the biggest part of my life and now that part is gone and I have no idea what to do.. I'm eating because she'd want me to. I'm sleeping because she'd want me to. I'm going outside and talking because she'd want me to. I'm keeping in contact with the boys because she'd want me to. I'm keeping dad grounded because she'd want me to. But I don't want anything.. I don't know how to deal with that.. so instead I'm here writing a long a** post that will not be read and hoping it helps my heart feel a little less like a broken mess.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Alexandra Pelosi is at home in New York, preparing a birthday party for her 15-year-old son, and pops up on Zoom beside a sign that says: “Don’t work for assholes. Don’t work with assholes.” When our interview begins with the most unimaginative of queries – “How are you?” – she is in no mood for casual conversation.
“How am I supposed to answer that question?” the fast-talking film-maker bats back. “Look, I don’t know how you do polite small talk because I’ve just been through basically like both of my parents’ funerals.”
To be clear, neither of Alexandra’s parents is dead. Her father Paul Pelosi, 82, is undergoing a slow and painful recovery from a hammer attack in late October by a home intruder. Her mother Nancy Pelosi, also 82, last month announced her retirement as Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, assured of a place in history as the first female speaker.
Alexandra, 52, recalls that, when her father emerged from intensive care, his house looked like a funeral home because so many well-wishers sent flowers. “I was reading the notes from his friends and I was like, this is great, ’cos you get to go to your own funeral, ’cos you get to see what people say about you when you die. I’m putting a good spin on it, trying to cheer him up.”
Then she went to Washington for her mother’s long goodbye. “If you’re in politics and you step down, it’s like going to your own funeral because you get to read your own obituary. Essentially it’s like I’ve read both of my parents’ obituaries and nowI have to keep living with two living people. That’s surreal.”
The pitiless assault on Paul Pelosi was one of the most disturbing examples yet of America’s increasingly coarse, polarised and violent political culture. He has told how he was sleeping when a man he had never seen before entered his bedroom looking for Nancy, who was in Washington at the time.
Officers responding to Paul’s 911 call found him and David DePape, 42, fighting over a hammer, according to a federal indictment. An officer ordered DePape to drop the hammer but he responded, “ummm nope,” before forcefully swinging it at Paul, who was treated at a hospital for a fractured skull.
DePape last month pleaded not guilty to federal charges of attempting to kidnap a federal official and assaulting a federal official’s family member. Paul, wearing a hat and glove on one hand, made his first public appearance since the assault at the recent Kennedy Center Honors in Washington.
“Wasn’t that amazing?” asks Alexandra, who has been struggling to sleep and has had nightmares about the incident. “Come on, you can’t be a bitter old journalist! I think every member of our family cried when they saw that because that’s the first time he left the house. That was a nice 10 seconds of his life but he has to live with traumatic brain injury for the rest of his life and he’s 82. If it could’ve been me, I would have loved to have been in his place.”
She reflects: “It’s been very dark for all of us. We all process it differently. I’ve been very dark because the minute it happened I got on a plane with my mom and went to San Francisco. We sat in the ICU for a week and I was very upset because my mother loves to tell the story that, when I was 16, she came to me and said, ‘Mommy has the chance to run for Congress and I will only do it if you give me your permission but I’d have to be gone three nights a week.’ I was like, ‘Mom, get a life!’
“She loves that story and so then we were sitting in the ICU 35 years later and I was like, ‘If I had known that this is where it was going to end, I never would have given you my blessing that day 35 years ago.’But my dad was like, you can’t say that because it’s not fair to erase her career just because of this; you have to say, if you came to me today, I would not give you my permission because of how toxic the social media environment is.”
Alexandra’s son, Paul, is named after her father and worships him. He was with her at the US Capitol when it came under attack from a mob of Donald Trump supporters on 6 January 2021. “He was asking me that day, ‘Mom, why do all these people want to kill MiMi?’ I couldn’t come up with an answer. Because of the Affordable Care Act? I don’t know.
“I know that if you watch Fox News, you hate Nancy Pelosi because they’ve programmed you to hate Nancy Pelosi and, if I watched Fox News, I would hate Nancy Pelosi too. But I don’t know how it gets from that to, ‘I want to break into her house and try and kill someone in her family.’ That’s a leap and so it’s been a lot for my teenagers to try and process that.”
The Virginia governor, Glenn Youngkin, and Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake made fun of it while Trump’s son, Don Jr. retweeted a “Paul Pelosi Halloween costume” featuring a hammer.
Alexandra, who had to clean up the mess and has photos of her father’s bloody pyjamas on her phone, comments: “I can’t see how the governor of Virginia can make jokes about it or the wannabe governor of Arizona can make jokes about it and then how elected members of Congress can tweet these insane Pizzagate-style conspiracies. That’s unforgivable. That’s who I’ll never forgive. I’m trying to make peace with that.”
Both her parents feature in her latest film, her 14th documentary for HBO, broadcast on Tuesday. Pelosi in the House is shot in a cinéma vérité style across three decades with plenty of shots of Nancy’s back as she strides through the corridors of power. At one point she is seen putting Vice-President Mike Pence on speakerphone while doing household chores.
Alexandra admits: “She never gave me permission. She has not signed a release. She has not seen the film. She does not know what this is. I don’t know if she’s ever going to watch it.”
Indeed, Alexandra could never get her mother to sit down for an in-depth interview. “This is watching her work because Nancy Pelosi is her job. The only way to understand her is to watch her work so the only way I could explain her is watching her work. But if I tried to talk to her or ask a question, it just wouldn’t work. She just didn’t play ball with me. That’s not what she does. ”
The documentary sometimes revels in the quotidian but, when it arrives at January 6, moves to a different plane. Watching on TV as Trump delivers an incendiary speech urging his supporters to “fight like hell” to overturn his election defeat, Nancy vows to “punch him out” if he sets foot in the US Capitol, her sacred ground.
Alexandra recalls: “She was protecting her turf. It was the House of Pelosi and they broke into her house and tried to kill all of her family members because the caucus is her family. Nancy Pelosi has two families. She has us, her children and grandchildren, then she has her political family, the members, the caucus.”
Whipped up into a frenzy, the mob marched on the Capitol. Alexandra’s husband, the Dutch TV journalist Michiel Vos, was outside reporting the drama; she and her teenage son were inside, watching with alarm. “I was looking out the window: ‘Oh, look at those protesters out there.’ I’m trying to get her [Nancy’s] attention because she’s very laser-focused. Then my son kept saying like, ‘What if they stormed the Capitol?’
“At some point the security came over and said we’re leaving. They [the mob] had already broken the window to come in. The security camera shows that the protesters were two minutes from us but we found out that after. At the time we did not know how close they came so it wasn’t as scary as it seemed.”
Nor did the threat come as a complete surprise. “The Republicans have spent hundreds of millions of dollars demonising her and turning her into a target. The Capitol police have protected her for decades. There was a pig’s head on her doorstep in San Francisco a few days before that attack. It’s not as if this all came completely out of the blue.”
Alexandra accompanied her mother into the back of SUV that sped them away to safety. The speaker, full of cold fury, and other congressional leaders gathered at a military base, working the phones to demand that order be restored so they could certify Joe Biden’s election victory.
Alexandra melted into the background and filmed for posterity. Some of the footage made its way into the House’s January 6 committee hearings. “It’s like a soccer player. What do you do when you put a ball in front of me? I’m going to kick it. I knew my job was to kick the ball.”
The rioters, meanwhile, had overrun the Capitol and were ransacking the speaker’s office. Among the most haunting footage from that day is the sound of one demanding, “Where’s Nancy?” Subsequently Stewart Rhodes, founder of the far-right Oath Keepers, reportedly said he wanted to hang Nancy “from the lamp-post”.
Alexandra reflects: “Stewart Rhodes was prosecuted so my son comes down for breakfast the other day and he’s like, ‘Hey, did you see that this guy was found guilty? He said he wanted to hang Nancy Pelosi from a lamp-post. Why did he want to hang Nancy Pelosi from a lamp-post?’ I don’t know. I still haven’t been able to come up with a good answer for Nancy Pelosi’s grandchildren about why people want to hang her from a lamp-post.”
Such unanswerables underline that it has been a bruising couple of months. But a trip to Washington boosted Alexandra’s spirits. First, she was reunited with her “old friend” former president George W Bush – a relationship that bemuses her liberal friends. “It’s renewing my faith in humanity because I know there’s hope that the Republican party does have a life after Donald Trump and then I can live in America and we can all live happily ever after.”
Then she attended a state dinner at the White House, sitting across from Biden and next to the guest of honour, the French president, Emmanuel Macron.“Let’s face it, I’m the least interesting person at the table so it’s my job to entertain them.” She began with a mother-in-law joke for Macron’s benefit:“When I met my husband’s mom, the first thing she said to me was, ‘Why can’t you be French?’”
Now, in another welcome diversion from her parents’ “funerals”, she has to get ready for her younger son’s birthday party and so ends the interview with a final plea. “Be nice,” she says mischievously. “Haven’t the Pelosis suffered enough? I don’t want to retraumatise my family when they read the Guardian. That’s all.”
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karimwillia · 2 years
You got a feeling, a soul, that I need in my life (yeah, yeah)
And though we may grow, I don't know why we don't grow apart.
“Rihanna Williams what are you saying? Do you genuinely not see a future for us?” “Shuri Udaku of course I do, I have seen us married with a pretty little girl who shares features of us both somehow. I have seen us on missions together as Panther and IronHeart. But I have to think practically.” Shuri is quiet as she processes what Riri is saying that future sounds AMAZING to her but is she just dreaming? A few tears well up in her eyes. “Logic would state that this could not be sustained. But what does your heart say? Do you honestly want to end what we have? Think of us over this trip alone.”
“Princess your transport to Wakanda has arrived on the roof.” “Thank you Griot!” Sharon is standing at the threshold of her lab. “Good lord you down bad sister. You only leave this house to see her.” Riri cuts her eyes at her sister like she wants to kill her. “Sha have you seen Shuri wouldn’t you?” Ri’s face wears a mischievous smirk. “It’s the middle of the night so I suppose but you run to Wakanda every few days now you never rest.” Riri pauses Shuri is her soul mate. So while the schedule maybe hectic this is the sacrifice she will make. Shuri would do this in a heartbeat for her so what is her sister’s point. As a matter of fact the apartment Sharon and Riri are in is property Shuri purchased to her last year. She also owns one in Cambridge. This is so they can come and go as they please.
“Sha what do you suggest we do? I love her so I’ll do anything to make this work. You think Shuri should start traveling or something.” “No I remember when she was doing that. I just think you are just not balanced right now.” “Sha maybe so but we are doing what we can for now.” Sharon just shakes her head and looks at her sister. “I get it I do but please just think about having a conversation with Shuri about it.”
Once in the aircraft Riri is greeted by two Dora who are honestly her royal detail. Since they have been dating she is afforded certain privileges. “Nkosazana we will have you home in 7 hours.” Riri solutes them. “Thank you both. Griot status on Panther?” “The Panther is currently traveling to schools in the border tribe to give talks to the local Scholars. She will be able to meet you at the palace when you arrive.” “Thank you Griot let’s go home.” Riri’s mind is all a buzz with project ideas and seeing her Love. In the deep part of her mind Sharon’s words echo. Is their relationship too hectic to maintain? Maybe she should voice concern to Shuri.
The scientist wipes the thoughts from her mind. She is content for now. Is she jet lagged and would like a more stable schedule she would but the conversation will be had when it’s time. To be honest she travels because she can’t stand being without Shuri for long periods. They collectively decided after 6 months that only seeing each other on holidays was not going to cut it. So Shuri would make weekend trips now it is Riri’s turn.
Riri does not want to dwell on this anymore and she continues her sketches on her ipad. The flight goes by faster leaving at night. “Princess we are home.” Hasani her Dora announces as the jet crosses the border. The view of the city through the front talon window never gets old. It is so great to be home is all Riri can think of now.
While unloading Aneka and Ayo meet Riri on the tarmac. “Nkosazana seems so long since we’ve seen you.” Ayo smiles wide looking at Riri who she has become very fond of over time in working with her. “My love it was just last week…” Aneka misses the sarcasm of Ayo’s statement causing her to chuckle. “Thank you General it has been ages. Is she inside?”
The ladies gave each other a knowing look and answer. “She is indeed waiting for you in quarters. But before you go see her. We are requesting your assistance. The Midnight Angels will go out at the end of this week for a mission and we would love to have the IronHeart with us.” Listening intently Riri agreed to the mission with a nod and requests that details be sent to her beads ASAP. “Ok I will be ready.” With that Ayo and Aneka leave thanking Riri.
Riri’s escort is taken over by her Dora and she rushes to Shuri’s side. Shuri has turned off Griot in quarters ever since one night when they wanted to be intimate everyone in the world wanted to stop by. The alarms drove them crazy. So Riri is able to sneak in and catch her Lover preparing the room for a romantic evening.
“I hear you Entle you forget my enhanced senses don’t you?” Shuri allows Riri to wrap her from behind in an embrace. Kissing the exposed skin of her back Riri feels Shuri react. “I can’t forget them if I tired. You use them so well.” Chuckling low in her stomach Shuri can’t help her heart rate spike. Riri just causes it naturally. “Is this for me?” The room is dim with candles that smell of jasmine lit all around, Shuri setup a small dinner for just them and there are message oils near the bed. “Yes you have been traveling back and fourth so I wanted to pamper you today. If that is alright.”
This is why they work. They have a sacrifice and reward, 50/50 relationship. “I can agree to this if you sleep in with me tomorrow. I will make you breakfast.” “Your negotiation skills are getting better. I can’t refuse that.” The two kiss and the feeling is intoxicating.
*end of flashback
Crying Riri is turned completely around unable to look at Shuri. Realizing that logic cannot be at play here. Whenever she is with Shuri it’s like she is breathing fresh air, she needs Shuri and it’s all consuming. She hates to admit that. She hates to admit that no matter where life takes them she wants to be or have the Queen by her side. It eats at her when they are apart. Shuri walks up and wraps Riri in her arms with a gentle embrace. Placing a kiss to the back of her neck Riri instantly relaxes.
“Sthandwa please calm down. I did not mean for the question I asked to be this upsetting.” “It’s not that I just…before I left home my sister and I where talking. She pointed out how outrageous our schedules are lately and while this is ok for now. How long can we do this flying back and fourth? The thoughts started to take over. I was ignoring them but you know how my mind works.”
Shuri turns her around and holds her close cupping her face. “I do indeed know how your mind works. But you wanted to ignore it? Why not talk to me?” Shuri’s face is soft with a small smile. “Because Baby we work and I will do anything to keep you in my life. So why rock the boat? Even if I’m tired of traveling I will do it from now to the end of time if it means I’m with you. I want to touch you and see you. Distance does not work for us and breaking up is…” Shuri is smiling bigger as Riri rants. Kissing her forehead Shuri was laughing to herself. “What is so funny? I’m not a joke Baby.”
“No no you are not. It’s just that same thought has been on my mind. So I just asked you how do you see our future to hopefully surprise you. I have come up with a solution.” Holding up keys in her hand Shuri speaks clearly her plan. “I have it planned to take a year working remotely in the Cambridge outreach center. As you finish your last year in school. From there we can talk about you moving to Wakanda to head the engineering sector of the development team here. Or we can go to Chicago for sometime if you like.”
Riri could not believe it are they really that in sync? Lacing their fingers Riri places her forehead on Shuri’s “How does a Queen take a year off?” “Simple a Queen who has a trusted co leader and a very competent army.” Riri laughs dispute the tears. “I love you yo you have no idea.” Shuri closes the short distance and kisses Ri. It’s sweet and quick but it says so much. “I hope it’s enough to have my daughter. I liked that part of your dream.” Shuri has now picked up the shorter women looking into her eyes. Ri smirks with Shuri’s face in her hands. “I will have 10 for you if you wanted. You can have whatever you want.” Her tone was low. Gripping her legs Shuri commands the locks on their door be engage.
@somethingcleaverandwhitty @shuriris-stuff
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becauseyouhaveto91 · 1 year
Eras tour was cathartic for my grief. Five years ago I posted about my sister and how @taylorswift ‘s soon you’ll get better song resonated with me throughout my sister’s diagnosis. I haven’t been on here since then but I’ve just had another Taylor experience that I wanted to share.
This past year my sister hit 6 years battling her colon cancer. I got married and she got to be my maid of honor. She planned my bachelorette party and I got to have her by my side on my wedding day. Shortly after that I got pregnant with our first baby. My sister was the first person I told and she was so SO excited to be an Aunt.
I was due December 1st 2022. My sister started having severe complications from her cancer in October. I was too far along in my pregnancy to travel but had permission to leave if I needed to in the event of an emergency. In late early November my sister was admitted to ICU where we found out her cancer had spread to her brain. They decided to treat her with radiation which she started that same week. I was 38 weeks along and unable to fly but was standing ready to jump on a plane in case her health deteriorated. She was released back home 8 days later. All of this was going down around the time of the Eras tour pre-sale. I was planning on inviting my sister to come to Chicago to go see Taylor together since she missed reputation due to treatment.
I had my little girl, Emma on November 18th. On thanksgiving I FaceTimed my family including my sister to introduce them to our newest addition. That was around 4:30pm that evening. My sister told me she loved me and then we hung up. At 7am the following morning I received a phone call from my step dad that she had died suddenly that morning. My husband and I packed up our things and were on a plane to my parents house by 10:30am with my new baby and myself just one week after my c-section. It was truly some of the darkest days of my life. My daughter was the light in the midst of the darkness.
it has been a really rough few months since then. I miss my sister so much and my heart feels shattered. She was 33. Around the same age as my dad when he passed. Safe to say I never bought tickets to the concert and I have been struggling with my grief and being a new mom ever since.
Fast forward to this past weekend and Taylor is in town for the tour. Someone sent me a post a few months back about grief and loss that essentially said instead of counting all of the experiences you are missing with your loved one, carry them in your heart and take them with you.
so I decided last minute that I was going to that concert. I bought an outfit Saturday morning. Died the tips of my hair blue. Scoured the resell sites all day then finally at 4:30pm pulled the trigger on a ticket. I spent an exorbitant amount of money on that ticket but it was worth every. Single. Penny.
The concert was cathartic. I hadn’t realized how little time I have given myself to feel my feelings and the show really helped to give me that space. I brought her with me. I scream sang my lungs out. I cried through All too well. And I just finally felt something. Then today I saw that announcement of the vault songs from speak now and one of them has Emma’s name in it. I feel like it is a sign from my sister that she is ok.
thank you @taylorswift for helping me to find that space. I promised myself and my sister wherever she is that I will never miss a concert again. And I hope one day I will be scream singing shake it off in the car at the top of my lungs with the windows down and my daughter in the passenger’s seat just like I did with my sister for so many years.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
Personal: New GenZ Friend Arrived Safe
I had to stay up for a Thursday morning appointment to meet my new Doctor.  He seems nice and we vibe okay so far.  We just focused on blood work today.  I'm going to go back once a month for the next three months to focus on one area each since my case file is basically the collected works of Thomas Aquinas in size and even with my beloved previous GP's help, no one can get up to speed all at once.  It turned out we'd missed a test a couple of weeks ago and I needed an extra vial taken today.  All of this took the whole morning for obvious reasons.
Which would have been fine except a very nice addition to the friemnd group was arriving today and the ride to go pick them up fell through.  Techie Millenial called me and rightly so, so we went to pick them up.  This is the person who visted around last Diwali and fitted in right away.  Seriously, they are a delight and weren't safe in their state any more.  Trans Overground railroad got them out and they have an apartment with a roomate I am told is cool lined up and are staying with Tecie and Art millenial for a week until they can move into new the new digs.
The problem is the pain situation has been escalating to the point where Extreme pain wakes me and then i have to figure out how to roll over with only 2/3rds of my body working and the "I just got run over by a bus" level pain involved in shifting positions, which does not make for restful sleep.  This is the kind of pain able bodied people would be in the hospital for, but here I am at home trying to shuffle around and somehow feed myself and beasts.  (hospital would be no good.  I don't want a drug seeking note in my file and the kind of medication this would require would make me trip balls.  It's a big risk, because people in my family with this reaction to opiods also respond this way to anti-psychotics.  I've never tried them, but you get someone with extreme paranoia, another side effect of the opiod reaction, who is having an obvious psychotic break, they are apt to give them anti-psychotics, which is a viscious circle.  It was lucky they summoned me to the east Coast my Mother's second to last time in the ICU or they would have shipped her to a psch ward instead of tapering her meds, at which point she was fine except for the whole lungs failing thing.  New doctor wouldn't know to stop them and they might not listen to Techie Millenial who is Officially in Charge if I can't speak for myself.  Note to self: Next month explain my weird inherited response to opiods to New Doctor).  Before you start suggesting things, trust me, I've tried all the mitigation I can reasonably do.  What I really need is accupuncture which I can't afford.  Instead i just have to endure thisand keep chipping away until i'm back to my usual pain scale 6-7 which is a functional level of pain.  This in not.
Bonus points?  My right front break started to grind while I was taking Techie and new GenZ back to their place.  I have no money except the gas money they slipped me and an emergancy tener for meds.  (I have my food OTC left and no EBT even.)  I've scheduled with honest Mechanic for May 1st.  I can already see next month's bill money draining away, but that is a next month problem.  Sigh.
Today would have been a great day to order delivery food.  Instead I stood weeping in the kitchen because there was an electrical issue and the air fryer wouldn't work.  (Squirrel solved it).
I am so glad we got GenZ out of that hell state though. They never knew how tense and constantly braced for attack they were until they came here.  I know that feeling.  My whole body used to relax whenever I crossed the Rockies and the PNW has felt like home since I first stepped off the train all those decade ago.
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