#she doesnt say baby often its not like a Thing she says like how some ppl call everyone darling or sweetheart
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my sister, who hero reminds me of, took me out for driving lessons and noticed i was shakinf a little and in like a teasinf but concerned voice she was like u r ok ??? ur hyperventilating baby. and i wanted to weep bc i got smacked with a feeling of love
#cal rambles#she doesnt say baby often its not like a Thing she says like how some ppl call everyone darling or sweetheart#she said baby specifically calling ME baby bc jm the youngest#and im weeping hi sorry the reason why Hero and Normal's relationship is so so important to me#is bc it reminds me of my sister and my siblings okay OUGFG CRIES SCREAMS#they r so special to me specifically actually#especially bc. that sister was the one who got me to listen to dndads in the first olace#sorry im all emotional rn its late 😭 and jm a bit of a wreck#i love her so much. its been complicated before but i love her#i want that for them i want hero and normal to be happy i want them to eventually reach a point#where hero can teach normal how to drive where they can rob at eachother but also rely on each other#i want it for them so bad i know it can happen#anyways jm gonna lie down and weep until i stop getting emo over these teo
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my turn to make a Think Tank headcanon list
because i have several thoughts i have accrued and they should be released into the world like a bird or perhaps a cazador....
they're all under the cut
i'll go left to right
everyone has autism btw
- age at tank: 35
- skipped forward several grades in school. got started at college ludicrously early. gotta have time for all those phds
- han chinese, youngest of 3 sisters. sort of an outlier in the family, not really as effeminate as her sisters, but extremely smart.
- has always collected teddy bears. they do NOT play about beanie babies
- i feel like she'd be from california originally
- had pcos as a human, enjoys being a tank due to lessened pain, but still misses the other stuff. eating. blinking. intercourse...
- she/they, definitely. very experimental about gender and such. dresses how she pleases. slings a mean strap
- very sociable, probably the most out of the tank, rivaled by mobius. went outside of big MT/higgs the most, until that was no longer an option.
- not very animated. doesnt move a lot, doesnt blink a lot. very enthusiastic abt things she likes, but her intensity is very still....not a lot of moving around. it doesnt rly occur to her that she "should" move. takes things at her own pace. stares.
- liked traveling, couldn't do it often.
- the other execs rarely ever viewed her as a "woman," really...and that suited her fine. she/they, you know. but she was never one to just disregard an ignorant comment whenever one would come their way.
- was treated quite well by their fellow execs, really. any mistreatment was from other employees or board members and was swiftly dealt with, either by virtue of her variety of achievements and accolades, or the respect of her colleagues, or....you know. one or two pockets of highly allergenic mold spores found under the offending party's desk. academia is a jungle and brother sometimes you gotta bring out the neurotoxins
- age at tank: 31. the youngest of the tank.
- i feel like he's a white latino for some reason but i don't know why
- only child. raised by his mom, i feel like his dad was absent a lot, but he's a real momma's boy. was told he was more special than other people as a child and never forgot it
- one year borous's junior. he went to a different school district until high school
- he had friends as a kid but nobody close. kind of in the background, not really popular but not an outcast. midcard classmate
- has hated mr. house since forever. would rant and plot and collect information about him just to hate on him more. sometimes, as a form of entertainment, other think tank members will ask him "oh, did you hear about what robco-" and yes he DID hear about robco and he will rant passionately about it for the next few hours
- has that kind of autism thats like....almost overly sarcastic. its sooo close to being normie speech but he just gets the little stuff wrong, hes too sassy abt it, just slightly too exaggerated..."this is how normal people talk, right?"
- age at tank: 59
- polish heritage, definitely
- also from california.
- i feel like he'd come from a military family, something with government connections. a very serious environment. i feel like he'd have gotten his position at big MT through some form of nepotism. that's not to say that he's incompetent, i'm sure he was perfectly competent at logistics and idea-ology.
- he worked his way up to head researcher through hard work and a pushy personality that resonated with the board of director's political leanings
- gaaaaaaaayyyyy but so deep in the closet he's found narnia
- abrasive, better people skills when tipsy. he and mobius had a good cop/bad cop sort of thing when talking to investors. he always saw himself as the good cop
- old man autism type A. hes just bitter and repressed abt everything. seems the most "normal" at first glance. kinda hates himself and thinks way too highly of himself at the same time. when u talk to him a little more that social weirdness starts leaking through the cracks...but one might not notice it if theyre not looking for it. hed be just a little weird to them, and they wouldnt know why. inverse of mobius.
-age at tank: 44
- mormon. older sibling out of many siblings. big family.
- from utah, kind of closer to colorado and wyoming. raised in a rural area. probably developed his interest in radio signals due to the relative isolation
- professional erotic arts connoisseur. oh baby
- strangely high charisma. normally he might come off as unsociable or even slightly creepy, but when he turns on the charm, it's hard to resist. not even other tank members know how he does it. it's not an invention or anything, either, he can just naturally set people at ease. but he doesn't often have a need for it, so it's rare he utilizes it.
- they call him doctor 8 inches
- big audiophile. pretty much canon but i can see him REALLY being a stickler about sound systems. if he had a car it'd be ridiculously tricked out. a home theater constructed by him would go hard. post-tank he'd probably work with movie theaters around new vegas to help with their sound...probably created synthesizers
- would go antiquing for rare records, tapes, what have you
- quiet autism. just kind of a mild guy. he likes what he likes and dedicates his time to that. when one goes out of their way to engage w him on his level he will reciprocate
*cracks knuckles*
- age at tank: 32. looks older than he is.
- ukrainian heritage, mother's side. father worked for the government.
- one year 0's senior. 0 was his only friend throughout high school.
- while betsy and richie were his primary bullies, he'd get bullied by a lot of other kids. with how uptight and zealous he was, he was an easy target.
- gabe was a gift, the only nice thing his father ever did for him. one day his parents came home with a dog from the shelter, said "this is gabe, he's your responsibility now"
- without borous around gabe was severely neglected. borous would go to a science camp for a few days, come back, gabe would have barely been fed, dehydrated, etc. gabe was the most important responsibility in borous's life.
- adding to that, he would absolutely sic gabe on small woodland creatures. tearing apart roadrunners and squirrels and especially any invasive species
- borous would definitely have kept animal parts in jars. periodically his parents would find them. his mom would throw them away, his dad would beat him and then throw them away. he always found ways to replenish them though. had a library of different animal parts in big MT, just not kept in his house. he'd often harvest new entries to the library in his basement, though. the grind never stops
- we're getting a little dark here but i think he'd work with the local wildlife services to hunt down and kill stray/feral cats. i feel like his passion for biology and ecology and his disposition would bring him to this conclusion. cats are an invasive species to the mojave, they disrupt the balance of the ecosystem, much like COMMIES invade our DEMOCRACY...they should be hunted down and killed and he funded part of his college this way. selling cat intestines to string instrument makers and such. that's my guy!!!!
- THEATRICAL autism. learned human interaction from movies. big, broad movements. theres a theater kid in there somewhere
- liked the narrators of movies, especially sci-fi shows and movies, because they were omniscient. far away from conflict, knowing everything, confident and essential, and nobody could beat them up or give them wedgies. modeled his speech patterns after them because of this.
- had sizable comic book collection
- i have a lot more but i want this list to have a semblance of balance lol. my special guy
- age at tank: 59
- italian heritage. raised catholic, has the healthiest relationship to religion out of the tank
- pennsylvanian because i said so. would send letters to his mother from time to time.
- bisexual absolutely. very free-spirited, klein would call him a hippie on occasion.
- also like hippies, very experimental with substances. knows just how much of a dose to take of anything for every occasion.
- the most well-adjusted out of the tank. the good cop in his and klein's good cop/bad cop routine
- his morals, instead of deteriorating over time, only grew stronger. i imagine he was slightly more ignorant of ethics at the beginning of his employment, then sort of became more aware as time went on...culminating in his brain-zapping of everyone.
- not to say he wasn't dubious! he's quite dubious. you don't invent roboscorpions without being dubious
- old man autism type B. just a quirky guy. quirkiness is immediately noticed, but he doesnt rly hate himself for it so its just a part of his charm. odd guy. however, he almost seems the most "normal" past that. he is who he is and he accepts this. inverse of klein
- shortest to tallest: dala<mobius<klein=0<borous<8
- as time went on, they all grew closer. they became a sort of scientific hydra, at their most cooperative. company trips, they'd all go together. they were all neighbors in higgs, they were subject to a lot of gossip amongst the employees
- mostly isolated from the broader employee population, out of touch from their needs. made them perfect candidates for becoming tanks.
- becoming tanks wasn't completely their decision, it was mostly up to the shareholders, to keep the innovation (profits) flowing even after the world ended. it's not like they had anywhere else to go, anyway. keep making us money! get in the tank shinji
- i feel like they became tanks shortly after the great war...then employees either, fled the facility or died...i bet a few of them joined the enclave
- if you disabled their weapons, and took them far away from big MT....i don't think they'd be that dangerous. they'd need supervising, of course, but really...i think they'd be okay. i don't think they'd cause another apocalypse scenario without their laboratory. especially not with proper guidance about what the world is like now. they probably didn't have a good idea of what it was like even before they became tanks...i think they deserve to learn how to be human again. beats sitting in a crater for the rest of time
anyway those are my thoughts LOL you can kind of see some of these reflected in the fics ive written....mmm if i think of any more ill add them later yesh......
#fallout new vegas#think tank#headcanon#old world blues#dr. dala#dr. 0#dr. borous#dr. 8#dr. klein#dr. mobius
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I DID IT!! Here’s the whole thing copy pasted from Google docs!!
The Player’s general skills and implied personality + some stuff abt them! (as far as i can gather, at least, tell me if i missed smth!)
*Note that these skills do not include case specific stuff (like the time they discovered a new species in Pacific Bay)
-Exceptionally skilled at handling the forensic kit,in S1, Jones had challenged the player to uncrack a code while he recites the alphabet from A, and the player cracked the code just before he hit the letter F. It takes about a few seconds, so that says a lot.
-The player has freaky intuition skills in general. I mean, in quite literally every case, they figure out what evidence is needed, what could count as evidence, and searches through things most would gloss over. Their partners acknowledge this a lot, more in the first cases since they just met.
-Can keep a level head even in high stress or even dangerous situations even when their partners cant, whether its during or after the cases. Jones addressed this after court quite a few times in the first season. Also, the player’s able to calm down whoever thier with or
*Add on, in S4, while facing Cappechi & Finley for the first time, he managed to intimidate Isaac on both occasions, however, the player remained composed enough to be able to file evidence against them.
-Works out. In Good Girls dont die, a case in S1, while Grace tries to convince Martha to calm down, she states that the player has already kicked down the door. Like, kick. The player probably doesnt even have any special gear on them, so either the door is weak or, the more likely theory is that the player got dem legs frfr
-Has quite the memory. Easiest case to get this info from is during S4, in the case Eyes Wide Shut, player and Isaac identify a rice makeup composition on the item, Player can easily recall that 17 cases back, which give or take a few, is about a monthish? That Madam Xiang was wearing it. Mind you, at this stage in case Eyes Wide Shut, the duo had only spoken to Madam Xiang once, and she never mentioned the makeup.
-The Bureau themselves asked for the player to join them, that in itself is already a accomplishment, since the Bureau is like, the elite of the elite in the police world.
-Their temper seems to be much milder, or at least, more controlled. Its more evident with Frank and David (S1) since the chiefs often say the player is much calmer than them, hell, David got in trouble for being too brash and got so many complaints he had to file paperwork.
-They do indeed make mistakes, one of my friends irl kept saying the player was a Mary Sue esque kind, but in S3, they were also led on by the Warren guy after he framed the Guru, and they were kidnapped by Karen in S2. If they were so called ‘Mary Sues’, they’d probably figure out a way to not get captured and be the person whos left unscathed and babied by the team.
-Maybe a similar point, but they have sharp eyes and possibly very good eyesight. In a case with Jonah as a partner in S3 during one of the Additional Investigations, the player spots a tent from afar up a mountain. Not to mention its always them who finds everything lol
-The player is good at calming down their partners or whoever is working with them tbh. Like every time one of their case partners are loosing hope, breaking down, feeling impatient or angry, the player snaps them back to their senses.
-They arent quite up to date with some stuff, or simply put, most likely arent that geeky like Jones is, or probably that interested in acting and stuff, in S4 when Isaac asks them how they have no idea who Dolly Darnell (famous actress) and a famous chess master is. Personally would love to think they’d love to listen to their friends and team talk about certain personal interests of thiers.
-Most definitely has a good physique. In S2, Roxie comments that they fit perfectly into a diving suit, which is typically quite tight, so we can assume their physical health is in good or in its prime, in S7, Ben mentions the player has great reflexes for being able to dodge a chupabara attack.
-Can handle a gun better than the average policeman could, probably. In S4, they got into a gunfight with their team against Capecchi and his men, and the team won, so probably suggests that either the rest did most of the work, or the player is good enough to aim and shoot down a whole bunch of tough ahh men.
-Has better driving skills than Jones
-The chiefs often say the player is a rolemodel of what the rest of the team members should be, often, its Frank and Jones being reprimanded and being compared to the Player.
-Implied to be a pretty sarcastic and humorous person, whenever the person their working with for a case or a suspect makes a unfunny or less than tasteful joke, or just does smth weird in general, they always tell the player to ‘not look at them like that’
*Jones seems to be the one saying this the most, including Frank because he teases the player a lot as well.
-Patient. The cheifs say the player is patient, and im sure having Frank work with them would make their temper flare at leats three times in a single hour if the player wasnt a patient person.
-Knows how to handle and drag themselves + their team out of wallowing after a crisis. In S3, Ripley praises the player for being able to rise up after her ‘death’ so quickly, and solving her ‘death’ as well.
-Thier spice tolerence is off the charts, could bet money that they definitely could eat a few hot peppers and only complain of a bit of bite on their tongue. Even Rita admits their tolerance is higher and she’s tough as hell.
-Reliable adult, probably good or decent with children. They were the adult Matilda came running to (in Grimsborough S1) while her own parents were arguing. Jones said this as well when reprimanding the dad.
-My friend (yes the same one) keeps saying that the player would be homophobic?? What?? At least one of their core team members are gay as hell, cmon bruh
-Is most definately empathic and more adept at handling sensitive cases, whether by sensitive, its a matter of whether the press gets ahold and it could be bad, or its sensitive like family and personal matters get involved. When their partners make a distasteful comment or joke, no matter how mild, the player is implied to have told them off (ahem, Jones, Frank and Roxie)
-Good at undercover work, its shows in S4 during the last district, does the S4 part where they have to break Florence Samuels out with Rose count?
-They solve cases within the day or in a few hours, the latest they’ve ever finished a case was in the evening and then again, the player had only started on it in the afternoon.
-A kind person in general. I mean, for one, if i was a homicide investigator and every time i do an investigation, multiple people want my help?? I’d bail, nuh uh. AND not to mention, its time consuming bc theres always the need for analysis, and with sometimes, personal and professional problems get mixed up halfway.
-They most definitely have the money to live comfortably, they have the money to take James Savage for shopping for a new funeral suit and outfit, and they recieve so much spare cash from suspects during the AI.
-I feel like they probably have a good fashion sense, but on that point, can we talk about their closet size?? They get so many articles of clothing, they would definitely be the kind to overdress on every occasion and still look fabulous.
-I would not be surprised if its end up being revealed that they were a reformed thief or some wild shit like that, how does a rookie officer know how to crack a lock in seconds??
-Do you guys think their banned from being the seeker whenever the office decides to play hide and seek because their so good at finding stuff? Like, the last time they were the seeker they probably caught everyone in less than 30 minutes or some shit
-In addition to that helping people shit, the player’s either just energetic in general or their ass is running on coffee and pure willpower because i CANNOT do what their doing, their partners dont even stay consistent throughout the entire AI, and sometimes, in the official investigation itself
-Player’s a positive influence on the people around them, and this prob my nth time mentioning them, but JONES AND FRANK!! Grace says at the end of S1 that the Player’s influenced them positively a lot, and Karen says that as well abt Player’s influence on Frank.
-More on the energy thing, they work overtime so often im surprised they havent asked for a raise or something (then again, the chiefs probably automatically gave them one anyways, maybe even more)
-Not afraid of them high rankers!! S4 for example, no matter how many times Commisioner Baldwin threatened them, they are not afraid, gives 0 fucks, did not gaf even tho Andrea told them to leave Jazz Town before the hurricane kills them
-Player def got a strong stomach and do not care about getting ther hands dirty, they’ve seen so many dead bodies in the most gruesome settings possible, and they dig through trash every case, they have definitely seen…stuff. Oh yeah, they’ve seen so much raunchy and sexual stuff I don’t think they’d be too fazed anymore.
-Offically, including the S4, S6 and S7 cases, they’ve solved 370 cases in their entire career, including a cold case in S5, maybe indirectly, a few more in S5 due to the Rocket Cow killer being discovered, and a few more side murders due to how many serial killers they’ve arrested, so the victims get justice.
-They get offered or are the ones paying the first round for drinks quite a lot, so I’d assume that either they dont drink at all, or they can hold their alcohol well.
-Has gained fame as both as a detective world wide and citywide, AND in Pacific Bay as a co owner of a movie and had their cases featured in another movie! I’d assume their movies are out by S3 or by S5.
-Magic hands, anything damaged can get so well repaired its like it was never broken, or the partners and the suspects are just trying to make the player not feel bad lol
-They seem to not mind… leftovers, or anything that is edible but looks or taste unappealing… I mean, if we get a burger everytime a prisoner gives up their prison slop to the player, does that imply they ate it no problemo??
Sidenote: it feels like I’m putting the player on a pedestal at some parts… I assure you I’m not trying to 🥲🥲
Sorry, it took so long for me to answer this! I FINALLY found the time to sit down, read and react to it!
And to start this off: HOLY SHIT!😲 (I mean this in the best way possible!)
(Live footage of me giving this post as much love as possible. Yes, I am secretly an alien gremlin!😉)
I'm going to try to go through each section at a time, so prepare for a long post!
-Sometimes, I wonder if anyone else has training when it comes to the forensic kit... I remember Jack claiming to be a pro at the vacuum tool, but we NEVER see him use it! Or any of our partners, for that matter!🙄
-It wouldn't surprise me if the player was psychic! Or at least partly! I don't think I've seen anyone make a psychic player OC yet, but it would be an interesting concept!
-After everything the player has seen, even just in the first season alone, it's no surprise they know how to keep their cool!
(At least Isaac got more confident at dealing with Finley! Though we can't blame him for being scared of Mad Dog!)
-Kicking down a door is no easy task! (Not that I've ever tried it.) So the player must try to keep themself in shape! And clearly, they don't skip leg day!🦾🦿
-I wish I had the player's memory sometimes... My working memory is slowly going downhill! And yeah, remembering something as minor as someone wearing rice makeup from months ago is impressive! Esapiclly considering everything that's happened between the cases!
-I have the theory that if CC had continued, we would have been recruited into the GIA or another secret spy agency like we were for the Bureau! After all, their resume would be as impressive as it is long!
-Some characters could learn from the player and their ability to control their temper... (*cough* Frank *cough*)
-I can see where your friend got the "Mary Sue" idea from. The player is constantly being praised for their work, but they still make mistakes and learn from them, like you said!
-Forget 20/20 vision; the player has the best eyes in the world! They must be the champion in Eye Spy and Hidden Object games!
-If the player ever decided to change careers, they could be a therapist! Or an anger management coach!
-With how busy the player is, it's unsurprising they don't have time to be up-to-date with some things...
As for the S4 thing, I like the idea of the player being from away and not knowing about Concordian celebrities, unlike their partners!
-In conjunction with the strength one, the player must take care of themself by eating well (ignoring all the free hamburgers they get...) and staying active!
-I think it's stated that the team worked together to defeat Capecchi and his men, but the player obviously knows how to handle a gun in order to stand their ground against them!
-Well, Jones did crash at least once that we know of, unlike the player...😉
-With how good the player is implied to be, I bet they would win employee of the month every month! Move over, Sponge Bob! We've got a new champ in town!
-Sometimes, I wish we had dialogue options just to see the jokes and witty remarks the player could make!
-The player must have the patience of a saint to put up with some of the people and things they have to deal with!
-For the amount of shit they find themself in, the player knows a thing or two about how to get out of it and drag others out with them!
-Given that Rita looked like she was on fire while eating the salsa, the player either has a steal tongue or no feeling in it to handle eating all that spice!
-I like to think the player is good with children too. After all, almost every time we meet a child in the game, they seem to love the player!
-I can't see how your friend came to the homophobic conclusion either! The player works with several LGBTQ+ teammates and interacts with even more LGBTQ+ characters outside the teams! Are we sure they played the same CC game?
-The player is one of the game's most empathetic people. Even after so much death and pain, they still are. And they know how to stay professional when working on a sensitive case.
-I'd count it as evidence of them being good at undercover work! They're also constantly undercover in S6 and manage to fool nearly everyone they meet!
-I've always wondered about the timeline for solving a case... I swear they finish every case within a shift! I think the only one I canonly recall taking more than a day was Anatomy of Murder when Jones talks about reading his book before bed during chapters 2&1 (I think...).
-The player has a heart of gold, and it's a miracle they still do by the end of the series!✨
-They must be LOADED! But if people keep giving them free money on top of their job income, it's no surprise they probably don't have to worry about money!
-With all the clothes and accessories they get throughout the series, they could have a whole floor in their house dedicated to their closet! Hopefully, they donate anything they no longer want.
-A common theme among OC players is that they always have a secret past! I'm sure someone must have made one with a past as a thief or something to help explain how they're so good at picking locks!
-Agreed. They are only allowed to participate in hide-and-go-seek by being the timekeeper.
-The player must live off of coffee, energy drinks, or SOMETHING to be so energetic! I know I wouldn't be so excited to do extra work by helping people after solving a murder! I hope they get extended vacations to make it even!
-Player, spreading positivity wherever they go!✨
-They better get paid WELL for everything they do for their job, teammates, cities and citizens!
-They've got nerves of steel and the bravery of a god to stand up against so much higher authority! They've even talked back to royalty before, too!
-For how often they search through the trash, they either have no sense of smell or the strongest stomach in the world!
-The player's case record is unbeatable! And they solved all those cases in under a decade, according to the undefined timeline!
-I think the drink thing stopped after S2 (or at least I don't remember it happening as much after that season), but they are still often invited for drinks one way or another!
-I'll never know how they weren't recognized in S7, given how famous they are! For changing to such a secret job when they joined the supernatural hunters, it's a surprise they weren't recognized! Especially considering we run into past characters!🤔
-The player is probably the first person people go to after breaking something! We'll never know how they manage to fix things so perfectly! Unless they really ARE magic!🤔
-The player never does say no to free food... Even when they really should! How they never got food poisoning (Jones flashback intensify) will remain a mystery!
-Don't worry; other characters put the player on a pedestal for us!😉
Phew! That was a workout! Hopefully, we didn't lose you guys!😅
I can tell you put a lot of work into this, so let me be the first to say good job!🥳✨
NOW TAKE A BREAK! You deserve it after creating this doc!
You captured a lot of the player's traits and successes! And I look forward to seeing what others think about your analysis! And if there's anything they think should be added! After all, it is always helpful to have some extra input!😊
#criminal case#criminal case grimsborough#criminal case pacific bay#criminal case save the world#criminal case mysteries of the past#criminal case the conspiracy#criminal case travel in time#criminal case supernatural investigations#criminal case city of romance#cc analysis#ask
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people often mistake what i feel about lando so here is a post clearing that up
some of my acquaintances think i have a silly celebrity crush on him and some just pull into the 'she just watches f1 becasue the drivers are hot' narrative which are both false actually
yes i think lando is pretty look at him look at this boy
but i think its his smile that makes him so pretty its how absolutely genuine he is and sometimes how he says some mean things he doesnt actually mean but you can see how much of an whatever he says has on the people around him i love his relationship with carlos with max with oscar with his team engineers with maxf with penelope with his family and how he in general treats the people around him how he holds himself accountable (sometimes too much) for the mistakes he makes on track and tries to get better its how much he has been loyal to this one singular team since the beginning of his career and now he's winning but still acknowledges the teams part in it so often and his champagne pops and his little expressions how he celebrates and laughs and smiles and talks and giggles and smirks and wheezes and its all so honestly pretty
hes not my crush hes my comfort person i admire him so much
but he's also my baby i birthed him if anything bad happened to him (god forbid) i would be so incredibly sad i wish him all the happiness and success he wants i'm rooting for him to win wdc in 2025 i want him on the podium again next year i hope he gets a fast car with good balance
miami was the first race i watched that got me into this beautiful sport in 2024 i saw him win for the first time, took one look at him and decided okay yes im going to care for that person now which is weird because i dont even like some of the people i know in real life that much like how can i care so much about someone who doesnt exist but theres something about looking at his gifs and videos that gives me such happiness like yes i want to see more of this pathetic little boy smiling give it to me
what does one call this
#formula 1#f1#formula one#lando norris#mclaren#ln4#lando they could never make me hate you#miami gp 24#505#zandvoort gp 24#op81#cs55#mv1#mv33#max verstappen#penelope#maxf#lando my baby#lando my beloved#norstappen#carlando#landoscar
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Steve actually dies dies when the plane crashes and his spirit remains. Hes attached to Peggy and as far as he can see, its more of an attachment of love then unfinished business.
Peggy cant see him or hear him. The closest he gets is in her dreams. Its not perfect and not every night. He's still unsure of how he can communicate to her but theres some peace of reliving memories in her mind.
She talks to him but still cant see him as time goes on.
Peggy does often feel watched. Sees a flash of famiar baby blues but just chalks it up to the various lack of sleep to grief. She feels comforted during storms where thunder rattles her bones, like a famiar weight is around her shoulders once more. And her dreams...reliving the dances they shared in private in her rented apartment, or conversations where they whispered sweet nothings.
During tense moments of anger or fighting, she gets overwhelming senses to say things she doesnt know to exist but fully believes somehow (and it turns out to be true), or last minute tactic changes she isnt aware was an option (just like how Steve saw outside the box).
Its like Steve is there, still changing and saving her life. She never voices this but shares the private thought.
One day (maybe during S1 of AC or pre-AC by a few weeks), she's hurt to the point she almost dies and is thankfully saved by others quick thinking and Steve clinging to her hand, begging her to hang on.
He has a thought, a selfish one that if she does die, she would get to be with him but Peggy doesnt deserve to die. Not like this. She doesn't deserve to perish like this. No one does.
She has so much work to do. To change the world. Hed give his life a thousand times over for her to survive.
When Peggy's eyes flutter open, she takes in the early morning light, the curtains fluttering in the wind. The sweet smell of grass and a cool wind blowing on her, tickling her hair.
"Thank God you're alive," she hears a voice that she never thought she'd get to hear again. She thinks it must be a hallucination but she doesnt care. Steve is beside her, still wearing his old and tattered uniform he's died in, but there, holding her hand and its ice cold and he smells of cold and the sea but hes here.
It turns out, after she was hurt, so close to death, Peggy can now see Steve.
#steggy#stevepeggy#peggy carter#steve rogers#steve x peggy#steggy prompt#oh were so back with these ideas#and this is brought to you by watching Ghosts
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transparent placements?
I wouldn’t say transparent, they’re more obvious or expressive and for the second one yes, they’re. 👀

Picture from Pinterest
*Birth chart placements
Moon 1H
These people show what they feel. They CANT hide their expressions and emotions that show their true intentions. Their reactions are ICONIC, exaggerated and funny. These ones move all the muscles of their faces: they often find age lines in specific places on their faces depending of the gestures and bc of the emotions they feel/externalize more: line between eyebrows (they often are defensive), lines around the lips (there first reaction is to smile), forehead lines (they often raise their eyebrows in disbelief) and more. THEY FEEL IN SUCH AN INTENSE WAY THEY CANT HIDE IT and what they show is the minimum of what they feel, even if they try to express themselves correctly, is difficult to them. Is hard for them to identify their feelings and to understand them. BUT HAHA their responses to everything are just 👌🏼They’re transparent, they “serve” you their emotions, their moods that change constantly -they’re unpredictable-, their sensitive nature that could be an insecurity they have to overcome trough this lifetime -in the past they have told them that being sensitive is synonym of vulnerability and that this one is seen as “bad”. OBVIOUSLY MY BABY THATS NOT TRUE, this people (that told you that) have their own insecurities that were reflected towards you, people tell you things without questioning themselves, whatever’s the reason is…FEELING IS HUMAN, SO REMEMBER THIS IF YOU FEEL BAD BC OF WHAT OTHERS HAVE TOLD YOU (this placement is sensitive towards the critique of others, of what they think)-. FUCK THEM, BE YOURSELF, JUST BC YOU FEEL IN SUCH AN INTENSE WAY DOESNT MEAN ITS LESS OR MORE IMPORTANT. Moon 1H have such an attitude, I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT -overpass this insecurity and OBVIOUSLY whatever you propose yourself, more everything-.
Ascendant conjunct Sun
These are what they present themselves. The first impression you have of them is that they are charming; they have an intense and magnetic aura WHY? bc they don’t hide anything or they don’t try to or they don’t seem to. Their self-confidence, goal oriented and motivated character -that’s enormous and this one explains why and how they overcome hard times and even become better- attracts and influence people just by having contact with them, they’re inolvidable. They have a beautiful and positive vibe, THEYRE SO MAGNETIC and stubborn. “Their behavior and nature are connected”. They’re who they present themselves. They don’t force themselves, they don’t have to. They’re leaders, they have and represent power just by being and believing in themselves.
Mercury trine Jupiter
They can be TOO OPEN, I’m tired. Jk but they end up mentioning things that are so personal that no one asked. They have the need, the URGE to mention them, so people know they’re not lying or bc WHY TF NOT? They just say it and at the end of the day 🤪 you know about this people, about their life, it depends how much they expose while talking. Besides that, they’re so kind and optimistic. If a stranger ask them “hi, do you know where is this place? Blblabla” in the street they’ll be like “of course, walk there and there but if you want another place that’s better there’s there and if you blabla. omg did you recently move into the neighborhood? do you know blabla? I’m her friend, yeah we were in the same class. Yes my mom lives in another country and…” the conversation never ends 🧍Imagine some baby standing in the street waiting for her mom to finish the conversation she just started with a stranger and ups! a hour have passed AND WTF YOU HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL YOUR MOM OVERSHARES EVERYTHING ABOUT HER LIFE INCLUDING HOW YOU DIDNT GO TO THE BATHROOM FOR DAYS SO SHE BOUGHT A SUPPOSITORY SO YOU CAN POOP.
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer, I just love astrology and I’m willing to learn.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
#astro observations#astrology#pinterest#astrologia#astro posts#astro notes#astro placements#birth chart#Spotify#ascendant#mercury trine jupiter#ascendant conjunction sun#moon 1H#natal chart
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With your baby Riz fic being a thing I’m curious how the party would react to other party members being swapped.
Fabian gets swapped, the four year old version of himself is UTTERLY perplexed and just assumes the entire thing is a dream. Immediatly becomes besties with Riz because they're the same height and the party takes him on a fun trip through Elmville to places like the arcade and movies while Ayda prepares the reversal spell. Fabian LOVES it, he barely ever gets to do stuff like this because he's been out to sea with his dad for as long as he can remember. He doesn't remember it when he grows up though, he was pretty young and people dont often remember things from when they were that small.
Teenage Fabian had a harder time in the past though, because Bills darling boy DISAPPEARED and was replaced by some fool who would dare kidnap his son. It took a lot of persasion, and a very intense duel, for him to convince Bill he was his son from the future (the fact he has his dads eyepatch was the clincher).
Gorgug swapped places with himself and the four year old version of himself just sits and reads in the library for a while. He doesnt say a single word and is an incredibly calm kid. The rest of the party are honestly a bit worried about him.
Teenage Gorgug appears in the middle of his living room and surprises the shit out of Wilma and Digby but they roll with it immediatly. Yup this is DEFINITELY their darling son, just a bit older, so they have what is basically a normal afternoon in their house and have tea and biscuits.
Young kristen is SO very confused and is crying the entire time because she just appeared in a room full of the kinds of people her parents told her are bad. There's even a GOBLIN there and they're nasty and bite people and are diseased right? Riz is a little offended honestly.
Adult Kristen appears in the middle of the church service and people are touting it as a miracle. She has a very awkward few hours just smiling and nodding along as people ask her to lead them in prayers to a god she no longer follows.
Baby Adaine is awestruck by the library when she arrives, and Ayda, and all the magic books. She gets a little tour of the library and picks out a few books to read which she thoroughly enjoys. Ayda, while waiting for some components to be ready, even teaches her some simple spells which is what sets her on her path to being a practical caster in the future.
No one even noticed teenage Adaine appearing in the past. She literally had free-run of her childhood bedroom because her neglectful parents never checked on her. She ended up stealing a few items that had sentimental value that she remembers vanished mysteriously when she was small.
A young Fig appears in the compass point library and Ayda is BESOTTED. Many a photo is taken. Young Fig is equally awestruck by the pretty lady. She does end up wandering out of the library to go explore, but its WAY easier to track her down than it was to find Riz. They find her sitting in a bar just down the street thirty minutes after she disappeared listening to a band playing pirate music with her mouth hanging open.
Teenage Fig appears next to Gilear while he's out shopping for groceries with her. Through a series of comedic mishaps he manages to not notice at all that his daughter is suddenly much older than she should be and also an archdevil. She manages to sneak away at one point to try and find Riz so she can snap photos of him as a baby. She nearly gets caught by Pok whos perception is good enough to notice her snapping photos from across the street on crystal. He ends up abandoning his plans to go to the park and takes Riz home instead.
#fantasy high#riz gukgak#bad kids#fig faeth#fabian seacaster#gorgug thistlespring#adaine abernant#kristen applebees
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Sorry if you're already working on this but with Luffy in Croc dad what's his hobby?? Like he's the biggest ball of energy and I think if wasn't fighting wild animals as a kid he would vibrate into another dimension from lack of stimulation. Does he draw and develop his art skills, has he taken up music or is he invested with the void century with Robin? Croc wants to keep him inside and safe so what did he think would be best to entertain him or does he buy a new thing every week that Luffy says he suddenly wants to do. Yes he looks at books but is that it. Also sorry if you answered this before and I've missed waht you said, I am pretty sure I've seen all your comics on this but I haven't seen all your ask answering questions.
i hadn't gotten these questions and im so glad you ask!! :D
so! luffy doesn't have one specific hobby and croc does end up giving him whatever he wants when he suddenly gets a new obsession, one of the reason he's so excited with finding the jewelry box and getting a dagger is because it's finally something new! after that he gets really into rings and knives until it gets bored of it and switch to something else again.
about him and learning about the void century with robin i actually got a comic later for that so i won't say anything here!
im going to make this a list and explain how it goes, under read more:
Fighting: this luffy doesn't know how to fight, but he still love the concept! he gets really excited hearing stories of fights, duels, martial arts and all the rest! In practice though, since he's been so sheltered and only ever saw one real fight that ended up with people being killed in front of him as a kid, if (haha) he were to witness another real fight he wouldn't be as giddy about it as when he hears stories. he does also learn the tiniest bit of kenpo from bonclay!
Dancing: luffy in canon loves dancing (and partying), here too! he doesn't know/master any specific styles but likes to drag people into dancing with him, if no one is around he'll grab some of the smaller bananawani instead.
Singing: he's still very bad at it.
Music: croc noticed how he'd taps on thing and tried to get him to learn some percussion, unfortunately for him, luffy doesn't care about music theory and just does whatever makes him happy. he also love loud noises and croc has to find a way to stop him from making a racket at any hours of the day, it gets worse when luffy loses some of his hearing and needs to make everything even louder. eventually he gets bored of it too.
Cooking: him and croc cooks together pretty often, if no one is there to supervise him luffy will ignore recipes and common sense, making all kind of abominations. it's a miracle he never set the kitchen on fire.
Bugs: he loves them! he collect them! alive. croc is horrified one day when he finds out baby luffy has been letting some food to rot so he could observes flies and larvae going through their little bug lives cycle. later croc gives him those pinned dead bugs collection boxes thinking luffy will like it, he doesnt.
Board&Cards Games: he mostly has to play them by himself, he doesn't like being alone so he'll often ends up playing it "with" the banawanis. after he loses a few too many times against the banawanis and can't get croc to join in for the millionth time he gives up on them. even when robin joins baroques works he still expect her to be too busy to play with him and doesn't ask (she would have accepted if he had asked).
Art&Craft: he tries a bit of everything, doing it his own way meaning most of it is kind of hideous or about to fall apart, canon luffy is completely fine with that, au luffy though, he's having ton of fun at first but when he gets old enough to see that his dad cant quite fake his enthusiasm or interest towards his disastrous creations he gets frustrated and stops for a while. later, robin finds an old drawing of his and thinks its cute so he start doodling a little again for her.
basically, he struggles keeping a hobby, some like fighting, dancing, bugs and staring at pictures in geography books he keeps through his life but mostly, he's very lonely and bored out of his mind, he's depressed, that's not something that can be helped for as long as he's isolated.
when robin becomes a part of his life everything gets better for him! she spends time with him, read stories for him, helps him get out more often, they even meet bonclay and for a few years he's genuinely happy.
#crocau ask#crocodad au#<- this one gets in the main tag cause this is important lore#i probably wont be able to show all of that in comic form so im glad i get to rant about it here!! it also turned out sadder than i expecte
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Heyy, i fot a request!!!! ITS SO GOOD. HEAR ME OUT. Also sorry for the length
So i was thinking of Chappell Roan X genderneutral!reader [or genderfluid, up to you, but reader is more masc presenting even thoigh they are afab] fic where reader is a major player and heartbreaker of the music industry and everyone wants them even thoigh they are absolutely new in the business. Chappell meets them and she is all "i can fix them [no really i can] and reader is all "you can't fix me, i was born with a broken heart" or "you can't fix me baby, you can make me worse though", even Reneé is all like "thats not a good idea chappell, they break heatts like they are getting paid to do it" but Chappell doesnt care. Maube some drama happens during a performance where their set was close, or during an award ceremony. Rumours start flying and reader denies ir like crazy while Chappell doesnt? Slightly toxic with that anxious attachment x avoidant attachment style relationship dynamic, with Chappell being possessive of reader, her talking abour reader in interviews because everyone thinks reader is a rising star, and lets just say Chappell's mind s elsewhere. Feel free to make it into a series! Aaaaaaa. As always feel free to refuse the req if it makes you uncomfy thx xoxo 🤍
On Her Hook part 1
|| Chappell Roan x genderfluid!artist!reader
|| Warnings; hints at slightly toxic relationships, reader's a play person, mentions of reneé rapp x reader, reader scared of commitment, chappell desperate for reader, short drabble
|| Summary; when reader ghosts Chappell, Reneé tries to warn her but she comes up with a plan for your attention.
Requests open!
Started; November 7th
Finished; November 7th
You weren't interested in keeping relationships. At this point, you couldn't count the amount of people you'd been with. Even your public list of relationships was endless. It wasn't exactly something hidden to the public; you talked about it in interviews often. Asking if you'd found anyone worthy of commitment. There's been a few close calls, but you were always scared to tie down. What if you got hurt in the process? So you always ended things to keep yourself safe. Not letting yourself get too close to anyone.
Then there was Chappell. A girl who was determined she could change you. You were scared of commitment? Well, she'd kill that fear. Send it up in flames. Anything she had to do to call you hers. You'd spent a few nights with her. But you could tell she was growing restless with this 'friends with benefits' relationship you guys had going on.
And when she finally stopped you to talk about it, you weren't entirely surprised. Of course she would want to talk to you. You could tell this meant more to her than just hookups. It was a certain look in the eyes they all had. "What can I say to make you stay?" She asked, you felt your breath hitch. Stay? Staying wasn't your style. It never was.
"I was born with a broke heart, baby. I know you think you can fix-" She wouldn't even let you finish your sentence, already kissing you. Your eyes widened but your lips moved against hers. Despite knowing it would only make it harder to leave again. Maybe that's what she was doing, trying to get you on her hook.
"Please..." Chappell murmured against your lips as the kiss slowly parted. You looked into her eyes, biting the inside of your lip. You couldn't resist her when she was like this. Chappell may as well have been down on her hands and knees. Your hand moved towards her, but then you held yourself back. Releasing your breath.
"I'm sorry. I'm.. busy." Lame excuse. You turned your back to her, missing how her eyes dulled. The excitement deflating as easily as it had come.
It's nearly been two weeks now since Chappell last saw you in person. She'd been stalking your social medias more than she would ever admit. She was even doing it this very moment. Even though she should have been focused on this artists event. Part of her hoped... maybe you would be here. However it was rare for you to go to things like these. You preferred the interviews, award shows and dance parties. Events? Especially ones where you had to listen to a million speeches- yeah, no. The most you could tolerate when it came to speeches was the award shows. And that was enough for you.
Chappell felt a hand on her back before Reneé Rapp sat next to her, giving her a gentle smile when she'd seen her looking at your media. "You're playing with fire, Chappell." Reneé warned, a sigh leaving her lips. She herself had had her minimal moments with you. If Reneé couldn't leash you, she honestly didn't know who could.
"I'll put it out." Chappell brushed off the comment, looking from her phone to Reneé. An almost desperate love in her eyes," I can fix them."
"You can't fix someone who wants to be broken. Do what I didn't and save your breath. They break hearts like they're getting paid to do it." Reneé rolled her eyes at the thought, the memories of you and her coming back.. she hated that part of her missed you.
Chappell frowned, the words starting to sink in. But she pushed them away, not letting it demotivate her. She'd have you in the end.
A few more days pass. Chappell still hasn't seen you, but she knew how to get your attention. She had the perfect opportunity lined up with an upcoming interview...
#fanfic#x reader#canon x reader#chappell x you#chappell roan fanfic#chappell fics#chappell roan x reader#chappell roan x genderfluid reader#singer reader#artist reader#chappell x reader#chappell x genderfluid reader#renee rapp x reader#player reader#chappell#chappell roan#renee rapp#renee#chappell desperate for reader#reneesghostinthelivingroom
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saw @skippersthecat's post about teruhashi (i even wrote a frantic comment under it too !!!!) and now im remembering why teruhashi is one of my favorite characters and why i will defend her 4ever .......
go look at her post too !!! she articulates herself way better than me and this is just a blurb about how OH MY GOD SHE DESERVES WAY BETTER FROM EVERYONE EVER 🙁🙁
shes gone through so much and i lowkey need to see her stand up for herself ☹️ OR JUST HAVE SOMEONE TREAT HER LIKE A HUMAN BEING ☹️☹️
okok i remember one part of an ep where its teruhashi walking down a street and then it pans to some of her admirers, one of them being a LITERAL 60 year old man. and im pretty sure WAY older men have gawked at her like that multiple times in the show, and she doesnt even mention it.
that episode where shes literally BEING FOLLOWED ? and apparently its happened to her so often that she can DEDUCE how many people/their genders from their FOOTSTEPS ??? and all she was concerned about was staying perfect, as if she isnt being STALKED ? 🙁
in s2, when they came back from being stranded on the island, and the newspaper club spread rumors about saiki taking sexual/inappropriate pictures of her (IN THE ARTICLE ITS SAID WITHOUT HER CONSENT TOO) and a BUNCH of guys went to saiki ASKING FOR THE PICTURES ? "to destroy them" YEAH TOTALLY 😒
and she doesn't say anything about these things because (its a comedy series) shes been dealing with it SINCE BIRTH. LITERALLY.
and it's not like shes ever had a break from this harassment, her own brother views her as an object. multiple times where makoto has invaded her privacy and harassed her, so shes not even safe in her own home.
AND ALL OF THIS TREATMENT AND SHE STILL KEEPS UP HER PERFECT PRETTY GIRL PERSONA. ☹️ her whole self worth, her IDENTITY is being a perfect pretty girl. even if she hadn't been facing this her whole life, she wouldn't say anything because she is a people pleaser who sacrifices herself. she needs someone who doesn't view her as a god, or an object. thats why she likes saiki ☹️☹️☹️
TLDR; teruhashi haters are NOT allowed 🙁🙁
#teruhashi kokomi#the disastrous life of saiki k.#teruhashi#saiki k#saiki no psi nan#kokomi teruhashi#SHE DESERVES BETTER#SHES ONLY 16 ☹️☹️#tdlosk#i love teruhashi#allies blurbs
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since its a special occasion tomorrow, (REKO BIRTHDSY TOMORROWWWWW) do you have any hcs for how reko celebrated her birthday over the years?? :33
hc anon here.....im always lurking.....and stalking.....
(you can only answer this ask tomorrow so its on time if thats ok.....im sending it early though because im EVIL!!!!!!!!)
hohoho, i like your sick and twisted ways hc anon. i like them verrrry much. youre always on the hunt for more hcs. i can respect that
id say its actually a good thing you sent it early because it does usually take me a day or two to write all my hcs out. im a pretty slow writer.
admittedly it isnt something ive thought of extensively. i dont personally know a lot about japanese culture, but some brief online research seems to imply birthdays arent as big of a deal there as they are where im from; in fact, it seems that individual birthdays as opposed to all babies aging up unilaterally on new years was only instituted in japan in the 50s. most birthday traditions are borrowed from western ones, and tend to be understated in comparison. keep in mind this all from a really quick google search so i dont wanna sound like im an expert on any of this, im just some random westerner. so go ahead and take a grain of salt for everything i say forward. but from a really general perspective, id assume theres less fanfare about it.
overall, i dont think reko would put a lot of extra emphasis on her birthday. in fact, even if she were going by more western traditions, i doubt she would. she seems like more of the type of person to not care so much for the idea of a day thats all about her. if it werent for her excellent memory, she'd probably forget about it until after it already happened.
that said, there are a couple specific dates that have more importance in japan- particularly 3, 5 and/or 7 (it depends on the kids gender). children are sometimes taken to shrines and dressed in kimonos to celebrate for living into late childhood. i have no idea how common this practice actually is because its hard to find any reliable sources that actually specify, but given the fact ive mentioned i believe reko and alice's mother would be more spiritual, i think it would make a lot of sense if they did it regardless. but seeing as these ages are all before reko got scouted and her and her brothers relationship was more tense, theres not much angst i can think of to inject here.
that said, its not like people in japan just dont do anything for their birthdays. its often a dinner or similar small celebration with close ones, and i imagine once reko was taken under the wing of her father and pushed into the limelight, she eventually stopped wanting to even do those. her interest in "hard work" and already being so "mature" would be commended, but, alice would be in the background seeing it with his own reservations. he was too young back then to fully comprehend just how poorly she was being treated and how this was reflective of it, so he never spoke up; its one of those things he looks back on with guilt, and so he always has this conflicted feeling around the time of her birthday (even though reko doesnt really care, and would probably be disheartened to know her brother is getting all sad and worked up about it).
in reality, reko stopped wanting those family dinners because she was already struggling to look her parents in the eye because of all the pressure she was being put under by them. at first, she really enjoyed getting to have the time with her family because she was so busy now, but her father getting so obviously blinded by greed and her mother turning the other cheek made things too tense. this wasnt obvious to anyone at first, until of course she had her rebellious phase, and she stopped trying to hide how she really felt.
fast forward to her 20th birthday.
the 20th birthday is considered the milestone to adulthood in japan, and theres certain cultural events associated with it, all celebrated on the succinctly named "coming of age" day. speeches given, the wearing of traditional or formal clothing, the opportunity to reunite with people from secondary school.
im less sure of how to interpret this for rekos character; by 20 shes very likely to already be a part of samurai yaiba, and depending on her celebrity status, im not sure whether she'd want to attend a major public event specifically for that reason. i have no idea what celebrity culture is like in japan, so im not sure thatd even be an issue. but even besides that- theres hang ups here. a celebration like this likely means shes going to have to be around her close family. based off what we know, her relationship with her parents can be probably be described as "awkward" at best at this stage. her fathers relaxed, but shes still more than likely sorting out her baggage. she wants to be grateful to her parents, make amends, but probably still harbors some hurt after all these years. and of course her dynamic with her brother at this time is a whole can of worms.
seeing how emotionally distanced she is from everyone and how isolated shes been from her peers, i dont think she'd really have anyone to celebrate with. combine that with her disregard for of the importance of these things, and... i struggle to see her looking forward to it, to say the least. i wouldnt be that surprised if she didnt want to celebrate coming of age day at all, and just treated it like any other day until one of the band members finds out and calls her out about it, upon which she maybe has a sudden change of plans. which, depending on which member that was, might jsut be going out for a legal drink for the first time. but its hard for me to say. if she did, she may not want to do it in the most traditional sense. maybe she still travels to her home town, but rather than going to a highschool reunion or renting out a furisode, she uses it as more of a way to observe the way things have changed since she left. maybe she finally has a birthday dinner with her parents again.... you know. baby steps.
until we get info on reko in her 60s, thats about it for any ideas i have on reko birthdays !
#obsession propagation#obsession original#hc anon#reko yabusame#i tried not to be too specific about the cultural stuff since i have no idea how familiar you are / arent with them#ive never really heard of japanese birthday traditions and im a yapper so i may have very well over-explained it since thats my way of#processing stuff#if you havent heard of these id very well reccommend doing your own research#especially since im basically some westerner talking out my ass with what i based on brief articles ha
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i cant fucking take living like this anymore
i cant do it i have to end it soon theres literally nothing for me here anymore. its too much to do. im never gonna fucking have another close in real life relationship.
i want to just like order some food at work so im not more miserable being here but i dont have the strength or stomach to eat something. ill eventually try maybe. i dont know. the drugs make me not eat like a fucking sick dog already and everything rn just says i dont deserve it
i have no motive or energy to do anything but work or somethimes playing a game but even that were usually unable bc were too tired.
whats the fucking issue with me!!!! i just dont give a shit anymore i dont want to do anything nothing makes me happy everythinf eventually juat makes me feel scared and sick and weird. every time i try to make fun or have plans it goes horrible and it just feels worse so i wont anymore ill just fucking rot alone like life wants me to
nobody here can help me and if i could i couldnt afford it so who fucking cares its cheaper to kill myself and lose the body so they dont need funeral costs. theyd misgender and shave me anyway probably
im just so fucking over it all im never gonna be happy like this. i got nothing. theres no good its just working til i fucking kill myself and putting myself through fuxking agony constantly for a life that continues to just KICK AND KICK AND KICK AND KICK me when im fucking down. i cant handle anything else happening. im trying so hard to get things done and theres just fuxking nothing. i will never ever be enough and ill never feel enough.
doesnt matter what or when or the circumstance its so depressing that its not just romantic relations too im so fuckinf scared in groups i automatically feel unwelcome and hated and like i should just go off by myself because im literally so unlikeable and everything has proved it forever. like genuinely as soon as i realized there were more than 2 people i got terrified and started questioning everythinf i did and wanted to run away bc i felt like i wasnt meant to be there and it was ovipus and i was being annoying like fucking ALWAYS GOD IM SO SICK OF BEING LIKE THIS can i just shut up forever? dirk please come back to front im tired of annoying all the people who so graciously allow me to exist around them so i dont have to be in such crushing loneliness all the time i feel like such a fucking baby and everybody probably thinks im such an annoying drug addict too can i just quit it and fucking feel and then kill myself already when i realize its worse
like im never gonna be able to afford any of the shit i need to heal and i dont even wanna try bc ill get 3 appointments in and will run out of money and continue doing that and then ill die bc i cant afford anything else. like why would i do that to myself ill just suffer like this and just do my best forever til i can only rot. id rather get it fuckinf over with and just die now. this isnt a life
i go frm one box go another. rotting. i rot at home alone or i go to work alone. i dont really go out. i dont really talk to anybody. i dont really see anybody. i have 1 irl friend who talks to me and lives in town. the other i dont see her often and honestly feel so embarassed of myself around her because of how i am that i can barely convince myself to see her sometimes even if she is in town. the other person is one of my exs and he doesnt give a shit about me he just wants sex bc thats the only thing im good for. i feel like i just annoy and make everybody uncomfortable conwtantly i dont wanna do it anymore i want to shut up
i always do it i always just talk endlessly frm the second i fucking could before most kids could talk even and i just never shut up did i? my parents were always annoyed by me talking about things that brought me joy (and they never believed me for things that were upsettinf and it was just fake and i needed to be quiet about it bc theyre not taking me to the doctor. so i stopped talking about it to my family and everybody else in my life in that era did the same. the bullies. my friends who ignored me. no matter the form it was always like that i just need to learn to keep quiet and go away and not need anything ever again. i couldnt fucking learn it every time i got a red or yellow card for talking (usually trying to ask questions bc i didnt understand or couldnt see or couldnt hear in elementary school. or to make conversation bc i was friendly and had no friends and my parent didnt play with me so i was lonely. nobody ever liked me bc i was weird. i feel like such a bitter dickhead but i get so jealous when i see that people talk to others every day. especially in person. im so fucking alone i literally get so excited when people want to call with me even if it makes me really scared (and sometimes if im not comfortable enough or feeling sad i will run a away from that too because im so scared to fuckinf annoy people and say something stupid or be boring or trying too hard or just fucking being a total downer because theres nothing good ever going on for me. i got so depressed goin on bsky today and seeing everyone playing webfishing when i cant. but even so lik.e maybe im glad i djdnt join bc one of them was in a big group with new mut and then all strangers so like. its better i wasnt able to bc i would probably jusg feel worse and run away frm everyone bc i feel inadequate snd guilty for taking up space. i always feel like im bothering everyone no matter what. fuck my exhusband in general but he also made me so much more insecure than i was already. he made me feel so annoying and he broke my communication. i was alone with him and JUST him for so long. i could only communicate in nonsense phrases sometimes (literal jibberish not memes) because thats all he would respond to or wouldnt talk to me until i did. he changed my whole pattern of speech and i still almost lapse into it sometimes. it was never any kind of real conversation about anything i felt like it withered my brain. nothing ever in depth just stupid sensless bullshit and jokes (that were often insulting me and made me feel like shit) and i was doing it for fucking nothing because everything else sucked too!!!! the only time there was ever a conversation was when i was BEGGING HIM to stop sometbing or do something for the millionth time. or him defending himself or trying to force my support and trigger my ocd (i genuinely think he was trying to make it worse he never respected it ever he mever respected a single part of me) or him fighting with me on something again (usually the thing was due to him and i just was not being forgiving and quiet and turning off my emotions enough about it. learned numb happiness)
my existence is like a plague and theres nothing here for me. theres even less left of me after he got done with me. he stripped my personality all the way down and forcef me to mirror him. everythinf will always be rotted and ill feel like a horrid shell of a person any time im near anyone. the only option is being alone. maybe this time i will learn and just fuxking stop all of this so we can stop being a curse on everybody. even if i could afford mental help theres nobody that can help me here so its all a waste. i feel like everybody will just hurt me again. doesnt even have to be a partner i feel like every single person is gnna realize sooner or later that im not worth it or they dont like me (ir even hate me) and that im just too fucking annoying to be around
i dont want to be annoying anymore. i wish it was like right after he went to prison again when i didnt have anything and was an empty shell and had nothing to say or talk about that wasnt venting. i wish i never got back some of my "sparkle" or whatever the fuck people call it. mines not a sparkle. its a noxious cloud of toxic annoyance fumes and everybody just has to keep their masks up til i vacate the area. why would i ever fucking want this to come back. i need to shut the fuck up i really do. just take our personality and every crumb of joy again im so sick of it. make it so i dont have any of those thoughts to even post. thus sparing everyone from having to be like "UGH this motherfucker AGAIN. does he ever shut the fuck up? is he ever quiet? can he just log off already? this guy definitely has no life. why does he always have to butt into everything"
that way i can just post like. the shortest most boring updates ever like "back to work! only 3 days this week for the 39 hours. more time off is always good" and then shut up for days and then "got paid nice. going to the bank and then grabbing a few groceries" like thats do much better. nobody needs to fucking know man its sad and depressing and all the same OR you are the most obnoxious prick on any site youre ever and you ruin everybodys day when theyre forced to see you in their notifs or on their timeline
ive probably already muted me bc it didnt even take a week for me to just talk way too muxh when none of of it is important and nobody wants to hear it
even if im not allowed to talk frm my body. its already annoying enough in text and then psyically i just stutter and trip over myself or cant think or forget what i was saying
i wanna delete everything i have and crawl into the earth. i hate being alive. the one time i find something that makes me happy even the littlest bit i cant do it anymore. disallowed by the universe and painfully reminded of the fact im supposed to alone and theres actually nothing for me. it doesnt get better for me it only gets worse. and it makes me feel stupid for believing it could even though thats few and far between. theres nothing left for me i need to just get whatever drugs i decide on and have one last hoorah and take enough to kill me. which hopefully wont even be that hard because im mixing downers and uppers constantly so like its only a matter of time right. my nose hurts and i feel like crying and my body is killing me again so im taking both things again. one for pain. one for maybe like. a little bit of energy but mainly so i dont feel so absolute shit. i just want it all to stop i dont wanna get better anymore im sick of it every time i try i get fucking worse or am crushed by something else even harder than before im DONE WITH IT IM FUCKING OVER IT i just wanna end it theres nothing fucking here for me im never making it. im sick of trying. im sick of always helping even while going through the wordt shit imaginable. im not sick of it. i want to help and i love helping. but it makes me fucking SICK to think about how ive spent my whole life caring for others. have been let down or ignored or told i was lying or had them hurt me instead so many times over i just fucking wish i was important enough to have gotten help when i needed it. to be listened to enough for somebody to even acknowledge or believe there is an issue (or simply convince me im overreacting)
it was fucking stupid of me to think my last ditch effort of doing art school because every other thing i failed miserably at because im too stupid and cant do enough and dont have the support. it doesnt even fucking matter bc my body is slowly and slowly getting closer to just saying "no fuck you" to the art i NEVER HAD TIME TO MAKE TO MY FULL ABILITY IN THE FIRST PLACE. and then ill never be able to do it ever again because i cant get help
i am going to die knowing i never finished a single thing in my life and nobody will ever know what i was capable of.
i want to die in the most painful and uncomfortable way possible because its what i deserve. its the only thing i truly deserve. i need to endanger myself more than i already do obviously its not killing me fast enough if im still kicking and dragging myself across the pavement. i should be dragged along the pavement by a semitruck instead.
i wanna kill myself so bad tonight man. im gonna try not to bc my friend really needs me rn. but i really might relapse. im so fucking tired i want to just go and sleep but ill stay up just for that. i should just cut a vein already why do i care about beinf careful. there was a thing i wanted to do... cut myself with a razor right after i use it to chop **** because maybe itll make me feel good when im not or just fuck my heart enough to make me faint or do smth stupider
ive been writing this for so long im fucking done. i got 2.5 more hours here. i hope i find my mouse when i go home so i change my mind but i honestly really just want to end it right now. im at the end of the line really. im gonna work til i die and never get a break
"everyday it feels like noone sees and noone knows. every day i kinda wanna cancel the show." /lyr
please for the love of god like this if you read all of it i just spilled my whole guts and not even well
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hello hello! im interested in watching some new anime this year and my fave animes r sailor moon, madoka magica, and ouran high school host club. i especially love a silly funny slice of life show. what r the top 3 youd recommend as fitting the bill?
okay so out of all the anime ive ever seen, know, or like i think these animes would maybe fit your fancy:
Revolutionary Girl Utena.
spoke about it in my last ask so u can find more info there if u havent already seen it, but please anyone reading this, if u havent seen this anime please PLEASE go watch it. trigger warnings for the things i discussed in the last ask i answered, but it is beautifully animated, it crafts a deep, meaningful, and impactful story about breaking down the patriarchal ideals of what it means to be a "prince" and "princess". how society tries to assign us these roles based off of our gender or sex, and how they affect both men and women in terms of toxic masculinity, and how young girls and women pay the price for it. it is often told in heavy symbolism and metaphors or through a fairy tale like lens, but it all has a purpose. theres a ton of symbolic meaning in it that i still dont understand, even after my most recent rewatch. its stunning, and its queer as hell! directed by none other than kunihiko ikuhara, if anyone is familiar with any of his other popular works (such as the sailor moon R movie, yurikuma arashi, and penguindrum)
HEAR ME OUT i ADORE clannad it is one of my top 5 animes ever and it is BEAUTIFUL. its two seasons total, produced by kyoani, and it is funny, charming, beautiful, and tragic. the second season is its most acclaimed, because After Story is just....breathtaking, but the first season rly starts off good too. the humor is so fucking good, i found myself laughing my ass off all through both seasons and it reads as a harem, but it doesnt follow the exact same harem tropes because the main guy has always had eyes for one girl since day 1 so....sorry ladies this is nagisa's house. also it is based off of an old 2000s otome game so thats why too. but clannad follows the main story, nagisa's route.
the story is essentially about a high schooler named Tomoya Okazaki who hates his dad, the town he lives in, and himself. and on the hill going to school one day he meets a senior, Nagisa Furukawa, and she's talking to herself to calm herself down because she's afraid to go back to school. tomoya overhears and it kinda...resonates with him. so he basically says theyll do it together. and so kicks off their story, about how nagisa's passion to follow her dreams before her senior year is over warms up tomoya's frozen heart and they fall for each other. it has a good cast of characters, like the girls in the cover shown and more, and its a slice of life, drama. beautiful 10/10 definitely recommend. get ur tissues ready tho i will warn u, i stayed crying like a baby lolol
3) Cardcaptor Sakura
another magical girl series if u havent already seen it! a classic among the magical girl genre, i offer you CLAMP's probably highest grossing series, cardcaptor sakura! i grew up on this anime, and im talkin GREW UP i was 9 when i watched this anime in japanese on youtube in 3 parts lmao (i was not fuckin with that 4kids dub ngl) and i adore this anime. granted it is a CLAMP creation, therefore there are some Questionable things in there, but the story, art style, characters, and magic are rly fun!!! plus....SYAORAN LI UM HELLO??? MY SON???? total tsundere brat, but hes a dream boat too yknow????
i wassss going to recommend Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle as my third ngl, because it does have sakura and syaoran as their main protagonists in trc, as well as many other clamp characters (mcu who?) buttttttt tsubasa is always a shot in the dark to recommend to people because 1) the anime sucks. if u want the true, authentic story u gotta read the manga. i am rolling around in my grave for all eternity until tsubasa gets a manga-faithful anime adaptation....and 2) not a lot of people like tsubasa because its unnecessarily convoluted lolol there are definitely gripes i have with certain aspects of its story, but i adore that manga with all my being it is sooo so good.
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im deep down on megamassikalove's blog cc shopping n saw her participate in an ask game thingie n i wanna do it too even tho its like a year old LMAOO bc it looks fun n i rarely see them on my dash!
1. What’s your favourite sims death? old age ,, boring answer but i love my sims man they my babies fr any other death genuinely upsets me
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? maxis match altho i do sorta uhh maxis mix i think it's called sometimes, really i download whatever i like (mostly maxis match) i just want everything in simlish fr
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? i like when my sims gain weight bc that's how i get my body diversity but if their outfit doesnt have fat morph n i dont wanna change their outfit i do cheat it sometimessss but not very often
4. Do you use move objects? move objects is enabled in my game alwayss
5. Favorite mod? honestly im not sure! im def a big acr fan but that's just the first one that comes to mind, there's soooo many must haves imo!
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? both sims 2 pets n sims 2 seasons! my auntie bought them for us, i got soooo excited about pets n lil ol me asked her, "woah can we get monkeys??" LMAOO
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? i pronounce it like aLIVE
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? REESE BULLARD!! he was in my very first bacc years ago, he had more personality than any of my other sims ever had he was so silly
9. Have you made a simself? i have! i made one in sims 2 back in like 2018 but she didnt look like me fr haha, i made one some years ago in sims 4 n she actually looked a lotttt like me but i have lost all her pics unfortunately. now i just have a sim in one of my current 'hoods that's named after me
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? dang if only i knew myself better fr ,, hmmmm ima say animal lover, loves the outdoors, artistic, childish, socially awkward. maybe
Which is your favorite EA hair color? hmm i don't think i have one? i'll just say red
Favorite EA hair? i don't see ea hair in my game fr anymore but as a kid i think my favorite one was meg i think
Favorite life stage? im not sure honestly! i might have to go with child, or adult idk tbh
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? i only started getting into building fr last year i think, building is a struggle for me but i really enjoy it! i think i'm def more of a gameplay person tho i just feel pretty restricted building for sims 2
Are you a CC creator? i am! pretty much just recolor things but i wanna try my hand at making terrains to share, and i'm slowly starting to upload lots n want to upload sims as well. i've made splash music and loading screens too, kinda wanna get back into doing that actually
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? i consider @gir-sims to be my friend! yall should check out her bacc, its both on youtube n dreamwidth!
What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) the sims 2 is my favorite game in the world, been playing since i was like four/five!
Do you have any sims merch? i have a social bunny sweatshirt that i adore! i tried to google for it but it seems the shop is closed now, i got it from etsy by littleplumbobdesigns. i found this shirt it's the same design, except what i have is a pink sweatshirt with a pink social bunny!
Do you have a YouTube for sims? i do! i currently just have my port taylor bacc series on it, it's linked on my blog :^)
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? i spent the first manyyyy years of simming without cc ,, idk how i did it man. i used to use alpha cc for sims 4 then i ended up switching to mostly maxis match! for sims 2 i switched hair systems twice (started with new hair system, then simgaroop, now it's mostly poppet v2). i can recall switching eye defaults too. that's all i can think of
What’s your Origin ID? i think it's behindthesea00 (my mom made me the account to buy me sims 4 for christmas) BUT i share that account with my younger sister. i dont think she plays sims anymore so idk if she still gets on it, i dont either tbh i dont need origin/ea play/whatever to play my game anymore YAY
Who’s your favorite CC creator? oh gosh there are soooo many!!
How long have you had a simblr? hmmmm i think i've had this one for 3-4 years? but it's been longer than that bc i have a sims 4 simblr that i completely abandoned as i no longer play sims 4, i havent played it since right before infants came out
How do you edit your pictures? for gameplay pics i just cropped them for the most part, occasionally adding a silly lil detail to it. i add woohoo heart to censor nudity when needed. for cc i honestly seem to just do whatever i feel like doing, lately i think i just take the pic, crop it, n add text to it
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? i only play sims 2 so no more packs for me! other than cc packs that our lovely community makes!
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? for sims 2 hmmmm im honestly not sure, ahh this is a hard one! sims 2 has such great packs idk if i can choose! hmmmm def pets for sure n i really love open for business too
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companions react to sole being really sick but insisting to work anyways. they literally won’t sit down and they’re probably gonna fall out in a few minutes if they don’t
Companions react to Sick Sole that is In Denial
Aka the prompt that called high-school me tf out
Cait; Wrestles them into bed, hunts for cough syrup, force feeds. By wrestle, I mean "gently pushes until they fall over." Gives them alcohol and keeps away. Cait doesn't often get sick, but when she does, oh boy...Sole would never hear the end of it if she caught their shit. Will find spicy snacks for them to eat, to accommodate their lost sense of taste. Because Cait cares like that.
Codsworth; Absolutely not. Will use as colorful language as he can stomach to convince Sole to retire for a bit. Follows them around Sanctuary throwing a hissy-fit. Well...as much as Codsworth can throw a fit. Gets increasingly indignant. If Sole passes out before he can shepard them back home, he will consider duct-taping them to their bed, just for safety. He makes them soup and hand/claw-feeds them. Good luck sleeping with three robot eyes watching you like a hawk.
Curie; Pesters. Following them around with a rollup mattress for when they inevitably collapse. Recites a monolog about wellness and self care until they do. Very cross. Sole thinks they're hallucinating, seeing her glare and scold them. Makes their medicine herself; doesnt trust wasteland 'doctors' enough, and worries about such old, Pre-war medicine. Might start sticking things up their nose, or something, for samples.
Danse; A soldier refusing to seek attention and rest is not going to last long. He will also manhandle them, but not until they're already falling over. Makes a nasty ass...tea thing, that's great for colds/flus. Its. So. Gross. Danse knows how to make it because he himself refuses to stop working for sick rest. Hypocrite. If on the field, will personally tend to them. If not, leaves it to Cade, or any other doctor. Pesters said doctor enough he might get a clipboard thrown at him.
Deacon; Makes a similar, nastier tea thing. Spikes it with soda. Not to make it taste better. The soda is punishment to remind himself to never get sick again because it makes it fucking demonic. It makes Sole throw up and the force knocks them out. Rolls them up in a blanket burrito, raids the nearest pharmacy, and prepares a disguise. When Sole awakes, 50/50 chance they'll recognize its him.
Gage; What, is he their fucking mom? If they want to crack their head open passing out, that's their idiot choice to make. Except no it isn't, because he needs them alive, so Gage bitches the whole time, but he drags them kicking and screaming to bed. Throws medicine at them and tells them to quit being a baby. He's not getting too close to them right now. Hell. No. Also a baby himself about getting sick.
Hancock; Hancock isn't the type to tell someone how to handle themselves. He'll privately worry, and maybe hint that they should take a damn break, but until it gets bad enough they're half-way down to the floor, its not his business. When they're faceplanting, he'll step in. Also gives them some booze. He'll try to cook for them, but...uh. Chips and soda is good for colds, right? Right? [SOUNDS OF CURIE SCREAMING IN THE DISTANCE]
MacCready; Lucy was a doctor. He's got this. Or so he thinks, right up until Sole refuses to acknowledge their own illness. Okay. Shi–uuucks. What did Lucy do when he was being stubborn? Uh...that's not appropriate with Sole...what if he—Sole...? Sole–! Oh. Okay. That works. Just has to drag them into bed now. Spends extra caps for the good medicine, and for once, makes proper food. Sole remembers learning that he knows how to make his own noodles during this incident. MacCready tells them they were hallucinating.
Nick; Stands straight, crosses his arms, looks at them expectantly. Just waits. Grabs them before their legs give out, hauls them up over a shoulder, and straight to the doc's. Doc says bed, Sole is in bed. While they're out of commission for the week, plans out his lecture. It's not healthy for the brain nor body to keep moving when everything is telling you to quit. He's sarcastically coddling.
Piper; Also guilty of trying to power through. Piper is also an opportunist, however, and the moment she sees their guard fall, sees a moment of weakness, she's shoving them into their bedroom. Sole barely notices the change of environment. Canned soup, crackers, tea...and because Piper is just the best, she'll make them a dessert she often makes for Nat. Rice pudding, tarberry shortcake, she's even made honey custard. Something sweet and easy on the stomach.
Preston; Like Codsworth, chases them down begging them to just go the fuck to bed. Grabs them by the scruff of their neck before they hit dirt. Like Nick, sasses them the whole time, even if he is doting on them like a fussy mom. Remember Cait and her spicy snacks? Preston throws whatever spices he has into their meals. Hope Sole has a high spice tolerance.
X6-88; Grabs and warps to the Institute. If the Institute is gone, grabs and drags them to a doctor. He could try tending to them, but similar to Hancock, you will quickly regret asking. It's better to just have him go get medicine. He's somewhat fascinated over the concept, though. Cousers rarely get sick. And the once or twice X6 was, it was just an irritated throat or a headache. Sole is melting and yet they're expected to recover. Fascinating.
#fo4#fallout 4#paladin danse#preston garvey#piper wright#nick valentine#x6-88#robert joseph maccready#companions react#hancock#porter gage#Codsworth#for the one codsy fan in the back
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2, 7, 30, 37 for Luna and Butch?
HEHE. im assuming this is for post relationship !
2. What kind of dynamic do they have with each other? honestlyyyy... their dynamic is so on and off. typical dumbass that likes to mess around with the stoic & often on edge downer (usually). but sometimes the roles reverse & luna messes with butch, teaseing him over dumb shit <3 all part of the enemies to lovers to exes to companions dynamic baby
3. What do others think of them? (WRONG QUESTION SORRY, think of it as an extra) most people out in the wasteland just view them as some punk ass kids. people in megaton def gossip about them though, saying they fight like an old married couple, maybe even more than nathan and manya. but others say theres no way in hell theyre interested in each other from the constant glares Luna gives Butch, and sometimes vice versa LMAO all in all, their relationship is kind of a mystery to the wasteland. (and to them too, damn)
7. Do they have a desire to protect each other? (CORRECT QUESTION) Yes.... truth is, Luna couldn't bare to see Butch get hurt. while she does threaten him multiple times, she never really wants him extremely hurt, or dead. why would she want to lose another person whos been/was/is(...?) important to her.
Now. I think Butch would try his best to also protect her. i like to think he gets frustrated at the fact that she saves his sorry ass most of the time, and never has any proper chance to prove himself or even be her hero. and i can def see him trying to get better at the whole companion thing, just to be able to protect her. he def does have a huge desire to protect her from the thought of being the wasteland's martyr though, but he has NO idea how to go around that. he only ends up making it worse...... but he doesnt want her thinking her job out here is to protect everyone and everything.
30. What's something one thinks the other should improve upon?
Luna -> Butch : he should work on keeping promises & realize he won't always get his way.
Butch -> Luna: she should stop putting up walls and being so stubborn.
Luna <--> Butch: they should BOTH learn that they are allowed to be vulnerable...........
37. What would it take for them to betray each other?
OOF. gah. time to get a bit serious here. without spoiling it too much, butch has already somewhat betrayed luna in a sense when they were younger. realistically, Butch doesn't have anyone else out here other than some folks he knows in rivet city and obviously Luna. i doubt Butch would ever willingly betray Luna unless there was something in it for him, that he'd want more than anything in the world? what that is, i don't know. he's learned his lesson (somewhat) in terms of betraying her anyways. but, um.. maybe an extremely good opportunity to make it big somewhere? a chance to make the tunnel snakes bigger, better, recruit more people? (i dont know if he would, honestly) i dunno. it would all depend on the situation, and how their relationship ends up. but he does know if he were to ever betray her, there would be no going back, not anymore.
as for Luna. Huh... she's loyal. regardless of what he's done to her. its just in her nature, at least with people she knows aren't evil. Luna would like, never really betray Butch. she's been on the receiving end, why would she want to do the same shit back? to get revenge? maybe, but deep down she knows that would just end up hurting her more. not to mention, it would just never sit right with her ever. i feel like the ONLY time she might consider betraying him, is if she had the ability to bring her dad back, or something related to that. which sounds bizarre, and it probably is, but yeah.
this ones tough. im a bit stumped LOL
#ok edit edit: fixed it!#edit: just realized i answer the wrong QUESTION HOLD ON. GIVE ME A FEW MINUTES#goodness the typos on this are insane my bad its almost 3 am#yall got me fucked up thinking abt that last one /j#lw: luna hayden#butch deloria#just for fun#asks#ask meme#ask game#answered#BTW I STILL HAVE UR ASK IN MY INBOX IVE BEEN MEANING TO ANSWER IT JUST NEED TO THINK ABT A PROPER RESPONSE LOL#moonscale
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