#she doesnt quite hate dark as much as she used to
ask-prismaknight · 10 months
Prisma, I don't mean to be that person or a jerk about this, but I fear that you seemingly making sure that Mochi and Dark not getting to bond going to bite your ass at some point in the future.
I can understand why you are wary and don't like the thought of Dark being anywhere near Mochi, let alone hold the little guy. But you of all people should know by now how unpredictable life really can be.
For all we know, something big is going to happen that will require you to trust Dark with Mochi wether you like it or not. And if I'm honest, it might be better that you and Dark work something out that you will at least be somewhat at ease on.
I know this is asking a lot, I doubt many in your peculiar situation, not to mention the past you have with Dark, make this easy. But all I ask is to give it a chance. It's better that you've tried then not, all things considred.
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Maybe someday.
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omg pls write more of what you just posted of rafe with that age gap it's sooo hot 😭 like something about the reader being bratty on purpose and sassing him
cw: dark!rafe x younger!reader, 29 and 19, non-con/rape, drug use, intoxicated reader, talks of free use and public sex, abusive relationship
note: is this too dark, yes or no
rafe HATES when you disobey at parties. ever since you two have started dating, you have a bad habit of misbehaving at parties to get more attention from rafe. whether that be overdrinking, snorting coke, smoking weed, or flirting with other guys. all of these being things that you KNOW rafe disapproves of.
tonight, it happened to be a mix of all of them. you went to the restroom and came back to rafe talking with one of his ex girlfriends, sofia. you completely being oblivious to the fact that he was telling her off. you huff and head back into the room where topper and kelce sit.
they're doing lines and drinking, sitting on opposite sides of a loveseat.
"hey, y/n, have a seat," topper politely greets you, gesturing to an empty chair beside the loveseat but you smile and sit inbetween topper and kelce. they give eachother a look but say nothing.
"whatcha guys doin?" you ask, looking over toppers shoulder as he sets up a line.
"coke, nothing you should concern yourself with."
"yeah rafe would kill us if he knew you were anywhere near this," kelce comments.
"hes too busy bein up sofia's pussy to care. can i do a line?"
kelce and topper both look at you at this comment, a little shocked. they knew rafe and how loyal he was to you, he never even so much as entertained another girl.
"you saw him up her pussy?" kelce asks, confused.
"well no but- it doesnt even matter, just let me do a line."
"sweetheart i dont think-" topper starts.
"pleaseeeeee?" you beg, giving him puppy eyes.
topper sighs and glances to kelce who shrugs. eventually topper responds, "okay fine, sweetie, but you cannot tell rafe."
"i won't, promise! ill even pinky promise if you want!"
topper stares at you for a moment, finding your innocence both endearing and hot at the same time. too bad you aren't his. topper sets up a line for you and gently guides you onto your knees in front of the table. he gives you the dollar bill and guides you as you snort it. you let it sit for a minute, not feeling anything, then it hits. and you want more.
"again!" you say, looking at topper, feeling your brain begin to buzz.
"yeah no i don't-"
"what the fuck are you doing?"
your eyes shoot to the doorway. rafe stands there, arms crossed, hair messy, blood on his knuckles, and he looks pissed.
"rafey!" you greet him, trying to pretend you didn't just snort cocaine. you stand up, swaying, and subsequently falling back onto the couch.
"what the fuck guys?" rafe questions, walking over to you. he looks pissed, "how much did you give her?"
"just a line, man, she asked for it. quite literally," kelce speaks first and topper agrees.
"i didn't know you don't let her do that man, im sorry-" topper defends himself and rafe shakes his head, calming down a bit.
"nah you're good, man. it's her fault. come on, princess, we have some business to discuss." rafe says through gritted teeth, roughly grabbing your arm and heading to his room. once you're upstairs and away from people, he starts scolding you, "what the fuck were you thinking? you know so much better than that."
"you were talking to Sof-"
"yeah i was telling her to go suck a fucking dick. then i beat the shit out of her boyfriend for calling you a whore. but maybe he was right, you don't think about anyone but yourself, huh? always just assuming. saw the way you were staring at top." rafe speaks with no sympathy and you two slip into his bedroom. he presses you down onto the bed, holding your hands behind your back as he flips your little skirt up, "no panties? you fucking serious? god what is wrong with you? you stupid little whore."
you hear his belt unbuckle and your head continues buzzing from your high. soon enough, you feel his cock, pushing into you. it's immediately too much.
"rafe-! no no no-"
"don't tell me fucking no, bitch. act like a whore, get treated like one. maybe i should've just fucked you downstairs," rafe starts, setting a fast pace with his thrusts, not hearing any of your protests, "or maybe i should tie you up down there, let all these drunk men use your holes since you wanna disobey. i think that's a fair punishment, huh? i try to be nice and defend your honor and you make eyes at two of my best friends. fucking bitch."
"rafe i didn't- i don't want this- stop!" you beg but rafe doesn't care. he simply tugs your hair in response as you start crying. your head is pounding and it's all too much.
"that's it, cry for it, bitch. this is my fucking pussy and i'm gonna use it when i want. now whine one more time and i'm gonna make this pussy free use to the entire island."
you whimper and stay quiet in response. you think about leaving rafe, but you can't, you love him and maybe you even secretly loved being fucked against your will.
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sonic-oc-showdown · 11 months
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Zenyx belongs to @grimsdeadb0nes
Lori-Ki belongs to @julie-su
Find out more about them below!
Zenyx is a(n Offcolor) Zeti hailing from the Lost Hex, hidden from the eyes of all but a small handful for her own safety.
Described as exceedingly versatile and a fairly composed wild-card, she acts as The Deadly Six's secret Seventh member! The full extent of her outwardly behaviors is dependant on who she may be around or the situation at hand. She can be quite sweet and very caring to those she likes or is loyal to (which is a very limited list), but can otherwise be just as malicious as the rest of her Pack tend to be towards outsiders. However, unlike the other six, she won't always go out of her way to cause harm or misery UNLESS given proper reason to or provoked. She can be alittle hissy at times, but she's not inherently hot-headed like some; she just doesnt like her buttons being pushed or being lied to- or worse yet, her Pack being messed with.
Zenyx is extremely loyal to the Six and may be described as "caring alittle too much", as she enjoys keeping an eye on/spending time with each and every one if possible and making sure they're okay. She's very keen on stealth and being observant, a quick thinker that thinks ahead, and maybe a slight bit of a people pleaser towards certain individuals- but she isn't afraid to give her two cents either and often lacks a filter at times, offering a touch of sass and attitude. She can be very performative (to an extent) and likes trying to make things fun, being ultimately much more (surprisingly) pleasant than the rest of the Six.
In my Lost World Rewrite (currently still being worked on as of this Poll, yet to be properly revealed!), she is the main inclusion-difference and is by all means another rough obstacle for Sonic and Tails to get through. She managed to remain hidden while the rest of the Six were "conquered" by Eggman for a time, staying out of sight and scheming or helping behind the scenes- as well as working on a way to aid in their freedom before Sonic inevitably kicked the Cacophonic Conch from Eggman's grasp, speeding up that plan tenfold. Eggman was none the wiser to her existence until much later in the story, even going as far as aggressively denying the existence of a seventh in the stretch of area he had taken over when asked about it by Tails, because "If there was, I would have conquered them too!" or something.
She appears in much further stuff planned but thats all hush hush rn ;3!
(art by @/btm-txt)
Lori-Ki is a vengeful member of the Dark Egg Legion, who misses the time before Dimitri had joined forces with Dr. Eggman. She hates Eggman with a passion; spurring first from his refusal to restore her full cybernetics from when EnerjaKnux had forcibly removed them from her, and the rest of the Legion. She had used to boast a half-titanium skull which looked quite frightful; she hated the ridiculous and mass-produced 'upgrades' that were made to her under the Dark Egg Legion. She now skulks around the base, trying to be as unhelpful and sabotaging as she can, plotting Eggman's downfall from the shadows. However, she is the equivalent of a chihuahua amongst dobermen, so all she can do is waste company time, and complain to other legionnaire folk.
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saltyspacecat · 2 months
Some thoughts about contrasting characteristics and diversion tactics in A Deadly Education (I have not yet read the other two books in the series)
Regarding El, she is described as feeling like its going to rain, and its understandable why people would see that and immediately think "bad", but rain isnt necessarily a bad thing. I think Novik chose that specifically because of the symbolism a coming storm can bring. Its destructive and scary, yeah maybe, but rain is cleansing, it brings new life/growth.
I have a hunch that is going to tie in quite beautifully with her character arc/what ever role she will grow into in the next two books.
And I feel like Novik does a lot of subtle misdirection like this, giving El a description we're meant to immediately interpret as bad, but that can actually be interpreted much differently if you stop to think about it (maybe the only reason people fear her is because they fear the unknown. she's not bringing destruction as death, she's bringing it as change. and people hate change, change is scary in and of itself). I notice this misdirection a lot with how Orion and her are being constantly contrasted. They are very much opposites in a lot of ways--physically: Orion is pale and silver haired and kinda more small of stature for a guy, El has darker skin, dark hair, on her way to being above average in height; socially: orion is well loved and well recieved, kinda socially oblivious tho (very autistic imo) doesnt realize all the structures benefiting him, whereas El is an outcast people take an automatic disliking to, is very socially speculative,extremely good at reading people, and very aware of how everything functions, the structure of the hierarchies, the systems in place and necessary procedures to make it through life at the school, etc. -- but if you stop reading into all the opposites that are being deliberately thrown at you and analyze their relationship and their characters, you see they have a lot of core things in common. like that they both have similar feelings of social isolation (even if it is in opposite directions), theyre both brave and self sacrificing. It almost feels like im not meant to realize that yet, because then i will realize how everything is going to end. (I have a fear that the self-sacrificing bit is reaaalllly going to hurt later on.)
There is also a prevalent theme of ballance in this book, and that ties into the comparing and contrasting of Orion vs El. They are extremely yin yang coded.
I feel like this isnt the kind of thing I'd usually be thinking so deep about in an average book, but this author has already proven that shes is very smart. The ways she writes about the different politics, the realistic characters (looking at you, trauma responses so realistic they triggered my own XD), the rich culture of the school and of the magic itself, etc., it makes it feel completely possible that she'd be doing all of these subtle things very on purpose. Immediately I think of the scene in the library, where the school is using distraction and misdirection to try to keep El from noticing the maw-mouth. And the thought of Novik using this kind of misdirection/distraction literally in the story (like the library scene) but also as writing device (where its not directed at the main character, but at us, the audience/4th wall) is soooooo cool to me wow.
Naomi Novik is a genius.
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haebails · 6 months
Riddle school headcanons
These make my brain rot
hes like a normal 12 year old but like, not normal
he has adhd shut up yes he does yes he odes!
His dog is crusty and white. He named her bulldozer before knowing she was a girl and stuck with it cuz it was funny to call a small crusty white dog bulldozer
(^ he dresses said dog up in fancy attire when he takes her for walks)
Hes actually a great pet owner and has had a ton of pets he found on the street (most of which his parents told him to get rid of (bulldozer was the only one they kept cuz they could actually manage her)
( ^ adding on this, Phil found a snake once. he did not get bit not once)
Phil has a Ps2 and has NOT upgraded since (he claims its for aesthetics but really he just forgets/cant afford a Ps5)
his parents hate smokers so he goes to Phreds house or smileys to smoke weed, always washing his clothes there to get the weed smell off him so his parents dont know
^ he smokes pot but not often enough to be considered a stoner (in college he did become a stoner for a while, before realizing weed is expensive and then he moved to cigarettes, also realizing that is expensive and then he quit smoking, period)
but he lacks a personality so bad its just characterizing at this point
he has mediocre grades, but doesnt try so his scores are down in the negatives.
(^ somehow pulls his grades up enough to make his parents not dissatisfied)
He dresses up sometimes when home alone. Always washes the dresses afterwards to avoid getting caught by his parents
(^ buys his weed from 5 (who dosnt smoke but 808 grows weed so 5 sells it) )
He actually is a hardcore gamer, and beats phil and zack at EVERY game cuz hes so goated at all of the games theyve played
(^ phil and zack dont let phred choose games anymore)
Uses discord and has a decent group of online friends he rarely talks too
his dads a stoner too
(^ they dont smoke together)
(Little angsty) He smokes to make him forget about his grades and often calls phil while high to ramble to him about things
(^ phil has no problem with this)
Phred is a fish guy
^ he is very educated on fish
^ he doesn’t go fishing
He has a fish
(^ He named it leonardo defishnie)
She has a toothgap
Had braces for a while to try and fix it but it came back cuz she was a kid who squirted water at other kids at the public pool
Wears and makes bracelets
^ she made the gang matching bracelets
^ they all wear them 24/7
Fandom core
Used amino religiously before her mom told her to delete it for fear of her safety
Only wears her hair in a ponytail cuz otherwise her hair will poof up and go everywhere
Overall wearer
She has those cute hairclips, and was finally able to use them when she got hair from the can
She owns like 200~ stuffed animals
She thinks taxidermy is scary and thinks greg is weird for liking it
Vocaloid listener
Gacha phase haver
Sleeps like a victorian princess who is on her deathbed
^ hard to cuddle with phil cuz he sprawls out when he sleeps
She wears a nightdown and nightcap to bed, and when she wakes up in the night she brings a candle
Her room is messy but also an organized messy
Puts those glow in the dark stars on her walls and ceiling
Ate paper as a kid
She is a natural skipper
^she loves skipping to her classes
She likes rainey days
MLP watcher
He is much sleep deprived, and literally cannot function without water or an energy drink in his hand
Very fast eater
(^gets hiccups alot)
When hes angry his shoulders burn up
(^ Flame turns blue when extra angry
^ told smiley it was cold
^ he paid for her medical bills)
Cat owner but allergic to cat hair
Points at phil and yells at the top of his lungs “BALD”
(^ Phred joins in this act sometimes)
He likes mint icecream
streaks of white hair, solely cuz of his dad having fully white hair
He eats seafood
(^ much to phreds dismay to see him eating sushi at lunch)
Overheats alot so he has a tote bag full of water, medicine, and bandaids
He is a deltarune player
(^ had an undertale phase and watched those sans fangirl videos)
Also had a gacha phase
He has Seizures
His hands lock up for like 5 minutes
(^ very occasionally )
He has a basement room, but made renovations to have windows in the ground
(^he paid phred and phil $50 to help him)
(^ 1 eye blue, 1 eye brown)
Ripped jean wearer
Been friends with smiley longer than he was friends with phil or phred
kay that’s it
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crazylittlejester · 6 months
(I apologize in advance because this'll be a long one for I have so much to say)
Malon proposed to Time and it was the cutest thing ever and it made Time so red he thought he caught a fever.
Warriors may look thin, but that man could easily carry both Time and Twilight (with their armor on) without breaking a sweat. My man swings a huge ball and chain around that could easily be a few hundred pounds, he's shredded beneath those clothes.
Twilight has both the triforce of courage and power, and often uses the blessing from the triforce of power more often.
Hyruke has all three segments of the triforce. He uses the blessing from the triforce of wisdom the most.
Wild does not have a triforce price, neither does Flora, as in their era the triforce has been hidden away in the sacred realm.
All the Zeldas are taller than their Link. Even if by an inch, they are taller (With the biggest height difference being between Time and Lullaby, as she towers him by a good foot. The hardest to see is Sky and Sun, as she is only an inch taller.)
Four has a fear of every insect except for spiders, which makes him the only Link to not have arachniphobia.
Legend has fist fought a child before. No I will not elaborate.
If sleepy or pissed off, both Twilight and Warriors shift into their native tongues (I like to think Ordon is based in an Eastern European country, so I will happily be spreading my Hungarian Twilight agenda thank you very much.)
The most passive aggressive person in the group is Sky, as he gets tired of being all nice when somebody is being a prick but doesn't want to be outright rude.
Wind thinks Time's and Twilight's facial markings are cool and wants his own.
Time is short and his boots make him taller. He is around the same height as Sky without them, and Malon is taller than him too. It's because the lost forest didn't really have enough food for him to grow properly, so he's short now.
Wind, Warriors, and Time all have some sort of PTSD relating to the FD mask. (Warriors nearly died during battle because a possessed young Time didn't realize he was a friend and not a foe. Wind was forced to wear it once during battle and doesnt want to be near it after the pain it cause him. Time is basically fusing with the Deity with how often he wore it in his youth.)
Wild is not fully mortal and is considered half dead, so certain beings either like him or hate him more for it. (Fairies tend to avoid him while spirits tend to trust him).
Four can still see the Minish despite being considered to old to. They sometimes help if the chain gets lost.
Hyrule is not the field medic, it's actually Legend and Warriors.
Sky talks about Sun so much that everybody assumed they were already married. It surprised everyone when he revealed they weren't engaged yet.
During the events of the story, Malon is pregnant with her and Time's first child. The child is born after Time returns permanently, and it is Twilight's mom!
Everybody has cuddled Twilight, either it be when he was Wolfie or not, he has been cuddled.
Warriors is his Ganondorf's son, and the only ones to know is Time, Wind and Twilight. Wild somewhat knows due to the ruins he and Flora once found from his era, though he isn't quite sure.
Wild is not the only foodie in the group. All the boys can eat their own weight and not gain a single pound afterwards. They all love food and love trying different dishes from all places.
Certain Hyrules have myths and folklore about monsters we know about (such as ghouls, vampires, werewolves and such). For example, Hyrule thought Twilight was a werewolf after learning he was Wolfie and kept placing silver objects on top of him while he was on bedrest. (Which did nothing since Twilight isn't a werewolf.)
Hylia heavily favors Wild and Sky the most out of all the boys. (Since I like the idea of BOTW and TOTK being direct sequels to SS instead if further down the timeline)
Dark Link is an amalgamation of all the Link's darkest desires. He also has the ability to shift into any of the others if he focused enough of his energy to do so.
Twilight has committed cannabilism before. His wolfish instincts got the better of him, and the guy was trying to hurt Legend. Legend hasn't spoken about it since the incident, and only they know.
All the Links have eaten something inedible and every time they do it infront of Malon she does the clutching her pearls gesture and it's really cute.
I have so many more but I'm to tired to continue. I hope you're taking care of yourself ♥
You have no need to apologize I absolutely LOVE reading people’s headcanons, feel free to stop by my ask box and tell me ur headcanons whenever you’d like :)
1. I firmly believe this was the case, Malon absolutely proposed to him. I also believe she can pick him up and carry him around
2. I have a post I’m planning on making soon about body types but I am a FIRM believer that just because Warriors is thin doesn’t mean that man isn’t strong. He’s incredibly thin looking, the kind of guy you’d assume you can see his ribs, and people underestimate his strength because of it. Yes, physically there isn’t a whole lot of him, but that’s because he has very low body fat because it’s all muscle. To me he has a build similar to female ballet dancers. Very small and you wouldn’t assume he’s capable of much if you just saw him out and about, but when he’s in his element, NO ONE doubts his strength
3. EVERY ZELDA IS TALLER THAN EVERY LINK REAL. Personally I think Sky and Sun are like the same exact height from a distance, but if you look real close, she’s taller
4. The concept that Four is the only one who wouldn’t scream and absolutely loose it at the sight of a spider made me laugh. I wholeheartedly agree with you on that one
5. Legend vs. Child (chid won)
6. Hungarian Twilight is super cool! I really like that headcanon :)
7. Sky is FOR SURE the most passive aggressive because all the others would probably get at least a LITTLE snappy but Sky would whip out a customer service voice but there would be no light in his eyes
8. Wind absolutely asked for a face tattoo and Time definitely had to shut him down.
9. THE IDEA THAT TIME IS WALKING AROUND WITH LIKE 3 INCHES OF HEEL IN HIS BOOT IS HILARIOUS. I personally think he’s about 5’8 and roughly Malon’s height in Jojo’s au, but for my own interpretation of him He Is 5’5.
10. I have a headcanon that Wild’s eyes are more of a glowly sheika blue since he was brought back. I think there’s probably something slightly off about him that gives people and animals an uncanny sense about him, even though he’s very sweet and nice, something about him just feels odd
11. Four can always see the minish, I firmly believe that
12. WARRIORS IS THE FIELD MEDIC AND I’LL DIE ON THAT HILL. Sure the others know basic first aid and such, but Warriors has the most medical knowledge and training, though I like to think he teaches what he knows to Hyrule because Hyrule is curious
13. My personal headcanon is that Twilight is Time’s great grandson, but Time lived long enough to be able to meet his son’s daughter, who is Twilight’s mom. I like to think Twilight’s mom would’ve sung him songs she learned from Malon
14. Twilight is definitely one of the more cuddly members of the group, he’s definitely down for hugs you just gotta ask him first
15. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a headcanon that Wars is Ganondorf’s son but that’s cool! I headcanon that his father died in the army💀💀💀 He just gives me absent/dead father energy
16. I think Hylian folklores and myths are definitely wildly different throughout the eras, and it probably extended to the heroes as well! Like imagine an ‘Old Hylian Myth’ and it basically says that Sky is a giant or something and the others all meet this great hero of the skys and he’s 5’4
17. I can imagine Malon being like “Wild what are you making?” and he just goes “Monster parts stew :3”
I loved reading all of these! I hope you’re taking care of yourself as well :)
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makifullstop · 4 months
I honestly dont really get why ppl hated lore olympus so much.
I havent watched any videos on lore olympus (i dont really wanna get influenced by the opinion of another), ive been just reading the webtoon and i dont think there is smth very bad about it- maybe in the start of the webtoon, things were real rocky, but then i think that it got very much better.
The world the author built is not half bad, the ways they implement the ancient greek mythos, kinda remaking a story using parts from myths and storys and mixing them in the setting they made is very fun, and the illustrations are also pleasent as hell.
i seriously dont see where the problem could be- all im thinking is that i could be a big "this isnt my thing" kind of thing which i do get, the story reading at first like a manhua type "yn x big bad jaded ceo" isnt the most intresting ( i am not really the target demographic) but then it developes into smth more like a telenovela type drama about rich families n' stuff like that (yk the ones).
Over time you see the characters evolve and change with persephony growing out of the sheltered thinking that she had and gainining more confidence and embracing her anger for the good that it can do, while hades does smth a little bit analogus but backwards: becoming less jaded and isolated and learning to accept help, quite literally fighting his trauma involving kronos and becoming more open and inviting. And many other side/ main characters have similar character arcs, slowly revealing more and more of themselves for us to see who they truly are and how they got that way.
And as for the villains, kornos was straight up kind of terrifying, kinda reminded me of white diamond in the way he was introduced, only talked about and in flashbacks, severely intangable until he was not and apolo- he doesnt deserve my praise on anything that fucking cunt. Delusional, stupid, manipulative, r-ist- you can tell the author took some (many) liberties with this one, tbh kinda annoying at some points but keep in mind that the webtoon is using the greek mythos as a base and only a base ( or even a loose inspiration for characters and settings at this point- and at current also ouranos which has been established breifly only in flashbacks and in "meanwhiles" when apolo went to consult him.
Lastly the art as i said is downright gorgeous, smth out of a picture boothan a comic and i absolutely love that! the style of the author is very recognisable without any lines making heavy use of colour in the scenes and on the characters in order to show who belongs where blue for the god of the dead and a series of dark hallways and less than ideally lit-up places, while for the goddess of spring flowers and bight colours and sunshine. this also helps draw the eye on the character that doesnt belong ther- like persephony in the underworld where you can probably spot her pink from everywhere and hades with his black while in the light and sunny overworld.
i really dont think that i have smth real bad about lore olympus (that warrants slander)
it kinda eats!
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raspberrysmoon · 7 months
ok so. nobody cares but I DO!!!! so here are some fun facts about my biggest npmd au i curse the day !! :] names are colored/altered for their corresponding lord. red is 'generally evil'
it got long so. facts under cut <3 spoilers are very minimal but go check out my series on ao3 !! 'i curse the day' !!!! olease im insane over them !!
psst @bellqmione i did it. for you :]
- pete hates his horns with a passion. steph thinks theyre kind of cute when he doesnt try to shave them off or rip them out. pete would rip them out if he was sure they didnt connect to his brain like some goat horns do
- similarly, grace adores her eyes/newfound sight 99% of the time. until The Horrors. she cant bring herself to go back to camp idonwannabang.. or look the jerries in the eye
- ted has full custody over pete and acts as a pseudo parent. hes a solid 15 years older, and generally acts like a teen boy with pete. silly goofy guy who has some issues hes not ready to face and a tendancy to drink !
- jenny... is there. somehow. she misses ted a lot and genuinely wants to come back to hatchetfield for him. she just... can't
- steph and nibbly have a weirdly tight knit relationship. treats her like a lapdog. think a maltese with dyed-pink fur and you have steph
- grace is blinkys coworker. she has half as many eyes as him. blinky has 999 eyes. grace has 499.5. one of her eyes is mostly blind, but not entirely. she doesnt know this number
- richie and ruth Are There. so is max. none of our three know this. webby knows. wiggly and pokey know. they're the only ones. not even they themselves know that theyre still there. they lie dormant for now
- hannah, daniel and sophia are attached at the hip. the only reason sophia hasnt shown up yet is because shes rich and homeschooled. they see eachother more than their families. sophia and daniel are hannahs only outlet for webby, now, and theyre both quite familiar with her
- daniel can hold his breath for 10 minutes on average. hannah is the only one who can time him. this can get complicated when holding your breath stops time
- webby is trying desperately to reach lex constantly. lex is doing her best to ignore her, but its getting harder. webby needs something from her.
- grace has watched richies funeral 376 times. she's counted. she can recite to you exactly what each person says and does
- paul is having some trouble with his hearing after richies death. he wasn't that close with his nephew, but the loss is still hitting him. he can only hope its shock. something tells him its not.
- emma is also having trouble with her hearing. she has not told paul, and she will not tell paul. she will not be losing her hearing like her sister. even if it doesnt feel like thats the cause of it, she won't.
- speaking of, i made jane hard of hearing. i dont know why exactly it fits her in my mind, but it does. her and her family are mostly fluent or entirely fluent in american sign language, as is emma. she wears hearing aids
- the three learn sign language. from who? stay tuned and put your guesses down below ‼️
- alice has had vision problems since she moved to clivesdale a few years back. her vision was always bad growing up, and now its... perfect. shes having trouble keeping up the lie to everyone.
- bill and alice really do love eachother i swear. but she doesnt like him much. theyre trying. deb is too. they really are.
- jenny doesn't like the color yellow. she never has. teddy used to. she's not sure if he still would. it makes her head hurt to look at.
- pete hates pants. pete only owns pants. his basketball shorts are actually a pair of stephs, that used to be maxs.
- max is scared of the dark. this was a closely held secret in life. steph finds herself turning a nightlight on for him without thinking about it.
- max didn't have a funeral. his body wasn't buried- instead kept as evidence then tossed out when nobody came to collect it. jason, kyle, stacy and brenda had a small service for him by the lake when they were told he'd been murdered. jason was the only non-cop to see maxs' body after he was dismembered and left at the waylon place
- grace spends more time at the waylon place than she does at home. she finds a strange comfort in it now that it's completely off the market.
- the many quick-succession deaths put the waylon place and its haunting back into the forefront of peoples minds. the town is collectively afraid of it again.
- max is scared of the dark. the black is a very dark place. richie and ruth have yet to encounter the problem of darkness. in fact, ruth has been having some trouble with seeing past the stagelights in front of her
- ruth and richie have their own personalized rooms. a stage/large theatre, and a cozy little room with a fridge and a large tv. max does not get as pleasant of an afterlife as this.
- jerry grew up vegan. he's not sure what his parents would say about his diet.
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dragon-prince-6-3 · 2 months
Dragon prince season 6 spoiler
I thought viren would have done something much darker to save soren than what we have seen. My Theorie was that he sold his soul and his ability to love or killed lissa because she agreed to it ( she know he was a dark mage from the beginning and what mother wouldnt give her live for her child, viren would need to stay alive to performe the spell and afterwards just lied to his children their mother left them to keep them guild free )
Instead she is angree because of his looks and the forced tears. I wouldnt care how my husband looked if he did this to himself, not because of some addiction, but because he tryed to save our son. And i would happy give him the tears to finish the spell. Afterward i would ask what else he did and than decide if i want to go, but i still would have given my tears first. That viren forced the tears from her is not nice, but it was just tears, he didnt touch her or stole blood, etc. Just tears. I wouldnt mind giving someone i know my tears or hair, if they give me a good reason. If a family member would get sick and they would need an organ from me, i would spend it. Water is the least lissa can give when viren already ruined his looks for sorens health.
Next comes the stealing of the staff. That too is not bad. Viren is the student of a master who no longer wants to teach and burn all knowledge of his subject to the ground. I would be already dissapointed in my teacher for quitting. He is allowed to change his mind about his job, so i wouldnt hold it against him. But it is a loss that a Position which needs to be filled with one Person per Generation, where everyone could tecnically qualify. Gets settled with a guy who will not continue the Tradition, after he got a good house and money from it. If he never applaied someone else would have gotten it, who could have actually liked it. Since he liked it in the beginning and now hates it, it is a loss but understandeble, nobady sees the future. So if he doesnt want to teach, does viren get the chance to at least learn everything on his own. No, because kppar trys to hide or destroy as much as he can. Disliking a subject is one thing. Destroying it so nobady else can learn it another. It is not just his own knowledge he would have a right over. But centurys of people and their collectice knowledge he is destroying because of his own reasons. The staff beeing the highlight. It is not a family airloom of kppar, nor a tophy he won. But a relict, which is supposed to go from one master to the next. He has a right to keep it if viren wasnt ready in his power. Instead viren was already a master and would have earned it long ago, if kppar didnt plan to destroy a century old attefact. The only reason this stands in a good light is because dark magic and the staff are evil. If it were sun magic it would be bad.( the dark magic is evil even if it does good things, is an Argument for later ). What is important is that it is centurys old and not for kppar to decide. If it did something to him like posess him or unleash some unspeekable evil on the world, his desire would be understandeble. But aaravos was not at play here, nor does the staff do this. It only increases dark magic, which destroys your own Body, but you know about it and can decide. Kppar only wanted to destroy it because he hates dark magic, not because using it would destroy the world. If you want an example immagen avatar where katara and pakkun where the only water bender alive and he would refuge to teach her because he hates water bending. We would cheer katara on to change pakkun mind but understand if he doesnt want to teach. If he starts to destroy water bending scrools and a secret healing Tool because he doesnt want anybady else to learn from it, we would be pissed. Especially if we would need the tool to save aang and he refused. So yeah viren stealing the staff is not really evil. Especially with the mind of saving soren.
The only evil thing viren did was trapping kppar. He should go into prison for that but i wouldnt hate him for it. Because he is not a monster for this. Viren stole something what should have been his and was needed to save his son. Kppar threatened that he would expose viren to a king, who will take kppar side no matter what and could punish the whole family for it. Even if only viren gets the blame, it still could leaf his children fatherless for a crime he had a good reason to do. We dont know how evil the past king was, but i wouldnt count on him taking virens side or treating him with understanding, considering how much the kingdom seems to fear dark magic. In short viren should not have trapped kppar, but i can see why he did it.
The only thing i can not forgive viren for is blaming soren. I understand where it came from but unlike the Others ( where he has good reason to do what he did ) it is not forgivable.
Virens Action are supposed to stand in a "i did something bad for you light." But i find it to mild. Maybe i saw to many series where something evil for the greater good was worse than stealing, trapping and getting tears. Or i am right and some deeper and more disturbing things would fit dark magic better. Because if this is all he did i would have done it for my family too, if i was a dark mage. If dark magic is so unforgivable and evil make him do something nobady would have had the guts to do, not even all mages before him. Let him Kill his wife, with her agreeing so we dont hate viren.
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the-solar-system52 · 1 year
As an overthinker, media with complicated lore and mysteries are my lifeline so I've decided to contribute my thoughts to the wild west that is tpoh theories!
My working theory I will be going through today is.. (drum roll please 🥁🥁)
.......okay just hear me out-
Why would Time create Negative?
So, we know that RGB and Time are friends and Time helped him after he lost his first hero and also helped Hero, so Time does support RGB's mission and wishes him to succeed. (there also a modmad post you can find on RGB's wiki that implies he might have once been dating Time sooooo)
We also know that Time and Hate used to be friends but had some sort of falling out that resulted in them becoming enemies. Time actively worked against Hate by helping Hero and RGB.
Another thing we find out in Casting is that Hate never intended to give RGB any chance at succeeding in his mission. The game was rigged from the start, as RGB said. The Land of Make Believe is a very hostile place and its implied that Hate has quite a bit of control over the world so it makes sense that she intended to just kill RGB with a Fear or any other enemy.
All this considered, how I imagine it went is that Time knew Hate wouldn't let RGB live and created Negative to help RGB, protect the heros and go against Hate, which lines up with Time's previously mentioned character relationships.
This also explains Negative's behaviour. We don't know much about him but I am a believer of the theory that Negative is a good guy and doesn't mean any harm. All we've seen him do is protect himself when RGB died, defeat Fears and sandstorms and protect Hero. He is basically a characterised defensive mechanism for RGB. Which lines up with what Time would want him to be. He didn't want RGB to die so he created Negative to get RGB out of danger if he ever got badly injured so that Hate couldn't hurt him!
How would Time create Negative?
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With the memories RGB gave him in the trade for more time!!
Think about it! It always bugged me that Time took RGB's memories for seemingly no reason. When Hero needed Time's help, Time did some time-travel shenanigans free of charge! Hero didn't need to give up any of her memories, so why did RGB have to?
Maybe Time needed them to create Negative. This might be a bit of a stretch, but I believe that Negative is supposed to represent RGB's repressed memories.
RGB is a coward and runs away, but Negative is brave and fights creatures head-on. RGB tries to deny that he cares for Hero, but Negative openly protects her even if he accidentally ends up spooking her with his creepy appearance. RGB talks a lot, but Negative hasn't had a single line of dialogue and is theorised by most of the fandom to be mute.
Maybe the reason Negative is so creepy looking and has possible relations to RGB's weird dreams is because he represents the bad memories that Time took from him! Which may explain why RGB can't remember how he died or parts of his human life!
This also is why RGB doesn't know Negative exists and can't remember anything Negative does. And why he changed the subject when Hero tried to tell him about Negative on the train and why water is his biggest fear. Because he doesn't WANT to know.
Additional evidence!
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First all, blackouts are when the page goes dark and Hate can't see what the protagonists are doing. And if there was a blackout at the Plains of Hesitation (the place we first meet Negative) that means Hate can't see Negative and probably doesnt know he exists! This was probably some magic Time did when creating Negative so Hate couldn't hurt Negative.
But, we see Dial saying "Nah, he seemed the same as ever." implying that Hate asked him something along the lines of "was RGB acting differently?"
This makes me think that Hate knows something is up with RGB and knows that he isn't always himself, but doesn't know what exactly. This would make sense since RGB has been trying to defeat Hate for a very long time and is somehow always coming back when he should have died, so of course Hate would guess something was wrong.
My last peice of evidence is this:
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From Time's dialogue here, he can infer that Time is aware of Negative's existence. This could just be down to the fact that he is... well TIME, so he basically knows everything since he watches over everything.
But what I find really interesting is how he says "She doesn't learn that yet." when talking about Hero. Because Hero DOES know about Negative, she's seen him twice and even figured out that water getting into his circuits can trigger out Negative, so WHAT hasn't she learnt yet? I believe that the thing she has yet to learn in Negative's backstory and creation, so it makes sense for Time to say this.
(Also Time has one eye and so does Negative. That might be a coincidence since a few tpoh character only have one eye but its worth mentioning 🤷‍♂️)
IN CONCLUSION! I like this theory I think it has a good amount of evidence, but not enough that im completely happy with it. I'm currently rereading TPOH and looking for clues relating to the lore so if I find anything that disproves or proves this theory then I'll reblog with more info! And please feel free to do the same because I love theorising with other people!
Either way, i really really REALLY hope we get some more Negative screentime soon because I MISS HIM :(
Okie dokie bye now 👋
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
What do you think the class 1b kids think of their own quirks?
This was actually kinda fun to write :>
Not proof read we die like men.
Awase -
He honestly really likes his quirk. I like to think awase grew up around welders so when he got his quirk as a kid, his family was ecstatic <3 he still thinks back to his parents reaction to him getting his quirk today.
Sen -
Hes kinda neutral about it. Thats all I got for his bitchass (i love him sm but my brain is drawing a blank lmaoo)
Kamakiri -
He says he doesn't care for it but he really likes his quirk. The blades being able to come out of any part of his body + how they can change in shape makes his quirk really versatile.
Kuroiro -
He loves his quirk. Its dark and edgy just like him and he can make so many references to the darkness because of it. Lmaoo
Kendo -
When she was a kid she didnt really like her quirk, but as she grew older she learned to like it more and now she really has a lot of fun with it.
Kodai -
Shes pretty neutral about her quirk. Other people like how well it works with others but at the same time her quirk isnt that versatile.
Komori -
She likes her quirk. She does wish it was a little more versatile tho because theres only so much you can do with growning mushrooms on people. (She still powerful asf tho)
Shiozaki -
She really likes her quirk. It represents a good balance between her interests and her religion. (Gardening + the thorn crown jesus wore)
Shishida -
Hes pretty neutral about it. He likes how it can be used in battle but overall he doesnt really have an opinion.
Shoda -
He does kinda wish he was able to do more on his own but overall he does like how helpful he can be for others. Hes more on the positive side about his quirk overall <3
Pony -
She really loves her quirk but sometimes she forgets that she has giant ass horns on her head and they get caught on something and send her reeling backwards. (Only when that happens does she hate her quirk but she forgets about it in like 5 minutes or so)
Tsubaraba -
When he was a little kid I think he liked it a lot less because he didnt have as much lung compasity (idk how to spell it lol) but now that hes trained for it he can do a lot more with it. :)
Tetsutetsu -
He has always loved his quirk. Not only does it fit his personality really well but its also really fun for him to use.
Tokage -
She really likes her quirk, it comes with a lot of room for pranking her friends and things like that.
Manga -
He really likes it. When he was in middle school I feel like he got in trouble for using his quirk a lot because he would show it off to little kids to watch their faces light up at how cool it is. (His dream is to make all the kids in the world to smile btw, cannon fact) :)
Honenuki -
He was probably teased for the way he looked when he was a kid (as most people with mutations probably were) but at the same time he was one of the most popular kids in middle school so hes kinda 50/50 about his quirk and its mutation. Overall tho he has a more positive leaning opinion of it.
Bondo -
He was teased for the way he looked as a kid probably (most ppl with mutations were) and it didnt help that he wasn't outgoing and popular but over time he grew to like his quirk. <3
Monoma -
He actually doesn't like his quirk very much, when he was little he liked it but after all the bullying he went through in school he grew to hate it. (He is starting to like it again because of class b)
Reiko -
She adores her quirk. She stays calm and neutral when talking to other people about it bus she secretly really likes showing her quirk off. (Bonus points for fitting her personality)
Rin -
He really likes his quirk and how it ties in with his culture quite a bit but he dislikes how he cant really fight in the cold. Its a dangerous aspect of his quirk but theres nothing he can do.
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
Hmmmm.... Just to be fair to all the Kangaroos, do you have NSFW headcannons for Ryan and Rena? Asking for science. Yup. Just science, nothing more. Don't look at me 😂
Just to be fair, yes, of course XD
Okay first of all looks!! Ryan and Rena are inverted colours-wise to what Kingston has. So their shoulders and backs in roo form are that golden peanut-butter like colour while their chest and underbelly are the dusky dark brown colour. And in human form they're both blonde. Ryan wears a very similar hat to Kingston, while Rena wears that shade of blue on her eyelids.
THE DEFINITION of a switch XD It completely completely depends on her partner as to which roll she takes- but either way she kills. She can be a total dominatrix, knowing exactly how much force to use to make you cum, but also bat her eyelashes and make herself cry if she thinks that'll really get you going more. She loves both rolls, she doesn't have a preference XD (though... with Henry I think she's probably prefer to be the sweet little sub XD )
She's actually not a great dancer?? Its not her strength 😅 She's up to trying (Rena's up for anything), she'll get up on stage and work a pole good enough... but she ain't special. Not star-quality at all 😅 She's enthusiastic, though!! Haha.
HIGH sexual appetite. Like, this woman is always looking to fuck. Which is (part of) why she and Kingston go through their non-monogamous phases; sometimes he just can't keep up with her XD 😅 (or more like doesn't want to. He can-- he's just not quite as constantly horny as she is)
As I've said before- Rena is a femme fatale. A really fucked up, crazy, borderline depressed femme fatale, but a femme fatale all the same. And as such, she can be d a n g e r o u s l y sexy. I feel like I mostly talk about how batshit bonkers crazy she is, but she c a n often appear to be a mysterious and alluring creature. When she wants someone, she gets them. She's got amazing focus.
She w i l l t o t a l l y flash a person if she's dared to XD (so will Kingston).
Rena masturbates. A lot. Yes, she fucks a lot but sometimes she just... eh, doesn't feel like having anyone else there. She goes into moods where she hates everyone and can't bear to have anyone around her. And she's perfectly capable to give herself a mindblowing orgasm! Sometimes she's romantic with herself, lighting candles and taking herself slowly in the bath tub- and sometimes she dissapears into a dark corner or hallways and fingers herself quick and dirty.
Call her mommy!! Call her daddy!! She's so into it. Fuck yes she's your mommy. Who's your daddy?
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Ryan is more a lover then a fucker. He wants to treat his girl (or gentleman caller) with respect- but oh my goddddddd he will drive you crazy. You'll want him to use you so bad. And he will... but it'll really take some convincing. And he may have to be a little pissed off, too.
Yes, Ryan may prefer to treat you nicely during sex... but that doesn't mean he's not in control. He will hold you perfectly still in order to eat you out properly, hold you down to pound you, hold your wrists together above your head, etc. He wants you to feel good!!
And- hell yes- Ryan loves to go down on his partner. Genuinly loves it. For his own pleasure as well as theirs. Whether it's a pretty pussy or a nice big cock he's gonna want it in and around his mouth.
Consent king. He taps articles of clothing before taking them off to get your permission, meticulously remembers even in the HOTTEST heat of the moment where you don't like being touched, leans in and waits for you to lean in the rest of the way. Also after-care king.
Very willing to fuck his friends. Kingston? Definitely!! He loves Kingston! If his best buddy wants an orgasm he'll take care of it. Wheezy? That guy is objectively hot as hell and he doesnt mind admitting it- so no he doesn't mind fucking him, at all. Poppy? If she's into it he'll take such good care of her ^^ Show her, platonically, how she should be getting fucked.
If Ryan were in the digital age- he would be e x c e l l e n t at dick pics and videos. No awkward shots of the head, no no. He's good at this. He'll send a picture of his hard cock hugged in tight underpants, he'll send a video of him adjusting this very obvious bulge. He'll tease you to death until finally he sends you a video of him pumping it. He likes dick too- he knows what we wanna see XD 😂
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BONUS: Extra Kingston
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fecto-forgo · 11 days
how do you imagine zan interacting with each of the dream friends? sorry if thats a question thats asking for a lot.
never apologize for wanting me to write an essay regarding zan partizanne i would do that for a living if i could
nyways luckily zans the one responsible for announcing n showing off the dream friends on twitter so we can have some idea ! of that ! kinda ! as a base !
(note:ive previously answered regarding her feelings on marx, susie n magolor here! so i wont touch on them for this one)
animal trio:its her most brief tweet regarding the announced characters, so i dont think she rly has any thoughts on them ? she doesnt even bother w a nickname, so i imagine shes just neutral on them, lightly bothered rick n kine r notorious for slacking, maybe looks down on them a bit in a "wow my trio is sm professional n stronger than yours." way
gooey:gooey, along side void n the other generals, r the only characters who get nice nickname privileges from zan, in gooeys case v likely she recognized him as part of dark matter n immediately went for expressing appreciation for his holy existence in her peculiar little way (i recall someone pointing out zan has three naming ways for ppl:derogatory, cutesy affectionate n Extreme Respect By Using Full Name.not related just silly aside), i think shes Very Appreciative of gooey n therefore rly affectionate towards him but shes also rly religious abt him.like if a christian met jesus on the street.btw being gooey must be crazy yk nothing abt yourself or your origin n then you find out theres a cult for your species w sacrifices
adeleine/ribbon:throughout her tweets zan.rly goes in on insulting adeleine.like yeah her hairline comments but she keeps bringing up how adeleine seems weak n hides like a little girl (SHES LIKE 12 SHE IS A LITTLE GIRL!!!) n while zan usually atleast acknowledges others fighting skills before claiming shes better, for adeleine she instead insists on constantly bringing her down anyways even when shes surprised at her having a new skill, n her last tweet is literally "hah, im looking forward to facing you!" after commenting ado n ribbon r dancing around adorably, basically she seems to.lowkey hate her LMAO? the adeleine tweets r sooo important to characterizing zan constantly challenging ppl tho !!! she prides her own strength (she even calls herself a battle hardened warrior) a lot n constantly wants to prove it, n hates what she sees as weak or cowardly to the point she seems to lowkey want to teach ppl like that a lesson? so yeah no she has some weird personal one sided beef w adeleine that ado is prob so confused abt, she actually seems to ignore ribbon in her tweets so i imagine she just thinks of her as some extra to ado than a partner to take seriously
honestly shes prob projecting some stuff but thats another post n this is long enough of a paragraph already lol
DMK:not much on the tweets aside from the usual "I CAN BEAT YOU UP" (btw she sounds a bit excited abt it? shes so cute) i dont think she has much interest in him beyond "sounds fun to beat up".shed probably lose btw bc an essential part of zans ego is she does not realize her boss fight is designed to have safe spots bc shes not actually that good at this 🩷
daroach:she doesnt have much to comment but does compare daroachs leadership style to her own, knowing her shes prob gonna get competitive abt that, i cannot see daroach caring back beyond being annoying abt it for fun lol
taranza:so this one is fun bc i think taranza sympathizes w her quite a bit, yk whole "you ever absolutely adore your evil boss n they could not give less of a shit back?" n so he thinks he can help smooth the way into acceptance of trauma bc he did it by himself so he can help n itll be less lonely n hard if he does! n like.its coming from a good place! he rly does want to help.but ultimately their situations r crucially different in what ended up happening (sectonia died n taranza could tell when enough was enough, hyness survived n zan has.no awareness his behavior was bad shes in full acceptance he can treat her like that if he wants to) so what ends up happening is he just gets on her nerves. a lot.bc shes absolutely not anywhere near where taranza started after sectonia died, zan in the tweets acknowledges the similarities between them withhhhh no awareness of what happened to taranza after n honestly knowing her...ego problems shed probably think "what actually happened is you were not good enough, when i would fail lord hyness always found a way to still make me useful.i am simply better than you n you refuse to see it." taranza by some miracle still tries to atleast be friendly w her.he rly does want to help n be there when he can man
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packet-of-staples · 10 months
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I've been meaning to answer this!! Sorry it took me so long.
So when I say hilariously bad, I mean in like its objectively a bad horror movie but it is also really fun and enjoyable. It may have been the wrong phrasing really. Maybe enjoyably bad would have been better.
I really enjoyed the Fnaf movie!! It was a lot of fun and I loved how the animatronics looked. As a Fnaf fan (though only recently, I wasnt there for the big boom) I enjoyed all of the references. While the decision to make the animatronics more sympathetic and child like was unexpected I actually really enjoyed it!
Matthew Lillard was definately a highlight, even if he wasnt there a lot and I actually really enjoyed Mike's character and his relationship with Abby.
Also the animation on the cupcake was fucking hilarious, that mf was just flying around and going ham on people's limbs. Why did it look like that.
The opening music was absolutely banger and the animation was a great reference to the games. I enjoyed that a lot.
The sets where really awesome, I loved what they did with the lighting in the pizzeria and did I say the animatronics looked awesome? They looked awesome. They looked just like the game counterparts and the way they movied looked so accurate and ough, I love costumes. Spring trap looked fucking awesome too, I really enjoyed art direction in the movie.
But, it is still critically a bad movie, there were quite a few problems that I noticed. The pacing was off in a lot of places. While I liked the scene of the characters playing with the animatronics, it went for far too long and I found myself sitting there wondering when they were going to move on. There also definately should have been more Afton, not just because I like Matthew Lillard in the role but because it felt like spring trap was kind of shoehorned in at the end because they needed that final scene. If you knew nothing about Fnaf or the fact that Lillard was supposed to be Afton, you probably would have no idea he was actually the killer. I feel like there should have been more scenes of Mike and Afton interacting that included hints to who he really is.
I really hated Vanessa. She felt so unnecessary, contradictory and was just kind of annoying. She was apparently supposed to be keeping Mike in the dark but I didnt get that from her at all? Like she was constantly giving him lore, telling him to keep Abby away from the Pizzeria and was just overall helping him? She was also just far too familiar and friendly when they first met it just came off as, is annoying the right word? It definately felt weird. I understand she wanted to try and expose her father, but her actions, I dunno they didn't reflect that all that well? I was never really sure what her motivations were. The fact that she was a cop was so unnecessary too, why did she need to be a police officer? It was never used in any meaningful way. Also she just throws Mike's medication into the river!! Who does that!! She also felt shoehorned in for the sake of having an adult female lead that could be a possible love interest in another movie. Her character could have been so much better and she feels like wasted potential. Maybe I'll make a post about how I would rewrite her...
The whole Aunt trying to take Abby away also felt unnecessary. It doesnt get enough focus on it to feel like an actual threat and it really didn't need to be there. Mike could have just been a struggling guy who had to take the night shift to put dinner on their table. Abby still could have needed to come with him some nights. I honestly dont know why that plot point was in the movie tbh. The plot with the babysitter spying on them was even more pointless and if you wanted a scene where people break into the pizzeria there could have been a better way of doing it. Maybe one of Abby's schoolmates' siblings overhears her talking about the pizzeria decides that would be a great place to vandalize idk.
Mike's dream theory stuff was actually really interesting and cool! I really enjoyed that, but I wish it was focused on more. Maybe it would have been better in a different movie where it was the focus, rather than more of a side thing to the animatronics. The dream stuff did also shelve any use of the cameras in the pizzeria, which upset me because the cams are one of the key elements of the fnaf games. But instead he was just sleeping through scenes where they could have been used. The dreams also could have been a good use to hint at Afton being the killer if it was used a little bit better.
Lastly and most importantly, the movie was not scary. I know it was supposed to be for younger audiences, but still. For a movie based on a game about avoiding getting jumpscared, there were barely any of them! Funnily enough the scariest part of the movie was balloon boy, the jumpscare. I also just didnt feel tense at all? Maybe that was just me.
Despite all of this though, the movie was still enjoyable. It was a movie that I liked! The problems didnt take too much from my viewing experience and as I said I loved the references to the games. The final scene where Afton is getting Fnaf 3ed was fucking awesome! I loved how they incorporated that into the movie! Also he said 'I'll always come back.' Which was very good. Mat Pat was a nice cameo to see too! Loved the theory man. I wish that cassette girl said 'The animatronics do get a little quirky at night.' Though. ALSO THE MARRIONETTE CRUMBS IN THE END CREDITS?? I LOVE MARRIONETTE!!
Enjoyably bad definately reflects how I felt about the movie more than hilariously bad. It was a good bad movie 6/10.
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blackinquisitors · 1 year
Any Sadie thoughts?
sorry I meant to answer this yesterday but I forgor. um I like sadie but im not gonna lie she scares me a little
bi4bi w jake and she pegged him on the reg. sorry I dont make the rules. actually I do thats my royal decree
I'd really hate to be in a grocery store w her when the cashier says she cant use her expired coupon. idk I just think shed be very scary
country girl I love you but the ones with a massive pickup truck with a gun somewhere inside
I think she was grateful for Dutch's help in saving her but much like charles, she doesnt listen to a damn word he says and finds him quite grating
she doesnt rly fit in w the girls in the same way she does w the guys at camp. I think part of that is that shes just naturally more masculine and crossdresses (bc shes wearing mens clothes. not pants for women, just straight up mens clothes) but also shes in her mid thirties while the girls are in their mid/early twenties. and also have completely different life goals/histories
she gives me libertarian vibes. idk... shed live off grid and get mad at the idea of taxes. shes not a conservative in any way but she just hates the govt
never loves another man after jake. I think shed fool around with a couple women but would have a hard time dedicating herself to anyone. she's her own woman. a dark and mysterious loner of a woman. shes got a mile long line of women ready to strip naked for her, but she keeps to herself
cant cook big/elaborate meals bc it reminds her of cooking with jake and all the prep that was involved with country life. so she eats canned beans and whatevers offered at saloons only
she joked about shacking up with a handsome revolutionary in south america but I really want her to. or she can find some femme to polish her guns and starch her shirts for her... hope youre doing well sadie
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bytchysylvy · 9 months
tw for alcoholism obviously
casarin doesn't let oasis drink because while technically legal, he aint risking levis finding out about it. despite this, she has taken a few sips that no one has to know about. not the biggest fan of it to be honest, just burns and made her feel sick, cant believe he's wasting money on this shit. even more turned off by it by the way casarin interacts with it. We dont have time to unpack that.
casarin had his first drink in high school but it was beer and he hated it. Didnt really start until he was going to gay bars as an adult and the world of cocktails and hard liquor opened up to him. There's a whole mix of emotions from this part of his life that we dont have time to unpack. He insists there's no problem since its not like he gets wasted every night despite continuing to buy it when he cant afford it. We dont have time to unpack that also. Casarin is normal about alcohol. His favorite drinks are cosmos and rum.
alex has only had wine in [REDACTED] settings. has otherwise never encountered alcohol. no one in latikam's house drinks. has no interest in trying it but not opposed to it either. AU ONLY: drinks socially with oasis on occasion
hydrel's family has a mixed relationship with wine; galan, nerus, and their aunt and uncle all drink quite a bit while their dad and vaens abstain and frown upon their habits. None of them are aware hydrel can down a whole bottle because he's been sure to not do that in front of them. They dont think that much about how much they go through in a month or have noticed it disappearing quicker than it used to. Favorite drink is dark wines, not a fan of hard liquor.
latikam doesnt drink.
meksignn has had naturally fermented berries which made him feel very silly! whoa!
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