#she doesnt care about her rep at school since shes literally just there to get humans to stop littering. dont shoot the messenger jeez
puppyeared · 2 years
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wow! you guys really like her. here she is again teehee
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youranxiousnerd · 3 years
Second Chances Thoughts
bc what
spoilers below
i have...thoughts
ah no chaotic intro, f in the chat
it’s still a nice intro, tho
i used the thingy
no bows either?!?!
this is called high school musical: the musical: the series not high school musical: the backstage drama: the series
wow they got changed fast
I’ll be the judge of that oh wait i cant bc they didnt show us
ashlyn is such a queen
the perfect belle, stunning
“A couple letters, actually” it’s a sign (literally)
flower touch
they love each other so much
east high kids be snooping
not me thinking about carlos’ hand on seb’s back we were robbed im taking what i can get
“You were the perfect Belle tonight. I was really proud”
“Evil genius”
they’re so happy
kourt and howie are so awkward 
howie and seb would get along
weird little playoff, maybe he is lying?
they’re cute, tho
sad that they didn’t really get any build-up
“happy now?” “yes”
“If it’s with you, always” MY HEART
just like a fanfic
kourtney just invited north highs beast to east highs cast party
i was not expecting that okay
ej and mazzara are the best
gina is so happy too bad it wont last
gina is an actress 
gahhhh portwell drama
oh god rini let the drama begin
that was very calm, did someone possess nini and ricky?
i really like them as best friends. i was a hardcore rini shipper last season but with all their constant conflict i realized how much fun they are as friends
“we are literally on the same page” 
“just for a moment” I LOST MY SHIT
miss jenn no
oooo seblos please be good
Seb calling Miss. Jenn out on her bullshit since idk when
“That’s a hard never mind now” okay wow
Miss. Jenn is Carlos’ godmother 
This is theatre, not football
oh wow a plot line actually being addressed
season 1 callback im not ready
gina and nini people!!! 
very sweet scene
ahha jamie callback we all knew it
i would really like to see miss jenns batb audition notes
“I’m in a great place, mentally” if you were you wouldn’t be saying that
like that was a big deal, a big effing deal and then nothing?
you told a kid to jump off something high and you can’t even say “sorry”?!?!
back to the miss jenn love triangle
“I think I’m happy, or gettin’ there”
ricky you don’t have to be there yet it’s okay
that line hit
killer harmonies
sofia giving us that alto rep!!
portwell duet! audition outfits
very good, very very good. this song kinda screams autotune but it still sounds very good. 
last song of the season NOOO but very fitting
Is it just me or does “Second Chance” look like a music video they show in Justice (the teen store) in 2014?
cast bonding yay!
shit why does my favorite ship have to be the gay one on a disney show?
east high booing the lily and french boi has me on the floor
“Big Red, you were also in it” BEST LINE OF THE FINALE OMFG
i missed antoine 
sorry carlos has glitter on his face
seb’s smile and wave at north high why am i laughing?
off topic but i have unintentionally started doing the seb wave (you know the one) (with the fingers) in real life.
also gay chair sit
e.j is also doing the gay chair sit 
lily what
you have had like one conversation
she says she likes his face but not his personality? 
im calling bullcrap
pause didn’t lily steal the harness? are we just going to forget about that
probably, the writers did forgot to develop seblos
Let Ricky be single challenge
so this season has been for nothing?
all the shit they went through (the self-doubt, relationship problems, the injuries, the death threats) is for nothing?!?
since when does Miss. Jenn not care anymore about the Menkies?!?!
I actually get the kids side of this, but not Miss. Jenn’s. 
I was surprised they took this route with the Menkies, didn’t even cross my mind 
“It was five”
Big Red x medicine 
bet your ass ashlyn would have gotten a nomination best actress
is mazzara staying for miss jenn? they could do long distance but it doesnt have the best rep in this show
ashlyn is the captain of the portwell ship and nini is her right hand man (or whatever second best is called in sailing)
“Will you be my first kiss” smiles
“this summer is about to get hot” SUMMER SEASON 3?!?!
hey they ended with andrew barth feldman what more can you ask for?
Oh wait some cast stuff...brb ima cry. The ending has some very series finale energy...I’m scared. Natalie wouldn’t have done the “buckle up wildcats” if there wasn’t a season 3, right? But the bloopers at the end...
The cast ending was great. “You are the Music in Me” was so heartfelt and I’m a sucker for bloopers.
Wait so no Lily home? It was probably a cut scene. 
If we got Lily home, can we get an album with the cast singing all the BATB songs? 
I have so many mixed feelings about this episode. Here is the thing, if you love the core 4 then this was your episode. If you’re like me and prefer the side leads then this was probably a little disappointing since we barely saw them. This episode felt rushed and a little messy, but there were some great moments. Season 2′s writing has felt a little weird. This season lacked the chaotic theater kid energy season 1 had. It was one of the reasons I fell in love with the show. If/when we get a season 3 I really hope the writers find that energy again.
Let’s all give a round of applause for the cast and crew who filmed majority of the season during a global pandemic. That could not have been easy. They gave us a pretty good season under crazy conditions. They definitely had to change some things to fit the current climate. Overall, hats off the the cast and crew because you guys killed it. 
I’m really going to miss this show, hopefully it gets renewed. It has become a comfort show these past several weeks. My sanity says “no, don’t go” but my sleep schedule says “leave.”
To second chances!!
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joy1579 · 4 years
Hey! So... When I started to play Mystic messenger I was a teenager, so I was wondering how the boys and Jaehee would react discovering that MC was a teenager too (platonic of course) I loved your headcanons btw ♥️
gah its been forever and a day since i was a kid. and even then i was like really bad at being a kid heh what do teenagers do? all i did was hide in the library and avoid socializing oops. whatever i had a lot of fun writing this! honestly i think they would all be very protective of you since the RFA really feels like one big family!
He is proud of you and wants to provide you with future opportunities because that’s how he cares about people, by giving them a means to earn money and have purpose. Also he is very interested in what you can teach him about pop culture.  
-        Age doesn’t matter to him too much. Maturity does and you had proven your maturity by helping the RFA faithfully and well
-        In fact, he is very proud of how well you did and mentions that your professionalism at such a young age shows great potential should you apply to C&R (you know him well enough to take it for the compliment it is intended to be)
-        His presence practically drips with “proud dad preparing for his daughter’s future” vibes and considering the 11-year age gap you suppose you couldn’t ask for much better
-        That is until he hears you chatting on the phone and using slang he’s never heard before
-        Now he’s curious and asking questions. You show him some him some vines you have saved and teach him a bit about pop culture leading to an unlikely but very fun friendship
-        You and he tease zen a lot by having Jumin use made up slang and you pretending its super cool and zen’s just not with it. Also imagine getting Jumin to do a secret handshake just to piss Zen off. It ends with the “nyah” pose
Acts like your best friend that you enjoy teasing. He wants to be a good role model but that shiz is hard. You two bond a lot over stories about school and the struggles of exams.
-        He is very relieved to not be the youngest anymore because now maybe everyone will stop treating him like a baby. (spoiler alert they won’t. Ever.)
-        He worries that he’s supposed to act like a big brother. He doesn’t know how to do that! He’s always been the baby brother, or the youngest member, or the newest intern. How does one be responsible?
-        Tries and fails to intimidate guys away from you to “protect” you (but zen said it was his duty to keep you safe! He said all men are wolves MC!)
-        “If all men are wolves why isn’t he worried about you Yoosung?” “huh? Hey wait yeah! Does he not think I’m a man?!” “ go get em tiger. give zen a piece of your mind”
-        He helps you with homework a lot but no cheating! He tells you about the time he cheated to pass a class only to get to the next level class and understand NOTHING it took a lot of tutoring and studying and work to fix that mess. Best to learn it now while it’s still learnable.
-        He refuses to teach you LOL “don’t end up like me MC! Be better!” you learn it anyway and end up playing with him frequently. The rest of the RFA blame him for this much to his dismay.
he wants to protect you in his own frankly silly way. still meme’s it up but doesnt want anyone “corrupting” you. actually he kind of treats you the way he would treat saeran.
-        He fights with V for the first time when V suggests leaving you in Rika’s apartment (with a bomb) but reluctantly comes around and does what V says
-        Stays a meme lord and is psyched if you can manage to out meme him
-        Definitely teases you about your age a lot (Yoosung is secretly glad to not be the ONLY one getting teased for being young)
-        “guys we have to protect the baby she has her whole life ahead of her”
-        Is the most adamant about not swearing, drinking or smoking around you
-        “y’all need Jesus there are CHILDREN here”
-        You may have to call him out on this behavior because seriously wtf you know for a fact hacking isn’t the most ethical or legal occupation and he’s gonna lecture you?!?
-        He may joke around but he up’s his protection game up about 10 notches because for real you have your whole life ahead of you
he basically adopts you okay. he wants to be your cool big brother friend and be everything his family never was for him. he takes care of you and stands up for you every chance he can.
-        He finds out very early on because the second he starts flirting seven shuts that shit down telling him your too young for that. He asks how young and is shocked but recovers pretty fast
-        You know the protective big brother trope? Yeah that’s him
-        He’s your ride or die friend too. Need a ride to school? He’s there on his bike, some dick is harassing you? He’s there to scare the punk off, and even though he doesn’t want to fight a kid he will if he has too
-        If its girls who are harassing, you he picks you up to give your rep a bit of a boost (it never hurts to be seen with such a handsome guy after all and if he shows up on his bike he’s also got the badass vibe going on)
-        He has ALWAYS wanted a little sister and now he’s adopted you. You’re his little sis now and he’s wrapped around your finger. He swears he’ll be a better brother than his brother was
-        He is so proud of all your accomplishments and is determined to encourage your dreams the way his parents never did (he might be living his family wishes vicariously through you but hey he treats you good so it’s cool)
-        She’s a bit worried about you taking on such a big responsibility as the RFA guest liaison at such a young age. What if your grads drop? Or you family gets upset? What if you had to also work a part time job and this interfered your young you need to be able to rest and live your life. (when you point out that she should do the same she brushes you off)
-        Not much changes honestly, she’s always been the RFA’s mom after all.
-        She gets a little stricter about language and “inappropriate” topics
-        She definitely encourages you to study and do well in school (and avoid any job’s Mr. Han offers you)
-        She still down to be your friend though! She’s all ears when you need to vent about school and you are always ready to lend an ear back when Jumin is giving you a hard time
-        You swap girl power ballads and she helps you set up a Zen fan club at your high school
-        Look he didn’t intend to kidnap and actual kid and he’s honestly a bit panicked when he finds out your age you looked older than that he swears
-        Thankfully your mature enough and smart enough to do what’s needed of you and he supposes as long as you don’t have a family searching for you it should be okay
-        He’s a little more reserved but honestly not much changes he’s still innocent and devoted he calls you princess and tries to spoil you as much as he can he may not see you as a romantic interest but your still his obsession.
-        He likes that you trusted him even more since your young and therefor more vulnerable. You’re his family now, a better family than he’s ever had.
-        If you are the princess, he is your knight in the strictest definition. Which is to say he is devoted to protecting and serving you out of dedication and reverence rather than romance.
-        He’s more verbally aggressive than physically aggressive
-        He doesn’t try as hard to seem intimidating because he thinks of you as a child, and he doesn’t have to prove how tough he is to a child it’s obvious after all.
-        Also his visits are simultaneously shorter and more frequent. Shorter because he tends to get flashbacks easier (since he sees you as a child despite you being a teen) and more frequent because they are less satisfying since he doesn’t let himself be physically aggressive.
(IDK why but I feel like he probably had an actual family with a girlfriend/wife and possibly a very very young daughter before the agency. Maybe she left him and that’s why he’s so impressed by MC’s dedication in the secret ending. Or maybe they’re both dead because broken hearts make more money than whole ones. Either way I think a teen MC would remind him of his possible family and so he would be hell bent on separating you from the danger and drama of literally everything that happens in the game.)
-        He’s legitimately (and rightfully) concerned about you when he see’s you on seven’s CCTV feed
-        protective and angry dad mode activated
-        threatens to tazer seven into oblivion if he lets something (or causes something to) happen to you
-        “what the hell are you doing she’s a civilian AND she’s got her whole life before her, you and I might have thrown away our lives but she didn’t! whatever’s going on you had better fix it NOW”
-        He is not speaking with you. No way no how. Every word he says to you puts you more in danger and he is not having your life on his conscious
-        That being said the second you’re in danger he is all in on ANNIHILATING whatever has put you in danger
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
okay since im rewatching 2gether, might as well make my reaction public lol
tine trying to be a supportive boyfriend by asking wat if something is troublig and wat’s himbo self being like “nah fam im good” god i love this dumbass
also tine not knowing how to talk about his feelings is so relatable help
honestly i would’ve LOVED to see sarawat at least one (1) question
tine’s smile while wat drinks..... Sir I Am In Love With You
also his blush..... Sir I Am More In Love With You Than I Was Before
“is the lyric about smile or happiness?” “don’t cheat” wat saw through his bullshit right there KSJFHKS
i wonder what’s in those glasses because it doesn’t quite look like coke but it obviously isn’t beer,,,,
ohhhhh “a friend from high school” ... explains tine’s reaction we see in the teaser when he introduces pam as his highschool friend
also explains why tine thought sarawat made that video for her instead of him. wat is in his high school clothes and tine probably thought it was before he saw him (when in fact it was probably recorded the same day lmao sarawat hopeless romantic)
tine: one more game! [spins the coin and supposedly falls on heads] wat!
sarawat: no one can talk to me if i fall asleep
i’m trying not to look at bright’s jiggly butt why is ass so fat fOR
it doesnt add the points here if i dont write something else so intro time yeet
yknow what . we need more earn and more pear in these two last episodes . i need my wlw rep and i need it Now
“personal space is important even for couples” still cant believe man was the owner of their braincell in this scene
tine giving all of type’s info away to wat so wat can give it to man who tine knows will use to pester him until he becomes his boyfriend...... say it with me: tine mantype shipper
“how did you know?” “i prayed to god” literally the funniest part ever
manboss: im not going good luck wat: you’re so full of bullshit
i will just say that pink is tine’s best colour. i need him in every soft pink thing u can find. it accentuates his skin colour so perfectly and we are Here for it honeyyyy
sarawat being a savage (rachet booty nasty) we stan
bro get over him oh my god he’s taken and happy with wat LEAVEEEEEE
and man pestering type begins Now ksjfh
i’m like 100000000% sure that the only thing in that whole backpack is a pencil and half of an eraser
im also sure type saw him buy the book since u literally can see him from where man and that girl are and
hold up the waiter looks like a guy from whyru,,,,,,,,,,
i need someone to write a fic about tine being an astronomy lover and wat falling in love with him because of the joy in his eyes when he talks about the stars and interesting facts about the universe and new discoveries of galaxies and other things that wat doesnt really care about but he listens to either way because he’s too in love to shut off his brain
okay back to the episode sorry i just really had to say this
wat really said “don’t take advantage of me when i’m sleeping” when they haven’t even kissed.......... no words, completely speechless
tine probably thought he was being real sneaky right there lmao boy he fell asleep 2 seconds ago
god green really appears for 2 seconds and yet he steals the show KSFJHKFJFS he really was about to beat the person in front of him’s ass for not walking faster im crying i love him
wat looks so offended by his offer it’s so funny jhfksjhgj still MIL GET THE FUCK OUT
them running around is so funny when u know they had to do that like 20 times and were tired as fuck KSJFHKSHFS
omg the bracelet truly isnt there at the start of the scene :-(
“nuisance tree” lemme just cry a bit
the music stopping here......... they truly played with our feelings there huh
the reactions are so kdrama outro i cant breathe KJHFJSFKJS
“well, you left him” IM GOING TO STEP ON YOU
bracelet where r u :-(
“it was here a second ago” it wasn’t im an obsessed bitch and noticed just as the scene there started
he looks so worried:-( tine baby
“i can make you a new one” “but i want the old one” why do i feel like that has more than one meaning,,,
half of the times wat touches tine’s head his hands are dirty as fuck lmaoooooo
is- is someone wearing a marihuana dress??????
manbosss again and he has a book
type is the teepakorn brother that can lie and will lie meanwhile tine can’t lie for a living
dim really made up a whole spirit just for wat to be with tine lmao i cant breathe (unless the pine tree spirit is an actual thing and he just used it for this specific thing lmao)
“that senior is me” “and who did you go with?” “that was a long time ago” “it wasn’t me, it wasn’t me” “green, drop it!” i love them KSFJHFSJHF
green and wats faces i cant bREATHE these are the faces of people who know this is all fake
my guess is that he had two papers that were the same number just incase they didnt get the same number but then somehow mf MIL had to come in and ruin it
i dont know who chose to make bright wear this much brown but it honestly fits him so well
coffee for his soon to be boyfie
man: loving u is kind of bothering? type: o_o man
he’s still reading the book kjshfsf WAIT HES SO CUTE
“you gotta miss me if i don’t show up one day” “just back off. i’m leaving. do not follow me. give me some time to miss you” okay tsundere ass bitch
type’s so rich he’d rather spend money on getting his tire fixed than get it fixed by man for free i hate rich people
he’s also too rich to care to check if his doors were locked i-
“for me?” “do you see anyone else?” bitch ass tsundere
type: smiles, realises he just did that, eyes cutely go o_o
type looks so cute in that scene for no reason im going to eat ur cheeks if u dont stop being a cutie
aaaaaand of course theyre not paired up
dude of course he is youre creepy and also trying to break his relationship apart only because u dont have the decency to see that you dont have a place in his heart whatsoever
dim honey........ jskhsjf
“the spirit doesnt like it when you pray with your eyes opened” did literally no one notice how nonsense that was? KSFJHSJ
he looks so cute im gonna cry like actually cry
weak ass blankets they gave them i swear
if u cuddled then u wouldnt have been cold but noooooo ur big puppy boyfriend has trust issues
baby:-((((((((((( i will cover u with a blanket and give u lots of kithes and hugs
tine having his phone die at an important moment and also having no sense of direction whatsoever is so relatable lmaooooo
thank god for the rain because otherwise sarawat wouldnt have ran the way tine actually went lmao i wouldve beaten dims ass if mil was the one who found him
this scene hurts so much:-(( his throwing the grass like that in complete defeat??????? the flashback to him saying that bad things seem to happen to them lately makes my heart break
the soft touches:-((((( please im gonna Cry
dnotsaysorrydontsaysorrydonsaysorrydontsayHE SAID SORRY FFS
baby :’((((((
“i prayed for something but i havent redeemed that prayer yet” “what did you ask for?” “it’s if i got to see you again, i would show you the video i made. it’s the song your smile you are so curious about” BITCHHHHHHHHH
he’s all shy i cant breathe he cant even look at the screen skjfhksh
oh so it was on the same day sksjhj forgot about that
tine is all blushy im gonna sob i love these two
im trying not to scream and tines reaction to wat telling him he went to every scrubb concert just to look for him
their smiles after he said it tho.......... my heart hURTS
wat: the wish only drew us to cross paths again. us being together is because of something else, tine: what then? wat: shout out to my homies for being there for me since day one i love u bros
boss’s whistle after he tells them that he only said he would kiss him until he dropped lmaoooooo
“his name is tine. [with the softest voice ever] what a cute name”
manboss looking at each other like this bitch is so gone for this random dude but we’re gonna support him because we’re the only friends he has
wat was probably wishing the pool had water in it so he could throw both of them into it at that moment KJSFHJSFHF
“he’s the one i like” “shiiiiiit” same dim, same
fan dee nAAAAAA
his ass was so gone he was gonna make his ig username lovetine i literally cant believe him
boss having the braincell in this scene i love it
“but earn has a boyfriend” LIES. SO MANY LIES. ITS A GIRL. SHES A WHOLE LESBIAN.
boss once again being the owner of the braincell...... im starting to think he owns it half of the time
“you get it now? us being together is not a coincidence. it’s because of us” WAT YOU SMOOTH FUCKER 3
wait,,,,, tine’s little head tilt,,,,,,, SIR I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU
the stars!!!!!!!!! theyre there!!!!!!
“i think nothing bad is going to happen anymore” honey you got a big storm coming
it ended :’(((((( my beautiful boys i love this episode and drama so much i swear
lets watch the next episode teaser
i dont think tine is gonna lsiten to pam saying that but if he does,,, baby pls dont overthink okay he loves u and wont leave u for anyone in the world
phukong dont come back to him he knows that u like him and will play with ur feelings
type is gonna have to choose between im guessing either a boy interested in him from work or man and im gonna vote for him going with man lets hope i win
im so glad that the episode comes out today because i Need to know more
okay thats it if anyone read all of this first of all sorry kjshkfj and second of all thank u ,, u didnt have to but u did and ily for that okay bye
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bluesfm · 5 years
(  park  chaeyoung  ,  twenty two  ,  &  cisfemale  )  who  ?  these  days  ,  it’s  all  about    blue hyong,  who  comes  from    los  angeles  &  ca    and  is  making  headlines  as  a    singer    .    she   currently  has  a  fan  count  of  42k    ,  no  thanks  to  the  rumors  of  them  being  inflexible  !  but  ,  on  the  other  hand  ,  their  most  devout  fans  say  they’re  actually    imaginative    .  last  i  heard  ,  they  caused  quite  a  buzz  when    she   publicly   dissed    her  new   record    label  and   the   misogynistic  treatment   she  was   receiving   from   their  reps  !  it’s  no  wonder  they  remind  me  of    long   rants   in  the  notes  app   being  posted   to  her   twitter  account  ,  empty  bottles   of  wine  laying  at   recording   studios’   floors   &  notebooks   upon  notebooks   filled  with   lyrics   she  might   never  use   but   refuses   to   let   go  of   .  
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well hello human friends !! n also hello to the non human friends too , wassup . i’m angie a  dumb  noodle  from  the  middle  of  the  south  american  jungle  , and i’m here to introduce yall to this mess i call blue  who’s  a muse i have had  for yrs now n carry w/ me wherever i go , with some minimal changes but she’s still the  same  messy  bitch  on the  inside  don’t  worry  folks !  so   i  will   provide  u w/  some  background  info  on   her  n  some   possible connections  under   the  cut . issa  lil messy  but  we’ve   been  away  for  a while   pls  bear  w me
blue  is  the  only  daughter  to  a  couple   of  south  korean  immigrants  that  came  to   america  when  they  were  in  their  very  early  20s  n  already  expecting  blue  in  order  to  chase  the  american  dream  n  create  a  better  life  for  themselves  n  their  family  .  their  life  was  pretty  hard  for  a  big  part  of  blue’s  childhood  ,  while  they  were  both  studying  n  working  odd  jobs  to  pay  for  their  education  all  the while  taking  care  of  a child .  so  blue  didnt  have  the  best  childhood  ,  not  that  her parents  were  bad  or  anything  they  just  didnt  have  time  for  her  . nowadays  ,  they  are  a  lot  more  comfortable  in  life  ,  since  her  dad  became  a  lawyer  n  her  mom  is  a  nurse  ,  but  they  definitely  didnt  have  an  easy  beginning  .
ok  so  maybe  bc  they  werent  present  durant  most  of  her  childhood  they  didnt  notice  a  lol  of  signs  that  might  have  made  things  a  lot  easier  for  them  ,  bc  by  the  time  they  were  available  to  emotionally  be  there  , during  her  early  teenage  years ,  blue  was  already  kinda  a  mess . she  had  grown  up  w  very  lil  structure  n  refused  the  rules  they  tried  to  instill  on  her  n  was  already  used  to  doing  things  her  own  way  .  that  lead  to  a  lot  of  conflict  between  them  ,  since  they  expected  her  to  study  hard  n  do  well  for  herself  in  a  nine to fiver  when  she  was  already  sure  art  was  the  only  way  to  go  n  while  she  did  ok  ,  she  definitely  wasn’t  as  good  as  her parents  expected  her  to  be .
so  ...  u  know   her  teenage  yrs  were  basic  girl  angsty  she  fought  a  lot  w  her  parents  n  rebelled  frequently  n  ran  away  from  home  like  ...  weekly  ,  but  she  never  rly  had  any  real  hardships  .  life  was  reasonably  good  but  she  always  had  something  to  complain  abt  ...  just  as  she  liked
but  then  she  reached  her  late  teens    they  all  realized  there  was  something  going  on  other   than  the  usual  teenage  angst  she  displayed  all the time  when  she  had  her  first  manic  episode  .   her  parents  thought  it was  a  “  blue  thing  “  at  first  bc  she  was  usually  a  very  impulsive  person  n  she  rly  didn’t  have  a  habit  of  thinking  before  acting  on  her  impulses  ,   but  her  mom  quickly  noticed  the  signs  of  a  manic  episode  when  she  realized  how  aggitated  n   restless  she  was  , specially  when  blue  described  an   hallucination  she  seemed  to  be  having  .   they  took  her  to  a  psychiatrist  ,  she  was  admitted  to  a  hospital  n  diagnosed  w  type 1  bipolar  disorder  n  very  quickly  medicated .  while  the  medication  brought  her  out  of  her  episode  ,  n  she  was  allowed  to  go  home  after  her  mood  seemed  to stabilize  ,   blue  also  noticed  it  stunted  her  severely  emotionally  n  decided  (  against  medical  n  parental  advice  [  pls  dont  do  it  fam  !!  take  ur  meds  ]  )  to  quit  her  medication  ,  falling  into  her  first  major  depressive  episode  a  few  weeks  afterwards  . n  for  abt  four  years  she’s  been  living  w  her  disorder  ,  n  she  doesn’t  medicate  at  all  .  she’s  super  open  abt  her struggles  n  she  has  a  Lot  of  them  ,  specially  w  how  much  drugs  n  alcohol  she  consumes  .   i  never  said  she  was  smart  yall  .
[  END  OF  TW  ]
ok  so  as  u  probably  assume  ,   blue  is  an  emotional  mess  .  she  has  a   very  chaotic  personality  ,  n  most  of it  isnt  even  from  her  illness or  anything  she  just  is  a  very  chaotic  person  in  general  ?  she  is   one  of  those  artsy  ppl  who  forgets  to  wash  her  own  clothes  so  she  ends  up  wearing  the  same  dress for  like  ,  3 days .  she’s  super  outspoken  n  outgoing  n  rly easy  at  making  friends  if  u  can  get  past  the  dumbass energy  she  exudes 24/7  ?  but  yes  just  a  very  outgoing  person  n  a  outright  mess  most  of  the  time  .  she  is  also  soooo stubborn  u  will  never  get  her  to  change  her  mind  abt  smth  she  believes  to  be  right  about  in  any  way  .  u  just  cant  .  she  loves  a  good  time  n  loves  partying  n  is  the  lack  of  impulse  Queen  soo if  u  got  any  bad  ideas  she  is  the  one   u  should  go  for  if  u  need  any  company  .  also .... so dramatic  .  she  makes  a  big  deal  of  everything  n  has  0  apologies  abt  that  .  just  catch  her  crying  over  high  school  musical  3  or  smth  like  that  .
but  yea  on  the  bad  side  tho  ,  blue  takes  up  n  gives  up  on  projects  so  easily  n  she  can  be  super  fickle  abt  things  in  general  .  like  ,  she  will  defend  an  idea  for  7  hours  but  2  days  later  she’s  already  onto  smth  else  n  doesnt  even  remember  being  so  obsessive  abt  that  other  thing  ?  a  mess .  is  also  Quite  abrasive  ?  if  she  thinks  ur  acting  dumb  shes  not  gonna  be  scared  to  call u  out  on  it  .  can  also  have a  Reaally  explosive  temper  .  not  usually  but  specially  during  manic  episodes  she  can  be  quite  easy  to  annoy  ngl  .  is  very  unreliable  ,  especially  if ur not  too  close  ..  tbh  that  is  something  connected  to  her  disorder  .  when  she’s  on  a  manic  episode  ,  she  will be  too busy  planning  things  she  will  never  get  around  to  doing  or  painting  her  entire  house  or  spending  3  days  awake  n  drunk  writing  17  songs  by  herself  .  n  during  her  depression  is  very  hard  to  get  her  to  do  anything  n  even  if  she  feels  terrible  , she  rly  cant be  an  available  friend  .
in  regards  to  her  sexuality  ,  she’s  an  open  bisexual  and   also  is  a  crazy  romantic  n  falls  so  hard  for  literally  no  reason .  but  like  ...  doesnt  have  the  healthiest  mentality  for  relationships  ?  not  like  in  a  toxic  way  but  she  will usually  give  145%  of  herself  at  all times  n  honestly  believes  all  of  the  ppl  she  falls  for  are  the one (1)  just  wants  to  make  things  work  no  matter  what  .  she’s  v  impulsive  w/  meeting  n  falling  for  ppl  tho  so  things  dont  rly  end  up  working  n  she  always  ends  up  heartbroken  over it  .  Well  .  At least she’s  trying  right  ?
in regards  to  her  career  n  art  , she’s  posted  youtube  covers  n  original  songs  for  a  couple  years  and  gathered a  decent  following  ?  she  wasnt  huge  or  anything  but  she  did  get  a  record  deal  w  an  actual  big  label  out  of  it  a  few  months  ago  .  blue  was  pretty  happy  abt  it  but  then  when  the  recording  process  started  she  realized  they  werent  treating  her  as she  thought  she  deserved  at  all  ?  which  resulted  on her  taking  her  thoughts  to  some  reps  of  the  label  n  when  she  didn’t  feel  any  difference  in  the  way  she  was  being  treated  she  took  it  to  the public  ?  which  definitely  caused  quite a  sitr  bc  she  wasn’t  a  huge  name  but  she  was  big  enough  ?  so  now  she’s  in  some  considerable  trouble  w  her  label  but  Also  more  famous  than  ever  so  they  are  choosing  not  to  bury  her  for  now  ?  she’s  in  some  definite  trouble  though  so  it’ll  be  fun  to  see  what  happens  next  n  what  her  moves  will be  ?  spoiler  alert :  it’ll prob  be  smth  dumb.
i  still have  so  much  to  say  but  i’m  so lazy  wow .  dont  start  ur  intros  so  close  to opening  time  folks  thats  my  tip  as  an  old  internet  auntie  .  OK SO  ONTO  SOME  CONNECTIONS  NOW  
some label  mates  who  she  may  or  may  not  get  along  with  ?
hookups !!  she  prob  has  a  few  she  regrets  too   bc  who  doesnt  am i  right
best  friends !!  ppl  who  actually  support  her  n  she  loves  w  no restrictions  just  love  all  around  friends
exes </3  not  gonna  lie  i  have  some  sad  ideas  abt  this  one
good  influence  bc  blue  is  a  mess she  needs  one  of  those  pls  someone  slap  her  head  n  make  her  drink  some  water
a  fling  she  has  feelings  for  but  may  not  be  requited  ...  i  like  my  romantic  connections  to  be  angsty  did yall  notice
artistic  soulmate  !!  someone  her  artistic  bitch  side  just  vibes  with  ?  could  be  a  songwriter  or  singer or  anything  tbh
some   indecisive  romantic   shit where blue rly  knows  sh’s  too messy  n  this  person  is too amazing ?  but  they still  have  feels  so   ... now  what ?
this is  p  mcuh  it ??  it  has  taken so long  to  finish  this  i  hate  myself  but  HEY  if  u  like  blue  or  dislike  her  u  should  hit  me  up  so  we  can  come  up  w  some  plot  ideas  ?  i wish  i  had  a  quirky  goodbye  idea  but  my  brain  has  just  quit  working  guys  so  u  get  nothing  from  me  other than  a  good  old  fashioned goodbye  thanks  for ur  attention  i  love u
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galentines · 5 years
hi here is my insane post with all my feelings about lover. i’m kind of a fair weather taylor fan tbh, but have pretty consistently enjoyed her music since red. i went to the rep tour and honESTLY what a good time. and i am here to tell you that lover fucks, HARD.
this is in lowercase bc its more ranting/raving than anything
first of all TAYLOR SWIFT KNOWS HOW TO DO A BRIDGE RIGHT like i always always think about the out of the woods bridge and there are so many bridges on this album with that vibe and i am iNTO IT ok now song by song
i forgot that you existed - within two notes of this song i knew i was fucked, that beat and melody is SO CATCHY. it makes me want to prance down the street while snapping my fingers. the way the lyrics work with the melody is just YES. this is such a good album opener, it literally got me so excited for the album when most of the already released songs hardly left an impression on me
cruel summer - how was this not the first or second single? THIS COULD HAVE BEEN THE SONG OF THE SUMMER. i don’t think me OR you need to calm down were amazing songs - they were known for their music videos. but cruel summer has that huge dreamy synth chorus that is just PERFECT SONG OF THE SUMMER FODDER. and the bridge! and the lyric I LOVE YOU AINT THAT THE WORST THING YOU EVER HEARD gkserhgkj
lover - this song married old taylor with current taylor so well that it gives me goosebumps. this song is perfect. i would marry this song in a sunny church while surrounded by daisies. i would take care of this song if it got sick - i would bring it soup and tuck it into bed. and then i would FRET ABOUT WHEN IT WOULD GET BETTER. this song makes me do that smile lady gaga does in that one scene of a star is born. also another EXCEPTIONAL BRIDGE. i love love love love this song so much. jfc. 
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^ me @ lover
the man - this song is super fun and catchy and it made my mom exclaim “YOU KNOW WHAT SHE’S RIGHT!” 
the archer - when she first released this song i thought it was so damn boring, but i feel like i somehow completely missed that growing beat underneath the lyrics?? and now i’m obsessed with how that swells and gives the feeling that the song is about to explode into this huge production number but then IT DOESNT DO THAT which is so rad. it feels like she is legit experimenting on this album rather than just trying on a new persona, which rep did feel like at times. 
miss americana & the heartbreak kid - this is some LORDE SHIT!! the minor key! the high school lyrics! oh we love this. the cheerleader O!K! is so great. this is just a COOL TUNE.
paper rings - this song immediately made me emotional bc it sounds like it could be on red. its like if stay stay stay and holy ground had a baby. it’s so much fun that it makes my heart swell. its pure joy and i say YES.
cornelia street - this song gives me mega 1989 vibes and i dig it. I DIG THIS SONG i said casually in the car
death by a thousand cuts - i would die for this song. i would die for the choral intro. i would die for that guitar during the chorus. and i would MURDER FOR THIS BRIDGE. this bridge fucks so hard. didnt know a bridge could fuck like out of the woods but doctors she did it. GIVE TAYLOR HER WINE BACK YOU MONSTER
london boy - this song is fun, and also its fine
soon you’ll get better - I WASNT READY. I DIDNT KNOW!! I CANT BELIEVE NATALIE MAINES HERSELF DIDNT WRITE THIS. we as a country truly failed the dixie chicks and taylor is here to AGREE. but also this song makes me want to curl up in a ball and never emerge from my bed ever again. i love it.
false god - idk i’m trying but this sounds like a mall song (you know, whatever is faintly in the background when you’re digging through a display at forever 21) and i cant get into the sax but I RESPECT THAT SHE IS TRYING NEW THINGS
you need to calm down - i still hate this 
afterglow - i cant remember a single thing about this song and i’ve listened to it more than once
me - sure
its nice to have a friend - this is the weirdest shit taylor has ever done and im obsessed. i want to wrap this song around me like a blanket. i want to bathe in the trumpet solos. i cannot believe this is a song by taylor swift and dare i say it i am PROUD of her. i love this. i love this HARD. oh my god im gonna listen to it again RIGHT NOW
daylight - when i think back, taylor has always been ON HER GAME with album closers. we love the callback to red. this song makes me go, aw she is happy and thats nice for her! its pretty and a nice ending. 
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yukippe · 5 years
UGH im rlly back in my anne of green gables phase press f
ok now im going to talk about my feelings on Anne. 
books = blessed. i will admit that its wack that anne’s a conservative bc her family is n she really doesn’t know anything about the tories fsgfhhdhs but! i will also so that the amount of god n praying is rlly funny n my mom made me catholic just by giving me these books like. little me mustve been holy based off all this praying n sunday school in the book. n . i Dig it. wack. its also blessed that anne doesnt actually start liking gilbert until halfway through the 2nd book like - bruh i love that she just full up like competing with him for top marks n barely cared about him el oh el. also EVERYTHING from redmond college hits me right. like anne n the weirdo...anne getting engaged...anne’s fiance’s sister being surprised she isnt bored by him...anne breaking the engagement n falling in love with gilbert n realizing it when hes so sick he might die n then he gets better n rushes to her side n They get engaged. like. im soft babey. BUT! its not a love story! even though in anne of avonlea theres the line, “If Gilbert had been asked to describe his ideal woman rhe description would have answered point for point  to Anne, even to those seven tiny freckles who’s obnoxious presence still continued to vex her soul.” like gilbert has been in love with her since he saw in her class and called her carrots bruhhh. Okay that was not the point whatsoever i just read that quote and wanted to include in anyways. anne doesn’t have romantic love story but she has a love story with the world and thats what the books are about. so like the first movie was rlly off lol, the others were better but i think a good bit of them focused too much on gilbert when she actually barely talks to him until like half way through the second book. while she definitely stresses about his opinion in book 1 its the second one when she acknowledges hes attractive and values him as friend. but! its the THIRD book where they actually start shit at the end of the book but AGAIN- windy poplars is just letters. no contact. we literally have to wait like 4 books to see them together all the time n then they have kids and the story starts to be handed over to the kids like.  anne’s story definitely highlights gilbert but it also highlights marilla and matthew and diana and mrs lynde and stella and priscilla and even jane andrews and ruby gillis. if they are not all highlights then wyd.  tbh i think anne with an e captures that her story is MORE than dianagilbertmarrillaandmatthew and it gets that shes also in love with the WORLD the only thing i have with anne with an e is that it forgets for the most part that anne is always supposed to be the light story that brings your day hope, that avonlea and green gables is where she reached everything gentle in her life. she found god, and friends and family and puffed sleeves! and that should be the focus! her imagination should always bring her better things! and anne with an e is definitely realistic i guess but its always way too dark for me to really be able to love it truly. like i love the cast, its one of my favourite casts for anne n co (except for ruby tho my personal favourite ruby gillis actually goes to my school so that might be a bias but whatever) but yeah! and i think part of the problem with anne with an e is that its told through a tv format and i think with certain books tv is a rlly bad field! n anne’s story is just not told best thru the current trends in tv. anne with an e is a rlly good show that i like but i cant love it as an anne adaptation, i have to love it separately, yaknow?
n of course, like it briefly mentioned above the books r dated n not perfect n dont have the best outlook on tings n honestly is probably not the best book for the average person bc its about an 11-17 yr old ginger white girl in the late-early 1900s which is why the anne with an e series is better at looking to a bigger more modern n diverse audience. if only it couldve captured more hope along with tackling important issues n having diversity n rep :,). but i guess it being “realistic” is more important or smth. idk.
nyways. stan anne shirley <3
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juliivn-blog · 6 years
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[ bill skarsgård, cismale, he/him, 29 ] BRAIN STEW by GREEN DAY? whenever i hear that song, it reminds me of JULIAN NILSSON. maybe because they’re SELF-RELIANT but also CAVALIER. they’ve been living at mulberry apartments since SEPTEMBER of 2018 in APARTMENT 203 and have 1 ROOMMATE. [ lainie, she/her, 21+, cst ]
hello bitches it me ( lainie ) back at it again !! this time bringing u the anti adrian and pls be wary bc there are a lot of sensitive topics down below ( tws for major drug use, drug addiction, death, grief, shitty parenting, neglect, abandonment?? kind of idk better safe than sorry ) also u can find a tl;dr at the bottom since it’s literally SO LONG
so bear with me bc his background info is kind of Long!! his mom and dad are from just outside of st louis, missouri. his mom came from a pretty wealthy family and she was just like tryna be ~rebellious in her young adult years by dating julian’s dad (who came from a super trashy family and had a Bad Boy Rep). when she was 19 and he was 22 she got pregnant ( with julian ) and her fam was like get rid of that baby or ur gone !! but they were “““madly in love””” and she was on her rebellious shit so they literally eloped to the city ( st louis ) and got an apartment together and had julian but never actually got married bc they were too cool ( read: irresponsible ) for that. ofc this ended up being rly miserable bc she was used to living the rich life and now her family had disowned her, and suddenly she was starting to realize this dude she had a kid with was kind of a deadbeat party boy with no interest in having a family, not to mention she started realizing like?? i don’t actually want a kid this is a lot of work?? so like julian’s childhood years were a lot of him having to learn to take care of himself and not having anyone to depend on most of the time. and that’s not to say they didn’t both care abt him on some level bc there were definitely times they paid attention to him and gave him a birthday party or two but for the most part he was on his own
his secret favorite memory is flying a kite with his dad when he was 4 but u would be more likely to win the lottery than get him talking abt that
fast forward 5 years and finally julian’s dad, now in his late 20s and getting antsy, peaces the fuck out to los angeles to live his best party boy life. baby julian is very upset bc even tho his dad doesnt pay a lot of attention to him he like idolizes him. julian’s mom is saltier than EVER about having to take care of a kid but she doesn’t wanna go to LA ( especially for this asshole she doesn’t even like anymore ) and her parents won’t have anything to do with her or her illegitimate child so the NEXT 5 years are a lot of moving around from shitty apartment to shitty apartment and job to job by themselves. his dad would now and then send weird postcards and letters and pictures and stuff from cali so he had like a vague idea of the fact that his dad was living his own life somewhere that looked super wild, and when he was 11 years old he sent a letter back asking if he could come live with him. his dad contacts his mom, there’s a bunch of fighting, but in the end julian did indeed get to go live with his dad in los angeles, mostly bc his mom just didn’t give a fuck anymore and was lowkey like…u know what fine take him i can have my life back
obviously his dad does not know how to be a dad !!! he kind of thought of julian as his little like…..sidekick like he just thought having this 11 year old kid around was hilarious. so julian went to LA and was living with his dad and his dad’s friends in a relatively nice apartment but like it’s always filled with people doing drugs and having sex and it’s just. not child friendly at all. so that’s how julian was introduced to weed at the ripe young age of 11!!! from there on out he was like a big time weed and cigarette smoker, was very early having sex and trying other drugs, and by the time he graduated high school he was already hardcore doing coke
so julian like kind of wanted to go to college bc some part of him did crave normalcy, but he was way too far up his own ass to get his shit together for that !! plus like….he didn’t rly have good role models. so his first year after high school instead of getting on a good path for his future he decided living his best life would include moving into an apartment with his cokehead best friend. it was around that time that julian met his first boyfriend. he was already totally aware he was bi, had slept with boys in high school, but this was the first time he rly fell in love with a guy. he was like……….head! over! heels! for this boy. julian met him at a club and he was like sort of soft and relatively innocent until they started dating and julian got him smoking weed and then snorting coke
this next part is very triggering so please read with caution !! when he was 23, julian tried heroin for the first time. for about 6 months it gradually got really bad, his life started spiraling, and his bf was like….becoming unable to deal with it, especially bc while julian was getting worse his bf was kind of trying to move in the opposite direction and get off the coke and get his life back together. there was a lot of fighting, but his bf kept not actually making the move to end things bc he loved julian and was just like hoping something would turn around. one night, however, in a moment of weakness, he let julian talk him into trying heroin with him. it was kind of an “i promise i’ll get clean if u try it with me this one time” thing. being in and out of consciousness and not really aware of what was going on, he didn’t notice that his bf was overdosing and he ended up dying simply bc the heroin was too much for his body and he stopped breathing. julian didn’t notice until the morning when he woke up, and obviously that was by far the most traumatic thing that’s ever happened to him and left some deep ass emotional scars
so following this, he actually did check himself into rehab. he was there for 3 months, got completely clean, but he only managed to stay that way for two weeks before he was first snorting heroin again and then back to shooting up and selling drugs
it was about 2 yrs later when he was 26 that he met his next bf while he was doing a deal at some seedy bar outside of town. they quickly fell into a completely unanticipated relationship–notably, julian’s first since his boyfriend’s death. in spite of that trauma and feeling guilty even as he did it, he started introducing this boyfriend to drugs. in his mind, it was kind of a thing where he fell in love really fast and really hard out of nowhere and he saw this sad little thing with no place to go and drugs are the only thing he’s ever known himself, so it was very natural to be like “here try this it helps” and also naively convincing himself he’d never let what happened before happen again
so 3 years later they’re living together and completely broke, living mostly off the money julian makes selling drugs and whatever else they can scrape up, when his bf decides he wants to do a road trip across the country. julian’s very impulsive, doesn’t really give a shit about anything in LA anyway, and to top it off has a hard time saying no to him. SO a road trip it is !! they make it all the way across the country before finally using up the last of their money and realizing they don’t have enough to get back
they stopped in north carolina for a while while julian saved up enough cash for them to at least get somewhere they liked better, which is how they wound up in baltimore !!
here their jeep completely broke down and julian sold it so that the money from that plus the money he made selling drugs they could put toward a deposit on an apartment
it’s in their heads to get back to la eventually, but baltimore is kind of their ~scene so julian’s in no hurry. he’s selling drugs again but they use a lot of what he’s supposed to sell so......they’re not going anywhere any time soon anyway ytseugukhej
so now that his lengthy as fuck background is over with………julian is an extremely EXTREMELY dry sarcastic person. the guilt over his bf has made him a hell of a lot worse, like his sense of humor is so so much darker than it was before that happened, but he’s honestly just a rly sarcastic person to begin with. he has some softness inside especially for people he rly cares abt, but you will not catch julian being sentimental or taking literally anything seriously unless you’ve managed to seriously worm your way into his heart
he’s not like a GRUMP tho at all he just….doesn’t take things seriously. he’s literally the embodiment of every bart simpson meme
“whatever my dude” is his aesthetic
he’s very careful about his drug dealing, he won’t go around talking about it or anything, he does it all under the radar as much as he can and especially having done it for so long now and having experienced a lot of traumatic crap, he’s pretty good at what he does and he won’t fuck with people he doesn’t trust
even when it’s warm it’s not totally unlikely to see him in long sleeves bc he has really bad track marks all over his arms from shooting up so much, especially in the early days when he was really bad at it
he absolutely will not talk about his past and if anything even close to it comes up in conversation he will skate right over that so qUICK ur head will spin
i think that’s IT FOR NOW if u made it this far i commend ur effort and attention span. im gna list some plots n stuff below ( beyond the song connections ) and hit me uP for some angst bc ya girl is here for the drama as usual
u can find song connections HERE
any and all drug related things !! people who buy from him ( especially weed, he’s a lot more lenient about to whom he sells weed as opposed to other stuff ), people he introduces to drugs, friends he actually does drugs with
he’s very dry and enigmatic but he’s also quite social so seriously give me friends for him. he’s high a LOT but not always and he likes being out doing stuff
definitely somebody or somebodies who don’t trust him and his drug addict bart simpson vibe please please give me people who don’t like him
along that same vein it takes a lot to get julian worked up and in fight mode bc he prefers to just let things roll off his shoulders but it would def be fun to have someone who gets him to that point
also somebody who?? maybe thinks they can “fix” him and genuinely does their best to try and persuade him to change his life and that it’s not too late to turn everything around ( this is basically the song connection medicine by daughter )
if ur muse is randomly from st louis missouri????? hit me up with a past connection from way back in julian’s childhood
also someone he went to high school with in LA if they’re from LA. this person would probably not be surprised at the way julian turned out ystefygdjhs
a drug addict and dealer who learned to take care of himself from an early age because of neglectful parents. got a boyfriend addicted to drugs and lost him to an overdose when he was in his early twenties, went to rehab, relapsed, met another bf years later with whom he decided to road trip across the country and got stuck in baltimore. dry, sarcastic, kind of a douche, epitome of every bart simpson meme, walking tragedy. 
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ofjcsie · 6 years
werd. it meme, kayla, with yet another muse. this is my bad bitch josie, lets get to know her shall we
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「 ISKRA LAWRENCE, CISFEMALE, TWENTY-FOUR, JESY NELSON. 」┈did you read that latest viral gossip issue on JOSIE PRYOR? she is the VOCALIST in ETHEREAL, one of my favorite POP groups. they’ve been releasing music for ONE YEAR now, but viral gossip has only been talking about them for the last YEAR. get this, i think i heard SHE MARRIED A STRANGER IN LAS VEGAS. they’re known as the THE CATACLYSMIC of the music industry, since they have a rep for being BENEVOLENT but TENACIOUS, but who knows. maybe that will change once they become #1.
firstly im gonna apologize if this is all over the place. im gonna try to organize it but i cant make any promises.
full name is josephine iridessa pryor, but goes by josie for the most part
named after her maternal grandfather, joseph.
originally from tallahassee, florida. ur basic suburban middle class white family. one older sister. her mom owned her own bakery and her dad was a paralegal.
ex high school cheerleader
one tough cookie
leather jackets, skin tight jeans, fishnets, roses with the thorns still on the stem, red nail polish, fangs, messy hair, scars covered by tattoos, the moon at midnight, high heeled boots, dancing like nobody’s watching, and structured handbags.
literally ppl are always like “josie can’t sing. she’s inconsistent.” or “she’s the ugly one” or rlly mean Ugly comments about her body and just general ugly body shaming. like she Knows she’s not the same size as her bandmates but like ???? she loves herself??? it took her a long time to get to this self love level and she loves her girls so she’s always telling people to fuck off
literally gets in trouble with management for telling body shamers in her comments or ppl that are generally rude to her and/or ethereal to fuck off. probably has blocked some accounts (even stan ones sdscdcs) like jesy has
cute but will 1000000000000% fight u if u make her mad, say bad things about ppl she cares about, or start body shaming
body posi, self love, and self care activist and supporter of the #metoo movement as it relates to her past
since her mom had a bakery, she worked there in hs and knows her way with cupcakes
hates wine & has never done hard drugs
i rlly cant stress enough how she will fight anyone and everyone for being an asshole
Straight (shes like my only straight character it’s Wild)
never had a serious relationship because she’s always been guarded but she has been in love, or at least thought it was love
curvy > plus sized bc she is by no means “plus” and knows this. by measurement/fashion standards she is between straight size and plus, so just go with curve/curvy
TRIGGER WARNING FOR BODY/FAT SHAMING & SEXUAL ASSAULT:  josie’s curves developed faster than other girls her age, so even in like 6th grade ppl were calling her rlly ugly names because her hips had grown and saying things about her, even going as far as slut shaming and oversexualizing her developing body like gross. around this time someone she thought was a friend would repeatedly touch her without her permission (also she was like 13 and knew absolutely no better than ‘uh he’s my pal so i guess it’s alright if he touches between my legs when i dont want him to). it rlly tore her down and she felt like she was nothing. that low self esteem rlly followed her into high school. the bullying kinda morphed more into unwanted glares from boys, girls calling her a sl*t, and ppl just being generally mean because of her body shape. her sophomore year she tried out for the jv cheerleading squad bc she really just wanted to be involved and have school spirit, plus she had a friend who was doing it. things were rad, she made the team, all was good, she rlly liked it and even wanted to go out for varsity the next year. junior year came around and she was on jv again, but their coach ended up quitting so the trainer stepped in. he was nice to all the girls bc he’d known them and was working with them but rlly this was just grooming tbh, like he kinda made it seem like he was hte only one in their corner if they were having problems. she got a weird feeling from him but folks were just kinda like “eh you’re over-reacting, it was just a hug” but when they went away to cheer camp it was like damn what a change. he got a little bit violent and ut was just generally a Not Fun experience, like yelling at the girls and embarrassing them to the point where other coaches and such were like “uh he needs to chill tf out”. to make everything worse one of the nights he knocked on the door of the room josie was staying in, saying he wanted to talk to her, she let him in and long story short he got handsy. when she told school authorities what happened, it was her word against his, but after testimony from teammates about his behavior at camp and everything, the school gave him an ultimatum: resign or be fired and go to court.. lmao guess which he took. so basically he got away with molesting her and being an abusive bag of dicks. END OF TRIGGER
for a long time she blamed herself bc she thought she was too naive or maybe if she hadn’t opened the door, or it was all her fault and she let it happen. sometimes she still has self doubt moments where she thinks about “but what if....” or she says “at least it wasn’t as bad as...” she’s very passionate about the metoo movement tho, and abusers being held accountable for their actions (no matter their gender or sexuality)
she doesnt really talk about what happened in detail, but she has been vocal about the metoo movement and she stands with her #MeToo sisters because she’s been there
since cheer was like “aha nop never again” senior year she got involved in the drama club. she’d sang in church choir before, but nothing Super Serious. but the fall production of grease really caught her eye, so, she auditioned and voila, Sandy. 
after graduation, she started community college in musical theater, still working at the bakery but she fuckin wanted to leave florida (dont... we all??) so she used the money she saved from the bakery, bought a one way bus ticket, and ended up in austin texas... not exactly where she wanted to be, but it was out of florida.
she started singing at bars and trying to get involved with local small theater productions/companies, but that really just was not cutting it. so she asked her dad for some moolah and she moved to los angeles. for a long time she lived in a very very shitty apartment complex (if u rememerbr YEARS ago there was a show on the cw called the complex... it was about struggling young actors/musicians living in one place.. lowkey it was good but it got cancelled before season 2 wow shocker amirite) her agent was kinda bad, like joey’s from friends, but the one thing he got right was booking her an audition for a new girl group that a label was putting together. and boom, ethereal.
AS for the vegas thing lmAO.... i’ve been feeling like it was kind of recent. like, ethereal had already formed or was right at the beginning of the four girls coming together. (i still gotta work out those kinks) but essentially she went to vegas and on a Wild night, married a stranger. all she remembers from the memory clips are they met at the casino, there’s a chapel, back in her hotel room, a charge on her credit card for the honeymoon room service package, and the next morning she woke up alone in bed with a huge fuckin headache and a cheap ring on her finger. she was 22 and dumb. but aint we all?? she’s still technically married, but does NOT wear a ring or talk at all about having a husband because she doesnt know the dude. like literally can’t find him lmao, can’t find him to get that shit annulled or file for divorce. therefore, technically married.
i dont have a Ton but some that i’d love to have established are a mentor (probably someone who is older or more accustomed to fame), a roommate or ex-roommate (could be multiple), a celebrity crush (again, probably more fmaous), someone she tells everything to (they’d probably know about the vegas thing and her history regarding sexual assualt)
other than that, hmu or like this if u wanna plot??? im down for anything????
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roxvnnes-blog · 6 years
"if ashley fragipane gets to go by halsey, I get to go by nxa, end of."
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┈ did you read that latest viral gossip issue on ROXANNE BALINGER/ NXA?  she is one of my favorite R&B/NEO-SOUL artists. they’ve been releasing music for TWO YEARS now, but viral gossip has only been talking about them for the last YEAR. get this, i think i heard SHE HAD AN AFFAIR WITH HER PREVIOUS MANAGER. they’re known as the BITTERSWEET of the music industry, since they have a rep for being BOLD but BRUSQUE, but who knows. maybe that will change once they become #1.  ( KAYLA, 21, CST, SHE/HER. )
yo whats up its ur local garbage girl baby kay n this is 97.5 wabd with the test drive at five -- srs tho hey it meme, back at it with a fem muse. im hella excited to play and develop her as well as connect with all yall for her so lets get it on
originally from the cascade heights area of atlanta georgia. her parents were middle class & instilled work ethic into her during her early years
TW FOR DEATH/CAR CRASH  when she was 12 her parents were killed in a car accident and she went to live with her grandma because she was her only known living relative
it got rough bc she had to move across the city to lakewood heights to be with her grandma
a troubled Problem child, like her grandma rlly tried but she couldn’t keep roxanne on a leash at all. she was always getting into trouble at school and getting into fights.
by HS she was rlly an outcast, she always seemed like she was unhappy (which she was??) but she also thought nobody gave a fuck about her (still kinda does??) 
this was when she rlly started taking a liking to music. like, when she had nobody else around, she had her cds/tapes. she felt good when she listened to janet jackson, aaliyah, britney bitch (lily  👀 👀), lauryn hill, eartha kitt, macy gray, and ella fitzgerald like she just?? rlly?? loved??? music??
but she was 17 going on 18 had no skills, barely graduated hs and has like 1 friend probably sooo
while she was dancing she spent her free time writing/creating songs/lyrics
one night @ the club she asked a client if she could sing to him n he let her but he also told her she’d better stick to dancing lmao what a douche
she rlly wanted to be a music star tho because she felt like a lot of her songs were /realistic/ because they were truthful to her n figured ppl could #relate
so she had a small following on her soundcloud and did a little local show where she was discovered by her first manager. she was frank w/ roxanne and told her basically she wasn’t great but she had potential and if she could put in the work they could make her a big name in the industry
to sum it up, she worked day and night (literally, in the day on music in the studio and at night in the strip club) to get her EP out which gained her more traction (titled UR after it’s lead-off track) during this time she had an affair with her manager who was a married woman, but she rlly cared about roxy and roxy cared about her?? they kinda loved each other romantic stylez?? but it was still rlly ugly in the public eye so when she signed to the big label she parted ways w/ her old manager
now she’s living in LA, fortunate enough to be a full time musician with a highly anticipated debut album
extremely humble. she’s never showy or a braggart when it comes to things she does
still very confident tho. both in herself and in her music because she’s worked so hard on it
very tell-it-like-it is. she’s not one to lie for clout or partake in some bullshit just to make money, especially if it involves music.
very much doesnt care if u hate her, like?? she’s like cool? so what if u dont like me??? i’m not doing this for you anyway???
she’s not one to start any beef chicken or pork but if you badmouth her or drop her name then she will definitely know and she’ll definitely tell her honest opinion of u next time she’s asked n it might sound shady but it’s the Truth from her lips
hardly has a sense of commitment in romantic relationships but values friendship highly and would never betray a true friend
pansexual n very open about her sexuality, experiences, and lifestyle
not Mean but she is blunt and doesn’t like to play games w/ ppl eiether. her intention isn’t to hurt someones feelings but she also feels like ppl deserve honesty
believes in love bc her parents were madly in love and highkey she wants to have that for herself some day she just doesn’t rlly know if it’s in her cards right now???
v into the mystical
okay... so she’s actually named after her grandma. her full name is ethel roxanne balinger, but dO NOT call her ethel. literally it’s such a well kept secret that idk if anyone will ever know that’s her real first name??
she even had it legally changed to just ‘roxanne balinger’ after she got signed so u wont even catch her with an ID that reads ‘ethel’ on it.
seriously if u call her ethel bc somehow your character knows, she’ll punch them
i think?? that’s it right now???? this is already long asf??? but hmu if u wanna plot?? i dont have a connections page yet but im getting there lol
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janiedean · 7 years
@nederys all of you guys kinda lost your shit but i don't think you're being consistent at all. you didn't go for it being misinformed or wrongly placed, just that it was "gross" bc it was "romanticizing" blabla, like if someone made a fic about ETA terrorists or whatever and i advocated censorship and asked for it not to exist. when you accept kink and RPF, you need to stand on that principle even when it's YOUR personal/national. shaming ppl into submission is the anti strategy and it doesnt actually convince anybody of anything, much literally if it's screaming in another language to the OPs. i didnt wanna reblog or anything but i was very unpleasantly surprised with how you guys handled the situation (and i say this bc i care and i know you value rationality, not to piss you off YOUR personal/national sensibility like if someone wants to write a fic 'romanticizing' tec bundy murders or a rape fantasy or whatever it's their field day just tag it properly, it's no different for a criminal organization as i see it. a piece of sexual fantasy or literary work is not a guarantee it's portrayed in an accurate way or that it's a moral endorsementj + I'll hear your argument on 'positive representation' so i'll take your word for now but it did really come of like "your evil porn is romanticizing evil irl so it should be censored". as for the bad taste etc thing - as long as the person in question doesn't find out i dont personally see the harm. other ppl getting second-handed distastefulness/offense about it is a slippery slope, bc again that quickly devolves into "ugh why you write about rape! / rpf! if you can write kink porn and you can do rpf (like i mean, what, we just tweak the hair color and the initials to make it 'fictional'?) - it follows you can write "distasteful" kink porn about rpf all you want. it's still fiction.okay in order
In order:
as I said in the other reply, people lost their shit because we’ve had this discussion for years and every time it happens SOMEONE (most likely american but not necessarily) shows yup informing us that since mafia in US english means generally organized crime and not THAT specific organized crime we need to chill and WHO CARES YOU’RE OVERREACTING. at some point there’s a limit to how much nice you can be when you’ve been trying nicely for years and people just dismiss you most likely also because you’re not poc enough to complain - again, when it happens with people who can fall into the POC definition doing this kinda stuff automatically means you’re racist, but with us it’s not even disrespectful? or recognized as potentially harmful? fine, we lost our shit, but it’s also not the first time it happens;
the point isn’t that they were making a fic about the mafia, but if we take the ETA terrorism similitude, it wasn’t ‘making a fic abut ETA’. it was, ‘we are making an RPF fic where we take a real living spanish actor who has a friend who died during an ETA bombing and we make him the commander of an ETA faction which plants a bomb in madrid’. I’d find it distasteful if it was about FICTIONAL CHARACTERS, but whatevr - it’s fictional. real people who are actually involved with those criminals on the other side? not so cool. and the fact that these people see nothing wrong with casting them as criminals for *the mafia* shows they have no idea of what they’re talking about and again, with fictional people you can try to ignore it (even if it irks me also because 90% of the time it shows a total failure of understanding the character just by casting them as mafiosi but never mind that’s my pet peeve), but real ones? who made a pro lgbt movie and are *allies* when a mafia killing actually was what kickstarted the creation of the hugest and first anti-homophobia/pro-gay lgbtq association in italy? like. that’s fucking with real people and honestly if I was the director and knew I’d feel personally slandered especially if I come from someplace where statistically everyone knows someone who’s been hurt by the mafia in the last fifty years if they weren’t themselves. like I had a friend whose father worked for the police and the antimafia division especially and lived in palermo back in the day and criminals did try to grab her out of her pre-school and they had to change cities VERY quickly after that, and I don’t even live in sicily. and she’s not even sicilian. it was twenty years ago when they planted bombs across the entire area and killed hundreds of people just in the 90s (comprehensive list). it’s not just WRITING FIC ABOUT THE MAFIA, which I could be relatively handwaving with if it was about fictional people and even then it irks me to hell and back, but real people? who make movies pro things that the mafia hates? really? and I have to hear ‘are you angry because you’re homophobes’? I don’t ask for it NOT TO EXIST, I’m asking a basic modicum of decency.
ted bundy vs mafia: ted bundy is ONE person and he’s been convicted and whatever. if someone’s personal fantasy is fucking ted bundy WHATEVER their problem. if THEY want to do the self-insert with real criminals whatever, idgi but if they’re aware of the implications whatever. the mafia is a bunch of people and they thrive on positive media representation and it’s such large scale that it fucks with this entire country on multiple levels (ad also other countries) and here you’re not using real criminals, you’re casting as criminals people who most likely have been hurt by that same organization. it’s a difference. and if you portray it as a nice organization where hey you help people bypassing the law and gay people are accepted it’s... just... not how it works.
rpf: I’m generally pro rpf as long as people don’t go to the actual real people and don’t harass them irl (which would make a lot of rpf shippers inappropriate) but like... idk if you were around in spn fandom at the time of the infamous j2 haiti fic, but if you weren’t, tldr: person sees the aftermath of the haiti earthquake on tv, thinks ‘well that’d make a perfect setting for my j2 bigbang fic’, writes an entire fic where jared and jensen go to haiti the month it happened, her artist makes art for it photoshopping those two over like... real pictures of real dead people and three betas don’t find nothing remotely cringy in this concept. the fic gets published. it gets slandered to hell and back and while I didn’t agree on assuming the author was a pre-trump (she most likely had no idea that stuff was kindaaa racist) and that she should have been educated, I’d like to presume that people would think thrice before setting a Romance Story TM on a background where when it was published people were still excavating corpses from the rubble. it’s about the same concept as the romantic mafia fic. but with the haiti fic anyone on tumblr would agree that it’s hardly appropriate, with mafia fic it’s just ‘meh shut up you’re whining’. also, while I do agree that jared and jensen, as famous people, signed up for this, too, I don’t really think using real people for this kind of thing is fair, educated or a favor to them. I get it’s all fantasy and so on, but at least use the fictional characters. I can imagine j2 wouldn’t be happy with knowing noncon fic where they’re protagonists exists, neither with the haiti fic, but the noncon is standard fandom kink and whatever and no one else is involved, the haiti fic DOES. and while the people in those pictures wouldn’t even know, if that’s what you jerk off to at least be aware that it’s not exactly tasteful. and the people mentioned had zero idea that jerking off to the *mafia* au is not tasteful and that the *mafia* is *not* random organized crime. no one would have a problem if they called them CRIMINALS or mob or whatever without using the specific mafia word, but they like it because AESTHETICS which 90% of the time aren’t even true because the godfather aesthetic is so NOT the camorra aesthetic it’s not even funny. and of course we shoudl educate people instead, too bad that if it’s about haiti they listen and if it’s about us, they don’t;
 kink: same as above but like, again, let’s always use the poor j2 guys. the j2 mafia au as above is absolutely ew to me but at least j2 are american and most likely didn’t grow up somewhere the mafia could kill their relatives or friends. guadagnino did. and whether he knows or not (HOPEFULLY HE NEVER FINDS OUT) it’s another level of disrespectful to take a guy who made a pro lgbt movie you liked and putting him in that scenario without being aware of it. and they don’t listen if you tell them. that’s the problem. I can be very tolerant, but good god at least hear people out on the subject. and if it concerns a situation that isn’t even old or a dead organization but one that’s thriving in the country still and fucks people over every day I’d like for these people to recognize that at least it’s something not cool and not just their jerk off fodder material. at this point do the GODFATHER AU, which is what they want anyway, stick with the american mafia and try to not give them positive rep, because this idea of the mafia as a cool thing plays a major role in actual mafia organization marketing themselves as a good thing and makes the work of people actually fighting them way harder. if no one thought it was cool, it wouldn’t have half the influence it has. but do I ever see mafia aus with cops or conflicted henchmen or the likes? nah. it’s all SAD ROMANTIC BACKSTORY WITH CRIMINALS. call it some other way. it’s not asking that much.
also: I am entirely down with mafia stories in media and stuff - again, I ove my sopranos and boardwalk empire and goodfellas and I actually do like the godfather when a lot of people here at this point hate it too, but none of those things make it look like it’s palatable to be in the mafia. people can jerk off to it I suppose, but at least they should be aware of that. lowering the bar, it’s why I get pissed at people passing jc as a healthy nice relationship - at least own up to your badwrong and don’t sugarcoat it. in this case they don’t even own up to the fact that it’s a real thing that hurts real people, never mind caring for the feelings of the people they’re fans of - I could jerk off to my rpf faves in anything but I’d like to know I’m not doing it to something they would loathe, and if you have to at least use the fictional characters as the jerk-off material. I mean I’d feel uncomfortable af using them as jerk-off material to something I know they as people would hate. obviously I’m pro write whatever you want, but I’m also pro ‘be aware of what you’re doing and know you’re possibly jerking off to things that are actually harmful to a lot of people and if you do and are cool with that whatever but at least try to not make it look as it’s a good thing’ while at the same time assuming that someone who tells you it’s not cool is doing it because they’re HOMOPHOBES when the mafia is the most homophobic organization in existence or close to it. we do need positive rep when it comes to mafia stories and we never get it.
like, final example: if I had seen one ‘steve rogers is a cop who wants to take down the mafia-like organization’ for every ten ‘tiny boss steve rogers and his russian henchman bucky are THE POWER COUPLE OF THE NY CRIME SCENE AND THEY KISS IN FRONT OF EVERYONE AND HELP THE WEAK WHEN THE POLICE SUCKS ASS’ fics I ran into it’d be lovely, but the point is that I’ve never seen one such fic even if it’s a lot more IC for steve rogers to take down criminals than being a criminal, and if you make people notice that nicely (which we did more than once) the usual answer is ‘go fuck yourself it’s just aesthetics the mafia doesn’t hurt anyone’ when it actually did, does and will do as long as they have means to, and since this recasting of canonically good characters as *mafia* henchmen who are happy to be there and not itching to get out just really makes pass the concept that the mafia isn’t really that bad I think I/we affected people have the rights to point out that it’s already a distasteful thing that people should at least read about before assuming it’s random organized crime that can be substituted for whichever worldbuilding they like, and if they don’t care for that fine, at least avoid involving real people who actually would loathe that irl in it or, if anything, at least recognize that it’s fucked up to hell and back. and none of the people in that thread had the grace to do that.
I mean, obviously if I had to take the choice between one such fic not existing at all but censoring stuff and it existing without censoring stuff I’d pick the latter even if I absolutely don’t like it, but what irks me and the other people involved in this debate is how nonchalantly people do these recasting assuming that they’re not romanticizing the thing (which they’re doing) and then don’t listen to others when they’re pointed out that they’re doing it and they should be aware.
like, again, I think the haiti fic was a thing that no one with some salt in their brain and a basic amount of decency should have published. someone did. they got criticized for it and it sprung a lot of discussion (including comparing it with a gen kill fic set in east timor during the war which actually did it right and so no one actually thought it was exploiting a tragedy or being in bad taste) and tbh I think that when doing fic about serious things you should at least read up on that. but the point is that these people don’t listen, haven’t listened for years and most likely will keep on not listening and sorry but seeing a person from palermo who shoots movies that would make any cosa nostra boss mad being recast as a cosa nostra/mafia sicilian boss who, if compared to a, uh, real life person who died recently would deal with people seceding from this organization by ordering to kidnap their children and have them dissolved in acid at the ripe age of nine is really goddamned distateful and hearing ‘so your problem is that they’re gay is that why you’re so angry’ as a response instead of reading it and thinking ‘damn maybe that was a bit out of line’ isn’t exactly that great.
especially because again, these organization thrive on people assuming they’re less bad than they actually are and we’re not talking about stuff that happened three hundred years ago - the kid dissolved in acid happened in 1996 and it’s hardly the last time something like that happened. it’s not a general crime organization, it’s a very specific one, and I’ll be fine with people jerking off to any italian stereotype in existence while I roll my eyes and be fine with it, but at least I’d like these people to know what they’re doing. and they aren’t. and they should be. and on top of that some positive rep where the mafia people are inherently bad and the good guys want to take them down would be nice. I do get that it looks like I’m being incoherent but I’m not saying they can’t do it, I’m saying they should show a minimum of consideration, and they aren’t. then no one’s stopping them from doing it of course but just the fact that they-won’t-listen kind of says a lot. :/ and when it comes to real people and real things it’s not just fiction and you should at least be aware of that.
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i have a 1ltr vauxhall corsa club it is group 1 insurance i have no driving offenses point or illnesses the car has no modification and it is still 4000 pound and that was for a 10 month policy 395 a month will something like 400 deposit its just unfordable
Why the heck is insurance so high?
So I'm 17 trying to get insured on any car from a 1-1.2L DIESEL. I've tried practically everything and it's so expensive. I get quoted 15,000 for a MINI COOPER S and 12,000 for a corsa. The area I live in insurance is low. I passed in july and I really need a car. Any suggestions for cars or insurance?""
If I'm on someone else car insurance am I liable?
My old boy friend put me on his car insurance so I could drive his car. We are no longer together. If he gets in an accident could I get sued? He has nothing, but I do.""
""If my aunt crashed my car, will my insurance cover it?""
I live in PA, and I have Progressive as my car insurance. I have full coverage, and I was wondering if they will cover the whole thing if it was her fault? Thanks!""
Can i get my own car insurance policy at 16?
i would really like it if someone could answer this. i coudnt fint the answer i was looking for online so i came here. if you guys are going to say it has to be under your mothers its not happening shes a *****. my dad has a car at his house thats mine he just doesnt want to give me the keys tell i have insurance and my license. but im getting my license in a few months. so if you can tell me this answer thanks, and can you give me a average price. and i know they do it based on the car so if i had an 06 nissian sentra with moded parts, and ome rims and a body kit would there be a difference. thank you so much for the people that are going to answer this""
Which do you think is the cheapest car insurance company in chicago?
Which do you think is the cheapest car insurance company in chicago?
How can I take out life insurance on another person?
My father owes me money and I owe alot of money because of him. I'd like to be able to take out life insurance on him incase he dies before he pays me back. How would I go about doing this? I'm trying to figure out how to take the insurance out on him (since he owes me). Not have him get life insurance and then make me the benifactor himself.
How much would the insurance be?
I'm a 17 year old male wanting to get full coverage on a 2006 Supercharged Cobalt SS. It's a coupe, silver, standard, and has a 2.0 liter supercharged engine. Does anybody know how much full coverage would be for me in this car?""
""I want to drive into Mexico, but don't know much about car insurance...any help??""
I'm driving to Monterrey, about 140 miles south of the border. I've driven in Mexico before and done the visa thing and all, but I've never driven my car there. When I drove before, I was under the rented vehicles' insurance. I know I need to purchase a driving visa from the customs building right across the border in Nuevo Laredo, but what about my insurance? I have AAA, and i've heard that they do something, but i'm not sure what!! Any suggestions or advice about international driving insurance??""
""Affordable Health Insurance, any suugestions?""
I am a nanny. My employer does not offer any insurance. I need primary, dental, and vision coverage. I used to have the best insurance. $5 dollar co pay no prescript payment for generic and coverage for all drs. That was when i was under my mom's blue cross blue shield ppo plan. I cant afford too much but need something. Any suggestions on affordable health insurance?""
Need help understanding some insurance terms and policies.?
What is a HYBRID health insurance plan? Has anyone used this type plan?, specifically NEW HEALTH CHOICE, GOOD HEALTH. Beyond this...does anyone know of a good, affordable insurance for TEXAS. I really need help understanding this type plan. Sound too good to be true therefore it usually is.""
Range of Insurance rates for a 25yo Canadian (New Driver)?
I am a 25 year old Canadian, buying my first car. It will probably be 6+ years old, valued at less then 5,000. I'm wondering about insurance. I spoke with a broker telling me prices range from 4,000 - 4,500 a year (~$333/mo). This sounds excessive. She also said with third-party coverage the type of car I drive shouldn't matter, which left me with doubts. What should I expect to pay?""
Will insurance pay for an insured car that's borrowed and driven by an uninsured driver?
well, it's a brand new car that belong to my father, i borrowed it and got in an accident because i slip off the road, the car is totaled and im really worried about the coverage. my dad has Infinity-insurance, so yes the car is insured however i do not have any kind of auto-insurance at all nor am i listed in my father's policy. will my father's insurance pays for the car?( if possible, please answer it base on Infinity-insurance)""
What is the benefit of term life insurance over other types of life insurance?
What is the benefit of term life insurance over other types of life insurance?
How much would car insurance be?
How much would car insurance be for a 19 year old male first time driver driving a car cost around 1200 1.2l engine
How do i get health insurance on my own?
i am a senior in high school and i am about to graduate and go to college, I am currently in track so if i twist my ankle then i am done and I haven't have any kind of health insurance since my family immigrant here three years ago, my dad cant speak Eng so he stays home and my mom works really hard for my bro and me, i don't have car/health insurance and yet i drive and when ever i get sick i have to deal with it myself, I am really jealous when i see people can go to doctor when they get sick, I want to know how do i can a reliable and affordable health insurance and i am willing to work and pay for it in college..and i looked for the student insurance but it doesnt cover teeth and eyes....i def need to get my wisdom teeth out..cuz they hurt really bad sometime and there is nothing i can do about it, is it possible for me to work and pay my own car and health insurance? I just freaked out tonight cuz i feel so unprotected""
How expensive to insure a 2002 Mustang?
Ok so I'm 18, turning 19 next month so im not totally a new driver, i've been driving for about 2 and a half years. I want to get this 2002 red Ford mustang, its a v6. I was wondering if the insurance is going to be crazy high, also its a rwd and the winters here get pretty snowy, would that be a factor in calculating the cost? I know I sound like the worst case scenario for insurance agencies (Young driver, Male, Sports car, Red). Will the fact that I have a couple of years driving experience lower my costs? Sorry if this is just rambling on an on, and thanks in advance!""
What type of driving course reduces insurance?
What type of driving course from the driving school reduces insurance for new drivers?
18 year old with car insurance question?
okay, i live with my parents...daddy has a car and insured it and put himself and my mother under the insurance. On paper, i dont live with my parents. Okay my question is if i get a car and put a different insurance under my moms name will her gettin a car effect the cost of my dads isurance (the only reason i think it will effect dads insurance is that my mom is on his insurance).""
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your lowest quote insurance company reviews
Insurance company help?
Ok so im getting insurance in manhatten because i live there ..... but my vehicle is garaged in long island ..... I have to tell the insurance company ? and do i have to show proof ? if so what kind of proof is there to show ?
Does auto insurance cover a person or an automobile?What if someone drives your insured car and they have none
If you drive someone's car who has insurance on their car but you don't have any auto insurance and you get in a wreck does their insurance cover it or could you get a ticket ...show more
How much is motorcycle insurance?
What are some things to keep it as cheap as possible? I know taking a safety class can. I`m 19 years old if that means anything. Thanks.
Question about motorcycle insurance.?
I was wondering if anyone could tell me, on average, although there are multiple considerations...how much difference would there be in monthly insurance premiums between a 500cc bike compared to a 650cc bike? I heard that its actually quite a bit of difference, as I think I've heard that anything less than 600 is quite less than anything above 600cc's. I was just wondering if anyone could confirm this, and hopefully give me some estimated figures. Thank you""
""Do you have to have insurance if you don't have a car, just a license?
my parents have USAA auto insurance and i was wondering if i could get my license and be able to drive their cars with me paying for insurance. if i have to pay insurance whats the rate i would have to pay?
Am I required to get rental car insurance if I don't have my own auto insurance?
I am planning to sell my car and cancel my auto insurance. If I want to rent a car, am I required to buy their rental car insurance, since I wouldn't have any other auto insurance otherwise?""
What home owner insurance do I need to purchase?
If I buy an apartment and pays the HOA fee, does that cover the basic homeowner insurance?""
What is the best and most cost efficient way to move?
We are moving from Atlanta, Georgia to Boston, Massachusetts. I was researching possibly renting a moving truck, but I'm having difficulty finding the best option. I was considering U-haul, but from other message boards, I got the impression that as the costs add up with insurance and mileage and whatnot, it appeared to not be the best option out there (or maybe it is in comparison to other companies, I am not sure). Does anyone have any suggestions or past experience with a good moving company? We are looking for the best price option, and possibly a company where we could pick up the truck in Georgia and drop it off somewhere in Mass. **the trip is roughly 950 miles""
State farm or farmers for auto insurance?
I have a farmers policy for my auto insurance. My agent never replies nor picks up the call. I want to change the agents. I am thinking if I should check with with state farm. Do you know if state farm has better or same or expensive rate for the similar coverage than farmers?
""If your home is valued at 73,000, why would your insurance company raise the coverage to 101,000?""
If my house burns down, would they really pay out 100,000 or just the property value ?""
What things can a teen do to help lower the cost of car insurance?
I'm sixteen and seventh months, and plan on getting my license in about two months. But money is a little tight now at my house, and when my brother got his license on his sixteenth birthday (two years ago) the car insurance my parents pay for jumped an extra 1200 dollars a year. So what can a teen do to lower the cost? IE; what type of car should I be driving, the best time to get my license, etc. I'm willing to hear any ideas. :) Oh and if it means anything, my parents are with State Farm. Thanks in advance for the help.""
How much will my first car and the insurance come to roughly?
i can start driving lessons in January. How much, on average, would my first car cost? and how much on average would the insurance be? Also.. What would you advise for a girls first car? :) Leave your answers below please, Thanks!xx""
Whats the cheapest insurance company you could find?
I'm 18 years old, just passed my test, and the cheapest quote I could find is LV at 2600 on a 1.2 litre 06 reg corsa.. Help guys??? D:""
Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
...for so many people. I see complaints everywhere about sport bike insurance being so crazy. I just bought my first bike, 2 months ago. 1 month after getting my license. I'm 18 years old. My first bike was a 2004 Yamaha R6. I used Progressive online and put in everything accurately, driving history, motorcycle history (0 years), first bike being a 600cc sport bike. And I got quoted 300 dollars a year... bought it in full. Why is it so expensive for others with good history?""
Where on earth can I find affordable maternity insurance?!?
I didnt have it with my son and we are looking to get health insurance but all the plans that are decently priced (under $350/month) dont cover maternity. even if I could JUST find a maternity insurance that would be great! does anyone have or know of any insurance companies that offer maternity coverage? if so what are the names? heres a little info we live in FL we have one child my husband and I are 20 and 21 years old if you know of any insurance that will have affordable rates please let me know so I can get a quote!
Do you have to have car insurance to drive a motorbike or a car?
hi there i was wondering do i have to have car insurance to drive a motorbike or a car ? oh and how much do you think they would charch a 19 year old guy oh and do i pay weekly or monthly or yearly ?
Motorcycle insurance cost?
I was in an aciident a year ago it was my fault. I was driving a truck. Now that I'm 21 I want a cruiser such as the boulevard or vulcan, maybe even a shadow. I would like to know will my insurance be high? I don't have a license to drive one yet. I will be taking a class so I can learn the basice then buy a beater to learn to ride better before I get what I want. It will most likely just to get to work and school.""
Will car insurance pay for the following:?
I caused a damage to my car the other day by trying to pass between a truck parked in one lane of the road and the rest of the road. In another words there was some road works going on and only very tiny space for cars to pass. When trying to get through very slowly, I got stucked and when trying to reverse I broke my front bumper and done some other small cosmetic damages to the side of the vehicle. I am fully insured, my insurance is going to expire in about 2 months and I never made a claim before. I have bad experience with insurance companies in general and now am not sure how to follow and make insurance company to pay for the damages. There are some other damages done to the vehicle, for instance, a small stone from vehicle driving in front of me hit my windscreen and caused a small crack. I have no idea how to follow up and make the ins.company to pay. I am fed up with all travel, health and other insurance companies that just make excuses and never pay.""
""If a trucking company is self-insured,what are deductibles?
I've been told that I have to cover damages in a backing accident between two trucks belonging to the same self-insured company.
2010 Camaro LT 16 year old insurance?
I am a 16 year old and I want a 2010 Camaro. I'm not being ridiculous and getting a brand new Camaro 2ss. I am getting a used Camaro LT. I'm really responsible with straight A's and I was wondering how much the average insurance company would charge for a car look this and a guy like me.
What is the cheapest car to insure?
My Boyfriend has just passed his theory test today and has his practical test in a few weeks. He's 19 years old and we live in England. He wants a cheap car to insure but all are really expensive the cheapest insurance he can get is on a Romeo Mini for 2,500 a year. So i was wondering if anyone could tell me which is the cheapest car to insure and who with? Thank you for your help, Secret""
""Insurance question I need help with, any help would be great?""
I need some help here... The question is Hans sells his car to Pieter and now has no car and no need of auto insurance. Hans calls his State Farm agent to tell him to transfer his auto insurance to Pieter. The agent tells Hans: A. The transfer will not take place until that night at 12:01 AM B. That Hans will need to put Pieter on his policy as an additional driver C. That Hans must keep paying the premium until the end of the policy period. D. That he cannot transfer the policy to Pieter. E. None of the above. Im pretty sure B and C are incorrect, but otherwise I have no clue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!""
Auto Insurance for Military?
My older brother is wondering if he could get cheaper insurance if he went on an auto insurance policy with me. Im active duty Marine Corps if that helps. I don't get much spare time, so any help on this would really help, thanks.""
Who does the cheapest car insurance for 17 year old males?
I am looking to get insured on a peugeot 106 quicksilver for under 3,000 its only a 1.4 but all the company's i look at want up to 11 grand.""
Life insurance recommendation?
Hello !! Michael, I am interested in a term life insurance policy for myself and my wife. We are 50 and 51 years of age and in overall good health. We are both overweight according to Farmers insurance guidelines. Everything was fine with regards to our health except for their restrictions about the weight issue. My question: What are we supposed to do in order to be insured with a reputable company ? We would be willing to pay a higher premium if necessary. Could you Please recommend some insurance companys that provide flexibility with regard to weight. Your help is appreciated !!!!""
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your lowest quote insurance company reviews
Do car insurance rates go down in the time you have you license even if you don't have car insurance?
I am going to be a new driver and I am wondering if I just drive my girlfriends car without getting my own insurance if when I drive and get insurance for myself in a couple of years if my rates will be lower. Thank you all for any help.
How much would car insurance cost me?
I am a 22 year old female in Washington State, had one incident found to be not at fault, i drive a 98 Dodge Stratus""
What will the insurance cost be for a 2008 Mustang GT?
Ok, my son is about to turn 16 and his mother and I want to suprise him with a new 2008 Mustang GT premium. http://www.fordvehicles.com/cars/mustang/models/index.asp?v=html# That is the page that shows the models of all mustangs and we chose the GT premium for him. The car will go in his mothers name, so how much do you think the insurance will be?""
What is the easiest and most profitable insurance to sell?
Is life and health a harder sell than p&c? Also what company is best to work for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.?""
What should I do to get an International Medical Insurance?
I am a visitor in the United States, and I ll be here for about 2 months and I need a Medical Insurance, need some recommendations and where to go, and the docs necessaries.""
Need suggestions on Health Insurance...?
I recently turned 18 and will no longer be covered by my parent's health insurance. I'm going to be going to college next year and my school offers insurance but it will cost almost all of the money I have saved up (leftover money after tuition is paid). Are there any better options? (Being uninsured isn't an option)
Motorcyle prices?
IM thinking about buying a crockrocket. What are the average monthly payments.......ball park... And also, what is an average montly insurance payment?""
How much to insure a 20 year old female learner on mothers insurance for one month in ireland?
i am 20 and want to learn to drive in my mums car (citron saxo 2001) how much roughly would it be to add me to the insurance for one month if ive never had lessons and have only had a provisional licence for 2 months? i live in ireland thanks
""I need a good independant health insurance broker near Houston, Tx.?""
Can anyone recomment a good independant heath insurance broker in the Houston, Tx. area that I can go talk to. I need to sign up for individual health insurance for my family but I would really like to talk to someone in person who would look out for me and not themselves. Has anyone had good experiences with any that they could recommend? Thank you.""
Individual health insurance?
if i can get health insurance from my employer but can get better and cheaper coverage from as an individual do i have to take coverage from my job
Can we insure our life with more than one insurance company?
If so, in health insurance case, how we get reimbursement with one one set of original bills?""
What do i do if I have breast cancer and no insurance?
I am 42 and won't go to the doctor because I have no insurance, I can't pay the $250 for a check up, plus lab fees, just to find out, not to mention the other tests and the referrals I'd get if there was an issue...I'm scared to go to the doctor, and scared not to go. any advice?""
Auto insurance quotes?
Auto insurance quotes?
How much does your insurance go up after a DUI?
Also does old insurance let you back on or they kick you out? I think I was kicked off my dad's insurance... Is there a company I should look at that wouldn't be as expensive as others would since I have a DUI on my record? I'm a 21 yr old female from NJ
Which insurance companies offer the lowest rates for a vehicle?
I would just like to know with peoples experience with different insurance companies which ones are more reasonable than the others. I'm looking to buy a sports car soon so I just need to know which insurance company won't rip me off. thanks
Math Problems about insurance!!!!???? Urgent?
A- You have just bought a new and therefore fairly expensive car. You have to buy insurance. The insurance cost is $1000 for a year but the deductible is only $150. If we assume that the probability of your having an accident in the next year is 10% and that the average cost of an accident involving a car like yours is $5000, what is the expected utility for you of buying insurance? 2- You have just bought a new and therefore fairly expensive car. You have to buy insurance. The insurance cost is $1000 for a year but the deductible is only $150. If we assume that the probability of your having an accident in the next year is 10% and that the average cost of an accident involving a car like yours is $5000, what is the expected utility for you of NOT buying insurance and driving without it?""
Learners permit insurance?
My parents are divorced and my mom took me to get my permit and signed for it. In order to drive with my dad do I have to have a card of her insurance in the car?
Where can I find affordable dental insurance for my father?
He is 50+, I live in Michigan,help please?? I tried looking, but no progress. I want him to get something affordable so he can have better and healthier teeth. Thank you, Jenn""
How much is the insurance for a fiat 500 for a 17 year old?
I am getting a new car. I am oping to get the Fiat 500. But i'm not sure how much on average the insurance for it will be for a 17 year old. xcheerss lovelys x
What should i expect to receive for a 1997 saturn sl1 from an insurance campany after total?
i have a 1997 saturn sl1 that has 122,000 miles on it, power door locks, aftermarket component speakers, tinted windows, automatic, power steering, A/C. i was rear ended and the the body shop told me totaled. now im waiting for the insurance to pay me for the car and make an offer. does anybody have an idea what i should expect. this was a reliable car, i drive this car everywhere, it was supposed to get me to school everyday when i start college and my school is about 10 miles each way. i just dont want a low ball offer where i cant purchase a car thats going to get me to college everyday when i dont have a job. what is the average for this car, in great shape. will they pay for the speakers, the starter i just replaced 2 weeks ago""
Car insurance LUDICROUS! whats happening ?
passed my test a week ago.. (UK) been looking for car insurance on any car thats below a 1.2 and im still getting quotes for 4000 what the ***** am i doing wrong to deserve this ? it's really frustrating as all my friends have car insurance and cars and drive about happily, yet im stuck catching busses, waiting around and generally feeling like a twit... what is it that i am doing wrong ?""
A question about car insurance.?
Do you think the insurance would be cheaper on a 2010 Scion TC (its a coupe btw), or a 2006 Acura TL?""
SR-22 insurance in Massachusetts?
I have a friend whose license was suspended in Rhode Island 6 years ago for failure to pay tickets. He went and paid them all and RI is requesting he purchases SR-22 insurance. He currently lives in MA and we don't have SR-22 insurance in MA. Any help on where to go from here?
Cheapest car insurance?
im 20 and getting my first car.... what is the cheapest car insurance in florida... miami - ft lauderdale area?
Which would be less insurance wise?
I'm trying to figure out what car i want for my 16th birthday.. I've absolutely fell in love with the subaru wrx hatchback. the only thing im worried about is the fact that the insurance rates Might be high. i also like the Genesis Coupe 2.0t and i was wondering which would be more expensive insurance wise. Also what you think about them being first vehicles. and please no<, you should get a POS for a first vehicle... Thanks in advance!! The insurance company is usaa and nothing on the record""
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your lowest quote insurance company reviews
Is it true that you don't have to have car insurance in wisconsin?
so, it`s not illegal if you don't have any kind of car insurance?""
How much would it cost for insurance for a 17 year old male with a jeep?
Its a 1998 cherokee sport and we live in arknansas. The jeep is a dark green color.
Insurance rates 18 years old?
I am an 18 year old male who has been driving for about 2 and a half years. About how much more would a coupe cost for me than a sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. http://www.nissanusa.com/altima/
Is anyone surpised that Obamacare will double the cost of insurance?
http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the Democrats always lie about everything? .
How can i reduce my car insurance?
how can i reduce my car insurance, i have had my license for 11 years, the only fault on my licence is an SP30 giving me 3 points (3yrs ago)... im a 30 yr old male UK born, i have 5yr no claims bonus, (would of been longer but i fell ill) and because im now unemployed because of disability my insurance has gone up over 1000,,,, i done a price comparison quote on a car i'm looking on buying and this is my findings ----- 1.6 Fiat multipla 2001 (factory standard) 30 yr old male with my post code 5yrs no claims, no home owner, with kids under 16, with 3points UNEMPLOYED DUE TO DISABILITY 1897.47 30 yr old male with my post code 5yrs no claims, no home owner, with kids under 16, with 3points EMPLOYED - FACTORY WORKER 872.92 why am i being given such shocking quotes,,,, is there any way of gettin better quotes???? websites used ---- (auto trader insurance comparison site) (compare the market) (go compare) (confused) please help,,, MANY THANKS :-)""
About how much to insure a 2003 Saturn L200?
Looking to get a 2003 Saturn L200 but need to know how much insurance might cost.
How much does motorcycle ensurance cost?
I am planning on getting a bike. used,street bike probably a 04-07 dont know what kind yet but i was curious if a) is insurance on a motorcycle absolutely needed? b)how much if im 18, but father as a co signer with GREAT credit score c)on a $5,000 bike how much would it be a month overall, insurance and payments.""
Whats the cheapest insurance company?
parents wont get me a car cause the insurance is to much. i will be the only driver on the car. any suggestions?
Motorcycle insurance rate estimation?
I want basic liability insurance for a lower cc Honda Phantom, 700 cc tops. I am a 21 year old male who committed a DUI 2.5 years ago and is now alcohol-free. For that reason, I feel ...show more""
Can i find out someones car insurance company?
a lady hit my car back in march of this year. she agreed to pay for the damage but then moved out and skipped town. well the police finaly found her but the problem is i dont know her insurance company. i have her full name, and her vehicle vin number. i dont want to claim it on my insurance so my rates go up, thats nuts. so i need to find her insurance company so i can file it with hers! anyway i can do this?""
Buying Car Insurance for a new car?
I am on my parents policy right now and plan on buying a new car , along with the new car new insurance. My question is, do you buy the car insurance before or after you buy the car. Logic would say before since it is illegal in my state to drive without insurance, but I could be wrong Can someone clarify?""
Best value Florida auto insurance?
I just moved from Illinois to Florida and am looking for auto insurance because my own company is upping my price from $125 to $275 a month with the same coverage (100/300K BI, 50K property, 100K UM, and roadside assistance) with the move. Upon obtaining quotes, the best I've gotten is with Esurance which is just over $200 a month. It seems that adding BI to any auto policy ups the price pretty heavily. Are there any mid-level or local insurance companies in Florida that generally offer better premiums than the heavy hitters I've been quoting with? I'm in Port Richey.""
HELP whats the Cheapest place to ge car insurance in ontario?
im a 18 male just got my g1 not to long ago, i have had/drove cars be4 But i am not doin the driving school thing as i dnt have $500 to Blow! so im just gonna wait the 12months to get my g2 (so ill be 19 goin on 20 when i have my g2), i just started saving for a car tht i plan on puttin on the road after i have my g2 (i can get cars for a fair price so im not worried about tht), but where can i get cheaap Car insurance in Belleviille Ontario?, as i dnt make alot of money right no and nobody else n my family has a license lmao so i cant go under their insurance. and i did a online thing sayin i had a 99 z24 nd it said ill have to pay $1013 a month wht is wayy to much money!! and i have already had a 96 cavailer, 93 mx6 (but i drove em with no license or anything) but now i either wana get a honda civic, sunfire, neon, mx3 or acura, 95 and up""
Can I lose my job for not having insurance?
I have heard so many different things. But I called my job today and I found out that they are offering insurance but it is to high to buy for me because it would cost $30 per week. ...show more
Insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would insurance be for a 1990 corvette? I'm 16 years old, btw.""
2002 Toyota Corolla vs 2000 Honda Civic?
which one should I get and why? I am planning on getting one of these cars next year when I turn 18 to use just as a daily driver to get me home to school and work and every now and ...show more
""How do you purchase a car without insurance, and how do you get insuracnce with out a car?""
I left my insurace expire, and noe I need to get insurance, but I don't know what car i'm going to get, so which comes first, the insurance or the car?""
How much would insurance cost for a 19y old with a corvette?
Non owners insurance in california?
i am considering non-owners insurance for a car. however, if i drive my friend's car, their insurance policy will cover me. 1) what is the point of getting non-owners insurance, if non-owners insurance already assumes that i don't have frequent access to a car, and my friend's policy will cover me, also assuming i don't have frequent access to his car? also, i know, in the case of an at-fault accident with my friend's car, and assuming i have non-owners insurance, my friend's insurance will kick in first, then my non-owners insurance will cover what's missing. 2) what's the point of non-owner's, if my friend's limits are high enough already? 3) won't my friend's insurance increase since his insurance company had to pay? 4) if my friend's insurance increases, then what does the non-owner's insurance cover/protect??""
Insurance on a 2004 lamborghin gallado?
how much would it cost a month for insurance min to max and what do you pay for insurance
Do car insurance and registration have to be under the same name?
let's say Sally buys a car and it's under her name but gets car insurance under her sister's name. is that okay? or both have to be under Sally's name?
Need cheaper car insurance?
right now im paying 388 with a company called dairyland insurnace. i have points on my license right now. and it is killing me. the car is a 06 dodge stratus. should i raise my deductible? switch to aig insurnace. this is just way too much. the lowest id prefer to go is 300 even. anyone know any good companies or the best way to find cheap insurnace . should i look in the yellow pages and not the net
Insurance related question?
I am planning to take a savings plan insurance in SBI Life Insurance for tax benefits and for my future benefit also. Is SBI Life Insurance reliable or shall i consider for some other insurance company? If you think other Insurance company, please suggest some good company names. And do you think my option for saving plan is good or shall i look for some other plan? Your suggestions are welcome and thanks for your time.""
Car Insurance?
I am in the process of my my own car. I have been sharing my dads old car with my sister. I am 21, I got my licesnce when I was 18, and I have not yet had it three years. My dad called the insurance company and they told him it would be over 2600 paid in full because I have not had my liscence for 3 years, and in January it will drop. is this true, or does he just not want me to get a car?""
How much do you pay for health insurance per month?
Just your portion/ per month / your age I am 30 and did not choose a health plan at work because I think $170 a month for basic HMO is too much for a single healthy person. I used to pay $60 with dental and vision at my last job (which I know is really cheap). When I interviewed here they told me they had a great health plan. Well, guess what they lied! I will definatly be asking more questions about health insurance when I talk salary for my next position.""
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mammothstrengthx · 7 years
The Truth About Internet Judges
If you checked out the video you just saw Maryana Naumova, a 13 year old girl, bench 240lbs.  In other words, you just saw something AWESOME!  You just saw something that literally maybe a handful of girls her age could accomplish, and she is the only one I have ever seen on video.  This was done with the Flag Nor Fail crew taping at the 2013 Arnold Classic, in front of the entire fitness world.
So you would think this would be something to celebrate, and you would be right.  However, the problem is there is a growing faction in our society that just wants to shit on everything.  Whenever they see something awesome, something that defies their small way of thinking they have to talk shit about it more than likely to make themselves feel better about their own mediocrity.
Youtube is an awesome resource for sharing videos.  Be they videos of athletic accomplishments, or videos of cute kittens.  The problem is that for some reason, there is no IQ Test required to post a comment on a video.  And so every idiot thinks their opinion is equally as important as people that are actually knowledgeable about the subject matter.
Some of the Comments:
berserkir “Shes cheating.....she doesnt have to bring the bar as far down to touch her chest. If she did it flat back she would bench half that weight.”
 MusikAlltid “Sure it´s much but she´s only doing one. When training one should do 12x2.”
 EliQball “Yay she can lift some heavy weight. *clap clap* - But with that form all she's doing is 1x (barely) half rep and preparing herself for several herniated disks. No offence but she's doing more harm than good!”
Not surprisingly neither of those first two internet warriors have any videos of themselves doing anything awesome.  And then you get to EliQball, his youtube page suggests someone with a decent degree of fitness knowledge, and yet he accuses her of doing a HALF REP.  Yet again, do people even understand the English language.  I mean I know that texting shorthand has killed our ability to put together grammatically correct sentences, but still.  Words do in fact still mean something.  And when you say someone is cheating, and they aren't, you just look petty and ignorant.  Which is also what you look like when you see someone do a bench press that touches their sternum and is returned to lockout and you call it a half rep.  Just because she is physically able to get into a mechanically superior position to bench press does not make her a cheater.  That is similar to calling Shaquille O'Neil a cheater because he is taller than you and it is easier for him to dunk.
“To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” -Aristotle-
You gotta ask yourself, what the hell are people thinking when they spew this nonsense?  Or are they just wanting to try to bring her back to the pack and continue to cater to the lowest common denominator.  I mean seriously, at the end of the day all you have done is criticize a 13 YEAR OLD GIRL!  Congratulations, I hope you feel better.
Here is a video Mike Wolfe of Exile Barbell posted.  It shows 18 yr old high school Senior Seth Hipply smoking 765 to a 1 board.  According to Mike he then came back and smoked 805.  And *GASP* he was wearing a bench shirt.  Regardless, that is AWESOME.  How many 18 yr old kids could even unrack 805lbs at arms length for more than 1 second without winding up in the ER?!  Why can't people just watch that video and just say "Good Job!"  What is so difficult about that.
But NO, Instead you get this...
Adam Sizemore Nice triple ply shirt. Raw vid would be impressive.
Cody Ballinger He's small though, I'd really be impressed if he was taller than 4"8 with longer arms.
David Deitering wow alot has changed since i competed of 4 inch bench WTF!
For some reason Adam Sizemore chose to ASSume that he was wearing a triple ply shirt since there is absolutely NO WAY to tell from a video.  Then he proceeds to point out that a Raw video would be more impressive.  In this case I am inclined to agree that an 800 lb raw bench would be more impressive.  But what does that have to do with this video?  Not much.  Again this is similar to suggesting that Tiger Woods' 300+ yard drives would be more impressive if he used a persimmon wood.  You know, since that is a "true test of blah blah blah..."  Then Cody Ballinger again ASSumes that Seth is short.  Yet again, this is impossible to tell with any level of accuracy from the video.  Doesn't stop him from throwing it out there.  Truth be told, Seth is 6' plus which is Officially NOT SHORT.  Then of course David Deitering chimes in with the prerequisite ROM and competitive standards critique.  He does realize this was a 1 board press in the gym and not at a competition right?  And as far as ROM goes yet again, what if he did have freakishly short arms.  What if he resembled T-Rex, it doesn't fucking matter.  That is how he is built.  Should he not use that to his advantage to be the best at his chosen sport?
You'll have to forgive me but this  latest rant is going to end in relatively the same way as the last few.  This really is a call to arms.  People need to stop bitching about stuff and start doing stuff.  These people are busting their asses, and doing awesome things.  If this offends you, then why not step away from the anonymity of the internet, and go out there and do something awesome yourself.  Why do you care what other people are doing?  Why would you ASSume they care about your opinion?  More importantly, why does other people's success bother you so much, unless it points out your own lack there of.  If that is the case, trying to bring people back to your level may be easier, but it doesn't solve the problem.
And trust me, if you are one of these ignorant Internet Judges, the problem isn't the people doing awesome things. the problem is YOU!
See additional information on: Mammoth Strength
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juliivn-blog · 6 years
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*  bill skarsgård, age 27, he/him  | oh, them? that’s julian nilsson. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, one week. last time i spoke to them they were a drug dealer, and if i remember correctly, they’re an aries. seeing them around always makes me think of track marks hidden beneath a long-sleeved shirt, the watery reflection of a neon sign in a motel parking lot, the eerie quiet of 5am after a sleepless night. ( lainie, 24, cst, she/her ) 
hello bitches it me ur local bag of literal garbage ( lainie ) back at it again !! this time bringing u the anti adrian and pls be wary bc there are a lot of sensitive topics down below ( tws for major drug use, drug addiction, death, grief, shitty parenting, neglect, abandonment?? kind of idk better safe than sorry )
so bear with me bc his background info is kind of Long!! his mom and dad are from just outside of st louis, missouri. his mom came from a pretty wealthy family and she was just like tryna be ~rebellious in her young adult years by dating julian’s dad (who came from a super trashy family and had a Bad Boy Rep). when she was 19 and he was 22 she got pregnant ( with julian ) and her fam was like lol get rid of that baby or ur gone !! but they were “““madly in love””” and she was on her rebellious shit so they literally eloped to the city ( st louis ) and got an apartment together and had julian but never actually got married bc they were too cool ( read: irresponsible ) for that. ofc this ended up being rly miserable bc she was used to living the rich life and now her family had disowned her, and suddenly she was starting to realize this dude she had a kid with was kind of a deadbeat party boy with no interest in having a family, not to mention she started realizing like?? i don’t actually want a kid this is a lot of work?? so like julian’s childhood years were a lot of him having to learn to take care of himself and not having anyone to depend on most of the time. and that’s not to say they didn’t both care abt him on some level bc there were definitely times they paid attention to him and gave him a birthday party or two but for the most part he was on his own
fast forward 5 years and finally julian’s dad, now in his late 20s and getting antsy, peaces the fuck out to los angeles to live his best party boy life. baby julian is very upset bc even tho his dad doesnt pay a lot of attention to him he like idolizes him. julian’s mom is saltier than EVER about having to take care of a kid but she doesn’t wanna go to LA ( especially for this asshole she doesn’t even like anymore ) and her parents won’t have anything to do with her or her illegitimate child so the NEXT 5 years are a lot of moving around from shitty apartment to shitty apartment and job to job by themselves. his dad would now and then send weird postcards and stuff from cali so he had like a vague idea of the fact that his dad was living his own life somewhere that looked super wild, and when he was 11 years old he managed to send a letter back asking if he could come live with him. his dad contacts his mom, there’s a bunch of fighting, but in the end julian did indeed get to go live with his dad in los angeles, mostly bc his mom just didn’t give a fuck anymore and was lowkey like…u know what fine take him i can have my life back
obviously his dad does not know how to be a dad !!! he kind of thought of julian as his little like…..sidekick like he just thought having this 11 year old kid around was hilarious. so julian went to LA and was living with his dad and his dad’s friends in a relatively nice apartment but like it’s always filled with people doing drugs and having sex and it’s just. not child friendly at all. so that’s how julian was introduced to weed at the ripe young age of 11!!! from there on out he was like a big time weed and cigarette smoker, was very early having sex and trying other drugs, and by the time he graduated high school he was already hardcore doing coke
so julian like kind of wanted to go to college bc some part of him did crave normalcy, but he was way too far up his own ass to get his shit together for that !! plus like....he didn’t rly have good role models. so his first year after high school instead of getting on a good path for his future he decided living his best life would include moving into an apartment with his cokehead best friend. it was around that time that julian met his first boyfriend. he was already totally aware he was bi, had slept with boys in high school, but this was the first time he rly fell in love with a guy. he was like……….head! over! heels! for this boy. julian met him at a club and he was like sort of soft and relatively innocent until they started dating and julian got him smoking weed and then snorting coke
this next part is very triggering so please read with caution !! when he was 21, julian tried heroin for the first time. for about 6 months it gradually got really bad, his life started spiraling, and his bf was like….becoming unable to deal with it, especially bc while julian was getting worse his bf was kind of trying to move in the opposite direction and get off the coke and get his life back together. there was a lot of fighting, but his bf kept not actually making the move to end things bc he loved julian and was just like hoping something would turn around. one night, however, in a moment of weakness, he let julian talk him into trying heroin with him. it was kind of a “i promise i’ll get clean if u try it with me this one time” thing. being in and out of consciousness and not really aware of what was going on, he didn’t notice that his bf was overdosing and he ended up dying simply bc the heroin was too much for his body and he stopped breathing. julian didn’t notice until the morning when he woke up, and obviously that was by far the most traumatic thing that’s ever happened to him and left some deep ass emotional scars
so following this, he actually did check himself into rehab. he was there for 3 months, got completely clean, but he only managed to stay that way for two weeks before he was first snorting heroin again and then back to shooting up and selling drugs
it was about a year later when he was 23 that he met kit while he was doing a deal at some seedy bar outside of town. they quickly fell into a completely unanticipated relationship--notably, julian’s first since his boyfriend’s death. in spite of that trauma and feeling guilty even as he did it, he started introducing kit to drugs. in his mind, it was kind of a thing where he fell in love really fast and really hard out of nowhere and he saw this sad little thing with no place to go and drugs are the only thing he’s ever known himself, so it was very natural to be like “here try this it helps” and also naively convincing himself he’d never let what happened before happen again
so four years later they’re living together and completely broke, living mostly off the money julian makes selling drugs and whatever else they can scrape up, when kit decides he wants to do a road trip across the country. julian’s very impulsive, doesn’t really give a shit about anything in LA anyway, and to top it off has a hard time saying no to kit. SO a road trip it is !! they make it all the way across the country before finally using up the last of their money and realizing they don’t have enough to get back
which is how he wound up in carina bay! they’re currently living out of julian’s car with a little makeshift bed in the back and he’s selling drugs again to try and save up enough so they can get home, but they use most of what he’s supposed to sell so it’s.......not going very well euyagafdhs
so now that his lengthy as fuck background is over with………julian is an extremely EXTREMELY dry sarcastic person. the guilt over his bf has made him wayyyyyyyy worse, like his sense of humor is so so much darker than it was before that happened, but he’s honestly just a rly sarcastic person to begin with. he has some softness inside especially for people he rly cares abt, but you will not catch julian being sentimental or taking literally anything seriously unless you’ve managed to seriously worm your way into his heart
he’s not like a GRUMP tho at all he just....doesn’t take things seriously. he’s literally the embodiment of every bart simpson meme
"whatever my dude” is his aesthetic
he’s very careful about his drug dealing, he won’t go around talking about it or anything, he does it all under the radar as much as he can and especially having done it for so long now and having experienced a lot of traumatic crap, he’s pretty good at what he does and he won’t fuck with people he doesn’t trust
even when it’s warm it’s not totally unlikely to see him in long sleeves bc he has really bad track marks all over his arms from shooting up so much, especially in the early days when he was really bad at it
he absolutely will not talk about his past and if anything even close to it comes up in conversation he will skate right over that so qUICK ur head will spin
i think that’s IT FOR NOW if u made it this far i commend ur effort and attention span. im gna list some plots n stuff below and hit me uP for some angst bc ya girl is here for the drama as usual
any and all drug related things !! people who buy from him (especially weed, he’s a lot more lenient about to whom he sells weed as opposed to other stuff), people he introduces to drugs, friends he actually does drugs with
he’s very dry and enigmatic but he’s also quite social so seriously give me friends for him. he’s high a LOT but not always and he likes being out doing stuff
definitely somebody or somebodies who don’t trust him and his drug addict bart simpson vibe please please give me people who don’t like him
along that same vein it takes a lot to get julian worked up and in fight mode bc he prefers to just let things roll off his shoulders but it would def be fun to have someone who gets him to that point
also somebody who?? maybe thinks they can “fix” him and genuinely does their best to try and persuade him to change his life and that it’s not too late to turn everything around
if ur muse is randomly from st louis missouri????? hit me up with a past connection from way back in julian’s childhood 
also someone he went to high school with in LA if they’re from LA. this person would probably not be surprised at the way julian turned out ystefygdjhs
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