#she did a couple bad things tho so im assuming people don't like her
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angelscorpses · 10 months ago
i wish we got to see more of the girls in the outsiders, most of them dont even have a role and were just mentioned once or twice, and almost all of them are seen as bad
and theyre ALL mentioned to be someone's girlfriend, can we have a girl outsider who's character ISNT revolved around a man and has a role?? thanks!!!!!
i know cherry exists but my point about them being seen as bad: majority of the fandom hates her (could go on FOREVER defending her but thats for another time)
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offorestsongs · 2 months ago
4am???? 😭 i’m. an enabler unfortunately;; anyways— for any ship(s) of your choosing 👀
🦅: How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
🐕: Do they have any pets together? If one of them had a pet from before their relationship how well does the pet get along with their partner? Do they have the pets approval or does said pet sit in between them and their partner any time they try to make a move?
(but fr please rest 😤💥)
first of all. POT CALLING THE KETTLE HUH thank you sm for enabling me tho <3
anyways. off to the questions!!
🦅: How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
lilyarrow -> this assumes that there are any people who would want them to get together instead of praying that it doesn't happen, because even before they became a couple they were absolutely INSUFFERABLE to be around. and also nobody even understands why would Lysander want to be with Rook in the first place sjfjfj okay no. actually, Vil tries to give them a little nudge because he thinks that their pining is actually even more insufferable. he loves Lysander dearly, really, but if he has to hear Rook's flowery poems about him or has to watch Lysander sighing sadly while looking in Rook's general direction, he WILL lose it. i talked about this before, but he basically put them in a there-was-only-one-bed scenario during book 5 (oh no there's not enough usable rooms in Ramshackle to put everyone in so they have to share and to put any inevitable arguments to end, Vil was the one to divide the rooms) thinking it may help them get over themselves. it didn't <3 Rosienne is invested in any potential romances going on on campus ever, especially when they involve his friends, but his "help" is just him teasing Lysander a lot and telling him about bad flirting techniques pulled from romance novels. he'd tease Rook too, but first of all that man has no shame so it's not like that's really possible, but also Rook will just instantly tease Rosienne back about his crush on Vil and Rosienne will shut up immediately LMAO thornqueen -> Rook and Lysander are dying. they want those two to get together so bad (it's actually so funny how they're basically eachother's wingmen lmao). Lysander just watches their pining with slight despair, as it's not like he has any ground to talk lmao Rook tho, as i've said, teases Rosienne about the whole thing a lot, but he also (obviously) teases Vil too. like, everytime Rook sees them interact, he just HAS to comment on it and Vil just. wishes he would finally shut up djgjdkgjgj silverflame -> now, everybody is in despair watching those two. Lysander is constantly like "why can't you just talk to him!!!" (to which Józia rolls her eyes and responds with "yeah why dont you talk to your boy, huh?" which like. she's got a point). Lilia is constantly setting up scenarios where Józia and Silver will end up alone. surprisingly, their biggest wingman is Sebek. Sebek caught up on what is going on way quicker than Silver did and is endlessly frustrated by how bad at romance Silver is. he pretends that he doesn't care, but his attempts at helping them get together are as subtle as a train, yet somehow they still completely get over their heads
🐕: Do they have any pets together? If one of them had a pet from before their relationship how well does the pet get along with their partner? Do they have the pets approval or does said pet sit in between them and their partner any time they try to make a move?
lilyarrow -> does Grim count? jk im not gonna do my son like that actually, they get a dog at some point! im not sure on the race but it would probably be a bigger dog, one that would be good for being around kids. also as ive said in that other post, it would actually be very cute if they had pet bunnies but i havent thought more about it yet jgjfjgj thornqueen -> tbh i don't think any of them would especially want pets? like, i feel like if Rosienne wanted to, Vil would maybe agree to keeping a pet, but also Rosienne doesn't really have it in himself to care about living things so JDJGJDJ silverflame -> so i actually havent thought about this before but now i have THE FUNNIEST idea. Józia, who doesn't want any pets because they make too much mess vs Silver who one day brings a wounded animal to their house (it would be funnier if it wasn't even a traditional house pet, but something like a deer instead). she complains about it for a week before growing really fond of it (even if she wont admit it) so the pet stays gjfjgj
(ask game!)
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scarrrletales · 4 years ago
Class 1 - a reacting to reader that is like Violet evergarden
TW : Killing
When they first met you.They were shocked to see an foreigner from a country in America.Oh god how can i explain, your beauty is out of the world even though you have an stoic expression plastered on your face.
Mineta be like : oh fucc an angel 🤩😇✨.You are'nt.
One time deku accidentally bumps into you and he suddenly felt a metalic thing from your hands.He just assumed that it is related from you quirk and he apologizes to you said that it was fine.
That when you changed into your UA P.E uniform.
You indeed have robotic arms attatched from your shoulders.
Everyone was like is'nt that cheating?
Bakugou was even confused on how tf did you even passed the test and got a high score and also got into class 1 - a even though you are a person with disability.
Aizawa said that your disablity does'nt matter and it is also an exception and you passed with your skills even though you dont have arms and mostly relied on your prostetic ones.Honestly he's impressed on you
The other students are impressed on how meanwhile you kept an stoic face. Your quirk is also cool and you can keep up with the harsh standards of UA.
Iida likes how responsible and always in the state of mind even when you are criticised or made fun of.
The girls asked about your backstory and everyone is all ears one hearing it e̶v̶e̶n̶m̶r̶.l̶o̶r̶d̶m̶u̶r̶d̶e̶r̶e̶x̶p̶l̶o̶s̶i̶o̶n̶
You said that you lost it while saving your commander who raised you in an battle a couple of years ago.
You admitted on killing a bunch of your enemies and helping out the military in a battle field you said that you train everyday to get better and to be a and deliver a bunch of weapons on the battlefield.
The government lets you off the hook because it's considered an self defense and you are also young.
You were basically an emotionally detached soldier that settles into postwar life.
Everyone has mixed emotions like sad, scared, fazed.Iida asks if you need a psychiatrist you said you already have one (lmao man is reliefed and so is the others and t̸h̸e̸f̸a̸c̸t̸t̸h̸a̸t̸y̸o̸u̸k̸i̸l̸l̸e̸d̸s̸o̸m̸e̸o̸n̸e̸ haunts them) .
They are also ready to throw hands when someone makes fun of you.
Mineta is 😃scared😃of😃you😃.Kirishima thinks your manly and gets tearful in your backstory💪.
You also said that you were highly experienced on using military weapons like bombs, guns, hand in hand combat and teamwork.
You also complimented Bakugo on how his quirk reminded you of the explosions in the battlefield (man is shookt and he is like : is that an insult? ) he ended up blasting a loud ass explosion you just standed there not scared and seemed to bd used to it.
you be like : 👁️👄👁️ yea im used to it.
Deku inspires a whole ASS 3 page in his notebook about you and questions your experiences in the battlefield while fighting if you want to
You agreed and he just started interviewing you while scribbling on his notebook.You were also interested on how he documents every students or heroes analysis.You also help him on how to write more specific details to add to his hero journal.
Present mic is also ✨amazed✨ on how you can speak english fluently. Everyone in the class is kinda having a bit trouble in that subject so during break time you ended up teaching them on how to improve on that subject.
You also rivals iida's intelligence and basically beside him on the rank 2 h̶e̶f̶e̶e̶l̶s̶t̶h̶r̶e̶a̶t̶e̶n̶d̶.Nonetheless you two get along since you two are the most responsible students in the class.
One time you ended up getting paired with shoji and hagakure to apprehend Mr.snipe and to be able to pass to go through training camp.
DAMNNN girl your basically the only one who can be able to dodge Mr.snipes quirk.SHEESH he's having an hard time targeting you since your fast.You ended up knocking him out from behind and the team wins because of you.
He complimented you and you replied in the most calm voice "I like how your bullets tried to target me too bad i ended up dodging it." he be like : 😃🤠🗿🔫 what? (overall he's so impressed on how you had no problem dodging his bullets)
KSKSKKSJA one time monoma tried copying you quirk on the sports festival he ended up touching your robot arms not your actual skin 😂 lmao he ended up loosing to you.
The whole class 1 - a : 👁️👄👁️,😃,😂🤭,😶 tf did i just witnessed.
Bakugo said that it is the most hilariously stupidest thing that he's ever seen.
Mei hatsume from the support course department adores you.One time your arms got deattatched she ended up reparing it and upgrading it to be more easy for you to use for your everyday life.
You also like her active energy and most of all you like the way she never gives up even tho her inventions failed and she tried again and again until she improves.
The fun started when you move into the dorms.Mineta almost passes out when he sees you armless.You were like : eh whatever you will get used to it 🗿.And everyone was like that how you clean or adjust your arms 👁️👄👁️.
They asked if you needed help.You said no thank you💀 (that's a bit harsh lmao).
They were like watching you clean in and attatch it they were like : 😬,🧐,🤔😮 , they also asked if it its painful and heavy attatching it (you said no thanks to mei she ended up making you easier to move everyday)
You thanked them for being concerned and explains that it does not hurt and you just fell basically numb.
When they also got to know you better you were such an calm nice person and you only kept to yourself.One time they tried making you laugh you just kept an face like this : 🗿 s t o i c.
They also noticed that you love writing waxed letters in your typewritter. A
Everyone in the class be like why dont you just use a phone.You said you did'nt have one they were like : 👁️👄👁️ uhm.They respected your opinion tho.
You also said that you also prefer writing your letters like this because most of your comrades back when you were working in the battlefield they use it as a way communicate to their family living far away from them.
They were so touched 🥰🥺💞.
BONUS : It was valetines day and UA is throwing kinda like an Valetines festival.Aizawa said that we can do anything like throw a party, create love booth anything valentines related.
So basically iida is at the front and everyone was making suggestions on what to do while you help him write your classmates suggestions on the board.
You suddenly said that why dont we do something diffirent and not that much common.Iida allowed you to speak so you did
" I was thinking on opening an confession booth where you can express your feelings to the one you love it can be basically to anyone for example a student,your friend, a teacher or your either your parents and we will write a love letter to them and help them declare your love to each other.Probably we will need a bunch of papers, envelopes, a typewriter and a bunch of people who is skilled in writing also we need someone that is skilled in baking to make heart shaped cookies like sato ."
Everyone was : 👁️👄👁️
"I think that is too much i humbly apologi-----." before you can continue iida interrupts you and said that it is the most amazing yet unique plan to capture someones heart in valentines day.
Everone likes your idea and Momo ended up volunteering buying the items and ingredients that you mentioned and Sato volunteers to bake the cookies and Deku volunteers on making the letters with you.
Meanwhile the others helped on decorating the so called "Love Confession Booth" that is located in your classroom.
The day comes and the whole upperclassmens are stoked to see what their underclassmens valetines booth are like.
An certain student from the general studies requested an love letter to give to the one she likes . You interview her whilst typing on your typewriter and she just spatted on how she really likes him and adored him.You ended up finishing the letter she requested a few minutes ago and putted it into an pink envelope and a heart shaped red cookie that sato maked.
She thanks you and a few moments a later she broughts in a boy and said that the love letter that you made worked and they ended up together.
Now the booth was empty bakugou was like : "NOW WHAT YOUR IDEA IS SO STUPID AND CHEE------."
The ground started rambling and a crowd appears mostly a bunch of upperclasmens and underclassmens mostly of them are begging you to make them a letter and even paid you.You said it is free and there is no need to pay.
Requests started pouring in and many of your upperclassmens praised the class on making good bussiness even the upperclassmens in the bussiness course loves your strategy in thinking of such an amazing idea that is eye capturing yet diffirent.
The class is overwhelmed but all of them and you managed to survive after a long day.
Thanks to you there are many upperclassmens dating now (lmao the teachers are like : is that even possible HSHHSHSHS) the seniors also gave you the nickname :cupid💘 (JSHS lmao)
Meanwhile the whole day your face is just like this : 🗿🗿🗿ok while writing cheesy love letters.
After a long day you opened your shoe locker and ended up getting a bunch of thank you letters, flowers, stuffed toys and a ton of chocolates.
You don't like sweets that much so you ended up giving some of them to your classmates as your valentines gif
Everyone was like blushing (●’◡’●)ノ when you handed them a thank you letter with a bunch of heart shaped chocolates.You even gave Mineta one.Lmao he ended up crying due to joy(e̶v̶e̶n̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶y̶o̶u̶r̶s̶h̶i̶t̶t̶y̶y̶o̶u̶a̶d̶d̶s̶p̶i̶c̶e̶t̶o̶t̶h̶e̶a̶n̶i̶m̶e̶a̶s̶w̶e̶l̶l̶a̶s̶t̶h̶e̶m̶a̶n̶g̶a̶
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Note : the gif not mine a̸n̸d̸s̸o̸a̸r̸e̸y̸o̸u̸
ORIGINALLY by : bokunosoul
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twst-discourse-bot · 3 years ago
they deleted their ocs but i have reblogs of them and screenshots of all posts (not reblogs they are just genshin fanart from popular artists) https://tamos-reblog-account.tumblr.com/ admittedly she isnt as bad yet this time self hate minorly sinophobic (it was pretty sneaky i almost didnt notice it) like why is it necessary to make your two black ocs with vitiligo hated by the people of liyue (nation based/inspired from china)specifically and then have both move to mondstadt (nation based/inspired from Germany...) her age was 15 this time lmao the way she has the trans flag all over but doesnt include trans in her bio is... sus? furthers my belief shes faking. well i mean... ofc she is she does it all the time. with every blog. they would have been fine if not for that like i was just scrolling the genshin tag and saw the character card for delilah and thought she was the cutest fucking thing. (im a sucker for vitiligo im sorry) was bored as FUCK tho so i didnt bother to read her stuff but then a few posts down i saw mila and thought oh hey shes similar to delilah so i decided to check out the blog when i tell you my heart dropped and then started RACING i saw the behavior and "hate asks" i looked at the pfp i read the ocs texts im loosing my fucking mind THE REST OF THE STUFF ABOUT HER OCS WAS ACTUALLY DECENT FOR ONCE BUT SHE /RUINED/ IT
they did some stuff with twst but i'll leave that to yall to discuss its just another copy of mulan and tiana
she never changes *sigh*
Hello!! Terribly sorry to everyone for the prolonged radio silence :sobsob: I work full time these days and can't keep as vigilant a watch as I used to, but I have time this morning, so I want to update everyone.
I'm using Tamo's ask as a jumping off point, both to say thank you to them for making the official callout post for Jordan/Ray's newest blog, cutemermaidprincess (now deactivated), and to talk about a couple of things that I'll get to in a moment.
To start, I believe you and I had the same idea. I was mainly leaving her alone to see what she would do this time around. I had no doubts that the blog was her yet again, but I didn't want to start something without having proof and end up throwing some poor rando under the freight train. (Sidenote: one of my mutuals recently had something like that happen to them, being falsely accused of something pretty heinous by a callout account and it scared the life out of them. I didn't want to be the cause of something like that.)
But, now that this blog is gone, I think I can start talking again. Here are the screenshots I took before it went down:
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In regard to everyone who sent in asks with this blog's username, thank you! I appreciate what you are trying to do, but please understand that I didn't answer anybody publicly because I have a sort of method to approach this person's habits with. I cannot, in good conscience, take speculation as evidence of a new Ray account, but now that I have the screenshots and the blog is deleted, we can safely assume that it was her again.
While I wasn't crazy about the idea of letting her go after seeing her post the OCs, I was content to just leave her alone to do her thing if she didn't start trouble again, because there's no realistic chance of getting an apology out of her. But she ruined it for herself again, as Tamo said. I only skimmed the chara bios so I didn't catch the Sinophobia this time, I suppose I've gotten careless.
Also, it's extremely shitty of her to use a trait that many people have, vitiligo, as a jumping off point for her fake pity party. She's just adding to the list of reasons why she needs to be perma-banned with every iteration of her nonsense.
It's obvious it was her; I don't know what exactly she's hoping will happen. If she keeps posting in the tags, people will figure out who she is every time. She's better off just giving up at this point, she's made an enemy of nearly everyone in the TWST fandom and I don't think people care enough in Genshin to give her any attention.
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jerzwriter · 2 years ago
"People who are hurting want others to hurt too" - I said to myself while looking for angsty fics for T/C after a sad chapter of DTI lol. Seriously tho I was like your last anon, once I checked and you have i believe 3 angst fics for T/C and they all end up with I love you's and happy things and I was like why are they not sufferiiiiiiiiiiing 😂😂😂 im the worst im sorry im sorry
OK, did you read where I killed her, and he lived the rest of his life alone? lol
Well, there is good and bad news.
Right now, in my HC, Tobias & Casey are getting married on November 12th. So, I'm going to be writing a lot of their HC. I want to get them from where I left off in Their Start (she dumped him, and it's the morning of the chemical attack), to how they end up together, then I can write all that leads up to their wedding. So, until November 12th, the only angst you'll get is the attack, her PTSD, and the idiots messing up until they get together (but you know the outcome. lol)
After that, I have actually 4 things in WIPs:
The continuation of Where it Goes From Here (which was supposed to be a one-off). Now that Tobias knows why Casey left him (although there is more, and it is PAINFUL), what's next? Can he stay with his wife, who he loves, but is not in love with? What becomes of their little girl? And what about Casey? She never let go of him, but she was able to move on, and now that she's seen him again and knows he still loves her, how does that impact her?
Unnamed mini-series. They seem to be the perfect couple. Happily married for many, many years, a little girl, a little boy (I'm not making this canon - uhuh. lol). One day, the unthinkable happens. Someone has fallen in love with someone else, and they have made it clear they don't wish to act on it, but they don't want to lie to their spouse anymore. Devastated, the other spouse flees and returns to Boston to clear their head. What happens from here? This is meant to explore different ways we can be unfaithful and the impacts that it can have. How marriages, even good marriages, change. IS honesty always the best policy? Would it have been better to keep this quiet and work on the marriage that is now teetering on breaking? Can it be saved... should it be saved? Does marriage have to last forever in order for it to be successful? How does it end? Not saying. lol
Unnamed mini-series. I'm not sure I'll ever write this one. I don't know if I have the enthusiasm for it that I once did. But it was a loving couple who is falling apart, and one refused to see it. Then a string of misunderstandings leads to one assuming the other was unfaithful, so they make a huge mistake themselves. When it all falls apart, what becomes of them?
Reset. It's the Ethan returned from the Amazon with a girlfriend in tow series. Tobias is now Kaycee boss, but his desire to one-up Ethan is still very alive. He makes Kaycee part of his plan. But does the plan backfire?
Not sure what will happen with each of these, but they're in the works.
But, BTW, angst with a happy ending is my favorite jam. lol
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punkscowardschampions · 6 years ago
Ali & Carly
Ali: Ich glaub ich spinne Carly: wtf Carly: do you want a drink babe? Ali: ze german, baby Ali: i'll say no but get why you're saying yes so early Carly: k more for me Carly: nobodys in a sharing mood today Ali: yeah? Carly: yea Carly: no fun Ali: Leben ist kein Ponyhof Carly: give drew a slap for me k Ali: it would be my pleasure Ali: can i ask how he's pissed on your parade from over here tho Carly: the boy played me Carly: he wanted me to beg for what id just given him the prick Carly: shouldnt have drunk this much this soon my bad Ali: he's a fuckboy Ali: you knew that Ali: my sister on the other hand remains frustratingly oblivious Carly: dont be mad at me Carly: ive been trying to get him to dump her this whole coach ride Ali: I'm not mad at you, babe Ali: no room with how much ugh I have for him Ali: well, hopefully she will him Carly: he thinks shes gonna fuck him in berlin Ali: prick Ali: won't when she finds out Carly: you cant say anything cuz i wasnt meant to Ali: Let himself fuck it up then Ali: he's not being subtle Carly: he cant do subtle Carly: me and him have that in common like Ali: Carly Ali: do you like him? Carly: why Ali: because I think you do Carly: it doesn't matter what you think Carly: he thinks she's girlfriend material & im a slag Carly: hes not wrong either Ali: If you like him, then you should say Ali: regardless, shouldn't let him be a cunt to you, and Ro in the process Ali: who the fuck is he Carly: ha Carly: i dont like anyone baby Carly: I'm just bored Carly: berlins a whole new party Ali: well, good Ali: one less worry Ali: I wish you the perfect holiday fling Carly: aw Carly: youre still the sweetest Carly: sure you dont want a drink while theres some left? Ali: need it now so fuck it Ali: chuck it over Carly: come over Carly: you kno youre the sporty one Carly: i cant be throwing things round the coach Ali: alright, you calling baby spice, I assume? Carly: or scary Carly: depends whos asking Carly: cant be posh tho Ali: yeah you can Ali: she weren't even and you can rock that pout just as well Carly: aw Carly: you should be baby tho youre the cutest Ali: little school all over again, we can't all be baby, lads! 😂 Ali: i'll be ginger, if you wore that iconic dress on your site, you'd get lynched Carly: yea Carly: & if anyone would cause drama by going solo its you Carly: Marlene been knew Ali: Ouch 💔 Ali: but fair Ali: Already thinking about her due to namesake birthplace but you really went there Ali: please tell me I haven't tanked as hard, not got Drew's fragile ego like but 😥 Carly: you kno im just mad youre not thinking about me Carly: dont listen to a word i say Carly: goldies got a fragile heart now too, so sad you broke up w me & stole his bf on top Carly: someone think of the golden god Ali: baby Ali: yeah, that's TOTALLY what the weird vibe is all about Ali: moody twat, soz a threesome is outta the question now Carly: he likes you too Carly: thats a thing Carly: playing like im the one hung up but he is Ali: Nah Ali: that boy don't know what he wants Ali: not down for him using my bestie and sister to find out though, fuck off and soul search like the rest Carly: he wants you Carly: but you got your boy & he shouldnt be trying to mess w Carly: meant to be his boy too Ali: so he reckons but give him 5 minutes before he weren't arsed Ali: don't trust him as far as I can throw him so ain't taking his word on that either like Ali: exactly Ali: 🐍 Carly: id leave him alone if he was happy being w her but i kno he isnt Carly: not letting him lie to me Ali: it doesn't have to be your problem Ali: or your job to make him happy Ali: knew it though Carly: ha Carly: it isn't my problem Carly: & i cant keep a job you kno Carly: couldnt do that one if i was paid like Ali: no one can babe Ali: not to be that hippie cliche about it Ali: but forreal, gotta do that shit himself Carly: its Carly: how he makes me feel sometimes Carly: not happy im not living that lie but Carly: its not nothing & sometimes its good you kno Ali: yeah Ali: i know Ali: but you can have more, if you want Ali: that is possible Ali: you don't have to settle for sometimes good Carly: youre sweet but youre a dreamer babe Carly: ive got nothing going on not in my head & not around me Carly: theres no more than settling down on the site or settling for being off whenever i can Ali: s'not true Carly: yea it is Carly: you dont want it to be but that dont mean its not Carly: me and that boy have more in common than not being subtle like Ali: it ain't Ali: doesn't have to be Ali: nothing is set in stone unless you pour the fucking cement yourself, like Carly: it doesnt have to be doing it but it can still get poured Carly: forget it tho Carly: im drinking on empty & feeling sorry for myself Carly: no fun in that Ali: ain't that fast drying Ali: dust yourself off and run Carly: where to babe Carly: nowhere to go but the coach bathroom Carly: been there done that Ali: well hang on a bit and we'll be in a whole new country, babe Ali: promise is a promise and we can start in Berlin Carly: but 3s a crowd when its not a party Carly: im not trying to mess you & your boy up Carly: cant tell drew off if i do Ali: nah Ali: it ain't like that Ali: not got the blinkers on and knowing each other's passwords and schedules Ali: got trust Carly: yea? Carly: got food too or Carly: cuz im gonna vom if you say no Ali: Yes Ali: Lemme food parcel Carly: if you havent lost the knack Carly: been awhile Ali: 😔 Ali: i'm soz Carly: dont be Carly: you kno i love you Carly: no drama Ali: i love you too Ali: and you would tell me if you needed something wouldn't you Ali: 'cos that ain't changed, i'm still here Ali: unlucky bitch Carly: unlucky for you Carly: shouldnt be on site unless theres something in it for you babe Carly: all i need is to remember breakfast before i get on a sess Carly: & to dilute my spirits sometimes too Ali: there is, you nutter Ali: there you go, who said school trips weren't educational? only on the bus and you're whacking out the wisdom already Carly: not as thick as i look Carly: ms woodfield was thinking it too i reckon Carly: she might kno but im still gonna blame the shit driver if i vom Carly: try and stop me bitch Ali: you look nothing but amazing hush Ali: she's down with the kids, she'll hold your hair back Carly: you hush Carly: trying to make me emotional in front of the front of the coach Ali: it's alright, join Millie Rooney and say you're homesick 😉 Carly: idk whats sadder everyone thinking im crying over an empty caravan or that prick thinking its about him Ali: 😬 i know what i reckon Ali: better dry those tears, babygirl Carly: get his phone for me tho yea Carly: i am mad he gets me & i get nothing back Carly: use the magic Ali: use my mad hacking skillz gotcha Ali: but should I use them for good and accidentally forward some incriminating shit to Ro? 🤔 Ali: this is why we're not meant to play God Carly: do what you must Carly: i trust you Ali: don't worry, sure you're not the only girl he's been chatting too Ali: no offense meant obvs but you know Ali: don't have to drop you in it, as if its your fault but idk, Ro isn't always willing to be entirely rational when it comes to him Carly: idc she never liked me much anyways Carly: better that than dropping some naive random in it Carly: everyones seen me naked if it blows up Carly: old news Carly: & the vid was good too i look hot Ali: hmm, good point on the random Ali: and I don't doubt that you did Ali: I'll have to think on this a bit harder Carly: k Carly: if everyone gets in my inbox ill kno Ali: god Ali: people are gross Carly: can be fun sometimes Carly: cant all be angels like you babe Ali: 🖕 Ali: you know i ain't Carly: i kno you are Carly: too sweet Ali: pot kettle baby Ali: but your secret's safe with me 😘 Carly: ha Carly: its no secret im only sweet to you so youre the only one who needs to kno Ali: 'cos people suck Ali: that's no secret Ali: not gonna waste your time, are you, like Carly: not as good at picking out the deserving ones as you Carly: no secret i fuck up more than i dont Carly: how many bad decisions can i make before berlin tho Ali: nah, you're just too nice for your own good Ali: you know he don't deserve it but people have made the same (wrong) judgment on you so you can't do it back Ali: to anyone Ali: even genuinely shitty people, or people who'd be better off for the nudge of nah Carly: now whos dropping the wisdom Carly: ill just screenshot those few sentences for my ma when she's on at me Carly: im a nice person bitch Ali: 💅☕ though Ali: i'll translate it into spanish for her if she's not getting the memo in plain english Carly: ha Carly: she got well excited cuz she thought berlin had a red light district Carly: thought she was gonna get in my bags Carly: one way to stop me fucking drew in the front row but Ali: pretending i didn't hear that last bit ew Ali: moving on Ali: she wanna get in the windows or like? Carly: she did get the sack so probs Carly: or she thinks itll be like magic mike the german dub idk Ali: oh honey Ali: every nights a hen night Ali: 🙄 Carly: imagine if theyd let mas and das on this trip Carly: i couldnt have come Ali: me either Ali: no one needs that Carly: your ma is so scary Carly: but shed put goldie in his place Carly: probs shouldve brought her Carly: keep me behaving Ali: she literally wants to murder him Ali: need a restraining order and more than mr murray and mr latimer to keep her back Carly: ha Carly: love it Carly: cant she break up the happy couple Carly: my da did me & this beautiful traveller lad that took my v Ali: 💔 Ali: is he married now Ali: if we're doing matchmaking Ali: but in answer, she learnt that forbidding something makes it 1000x more likely to happen and in more secretive, intense ways so Ali: I'm soz Ro, really fucked you over on that one Carly: idk my da literally moved them on Carly: threat of getting the law Carly: k but he still wouldnt be into it Carly: i feel bad for her Ali: ugh Ali: so romeo and juliet, baby you must've been so about it 'til he fucked it up that hard Ali: yeah, i know Ali: i'll figure out something Carly: i was only 12 so i did have the mindset Carly: worth it tho Carly: prettiest boy ive ever seen Ali: swizzle on that, goldilocks Carly: everyone wanted to fuck him Carly: the whole site was feeling the love Carly: fun times Ali: like a beatle was living in your back garden Ali: love that Carly: i peaked Carly: all there is now is a golden god who behaves like a idiot boy Ali: i mean, won't take offense 😒 sat right here and all but no 😉 Ali: there's a whole world of dick out there i promise you Ali: some attached to boys who don't behave like one Carly: ha Carly: you know you're my fave Carly: but youre sat next to him so I cant tell it Ali: 💚 Ali: won't even tell you who i lost my v to Ali: too shaming Carly: now you have to Ali: 😬😫 Ali: okay but then i'm going for a piss so i don't have to feel the pity Carly: baby id never feel sorry for you Carly: w my life come on Ali: you might sympathize though 'cos it was ronan Ali: why he got all weird, probs Ali: eurgh repressed memories flooding back in with the shame 😂 Carly: shit Carly: i told drew all first times are bad but wouldnt wish him on you like that Carly: oh ronan Carly: he better not have treated you like he did me Carly: ill fucking kill him like Ali: aw babe Ali: my hero 💪 Ali: you know what he's like but that shit is long in the past with us so meh Carly: im gonna cry Carly: babe thats sad Carly: & now ms woodfield is staring at me k Ali: don't cry silly Ali: is what it is Carly: im crying and planning murder Ali: you went there too, and other various dickheads, so where's my invite to this party? Carly: but youre perfect Carly: and it was your first time Carly: actual tears in the front row Ali: oh babe Ali: i'm coming over Ali: bog roll in hand Carly: youre too good Carly: im so sad Ali: 😇 that's you Carly: all you tho Ali: nu-uh Ali: you you you Carly: i cant argue cuz im blinded by my tears Ali: not the greatest victory I've ever then Ali: but I'll take it if you smile again Carly: waiting for ms woodfield to tell me i need jesus Carly: ill laugh then Ali: okay, i'll try and lead the convo and her like Ali: we got this, woody Carly: nah if you try and lead her anywhere itll only go one way Carly: teachers pet Ali: 😂 Ali: do you reckon she loves that everyone lowkey drools over her 'cos she's the right side of 40 Ali: or is she desperately job hunting like these fucking kids Carly: i can see in her eyes she loves it Carly: she hates me cuz i dont Carly: facts Ali: not 'cos you never do your work, nah 😏 Carly: & im drunk as fuck rn on her watch Ali: i mean Ali: if YOU were doing your job properly darling Ali: mad you beat her to it, they always get plastered on trips Carly: yea Carly: bet shed take nudes in the bathroom if she had someone to send them to Ali: ooh what teacher could she homewreck Ali: school trip always a perfect place to start an affair Carly: Mr O'Brien could get it if you were old Ali: good shout Ali: getting out my bow as we speak Carly: Mr Cork is alright too but he looks like he'd shower after holding hands Carly: weird Ali: I mean Ali: cleanliness is next to godliness Ali: dirty hoe Carly: ha Carly: you kno it Ali: might be a serial killer Ali: but you wouldn't catch nowt off him Carly: dont have to go home if he murders me Carly: scatter me in berlin lad Ali: 😨😭 noooooo Ali: even if i could go neeson and avenge you Carly: dont go neeson off set tho Carly: your boy wouldnt love the racism Ali: don't wanna be that bitch Ali: problematique Carly: enough bitches on this coach Carly: for once not looking at you ms woodfield Carly: we ever getting there? i thought getting wasted would make me less bored not more Ali: and lowkey racists Ali: all comes out the woodworks when you outed, that gay bashing all afresh like Ali: seriously, why couldn't we go on a plane Carly: & overt racists Carly: that cash tho Carly: how would the teachers afford to get wrecked if they blew the budget Carly: gotta blow each other first Ali: ☕ Ali: dickheads Carly: when goldilocks isnt the biggest twat on the coach tho Carly: idk what to do w that Carly: universe trying to make me like him Ali: give him time Ali: sure he'll reclaim his title 💪 Carly: he'd love a crown Carly: or a medal Carly: get crafting Ali: only if I can get biblical Ali: crown of thorns, you mean barbed wire, okay Carly: ha Carly: im tired come & nap w me Ali: okay boo Ali: as far as pillows go 😏 Carly: serious Carly: i dont wanna sleep on my own Carly: hate it Ali: i remember Ali: coming Ali: promise
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