#she definitely got a flashback to when she merged with the ocean
kindaasrikal · 28 days
I like to think that when Nya came across Cole in his rock form in Dragons rising and heard his voice, she lowkey took a second a panic, shove said panic down, and then wonder if she could find Aspheera’s staff to bring him back to normal.
You CANNOT tell me she didn’t think that Cole pulled a her and became one with his element, like “Cole please tell me you know who i am Cole please Cole-”
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lemoncrushh · 4 months
Seven Six Five - Part Four
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Summary: They met once seven years ago. Now music has made them cross paths again.
Warnings: smut, body image issues, angst. 18+ ONLY!
A/N: Enemies to Lovers. This was originally written and posted in 2020, right before the pandemic, so the story takes place then with flashbacks of 2013. Harry Styles x Plus Size OC, written in third person.
Part Four Word Count: 3.1k+
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28 February, 2020 - New York, NY, USA...12:17AM
Bronwyn sat on her bed sideways, her back against the wall. Her ears suddenly felt as though they were filled with cotton, or maybe water, and her own voice in her head was crying from oceans away. She picked at a loose thread on the knees of her overalls, a patch that her friend Sylvia had sewn on for her after she’d purchased them at a thrift shop two seasons ago. Though she knew Harry was waiting for her to say more, she was grateful he broke the silence first.
“What made you change your mind?” he asked.
“Um...reckoned I should hear you out.”
“Hear me out?”
With a long sigh, Bronwyn let the next words roll around in her brain before she said them aloud.
“A few years ago, I told one of my best friends about you. About when we met. And she said if I ever got the chance, I should hear you out. Hear your side of the story.”
“What story, love? That’s what I don’t understand. All I know is we were having a great time, or so I thought. We’d made plans to leave together, and to meet near the lift. When I got there, you weren’t there yet, so I waited. I waited for...a long time. I even circled back around the hallway and checked the party. You never showed.”
“I know,” Bronwyn whispered.
“Because...you hurt me.”
“What? How?”
Bronwyn was quiet for a long while. She could hear Harry’s breaths through the phone until they finally merged with her own.
“Bronwyn? Talk to me. Please.”
She could almost hear the crackle in her throat as she opened her mouth and let out another sigh. She’d imagined telling him this a million times, visualised having this conversation. But it had always gone differently in her head. In those scenarios, she’d been angry and accusing, ready to put him in his place. Now she felt...vulnerable.
“When you’d left to go find your bandmates,” she began, “I went to the loo and to retrieve my camera. I was feeling pretty good, from the drinks, but also just from being with you. You made me feel...like no one had before. Like you didn’t see the plump girl. You just saw me. When I made my way back toward the lifts, I heard voices and noticed some of your bandmates standing inside a doorway and realised you were with them. There was some laughter and chatter, and I couldn’t make out all of it. But what I definitely know I heard was you telling them you were leaving with me. And someone else asked if...that was the chubby hippie chick or the hot redhead.”
“And as if that didn’t sting enough,” she continued hastily, her voice starting to rise, “someone else...Zayn, I think...said, ‘it’s definitely not the hot redhead.’”
“God, Bronwyn, I-”
“You know what hurt the most?” she choked, not letting Harry get a word in. “That I didn’t hear you say anything else. You didn’t stick up for me, or tell them to piss off. I just heard more laughter. At least until I ran out of the building and hailed a taxi.”
“Yeah. So...as much as I thought giving you a chance to give your side was a good idea when I called…” argued Bronwyn, feeling her blood boil from the memory, “I don’t really see the point now. Because dredging all of this up again has only made me angrier. So I’ll just hang up now before-”
“Stop!” Harry interrupted. “Please, love, let me talk.”
“What’s the point, Harry? You didn’t really want me. I just happened to be there that night to...stroke your ego or whatever it was.”
“That’s not true.”
“Then what was your plan? You were gonna take me to bed and pretend you were into it in order to get your rocks off, and then make some excuse to leave right after?”
“Absolutely not!”
Bronwyn scoffed. “Sure. You probably couldn’t wait to go back to your mates and compare notes.”
“Listen to me, Bronwyn. Whatever you heard...or thought you heard...I can assure you, I never ever laughed at you or about you. Ever.”
Bronwyn was silent as she bit her lip, hoping that would stop the tears that were trickling down her cheeks.
“First of all,” Harry continued, “I don’t remember anyone making that remark about you, but that’s not saying they didn’t. And as for not sticking up for you...if it was said, then I most sincerely apologise, for my idiot bandmate, and for not telling him where to shove it. But...I was nineteen, Bronwyn. I know, that’s not a valid excuse. But at this point...it’s the only one I got. I was a stupid, horny teenager, full of piss. To be completely honest, I don’t even remember having a conversation with my bandmates about you. And I most certainly have no idea who the redhead was that you speak of, because if memory serves, I was with you all evening. All I remember is you, and having the best time getting to know you, and that kiss we shared in the alcove, and my heart pounding because I couldn’t wait to be alone with you. So if anything at all was said negatively about you...please know those were not my sentiments, and I sincerely apologise for making you think otherwise.”
Unable to utter a word, Bronwyn sniffled. She wanted it to be true. She wanted that so badly.
“You still there?”
“Yeah,” she whispered with another sniffle.
“Oh love, I am sorry. I had no idea. I looked all over for you. I didn’t know what happened, other than you must’ve changed your mind. I was pretty gutted, to be honest.”
“Not as much as me.”
Bronwyn could hear Harry let out a deep breath. “Do you really think that’s how I thought of you?”
“Why not? It made the most sense.”
“No, it makes no sense. If that was the case, then why would I have asked you to leave with me? Why would I have kissed you or...even bothered getting to know you in the first place?”
“I dunno.”
“I don’t play games, Bronwyn. I didn’t then, and I don’t now. I wasn’t trying to...prove anything to my mates or make a bet or string you along and make you think I liked you when I didn’t. Because I did! I thought you were beautiful. Those long, gorgeous curls, that heart shaped face...the way your eyes dance when you talk about music. And those were just things I liked right away, before we…”
Harry’s words trailed off with another sigh. Bronwyn sucked in her lips as Harry’s compliments reminded her more of that night, of the feeling she had with him. It made her warm from the inside, all the way down to her toes.
“All I can do now is apologise, I guess,” Harry commented, his tone sincere. “I hope you’ll forgive me.”
“I dunno, Harry. I want to. It’s just...I’ve hated you for so long because of that night.”
“Ouch. Hate’s a strong word.”
“I know,” Bronwyn mumbled. “But you hurt me. Or at least...I thought you had. I don’t…”
“Hmm. I don’t suppose we could start over. Although I’d hate to forget that night completely. But maybe I could help you forget the bad parts.”
“I like that maybe. Gives me hope.”
“The records have helped,” Bronwyn admitted.
“Yeah? Have you listened to them both?”
“I have. And I’ve enjoyed them. Even yours.”
Harry chuckled deeply at the tiny dig. “I’m glad. I can bring some more, if you like.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to,” declared Harry. “If you’ll let me.”
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After a much-needed full night’s sleep, Bronwyn was ready to tackle a new day. The conversation with Harry had put her mind at ease for the most part, although she knew it was going to take some time to completely heal. Despite the knowledge that Harry had never said or done anything to hurt or mock her, that sour, unsettling feeling she’d carried with her for the last seven years wasn’t going to melt away overnight. Perhaps she needed a bit of self-love, she’d told herself, although Harry’s complimentary words about her the night before weren’t taken lightly. In fact, when she’d gotten out of bed that morning, she let them echo in her brain, making herself smile.
She had another reason to smile too, a couple hours later when Antonella phoned her with another job opportunity. This time it was there in New York, and it was for a local band that she’d seen a handful of times already. They were familiar with her work, and she with theirs, so she was always happy to oblige.
Sat in the middle of her flat, Bronwyn decided to unload all of her camera equipment to be cleaned. She’d just gotten to work when she heard the buzzer. Though Harry had said he would drop by sometime in the afternoon, he hadn’t been sure when, depending on his schedule. Rising from the floor, Bronwyn walked to the intercom.
“C’mon up, Harry,” she called.
“How’d you know it was me?” he laughed.
“Nobody else rings my buzzer in the middle of the day,” she chided as she pressed the button to let him in the building.
After opening the door just a crack, Bronwyn sat back down to continue her task. She heard the heavy footsteps on the stairs before the door creaked open a bit more.
“Hi,” he greeted, his foot not quite over the threshold.
Bronwyn looked up from the lens she was cleaning to smile at him. “Hi.”
Harry leant his shoulder against the doorframe as he took in the sight.
“Look at you,” he said.
“You look…”
Bronwyn tilted her head. “I look what?”
“Happy,” he replied with a grin.
With a shrug and tinge of a blush, Bronwyn looked back at her lens. “I’m alright. You can come in. No need to stand in the doorway.”
She heard the door shut before Harry stepped into the apartment, his leather loafers clicking on the hardwood floor.
“I take it from your spiffy shoes and ensemble that you’ve either just come from that important meeting you mentioned, or you’re on your way,” Bronwyn remarked as she looked up at him again.
The sun shone through the large window just as Harry beamed at her, reflecting his own light like a prism.
“Actually, it’s both. Had a meeting this morning, but I’ve got another interview later. But I promised I’d stop by with another record.”
“And I said you didn’t have to,” Bronwyn argued.
Harry merely shrugged, a smug expression on his face that made Bronwyn simultaneously want to giggle and slap him.
“No tote bag this time, ‘m ‘fraid,” he said, holding a large paper bag. “Just came from the shop, and this was all they ‘ad.”
Rolling her eyes, her lips twitching as they threatened to smile, Bronwyn rose from the floor to accept the bag.
“It’s one I didn’t see in your collection, and I think you should have,” Harry explained as she pulled out the Zombies album.
“Oh, yes, I’ve been needing this one!” she gasped, quickly flipping it over to examine the back cover. “Thanks, Harry!”
“You’re welcome, love,” he grinned wider, reaching a hand out to touch her arm.
The electricity was almost too much to bear as their eyes locked. As cliche as it sounded in her head, Bronwyn felt as though time had stood still. She suddenly wanted the space between them to erase, but when Harry dropped his hand and cleared his throat, she was a bit disappointed. He’d kissed her just yesterday. He’d said he wanted to continue the kiss. Had something changed?
“Um…I was...just about to make a pot of coffee, would you like some?” she offered.
“Oh. Um...no, actually, I do have to leave in just a few. I only came by to give you the record.”
“Okay,” Bronwyn tried not to frown. She’d known he was busy today. “Is...everything okay?”
“Yeah,” he smiled. “Why?”
“I dunno. Just...making sure. After last night…”
Bronwyn internally groaned at herself. What was she doing? She’d been the one all tough as nails with her guard up, and suddenly one little drop of a hand made her come unglued.
“No,” Harry shook his head, his eyes widening. “God no, love! You mean..” he gestured between them.
Bronwyn shrugged. “I mean, if it’s awkward now…”
“Not at all,” argued Harry as he stepped forward. “If anythin’s awkward it’s just me. I’m trying to…”
“Trying to what?”
“Y’know. Give you time.”
Bronwyn furrowed her brows in confusion as Harry chuckled nervously, running a hand through his hair.
“I’m trying to wait and let you take this at your pace. But Jesus, you have no idea how badly I wanted to kiss you as soon as I saw you sat there on the floor with the sun shining behind you.”
Bronwyn’s face softening, she took a step forward as well. “Really?”
A smile spreading across his face, Harry nodded. “Yeah.”
As though time wanted to play a cruel trick on them both, Harry’s phone buzzed in his pocket.
“Shit,” he muttered, looking at the screen. “Sorry, I have to take this. Do you mind?”
Shaking her head, Bronwyn gestured toward the bedroom. Harry walked through the beaded curtain while she tried to busy herself in the kitchen, making the coffee although it was the last thing she wanted now.
She heard Harry say a few short phrases followed by a “sure, thanks Jeffrey,” before he appeared at her side, making her jump.
“Sorry love, I have to go,” he said. They’ve switched some things around, and I have to be somewhere in twenty minutes.”
“No worries.”
“Mind if I use your…toilet before I go?” he asked, wiggling his finger toward the loo.
Bronwyn giggled. “Of course not.”
With the door shut, she let out a deep breath. She could feel her heart beating wildly in her chest. Harry’s confession had thrown her for a loop. One the one hand, she was appreciative of him respecting her boundaries and letting her take her time. But...something had happened when he’d touched her. She’d definitely felt a spark, and so had he. And then hearing him say how badly he’d wanted to kiss her...God, she wanted to kiss him too…
The click of the doorknob startled her, and she turned to see Harry emerge from the bathroom. He looked so handsome in his lavender shirt as he tucked it into the back of his trousers. Before he had a second to even look up, however, Bronwyn strode across the room and backed him into the wall, planting a bold kiss on his mouth.
Surprise was quickly replaced with approval, followed by lust as Harry gladly accepted her advances and fell into the kiss. Moaning slightly, he ran his hands up her back and into her hair, threading his fingers through her curls. Though Bronwyn had been the aggressor, Harry soon took over, guiding their lips and tongues where he thought appropriate. The stubble on his chin and upper lip added friction as he cupped her head, holding her and keeping her where he wanted her to be, with Bronwyn continuing to press her body against his.
Finally releasing each other, their chests fell with heavy breaths. Harry’s face lit up, giving her a signature smirk.
“So does this mean you like me now?” he asked, his voice a couple decibels lower than usual.
“Nope,” Bronwyn replied, popping the P at the end.
“Not even close. Not even a little bit.”
“Maybe it means you just hate me a little less.”
“Hmm. Maybe,” she teased, finally backing away from the wall, letting him free.
“Mhm,” Harry nodded as he adjusted himself and headed for the door. “I’ll get there, Bronwyn. You’ll like me eventually. If I have to keep chiseling away at the stone, or peeling back the layers one by one, I’ll get you to like me. I’ll win you over, somehow.”
“Well now, you’re just being cocky. And I really don’t like cocky.”
“Mmm.” Opening the door, Harry turned with another smirk, poking his tongue out of the corner of his mouth. “We’ll see about that.”
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She couldn’t get him off her mind. Lying in bed, Bronwyn stared at the ceiling. So many emotions had come and gone in the last few days, spinning her life around and flipping it topsy-turvy. Seven years ago...heck, four days ago...she’d never thought she’d ever feel differently about Harry Styles. She’d been determined to despise him forever if that’s what it took, or at the very least eventually feel indifferent until she’d finally forgotten all about him. But now…
Turning onto her side, she quietly hummed one of his songs she’d had stuck in her head all day, even after listening to the Zombie’s record. She could finally admit she really liked his music because...well...she liked him, too.
Just as she began to wonder what he was doing, her phone buzzed on the nightstand. Reaching over to retrieve it, she saw it light up again and saw his name displayed. Never had she thought receiving a text in the middle of the night would make her happy. She chuckled, however, when she realised it was barely 11PM.
Are you asleep?
That’s a stupid question. You wouldn’t be able to reply if you were.
Giggling out loud, Bronwyn typed her response.
I’m in bed, but I’m not asleep yet. How was your interview?
It was okay. My mind kept drifting though. Not sure how it’s gonna turn out.
Drifting to what?
You, of course.
Yes. That kiss.
Bronwyn sent the emoji of the monkey with its hands over its mouth.
Haha no you’re not.
Bronwyn let out a cackle as she imagined Harry’s smug grin.
Sure I am. I don’t want you botching an interview because of me.
Probably my own fault. I was the one who decided to come by before. I reckon I would have kissed you eventually.
Oh, you would have? Bronwyn chaffed.
Well, sorry I beat you to it.
I’m not. It was great.
Bronwyn smiled as she sent a big smiling emoji.
Have to sleep. More work tomorrow. Call you later?
Yes please.
Goodnight Bronwyn x
Night Harry xx
Returning her phone to the table, Bronwyn laid on her back again, shaking her head at herself. Amazing, she pondered, that his voice wasn’t even needed to make her smile. Just knowing he was thinking of her...and that kiss…
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Is your heart fluttering yet?
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ultfreakme · 7 months
Kiawentiio (when answering about Kataang): it’s still just the first season but uhh they’re family *proceeds to explain the concept of found family*
Gordon: She’s my … uhh… family. Also, the one other person I did a chemistry read with outside of Dallas was Kiawentiio.
Albert Kim: Us doing Cave of Two Lovers doesn’t mean we won’t do Kataang. That’s a future storyline to be explored. Also, the finale I wrote with Katara’s speech was definitely meant to be romantic.
Everyone: Zutara will 100% be endgame
Gordon and Kiawentiio are so funny when they have to talk about Aang and Katara's relationship because they clearly don't want to spoil anything or hint at things, but they accidentally keep walking into conversations where they have to talk about it hdbfjgbhb it's cute.
"Yeah Aaang and Katara are uhhhhh- friends- and family. Yep just that just found family ya know"
The final speech is so good ;_; This Aang thinks that he can be nothing but the Avatar. He's not of this time, there is no home for him, and all the Avatars are telling him to keep his distance from people. He's feeling isolated, unwanted as just Aang, and alone. Katara tries to reach out but he isn't letting her.
Him merging with the ocean spirit in this version feels sadder because he's willing to lose all of himself. He just seems...done. But Katara is telling him that no, he isn't alone, that she'll stick by him so please just come back and I- I'M CRYING.;_; (I screamed at that part where Yue said the Ocean spirit will forever search for its other half and it cut to AANG AND KATARA AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH)
(and i don't wanna diss or look down on zutara as a ship, but, zutara feels even more impossible in NATLA considering Katara gets flashbacks to the worst moment of her life at the sight of Zuko and the final fight is kinda symbolized as her being able to find strength and treasure the good times with her mother, overcoming the trauma FN inflicted upon her. Zuko is all her worst fears, he almost took away her brother too like come on).
Kataang is integral to ATLA in all its forms, like you can't make a true and honest ATLA adaptation without Kataang. Also I kinda liked the new take on Cave of Two Lovers. Familial and platonic love is important too <3<3(just remembered that multiple people called it incestuous?????? now that's just in bad faith like what is wrong with you?) We got some Sokka-Katara sibling bonding and resolution, I liked seeing them interact.
I think season 2 is going to have a lot more romantic moments between Kataand and I can't wait!!!
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wendibird · 4 years
SPN 15X16 Observations
Alrighty folks! This week, both my TV AND internet were working! (Helped that this past week a repairperson came out and checked things out and turned out our cable box needed to be replaced because the one they’d given us was defective or something.) So, good part of that was that I was able to watch it on my actual TV! Bad news is, that meant I was left trying to take notes on my phone, which isn’t as easy for me as it is on my computer which my keyboard. But ah well. Here are my episode notes and post-watching break-down of what I thought about it. 
- getting "IT" vibes
- "IT" vibes still there
- Nyooooooom
(FLASHBACK) - Dang Dean.... "this is our life" Even then he was trying to make Sam accept it. - Poor Sammy - That's a big gun for a little kid...
- Poor (other) kid!
(Commercial thoughts) So this is the second time this season that Cas had a conversation with Dean and then left and Dean lied to Sam about it. So Sam's in the dark still.
First time I think Dean just didn't want to admit his part in Cas leaving. This time, I have a feeling he doesn't want Sam to know what Cas (probably) said about Jack. Maybe thinks Sam will try to stop the plan. And Dean wants it to happen? Because at least this time it's not them making the sacrifice? *salty*
- Dean's pretty quick to call it. (That it's not their kind of thing.)
- Ring??
- He brought the ring back
- That woke her up
- NOW he (Dean) believes her...
(Commercial) Dean is closing down connections between him and the people he usually connects with. Like, it's harder to hold onto those. Like, he's willing to let Jack go (I think) And he was ready to write off Caitlin's brother.
Also tied up with his slef image. He thought he'd taken care of it back then. She prayed on his sense of duty and shame of failure.
Interesting that the knife wasn't really there.
Could it have killed him anyway?
- "We used to keep a lot of secrets from each other."
- I still hate how Dean gets lumped up as "Sam and Dean" as if his POV is the only one important. (Reference to what Billy told Jack to get him to agree. It was pitched as if his sacrifice to take out Chuck is the only way to earn both their forgiveness. But that's only true for Dean. Not Sam.)
- Dean knows Sam isn't going to like it. That's why he hasn't told him yet.
- BABA YAGA!!! (Wonder if there'll be any references to her hut on chicken legs.)
- *LOL* Poor bong girl.
- So, hallucinating or teleportation? (Apparently hallucination)
- Sammy to the rescue?
- Well, he got to help....
(Commercial) (Still disappointed that there was no mention of her hut on chicken legs or the fact that she rode around on a mortar and pestle. She felt more like an SPN interpretation of IT.)
- "You tell the truth more because you know that lies don't make anything better." (Is that an anvil I hear falling in the distance?) 
- Okay. That (Dean fessing-up to Sam) predictably went horribly, but I'm glad it did. I'm glad Sam had a freaking voice. And an opinion. And wouldn't let Dean talk him around. Because he's right. It was shitty to hide it from him. And the plan is shitty. He knows what it's like to be the guy who has to die to save the world. And he's right to have ethical questions.
- "You wouldn't have handled it." (Or however it was phrased is Dean's internal justification for why he's right and Sam isn't. And why it was okay to hide it from him.)
(Post-episode thoughts)
(And again, apologies if these aren't exactly coherent.)
I liked the Weechester parts. Gotta admit, it took me a bit to warm up to the new actors, but I think that's mostly because we had Colin Ford for a good long run, and Dylan Everett for a decent amount of time too. I kind of got used to them. But these two did a good job.
I felt the writing for their parts might have had a few continuity issues. This was supposed to be in 1993 right? (Have only watched through it once so far.) So Sam would have been 10-ish (depending on the time of year) and Dean would have been 14. (Probably safe to assume this wasn't intended to be early January.) And it took place sometime after the flashbacks from "Just My Imagination" but before "After School Special" or "Bad Boys" So I found it a bit odd that Sam already is being shown as not wanting to hunt. (When in "Just My Imagination" he wanted to join his Dad and Dean on the hunt. And in After School Special he was definitely not about hunting but he hadn't seemed to considered that he even had the option to try for anything else. So I found it odd that they had a 10-year-old already looking at books about going to college. I feel like maybe if this had taken place a few years later maybe that would have made more sense? Ah well, I still enjoyed it overall.
Now, about the MOTW, I was all giddy when they revealed it was the Baba Yaga. (When I was in band in college, we played a musical piece from "Pictures at an Exhibition" titled "The Hut of the Baba Yaga". And I hadn't heard of it before that so I did some research on it and found out it was basically the Russian folklore version of the Boogy Man. She lived in a hut that walked around on fowls' leggs, and she rode around on a mortar and pestle, and she was greatly feared. So, they got the "greatly feared" part right. But.... (just did some double-checking on the episode) OKAY! So, I take it back. They didn't make a HUGE deal of it, but the motel where it all happened was called the "Rooster's Sunrise". So yey! They did have a nod to the Hut on Fowl's Legs thing! And it's not anything close to a hut, but it does have wooden siding on the upper part of it. (Like, not painted wood, but wooden-wood. *LOL*) Still though, overall I was getting more of an "IT" vibe from it. (At least the old IT, with Tim Curry. I haven't seen the new one.)
I did think they did an overall good job with the creepiness factor. But in the end, it didn't feel like she had much of a personality. She was just kind of there to move the plot where it needed to go.
To me, I felt like most of the emotional weight of the episode was on the secret Dean was keeping from Sam. And you could tell that it was eating at him. But at the same time, he didn't want to go there. Because he knew Sam would react badly.
Before I get to that though, I want to touch on something I mentioned up in my notes, after the conversation Billy and Dean had. She said that she'd gotten Jack to agree to the plan by saying that the only way to earn their forgiveness was by dying to end Chuck's threat. (I know, in this episode she specifically said Dean. But in the last episode, when Jack was telling Cas about it, he'd said Sam and Dean. So either he's merged them together in his head, or Billy did when pitching it, or she just left an open implication and he took it.) Either way, there's still that idea floating around out there that Sam and Dean are a matched-set, and that what one wants, the other wants too. Despite the fact that that's not how it plays out. And despite the fact that Sam has pretty openly shown Jack that he's forgiven him, and cares about him, and that Jack doesn't need to "earn" his affection. So why is Dean the only one who matters here?
Maybe it's the writers lumping them both together when convenient? But the fight between Sam and Dean at the end of this episode shows that they're not on the same page as far as Jack is concerned, so the writers DO know. Does Billy see them as a single unit? Or is it the opposite? Has she been coming to Dean with her plans and talks because it's easier for her to manipulate him? Because Sam's the one who stops to ask things like "Does Amara deserve to die? Does Jack deserve to die? Is there another way to do this? (Should I maybe NOT lock myself into a coffin and then yeet myself into the ocean?)" She was pretty firm to Dean about "getting his house in order" because she wants the plan to go smoothly. Is that because she knows Sam could/would find a way to stop it if he's not on-board? I mean, old Death was very aware of how persistent Sam could be if he put his mind to something.
Anyway, forgive my ramblings. Most of my questions don't have answers yet, but sometimes it helps to get them actually written out.
As for the fight between the brothers at the end, I'm actually glad it happened. I get where Dean is coming from. He's focused on the goal (getting out from under Chuck's control) and especially since he and Sam aren't the sacrificial lambs this time around, he's willing to let Jack do what he needs to do in order to get the job done. Especially since Jack seems to be willing.
(Though I do have issues with the fact that Jack is willing because he thinks it's the ONLY way he can earn forgiveness. But, that is yet another parallel to Sam from S5, who not only knew and accepted that he was the only one who could stop Lucifer, but that it was all apparently his fault and he needed to atone. When in fact, he was just one of MANY who'd had a hand in the Apocalypse happening. And I'd say most of the blame for it fell on the angels and demons. Both Winchesters broke seals without knowing it. Sam thought he was outright preventing a seal from being broken. But regardless... I wonder if Sam sees this too, at least from the perspective of "I know what this feels like, and it sucks, and Jack doesn't deserve this, and there HAS to be some other way!" I guess my point is, emotional manipulation can be considered a form of coersion. Letting Jack believe that this is the only way to be forgiven, holding that forgiveness over his head... how much "free will" is actually going on here if that's why he's willing to go through with it?)
Sorry, tangents. I tend to live in them. *LOL* So yeah, while I don't agree with Dean's mindset, I do get why he feels the way he does. And I'm just glad that Sam wasn't written as "a little upset but willing to let it go." Down to his bones he knows this is wrong. And he let Dean know. And I'm also glad that he's asking the questions he's been asking. It's not a weakness as Dean kind of implied. (With the whole "you can't get the job done.") Sam isn't being wishy-washy. He just cares about what's right. Chuck or no Chuck, it still matters to him. And getting what you want "by any means"... well, he's been down that road himself. He knows how that can end. And plus, he cares about Jack. Like, genuinely cares about him, as a person. Not just what he can do for them. Not because he's powerful. But for who he is.
Also, I don't know if it was intentional, or just the way it came off to me, but I feel like... well, for a lot of this season to be honest, Dean's view of what and who is "vitally important" has severely shrunk down. To like, himself and Sam. I'm not saying he'll tell everyone to go hang. But I feel like maybe as a reaction to finding out how much of their lives were "set-up" he kind of withdrew emotionally. He's more willing to let go of other people they care about. The connections he forms don't feel as strong as they used to even a season or two ago. Like, in "The Gamblers", he felt a little sorry for the other people trapped there, but he was willing to get what they needed and get out of there. Sam was the one who insisted on trying to free them too.
And speaking of Sam, at the end of last season I felt like one of the reasons why he went along with Dean's plan (to lock Jack up) despite how he CLEARLY didn't like it, and everything about it felt wrong, was that at that point in time he severely doubted his own judgement. Because by that point, so many of his decisions which had been made with good intentions and with the best information he'd had at the time wound up blowing-up in his face. (i.e. Training the AU refugees into Hunters to help them with Dean/Michael and then after with just Hunting in general only to have most of them slaughtered by Michael. And him trying to give Nick a chance because he knew what it was like to be branded as evil for things that had been done to you. And he knew what it was like to be a vessel for Lucifer. And then when Nick went off the rails and they caught him that first time, they handed him over to Donna, because he was a human so they thought they'd let human justice deal with him. And then he escaped and hurt Donatello and was trying to free Lucifer, and Sam almost beat him to death but then stopped, because he didn't want to kill him in what he felt was cold blood. (Though I'd argue self-defense would've been valid.) After which Nick hit him repeatedly in the head with a rock and almost DID free Lucifer, which Jack stopped, but that lead to Mary's death and, and, and, the list goes on. So by the time they figured out (somewhat, I don't think they ever got the full story) what happened to Mary, I think Sam was feeling like he couldn't trust his own judgement, and so he let Dean lead. And that... didn't go well.
So I'm glad that he is starting to question again. He'd started to with Mrs. Butters but then everything seemed fine, but as they found out, he should have heeded his instincts and researched her more. And now this. At the end of last season when the idea of Jack dying/being killed came up he said he wasn't okay with it, and he did run to try to stop Dean, but I feel like there's more assertiveness behind it now. He's not saying "Please don't do this!" he's saying "This is NOT okay! I'm NOT going to accept this! No!"
So, in conclusion: Overall I liked the episode, though for me anyway, most of the emotional weight came from the secret Dean was keeping and then what happened when he finally told Sam. I did however like some of the little moments, like young!Dean's line about "We made a pretty good team." and it's callback to the Pilot episode.
I'm sorry this got a bit rambly. Again.
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youhadmeathohoho · 7 years
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Does this movie have a good name?
Enchanted Christmas is a boring name that is impossible to remember. The enchanted part refers to the ‘Enchanted Lodge’, the setting for most of the movie, but who cares, still a boring name.
Are we located in a small, picturesque, snow-covered town?
Not until Minute 7! That’s when we finally switch from the hellish sprawl of LA - where it doesn’t even snow, ugghhh - to the cosy mountain community of Rosemont, Utah, where everything is in glorious soft focus for the next 83 minutes. Ahhh, that’s better!
Is the lead character’s name festive?
Her name is Laura Trudeau. I’m thinking the writers may have been daydreaming about a certain cuddly Canadian fella when they came up with this name. And what could be more festive than crushing on a cutie patootie head of state?? 
How busy is said lady?
Laura is busy doing a job where she organises hotel renovations. (There is no name for this job, they don’t even try.) The film kicks off when Laura’s sent to Rosemont - which just happens to be her hometown - and has only 4 weeks to restore the old hotel where she used to do a big dance on Christmas Eve. But Sssshh! - the dancing is a secret.
TBH, I’ve seen busier.
Recognise anyone?
Well. I recognised Alexa PenaVega, who plays Laura, from her child actor days in the Spy Kids movies. Or did I recognise her? Actually, I guess I wouldn’t have, but I knew who she was because I keep myself very well-informed when it comes to C-list celebrities.
Others amongst you may remember Alexa, and her real-life husband Carlos (who plays her former dance partner, Ricardo), from such activities as:
• Both featuring on Dancing With the Stars in 2015 (which is clearly why this movie is even happening: to woo that discerning audience who prefer their festive viewing to feature dimly familiar folk who placed 4th and 6th in a reality show 2 years ago. Tip: if you just want to see them dance, skip to the 80 minute mark.)
• Transforming from singletons Alexa Vega and Carlos Pena, to married couple The PenaVegas. As my wise friend Alex pointed out on Twitter: “The PenaVegas merging their surname is iconic behaviour.“ 
• Sharing a YouTube channel called LexLovesLos, where they vlog about their lives, AND teach us how to be good Christians, in a regular bible-fuelled section called Word of Wisdom, or WOW.
• Announcing via Instagram the name of their son (Ocean King PenaVega), 4 months before his birth.
In conclusion, if you don’t recognise these people, you need to re-think your choices.
How are everyone’s Christmas Spirit levels?
This isn’t really covered, although Laura briefly forbids her daughter Nicki from partaking in the big Christmas Show, because she believes that focusing on her education is more important than frolicking in a reindeer costume. Laura doesn’t know that Christmas trumps everything else! Stupid Laura!
Does a misunderstanding threaten the lady’s path to Happy Ever After with the man?
No. What threatens their lurve is a totally great opportunity that Ricardo should definitely take. His dance partner, Taylor, goes off for an audition BY HERSELF and as a result BOTH OF THEM are offered “leading roles in a 2 year global tour”. Good job, Taylor! Oh actually no, I mean, ugh Taylor, why are you making Ricardo choose between fulfilling his career dreams and doing a 60 second dance with his ex-honey? U SUCK.
Is this movie bang on trend?
A child uses an app to tell her when the school bus is coming, and some text messages are super-imposed over the action.
Is there a twiiiist?
It looks like Ricardo has flown away to dance with Taylor the Temptress, and so he's going to miss doing the salsa with Laura in the grand finale of the hotel’s Christmas Show!! It’s OK though, he abandons his dreams - and presumably wrecks Taylor’s too - to reappear for his very pedestrian Dirty Dancing moment.
Any missed opportunities?
• They keep referencing one time when Laura got mad and threw an ornament at Carlos. They haven’t heard of flashbacks, so we don’t get to see this happen. Sad.
• They clearly edited out most of a sub-plot in which the daughter is in competition with another wannabe dancer. I would have liked to see this in full, as the other girl would presumably have been obnoxious and awful, things I like to see celebrated at Christmas.
• If your location is an empty mountain lodge, you ought really to create a festive tribute to The Shining. ALL WORK AND SOME DANCE MAKES LAURA A BUSY GIRL.
Best dialogue?
“I thought that you went to the airport.”
On reflection, is this movie about Christmas?
No, but we do get to see Christmas Day, which is rare.
Overall rating?
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