#she can't use an arrow and a bow to save her life but she will known everything there is to know about archery
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letthestorieslive · 1 year ago
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emeryhiro · 9 months ago
What Daryl and Carol mean to each other
And why France may have been the best thing for Caryl
This idea has been sitting in my drafts for about six months, but now that we're only 9 days away from the Tribeca premiere, I finally decided to flesh it out and post it.
This post can be taken as part two of my previous one on what Carol means to Daryl [here], but it can also be read independently. And just as a disclaimer, this is just my understanding and opinions on Caryl and all the scenes I mention below. So grab a nice cup of your choice beverage and get comfy 'cause I had a lot to say, and this turned out to be a long one.
I want to start by pointing out some moments where Daryl and Carol got to enjoy each other's company and talk in peace.
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Yup, that's all of them... a long list of 4...
I didn't realise how rare these moments were until I started looking through season after season. Don't get me wrong; I know there are countless sweet and meaningful moments that they've shared both on screen and off screen (implied), but very few that we've seen without heartbreak, grief, or danger looming over them. And even the moments in the gifs above were still sandwiched between disasters.
I've read and received many questions, such as, "Why have we had to wait all these years and are having to continue to wait for Caryl to be canon?" and "If it was going to happen, it would have happened by now." and I feel like the above gifs answer all of that.
These two have endured unimaginable pain before and after the outbreak, and throughout it all, they have been each other's light, held each other together, helped each other heal from their past, and become the strongest versions of themselves.
However, they have never been allowed to be selfish, to take a moment to think about what they deserve, or to imagine the possibility of accepting the love they want and need; why? Because they have been so busy protecting and making sacrifices for everyone else.
For the past 13 years, they have been content as long as they have each other in their lives, accepting their current circumstances as long as the other seems happy. But during all that time, they also connected in more ways than they had realised.
The major connection I wanted to point out is that their lives depend on one another now (mutually inclusive). Whether knowingly or unknowingly, they are alive at this moment because of each other. I don't mean this just in a 'save their life when they're in danger' way but also as a 'I can't imagine my life existing beyond yours' and 'I can't distinguish between my life and yours' kind of way.
I briefly touched on this in one of my previous posts about Carol [here], and the show, in general, has been a lot more open with us regarding what Carol wants, but here are a couple of more nuanced instances from the later seasons where we see those feelings show from Daryl and Carol's perspectives:
S10 EP3 Ghosts (Daryl)
The first scene I wanted to mentions is when Alpha confronts them about crossing her border. The moment she says, "You have to be punished," and the whisperers reach for their weapons, we see Daryl shifting on his feet as he prepares to move at a moment's notice.
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And as soon as Carol talks back to Alpha, calling her words "Bullshit", Daryl is already moving.
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He immediately places himself between them to shield Carol in case Alpha decides to attack her.
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Then, when Carol snaps and tries to shoot Alpha, Daryl grabs and takes complete hold of her.
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He's not just trying to stop her; he's using himself to shield every inch of her from any possible incoming assault from the whisperers.
Once Alpha allows them to leave, he grabs Carol and her bow and arrows without a second of hesitation (leaving behind his own crossbow) and immediately moves Carol away from the situation.
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Once again, when everyone is in danger all Daryl can think about is Carol, making sure she's safe and unharmed, with no concern for himself.
I also think it's so beautiful and important to point out here that while all Daryl could think about was shielding Carol, Michonne was also there trying to protect both of them ♡
S10 EP3 Ghosts (Daryl) - Part 2
The second one I want to mention is later in the same episode when Daryl and Michonne rush Carol back to Alexandria/Siddiq for help after she cuts her arm open badly.
We first find Daryl holding onto a column outside to steady himself while he waits to find out if she's okay.
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When Siddiq comes out full of hesitation and can't find the words to answer Michone when she asks if Carol is okay, we see a look of pure fear on Daryl's face.
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He freezes; he's holding his breath and won't dare move or say anything because he feels like his whole reality is hanging by a thread, and in the moment, the smallest thing or whatever Siddiq is about to say next might make it all fall apart.
S10 EP9 Squeeze (Daryl)
The third moment I wanted to mention is when Carol is hanging off the edge of a rock in the cave, risking her life just so she can try to destroy part of Alpha's horde, but Daryl finds her and is so confused and terrified by what she's doing.
He tries to tell her, to warn her that she's gonna get herself killed if she tries to go through with what she's planning.
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Look at how he flinches and instantly loses his breath when her hand slips a little... breaks my heart every time.
When she responds to him by saying, "She killed my boy", Daryl's fear is now also combined with desperation because he realised that he didn't need to warn her about the possibility of getting herself killed; he realised she knew the risk all along and was in such a low place that she was almost welcoming the consequences.
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What previously was a tone of alarm in Daryl's voice turns into a whisper, and he's now pleading with her. Without saying the actual words, he's begging her to choose to live again, even if it's just for him.
S10 EP14 Look at the Flowers (Carol)
What Caryl wants is also kind of answered in 10x14, where Carol is having an internal confrontation with herself. Subconsciously, she has chosen and manifested Alpha (who is now dead) as the face and voice of the one confronting her.
Timestamp 19:10 - 20:15
When "Alpha" says to her:
"Being out on your own... you've tried it before. They always pull you back. Always wanting more. Love. Motherhood. Death. But they don't know what you truly want. Admit it. What do you want? Say it..."
Carol responded by saying :
"I want to be alone."
To which "Alpha" says:
"Yeah. That's not it."
So the question here is, if it's not love in general, motherhood, death, or being left alone, then what does Carol actually want?
It's important here to note that Carol already knows the answer to that question. She's only asking herself this question because she hasn't accepted it; she isn't being honest with herself yet.
Timestamp 33:15 - 35:20
While Carol is stuck under the rubble and can't get out as the walker is getting closer to her, "Alpha" taunts her by saying:
"Stop fighting. No matter what you do, you lose people. Sophia, Lizzie, Mika, Henry, Ezekiel... And if you go back, Daryl could be next."
To which Carol responds:
"I could never let that happen."
This internal confrontation with herself and the realization that even when everything else in her world is dark, just having Daryl and making sure he's okay is worth living for and fighting for and that it's not too late for her to start over. The acceptance that that's who/what she truly wants gives her the strength at that moment to fight again, dislocating her shoulder to get free and killing the walker that was about to reach her.
S10 EP16 A Certain Doom (Daryl)
Looking back at 10x01 for a second, Carol asks Daryl to run away with her, but he says no and explains that life in tiny boat cabins is not for him. Then Carol presents the idea of running away on his bike instead, and he's much more enticed by his idea; however, by the end of the episode, they both agree that they can't because they still feel responsible for the people around them and making sure that they're safe against the threat from Alpha. 
Back to 10x16, after Carol went to lead the horde off the cliff, Daryl would have almost been expecting and terrified that she wouldn't come back, that she'd take this "out" and end her own pain in a permanent and self-sacrificial way like she's tried before, but this time, he wouldn't be there to beg her to come back to him and to save her. 
Once again, we find him leaning and steadying himself against a tree, preparing for the worst possible news or, as the episode's title suggests, a certain doom.
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And when he sees her again, he can't take his eyes off her.
He doesn't believe his eyes at first; he looks all over her to make sure she's not hurt, but when she speaks, asking him if he's good, he finally breathes again, letting out the breath he's been holding.
The community is safe (for now) since the horde has been dealt with, and his next immediate thought is, "You still got me" and "New Mexico is still out there." He immediately brings back the idea of running away together; why? Because he now knows that this time he got way too close to losing her forever and will not be risking that ever again. He's now ready to leave everything and everyone else he cares about behind, so he'll never risk losing her again. 
He loves her so much that, once again, all else comes second.
When he hugs her, he pulls her in tighter than ever before, making sure he's holding onto as much of her as possible because he needs to know that this is real, that he's actually holding her, that she's right there, unharmed and breathing, and not just a part of a dream of what he wants to see. 
I believe he forgives everything in that instant, including her actions that led to losing Connie, because his pain is not worth causing her any more of it. He will now carry that guilt for himself, taking as much of her burden as possible just to make living a little easier for her. Because he'd rather shoulder all the pain and guilt than lose her, and because he can live with the pain and guilt, but he can't live without her. 
S11 EP24 Rest in Peace (Daryl & Carol)
I believe the events of the season 11 finale forced them to come to a new level of internal acceptance. Seeing the people around them lose the ones they love the most started a spark, and it started to force them to have those internal conversations.
The reality began to sink in for both of them that there had been too many close calls to keep denying themselves what they truly wanted, and It's now more true to them than ever that their tomorrow isn't guaranteed.
We all expected this to be the moment they went for what they'd wanted for so long, but we were wrong; their wounds were just too deep, and their instinct to self-sacrifice was once again too strong.
A year later, we see them once again dedicating their lives to helping others, Carol taking over Hornsby's job and helping put the commonwealth back together, and Daryl setting out to see what's left out there, hoping to find Rick and Michonne and bring them back to their family.
TOWL S01 EP04 What We (Daryl & Carol) - A Parallel
There's a pretty important parallel that I'd like to point out as well. In episode 4 of TOWL, when Micheonne asks Rick what the CRM took from him, Rick responds to her by saying:
"When I got taken, I fought, and I fought, and not just by trying to get away, but by how I would dream. I'd meet up with Carl in my dreams. And that's how I survived in here. Kept me alive... But then I started dreaming of you [Michonne]... and it kept me going... I can't live without you. Without you, I die."
It's important here to note that Rick is speaking to his wife. When he was taken away and at his lowest, he survived because when he went to sleep, he dreamed about Carl (his son) and Michonne (his soulmate) and his happy memories with them.
So what does Daryl dream about when he's taken away and at his lowest? (TWD:DD S01 EP01)
He dreams about Judith (his surrogate daughter) and Carol (his soulmate).
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He dreams about Judith telling him that he deserves a happy ending too, and his very next thought is of Carol, seeing her again and being with her again because that's the happy ending he truly wants.
And what does Carol dream about when she's at her lowest in season 10?
She dreams about Henry (her adoptive son) and Daryl (her soulmate)
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She dreams about the life she's always wanted, a home, a family and a life with Daryl because that's the happy ending she truly wants.
Also, just a quick mention that even Michonne refers to Rick (her husband) as her friend when speaking to Virgil in TWD 10x08 (TS: 40:00 - 41:20)
So why is TBOC going to be any different? And why was Daryl ending up in France the best thing that could have happened for Caryl?
Because they have finally reached a point where they almost believe they've lost the other, they have been forced to feel the dependence of their existence on the others.
They have never been truly separated before, not to this extent. And what to them was previously only a fear has now become a reality.
When they're reunited, it's going to be with a completely new perspective and total understanding of the extent of their need for one another, and the idea of just having one another in each other's lives will no longer even remotely come close to being sufficient.
I'll elaborate a little...
After all these years, we've seen them constantly save one another and be terrified of losing each other. But no matter what, nothing got them to the point where they felt they needed (more than anything) to confess to the other. So far, everything they have faced during the main show has been different shades of the same thing, and the urgency was never high enough to outweigh their self-doubt and insecurities.
What France has given us is a whole new level of steaks. Where we'll find them in season 2 is on the verge of believing that they'll never be able to see each other again; this, coupled with the fact that they don't even know if the other is even alive, and the fact that the distance and time apart has given them a true taste of how much they need the other, we now have the perfect and unique recipe for something that outweighs their self-doubts and insecurities.
It's the age-old idea of you don't know what you have until it's gone. The difference between:
Watching everyone around them lose the people they love most: they empathise with them, their heart breaks for them, they may even be devastated by that loss, and ultimately, it probably makes them cherish the ones they still have even more.
They, themselves, losing the person they love most: this is something that needs to be experienced to be understood. It's reality shifting, and the pain/loss outweighs anything else.
And now, after experiencing that loss for themselves, by some miracle, they're given another chance with that person... what a way to completely shift someone's priorities and ability to act past insecurities.
To wrap up I wanna go back to Norman's words from the NYCC TBOC press conference:
"[Carol] feels something's wrong. They have that kind of bond, where there's a lot of unspoken things that are said... the bonds that we made in the flagship show are still very strong... [Carol] can take care of herself, of course... but the bond just keeps getting stronger and stronger..."
And David Zabel's words from his interview with Entertainment Weekly (interview link):
"The main focus of season 2 for me was always Daryl and Carol coming back together and what does that mean? And it becomes ultimately a story about how we as people can save each other. She's trying to find him, but in the process of telling that story: How are they ultimately getting to a place where they're kind of saving each other?...showing what's happening inside these characters as people in the most intimate personal way"
Daryl and Carol have loved and cared for each other so profoundly, especially when they couldn't love themselves, even to the point of sacrificing their own happiness to prioritise the others. If that is not the true meaning of soulmates, then I don't know what is. And we all know that some of the greatest loves are routed in the truest friendships.
Thank you to everyone who read through this! I know it was an extra long one, and it could have been even longer, but I've decided to post their moments from 10C separately, as there's a lot more to break down there. I really enjoyed writing this, and I'm so happy/grateful that I have this platform to share these thoughts with you all. I'd love to know your thoughts on the things I've mentioned or missed ♡♡♡
As some of you already know, I'll be attending the Tribeca Premiere for TBOC in 9 days. After that, I'd like to write and share a spoiler-free-ish afterthought for this post, including what I've taken away from episode 1, what was said during the cast panel afterwards, and my thoughts on what's to come for Caryl. If anyone would like to be tagged when that's posted, please let me know.
I'll be posting a more detailed and spoilery analysis of Episode 1 once it's actually released.
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the-fiction-witch · 18 days ago
Sweet Lady
Media - Rings Of Power Character - Elrond Couple - Elrond X Reader Reader - Unnamed Human Rating - 12 Word Count - 2147
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Elrond had to run. He grabbed his weapons and sprinted through the woods, hoping to lose the orcs and reach a sunny clearing where they couldn't follow. He knew Eregion was too far away, but he had no choice but to try.
The orc party chased him, weapons in hand, tearing through the thick underbrush.
Elrond ran as fast as he could, trying to create distance between himself and the orcs. His heart raced, and sweat dripped from his forehead.
One orc threw an axe that caught his cloak on a tree, stopping him from running. Elrond struggled to free himself from the cloak, but it was too late. The orcs surrounded him, arguing about whether to kill him or take him to Adar.
Elrond held his sword tightly. He knew he was outnumbered, but he stood firm, looking at the orcs with fear and determination. He tried to read their next move.
Suddenly, a sharp whistle caught the orcs' attention. As they looked around, two of them got hit by arrows and fell to the ground. The others searched for the source of the arrows but fell victim themselves. The last orc tried to escape, but it was too late. A figure emerged from the brush, cloaked in deep burnt orange. He grabbed the orc by its neck and threw it to the ground at Elrond's feet.
"Mercy is not for monsters." The figure said before gutting the orc with its own axe,
Elrond watched in bewildered fascination, He couldn’t believe that this figure, just saved his life. He looked down at the dying orc at his feet, then back at the figure. "Who are you?" he says, his voice a mix of wonder and relief.
the figure freed him from the tree and pulled back the hood of the burnt orange cloak revealing skin and a long braid of hair tied back with a butterfly bow. Below the cap of the cloak was a short knee-length orange dress and brown leather trousers and boots. A belt of apothecary bottles and arrows for her bow, now on her back.
Elrond was taken aback by her beauty, but quickly gathered his composure. "My thanks, miss," he says, still a little breathless from the adrenaline of the chase "You saved my life. I am in your debt."
"Keep your debt." She said. "I have no use for it."
Elrond nods, He respects her for her strength, though he can't help but notice the coolness in her tone "You are a skilled fighter," he says, gesturing to the body of the orc at his feet "And clearly not someone to be trifled with."
"those without swords can still die upon them. I'd rather have the advantage than not." She said collecting her arrows,
Elrond watches her as she collects her arrows, He can sense a hardened edge beneath her beauty and finds her intriguing. "You're not like any man I've met before," he says, his gaze still on her. He thinks to himself that perhaps he shouldn't underestimate her.
"Have you met many?"
Elrond nods "I have, though not many like you. Most men I know are farmers or tradespeople, simple folk, living simple lives. But you…" he pauses, studying her carefully again, "You're a woman of the wilds. An expert with the bow and blade. Someone who lives by her own rules."
"World doesn't live by mine. Why should I live by anyone else's?"
Elrond smiles slightly at her words. Despite her coldness, he finds himself somewhat drawn to her. "You're wise. If only more men shared your perspective." He says.
"most men are weak. They bundle together in fear built villages and towns afraid of the dark to be alone. They huddle together like cattle and follow whichever cow walks towards food."
"You certainly have an unflattering opinion of us." He says, his tone light with amusement.
"us? You are an elf are you not."
Elrond nods "I am. Half-elf, to be precise."
"A rare case. An outlier."
he chuckles slightly at that "In more ways than one." he gazes at her for a moment, taking in the sight of her. She was unlike any human he'd ever met before. He found himself wanting to know more about her.
"you seem to be doing better than most." She said looking at his clothes,
he glances down at his clothes, realizing that they do indeed set him apart from others. He never put much thought into his appearance and its implications before. With a soft, self-deprecating laugh he says "Perhaps. My position has its privileges, I suppose."
"and it's risks. They know you're important." She said glancing at the orcs. "I could be a queen, but no one can tell I'm valuable."
Elrond nods in understanding. It's true that his position makes him a target. But he's never really thought of it in that way before. "Is that to your advantage? To not be easily recognizable?"
"It's one of them. Elves don't understand that. Walk around high and mighty in fine clothes, on white horses walking to elven gates a mile high. Not exactly respectful to anyone else."
Elrond can't help but feel a bit humbled by her words. It's true that many of his people can be self-important and dismissive of others due to their elven superiority, "You speak the truth. Many of my kin do not see things from other perspectives. Including myself, it seems."
"ummm." She scoffed, "Eregion is that way. Don't walk by the river orcs make camp there."
"Thank you," he says, starting in the direction that she indicated "Though I do have a request."
"What?" She turned back
he hesitates for a moment, "If it's not too much…" he says, a little awkwardly, before continuing, "do you mind if I walk with you for a while? It can be dangerous out here and there’s strength in numbers."
"fine." She sighed
He smiles, glad that she agreed to accompany him. He starts walking beside her, his pace matching hers. "Why were you out here? The wilderness is not a safe place for a human, even one that possesses archery skills like yours."
"I live here."
"You do?" he asks, his expression one of both surprise and concern. "And what, pray tell, do you do out here alone?"
"fish. Farm. Wood work. Live."
"You have courage, I’ll say that." He says, his tone one of begrudging admiration. He glances at her again, trying to get a read on her. So far, she's been closed off and a bit cold, but underneath that is a fierce independence that Elrond can't help but respect. After a moment of silence, he asks, his tone a bit lighter now, "How long have you been living here alone?"
"Sixteen years."
"You've lived here since you were a child?" He asks, his concern growing.
"Since I was fifteen."
He can't help but grimace. “You were fifteen… been here sixteen years your… your thirty-one?”
“Yes.” she snapped,
“…My apologies, you do not… look -”
“Look what?”
“…You appear young for your age miss,”
“As do you.”
“Well yes but I am half-elven, I am sure you have no such excuse,” he chuckled,
“My excuses are my own.”
“I see…” He nodded, "And what made you choose such a life?" He asks carefully. He's not sure how blunt she will let him be, nor how much she'll reveal to him.
"I don't like people." She said walking faster,
Elrond quickens his pace to keep up with her. He can tell he's treading on thin ice, but cannot help but persist, "Don't like people? Or are you afraid of them?" he asks softly
she pulls out a blade from her belt and puts it to his neck, "I. don't. Like. People."
Elrond raises his hands in a gesture of surrender. Clearly he's hit a nerve. He takes a small step back to remove the blade from his neck. He gazes at her, his expression one of both wariness and concern, "I can see that I've upset you. That was not my intention."
she put the blade back on her belt and kept walking, "People are cruel. Vindictive. And stupid. I'd rather be alone."
"I understand caution," he says quietly after a moment, "but to completely close yourself off…do you never feel lonely?"
"I have animals." She answered, "and the trees often talk with me."
That throws him off a bit. "The trees?" he echoes, trying not to sound doubtful. Although, he's learned that stranger things happen in these lands than one would care to believe, "What do the trees say?"
"they ask for silence. And for fire to be extinguished"
Elrond is even more unsettled now. The trees had asked her? Told her things? This woman was definitely full of mysteries. He regards her with a mixture of wariness and awe. "They…they communicate with you?" he asks, still trying to comprehend this concept
"Everything in this world talks to you. If you only listen."
He regards her thoughtfully for a moment. The thought that everything, not just animate objects, has a voice and consciousness is a strange but captivating idea, one that he's never really considered before. He looks around at the trees, the rocks, the streams, considering them all in a new light. "And the rivers, the streams…the mountains? They talk too?"
"they flow in a direction of their own regardless of how we decide. Dam a river, it’s first move is escape."
he gives a soft laugh at her response. "So you're saying that nature doesn't adhere to the whims of men. It does as it pleases."
"Do not laugh at me" she glared,
He raises an eyebrow at her tone of voice. She was clearly offended that he'd laughed at her. He shakes his head "I'm not laughing at you." He studies her for a moment. "You do understand that you're just as much a part of nature as the mountains and rivers and trees. You can't deny that you're part of this world you love so much"
"I am not meant to be."
He frowns at her words. It was a sad thing to say, that she was not meant to be. He feels a pang of sympathy for her "How can you say that?" he asks, unable to keep the concern out of his voice
"this world is not for us. never had been. We are not built for it. We need fires and towers and clothes. If this world was meant for us we would not need anything. We would simply be."
"I think you're being too harsh on your kind…" he pauses, thinking this over. She did have a point, and a fair one at that, "Perhaps you would find the Elves' homeland more to your liking. lindon, Eregion" he says,
"Even you are not made for here. Elves come from the west."
He nods. She was right. "No, I suppose we are not." he says quietly, his thoughts turning to days long past He looks at her again. There was something about her that stirred something within him. Not just her beauty, but her passion. It was something that he had not seen in the presence of his own kin. He can tell that behind her coldness and anger to the world, there was a deep well of emotion. He wanted to unearth it..to see what was underneath. "Perhaps none of us are meant to be here," he says softly
they reached the edge of the woods the bright sun on the fields and Eregion in the distance "perhaps not." She said, "This is as close as I go."
He turns and looks at the open fields that lie ahead, He isn't ready for her to leave just yet. Not when there was still so much he wanted to know about her. "Must you go?" he asks, not even trying to hide the disappointment in his voice
"I must." She demanded
he sighs softly, knowing that he can't win this fight. With a resigned nod, he says "Well…thank you. For saving me back there. And for accompanying me," he looks at her, trying to commit everything about her to memory. Her hood concealed her face, but the few parts of it that were not hidden were imprinted on his mind. her hair, her skin. The way her shoulders were set, her hands gripping her cloak. He didn't want to forget any part of her.
"be well. Elrond half-elven." She nodded before she fixed her bow and pulled up her hood and like magic into the woods
He watched her until she was completely gone from sight, disappearing into the thick of the forest like a ghost. He couldn't help the feeling that he'd just lost a chance. To what, he didn't know. for a moment, he considered running after her, into the woods. But he decides against it. No good would come of it. There is a small part of him that whispers that he will probably never see her again. He ignores it, and pushes it down to the back of his mind. He stood there for a few minutes longer, looking after the place where she vanished, before finally starting forward again But it was gone nonetheless, "Farewell…" he muttered quietly “Sweet lady…”
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inamindfarfaraway · 11 months ago
I can’t wait to see Ezran’s reaction to Callum wanting to free Runaan, and then Runaan himself. We all know that he’s a kind, wise kid. He strives for peace, sees the best in people, prefers diplomacy over combat and applies respect and compassion to everyone he meets. He'd rather show mercy than take prisoners. He wants to avoid his father's mistakes of pursuing hatred and escalating conflict. His power is literally enhanced communication. Compared to the much more ruthless Prince Callum "Stab, stab, bye-bye, bad guy!" of Katolis, he seems pretty 'pure of heart'.
But he has anger inside him. He resents the pain and injustice he's experienced and holds grudges, like Harrow before him. He admits to his people that he is learning to forgive and move forward alongside them. And it isn’t easy.
"We are angry! I am angry. I have been hurt. ...We all want peace and we all want love, but violence tests us. In a twisted way, it converts us to its cause. Because pain and loss feel so terrible inside, you want to hate, you want to hurt someone else."
Callum would kill to save his loved ones, but not to avenge them. One of the first things he does in the show is condemn the self-perpetuating cycle of revenge as irrational, unhelpful and needlessly destructive. He forgives Rayla and Soren. He jumps on board with liberating Runaan, his father's killer, because it's what Rayla wants, even though she's actually willing to put it aside for now. When she steals Runaan's bow he used to commit the crime, he exhibits no hard feelings.
But when Ezran finds the arrow Runaan fired to inform the Dragon Queen of Harrow's death, he breaks it out of rage and spite.
So when he discovers that his dear brother is trying to free the man who murdered their father and stole his childhood, to allow him to experience life and be with his loved ones when Harrow can't? He's not gonna like it.
This arc seems wonderfully plausible in Season Six becaues this franchise adores its parallels and foil dynamics, and Claudia's most likely motivation in Season Six is "The heroes killed my dad and I'm going to make it everyone's problem!" It's telling that his speech about the cycle of pain, bitterness and vengeance I quoted is layered over Claudia fighting in the name of her own murdered father.
The beautiful symbolism of Ezran having his crown forged from the steel of Harrow’s sword... on one hand, he's destroyed a weapon because he never wants to use it. He's choosing a narrative of love over a narrative of violent strength. But on the other hand, he carries the weight of his murdered father's weapon, which did spill blood and take lives, with him all the time as a symbol of his identity, specifically his identity as a powerful authority figure and Harrow’s successor. You see how that’s a little troubling, right? In a show so concerned with generational trauma and history repeating? Ezran? Are you okay?
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thestarstoasun · 1 year ago
A short drabble of Will & the Apollo kids + a sprinkle of angst
PROMPT: Michael,Lee and the other apollo campers realizing the new tiny blonde kid in the hermes cabin is the son of the Naomi Solace and freaking out.
(A/N: I very loosely followed the prompt in the end)
It wasn’t surprising when the new camper, a small blonde boy with blue eyes, named Will Solace ended up in the infirmary. The first time Lee had treated Will he had been walked in by Maron, a satyr Lee knew brought back tons of demigods, covered in marks from where Stymphalian birds had attacked him. At the time, Will hadn’t said much to him, or anyone else, but he listened well. “It’s nothing too bad. Here,” Lee placed a small piece of ambrosia in Will’s hand with a gentle smile, “this will help you feel better. Just eat that and you’ll be feeling as good as new in no time.” Lee ruffled Will’s hair and walked over to check on a nasty cut that Sherman Yang of the Ares Cabin had gotten during training.
That had been two weeks ago. Will remained unclaimed by his godly parent, while it was disappointing (but unsurprising), several campers including Michael Yew did their best to cheer him up. Hermes and Apollo were at archery together, a new concept that Chiron had suggested. While two different cabins were put together for activities, all of the campers knew the real hope was that the Gods would find promise in one of their unclaimed children during an activity and claim them.
As it turned out, Will was better than other campers with a bow and arrow, though just barely above bar by Apollo standards. Michael found himself drifting over to the boy to help him more and more throughout the session. “You're stance is good, but you need to work on focusing your aim at your target. Why don't you try setting the bow down and throwing the arrow to see if that helps?” He suggested.
Will let out a huff of air and kicked at the ground beneath his feet. “What if I'm just really bad? I'm not even good at holding a sword!” His voice wavered with emotion as his eyes welled with tears. Michael couldn't help but feel bad for him. Unlike most campers, he had been claimed his first day after shooting an apple off of Luke Castellan's head. (If asked, he would swear it was an accident, but some other campers seemed to disagree.)
“Look, Will, I can't say what you'll be good at and what you won't, as your godly parent hasn't claimed you.” The younger boy sniffled and focused his attention on the ground. “But what I can say is that not every demigod is good at the same stuff. I can barely heal to save my life. Yeah, I can give someone nectar and ambrosia, watch over them, give them mortal medicine, all that jazz, but I don't have Lee or my big sister, Juliet's, skill in medicine.” This made Will's eyes widen in shock, because all of the Apollo children were so gifted. (Luke told him it was because their father was the God of a bunch of stuff.)
“My Mama says that everyone has their own skills.” Will spoke up after a few minutes of twisting the hem of his shirt in his fists.
“Your mama sounds very wise.” Michael smiled and picked up the bow Will had been using.
“She is! She's a musician!” Michael noticed how Will's blue eyes seemed to move like the sky when he mentioned his mom. He figured just because he didn't have the best relationship with his own at a young age, the same didn't have to be for all demigods.
“Oh? What's her name? Maybe I know of her.”
“Naomi Solace.” Michael almost choked at the proud tone, not that it wasn't completely appropriate. Naomi Solace was an absolute icon in the music industry. Their head counselor, Sam - a warm, ivory guy who stood at 5 '11, who would be leaving after this summer, had brought a ton of her records and CD's from home to keep in the cabin.
“Seriously? You're Naomi Solace's son!?” The other Apollo kids turned their heads in excitement and began to crowd around them. Will just nodded his head nervously, afraid he had said something wrong.
“That's fucking awesome! We all love her!” Catherine, an umber toned Apollo girl with heterochromia, spoke up.
“Will is still a child, watch your tongue, Cathy.” Sam scolded with a fond, exasperated expression. Will found himself bursting out into a fit of giggles. He had heard much worse while on the road with his mother, but he appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.
“You have totally got to introduce us one day, little buddy.” Another Apollo child, who Will had forgotten the name of, spoke up. The children of the sun God had never been anything but welcoming, so after pretending to think about it for a minute Will grinned widely. “Alright, just remember your manners.”
The rest of the day, the Apollo cabin borrowed, or rather stole, Will so he could join them in their activities. While the boy enjoyed the company of the Hermes kids, he felt a sense of belonging that he couldn't place when he was laughing alongside the talented Apollo children. That night at dinner, instead of offering his food to Hermes, he sent an offering to the God of the Sun.
Please, I don't know if I am your son or not, but I really hope I am. I know I may not be as great as Michael or Catherine, but I feel connected to them. They feel like home….like mama…like sunshine.
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byunpum · 1 year ago
Some Brain rot I liked to share
For " I can be a better father " series is my fave and since MC is technically the eldest out of all her siblings, I liked to think Neteyam looked up to his older sister to able to adapt and skilled with almost everything to hunting, warrior tactic ( even if she can't join in with the war party she dose strategies in aid and it mostly works as she good at planning), healing with medicine and improving it, arts like weaving and pottery, and taking care of children
Even if she is human she adapted well with her adopted brother Spider
But what make him consider the elder sibling is because as there an incident that his sister saved him but it leaves her critical injured and it made him very protective of her as she is not Na'vi liked them or the others
She and Spider will die if they are not careful enough, a fear he developed from that incident in secret
I love it, I think the incident that awakened these overprotective intents of neteyam. It was a hunt, which you and neteyam had been planning for weeks. It was a secret thing you were going to do, tsu'tey never used to let you go out hunting alone. He knew how good you are, and that you could defend yourself. But it was still too dangerous for you. And so it was, the attack of a thanator, wounded you heavily. The creature had Neteyam cornered in a log, the boy tried to defend himself but in useless. It wasn't until Y/N drew his bow, and with a single arrow he hit the creature in the head. The beast had enough time to turn around and run towards Y/N. Causing her to fall to the ground, and tearing her with its sharp claws. This left you badly injured, almost unconscious. Luckily for both of you, the creature fled through the wound Y/N had inflicted, running away and getting lost in the forest. Neteyam ran as fast as he could to his sister, he had tears coming out of his eyes, he felt so responsible for this. He was to blame for everything, he was supposed to take care of you and here you are. Neteyam held you in his arms and ran as fast as he could to the village.
From that day on, he promised to take care of you. Not only you, but spider. You might be older than him, but it was his duty to take care of you. I think after that incident he would look up to you a lot more…you saved his life. And you risked yours, you almost died. And yet you were now combing his hair, only 4 months after the attack. You were his role model, neteyam promised to be the best warrior of the clan to protect you. Because no one and nothing was going to touch his great sister.
I always talk about spider and Y/N. But I think in the lifetime of Y/N. Neteyam and Y/N would be very close, even closer than spider. This would cause stupid jealousy between siblings. But they would calm down…neteyam and y/n are so much alike. They have almost the same taste…some would say they are twins but from other species.
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raayllum · 1 year ago
The Coin / Moon Fam plotline: a Structural Analysis
There's been some stuff in the tags recently about people being bummed over how long the Moon Fam / coin plot line has taken, and while it's an understandable perspective (particularly with how long hiatuses can feel between seasons), when looking at TDP as one complete story... the Coin / Moon Fam plot line hasn't actually taken that long, and is one of the most consistently developed plot threads / relationships in the show - and here's why.
This meta is broken down into three subheadings labelled, "Series Layout," "Plot Relevancy," and "The Trio('s emotional arcs)".
Series Layout
First things first, the fact of the matter is that the only season that didn't continue the coin plotline at all has been S2. Every other season has had something. This is pretty unique as outside character journeys or relationship development, not much besides overarching plot carries between season to season. Callum's arc is a mage and Ezran as king is ongoing, but the coin plotline has developed more consistently per season than emphasis on Ezran and Rayla getting one-on-one scenes together (which they haven't since S2). So the official breakdown is this:
1x01-1x03: Runaan and his relationship with Rayla are developed. He is taken prisoner while she goes on the mission with the boys.
1x05: Rayla shares the backstory of her parents failing to protect the egg. This is the first and last time she talks directly about her family until S3.
1x08: The coins are introduced in relation to Aaravos and the mirror, specifically. Runaan knows something of what the mirror is. He is coined.
3x03: While Runaan is believed to be dead, it is shown to the audience that he is stuck between life and death in the Lotus pond.
3x08: We see Lain and Tiadrin. It is implied they are coined.
3x09: Viren has the coins, taunting Rayla about them. This likewise teases that her parents were coined and reminds us that Runaan is too.
4x07: We learn about the quasar diamonds, which is set up for S5. Rayla also mentions how Runaan used moon opals to create illusion spells.
4x08: Rayla offers to sacrifice her blades and explains their connection to Runaan and Ethari, and how she believes she won't ever see them again. This is pretty blatant setup for the next episode in which
4x09: Rayla tries to save and then receives the coins from Claudia. This is also when it is finally confirmed that Lain and Tiadrin were coined as well. She and Stella escape Umber Tor (this is also how Rayla learns about Stella's portal powers).
5x01: Rayla investigates the dungeons to find out what happened to Runaan / how the coins work. She finds a 'mystery human' in a 4th coin. She determines that while she wants to help her family, she can't bring herself to prioritize it while the world is still in danger and that Callum and Ezran need her.
5x02: We meet the mystery human and find out that he is Kpp'Ar, Viren's old mentor. Rayla uses Runaan's bow and Ethari's arrows (thanking the latter) to defend herself against a corrupted banther.
5x04: Rayla tells Callum the truth about the coins and her pain concerning them. He immediately wants to help her and finds a potential solution concerning the coins: quasar diamonds at the Starscraper. Callum intends to personally free them himself and risks all of their present lives to get the information.
5x05: Karim summons the Bloodmoon Huntress, Kim'Dael, to do his bidding. As we know thanks to the graphic novel of the same name, she has history with Rayla, Runaan, and Ethari.
TDP loves to set things up, add to it a little for a season, and then make it a major focus.
Think of how Claudia and Soren didn't see their dad again after 1x06 until 3x03 - that's about 14 episodes, roughly half of Arc 1! Or how nothing that Viren does in S1 or S2 affects the trio at all until his kids catch up with Callum, Ezran, and Rayla in 2x02, or his own actions until close to 3x04 and 3x08 - once again, seasons apart.
Thus, the breaks in between the Moon Fam development makes sense, even if as laid out before, Rayla's relationship with them and the coins are developed 4/5 seasons. In particular, Rayla's relationship with Runaan and Ethari are more developed and emphasized, additionally, than her relationship with her biological parents. And what's more, thanks to both the Nova Blade and the Quasar Diamonds being rumoured to be at the Starscraper, let's talk about
Plot Relevancy
As soon as we'd learned there was a fourth coin, I assumed that Kpp'Ar was imprisoned inside it, simply because 1) he's close to Viren, 2) he 'mysteriously disappears,' and 3) his name sounds like fucking copper. It is implied in the Book Two: Sky novelization that Kpp'Ar has Plot Relevant Information about Aaravos (and possibly the relic staff) as well as whatever Viren did to save Soren (and his own dark magic misdeeds).
The novelization confirms that Kpp'Ar had a box that perfectly matched the one Aaravos uses inside the mirror for the bug pal spell. Kpp'Ar is also a master of puzzles and could very well be the descendant of the Jailer, who created the now infamous puzzle of the prison, in addition to having a wide berth of magical knowledge.
This implied connection to the prison would make the most sense if Kpp'Ar gets out before Aaravos is freed, and Aaravos will have to be freed in season six. And if Kpp'Ar is getting out of his coin, then the Moon fam are also getting out of theirs before the season finale.
There's also the Kim'Dael plotline to consider. While she is a menace in S5, Janai implies that she is not at her full powers, claiming, "This is a monster you do not want unleashed." Given that Karim has the sun seed and an army, he will likely become King of Lux Aurea and able to free Kim'Dael in S6 as well. This sets up the Moon fam all working together with Rayla to defeat her in S7.
So thanks to Kpp'Ar and Kim'Dael, the Moon fam is tied to two ongoing plotlines that have to get underway sooner rather than later. They are also three of the few characters to have presumably known what the mirror was. Runaan seems to outright know something ("That mirror? You have found something worse than death") and for Lain and Tiadrin, it is implied, as it seems they stayed behind ultimately to guard the mirror > Zym's egg (given that they tried to have Hendryr take the egg with him) because they knew it falling into the wrong hands could be dangerous. This means that when the three of them do come sprawling out of the coins, they will immediately understand the stakes of Aaravos' imminent or potential release.
The "two relevant plotlines" is under the assumption as well that Callum's pursuit of Star magic in order to free them is not what ultimately leads to him 1) him being possessed (with Rayla being called upon to kill him again, generating a potential interesting conflict with Runaan) or 2) snowballs into being what releases Aaravos. In which case they'd be tethered to Three Plotlines. But in some ways, they already are, because of how Runaan in particular is going to impact each of
The Trio
or why the "Ezran short story indicating Ezran is going to have lots of big nasty feelings about Runaan's rescue and survival is the best thing that could've ever happened, thank you" section. You can read the short story here if you haven't already (and I highly recommend it).
Okay, but why is this a good thing? Well...
We know next season that Callum and Rayla are heading to the Starscraper, likely now that things with Aaravos have resolved enough and/or to get the Nova Blade because things have escalated very quickly. However, as previously discussed, while Callum might do some plot relevant snowball shit to get them out of the coins, from an emotional arc standpoint, he's more likely to struggle with Runaan once the assassin is out. As of now, Callum is wholly dedicated to helping Rayla get her parents out of the coins (as he states and reaffirms in 5x04). The fact the Starscraper also has the Nova Blade is a nice preventative bonus. But this current lack of 'big feelings' means that Rayla was our main emotional tether to how people are Feeling about the coin plotline, from a character standpoint.
Enter Ezran and his anger. Not only does it expand his character, it gives the audience another piece of emotional investment and complication in the coin plotline, even if we're still inclined to be more for freeing Runaan than not (which is where Ez may fall). And it also introduces that complication for Callum.
Rayla and Ezran, and Ezran and Callum, rarely argue. Now Ezran is going to be presumably pitted against something Callum wants to do for Rayla, being torn between the two people he loves the most, with Ezran possibly feeling betrayed by the two people he loves the most.
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So now there's an emotional investment with all three of the main characters - for Ezran, his anger in contrast with his hopes for peace; for Callum, devotion to Rayla and more importantly in this vein at least, disagreement with his brother; and of course, Rayla being caught up in magic that may have a steep price to pay in order to free her family (and what Runaan may encourage her to do once he is freed, re: killing Callum).
The brothers have to resolve their conflict; Rayla has to get her family back; Runaan's responses to each of these things, and indeed being freed, opens up a lot more avenues. TDP has never taken the easy way out when it comes to character development and complicated emotion. Viren was saved from a similar fate to his former prisoner so that he could develop further - otherwise why keep a character alive? Runaan (and the others) are going to be freed by the end of S6 if not earlier than the finale by a decent margin, and have enough time to change, stumble, and grow alongside their daughter and her friends - while defeating Kim'Dael together as a family, I think. #Justformerassassinthings
S6 is go time and it's gonna be great, Runaan and Ethari are gonna get a good chunk of screentime together, Runaan is one of the most important driving forces within S6's setup, and they all still have places to go as characters. Thank you goodnight
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walmart-miku · 1 year ago
Ok finished The Boy and The Heron. And I have Thoughts.
ITS ABOUT GRIEF!!! ITS ABOUT HIW MAHITO LEARNS TO NAVIGATE A WORLD WITHOUT HIS MOTHER AND HIM ACCEPTING NATSUKO AS HIS MOTHER AND THE WAY ITS DONE IS SO GRACEFUL. He starts completely impartial to her. Besides the fact that Natsuko looks like his mother, Mahito is polite but cold to her. And then Natsuko gets "taken". And Mahito decides to go save her, not for himself but for his FATHER!!! (On a side note here, I love how good of a father Mahito has. He's really trying his best here, he dropped everything to look for them and was 110% ready to fight God.) And once Mahito finally gets to her its this beautiful scene of him calling out to her for her to come home with him and hee refusing and Mahito going from calling out "NATSUKO" to "MOTHER"!!!! HE CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE ANOTHER MOTHER AND HE MIGHT HAVE FAILED THE FIRST TIME BUT HE WON'T THIS TIME AND AHHHHH!!!!
My brain will not shut up about the one scene where the heron tells Mahito that he can't fix the hole that Mahito made in his beak that's preventing him from transforming. It has to be the one who did the damage that fixes it. It has to be Mahito who fixes it. Do you see where I'm going here. How, as hard as you try, damage has been done and sometimes the damage has to be repaired by the cause.
THE REAL WORLD ATTACHMENT THAT HAYAO MIYAZAKI HAS TO THIS FILM. HE IS THE GREAT GRAND UNCLE. He created this beautiful empire of movies and has left a legacy and the movie ends with the empire/world falling l, with the potential successor turning away from the world and choosing his own path. THE MOVIE IS A LOVE LETTER TO HIS SON AND HOLY SHIT IM NOT GOING TO BE NORMAL ABOUT THIS FACT.
Little guys. A ghibli movie is not a ghibli movie until it has silly little guys. For this one we got the water water. LOOK AT THEM!!!! I WOULD DIE FOR THEM. I cried when they got eaten and then I cried some more when the old pelican died talking to Mahito. Because they didn't ask for this life where they eat the water water. But they have no choice. And their young don't know how to fly anymore.
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Kiriko. Holy fucking shit Kiriko. She's managed to fulfill both the grandma and cool lesbian aunt roles in The Boy and The Heron and holy shit. First time I saw her butch form I. Also the little wood carvings to protect. How they're people from Mahitos world. How Mahito has so many people that care about him. (Look at her she's so)
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Mahito is super duper fucking unhinged (affectionate). The hospital is on fire, he runs against the crowd to get to his mother. The kids at his new school make fun of him. Next scene has no audio but some cheerful music and is of just Mahito fucking throwing hands. And then Mahito is still angry and full of malice afterwards that he just. Takes a rock and bangs it against his head. Mahito meets the grey heron and he decides that he's gonna kill it. He makes his won bow and arrow. He uses the herons own feather for the arrow. He also reflects his name perfectly. "Mahito" meaning "sincere one". He just says whatever the fuck he's thinking. He does not pull punches.
The book. "How Do You Live?" I Will Be Thinking About This Book So Much. (She left him a book, she left him a book about how to live because she knew that she wouldn't be there to watch him learn how to live but she still wanted to teach him how to live even if it was just beyond the grave through a book)
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thebluemallet · 1 year ago
My Immediate Thoughts on the Latest Avatar: The Last Airbender Trailer
This must be the North Pole and leading up to the Siege of the North.
Appa soaring through the skies.
Yeah, they're really going to go and show us the attacks on the Air Temples. On the one hand, I'm excited about the new material. On the other hand, I feel like I shouldn't be excited about witnessing a genocide even if it's fiction.
Aang breaking out from the iceberg seems a lot more violent than the cartoon but it also looks awesome! And if I were Sokka and Katara, I'd be scared shitless seeing that.
I think that's Monk Gyatso voice in the beginning? And he specifically says that the Fire Nation is embarking on a dark path instead of the super vague "storm clouds are gathering" like in the original cartoon. So Aang goes into that iceberg with more knowledge in this adaptation than in the cartoon.
Daniel Dae Kim looks great as Fire Lord Ozai!
Azula with a bow and arrow? Guess she's expanding her skill set.
Blink and you'll miss it, but that is JET that Katara, Sokka, and Aang are talking to before there's a big ass explosion behind them.
Aang, Katara, and Sokka checking out the ruins of one of the Air Temples. Southern Air Temple, maybe, probably?
Water Tribe! Don't know if it's Northern or Southern but it could be the aftermath of Zuko coming to the Southern tribe to find Aang.
Katara coming in with her belief that Aang can save the world.
I'm in love with every shot of Appa flying!
There you go! You whiny little complainers finally got your sarcastic Sokka. And he definitely has more emotional range than the Sokka in the other project that shall not be named so I approve!
That's not Zuko pinning up that picture of Aang. Maybe it's Zhao?
I fucking love the masks on the Fire Nation soldiers!!!!!!!
Zuko, you moody, angsty, traumatized teenager! I love you!
(This better get renewed so we can get awkward Zuko. I want to hear him say, "That's rough, buddy." I want to know how many takes they ruined when they eventualy film that scene.)
you know guys, maybe we should hear out what the fire nation has to say?
Nope, sorry, I was distracted by the abs. They should have had him silhouetted because I'm pretty sure this is the AGNI KAI WHERE HE BURNS HIS KID'S FACE!
Avatar "I don't want the responsibility!" Aang.
It's giving "Because I never wanted to be" and "I'm just one kid" energy.
Sokka coming in and reminding Aang that he's not alone in this.
Reminds me of early on in the show when he says "Katara and I aren't going to let anything happen to you."
Momo's excellent comedic timing, there.
Oh, Zuko isn't showing up to Kyoshi this time, it's ZHAO!
I guess one of the big changes from the cartoon is that we'll see Teo and his dad in Omashu instead of the Northern Air Temple because that's DEFINITELY Omashu they're flying around.
Aang ready to kick some Fire Nation butt.
I wonder if that's part of the Siege of the North? It looks like Sokka flies him in on Appa and Aang drops in.
I think the next shot is the South Pole when Zuko attacks trying to find Aang?
Aang pulling out the Matrix moves when Sokka lets his boomerang fly!
KING BUMI! They were really accurate with the costumes here.
Jet looking like a badass and fighting off some fire benders.
I know I've guessed this several times, but THAT WAS DEFINITELY AANG AND ZUKO AT THE SOUTH POLE!
I like we see the glow slowly going over the tattoos as Aang goes into the Avatar state instead of it just going straight to glowing.
I think Aang's last transition to the Avatar State is definitely him at the Southern Air Temple when he finally has to face what happened to the Air Nomads, but I could be wrong.
Anyway. February 22 isn't that far away and there are not enough words to describe how excited I am for this.
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silviakundera · 5 months ago
Lust Love in the Desert, ep 12 liveblogging
Have I mentioned the opening song? Because it's fantastic. I normally fast forward opening songs after the first episode but I let this one play more often than not.
(great translations as ever from peachey blossom)
We pick up where we left off, with General Wu having discovered the escape. Ruo Wen happens to be on scene with his silly hat.. will he help?
maybe? tbh I'm not certain if toppling that bookcase was intended to help or hinder
ML is shot with an arrow and it's all very tense and exciting! The Lord and guards are combing the grounds! ML is incapacitated, poisioned and seizing! FL has to hide him as the Lord prowls suspiciously in her rooms!
She cleverly slices open her palm to explain the blood smears on the cabinet. This woman really thinks on her feet.
FL is tending to the gaping arrow-sized hole in her beau's back
"Such a little injury is nothing" ML says as his eyes fill with tears, torso shuddering. Ok tough guy.
This hurt/comfort routine is happening on her bed, I'm fairly certain
Now she's wiping his brow and he wants to care for her hand. He's feeling very angsty about her risking her life to save him and unfortunately she can't understand why he's so adamant about being 'not a nice guy'
Yunpei Lord still plotting but sorry bro, I still think you're smart yet 50% less smart than you think you are.
But he's at least not an idiot so he's highly suspicious of FL
FL ruminating on if ML is impervious to poision, which I would dismiss as ridiculous but we're playing by wuxia rules
He wasn't wearing her armor for guilt reasons. Now she makes him swear to do so.
Every time we see Ruo Wen in his silly bowed hat I'm
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Once again ML is healed and spruced up after being at death's door
He claims this extra special wine is like poision and he's been drinking it since a child, because everyone is always trying to kill him
More backstory flashback: he was handed over to the north lord to pose as his illegitimate son. lol so actually both he and the current Yunpei Lord are fake heirs.
FL is all 😔 both of us are orphans. Don't say sorry, it's not your fault ❤
ML: ... 😬
Perhaps out of guilt, for the first time he actually tells her actual true things about himself: he's an orphan and he's planning to rescue Rong Huo (though not why)
Ok so ML does think Ruo Wen was helping. 🤔🤔🤔
"I take you as my confidant," he says while still mostly sharing nothing about himself
She's incredibly wasted by this point. Babbling about rice cakes and wanting to cuddle
drunk!silvia also feels an overwhelming urge to cuddle, so I deeply sympathize
She admits missing him terribly when he's not around and it's very tender to see her lying in his embrace
She's lamenting that everyone who cared about her & protected her is gone, but at least destiny sent him to her. While we and ML know that he's at least partially responsible for her mom and nanny ending up dead. (the nanny wasn't skewered by his guys but if he'd let them in the gates, no one would have been kidnapped by bandits)
Princess #2 is taking over the brothel and turning it into a restaurant-front, backend bandit hideway. Of course she's ego bound to prove to Ruo Wen she can handle this business.
idk though... guys... The more I think about it, I just don't know how this is gonna work out. I could be very off-base on this, but I have the feeling that on some level she's too... 'mainstream' for Ruo Wen's lifestyle. She was up for the wild spring break times (adventure! excitement! no rules!) but sometimes I think there might end up a rude awakening between how she thinks this is gonna play out and Bandit Leader's plans. Like in this case, she's turning a brothel into a restaurant and releasing the girls from being sex workers. And she wants to send the madam to prison instead of the bandits' instinct just to kill her. None of that is very Desert Rankers, formerly of The Dead Zone. Is this gang actually going to go "straight"? Can 2ML truly withstand a leash? And if they don't, how long is she going to be able to vibe with it?
(This isn't a criticism of her subplot - the unpredictability of how this storyline will play out is what makes it interesting.)
Ruo Wen lying on a bed in the royal mansion, right under Loser Lord's nose, and ruminating on FL and if she'll truly come with him willingly or was just bluffing
But he is simply not made for thinking or playing indoor housecat - he's reactionary & impulsive, so he makes some sort of decision and bounds off the bed to stop the fake chef games
He rips off the mask and terrorizes Other Concubine for a while. Serve me, dance for me, do as I say or I'll scar you and you can be my wife. The usual. (I presume, as a powerplay to feel in control again).
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thunderstruck-heartslayers · 2 months ago
Archive of Our Own betaArchive of Our Own
Work was successfully updated.
Xena: Warrior Princess
Characters: Ares (Xena)
Xena (Xena)
Bacchus (Xena)
brief appearance {Horace the Dog}
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Shock Through the Heart
ThunderStruck HeartSlayers (Krissy_Alexis_Saybrooke)
Ares makes a Deal in order to obtain his Godhood....yet again
Consequently it could cost him
Everything.... most importantly Xena
This was driving Ares with madness he could see & sense Xena but unable to touch her . Bacchus had gotten his revenge on both Xena & Ares in one fell swoop .
"She left me ....I cannot believe she just up & arrrrrrgh DID THAT....DAMN YOU XENA "
Trying he fails to zap her grandfather's favorite rocking chair. Instead he notices a quiver full of arrows & a finely crafted bow . Tugging 1arrow outta it's sheath he sees that 2 are wrapped in a sheet of parchment. Carefully unwrapping the letter he reads it hearing his beloved Xena's voice in his head & instantly his rage melts .
....calm down!! I did what I had to do ,I hope you can understand that. These should help relieve your tension problems till I return & I promised I would didn't I . So go shoot something okay,we both now know ya obviously can't kill a chicken to save your life .
See ya soon
P.S. here's 2 in case ya miss with 1 betcha you're kinda rusty after all these years War Boy
After reading her jab at his pride,his mock laughter returns "Haha....oh that's just ....she thinks....naw that's fine Sweetheart. How easily You forget I've perfected the Art of Killing. Practically INVENTED IT!!!"
Reminiscing He thinks back on their lessons how he demonstrated during their 1st hunting expedition. At the age of 18 Xena was taught to string her own bow . Ares had crafted a handcarved one using no powers {currently in this rundown farm house he's gripping the very same . Which meant his Chosen kept something so personal to them both} Sentimental nostalgia fills his brain as a thumb grazes over the etched engraving. Looking over the 2 arrows that he unwrapped it's noted she handcrafted each one hawk feathers. Adorned the tips were forged in Amphipolis it's crest stamped on every point. A most thoughtful departing gift. That along with a good hunting dog.
Stepping out into the forest Horace picks up an unfamiliar scent & growls deeply . Ares perplexed squints , confused as to why a sudden change in the dog's temperament. Teeth snarling as a demonic figure appears .Ares recognizes him.
"Bacchus you Horny Devil"
"Brother Ares....I could say the same about you.....still pining over the Warrior Princess?!? Morpheus tells me she's in every dream, every erotic fantasy & even your daydreams. Is she really that hard to get over ?!?"
"More like that hard to get under . But I digress..Seriously why are you here ? Come to watch me wallow in my undeserved misery ....Well as you can see this is what I've been reduced to- a mere mortal. Now if you'll excuse me we gotta go bag us some supper. Shoot where'd Horace go? Here boy c'mere"
"Boy , will you stop where you are & listen. I did see your plight & knowing you're too stubborn to ask for any kind of help....I'm willing to work out a deal in exchange for certain services "
"Ohhhh yahhh this is too good to be true. Okay spill it whattya need hmm.... you tell me how I could possibly be of any use to Yourself as a Freaking Mortal"
"Ares, you're forgetting I can temporarily restore your Godly Powers. I just need something obtained in return. Hell I could even grant you your heart's desire ....Xena bowing to your every command just like that fur ball"
"Lemme see if I'm hearing this correctly....I get my powers plus Xena. However the powers only stay temporarily & then what huh. Back to being a mortal Nu-huh ain't gonna happen Devil Man ....no deal . I get both permanently or you can forget it . I may not be an 'active' God but I still call the shots round here. Nevertheless Intrigued by Prosperity"
"What I want is very simple Ares . And by the way from what Morpheus tells me , she liked you better as a humble mortal". Ares' scowling eye contact warning Bacchus he's better back off addressing him Future King of Olympus....once reclamation of his throne is successfully done. " Ehhm Corny Horny, be that as it may 1 day my mere Fantasy is Destined to be MY Queen..got me Brother "?!? "Ahh yes Fine just find me this 1 object of desire & both are yours....permanently . Drink up boy . I concocted this batch special just for you"
"Alright now you're talking. Let's do this. "
Bacchus hands Ares the goblet of Ambrosiatic induced wine . Being the clever strategist ,Ares finds a way to pour enough into a water skin {for safe keeping , of course} . A map of the sacred treasure to guide him on his way . Ares feels his very aura on fire upon the last sip passing his tongue.
"Whoa that's a scorcher. C'mon bro you can trust me with your secret recipe....I taste grapes, pomegranate, Ambrosia & what's that last thing....it's a it's a "
"Passion Fruit"
"Weeeeell it's certainly gotta kick to it"
"Yeah Yeah. Just bring me my treasure Ares "
With those parting words Bacchus went back underground & Ares transported himself back to the Halls of War. First duty t'was to locate Xena. Gazing in a portal mirror he sees her senses her more lonesome than ever. Upon further investigation he realizes she's without anyone most importantly No annoying Blondie or any other meddlesome sidekicks to spoil his fun & gameplay. Luckily she was just 2 towns away ....therefore it wouldn't look suspicious if'n they just happened to accidentally bump into one another. Ares appears in a nearby barn saddling the first unbridled Stallion in the barn . Hopping on he heads down the narrow roadway towards the Cold Stone Tavern Xena is currently exiting untying Argo from the hitching post. Her eyes fly wide open noticing none other than Ares holding a large scroll whilst attempting to direct a very stubborn horse. " Hey whattya doing here"?" Shhh Xena not now I'm trying to find ....Ohhhh wow Xena it is you .small world it must be the Fates at work pushing us together " "Yeeeeah right or it could be your horse sensed you weren't paying attention & lead you here maybe to find food " " okay sure believe whatsoever you wanna but I think otherwise. Where's your little friend anyway " "You mean Gabrielle....she's off somewhere with family probably. To tell you the truth I'm not exactly sure " " Soooooo you're alone " "Noooo I still got Argo whom I need to head outta this town with. And shouldn't you be back where I left you? Fess up Ares didja follow me here?"
"Whaaaaaaaaat ,me follow you ....Hellooooooo I can't do that anymore remember. No I'm trying to locate a treasure type thing but this stupid map is giving my brain pain . " It's called a headache Ares. Lemme see that . This is 3 days ride from your old battlefield no wonder you're lost " " I'm not lost ....it's just that--" " No you've obviously no clue how to get there from here. C'mon I'll introduce ya to a shortcut & try to keep up would ya!?!"
Mounting Argo she trots gracefully in-front. He clicks & catches up attempting to look as dignified as one possibly can after being mildly insulted. Pulling up beside her the banter begins " ya know I aughta have you punished for stealing my map " " Ohhhh really Ares you & what army....oh shoot that's right you don't have one do ya" " As I see it Xena I could easily form another troop. And if I were to would ya lead'em Noooo you wouldn't because you've 'changed '"
" Look here X War God,I'm only going with you to keep your hide outta trouble do you hear me ." " Excuse me Princess.... I don't need your protection if anything you'll be needing me to shield you from that crazed Bloodlust you keep bottled inside....Ahhhh you know exactly what I'm talking about don'tcha gimme that look "
Rolling her eyes she just let's him win this battle of Witty Words. " Night'll be here soon we can camp in that cave over there " . Approaching the dwelling horses in tow .Grabbing both pair of reins Xena finds a comfortable corner giving each horse an apple to nibble. Whilst brushing Argo, eyes go to Ares watching him attempt to start a fire by violently smashing 2 rocks together. The tiniest smile crosses her face seeing him struggle, frustration clearly becoming noticeable. Pulling his cloak a little tighter he wraps himself in a huddle position. She takes pity on him removing the rocks from his hands " Go get some wood & water " Grumbling but thankful to have her with him . A nearby stream provides plenty of water especially to supply their thirsts . Ares did not want to wander the forest just for a few sticks instead he materialized a decent wood collection. So upon entering the cave with wine skin & wood pile in arms she rushes over black shift & barefoot. Fumbling for an unguarded moment he nearly drops the wood pile. " I'll take that " Grabbing & gulping the water skin flask . "Xena you might not want to drink that so fast " Suddenly the cave seems to be spinning her vision a bit blurry so Ares helps steady her guiding her over to a makeshift bedroll wrapping his cloak around her then trying to walk away " Don't leave " Ares Befuddled feels her hand pull his arm towards her. "Ummm okay sure sure gotcha....what's gotten into you " Before she could answer he searched her mind realizing maybe it wasn't the greatest idea to give her a watered-down version of Bacchus' special brew . Now she seemed more like a fragile woman not at all like his Warrior Princess no this woman appeared helpless. She nudges Ares to hold her he obliges but feels guilty, thinking if he were to seduce her in this state it wouldn't be fair. He couldn't leave so unbeknownst to her Ares magically makes their supper . After some hardy eating it's time to rest . Xena keeps trying to cuddle Ares totally invading his personal space " Godsdamnit woman..... can ya like give me some breathing room here" On the verge of tears from being reprimanded Xena starts sniffling & naturally this little act causes Ares to feel ashamed of hurting her feelings. His strong arms lock around the fake crying Xena. "I gotcha" Tucking her head underneath his chin, pondering why that beverage had this kinda effect on her & how to reverse this curse. Slumber finally takes them both.
The remainder of the shortcut leads them in the direction of a lone tower . Because of Xena refusing to be on a horse by herself Ares had her double with him....Argo sat this one out with good reason Xena wasn't at all acting like herself. Ares instructs to grab her weapons upon reaching the crevice passageway . " no sweetheart I need that hand " Talking in the most childish voice she pouts " then how bout I gwab your waist " " Yeeeeah yup sure that....works " "Are you sure wees need these I dunno even know what to do wif mineses " " Hun we use'em to protect ourselves....oh how do I explain this ....pointy end goes into enemy, got it?!? Just watch me & then you try " She just shakes her head nodding an understanding.
When the swinging curved blade nearly gave Xena a new haircut Ares decided they've both had enough & vortexed them both to the beautifully designed trinket box . Picking it up Xena opened it showing Ares " it's empty " they both say out loud. A cyclone & sinister hand yanks Xena into the box . Bacchus eerily screeches to the Restored God of War" thank you Ares, you found my treasure " "She's not yours " he repeatedly shouts pounding his fists on the marble alter "This wasn't the deal Bacchus !! You can have anything but NOT HER" "Not Xena..."
On the other domain side Bacchus was preparing to wed Xena. Dressing her in a blood red very revealing gown a crown of crimson & black roses . Her plunging neckline stitched criss-cross the corset bodice too tight to breathe extenuating her bossom. {She looked like a fantasy Ares envisioned not so long before giving up his Godhood}.
This was driving Ares with madness he could see & sense Xena but unable to touch her . Bacchus had gotten his revenge on both Xena & Ares in one fell swoop .
Ares realized his powers are still intact & being as foolhearted in all matters of his beloved. Opens a portal to rescue the one & only Warrior Queen of his heart . Picking up her signature vibe soul-wise , Ares witnesses Xena absent-mindedly standing at an alter opposite Bacchus. Seeing his breathtaking beauty about to pledge her vow of matrimony is too much . He becomes enraged levitating the ceremonial cake server lopping off the preacher's head. Xena turns upon hearing Ares shout out " Guess this Wedding is Off" . Throughly pissed beyond all Hell both combatants zap fight over the woman. Bacchus engulfing flames around Ares feet. Olympus' War God cues up a thunderous cloud consisting of lightning forms over head whites of his eyes menacingly flashing. He grasped onto the ominous energy ball allowing it's power to surge throughout his body. His voice booms " I AM ARES GOD OF WAR AND YOU JUST MESSED WITH MY CHOSEN, XEEEEENA!!!! Hearing this finally takes Xena out of her trance {she may dish out punishment to Ares for the tainted water later} But now He could truly use her help . Tossing her his War sword " Go for it Baby,make me Proud " Smirking wild eyed Xena twirls around the stunned Devil God " C'mon Horny Boy....let's see Whatcha got" . Not a mistake was made as she looked Bacchus dead in the eyes & stabbed Ares' sword directly into the heart . Ares released the severe energy coursing it through Bacchus. The sword acting like a conductor frying the Evil God . A slightly over-exerted Ares falls to his knees managing to conjure up 1 more thing her Chakram "Finish it" . All his powers now gone ....it's upto Xena. She aims the weapon lets go & upon it touching Bacchus' flesh he detonates nothing left except the gown Xena regrets she's wearing. Offering Ares a hand up she grits her teeth when Ares wolfishly comments" Woooow that dress....pinch me I hav'ta be dreaming " " Happy to oblige "
And she did just so because he sarcastically asked for it.
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arofili · 2 years ago
Elladan + Elrohir, #21 break or be broken, winter
You can spin it however you like but I'm obsessed with the 'chose who lives/dies' trope being somehow spun with this prompt.
The one and only thing I can't cope with, with these characters, is when they choose different fates , one Human and one Elf. I hate that so much. Otherwise anything goes.
(AO3 is Elladan_E)
“Break or be broken?” snarled the wraith in its foul tongue.
Elladan cast aside his sword, not watching as it skittered across the ground and off into the chasm below. His gaze was fixed on his foe, and his brother in the spirit’s grasp.
“Break me,” he declared. “I will never harm him.”
The Nazgûl laughed, a wretched, breathless sound. Casually as one might toss aside the husk of nut, it flung Elrohir aside. Elladan tensed at the dull impact his brother made as he hit the ground, but he dared not look away from the wraith.
He thought he heard Elrohir whimper. That had to be enough. It had to be. If Elrohir had died...
“He lives,” the Nazgûl growled. “For now. But you, half-breed, shall live no longer.”
Elladan stood firm as the spirit approached. He had no more weapons; his bow was broken, his arrows spent, his sword swallowed by the depths of the wicked forest below. He held his head high as the Nazgûl lifted its scythe, ready to bring it down and sever life from limb—
El! No! El!
He flinched. Damn him, he flinched. How could he remain still and stoic when his twin’s voice rang panicked in his mind?
Don’t—El, please—
I will see you again, Elladan promised, bracing himself for the inevitable blow. They’d talked about their Choices, but hadn’t made them; it never seemed pressing. But now, with the end so near...
Well. So long as they made the same Choice, they’d never be alone.
And if Arwen Chose mortality...
Elladan! Elrohir screamed in his mind.
See you in Valinor, Elladan said, then shoved his brother out of his mind.
The scythe lowered. Elladan closed his eyes.
A great blow knocked the wind out of him, and he heard the Nazgûl scream—but it was too late. Elladan crumpled to the ground, and everything went dark.
“Don’t ever do that to me again!” Elrohir sobbed, clinging to him so tight Elladan thought he might stop breathing (again).
He was awake—he was alive. He was home, in Imladris, and his father was watching him with an exhausted smile. Arwen stood behind him, her hands on his shoulders, sorrow in her eyes.
“El,” he croaked. “I’m...what happened?”
“Grandfather Celeborn saved you,” Arwen murmured. “And Grandmama and King Thranduil drove the Nazgûl away. You’ve been asleep for...weeks. But you’re awake now. It’s going to be okay.”
“Your fëa is strong,” his father said quietly. “It...you healed faster than I anticipated. It is as if...”
Elladan swallowed. “I—I think...”
Arwen nodded sadly. “I thought so.”
Elrond wiped away a tear. “I cannot say I am not relieved,” he admitted. “But with our Choice comes sorrow, no matter the decision.”
“I just...I thought I was dying,” Elladan murmured. “And I knew...you would sail eventually, Ada, and Naneth already has, and...and...” He looked helplessly at Elrohir. “I wanted to see you again. All of you. But...El, I’m sorry. We always said we would Choose together...”
“We did,” Elrohir croaked, his face half-buried in Elladan’s shoulder. “I Chose, too, the moment you did. You’d have known if you hadn’t shoved me out of our twin-bond—”
“I didn’t want you to feel me die—!”
“And you think I wanted you to die for me?” Elrohir cried.
“None of us is dead,” Ada said firmly. He very purposefully did not look up at Arwen. “We are all together still. And we will be for a very long while yet. The Quest succeeded! As soon as you are well, Elladan, we will travel to Minas Tirith, and Arwen...”
“My Choice was made years ago,” Arwen said softly. “But soon I shall begin to live it.” She walked over to Elladan’s bedside and kissed both her brothers on the brow. “El. And El. I love you. I suspected you would Choose this way...it is good that Naneth will see her boys again, even if she and I are forever sundered.”
“Arwen,” Elrohir whispered.
“We love you too,” Elladan echoed, and meant it fully. “And no matter our Choices, we will always be family.”
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kaiarablackfire · 2 months ago
So I'm deep in the Dragon Age: Veilguard brain rot and my shit ass Rook, Quinn de Riva, is living rent free in my brain and refuses to leave. The asshole. So in a bid to get this gremlin out of my brain and allow room for OTHER THINGS, I'm just going to start fucking writting. Might be shorthand notes, might be full stories. I don't know. Quinn refuses to be contained or operate in a sensible way. So might as well start with some background. (Below the cut. So I don't spoiler friends. With my headcanons? Whatever.)
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Meet Quinn de Riva. Antivan Crow, duelist rouge, Viago's personal headache. They're non-binary, a jokester, and a monstrous flirt (or they were, but that's a story for later).
She was an orphan on the streets of Treviso when Viago found her and brought her to the Crows as a potential. (I haven't worked out the specifics as to why he would yet, but I'm sure it'll be a fun thought exercise for later.) And the little starving girl (girl for now, can't think on who they are when they're more concerned with the hunger pains and the cold), who didn't even have a name, who would never have made it through the year, of course choose this odd brooding prickly teen as her favourite person. He saved her and sure, the place he left her wasn't exactly good, but it was better than the place she was before. She had food (she didn't mind fighting for it) and shelter (even as young as she was, she was already used to sleeping lightly to be ready for threats) and she was being taught to defend herself (and to kill and to hurt and to ignore how much she hurt and Maker did it ever hurt). And so, when she could slip away and follow the guy that saved her, when she could observe from a safe distance, to learn more of him, she did, and clearly the hell of the training was working as her little adventures went unnoticed, her movement silent and ever cautious.
And then one day, the little would be Crow came across something dangerous. An ambush for her favourite. A few guys on the ground, confronting Viago, aiming to fight, to distract. And the ringleader, hiding in the rafters, a poisoned arrow nocked in his bow, dosed to slow the poison specialist himself. Enough to allow the ones on the ground enough advantage to overpower their target. The girl would not allow this. With her little dagger in one hand, she crept closer to the archer and once she was close enough, she lept. Her free hand grabbed the arrow, preventing it from leaving the bow even as her other hand plunged the dagger into the archer's throat. The shock of their leader falling from the rafters, choking on his own blood, was more than enough of an opening to allow Viago to drop the others who would see him dead. The little would be Crow also fell, having in her inexperience grabbed the poisoned arrow tip, the substance now coursing through her veins. As small as she was, still mostly skin and bones, she wouldn't survive the dosage that had been meant for the now nearly adult Viago. Her life for his, as owed to the one that saved her. Not that Viago would allow such a thing.
The child was bundled up in his cape, and rushed to his own room, somewhere he could work undisturbed. He knew his chance in that fight was not as cut and dry in his favour had that arrow struck true. The kid had all but saved him, and she would not die, not while he could yet prevent it. The idiot. He didn't have the time to acknowledge the growing concern as an attachment began to form. A weakness. For now, the kid would live, and his own debt to her would be paid. And when it was clear that she would make it thorough this, Viago claimed her as his, starting by giving her a name. Quinton de Riva would be his protege and a dangerous bond, a gap in the wall around Viago's heart, formed as despite his best efforts, he gained a sibling.
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mzannthropy · 6 months ago
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Sam Claflin as Romantic Hero (Linda's Version)
So I thought I'd do a post (posts?) on the topic of Sam playing romantic heroes, bc this is what I disagree with the entire planet most about.
What I mean by "romantic hero" here is someone who I see would make a good partner. Let's go. (Under a cut as got long, no major spoilers.)
William (Snow White and the Huntsman)
A son of a duke and childhood friend of Snow White. When Ravenna, the Evil Queen, takes over their kingdom, the duke and his young son escape to safety. William grows up believing Snow White to be dead. When he hears she is still alive, he doesn't waste a second and goes off to rescue her, as she is being held in prison by her stepmother. His father tries to persuade him not to go, the quest is full of perils and would lead him through the dark forest, but William is determined. He feels he let her down, even though he had no control over the events, being a child himself. He joins the band of Bad Guys, led by Queen Ravenna's brother (who has an unfortunate haircut, but that's for another day) so that he can get to Snow White--this is the "do you need a bowman" scene. Oh yes, William is very skilled with a bow and arrow!
William is loyal, dependable, honourable, a skilled archer and of noble blood, and doesn't hesitate to engage his darker side when necessary--and what is more romantic hero than that?
Philip (Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides)
Philip is a missionary, a sole survivor of a ship that got captured by Blackbeard. Blackbeard's daughter Angelica persuaded her father to spare the young priest, believing she could save Blackbeard's soul. Philip believes everyone's soul can be saved, even someone as cruel and bad as Blackbeard's. Philip is not afraid to stand up to Blackbeard and even calls him a 'coward'.
The pirates are on a hunt for a tear of a mermaid, on their quest to find the Fountain of Youth. However, they soon discover mermaids are not to be messed around with. Philip manages to catch one (not realising this very same mermaid earlier saved him from falling debris by pulling him into the water). He stabs her tail with sword, but when their eyes meet and sees her, he instantly changes his mind. It's too late, though, the pirates turn up and capture her in a net. Philip regrets his action and spends the rest of the film doing his best to protect her. When she is being carried in a glass box, she starts choking bc she can't breathe, he insist they let some air in. When they don't listen, he grabs a sword from Blackbeard's quartermaster (who is a scary character), breaks the lock, pries the box open, and uses his Bible in to create an opening, so that the mermaid can have air. When the glass box breaks and she turns human on dry land (has legs instead of tail), she can't walk and Philip carries her. He takes off his shirt and wraps her in it, as she is exposed, after her scales turns to human skin. (This also means we get a shirtless Sam!) Philip and the mermaid, whom he names Syrena, talk and he finds out she saved his life, when Jack blew up a lighthouse. She could see he was different from the others, that he protects.
A clergyman might not be perhaps everyone's choice of a romantic hero, well not mine anyway (I grew up without religion), but it's incredible how brave Philip is. He is the only one who cares about Syrena's welfare and protects her. And he has unshakable faith. A man of principles--certainly a romantic hero to me!
Richard Sharp (Adrift)
Richard is based on a real life person, but for the purposes of this post, I will treat him as a fictional guy. Also I should add that Richard is a sailor and so your relationship would only be possible if you were also a sailor, or at least wanted to sail the seas. (I think those type of people drift together; lol a pun.) It's just a big part of who he is. But it is, of course, possible to imagine him in a different environment, of the same character.
Richard makes it known to Tami that he is interested in her, no fucking around, they have a date aboard his boat. He is certainly helped a lot by the gorgeous backdrop of Tahiti. When he gets an offer to sail his friends' yacht to San Diego, he immediately includes Tami in his plans. During their voyage, he proposes to her with a ring he made himself (he would buy an actual ring of precious stone once they landed). Skilled at what he does and committed to you--a good choice for a romantic hero, I'd say.
Henry Copper (Book of Love)
A point against Henry right from the start is that he is a rather unsuccessful writer. However, this is only bc the film has to be about something (so that he can team up with Maria), but it doesn't mean he is bad at writing.
Why I think he is a romantic hero is that he is most courteous to Maria, even after he finds out she changed his book while translating it. He agrees to work with her without complaining and takes her seriously. He asks what she's writing one night when they're staying at a hotel while on book tour, she tells him she wants to write her own book. She's a single mum and he does his best to bond with her son, attempting to speak Spanish. While they're out on a night walk, he has no problem admitting that he got scared when he heard a monkey scream--Maria remarks that none of the men she knows would ever admit to any such thing. When the book they're working on is ready for publishing, he makes sure her name, too, appears on the cover, so they share the credit. I also like the hot professor look Sam sports here.
There is some romcom-typical angst where he gets jealous of her ex-bf/baby daddy, but it doesn't last long. At the end, Maria publishes a book of her own, and Henry is backstage during an interview she does for a talk show, supporting her.
A man who respects you and takes you seriously and is your biggest supporter--easily spells a romantic hero to me!
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mywittingislobotomy · 2 years ago
Genshin sagau impostor au
Rewritten Chapter 3. If you wish to read the original, it is lower in this post.
Beware, the original has grammer mistakes and some things are different plot wise and pasing wise.
Original chapter 3 after the line
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(had to write this 3 times becacuse it didn't save to my drafts😭)
part [1] [2] [3](you are here) [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] ...there will be more in the future
As Mia woke up on a beach Narakumi island she stared panicking for what she is going to do. She managed to force herself to calm down with a deep breath and syarted to look around. She saw a labender melon tree. She always wanted to taste lavender melons to with a lot of excitement she climbed up the tree and got one of the fruit. But in her excitement the branch, she was holding onto broke and she fell. Luckily the tree was not that tall so she only scraped her knee a little. When she got up much to her horror her blood was golden. She started panicking again since she taught that it was infected "Oh no, no,no,no my blood is infected. I'm going to die beofre i even get to live" Mia soon relised rhat her blood wasn't infected but it had turned gold. She couldn't decide wich option was worse.
She sat on a rock and she streted to use the sea aater to wash her knee and she ripped some of her T-shirt so that she could bandage herself. Mia was lost deep in taught but all taughts sttoped when she saw that her eyes were gold. She stumbled back in panick but at this point she wasn't as panicked as before. She knew she hand to cover her eyes so she stared brainstorming ideas "Hm i can maybe give myself bags to hide my eyes...? No, they require high maintenance and i can't do that and they would block my vision and u don't even know with what i can cut them since, I'm not sure if there are scissors in Teyvat. Maybe i can wear a mask...? No that attracts too much attention and if it didn't where would i even get the mask form? Myabe i can just keep my eyes closed... but again i need to see and with closed eyes... that isn't possible..." she taught. As she lost hope she closed her eyes so she could think of something else and realized...
She could scence what is going on with closed eyes. Happy she found a say to hide her eyes she closed them, and kept them closed as she felt somone comming.
It was Kyojo Sara. Mis tried not to panick and run away but as Sara pointed her bow at her and said "In the name of Her Grace don't move!" she couldn't help but want to run. Run far, far away and go back to Earth.
But she didn't. "I think you've got the wrong person ma'am..." She was hoping, praying that Sara would leave her alone, but life doesn't always go our way. Sara raised her bow and pointed an arrow at 'the impostor' "In the name of Her Grace and The Shogun you will be brought to justice for impersonating Her Grace!"
As soon as Mia heard that she turned around and stared running, and running, running,running...running fatser than she ever has...running fatser than she was capable to... running impossibly fast... her legs felt light, she didn't loose any stamina, she even discovered she didn't need to breathe... but everything pointed to a single question "What am I?"
[Kyojo Sara POV]
I charged my arrow preparing to shoot the impostor as she turned around and started running... running very fast..."she has good stamina" I made myself a mental note. Soon i had lost her. It was like she was never here...but i knowdhe was and so I went to The Shogun and told her everything. "Bring me the impostor, at once!" she ordered. I sent out troops all round Inazuma in hope to find her but no one did.
[3rd POV]
Soon news of the impostor spread all around the world. Every visail of the Creator santed to enter Inazuma to hunt the impostor but Inazuma's boarders were still closed...so thats why Her Grace's most divoted followers went in Inazuma Iligaly. But no one could find her... it was like she was gone.
Only if thwy knew that Mia had left Inazuma days ago, right after she met Sara. And how did she manage to do that?
Teleporter waypoints.
Even though she hasn't unlocken any of them she could use them. She was sitting on the peak of Dragonspine thinking about her situation. "Okay so, I was playing Genshin one day and I fell to the title screen and I ended up in Teyvat, and apperantly there is some craetor that looks like me and so now everyone wants me dead. Perfect, just perfect. But at least the world seem to be on my side... I have bean here for two days but i haven't felt hungry nor tired nor am I feeling cold right now... also the enemies seem to want to help me.But again what on Earth am I?" she taught as she leaned back enjoying the beautiful view of Dragonspine when she released...
She had her phone on her...
(i will continue the story today after my English exam)
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lovecanbesostrange · 1 year ago
ouattober2023 Day 3: Fav Story Arc
I have enjoyed this show for the most part, even including S7. I think the switch to half-season arcs was good to keep it all fresh and not drag out things for too long. S4 being split into Frozen and Heroes & Villains was fun. But there just is no question. The arc I care about most, that I go back to rewatching for funsies, that I have the most (positive) feelings about (and some concerns/criticism) - Season 1: The Original Curse. The intertwined storytelling of everything that led to Storybrooke springing into existence and how Emma gets to know the town, breaking the curse as she was meant to do.
Unlike other arcs this is far broader, I have to acknowledge that. The 22 episodes of S1 allow for far more sidetracking. And later some details get revealed to prop it up (for this I'm thinking about stuff like Welcome to Storybrooke, a long overdue look at what it was like for Regina before).
Personally I still go so far to say, that the first season of Once Upon a Time is simply A+ tv. I absolutely recommend this to anybody who wants to have some fantasy-romance-family-fun. Well, okay, so S1 has some very, very dark moments (Graham's death for example).
They won me over with a thing I didn't expect - the Snowing romance. I'm sorry, but a lot of tv is as sophisticated as the Avril Lavigne song goes "he was a boy, she was a girl". Bang, there, that's it, that's the couple. (And I do believe even this show got super lazy with this.) But here we have Snow White and Prince Charming. Yes, of course they are a couple. They need to be. We all know that. True Love! True Love's Kiss! This is the kind of given couple I do not expect to be shown any type of friendship formed. Or an explanation why they think of the other. It just is. But they give us episode 3 Snow Falls and I am so in. Because yes, okay Snow being a bandit and a badass with a bow, totally capable of fighting and taking no nonsense - definitely checks some boxes for me. But Charming is also fun and smitten with her and I can see why they care. She uses the powder to save him. And they both have other things in their life, they can't spend time with this random person - and then they live rent free in each other's head. I believe in the stupid "I will always find you" concept. It is used again and again and still it's always sweet, throughout the show.
If you watch only the Storybrooke parts it seems so old and tired how the nice mousy lady fell in love with a coma patient, making things up about him in her head probably. And then he's married, she gets called a tramp and omg this cheating storyline. But with the fairytale underneath? Knowing they are in fact very actually cursed? This is their punishment and it is supposed to be terrible and hurt? WONDERFUL! David can't just leave Katherine, the curse won't allow for that. There is no easy solution, this has to be painful. We get something like 7:15am and at the end of the episode Mary Margaret and David try so desperately not to see each other, they are both in the diner at 7:45am. ROMANCE!! I am just rarely sold so solid on the main couple, okay? So this was special to me and I indeed looked forward to the episodes to see how their (EF) romance played out. And omg Heart of Darkness is such a banger of an episode. Evil!Snow is the scariest person on this show. He didn'f take an arrow for her, he took an arrow from her.
Exploring Storybrooke is also fun for the viewer. Henry believes things are weird, Emma has rational explanations, we know the truth. It's a wonderful and quirky set-up. Small town filled with weirdness. With so many episodes there was time to put in Hänsel & Gretel for the non-Disney fairytale feel. Great. We had time to get to know Leroy aka Grumpy aka Dreamy (I always laugh when he and Mary Margaret go door to door with the candles) with his own ep (still think as a whole the seven dwarves didn't get enough recognition). You can look left and right and wonder what's everybody's deal is. The town feeling is so important. People with jobs doing stuff. It's something that is a bit lost in later seasons with the focus on the core group, who are all related to each other. I'm sure Archie was a very busy man in the background dealing with everybody else...
It's also amazing to rewatch those first episodes and be reminded that it takes a long, long while until the Evil Queen's motivation is explained. Daniel who? To see Snow as a girl blabber out Regina's secret to Cora - SHOCKING! To understand that these two could have been friends, ohohohoho. It's clear that Rumple plays a huge part in the whole Dark Curse thing, but I think S2 gets more meaty with him. Yet his presence alone and all the deals he keeps making add a lot of flavor.
The worldbuilding is slow, but in this the out-of-order presentation does work, because S1 is actually well planned. (Yes, OUaT is a show that suffers a bit from later additions and expanding lore, but the original promise doesn't collapse under the weight.) The nice parallel structure makes the episodes interesting and moves everything forward at a comfortable pace. They also know how to throw a curveball. Oh, this town is hidden and no stranger ever walks up? Well, yes, hallo here is this guy on a motorcycle nobody has ever met before and he knows things. And for quite a few episodes August is just there, a well planted mystery box.
In the midst of everything magical suddenly we have the episodes Red-Handed, Heart of Darkness and Hat Trick following each other. A werewolf tearing bodies into pieces (yes, thanks, spilled blood looks best on fresh white snow), a whole murder investigation and aforementioned gonna-kill-Regina-now-Snow, and oh yeah that moment where you start wondering if Emma and Mary Margaret will be killed by a psycho axe murderer and the Mad Hatter might be a slasher now... yep. this show can be a bit dark and S1 knew how to walk that line.
And one last round of applause for the fact that the Storybrooke side of the story works with almost no magic at all. Yes, Regina has a bit in her backpocket, but she's scary enough without it. Her scenes with Gold are so worth a watch. He still knows how to scheme.
Oh, and let me mention something I appreciate a lot. The show starts with Prince Charming waking up Snow White with a kiss. Fairytale! We see the happy ending first. Thrown right into it (without knowing the whole ordeal they went through to get to this point). And then we near the end of the season, ep 21 An Apple Red as Blood. Which is a great episode to me, because I love seeing Snow and her band of misfits storming the castle (group effort, we deserved more of that). This is where we finally see Snow biting that apple, fateful. Hey, it's a Sleeping Curse, cool. She did so willingly though. It was her sacrifice for the promise Charming would be save. Not even trickery (okay, maybe we need to talk about this thing with "it need to be taken willingly to work"). This is such a great bowtie to the whole thing.
This here is what it is all about:
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