#she calls me mama 91
shecallsmemama-91 · 2 years
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jackhues · 1 year
jack taking mom and peanut to family skate & all the boys are obsessed with her 💗
peanut's world! au - family skate
note: this is pre-luke joining njd
jack grinned as he entered his apartment.
mama, who was sitting on the couch with peanut, smiled a little at her younger brother's giddiness.
"what's got you feeling so happy?" she asked. "did you see that pretty barista again?"
jack's cheeks tinted red, but he rolled his eyes. "no, peach. look at this."
mama took the flyer from jack's outstretched hand, trying not to look too surprised at the 'family day' advertised right on top. mama was supposed to leave with peanut and head back to michigan tomorrow, but the little grin on jack's face was too adorable.
"you want to bring me and p to the devs family day skate?" she asked him.
"yup!" he grinned. "you're coming, right? oh my god, all the boys are gonna love peanut! nico's been asking to meet her for like so long now, i don't think he really believes she exists, while dawson thinks she looked adorable in her halloween costume last year, and-"
"jackie, honey, breathe," mama laughed a little. "p and i will come to the family skate with you, but we need to keep you alive until then. not to mention, i'd be very embarrassed if i had to call mom and tell her you died because you were talking too much and forgot to breathe."
"i'm happy, so i'll let that comment slide," he grinned.
mama stepped onto the ice, smiling lightly to herself as she began to feel at home again. jack had baby peanut in his arms and was laughing at peanut's awed expression of the ice.
"c'mon," jack looped an arm through mama's. "let's go show everyone peanut."
"damn, you're just using my baby for clout," mama whistled.
jack flicked her, grinning as they approached nico.
"told you she's real," jack said at nico's shocked expression.
"damn right she's real," mama muttered. "i know i didn't push a child outta me for people to question if she even existed."
"no, no one's questioning peanut's existence," nico shook his head quickly.
peanut put a hand towards nico, playing his hoodie strings.
nico smiled at her, "she's so cute. i can't believe she's related to you, jack."
mama laughed as the other boys began surrounding the little baby, cooing and awing whenever peanut looked towards one of them.
twenty something boys, all surrounding a one-year old, completely enamored by the way she looked around with wide eyes and played with their hats...
well, it was a sight.
tags : @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme ,  @svechnikovvv ,  @hockeyboysarehot , @emptyflowerpots ,  @mysticaldonkey , @lam-ila ,  @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy  ,  @kjohnson-91 , @gavinbrindley, @hischierdevils , @jackhughesily  , @panarin10 ,  @equallyshaw ,   @power2myheart  ,  @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @nowandkei , @cinnamonpancakes , @mitchymainer , @lifeofpriya ,  @marshmallow-babe, @hughesx3 ,  @emsully2002  ,  @starsandhughes , @huggy-hischier73 ,  @doglady5678 , @thatoneblog , @exonct07 @hughesmedicine , @qwanelledingele , @mindless-rock , @ireadthensuetheauthors , @huggy-hischier94, @slaythehousedownboots , @diary-of-jj
join my main taglist!
tags: @deviltsunoda , @hughesmedicine , @maddie-naps , @h0e4fictionalme-n , @redpool , @whenmypartysover , @trevzeags11 , @fulla02 , @alwayshughes , @julieluvsme , @puckmaidens , @sosweetsofinesonice , @softboystarkey
join peanut's world! au taglist!
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
thursday thots
Happy Thursday!
Okay… happy couple getting engaged right at the start of a cold open only for them to get immediately targeted?? Didn’t we do this on svu like two weeks ago.. ugh..
Also I JUST finished last week’s OC before this started and I’d like to say: jet, amazing, love her so much, her and Danielle absolutely CRUSHED their performances. I’m also salty murphy got away, and lowkey salty that Elliot stopped Ayanna from shooting him, because you cannot tell me that if he knew about lewis he would have murdered him with his own bare hands to get revenge for olivia….
ANYWAY, back to this week:
Listen… OC needs to get their shit together about how they’re running the show. I don’t mind doing the ONE perp over the ENTIRE season, but they only managed that with Wheatley, s2 was split between Elliot UC and the brotherhood, and s3 has somehow linked the whiney casino man into the murphy arc and that’s now over but also not really over, and it only spanned like, 3 episodes… like.. FIGURE IT OUT guys…
January 91… excuse me… I’m 99% sure Elliot started as a detective in 89… but why do I even THINK the writers, esp of different shows would bother to look into that kinda shit before scripting it…
Yeah I’m not here for this, I’ve already stopped paying attention. LOL
3d printed GUNS!?? Wtf….
This bruce guy is obsessed with jet. Like.. do not blame him, but LOVING the protective mama bear Ayanna giving him a death glare.
Yeah… did not care about that AT ALL.
I missed the very first start, just caught the part of shaw being frisked by uni’s. fucking oof.
“smells like he bathed in merlot”  “that bottle’s probably the murder weapon.” This girl has sass. Love her.
This uni comes to “apologize” to shaw ONLY because he’s up for detective and doesn’t want to risk that promotion?! Maybe you shouldn’t be a racist POS before you get to be detective. “the colour blue” yah go FUCK yourself….
I’M SORRY. Was I LISTENING CORRECTLY!?? Was that guy’s name Donnelly?!! Come ON.
 Okay… but are we actually ignoring the connection of the victim, his ex wife’s new bf who works with the perp?? Even if it was self defense there’s still something fishy going on…
Okay so it may not be the new bf, but there’s definitel still some kind of connection going on, im only half paying attention, y’all know this already lol.
Okay, overall, a decent good episode for once. Not enough sam but that’s always the case.
SVU time. Finally
Wow… what a fucking SAPPY start to the cold open jfc…
“who’re we interrogating?”  “you.”
Jesus. This is cold. Like how is this going to work out? What angle were they going with this story line? What is the POINT??
At least its giving octavio a good chance to show off his acting.
Honestly this episode is beautiful, heart wrenching but beautiful
More churlish!!!???? Tbh  I really like her, so I’m totally down if she joins the squad. And we already know she’s got more eps coming up thx to molly’s insta story…
“you’re 180 lbs of water in the shape of a man, you take the shape of whatever you’re poured into.” Olivia benson when did you become a profiler because you are spot on. Poor boy’s been through so much trauma he’ll do basically whatever to stay alive. He’s always wanted to do what’s right, to make good of the wrong’s he’s done in the past, let’s stick with that arc, okay? (also 180… cmon…)
Okay, overall, great episode. Now I wish we could get back to the full ensemble cast eps and cut this crap of not seeing someone for 2 weeks at a time. Ugh.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
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I posted 3,666 times in 2022
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#shout out to the ones who have been here when i only had like 4 or 5 aus
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey y'all I got a sort of prologue for the cocoon au! It doesn't have a name yet, but I wanted to show this to y'all anyway. Hope y'all like it, if you feel like I should add or take away something let me know! When I get it done, I'll be posting the Prologue and (hopefully) the first 2 chapters on AO3. By the way, the prologue is short, but usually my chapters are about 1200+ words. Hopefully y'all enjoy this angsty introduction though. :)
Original Au Idea by @raefever ! Go check them out! I got permission to do a fic on this :)
Written by: Me, your truly!
Warnings: None!
Type of Chapter: Angst, Sadness, Hurt/No Comfort, Pain, Grief
Words: 638
Cocoon Au
The Prolouge: Casita Falls.
Cracks shot through Casita. On the ceiling, through the floor, the walls. Everywhere.
Everyone was shocked, but soon frantically were trying to leave. Mirabel, went for the candle. A dresser was about to hit a very scared and confused Antonio, but luckily, Felíx barely caught him.
"We gotta get out here!" He yelled.
Isabela and Camilo shot after Mirabel, only for their powers to fizzle out. They fell to the ground. As Mirabel was about to grab the candle, she looked to see her tío Bruno in the grass by the trees.
"Good, he's out." She thought.
She grabbed the candle.
Dolores shoved Alma out of the way of falling debris, Casita rippling its tiles to push the matriarch out the collapsing threshold of the front door, Dolores left behind.
Julieta and Agustín were screaming for Mirabel to leave the candle, to get out. Casita rolled the floor, making them fly out the door after failed attempts to get back in and grab their children.
Pepa was already out, but called for Dolores and Camilo.
"Camilo? Dolores? Come out, hurry!" She screamed, cloud no longer above her as the magic faded out.
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178 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
Papa Antonio AU
Swap!AU where it's Antonio who has to look after Mirabel.
Like he got his gift and stuff and the engagement is ruined, with Dolores getting with Mariano, but Casita doesn't fall, Bruno stays in the walls and Mirabel is just pushed aside after that. Antonio still hangs out with her and stuff, but Abuela pushes him away from her more and more. The family is wayyyyyy more neglectful and kind of just...forgets she exists. Except for Antonio, he's far too attached to her. Then Mirabel just randomly disappears (much to a now what, 9? 10? yr old Antonio's dismay,), and her portrait on the tree and mural disappear.
Antonio mopes and sobs for a month straight. Then, on Mirabel's birthday, there's just some baby, a newborn laying in his hammock in his room. The baby is Mirabel. He keeps her a secret (he's surprisingly very good at keeping secrets, even from Dolores) and she basically lives in his room til her 1st birthday. On her first birthday, Mariano points to the family tree, where a baby is directly connected to Antonio. Did I mention that during the time he's caring for her before her 1st, he regularly visits Bruno in the walls to ask for help? No? Oh, well, good Tio Bruno (since he had previous child care expeirence).
I still love Mirabel but I also love angst.
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199 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
Isabela, Dolores and Mirabel run into the dining room where the adults were waiting to start lunch.
“Mama! Guess what!” Mirabel said, bouncing in her spot by the doorway, Dolores and Isabela doing the same.
“What is it niña?” Julieta smiled, setting the last plate down.
“We brought our new friend! He’s here!” Mirabel beamed, pointing to the supposed friend that was currently out of the room.
“Oh, did you?” Julieta said, sitting down.
“Oh, you mean that kid you’ve been hanging out with?” Fèlix said, shifting to get a better look at the door.
“Papá! We already told you, he’s a big kid! Like hermano mayor Mariano and you!” Dolores huffed.
“Sure he is,” Fèlix chuckled, rolling his eyes.
As the 3 children in the dining room continued to try and prove he was an adult, the adults could hear Luisa, Camilo and Antonio laughing and squealing, the sounds becoming louder as they got closer to the dining room. They were obviously talking to someone, who they had assumed was their “friend.”
“By the way, what is his name?” Alma said, smiling down at her nietas.
Isabela smiled back, slowing her bouncing slightly. “He said his name is Mr. Pedro! He even has the same last name as us! He looks a lot like Abuelo, but older…so we call him Abuelo!” At the mention of that name, the room froze, save for the 3 little girls giggling. Pepa had a cloud forming, but the girls seemed oblivious to it.
“Isabela what are you—“ Pepa was cut off when Isabela, Mirabel and Dolores ran out of the room, seemingly towards a person.
“Abuelo!” The 3 of them shouted.
The six children had all made it into the room. And as they said, they had their special friend with them, both Luisa and Antonio holding his hand. A tall man who bared a striking resemblance to the man in the large painting by the stairs. He was obviously aged, more than likely just a few years older then Alma. He had white to black hair, and his goatee had streaks of grey in it. He wore all white, save for the ascot and waist scarf, which were a mix of red and maroon. His eyes wrinkled in joy as he gave a warm smile, one that Alma knew far too well.
Camilo smiled brightly as he waved at his family. Gesturing to the elder man next to his prima, he said 3 simple words that seemed to take the breath out of the room.
“We found Abuelo!” Camilo grinned.
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Just an idea for the cocoon AU where Casita/the miracle brings back Pedro and the children find him when they were exploring (set before their ceremony).
All of the adults after Pedro walks in:
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201 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Mama Mirabel au things
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Antonio drew this for Mirabel on mothers day. Mirabel loved it, and cherished it, but had to get him to make one for Pepa, much to his disdain. At the time he didn't really comprehend that Pepa was his bio mom, and Mirabel didn't want her tía to be upset with her.
270 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Mama Mirabel with a twist
By: Me, @ismaet and @alternaterey
Mama!Mirabel, but instead of just Antonio, it's like all of the village kids 10 and under. All of the townsfolk find it normal for her to have like 10 kids following her around like ducklings. She brings them to Casita, plays games, teaches and sings to them, repairs their clothes and embroiders for them, etc. They call her 'Mamabel'. When her family starts to notice and ask around, the people are just like:
"Oh Mirabel? She's always kinda been like a second mother to the kids, it's cute right?"
And the family starts to notice just how close she is with them, to the point where they wonder if they've just not paid enough attention to realize something as big as that.
Mirabel is called: Mamabel, Mama, Mira, Mirabel
Casita is called: Abuelista, Abuelita, Cassie, Casita
She has about 30 kids that collectively join her over the years, all 10 and under.
Mamabel AU starts when Antonio is born.
!A little bit of an angst alert!
Mirabel is "assigned" to care for Antonio. Pepa and Felix are more like parents of convenience. Julieta is busy and Agustin is too. Abuela doesn't seem to notice a difference, still giving a lot of credit to Pepa and Felix. Mirabel ignores the pained feeling in her heart. She often wonders if her family really cares. But deep down, she knows they don't. Mirabel goes out to town often with Antonio, and an adult is eventually like:
"Can you hold Diego for a moment?"
And Mirabel just holds him while Antonio is shifted to her back. Diego is only ever actually given back to the mother when Mirabel has to go home at the end of the day. Now? She's kind of like the town babysitter (she's not complaining!) And it snowballs from there. The townsfolk still love her though, and give her tips and tricks when they see she's struggling. At about 11, she accumulated about 10 kids and this is about when they started calling her "Mamabel". (She doesn't correct them, the townsfolk even called her that in an adoring manner at times.)
The town built Mirabel her own special little house for her and the children on her 12th birthday, so they can have mass sleepovers. It's like a small house that sits between the town and Casita, a bit towards the back. None of the Madrigal's know it's there because the town kept it a secret. They knew that Abuela would somehow try and pull some "We should turn it into a store!" crap. (Mirabel cried like a baby that day.)
When the Madrigals DO find it, they're surprised. In the scenario that Mirabel goes into a coma after Casita falls, the older kids bring her to the little house (with the other Madrigal's behind them), and settle her into the bed (which is bigger than her small twin sized one in the nursery, which does NOT go unnoticed).
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575 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lovethesagefan · 1 year
The majority of all birthdays celebrated are loud and noisy. People celebrate by having parties with music and dancing. However, there are some birthdays that there will be no parties, no music, no singing "Happy Birthday". There will be complete silence. My mother would have been 91 today. It is a silent birthday.
My mother loved birthdays. We each would get a call around 7 am with her singing "Happy Birthday". I often wondered how could anyone be so cheerful at that time of the morning was beyond me, but she was my mother. On her birthday, my siblings and I would gather at the childhood home to enact a ritual handed down through the ages. There would be balloons. There would be cake. There would be presents. We would be the ones singing "Happy Birthday". But this year, there will be a silent birthday.
Though my mother has been gone 4 years, it seems like it was just yesterday she was here starting conversations about what we are going to do for Thanksgiving. Was my brother going to host or at least cook the bird for us. She was a detailed oriented person. Always writing things down in notebooks. Always "figuring." Silently, planning to make an ordinary day special.
We often would take her out to her favorite restaurants like Red Lobster or Outback Steakhouse. She would ask like a little school girl with a glint in her eyes if she could have the steak. We would reply, "Of course, you can have what you want!" However, this year, the requests will be silent and unheard.
Today and April 5 are two days on the calendar that is hardest to bare of all others. The woman who knew me more than I probably knew myself is gone and my world has gone silent. She is now resting in the arms of God, listening to words, music, and other heavenly sounds, while I go about my day in silence with the exception of the baying of Kale at the workmen renovating the house. But it is a silent birthday.
So Happy Birthday Mama. You always said you are 39 on this date and you celebrate the entire month. as the years go by, the silence will grows. Now if only time will silence my breaking heart.
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75. and 91. with ethan pls🥺 ur literally queen of angst
75. "What did you expect?"
91. "That's in the past."
Ethan held his breath as Y/N walked past him as if he were just a ghost, a mere dash of air with barely any soul left in him. And perhaps he is, he certainly felt like that.
She didn't smile and warmed his bones, she didn't sprint his way with wide open arms and unintelligible sounds created due to sheer happiness of seeing him and she didn't cry as she got to hold him again.
He was invisible to her...dead to her as she put it when he told her he'd go back to the army for one more tour. When Grayson decided on that, Ethan couldn't sit back at home and wonder if there is someone trustworthy having his twin's back, if someone would give their life so he'd come home again. He just couldn't, so he went back too, even if he was more than ready to pack his uniform and say goodbye to the army.
She begged him to stay, to truly be there with her for the first time since they met. She was desperate and he knew it, but it was Grayson...he chose his brother.
He didn't think twice about running after her now, his hand just barely touching her elbow before she jumped away, turning around with a cold expression on her face and ice in her usually heartwarming gaze.
"Really? Not even a hello?" Ethan's snarkiness made her roll her eyes, her arms folded across her chest as a defense mechanism, a sign to stay away and for Ethan to keep his hands to himself.
"What did you expect? You've been gone for almost two and a half years, Ethan." Exhaling sharply through her nose, she narrowed her eyes ever so slightly as if her anger wasn't already clear. "We're not together anymore...That was your choice. Go fuck around with some other girl's heart and leave me be."
Turning on her heel, she tried to go on with her day, to forget about Ethan in his uniform with that duffle bag over his shoulder indicating the first thing he did after coming from a warzone was to find her...he used to call her his cure, the ultimate medicine that kept him sane, grounded, after the horrors he has seen.
And maybe it is her fault, she knew he was a soldier when they met...she knew he might not be able to live without war. But then again, she hoped she'd be enough, that her love would keep him with her. She was wrong and that hurt most of all - she wasn't enough for him.
"Y/N, please. I'm begging here. Just have a cup of coffee with me?" The anguish laced in every word he says is enriched with regret she knows he feels, but how can that be enough? He had his chance and he blew it.
Turning back to face him with a sigh, she shook her head with a weak smile pulling at her lips.
"Begging? I begged too, Ethan." Speaking through gritted teeth , Y/N began to shake with anger and frustration he left dwelling inside her for years. He had made it so her life was uncertainty and pain...he's why she always felt her heart sink every time she heard there was a soldier injured or dead...even after he broke her heart, she was terrified he'd come home in a wooden box. And she hated him for it.
"I cried my heart out, laid out my whole damn soul for you and you walked out." Smiling in anger, the scariest part about their arguments, Ethan knew she was too hurt to soften at the sight of his pain.
Drawing in a shaky breath, she swallowed thickly, shaking her head slowly as an inner battle raged with no indication of it ever ending.
"That's in the past." She pursed her lips, trying to stop herself from saying something she didn't want, but then she heard it - a tiny voice from the person she loves most in the world calling out for her.
She saw her little boy running straight at her, the nany following behind. The little one had grabbed onto her leg immediately, latching on with a cute chuckle. "Gotcha."
"Yes, you did bud." She smiles down, bending to properly take the boy in her arms, kissing his cheek lovingly as he laughed at her gesture, and she kept glancing at Ethan who seemed to have lost his ability to speak.
That boy with curly brown hair and dark brown eyes and big, chubby cheeks...he looked just like him.
"Y/N?" He manages to mumble in shock, his eyes darting from her to this boy he could swear is his, his entire body shaking, covered in cold sweat.
"Don't worry. Like I said, it's all in the past." Giving him a small smile, she got inside the car that stopped beside her, disapearing before he had a chance to ask the inevitable, the undeniable truth - is the boy his?
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Part 2
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artemismatchalatte · 4 years
My Spotify Wrapped 2020 Top 100
1. We found Love by Rihanna 
2. Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus 
3. If I were a Boy by Beyoncé 
4. I Knew You were Trouble by Taylor Swift 
5. We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus
6. So What by P!nk 
7. Tik Tok by Kesha
8. Alexandro by Lady Gaga
9. Dancing on My Own by Robyn 
10. Bye Bye Bye by *NSYNC 
11. Call me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen 
12. Just Give Me a Reason by P!nk and Nate Reuss
13. Cool for the Summer by Demi Lovato 
14. Because of You by Kelly Clarkson
15. Teenage Dream by Katy Perry
16. Get the Party Started by P!nk 
17. Jump by Girls Aloud 
18. Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani and Eve 
19. What the Hell by Avril Lavinge 
20. It's my Party by Jessie J 
21. That's my Girl by Fifth Harmony
22. Black Magic by Little Mix
23. Blue by Eiffel 65
24. Halo by Beyoncé 
25. Girls Just Wanna have Fun by Cyndi Lauper 
26. Just Dance by Lady Gaga
27. Shake it Off by Taylor Swift 
28. Dragostea Din Tei by O-Zone (The Numa Numa song)
29. Just like a Pill by Cascada 
30. Something Kinda Oooh by Girls Aloud
31. Vad Hader Du? by Caramell 
32. Pokerface by Lady Gaga
33. I Love it by Icona Pop
34. Too Good at Goodbyes by Sam Smith
35. Up by Olly Murs and Demi Lovato 
36. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
37. Part of Your World by Jessie J (a Disney Cover)
38. Candyman by Christina Augilera 
39. True Love by P!nk and Lily Allen 
40. Unconditionally by Katy Perry 
41. Domino by Jessie J 
42. Fuck You by Lily Allen 
43. Heart Attack by Demi Lovato 
44. Popular Song by Mika and Arianna Grande
45. Miss Movin' On by Fifth Harmony
46. Can't be Tamed by Miley Cyrus 
47. Confident by Demi Lovato 
48. Since U been Gone by Kelly Clarkson 
49. Who Says by Selena Gomez 
50. The Only Exception by Paramore 
51. Made in the USA by Demi Lovato 
52. Walking on Broken Glass by Annie Lennox 
53. Judas by Lady Gaga
54. The Last Song I'm Wasting on You by Evanescence 
55. Glamorous by Fergie 
56. Titanium by SIA ft. David Guetta
57. Hypocrates by MARINA
58. Castle in the Sky by DJ Satomi
59. Keep Holding On by Avril Lavinge 
60. Love Story by Taylor Swift 
61. Little Me by Little Mix
62. Hey There Delilah by The Plain White T’s
63. Pon de Replay by Rihanna 
64. Telephone by Lady Gaga and Beyoncé 
65. Hey Soul Sister by Train
66. Dark Horse by Katy Perry 
67. Russian Roulette by Rihanna 
68. Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson
69. I Want it That Way by The Backstreet Boys
70. Ya Soshla S Uma by t.A.T.u (Russian version of All the Things She Said) 
71. Mama Mia by ABBA
72. Who Knew by P!nk 
73. Smile by Avril Lavinge 
74. All the Things She Said by t.A.T.u.
75. Alone Together by Fall Out Boy 
76. Tear Drops on My Guitar by Taylor swift 
77. Fall To Pieces by Avril Lavinge 
78. Super Bass by Nicki Minaj
79. Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani
80. Some Nights by Fun
81. Single Ladies by Beyoncé 
82. Upsidedown by A*teens
83. Joanne by Lady Gaga
84. Wheel of Fortune by Ace of Base
85. We are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift 
86. Cotton Eye Joe by Rednex
87. Stupid Love by Lady Gaga 
88. I Want Candy by Aaron Carter
89. Over Their Walls by Anggun
90. When Love Takes Over by Kelly Rowland ft. David Guetta
91. The Best Damn Thing by Avril Lavinge 
92. Your Love is My Drug by Kesha
93. Playing God by Paramore 
94. Rise Like a Phoenix by Conchita Wurst
95. Echame La Culpa by Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 
96. Love Song by Sara Bareilles
97. Hard Times by Paramore 
98. Sugar by Maroon 5
99. Die Young by Kesha
100. The Year 3000 by Busted
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shecallsmemama-91 · 2 years
My titties are in slight pain I need them sucked on badly all day if I could…. That sensation be the best 😎🥴🤤
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jackhues · 1 year
since it was mat’s birthday this past weekend, mama and peanut celebrating mat’s birthday?
peanut's world! au - birthdays
slightly modified to take place about 4-5 years in the future, peanut's around 7, mama and mat got married a few months before
photos not mine!
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liked by titobeauvi91, ny_islanders, _quinnhughes & others
peanutsmama - four years ago, i got drunk in a bar and spilled my entire life story to some stranger. thankfully, he never judged me. somehow, he found me 'endearing' and was adamant on earning facetime privileges. after those were earned, he was adamant on earning meeting-peanut-privileges. and after those were earned, he was adamant on earning watching-diehard-together-privileges.
over these four years, he's grown from a random stranger from the bar, to my best friend, my husband, my soulmate.
thank you mathew-who-i-can-call-mat for being there for me that night and happy birthday pretty boy 🤍
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jackhughes: i didn't even get an ig post for my bday while mat got a wholeass paragraph with his post -> peanutsmama: i'm not married to you -> jackhughes: THAT'S NOT THE POINT
elblue_06: happy birthday mat! -> barzal97: thanks mama hughes!! -> userone: he calls her mama hughes??!! ahh all my dreams are coming true
trevorzegras: she stole his nickname! AH she made him pretty boy!! -> peanutsmama: yeah... that was the whole point of the last sentence ???
usertwo: happy birthday mathew!!
titobeauvi91: you should've added the video of him spilling his coffee all over that shirt -> peanutsmama: that's saved for the gc dww -> titobeauvi91: @/barzal97 you picked an amazing wife -> barzal97: i know 😌
userthree: ahh i love how he's always carrying peanut
barzal97: i love you 🤍 thank you for letting me watch diehard with you -> lhughes_06: honestly, that's probably ur biggest accomplishment -> _quinnhughes: even more than her saying yes to marry you -> peanutsmama: i can't even be offended
tags : @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme ,  @svechnikovvv ,  @hockeyboysarehot , @emptyflowerpots ,  @mysticaldonkey , @lam-ila ,  @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy  ,  @kjohnson-91 , @gavinbrindley, @hischierdevils , @jackhughesily  , @panarin10 ,  @equallyshaw ,   @power2myheart  ,  @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @nowandkei , @cinnamonpancakes , @mitchymainer , @lifeofpriya ,  @marshmallow-babe, @hughesx3 ,  @emsully2002  ,  @starsandhughes , @huggy-hischier73 ,  @doglady5678 , @thatoneblog , @exonct07 @hughesmedicine , @qwanelledingele , @mindless-rock , @ireadthensuetheauthors , @huggy-hischier94, @slaythehousedownboots , @diary-of-jj
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tags: @deviltsunoda , @hughesmedicine , @maddie-naps , @h0e4fictionalme-n , @redpool , @whenmypartysover , @trevzeags11 , @fulla02 , @alwayshughes , @julieluvsme , @puckmaidens , @sosweetsofinesonice , @softboystarkey, @nicoleloveshockey , @1yeonna , @luvestapa , @itsnotgray , @huggy-hischier94 , @francesfarhadi , @barzyandhughesbaby
join peanut's world! au taglist!
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vmfx · 4 years
We arrive at William Floyd High in the nighttime as the entire Brentwood wrestling team stepped off the bus. We enter through those front doors walking past the usual itinerary of granite floors, glass windows, metal lockers, trophy displays, plaques, and various achievements and group photos of people our age that we didn’t know. That was always the case when traveling with the team to any foreign-to-us high-school because we were only used to seeing our own halls and friends every day but most of us never cared to think about what kind of lives the kids from other schools lead.
Line up, enter the locker room. Drop your duffel bags onto the wooden bench, get undressed to the zeros. Throw your apparel in the locker. Don’t smile. Line up again, walk to the scale, step right up, tack up your weight, step off. Proceed to unlock your apparel to get dressed. Put your singlet on, your team jacket, your team pants, your wrestling shoes, hold onto your headgear, and then eat since your weight has been certified to the last pound right before you would qualify up to the heavier weight classes. Don’t smile. Now huddle as a team so the coach gives you a run-down of what to expect. Warm up, jump around, pace it. Keep moving, shoot and snap a little. Break a sweat, get pumped up, put your game-face or ego on, and wait in the hall until the team proceeds to the opponent’s gymnasium.
Five minutes before we head to the gym, I find out that our teammate Grillo was given an opportunity to wrestle a female, an extreme anomaly in the world of high-school wrestling since it’s a boy’s sport. Grillo ultimately turned down the chance to wrestle her. Why? Was it because he would feel guilty in roughing up a woman? No. Was it because he preferred the challenge of a male opponent since his perception of a wrestler of the opposite sex would be weak? No.
Grillo didn’t want to take the chance in losing against her. He didn’t want to put his supposed manhood on the line to deal with the ridicule from now until the end of high-school. He didn’t seem right about it. He had every right to turn her down. It wasn’t the only time this season one of our guys couldn’t wrestle an available female opponent. Another teammate, Pud, was upset because his pulled out at the last minute: she was having her period.
But one man’s failure is another man’s opportunity. As Grillo passed up an opportunity to experience something notable to tell his future children or his closest drinking buddies, lo and behold, our coach instead gives me the opportunity to wrestle her.
Of course, I said yes.
The junior varsity string lined up at the entrance of the William Floyd Colonials’ gym as we said “Our Father”. We were given the signal to storm right on through the gym, onto the mat running in circles and closing in to the center, exploding in a battle cry of “BRENTWOOD!”. We now take our seats waiting for our junior varsity (read “exhibition”) matches to begin. A none-too-shabby well-lit gymnasium of pale-colored walls, championship banners, one huge wrestling mat squared center, and wooden benches somewhat occupied by friends, parents, family, students, and tiny clusters of girls huddling close to each other checking out their latest wrestler crushes like they’d be no big deal next month.
Four matches into the night, my teammates tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention. They point to my opponent from across the gym on the Colonials’ side warming up to get ready. Short straight black neck-length hair, darker skin, full-figured build, thick but not fat nor muscular, and buxom. It was her all right. At that moment I knew, and the team knew, that we were in for something quite the un-ordinary.
91, 98, 106, 111, 118, 126, 132, 137. They all came and went. One after another, shake hands with the enemy and at the sound of the referee’s whistle they clashed. Wrestlers coming towards each other as Aries rams locking horns together, roughing each other up in hopes of putting the other man on his back. They were cheered on, whistled to, and yelled at by the coaches if they couldn’t put the hurt on their opponents like they were supposed to. But our second string team did pretty good so far. Some went for the pin, some won by points. For six minutes or less we played hard. At the end, both wrestlers came to the center, shook hands, and the ref- raises the winner’s arm in victory. Clock out and come back on the bench. You’re done for the night.
145. My number’s up. It’s the moment I have been waiting for. After skipping and shooting in place, I step to the mat and get ready. My team stands behind me to wish me good luck, patting me on the back. I walk up to the center of the mat and here she is waiting for me in a mild green and yellow singlet with a white t-shirt under it to prevent any distraction. We meet and hastily shake hands in good sportsmanship. We stance. We lock eyes. The referee’s whistle blows. Go!
First period. I shoot for her legs and tackle her. I get right to work in trying to pin her but she flips over on her stomach as I am on top of her trying to turn her back over. The referee whistles on us for stalling and we’re back up again in stance. Whistle blows. We lock up. She takes me down and is on top of me as I turn flat on my stomach. I successfully get out of position and we’re up again. After two minutes of rough and tussle, octopus arms, twists and knots the period ends.
For those first two minutes I didn’t grapple with the usual muscle, bones, sweat, vitamins, minerals, whole milk, egg yolks, and hard-knock rough-housing of wrestling a male opponent. This time I was feeling something more soft, tender and meaty; something more chewy and warm. It was the first (non-sexual) full-body contact I ever had with the opposite sex, despite the fact that it took place on a wrestling mat in a high-school gymnasium surrounded by two teams, sports personnel, and various other community bit players. No matter. Something still had to be accomplished. Contrary to what my teammates thought, I wasn’t here to get her phone number or ask her out. I was here to win.
Second period. Whistle blows. Our heads rest upon each other as we lock eyes. Both of us try to make a go for it, tapping and pushing each other for the fake out. I shoot and I go for the fireman’s carry where I grab her arm with one hand and my other free arm goes under her triangle and grabs her leg. I surge forward. I nailed it. I tackle her down on the mat. She is on her back as I am on top of her, perpendicular and stomach-to-stomach. My left arm is secured under her head and my right arm hoists her right leg in the air. For the next few seconds she is struggling to break free but the referee on his knees blows the whistle and pounds his hand on the mat, I get the pin.
We get up to brush ourselves off. We walked to the center of the mat to happily respectfully shake hands in good sportsman- / sportswoman-like conduct. The referee raises my arm in victory. My teammates and coaches smile and pat me on the back to congratulate me. Even better, this was my very first career win. History was made.
“Did you touch her crotch?” “Did you cop a feel?” “Did you get on top of her?” “Did you go hard?” Those were the post-interview questions asked to me by the jack-ass male dominate jocks on my team; joking and laughing with me as they wondered how it felt in having to enjoy full body contact with a female opponent. Those same questions would also be asked by my classmates, co-workers, and future would-be people in my life should any conversation I have ever get to this point.
“Why didn’t you go all three periods with her?” one of my teammates asked me. Good point, because maybe I should have gone the whole three rounds with her and get my money’s worth for you. Perhaps I should have enjoyed myself more since this was the only time in my life I would have this opportunity but I was too busy going for the win. Maybe next time.
Later that night, the first-string varsity team easily chopped down the Colonials to shame. Another win for the Indians. Call it a night, we’re going home.
The team gathered their belongings to leave William Floyd High and hopped on the bus. As an added bonus, since we won our bout, we were allowed to be in a good mood hurling insults and mama jokes at each other like all good civilized model student athletes that we were. That night, the back of the bus on the way home was rowdier than a Texas bar in the lawless 1880’s full of booze, poker, gun violence, and burlesque women. They made me the hero of the day I didn’t ask for.
What my teammate Grillo could have had was instead given to me for keeps no matter what and I could show this to any of my friends for the rest of my life. However, when straight, narrow, easily-fascinated minds are still trained on the notion that wrestling is an all-male sport, I can mention that in high-school that I wrestled a female. They won’t light up to the idea that females can wrestle in an all-male sport because they want to accomplish something and break gender barriers. Rather, they will light up only because in their minds they hear that I felt a girl.
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liberace19 · 4 years
Liberace, wearing a green brocade velvet evening suit with a rhinestone-studded , collar, moves elegantly and flamboyantly into the massive sitting room of his sumptuous Waldorf Towers suite. The famous toothy grin is a familiar greeting. Liberace's symbolic diamond jewelry is obviously a projection of his millionaire musician status. The oversized diamond candelabra ring, which lights up the knuckles, has shiny flames made of large blue-white diamonds. The face of the piano-shaped watch is entirely of diamonds. Rays of bright sunshine, like an accidental heavenly spotlight, flow into the room and focus on the sprawling gilt grand piano that dominates the room but not the man. Liberace, at 54, seemingly untouched by the steep rigors of time and pace, appears happily ensconsed in the jarring environmental opulence. All this super-showmanship is very natural, right? Wrong. "It's just a way of laughing at myself," says Liberace about t; - , ...... i 7. , i, i a k 'jn Z 'fA A 7 - ' "V ''A J Jf t ? ' $ i I4 ' C" ' . ; ' . b. ..i: y f i i t L. FLASHY - The fabled Liberace's fashions are matched only by the entertainer's the great put-on of being fashion's original peacock. "I'm all embroidery, brilliants, sparkle and fur. It startles people into a sense of amusement. I've adopted fashion in its most extreme exaggerations and made it part of my performance. It's outlandish I admit it. But I get my audience caught up in my world. First it's oh's, Then it's ah's. Then deafening applause. Liberace's stage clothes valued at $1 million are designed for him by an old movie lot . tailor, Frank Acuna, who created cinema clothes for Rudolf Valentino and Tyrone Power. Acuna has created everything from a red velvet tuxedo with knickers ($10,000 because the buttons are diamond studs) to a maxi length tiered ermine coat that's $35,000. Offstage, a semi-conservative Liberace wears clothes by Pierre Cardin or Bill Blass. They're usually bought off-the-rack. On his non-conformist style that brings fanfare: "In 1963 I tried to revert back to what might be called sensible onstage clothes," he says. "That year my income dropped by $800,000. My public felt it was being cheated. Not to see Liberace 'done-up' is like coming sparkling smile. across Marlene Dietrich in a baggy old housedress." Liberace, who uses only his last name as a performer, has just completed an atuobiogra-phy (G. P. Putman) under his own name, Waldziu (Walter) Liberace. It tells of his climb to the top despite tremendous odds. "All people really know about me is: I like fashion. I'm good to my mother.. I have a brother named George. I never play piano without candlebra," he says. "Look , I've faced death. I know what it is to be a failure. I come from a family where divorce is rampant. My beginnings were humble. I achieved this pinnacle by believing in myself. My book tells it all." Liberace's mother, now 81. is his life's inspiration. She has been near death several times in the last two years but has great recuperative powers born of an abiding faith. "I kid her that she's going to bury us all," says Liberace. Ten years ago Liberace had an acute kidney failure. He was given the last rites of the Catholic church. His mother prayed. Liberace baffled doctors by one of those overnight recoveries. "But I was resigned to dying," he says. "I faced it. What was the most emotionally disturbing thing was the pros- pect of having to start life over again. "At that point, money was scarce. But when I went back onstage, some sort of magic happened. My performances took on a depth they didn't have before. "Suddenly I was huppy really happy to be alive. People responded. It's miraculous. Now I work less, get more and enjoy it the most." Liberace, who earns $150,000 a week, has three antique-filled decorative villas two in Los Angeles and one in Palm Springs. Liberace who won a libel suit against a British columnist in 1959 for casting aspersions on his masculinity has been engaged three times. "Something always happened to prevent the marriages," he says. His true love, Moulin Rouge dancer Joanne Rio the girl who lived across the street from him in Sherman Oaks, Cal. couldn't come to grips with the personal impetus behind his fame and fortune. "My career has always been a cause for great jealousy with a woman. It's like the third party, he says. Why has he never married? "I don't believe in divorce. Marriage is a final step. Look, when I was 21, I discovered that my father had a mistress. To my horror, I then found out that he'd had that mistress for 20 years. We never had words. But it shook my soul. A man of 21 is deeply impressionable on the subject of marriage." George, his brother and onetime partner, had a $1 million estate which was wiped out hv a succession of five wi"cs. w;s sister, Angie, has had three The Girls "That's his en big fault h feels he's being Ignored whenever I talk to guests and leaps all over them now, as I was saying. . ." husbands. "Some people are just losers when it comes to weddings," he says. "I refuse to be." Liberace's hair, a soft brown, is fluffy and impeccably cut. Six years ago he invested money in a beauty salon, "The Barbery Coast," in Los Angeles. Hairdressers there taught him how to do his own coiffures. "Now I can do anybody's" he says. "Sometimes I fix Mama's chignons. And I've gotten Angie to wear wigs." "Even the hard hats have shoulder length hair today," he says. Remembering the lawsuit, he adds, "I understand why those stones were thrown at me. I was a fashion pioneer who blazed a trail for ostenta-tiousness. Finally I laughed and coined the phrase, 'I cried all the way to the bank!' " Liberace's Italian-born father, now 91, is in a convalescent home in Sacramento. Once he was a French horn player with the Philadelphia Orchestra. When Liberace was 16, he made his piano debut with the Chicago Symphony. My father liked serious music and I wanted to be an entertainer," says Liberace who did his own thing and disenchanted his father. "As he became older, he mellowed. Now he lives in the past. When I visit him he remembers me only as a child." About his current lifestyle: "When you reach the to?, you feel there is still more you can do to come in contact with humanity. When you're sick, you learn to value every bit of energy in your body. When you recover, you learn to spend energy meaningfully. If you've got all these values straight, you're at the peak of life." 1974
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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In his original appearance, Jason was scripted as a mentally disabled young boy.[91] Since Friday the 13th, Jason Voorhees has been depicted as a non-verbal, indestructible, machete-wielding mass murderer.[92][93] Jason is primarily portrayed as being completely silent throughout the film series. Exceptions to this include in part 3 when he grunts in pain several times when final girl Chris manages to stab him (once in the hand and once just above his knee), flashbacks of Jason as a child, a brief scene in Jason Takes Manhattan where the character cries out "Mommy, please don't let me drown!" in a child's voice before being submerged in toxic waste, and in Jason Goes To Hell where his spirit possesses other individuals.[55] Online magazine Salon's Andrew O'Hehir describes Jason as a "silent, expressionless...blank slate."[94] When discussing Jason psychologically, Sean S. Cunningham said, "...he doesn't have any personality. He's like a great white shark. You can't really defeat him. All you can hope for is to survive."[95] Since Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives, Jason has been a "virtually indestructible" being. Tom McLoughlin, the film's director, felt it was silly that Jason had previously been just another guy in a mask, who would kill people left and right, but get "beaten up and knocked down by the heroine at the end". McLoughlin wanted Jason to be more of a "formidable, unstoppable monster".[23] In resurrecting Jason from the dead, McLoughlin also gave him the weakness of being rendered helpless if trapped beneath the waters of Crystal Lake; inspired by vampire lore, McLoughlin decided that Jason had in fact drowned as a child, and that returning him to his original resting place would immobilize him.[96] This weakness would be presented again in The New Blood, and the idea that Jason had drowned as a child was taken up by director Rob Hedden as a plot element in Jason Takes Manhattan.[55]
Many have given suggestions as Jason's motivation for killing. Ken Kirzinger refers to Jason as a "psychotic mama's boy gone horribly awry...very resilient. You can't kill him, but he feels pain, just not like everyone else."[97] Kirzinger goes on to say that Jason is a "psycho-savant", and believes his actions are based on pleasing his mother, and not anything personal.[79] Andrew O'Hehir has stated, "Coursing hormones act, of course, as smelling salts to prudish Jason, that ever-vigilant enforcer of William Bennett-style values."[94] Todd Farmer, writer for Jason X, wrote the scene where Jason wakes from cryonic hibernation just as two of the teenagers are having sex. Farmer liked the idea that sex acts triggered Jason back to life.[78] Whatever his motivations, Kane Hodder believes there is a limit to what he will do. According to Hodder, Jason might violently murder any person he comes across, but when Jason Takes Manhattan called for Hodder to kick the lead character's dog, Hodder refused, stating that, while Jason has no qualms against killing humans, he is not bad enough to hurt animals.[98] Another example from Jason Takes Manhattan, involves Jason being confronted by a street gang of young teenage boys one of whom threatens him with a knife, however Jason chooses not to kill them and instead scares them off by lifting up his mask and showing them his face. Likewise, director Tom McLoughlin chose not to have Jason harm any of the children he encounters in Jason Lives, stating that Jason would not kill a child, out of a sympathy for the plight of children generated by his own death as a child.[96]
In Jason Goes to Hell, director Adam Marcus decided to include a copy of the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, from the Evil Dead franchise, in the Voorhees home as a way to insinuate that Jason was actually a "Deadite", a type of demonic being from that series. Marcus stated the book's placement was intended to imply that Pamela Voorhees had used it to resurrect Jason after his childhood drowning, resulting in his supernatural abilities: "This is why Jason isn't Jason. He's Jason plus The Evil Dead... That, to me, is way more interesting as a mashup, and [Sam] Raimi loved it! It's not like I could tell New Line my plan to include The Evil Dead, because they don't own The Evil Dead. So it had to be an Easter egg, and I did focus on it. It absolutely is canon."[99] In an early draft of Freddy vs. Jason, it was decided that one of the villains needed a redeemable factor. Ronald D. Moore, co-writer of the first draft, explained that Jason was the easiest to make redeemable, because no one had previously ventured into the psychology surrounding the character. Moore saw the character as a "blank slate", and felt he was a character the audience could really root for.[100] Another draft, penned by Mark Protosevich, followed Moore's idea of Jason having a redeemable quality. In the draft, Jason protects a pregnant teenager named Rachel Daniels. Protosevich explained, "It gets into this whole idea of there being two kinds of monsters. Freddy is a figure of actual pure evil and Jason is more like a figure of vengeance who punishes people he feels do not deserve to live. Ultimately, the two of them clash and Jason becomes an honorable monster."[100] Writers Damian Shannon and Mark Swift, who wrote the final draft of the film, disagreed about making Jason a hero, although they drew comparisons between the fact that Freddy was a victimizer and Jason was a victim. They stated, "We did not want to make Jason any less scary. He's still a brutal killer ... We never wanted to put them in a situation where Jason is a hero ... They're both villains to be equally feared."[100] Brenna O'Brien, co-founder of Fridaythe13thfilms.com, saw the character as having sympathetic qualities. She stated, "[Jason] was a deformed child who almost drowned and then spent the rest of his childhood growing up alone in the woods. He saw his mother get murdered by a camp counselor in the first Friday the 13th, and so now he exacts his revenge on anyone who returns to Camp Crystal Lake. Teenage fans can identify with that sense of rejection and isolation, which you can't really get from other killers like Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers."[86]
As Jason went through some characterization changes in the 2009 film, Derek Mears likens him more to a combination of John Rambo, Tarzan, and the Abominable Snowman from Looney Tunes. To him, this Jason is similar to Rambo because he sets up the other characters to fall into his traps. Like Rambo, he is more calculated because he feels that he has been wronged and he is fighting back; he is meant to be more sympathetic in this film.[101] Fuller and Form contend that they did not want to make Jason too sympathetic to the audience. As Brad Fuller explains, "We do not want him to be sympathetic. Jason is not a comedic character, he is not sympathetic. He's a killing machine. Plain and simple."[102]
In 2005, California State University's Media Psychology Lab surveyed 1,166 people Americans aged from 16 to 91 on the psychological appeal of movie monsters. Many of the characteristics associated with Jason Voorhees were appealing to the participants. In the survey, Jason was considered to be an "unstoppable killing machine." Participants were impressed by the "cornucopic feats of slicing and dicing a seemingly endless number of adolescents and the occasional adult." Out of the ten monsters used in the survey—which included vampires, Freddy Krueger, Frankenstein's monster, Michael Myers, Godzilla, Chucky, Hannibal Lecter, King Kong and the Alien—Jason scored the highest in all the categories involving killing variables. Further characteristics that appealed to the participants included Jason's "immortality, his apparent enjoyment of killing [and] his superhuman strength."[103]
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keywestlou · 4 years
Ho Ho Yogi Bear
DAY 11…..Greece the First Time
Posted on June 7, 2012 by Key West Lou
Ho ho Yogi Bear! I am having a terrific time!
Donkeys have become a part of my life all of a sudden. First in Navaro when I discovered horse meat and donkey meat were sold in butcher shops for human consumption. Donkey was viewed to horse meat as veal is to cattle meat. Now donkeys in Santorini.
Before I made the trip, many told me to be sure to ride the donkeys up and down the hill. The hill that in reality is a mountain of lava.
I saw the donkeys yesterday for the first time. I was taking a walk along the other road. The road that runs between the cave hotel apartments and lesser accommodations. Actually the other side of the road is where the working people of Santorini live. Much like Stock Island is to Key West.
All of a sudden, I came upon eight donkeys on the side of the road. All saddled up and ready to go. What beautiful animals! I am a horse lover of sorts. The horses that race at Saratoga. Especially up close. Magnificent beasts. So too were these donkeys. Beautiful shiny coats. Ears standing straight up. Big bright eyes. Muscular legs. Very muscular.
These donkeys carry people up and down the side of a nearby lava mountain. On a path running along the side. Along a five foot wide path has been constructed 2,000 feet plus long. It consists of 500 plus steps. The steps of varying widths. A short 3 foot wall on the ocean side.
The ride did not appeal to me. I did not wish to be an ass on an ass. I was fearful of either the donkey or me or both of us falling over the wall. I raised that issue with the man in charge of the donkeys. I think I insulted him. He told me very firmly that no donkey or person had ever even fallen off the path into the ocean.
The path was made of dirt and rocks.
I had Nikos give me a ride in his car down the mountain.
The volcano sitting out in the water is like a magnet. It draws me to it. I have decided to visit the volcano in the next few days. I want to look into the opening and its depths. I want to view the smoke and sulfur and whatever else my eyes can see.
The volcano is not too high. Most of it sunk into the sea. So I should be able to walk to the top.
There is an added attraction. There are springs periodically spraying water and smoke. Baths from the emissions are available on site. I want to bathe in these waters. Supposedly healthful, I will be doing it merely for the experience.
Santorini is the largest of the several islands which were born 3,500 years ago when the volcano had its major eruption. It is big. How large, I am not sure. Larger than Key West I do know.
The whole island has a mere 13,000 permanent residents. Compared to Key West which has 19,000.
Santorini is the name of the whole island. There are several villages and towns located on the island. I am staying in Oia, one of those towns. People are nice here. Just as in Key West.
Sociable, helpful.
I spoke of beauty parlor proprietor Catherine Risvani yesterday. Catherine owns the only beauty shop in Oia. One to a town, I guess. Called Hair & Soul. It is a beautifully done small place. Two chairs, two sinks, a manicure station and a counter. Two lovely ladies working for her.  Catherine gave me a manicure this week.
Catherine is lovely in appearance. A typical Grecian beauty. Tall, thin and blond. Hair swept up and somehow tied in back. Interestingly, I have yet to find a Grecian woman who wears her hair down. Catherine also has high cheek bones. Another trait of Grecian women.
The bill for the manicure was 20 euros. About $28 american money. I was out of euros. I asked Catherine if she took credit cards. No. So I took out one of my $100 bills and told her to hold it while I went to the ATM machine for euros. She would not take the $100. Strangers though we were, she trusted me. In a tourist town. Typical of the Greeks here.
Which brings me to Nikos and Maria. Proprietors of my cave accommodation. Nikos and Maria are around 60. Own the Filotera Cave Houses aka Filotera Villas. A superior accommodation. Consistent with historical Santorini.
They and their son Adonis work their asses off. They have staff, but work along with staff from very early morning to late at night.
When I first arrived and met Maria, she was in a dress and apron. Smiling always. She does not speak English. I no Greek. Yet we have had several conversations. Each of us has spoken our native tongue. We understood each other!
I figured after first meeting Maria that she was the typical Mama Mia. A dress and apron. Always cooking and cleaning. Always watching the grandchildren.
Was I wrong!
The next time I saw Maria she was in peddle pushers and a tee shirt. Directing the employees.
Nice people these two.
It was Maria’s birthday the day I arrived. She sent a piece of birthday cake to my rooms. Nikos picked me up at the airport. Nikos drives me where ever I have to go. And picks me up. Their caves are lovely and clean. Very clean. Take a look at them. www.filoteravillas.gr, www.filoteravillas.com and www.santorini.com/hotels/filoteravillas. These sites will give you a flavor of cave living. They will surprise you!
The second day here, their son Adonis showed up with a bottle of wine. He said it was from his father’s vineyards. A special brew. Please enjoy it. I did, the next day. A cross between a white and red. A distinctive special taste.
Yes, Nikos and Maria besides owning the cave villas also own a vineyard and wine producing facility on Santorini. They ship world wide.
Nikos and Maria live across that street I mentioned earlier. In a small apartment less accommodating than the caves. In November, it gets cold on Santorini. They move to their home on the other side of the island. When it gets colder, they move to their home in Athens. During the winter months, they generally take a one to two month trip to the Caribbean or South Pacific.
It gets better.
Santorini and the Greek isles are not the United States. Many amenities we are accustomed to do not exist or are not provided. Like my clothes getting washed and ironed.
I was warned before I embarked on this odyssey that such would be the case. I came prepared. Purchased shirts and shorts at Orvis. That special material that is light, easy to wash and dry. Generally requiring little or no ironing.
I wash my own clothes. For real. Easy. In the bathroom sink. Drop some dish washing fluid on the clothes. A bit of water. Wash with my hands. Then shake dry.
The clothes still need hanging. Dryers are not common place on the island. Could not hang the clothes in front of my cave accommodation. It would not look right nor would it be proper.
There are clothes lines across the street at the cheaper accommodation. I hung my first washing there to dry. When I returned that evening, Maria came out to greet me. She insisted on ironing my clothes. My savior in disguise!
If you ever plan to come to Santorini, stay with Nikos and Maria. You cannot do better. Their telephone number is 003022860 71110. Fax number 003022860 71555. E-mail [email protected].
Enough for today.
There is much still to share.
This afternoon I am going to a beach somewhere on this island. Where I am guaranteed seeing bare breasted women. And, if I am lucky, some bare assed ones.
Enjoy your day!
As I have said in the past, vaccine distribution to Monroe County and Key West is not good. We seem to be forgotten. It appears political pull helps in getting enough vaccine to take care of an area.
Monroe County and Key West seem to be lacking in that regard.
I am happy for the person in Pensacola who was reported to have had excellent service. Not the case here. And none of us are doing anything wrong!
This morning’s Citizens’ Voice had two interesting comments re vaccine distribution/availability.
“Citizens of Monroe County should be outraged that the Medical Center at Ocean Reef, a private club, was allowed to administer 4,000 vaccines that were not available to the public, only to club members. This represents over 85 percent of the vaccine provided  Monroe County.”
“Now I know why after five tries I am unable to get an appointment for the vaccine: politics trumps health.”
Eugene Robinson is one one of the Washington Post’s finest columnists. He also has a touch of Key West in him. Every year, he and his wife spend one month in Key West. Normally January. They were not here in January. Probably the virus.
Robinson’s Washington Post column this morning is titled “To Rebuild the Grand Old Party, First Tear It Down.”
A passage from the column: “Before a sane, responsible political party can rise like a phoenix from the ashes of today’s dangerously unhinged GOP, there must be ashes to rise from. The nation is going to have to destroy the Republican Party to save it.”
Biden has been impressive so far. As he will continue to be. I have faith in the man.
He is moving fast. The  stimulus package, foreign matters, vaccine, etc.
It is very true that you cannot please all of the people all of the time.
Biden spoke before the National Prayer Breakfast. Called out white supremacy and domestic terrorism. And a multitude of other things.
Brian Burch is the President of CatholicVote. After the Breakfast, Burch slammed him for backing abortion and transgenderism. I do not know if Biden mentioned either during his talk. I suspect not.
One old, the other relatively new. Burch forgets that Biden, as with any President, represents all the people and not just one segment.
John Kennedy had a similar problem. Directed primarily at his Catholic faith. His response simple and understandable: “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s.”
Christopher Plummer died. An outstanding actor. His age at death 91. Did not pass away under normal circumstances. He fell and struck his head. The blow to his head resulted in his death.
One of Plummer’s most famous roles was that he performed in The Sound of Music.
His movies many. However, Plummer most enjoyed his Shakespearean performances. He considered himself a Shakespearean actor rather than a movie one. His famous Shakespearean parts were his performances in Hamlet, Macbeth, Richard III, and as Mark Anthony.
He won his first and only Oscar at age 82. He also was rewarded with 2 Tony and 2 Emmy Awards.
John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men was published this day in 1937.
Steinbeck had a marked influence on my young life. My parents had purchased several volumes of Steinbeck’s works. For their enjoyment, not mine.
I was about 10. The books attracted me.
I would sit in a huge easy chair in the living room. A thick red dictionary at my side.
The first work I read was Of Mice and Men. Obviously I did not understand everything. One thing the book did however was to increase my vocabulary and expose me to a world I did not know. Some of which I was happy not to have experienced.
Over a period of time, I also read The Grapes of Wrath and several other Steinbeck works whose names at the moment I cannot recall.
Looking back, the reading I did probably was not uncommon. There were no television or cell phones in those days. Yes, there was radio. However radio did not particularly turn me on except for baseball.
Enjoy you day!
  Ho Ho Yogi Bear was originally published on Key West Lou
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random-lists · 4 years
My Top 50 Listened to Songs on Last.fm
1. One of My Turns-Pink Floyd (94 plays)
2. Young Lust-Pink Floyd (91)
3. Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2-Pink Floyd (72)
4. The Boxer-Simon & Garfunkel (71)
5. 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover-Paul Simon (69)
6. Goodbye Horse-Q Lazzarus (66)
7. Graceland-Paul Simon (65)
8. Kodachrome-Paul Simon (65)
9. Birthday Party-AJR (64)
10. You Can Call Me Al-Paul Simon (64)
11. Night Running-Cage the Elephant (63)
12. The Dark Side-Muse (61)
13. The Happiest Days of Our Lives-Pink Floyd (61)
14. Muscle Museum-Muse (60)
15. Comfortably Numb-Pink Floyd (60)
16. Have a Cigar-Pink Floyd (60)
17. Mama Told Me (Not To Come)-Three Dog Night (60)
18. 100 Bad Days-AJR (59)
19. Everything Now-Arcade Fire (59)
20. Defector-Muse (58)
21. Nobody Home-Pink Floyd (58)
22. Creature Comfort-Arcade Fire (57)
23. The Handler-Muse (56)
24. I Know What I Know-Paul Simon (56)
25. In Dreams-Roy Orbison (56)
26. America-Simon & Garfunkel (56)
27. Keep the Customer Satisfied-Simon & Garfunkel (56)
28. Hey You-Pink Floyd (55)
29. In the Flesh?-Pink Floyd (55)
30. El Condor Pasa (If I Could)-Simon & Garfunkel (55)
31. Alone-Colin Newman (54)
32. Momentary Bliss-Gorillaz (54)
33. The Entertainment’s Here-AJR (53)
34. The Only Living Boy in New York-Simon & Garfunkel (53)
35. Season 2 Episode 3-Glass Animals (52)
36. How Soon Is Now?-The Smiths (52)
37. She’s A Lady-Tom Jones (52)
38. Mrs. Robinson-Simon & Garfunkel (51)
39. Don’t Throw Out My Legos-AJR (50)
40. arrow-half•alive (50)
41. The Suburbs-Arcade Fire (49)
42. Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes-Paul Simon (49)
43. Take Me to the Mardi Gras-Paul Simon (49)
44. The Trial-Pink Floyd (49)
45. God Only Knows-The Beach Boys (49)
46. Tonight, Tonight-The Smashing Pumpkins (49)
47. Somebody to Love-Jefferson Airplane (48)
48. White Rabbit-Jefferson Airplane (48)
49. Hysteria-Muse (48)
50. Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard-Paul Simon (48)
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lixhive · 5 years
Prompt List
1. “Why would you want me?”
2. “You’re joking.... right?”
3. “If you believe so....”
4. “I’m not giving you attitude.”
5. “You got what you deserved.”
6. “Then why don’t you make me.”
7. “Qué? I don’t understand stupidity.”
8. “You have to choose. Is it me or him/her/they?”
9. “How am I cheesy?!”
10. “Cute! I wasn’t talking about you.”
11. “If you love her/him/they, then you gotta let her/him/they go.”
12. “And what are you going to do?”
13. “What about this outfit?”
14. “He/she/they aren’t worth it.”
15. “I’m here to help you. Cut it out!”
16. “You can try, but you’re going to have to catch me.”
17. “I love me too.”
18. “My own (pet) gives me more attention than you.”
19. “Just tell me the truth.”
20. “Who are you talking to?”
21. “(Ex’s name) is calling.”
22. “Why is there so much blood?!”
23. “Fine! I’m leaving.”
24. “You’re the prettiest flower here.”
25. “You spend more time with your friends than you do with me.”
26. “And what proof do you have?”
27. “What a cute precious doll you are...”
28. “Don’t touch me!”
29. “You shine brighter than the sun.”
30. “I’m at work.”
31. “Where are you?”
32. “Answer your phone for once in your life!”
33. “How does this look?”
34. “Do you like what you see?”
35. “Don’t say such things.”
36. “That’s not true.”
37. “All you do is lie.”
38. “She’s prettier than me.”
39. “Could you not!”
40. “What’s your major?”
41. “What class are you studying for?”
42. “I think I like you.”
43. “It’s not you, it’s me. Nah, it’s just you.”
44. “You’re a cheater.”
45. “Mama/Dada, where’s Dada/Mama?”
46. “You’re my princess.”
47. “My two princes and king.”
48. “I’m your king.”
49. “I don’t want the money.”
50. “Stay away from me.”
51. “You’re whipped.”
52. “He(or other pronouns) doesn’t even know it.”
53. “Bow down to your future queen.”
54. “I’ll treat you like a queen.”
55. “Are you alright?”
56. “Did you just kiss me?”
57. “Princess, stop it.”
58. “Why are you in my office?”
59. “How’d you get up/in there?”
60. “I’m here to save your life.”
61. “Will you marry me?”
62. “Me?”
63. “I’m adorable.”
64. “Just admit it to her/him/them.”
65. “She/he/they like you too.”
66. “That’s not my scene.”
67. “Ohh, so that’s what we’re doing...”
68. “Shut up.”
69. “I’m home alone.”
70. “Today’s my birthday.”
71. “I’m an angel.”
72. “I fucking love you.”
73. “You can’t run my life.”
74. “Try living in my shoes.”
75. “I just took them out the oven.”
76. “Miss me?”
77. “Do you smell that? My burning love for you.”
78. “Join me on tour.”
79. “I stopped feeling a long time ago.”
80. “I just want it to end.”
81. “Why not?”
82. “You’re my remedy.”
83. “You got me sick.”
84. “Maybe....”
85. “Save me please!”
86. “It’s my job don’t take it personally.”
87. “We were never a thing.”
88. “Did you actually send it?”
89. “Give me back my phone!”
90. “Can you hear me?”
91. “Okay loverboy, lets go.”
92. “You haven’t been eating?”
93. “Why the fuck do you care?”
94. “I didn’t mean it that way.”
95. “You’re so dramatic!”
96. “I’m breaking up with you.”
97. “C’mere baby.”
98. “Are you crazy? You almost lost your life!”
99. “If I’m breathing then I’m fine.”
100. “Come to you senses already.”
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way-down-meme-town · 4 years
Hadestown Act I Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 212 lyrics from the first act of the musical Hadestown to use for your enjoyment!
Road To Hell 1. “Once upon a time there was a railroad line.”
2. “Don’t ask where, brother, don’t ask when.”
3. “It was the road to Hell. It was hard times.”
4. “It was a world of gods and men.”
5. “It’s an old song. It’s an old tale from way back when.”
6. “It’s an old song and we’re gonna sing it again.”
7. “We got some gods in the house tonight!”
8. “See, on the road to Hell there was a railroad line.”
9. “They was always singin’ in the back of your mind.”
10. “Everybody, meet the Fates.”
11. “If you ride that train to the end of the line where the sun don’t shine and it’s always shady, it’s there you’ll find the king of the mine.”
12. “Someone’s got to tell the tale whether or not it turns out well.”
13. “Not everyone gets to be a god.”
14. “Don’t forget that times are hard.”
15. “This boy was a muse’s son.”
16. “You might say the boy was touched, ‘cause he was touched by the gods themselves.”
17. “There was one more soul on this road.”
18. “Girl, come on in from the cold.”
19. “Thus begins the tale of Orpheus and Eurdyice.”
20. “It’s a tale of love from long ago.”
  Any Way The Wind Blows 21. “She was no stranger to the world, no stranger to the wind.”
22. “The weather ain’t the way it was before. Ain’t no spring or fall anymore.”
23. “There ain’t a thing that you can do when the weather takes a turn on you, ‘cept for hurry up and hit the road.”
24. “People turn on you just like the wind.”
25. “Everybody is a fair weather friend. In the end, you’re better off alone.”
26. “When you’re hungry and there ain’t enough to go around, ain’t no length to which a girl won’t go.”
27. “Sometimes you think you would do anything to fill your belly full of food.”
28. “You know how those muses are, sometimes they abandon you.”
29. “This poor boy, he wore his heart out on his sleeve.”
30. “You might say he was naive to the ways of the world.”
31. “I liked to hear him sing and his way of seeing things, so I took him underneath my wing.”
  Come Home With Me 32. “You wanna talk to her?”
33. “Don’t come on too strong.”
34. “Come home with me.”
35. “Is he always like this?”
36. “Your name is like a melody.”
37. “A singer? Is that what you are?”
38. “Oh, a liar and a player too? I’ve met too many men like you.”
39. “He’s not like any man you’ve met.”
40. “I’m working on a song, a song. It isn’t finished yet, but when it’s done and when I sing it, spring will come again.”
41. “Spring will come.”
42. “I haven’t seen a spring or fall since…I can’t recall.”
43. “That’s what I’m working on, a song to fix what’s wrong. Take what’s broken, make it whole.”
44. “Oh, he’s crazy. Why would I become his wife?”
45. “He’ll make you feel alive.”
  Wedding Song 46. “Lover, tell me if you can, who’s gonna buy the wedding bands?”
47. “Times being what they are, hard and getting harder all the time.”
48. “Lover, when I sing my song, all the rivers’ll sing along.”
49. “The rivers gonna give us the wedding bands.”
50. “Lover, tell me if you can, who’s gonna lay the wedding table?”
51. “Times being what they are, dark and getting darker all the time.”
52. “Lover, when I sing my song all the trees gonna sing along.”
53. “The trees gonna lay the wedding table.”
54. “So when you sing your song, the one you’re working on, spring will come again?”
55. “You wanna take me home? Sing the song.”
56. “Lover, tell me when we’re wed, who’s gonna make the wedding bed?”
57. “Lover, when I sing my song, all the birds gonna sing along.”
  Epic I 58. “Where’d you get that melody?”
59. “It came to me as if I’d known it all along.”
60. “It’s an old song, a song of love from long ago. Long time since I heard it though.”
61. “You’ve heard that melody before?”
62. “Remember the tale I told you once about the gods?”
63. “Remember how it used to be? Their love made the world go round.”
64. “Hades was king of the underworld, but he fell in love with a beautiful lady who walked up above in her mothers green field.”
65. “He took her home to become his queen where the sun never shone on anyone.”
66. “The Gods sang his song of love and the world sang it with them.”
67. “That was long ago, before we were on this road.”
  Livin It Up On Top 68. “On the road to hell there was a lot of waiting.”
69. “These days she never stays for long, but good things come to those who wait.”
70. “Well it’s like he said, I’m an outdoor girl.”
71. “She forgot a little thing called spring.”
72. “Are you wondering where I’ve been?”
73. “Been to hell and back again.”
74. “Like my mama always said: when you’re down, you’re down and when you’re up, you’re up.”
75. “If you ain’t six feet underground, you’re living it up on top.”
76. “Let’s not talk about hard times. Pour the wine, it’s summertime!”
77. “Who makes the summer sun shine bright?”
78. “Who makes the fruit of the vine get ripe?”
79. “Who makes the flowers bloom again, in spite of a man?”
80. “Let me tell you something that my mama said to me: you take what you can get and you make the most of it.”
81. “It was summertime on the road to hell.”
82. “You might say it was in spite of herself.”
83. “For a moment there, the world came back to life.”
84. “Let the poet bless this round.”
85. “To the patroness of all of this, Persephone, who has finally returned to us with wine enough to share.”
86. “If no one takes too much, there will always be enough.”
87. “She will always fill our cups and we will always raise them up to the world we dream about, and the one we live in now.”
88. “Livin’ it up and we ain’t gonna stop.”
  All I’ve Ever Known (Intro) 89. “He had a gift to give. He could make you see how the world could be in spite of the way that it is.”
90. “She’d seen how the world was. When she fell, she fell in spite of herself.”
  All I’ve Ever Known 91. “I was alone so long I didn’t even know that I was lonely.”
92. “Out in the cold so long I didn’t even know that I was cold.”
93. “All I’ve ever known is how to hold my own.”
94. “All I’ve ever known is how to hold my own, but now I wanna hold you too.”
95. “You take me in your arms and suddenly there’s sunlight all around me.”
96. “I don’t wanna go back to the lonely life.”
97. “I don’t know how or why or who I am that I should get to hold you.”
98. “When I saw you all alone against the sky, it’s like I’d known you all along.”
99. “I know you before we met and I don’t even know you yet, all I know is you’re someone I have always known.”
100. “Now I wanna hold you close. I don’t wanna ever have to let you go.”
101. “Say that you’ll hold me forever. Say that the wind won’t change on us.”
102. “Say that we’ll stay with each other and it will always be like this.”
103. “The wind will never change on us as long as we stay with each other.”
  Way Down Hadestown 104. “That was not six months!”
105. “Better go and get your suitcase packed. Guess it’s time to go.”
106. “She’s gonna ride that train til the end of the line.”
107. “Did you ever wonder what it’s like on the underside?”
108. “You either get to hell or to Hadestown, ain’t no difference anymore.”
109. “Everybody tryin’ to get a ticket to go, but those who go they don’t come back.”
110. “Down there it’s a bunch of stiffs. Brother, I’ll be board to death.”
111. “Takes a lot of medicine to make it through the winter time.”
112. “All them shiny little heads and tails, where do you think they come from?”
113. “Everybody shines by the sweat of his brow.”
114. “The wage is nothing and the work is hard.”
115. “It’s a graveyard in Hadestown.”
116. “Mr. Hades is a mean old boss!”
117. “An eye for an eye! A lie for a lie!”
118. “You better forget about your wishing well.”
119. “I missed ya.”
120. “Mr. Hades is a mighty king.”
121. “Must be making some might big deals. Seems like he owns everything.”
122. “Kind of makes you wonder how it feels.”
  A Gathering Storm 123. “He came too soon. He came for her too soon. It’s not supposed to be like this.”
124. “Well, til someone brings the world back into tune this is how it is.”
125. “Touched by the gods is what he is.”
126. “Finish it quick. The wind is changing. There’s a storm coming on.”
  Epic II 127. “Hades is king of oil and coal and the riches that flow where the rivers are found.”
128. “His loneliness moves in him crude and black.”
129. “He thinks of his wife in the arms of the sun.”
130. “Jealousy fuels him and finds him and fills him.”
  Chant 131. “Low. Keep your head low.”
132. “You gotta keep your heard low if you wanna keep your head.”
133. “In the coldest time of year, why is it so hot down here?”
134. “Lover, you were gone so long. Lover, I was lonesome.”
135. “When you feel that fire, think of it as my desire.”
136. “I am keeping one eye on the sky and tryin’ to trust that the song he’s working on is gonna shelter us from the wind.”
137. “In the darkest time of year, why is it so bright down here?”
138. “When you see that glare, think of it as my despair.”
139. “His black gold flows in the world down below and her dark clouds roll in the one above.”
140. “That’s why times are so hard. It’s because of the gods.”
141. “The gods have forgotten the song of their love.”
142. “I’m trying to believe that the song he’s working on is gonna harbor me from the wind.”
143. “Did you think I’d be impressed with this neon necropolis?”
144. “Everything I do, I do it for the love of you.”
145. “If you don’t even want my love, I’ll give it so someone who does. Someone grateful for her fate, someone who appreciates the comforts of a gilded cage.”
146. “Think of them as my embrace of you.”
  Hey Little Songbird 147. “Hey little songbird, give me a song.”
148. “I’m a busy man and I can’t stay long. I got clients to call. I got orders to fill.”
149. “I got walls to build. I got riots to quell.”
150. “They’re giving me hell back in Hades.”
151. “Hey, little songbird, cat got your tongue?”
152. “Always a pity for one so pretty and young when poverty comes to clip your wings and knock the wind right out of your lungs.”
153. “Nobody sings on empty.”
154. “Strange is the call of this strange man.”
155. “You’d shine like a diamond dark in the mine.”
156. “The choice is yours if you’re willing to choose, seeing as you’ve got nothing to lose.”
157. “Wasn’t it gonna be the two of us? Weren’t we birds of a feather?”
158. “Let me guess. He’s some kind of poet and he’s penniless.”
159. “Give him your hand, he’ll give you his hand-to-mouth.”
160. “He’ll write you a poem when the power is out.”
161. “See how the vipers and vultures surround you. They’ll take you down, they’ll pick you clean.”
162. “People get mean when the chips are down.”
  When The Chips Are Down 163. “Life ain’t easy. Life ain’t fair. A girls gotta fight for he rightful share.”
164. “What you gonna do when the chips are down?”
165. “Help yourself, to hell with the rest. Even the one who loves you best.”
166. “Take it if you can, give if you must. Ain’t nobody but yourself to trust.”
167. “Aim for the heart, shoot to kill. If you don’t do it then the other one will.”
168. “The first shall be first and the last shall be last.”
169. “Cast your eyes to heaven, you get a knife in the back.”
170. “Nobody’s innocent now that the chips are down.”
  Gone, I’m Gone 171. “My heart is yours, always was and will be. It’s my gut I can’t ignore.”
172. “My heart it aches to stay, but the flesh will have its way.”
173. “The way is dark and long. I’m already gone.”
174. “Go ahead and lay the blame. Talk of virtue, talk of sin.”
175. “Wouldn’t you have done the same in her shoes, in her skin?”
176. “You can have your principles when you’ve got a belly full, but hunger has a way with you.”
177. “There’s no telling what you’re gonna do when the chips are down.”
  Wait For Me (Intro) 178. “Hey, the big artiste! Ain’t you working on your masterpiece?”
179. “What do you care? You’ll find another muse somewhere.”
180. “Wherever she is is where I’ll go.”
181. “What if I said she’s down below?”
182. “She called your name before she went, but I guess you weren’t listening.”
183. “Just how far would you go for her?”
184. “Course there is another way, but nah, I ain’t supposed to say.”
185. “It ain’t for the sensitive of soul. So do you really wanna go?”
186. “With all your heart? Well, that’s a start.”
  Wait For Me 187. “You have to take the long way down, through the underground under cover of night.”
188. “Ain’t no compass, ain’t no map. Just a telephone wire and a railroad track.”
189. “Wait for me, I’m comin’.”
190. “If all you got is your own two legs, just be glad you got ‘em.”
191. “Who are you to think that you can walk a road that no one ever walked before?”
192. “You’re on the lam, you’re on the run. Don’t give your name, you don’t have one.”
193. “Don’t look no one in the eye.”
194. “That town’ll try to suck you dry.”
195. “They’ll pluck the heart right out your chest.”
196. “I hear the walls repeating the falling of my feet and it sounds like drumming.”
197. “I hear the rocks and stone echoing my song.”
  Why We Build The Wall 198. “Why do we build the wall my children, my children?”
199. “We build the wall to keep us free.”
200. “That’s why we build the wall, we build the wall to keep us free.”
201. “How does the wall keep us free my children, my children?”
202. “How does the wall keep us free?”
203. “How does the wall keep us free? The wall keeps out the enemy.”
204. “Who do we call the enemy my children, my children?”
205. “Who do we call the enemy?”
206. “Who do we call the enemy? The enemy is poverty and the wall keeps out the enemy.”
207. “We have and they have not my children, my children. They want what we have got.”
208. “What do we have that they should want my children, my children?”
209. “What do we have that they should want? We have a wall to work upon.”
210. “Our work is never done my children, my children.”
  Why We Build The Wall (Outro) 211. “There are papers to be signed. Step into my office.”
212. “A lot can happen behind closed doors. That’s for sure, that’s a fact.”
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