#she also meowed at 4am to be played with
phantomrose96 · 9 months
Does Patches know that she is beautiful. Do you tell her frequently. Very beautiful, very powerful.
I have been explaining to my cat she has pretty privilege because she jumped on me at 4 in the morning the other night and I wasn't even mad at her the next day because she was cute about it.
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fruitsgoblin · 1 year
*kicks in the door* I heard you like Sigma and I need your thoughts on him (I have recently discovered him and I feel like I’ve slept on this)
YES... he is the current little meow meow of my heart... tragic enthusiastic astrophysicist with a good heart and a great voice my beloved
im gonna ramble now so---
you can see his origin story video on youtube and currently from what I'm getting there hasn't really been much lore for him since he released like... 3.. years ago? BUT there are little crumbs of information you can get and/or interpret from the voice lines he has and his interactions with the characters in game, some of my faves in particular being:
all the sombra lines with him where it feels like she genuinely cares and worries for him, she looks out for him as Moira and the others perform... definitely """non-intrusive""" experiments on him as he says (I am new to the OW world proper but I can't help but wonder if Talon's experimenting on him is part of why his mental state isn't improving as much as it should (his mind tends to wander).. it's already known that they just want him to be their living weapon and not actually support his research... I hope we get to see him changing over to overwatch's side and get life quality improvements with Winston's help)
the kill lines when you take down moira and doomfist, which are apparently dutch proverbs -- I wonder what his true thoughts are on his "co-workers" and if he truly doesn't realize he's being used
all the voice lines with him asking silly things which convinces me he would 1000% be the one roommate to wake you up at 4am to say things like "if two astronauts were on the moon and one threw a rock at the other one would that be messed up or what"
and... more, honestly, he's a HUGE DORK and while you can feel he's a sweet person trough a lot of the lines theres ones where hes absolutely savage ("death traveled lightyears to take you" when killing someone by throwing a huge rock at them via his gravity powers -- or, my absolute fave that made me cackle maniacally out loud, when interrupting Genji's ability "oh! sorry did I interrupt your swordplay?" LIKE... SIR.)
also bc I just realized I completely forgot to mention the main things about him:
called "sigma", his real name is siebren de kuiper and he's a 62 yr old dutch astrophysicist, focus on black holes, got his gravity powers from said black holes (experiment gone wrong), got emprisoned by the government and boy I can only imagine the trauma this blorbo has (was he receiving proper care??? therapy???? man is literally out here losing himself) and then got rescued by The Baddies TM (Talon) to be turned into a living weapon on the pretense of wanting to help him with his research
(clutches my little gay heart) I have so much love for this senior citizen I will cherish him and kiss he. which is really super funny because I started out playing him because it was funny to inflict ToesMan on my friends but then I heard him and more about him and turns out. I was the one being inflicted with ToesMan all along (we lovingly call him toesman because in most of his skins the only skin showing are his head and his feet)
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thebusylilbee · 3 years
well.. today is a good day because... the cat I adopted has finally accepted me 🥰🥰🥰 she came out of hiding during the day for the first time an hour ago and she has let me pet her a ton ! she has also finally accepted to play and to eat a little. I'm hoping that that means she won't meow at 4am this time bc her previous caretaker has assured me that she doesn't usually do that
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fbfh · 4 years
domestic cozy moments with leo - an anthology
i should really be asleep
aged up to 18+ obvs,,,, rlly wishing this was real rn lmao,,, also it’s fluff if u couldn’t tell 
1600 words
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You set down your last box, hearing a thump in the next room as he sets his. You will your legs to carry you into the next room where he’s waiting, standing, looking at you. The glaring over head light still somehow makes him look good, and you can tell, by this point, that he’s thinking something similar about you. He pulls you closer with one strong comforting gesture, and you both flop unceremoniously down onto the bare mattress on the floor. You tuck the crook of your elbow over your face to block out the harsh light, and gently rub your face into the material of his shirt; a dark flannel over a deep red hoodie, some quote splashed across the chest. The arm wrapped around you bent, his hand brushing the hair at the top of your forehead. 
“We did it,” he breathed.
“Yeah,” you replied, “now we just gotta unpack everything.”
“And organize.”
“And decorate,” you add. There’s a beat of silence.
“God, this is gonna be a nightmare, isn’t it…” he laughs, head resting on top of yours. A slow, tired chuckle rocks your body. 
“Yeah, probably…”
You’ve both been up since about 4am, and have only just finished moving into your apartment. It’s around one or two in the morning. You’re beyond exhausted, the thrill of the move and shitty, delerious humor keeping you running for the last few hours. 
“Y’know what,” he moves, kicking off his shoes, “I say we just crash for the night. Deal with the rest of it in the morning.” He’s already mumbling, his voice groggy - groggier than before - and you can tell he’s losing orbit. Against your wishes, you make yourself sit up. You kneel over to a box a few feet away, and rip the tape off. You pull out a duvet, and shuffle back over to him. 
“Yeah,” you say, already slipping out of your sneakers and throwing some of the blanket over him, “sounds good.” You curl back into him, into a slightly more comfortable position, and start to settle down. 
“Shit,” he hisses, “the light.” You realize the light’s still on and groan.
“Oh god… we’re really that dumb,” you can feel the sleep deprived laughter taking over.
“Wait, wait,” he giggles, the infectious laugh spreading. He leans over, fumbling for the mop next to the broom and vacuum, and holds the flat head, the pole in between his fingers. You feel him shift, and pry your eyes open. He’s almost got it. You make some encouraging ‘oh, ooooh!’s as he lines up the loop at the top with the light switch on the wall and darkness engulfs you. He lays back down in a heap, setting the mop on the floor next to him. 
“Nice!” you press a kiss below his ear, the closest place you could reach, and he mutters sleepily, “Thank you, thank you, I’ll be signing autographs in half an hour,” laughter seeping into his words like a teabag in hot water as he pulls his hood up. Your limbs are already tingly with sleep. He mutters something you can’t make out, and you’re pretty sure you tried to ask what, but you don’t remember anything after that. You don’t know who fell asleep first, but you both slept really well that night. 
Your piping was migraine worthy. 
That’s what Leo had said after about a minute under your bathroom sink. 
You had noticed the water pressure in the sink got really weak after a day or two. Your apartment was pretty old, so it wasn’t surprising. 
“Should we call the superintendent?” you asked through a mouth of ramen. A smile hit his eyes, and you finished the thought he hadn’t said.
“To let him know,” you shoved his chest playfully, “I know you can fix it, that wasn’t a question.” It backed off, and instead he said, “You can try, but I’m pretty sure he’s one of those three-to-five-business-days types.” 
“Well, at least he’ll know what’s going on.” He still had that look. “I’ll tell him not to call a plumber. My boyfriend’s an engineer and can more than handle it.” He seemed satisfied, and grabbed his tools. 
“I’m just saying, I think I know a thing or two about this stuff…” You pulled the still ringing phone from your face. “Duh, you’re the-” the phone stopped ringing. Voicemail. You rolled your eyes as the beep sounded, and left a brief message explaining who you were and the situation. After you finished talking, you hung up. 
“God, I hate talking on the phone,” you mutter. You turn the corner to the bathroom doorway. 
“How’s it looking?” you lean on the door frame, and suppress a chuckle at the sight of your boyfriend laying on a skateboard under the bathroom sink. 
“This makes… no sense…” he muttered. “I mean, who- why would you put a dual check there?” You smiled, loving when he talked about his hyperfixations, even if it barely made sense to you. You decided to check back in a bit, and went to transfer some laundry. 
It had been a while. You had checked on Leo two or three times, and he was still doing something under there. He had come out once or twice to get some parts or piping from his supplies, then went straight back to work. If only you had a dollar for every time you heard him sigh, “there’s gotta be a better way to do this…” It’s been two hours and he needs a break. 
You walk back into the bathroom, step over him, and sit down, your hips right on top of his.
He stops.
He pushes you both out from under the sink, skateboard rolling slowly, his eyes locked with yours.
You just wanted to take out the trash, that was all. But when you entered the back alley and saw a little kitty cat looking so scared by the dumpster, you couldn’t stop your instincts. You set the trash down slowly, scooped up the cat, and marched back inside. You set her - or him? You weren’t sure yet. You set them in the bathroom, made a little nest of towels close to the radiator, and left, closing the door behind you. You came back in with a small storage bin with cat litter - which Leo luckily had on hand for absorbing oil spills in his garage - paper bowls with some tuna and water, and a small ball of yarn from a long since abandoned craft project. The kitty ate all the tuna in record time, and looked at you, asking for more. 
“Wait for that to digest, then you can have seconds.” you said, softly. You gave them a little head pat, and they skittered away, unused to affection. It made your heart a little sad. But it’s okay, you reminded yourself, kitty’s gonna get lots of love from now on. You adjust your seat on the edge of the tub, trying to stop your butt from going numb. You pick the cat up to put them in their makeshift bed, and check under their tummy. Yup, girl kitty. She lets out a high pitched meow, and you can tell she’s still pretty young. You pet her back, and she arches up, her tail curling. She moves away from your hand, still not used to it yet, but a loud purr resonates through her chest and off the walls. You hold back a delighted squeal as she curls up into a ball. Oh jeez, do you have any blankets? You could cover her with a towel, but do you have anything softer? You leave to check, closing the door securely behind you. You dig through the linen closet for a few minutes before you hear the door open and close. 
“Honey, I’m home,” Leo quipped, putting his jacket on the coat rack. You picked up a small fleece decorative blanket you had no use for until now. 
“Hey,” he turned the corner, and placed his hand on your face, and your free hand rested on his. He pressed a warm kiss to your lips, and pulled away even though he didn’t want to. “Hey, Sparky,” you replied, a smile only he could give you blooming on your face. 
He started to tell you you two could catch up in a minute, he just has to wash the stubborn leftover machine oil off his hands, but you stopped him before he could.
“I have a surprise.” You said.
“Okay,” he replied, smiling, “what is it?”
You bit your lip, and quickly pulled him into the bathroom, closing the door quickly behind you. 
“Woah, babe,” he smirked, “if you wanted-” his voice cut off when he saw you kneeling next to a small kitty. 
“Her name is garbage, cause that’s where I found her!” you giggled, quoting the episode of The Office you two had watched just last night. 
“Aww,” he cooed, and began to wash his hands hastily so he could pet her, “she’s adorable!” his voice was soft, and higher than normal, and it was the cutest thing you’d ever heard. He dried off his hands, and bent down to give her a cuddle. You stayed like that for a while, watching her play with string and baby talking her. 
“By the way, Estrella,” he said, breaking his baby voice to look up at you, “we’re not actually naming her garbage, right?”
“No!” you laughed, “She’s too cute, that’d be mean…” 
He giggled at your face, and you two batted names back and forth for a while, trying to find the right one, and eventually settling on Jackhammer, maybe Jack for short.  “She’s definitely as loud as one,” Leo mused when he’d first heard her purr.
She purred a lot more after that.
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beansnpeets · 3 years
Sprocket did not fuss once last night. I kept her awake and busy until about 9pm, then I let her snooze in her pen until bedtime at 10. Took her outside and then put her in her crate and she was sleepy enough to not care and didn't cry once. I think the pre-bedtime nap helped. Took her out at midnight because she usually wakes me up between 1230 and 1 am so may as well get ahead of her. When I put her back she, again, didn't fuss and went back to sleep. Another break at 4am and she was a little restless and was clanging around a little in her crate for a while, but didn't whine or bark at all and eventually settled and went back to sleep. THEN she did whine at 745 am, 15 minutes before my alarm, because the cats decided to have a party and were running around and meowing (playing with a crochet project that is NOT for kittens). I can forgive the puppy for this as it isn't her fault the cats were being rowdy and I'm sure she would have slept until I woke her up had they not been.
It's been really hard to know what to do, even with all my friends and people I trust to give training advice giving me advice. There are contrasting things being told to me and I trust all of these people so it's not like I'm getting bad advice from someone that doesn't actually know what they are doing. It makes it hard to know what to actually do, but thankfully I think I've got what works for us. It's just taken some trial and error.
Also I'm very not an Evening Person™️ so it's been really hard to keep the puppy busy and awake in the evenings before bed. I'm more full of energy and active in the middle of the day and then after supper I like to sit my little ass on the couch and not move until bedtime so it's been exhausting being so busy in the evenings and it's not what I'm used to at all.
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the-canary · 6 years
Languages of Saints - C.R (7/10)
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Summary: A deal isn’t supposed to involve feelings, right? (Reader/Carter Baizen).
Prompt: “Did you enjoy yourself last night?”
A/N: for @imcarterbaizen​ old challenge. shout out to my bff @ilsa-faustus because i know nothing about high end brands, and she helped picked the clothes for this. please don’t take the person wearing the dress as an actual visual of the main character, it is simple a reference for you to make a basis out of.  
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 
Feedback is always appreciated.
It’s easy to let work pile up, to let it be the only thing that dominates your mind to and back home from work. Numbers and words are easier to handle the people and emotions, you tend to ignore those until the fester and it’s too late -- work is always there with a straightforward answer in its numbers and it doesn’t talk back. You can disconnect with it and it doesn’t hurt like when a person stops interacting with you, maybe that’s why you could handle Rocio so well. Roci was forest fire that hid after she burned herself out and didn’t come back until she was some semblance of her former self -- for all the insane schemes she had put you through the years, she had never showed you that softer side of her personality -- and you never had either.
Okay, maybe that wasn’t the complete truth. There bits here and there, like the garden party, where you would stand by your best (and only) friend if it was called for. And in the same, twisted sort of way -- Rocio tried her best to protect you too. Though, it was too damn early to be sending her cryptic text messages when you had work in the morning
Don’t do it. You’ll just get hurt in the end.    
You move from your bed, as Monsieur makes a loud meow at the interruption to his sleep. You check the time again to see that it’s 4am. You groan and wonder what she means, roll around a bit more -- forgetting all about the message and going back to those strange dreams filled with cold numbers and equally as icy blue eyes -- not that you remember anything when your real time to wake up when morning comes around.
However, Carter Baizen isn’t the same type of rich person as Rocio. He likes poking and prodding at people in his own way until he finds something that bothers them. It had taken him a long while, but once he had found a weakness of yours; he went in for the kill. You were a natural workaholic and while it was something that he admired, it was also something he exploited after the gala event incident. No, it wasn’t that he made you work more, but in his own cheekiness of mentioning how he could ruin the events leading up to gala.
Since agreeing to being his plus one, it had opened some type gate to him trying to get a rise out of you. In the events you needed to attend, he was always dressed to the nines in Hugo Boss suits, but the moment someone turned around he was always making some type of slide remark and he did in moments where the possibility of getting caught was high. At this point you weren’t sure if he was trying to make you mad or trying to make you laugh. As in the current moment, Carter Baizen had taken you to a quick dinner with some “very”  important people in downtown Manhattan.
Personal assistant could be added to your resume at this point, but you weren’t sure that the scantily clad woman next to the man was here for the same reason as you. The man was complaining to the waiter about his steak when you hear a small murmur above the classical music.
“Always does it,” you glance to your right side to see sparkling blue eyes and a wagging eyebrow and you put two and two together. This man of high status complained about his steak to get it cheaper all the time. You don’t know why, maybe it’s the lack of sleep, the way he shakes his head with a silent laugh, or just how ridiculous the situation is that it has you letting out a snort, catching everyone’s attention as you grab your handkerchief pretend to sneeze.
“Excuse me,” you manage to say, as the man simply scolds you before going back to talking with Mr. Baizen. You can’t help the smile that blooms on your face for a moment, one that you try to hide behind the wine glass, as the meeting continues.
However, after everything is said and done, after the drunk business man and his “date” leave, Carter Baizen can’t help but let out a loud laugh into the humid New York air as your shake your head.
“What an idiot,” Carter lets out with while placing his hands into his pockets, you just shake your head but can’t help but agree silently, not that you would ever tell him. However, as he runs a hand through his hair with laugh lines around his eyes, you can’t help but think it looks good on him compared to all the other times you have interacted with him.
“You’re child, Mr. Baizen,” is all you’ll say on the subject, as he keeps laughing.  
The second time you think Carter Baizen is playing with you is when you come back from lunch and have a beautifully suited woman sitting on your desk. Her blonde hair is flowing to her shoulders. She’s wearing a pure white suit and accessories all over her hands and neck that you are sure cost more than you’ll ever make. However, the thing that stands out most are her high heels that shine gold in the artificial light, you pause momentarily out fear at the entrance of your office door, as beautifully painted brown eyes stare at you. Her mouth twitches just a little as you duck your head in.
“Umm, where you waiting for me?” you ask timid to stare, much less speak to such a stylish woman. It was easier with Rocio after years of friendship, but this woman was something all together. She drops down her legs from the desk and smiles.
“I’m Cameron,” she explains as you close the door, “One of Carter Baizen’s personal stylists, but for today I’ll be handling your dress attire for the gala.”
“I don’t think I need help dressing up,” you freeze up mortified at the attention and money suddenly being placed into what you wore, something that you still aren’t used to even after that shopping spree, “I’m sorry for wasting your time.”
“Ah, he said you would say that,” Cameron just keeps smiling while pulling out her phone and relaying a certain message, “Mr. Baizen says: Tell my lovely date, that I am personally paying for your services. It is a waste of your time and my money not to have her at her best, especially with so many potential donors for the children’s hospital. If not I could find someone with --”
“Please stop ,” you groan out, as she gives you a pointed smile, “So what do you need of me?”
“Your body,” she states as your eyes grow wide at her tone. She stands up, heels echoing on the linoleum, and crosses the distance between the two of you before pushing you outside once more, “And for you to do everything I say without a fuss.”
“I-I can try,” you say nervously as she drags your across the office and into the elevators. It isn’t much of a scene, but Cameron’s outfit and you just being out is enough to have a few eyes staring at you. Nick looks on from the water cooling station before waving at you to have a good whatever it is you’re doing.
“Thanks!” you yell back, as the blond chuckles behind you. You’re a little fearful over her next words as she takes you to the elevator -- where she is leading you, you have no clue.
“Just watch, we’ll have Carter Baizen graveling at your feet, sweetie.”
You don’t know if you should be excited or angry at the man who you are sure will be laughing about this later.
 Carter Baizen isn’t sure why he is feeling so nervous as he walks around the large hallway leading to the gala he is too attend this evening. He is perfection in a black on black Armani suit with his hair slicked back in just the right angle. He had his selling pitch ready for anyone that is even hesitating to give tonight with the charm amped up to 10x more than usual. Nothing could get in his way tonight, except that his date wasn’t here yet. Cameron had messaged him that there were few problems with the original dress and she was getting a new one last minute. It meant that you didn’t come together as planned, now he was waiting with no updates -- something that drove him a little stir crazy. He’s about have a very angry phone call with one of his favorite stylists, but then he hears it.
“And who are you with, miss?” the maitre d asks.
“I’m Mr. Carter Baizen’s plus one,” there is an unusual pitch to the voice that is usually so sarcastic and fiesty with him, but Carter at this point knows it by heart. Blue eyes look up and freeze at the sight in front of him. Hair pinned back with just a bit of makeup but bright red lips. They match your knee-length dress and jacket in its red-and-black combo with red heels to finish the combo.
He’s mesmerized, making a reminder that he needs to give Cameron extra the next time he sees her. He gets tunnel vision for a moment, as you get closer to him -- a worried look on your face.
“I’m sorry, something happened to the Chanel dress last minute. Cameron found this though,” you sway a little to emphasize the new dress and smile, “I think it looks better though.”
“Yeah, it looks great,” he tries to says as nonchalant as possible before grabbing your hand, though you give him a look that causes him to laugh, “None of that tonight. Smile and sell what you gotta for those kids, but not everything.”
His joke causes you to shake your head but he can feel you ease up just a little at you take your first steps into the large and highly decorated ballroom . Your eyes growing for moment.
“Mr.Bai--” you start, only to have him cut you off.
“ Tut tut , it’s Carter for tonight,” he reprimands you, which causes you to frown as blue eyes stare at your red lips for a moment. He knows for sure they are going to be a distraction for the rest of the night. But, instead of listening to whatever fears you might have due to fully emerging into the world of the filthy rich and famous of NYC, he just grabs your hand tighter and pulls you head first into the shark den. It was a bit harsh, but he knew you had it in you.
“Don’t forget to smile,” he chuckles quietly as the first old, wealthy couple makes its way to the two of you.
 Carter knows that there might some ramifications in letting you go on your own to talk to people here and there throughout the event. You were fresh meat for them without the cynical nature some rich people had. There was also the chance that someone might get too touchy-feely with you or someone talked in a certain way about your relationship with him because there were also rumors floating around when it came to him. But, he believed in your level-headedness and natural charisma that seemed to shine in the oddest of moments, plus he knew by now that you cared deeply about cause like this.
Nevertheless, he always stays close to you and as he watches you work your magic on the Livingstons, then the Winthrops, hell even the old Vanderbilt heiress falls under your spell as he watches each one of them head up front and make a donation after talking to you. You just might be even better than him, as he watches you laugh and talk to a certain famous news anchor. And for a moment he wonders it this is just all naturally you or something you have cultivated from knowing Rocio for so long. Eventually after talking and mingling, you end up sitting in one of the many side tables, jacket resting on the chair, as he comes to your side.   
“So, how are you enjoying yourself?” he asks, as you look up from your small tray of finger food with a tired smile, though the effect from hours before still hasn’t faded away. He grabs your hand and drags you to the large dancing space. You groan in annoyance, but say nothing, which Carter considers a win as he slips a hand around your waist and you place a hand on his shoulder, frown in place like always. He’s just getting used to it to live with it.  
“It’s nice, I guess,” you explain after a smile, as the song dies and a new one begins. It isn’t the same as the garden party. There isn’t any joking around as the soft jazz music plays and he drags you just a bit closer.
“But, not your thing?” he asks, as you shake your head. You bit your lip in thought for a moment, as blue eyes zoom into the action before you start talking once more.
“Hmm, I’m sure that some people would love this glitz and glamour, spending time dancing and eating the best food while wearing an expensive dress,” you look down motion to said fancy thing before admitting the truth, “But in all honesty, I would rather be eating Thai with Monsieur right now.”
“Monsieur?” he has heard everything you had said, and while he mull over it later, Carter asks about the thing strange in that statement.  
“Ah, my pet cat,” you clarify as he nods, though ready to add something. However, you beat him to the punch, “And yes, I’ve already heard the old cat lady jokes.”
He laugh as you look away in embarrassment but then think about everything you had said on how you would rather be relaxing than putting up pretenses, and he can’t help but agree. So instead of going back to the table were your jacket is placed, he starts heading toward the entrance. In your confusion you protest just a little, though thankful that all your important stuff in a small pocket on the side of the dress as Carter Baizen drags you from the gala event --clock close to striking midnight-- and to god knows where.      
 You never make it an easy job for Carter Baizen to have you enter his car, as you frown and complain that you aren’t going anywhere without knowing to which borough he had in mind. He can’t help but reminisce to the party all those months back and grin before letting you know that you were heading to Brooklyn for some real food -- something your stomach greatly approved of. This lead to you and the Carter Baizen to be sitting in your formal wear on a bench on the side of of the Brooklyn Bridge with a pizza between the two of you. It’s silent for a long while, as both of you take your fill, though you try your hardest to make sure the dress doesn’t get any food on it. The silence eventually bothers Carter too much, as he asks the first thing that pops into his head, while staring at the murky waters not that far away.
“So, do you enjoy this type of stuff,” he asks as you turn to look at him, searching for a further explanation, “Charity, helping people?”
“You’re really are a rich boy,” you say with a little malice, as if you had an old anger for something you couldn’t stop years ago, “But, not everyone has the type of money to have preventative care or to pay for their medicine.”
“Who?” he can’t help but ask because he knew the everyone at Baizen Co. had a pretty good healthcare packet compared to other companies, especially you. So, it had to be something connected to your past and it go him curious.
“Doesn’t matter,” you cut him off from learning anything about the part of your life, before taking a bite of pizza, closing off this part of the conversation, “Nostalgia won’t bring the things you love back.”
“How noble of you,” he bites back like a child, as you frown.
“Ah… thank you for the backhanded compliment,” you bite back and he can’t help but be caught off guard that you are calling him back on his attitude in your own way.  
“I didn’t mean like that,” he gives a weak excuse as it’s your turn to have that particular grin on your face, in order to push back the unpleasant thoughts of what you had just talked about.
“Hmm,” is all you say as a response.
“You’re a tough one to crack,”  he admits in annoyance, before running a hand through his hair as it to emphasize his exasperation towards you even more. Though, he should know that the feeling was mutual by now.   
“Would you want it any other way?” you start before going off, while pointing at him with annoyance in your voice, but not much else as when he first meet you,  “Or do you enjoying having those young ladies falling at their feet, calling you nicknames, what are they --Saint Carter, Car Car -- while none of the work gets done? I’ve known you long enough to know that you appreciate efficiency over anything else.”
“Ah, you have me there,” he states with a shiteating grin on his face at your little tirade, leaning back onto the bench, full from the meal as he adds on,“Spitfire.”
“Now that’s a compliment, Mr. Baizen,” you nod, before adding much to his surprise, “So, got any good stories to tell?”
“Like what?” he asks while turning just to look at you -- more carefree than usual underneath the moon and streetlights that he wished he had a camera to capture the moment.  
“Like Texas or Machu Pichu?” you tease, remembering what Rocio had told you once from her own stories,  and hopeful to move the discussion into something happier, “Maybe even that Bass famous rivalry?”
“You really wanna hear about all that?” Carter asks, a curious uptick in his voice as he wonders why you would want to know about all the stupid things he had done back in his youth. You just shake your head and laugh.  
“Entertain me,” ( It’s a date isn’t it?) is the thing you want to tack on, but shut your mouth at such a thought, regardless of anything else this man was your boss ahead of anything else.
You pause even more staring at the pizza in your hand, as Carter starts telling you stories that have you laughing at his antics and the general attitude that all these rich people had, but you could see how this allowed Mr. Baizen to con them, though things didn’t always end up well for him as times either. And while you enjoy the rest of the night, you can’t help but think towards the end  -- when the hell did your view of Carter Baizen change?  
Don’t do it. You’ll just get hurt in the end.    
You hear Rocio’s words ringing in your head, completely unaware that said man was looking at you like you have hung yp all the stars in the sky.
Part 8
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queerqueerqueer · 5 years
What animals do you have? And what are they like?
I have two cats and a dog, plus my roommate has a cat!
Elle is a black cat, 4 years old, she’s chubby baby at about 14 lbs. Elle wears a pink collar. She’s a cuddly baby, wants belly rubs and to be on your shoulders. She’s kinda bitchy. If you sit on the toilet in our bathroom she’ll come up to you to ask for belly rubs by dramatically flopping over. Demands the top of the cat tree. Will knock shit over if she doesn’t receive enough attention, particularly at 3-4am. Elle is currently napping.
Azula is a cat,also black but with a white ‘bikini’, also 4, but more athletic build at 9lbs. Azula wears a blue collar. She’s very friendly and wants to be around you, but not touching except for Very Specific Pets. She loves receipts, going outside, and playing fetch. She won’t sit on the bathroom counter but she will sit on the kitchen counter. She will steal food out of your mouth if it’s a pop tart or slim Jim. Will whine and cry if there’s raw chicken out, but if you give it to her she doesn’t eat it, just plays with it. Also cries for whipped cream, but is scared of the sound it makes. She protects us from the Shadow Creatures. Azula is currently batting at a window.
Elle and Azula are litter mates, so I get to see them cuddle and groom each other ❤️❤️
Akiela is our newest addition, she’s the dog, 10 months old. She’s baby. I’m still learning her personality. Mostly she just wants to be around me or Emily. She’s smart, learned lay down today! Not smart enough to leave the cats alone yet. She goes absolutely crazy if there’s certain types of light? A patch of sun on the stairs, reflections from her water bowls, reflections from her own collar. Lord help us if a laser pointer comes out. Akiela is currently cuddling me.
Our roommates’ cat is Murphy, he’s a big fluffy baby. Very Loud. He also wants the top of the cat tree, so that’s fun. He’s a super model, always posing. He’s very playful. Murphy is currently crying upstairs, just laying down in the hallway, meowing at the top of his lungs. No clue what he wants.
I love all the babies so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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textsacc · 2 years
mm 🥺 nvm bestie i cant sleeb i have a lot to say n think abt
like how when i put my head down on a pillow n close my eyes i can rly see mc and its bad idw to 🥺 n also now im feeling regret for playing mc im so upset bc i cant seem to feel good abt being able to play games
mmm n also i felt bad trying to sleeb bc i missed u n miss sleebbing w u but was playing mc and i prefer u to minecraft and its just !!!! bad that i had to focus on minecrafr
like i didnt even get to ask u abt ur day or anth i ddint get to tell u that u did a great job w the party i didnr get to ask how u celebrated. u know what i also realize while laying down. i didnt even get to ask u out this summer n im so frustrated bc sch is starting for u n idw interrupt your schedule but i wanna do stuff now that im finally not busy and its just!!! its just a whole mess!!! i dont like it,,, i just wanna spend time tgt n cuddle,,,
i was only reading some manga today, regular fantasy isekai, called reincarnation of a sword, but i hated how the story progressed so i just. got rly mad at the state of my life rn idk???? tired n upset abt it n also i miss u n like cant believe i want to prioritize u above all else no joke its kind of }:v mood??? idk
n also i wanted to ask for clash but like thats secondary
jn me in mc i was playing w kon n sab n we were killing the ender dragon n also raiding some cities aft that. which is rly high pressure bc theres a lot of enemies after me n its rly easy to die AND i was the only one raiding it bc kon n sab cldnt help as much so they took forever while trying to get to a place i alr cleared out. i was trynna go fast n get the impt stuff for them n get out bc we all hated the place. n they yelled at me for stealing the show n flexing ig
tmr ill b going to sabs house bc they wanna hang out b4 going to nex to eat dinner w yee. and that sounds rly nice but at the same time i feel rly burnt out for sm reason. yes its 4am ig thats probably why i feel awful but. idk i also want cuddles n kisses ig. i wan cute girl (you) n im sorry i didnt get to see u off to sleeb 🥺 i rly wanted to n i was trynna raid asap so i cld but ik ur good girl n sleeb early bc school n i respect that so its nbd but i also rly like u n i wanna tuck u into bed n its like so routine that i miss u dearly at night n also it feels wrong when i cant. like if every day was a chapter you wld b my ending paragraph and if u werent there it wld feel like the chapter ended with tension. idk does that make any sense
also i wanted to lyk that like. im still talking to katelyn right bc of the site n we're friends but like. bestie. i need u to know i forgot to spell her name when we were talking. the aftnoon like 3 to 4 days ago when u were like gonna go ask katelyn or smth. she was going to sleeb bc our aftnoon is usa sleeby time i think and she said goodnight to me with my name but i cldnt mirror it back. i dont know why i thought it was kaitlyn (league of legends???) but ik i dont rmb how to spell it and the fact that u did makes me rly upset platonically and impressed every other manner. because i fucking didnt. 😭 just ic u wanna know how much shes on my mind (shes not. i miss u a whole lot. i want to sleeb w u agn)
bestie i hope ur day at sch goes okay 🥺🥺 n ill sleeb early w u i promise im not even gonna touch mc past 11 any more idk why it makes me feel sick but ik it does n im just. i want to stop feeling awful n up at 3 to 6 am during the hols. i miss you a lot n if i cld i wld like to follow u everywhere n help u out 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 pls keep me close like ur pet or ur little meow meow,,,
ilysm cutie 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i wish i was cuddling u instead of blahaj atm even if he is comfy. i wan giv u so many kiss n brush ur hair n tell u ur cute n go head empty i always go head empty when ur arnd and i like that... ure an angel 🥺🥺🥺🙏❤️
thank u bestie gnight 🥺🥺🙏
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levi-supreme · 2 years
hehe be ready for a long one, mrs ackerman!! if i could send all the colors, i would. nothing is stopping me, but i’ll pick a few for now…
strawberry lemonade, buttercup, PLUM, blue bell, mahogany, aqua, fuchsia <3
ALSO I LISTENED TO THE SONGS YOU SENT!! for pure grinding, i can’t get “try to make a dollar out of fifteen cents” to “…changes that made me who i am” out of my head AAAAA its my favorite part
as for i will show you by ailee, i caught myself singing along in the shower earlier haha. it’s slow at the start, then upbeat, and its so catchy!! perfection. its one of the features i love in a song, and its a new artist. but now i’ll be listening to her more!!! i also really love the song shut up and my love from the same album XD
i absolutely love the lazy song by bruno mars. its such a mood all day, every day ☺️ we should definitely play D:BH for the rest of the day instead urgh!!! you know, i recently have found myself falling for xiao...
Suki my dear Mrs Arlert-Ackerman!!!!!!!! Answering you below the cut because.....
Warning: Verbal diarrhoea, long post XD
What colour am I?
Strawberry lemonade | Buttercup | Blue bell
Oh pleaseeeeeeee I could say the same thing for you too!!!!! You are so sweet and very cute and a ball of energy and you are always channelling the little sister vibes hahaha what a cutie. I'm so glad to have known you too!! You're a joy to be around and I am always manifesting good vibes and good things for you too my dear hehe.
Oh please I COULD SAY THE SAME THING FOR YOU SUKI. You are ALWAYS up past your bed time and if you're replying to this ask at 4am again I swear... imma get Sumo to bite you >:( please get more sleep or you end up with permanent dark circles like me 😭
Mahogany | Aqua
Likewise, I would listen to you ramble for hours too!!! Always remember that I'll always be there to listen to your rants and problems!!! 💕 and also, YOU are the one with lots of creative ideas!!!!! I'm so sorry I haven't been posting much from my springtime event which is waaaaaaayyyy overdue T.T but I love all the requests you've sent me so please don't ever feel bad for spamming my inbox <3
YESSSSSSSS LET'S LIVE IN A CASTLE TOGETHER WITH ALL OUR SELF-SHIP FRIENDS!!!!! The castle will be filled with us and our mans and the kids (maybe mine and the Smiths kids only LOL) and also all the fur kids!!!!!! There will be so many of us so we better get that castle or people might complain about us being too noisy 😂
And now, I can move to the second part of your ask HAHA!!!
Like I said, the beats in Pure Grinding are really sick and be hitting harder than Avicii's other songs haha but yes, I love his music!! I love the lyrics too, and coupled with that bass line? Mmmm. It's pure grinding for me too HAHAHA.
And yayyyyy I'm so amazed that I will show you is stuck in your head 😍 Ailee's such a fantastic vocalist and I really love her music. Her ballads are really great too, and she also sang some OSTs for Korean dramas as well <3
Last but not least. Let's play D:BH all day until we get 100% completion on the entire game!!!!! Let's unlock every single cut scene and scenario there is in the game (and then we can also see more Connor hehe).
Alsoooooo I 10/10 agree with you on Xiao 🥺 I have such a soft spot for him too!!!! I regretted not going for him when he first came out, and I was so happy I got him during his rerun 😭😭 Xiao's my little meow meow and I wanna put him in my pocket and carry him around 🥺 of course I love my main hoes Diluc Zhongli and Ayato, but I will always have a space in my heart for Xiao hehe.
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kittyhelpdesk · 5 years
Help, My Kitten Won't Sleep Through the Night!
"My kitten is three months old and she wakes at 4AM and eats my hair, hits me in the face, and scratches and nibbles my face and hands. I try to ignore her but she just carries on. I have started taking her to the living room and shutting the door which she seems fine with, no scratching or meowing. My question is, is it okay to shut her in the living room when I go to bed or will she be on her own too long? Any other suggest welcome!"  -- Lisa C.
Lisa, most cats engage in this sort of behavior, but its especially prevalent in kittens. In most cases, they simply have a hyper kinetic rhythm and need contact like they'd have with their mom or siblings just before dawn. The easiest method of dealing with this is to adopt a second kitten. Two kittens are actually easier to care for than one, but there are also expenses to consider. Honestly, two kittens are much better for their own health and mental well being long term if you can afford it.
You're doing the right thing in ignoring Maisie. If you get up or interact with her in any way, she's training you, not the other way around. We encourage you to stick it out even though that can be difficult. If you need a break, we understand. Yes, she'll be fine in the other room alone, but she'll bond more closely to you if she's allowed to sleep with you. If you choose to put her out of the bedroom at night, it's imperative that she has her pick of warm comfy places to sleep. This is also where that second kitten can come in handy.
You see, the bed is the scent center of the household to cats. It's the one place that smells most like you. Maisie will feel very comfortable there. Excluding her from the bedroom at night can send a message that she isn't a part of the family. Of course, a lot depends on the individual cat. Some cats need more contact than others. Some will prefer to sleep in other rooms or near windows during summer months, but dive right back into the bed at the first hint of a chilly evening.
You can help to minimize the early morning “wake up and play with me” behavior by creating a nighttime routine for Maisie. A cat's natural rhythm in life is hunt-eat-sleep. You can use this to get her to sleep when you're ready. 30-60 minutes before bedtime, give Maisie an intense play session. Really work her out and get her running around the room for at least 20-30 minutes. Then feed her a big meal - as much as she can eat. When she's done, tell her it's time for bed and go through your evening routine. By the time you develop this into a daily routine, you should see Maisie begin to anticipate what will happen next. She may even prompt you to do what she expects. When she gets in bed to sleep, she should fall asleep after the play and feeding. That doesn't insure she'll sleep through the night, but it's a good start. Also remember to put away all of Maisie's toys before bedtime.
If you can afford it, you can also get her her own bed or blanket. The softer the better. You want something that feels like Maisie's mother's belly. She may find comfort in kneading her paws against it and give you a break. She may not use it at first, but don't get discouraged. Give her some time to be curious about it. Cats love to make choices and most rotate their sleeping locations frequently.
Of course, she's a kitten so she's going to wake you up during the night sometimes. Even adults do this sometimes, but you can minimize the behavior by following the steps I've outlined. Good luck!
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cynthiajayusa · 6 years
Pride Island: Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade & Street Festival
Pride season in South Florida is finally drawing to a close, and a little bird told me (I think her name was Vanessa Williams) that they saved (one of) the best for last.
Wilton Manors Stonewall Parade and Pride Festival will rock the Island City on Saturday, June 16, as more than 45,000 of us arrive to get our rainbow on. It all kicks off when the Marketplace opens at 4pm, with more than 100 booths spread along the length of Wilton Drive, including vendors of every stripe, artists, activists, service agencies, and, of course, plenty of food and drank.
Meanwhile, parade contingents will have been queuing up just south of the river (and the Dairy Queen!) at Fort Lauderdale High School, preparing to step off at 5pm. The parade lasts about 90 minutes, then The Drive slips into full-on street-party mode.
Who am I kidding? The Drive is in full-on street-party mode all day and evening, with folks enjoying the Marketplace — and each other’s company. The focus of much of the partying will be the four major stages set up along the parade route, where the best, the brightest, the queerest, and the most outrageous among us will be strutting their stuff from mid-afternoon.
Read on for the skinny on all the hot stage action.
iHeartRadio Stage
4–11pm, Wilton Dr at 6th Ave
The iHeart Stage is ground zero for your Stonewall Pride celebrations, and it all kicks off with the official opening ceremonies at 4:15pm, featuring appearances by local leaders including Wilton Manors Mayor Gary Resnick, Vice Mayor (and mayoral candidate!) Justin Flippen, and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
After the parade wraps up around 6:30, the stage kicks into high gear with DJs including iHeartRadio’s Mobile Mike as well as special guest DJs from 93.9 MIA, not to mention dozens of local performers. Keeping them all in line will be your lovely and talented hosts: Misty Eyez, Nicole Halliwell, and Hotspots LIVE’s very own Kitty Meow.
The Manor Stage
3–11pm, 2345 Wilton Dr
The Manor parking lot will be its own little street party. They’re bringing in food trucks! Meanwhile, out on The Drive, the megaclub showcases two of its most popular resident DJs on its outdoor stage: DJ Sushiman gets things going at 3pm, and DJ JPS takes over from 6pm to 11. Between beats, expect plenty of performers.
To help you transition from the street into the club (no cover tonight!), DJ Kidd Madonny will be stepping up to the decks on The Manor’s indoor stage at 10pm, where the Miami fave will keep the crowd jumping until 4am.
Hunters Stage
From 6pm, 2232 Wilton Dr
You can expect a DJ and emcee, but the big draw at Hunters will be the big name: Crystal Waters. The dance-music queen got her break in 1991 with “Gypsy Woman (She’s Homeless),” a worldwide phenomenon. Since then, she’s been singing a whole lot more than just “la da dee, la dee da.” Girlfriend’s had twelve No. 1 Billboard Dance Club Hits over the past quarter century, including last year’s smash “Testify” (with HiFi Sean) and her current chart-topper, “I Am House.”
Also appearing: The Big Dipper, who Vice described a few years ago as “a hairy, filthy-mouthed queer rapper out of Chicago who has a theater background, and way better style than you,” will be jetting in from his new base in L.A.
He’ll be joined by NYC-bred rapper (and dancer) Reijo Rych, who will not need to fly in because he’s now local talent. This won’t be Rych’s first time on The Drive. He’s played Stonewall before. He even won Rumors Talent Search back in the day.
Rumors Stage
6–11pm, 2426 Wilton Dr
Speaking of Rumors, the Upper Drive staple is promising its largest Stonewall stage ever. And they’re gonna need it to hold all the talent because this year the popular bar and grill is springing for a 7-piece live band. Fronted by both male and female vocalists, the band will be serving up your pop favorites for the ages: Britney to Bruno Mars, Bon Jovi to Lady Gaga.
Sounds like if you need a break from drag performances during Stonewall — say it isn’t so! — Rumors will be your official lip-sync-free zone.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/06/14/pride-island-wilton-manors-stonewall-pride-parade-street-festival/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2018/06/pride-island-wilton-manors-stonewall.html
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demitgibbs · 6 years
Pride Island: Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade & Street Festival
Pride season in South Florida is finally drawing to a close, and a little bird told me (I think her name was Vanessa Williams) that they saved (one of) the best for last.
Wilton Manors Stonewall Parade and Pride Festival will rock the Island City on Saturday, June 16, as more than 45,000 of us arrive to get our rainbow on. It all kicks off when the Marketplace opens at 4pm, with more than 100 booths spread along the length of Wilton Drive, including vendors of every stripe, artists, activists, service agencies, and, of course, plenty of food and drank.
Meanwhile, parade contingents will have been queuing up just south of the river (and the Dairy Queen!) at Fort Lauderdale High School, preparing to step off at 5pm. The parade lasts about 90 minutes, then The Drive slips into full-on street-party mode.
Who am I kidding? The Drive is in full-on street-party mode all day and evening, with folks enjoying the Marketplace — and each other’s company. The focus of much of the partying will be the four major stages set up along the parade route, where the best, the brightest, the queerest, and the most outrageous among us will be strutting their stuff from mid-afternoon.
Read on for the skinny on all the hot stage action.
iHeartRadio Stage
4–11pm, Wilton Dr at 6th Ave
The iHeart Stage is ground zero for your Stonewall Pride celebrations, and it all kicks off with the official opening ceremonies at 4:15pm, featuring appearances by local leaders including Wilton Manors Mayor Gary Resnick, Vice Mayor (and mayoral candidate!) Justin Flippen, and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
After the parade wraps up around 6:30, the stage kicks into high gear with DJs including iHeartRadio’s Mobile Mike as well as special guest DJs from 93.9 MIA, not to mention dozens of local performers. Keeping them all in line will be your lovely and talented hosts: Misty Eyez, Nicole Halliwell, and Hotspots LIVE’s very own Kitty Meow.
The Manor Stage
3–11pm, 2345 Wilton Dr
The Manor parking lot will be its own little street party. They’re bringing in food trucks! Meanwhile, out on The Drive, the megaclub showcases two of its most popular resident DJs on its outdoor stage: DJ Sushiman gets things going at 3pm, and DJ JPS takes over from 6pm to 11. Between beats, expect plenty of performers.
To help you transition from the street into the club (no cover tonight!), DJ Kidd Madonny will be stepping up to the decks on The Manor’s indoor stage at 10pm, where the Miami fave will keep the crowd jumping until 4am.
Hunters Stage
From 6pm, 2232 Wilton Dr
You can expect a DJ and emcee, but the big draw at Hunters will be the big name: Crystal Waters. The dance-music queen got her break in 1991 with “Gypsy Woman (She’s Homeless),” a worldwide phenomenon. Since then, she’s been singing a whole lot more than just “la da dee, la dee da.” Girlfriend’s had twelve No. 1 Billboard Dance Club Hits over the past quarter century, including last year’s smash “Testify” (with HiFi Sean) and her current chart-topper, “I Am House.”
Also appearing: The Big Dipper, who Vice described a few years ago as “a hairy, filthy-mouthed queer rapper out of Chicago who has a theater background, and way better style than you,” will be jetting in from his new base in L.A.
He’ll be joined by NYC-bred rapper (and dancer) Reijo Rych, who will not need to fly in because he’s now local talent. This won’t be Rych’s first time on The Drive. He’s played Stonewall before. He even won Rumors Talent Search back in the day.
Rumors Stage
6–11pm, 2426 Wilton Dr
Speaking of Rumors, the Upper Drive staple is promising its largest Stonewall stage ever. And they’re gonna need it to hold all the talent because this year the popular bar and grill is springing for a 7-piece live band. Fronted by both male and female vocalists, the band will be serving up your pop favorites for the ages: Britney to Bruno Mars, Bon Jovi to Lady Gaga.
Sounds like if you need a break from drag performances during Stonewall — say it isn’t so! — Rumors will be your official lip-sync-free zone.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/06/14/pride-island-wilton-manors-stonewall-pride-parade-street-festival/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/174883726825
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djgwritings · 7 years
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Shadow Kitty, 2003 - November 3, 2017
Ever the multi-layered onion, the last few months Shadow not only surprised me hiding behind the shower curtain, but notably when scratching gently at my art room door to inform she was ready to be dismissed.​ If I was in concentration with art, had music or the ballgame on at a higher volume, she'd then carefully slink around my legs and politely coo, "Ready. Let's go." I'd follow her towards the door, but she'd often go the opposite way and sit upright with tail wrapped perfectly around legs in a manner suggesting to stay longer. She'd stare at the door with those intense, yellow-green eyes, then point them at me for permission to leave the room. I'd motion it was okay, open the door, and let her go.
A couple years prior Shadow met me directly outside the bedroom door at 4am. She grinned with eyes closed and fang exposed, leaning up in half-pony gallop with an affectionate breathe-in snort. This as I patted from the tip of wet nose to the crook of tail the softest of silver-grey and slight peach speckled hair. At times she appeared to refract pink and purple of a marvelous coat that seemed to change with the lighting, mood and weather. 
I went about the early morning routine. Generally always with me in stride or snuggle since 2004, Shadow's namesake fit her even more on this day. The art room door was barely open when she sprinted from the top of the stairs in perfect purring rhythm every step of invitation and slithered in. Thus ended my strict, "NO CATS IN HERE, PLEASE!" policy on scrap paper taped above the door handle. As if the four cats could read this black-marker-all-caps exclamation of failure to a once open door experiment shortly after moving in 2013. One quickly succumbing to tight quarters quarrels, toppled shelves, scratched-up and puked on art, as well as several hairy beasts rolling around the making things table. As with the screened-in kitty porch in the kitchen, Shadow had casually and inquisitively looked in my room a handful of times in that era, but never fully committed like her less timid siblings.
I made sure the other cats weren't copying Shadow's notes, shrugged, and followed her in. I was now her shadow and this was now her room. Quickly, I heard excited meowing that came with the scurried checking of everything out. She'd dive into a crawlspace, slink through art stacks and come back to look at me, cooing timidly if it was okay. She was good at asking for permission, and I could tell when she’d question if she should or shouldn't be into something. I said it was fine and she explored more, all the while rubbing whiskers on everything. She reacted like a queen when I informed her a few days later grandpa's old, comfortable chair was now her's to nest on. Only fitting since she helped shred its orange skin in the living room at the previous house.
Porchie had sole kitty rights to the bedroom at night. Gangy and Clint Eastwood preferred the screened-in cat window. Never one to jump on table tops or shelves, I decided Shadow could have my art room. And why not, we basically shared similar emotions at times. I like to think at times we shared a brain. She was also the oldest and the subject of countless photographs and/or art experiments. Every morning and often at night, my best friend wanted to be with me in my room. 
If I wasn't in my room and she wasn't under the bed, she'd be at my side, in my lap or on my chest. There were even moments resulting in her morphing of an airline pillow shape around my neck. We shared many movies and books together. Only if startled would she dig nails and abort. Still, she’d come back, ever delicate and aware of space and surrounding. She'd allow me to rub her well-manicured front foot pads and nibble on her ears. As active at scaling stairs with precision, rolling merrily on carpets, pouncing "finger mice" on the bed, side-crawling towards "spirit fingers" on the stairs and chasing feathers and laser pointers, Shadow particularly loved to plant and simply "be." To be with me. If I wasn't around, then in solitary was a fine substitute. 
Haphazardly, I learned of her need for a comfortable quietude, and an affection and loyalty to me, and I to her, our first nights together in my Kansas City apartment nearly fourteen years ago. (Thankfully, I was a starving artist with money left over for cat food.) That first week Shadow would pace around the hardwood floors with click-clack nails, anxiously meowing to the tune of, "I'm stressed out and can't sit still!" Then, she'd play hopscotch all over my should-be sleeping body. I didn't know what to do for her youthful, late night distress, and experienced the same in return. Her sister Mazzy never did this and seemed as confused as me in this adjustment period. Finally, as I'd do later in her life during thunderstorms, I scooped and held Shadow in my arms. She soon found calm and sweet spot on my chest, then eventually wedged into my side. She simply needed a loving hug. It turns out I did, too. 
This morning my sweet Shadow was not waiting outside the bedroom. Her siblings, Porchie, Gangy and Clint, were all sleeping, nested well in separate chairs. Sweet kitties in their own mysterious ways, but I let them be. Quietly, I walked the steps to my art room. The door sign read true. Shadow scratched and I let her go.
-djg (Nov. 2017)
Photography: DJG (2012, 2015)
Related: Mazzy Kitty, 2004-2009
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cutecats2017 · 7 years
Hi there,My girlfriend and I have two cats, Porkchop and 7 Up, and they're a little over a year old. They were rescued from some pretty awful conditions and we adopted them when they were a few months old.They're super loving and sweet, and as hyper as you might expect from babies. But when it comes to food, they're absolute savages. They scream and knock shit over and get in the way, jumping up and down off surfaces, circling computers and legs and jumping up the walls, destroying anything they can and nipping hard enough to hurt until they get food.In the morning, they wake us up starting around 4am by scratching the bed, knocking stuff off the nightstands, stomping on us (7 Up has a weirdly heavy body for being so small) and scream meowing. When they've had food, they still act as though they're starving for more until they eventually settle. They've done this since we got them and it's never gotten any better.They're definitely getting enough food, so that's not it. Porkchop has stomach troubles so we have to feed her a special diet food, which means feeding them separate wet foods for at least one meal (she has a diet dry food they can both eat). They've also both been treated for worms.We're currently feeding them three times a day just to try and get them to scream less. They usually wake us up around 4am and we try as best as we can to keep sleeping until around 5 or 6 when we've had enough and feed them. If we shut the door, they cry like crazy, slam their bodies into it, scratch at it, and rattle the handle.I'm at home all day while my girlfriend is at work, and by 2pm they're acting nuts again and I push them off as long as possible until I feed them a snack around 5 or 6. Then we play with them right before bed and feed them so we're in bed when they're eating their final snack.They have plenty of cool toys, windows to look out of, and tall places to perch including a cat tree that doubles as a scratching post. They also have a treat ball which we fill with food and Porkchop loves it, though 7 Up hasn't been able to figure it out.We were thinking about getting an automatic feeder, but will have to check with our vet that Porkchop can be off the diet wet food and only eating dry, unless we still did one meal wet food. Have those been known to really alter behavior?Is this psychological? This eating behavior seems mostly led by 7 Up who's thirsty for attention even while she's getting it--can't quite sit still long enough to be pet, always going from person to person for most rubs, stopping the pats to try to knock something off the wall until we call her back over. But they definitely both contribute and encourage each other--if one meows, the other starts. If one hears a cabinet open and runs to investigate, the other will follow.I've had cats my whole life and never had any this trying. Please help us!TL;DR: cats are freaks about food and act like they're dying of hunger when they're not. We've tried everything we can think of. We can't sleep. They won't stop screaming... via /r/cats
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vivian1419 · 8 years
(March 2nd to 4th)
What a week.
We’re starting to spend more and more time with each other (Probably need to give you a break/some space tho). I’m not sure how you total feel about it but any day spent with you is a great day for me. A day after the whole Jimmy incident i hit you up after work. We both never really be doing shit with other peoples so why not spend time with each other. When i got there, we go straight to the bedroom. Your watching your hockey game on your phone and I’m on the PlayStation. You start telling me about something new you’ve been looking into: Freemason “33”. We get so deep into it, watching a 3hr video but only got 30 mins into it, reading the bible, and understanding everything. #StayWoke. I get so tripped out/scared that when you wanted to go turn off the candles i had to go with you. Enough of all the evil talk. You go back to your hockey game and I’m back on Call of Duty. We making out one thing lead to another… When i had to leave couldn’t find my pants so i just took your shorts. Next day you needed your shorts back (like its the only shorts you own or maybe the are your favs) so i had to return them after work nd pick up my pants also. At first you were occupied with something else so you said not today. I go home thinking i could get to relax but Nahh you call me back again to come over. You had your baby girl with you, she’s just the cutest thing and growing up so fast. You had to put her to bed cause its getting late. While she’s watching her “meow meow” on your phone to fall asleep we playing C.o.D and GTA. Then you came to sit on the floor while I’m on the couch. You complaining about your back so i gave you a massage. I guess it was a really good one cause you fell asleep and so did i, not even sure how i was just tired. Finally at 4am i wake up, not sure why he let me sleep at his apt. Him and his daughter was kinda aleardy up I’m just like damn I’m still here? Hes like yeah. Then out of now where was asking for chapstick. Gave him the one in my car and then he walk me out. Crazy crazy day. Man o man. What am i even doing with this man? I like him but I’m not 100% sure how he feels about me. Some days its like yay! Other days nay! Ahhh. Whatever ❤💔💖
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