hellwizards · 6 years
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knifekat · 6 years
Hey I was wondering if you could do coshayphine in Tuesdays? That would be lit and hopefully it's not too complicated for a free prompt. Thank you so much - coshayphinelove
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I have never drawn coshayphine before :o oof. Here’s them being cute and having a chill Tuesday evening.
This is probably the last request I’ll do for now!
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coshayphinelove · 6 years
Hi! Recently found your tumblr and kind of life it! I was wondering if you could do a story about Cosima falling in love with Shay when they were dating in season 3 and them end up together? (I love Delphine, but I adore Shay!)
hey!  sorry in the delay in getting back to you.  thank you so much for reaching out!!  
unfortunately.. brain juice empty.  i’m trying really hard to get back into fic writing but like.. adult life is hard and busy and technically this summer i have like 4 jobs plus an online class?  so uh.  whoops.
i have this kind of fic tho!!
Loving Two
kind of implied but after season 4 in Hold Me
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tfw ur gf's ex shows up at your door asking after a urine sample
a potential bonus chapter for Loving Two
that’s all i’ve got for you at this current time, unfortunately.  though i do plan on updating loving two, i do not know when i will do that.  being an adult is very hard and i would not recommend it.
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frickestsick-blog · 7 years
Pretenders: Chapter 1
"Ms. Manning care to explain to me what's so interesting?" The teacher asked and Sarah snapped out of it immediately, shaking her head. "You are a senior, this is your last chance. There's already a small chance you'll get into community college, let's not make it smaller."
"Whatever." Sarah said before tapping her pencil to the beat of London Calling. They were given their worksheets with the assigned problems written across the top. As Sarah stared at it, she realized that she had absolutely no idea what the hell was happening. She pretended to work like she always did during math, waiting for lunch to finally get here. It wasn't that she was the least bit hungry, but she got to see her friends and look at their bullshit.
Alison was in denial about being in love with Paul's girlfriend Beth, Cosima stealing glances across a couple tables at Delphine and occasionally Shay, Tony and Felix pretending not to hold hands under the table, MK always looking for what table Krystal was at that day, and Beth occasionally stopping by and always hugging Alison when she did. Not to mention Helena managing to get all of her food down in a matter of a couple of minutes and then taking whatever Sarah didn't want and half of her twin sister's cookie each day. 
As the lunch bell rang, everybody started to rush out of the classroom. Sarah put her headphones in and walked down to the cafeteria, not knowing what to expect for the rest of her day. She couldn't go home, thanks to the stupid rule that was put in after a bunch of seniors caused chaos all over town after their classes. Now they stayed in the cafeteria, gym, and or at the track.
"How was math?" Felix asked and Sarah gave him a look. "It's so funny that your name was signed up for the tutoring wasn't it?"
"What?" Sarah asked and Felix nodded. "I didn't sign up."
"Yeah and Rachel claimed you." Cosima said, wiggling her eyebrows. "I smell possible lesbian activities."
"Better than whatever you could muster." Sarah teased and Cosima pouted. "MK, you should have claimed me."
"Krystal asked me first." MK said and Sarah nudged the blushing girl. "She has several classes she needs help with though. She says the advanced classes were a lot harder than she expected."
"I'm helping Shay and Tony with science." Cosima said and Shay waltzed over to the table and sat down next to Felix. "Hey, aren't you sitting with the other volleyball girls?"
"Rachel invited her friends over so I decided to leave." Shay said and Cosima nodded. "I'm looking forward to our study session tonight."
"Yeah, totally." Cosima said and Tony scoffed. "I'm tutoring you during our free periods because you'll take longer. She only has one F."
"Ah." Tony said and Felix gave him a disapproving look. "Are we still having movie night Friday?"
"With Saturday brunch?" Alison asked and everybody nodded. "Sarah, ask Mrs. S if we can have it at your house."
"She already said we could use the house if we don't watch anything that'd scare Kira." Sarah said and Cosima nodded. "Also, no porn, that was a weird night."
"It wasn't porn." Cosima said and Sarah gave her a look. "Shut up!"
"I don't think I've seen Alison blush so much before." Felix said and Sarah laughed at the memory. "I think there were a few extra moans."
"You guys sound like a fun group." Shay said and Cosima shook her head.
"Oh my god, how about you come with to the movie night tomorrow. It's after the game since Alison plays and Beth is her personal cheerleader." Cosima said and Shay nodded. "Great, I'm looking forward to having you there."
"Poor guy." Alison said looking over towards Beth's table as Paul shoved Donnie out of the way. "What'd he ever do to anybody?"
"Hey!" Helena yelled running over to Paul. "Stop."
"What?" Paul asked and Helena jabbed his chest with her finger. "Don't touch me bitch."
"I told you to stop." Helena said and Paul moved her out of his way before putting up his tray. "You do not walk away from me when I talk to you!"
"What are you gonna do about it?" Paul asked and Helena's fist connected with his face. "Fucking freak!"
"Oi, don't call her that!" Sarah yelled running to grab Helena. "Talk to, lay a finger on, or glance at her or Donnie again and I'll beat your ass myself. Got it?"
"Psycho lesbians." Paul said and Sarah took her sister back to the table, pulling Donnie with her.
"Thank you, both of you." Donnie said straightening his shirt a bit. "Not a lot of people would stand up for me."
"No problem, I've got problems with Paul anyways." Sarah said before handing Helena her chips. "I'm going to practice with you today meathead."
"Okay." Helena said and Sarah turned to her friends and continued talking.
Sarah watched them practice, Helena making hits and dives without wincing once. Every few seconds Rachel would glance up at her. That was always before she made a serve or went to dive for the ball, like she was trying to show off or something. Cosima walked into the gym, Tony trailing behind her, obviously high off their asses. 
"Where'd you go to smoke?" Sarah asked and Cosima pointed outside. They watched the rest of the practice, before going their separate ways. Cosima and Shay rode together, Tony and Felix drove off together, Helena, Alison, and Sarah drove home together, and MK got a ride from Krystal who was more than happy to be alone with the awkward computer genius with crooked bangs.
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a tiny bit of background i was always hoping to see but we never got
Cosima: We work on classified science. You never told me you were in the military. Shay: She run a background check on me? (Cosima shrugs) I quit basic training. I didn’t have a lot of options for education so I thought I’d try it. Cosima: You’re not a qualified Chinese Medicine Practitioner, are you? Shay: I quit that too, okay? I’m just an RMT. Cosima: Why would you lie to me? Shay: We met on Sapphire. A dating app. You’re supposed to fluff up your profile, reinvent yourself. For that I’m a liar? Because the thing is – I don’t have a clue who you really are, do I? An evil ass scientist? You’re the real liar, lying to me since day one. That lands heavy. Cosima nods, the wool pulled from her eyes. Cosima: I’m sorry, Shay. She warned me… this was never going to work out any other way. Shay: Just go. Cosima hates to… and has to.
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anxiousbluedeer · 7 years
I like to pretend Shay never existed...
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I met Ksenia Solo last night after a screening of her new movie In Search of Fellini and gave her a Cosima’s Laptop Bracelet.
Etsy | Patreon
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After returning home from her second tour of duty in Afghanistan with unseen wounds, Shay makes an unexpected connection.
[shay davydov week, day 2: ships]
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hellwizards · 7 years
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francescatelford · 7 years
Delphine: i'm not jealous. I'm french, we enjoy lovers.
Cosima: ....mhm sure whatever you say
Delphine: *photos of shaysima's first meeting + more pics falls out of her long coat*
Delphine: *struggles to pick them up while more keep falling* THIS IS STRICTLY BECAUSE I SUSPECT SHAY IS WITH CASTOR.
Delphine: rEALLY I'M not jealous,
I'm fren-
Cosima: yes you are french i know you enjoy lovers.
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thundergrace · 7 years
Anyway, I missed Shay last season. Cophine is endgame sure that's all fine and well but I loved Shay and I loved shaysima. Shay was underrated. Girlfriend material. Pure girlfriend material. Never did anything wrong. ACTUALLY deserved better. She was a real one.
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coshayphinelove · 7 years
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gosh... i wish i had had the subtitles on when i had watched the first time.  it really gives a whole new understanding of the scene.
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matthewzmedia · 7 years
Y'know… I’m indifferent to saying this, but I actually like this Shay (sp?) character hooking up with Cosima rather than Delphine. Delphine’s role was sketchy and caused Cos WAY too much drama. This girl’s p chill tbh.
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@blackdressedsoul replied to your post
in 3x06 cosima’s with shay in the morning and her phone wakes her up and shay’s like “you slept through all the other four times too” and then shay asks her “who’s sarah?” and the first thing she assumes is that sarah’s “an ex” of cosima’s
like. not a family member. not another friend or something. specifically “an ex” which is like... why would she assume that sarah’s an ex and not a family member -- cosima would have had to say sarah’s name in a /very specific/ way to get her to jump to that conclusion. so hence, cosima had a sex dream about sarah.
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lifeorbeth · 7 years
145, Shay
145. I lost sight of our dream.
Anger vies with hurt whenever Shay’s mind drifts towards Cosima (and often, by extension, Delphine), when she considers how her kindness was used and abandoned - despite how needed it had been (how needed she had been) after that disaster of a breakup.
They had talked together of a drama free relationship: communication, communication, communication - and they’d had it, for most of the time.
And then came Delphine and that dream was lost forever, as was Cosima.
It’s finals week! Send me a prompt and I’ll write you a fic instead of studying/sleeping!
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