#shaymien teen fic
agentstovring · 9 months
💛Smoshblr December Asks Day 21💙
What are your top 3 favourite tropes in media and/or fanfiction? (can be as general or specific as you want)
Bonus: What are 3 of your fave fanfics? (can be smosh related or from other fandoms)
Oh god, this is the ask-reply equivalent of letting you read my diary; I'm about to expose myself so much, hang tight 😂
Enemies to Lovers - They hate each other; they hate that they want each other; the passion comes built it! When done right, I love the moment when one person realizes that their feelings are changing and is powerless to stop it.
Forced Proximity - I almost went with There's Only One Bed, but anything where the players are forced together, physically or by circumstance; whether they're snowed in or have to accomplish a task before they can split up, I'm all about it.
Found Family - Throw a group of misfits together who prefer working alone; then watch them slowly but surely become a team; an inseparable unit; and finally, a family. It tugs on my heartstrings every time.
As for the fics, I'm gonna follow user shaymiens' lead and put them under a cut, as to protect your innocent eyes in case you don't wanna see this.. 😅
Thank you for asking!
Just The Facts by scoutoftherings (rated E) Shane/Ryan (W*tcher Entert*inment) Shane comforts Ryan after something goes wrong during an investigation; their friendship is tested in the aftermath. Spooky, angsty, smutty, and tender, this is my ideal fic for this pairing.
Don't Worry Baby by kalpurna (rated E) Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf, 2011 TV-show) Wealthy CEO Derek picks up a sex worker, Stiles, to be his fake partner; but it soon turns into more as they both catch feelings. The Pretty Woman AU you didn't know you needed!
carry it in my heart by robin-pulaski (rated M, if memory serves) Andrew Garfield/Jesse Eisenberg (The Social Network RPF) Andrew and Jesse fall in love while filming The Social Network (2010). This was and is THE fic that the whole fandom read obsessively. It was deleted in 2012, but PDFs are still shared online. I literally can't reread it very often, because I'm emotional for several days after.
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thegaygermangamer · 5 years
A chapter written by our very own blueberrie!
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shaymiens · 6 years
Wait. Wot. Is that a shaymien smut fic?
(referring to this mess of a post)
AHHHHHHhh no, it’s not :’) never have we ever is a shaymien fic i wrote and posted on ao3 rated teens and up, no smut involved. the most risque line is probably the one i edited in there lol
i don’t think i can bring myself to write shaymien smut, not anytime soon if not ever :’)
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agentstovring · 9 months
💙Smoshblr December Asks Day 20💛
What are your top 3 fandoms outside of smosh?
Bonus: What are your top 3 fave ships of all time? (don’t have to be from the same fandoms as the above answers)
Currently I engage the most with the Stray Kids (kpop group) fandom. I started listening to them this year, and thanks to their insane productivity, there's always new content. I've mostly been making gifs, but recently started working on some fics..
Aside from Smosh, Watcher Entertainment is the YouTube fandom I'm most active in; I love all the shows they make, but honestly, I think I love the viewers more?? The creative output is top tier, and everyone is so nice!
I can't answer this question without mentioning The Social Network (movie, 2010). This was the fandom that made me join tumblr! Though it's dormant these days, the occasional sign of life still makes me so excited.
As for ships, this one's real tough; I'm gonna disqualify the ones I've shipped for too short a time to determine their staying power.
Sterek (Stiles/Derek, Teen Wolf (TV-show)) This ship had so much potential to become canon; with an openly gay showrunner who teased it, we really thought it had a chance. The show's quality dropped over time, and I'll never watch the follow-up movie; but this ship still has a special place in my heart.
Shaymien (Shayne/Damien, Smosh) Yeah, I bet you saw that coming.. I don't write for them anymore, but those fics are by far my most popular. There's just something so special about their relationship, whether you view it through a shipper lens or not.
Brian/Justin (Queer as Folk (US) (TV-show)) This ship consistently wrecked me, because (spoiler alert?) Brian and Justin get together in the FIRST EPISODE, but the stakes were high throughout all 5 seasons, as there was never a guarantee that they'd last.
Thank you for asking!
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thegaygermangamer · 5 years
Huzzah I have posted another tiny part of one medium sized chapter! But have faith! The next part will actually be of quality as Blueberrie will be writing it!
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