#shaymien fic
readthephible · 5 months
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moodboard for no place i’d rather be 🍁☕️📔
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chrizhasissues · 7 months
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The art for my latest Shaymien fic "James 4:7"only available on ao3 :) (yes they're younger here)
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liabarber · 7 months
Me and every Shaymien shipper after the first 30 seconds after today's video
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lilac-hecox · 9 months
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So, @wispmotherr and I discussed doing a fun little gift exchange for Februrary/Valentine's Day and thus the Valentine's Exchange was born! (Really all thanks to @wispmotherr for creating the server and writing the rules. This would not be happening without her!)
I'll give you a little breakdown of the explanation/rules:
This event is 18+
The exchange is open to fics, art, edits, other fan created content
Sign-ups are now until January 7th. (Late sign-ups are fine but be mindful of the due date of February 18th)
The exchange will happen February 18th.
The exchange hub will be on Discord on a server created for the event.
As this is an event where you are making something for someone else secretly, we ask that if you do not think you can create something in the timeframe to please not sign-up as we do not want to have people not receive a gift.
Mainly, this is a way to have fun and spread some love to others in our Smoshblr community! I hope to see participants!
Huge, huge thank you to the always amazing @wiggog-y-hecox who made the graphics and rules video for this exchange!!
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shaynetopps · 6 months
shayne & damien | angel dust (read on ao3/ playlist)
Damien is in love with Shayne. He also kind of hates him.
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79 for shaymien tyvm - katie (the last one was also me you get it)
79. “i like being close to you. you’re warm.”
linked on ao3 || read under the cut || 4k, rated m
"Would it be okay if we just sat here?" Shayne asks quietly, the exhale of his speech warm on Damien's shirt. Damien scratches over Shayne's scalp and it's like his best friend turns to liquid in his lap. Damien grins. "We can sit here as long as you want." || Or, Shayne's tired after a workout and it leads to a conversation that's been a long time coming.
It's not like they ever plan on doing stuff like this. This happens every time they're both single, every time neither of them have seen their families in a while, every time one of them needs and the other can provide. Damien unlocks the door of Shayne's apartment without a bit of pause. Shayne is at the gym at this time most days, so Damien isn't exactly surprised to find the flat empty. He smiles at the two stacks of video games already set up on the coffee table, the groups divided by whether the game is multiplayer or single player, all ten of them games they both enjoy. His boy knows him too well. They hadn't even discussed hanging out today. 
He's been combing through the snacks in the kitchen for about five minutes when he hears the door being unlocked once again, cracking a smile as he closes the cabinet he was rifling through. 
"Hey man, let me get a quick shower and we can game?" Shayne calls from the living room. Damien makes an affirmative sound and begins transferring the snacks he had collected to the coffee table, barely aware of the sound of the bathroom door shutting behind his friend. Despite the fact that Shayne still shops like he and Damien live together, most of what Damien's grabbed are Shayne's favorites- the guy's always starving after working out, and if Damien gets him snacks now, he won't have to hear about it. Not that he even really minds when Shayne does complain. 
That was honestly the first thing that made Damien think that maybe his relationship with Shayne was different from all of his other relationships, that maybe this is what people are talking about when they say they have a best friend. It's not that he doesn't know who he would be if he didn't have Shayne. It's that he doesn't know that he became himself til loving Shayne shaped who he is. Who would he be without Shayne's hand over the gearshift, laughter ringing in their ears nearly an hour after the joke had been told, Shayne's smiling face colored pretty by the pink of the setting sun? 
He grabs Shayne a bottle of water. He heaves out a breath. He sits on the couch. 
He doesn't know how much time he's lost writing a sketch in his head before Shayne walks out of the bathroom, steam rolling out after him like some early aughts Old Spice commercial. Damien can't help but grin at him; Shayne throws the towel he'd been rubbing through his hair at Damien's head. Damien catches it, throwing it back faster than Shayne is apparently prepared for, as it strikes him directly in the chest rather than being caught in his hands. Despite being the one to throw it first, Shayne seems a little out of sorts. He's got that look to him that he gets after live streams sometimes, the one that's half tired and half overwhelmed, though the look is mellowed some by the comfort of being in his own home. Still, Damien leans back against the side of the couch and pulls his legs up as well. He's not even entirely settled, arms wide to hold his best friend and knees apart to accommodate him, before Shayne is diving into his lap, arms wrapped around Damien's waist, face rubbing into the other man's chest affectionately. Like a fucking cat.
A chuckle punches its way out of Damien's chest at the sight. "You alright there, bud?" he asks, settling back into the arm of the couch and running his hand over Shayne's hair. Shayne hums.
"I like being close to you. You’re warm," he says simply, as if that's all there is to it, like being with Damien is the easiest thing in the world. Damien knows it isn't. The way that Shayne has always disagreed with him on that still makes him feel warm after this many years together. No matter how much time he spends with his best friend, he doesn't know that it will ever feel like enough. Sometimes the sheer luck of meeting Shayne, of being on the same set as him at the same time, it hits Damien in the chest. On a universal level, he was so close to never having this. He holds onto Shayne a little tighter just because he can. Shayne hums again, pressing in and nuzzling his face into Damien's chest.
"You wanna play something or you just wanna sit here, baby boy?" Damien asks, his tone making it clear that he doesn't mind either way, even if the words aren't so clear. Shayne makes a noise of protest and starts pushing himself up, but Damien keeps him settled in the cradle of his hips with a gentle hand; it's obvious from his face and posture that Shayne is only trying to remove himself because that's what he thinks he's supposed to want to do. Damien runs his fingers through Shayne's hair, making the other man relax against him nearly instantaneously.
"Would it be okay if we just sat here?" Shayne asks quietly, the exhale of his speech warm on Damien's shirt. Damien scratches over Shayne's scalp and it's like his best friend turns to liquid in his lap. Damien grins.
"We can sit here as long as you want," he says, sliding down a little bit more so that Shayne's face is against his throat and they're settled chest to chest. He pulls the blanket off of the back of the couch, spreading it over Shayne's back.
"Thank you," Shayne murmurs. His mouth is right against Damien's throat, his breath warm and the vibration of his speech something Damien didn't know he found comforting. He should know, as many times as they've done this.
"Any time, bud. You know that," Damien reminds him, pressing a kiss to the side of Shayne's head. That's not new either, a long time habit from when they were so much younger and so much more scared, broke as fuck all the time and never knowing what the fuck to do about it. Shayne tilts his head up to brush a kiss against Damien's jaw, settling back down quickly. If Damien didn't know to look for it, he might miss the proliferation of rose spreading across Shayne's ears. But he does know to look for it. And seeing it always warms him from the inside out. The idea that he can still make Shayne blush is one he'll always be grateful for, and maybe a little winded that he can. He loves this boy so much.
They don't talk for the next little while; Damien couldn't even hazard a guess of how long, his phone left abandoned on the coffee table and his watch missing entirely. He doesn't always put on everything when he's just coming over to Shayne's, leaving off accessories at random just because Shayne is one of the only people in the world that Damien doesn't feel like he has to present himself well around. Sure, he gives some of his best to Shayne, but Shayne has also been the person to handle a lot of his worst, to hold him after breakups and reassure him when he's scared and all of the bullshit that comes with being just a little bit too codependent with your best friend. Damien brushes another kiss on the crown of Shayne's head just for thinking of it. Boredom doesn't pick at him in this quiet place with Shayne as it typically would. The weight against his chest, the warmth of another body, Shayne, it's all very calming.
"I love you, you know," Shayne says quietly, virtually apropos of nothing. Damien hums, rubbing his hand up and down Shayne's back.
"I know, baby boy. I love you too," he replies, natural and easy. Shayne lays a kiss down on Damien's shoulder.
"I mean it," he stresses. Damien raises an eyebrow even if Shayne can't see it, his hand moving from Shayne's back to the back of his head, gentle as he pulls Shayne up to look at him, pushing back to sit up a little himself. Shayne reluctantly moves to support himself so that he can make eye contact. Seeing the question in his gaze, Shayne sighs. "You're my person," he whispers, looking at Damien with so much emotion that Damien has no idea how to pick through it. Instead of trying, he cups Shayne's jaw.
"You're my person, too, Shayne. No one I trust more than you," he assures. It doesn't seem as if this was the response Shayne was looking for, his head listing into Damien's palm and his lips pursed. Damien raises his eyebrow again, asking Shayne to elaborate without asking aloud. Shayne kisses his palm before resettling into his grasp.
"You're my best friend and it still never feels like enough," he says quietly, no longer making eye contact with Damien. A hard feeling settles in Damien's chest, the easy happiness of a moment ago draining from him. Not enough is something that Damien has heard before. It's never been a good thing.
"Did I do something?" he asks, unable to keep the shake out of his voice. Shayne's eyes snap to his and then go soft; immediately, he gets his knees more steadily beneath himself so that he can reach up and cup the back of Damien's head, careful fingers tangled in his hair. Unable to make himself think any better of it, Damien catches his hands on the backs of Shayne's thighs and pulls, shifting Shayne to have his knees spread across Damien's lap. Immediately, there's relief in every place they touch. Reassurance. Peace. Shayne is smiling at him. He looks fucking beautiful.
"Move back in with me." Shayne drops this suddenly, his gaze still soft where Damien can practically feel it against his skin, and it sends Damien blinking in surprise. Of all of the things he might have thought Shayne would say, that wasn't one of them.
"Beg pardon?" he asks. Shayne's smile falls.
"It's- it's just an idea," Shayne says, looking away from Damien and looking like he wants to disappear in his own apartment and Damien can't have that.
"Shayne, you live in a one bedroom apartment," he says gently, putting it ahead of any of the other protests knocking in the back of his mind, addressing the most practical first. Shayne tries again to push himself up and out of Damien's lap, but he's still doing that thing he does. Sometimes, typically when he's showing any emotion at all instead of handling the emotions of most everyone around him, Shayne tries to recede back into himself. He'll pull in all of his tells and shut Damien out and it's so fucking frustrating, not because Damien doesn't want to do the work of loving his best friend, but because Shayne thinks he has to. Because Shayne thinks this is what everyone else wants from him. For him to be easy. Damien has only ever wanted Shayne. Not so interested in easy. He keeps his hands on Shayne's thighs and Shayne isn't trying particularly hard, so in Damien's lap he stays.
"I miss you," Shayne mumbles nonsensically. After a moment, though, it makes a lot of sense to Damien, honestly. He misses those early mornings with Shayne, the nights when Shayne would climb into bed with him just because they were still talking, the reassurance of knowing that no matter what kind of day he had, he'd be coming home to Shayne fucking Topp. Damien lifts one of his hands and holds it to Shayne's chest, fingers brushing his collarbones through his shirt. Shayne looks at him with far too much melancholy for a face like that.
"How about when both of our leases are up? Mark can find a new roommate, you and me can find a two bedroom, we'll live together again, yeah?" he suggests, surprised then when Shayne's expression twists before he catches himself, smoothing it out into a smile. "No, no, I saw that. What's up, Shayne?" he asks, patient and even. Shayne closes his eyes.
"It's stupid," he says. Damien hums, encouraging him to elaborate. Shayne sighs. "I don't want a two bedroom apartment." When he opens his eyes, Damien tilts his head at him, confused.
"Come on, man, you know I don't really get the whole beating around the bush thing. We've gotten as far as you want to live together again, but I don't know what that part means. Tell me what the problem is." He moves the hand on Shayne's chest over to his side, thumb stroking over his oblique. With a deep breath, Shayne seems to steel himself.
"I haven't been sleeping well lately," he says, the words falling out of his mouth like they're the beginning of something, but Shayne pauses once they've hit the air. Damien nods, silently imploring him to continue. "Best sleep I've had in months was when we were sharing that hotel room in Vegas." His voice is thin, and it only takes Damien a second to figure out why. Their room had been scheduled incorrectly in Vegas. Technically, anybody in their party could have shared the room with one bed and let them have one of the rooms with two, but it was the room Damien and Shayne had been given and they hadn't made any sort of fuss about it. He'd woken up with Shayne beautifully sleepsoft, tucked comfortably into his chest all three days they were in that hotel.
"You want to move in together, and you want to share a bed," Damien says; Shayne's face colors a deep red, but he nods in confirmation. A smile creeps its way onto Damien's face. "I guess we're about to have a lot of sleepovers til my lease is up, yeah?" he asks, watching with delight as Shayne's expression goes from that melancholic fear to overwhelmingly pleased. Impulse control completely with the fucking wind, Damien leans up and kisses his best friend on the mouth. Like that's a good idea. He doesn't even realize that Shayne is kinda kissing him back before he reels backwards, putting space between their faces even if they're still touching more than they're not. Shayne makes a soft noise, quiet protest clear as he tugs Damien back into another kiss, harder but no less full of care. He's delicate with the way he holds Damien's face in both hands, his movements deliberate as he tries to tell Damien through touch alone that he wants this too. That this is all he wants.
"Dames," Shayne breathes out against his mouth. Damien leans up to catch him in another kiss. For this being the first time they've done this, it's the easiest this has ever been for Damien, the most comfortable, the only first kisses he's ever had that didn't feel like a hostage negotiation he was having with his brain to wrest enjoyment from the clutches of discomfort. Of course he's comfortable. It's Shayne. There's not a more comfortable place in the world for Damien's hands than on Shayne's skin, no more comfortable weight in his lap than Shayne's warm body. Damien pulls back again and this time Shayne lets him, makes no move to stop him from burying his face in Shayne's shoulder, breathing out his overwhelm as best as he can. His heart is fucking pounding. Still, he can't help grinning when he lifts his head to look at Shayne. It's Shayne. Loving him is the easiest thing he's ever done.
"Are we doing this?" he asks, smile coloring his words with fondness more overtly than he's ever allowed himself to display. Shayne's grin is confident, but when he speaks, his voice is quiet.
"Please," he says, broad hands warm on Damien's face, and this is it. It is different. His relationship with Shayne is different because he fucking loves him, not just the barrage of platonic affection that has bowled him over for nearly half his life, he loves Shayne like cracking his chest open and letting the other man stick his hand in. In that moment, it needs to be said again.
"I love you," he says, turning his head to press a kiss against one of Shayne's palms. At that, Shayne climbs out of his lap. Not expecting the movement, Damien makes no protest, instead raising an eyebrow at Shayne once he's on his own two feet.
"I'm in love with you. I also want to be in bed with you," Shayne says, pulling him up by the hand. Knowing it's not what he means, Damien leers suggestively anyway.
"Very forward, baby boy. Here I thought you were gonna treat me like a gentleman," he teases. Shayne huffs out a laugh and looks down at his socked feet, smiling at the floor.
"Not what I meant, you asshole. I mean- we can do that at whatever pace, like, works for us? But I want-" Shayne cuts himself off, that deep red taking over his face once again, trailing down his neck. Damien knows exactly how far that blush goes, but that doesn't mean he's not thinking about it still. He wants to taste the heat on Shayne's skin. He wants to hold Shayne so he'll sleep well. He leans further into Shayne's space, not quite close enough to kiss but close enough it definitely wouldn't be hard.
"What do you want, Shayne?" he asks, the rasp of his voice sending a visual shiver down Shayne's spine. He leans his forehead against Damien's shoulder.
"I want you to hold me," he whispers, less like he's afraid to say it and more like he's afraid to break this moment. Damien nods, grabbing Shayne by the hand.
"I can do that."
He leads Shayne by the hand to his own bedroom, strips him of his shirt gently, and then of his sweats, even getting Shayne to pick up his feet so that Damien can take of his socks for him, and suddenly he realizes that none of this is new so far. Well, the kissing, that's new. But holding Shayne's hand? Leading him to his own room? Undressing him? He remembers late nights in their shared space, Shayne's tired eyes strained from practice script after practice script, his energy scraped thin. Damien would take his hand then, get him comfortable, tuck him in. Stay if Shayne grabbed for him, which he almost always did. Damien never minded. Divesting himself of his own clothing, Damien has to ignore the way that Shayne's eyes roam over his chest, his stomach, his boxers. He never thought when they were younger that Shayne would ever look at him like this. Looking retrospectively at all of this, he can't imagine he would have done anything differently if he knew then what he knows now. Who knows how long he and Shayne would have lasted if they'd jumped into this young and unsettled? He wouldn't do it any other way.
The chief sound of the two of them getting settled into bed together is laughter; they've never been able to share a bed without getting into some kind of wrestling match. Staring down at Shayne's pretty face with his best friend on his back underneath him, it strikes Damien that perhaps that wasn't always as platonic as it had felt. He leans down to kiss Shayne again, but they end up having to pull away given that they're both still laughing. His heart feels fit to fucking burst. Just looking at Shayne makes something catch in Damien's chest. Fuck, he loves him. Fuck. Shayne pulls Damien down on top of himself, knocking the breath out of Damien in the form of a surprised bark of a laugh. Grinning against his temple, Shayne runs his hands along Damien's back with eager hands, digging in his fingers in a way that feels good, and Damien groans.
"God, magic hands," he mumbles into Shayne's collarbone. The rumble of Shayne's laugh beneath him is probably one of the best things in the world. Right after Shayne's fucking magic hands, his wide fingertips digging into the knots in Damien's back, slight ache of it smoothed out by his broad palms. He's always liked Shayne's hands though. The feel of them, the weight of them, the look of them, the blunts of his nails, the scar between two of his fingers he got breaking a glass when he was thirteen. There's so much story in those hands. So much story in this boy. He kisses his way along Shayne's collarbone, not with any heat really, but just to move his lips across Shayne's skin. One of Shayne's hands moves up from Damien's back, clutching at but not pulling Damien's hair as he guides him up to look at him.
"I love you," he says again, voice laced with awe like he's lucky just to be able to say it, to be able to love Damien aloud. He gets halfway up on his knees between Shayne's thighs, making them fall a little wider to accommodate him. With the way Shayne is looking up at him, he doesn't think he minds.
"I love you so much." With that, Damien dips down and connects their lips. Shayne is pliable under him, soft skin and hard muscle both giving way to being manipulated by Damien's whims. His hands are hungry as he grabs at Shayne, nails skating across the other man's skin. He doesn't know what it would be like to love Shayne without a certain degree of violence. His love for him has never gone quietly, never been something that Damien could pack away into boxes like everything else, reduce the clutter of his mind and move on with his life. Instead, he built the whole world around him, the chaotic life of a performer in Los Angeles moored by the touchstone that is Shayne Topp. Things, in a lot of ways, make a lot more sense with Shayne's tongue in his mouth. Like, at least now he knows why he never really liked any of Shayne's exes. Just thinking of it makes Damien pull away from Shayne's mouth, laughing into his best friend's shoulder. Is that still what he calls Shayne? They should probably talk about that.
"You gonna share with the class?" Shayne asks, teasing in his tone as he nuzzles his face into Damien's hair. Damien kisses the junction of Shayne's throat and shoulder.
"I guess this kinda clears up why I never liked any of your exes," he says wryly, delighting in the bark of Shayne's laughter that immediately follows.
"I mean, yeah." He could have said anything, really, for as much as Damien is paying any mind to it- Shayne has freckles on his shoulders that Damien has always wanted to count, maybe in the back of his mind somewhere always wanted to kiss, and the opportunity begets compulsion. 
He traces feather-light kisses from one to the next, counting in his head with his mouth otherwise occupied. When he gets down Shayne's chest someways, he gets a giggle out of Shayne kissing one a few inches below where his armpit hair stops. When he gets to one not far from Shayne's nipple, the touch of his lips brings a gasp out of him. Another compulsion begotten by opportunity, Damien touches his mouth next to that nipple, already pebbled beneath the contact. Not wanting to take things too quickly, he abandons the journey down the route of Shayne's freckles, instead pressing kisses on his way up til he meets again with Shayne's mouth. He just brushes him with a kiss then, rolling off of Shayne and onto his back. Shayne tilts his head in question.
"How do you want to be held?" Damien asks, reminding Shayne of why they had moved to the bedroom in the first place. Half hard in his boxers, Shayne takes the pivot with admirable grace, still grinning as he pushes his way against Damien's chest.
"Like this," he says, tangling their legs together and nudging Damien until he puts his arms around Shayne's shoulders. His grip on Damien's waist is nothing to joke about either, his hands splayed possessively across Damien's lower back. Damien presses a kiss to the side of his head.
"I can do that."
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jovenshires · 9 months
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me after reading iwks
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god-has-left-chat · 2 months
Just read a shaymien fic so good that it had me questioning the difference between platonic and romantic love as an aro person
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jaxthejester · 9 months
I will love you forever if you keep feeding my alloaro ass FWB fics. Any pairing. Every pairing. I just... It was so cathartic to read something non romantic and I always want more
i tried my best! hope you enjoy!
Shaymien - Pretty Handsome, Awkward
"Hey, Dames?"
Damien's eyes didn't leave the screen. "Yes, Shayné?"
"I'm horny."
"Ah. Can I finish this level before we start anything?"
"Oh! Shit, yeah. Of course. I'll be in my room."
"Cool. Be there in a few."
Shayne quickly got up and made his way to his room. He opened a bedside drawer and retrived his small bottle of lube, setting it on top of the table it just came out of. Some would argue hunting down the lube mid-act made things more arousing, but Shayne would disagree. He laid down on his bed, waiting for his friend to join him.
A loud "DAH, SHIT!" followed by a shaky breath came from Shayne's living room. Shayne chuckled, knowing full well Damien had failed his level. After a moment, Damien joined Shayne in the bedroom. The former tsked after giving the latter a once over.
"Man, couldn't get a head start by taking off your shorts or anything?"
Shayne sat up on his elbows. "Hey, at least I got the lube out!"
Damien chuckled, leaning against the door frame. "Good. I swear, if you ever try to fuck me without lube again, I'll kick your ass then and there."
"You'll kick my ass while I'm in you?"
"I have a black belt in karate. Don't try me, bitch."
Shayne rolled his eyes. "C'mere, dumbass." Damien quickly made his way to where Shayne laid. He quickly pecked Shayne on the lips before moving to his neck and planting sloppier kisses.
"Damn, moving on so q-quickly?" Shayne questioned. Damien paused his actions momentarily.
"You taste like the takeout we had for lunch. Stale chicken isn't a turn on for me." With that, he returned to Shayne's neck.
"Haah... fair."
Damien's hands began tracing Shayne's frame, pulling his shirt up. Shayne used one hand to help toss the article away. Damien sat up to remove his own shirt.
"How do you want me?" Damien asked. Shayne began to palm his hardening dick.
"Mmm... you feelin' like riding?"
"Yeah, I can do that. Help a bud out and ditch your shorts and shit while I do the same?"
"Of course, man."
Damien hopped off the bed to work his way out of his pants, while Shayne manuvered his hips to slide his shorts and underwear off without getting up. He slowly started to stroke himself while waiting on Damien.
"Damiennnn c'mon, my hands giving me more action right now than you are!"
"Hold on man!" Damien finally freed himself from his pants prison and rejoined Shayne. "Get your hand outta here, that's my job." Shayne let go of himself, letting Damien's hand replace his own.
After a few pumps, Damien put his mouth to the tip and slowly sank down.
"Ho-oh shit, that's the ticket." Shayne muttered, putting a hand to Damien's hair and tugging lightly. Damien whined at the act and began bobbing his head, each time taking more down his throat. "You're so good at this, Dames..."
Damien pulled off, opting to slowly stroke Shayne's dick. "Hah, t-thanks," he said with a dopey grin. "As much as I love blowing you, all this is getting me pretty hard and..."
"I c-can tell."
"Okay, Mr. Comedian. You think you could start stretching me?"
"Oh, y-yeah, for sure. Get on your back."
Shayne moved to sit on his thighs as Damien took the spot he was just in. Grabbing the bottle of lube from the bedside table, he quickly coated his middle and index finger. "You ready?" A hum of approval was all he needed before pushing his index finger into Damien's hole.
"Oh god... mhm, yep, that's it." Quiet babbles of approval fell from Damien's lips as Shayne worked him open, quickly picking up his pace and adding a second finger.
"Sha-Aayne, hurry u-up, I'm fine!" Damien moaned.
"Fine, fine!" Shayne remove his fingers and grabbed his lube once again. Laying on his back, he got the lube over his hand and started readying himself as Damien lined himself up.
"Go for it."
Damien lined Shayne's cock up with his hole before slowly lowering himself onto it.
"O-Oh god..." Damien moaned lowly.
"Fuck, how are you so goddamn t-tight?" Shayne hissed.
"Hhnn... j-just... give me a second..." Damien steadied his breathing before pushing all the way down. "Hnng- oh fuck... let me adjust..."
"Take a-all the time you need..."
A moment passes by before Damien is fully adjusted. He ran a hand through his hair to ground himself.
"Okay, c-can I move now?" Met with an enthusiastic nod, Damien slowly pulled up before pushing back down, both men moaning at the feeling. Damien had intended to try and take it slow, but that flew out the window.
He was now moving at a quick pace, slamming down hard against his friend's pelvis, making Shayne cry out in pleasure.
"Shit, shit- are you- oh god, are you close?"
"Mm, oh my god, I a-Aam, yes, yes, please-"
Shayne reached an arm up to Damien's hair and tugged harshly. That was all it took for Damien to cum, spilling onto Shayne's chest. Shayne grabbed Damien's hips, holding him in place so he could fuck up into him, causing Damien to cry out in overstimulation.
"Fuck man, I'm s-so close. Do you- fuck- want it i-in?"
Damien, still coming down from his orgasm and being pounded, tried his damnedest to remember how to even talk.
"Haah- nng, out- please- shit, out. Face- oh shit-"
Shayne had fucked Damien enough times to get the general idea of his insane babblings. Hands still gripping Damien's hips, he quickly pulled the other man off his cock and put him on his back. Shayne knelt above Damien's face, furiously pumping his cock. Damien stuck out his tongue as Shayne's orgasm hit. Ropes fell over Damien's face as Shayne tried to catch his breath.
"Hoh god... that was... great." Shayne said with a smile. He picked up his discarded shirt and tossed it to Damien. "For your face. You look ridiculous."
Damien grabbed the shirt and began wiping his face off. "Please, this is 90% your fault."
"Suuure, bud, sure."
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funeralroast · 9 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Smosh Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Damien Haas/Shayne Topp, Damien Haas & Shayne Topp Characters: Shayne Topp, Damien Haas Additional Tags: Comedy, Aliens, Thriller, absolutely insane set of tags for this fandom, I promise this is fun, courtney miller is also here but only vaguely, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Science Fiction & Fantasy Summary:
People don’t buy doughnuts at three o’clock in the morning.
That’s one of the main things that Shayne learns about this job, standing behind a fluorescent-lit display case of slick glazed and frosted pastries, the outside world dark enough that it sometimes looked like the little building was floating somewhere in a starless void.
It’s stupid really. This was supposed to be temporary, just a month or two until Shayne could figure out what the hell his next step was supposed to be but here he was, four months into a night shift job working the cash register at somewhere called Donut Galaxy.
Things could, he’d remind himself, be so much worse. They certainly could be a heck of a lot better, too. At the very least a lot more exciting. Little does he know that he's about to get his wish, whether he likes it or not.
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asexualasshat · 6 months
There are two wolves inside of me
One wants to write my It Reddie fic
The other wants to return to the Smosh shaymien fic I abandoned
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readthephible · 4 months
“how is it you always know what i need, huh?” is giving shaymien :’)
(this turned into coffeeshop shayne x visual merchandiser damien au) (prompt from here)
Initially, Shayne never understood the purpose of opening hours before the rest of the mall. It seemed like a waste of time, resources, and payroll. Business was slow in the early hours, their only customers were usually the elderly people who walked laps around the stores to get their steps in. The more openers he worked, though, he soon realized how early some of the retail workers got there.
It was free entertainment to hear the groups of employees come in, complaining about a recent shitty customer or bad judgment call that corporate made, open to his ears without the concern of the general public able to hear. He’d inadvertently learned a lot of buzzwords that way, the names of some of the higher ups at the stores he’d been going to since he was a teenager, and had a better understanding about how horrible the retail industry treated their employees.
The slower hours allowed him time in between to study his college textbooks and chat with frequent visitors, one of which he had become much more acquainted with.
Shayne could hear the telltale sound of the store gate creaking upwards, then a minute later closing back down, along with the jingling of keys.
“Shayney days and Mondays!” Damien greeted. The lanyard of his store’s badge repeatedly hit his stomach as he walked in.
“Good morning,” Shayne said in a yawn. Once his eyes fully opened back up, he could see Damien giggling. He mentally cursed his body for distracting him from the sweet sound.
He went over to the computer, pressing buttons to start a new order of drinks in the system.
“Who’s all here today?” Shayne asked.
Damien sat in a stool at the counter, rubbing his temples.
“Uhh, me, Keith, Amanda, Courtney, and…”
“Let me guess. TWB?”
Damien sighed heavily, nodding and looking up at Shayne.
“The Wicked Bitch of the West,” they both whispered in unison, trying to hide their laughter.
“You gotta talk to Ian about that, man,” Shayne said, putting in the orders from each employee he’d memorized. “Wait—Amanda likes whipped cream, right?”
“Oh, uh, yes,” Damien said, “And yeah, I know. Ironically, I’ve been working so much lately, but just haven’t had a chance to talk to him about TWB. And I really need to, next week he’s supposed to go over to the Central location to help them with their corporate visit. As if we need any of our employees taken away to prep for ours.”
Shayne nodded, having Damien check the screen to make any corrections to the drink orders. He hesitated before having Damien pay, tacking on a cookie to the order, then overriding the price of the treat to zero.
“Twenty one forty five,” Shayne said, that number ingrained into his mind, as it had become tradition for Damien to come in most mornings during the week.
Damien usually only had to do the 6AM shifts every couple months. Part of him dreaded it, but his passion for wanting to become a better manager and leader kept him going—the drive the man had despite all of his complaints was something else.
He started talking about his recent turmoil with his dreaded boss, the highest authority over the department he loved so much unfortunately was the source of most of his recent problems. Shayne listened and nodded, flipping through the collective bills Damien had handed over then sticking them in the cash drawer. He’d have to remember to make up the difference for the cookie later on.
“Like why the fuck would I lift an already heavy shelf and keep the boots on it? Is she fucking nuts?” Damien griped, watching Shayne work to prepare each coffee.
“That’s crazy,” Shayne answered, “but another great example to bring up to your store manager. Surely he can bring her into his office to talk about stuff like that. Do you think she was purposely trying to make you look incompetent to your coworkers?”
Damien paused.
“I never really thought of it like that…” he said quietly, “That makes sense, though. When you say it like that.”
“I think she probably knows better, but potentially doesn’t have the best intentions for you. Just something to think about,” Shayne said, “And, I’m sorry if that’s out of line. I know you came here to vent, not for me to go all Therapist Shayne on you.”
“Hey, I’ll take what I can get,” Damien chuckled, then thought for a moment. “Hey, do you wanna see what I’ve been working on today? We didn’t have, like, most of the things I needed, but I’m really proud of how the display turned out, do you wanna see pictures?”
Shayne nodded, then leaned over the counter to look over his phone.
“Wow. That looks great, man. I might have to go in and buy some of that,” Shayne joked, looking at the details Damien had described—the steamed pants on a mannequin, the tight folds of shirts on a table, the colors that he’d gracefully balanced on each fixture of the room.
“Thanks. I had to rush a bit this morning, but I’m happy how it turned out. I wish we didn’t have customers coming in soon, they’re just gonna fuck it up.”
Shayne placed each coffee in a holder, but left Damien’s cup and the cookie out, handing them directly to him.
“Is…this my order?” Damien asked, looking at Shayne confusedly. His words weren’t accusatory, instead laced with gentle concern as to help Shayne realize his mistake.
“No, I—“ Shayne stuttered, his face flushing with pink. “I mean, yes, it is, but I—I added the cookie. I bought you the cookie.”
Damien’s lips pursed for a moment.
“Oh,” he said, “You…you didn’t have to do that.”
Shayne shrugged.
“You sounded stressed. And those cookies are really good.”
As if he wasn’t expected back at work, Damien stayed frozen for a minute. Shayne was worried he had done something wrong.
“How is it you always know what I need, huh?” Damien asked. His eyes looked Shayne’s expression over, quickly following up with, “I appreciate it a lot, I mean. I just feel so…different, compared to my coworkers, but whenever I talk to you…you just…get me. And my unrealized need of a cookie, apparently.”
Shayne prevented himself from shrugging again, recognizing the need to maintain the sincerity of the moment, but he was silent. The add on of the cookie was meant to be just a simple, friendly gesture, but…maybe it could mean more.
It did mean more. And Shayne was okay with that.
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wadebox · 6 months
Wrote a shaymien fic and made an edit instead of sleeping, never been this creative and productive since I dropped out of uni. I miss having a pc with Premiere Pro tho
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lilac-hecox · 2 months
Lilac-Hecox Commissions
Hey guys!
Because it is summer and I work less hours and therefore am making less money. I am officially posting about opening my commissions fully in order to make money since my finances will be tight until Mid-August!
~Commission Info~
$5 per 1k of writing
example - 3,000 word story = $15 dollars
example - 5,000 word story = $25 dollars
example - 7,000 word story = $35 dollars
I am open to writing any smosh pairing or scenario. I will also write Smosh member / Reader fics!
Examples of previous commissions
Ian/Anthony/Amanda - hooking up at VidCon
Ian/Anthony - getting together at Shayne and Courtney's wedding
Ian/Anthony - getting married
Ian/Anthony - doing yoga
Ian/Anthony - Sequel to previous commission
Ian/Anthony - Anthony has a secret piercing
Excerpt from the Spencer/Reader commission I've done:
Tumblr media
~Payment Info~
Typically for payments I use paypal! I do also have a cashapp! I do ask for the payment upfront before I begin working on the fic.
Additionally, I have made a Kofi page with simple donation info attached.
I appreciate anyone taking the time to read this and do not feel pressured to commission! Any commissions, support, or reblogs would be very much appreciated!
Thank you!
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shaynetopps · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Smosh Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Damien Haas/Shayne Topp Characters: Shayne Topp, Damien Haas, Courtney Miller, Kimmy Jimenez, Tommy Bowe (Smosh), Spencer Agnew Additional Tags: New Year's Eve, New Year's Kiss, Karaoke, Fluff, Meet-Cute Summary:
A stranger rescues Shayne from performing karaoke by himself at a friend’s New Year's Eve party.
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