#shawn x abigail
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psyxhic-angels · 6 months ago
shawn spencer is actually the most shippable character on the show i’m not even kidding
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adamkdexter · 9 months ago
Idk if it's a hot take or what but I think I loved Shawn and Abigail together a little too much. They had such a fun little dynamic with her being the " if you can't beat 'em join 'em" type. Plus it felt nice to see Shawn in a relationship independent of his work, and which required a little more compromise out of him. Had he not CLEARLY been focused on Jules half the time DURING the relationship it would've probably been really good for him. And I adore Jules, by the way, I'm just saying Abigail would've added a different and interesting edge to the show had she continued on with us a little longer. Glad she's doing her thing though, go queen.
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donnydamakkk · 1 year ago
extremely unpopular opinion but i loved shawn & abigail together
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donnydamakkk · 1 year ago
u could legitimately feel how neither of them wanted this break up n it hurt
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katiethedane12 · 5 months ago
no but really tho JULES DID NOT DESERVE THAT, why do you have to hurt me like this
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goldenhawk-k · 7 months ago
Just finished psych season 4 and I’m going to mourn Shawn x Abigail forever.
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a shules fic
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jules is bold, shawn is not, stage directions are in italics bc i can't be bothered [lassie etc is strike through igl
j picks up the phone and sees that s is calling
hi shawn, why are you calling me? i mean i know we're on a case together, kinda, and lassiter and i flew to another country to help you with this but i didn't know you'd be calling me you know seeing as you have an abiga- i mean a girlfriend. you have a girlfriend and it's not me it's abigal how is she by the way i mean i haven't seen her since i left that movie theater where i asked you out after you 2 years of hinting but it's okay you know i get it i totally understand it's been like what a month since then? like 32 days-not that i was counting but you know i had to fill out the paperwork for mr. yang and-
31 days actually
31 days and 18 hours- not accounting for time zones if course because really who could be bothered- but jules come on if you're going to do the whole keeping-track-of-the-days-since-i-broke-your-heart you at least have to do the thing properly
shawn did you just call me to flirt?
me? flirt? I'm not going to marry you jules, you're not my type. and no, i called you because there's been a theft-a heist if you will- no see that doesn't work either
away from the phone but still audible
gus, would you say what has just occurred was a theft or a heist?
a robbery?
nah i like heist better.
returning back to the phone
there has been an art heist, but let's circle back to the counting thing, if you were filling out mr. yang's paperwork recently you would know we apprehended her at 11 pm, after which you asked me to dinner. now jules i know you wouldn't have asked me to dinner at 3 pm canadian time that's practically barbaric, i mean, what would the moose think?
shawn vancouver is in the same timezone as santa barbara, and you have a girlfriend and she is. not. me.
why would that matter?
because, shawn, you're calling me and joking about marrying me when we're just coworkers. that's it.
j wanders away from lassiter to keep the conversation private but I follows
jules it's a ferris reference, come on.
shawn spencer stop it. stop talking to me like abigal doesn't exist. stop acting like what happened between us never happened. stop going on like you have been like i don't have feelings for you when you know damn well that i do.
jules i-
jules i don't want to just be coworkers. i like you. i couldn't let you take me out because that would have been unfair to abigail; but abigail-
j looks close to tears
there is silence as j and s both think of something to say. lassiter quietly gets close enough to j to be heard over the phone
spencer where is this art heist?
carlton what the- how long have you been there?
oh don't worry lassie, gus and i have it handled all by ourselves we don't need you to come over
if by have it handled you mean making complete asses of ourselves then yes shawn, we have it handled (gus)
lassie put jules back on the phone
trying to sound cool and nonchalant
this is detective juliet o'hara speaking
jules, in the past 31 days i've been thinking about you. not abigail, not how they can fit so many pickles into just one jar, or how long it'll take gus to realize i replaced all his right socks with left socks so he never has the right socks
hey! that was you shawn?
the point is, i think i made a mistake
shawn i-
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wild-fleurs · 20 days ago
I adore this scene as Lassiter character building & the relationship/partnership/friendship of Juliet & Carlton as is exists as Psych gives us it
It’s perfect
They’re an awesome friendship 100%
But the perfection of this scene also makes me down for some Carlton x Juliet shipping shit because damn I love it
Plus am I the only one who liked Abigail & thought she was a good match for Shawn? Not over Juliet or that I thought they’d end up together over Shawn x Juliet but just generally?
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Psych (season 4, episode 16): Mr. Yin Presents…
the way that lassie drops everything to get HIS partner??
this like my fourth rewatch of the show and I’ve been thinking about when during the show I start loving lassie and really enjoying his character, and I think it’s when I start realizing he truly values and respects juliet. and this part - it makes me sob a little bit
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boltlightning · 2 years ago
Do you have a favorite minor Psych character?
declan rand :)
it's been long enough that i can admit he was an incredible parallel to shawn and woefully underutilized. he was a delight. i would've loved for him to become a part-timer at psych who drops in to give hints and such; it'd be a humbling experience for both him and shawn, shawn gets to learn to work with an enemy who isn't a powder keg like carlton lassiter, and gus can have someone sane who listens to his ideas in the office for once. but whatever. it's fine.
in a similar way i think abigail gets an unfair amount of flack, but i think her presence on the show revealed a lot about shawn and juliet's relationship that kind of gets swept under the rug, both by fans and the text: shawn can be flippant and hard to pin down, juliet has unrealistic expectations when she cares passionately about something, and both of them can get really really stubborn when either of those things are challenged. a lot of their conflict while shawn was dating abigail was about that, not necessarily jealousy. abigail was only the catalyst.
abigail is such a good look at who shawn used to be when he was young and brash and how he squares it with the man he is now, and she, too, deserved better from us.
beyond that i think the dog lassiter has in the alternate universe episode of s7 should have become a permanent cast member x
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badapesbestie · 24 days ago
The best ships ever:
Reddie (Richie x Eddie) both 1990 & 2017/2019
Benverly (Ben x Beverly) only 2017/2019
Hanbrough (Mike x Bill) only 2017/2019
Stolitz (Stolas x Blitzø)
Fizzmodeus (Fizzarolli x Asmodeus)
M&M (Millie x Moxxie)
Chaggie (Charlie x Vaggie)
Jevon (Jake x Devon)
Marberry (Martha x Ms. Mayberry)
The Grinch x Martha May
Stella x Barbie Wire
Huckleberry Pie x Strawberry Shortcake (all versions)
Flashlight (Twilight Sparkle x Flash Sentry)
Cheese Sandwich x Pinkie Pie
Sonamy (Sonic x Amy)
366 (Hyunju x Gyeongseok)
Brick x Blossom
Boomer x Bubbles
Butch x Buttercup
Shawn x Gus
Juliet x Abigail
Huskerdust (Angel Dust x Husk)
Noa x Soona
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sci-fi-pony · 4 years ago
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Favorite Couples + Lyrics | 2/?
Shawn x Abigail - "Say You Won’t Let Go"
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writing-n-memes · 4 years ago
If Shawn Spencer isn’t smart enough to be in love with Abigail Lytar then I will
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The Five Stages of Grief
My first canon compliant Psych drabble! Takes place during Mr. Yin Presents. My heart hurts during that episode.
i.                 Denial
He would save them both. It wasn’t even an option to think that what Yin said was true. He would save both Abigail and Juliet. It was his fault that they were in this predicament, and he would get them out. But how?
ii.               Anger
The fear in Jules’ voice lit a fire so hot he didn’t realize he was capable of such fury. It had been festering below the surface, bubbling, since Yin’s voice was what greeted him instead of Abigail, but this sent him boiling over.
iii.             Bargaining
“There’s no way to save them both.” The words fell from his lips, and he swallowed hard. His heart pounded against his chest, threatening to escape. He blinked back tears, forcing himself not to break. Not now. Even though he lost. He failed. He couldn’t beat Yin.
iv.             Depression
He stood there, feeling Gus’ eyes on him, even as he closed his eyes and hunched over the Chief’s desk, hearing her getting ready to go get Juliet, how she was dismissing his father, and he forced himself to breathe. He ran a hand through his hair roughly, as if tugging at it would distract himself from the pain in his chest. He couldn’t breathe. He lost.
v.               Acceptance
Acceptance didn’t come until later. Not until he was sitting on the pier, knowing that Juliet was safe, watching Abigail leave. He accepted that he saved them both. He accepted that it was his fault that either of them were at risk. He accepted Abigail’s decision to end their relationship. None of it felt good, but he accepted it. And he knew that whatever was going to happen, this game wasn’t done. And he accepted that, too.
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donnydamakkk · 1 year ago
shawn & abigail's break up was so painful actually
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clintbartons · 8 years ago
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Mr. Yin Presents (4.16)  /  1967: A Psych Odyssey (8.06)
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someonefantastic · 4 years ago
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Enchanted // Taylor Swift
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