#shaun and ed say hi
sakuraspoke · 6 months
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@cirrus-ghoulette she has arrived. she is perfect.
it's wonderful. there was clearly so much thought and care put into everything. turns out i really needed it and i'm over the moon.
if any of you want a little encouragement or a love letter or something spicy from one of your papas, this is for you! it'll make your dang day.
thank you, bun! 🖤
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guhroovi · 1 year
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Nolan | Shaun of the Dead OC
Tall, grungy stoner who hardly gets a wink of sleep, listens to nu metal, and calls up ed for weed. Always very high, always very cocky. Probably got bit by a zombie.
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txttletale · 6 months
is there any more reliable fact behind what people some trans people say about like cults of cybele
yes! the galli, their practice of self-castration, and their feminine dress and presentation are very well attested by many sources: among them catullus, ovid, varro, livy, and polybius, off the top of my head.
of course, we have no actual accounts from the galli themselves: we can only speculate as to what their subjectivity wrt gender might have been, let alone to the myriad different relationships any individual gallus might have had. however, we can at least know that their presentation was feminine by choice: there is archeological attestation for honorific monuments and art depicting galli in feminine dress, often commissioned by galli themselves, and for them being buried in it. so unlike elagabalus, who in his commissioned statues and coins is always depicted purely masculinely we do have some definitinve information about how the galli at least purposefully presented themselves to the world.
attitudes to them shift throughout Roman history and from source to source, from mild curiosity, to contempt, to violent hatred--we don't, unfortunately, have a lot of writing about the galli in and of themselves--many of their mentions are cautionary tales, a 'what not to do' guide for aristocratic roman men seeking to avoid effeminacy or gender deviance. different authors describe them in different ways: varro calls them 'half-men' (semiviri), while catullus' attis says 'ego mulier' (i, a woman) but also 'ego epherbus, ego puer' (i, a young man and a boy) in her lament over the loss of access to the world of manhood her devotion has resulted in.
but yeah, there is absolutely a gigantic body of evidence for the existence of the itinerant priesthood of cybele being a known and constant part of Roman life, for their having flouted gender roles, practiced self-castration, and adopted feminine presentation, clothing, and appearances of their own accord. take from this what you will! i certainly think that in the project of attempting to locate transfemininity throughout history, it is certainly a more fruitful and worthy ground than the lurid tales of elagabalus and his Big Dick Surveillance Squad.
some recommended reading if you're curious:
“Fabulous Clap-Trap”: Roman Masculinity, the Cult of Magna Mater, and Literary Constructions of the galli at Rome from the Late Republic to Late Antiquity, Jacob Latham
Transgendered Archeology: the Galli and the Catterick Transvestite, Renato Pinto & Gretel Luciano
Looking for eunuchs: the galli and Attis in Roman art, Shelley Hales (in Eunuchs in Antiquity and Beyond, ed. Shaun Tougher)
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viamia · 7 months
After thinking a lot I decided to ask a question. I'd like to know how the boys from SWWSDJ, Dachabo, and The Groom of Gallagher Mansion would react if MC ended up confessing that she's a virgin while they're about to be intimate. (I personally bet a lot that the person who will be most excited and stunned by the information is Bo, and maybe Jack too)
Sorry for any mistakes in English, I confess I used Google Translate :"D
No worries my friend :) I'm just happy to finally get a request after so long. And remember to other readers, don't be afraid to ask for requests from me. Hope yall like it!
SWWSDJ, Tgogm, and Dachabo boys reaction to you being a virgin
TW:implied sexual themes, a bit of swears here and there, and virginity. If you are uncomfortable with the following content, pls leave immediately.
Jack: Jack was honestly kinda glad you were a virgin. To him, it meant you haven't been hanky pankied yet (I could resist saying that XD) So he gets allll the goodies to himself, but he ask you first if your seriously ok with going at it with him.
Ian: This Christian boy was honestly not at all shocked. He knew you were a virgin since yall first met(if I'm wrong pls tell me :')) so he's perfectly aware that you're inexperienced, hell he is too. So basically, yall are winging this
Nick: Considering he's an adult film actor, he's not at all concerned about you being a virgin. Since you're inexperienced, he'll guide you through the way of hankypanky. He'll take it slow with you so he doesn't hurt you.
Shaun: Now, I feel like Shaun would just be a confused boi. like, how did someone like you not get head yet??? Your gorgeous! But he's honestly excited to have a new canvas to paint on if you catch my drift *wink wink ;)* but he's overall excited.
Bo: This dog is ready to plow the fields I swear- this son of a bitch really said fuk virginity, I'm plowing through them like a tractor. Bo is just horny one way or another, so he's hella excited to get a mate all to himself who hasn't been yoinked yet.
Taylor: Poor guy got so confused and flustered. He was a confused mess of a boi. He thought you already your virginity yoinked before, apparently not. He'd immediately resort to asking if your seriously ok with doing it with him. He just loves you so damn much (my precious baby I luv him-)
Elias:Sweet baby boy is so embarrassed to the point that he accidentally gets a noise bleed. He's being bedridden for like the entirety of his living life so of course He's as inexperienced as you are. But you'll probably be the one to guide him through it since in college or previous schools you've probably been to sex Ed. Poor baby don't know the best :')
Anyways, that's the headcanons. I hope you like them!
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pb-dot · 25 days
Film Friday: Hot Fuzz
Time is a strange place, and we yet again write the day as that most important of days, Film Friday. Today we're having a look at Edgar Wright and Acting Duo Superstars Nick Frost and Simon Pegg's sophomore effort, the absolutely effervescent Hot Fuzz.
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PC Nicholas Angel, played by Pegg, is a rare breed of supercop. His mastery of the practical skills of policing is second only to his unflinching dedication to the law, both in letter and in animating spirit. It's to the level that his actions can be traced in crime statistics, and such behavior can not go without reaction. As such, his superiors in the London Met see him "promoted" to a sergeant's position in Sanford Gloucestershire, a quiet little town with a sterling record of "village of the year"-awards and a crime rate at about 0%
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While the initial joke about the highly professional Type A arch-exemplar Pegg being cooped up in an almost compulsively pleasant village is funny, it takes on a kind of heartwarming aspect when he is partnered by local inexperienced cop Danny Butterman, played by Frost. See, Danny knows very little about policing, and approaches it more like an excitable child than Angel's well trained German Shepherd, but BOY does Danny know a thing or two about action movies and having a good time when a good time is called for.
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There are people who think I'm being facetious when I describe Hot Fuzz as an action comedy love story, but I am incredibly serious about it. Word has it that there once was a separate, female love interest for Angel in Sanford , but that this part was cut out and a non-insignificant part of her lines and general role in the story was bequeathed to Danny. I've been unable to confirm this from a primary source, but just looking at the lines I can believe it no trouble.
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Danny and Nicholas have every bit the powerful bromance that Shaun and Ed had in Shaun of the Dead, except, I would argue, it's a much more even relationship than the one in Shaun. There's a similar dynamic, granted, but it's a give-some-take-some type of deal. Nicholas teaches Danny about the procedures and responsibilities of policework, that it's not just "proper action and shit," to quote him directly. Danny, on his side teaches the workaholic Nicholas that there's more to life than work, and that you need to spend time in the world and less time in your head. He also introduces Angel to his considerable collection of action movies, which seems insignificant until you get to the third act.
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Now, by itself this would stand as a movie all by itself, but Nicholas and Danny's increasingly deep and homoromantic relationship does not stand alone. In fact, there's a whole-ass murder mystery conspiracy going on that honestly skews way harder towards horror than Shaun ever got.
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Yes, it would seem that Sanford's 0% crime rate is a case of some judiciously biased bookkeeping. Petty theft happens, but there's never any charges filled. Similarly and more unnervingly, there's no murder in Sanford buy wow do people die in unlikely accidents or just go missing a lot. Ever the practical man, Angel goes about investigating these tragic and gory "accidents," and drags the only copper that'll give him the time of day, PC Butterman, along.
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Now, tempted as I am to talk about what the two find as they go prodding at the seams of the idyllic village life, I will actually honor a kind of spoiler policy here. There are many jokes, as well as genuinely moving reveals that I'd like to talk about, but I think they'll hit better if you go in blind. For those of you who know what I'm talking about though, there are some banger reveals as to what exactly goes on here, and Edgar Wright's love for foreshadowing plot moments and reveals through dialog is probably expressed better in Hot Fuzz than any other of his films.
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I will say, though, that I really enjoy the shift the film makes in the third act. After all the spooky scary conspiracy business comes to a head, our hero makes a decision on what means the most to him, proper procedure, or the spirit of the law (as well as letter I suppose, although he skirts quite a few of those) and decides that it's time to be a goddamn supercop. Just like Danny always saw him, a frighteningly precise instrument for more than the law, also a conduit for justice, and, lest we forget, incredible, incredible violence.
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What follows is perhaps the craziest third act I've ever seen. Danny and Nicholas shoot guns, jump through the air while shooting guns, get in car chases while shooting guns, and forge new and unexpected alliances while... you get the idea. The violence is ludicrous, but decidedly slapstick-y, as Angel intends to bring every single perpetrator (and there are quite a few), in alive. This makes for disabling shots, warning shots, indirect shots leading to (presumably survivable) blunt force trauma, etc etc. It's not realistic, but it feels very in character, and it is fun. You can feel the electric energy of a bunch of action film nerds getting to do every cool stunt they've ever fanboyed over, all the while modifying them to somehow be non-lethal.
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All of this is without even getting into how many great supporting characters there is in this film. Jim Broadbent is great as Inspector Butterman, Danny's father and local police chief. Paddy Considine and Rafe Spall play a great comedy duo of PCs named Andy. Perhaps the greatest of them, though, is Timothy Dalton, playing the supremely smarmy supermarket owner Simon Skinner. I could watch that guy be friendly in a way that makes me want to punch him for days on end. Among Wright's many talents, getting the funniest people in Britain to play in his movies is surely one of the greater ones.
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fellthemarvelous · 9 months
Has everyone in the Good Omens fandom seen Shaun of the Dead?
(I tweeted this and then screenshot it because I had more to say. Also if you haven't seen the Thriller music video by Michael Jackson then you're missing out.)
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It is very important to know that if you've seen Staged, you know that Simon Pegg and Nick Frost were both on the show together in one episode. They are just as close to each other as David and Michael are to each other.
Here is when Shaun and Ed finally notice something weird might be going on.
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They have no idea why this woman was showing up in their backyard and they just assume she is drunk. They were so drunk the previous night (Liz dumped Shaun) they don't realize they witnessed one woman completely bite a man's head off or realize that the person moaning back in reply to the song they were singing was actually a zombie.
Ed literally took the time to find one of those ancient cameras we had to use before the invention of the smartphone. And we know that everyone with a smart phone these days would be doing the exact same thing if this was happening right now.
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But Shaun also has this girlfriend, Liz,
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who is always third-wheeling on dates with her own boyfriend because Ed is never not with them. And the truth is that Shaun needs to make a choice because he can't have both, and Liz really loves him back just as much as he loves her, but Ed is basically Shaun's shadow.
Shaun and Ed begin a noble quest to save Shaun's mum (his stepdad was bitten by a zombie so it becomes necessary to kill him too but there is a flaw in their plan because Philip is still alive by the time they get to the house and Shaun isn't going to kill a living person so they have to add him to the car), to save Liz (only to realize David and Di are still with her and they don't want to be left behind so they get added to the tiny car), and to go to The Winchester (Shaun and Ed's favorite pub and the bane of Liz's existence) because it's sturdy with heavy doors and a rifle behind the counter.
And then all hell breaks loose because Philip finally turns into a zombie in the car, and it's Philip's car that Ed stole because he really wanted to drive it because it was a classic and the child safety locks are still on in the back.
They end up having to abandon the car after locking Philip in it.
They finally reach the pub by acting like zombies and hoping the other zombies don't notice.
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And if you have never seen this scene, it's the funniest part of the entire movie. It's iconic, and it happens to "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen. (Warning: this is still very much a zombie movie)
In the end, Ed gets bitten and later sacrifices himself to the other zombies so Liz and Shaun can escape a little easier.
And then at the very end Shaun is letting zombie Ed live in his and Liz's shed and they still play video games together, and even if Ed tries to bite him from time to time, Shaun yells at him and zombie Ed goes back to playing video games.
It still got the happy ending of a romantic comedy, and we never actually learn what caused the zombie breakout, and the zombie's best friend is taking care of him in the shed of the backyard where he and Liz will live happily ever after (we hope).
The movie ends with the song "You're My Best Friend" by Queen.
Also note: Liz's best friend Di is the only other one in their group to survive the zombie apocalypse but you only find out how if you watch the special features.
I think we need to be looking at Shaun of the Dead a bit closer.
And Hot Fuzz ("surrender the angle" is an easter egg from it), also starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. It's hilarious too.
The apocalypse is happening all around Aziraphale and Crowley, but we didn't notice because we were watching it through the lens of a romantic comedy. Meanwhile, Hell is overcrowded and Furfur set zombies loose on Earth in back in 1941.
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transformers-mosaic · 2 months
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Transformers: Mosaic - Fragments Josh van Reyk & Shaun Knowler
wada sez: The Mosaic project was a monumental undertaking from Josh van Reyk and Shaun Knowler. Their dedication to creating a platform for amateur fan creators, and to producing high-quality stories, eventually led to them writing an official, canonical Transformers comic in the form of Spotlight: Jazz; this post collects various promotional material for that issue, and a pseudocanonical followup Mosaic script that never materialised. But Spotlight: Jazz wasn't the only story they pitched to IDW...
Art by Matt C. Adams [2009-01-26, 2009-01-26, 2009-03-31, 2009-03-31]
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Art by Joana Lafuente [2009-02-08]
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Art by Chris Vera [2009-03-22, 2009-03-31, 2009-04-01, 2010-03-02, 2010-03-02]
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Art by Casey Coller & John-Paul Bove [2009-03-25, 2009-03-30]
wada sez: This lineart from Coller was originally colored up by Matt C. Adams, as seen at the very top of this post, but John-Paul Bove also did his own version!
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Spotlight: Ravage w/ Matt C. Adams [2009-11-27, 2009-11-27, 2009-11-27, 2009-11-30, 2010-01-02, 2010-01-02]
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wada sez: Colors on that A cover were provided by Andrew Griffith.
Matt sez: "At Botcon '09 this past summer, my good friend Josh van Reyk and I pitched a story idea to some of the good folks from IDW Publishing as a possible issue of their Transformers Spotlight series. Unfortunately they had to turn us down on "Spotlight Ravage." But it wasn't because the story sucked. It turns out they already had a similar book planned, only this one would focus on the Movie Universe version of Ravage and was being written by the one and only Simon Furman. And in a strange coincidental twist, not only did his book, the soon to be released Transformers: Tales of the Fallen #5, feature (a version of) Ravage too, but it also had the exact same "hook" that our story had. And by "hook" I mean something that makes the book (fairly) unique and interesting for comic book fans. I won't say what that hook is, but if you take into account the fact that this cover is an homage to Larry Hama's classic G.I. Joe #21, a comic famous for being the first to have the very same hook, then you can probably guess what that hook is. ;)"
wada sez: The issue in question was Tales of the Fallen issue #5.
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Matt sez: "Well, here's a part of the story I left out…
"After hearing why they were passing on the pitch, I was bold enough (or perhaps delusional enough ;) ) to ask one of editors if he knew if all the cover assignments for the Movie Ravage issue had been given out. He said they had, but there was still the possibility of a retailer incentive cover being produced. I then asked that if I was to take the same "silent issue" GI Joe homage idea and redo my Ravage cover so that it featured Movie Ravage, would he be interested in seeing it. He said yes. Fast forward a month or so and I get a response on the new cover I sent in. Unfortunately that response was also a "No." Bummer, right?
"But here's something that's not a bummer. Even though this cover won't see print, my good friend John-Paul Bove was kind enough to take my humble inks and turn them into something that is pretty damn awesome, in my (biased) opinion. :)"
"Making The Myth" (Jazz) w/ Ed Pirrie [2011-01-09]
Ed sez: "If I remember correctly, "Making the Myth" was co-authored by Josh and Shaun. It was definitely after SL:J was published. I don't know if you remember, but that issue got a bit of backlash by people who couldn't accept that Jazz might be able to solo the Predacons. This came out of me chatting with them about that, because I loved the issue, and how sad it was that people couldn't accept that an Autobot with the function "special ops" would actually be good at combat, especially against enemies that immediately underestimate him. I guess it's possible that those talks led to the idea for a Mosaic where he essentially explains why he was so good in a humble way, but honestly it's been so long I couldn't say for sure."
wada sez: The sole surviving snippet from Ed's art for this strip was, he believes, the fourth panel; I've included it at that point in the script.
Panel 1
We're looking down a corridor, as TRACKS chases after JAZZ. We're looking at the bots from front on. JAZZ looks over his shoulder as TRACKS yells out at him.
TRACKS Excuse me, sir!
JAZZ (CONT) Oh. It's Tracks, isn't it?
Panel 2
TRACKS has caught up to JAZZ now, and the two stand opposite one another. TRACKS should look a little awkward.
TRACKS Yeah, that's right, Sir.
JAZZ Good. What's on your mind?
TRACKS (CONT) I, uh, I just wanted to say thanks.
TRACKS (CONT) For saving my Spark, Sir.* I know it was you.
JAZZ (CONT) You do, do you?
CAPTION *see Spotlight: Jazz
Panel 3
Close in on TRACKS, looking away slightly.
TRACKS Yeah, um, Bluestreak told me.
Panel 4
Close in on JAZZ, smiling, but not surprised.
JAZZ Ah, good 'ole Blue. That bot sure does love to gossip.
JAZZ But listen, kid. There's a reason why I made Ironhide promise not to tell you who I am. It's cause you weren't saved by me alone.
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Panel 5
JAZZ puts his hand on TRACKS' shoulder, who perks up a bit.
TRACKS I don't understand, Sir.
JAZZ I know you don't, and that's okay. I've been fighting this war for a long time, and I've fought alongside a lot of different bots.
JAZZ (CONT) I've learned something new from every single one of them-- and they all helped me get you outta trouble.
JAZZ (CONT) That's what I want you to remember, okay? That's how I want you to live.
TRACKS Ah, I will, Sir. I'll make you proud, Sir.
JAZZ (CONT) I know you will, kid.
JAZZ Oh, and one more thing…
Panel 6
Close in on JAZZ, cheeky smile.
JAZZ …don't call me sir.
"The W Team" w/ Ed Pirrie
wada sez: I actually don't have any sort of link or source for this one, because I snatched the preview from Pirrie's deviantART shortly before the took the whole thing down! Still, he was kind enough to provide me with the full script for it. The whole thing is an homage to The A-Team, naturally.
Panel 1
KUP, SPRINGER, ROADBUSTER& WHIRL, all in electro-cuffs stand in the center of a large courtroom. Prowl is seated behind the 'judges' chair and is pointing an acussing finger at the group.
TEXT BOX Ten stellar-cycles ago, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit.
Panel 2
The outside wall of an Autobot prison explodes and KUP, SPRINGER, ROADBUSTER & WHIRL all rush out, guns blazing!
TEXT BOX These bots promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Iacon underground. Panel 3 KUP, SPRINGER, WHIRL and ROADBUSTER are bustin Decepticon heads in MACADAM's bar.
TEXT BOX Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune.
Panel 4
A group of micro-masters are surrounder STARSCREAM, THUNDERCRACKER and SKYWARP, all riding motorcycles.
TEXT BOX If you have a problem…
Panel 5
Elita-1, Arcee and the other fmebots, all beaten, are inside a local police station. Siren, Slapdash and Nightbeat are behind a counter, not interested in the girls problems.
TEXT BOX …if no one else can help you…
Panel 6
Red Alert, on crutches, is in a dark alley. He is handing a small vid-screen to Kup, who is hiding in the shadows.
TEXT BOX …and if you can find them, maybe you can hire…
Panel 7
Hero shot of KUP, SPRINGER, WHIRL and ROADBUSTER, similar to http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images /7/2010/01/the-a-team.jpg NOTE. KUP must have a cigar.
TEXT BOX …the Wreckers!
wada sez: That link above is dead, but the image in question was probably similar to this one:
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Ed sez: "The cygar as a panel I don't [think] they asked for. It was an interstitial I added on a whim, to kind of pause the flow before the final panel. Not that any of that matters any more!"
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wada sez: That's a wrap on all these lost scripts! Thank you for indulging me this last week. We're still not quite done, though—tomorrow, we'll be going back to actual comics that you can look at with your eyes!
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pongosfanart · 2 years
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What if they were friends in every universe and what if they always found each other and what if no matter what it was always them what then-
ID under cut :)
Pencil sketches, colored with watercolor, of the main duo from Shaun of the dead, hot fuzz, and worlds end.
On the left is Shaun: a taller white male, with red-blonde hair, a white shirt, red tie, and a cricket bat, covered in blood. He’s smiling at Ed, a slightly shorter fatter white man with brown hair, a green shirt, leaning on a shovel, also covered in blood. He is grinning at Shaun and they are fist bumping. There are large sections of red paint above and below them. Above them it says “I hope that if alternate universes exist”
In the center, Nicolas Angel, a white man with the same build as Shaun, short blond hair, a blue vest, and a large gun, is smiling determinedly at Danny Butterman, a white man with the same build as Ed, with brown hair, and a matching blue vest and large gun. He looks excited. Above and below them is blue paint and above them it says “it will still be you and me in the end”
On the right Gary King, a white man with the same build as Nicolas, long black hair, and a long green trench coat is holding up a pint of beer and grinning challengingly at Andrew Knightly, a white man with the same build as Danny, with brown hair, a green vest, a light brown coat, and glasses. He has his arms crossed and is looking disapprovingly at Gary. Above and below them is green paint, with the words “I hope that there will always be an us” above them
Below the drawings is written “In every world. In every story.”
End ID.
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two and a half years ago (👀) I posted a list of headcanons right around when I started playing around with the ideas in my fallout WIP
I've decided they ( 1 + 2 ) need to be updated and added to especially after Death Shroud gave me so many great ideas/things I want to steal. Added break to save you dash my loves <3
I will keep adding to this lmao
Post #1 Revisions
Post #2 Revisions
Death Shroud Stuff I'm Kidnapping
Misc Stuff From Asks, Mods, and My Brain (AKA THE LONGEST SECTION)
From #1 (Link Here)
We are keeping chair bound Murphy
I may or may not be recanting my gangly tall 'n thin Hancock HC. I oscillate wildly between wanting him to be Eldritch God™ tall and "gimme uppies! :3" short. He may end up being both. His height will be whatever is funniest for the bit.
oh yeah Sarah Lyons got merc-ed B)
We are still kicking with Kellogg in Nicky's skull but with the added angsty-ness brought in by Death Shroud. Oh the plot! Oh how it hurts so good! Kellogg wanting to find someway to punish the SoleSu(s) and Nick for picking through his memories? Ugh! Give me it all.
We are cutting Billy and the Fridge. I don't want to deal with the nightmare plot holes it will bring up and Quincy will already have enough BS. Plus the more I think about it the less I like the whole quest and its placement. Fuck! Maybe he'll be referenced in Publick Occurrences? I don't care! We're loosey goosey bay-be!
- 10. can stay. I have no issues with them and nothing funny to add
From #2 (Link Here)
Now I can bring up my beloved Vault-Tec Rep. Him in the Death Shroud? Perfect. Beautiful. Stunning. I no longer have to call him Paul Eiding as a very direct nod to his VO. Our Beloved David Dwecker is married to Sheffield and they have a house in Sanctuary filled with Nuka-Cola memorabilia (for Sheffield) and collectable plates (the kind grandmothers display for our lovely Rep). They have a little sitting area set up in the carport where they hangout, smoke, and dance together to Diamond City Radio. I need this for my mental health okay?
Shaun being Autistic is something I really want to explore. I truly forget who I first saw say this but it is not an original idea by any means. I also think the poor thing would have some level of trauma from everything so exploring that is gonna be fun! (no it will not oh my god I'm going to dredge up all my childhood issues.)
OHHHH CHRISTMAS. YULETIDE. FEAST OF ST. NICHOLAS. I find the "Seth Patrick" bit SO funny in Death Shroud so that is staying but also I feel like the feast of St. Nicholas got jokingly flipped into a celebration of Nick Valentine (Same with Valentine's Day) and people are beginning to forget the correct version. Nick tolerates it with an eye roll and a wry joke about people needing to read their history books but secretly finds the whole thing funny. Ellie has a santa suit for Nick to don during "his" holiday. Also the school children in Diamond City send Nick "Valentines" on valentines day and he displays them on his corkboard.
Music. My god the Johnny Guitar bit had me by the throat during Death Shroud. Expand those music libraries! Before you know it I'm gonna give Travis a rolling ladder attached to bookcases upon bookcases of records and holotapes. I want to hear people complain about how many Andrews Sisters records survived and God why won't Travis stop playing them!
The Flavor of Goodneighbor needs to be so complex. Like a good pasta sauce. I better be so overcome by the layers and smells and textures. Better Goodneighbor and Better Third Rail are really good starts but I'm expanding the shit out of both of them I think. I want to feel like Goodneighbor truly is dangerous to be in. Being able to cross most of the town in one sprint burst isn't cutting it Bethany Esda! Make it truly baffling how Hancock knows so much about the happenings in his town.
- 8. are about the BoS and I stand by them. You will get to meet my Lone Wanderer and learn about the hierarchies a little better. I redesigned the Orders and added one I think? I have to re-sort those notes lmao. Also the piloting thing is like MAJORLY important to me because the frequency of vertibird crashes in game pissed me off to no end.
From Death Shroud (@chadfallout76podcast THANK YOU)
Danse is just... Like That now. I can't wait to explore his character before and after Blind Betrayal especially because he will not be leaving the Brotherhood and he will still be Like That. [spoiler warning ;) for my story lol] I can't wait for the beautiful moments that will be born of it.
I actually kind of love some of the plot points in Death Shroud like the Mob Family wars? Staying 100%. Same with Ma and Boss Lombardo and some of the other families.
As is Charlie but I refuse to let him die. I got very attached to Charlie and his death was so perfect but this time he gets to stay alive dammit.
Magnolia sending Magnolia flowers with her letters? Genius
Vault-Tec Rep (David my beloved) being the saddest, wettest cat of a man imaginable when he's in Goodneighbor? Also fucking genius.
"Fish-lips" Malone being part of the same family as Skinny has me so excited for more mob family bullshit.
Ruffino's and the Black Rose is being transplanted somewhere and maybe might be near the Combat Zone. New den of sin anyone?
Obviously I'm not going to attempt to pull apart the fabric of reality in-canon but my god Death Shroud was fun <3
Some new Misc HCs
Diamond City is bigger and more populated, kind of in the same vein as the Goodneighbor HC. I haven't found a mod layout I like so I might end up redesigning it (Please kill me)
This is an old one from an ask! Hancock will help work the bar at the Third Rail occasionally. He's a notorious show off and his cocktails are mainly just straight liquor but he entertains the hell out of people when he dives over the bar to take orders and bother Whitechapel Charlie. There are major losses on nights he bartends due to the fact he forgets (sometimes purposefully) to take payment. Regulars know to put the cash in the tip jar so Whitechapel can collect it at the end of the night.
Another thing I'm keeping from an ancient ask, Danse wants kids. Badly. And the crushing blow of being sterile really fucks with him for a while. but he eventually comes to terms with it. He's also still touchy (as in he's always touching his partner) per that ask because I think that's cute.
I'm just going through old asks now lmao. Nick and Ellie dance together like the true father-daughter pair they are
I forgot who drew this but I once saw someone pair Sturges and Ellie together and that is the cutest damn thing so it stays.
MacReady got the Lone Wanderer's Grognak magazine as a gift for letting them into Little Lamplight and it's one of his prized possessions.
Macready and the Lone Wanderer's reunion is very cute my dudes.
More general slice of life stuff like fishing on the mainland and boats, more things to do in general, transportation, cool amputees, and other shit listed in this post I reblogged YEARS ago
OH Travis and Scarlett get married <3
Danny Sullivan skips town after taking the fun way down from the mayor's office and travels with some cross country caravans before coming back to work in Diamond City. YES HE LIVES!
Holy fuck i forgot I had this mod but the Institute projects the sky up on their ugly concrete dome because this mod fucks hard
Just the general vibe of raiders employing children and stringing more dead mutilated bodies about. There are mods for that and let me tell you they make the raider camps horrifying. No I will not be linking them. But they are available on Nexus should you want them.
Okay I'm changing the layout of everything apparently: Including but not limited to the Railroad HQ, The Prydwen, Vault 111, etc. Fuck game design I guess lmao. I like XFreakish's Railroad Redone and NordKitten's A Sensible Prydwen Overhaul for in game and basically plan to build off of them.
The asks: Hancock bartending, Danse wanting kids and being into physical affection, Nick and Ellie Dancing + MacReady and the LW's Grognak (same ask)
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mysticmayhem1337 · 6 days
Movie Review #018
Shaun of the Dead
Directed By: Egar Wright Year: 2004 Length: 1h 39m Rated: 7.9/10 Genre: Horror/Comedy Stars: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost & Kate Ashfield.
Summary The uneventful, aimless lives of a London electronics salesman and his layabout roommate are disrupted by the zombie apocalypse.
Review Masterful comedy, partly due to the creative camera work. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are excellent, as usual. Oddly enough, this film feels reminiscent of the way many people in the UK reacted to the pandemic, years before it actually happened.
Honest Thoughts I want to start this by saying I do not endorse the use of the n-word which I totally forgot about in this film. After a spot of reading, it seems Simon Pegg has explained that this is supposed to show us how unreliable and clueless the character Ed is. It's always important to remember when media was made, some of the best historical works were a bit insensitive because back then, people simply didn't understand, that shouldn't overshadow them entirely. Don't ignore these things, acknowledge them and vow to do better. Anyway, with that made clear, I feel I can rave about this film. This is a zombie horror made by fans of the genre. That's why it works so well for me. It's terribly funny and full of English humour, but I'm not sure how American audiences feel about it. If you're American and have seen this film, do the jokes land for you? I know our senses of humour can differ greatly. I desperately wish I were studying this in film, it's one of the possible films on the curriculum for component 1, section C. However, this film did drop a point in effects for CG blood. The practical effects are great, but CG blood can really spoil them, and that goes for many other films besides this one. Practical effects for the win!
Scores Performance: 5/5 Plot: 4/5 Effects: 4/5 Flow: 4/5 Engagingness: 5/5 Overall: 4.25/5
Watched On: Netflix Information Source: IMDb
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magicalyaku · 5 months
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I wrote this weeks ago and forgot to post it, oops. uAu March was hard with work and con preparation so I didn't read much. I thought it'd get better afterwards buuut ... it's even worse now. xD Oh well. That's for later! Here's what I read in March:
The School for Invisible Boys (The Kairos Files 1) (Shaun David Hutchinson): It's been a while since I last read something by this author. Missed it! Though, this one is middle grade, so it felt a little different. A little less strange. Like, for once, the monster is an actual one instead of just a metaphor (not that it isn't connected to one. I also wonder if that whole Catholic setting is intentional because the Catholic Church and young boys don't have the best history together …). So, yeah, I like his other stories better, but this one was pretty good as well. I really liked the main character, because while he was timid of some sort, he also was easily brave and bold when he had to (that whole "he was mean to me, so I set his project on fire" is obviously not something to encourage in real life, but it is badass and I have respect for it in a a story xD), and he was able to apologise when he realised he made a mistake. I wonder what the next volume will be about.
Gallowgate (K.R. Alexander): So apparently, 'gay boys and ghosts' is a thing I'm into. The other two series I read, Oracle of Senders and Sixteen Souls, I like better, but this one is also middle grade while the other aren't, so they're not that easy to compare. Gallowgate starts out really dark, like really dark. Poor kid. It gets more whimsical afterwards with the school being run by ghosts and a general morbid decoration of which I've never been a fan, but most kids probably eat this up. Some story decisions are a bit questionable in my eyes like when the adults tell the protagonist to tell them anything strange that happens to him, but when he does they go "oh, that's not possible, you must be imagining things" … How did they think, that would solve any problems? It is addressed in the story, so it's not too bad, but still. Other than this, it was quite fun and I wonder if there's going to be a sequel.
Skater Boy (Anthony Nerada): What can I say about this one other than I liked it? :'D It's a pretty basic story: delinquent boy falls for someone who is like his polar opposite, in this case a ballet dancer, and wants to get a grip on his life for him. But it's done well, doesn't feel stale or anything. All of the characters are nice, even if they aren't, the protagonist is likable, even if he isn't the type of person one would like to hang out with (for most of the story anyway). Friends and family are just as important as the romance part. Hm. It's probably like this: There's more to the protagonist than meets the eye, and it's the same for the whole story? Sounds simple, but there's an honest heart in it.
Icarus (K. Ancrum): By chance, here's another one with a ballet dancer. :'D This one starts out really strange. The chapters are so short, at the beginning they felt a bit disconnected. It took me a while to find my footing in this. I had to ignore all the headlines to not always get taken out of the flow with every new chapter. Which also means, I probably missed a lot of the layers of the story, that are implied by the chapter titles. But it's worth it! It's kind of a strange story, but it gets really warm (there's romance, but the friendship part is also pretty strong). It has things to say (there's intersex rep for instance, and a genetic disease (was it EDS? I don't have my copy at hand to look it up, sorry) and the writing invokes that eerie feeling throughout. If you put it in a visual medium, you'd probably have to be very careful about the framing because it's about art (among other things) and everything feels very artistic and intentional. It's good!
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jackjackal · 3 months
Now...Rec #2 on my Master List...*drum roll*
For #1 on Jack's Master TV Show Rec List Pt 1: Detective Shows🔍 please click HERE!
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For a more detailed description for new watchers or those unfamiliar with the show, please click "Keep Reading"...I have a lot to say about this absolute gem :3
OOOOOkaaaay y'all better buckle up cause our second show on the list holds a very, very deep place in my heart.
Here's a little bit on the Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries:
First and foremost...this show is OLD...old in the best way however!! It's from the 70s...so if you don't like old television...maaaaybe this isn't gonna be for you. Just kidding! Anyone (even those who aren't fans of old tv shows) will like this one! Why?! Because of several, several reasons. Which I will now highlight in the next points:
Shaun Cassidy and Parker Stevenson are not only some of the best looking men (pictured in the gifs above) to have ever graced the screen...they were also LEGENDS of their time. Cassidy made his own music (which is CLASSIC by the way) and Stevenson was a pretty epic surfer (which is also showcased in the show in the most epic of ways). In addition to them...we also were blessed with Pamela Sue Martin as Nancy Drew for the first half of the series. If you don't have a crush on her by the end of the series btw then you are NOT normal haha! While we have some AMAZING lead actors/actresses, we also have phenomenal supporting actors/tresses with Ed Gilbert as Fenton Hardy, Lisa Eilbacher as Callie, and so, so many more!!!
Next reason you'll fall in love with this show...the graphics, while old as mentioned above...are so, so incredibly nostalgic! Even if you weren't around in the 70s (which I was NOT lol), this show will STILL feel nostalgic to you. To me, every time I watch it it's like I'm transported to a different, better world in which I have frizzy yet gorgeous hair, bell bottoms, and a leather jacket that somehow never makes you too hot (lol). But seriously...the show has a sort of magic way of taking you to that time and instantly relieving you of all your worries back here in the 2020s. It's literally insane how much this show can cure my bad mood. Like just watching the theme song takes my day from 0 to 100 (and that's cause the theme song is soooooooo iconic!! They even made fake book covers like the actual book series with the actors' images on them...like omg that's cool!!)
Final point I'll make for the show (cause just like with Case Closed...I could probably write a novel on this show alone) the Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries is great if not for the awesome monster makeup, plot lines, and zingy one-liners courtesy of Frank and Joe, but for the shear incredible chemistry between all the actors. Like Oh. My. Gosh! If I didn't know they were actors I would not be able to tell that Cassidy and Stevenson weren't actually brothers in real life. Their body language, the script, videography, EVERYTHING works together in this show to really sell that they're brothers. Not only that, but their interactions with Gilbert and all the side characters sell this home as well. Like I know it's all acting, but the looks they give each other and the way they tease each other during the little moments of the show like GAH! It...it just...I don't even have words for how awesome it is. Just go watch the show...you will 100% not regret it!!
Okay....now for the rating!!! I gave Case Closed a 5/5 and this show is no different. I will say that if I could, I would give this one like 1 billion stars out of 5...but I'll keep it simple and stick with the grading scale. 5/5 Stars! 🌟What a GOAT of a show!!
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aeltri · 1 year
"We know where you live, Ed…" Have you any fucking idea how scary and unhinged you sound? Get off tumblr, and your crazy-ass conspiracy theories, and get some help.
Says the two-bit psycho Handler who chased Ben through the Met Gala parking lot and manhandled him on camera. He was visibly distressed, did you force your attentions on him afterwards? I'm sure Ben's +1 David Birkin gave you his MKUltra keys and permission to do so. You are the same wanker that has cyberstalked us for years. Y'all ran interference and trolled us one too many times. Don't bother trying to cover your tracks, the internet never forgets and we have 🧾...
PS: Handlers aren't "randos" but nice try! We're looking at you too, Shaun.
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iinsawdious · 1 year
ohgghghhhehehe, shaun riley with the title "After All These Years" 🫣
After All These Years
Shaun pushes open the shed door, as Ed greets him with a groan from the floor. Shaun crouches, turning on the television for Ed before turning to his friend with a sloppy grin.
"Hey, Ed." Shaun starts, sitting next to his friend, not bothering to pick up his twin controller. Ed moans again, mindlessly clacking away at his controller. Shaun clears his throat.
"Well. It's officially been about.. 25 years since we met! Isn't that insane?" He says, searching his undead friend's eyes for any emotion. There isn't any. Ed groans again, making a swipe for Shaun, who avoids it like second nature.
"It's.. kind of interesting that after all these years... we've changed. I'm not the tomboy you used to know, and you... you know. I've been on hormones for eleven years now too... time flies," Shaun muses, before his phone interrupts his train of thought. It's Liz, with a reminder to pick up their hormone perscriptions.
"Oh, sorry. Gotta go. Catch you later, you old oaf," Shaun says, patting his friend on the back as he gets up. He feels a bittersweet pang in his chest as he closes the shed door, contemplating how his life has turned out.
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chempack · 5 months
heya! can i ask 2, 3 and 9 for the ask game?
oh my fucking god dude. i swear to god i did not mean to ignore this. i’m so serious when i say this i did not mean to but you are the person i accidentally blocked. i don’t know if i was experiencing a fit of madness or a glitch or what bc i have no memory of it and i still follow your fallout blog
fucking. anyway. thank you for the ask and i shall once again do the edith-keagan-charlie trio
2. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
edith can and does take care of all three. she grew up on a farm and knows how to take care of crops, she grew up w dogs and has multiple now, and she’s a mother! i daresay even a good one, though her situation is um… Strange. she has her ups and downs with little shaun but she comes around. she has more kids also, not sure how many tho
keagan can also care for many things. he doesn’t have any experience with plants but he could probably do it. he has a pet gecko! and is generally an animal lover (though sadly he is allergic to dogs). he also has ED-E, if you want to count that as a pet. on the topic of children, yeah, he could probably do it. i don’t think he’s the type to have children himself but if you saddled him with one he’d be alright taking care of them
charlie can barely take care of himself. he does take care of dogmeat, and he has a soft spot for kids, but expecting him to take care of anything more than that is like expecting a pebble to turn into a gold nugget
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
edith: “He’s… he’s the kindest person I’ve ever met. We saved each other, I think. And he does everything he can to save, well, everyone. He’s a blessing.” (preston garvey)
keagan: “Which one?”
charlie: “I hate that guy, he’s a little bitch.” (butch deloria)
9. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
edith 100% does, especially dolls/toys. she feels a lot of guilt and grief over the world ending while she was frozen in time, and that has something to do with it. plus while grieving her son… she’s a mess for a bit, and refuses to put down half the things she picks up because ‘it’s damaged/hurt, no one else will use it anyway’
keagan doesn’t really. plants, maybe. he’s an empathetic person in general, but his is reserved for people/animals/Creatures
charlie does it a little bit. he’s more like the “well, i found it, i can’t just put it back down or it’ll be alone forever” type. he’s still just a teenager, after all, and as much as he tries to act like a big mean logistic survivor, he’s got some sorta childish traits still
thank you again for the ask!! so sorry for the blocking debacle i genuinely don’t know what happened 😭
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pb-dot · 1 month
Film Friday: Shaun of the Dead
It is somewhat of a shock to me that I haven't gotten around to covering Edgar Wright's Cornetto Trilogy, and so I am aiming to remedy this over the next couple of weeks. First up is Wright's first feature film, the ever-quotable Shaun of the Dead.
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First up, I want to talk about the title a bit. There's something so effortlessly correct about the thing, how it references George Romero's genre-defining -Of The Dead film series, while also telling one of the movie's central jokes, in that putting a "normal" character who has also perhaps seen a zombie movie into the highly stylized trappings of a typical zombie movie would quite naturally lead to some laughs.
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Shaun, played by the always hilarious Simon Pegg, is in a very familiar twentysomething slump. He's living with his college friends and roomates Pete and Ed, but it's hardly a tenable position as Pete's choleric temperament doesn't exactly jive with Ed's dedicated slacker vibes, and Shaun's girlfriend Liz is getting kind of tired of Ed third-wheeling all the time they spend together. It all comes to a head when Liz dumps Shaun and he, after carousing to forget his sorrows with Ed, decides to sort his life out. As fate would have it, the day after is the day the dead rise from their grave, somewhat complicating matters for everyone involved.
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The central gag of Shaun of the Dead is that while what one might call the standard zombie rules are in effect (aim for the head, don't get bitten, don't call them zombies,) people, chiefly Shaun and Ed, are also aware of the genre conventions. This way, the movie pokes gentle fun of the trappings of the genre, among others with the reoccurring "we don't use the Zed-word" bit.
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It's not all gags, mind. While there are plenty of scenes that rely on jokes about zombie movie logic, as well as more character-driven fare given wings by a truly magnificent cast, there's also some great zombie violence going on. Shaun and Ed dealing with two zombies in their garden at the start of the breakout is violent and hilarious, and while it is somewhat limited, Shaun discovering the fate of Pete is a surprisingly strong horror moment in an otherwise silly sequence.
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I would, of course, be derelict in my duty as a zombie nerd if I didn't talk about the siege of The Winchester and all the glorious zombie violence both given and received therein. The fate of David is a glorious bit of gore, and a fun reference to Day of the Dead if memory serves. Then there's the light gun rifle shooting business which is admittedly a bit sillier than the high drama of the scene perhaps calls for, although it works as a thematic thing as well as being a good further raising of the stakes.
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I have, however, gone long enough talking about just the fun bits. One of the greatest strengths of Shaun of the Dead, in my mind, is its beating heart, its sense of empathy and warmth. All this clowning on zombie tropes could easily turn out crass and irony-poisoned, but this movie doesn't. In part, I suspect, because it was made out of genuine love for zombie movies, and in part because Shaun and Ed's bromance truly is one for the books.
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Usually I don't love the term bromance because I feel it kinda skirts the line of being an early aughts "haha gay"-joke. In this case, though, and in fact in most cases where Pegg and Ed's actor Nick Frost shares the screen, it's hard to describe it as anything else. The two have such effortless and intertwined chemistry on screen that watching them have a good time is infectious and watching them have a bad time is captivating. While there are many strong emotional moments in Shaun of the Dead, surprisingly many for being a comedy, none hit harder than Shaun having to say goodbye to Ed, who has decided to stay behind to ensure his zombie infection doesn't hurt his friend... or his friend's girlfriend I guess. It's a moment of genuine tender masculinity, or as close to one as you could do in a movie in the early 2000's at any rate. The fact that the scene pivots on a callback fart joke doesn't make it any less of a tear jerker.
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The challenging thing about writing about Shaun of the Dead, I feel, is that there's so much to talk about. From the zombie movie angle, this was the best of it's kind made between 1985 and 2007, jokes and all. From the comedy angle, there's so many wonderful bits, one personal favorite is Shaun's ragtag party of zombie survivors encountering a gender-swapped version of themselves led by Shaun's Ex going the other way. Then there's the heart, the Shaun and Ed business is one thing, and the resolution about the subplot about Shaun's disapproving (?) step-dad, played expertly by Bill Nighy is surprisingly powerful stuff. So, to try to close this thing before I write myself into a migraine, I'd say go check Shaun of The Dead out if you haven't already. It's a banger.
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