#shark tank Au
maxbruiser · 4 months
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desktopdinosaur · 7 months
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Next on the fanart list is @maxbruiser ! This is of their siren shark tank au- it’s super cute. Also YALL should defiantly read their fic on Ao3, absolutely banger.
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canvasism · 7 months
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determinedfanartist · 4 months
i think I've become obsessed with maxbruiser's shark tank/siren au...
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th3e-m4ng0 · 3 months
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blub blub
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their actual colors
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arttsuka · 5 months
Octavius and Jed but merman AU. Maybe they're tiny mermen who live inside an aquarium 😂
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How did they end up in there?
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boundlessdaisy · 4 months
Merthur Only You AU hear me out:
A fortune teller tells young Arthur that his soulmate's name is Myrdinn Emrys. He buys into the idea for so so long.
But at 26 years old, now an English teacher, Arthur does end up proposing to his college girlfriend Gwen, a surgeon and colleague of his sister Morgana.
Anxious to start making wedding plans, Arthur comes to Gwen's office only to learn that she's in surgery. Impatient and bored, he answers her phone when it rings. Someone's secretary is calling to reschedule an appointment because her boss is going to Rome. Arthur takes the boss's name and, what do you know... Myrdinn Emrys.
Posessed by his hopeless romantic childhood, Arthur - upon learning from the secretary that her boss's flight leaves in 30 mins - runs to the airport to see his soulmate... but he misses the flight.
Feeling stupid, he attempts to reach Gwen again but her line is still busy so he calls Emrys' secretary instead and asks her where her boss is staying in Rome. Upon learning this, Arthur makes the impulsive decision to book the next flight out to Rome to meet his soulmate at last.
It's not until he's standing at Emrys' door, dressed to the nines, smelling like a flower shop, that he realizes how insane of a decision it was to come here. Christ, he couldn't just have Facebook'd her? What if she was married? He was getting married, dear God, what was he doing-- A lady opens the door. Blonde. Curvy. Was she a model? Arthur tries to stop himself from drooling and says, "Emrys? I'm Arthur," as if she would just recognize him. Well, she doesn't, and it turns out, she wasn't Emrys anyway.
She tells him Emrys won't be back until morning so Arthur packs it in for the night and says he'll come back tomorrow.
He oversleeps of course. He runs up to Emrys' room and knocks on the door. Someone's inside, thank God, says they'll be at the door in a moment. Finally, Arthur thinks, he's gonna meet Emrys. His soulmate. The woman of his dreams... is a man?
Merlin opens the door of his hotel room to see the most handsome man he had ever seen in his life... with the most disappointed look on his beautiful, beautiful face. "Can I help you?" Merlin asks. "No. No, sorry about the intrusion." Arthur replies and starts to turn away but Merlin stops him, "You seem upset." Arthur laughs. Yeah, he was upset. He tells Merlin how he flew a thousand miles to see a delusion he had when he was a kid, he really thought he would meet his soulmate, my God, he is twenty six-- Merlin presses him about it, "Soulmate?"
Arthur explains everything. How when he was a kid he went to a fortune teller and the fortune teller gave him a name. The name of his soulmate, and he held on to the idea for longer than he should and just as he thought he had fully let it go, turns out he didn't. He still believed his soulmate was out there. Hearing himself now, it sounds so ridiculous-- "What was the name?" Merlin asks. "No, forget about it, it's stupid--" "Come'on, tell me, I might know him. Who knows?" Arthur hesitates, but finally tells him, "Myrdinn Emrys." Merlin couldn't help but laugh. Arthur starts walking away in shame but Merlin stops him. "Hey, no, don't go. Listen." Merlin smiles at him, "I'm Myrdinn Emrys."
Okay, so Merlin lied. So what? Arthur likes him, or he's beginning to. Sure, he spent the first half of the day having a full on bisexual crisis, but Merlin methodically eased him out of it with a series of historical facts about ancient sodomy (just so happens to be the dissertation he's working on right now, actually) as they go around the most beautiful city in the world. Love is a strong word, but when Arthur kisses Merlin at the end of the night, he's feeling something dangerously close to that. They just fit so well together. It's like they've known each other all their lives.
They're in Merlin's hotel room when Arthur comes out with it. "I have to tell you something." Merlin keeps kissing him, "I know you're bisexual, and I'm proud of you--" "It's not that" Merlin gasps, "I knew it." "You do?" "You're secretly a prince of some faraway country who's running away from the limelight because you can't handle the pressure. No?" "Emrys. I'm engaged."
Arthur tells Merlin about Gwen, and how he proposed to her just because he thought it was what he was supposed to do. Sure, he loved her, but it just felt so... simple, what they had. It wasn't memorable. It wasn't what he thought his love life would be like. "What did you think it would be like?" Merlin asks him and Arthur admits, "Like... this. Like a cheesy romantic comedy where I rush to the airport and follow you out to Rome without question because I knew. I knew I was meant to be here. I knew I was meant to meet you and.. and kiss you. I knew ever since I heard your name-- Oh god, I have to call off my wedding."
Arthur grabs his phone and calls Gwen at once but before the call could go through, Merlin stops him. "Wait. Wait. Before you do this. I have to tell you something." He takes Arthur's face in his hands and says intently, "I'm supposed to be in England right now. Ten hours into an all-nighter at the only cafe in campus that's open at this hour; I'm supposed to be alone and miserable, but instead I'm here, with you, in Rome for crying out loud, during the best day of my life, because my colleague got sick and they had to ship me to the conference instead-- and because you're my soulmate. Do you believe that?" "I do..." "But..." "But what?" "But my name... isn't Emrys. My name is Merlin."
Arthur. storms. off. Oh my god. He was going to cancel his whole damn wedding for this... fantasy! He flew to goddamned Rome like an idiot, and for what? Just to make a fool of himself that's what. Merlin's tailing him saying things like "Arthur, come on, it's just a name!" and "What's in a name?!" as if quoting Shakespeare would make everything better. He just hated himself for buying into all of it. Of course there was no such a thing as a soulmate, just as there was no such a thing as Myrdinn Emrys.
Or at least that's what he thought until he's about to get on a plane home and someone pages Myrdinn Emrys. He tries to let it go, he really does. Who cares? Even if it was a real person, he or she wouldn't be his soulmate because soulmates aren't real. They keep paging Emrys and Arthur keeps trying to act like he doesn't hear it, but he does hear the footsteps running up to their boarding gate and the flight attendants saying "Myrdinn Emrys?" and, dammit, he couldn't help himself. He turns around, it's a beautiful woman, brunette, she looks just his type... but all Arthur could think about, as the woman he'd been waiting for all his life stood before him, was how disapponted he was that she wasn't Merlin.
Because Arthur does live in a cheesy romantic comedy where someone rushes to the airport to follow someone anywhere without question, who else does he see just outside the boarding gates but Merlin. The attendant asks him if he's getting on the plane or not. "Of course not," Arthur responds, and runs out to meet the love of his life where he stood.
Merlin starts shouting an explanation before Arthur even gets to him, "I'm changing my name. Legally. I don't care what my name is. It's gonna be a very weird conversation with my mom but if that's what it takes--" "Shut up, Merlin," Arthur pulls him into a kiss, which Merlin interrupts. "What about Myrdinn Emrys?" "God, don't make me say it." "Say what?" Exasperated, Arthur says, "What kind of name is Myrdinn Emrys anyway?" He tries to pull Merlin back into the kiss but Merlin interrupts again, teasingly this time. "It's Welsh. It means immortal. It's from these legends, around the 1200s, there was this magician--" "Merlin." "Yes?" "I can't believe I want to kiss you so bad."
On their flight back home, Arthur exclaims, "Oh shit." "What?" "I forgot to call off my wedding!"
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athina-blaine · 3 months
been soooo busy and haven't had time to work on my labru fics, going through the Them withdrawals 😭 ... i beg of ye friends, send me your labru/dunmesh ruminations, what's everyone up to in the castle rn 🥺
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spaceofentropy · 9 months
Magic AU!!!! ✨
My friend! Hiiiiii! Thanks for the ask! ❤️
This is the thing I'm working on the most at the moment. So far it's 37k words of a world in which Billy has magic powers and some things happened like in canon and a lot of others didn't. Like the fact Neil sold Billy's car before they left California and the piece of junk he buys for Billy in Hawkins is haunted. Or the fact that there are a couple of people hell bent on making friends with the new guy in town. Like one Steve Harrington... 😱
Long snippet? Yeah!
"Sorry to bother you, could you please give a thing to your brother for me?"
"I don't have-"
"Your step brother," Steve amends. "It's for Billy."
God, they're so alike, these two. You so much as forget the step part and they immediately bite your head off, worse than if you accused them of a heinous crime.
Max crosses her arms on her chest and stands her ground, looks him up and down like he's a gnat. Like she hasn't decided yet how to get rid of him, but has a few painful options in mind.
Steve places his folded piece of paper tied with red thread on the top of the nearest box and steps back.
"Just give this to Billy, please. It's nothing bad, I swear. Thanks."
He starts walking away and hears Maxine's steps move from the lawn to the sidewalk, she calls:
"Why should I?"
Sounds like she's insulted by Steve. By his assumption that she will do what he asked her to.
He turns around and walks backwards towards his car, puts a bit of King Steve in his smile as he says:
"Because you're curious to see what it says. What Billy will do."
*eyes fic anxiously* This is gonna be massively long... And with some good ol' cosmic horror here and there because we're worth it!
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anon-e-miss · 2 years
Amalgus!Jazz in shark tank or algae tank AU
Jazz is doing Prowl in his base amalgus shape. OP walks in while they're knotted together, thinks they're fighting and tries to separate them to save Prowl. Prowl holds onto Jazz so he doesn't get hurt from pulling the knot out and OP catches on to the sounds not being pain pretty quick. Completely beet red face (or w/e color tf blush is), backs off enough for Prowl to visibly stake his claim (clinging to Jazz and hissing at OP). Jazz is also beet red. His face slips and this is how OP finds out he has an Amalgus working for him, as his black hand.
Prowl is very stuffed and he will hold on best he can, tail wrapped around Jazz and hissing and biting at OP. It takes OP a nanoklik to recognize this spikey monster is Jazz and Jazz is more than a little mortified.
Prowl gives him loving nibbles. You are very lovely all spiky. Very lovely. Now back to fragging.
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*after the animan session*
Alix: Wow that was a wild one.
Alya: probably a good thing that never actually happened. I think my dad would have banned you for life.
Kim: Oh I was banned for life years before your family moved here.
Alya: what...
Marinette: Oh no, I remeber that...
Nino: it was a class field trip and my dude somehow snuck away from the class. We literally had a search party to look for him and when we found him he somehow managed to get into the otter habitat and was swimming with them in nothing but his boxers.
This is entirely on brand though.
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maxbruiser · 7 months
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billcipherstuff · 1 year
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Today me and Bill went to the Aquarium! :D We had a lot of fun there and Bill even rode some fish when the staff wasn’t looking!
But, shortly after these pictures, the shark tried to eat him and after the second picture he was temporarily blind cause he got sand in his eye and kept looking at the projector :/.
Anyways, I’ll show y’all some more pictures of us at the aquarium soon and maybe that other trip we went on last week! :>
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canvasism · 7 months
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A shark tank Au doodle
I like to think that the tank could be built in a way where the deep sea sirens can swim up to the other sirens
I was also thinking that my siren would find it funny to sneak up on other sirens during the closing hours (when the lights are off)
Shark tank Au by @maxbruiser
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corolune · 2 years
Also, if you're still doing the wip ask game, I'd love to hear about the Silkie story and sci-fi mermaids!
yes, I am absolutely still doing the WIP one, thank you for the ask!!
selkie story is my big WIP that I'm currently sharing on ao3, it's been ages since I last updated but I am still working on it and have the next few chapters all plotted out! It is basically an Alex Rider AU where Alex is a selkie (a mythical creature that can transform from a seal into a human and back by taking off/putting on its sealskin/fur coat). I don't even remember how I came up with this idea, but I love seals and selkies and folklore and it turned out to be a perfect analogy for how Alex doesn't fit in anywhere — he can't connect with normal school kids anymore (also probably never really could really fit with them to begin with since he's not only an orphan, but also Ian was a really weird parent), and he doesn't fit in the world of espionage (since he's still a kid), and he struggles to carve a space of his own. So this story became an interesting way to explore that. (plus seals are adorable 🦭)
sci-fi mermaids is an original story idea I had! I was envisioning a middle grade graphic novel when I first thought of this but I think it would work well as a normal fiction novel too. The premise is that mermaids, once thriving in wild oceans, have dwindled in number due to an exotic “pet” trade. In the name of conservation, many mermaids are kept in sanctuaries where scientists study their strange abilities and strive to create the "perfect" breed of mermaid through genetic engineering.
The main story centres around a young mermaid adopted into a wealthy family, whose children are obsessed with them. She often wonders about the ocean, and what it must be like to live with other mermaids. But she feels ungrateful to think of a life away from her family, who've given her a massive tank, and several natural ponds, and let her watch whatever she wants on tv, and spend so much time taking care of her and entertaining her and including her as part of the family. Especially when she's seen on the news of how badly some pet mermaids are kept...I'm still working out the actual plot but I have so much research and sketches of the characters and settings! Maybe I'll dig some of those up and share them on here someday.
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
i want to send a ship for the ask game but i can't really find one to send- so i'd love to hear about just your favorite ship from anything, or one you just have a lot of thoughts on!
You see. My main fandom is Hetalia and in 2013 I had the idea that for a little art trade fanfic, I needed some practical, one-off Human OCs. Just for this one AU story.
9 years later and nothing about this turned out to be one-off. 99% of my writer's output is for this AU monstrosity of its own, where the Hetalia characters now have been joined by over 200 named characters. It's basically Orig Fic with the occasional recognizeable name, cuz I do love the creative freedom, but I also love Fanfiction as an exercise of literary analysis, translating a character from one set of circumstances to another. If anyone wants to read pages upon pages of incoherent OC ramblings for this AU, the tag for it is #storie nostre.
And I AM most mentally unwell about SicIre, my true love, my one comfort ship to end all comfort ships. I will return to my Irishman and Sicilian until the end of time. But I don't want to talk about them.
Instead I keep thinking about Francetto these days, two OCs by the name of Francesco Belfari and Dolcetto Acerbi respectively. They're fixing each other. They're making each other worse. Both of these aspects are interlocked like a rusty set of gears. Dolcetto, who's himself a rather pragmatical bastard with a zest to right the wrongs done to him, isn't afraid of what lurks underneath Francesco's loud and cheerful persona. When Francesco needs to indulge his worst instincts, Dolcetto won't judge him for it and will even be in on the bullshit. They see eye to eye. But Francesco also appreciates that Dolcetto IS pragmatical. More pragmatical than him. More grounded, because he'll be able to pull him back from the abyss when he stared at it for a tad too long. Because Francesco makes Dolcetto want to be kinder, that in turn makes Francesco want to be kinder.
Because Dolcetto in turn doesn't feel inherently worthless and unloveable, someone everyone else would be better off without, as he grows closer to Franci. He feels kind of seen by the dirtbag that Francesco can be, he feels no judgement from the man who watches the entire world with boundless and morbid curiosity. The part of Francesco that IS cheery, that IS caring, that loves so deeply before it crosses the point of destruction makes him believe that there are good things out in the world and that he is worthy of them and wants to give them back.
Does this make any sense to anyone BUT me? No. But I am running on less than 6 hours of sleep, gotta be up at 7 tomorrow and can't sleep. So this is what we're getting. thank you for listening.
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