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...two quick drawings from the recent weeks...
...some whimsical shapescapes...
#art#surreal#drawing#ballpoint pen#ballpoint pen drawing#knottys art#surrealism#surreal art#glow#shape soup#whimsical shapes#shapescapes#whimsical shapescapes#neologism salad
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Prince Carl Philip & Princess Sofia launch game in Minecraft
After two years of hard work, the Prince Couple launches their own world in the computer game Minecraft. The game aims to encourage children to read and write, mainly children with dyslexia, but everyone can benefit from it.
- This gives me goosebumps, I think it's so cool, says Prince Carl Philip.

Photo: Ida Åkesson/SPA
With several big bangs and lots of confetti in the air, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia launched a whole new world in Minecraft Education at the gaming company Mojang's headquarters. Dexi Ville is a game that will increase children's and young people's curiosity about words, letters and reading.
- I had somehow hoped this game had existed when I was your age. I needed something that had awakened my desire to read and my curiosity about words, says Prince Carl Philip from the stage and turns to a school class in the audience.
- Because it is not easy, and I think you know that too, to feel the desire to read when the letters jump around or that it takes a very long time to find the willingness and peace to start reading, says the prince.
Faced many prejudices about dyslexia
The prince says that he has encountered and had to deal with many of the misconceptions and prejudices that people have about dyslexia and what it means for individuals who have dyslexia.
The idea for the game was raised during a meeting at the Royal Palace. Dexi Ville is a development of the prince couple's foundation's method game, "The Big Adventure," which they worked on extensively a few years ago.
- We put so much energy and effort into that game, and it turned out to be a great initiative, but nobody found it. So it was obvious that we had to find someone we could ally with, someone who already has the children and the target group, says Kim Waller, secretary general at the Prince Couple's Foundation.

Photo: Ida Åkesson/SPA
Got to play with the kids
The latest PISA report shows that Swedish children's reading skills are declining sharply. Kim Waller emphasizes the importance of supplementing traditional teaching with more methods.
A while later, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia get to test Dexi Ville together with some children. A block is broken, and Prince Carl Philip quickly builds a new wall. He sits concentrated in front of a computer screen and plays Minecraft.
- This is super fun, and you're super good at this, he says to a young guy who plays with him.
This is Dexi Ville
Name: Dexi Ville – the Wordcraft Adventure Target group: all children between the ages of 8 and 10. The game is currently available in Swedish and English. Developer: Prinsparets Stiftelse, together with Minecraft Education and Shapescape. Microsoft and Nordea are enabling partners. The purpose of the game: to promote increased reading habit, expanded vocabulary and reading fluency, increased curiosity and reading comprehension. Where to find the game: It is available to all Minecraft Education license holders.
Translation and editing for clarity done by me of an article by Jenny Alexandersson, Royal Reporter at Aftonbladet. The article was published on May 30, 2024.
#swedish royal family#prinsparet#minecraft#prince carl philip#princess sofia#royal reporting#aftonbladet#240530
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ShapeScapes by Magda Garguláková, illustrated by Lukáš Fibrich
ShapeScapes by Magda Garguláková, illustrated by Lukáš Fibrich. Albatros, 2023. 9788000070032 Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 4.5 Format: Hardcover What did you like about the book? Wit, humor, and intriguing illustrations entice children to learn about shapes they see every day, often in ways they may have overlooked. The spiral staircase looks like a circle from above…

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My initial is ACWC - 14 years ago, I arranged the letters to make my #monogram #sigil. I make #abstractart, patterns channeled from/honouring nature’s own creation forces (#morphogensis). My body art is based on these patterns as well. Both #abstracts and #art are tied into my #storytelling venture, @thequantumyth \m/ You can find out more in the most recent #IAVStudio video (#Oddworld). I do not do tattooing myself, but I do design custom tattoos & monograms of this symbolic kind, if you are interested. There are also 30 original abstracts you can purchase if you wish (inquiries > Insta DMs & albertchessa.artstation.com), rolled or framed, and you can find a few more by searching ‘Albert Chessa Art’ online. You can also visit the TeePublic store for attire and items printed with my art (shirts, jumpers, mugs) 🖼#AlbertChessaArt #AbstractArt #ShapeScapes #ShamanicDivination #NaturePatterns #HonourNature #Nature #NaturePattern #Pattern #Latticework #Quantumyth https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2efqLpL6I/?igshid=13aqtz2sibcf3
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My initial is ACWC - 14 years ago, I arranged the letters to make my #monogram #sigil. I make #abstractart, patterns channeled from/honouring nature’s own creation forces (#morphogensis). My body art is based on these patterns as well. Both #abstracts and #art are tied into my #storytelling venture, @thequantumyth \m/ You can find out more in the most recent #IAVStudio video (#Oddworld). I do not do tattooing myself, but I do design custom tattoos & monograms of this symbolic kind, if you are interested. There are also 30 original abstracts you can purchase if you wish (inquiries > Insta DMs & albertchessa.artstation.com), rolled or framed, and you can find a few more by searching ‘Albert Chessa Art’ online. You can also visit the TeePublic store for attire and items printed with my art (shirts, jumpers, mugs) 🖼#AlbertChessaArt #AbstractArt #ShapeScapes #ShamanicDivination #NaturePatterns #HonourNature #Nature #NaturePattern #Pattern #Latticework #Quantumyth https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2emiugLNA/?igshid=94ctd4zi5il7
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So is there gonna be like, a schedule for the comic part of the blog or
Not really. If people want consistent updates, then sure I'll work out a schedule, but I don't think it'll happen. Sometimes I'll make 2-4, maybe five panels in one day. Drawing it all doesn't take me long unless I'm burned out.
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day 28 and final one for circle week and its @shapescape . i’ve been seeing this design and its soo cool i couldn't resist drawing it
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And starting off heres a gift for @shapescape ! Her boi Noise with my girl Lycan!
Ok so basically I have a Alternative AU but it’s more private so the Lycan you see here is from my AU and of course the Orange scruffy boi is Noiz by @shapescape ! Enjoy!
No reposting claiming as your own please and thank you!
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I was playing Grave Danger again!
Character belongs to Shapescape and wunutwonder
#minecraft#artists on tumblr#digital art#digital illustration#drawing#sketch#art#minecraftbedrock#gravedanger
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【海外ワールド日本語解説】マインクラフトで城ディフェンス!『GRAVE DANGER』【マイクラ・マーケットプレイス】Minecraft・Switch(統合版)
可愛すぎる!全57種の動物・モンスターをペットにできるワールド『MOB・PETs(モブペット)』 動画 誰でも簡単にかくれんぼできるワールド「Camo Hide&Seek」はコチラ☆ 「GRAVE DANGER」とは アンデッドの大群から城を守ってください! 20種類以上のトラップ、魔法の武器、信頼できる仲間を使って、ゾンビやアンデッドの猟犬などから守り切ろう! 製作者 Shapescape 金額 無料 概要 城がアンデッドのモンスターの大群に襲われています! 罠や魔法の武器、信頼できる仲間とともに城を侵略者から守りましょう! ゾンビにアンデッドのぬいぐるみなど多種多様なファンタジーの生き物が相手として出てきます。さらなる武器と罠をアンロックして、城の守りをさらに固めましょう! + 20 種類以上のトラップ + 7 種類の魔法の武器 + ボス戦 +…

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Jan Skacelik - Shapescape 09 Art print by Jan Skacelik exclusively for THE POSTER CLUB. His paintings explore the playful world of geometric and organic shapes combined with pastel colours. Printed on 265g high quality art paper.Fits standard frames. Frame is not included.Packed and shipped in a protective tube — Worldwide shipping. Where to buy colourful posters.#graphicposter #poster #art #artprint#theposterclub https://ift.tt/3u6uCmb
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"The Visit," Acrylic on Wood Panel
#abstract#chachilovesdesign#losangelesartist#landscape#losangelespainter#new work#aliens#skyscape#shapescape
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Pentingnya Pengalaman Bermain Bagi Anak
Anakku yang berumur dua tahun sering mendapatkan akhir yang kasar dari kesepakatan di sini. Saya biasanya memodifikasi kegiatan anak-anak perempuan sehingga dia dapat bermain juga ... tapi minggu ini, saya merangkai Eksplorasi Seni Terinspirasi Matisse ini untuk balita hanya untuknya. Ini sama sederhananya dengan tempat sampah yang bisa Anda buat, tetapi itu menghiburnya untuk sepanjang pagi! Dan dengan guntingan berwarna cerah yang dikenal Matisse, itu adalah tambahan yang bagus untuk seri Exploring Art History for Preschoolers.
Pertama, apa itu tempat indera? Nampan sensori adalah wadah penyimpanan plastik besar berisi pengisi dan mainan atau benda kecil yang mengundang anak Anda untuk belajar melalui permainan terbuka dan independen atau yang sering di sebut mainan playground. Ini disebut nampan penginderaan karena mengundang mereka untuk menjelajah, sambil melibatkan semua indra mereka.
Saat mengumpulkan sampah sensoris untuk balita saya, saya lebih suka menggunakan tempat penyimpanan yang lebih dalam, 16 liter ini. Satu-satunya aturan untuk tempat sampah indra adalah menyimpan segala sesuatu di tempat sampah - ia memang cukup bagus, tetapi tempat yang lebih dalam sangat membantu untuk menjaga agar isinya terkandung. Untuk Mat sensorik yang bertema Matisse ini, saya menggunakan karung beras putih seberat 5 pon sebagai pengisi.
Jika Anda ingin menambahkan aroma pada pengalaman indrawi, Anda dapat menambahkan beberapa tetes minyak esensial ke dalam nasi dan mengocoknya di tempat sampah untuk didistribusikan secara merata. Ini sepenuhnya opsional. Saya menambahkan beberapa tetes minyak peppermint ke nasi putih untuk yang satu ini - ini membantu dengan perhatian dan kewaspadaan, kombinasi sempurna untuk eksplorasi sensoris dari potongan-potongan Matisse Terinspirasi Art yang hidup dan berwarna-warni.
Akhirnya, saya menambahkan beberapa Shapescapes. Shapescapes adalah potongan bangunan plastik tugas berat, dalam warna-warna cerah dan berbagai bentuk. Mereka memiliki torehan di dalamnya, sehingga dapat dihubungkan bersama untuk membentuk patung, dan mereka hampir tidak bisa dihancurkan (yang telah berlangsung di rumah kami lebih dari setahun dengan bermain intens dari ketiga anak-anak). Anda dapat memesannya langsung dari perusahaan online dan sering menemukannya di toko-toko hadiah museum seni, tetapi Anda juga dapat membuat sendiri dengan busa kerajinan atau potongan-potongan kardus berlekuk dan dicat.
Saya menyiapkan tempat-tempat indera kita di meja ruang bermain playground anak kita. Saya tidak memberikan instruksi apa pun, dan satu-satunya aturan adalah untuk menjaga pengisi di tempat sampah. Saya meninggalkannya selama beberapa hari, dan anak-anak terlibat dengan cara mereka sendiri, terus dan terus. (Anda dapat bertaruh gadis-gadis (usia 4 dan 6) juga mengalami hal ini segera setelah mereka pulang dari sekolah!)
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A farm that doesn’t even look like it was built in minecraft. By Shapescape https://craft.360decorations.com/games/a-farm-that-doesnt-even-look-like-it-was-built-in-minecraft-by-shapescape/
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Alright, new Shapes of May week, featuring Circles!
The first one featured is from the @shapescape comic!
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