#shania twian
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always-rolling-my-eyes · 9 months ago
10 female artists you like and 10 female artists you'd like to like?
Female artists I like: Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Shania Twian, Beyoncé, Céline Dion, Madonna, Whitney Houston, Little Mix and Cher
Idk what exactly you mean by female artists I’d like to like, but I want to listen to Sabrina Carpenter some more, I’m starting to get into Ethel Cain, Adele has such a great voice but it’s always the same damn thing, so her music has become boring to me, I used to like Ariana Grande but I haven’t really seen any artistic growth and lost interest a few albums ago (plus she’s a bit of a mess 😬) and…I was actually really disappointed with what I heard of Olivia Rodrigo’s second album. I liked her first album a lot but the couple of singles I heard from Guts just didn’t do anything for me so I didn’t even bother to check the album out
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mayhemproduces · 1 year ago
Syn & Abigail vs Taya Valkyrie & Johnny Mayhem
For the first time in MPW, we’re being blessed by the presence of Johnny Mayhem, known by many names over the years, and his wife, Taya Valkyire! With Valentine's day right around the corner, Johnny and Taya make their MPW Tag Team debut, against maybe MPW’s most notorious couple, responsible for sewing so much destruction and doubt throughout the company, everyone’s least favorite couple, Syn & Abigail. 
As soon as the bell rings, though, Syn and Abigail both try to charge right at Taya and Johnny, and knock each of them through the ropes! Syn & Abigail with a not very warm welcome here to their opponents tonight, but as they follow them out of the ring, Taya and Johnny decide they’re not gonna stand for that, and start beating down Syn & Abby! Syn and Abigail though, both being adept and powerful strikers, hit right back, with Syn and Taya trading forearms, and Abigail and Johnny doing the same! We’ve broken down into a full on Valentine’s day brawl!
Taya and Johnny quickly find themselves overwhelmed and try to run for it, with Syn and Abigail not letting up! Syn starts catching Taya with a couple of clubbing blows to the back, as Taya tries to drive Syn into the ring apron, to no effect as Syn keeps laying into Taya! Abigail has Johnny against the steel guardrail, and starts laying into him with several chops to the chest! Abigail sends Johnny into the ringpost, bouncing his head off the steel, before she rolls into the ring for a brief second, rolling right back out to force Jake Clemons to restart his count. This time, Abigail goes right after Taya as Syn grabbed Johnny, who was trying to crawl away, by the hair, catching him with a couple of cross face shots as he held him down. Abigail rakes Taya’s eyes, before grabbing a handful of her hair, and bouncing the Wera Loca’s head off the guardrail! so far Syn and Abigail have complete control of this match!
Syn catches Johnny with a chop so hard it drops him, as Abigail is now putting the boots to Taya’s midsection against the guardrail. Syn grabs a handful of Johnny’s long brown locks and drags him along the outside of the ring, before driving Johnny’s head into the ring post again! Even without weapons, Syn had a way of using everything in the surrounding environment to his advantage! Syn catches Johnny with a boot to the back, right on the spine, as Johnny laid on the outside, before it’s his turn to roll in and back out of the ring to restart the count. As long as one of either Syn or Abigail stayed close enough to the ring to keep doing that, they could keep this outside brawling up all match, a style that vastly advantaged the two of them. Abigail continued to lay into Taya with a series of right hands, as over on the other side of the ring, Syn had Johnny’s head pressed up against the guardrail, and Syn was raking Johnny’s face across the bars! Johnny was already bleeding, whether it be from the repeated throws into the ring post, or he was opened up by the guardrail, but either way, The Fallen is getting everything they want here tonight!
Syn grabs Johnny into a headlock, and pushes Johnny’s hair back, displaying the cut on Johnny’s head that was currently leaking blood for the fans at home to see. “This the guy? This the guy they’re bringing in to fight me?!” Syn spoke right into the camera. “This the dude you thought would get the better of me?! Really?!” Syn then peppers Johnny with a couple of short punches to the forehead, opening up Johnny even further, before releasing him and blasting him with a chop to the chest. “Shania Twian sucks anyways.” 
Johnny staggers away, and once again Syn rolls in and out of the ring, breaking Clemons count. Clemons almost looks resigned to it at this point, and even though he was told to strictly enforce the count tonight, it wasn’t doing anything to get Syn and Abigail to bring this one into the ring just yet. Maybe Clemons knew this all along, being the MPW Senior Official and all, and knew it would be a fools errand to try and get any sort of control in this one. 
Abigail bounces Taya’s head off the ring apron, before leaving him, trying to get Syn’s attention for something. As Syn is still laying into Johnny, Abigail grabs his shoulder, and while the cameras can’t pick up their conversation very clearly, the way Abigail is gesturing, it seems like she’s trying to talk Syn into setting up some sort of double team move. Syn looks confused at first, and there’s definitely a breakdown in communication. Perhaps a bit of struggling after such a big loss to the Shield last sunday! The conversation took longer than it probably should have, as Syn turns around into a eye poke from Johnny Mayhem, and as Abigail tries to grab Taya, she grabs her and whips her right into the steel ringpost! Abigail’s head bounces off the steel, and she spills to the floor! Johnny grabs a handful of Syn’s hair, and drives him into the ring post as well!
Taya checks her own forehead, and notices she’s bleeding, before giving a stomp to The White Reaper, making sure she stays down, as Taya starts digging around underneath the ring. Back on the other side of the ring, Syn is trading right hands with Johnny, and actually looks to be getting the better of him, before Taya comes over and cracks a chair over Syn’s back! Syn drops down to his knees and clutches his back, having to use the apron just to keep his feet. Some payback for what Syn was doing to her husband! Taya starts laying into Syn with a couple of right hands, stunning him, before going and checking on her partner. Johnny was gushing blood, but was otherwise okay, on his feet, and ready to fight. Taya began digging around the ring, looking for more weapons in order to press Johnny and Taya’s advantage at the moment. Clemons count reaches nine, before Johnny slides into the ring and slides back out, restarting it. Why Clemons was even bothering at this point was probably both beyond him and us here watching, but you have to admire Referee’s Clemons' attempt. Johnny charges in and catches Syn with an axe handle to the back, and as Syn drops to a knee, Taya follows it up with a kick to the ribs! Johnny continues to beat down on Syn as Taya shouts at the booing crowd to shut their mouths. Both Taya and Johnny pick Syn back up, and the two of them together whip Syn into the steel ringpost, smashing Syn’s head against it and causing Syn to collapse to the floor! Syn might be out cold! 
Abigail was back on her feet, and tried to go over and help, but Taya lifts her up and charges with her, using Abigail as a batting ram and driving her spine into the other ringpost! TTaya grabs Abigail and tosses her back into the ring, this match finally for the first time since the opening bell getting back into the ring. Johnny rolls in with her, as Taya goes to get on the apron, Johnny catching Abigail with a kick to the head. Johnny drops down and hooks the leg for the first cover of the match. 
1…2… Kickout!
Abigail out at two. Abigail tries to crawl to her team’s corner, but Syn wasn’t up on the apron, still laying on the floor after the beatdown he received from Johnny’s pissed off wife. Abigail tried to shout down at him to get up, but Johnny puts a knee right in her back to silence her for the moment! Clemons yells at Johnny to get her off the ropes, and after a count of four, Johnny puts his hands up, trying to feign innocence. Johnny tries to go back at Abigail, but Abigail catches him with a shot in the gut, before getting back to her feet, catching Johnny with a series of right hands, before sending Johnny off the ropes, but Johnny turns it around on her, sends Abigail off the ropes, and then nails Abigail with a dropkick! Abigail is on wobbly legs after that one, but doesn’t go all the way down. Such a big, powerful competitor like Abigail, sometimes even your best strike isn’t enough to take her off her feet. It takes a second dropkick to knock Abigail down, and Johnny grabs her leg, the one with the knee brace on it, a frequent and perhaps sole weakness of Abigail’s, and drags her back over to his team’s corner, tagging in Taya Valkyrie. Taya puts her foot on the front of Abigail’s knee, and Johnny grabs the leg, snapping back with it, causing Abigail a great deal of pain to her bad knee! Abigail grits her teeth in agony, and clutches her bad leg, as Taya comes over and presses his knee down right across her throat, using the ropes for leverage! 
Abigail once again tries to crawl for her empty corner, the camera panning down to Syn, who had just barely started to move on the outside, the Poisoned Prince now also leaking blood from his forehead. Taya catches Abigail with an elbow to the back of the head, keeping her grounded for the time being. Taya lifts Abigail up, and tries to lift her up for a Suplex, but Abigail blocks it, before rolling Taya into a small package! Shoulders are down, Syn and Abigail could steal it here!
1….2… Kickout!
Taya manages to kick out, and immediately gets back to her feet, dropping Abigail with a clothesline! Abigail and Syn were big, but Taya was a powerhouse in her own right, and boy did she hit like one. Taya grabs Abigail’s bad leg, holding it up, before dropping an elbow down onto it, causing Abigail even more agony. Taya then began to twist the leg, trying to cause Abigail even more pain, and maybe convince her to tap out. While that wasn’t likely, it was clear Taya and Johnny had done their homework for tonight, and knew how to pick Syn and Abigail apart. Taya continued to wrench back on Abigail’s leg, putting her in even more pain, and looking to make it so that Abigail couldn’t stand on that leg. If you can’t stand, you can’t fight, it doesn’t matter who you are. Abigail reaches up and starts digging her nails into Taya’s face, digging her claws in until Taya lets her go, but before she can do anything else, Taya makes the tag to Johnny. Taya and Johnny each grab a leg, before wishboning Abigail, causing her to sit up in agony. Johnny shoves her back down to the mat, and makes another cover!
1….2… Kickout!
Abigail out at two again, Syn finally back on the apron as Johnny traps Abigail into a headlock. Abigail fights back to her feet and starts catching Johnny with a couple of stiff elbows to the sternum, forcing Johnny off of her, before Abigail sends Johnny into the ropes, and catches him on the rebound, planting Johnny with Wrath of the Gods! Abigail into the cover! 
1…2… Broken up!
Taya Valkyrie charges into the ring and drops an elbow down across the back of Abigail’s neck, breaking the pin up! Taya catches Abigail with a couple of boots to the head, ignoring referee Jake Clemons, before he tosses Abigail aside, and drags Johnny back to his team’s corner, tagging himself in, before getting back into the ring, and laying into Abigail in the corner with a couple of boots to the midsection. Suddenly, though, noticing Syn had finally got back on the apron awakened something in Abigail, as she began hammering away at Taya with a couple of stiff right hands, before Abigail CRUSHES Taya with a Big Boot! Taya sits up from the impact, and there’s a far, far away look in her eyes, as he slowly falls to his back. There’s a good chance if you asked him right now, Taya has no idea we’re in Akron. Abigail begins crawling for her corner, and, perhaps as a shock to many, Syn’s actually reaching out his hand, looking for a tag! Abigail gets to her corner, and makes the tag, Syn is legal! Johnny gets the tag from Taya and charges into the ring and tries to cut Syn off, only to get LEVELED by a lariat from the Poisoned Prince! Syn watches as Taya gets to her feet, and drops her with a lariat as well, before Syn sees Johnny trying to get up in the corner, charging in, and crashing into Johnny with a Stinger Splash! Syn lifts Johnny up onto his shoulders, and, turning to see Taya still down, Syn drops Johnny onto Taya with a Death Valley Driver! Syn then grabs Johnny, and tosses him into the corner, before whipping Taya into him, inadvertently causing Taya to Cannonball her own partner! Syn decides to head up top!
Syn sets his feet on the top rope, before measuring, leaping off, and crashing down on both Taya and Johnny with a Front Flip Van Terminator! Syn drags them both out of the corner, and goes over to his corner, tagging in Abigail, as both of them get up to their feet and shitcan Taya Valkyrie out of the ring, before grabbing Johnny Mayhem, lifting him up, and planting him with Farewell, Mona Lisa! Goodnight, Johnny Mayhem! Abigail & Syn both lay across Johnny for the cover, sharing a kiss as Clemons counts three!
“Here are your winners, The Fallen!”
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danceundersparklinglights · 5 years ago
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Let’s go girls ✨ (insp)
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highcaptain-agron · 7 years ago
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i-fucking-conic releases
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I don't want another heartbreak I don't need another turn to cry I don't want to learn the hard way Baby, hello, oh, no, goodbye But you got me like a rocket Shooting straight across the sky It's the way you love me It's a feeling like this It's centrifugal motion It's perpetual bliss It's that pivotal moment It's impossible This kiss, this kiss (Unstoppable) This kiss, this kiss Cinderella said to Snow White How does love get so off course All I wanted was a white knight With a good heart, soft touch, fast horse Ride me off into the sunset Baby, I'm forever yours It's the way you love me It's a feeling like this It's centrifugal motion It's perpetual bliss It's that pivotal moment It's unthinkable This kiss, this kiss (Unsinkable) This kiss, this kiss You can kiss me in the moonlight On the rooftop under the sky You can kiss me with the windows open While the rain comes pouring inside Kiss me in sweet slow motion Let's let every thing slide You got me floating, you got me flying It's the way you love me It's a feeling like this It's centrifugal motion It's perpetual bliss It's that pivotal moment It's subliminal This kiss, this kiss (It's Criminal) This kiss, this kiss
 Lyrics from one of Faith Hill’s hit songs “This Kiss”
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tangledstarlight · 3 years ago
for the spotify wrapped thing: 13, 7, 15, 93
7 –– you're still the one, shania twian
12 –– can i have this dance, high school musical
15 –– starlight, taylor swift
93 –– hollywood, jukebox the ghost
honestly surprised you're still the one didn't make it higher yknow
send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist!
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May 1, 2020 Music Videos List
Billie Eilish – Bad Guy – Music Video
Bobby Sherman – Easy Come Easy Go – Music Video
Cheap Trick – I Want You To Want Me – Music Video
Connie Francis – Mama – Music Video
Creedence Clearwater Revival – I Put A Spell on You – Music Video
Creedence Clearwater Revival – Proud Mary – Music Video
Cyndi Lauper – Time After Time – Music Video
David Guetta – Titanium – Music Video
Dawn – Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree – Music Video
Debbie Gibson – Lost In Your Eyes – Music Video
Destiny’s Child – Independent Women – Music Video
Donna Summer – MacArthur Park – Music Video
Eric Chruch – Give Me Back My Hometown – Music Video
John Denver – Sunshine On My Shoulders – Music Video
Justin Timberlake – Cry Me A River – Music Video
Katy Perry – Hot and Cold – Music Video
Kelly Clarkson – My Life Would Suck Without You – Music Video
Kendrick Lamar – All The Stars – Music Video
Kesha – We R Who We R – Music Video
Khalid – Know Your Worth – Music Video
Kid Cudi – Day And Nite – Music Video
Lupe Fiasco – The Show Goes On – Music Video
Maroon 5 – She Will Be Loved – Music Video
Maroon 5 – This Love – Music Video
Michael Bolton – When A Man Loves A Woman – Music Video
Mr. Mister – Kyire – Music Video
New Edition – I’m Still In Love With You – Music Video
Oasis – Wonderwall – Music Video
Paul McCartney – Take It Away– Music Video
Paul McCartney – Uncle Albert – Music Video
Percy Sledge – When A Man Loves A Woman – Music Video
Petula Clark – Downtown – Music Video
Playboi Carti - Magnolia  – Music Video
Post Malone – Rockstar – Music Video
Ringo Starr – No No Song – Music Video
Ringo Starr – You’re Sixteen – Music Video
Roxette – It Must Have Been Love – Music Video
Sammy Davis Jr. – The Candy Man – Music Video
Savage Garden – I Knew I Loved You – Music Video
Sergio Mendes – Never Gonna Let You Go – Music Video
Shania Twian – That Don’t Impress Me Much – Music Video
Snoop Dogg – Beautiful – Music Video
Squeeze - Tempted – Music Video
Steve Miller Band – Abaracadabra – Music Video
Steve Winwood – The Finer Things – Music Video
STYX – Too Much Time On My Hands – Music Video
Taylor Dayne – I’ll Always Love You – Music Video
Taylor Swift – Look What You Made Me Do – Music Video
Taylor Swift – We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together – Music Video
The 5th Dimension – Age of Aquarius – Music Video
The 5th Dimension – I Didn’t Get To Sleep at All – Music Video
The Carpenters – Top Of The World – Music Video
The Emotions – Best of My Love – Music Video
The Jackson 5 – I’ll Be There – Music Video
The Monkees – I’m A Believer – Music Video
The Pussycat Dolls – Don’t Cha – Music Video
The Pussycat Dolls – When I Grow Up – Music Video
The Rolling Stones – Fool To Cry – Music Video
The Shirelles – Foolish Little Girl – Music Video
The Supremes – Baby Love – Music Video
The Supremes – Where Did Our Love Go – Music Video
The Verve – Bitter Sweet Symphony – Music Video
Tim McGraw – Highway Don’t Care – Music Video
TLC – Red Light Special – Music Video
Tom Petty – Don’t Do Me Like That – Music Video
Tone Loc – Funky Cold Medina – Music Video
Toni Braxton – You Mean The World To Me – Music Video
T-Pain – I’m And Luv – Music Video
Trio – To Know Him Is To Love Him – Music Video
Tweet – Oops – Music Video
Twenty One Pilots – Stressed Out – Music Video
USA For Africa – We Are The World – Music Video
Usher – Nice And Slow – Music Video
Usher – U Remind Me – Music Video
Will to Power - I'm Not In Love – Music Video
Wadsworth Mansion – Sweet Mary – Music Video
Whitney Houston – Greatest Love Of All – Music Video
Wiz Khalifa – Black and Yellow – Music Video
Young Jeezy – Soul Survivor – Music Video
Zedd – Stay – Music Video
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harryisapackersfan · 6 years ago
top 10 nineties country bops. go
oh my GOD *shania voice* let’s go, girls
(i may or may not have a playlist that made this both easy to find things and so had to pick just 10)
man, i feel like a woman // shania twian (no contest) 
ready to run // dixie chicks 
that don’t impress me much // shania twain 
XXX’s and OOO’s (an american girl) // trisha yearwood
this kiss // faith hill 
born to fly // sara evans (it’s 2000, but i’m counting it)
any man of mine // shania twain 
independence day // martina mcbride
she’s in love with the boy // trisha yearwood 
sold // john michael montgomery (weird choice, i know, buti have vivid childhood memories of singing this in the back of the car, and my parents being impressed i could do the fast parts. praise and validation are very important to me djfhlsjf)
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mercurymaemeddows · 3 years ago
5 for the song asks 💕
Once again I'm sorry it always takes me like ten years to get to shit like this. 🙃🙃
There isn't a set number of songs to list on the question so I'm just gonna do five, becasue that's the question number lol. So here are five songs I have loved since I can remember!
1. Bad Reputation by Joan Jett
2. C'est la vie by B*witched
3. Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics
4. Up by Shania Twian
5. Wannabe by Spice Girls
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purpleparrot · 6 years ago
i found the easiest and most perfect sounding job and it could eventually lead into what i actually want to do later
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sillysheeptheorist · 9 years ago
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Shania Twain, Up!
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bitpartinyourlife · 13 years ago
Dagens skiva #41.
Varje dag, så länge högen med olyssnade skivor finns kvar, lägger jag in en ny cd i iTunes och lyssnar igenom den. Idag: Gillian Welch - The Harrow & The Harvest
I den genre där Gillian Welch verkar är det en hårfin gräns mellan himmel och helvete. För att ta ett exempel: det är inte alltid så långt mellan Lucinda Williams och Shania Twain som man skulle önska. Och precis som det finns fantastiskt fina spår på "The Harrow & The Harvest", finns det också ett par inslag av kvalmig radiocountry som får mig att bara vilja stänga av. Det där bredbenta, lite kaxigt avmätt sydstatssläpiga... Jag står inte ut. Trots att de låtarna är i minoritet, innebär den besvikelse de orsakar varje gång de börjar spela att mitt bestående intryck av skivan blir mer negativt än positivt. Kanske beror det också på att mina förväntningar var alldeles för höga efter att ha lyssnat intensivt på "Time (The Revelator)" senaste veckorna...
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downeyindustries · 13 years ago
I wish I looked like Shania Twain
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everyoneisgay · 13 years ago
"You know that song, "Man, I Feel Like a Woman"? Does that mean something? Do people "feel" like a gender? I don't. I just feel like me. I know transgendered people feel wrong in the body in which they were born. I don't feel wrong. I don't feel gendered at all -- like, not particularly masculine or feminine. Is this normal? Is there a "bisexuality" equivalent for gender?"
-Question submitted by Anonymous
Dannielle Says: 
fuck if i know. 
I’ve never in my life felt like i was the wrong gender, but dammit do i love shopping in the men’s section. THEIR CARDIGANS ARE CUTER YOU GUYS… I don’t feel like shopping in the men’s section makes me a boy? I also don’t feel like a five-year-old boy with painted nails is automatically a girl. Gender, Sexuality, Math Equations, nothing is black and white you guys… NOTHING. 
Just do what you do, be comfortable with you and bone who you wanna bone. I wasn’t born knowing I wanted to be a doctor, but here I am doing surgery on brains or whatever. you know?
Kristin Says:
Last I checked, math equations were pretty black and white.  No?
I can’t speak for other people, but I do know that yes, many people ‘feel’ like they are a particular gender, or a blend of genders, or in a transitory place between or amongst genders.  I also know that not everyone feels this way, and that even the people who do identify with gender are identifying with their own perception of that gender…so, there is no universal here, as far as I am concerned.
I have certain things about myself that I suppose align with what we are told is ‘feminine’ and other things that align with what we are told is ‘masculine,’ but much of my life is spent not acutely aware of my relation to either side of that gender divide.  Most times, I just feel like me.  However, if a man in my neighborhood rides by me on his bike and makes obnoxious and sickening kissing noises at me, I feel like a ‘woman’.  Alternately, when I have sex with someone, I also feel like a ‘woman’.  So…what the fuck does that even mean?  That feeling like a woman means experiencing a threat or pleasure?!  IT MAKES NO SENSE, AND I HAVE GONE TO LIKE 75 YEARS OF SCHOOL FOR THIS SHIT.
{deep breath}
What I am trying to say here, and I know I am floundering a bit, is that it is completely ‘normal’ to occupy your own space in relation to gender, even if that space is one that doesn’t feel one way or another.  You said yourself, you don’t feel ‘wrong,’ and that is what counts here.  You feeling comfortable in your own skin, as a person, as yourself, that is what matters and makes you you.  Fuck gender, that is what I say.  GOOD DAY.
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