#shane x mr. qi
lily-alphonse · 6 days
what if... shane and mr. qi
Bro what 😭 I know absolutely nothing about Mr. Qi. BUT I have like 2 or 3 more asks with him in it so it looks like Im gonna have to build a characterization for him real quick lol. I love him though. Love a weird little cryptid man and the fanart is so good.
What interest would he have in Shane I wonder? Maybe it's an AU where Shane is the one to take over the farm and everything so he's secretly special. OR... Mr. Qi just enjoys watching a dumpsterfire. There's no TLC in Stardew Valley so what better reality TV content than to watch the town drunk? Maybe even make things a little worse for him sometimes just for funsies.
You know how in the Sims, if you have an unlucky Sim they can cheat death because Grim either pities or is amused by their shenanigans? That's the dynamic I think. Shane is so unlucky that Qi finds him endearing over time.
Qi would start to leave notes for him, trying to send him on adventures or test him. Shane would have none of it, crumbling the weird notes and suspecting someone was playing some kind of prank on him. Qi gets annoyed about it. Enough to even reveal himself, but he picks (what may or may not be) the best time because Shane is so drunk he doesn't even care.
Mr. Qi almost blends into the darkness by the dock, except his cape shimmers with moonlight and catches Shane's eye. He approaches him when he's discovered.
"Shane," he says in greeting.
It makes Shane wonder if he knows him. Then he wonders if he should be worried about this random shady character approaching him. But he also looks kinda silly, a wide hat and sunglasses obscuring his face, and the most obvious answer is that he’s finally snapped.
Shane narrows his eyes at him, trying to decide what to name this odd figment of his imagination. "Mr..." he starts, and Mr. Qi is almost ready to be impressed until Shane settles on "Hat."
Qi isn't sure whether to laugh or disappear in a rage.
A sort of scoff comes out instead and he sits next to him on the dock. 
"Where did you come from?" Shane asks.
"I come from everywhere." 
"Figures," Shane mumbles into his beer can. He downs another drink. "You're not gonna be some kind of like... conscious that talks in riddles or something are you?"
It feels appropriate, almost making them equals, for Shane to see him as an imaginary friend. It makes up for the way Qi had started to see him as a pet. 
"Not a conscious, though I might speak in riddles occasionally."
“Dammit. Tracks I guess. Can never make sense of any of the shit up here,” he mumbles, gesturing to his head.
Qi had been planning to ask him about the notes, maybe even scare him a little. But here he was being handed the golden opportunity to see into Shane’s mind, and that was even better.
Actually, being an unknown, an enigma, had always been the goal. Short of that,he was forced to keep a carefully curated reputation of mystery, which was not at all the same. Meeting in this way turned out to be a blessing.
“Why do you think you’ve summoned me here?”
“I'm drunk.”
“I can see that.”
“I dunno, I'm pathetically lonely," he says with an exasperated sigh, "Obviously.”
Qi feels a twinge of something unnameable at that, though it's still pretty amusing. He likes the blunt way Shane speaks, especially when he puts himself down, its pure dark-comedy gold. It feels different when directed at him personally though. Like some long-dormant human urge within him makes his heart ache to match Shane’s.
“Are you?” he asks simply.
"D'you have eyes under there?" Shane slurs, looking at him more closely.
"Would you have made me without eyes?"
"Good point. The fuck are we talking about? Who are you?"
"Mr. Hat, apparently."
Anyway, they continue to meet like this, with Mr. Qi as his supposed imaginary friend, and Mr. Qi begins to genuinely enjoy the connection they have because no one has ever treated him like this. Everyone he meets is intimidated by him, afraid of him, or looking to screw him over. And beyond that, when he was younger and more human, it was always people wanting to know him. Always so many questions.
His goal was always to be unknown.
He gets that with Shane, under the pretext that he does not exist. It’s freeing, and paradoxically allows him to open up. Any perceived oddity about him only gets turned into a reflection on the darkness in Shane’s mind. In this way, Shane might know him in a deeper sense than anyone else has in a long time. Plus, Qi doesn’t laugh this much with anyone else.  
Shane wants to be unknown too, in his own way. But he starts to hate himself a little less, after these late night talks to ‘himself’. Weirdly he starts drinking less and the hallucination stays. 
I think there would be quite a dramatic falling out when he finds out the truth, but in a way, Shane would also be relieved that this was a real person he could potentially be with.
This ask is a part of the (now closed) SDV Rarepair Challenge! Check out the other answers here, and make sure to boost your favorite so it can appear in the final fic poll! More info on that here.
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lucy-the-demon · 1 month
From one legend to another.
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Finally drew mr qi, finally got it the way I wanted
I always planned on making him another cat person
I originally wanted him to be a Russian blue (because blue skin?) than I realized that would probably cause confusion with Bella and her biological parents
So I was split on making him a black cat or a calico ( because male calicos are extremely rare, and he thinks of himself as a legend)
My friend said they liked the black cat idea, so I went with a black cat
The Source of the quote: Rango
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stupidcvpid · 1 year
Stardew Valley
Head Canons
- Bachelorettes x TouchStarved GN! Reader
- Nothing yet!
- Nothing yet!
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Tumblr media
I make mini-comics and art of Stardew Valley characters!
(animations and writings too if I'm up to it)
I post art on Monday and Friday and Wednesday is for everything else!
All my art will be tagged with -> #SDVBID art
QNA stuff and Answer archive!
inbox answers are tagged with #ask if you want to look through that!
Templates I use
Below is my Comics, Art, Doodles, and everything else organized and labeled with specific character appearances, enjoy!
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Vulnerability- Alex, Me???
A little jealous- Rasmodious, Farmer
Gossip- Caroline, Abigail, Pierre, Rasmodius, Farmer
"Experimental noise" they said.- Sam, Abigail, Sebastian, Farmer, Jodi, Vincent, Leo, Linus
Bots- My chicken
Golden Scythe!- Farmer
Hair cuts!- Marnie, Shane, Emily
You weren't supposed to do that- Elliott
Two types of winter players: Farmers
Double trouble bubble brew!- (part 3) Penny, Alex, Abigail, Farmers, Harvey, Maru, Sam
Trouble continues to brew!- (part 2) Harvey, Maru, Abigail, Alex
Trubble in the Spirits Eve Maze- (part 1) Abigail, Alex
A different point of view- Leah
A head cannon of mine...- Farmer
Stalker vibes- (2 panell) Farmer, Sebastian, Robin
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Happy 1-year anniversary/birth to me!🎉
Salad and Steaks- Farmer, Alex
Lewis in gold
Let me in! (animation)- Demetrius, Farmer
Marlon headcanon art
He would NEVER!... or would he?- Mr Qi
Harvey and his planes
Happy Valentine's Day!- Krobus
Not Invited- Pam, Willy, Marnie, Lewis, Robin, Gus
Haley's material girl arc
Here's a chicken animation I made- Chickens :)
High Score- Sam, Sebastian
Feast of the Winter Star- Jas, Farmers, Lewis, Abigail
Emily's old hairstyle
A pirates wife- Birdie
Say cheese!- Krobus
Scarecrows and Rarecrows- Farmers
Harvey- with bonus one pannel comic- BLOOD
Winter Jas
3rd time's the charm!- Farmers
Favoritism- Farmers
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How the Farmers Heal- Harvey- BLOOD/CUTS
Controversial Alex opinions
Emily in a jester outfit!
Favorite and least favorite- Krobus, Bouncer guy
SHADOW WIZARD MONEY GANG- Mr Qi, Rasmodious, Grandpa
Who has the longer hair?- Elliott, Farmer
Sam with check it face meme
Family Dinner night- Sam, Farmer, Vincent, Jodi
Shane's canonical birthday
Sick farmers characterization
He's just standing there...MENACINGLY- Sebastian, Jas
The smallest :)- Harvey
8th anniversary of Stardew- Junimos
Haley x Femm Farmer
Farmer Grandpa phone doodle
Haley holding lesbian flag
Mask Farmer doodles
Abigail bonus doodles
Halloween Ref for comic- Penny, Harvey, Maru, Alex, Abigail, Sam
Mr. Qi ref
Rasmodius ref
Shane ref
Penny and Abigail ref
Maru, Leah, Farmers, Harvey, Elliott, Alex, Sam ref
Old base farmer ref (Fem)
Old base farmer ref (Mask)
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sdv-polls · 5 days
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bugsnaxed · 4 months
Stardew valley x bugsnax mod ideas
(I'm trying to make this a thing? But no promises though lol. I'm mostly writing this out to see what other people think.)
Alex: Chandlo
Alex is way to misogynistic to be chandlo, but this can be fixed through editing the dialogue.
Abigail: Liz
Abigail feels a bit too young for Liz to take her place, but other than that I feel she fits pretty well.
Elliot: Wiggle
I was originally gonna make Wiggle take Sam’s place, but this feels a bit more fitting, with the whole writers block thing and all. (Also I'm halfway done with her sprites and I don't want to redo them lol)
Emily: Shelda
Shelda and Beffica would still live in the same house. They’re not blood relatives, but Beffica sees her as a grandmother figure :0)
Haley: Beffica
It fits perfectly and you can’t convince me otherwise. They even share a love for photography!
Harvey: Eggabell
Again, fits pretty well. Apart from the whole pilot thing from Harvey’s storyline but oh well.
Leah: Wambus (and hopefully triffany, I don’t know how easy it is to mod an entirely new character in though. Maybe i can edit sandy into Triffany?)
Wambus feels kinda out of place but I literally have no other ideas for him lmao
(I know I could have Triffany take the place of a non romancable npc (like the museum guy or the island archeologist) but I don’t wanna separate her from everyone else? If that makes sense.)
Sam: Filbo
I feel like Sam is “too cool” for Filbo, but I could probably change that through some edits to the dialogue.
Sebastian: Snorpy
I feel like Sebastian is a bit too “emo” for snorpy, but I could fix that through dialogue. The motorcycle part is a bit more out of character but oh well.
Shane: Cromdo
Sad old men. Enough said.
Maru: Floofty
I feel like it could work with again, some dialogue edits.
Penny: Gramble
Toxic home life, loves kids, kinda shy, he’s perfect to replace her lol. (I would say I don’t even need to edit his dialogue but I wanna keep his accent in...)
Krobus: Alegander or Snacksquatch (???)
I didn’t know who else to put for Krobus… I might not even touch him tbh. I feel like Alegander might work better replacing Mr Qi. now that I think about it...
Another idea was to replace Krobus with the Snacksquatch, because I think having it as a room mate would be silly :03 (Or maybe I could find a way to put triffany here??)
*Npcs related to the bachelors/ bachelorettes would be original characters. Ex: Pam, Penny’s mom will be changed to Grambles mom, (or at least my interpretation of her) ect.)
*I wanna make all the characters are grumps, npcs, background characters ect. But the player character might be a bit too tricky…
*I’m probably gonna end up editing everyone’s dialogue in one way or another, to keep their characters intact. Writing in Wambus and Gramble’s accents shouldn’t be too hard for me, but I might fuck up a bit on Liz and triffany a little :'0)
*I might swap Floofty and Snorpy’s places?? I feel like it could work out either way but still.
Lemme know what you guys think! Sorry if this got a bit long, I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I needed to get it all out of my system
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stardewremixed · 2 years
Masterpost for My SDV Headcanon & Original Fanfics (WIP)
I had some difficulty logging everything here, so I’m redirecting to my hashtags. Since I wasn’t consistent in the beginning, I included multiple hashtag links below. Most posts will be the same on the pages, except for my early days. 
Original Headcanon 
Making Beds - SDV version - SVE version
Weeding the Garden - bachelors - bachelorettes 
Justice for Stardewies (includes other townies)
Friends (Shane, Elliott, Leah) 
Traveling Cart (bachelors) 
What each Townie adds to the Community Center once complete 
Flower Dance (Emily) (Haley) 
After Christmas Sales (SDV + SVE) 
Do they believe in Santa? 
Christmas Cookies (Abigail and Alex) 
First Day of Winter 
Favorite Holiday Treat
Favorite Holiday Movie 
Favorite Holiday Tradition 
10 Birthday Headcanons for Sebastian
Favorite Christmas Carol 
Favorite Christmas Ornament 
Adulting (bachelorettes only)
What would the Stardewies/Stardudes be doing instead of sleeping?
Auctions (Gunther & Olivia) 
Stardewies as kids (Abigail)
Black Friday shopping (SDV + SVE)
Thanksgiving (SDV + SVE) 
Shower Thoughts (SDV + SVE) 
Shane sings 
Misc thoughts (includes townies) 
Random Saturday morning headcanons (includes townies) 
When they were younger (Marnie) 
National Philanthropy Day (SDV + SVE)
National Pickle Day (Harvey + Farmer) 
Stardewies Favorite Desserts (SDV + SVE) 
Veterans Day headcanons (includes townies + SVE) 
Amusement Park Dates with Stardudes (includes SVE) 
How do the Stardudes react to getting injured 
More random Halloween headcanon (includes townies + SVE) 
Halloween headcanon (includes townies + SVE) 
Favorite Halloween treat (bachelorettes only, includes SVE) 
Social Media 
Random Pam headcanon 
Stardudes Favorite Desserts (SDV + SVE) 
Some SVE headcanons
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (includes townies) 
Pasta Headcanons (bachelorettes) 
Pasta Headcanons (bachelors) 
Stardewies at their time of the month
Happy International Archaeology Day (Gunther) 
Villager vacations (includes townies) 
Stardew Valley Neighbors (Part 2, Part 1) 
Date Night with Bachelorettes 
Elliott’s Fall Birthday 
Teach Me (Elliott, Sebastian, Sam, Abigail, Harvey) 
Favors for Farmer 
Favorite tools 
Stardew Valley Coffee Shop
Dates with Bachelors 
First Day of Fall (includes townies) 
Random headcanon 
St. Paddy’s Day
Random Haley headcanons
International Women’s Day (includes townies)
Going to Zuzu City (bachelors/bachelorettes) (townies)
Random headcanons (includes townies) 
Game Night 
Social Media platforms
Haley headcanons 
Random headcanons (includes townies)
Harvey B-day headcanons
Elliott headcanons
Sam headcanons
Original Fanfic Stories 
First Kiss with Shane
First Kiss with Harvey
Alex and Abigail 
Sebastian x (easily blushing) Farmer strolling through the snow
Gus gives Pam a job 
Alex and the Ice Cream Stand
SDV + SVE Pairings 
In defense of Sam Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 
Would you rather? (bachelorettes) (bachelors) 
Linus’ conspiracy tent theories
The leaking roof 
Stray thoughts about Mayor Lewis
For all posts about a specific bachelor/ette or townie, you can find their links here: 
Abigail | Alex |  Elliott | Emily |  Haley | Harvey |  Maru |  Leah |  Penny |  Sam |  Sebastian | Shane 
All Tags:
 Caroline |  Clint | Demetrius | Evelyn | George | Gunther | Gus |  Jas | Jodi | Kent | Leo | Lewis | Linus | Marlon | Marnie | Morris | Pam | Pierre | Professor Snail | Mr. Qi | Robin | Sandy | Vincent
My TS4 Remakes (and HC) 
SDV: Abigail | Alex | The Bouncer | Caroline | Clint | Demetrius | Elliott | Emily | Evelyn |George | Gunther |  Gus | Haley | Hat Mouse | Harvey | Jodi | Kent | Krobus | Leah | Maru | Mayor | Mr. Qi |  Linus | Pam | Penny | Pierre | Robin |Sam | Sebastian | Shane  | Vincent | Wizard | UPDATES 1 
Claire | Jadu | Lance |  Magnus/Wizard | Olivia | Sophia | Suki (Traveling Cart) | Victor 
See also Master Post for Borrowed/Adopted/Altered HC’s written by others 
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✨Other headcanons:✨
Last update: 16.09.2024
How do SVE mages/adventurers know when they have fallen in love with someone and what do they do next?
Spicy headcanons with poly!Lance/Isaac/Farmer (NSFW)
Some SDV bachelors/ettes react to Farmer's involvement in the Cult of the Lady with the Red Tail
Adventurers Guild members opinion about three Farmers with magic (Battle Mage, Researcher and Healer)
RSV: Freddie and Lola's opinion about Farmer's partner
Farmer seriously injured during Mr. Qi special quests
Sad Mr. Qi headcanon
Farmer attempting to learn the languages of the non-human characters of the valley
Some random Lance/Isaac/Farmer headcanons
Pelican Town mayoral election
People from Pelican Town and Ridgeside Village react to the fact how Farmer remind them their Grandpa/Grandma
Farmer/Lance/Isaac relationship
Magnus/Harvey/Farmer relationship
Magnus, Camilla and Marlon react to the Farmer's abusive ex
Farmer introduce their child to Kiwi/Helen
SVE adventurers react to RSV area/RSV adventurers react to SVE area
Lance/Isaac one-shot
People from SDV, SVE and RSV react to the weird Farmer in the night
How the bachelorettes will play the Sims 3
SVE mages and adventurer: who is Gotoro Empires spy/imposter?
Oblivious Farmer
Shane x Harvey: first date
Mumbling about Farmer's chance to join different Guilds
People ask about random HC (SDV+SVE) part 1
People ask about random HC (SDV+SVE) part 2
Madness and pink cake in huge slime
Elliott and Farmer as Eric and Ariel from Little Mermaid
✨Masterlist: stories about OC Farmers✨
Other OCs farmers
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all-things-sdv · 24 days
Stardew Valley Municipal Office
Welcome to All Things SDV! This post is your way to navigate all the tags and links and other shenanigans that happen when you visit my page.
About Me:
My name is Cam and my pronouns are she/her. l got into Stardew Valley this past fall on my Nintendo Switch and ended up buying it for my laptop so I could play with mods (specifically, wanted to checkout Stardew Valley Expanded and Ridgeside Village).
My favorite LI in the game is Haley, and I am currently writing a Haley x F!Farmer fanfic that I would love to have a beta on if anyone is interested!
My main blog is @crookedsailing, so feel free to give that a follow if you want (warning: it’s an ~aesthetic~ blog, so it’s very superficial).
The Valley Times
Continuity Catches
Deep Dives
Fan Art
Fan Edits
Fan Reviews
Incorrect SDV
Marriage Candidates:
Pelican Town:
Calico Desert:
Ginger Island:
Mr. Qi
For the Press:
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suntraitor · 4 years
tell us about your au
AAAA anon im so sorry i forgot you asked this!!! (this is about the scp x stardew au)
alright SO there's no real story at the moment? there are a few specific plot points, most notable are Maru and Emily getting ahold of scp-963, and the world almost coming to an end.
then i know the roles some of the characters play (but im still stuck on some). the farmer (Doctor Nora Poet) works with a lot of plants / plant based scps. they have their own private garden, where some think they're housing an scp.
Harvey is still a medical doctor, but he's worked with safe scps in the past. he and gears are good friends! i always hc that gears knows a lot of medical stuff, so in this au he previously worked with Harvey.
Leah works with humanoid / sapient scps, and is really sweet! she wants humanoid scps to be treated humanely and does everything in her power to make sure that happens. her favorite to work with is Elliott (im not coming up with numbers gdjdhdjdjd).
Rasmodius is one of the more intimidating Foundation workers. to others, to people who actually know him, he's pretty kind. he's a translator and has retrieved numerous anomalous items for the foundation. usually works with keter class anomalies.
Mr. Qi is an O5. he's as mysterious as the rest of them, with a lot of speculation and gossip about him from foundation personnel. some think he's related to a member of The Serpent's Hand and is in close contact with them, and that he is protecting Nora's secret (and is one of the several suspected people who are in on it. whatever it is.)
Kevin (the bouncer) was formally on Omega-7, but is still apart of a MTF. he's one of the others suspected to be involved with Nora's secret.
Abigail is an archeologist! she works with a wide range of weird and terrifying scps. she was also apart of a MTF.
as for others? Maru works for Anderson's Robotics. she's friends with Emily and Sandy, who are apart of The Serpent's Hand.
Haley and Shane are reality benders, they haven't been captured by the foundation and are continuing to live a quiet life together. Elliott, like i said, is an scp as well who's currently at the foundation. he has a part in trying to stop the end of the world.
so that's all i have atm?? there's more but im kinds tired so dnxnfndndb
i don't know what I'm gonna do with the other characters atm dhdgjdjdhdh
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lily-alphonse · 2 months
Rarepair Challenge✨
Send me an ask of any wild Stardew ship pairing (base game) and I will make a convincing argument for how it would work / how I would write them. Even non-marriageable candidates are fine I want crazy pairings fr. I just love thinking about this shit and I love a challenge give it to meeee (pls only send 1 pair per ask, multiple asks are fine!)
If one gets popular enough I will consider writing it perhaps ;)
Alex x Elliott
Alex x Haley
Alex x Leah
Alex x Penny
Alex x Sam
Alex x Sebastian
Alex x Shane
Abigail x Haley
Abigail x Maru
Birdie x Willy
Caroline x M. Rasmodius
Elliott x Emily
Elliott x Gus
Elliott x Harvey
Elliott x Penny
Elliott x Sandy
Elliott x Sebastian
Elliott x Shane
Emily x Leah
Emily x Sandy
Gunther x Willy
Gus x Linus
Gus x Marnie
Gus x Willy
Haley x Harvey
Haley x Leah
Haley x Maru
Haley x Penny
Haley x Robin
Haley x Sam
Haley x Sandy
Harvey x Shane
Leah x Sandy
Leah x Shane
Linus x Rasmodius
Marlon x Marnie
Marlon x Rasmodius
Maru x Sam
Morris x Pierre
Morris x Shane
Penny x Sam
Penny x Sandy
Penny x Shane
Rasmodius x Mr. Qi
Sam x Shane
Sandy x Shane
Sebastian x Shane
Shane x Mr. Qi
I have A LOT in my inbox rn, I will get to your ask as soon as possible lol If you are a writer yourself feel free to use these ideas with credit
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lily-alphonse · 6 days
SDV Rarepair Challenge Update ✨
I am closing submissions! It's about time I think, I've been at this a couple of months and got a TON of responses. The masterlist is insane.
What happens now?
I have 10 more asks in my inbox to get through. Once I get those posted, I will put together a poll with the top pairings by number of notes. If you want to see a particular pairing on the poll, make sure to like and reblog! I'm currently thinking I will do 2 rounds of polling, unless the voting is very obviously pointing to one. Here are the ones I have already done:
Alex x Elliott
Alex x Haley
Alex x Leah
Alex x Penny
Alex x Sam
Alex x Sebastian
Alex x Shane
Abigail x Haley
Abigail x Maru
Birdie x Willy
Caroline x M. Rasmodius
Elliott x Emily
Elliott x Gus
Elliott x Harvey
Elliott x Penny
Elliott x Sandy
Elliott x Sebastian
Elliott x Shane
Emily x Leah
Emily x Sandy
Gunther x Willy
Gus x Linus
Gus x Marnie
Gus x Willy
Haley x Harvey
Haley x Leah
Haley x Maru
Haley x Penny
Haley x Robin
Haley x Sam
Haley x Sandy
Leah x Sandy
Leah x Shane
Linus x Rasmodius
Marlon x Marnie
Marlon x Rasmodius
Maru x Sam
Morris x Shane
Penny x Sam
Penny x Sandy
Penny x Shane
Sam x Shane
Sandy x Shane
Sebastian x Shane
Shane x Mr. Qi
And the ones I still need to get to:
Dr. Harvey x Shane Wizard x Mr. Qi Morris x Pierre Haley x Sebastian Elliott x Willy Haley x Shane Emily x Penny Clint x Sandy Emily x Shane Sam x Elliott
I am so sorry if your favorite isn't on this list! But 55 is already well over what I can include in a poll anyway lol.
If your favorite is in my TBAnswered list, you can check back within the next few weeks for that. I have the masterlist linked in the pinned post on my blog, I update that with fresh links every time I post a new one. Honestly though, if you are dying for one in particular that's on the TBA list I could just tag you, let me know in the comments and make sure your tag is enabled.
An additional note about the poll: I will not be writing for a pair that I have already written in the past, such as Sambastian and SebAlex. Click here to see a list of all of my Stardew Fics . SAM X ALEX IS ALREADY WRITTEN AND COMING SOON TO AO3.
The winning rarepair will get a oneshot fic that will be a direct expansion on my Tumblr post. The poll will be posted a week after I respond to the last ask, to give it a fair chance with notes.
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✨Specific Stardew Valley headcanons:✨
Last update: 11.09.2024
Asking going out with the Farmer on Valentine's Day | First date with the Farmer | Sebastian's thoughts about asexual Farmer | Sebastian's feeling about fem!Farmer who remind him his late mother | Sebastian with Farmer who's allergic to nicotine
Elliott with the Farmer s/o being silly | Elliott with s/o who is struggling to remember eat | "let's date!" "... Weren't we dating already?"
Leah with the Farmer so being silly | Leah slowly fell in love with the Farmer
Shane, when Jas grows up | Shane's thoughts about asexual Farmer | "let's date!" "... Weren't we dating already?"
Asking/going out with the Farmer on Valentine's day | First date with the Farmer | "Let's date!" "Weren't we dating already?"
Farmer cheers her up after bad day
Harvey react to the Farmer who's "eating a books" | Harvey with tall Farmer s/o | Harvey has a dream in where Farmer is seriously injured | Harvey x Farmer with glasses | Tired Harvey with his caring husband Farmer
Haley's thoughts about asexual Farmer | Haley with genderfluid Farmer | 'Her gaze softened' | "Haley react to "I love you" from the silent Farmer | with the Gentle giant!Farmer | "Let's date!" "Weren't we dating already?"
Farmer cheers him up after bad day | "let's date!" "... Weren't we dating already?"
Maru's thoughts about asexual Farmer
Wizards/M. Rasmodius
Some random HC
Abigail meets ghost!Farmer | with the Gentle giant!Farmer
Gus x Farmer headcanons
Mr. Qi:
Mr. Qi x shy!Farmer | Mr. Qi with injured!Farmer (platonic) | Mr. Qi with injured!Farmer (romantic) | Mr. Qi with aromantic Farmer | Mr. Qi with Farmer that's initially scared of him
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