#shane is smol
ryliith · 3 days
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Leonard Cohen (1934 - 2016)
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chloegraceartist · 6 months
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Shane face study - Robert Pattinson reference
Robert somehow always vibes with how I draw Shane, so I end up almost always using him as a ref. 🤣
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thelastspeecher · 10 months
watching the Ancient Aliens episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved and pausing every two minutes to rant once they get to the Pyramids of Giza part bc I was one of those Egyptology kids and I will NOT stand for this fucking SLANDER
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kiwiandcherry · 2 months
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coconut530 · 7 months
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mARTch 2: Inspirations
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residentcelery · 2 years
Still not over this image.
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stinkrascal · 2 years
i could write a 2 hour video essay on why the stardew valley fandom is wrong for hating clint
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supermarvelgirl15 · 2 years
Tiny Genie Shane Madej is the person I find in my kitchen at 3 AM eating ramen noodles out of a cup
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 month
I had a big crush on penny until I married her. I honestly thought her arc was going to be finally becoming free of her mother and realizing that holding herself up to the ideal of a Perfect Selfless Caregiver was useless and harmful and that marrying her and getting her into a place of independence where she isn't obligated to take care of anyone would help her thrive. And then she. Didn't. And it was almost disappointing that she started asking for kids and kept talking about her mom and she didn't have an arc, like, at all.
After marrying Maru, and being aware of Shane's arc, I was expecting her to. Grow and change as a person I guess? But she just really didn't? I think you're right to not really care for her, even if I do love her. I just wish she was more than jk Rowling's idea of a perfect selfless mother-caretaker who never asks for anything. I want her to be selfish
I don’t dislike Penny. I think she’s a good choice for people who want a homemaker type spouse. And for some people the way they get out of an abusive relationship is through moving in with a romantic partner. It might be some people’s fantasy to marry someone like Penny. Have kids, pull a woman that can do interior decorating, date a teacher. Some people are into teachers.
I’m just like not into women or a more traditional setup and her infamous 2 heart scene is there so I just find it funny to call her a criminal. Because she kind of is. Arguably the most good kind pure smol bean girl in the entire game shoved that old man. She shoved that old man. And that’s awful and serious but also kind of funny to constantly bring up in my opinion.
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saltygilmores · 5 months
Just Some Fandom Nicknames & Descriptors for Jess Mariano I've Seen Since Joining Tumblr That I Can Remember Including Some I Made Up Myself (Give Me More and I Will Add Them)
Smol Infant Blorbo Baby Boy Baby Girl Bisexual Gremlin/Goblin Disaster Gremlin/Disaster Goblin Little Guy Little Dude Silly Little Guy Sopping Wet Kitten Sad Wet Puppy Street Urchin Street Orphan Orphaned Kitten Sweaterpaws Slut Whore Skankbag Manwhore Slutty Little Guy Gigolo Walmartian Employee of the Month Diner Boy Wiener Lover Hipster Jess Slutty Jess Slutty Hipster Jess Slutty Philadelphia Jess Adult Jess Beefcake Jess Season 4 Jess with The Floppy Hair Strip Club Jess Pathetic Pitiful Charity Case A Therapist's Wet Dream Axe Murderer (RIP Shane)
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hepbaestus · 5 months
The light is what guides you home, the warmth is what keeps you there - 03/05/24
Day 3 of Hideduo Kiss Week Event by LazyCat
Day 3 prompt: Smol Peck
1.0k words|stardew valley au| no TW's apply| ao3 link|
Pac's late for work and he doesn't want to leave the warmth of his bed where he and his husband sleep. But he has to. There's a small shake up in the monotonous cycle of his work; a couple visitors pop in to see him and they brighten up his day.
fic underneath the read more
Faint rays of light illuminated the otherwise dark room, two figures lay sleeping on the bed, not disturbed by the light. A harsh sound coming from a phone on the left bedside table causes one of them to rouse slightly, having been jolted out of the comfort of his sleep by the alarm. Shifting on the bed, Pac lifts his head up from Fit’s chest and moves his arm, reaching out to stop the sound, only to realise that he’s late for work. Fit mumbles slightly as the loss of weight on his chest, before rolling over onto his front and falling back into the depths of sleep.
He falls almost comically out of bed and onto the floor, disturbing his husband Fit and newborn child Rosa who were sleeping in the same room. He stays flat on the floor before coming to the same conclusion that he had had just moments ago and rises quickly once more, grabbing his work uniform and rushing to the ensuite bathroom to get ready for his double shift at Joja Mart.
Fit mumbles once more as the warmth of Pac’s body leaves the bed, trying to burrow deeper into the pillow, arm reaching out in an attempt to find Pac. Pac returns to see Fit’s reaction, before sitting on the edge of the bed, putting on his shoes. Fit wakes slightly once more, turns his head towards Pac.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“Bom dia, Fitch, I’ve got to go to work so I’ll see you later, yeah?” Pac, having checked that he’d buttoned his shirt correctly, kisses Fit quickly on his lips, not lingering for any moment as he knows that if he did, he’d want to call in and feign being sick.
It’s in the middle of his hectic but still monotonous shift when Fit walks into Joja Mart with their Rosita in a baby sling across his chest, being all handsome that it causes Pac to freeze. The baby sling was new. Usually, if Fit were to come to the corporation’s shop he’d have Rosa in her pram.
Fit walks over to where Pac is stocking the shelves, clearly grabbing an item randomly and shows it to Rosa as if asking her opinion on whether they should buy it or not. She babbles slightly before Fit shakes his head, murmuring to himself that it wasn’t the right brand.
“Oi Fitch, is there anything, you know, that I can help you with?” Pac walks over to his family, thankful for the unofficial break.
“Oi Pac, fancy seeing you here,” Fit chuckles, “yes, I was looking for a new pasta sauce to try for dinner tonight but Joja seems to only have the usual brand that Rosa’s gone off.”
“Anyways, maybe Pierre’s has it. He does, after all, have the superior stock.” Fit leans in, closer to where Pac was standing, kisses him quickly before getting Rosa to wave at her Pai and leaving the store. Pac stands there for a moment, still not quite used to Fit showing affection in public, before getting back to work.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
It’s late once Pac finishes work, having to work a double shift as Shane hadn’t been able to make it to his shift due to travelling for therapy in Zuzu City. He didn’t mind it; if it meant that his friend was getting help for his mental wellbeing he’d do it all over again. He leaves, locking the door behind him, and walks home, greeting everyone that he sees heading to the town Saloon Gus owned, wanting to see all of his family before it’s Rosa’s bedtime.
By the time he gets back, having checked the coop and barns for any stray animal products that they can sell, he walks into the house to see Fit and Rosa sitting in the armchair, Rosa cradled in Fit’s arm as if she was something so precious that she would break if dropped. She’s clutching a small, hand-crocheted Saturn. It was a gift from Emily when she had heard that Rosa was fascinated by her planet crib mobile more than her animal one.
Pac smiles to himself, before lifting Rosa out of Fit’s arms, cradling her to his chest so as to not disturb her greatly. He walks to their room, where her crib lies, and places her in her bed. She makes a little sound before settling once more, falling back into dreamland. He stares at his daughter for a moment, wondering just how he managed to succeed in life so much to a point where he has a happy, healthy relationship and a daughter.
If time travel was invented miraculously during his lifetime and he was given an opportunity to tell his past self about his future life, his younger self would not have believed him. Him? An ex-juvie having a husband and child? He had never thought himself worthy enough to even think about getting married. But he was living that life, and he couldn’t be happier. He pecks Rosa’s forehead before heading back to the living room where Fit still sat sleeping.
He pressed a kiss to Fit’s lips, knowing that as soon as he’d taken Rosa out of his arms, he was more awake than previously. Fit stirred, eyelids still heavy, before realising that it was Pac in front of him.
“Oi big boy, you know, your back isn’t what it used to be, Fit,” Pac teases, “let’s go to bed. Yeah?”
Fit nods his head, eyes still closed. He sits there for a minute before realising that he’s being bridal carried to the bedroom. He’s not used to Pac showing his true strength so his face flushes while he burrows his head into the junction of Pac’s neck and shoulder, enjoying the short moment as they get from the living room to the bedroom.
He’s placed gently on the bed and Pac turns around to grab both of them some clothes to sleep in, which they drowsily change into before getting under the duvet covers. With Fit resting his head on Pac’s chest, a not so common sleeping position for the two, they both fall into a dreaming state; of an island far away from the rest of civilisation. Where they have two sons but not a daughter. Where life is much more dangerous and they both smile in their sleep, happy that they’re not living that life.
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dreamdropsystem · 6 months
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star redraw..... art from lke 2017 bleh,, trying to get better at drawing smol folks - Shane
original below
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germplush · 6 months
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they're lost.. Cheese is just a smol fragile bun in a big hard scary world,, like this drawing. take their hand and help them find their caregiver? - Locket/Shane/Angel/Bug/Theo
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gothamsgaygirlgang · 9 months
I love a trend so here are my in's and out's for 2024!
spending more time with my friends
walking every day
listening to more than one artist for the whole year
posting more often on social media
hand crafting (crotchet, sewing, origami, making jewellery)
prioritizing myself
celestial whimsigoth aesthetic
platform boots
going to the cinema more often
kate bush
food trips (going somewhere distant just to eat somewhere)
navy, white, gold
lush shower gels
not using my switch enough
spending too much time scrolling
insecurity and self doubt
doc martens
drag race
waking up late
back pain
people pleasing
overworking yourself for the benefit of others
cherry flavoured things
saving money
this isn't a tag game but I do feel compelling to tag people so here, do this please; @acapelladitty @hoodienanami @shane-in-space @robertpattinsonimdb @unseemingowl @lfthinker @mybrainispermanentlyfried @smol-nemesis @feypact @jhin and anyone else who wants to do it because it's fun
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cocoabubbelle · 1 year
Hey, hello fellow Frelma shipper! Can I ask what you like the most of the ship? If you want to answer of course. Anyway have a good night!
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Canon Reasons not necessarily in order
This includes all of the series, films, books, etc that I can remember from the top of my head. Meaning, I have not watched/read all of them but plan to when possible!
WARNING: might be slightly repetitive because my writing skills do not always follow or translate the thinking process of my brain.
Their color combinations don’t make me wanna barf. It is very hard to get the complimentary colors of orange and blue together without them looking like the visual representation of nails on a chalkboard.
Smol x Tol. A height difference combination that rarely fails. Especially if their complimentary shapes also include short and curvy/plump with big and bulky/muscles.
Nerd-shaped Nerd x Jock-shaped Nerd
The Smart One (Logic) x The Other Smart One (Creativity). This is mostly applicable to the earlier late 60s-70s series before most of the later adaptations lower Fred’s intelligence to varying degrees. It can be generally agreed upon that Velma has a lot of book smarts and proven theories, while Fred leans more towards understanding engineering and mechanics (to an extent, seeing how his traps usually work out).
Snarky x Sweet. Honestly? Both have their moments.
Headcanon Reasons not necessarily in order
Warning: ranting involved.
Grumpy Cat x Golden Retriever energy.
“Excuse me , he asked for NO pickles.”
Gremlin Fighter x Giant Softie
“I connected the dots!” “You didn’t connect squat.” “I connected them!” I do not ship Ryan and Shane together, I just feel like this dialogue could fit Frelma.
Nerdy Loser Dork x “Dumb” Popular “Jock”/Girboss x Himbo/ Brains x Brawn. Explanation provided below. ⬇️
I am not interested in watching HBOMax’s VELMA for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:
1) Copying and Pasting the format for the Harley Quinn series, which is also a black comedy/satire with mindless violence, constant swearing, and inappropriate depictions of adult content (as you can probably tell, I do not like the premise of, nor will watch, that series either. If any of you do like either of those series, that is okay; go ahead and enjoy.)
2) The interpretation of the Scooby without the Scooby Gang’s personalities (Their adaptational races and social statuses are fine.) is superficial at best and insulting at worst.
That being said, from what little I heard about what happens in VELMA, there could have been a cute dynamic between Velma and Fred. Unfortunately, neither of the characters seemed very likable based on what the creators said and how the Scooby fandom reacted. This artist best portrayed what Velma and Fred’s chemistry COULD HAVE LOOKED LIKE in these videos:
Credits to Jamie De Jonge.
Do you see what we Frelmas could have had???
The Gunn live action films aren’t that much better frantically dodges bullets but there are more moments shown between Fred and Velma that despite some occasional bickering, Fred is wowed by Velma’s intelligence while Velma admires Fred’s confidence. I think as a younger kid, I was actually expecting them to end up together despite being a Fraphne shipper at the time because of their chemistry whenever they shared screentime.
Honestly? In the ending, the Fraphne kiss was a lot less satisfying to me than the moment when Fred steps down from the spotlight and directs it to Velma so she could finally get the credit and recognition she deserved in solving the mysteries and catching the villain.
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I hope this was a mostly? coherent answer, @light-miracles ! Thanks for the question!!!
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Shane Madej hitting the top of his head/helmet rig trying to exit a cell at Alcatraz is so funny to me.
You just know that Ryan made fun of the tall man when he found out.
Also the thought that if it happened to Ryan (but it won’t cause he smol) he probably would have thought something was at play.
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