#shane fucking oman
meangirls-imagines · 4 months
My Girl
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Description: Regina is possessive over what's hers.
WARNINGS: fluffy, dom/sub vibes, possessive Regina, she's soft for reader, reader is obsessed with Regina
Sorry it's so short :(
Y/N walked into school, headphones in and hood up. It was a rainy day at North Shore High School so almost everyone spent lunch and off periods in the cafeteria.
Y/N was one of the lucky ones to have an off period to start their day. She went to sit at a table and wait for the bell to ring. As she sat and waited, a girl, who looked to be a sophomore, walked up to the table, looking shy.
Confused, Y/N looked up at her. "Can I help you with something?" The girl stuttered and blushed. "Oh! My friends sent me over here because I have a little crush on you.." Y/N smiled awkwardly at the girl.
However, before she could respond, a flash of blonde and pink engulfed her vision as soft lips landed on hers. She was caught off guard at first but relaxed into the kiss as she realized who it was.
The kiss broke after a minute and Regina George gave the girl her best ice queen glare. "Do you mind? She's my girlfriend, she's not interested in a child like you." The girl ran off embarrassed as Regina turned toward Y/N, smiling.
"Good morning to you too baby." Y/N smiled and wrapped her arm around Regina's waist. The blonde smiled and pecked Y/N's lips. "HI baby. I missed you." She trails a hand down Y/N's arm. Y/N smiled and kissed her neck softly. "You saw me last night...we had some...fun, remember?"
Regina blushed hard as memories of last night flooded her mind. She kissed Y/N to keep her quiet as Gretchen and Karen began to tease her. They pulled away and began to talk about their day, killing time for the bell to ring.
The bell eventually rang, signaling the beginning of their day, with one more kiss, Y/N and Regina parted ways and went to their respective classes.
A few hours later, Regina sat with Karen and Gretchen, waiting for her girlfriend to walk into the cafeteria for lunch. She finally made her appearance and started walking over to Regina when the same sophomore from earlier stopped her in her tracks.
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Can I help you with something?" The girl smiled. "I know you and Regina aren't really dating, my friend told me that her and Shane Oman are...so.." She trailed off, looking Y/N expectantly.
Y/N cringed and walked past. "In your dreams." She headed to the table where her girlfriend and her friends were sitting before a tug on Y/N's arm stopped her again. "Just give me a chance!"
You could hear a pin drop in the cafeteria. Everyone stared at he younger girl with wide eyes. Regina was on her feet and to Y/N in an instant, prying the younger girl's hand off of Y/N's arm and pushing her back slightly.
"What the hell do you think you're doing putting your hands on my girlfriend like that? Did you not hear me this morning? Back. Off." The sophomore girl stood her ground. "You're not dating! Stop lying!" Regina got in the girl's face and got angry.
"I suggest you turn and walk away because the end result is not going to be pretty for you." The girl scoffed. "And what are you going to do about it, bitch?"
Y/N sensed it before it happened, so when Regina reached up and went to swing at the girl, Y/N picked Regina up by the waist and pulled her back to their table. "Nope. You aren't getting suspended today."
Regina was fuming. "How dare she? How FUCKNG dare she?! She's lucky you pulled me away because I was about to claw her fucking eyes out." Y/N laughed. "Yes, that's why I pulled you away. I just paid for you to get your nails done and they aren't getting blood on them yet."
Regina smiled and scooted closer to Y/N. "You're my girl. Not hers." Y/N smiled and pecked Regina's lips. "Never in a million years would I want to be anyone else's girl but yours baby." Regina smirked and kissed Y/N. "Good."
Later in the day, Y/N was sitting outside on a bench, waiting for Regina and the girls to walk out of the school when Y/N's ex, Lindsay walked up.
Y/N looked up at the sky. "God, what is it with you and sending people to ruin my day?" Lindsay smirked. "Don't act like you don't miss me, Y/N." Y/N looked at her in disgust. "Yeah, no. I don't miss cheaters."
Lindsay scooted closer but Y/N spotted Regina walking out and shot up to go meet her. The blonde smiled at her girlfriend coming at her and allowed herself to get pulled in her arms. Y/N kissed Regina's head. "There's my girl. I had an unwanted guest while I was waiting for you."
Regina looked behind Y/N to see a fuming Lindsay sitting on the bench Y/N had just vacated. "I can see that." Y/N kissed her deeply, many people stopping and looking at the couple. Lindsay yelled in frustration and stormed off.
Regina pulled away and smiled at Y/N, who had a dopey grin on her face. Regina wiped her lip gloss off Y/N's lips. "You're my girl. Don't forget that." Y/N smirked.
"I could never."
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jareaul0ver · 6 months
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part 2
Summary: You get hurt during hockey practice and an unexpected blonde patches you up.
wc: 823 warnings: physical fighting, bruises, blood, denial of feelings, regina being a SOFTIE pairings: regina george x fem!reader
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"C'mon Shane, put some power behind that!" The head coach yelled at one of your teammates. He groaned in frustration.
You were about to run a scrimmage. You'd been put on the opposite team of Shane, who was now pissed off. Everything was going good, you had the puck on your stick and the only thing standing between you and taking a shot was Shane.
In one quick motion, you were slammed into and knocked onto your back. He didn't even make a move for the puck. "Oman, watch it! You good, Y/L/N?" You heard your coach shout from the side.
You sat up on the ice and readjusted your helmet. "I'm fine, coach!" you called out and got back onto your skates. The scrimmage continued, and you had finally scored, bringing your team up a point. You scored again, and once more.
Shane seemed to have had enough of this. You had the puck again, and you passed it. A few seconds after you passed it, Shane sped at you, slamming you into the wall of the rink. You hit it forcefully and fell onto your knees.
"What the fuck, Shane?" You yelled out. You stood up and took your helmet off, tossing it to the side. You did the same with your stick, then rushed over to him, hitting him hard with your gloved fist. He almost fell back, but he caught himself.
You two were now fighting. Your teammates all froze and watched it go down. Shane had gotten a good hit on your cheek bone, splitting the skin open. You felt blood drip down your face. The only reason you didn't swing again was because of your head coach and assistant coach pulling the two of you apart.
Shane was ushered to the boy's locker room, and you to the girls. You took off the top half of your gear, throwing on a t-shirt, and waiting for the trainer to come in and check you out.
Instead, you watched as a blonde figure rounded the corner. You immediately sat up. "Regina? What're you doing in here?"
She made a beeline towards you, leaning down to get a good look at your face. You were surprised. Not because you weren't friends, you were very good friends. Regina had practically picked you up from the ground and placed you on the same level as heaven during your sophomore year.
You were just shocked to see her here, standing in front of you with a frown on her face. "Y/N? Are you listening to me? Can you listen to me, do you have a concussion?" She pulled you away from your thoughts.
"Yes-" you cleared your throat. "Sorry, yeah, I'm listening." No you weren't, you both knew that.
She sat next to you and sighed. "Shane did this to you?" She spoke gently and you nodded. She clenched her jaw. "Fucking idiot. Not you, him." She brought her hand up to your face and gently brushed over your cheek.
You winced and her face softened. "Sorry." Regina had never had a soft spot for anyone. Not until she met you. Something in her constantly pulled her towards you, and at first she tried her best to fight the feeling off, but eventually she gave in.
"You didn't answer my question. What're you doing here?" You keep your eyes on her icy blue ones. Usually they were cold, unless she was secretly staring at you without your notice, and except for now. They were soft and almost apologetic.
"Word travels fast and I needed to make sure you were okay." Her tone was genuine, and it made your heart melt.
You looked down at your hands in your lap, looking at the bruising on your knuckles forming. "I'm okay. My face kinda hurts though." I smiled a little, meeting her gaze again.
She rolled her eyes and her lips twitched into a small smile. "You're such an idiot." She reached out for your hands and took them gently into hers. She looked at the bruising and grimaced a little. "I'm sorry."
"What for?" You asked, a little confused.
"You got in a fight with my idiot ex."
The confused expression never left your face. "And why is that your fault?"
Regina knew exactly why it was her fault, but she could never tell you. She couldn't say that Shane was actually the one who ended things with her. The fight they had wasn't about him with another girl, no. It was about her with you. He had accused Regina for having feelings for you, and while she didn't admit to it, she never denied it, so he broke up with her.
"It- it isn't, I just feel bad." She swallowed nervously. She looked down at your hands and gently ran her thumbs over your knuckles. She brought one of your hands up to her mouth and gently kissed the bruises.
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theres gonna be a part 2 to this, definitely, but its nearing 4am and i am TIRED
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smusherina · 5 months
yard work - chapter 12 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her. warning(s): a homophobic character saying some homophobic shit. listen, it's set in 2004 it was inevitable.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / chapter 7 / chapter 8 / chapter 9 / chapter 10 / chapter 11 / chapter 13
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"So..." Gretchen drawled from the passenger seat. "You're still not doing the dance with us?"
Regina glanced at her. "No."
"Cady's taking the lead." The brunette said, very badly acting as if she wasn't looking for a reaction. Regina resisted the urge to bite back, to defend her honour, and kept her eyes on the road.
"Great." She said, voice tart. "She's doing the stunt, is she?"
"Yup." Gretchen's breath hitched. "She's, uh, got it nailed down."
A mean smirk spread her lips. "Oh, really? I'm looking forward to it."
Gretchen swallowed. Regina spied from the rearview mirror Karen was watching the scenery pass by dreamily.
"What's up, Karen?" Regina asked.
"The sky!" Karen stated proudly. "And birds, I suppose. Hold on..." She felt up her boobs, pulling at her nipple obscenely. "Ouch. Yeah, it's gonna start snowing soon."
Regina, knowing the forecast had promised much the same thing, hummed. "Gonna have to stay in, then."
Gretchen shifted her weight on the passenger seat. She seemed uneasy. Both she and Karen had been severely late to arrive at her car today and had seemed... Dodgy. Regina could hardly blame her, though. Things had gotten weird recently.
She wasn't being nice. Not exactly. She'd just, kind of, dialled it back a little. A year ago she'd have spent the days leading up to Christmas break making the rounds, spreading nasty rumours about this and that, ensuring everybody's holidays were ruined just the right amount. This time, she'd forgone that.
A part of it, a large majority, was due to the Thanksgiving fiasco with Jorts. Another, smaller part, was because she was tired. She just didn't want to.
Arriving at her house, Regina parked and stepped out of her car. Gretchen and Karen followed her inside where mom greeted them with mugs of hot chocolate. Fancy chocolate and skim milk. Regina pointedly left her mug on the tray.
As she was going up the stairs, she noticed neither Gretchen nor Karen had grabbed a mug.
"Take them." She gestured vaguely back to her mom. "Don't be wasteful, girls."
Making her way up leisurely, she relished in the sound of the two girls scrambling to grab their mugs and then follow her as fast as possible. She might've loosened her hold on the student body, but Gretchen and Karen she'd keep. She didn't care if it was immoral or something, she'd done a lot of work to get them where they were.
"Shane Oman's doing a Christmas party this Friday," Gretchen informed them as they settled around Regina's room. "There's talk he's specifically invited Doris Harris."
"Who the fuck names their kid Doris Harris?" Regina scoffed and inspected her nails. She'd have to get a new set soon. "Are you going?"
"What? You- you're not?" Gretchen sputtered.
"I have... Plans." Important, top-secret plans. "Shane Oman is a sleazebag and a womanizer. Doris can have him." She said airily and looked at the two girls sitting on her floor.
"What plans do you have?" Gretchen probed. Karen looked on, seeming to be in her own world. Little specks of snow were beginning to fall outside.
"Private." She left it at that. "Who are you bringing to the party?"
"Probably Jason." Gretchen sighed. Regina's face twisted.
"You're still with that douche?" She sat down cross-legged near the two. "Why?"
"Oh, do you think I should break up with him?" Gretchen looked between her and Karen, seeming lost. "I can do that."
Regina rolled her eyes. Okay, maybe she'd put a little too much work in these two. They were old enough to think for themselves.
"Look, Gretchen..." She closed her eyes. "I'm not gonna say sorry. I'm, uh, just not going to." She didn't tack on the yet that meant to crawl up her throat. Too much too fast. "However, it's becoming apparent that my usual methods are no longer as effective. Exhibit A, Cady Heron."
Gretchen stared at her. Then, her head tilted to the side like that of an inquisitive dog. Karen was gaping at her, having probably not comprehended a single word. Regina sighed.
"Look, I'm not gonna just waste my time and energy putting people down anymore!" She was feeling way too defensive and the others hadn't even said anything. "I might, like, join a sports team or something for senior year. Focus on myself."
"Wow." Gretchen breathed out. "So, you're just gonna step down?"
"I'm still Regina fucking George. I'm not gonna stop being me." That being a vicious bitch with a lot of hate in her heart. "I'm just saying that it's getting old."
"Why? You- you can't just stop. That makes no sense. Someone's gonna take you over, like- like Doris Harris!" Gretchen took several short breaths, this close to hyperventilating. "Doris Harris is going to be the new Regina George!"
She rolled her eyes so hard her entire head rolled with them. "That statement contradicts itself. If she's the new Regina George, I'm still on top. The original."
"You sound so alike." Karen smiled. "You two are so cute. True love."
"Karen!" Gretchen snapped, sounding like a chihuahua. "Shush!"
"Who sounds alike?" Intrigued, Regina leaned forward. "Me and who? True love?"
"Oh, uh..." Karen looked to Gretchen, who was trying (and failing) to subtly shake her head, and then to Regina whose eyes bored into hers. "Uhhhhhhh..."
"She's rebooting." Regina huffed, leaning back. "Gretch, I just... I don't care anymore."
It had been a startling realization. Not a quick one despite the one eureka moment that'd brought it all together. There were things more important to her than maintaining a hierarchy in high school. It still was important, to a degree, but well. If she had to pick between one-upping some random girl at a shitty party and date night with Jorts, the choice was entirely too obvious. It was going to be date night every time.
(If she even had that privilege anymore. She's called her slurs, for fuck's sake. She could only hope her apology would be good enough.)
"How can you not care?" Gretchen screeched. Karen sipped at her hot cocoa nervously.
"I just don't." Something like this, not caring about something, wasn't a decision she could consciously make. At least, not entirely. Once you stopped caring, you just did. That was that.
It wasn't easy, though. She didn't have the strength of will to be deliberately mean to everyone, every single day, but she would not tolerate people stepping on her toes. If somebody encroached, she wouldn't hesitate to bring them down. Where the line went, distinguishing between a serious threat and a general nuisance, was the hard part.
Letting go of the instinct to just be mean was a challenging hurdle.
"She's changed you. All this time, you've been talking to her, haven't you? J, Jorts, whoever she is. She's corrupted you." Gretchen sneered. "What happened, Regina? Or should I say, Reggie?"
Regina looked at her friend, minion, accomplice- whatever.
"Excuse me?" She said, so quietly it could've been mistaken for a whisper.
"You heard me." Gretchen's sneer dissolved, old instinct to cower kicking in. "Reggie." She hissed, a feeble attempt at keeping her power.
"What the fuck do you know about J?" Regina could feel herself grow cold, anger mixing with panic, mixing with visceral, palpable terror.
Of course, all that manifested as blind fury.
"We know plenty about J. You've never shut up about her. Y'know, I used to think she was an ex-boyfriend of yours 'cause of the way you talked about her. And now, it all makes sense." Gretchen spread her arms provocatively. "Because she's gotten into your head, used her sticky, lesbo fingers to mix you up. Snap out of it, Regina. This is not who you are."
Anger roiling in her stomach, she was about to release pure acid onto the dimwitted, insensitive, stupid girl, when Karen spoke up.
"Gretchen, you're being stupid." She said so lightly. Both of them turned to look at Karen. She was watching the window, looking immensely pleased with herself. Yet another correct weather report.
"What?" Gretchen breathed out.
"Stupid. That's stupid. I didn't know you were, like, homophobic." Seeming to focus, Karen turned to face Gretchen. "I think I told you my brother's gay."
"Oh." Gretchen deflated. Regina didn't know what she should do. "Well, that's different, he's a guy! Lesbians are totally different."
"How?" Karen, more engaged than Regina had witnessed her be in a long time, kept her eerily wide eyes trained on Gretchen. "How is it any different?"
"Listen, everybody can do what they want with... Whoever, like, consents, but it's different when they shove their beliefs in people's faces." Regina, quite astounded, didn't know what to say. Karen did, though.
"J didn't shove anything in our faces. I don't think she shoved anything in Regina's face." She put her finger to her chin. "Unless they're into that sort of thing."
"Karen..." Regina sighed.
"Anyway, I think your opinions about gay people are weird, Gretchen. You should look into that."
"My opinions are just fine!" Gretchen's shoulders rose all the way up to her ears. "You guys are the weird ones! It's not like I hate gay people! There's just, y'know, healthy concern. If it was so easy to turn Regina then what can they do to impressionable little kids?" Gretchen licked her lips nervously. "What about Kylie?" She asked, looking to Regina for sympathy or agreement or something.
By that point, Regina had checked out.
"I don't think Regina's changed. Not really." Karen's owl eyes turned to her. "She's just... Shedding. Like a snake. Getting a new skin." She dragged her eyes up and down. "Yeah. New, shiny scales. Like a blonde, human green tree python. My dad has one. A snake one."
"Thanks," Regina said, tone flat. She then turned to Gretchen. "Get out."
Her hands trembled. Rage or fear, she couldn't tell where the tremor stemmed from.
"Regina, this isn't right-"
Just the sound of her voice made her blood boil. Her eyes stung too, but she refused to feel anything but anger.
"What isn't right is that you're still in my house. J is my childhood friend and the assumptions you've made about her are life-threatening. People are killed because they're gay, Gretchen. She hasn't turned me into anything, much less something you're insinuating." The claim that Jorts had turned her into a lesbian was false. If there were to be a claim about Regina's sexuality alone, then the answer wouldn't be so clear. "Get your fucking act together. I'm too good to bother with high school politics. We're going to college in two years. Stop being so small-minded and do something with your life for once."
She heaved in lungfuls of air. She stood up abruptly, walked to the door and pointed down the hallway.
"I-" Gretchen tried to say something, but Regina just reiterated her point.
She didn't particularly care that her friend (ex-friend) didn't have a ride home. She didn't care that she was a bigot, that Gretchen was right about her and Karen being the weird ones. She didn't care that Jorts had definitely changed her in some way.
As soon as the brunette had scuttled down the stairs, the front door slamming on her way out, Regina slumped against her door. She didn't care. She did not care.
"So, is it just us, now?" Karen asked from her spot on the floor. Regina was pretty sure she hadn't moved an inch since she plopped down. "Is J gonna be our new friend?"
"I don't know, Karen." She buried her face in her hands. Fuck. She wasn't supposed to care. "I didn't know Gretchen was like that."
"Hmm." Karen hummed. "I didn't know you weren't like that."
Her head snapped up, looking at Karen. Her expression was unreadable, like a book with blank pages.
"I... I'm scared, Karen."
"Yeah. My brother's boyfriend is from Alabama and he's been beat up before 'cause he looks gay. And he is gay, but the earring gave it away, I think. And my uncle died of AIDS and my family don't really talk about him and we weren't allowed to see him. My aunt that's in New York's been living with her best friend of, like, thirty years for forever and I went to visit one time and they had only one bedroom."
That was perhaps the longest, most coherent sentence Karen had ever said. Too bad the subject was so grim.
"Wow, Karen. Sounds like your family's full of..." What could she call them? Her mind defaulted to nasty slurs. "People like that."
"I guess." She smiled faintly. "I hear them crying sometimes, in my brother's room, when they're home for the holidays. Mama says I shouldn't go up and snuggle them until they feel better. They're having a moment." Karen looked confused at that. "Are we having a moment?"
Regina slowly unfurled from her slump against the door. "Maybe."
"Oh. Okay." She accepted easily. The familiarity of the scenario had a smile creeping back to Regina. "My brother smiles the biggest when me and his boyfriend team up against him at board games. My mom cries when we visit my uncle's grave. She tells us stories about him and shows us pictures. My aunt has three cats with her bestie and they call them their children and they wear matching rings."
"That's really sweet, Karen." Regina, now smiling in earnest, shuffled closer.
"I don't really get it." She said in the same light tone she'd use when talking about schoolwork. "Like, my brother's boyfriend is really nice so I don't get why people beat him up for dating my brother. And I think it was really mean that my grandma didn't let mama see her brother when he was sick. And my aunt and her best friend already live together, have cat-kids, and kiss on the mouth, so why can't they get married for real?"
Regina stared ahead, more than a little floored. Gretchen, simultaneously surprisingly and unsurprisingly, was a homophobe. Regina knew the political climate and knew that being openly gay was social suicide, and sometimes literal suicide, but she hadn't expected someone so close to her to be like that. They hadn't talked about it much, to be fair. Besides, Regina wasn't much better. While she might've not been a real homophobe, as in actually subscribed to the ideology, she'd done plenty of homophobic acts.
Whether or not in the name of projection or denial didn't really matter. Janis 'Imi'ike had been the first girl she'd subjected to hate crimes and discrimination, but not the last. How many times had she shoved other girls under the bus so she could get off scot-free? How many times had she done it for a twisted sense of fun?
Too many, was the easy answer. Not enough, whispered the scared, hidden thing in the back rooms of her mind.
And Karen was an ally. A supporter of the cause. And unexpectedly well-spoken when she had something she liked to talk about.
"Karen, I like girls."
"Me too!"
Regina's heart beat like a drum. She was beginning to sweat.
"No- I mean, like, I'm... A lesbian. I guess."
She snuck a glance at the other girl. She was peering mournfully into her empty mug.
"Like your aunt and her best friend." She took a deep breath. "I like girls in that way."
"Uhh, duh," Karen smiled at her, beamed, really. "J is your true love."
"I wouldn't go that far." Regina sighed but had to purse her lips to keep from smiling. At the same time, a knot tightened in her chest, like hiccups trying to escape. She threw her head back and puffed out a breath, blinking rapidly.
"Let's go get more hot chocolate and I'll tell you about my talent show performance." She wiped discreetly at her eyes and extended a hand to Karen.
"Hot cocoa!" The girl exclaimed as she pulled herself up with Regina's help. "Ouuuhh, what kinda performance?"
"A song." Regina guided them down the hallway. "For her."
Obviously, she had more than just a song planned. A proper apology, for one, was in the works. Karen didn't need to know about that, though. That was between her and J.
Notes: Boo I lied it's not the last one. I thought it would be! I was wrong! I did start rambling like I kind of predicted in the notes of the last chapter. Or, like, I felt the ending would be a little too abrupt without some downtime. So have some Regina POV!
Will no longer be making predictions about when the end is. I'll only be contradicting myself lol. But like, the arc is coming to a close, a natural end is coming. And then the epilogue things.
Praying to god the taglist will work. Trying a new method today, fingers crossed! Hand-typing every single fucking name, no commas in between names, the utmost technicalities. This is the night fellas, the night we've been waiting for.
Edit: it didn't work. in fact, it worked worse than the other times! fuck! put another version of the list, back with commas, and it seems to tag some people but not all. gonna have to do some scouring on the internets.
Taglist: @autorasexy, @wedfan2, @unadulterated-moron, @modernsapphicism , @9unknown0 , @sage-rose2000 , @massive-honkas , @nattys-swiftie , @likefirenrain , @luz-enjoyer , @dandelions4us , @natashamaximoff-69 , @alexkolax , @jareaul0ver , @here4theqts , @charleeeesworld , @natsbiggestfan1 , @brocoliisscared , @yellowwallflowers , @scarlettbitchx , @ayoungexwife , @cyberbonesworld , @syddie-reads , @screechcat , @theenglishswiftie , @gabby-duhh , @sweetmissnothing , @masterofpuppets-10 , @l1lass , @starved-mortal , @nothanksbye07 , @nenas19 , @jvuyii , @starry-night17 , @reneeswife24 , @glorioushamsterqueen , @krononan , @slug-on-bike , @rayisaknight , @chaseatlanticlover91 , @reginassweetheart , @mirage018
(if you want to be added to the taglist, comment so on this post! beware it seldom works. i try my best.)
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ziggyzolch · 6 months
Queen Bee-atch Ⅳ (Regina George x Reader)
Warnings: underage drinking, cursing, attempted assault
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Grass tickles your bare feet as you run around the field, picking pretty flowers and humming random tunes. Falling to the ground, you stare up at the sky. You turn your head to the sound of little footsteps approaching. A little kitten appears next to you on the ground and paws at your cheek, pressing harder and harder with each poke. How can something so tiny press so hard? The kitten opens its mouth, but instead of a meow, it lets out a, "Dude, wake up!"
You jump up in your bed, falling off and landing on your ass. Two voices laughing at you catch your attention. You look up and find Janis and Damien laughing their asses off, Cady standing behind them with her hands joined at her front, smiling. "What the hell, guys!" You stand up, rubbing your palm into your eyes, "What're you guys doing here?"
Janis adjusts your blanket as she takes a seat on your bed, "Cady told us what happened, we came to check on you." She says while pulling you down to sit next to her. "It's nothing, seriously." You roll your eyes at her. Cady joins in, "Look, there's a Halloween party tonight, you should come with!" Your groan is interrupted by Damien, "Girl, you look horrible. It'd be good for you to go out and get your mind off of things. If anything happens, me and Janis are waiting for you at her house."
Never in a million years would you be caught dead at a high school house party, but you don't think they're going to take no for an answer. "You need a distraction, some fun! You do know what fun is, right?" You shove her lightly with a smile on your face. Cady celebrates at your reluctant nod, "It'll be so fun!"
Spoiler alert, it was not fun. The crowding and loud sounds were starting to become overstimulating, and Cady had ditched you to look for Aaron the second you reached. You were clad in a short black dress with fake blood smeared on the bottom half of your face. In the 15 minutes since you reached, you've been pushed, cursed at, and almost thrown up on. You were now leaning against the kitchen counter, nursing your 5th cup of mystery alcohol. There was no way you'd stay sober at a party like this. You thank whatever god is out there that your tolerance was low. The familiar buzz had made itself known 4 drinks ago, and you were now borderline drunk, watching Shane Oman approaching you.
Regina had been watching you take shot after shot from the other side of the room. Her plan was to drag Aaron away from Cady and guilt-trip him into getting back with her, but she couldn't bring herself to take her eyes off of you. The memory of you running out of her room crying was still fresh in her mind. God! Why is she being like this? Who even invited you!? Pushing you to the back of her mind, she stomps towards Aaron, dragging him away with the intention of carrying out her plan, when she notices Oman attempting to get with you.
You were frozen up, your feeble attempts to push him away weren't working. "Come on, you want this. Think of this as your apology for being an ungrateful bitch-" A punch lands on his jaw before he could continue. Using all your strength, you lift your head up and see a familiar senior readjusting his stance. "Thank you, Aaron, I'll take it from here," Regina smiles gratefully at him as he drags a barely conscious Shane out of the party.
Her attempts to wrap your shoulder around her were stopped by you weakly shoving her away. "F-fuck you, b-bitch," You slur out while swaying on your feet. Regina sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Do you have a ride? Do you know how you're getting back home?" You squint your eyes at her, about to reply, when you fall into her arms, mumbling incoherent insults. "That's what I thought." She grunts, placing her hands under your armpits and lifting you upright. "I'm good, I'm good-" Regina's eyes widen as you turn, throw up, then fall to the ground. "Gross, gross, gross, gross..." Regina gags as she picks you up from where you were lying in your own vomit.
"Move!" Regina bumps into Cady on her way to the front door, ignoring her calling after her.
"Hey! What the hell happened?" Cady yells over the loud music.
"Maybe you'd know if you didn't ditch her for a boy!" Regina snaps, adjusting her hold on you.
"Oh fuck you! I saw you about to chat it up with Aaron, and she was fine by herself!"
"No she wasn't! She's like an antisocial puppy, why would she be fine at a party?"
A groan coming from you stops Cady from retorting.
Sighing, she looks at Aaron then back to Regina, "Now's not the time. Please take her back to yours. I'll call her mother and tell her she'll be staying at mine."
As much as Regina wanted to argue that Cady brought you here, so she should be taking care of you, she takes a deep breath and walks away, shoulder bumping Cady for good measure. Being the bigger person really suits her.
You were being insufferable. Throughout the whole car ride back to her house, you kept making lame angel jokes, which she assumed were meant to be insulting. She was now wrestling you into her bathroom.  Your whine bounces around the bathroom walls as Regina finally manages to place you on the edge of her bathtub. "Sit still and lift your arms up, puppy" Regina doesn't let her eyes linger on your body as she peals your dress off of you. 
After pointing out where the body wash and shampoo was and making sure you were good to wash up on your own, she exits the bathroom and takes out clothes for both of you. She rushes into the bathroom after hearing you call out her name. "I'm done" you say, avoiding eye contact.  The shower had sobered you up enough to feel embarrassed about how you were acting.  She smirks at your sudden shyness.
After handing you a towel and waiting for you to cover up, she leads you to her bed. "I'll be back, okay? Gotta wash your vomit off of me." She laughs at your glare and walks away.
It's been 10 minutes since you woke up and you haven't moved from your spot, staring at the ceiling, mortified. God! You can't face Regina after yesterday. Sneaking out without letting her know was your only option. You put on the first pair of shoes you find as quietly as possible. 'I should become a spy' You thought immediately before bumping straight into her bedroom door.
 Regina jumps up, now awake, and finds you at her door rubbing your head. The second you notice that she's up, you move to open her door, but are stopped by her hand on your shoulder.
"How are you so fast-"
"You're leaving already?" Regina interrupts.
You roll your eyes, "What do you want, Regina?"
"Seriously? You're being a bitch after I took care of your drunk ass?"
You could feel heat creeping up your neck. "Sorry. Thank you, really, but I have to go."
"No, fuck! Can we please talk?"
You really didn't want to talk about her making fun of your weight after she saw you naked, but you knew she wouldn't stop, so you compromised, "Look, I am really busy this whole weekend. I give you full permission to drag me away if you find me at school, though."
 "Okay." She really wanted to talk to you now, but this was better than nothing. You bid her a goodbye, making sure to avoid her mother on the way out. You truly had no idea why she even cares about your opinion of her, but you figure she felt bad for you after realizing who you were and was trying to make up for it.
Moving to lay back down on her bed, her eyes widen in realization. She never gave you a change of clothes, and you were now unknowingly walking home in booty shorts with 'SLUT' plastered on the back.
A/N : not proofread, so tired. sorry for any mistakes or awkward wording. thank you for reading!
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erikahenningsen · 3 months
10. regina/janis
10. “I won’t let you.”
This is so not Janis's scene. Which is a weird thing to say, considering she's in Damian's house. But things have changed a lot in the last few months.
When Janis decided to forgive Cady at spring fling, she didn't realize she would be inheriting all of Cady's friends, too—people Janis previously found to be profoundly annoying, but most of whom turned out to be okay.
Still, she really has to ask herself how she ended up here, at a rager thrown by Damian, who has somehow become close with Shane Oman, with three-quarters of the North Shore basketball team, the mathletes, Gretchen Wieners, Karen Shetty, and Regina fucking George.
Janis enjoys a good party, but the combination of the jocks chanting chug, chug, chug and Damian and his theater friends belting out showtunes is giving her a headache.
She's looking for her jacket, ready to head home, when she sees Regina, stumbling a little as she tries to jam her foot into her shoe.
"Untying it first might help," Janis tells her, finally locating her jacket thrown over the banister, buried by three other jackets.
Regina makes an annoyed huff, but she does untie her shoe before finally sliding it in and re-lacing it. When she rights herself, the first thing Janis notices is how she sways a little where she stands, face flushed the way it gets sometimes when she's had too much to drink. (How Janis somehow knows this is beyond her.)
The second is that her car keys are in her hand.
"You're not driving yourself home, are you?" Janis asks cautiously.
"What? Yeah, I am," Regina says, rolling her eyes a little as she reaches for the front door.
Janis maneuvers herself so she's blocking Regina's path. "Slow down there, Justin Timberlake. You're drunk. You can't drive."
"I'm fine," Regina insists, irritation starting to color her voice. "Move."
"Janis! Get out of my way. I'm leaving," Regina says, drawing out the last word, like Janis is stupid.
Janis shakes her head. "I won't let you."
Regina's eyebrows rise. "You won't let me?"
"Nope," Janis tells her. "You know what it's like to get hit by a reckless driver. You want someone else to experience that?"
This seems to give Regina pause. Janis waits as the gears in her brain turn, slowed by alcohol.
"Ugh, fine," Regina grumbles. Then she pulls out her phone and starts clumsily tapping at the screen.
"What are you doing?" Janis asks.
"Calling an Uber, officer," Regina says.
Janis has no idea what possesses her to say, "I'll drive you home."
Regina blinks at her once, twice. "What?"
"I can drive you," Janis tells her. "I'm heading out anyway, and you're on the way, so..."
It's not that she and Regina aren't friends, but they're not exactly friends, either. They're still figuring out how to navigate that awkward space between being everything and nothing to each other. But this shouldn't be weird, right?
"Okay," Regina says after a moment. "Don't kill me."
Janis rolls her eyes and opens the front door. "Right. You're more of a do-it-yourself kind of girl."
Janis walks slowly to her car, Regina stumbling after her, walking gingerly on the frozen grass, breath curling like smoke in the winter air.
Janis turns on the car and blasts the heat once they're inside, slowly backing out of the driveway, maneuvering between the cars parked at the curb.
"It's cold in here," Regina complains like a petulant child.
"It'll warm up," Janis replies through gritted teeth. She contemplates making a joke about Regina being a frigid bitch, but decides against it.
"My car has heated seats."
"You can take off a star when you write your review."
Regina tilts her head back against the headrest and sighs. "Are you still seeing Grace?"
The question catches Janis completely off guard. "What?"
"Are you still seeing—"
"I heard you," Janis says. "Um, no, not anymore."
"Hmm," Regina hums contemplatively. "Well, there are lots of other girls out there. You'll find someone."
"You sound like my grandmother."
Regina huffs irritably. "I'm trying to be supportive."
"Yeah, and it's freaking me out, honestly," Janis tells her. If someone had told her even half an hour ago that she'd be talking to Regina about girls in her car, she would have laughed.
"Well, fine," Regina says, crossing her arms. She actually sounds a little hurt. And for some crazy reason, Janis doesn't want to hurt Regina's feelings.
"But, um, thanks," Janis says. "It just didn't work out."
Regina rests her head against the window, breath fogging the glass as she speaks. "You're hot and smart. You'll be okay."
Janis is grateful that she's pulling into Regina's driveway, because her instinct is to slam on the brakes. "What?"
Regina looks at her. She looks exhausted. "What?"
"What did you just say?" Janis needs to hear it again, for some reason.
Regina pauses to think. "You'll be okay."
"No, before—you know what? Never mind." Janis cuts the ignition. "Here you are, Cinderella."
Regina frowns. "Does that make you the pumpkin?"
Janis ignores the question. "Good night."
But Regina doesn't get out. She looks down at her hands, twisted in her lap. "Thanks for driving me home."
"Well, I didn't want to be an accessory to vehicular homicide. I'm applying to colleges, and that would look bad."
"Right," Regina says. She looks at Janis again, searching her face for something.
Janis isn't sure why the air in the car suddenly feels so charged, and it occurs to her that this is the longest she's been alone with Regina since middle school. She has the crazy thought that she's missed Regina, actually.
Finally, Regina pops open her door. "Well, thank you," she says quietly. "Good night."
"Night," Janis echoes, watching Regina disappear into her house.
Janis sits for a few minutes in her car in the driveway, trying to untangle the strange feeling in her stomach. Finally, she turns on her car, resolving to tuck this weird night in the file in the back of her brain labeled times Regina seemed human.
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can people,,,,please,,,,,stop using shane oman as their scapegoat for their gross r*pe and assault arcs in their fics lol
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maybeimamuppet · 2 years
picking teams- chapter 1: janis
what's popping muppets hello and welcome to the first not oneshot story i'm doing woooo!! based on the image below ooh ahh
this will have the same upload schedule as my usual stuff (that is to say, there isn't one) so just. keep an eye out if you want to follow this and i'll update it whenever i can! the working title for this chapter was 'my suffering is eternal' so that should. tell you about what to expect. have fun with that!
also please be aware i know next to nothing about football and google was wildly unhelpful so please excuse anything that isn't. spectacularly accurate.
tw for
usage of homo/lesbophobic slurs
vague threats
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"I want to try out for the football team."
Damian briefly continues stirring around his half-melted frozen yogurt while he processes what his friend has just said. Once it sinks in, he snaps his head up. 
"I want to try out for the football team," Janis repeats. Damian blinks at her in confusion. 
"But what? But I'm a girl?" Janis huffs. 
"You know it's not that, Jan," Damian replies gently. "But you're not exactly... athletic. Or fond of men. Or activities. Or running, or throwing, or... moving." 
"I know, but my dad says I have to 'be more active' or something," Janis huffs, taking a bite of her salted caramel yogurt with M&M's on top. "And I may not be athletic, but we both know I am entirely motivated by spite. So I wanna do it."
"Why not cheer with me, though?" Damian asks. 
"Do you really need to ask that?" Janis says, raising an eyebrow. Damian looks at her in confusion. "Who's your team captain, dipshit?"
"Reg- ohhhhh," Damian says as the realization finally hits. "Well, there's no need to be rude."
"I'd never make it on the cheer team even if I wanted to," Janis sighs. "And I don't. Especially not with her running the show." 
"She's not so bad," Damian says weakly. Janis glares at him. "She's a good cheerleader."
"But a fucking terrible human," Janis huffs. Damian nods. "You don't have to lie to me like that, D. I go to your practices, I see how she talks to you. You don't deserve that."
"But it's nothing in comparison," Damian replies. Both of them know what he means by it, and Janis gives a weak nod. 
"I guess not. But she still shouldn't talk to you that way."
"Babe, it's Regina, it's what she does. If I tried to get her to stop tormenting us we'd both be slaughtered," Damian chuckles sardonically. "But... I don't know if you'll have any more luck with the football team."
 "What do you mean?" Janis asks, switching their cups of yogurt so they can have the last bite of each other's, like they always do. "It's not like I'm going for, like, quarterback or anything. I probably won't make it, and if I do I'll spend the season on the bench. Practices are active enough to make my dad happy." 
"Jan, have you seen the boys on the team?" Damian says gently. "Aaron Samuels. Glenn Coco. Shane Oman."
"Aaron's not terrible," Janis replies. "Just has shit taste in women." 
"Yeah, you have that in common," Damian hums. "So maybe it won't be so bad for you after all." 
"Shut up," Janis grumbles. "Where are you going?" 
"If you're serious about this, you need some major practice, little slice. Come on," Damian says, motioning for her to join him.
"No time like the present," Damian shrugs. Janis whines and follows him out to his mom's car. 
"So how do I football, oh wise one?" Janis asks, in some of Damian's cheer practice clothes, since she had nothing even approaching activewear.
"Janis. Darling. Look at me," Damian says. "Why the hell would I know?" 
"Do you even watch the games you cheer for?"
"I don't... watch... what they're doing," Damian mumbles in embarrassment. Janis snorts. 
"Exactly," Damian says. 
"Then why are we here?" Janis asks. 
"Because I Googled it," Damian grins ominously, brandishing his phone. "And from what I found, this is the end of our friendship."
"Oh, joy."
Damian is nearly right. Janis doesn't even lay a hand on a football that first day, she just tap dances with Damian to practice moving her feet ridiculously quickly and carefully (and eats shit several times in the process), does his physical pre-show warm ups to start building up her muscles, and 'runs' a whole mile. 
Damian drives next to her on his grandmother's Jazzy, and manages to keep pace with her. It makes sense Janis isn't exactly up to speed yet, having never run... any distance at all. 
"Go Jan! You're almost there!" Damian cheers as he pulls back into his driveway. 
"I... am gonna... fucking... kill you," Janis puffs in aggravation and exhaustion. 
"This was your idea, boo." 
"I'm next to go," Janis continues panting, snatching the offered water bottle from him and chugging it. She wrenches the lid off when it doesn't come out fast enough for her tastes and downs the rest of it in one go. 
"Damn." Damian says. "That bad?"
"This is the end," Janis gasps as she pulls away from the bottle. "I'm dying. Goodbye."
Damian watches as she flops down onto the burning hot asphalt of his driveway and doesn't seem to care at all. He heads over and leans into her view. 
"Actually, if you're serious about this, you have to do this every day between now and tryouts." 
"I'm actually gonna end everything you love," Janis gripes, wiggling crankily on the ground. "I swear to god."
"Sure, Jan." Damian says. "Whatever makes you feel better."
"I will! You watch me," Janis says, trying to stand. "I'll do it right now!" 
"You can't even stand up, Janjan."
"Yes I can!" Janis yells. She continues trying to get up, but once she's rolled onto her stomach, she admits defeat. "Help."
"Come on, you gotta get some rest," Damian sighs, hauling her up onto his back and carrying her inside. 
"Thanks mom."
Barely; after several threats to quit and with a couple miracles, Janis makes it to tryouts. Damian and her sister both dragged her through her exercises every day, and watched football games with her so she could learn to understand the terms and observe the motions she'd need to replicate. 
She hopes it's worth it. 
"You got this," Damian says, helping her into the padding they'd borrowed from the school supply. It doesn't fit right and it smells... beyond questionable, but it'll do for tryouts. "Those boys won't know what hit them."
"The smell of this padding," Janis says with a wince. 
"Maybe it'll work in your favor," Damian says. "But you are showering before we leave, that's revolting." 
"Mmkay," Janis grumbles. 
"Confidence, remember the tap dancing," Damian says. "Now go and be golden."
"You need to work on your pep talks," Janis calls over her shoulder as she jogs to join the crowd of jock boys standing around the coach. 
Coach Carr blinks in surprise when he sees her approach them. "You in the right group, little miss? Cheer tryouts are in a few weeks."
"Do I look like I want to try out for the cheer team?" Janis asks, gesturing to her getup. "I'm in the right place. And my name is Janis. I'm not your 'little miss'."
"You've got an attitude," the coach says, looking her up and down. "Good. Over there, Sarkisian." 
Janis takes a deep breath to calm her nerves and stands in line on the yard line she's directed to. 
"Alright you feckless maggots," the coach yells after blasting his whistle at them from point blank range. "If you're here, it best be to play football. I won't have any pansies on my team. I'm tough, you will get hurt, you will get your feelings hurt. If you can't handle that, leave. Now."
To Janis' surprise, a couple of the boys do step out of line and go get their things. They look like freshmen anyway. 
"Okay! Hope the rest of you have what it takes. To start with, running. Looking for speed and consistency. Pacing. To the end zone and back, go!"
With another blast of his whistle, he sets everyone off. Janis tries to remember what she learned while she practiced with Damian. Pacing. Take it steady.
She repeats that mantra to herself as she narrows in on the end zone she's running to. She focuses on the feeling of her shoes hitting the turf, the thumping echoing up her legs and the feeling of her breaths filling her lungs. In and out, slow and steady. 
Janis is so focused on herself and her pacing that she doesn't notice how far ahead of everyone she is. Until she hits the end zone and turns around to run the other way. 
All of the boys are well behind her, even with her steady pacing. The closest to her is Shane Oman, and even he's a solid four feet behind her. He glares at her beneath his helmet as she runs past him the other way. 
Janis grins to herself. Maybe all that running practice did pay off. 
She's definitely the first to cross the finish line, and slows down a bit to cool down before she comes to a complete stop and catches her breath. The boys follow her lead and cross the line one by one. 
"Coach, this is bullshit," Shane yells around gasping breaths, pointing to Janis. "She shouldn't be here! She runs like a girl!" 
"She beat you, dickwad," Aaron Samuels huffs, smacking him on the back of the head. "Just shut up, for once."
Janis grins slightly under her helmet, and Aaron gives her a small nod back. Nice to know she'll have at least one decent teammate if she makes it.
"Nicely done gents!" Coach calls after yet another unnecessary whistle blast. Janis coughs a bit to remind him of her presence. "And Sarkisian. Alright, if I call your number, get lost. Twelve, thirty-four, twenty-one, seven,  eighteen, forty-six."
Janis looks down at her jersey. Twenty-eight. She's still in. 
"Next up is kicking! Looking for good form, accuracy, distance. Oman, you're up first." 
Shane heads over to the coach by the 20 yard line. The coach holds the ball for him, and watches as he kicks it perfectly through the field goal.
Janis is nervous. All her footwork didn't prepare her for this, she never worked on her kicking. Shane's form was incredible, his distance amazing. Will she measure up?
She's one of the last ones to go, watching as some of the other boys try and fail miserably. One kicks the ball a solid ten feet to the left of the goal, actually making Damian duck in the bleachers to avoid being hit. Another only kicks the ball about four feet in front of him, and another accidentally kicks the coach in the head full force.
They're all told to leave rather quickly. 
Janis goes after Aaron, who also managed to get it near perfect. She knows she can't beat him, but she can do her best. She played soccer for about half an hour when she was six years old, how different could this be?
As it turns out, very. She gets good distance, only coming about two feet short of the goal, but she can feel that her form and aim are off. She winces slightly and looks at the coach, expecting to be told off. 
But, to her surprise, he just waves her back with the others. Janis sighs in a mix of terror and relief and heads back. Aaron gives her another nod, as if to say, "Nicely done." Janis nods back as they wait for the next drill. 
Her training with Damian comes in very handy as they get to footwork, and she aces that area. Tap dancing seems to have worked better than she thought. When it comes to tackling, she just remembers what Damian told her. 
Imagine it's Regina George's true form.
Everyone is more than a little concerned for the state of their practice dummy, after that.
More and more of the boys are picked off, and soon she's only left with about fifteen other people. The coach seems very surprised about her knowledge of all the different plays and calls, to which Janis just smirks. Sure, she spent a whole week studying and Damian quizzed her whenever he got the chance, but nobody else needs to know that. 
The last drill of the day is passing. Janis is nervous again. If she fails this, there's no way she makes it on the team. But does she really want to do well?
Yes, she realizes. She recognizes a few of the boys she's left with. Shane Oman and his cronies, basically Regina George's little bodyguards. She has to show these jocks, who used to shove her in lockers and stab her with pencils and Sharpie slurs on her locker; that she is just as capable as them. To hell with her muscles. 
She heads over and gets into a pair with a boy she doesn't recognize. Must be a freshman. 
Janis snaps the ball towards him in the best form she can manage. He fumbles slightly, but does manage to catch it. Janis tries to remember what she learned about catching. She yelps a bit when the ball comes back her way and throws her hands up in front of her face to protect herself. 
"Sarkisian, what are you doing?!" Coach calls. "Don't be afraid to get hit. Throw it back, come on."
Janis breathes, takes a step back. Motions for her partner to step even further back. Breathes again, grips the ball, prepares to throw it, feels her form strengthen, winds up, and...
Drops it at her feet. 
"Fuck," she whispers under her breath. Distantly, she can hear Shane sneer at her from his spot further down the lines. 
"Again. Go, now," Coach demands. Janis nods. 
"Go Janis! You can do it, come on!" Damian yells from his spot on the bleachers, waving invisible pompoms. Janis rolls her eyes lovingly as she picks the ball back up and gets ready to throw it again. 
Another deep breath, and she throws. 
Quite well, if she does say so herself. 
The ball soars past her partner's head and beyond him, landing about six feet behind him after a beautiful arc through the air. 
She looks to Coach Carr to see what he thought. But she gets no reaction. 
"Alright pansies, water break! I need to deliberate and then I'll announce who made the team and your positions." 
Janis jogs back over to Damian to get her water bottle. "How have I been doing?"
"Pretty well, I think. You're definitely the best runner. And I saw Shane mess up passing too," Damian responds.
"Yeah," Damian says. "If Coach Carr can drop his sexism for ten seconds, I think you have a decent chance of making it."
"Huh," Janis hums. She looks across the field to where the coach is vehemently yelling into his phone at someone. She can vaguely make out the words, 'But she's a girl!' 
"Hey, lesbo," she hears a voice say. She instinctively braces for impact. "I'm fucking talking to you."
Janis is shaking in her cleats, but trying desperately not to let it show. She turns and sees none other than Shane Oman looming over her. "Hey, Shane."
"Don't 'hey' me, dyke," he spits. Almost literally. "The hell do you think you're doing here?"
"Playing football?" Janis responds, feigning innocence. 
"You better watch your back," Shane says. "But there's no way Coach would let you on the team anyway."
"You sure about that? I did beat you at a few of these drills," Janis smirks.
"You little-" Shane begins, getting pushed back by another hand. 
"Man, back off," Aaron huffs. "She's not worth it."
"Yeah? What's it to you, fag? She your girlfriend?"
"You do see how that's a contradiction, there, right?" Janis replies. 
"Fuck you, Sarkisian," Shane huffs, walking away with some of his lackeys trailing behind him. 
"No thanks, I'm queer. And good luck, by the way!" Janis calls after him with a smile. 
"Bold words, Jan," Damian says, giving her a sly fist bump. Janis smirks at him. 
"I don't even care if I make it now, that was really satisfying."
She looks for Aaron to thank him for his help, but he's already off talking with someone else. Janis shrugs and turns around. 
Coach Carr returns then, seeming much more dejected than he has throughout the rest of tryouts. 
"Alright ladies! Over here, listen up," he half-yells. Janis raises an eyebrow at his choice of expression and heads over. "If I call your name you're on, you pick up your official jerseys on the first day of school. Stop by the office on your way out to order them, and you're in charge of the rest of your uniform."
"Yes, coach," they all say in unison. Janis doesn't quite get the memo and is a bit behind the boys, but she gets the words out. 
"Abel, JV, bench. Coco, JV, bench," the coach calls. Glenn hollers a 'Yes!' and high fives a few people around him. They're getting closer and closer to the end of the alphabet. Janis' ears start ringing and she can barely hear. Until... "Samuels, varsity, wide receiver. Sarkisian... varsity, quarterback." 
"What?" Janis asks in shock. Quarterback? How?
Shane yells the same question at the same time. "What?! I'm just the running back?! Why the hell does she get QB?!" 
"Because Sarkisian has the skills. And I heard you over here, Oman, and she's a better leader. I'm not happy about it either, but she's the best candidate," Coach Carr says. "But Sarkisian. One fuck up and you're outta here. I got plenty of decent boys to replace you."
"Yes, coach," Janis says, already determined to stick around. Quarterback. Holy shit.
"Alright, get lost. I'll see you on the first day of school for first practice, first game is two Fridays later. Rest up and hydrate, go. Well done today." 
Janis runs over to Damian with a wide smile on her face. Damian gapes at her. "Quarterback?!"
"Seems that way," Janis shrugs. She winces at the texture of her padding against her skin now that she's been sweating in it. "God, I feel like I've been swimming. I'm gonna have to shower for a week."
"Eew!" Damian screeches, wiggling his way up the bleachers away from her. Janis cackles and wags her fingers ominously, threatening to chase him with her sweaty gross-ness. "You're definitely showering before we leave, this little situation is not happening in my car. You're all icky."
"Thanks," Janis says, taking another swig of her water.
Janis takes a brisk shower in absolutely freezing water in the locker room. Damian waits outside the stall on a bench, scrolling through his phone. They have the whole locker room to themselves, since the cheer team isn't practicing yet and Janis is the only girl on the football team (!!!!). 
"Jan? What's your email password?"
"No," Janis replies. 
"Why the hell do you need my email password?" Janis huffs as she turns off the water and starts drying herself off. 
"They just sent out our schedules, I wanna see what we have together," Damian begs. 
"Still, no," Janis hums. She screams as Damian's arm suddenly pops under the stall door, offering her his phone. "Christ, dude! Can you not wait, like, ten seconds?!" 
"Do you really need to ask that? Hurry up, this floor is gross," Damian whines.
Janis snatches the phone, but opens the camera instead to take goofy selfies with her towel hat. She clicks it off and pretends she's signed in as she passes it back under the door and starts pulling on her clothes. 
"Hey! You know I already have a very limited amount of storage!" Damian whines
"You gave me your phone, you accepted that as a possibility when you did," Janis replies as she unlocks the door and heads to grab her hairbrush. 
"Come oonnnn," Damian begs. "Just to check your schedule."
"No," Janis insists, looking in the mirror to make sure she gets her hair thoroughly combed out.
"But whyyyyy?" Damian whines. "I'm not gonna hack your school email, come on." 
"It's not that," Janis mumbles, yanking through a particularly stubborn knot in her hair. Damian winces at the sound, in pain by proxy. 
"Then what is it?" he asks. Janis starts brushing her hair even more aggressively. "Girl, chill with the brush before you go bald and answer me."
"I don't want to see my schedule." 
"Oh." Damian replies. "Wait, what? Why?"
Janis sighs, bracing on the sink and looking at herself in the mirror. "Because what if we don't have the same schedule anymore? I can't handle that."
"Yeah you can, Janjan," Damian says quietly, gently taking the brush and delicately combing through the spots on the back of her head that she'd missed on her own. "You've grown a lot since last year. And it's not like you'll never see me even if we do have different schedules. We still have lunch, and the mornings. And we're always together after school anyway." 
"But what if I have something with Regina?" Janis whines. 
"Then you try to do it," Damian replies. "And if you can't, you have all of the guidance office wrapped around your little finger. You'll get your schedule shifted and that'll be that." 
"Can you stop being rational and calming for once in your life?" Janis grumbles, tying her still damp hair back into a ponytail. Damian daintily picks up her smelly gym bag and hands it to her as quickly as he possibly can. 
"No. I've seen Janis-nadoes before, I'm not letting you spiral ever again," he laughs, following Janis out of the girls' locker room and out of the building. 
"I'm not that bad," Janis says, making a very slow beeline to Damian's mom's car and yanking on the door handle. "Lemme innnnn." 
"Stop doing that and I will," Damian replies, unlocking the door for her and sliding in. Janis winces at the blast of hot air from his car, but begrudgingly tosses her bag into his backseat and climbs in next to him. Damian looks confused when she holds out a hand. "What?"
"I'll check my schedule," Janis mumbles, pouting like a small child who's been asked to do their chores. Damian gently ruffles her hair and hands his phone over. 
Janis taps into her school email address, and opens Damian's in another tab so she can compare them easily. "Ha! You have math first period." 
Damian almost veers them into a stop sign. "Fuck! Noooo."
"Kindly don't kill us," Janis hums. "Nooo, I have it too!" 
"You're coming down with me," Damian says ominously. Janis scoots away from him a little bit and continues looking. 
"And we have... politics, and... English together," she continues. 
"See, three out of seven isn't bad, you can handle that," Damian says gently. "And like I said, we still have lunch together. You're not getting rid of me."
"Try as I might," Janis sighs. 
"It's not too late for you to walk."
"No, no, I take it back!" 
"That's what I thought," Damian grins. 
"You have too much power now, I don't like this," Janis humphs, crossing her arms over her chest. 
"When you get a car you can torture me all you want," Damian replies. Janis snorts.
"It'll happen. You just don't manifest enough," Damian says. 
"Uhhuh," Janis chuckles. "That's why I don't have it yet, I haven't manifested enough. It's definitely not just because I'm too broke for a car."
"Don't knock it 'til you try it," Damian pouts. He looks at her briefly to find his friend with her eyes closed and breathing deeply. "What are you doing?"
"Manifesting ice cream," Janis responds, popping one eye open to look at him. She grins victoriously as he sighs and starts driving them that way.
Janis takes a deep breath as she stands face to face with the doors of North Shore High once again. She's been back quite recently for tryouts and other football things, but it's not the same without the pressures of schoolwork and the threat of a certain ever-present blonde.
Damian meets her by her locker, which gives her a bit more confidence. She shoves all the books she doesn't need into it without a second thought and slams it shut. 
There's a girl Janis doesn't recognize talking to their math teacher when they walk in. She's absolutely tiny, probably not even five feet tall and 120 pounds at most. She's swimming in a too-large flannel top and green vest covered in patches. Janis can't make out any details from this distance, but she grins at seeing someone else who decorates their clothes. The girl also has on cargo shorts that make Janis feel Some Type Of Way and... socks with sandals. Dear god.
The girl rushes out the door when the bell rings, auburn hair flowing behind her. Janis stares after her for a long moment. She only snaps back into the real world when her phone buzzes in her pocket. 
She slides into the seat next to Damian and pulls it out, to see a text from him. 
damdam: 👀👀👀👀
damdam: I spy with my little gay eyes
damdam: Some gay ass shit 
janjan: then u need glasses 
damdam: You were totally checking her out 
janjan: so what if i was?? she left 
damdam: Jan theres only like 300 kids in our grade you're gonna see her again at some point 
janjan: doesn't mean i'll talk to her 
janjan: and it doesn't mean i like her
damdam: But she's cute 
janjan: i will throw ur phone in the river 
Ms. Norbury starts talking then, so Janis and Damian put their phones back down and try desperately to pay attention to algebra instead of falling asleep. Damian continues shooting her The Look of Judgement throughout class. Janis eventually resorts to keeping a hand over her face so she can't see him. 
They make it through the day mostly unscathed. Until lunch.
"Uh oh," Damian says. Janis looks up from her turkey and cheese sandwich to see what he means. 
The girl from their math class that morning is talking to none other than Regina George. Of course. She seems a bit afraid, but she naively sits by them when they invite her to. So much for that. 
"Another Plastic," Janis sighs, her appetite now gone. "Yay." 
"Chin up, my good bitch. Don't let them get to you," Damian comforts.
"Easier said than done, my good bastard," Janis gripes.
"I know, but you can't let Regina know she's still hurting you."
"I'm trying," Janis mumbles, poking at her carrots. 
"You have practice tonight, yeah? Get your anger out then," Damian comforts, gently patting her shoulder. 
"Damn right I will," Janis huffs.
"Theeeere's the Janjan I know."
thanks for reading!! hope you enjoyed and have a great day :)
lots of love,
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homobiwan · 4 years
I need all my new followers to understand that i occasionally have mental breakdowns that last for two days straight about aaron samuels. Fucking wholesome bi king. He’s so soft and sweet with cady i can’t. They’re in love. They’re so fucking in love and regina george has to come in and gaslight him into getting back with her and for what? To hide the fact that she’s a lesbian and in love with janis? Queen you already have shane oman as a beard you do NOT need aaron. Let aaron be happy with his bi girl cady in peace
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becca-petersen · 5 years
hi everyone. so today is my 23rd birthday and since it’s my golden birthday and times are extremely shitty i wanted to gift an audio to all of you. this is my master from the first time i saw mean girls on broadway (3.5.19). feel free to trade and gift the audio as you please.
here is the link
this is the cast list for trading/documentation purposes: 
Mean Girls | March 5th, 2019 | my master (if you are trading, please list it as becca-petersen’s master instead) | tracked | mp3
Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Taylor Louderman (Regina George), Devon Hadsell (u/s Gretchen Weiners), Kate Rockwell (Karen Smith). Barrett Wilbert Weed (Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin G), Jennifer Simard (Adult Women), Rick Younger (Mr. Duvall), Brendon Stimson (Mr. Heron/Mike T.), Kevin Csolak (Shane Oman), Kamille Upshaw (Rachel Hamilton), Bria Jene Williams (Grace Akinola), Brittany Nicholas (s/w Sonja Acquino), Becca Petersen (s/w Dawn Schweitzer), Ixchel Cuellar (s/w Caitlin Caussin), Jonalyn Saxer (Taylor Weddel), DeMarius R. Copes (Christian Wiggins), Curtis Holland (Jason Weems), Myles McHale (Coach Carr/Glen Coco), Collins Conley (Lizzie Thurman), Ben Cook (Tyler Kimble) Nikhil Saboo (Marwan Jitla), Riza Takahashi (Sophie Kawachi) Notes: In stop, Ixchel sings “Stop when you’re babysitting kids so you make them go to bed so you can take their mom’s vodka, stop. Stick to vodka and stop.” in “Stop” instead of the correct lyrics about Oxy. 
if you have any issues with the download link please let me know, idk if google drive links break on their own or what??? anyway i hope you all have a good day/week/month. please stay safe and stay the fuck home. 
as always, do not share outside of tumblr, which includes posting links on other forms of social media. do not reupload to any other forms of social media either, ESPECIALLY youtube. please do not reuse this link, make sure to transfer it to your google drive if you can. 
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Examining Youth Culture
A character I identify with is Janis Ian from Mean Girls because she was PETTY. We both have the ability to hold a grunge and exact our petty revenge. Although I don’t think I have the dedication Janis has, I found many similarities between her and I. 
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Janis is creative and smart. She does art and came up with the brilliant plan to ruin Regina George. She’s a caring and loyal friend but a bit of a hot head. 
 I find these qualities in myself as I consider myself creative.I started learning to sew in an attempt to up-cycle my clothes. I like doing DIY’s and am currently working on my newest project, which consists of me painting a chair, and I am also attempting to interior design my bedroom. I’ve also been told on numerous occasions that I can be a hot head and stubborn.    Some people know their flaws in character traits, for me it’s my need for petty revenge. I was raised with three older siblings and one younger one. We all share similar interests and like the same things. If one of us did something we consider fun and exciting, the rest of us would want to try it. This made me develop the mentality that we all have to have the same experience in order to be even. This mentality mutated into the idea that if I was wronged, I needed to get ‘even’ in order for it to be fair. Regina George ruined Janis Ian’s life and in Janis’s eyes in order for her to return to the favor, Janis had to ruin Regina’s life. I had a similar experience to wanting to get revenge on my brother Jeffrey. About a month ago, my mother asked me to pick up her new glasses from Walmart and I obliged. I drove to Walmart, they showed me her glasses and I took them home with me. My brother hard accompanied me on this errand, but he didn’t see my mothers’ glasses. I asked Jeffrey if he wanted to see the glasses on the car ride home and he said he would see them later since he was driving. Jeffrey then asked me “Why? Are they ugly?” And although I didn’t say yes, I didn’t say no either. The next day my mom was struggling to see something, and I asked her why she wasn’t wearing her glasses. Jeffrey then approached us and told my mom “Rosario said your glasses are ugly.” In utter disbelief I literally gasped, and my jaw dropped as he EXPOSED ME. Although an opportunity hasn’t presented itself, I am still waiting pertinently for my revenge. Similar to how Janis waited for an opportunity at revenge when and found it in Regina’s desire to be friends with Cady.
I’ve recently watched films like MID-90’s, KIDS, Mean Girls, The Breakfast Club, and shows like Euphoria, along with Saved By The Bell.
One of the common themes in the stories present is sexual promiscuity among youth. Sexual promiscuity is prevalent in all of the films and shows we watched In the movie Mean Girls, Regina jumped from Aaron to Shane, Aaron jumped from Regina to Cady, Gretchen appeared to have been ghosted by two different boys, Karen Smith even made out with her first cousin.
In the film MID-90’s, Fuck-shit appeared to be a chick magnet the girl Stevie was sexually involved with told him that all her friends wanted to hook up with him. Even 12-year-old Stevie had a short lived sexual relationship. The film KIDS, it was clear that all the kids were very sexually active, especially Ruby who had been with multiple sexual partners. Telly appeared to be just as sexually active since he hunted down girls to sleep with.
In Saved By The Bell, it’s clear that Slater and Zack are good with the ladies. They are both charming and suave. Zack is seen with a new girl in many of the episodes and so is Slater until he finally gets a girlfriend.
In The Breakfast Club, although they don’t talk about sex much, the audience can tell that not having sex is a big deal when John asks if Claire if she is a pristine girl and Clair feels the need to lie. In this case, when John asks Claire if she’s pristine, he’s really asking if she is a virgin.
In Euphoria, all the characters seemed to be extremely sexually active. Rue and Jules get together, Jules and Ana sleep together in New York. Maddy and Nate sleep together and with other people when they are broken up. McKay and Cassie are sexually active almost instantly. These teens appear to be more sexually active than most and go through partners as if they were all in a race to see who could sleep with more people. In reality, teens are just as sexually active and often fall in and out of love easily. I knew girls in high school that had new boyfriends every week.
Another common theme found in these stories is teens trying to fit in.
Mean Girls character Cady does a full 180 on her appearance in order to fit in with her friends, Plastics and otherwise. When Janis tells Cady to work as a spy in Regina’s friend group Cady obliges simply because they are friends. Cady then changed her appearance in order to adapt to the Plastics.
Rue from Euphoria stopped doing drugs in order to remain friends with Jules, who put that condition on their friendship. Zack From Saved By The Bell tells a college girl he is also a college student in the hopes they might date or more.
Claire goes along with everything her friends do even though she hates it because she wants to fit in and remain a popular kid.
In MID-90’s Stevie started smoking in order to fit into his group of skater friends. In KIDS, Jennie participated in drugs when she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to but was encouraged by a friend to do so.
All these teens had some form of transformation as they struggled to fit into the groups, they desperately wanted to be a part of. The concept of teens struggling to fit in not new or far from the truth. My friend joined her school’s soccer team to fit in because everyone in her neighborhood played soccer. She continued playing for years even though she hated the sport. Her need to be friends with the kids in her neighborhood made her continue playing a sport she despised.
Lastly, a common theme found in these stories are friendship. Although all the characters in each story did fall into some form of peer pressure or struggle to fit in, they did find real friendships.
Cady, Janis, and Damian seem to have a genuine friendship as Janis made a plan to exact revenge for Regina stealing the boy that Cady liked. (plan seen in image below)
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Rue and Jules are the type of friends that would do anything for each other. This was made clear when Jules peed in a bottle for Rue to pass a drug test.
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The kids at detention in The Breakfast Club created a special bond as they share intimate details of their life.
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In MID 90’s Stevie’s friends cared about him they way someone would for their little brother. When the kids got in a car accident, they all stayed at the hospital until they could visit him.
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Zack and his friends tried to protect Kelly’s feelings when they found out her boyfriend was cheating on her because they cared about how she would react and feel.
In KIDS, Telly’s Friend let him borrow his parents’ room so that he could have sex with a girl which was something that was really important to him.
Teen' friendships are like their second family. They bond in their common struggles and passion and grow up together. People often say that you won’t remain friends with the people you go to high school with, but I disagree.  Although I did not remain friends with everyone I went to high school with, I did remain close with a few that I made my second family. Since we grew up together and share so many memories, we will always have love for each other, and that love began when we became best friends in our teenage years.
I’ve recently noticed that soundtracks can impact a film or tv series by using the music to help guide the audience on how they should feel. Shows and movies use soundtracks to let an audience know when to feel happy, sad, or scared. It can even add some drama with dramatic music. In reality tv shows, producers will often play incredibly dramatic music when two people have even the smallest fight. The music elevates the experience of the viewer, as well as enhances the effect of the emotion they are trying to convey.
In an effort to add a more comedic effect to the film Mean Girls, here are the songs I would add to the soundtrack and why: Mean Girls 1. Regina’s theme song would be the song ‘Obsessed’ by Mariah Carey because everyone in her school was obsessed with her and because she was convinced that Janis Ian was obsessed with her. 2. The plastics theme songs after they ditch Regina and temporarily name Cady the new queen bee would be the song ‘Loyal’ by Chris Brown ft Lil Wayne & Tyga. More specifically the lines “these hoes ain’t loyal” would play every time Karen Smith and Gretchen Wieners appeared on the screen. 3. Cady’s theme song when she looks at Aaron- Come And Get Your Love by Redbone
4. Cady when she gets outed as a spy in Regina’s friend group by Janis in the gym- Everybody plays the fool by The Main Ingredient 5. Cady when she is constantly reminded to join the mathletes- I Forgot that you existed 6. Cady when she saw Regina and Aaron kiss at the Halloween party- I’m Upset by Drake 7. Cady when she first saw Aaron- L-O-V-E by Nat King 8. When Karen Smith does the weather report with her boobs- Rain On Me by Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande
9. Regina five seconds after Aaron dumps her and she moved on with Shane Oman- Thank U, Next 10. After the trust fall scene, where all the gilt’s go to the gym and express their feelings and Janis’s confesses to convincing Cady to infiltrate Regina’s friend group - Look What You Made Me Do
With the playlist i made i think this would make a good “crack” youtube video. I always find those entertaining with their funny captions of scenes and updated soundtrack. 
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meangirls-imagines · 6 months
Hi. Can I request a Regina imagine? High femme lesbian reader. She/her. Looks are exactly my profile picture.
Reader overhears people spreading terrible rumours about Regina. Reader defends her and Regina eventually finds out. Just pure fluff.
Thank you!
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Description: Reader is usually the level headed one of her relationship. However, she is hanging on by a thread. The thread snaps when she hears a football player talking shit about her girl.
WARNINGS: none really. pure fluff. regina being all heart eyes for reader. reader yelling at men
Y/N was on her last straw.
All week for some reason, people wouldn't stop talking shit about her girlfriend.
Regina George.
It was no secret that people disliked her girlfriend. She knew that. She knew when her and Regina first got together. People would tell her all the time, it's not like she could forget.
But this was different.
It was more constant than usual.
It was like every day there was a new rumor about her girlfriend.
"Regina is cheating on Y/N with Aaron Samuels."
"I heard Regina is pregnant with Jake's baby."
Y/N was tired of the shit talking. She was one little inconvenience from exploding. Luckily for her, it would happen soon.
Unluckily for Shane Oman, he was about to endure Hurricane Y/N.
Regina knew all the rumors about her weren't true, but it still hurt to hear them. Gretchen and Karen were working to kill all the rumors as they started but it was hard when they kept coming.
Regina had no idea how Y/N was reacting to the rumors. She hadn't seen the girl all day due to them not sharing any classes together. So she had no idea what to expect.
She was waiting for the girl in the cafeteria, foot tapping impatiently. Gretchen and Karen were with her, glaring at anyone who looked at Regina badly as they walked past. The blonde felt vulnerable. She just wanted her girlfriend here with her.
Her day just got incredibly worse when Shane Oman came up to their table.
"Hey babe, you wanna hang out later?" Regina cringed. "Shane, you know I'm gay and have a girlfriend. Leave me alone." The boy smirked and leaned closer to Regina. "Oh come on, Regina. Remember how much fun we used to have? All you need is the right guy to straighten you out."
Regina went to reply but was interrupted by someone pouring a smoothie on the boy's head. He whipped around to see a smirking Y/N standing there with an empty cup.
"Hi there, Shane. Let me go ahead and explain something to you. You're going to back away from my girlfriend, and I won't tell the entire school that you have herpes. Got me?" The boy stared at the girl with rage in his eyes.
"Try it. No one would believe you." Y/N smiled at the boy. "Sure, they won't. But, I can very easily get medical documents that say that you not only have herpes but maybe I'll throw erectile dysfunction in there. Imagine how much action you'll get after that."
Shane blushed in embarrassment and stormed off, leaving a trail of smoothie behind him.
The cafeteria was silent, all staring at Y/N in disbelief. The girl stood on the table and addressed everyone.
"Okay. Since we seem to have a gossip problem at this school, allow me to tell everyone now. If I hear a fucking peep about my girlfriend, you can go ahead and sign your fucking death wish. Everyone got it?" The cafeteria seemed to all agree and go back to their business.
Y/N smiled in satisfaction and stepped down, instantly being pulled into Regina's lap. The blonde pulled her into a kiss, causing Gretchen and Karen to squeal.
They pulled away after a minute and Regina brushed her thumb on Y/N's cheek. "Thank you baby. I really appreciate it." Y/N smiled and kissed Regina's forehead. "Anything for you baby."
Needless to say, the rumors stopped and no one messed with Regina again.
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lexthan · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mean Girls - Richmond/Benjamin/Fey Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sonja Acquino/Nell Oman Characters: Sonja Acquino, Nell Oman, Shane Oman (Referenced) Additional Tags: pillowtalk, Implied/Referenced Sex, Does Mr.Mime Fuck?, answer: yes he does, Choking (Mention) Series: Part 3 of Play with Fire -- Sonja Acquino Oneshots Summary:
Sonja's fingers ran through Nell’s hair, she had truly run out of things to talk about or even say, and the air in the room started to feel stale. The silence alone was going to be enough to choke her. If she didn’t say something soon she would have to leave. So she did the most stupid thing she could do, said the first thing that was on her mind.
“Do you think Mr. Mime likes getting choked?”
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why i think regina george is a lesbian
something about the story janis and damian tell cady just seems off. not in a way like they made it up, but in a way that they don’t have the full picture. honestly, they seemed kind of confused about it, too. why would regina all of a sudden, after having been friends with janis for years, confront her about being a lesbian? who put that idea in her head? 
could it have been a homophobic father who, as far as the musical is concerned, seems to be out of the picture, or at least very much out of regina’s life now? i think that someone, most likely her dad, was like, “hey, regina, you and that janis kid seem close. does she have, like, a thing for you? because, y’know, that would be bad.” and lil regina was like “fuck fuck fuck i  have a thing for her but this person, who is hella influential in my life, can NEVER. KNOW. because they Would Not Like It so i must cut that gay shit out.” cue confronting janis and projecting onto her (which is wrong, and internalized homophobia doesn’t make it not a fucked up thing to do). 
something a lot of you don’t seem to get is, throughout the play, we never once see regina explicitly call janis the d-slur. her friends do (i.e gretchen, when they’re reading the burn book), which is still obviously bad, and she shouldn’t let that slide, but she’s too busy pretending to be homophobic. but wait, you say, if it was in the burn book, doesn’t that mean regina wrote it? nope. they all wrote the burn book together. why is it that no one talks about gretchen being homophobic and neatly ships her with karen when one of lines is “janis sarkisian- space d*ke” ? regina isn’t the only villain. that’s another rant, though.
anyway, all of that is to say that it doesn’t look like regina is comfortable using that word. you know who else isn’t comfortable using that word? most lesbians, especially those who’ve had it thrown at them in a derogatory way (that Influential Person from her childhood that was probably her dad)
moving on. so, cady gets here, walks passed the table, and regina’s gay ass is like, damn she cute and immediately invites her to eat lunch with them, despite the fact that cady is dressed like a girl scout. she buys her heels to lift her butt, and when it’s revealed that cady likes regina’s ex, she immediately tries to get him back just so cady can’t have him. 
now, here comes the shane oman part, which is caused by what i like to call the Heather Chandler Plan. in order to prove you’re straight, you gotta have straight sex. regina cheating on aaron with shane is just her trying to prove that, once again, she is an Outstanding Heterosexual. 
tl:dr regina george is a lesbian have a nice day
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incxrrect-mxlti · 6 years
Boyfriend Material (Marvin)
So I saw this thing that was Kevin x Plastic Reader and I was like "WHAT IF BEFORE THE GIRL PLASTICS THERE WERE GUY PLASTICS" and thus, I formed the idea of Marwan Jitla and two other somewhat popular dudes at North Shore (Shane Oman and Jason Weems) being the Plastics but as dudes. So Shane Oman is definitely the Regina of the group. And Jason Weems is probably like the Karen of the group. So that leaves our sunshine boy Marwan as the Gretchen. Kevin is not really like the Kevin we know and love. Sorry.
Era/AU: It's a year before the plastics take over. So, like 2 years before Cady goes to North Shore.
Ship(s): Marvin duh
TW: Swearing. Kevin uses terrible pick up lines on Marwan. Marwan is a feisty little bitch and he almost breaks Kevin’s fingers.
Edited?: Heck no lol
Lets do this thing.
One day after calculus, Mrs. Norbury approached Marwan. "Marwan? I noticed you failed your last 4 tests, and you have a 67 in my class, is everything okay?" She asked. Marwan nodded. "Yeah, I'll try harder." He said, and tried to walk out. She stopped him. "Are you sure? I could get someone to tutor you." She said. Marwan thought about this. Yes, his grade sucked, and he needed to stay in this class, and his parents were going to be pissed at him if he got below a B.
"That would be great, actually." He said, and smiled. Mrs. Norbury smiled back. "Great! I'll get my best student to do it. I think you're going to like him."
2 Days Later
Marwan was supposed to meet Mrs. Norbury's "best and most favorite student" in the library, but he was already sitting down and there was no one to be seen. This guy was already 10 minutes late, and he wasn't making a good impression.
A bit later, the library doors slammed open and in ran a guy with a stack of books so tall they were covering his face. He walked over to Marwan and dropped the books on a table. "Phew. Those were really heavy. Oh! Hi! You must be Marwan! I'm Kevin." Said a tall boy with glasses. He smiled and waved at Marwan. "I'm sorry I'm late, my presentation of the organ processes and what causes them lasted longer than I thought it was going to. Anyway, it's nice to meet you!" He said, and shook Marwan's hand. He pushed his glasses back so they wouldn't fall off and he sat down and opened a book. Marwan didn't know whether to call him a nerd or pat his shoulder and apologize to him, so he did neither. Instead he smiled back and said, "It's nice to meet you, too!" He wondered if it was even possible to be as Kevin as, well, Kevin.
After a bit, Kevin stopped teaching Marwan math and asked him a question. “So, um, do you like, actually know everything about everybody?" He asked. Marwan laughed. "Not everybody. Just a lot of people. Like, people who Shane doesn't like." Kevin nodded and frowned. "I don't like him." He said under his breath.
"I can hear you." Marwan said. Kevin's eyes widened. "Shoot. Please don't tell him I said that." Marwan smiled. "I won't. Maybe I just won't tell him that you're tutoring me." Kevin smiled back. "Okay. Thank you so much." He said, breathing a sigh of relief. Over the course of the next few weeks, Marwan started to realize something. I mean, he wasn't an idiot. He could tell when people were faking things.
Kevin Gnapoor was faking being a nerd.
He could tell because he saw him after school one day. He didn't have his glasses. Instead he had a leather jacket on. He just looked annoyed. And he was being sarcastic to the boy next to him. And Marwan realized something else. He was faking being a nerd so he didn't look like a threat.
Damn, this boy was good.
So one day at the library he walked up to him and said, "I know your secret." Kevin's eyes widened. "Please don't tell anyone. People tend to leave me when they know I'm gay." He said. Marwan looked shocked. "You're gay?" He asked. Kevin's eyes widened again, and he nodded. "Wait, that wasn't it?" He asked. Marwan laughed. "No. But anyway, I know that this is all just an act so you don't look like a threat. You're not actually a nerd, are you?"
Kevin shrugged. "Kinda. I mean, I wear contacts when I'm not at school. And I really do like math, and I am kind of a nerd. But I guess I'm also kind of an asshole sometimes. And I do wear leather jackets sometimes. Anyway, please just don't tell anyone." Marwan smiled. "I won't. It's kinda cool, anyway." He said. Kevin smiled back. "Thanks. I just don't want anything to happen involving me." Marwan nodded. "I get it. I'm like that too sometimes." Over the next few meets, Marwan noticed something else. Kevin was hitting on him.
With terrible pick up lines.
At first it was subtle, like, "Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see." But then it turned into, "Hey Marwan, you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material." And then it became "I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?"
Now he was using references to books as his pick up lines. “Hey Mar, guess what?" He said one day, when he walked up to Marwan with a new stack of books. Marwan sighed. "What?" He asked. "Are you sure you're not a Dementor? Because I'm sure I'd die if you kissed me." Said Kevin, trying not to laugh. Marwan laughed so hard he choked on air. "Oh my gosh. That is by far the worst one you've used."
A few minutes later, he struck again. "You must play Quidditch. I know a Keeper when I see one." And then another. "HAVE I BEEN STUNG BY A TRACKER JACKER? BECAUSE I MUST BE HALLUCINATING ALL YOUR PERFECTION." He practically screamed that last one, because he was trying to hard to keep a straight face.
"Kevin?" Marwan asked. "Yeah?" Kevin replied, his eyes bright. “What do I have to do to make you stop using the terrible pick up lines?" He asked. Kevin contemplated this. "Make an A on your next test." He said. Marwan practically spit out his Pumpkin Spice Latte."WhAT?" He asked.
"You heard me. Get and A on your next test and I'll stop hitting on you." Kevin repeated. “I never asked you to stop hitting on me. I just asked you to stop using the terrible pick up lines." Marwan said, inching closer to Kevin. “Oh, so you WANT me to hit on you?" Kevin asked. Marwan felt his face get red. “I never said that." He replied. “You basically just did." Kevin said, grinning. "Kevin, stop being an asshole." Marwan swatted him away. “Right back at you." Kevin did finger guns at Marwan. "Ugh! I hate you!" Marwan said. "No you don't." Kevin replied. "Yes I do!” Marwan half-screamed. "You just told me you don't want me to stop hitting on you!" Kevin also half screamed. "I did not." Marwan said, calmly. "Really?" Kevin asked sarcastically. "I-I don't know, okay?”
"Oh yeah, and now you're going to say you're 'not gay'" Kevin said, making quotation marks in the air. "I'm not!" Marwan full on screamed.
"I can see the pride flag pin on your jacket."
"You want to kiss me, don't you?"
"Are you sure?"
"Do it."
"Kiss me."
"Prove you're not gay."
"You know what, fine." Marwan sighed. Except he didn’t kiss Kevin. Instead he grabbed Kevin's hand and bent his finger back so far he almost broke it. "Shit! Why the fuck would you do that?" Asked Kevin. Marwan shrugged. "You were kind of being an asshole." He said. Kevin shrugged and nodded in agreement. "I guess." He grinned. "And I'm still up for that kiss if you ever want it." He said. Marwan laughed. "Keep dreaming."
Marwan got a 92 on his next test.
So he made a decision.
The next day, he marched up to Kevin in the library. Kevin started to say something like “Back again, I see?” but he was cut off. Marwan grabbed his shirt, pulled Kevin toward him, and slammed his lips against his. Kevin's eyes widened, but he kissed back. Marwan wrapped his arms around Kevin's neck and he felt Kevin smile against the kiss. They stayed like this for a couple of minutes. Marwan pulled away first, and smiled at him.
Kevin ran a nervous hand through his black hair as his eyes widened again. His face was extremely red. He took a deep breath and said. "Woah. Okay. That just happened. So, uh, I guess you did want that kiss after all." He said, a bit out of breath. Marwan smiled, put his hand on Kevin’s shoulder, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and said, "I guess I did,” inches away from Kevin’s face. Kevin’s face got even redder. Then Marwan walked out of the library, books in hand, and a smug grin on his face.
So, that was my first Tumblr oneshot. I also posted it on Wattpad but I also wanted to try it on here. Hope ya enjoyed!
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theatricalwriter · 6 years
someone gets hurt: regina george x reader (part ii)
prompt: regina george, the girl who seemed to carry a dagger around with her to cut into anyone who had something wrong with them, has a lot more secrets about who she really is than she lets on. one of those major secrets is you.
word Count: 1610
warnings: wlw (still shouldn’t be a warning), mentions of sex but not smut, dirty talk because regina, strong language, still a lot of making out, ANGST
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Nobody in Northshore High would’ve been able to tell that you and Regina George were an item. You didn’t speak to one another in the halls and neither of you dared to make eye contact with one another. Regina talked “trash” about you, just like every other girl in school but you knew that that was just to keep Gretchen Weiners off her ass because she just loved dishing gossip on everyone. But that didn’t mean Regina did anything to you. She just laughed and pretended she cared about whatever bullshit Gretchen had to say about you.
Perhaps the only time you and Regina actually spoke to one another was during an Anatomy project that you were paired up together for. The irony in the pairing and the subject was blatant considering what you two did when she told you that you were coming over her house later that evening. Everyone felt worried for you when she said that but you weren’t complaining. Well, you kind of were the next day when your legs gave out on you…
But things had been steady for two long years. You accepted and respected her wish to keep your relationship a secret and understood that she needed to keep up an “image” of heterosexuality. When she started going out with Aaron Samuels, you knew that he wasn’t going to do anything all that serious with her because he was just one of those kinds of guys.
Did it hurt seeing Regina with someone who should’ve been you? Hell yeah! But you wanted Regina to be happy, and if keeping her image up made her happy, then so be it. You weren’t so lenient when she started going out with Shane Oman, though. But she heard you loud and clear and broke up with him for reasons she wouldn’t say to you. (She said the sex wasn’t good enough for her to him when they broke up but there was no way she was ever telling you that).
So, you and Regina kept your relationship a secret. In a way, it was kind of thrilling. Regina would be so pissed that she couldn’t kiss you during the day so- well, this would happen:
You had started walking up the stairs to Regina’s room. As soon as your knuckles hit the wooden door, it opened and a hand reached through and grabbed your arm. Next thing you knew, you were pushed up against the wall, Regina attacking your lips hungrily. You barely had enough time to catch your breath when she broke off for air before she began kissing you once more. Her hands roamed the curves of your body, making sure to get every inch of your figure within her grasp.
“God, I love you…” She moaned.
“I love you t-” But her mouth silenced you.
Regina got so hot and bothered that she just took out all of her longings on you the moment you walked through the door. It made you think she was just so perfect and sexy whenever she got like this. And when she got like this, it was a good day for you. Well, it was for your emotional status; you were pretty much left with lipstick stains littering your neck and face, hair completely ripped from whatever hairstyle it might have been in when you arrived at the George household, and your bra and underwear nearly off your body. Luckily, Regina always did a great job with aftercare.
As you and Regina laid in your bed, her fingers tracing patterns on your skin with one hand and her other softly wrapped around your waist, you smiled brightly when you looked up at the blonde. You could see the content in her blue eyes, the love that was radiating off of her as she let her head rest atop yours.
“I love you, Regina.” You sighed.
“You know that I’ll wait as long as I need to for you,” You grinned. “As long as you’re happy. And besides, just being here with you, in this moment and every moment we’ve already had and everyone to come… That will always be enough for me.”
Regina put her lips against your forehead and said, “You are the best thing to ever happen to me, and you always will be. I hope you always remember that. Even if we can’t show the rest of the world.”
You heard rumors flying around about Regina during the entire school day. Typically you just ignored them, and for a while, you managed to, but by the fifth period, you finally figured out what was happening. You were in the bathroom stall when you heard two girls speaking as they glossed their lips in the mirror.
“Did you hear about Regina and Aaron?” It piqued your interest.
“No,” The other spoke. “What happened?”
“Well, according to Dawn, she heard Cady saying Aaron found out that Regina was cheating on him,” You felt your heart sink at the thought of Regina’s secret with you being out… but that wasn’t the case. “With Shane Oman.”
“Mhmm… Apparently, she and Shane were meeting up in the gym every Thursday, according to Taylor. She even said that she saw them fucking in the mascot costume once when they thought she wasn’t looking.”
“Now you’re just making things up.”
“I’m not I swear!”
You nearly fell to the floor. You had to hold onto the sink just to keep yourself upright, a loud noise capturing the attention of the two girls who were in the bathroom with you.
“Are you alright?” One asked.
“Y-Yeah,” You lied. “That chicken at lunch just made me a little light-headed… I’m fine!”
You were not fine. You weren’t fine because you suddenly realized why Shane and Aaron looked so pissed at each other during chemistry class earlier that morning and why Regina hadn’t called him over to be her arm candy. You weren’t fine because you realized that Regina always said she had SAT Prep on Thursday even though she didn’t care about her SAT testing in the slightest. You weren’t fine because you realized that on Thursday nights, Regina was much more exhausted and opted to just watch a chick-flick rather than make out. Dear God, everything made sense and you were too blinded to get it through your thick skull.
You texted Regina, telling her to meet you in the projection room above the auditorium where no one would see you two together. At first, she was stubborn but didn’t complain too much.
When she finally arrived, she found you sitting behind the wall of videotapes from 1995. You had finished your crying and got more serious than you ever really were with Regina. Still, your face was stained with tears and dried mascara.
“Oh my God, Y/N,” She hurried over to you and tried to place her hands on your face to wipe away your tears. “What’s wrong?”
But you turned away from her with spiteful eyes, “When were you planning on telling me about Shane Oman?”
Regina’s eyes widened and she felt an urge to tell you that you were wrong, but she knew that it was no use; you now knew and not telling you was only going to make matters worse for her. Letting out a sigh of defeat, she looked to her shoes, not knowing what to really say to you.
“I didn’t… Y/N, I really didn’t-”
“Didn’t what, Regina? Didn’t think it’d go this far? Didn’t think I’d ever find out? Because guess what? I did!” You jumped from your seat. “I let you live your little straight life at school. I’ve never pressured you to come out, hell, I even let you date Aaron Samuels so that you could do that! All I asked was that you stay away from Shane and look what you did! Was I not good enough for you or something?”
“No, N/N, no! I’m so-” Regina was crying herself at this point.
“Sorry? Yeah? Well, am I too! I’m sorry because I wasn’t good enough to satisfy your needs! Because you had all this fun, all of this toying around with the three of us, and you just couldn’t help yourself. It was so much fun until someone got hurt, wasn’t it? I’m sure that even then, you still won’t stop. Did you have fun? God, I hope so. Because you and I are through. So much for being the best thing to ever happen to you.”
“Y/N, please!” Regina begged as you left, grabbing your sweater sleeve.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You spat.
That day, Regina looked like she was going to kill anyone who walked in her path. Everyone thought it was because of the breakup with Aaron, but they only got the person wrong.
“Regina!” Gretchen shouted, struggling to catch up with Regina. “Regina! Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Really? Are you sure? Because you look really, really-”
“I said that I’m fine!” Regina’s voice echoed in the halls that became silent with the sound of her thunderous voice. When she realized everyone was staring, she screamed, “What are all of you freaks looking at, huh?”
And it was on that day, Regina George swore that she’d kill the person who told Aaron about Shane. She swore that she’d do whatever it took.
part iii
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njawaidofficial · 6 years
18 Differences Between The "Mean Girls" Movie And The Musical
18 Differences Between The "Mean Girls" Movie And The Musical
Spoilers ahead! Don’t put us in your Burn Book if you read something you don’t want to.
The cafeteria cliques are a little different. The new tables are: Debate Team, Dance Team, Rich Stoners, Gangsta Whites, Woke Seniors, Peaking-Too-Soon, Strivers and Survivors, Junior Believers, Christian Believers, Wallflowers, and Fending Off Skeevers.
They still have the Sexually Active Band Geeks, JV Jocks, and “The Worst” aka the Plastics.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
Karen in general is much more of a ~shining star~. She has seriously hilarious lines (that are also underlined with some sad truths of today).
There’s a song called “Stop” and Karen sings about sending nude pics and not cropping her head out and a guy sharing them with all his friends.
Karen: Now I only get naked with people in person! Also someone should teach boys not to do that in the first place.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
There’s still a part about “explaining Regina George,” but no $10,000 commercials in Japan or punching in the face.
Caitlyn Caussin: Regina George saved my life once! ‘Cause one time at Wiener Circle, she saw that I was choking, and she told me to stop choking. And I did!
Rachel Hamilton: Regina George is considered the prettiest girl in school. And I’m like, okay white people.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
Aaron Samuels is also in the Burn Book, and it’s because he actually lives in another school district and is secretly attending North Shore.
Also can confirm his hair still looks sexy pushed back.
Mean Girls on Broadway
Obviously there are a lot of jokes about social media, apps, and the internet…
Mrs. George: I’m not a “regular mom,” I’m @coolmom! “@coolmom,” 2,300 followers. Followback. Likesforlikes.
Mean Girls on Broadway
…and updated references that make more sense in ~2018~.
Gretchen: Sometimes I feel like an iPhone without a case. Like, I know I’m worth a lot, and I have a lot of good functions, but at any time I could just shatter.
Same, Gretchen. Same.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
There’s an entire song about sexy Halloween costumes, but this time, Karen doesn’t kiss her first cousin.
She instead sings about curing sexy cancer, saying, “That’s not right, is it?”
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
Shane Oman and Regina do not get caught in the projection room above the auditorium — they fuck in a lion suit.
We can’t make this shit up.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
The Janis pool party thing still happens, but instead of just calling her a lesbian, Regina calls her a “space dyke.”
The story is a little different and kind of weird, but we’ll just go with it.
Mean Girls on Broadway
There’s still a Winter Talent Show, but the Plastics perform “Rockin’ Around the Pole” instead of “Jingle Bell Rock.”
And tragically Amy Poehler wasn’t in the aisle of the orchestra seats dancing along. Not grool.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
And Kevin G raps, but not the same iconic rap we all know from the movie.
Kevin G: Awwwwwwww… Don’t bring me no little-ass white girl booty!
Yeah, that’s pretty much all of it lol.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
The entire show is laced with internet culture in both good and bad ways.
Featuring everything from memes to Instagram references.
Damian: Caddy, I did a paper on this! Our prefrontal cortex isn’t fully formed until we’re 25. It’s why we’re not allowed to rent cars! ‘Cause we will wreck them just to make a cool Boomerang.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
Instead of borrowing a car, Damian borrows his grandmother’s jazzy (motorized scooter).
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
Yes, there are Trump references.
Regina: That’s what I keep trying to explain to the President on Twitter but he blocked me. Hahahahha. Love ya!
And when Cady accuses Damian of tampering with the election and nominating her for Spring Fling Queen, Janis blames the Russians.
Mean Girls on Broadway
And other political references. Tina Fey wrote the book, people!
Ms. Norbury: And we have to stop beating each other up over every little thing, ’cause meanwhile, men are running around grabbing butts and shooting everybody.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
For some reason, Regina calls herself a “Fugly Cow” instead of a “Fugly Slut.”
We thought maybe it was to stop slut-shaming, but they called someone else a slut, like, three minutes later.
Mean Girls on Broadway
“Fetch” is still a thing, but so is “Schquillz.”
Kevin G: “It’s a cool new way of saying ‘skills.'”
Marwan Jitla: “Kev, stop trying to make ‘schquillz’ happen. It’s not gonna happen.”
Mean Girls on Broadway
And last but not least, Regina actually imparts some important wisdom.
Regina: Don’t apologize for things that aren’t your fault. And never apologize for being a boss.
Mean Girls on Broadway
In conclusion: the musical version of Mean Girls is truly fetch, and it’s officially open on Broadway now. You can buy tickets here, enter the digital lottery here, and pre-order the cast recording here.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
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