#shamy snippets
girlnamedangel · 2 months
The Night He Said "I Love You"
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Amy couldn't stop tossing and turning in her bed. She couldn't sleep; her heart was so happy. It was the first time she had experienced everything at prom: having her boyfriend as her date, being with the cool and smart girls, and dancing. To date, this was the best time of her life. But the highlight of it all was Sheldon saying "I love you" to her. It felt surreal. Her heart felt so full that instead of endlessly replaying the scene in her head, she opened her laptop and started writing in her unpublished relationship book, capturing all their progress and memories as a couple.
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whump-cravings · 3 years
Master Masterlist
Please reblog stuff, leave comments, and/or send asks!! Most active projects kept above the readmore. Ask to be tagged for anything!! Ao3 account here for those interested
Prompts: a collection of writing prompts, most of them with a whumpy edge
The Royal Three: Three siblings struggle to lead their country through occupation
The Jokan Prince: A softhearted prince is captured by mercenaries and disguised as a slave
Tarnished (18+): Prince Besan abruptly goes into a heat--years after presenting as a beta--while in a foreign kingdom
Enthralled: An anxious dhampire is kidnapped by a monster of a man
Symbiosis: Xhaqo is snatched from his home and family in the forest and carried to a world of humans
The Monster - a vampire is kept beneath the palace
Shami - a haunted tiefling monster hunter
Veres - a young woman mistakenly touches something she shouldn’t (selkie vibes)
Bird in a Box (BBU, recovery): Ditch | Bathroom Pt 1 | Bathroom Pt 2 - Lemon finds an unconscious birdman on the side of the road and brings him home
Prophesied - Kihaya gave zemself up to the demons to end the war
A Dragon’s Fear - a travelling healer runs across a wounded dragon
Dragon’s BL - an herbalist in a small town stumbles across a wounded dragon
Chromatic Mage - short snippet
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shamyfanficfeed · 6 years
The Quarrel Incident
Author: empty-the-sky Big Bang Theory English, Rated: K+ Romance/General Characters: Sheldon C., Amy Farrah Fowler Chapters: 1, Words: 1,650, Reviews: 3, Rated: K+, Complete --- Let's just say it is a snippet of Shamy's married life. http://dlvr.it/QkPW2H
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tbbt-faves · 7 years
What are your hopes for season 11?
There are two parts to this answer I think... Cause there’s one thing I want the show to be (these being the last two seasons) and another what I want this next season to be.
So anyways, what I want for the show is to feel like there’s some sort of order and plan to it. You know what I mean? Like, I don’t wanna feel like the writers are just ‘winging’ it. Which it feels like that half of the time. (And it doesn’t help that Steve’s always been like “we just do what feels right” and “we don’t know what’s gonna happen next season... no, for real, we don’t, it’s not that we don’t want to tell you”).
You know when you watch a really good show? and you watch it all and at the end something happens and you’re like “damn, that was awesome” but then you watch an old episode again from the beginning of the season and you see little nuggets and snippets and foreshadowing of what you already know is gonna happen. Like the writers have a plan, and I feel like this show doesn’t really have that. I mean, I know it’s a sitcom and stuff but still... At least, I don’t want there to be any more storylines that lead to nowhere, for example: Tenure, Raj’s potential love interests, like Yvette and Isabella, Leonard’s research with Stephen Hawking’s team at the end of Season 6, etc.Especially with these being the last two seasons, I’d really appreciate it if they had some sort of plan and it all unravelled in an interesting way.
And in terms of what I want for this season, I hope that the show’s still funny and it doesn’t feel like we all want it to be over already. I hope they fix Lenny, that’d be swell. And in terms of the premiere, I’m like... 99.999999999999999% sure that Amy’s gonna say yes so... I don’t know. If she doesn’t, I hope they handle it well. Which they usually do with Shamy.And........ Oh, if Amy does say yes (which I’m sure she will eventually) I hope Shamy’s wedding is a proper wedding. Not the usual rushed stuff we’ve gotten with both Howardette and Lenny. I want a wedding like on Friends, where it’s a multiple episode huge thing. Still, I don’t think that’s gonna happen in Season 11, I think it’s probably gonna be more like Season 12 but I wANT IT.
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bigbangenthusiast · 7 years
I wrote a new one shot, requested by one of my besties, @stellina2a, that’s based on a drawing by another of my besties, @rgbcn (the sexy one with nude Shamy 🔥🔥).
Here is a snippet. If you are interested in reading the entire story, follow the link to my ff.net account.
WARNING: M rated.
The Good Memory Reinvention
Amy and Sheldon sat on her mother’s couch as she prepared the turkey in the kitchen. They had offered to help, but her mother insisted they make themselves comfortable. She knew Amy had been working long hours in the lab, and now that she had a few days off for Thanksgiving, she wanted her to take it easy.
“Would you like something to read?” Amy offered.
Sheldon sifted through the assortment of cooking and gardening magazines on the coffee table. “I’m not preparing any food currently, and we don’t have a garden or even a yard, for that matter. I think I’ll pass.”
“Shall we talk about work?”
“Your mother is right. You need to use this time to relax and forget about work. When you’re not in the lab, you’re discussing it. You hardly sleep or eat anymore. I’m worried about you.”
She snuggled into his side. “I’m sorry, Sheldon. I’ll try not to think about it.”
He kissed the top of her head. “Thank you.”
Amy’s eyes wandered around the living room looking for an activity to keep them occupied. Her gaze fell on the closet near the front door. The Sin Closet, as her mother referred to it when she lived under her roof. She shuddered.
Sheldon felt the movement of her body against his. He twisted his head and noted the object of her discomfort. He hated that his girlfriend still had issues with that confounded closet. He stared at the slatted door, his eyes narrowing as he wished there was something he could do to alleviate her fears. He tightened his hold on her and nuzzled her hair when her tremors intensified.
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rgbcn · 7 years
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Mayim Bialik @missmayim @groknation #portrait #fanart #bigbangtheory I’m so excited to finally share with you a commission I’ve been working on last weeks. When I was asked to do another portrait of Mayim I was already excited. When I knew the photo was the one with the violet flowers background, I was already jumping around. I love the original photo. Of course, I did it in BW because this is my thing. Amazing to work again on a portrait of her. I enjoyed it so much. And ahhh lot of hair! but don’t cut it Mayim, I like to spend hours on it. Tomorrow the original will be travelling around the world. I’m enjoying these last hours with my original, as It’s difficult sometimes to just let it go lol Before someone ask it, my client it’s not Mayim lol, although she just have to ask if she wants one for her. Thanks for trusting me to do this commission. And for the eternal patience as I’m slow doing this works. Also, Mayim portrait? I’m always in for it. I hope you all like it. And if Mayim sees it, I hope I was able to capture your expression, I put so much effort (and hours) on this one. And love, as always. Enjoy it! and have a great day! **I was sleeping when Mayim and Jim did lives!! ahhhhhh But even if I missed it, I enjoy so much they are engaging all the fandom with all the photos and live sessions. Thanks for sharing these moments with us. Not only them! Kaley also does great stories! I hope we can see soon more of all. The fandom appreciate these snippets on set and behind the scenes so much!! -- Remember you can support my art here https://www.patreon.com/rgbcn or buy me a coffee here https://ko-fi.com/rgbcnart #rgbcn #tbbt #missmayim #imwithmayim #amyfarrahfowler #shamy #art #drawing #draw #pencildrawing #commission #groknation #grokite #grok #thebigbangtheory #thebigbangtheorycast #bigbang #sketch #patreon #portraitdrawing #celebrity #celebrityart #realistic #realisticdrawing #blossom #pencil
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cricmain · 6 years
Explained Snippets | Yo-yo test: What Mohd Shami and Sanju Samson have just failed #Yoyo #Mumbai #Cricket #Fitness #Brigade #AshishNehra #Samson #IndiaACricketTeam #AerobicOrganism #AssociationFootball #DeepikaPadukone #ExpressNews #NewDelhi #ThisWeek #England #EnduranceTraining #Velocity #Denmark #Physiology #ConiferCone #Metabolism #LungVolumes #Eye–handCoordination #FlyingAce #Afghanistan #TestCricket #Basketball #NBA #NationalBasketballAssociation #BodenSweden #WestoverMaryland #GPS #GlobalPositioningSystem #HighriseBuilding #Twitter #NGO #NongovernmentalOrganization #TheIndianExpress By: Express News Service | New Delhi | Updated: June 14, 2018 7:44:29 Ashish Nehra successfully completed the test the last time he played international cricket; the younger Samson has now failed. https://cricmain.com/2018/06/14/explained-snippets-yo-yo-test-what-mohd-shami-and-sanju-samson-have-just-failed/
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girlnamedangel · 1 month
I just want to share my first Shamy one shot story that I post on AO3. 
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girlnamedangel · 1 month
This is a Shamy fanfic story inspired by my favorite movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
I also want to thank everyone who read, commented, and left kudos on my previous one-shot story. I love you all!
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girlnamedangel · 2 months
Post-event affection
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"She kissed me," that's the only thing Sheldon said to himself after drunk Amy suddenly kissed him unguarded. It was indeed fascinating.
He didn't know what to do after saying those words. Should he leave? Should he drink his favorite strawberry Quik, or should he kiss her again because he was too curious as to why her lips were sweeter than this drink? Is it her lip gloss? But she stopped using that after I told her so, he answered himself.
Thank goodness she stood up and ran into her bathroom to let out all the alcohol she drank with Penny and Bernadette. Even though surprised, Sheldon stood up from her couch and took a peek outside her bedroom.
"Are you okay?" he asked her with a loud enough voice for her to hear.
But instead of an answer, he just heard her vomit again.
He stood there for a good ten minutes until he decided to go inside her bathroom because he stopped hearing anything from her.
When he was already inside the room, he immediately saw Amy leaning her back against the wall with her head banging a little very slowly. "She's asleep," he said to himself.
He grabbed the wet wipes from her bathroom sink, pulled some out, and very gently wiped the vomit from her face, neck, and hands. This isn't new to Sheldon since he also did this for Missy a long time ago.
"Amy, Amy," he tried waking her up.
"Go to your bed now."
But all he received was a soft growl from her.
"This is impossible," he sighed, surrendering.
He could either pull her to her bed or carry her, but with her state, he knew she was dead weight, and he was also tired from the hours he spent watching her and guiding her up to her apartment. He wanted her safe.
So he decided to fold some towels and put them under her head to make her somewhat comfortable. He held her head and positioned her into a lying position, then assisted her head onto the folded towels he made.
After that, he took a chance to stare at her face. She looked so peaceful for someone who was very drunk and had just thrown up. Maybe it was because of all the effort he made to make her comfortable that he was feeling a warmth on his face, especially.
He removed her glasses and placed them on the top of her closed toilet. There was really something about her face that he couldn't stop staring at. Was it her grayish-green eyes? Was it her nose? Was it her…?
Before his brain could even say the word 'lips,' he suddenly found himself stealing a kiss from her. What was he doing?
"Did her kiss make me drunk as well?" he asked himself while rushing out of her apartment, wishing she wouldn't wake up or feel that at all.
Meanwhile, Amy was having the best dream of Sheldon kissing her. Little did she know, it wasn't a dream at all.
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girlnamedangel · 1 month
The Great Dessert Debate
The kitchen is bustling after dinner, and a single slice of cheesecake rests on a plate in the center of the table. Sheldon and Amy are in a passionate debate over who should get the last piece.
Sheldon: (reaching for the cheesecake) Amy, as I meticulously calculated, I am entitled to the final slice. After all, I provided the dessert, and my generosity is unparalleled.
Amy: (firmly) Sheldon, you always use the "I bought it" argument to get what you want. I spent the entire afternoon cooking and cleaning. I believe I’ve earned that slice more than you have.
Sheldon: (raising an eyebrow) That’s a fair point, Amy, but my contribution to the cheesecake’s acquisition cannot be overlooked. My efforts should not be undermined by your culinary endeavors.
Their 7-year-old son, Leonard, stands nearby, observing the argument with wide eyes. He decides to interject, hoping to offer a solution.
Leonard: (tentatively) Mom, I think Dad should have the cheesecake. He did buy it.
Amy: (throwing her hands up) That’s it! If we ever have a daughter, she and I will team up and beat you two in these ridiculous arguments!
Sheldon: (grinning) A potential alliance against me? I’ll have to prepare for that eventuality.
Leonard: (giggling) Well, Dad, you get the cheesecake this time.
Sheldon, with a triumphant smile, takes the slice but then looks at Leonard thoughtfully.
Sheldon: (holding out the slice) Actually, Leonard, since you helped settle this, would you like to share the last piece with me?
Leonard: (eyes lighting up) Really? Yes, please!
Sheldon cuts the cheesecake slice in half and hands one piece to Leonard. They high-five, both smiling widely as they enjoy their shared victory.
Amy: (sighing, but smiling) Fine. Enjoy your slice. But don’t think this is over. We’ll revisit this if we get a chance!
As Sheldon and Leonard savor their treat, Amy’s hand discreetly rests on her stomach, a subtle smile playing on her lips. Unbeknownst to Sheldon and Leonard, Amy is already in the early stages of pregnancy, and her future ally is growing.
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girlnamedangel · 5 days
Chapter 4 is up now! ;)
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girlnamedangel · 19 days
Two of YOU
In the middle of the night, Amy dialed a video call to her husband, Sheldon. She was in a different state with their eldest son, Leonard, who was preparing for an important hockey championship. Sheldon had stayed behind with their youngest daughter, Laura, at their home because Laura suffered from air sickness.
As the video call connected, Amy noticed the soft glow of a bedside lamp in the background.
"Are you in Laura's bedroom?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.
"Yes," Sheldon replied, his voice carrying a hint of tenderness. "I was about to go to sleep in our bedroom when Laura walked towards me. She asked if I could hold her until she fell asleep again."
Amy smiled warmly as she pictured the scene. The thought of Sheldon comforting their daughter was both heartwarming and reassuring.
"How's Leonard?" Sheldon inquired, shifting his attention to their son.
"He's good," Amy responded, her tone gentle. "He's asleep now. He's a little nervous about his big game tomorrow, but I talked to him and reminded him that, no matter what happens, we are still incredibly proud of him."
"Tell him that he has my support and that I'll be cheering for him," Sheldon said, his voice earnest.
Amy nodded, her smile widening. "I will."
"I miss you," she said softly, her eyes reflecting the distance between them. "Thank you for taking care of our daughter."
"I miss you too," Sheldon replied, his gaze tender as he looked at Laura, who was nestled against him. "You know, I realized something earlier today."
Amy tilted her head, encouraging him to continue. "What is it?"
"Laura wants ketchup on her sunny-side-up eggs, she watched her favorite animated movie while holding my hand, she has this favorite little cardigan she wears, and only now did I realize that she won't sleep without kisses," Sheldon said, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and affection.
"So what's your point?" Amy asked with a playful smile.
"She's a mini you, Amy. I just realized today that I have two of you now," Sheldon said, his eyes twinkling with a loving smile.
Amy's heart swelled at his words. "I love you," she said, her voice filled with emotion.
"I love you too," Sheldon replied, gently kissing Laura's forehead before sending a virtual kiss to his wife.
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girlnamedangel · 10 days
Chapter 3 : Reunion, Revelation and Reconciliation
This chapter drained me, emotionally.
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girlnamedangel · 13 days
Where are you now when I need you most? I gave it all just to hold you close Sorry that I broke your heart, your heart I'll treat you better than I did before I'll hold you down and not let you go This time, I won't break your heart, your heart, no
Tagging my moot, please let me know what you think @roseus-eli
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girlnamedangel · 15 days
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As I kissed her, a warm applause filled the air, the sound of joy and celebration echoing all around us. The people surrounding us were beaming, their smiles a testament to the happiness we were sharing. Yet, amidst this collective euphoria, my gaze remained solely fixed on her. She looked around at the crowd, taking in the moment, but my attention was entirely consumed by her presence.
In that perfect moment, as I held her close, I smiled as I thought to myself:
How can I capture the depth of my feelings at this very moment? Though I’ve loved you for what feels like forever, my heart yearns to love you even more. After all these years by your side, my excitement to share every future day with you only grows. I've always found joy in our love, but right now, my happiness feels boundless. Life's uncertainties might loom, but knowing I’ll navigate them with you is all that truly matters to me.
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