#shamy fanfiction
ginnyweatherby · 1 month
I'm a bit rusty, but I wrote a story inspired by a line in Young Sheldon that bothered me more than it probably should have. I'm not sure how old Leonard Cooper was meant to be, but figure he's about eleven here, so I guess his sister could be around nine. Her name is Marie in this, since the writers apparently couldn't be bothered to give her one.
Word count: 2450. More or less.
“Eight… nine… ten!” Marie Cooper removed her hands from her eyes. “Ready or not, here I come!”
Sheldon smiled and shook his head as he watched his daughter run off and try to find her brother. Now that they were getting older, they didn't play together as much as they used to, but a particularly stormy day had knocked their Wi-Fi out of commission and (after 45 minutes of whining) seemed to leave them little choice but to entertain each other with a good old fashioned game of Hide-and-Seek.
He turned the page of his book, still keeping an ear out for the sound of his daughter's feet as she bounded up the stairs.  One might have thought she was a herd of wildebeest by the amount of noise she was making.
“I'm gonna get you, Leonard!" She called as she made it to the landing at the top of the stairs.
Sheldon heard the door to Leonard's bedroom open (that infernal hinge wouldn't stop squeaking no matter what they did with it), followed by Marie letting out a high-pitched squeal, and Leonard saying a word he should have been glad his mother wasn't around to hear.
“Alright, my turn,” Marie said, as Leonard started to count.
Sheldon settled back more comfortably in his seat, satisfied that the kids were staying out of trouble, and turned his attention back to his reading.
Just as Sheldon was about to finish his chapter and get a head start on dinner before Amy got home, Leonard raced into the living room, skidding a bit on the rug.
“Dad, Dad!” He said hurriedly, bouncing on the balls of his feet. His natural athleticism seemed to often manifest itself in the boy's inability to stand still at any given moment. “We’re eight rounds in and I'm running out of good hiding places, where should I go?”
“That closet in your room hasn't been cleaned in ages,” Sheldon said pointedly, standing from the couch and turning toward the kitchen. “I bet you could hide in there so long we'd forget what you looked like.”
Leonard scowled.
Sheldon patted his son on the head as he walked past him, making his way out of the room.
Marie's voice came into earshot. “Nine… ten!”
Leonard raced back up the stairs, apparently to take his father up on the suggestion.
Letting out a pained grunt as he shifted in the back of the closet, Leonard attempted to make himself somewhat comfortable in the limited space.
“Dad was right,” he muttered. “This place is a mess.”
... Not that he'd ever admit that out loud to said dad, of course.
Another shift in position, and an old Star Trek action figure started to speak its catchphrase as he accidentally sat on it. “Oh, shut up, Wesley,” he hissed, trying to stifle the sound with an old blanket.
It was unfortunately too little, too late, as he heard Marie's footsteps getting closer, before the closet door flung open. Leonard squinted as the light from his bedroom momentarily blinded him.
“There you are,” Marie said, as an avalanche of Leonard's belongings fell out of the closet, pooling at her feet. She kicked an old toy that had landed on her shoe aside. “You know, Mom tells you to clean your room all the time.”
“Don't be ridiculous,” Leonard grunted, attempting to extricate his long limbs from his cramped position. “Everyone knows cleaning your room doesn't include the closet.  If anything, it’s where you throw everything so your mom thinks you cleaned your room.”
Finally managing to get to his feet, Leonard took a step forward, only to bump his head on a shelf and cause a box to fall on him in the process.
“Dammit, ow -” Leonard rubbed the back of his head where the box had hit him. “What was that?”
Marie shrugged, pulling the box aside and taking a closer look. “No organizational keywords written on it, so Dad didn't put it here.”
“Why would Dad put something in my closet?” Leonard asked, kicking whatever had fallen out back into the closet, leaning into the door to get it to latch shut.
“Why does Dad do anything he does?” Marie asked, with a roll of her eyes.
“Well, I didn't put it there,” Leonard said. “Open it.”
Marie did as instructed, eyes wide with excitement, only for her face to fall once she viewed its contents.
“It’s just a bunch of old t-shirts,” she said disappointedly. “Probably for you to grow into or something.”
“Me?” Leonard pulled a shirt off the top, holding it out at arms length. “I wouldn’t wear this, I hate Green Lantern.”
“Who knows, maybe they’re hand-me-downs,” Marie rooted through the box, looking hopeful there might be something more exciting underneath the clothes. “Lame,” she said, falling back as she came up empty.
“Dinner’s almost ready, go wash up -” Sheldon appeared in the hallway, peeking his head into the room. “Where did you get that?” He asked, eyes locking in on the shirt Leonard still held in his hands.
“Uh, it was in my closet,” Leonard said, pointing at the box. “It fell on my head.”
Sheldon stepped into the room, rifling through the box and grumbling to himself. Leonard couldn't help but notice the tips of his ears were turning pink.
“Dad, what is it?"
Sheldon lifted the box into his arms, an odd expression on his face. “These are all my old shirts. Your mother seems to have hidden them in the one place nobody ever goes… your closet.”
“Yours?” Leonard took a closer look at the shirt, feeling it between his fingers.  It was clearly an older shirt, soft and well-cared for as all his father's clothes were, but the decal on the front faded from countless washes.
“She said I needed to start dressing like a -” Air quote. “Grown up’ once you two were born, and I knew there was no way all my clothes got lost in the move.”
“Mom hid all your shirts?” Marie asked.
“Taking pointers from your Aunt Penny, no doubt,” Sheldon muttered, taking the Green Lantern shirt from Leonard. “This was always one of my favorites, too.”
Marie seemed to have a renewed interest in the box, and stood on her tiptoes to peer back in while Sheldon still held it. “What about this one?” She pulled out a blue Batman one, and Sheldon looked at it with a nostalgic sort of smile.
“I wore that the day I asked your mother to be my girlfriend.” He placed the box on Leonard's desk, and dug through the box a bit more. “I wore this one the day we met.”
“How about this?” Marie pulled out a red shirt with The Flash logo on it.
“I wore that the first time your mother kissed me.”
“Ew,” Marie said, dropping it back into the box as if she'd been burned, her nose crinkled in disgust.
“Oh, she's never going to hear the end of this,” Sheldon said under his breath, just as the oven timer went off. “Hmm, it sounds like dinner is ready.”
He carefully folded the shirts and placed them back into the box, closing the lid and patting it fondly, as the three of them made their way back to the kitchen.
Amy had called earlier, claiming she was working late that night, and Sheldon knew that probably meant she was just meeting Penny after work, but he didn't mind.  He was having a nice time eating dinner with the kids, they were some of the only people whose fondness for spaghetti and hot dogs rivaled his own. It almost reminded him of the family dinners he'd had growing up, although he had to admit his children made for much more stimulating conversation than his siblings ever did.
Just as Marie was telling them about her upcoming spelling bee and how if she won (which of course she would), she'd be going to the state championship next, Leonard let out a groan.
Sheldon looked over and saw that his son had dropped a fork full of spaghetti on the front of his shirt.
“Aw man, I liked this shirt,” Leonard moaned, dabbing at the sauce stain with a napkin.
“Go change,” Sheldon instructed, pointing toward Leonard’s room. “I'll pre-treat it after dinner.”
“Dad, you don't have to-”
“Leonard, please,” Sheldon said. “I can get stains out of almost anything.  It's like a gift.”
Leonard rolled his eyes, but obeyed and stood from the table to change.
“Anyway, you were saying something about your spelling bee?” Sheldon turned his attention back to Marie.
“Leonard really can be exasperating sometimes, can't he, Dad?” Marie said sagely, shaking her head in a manner far beyond her years. “E-X-A-S-P-E-R-A-T-I-N-G.”
By the time Leonard returned, Sheldon and Marie had finished eating, and Sheldon was clearing their plates from the table.
“I made pie for dessert, but I was going to wait until your mother gets home,” Sheldon said, as Leonard sat back down to finish his dinner. “Although I'm not sure when she - what are you wearing?”
“What?” Leonard looked up from his plate.
“You're wearing my shirt,” Sheldon said, the dirty dishes momentarily forgotten.
“It's a nice shirt,” Leonard shrugged. “Since Mom doesn't want you to wear it anymore, I figured I could.”
“That is not at all what that means,” Sheldon argued.
“It was in my closet.”
“But it's mine,” Sheldon loved his son dearly, but there were some things a man just didn't share with his children.  T-shirts purchased at an old comic book store with Stuart's friends-and-family discount was one of them. “Plus, it's too big for you.”
“It's not that big,” Leonard said with another shrug. “Another growth spurt or two, and I'll be as tall as you.”
“A terrifying concept, really,” Sheldon muttered. “But very well.  I'll allow it.  The color does suit you.”
Leonard shook his head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, before turning back to his - likely now-cold - spaghetti.
With an exhausted sigh, Amy turned the key to the front door.  It had been a long, long day. While she knew Sheldon probably figured she had met Penny for drinks after work, she really had been just that busy at the lab today. She was very much looking forward to grabbing a bite to eat, taking a scalding hot bath, and falling immediately into bed.
Pushing the door open, she expected the kids to already be in bed, and Sheldon to be watching one of his strictly after-the-kids-go-to-sleep television programs, but was surprised to see the three of them sitting around the coffee table, playing one of those complicated board games her husband (and now in turn her children) loved so much.
“Hi, Mommy!” Marie chirped, before letting out a groan as Leonard surpassed her on the board.
“Hi you,” Amy planted a kiss on the girl's head as she passed by, dropping her purse into a nearby chair. “I thought you'd be asleep already.”
“I wanted to stay up to say goodnight to you,” Marie said, sweetly.
“Yeah, right,” Leonard scoffed. “You just didn't want to go to bed."
“It's Friday,” was all Sheldon could say to defend himself against Amy's look.
“Fair enough,” she relented, and turned away to head toward the kitchen, when she stopped in her tracks.
“Where did you find that shirt?” She asked.
“Oh, this?” Sheldon said, innocently, his hand sitting gracefully on his chest, over the decal of one of his favorite The Flash shirts.  The black one.
“And that,” Amy said, pointing at the one Leonard was wearing. “And that.” She looked over and saw Marie was also wearing one - an orange one.
“Lost in the move’,” Sheldon clicked his tongue. “Really, Amy.”
“I told you I didn't get rid of them,” Amy said.
“You just hid them in my closet,” Leonard said, seeming to enjoy his parents' bickering.
“It's not as if you can ever find anything in there,” Amy crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at her son. “If you’d cleaned it once in awhile, you might have found that box ages ago.”
Leonard's smile disappeared.
“For your information,” Amy said, falling onto the couch beside Sheldon, poking the graphic on the aforementioned shirt. “I only hid your things away when Leonard was born because you wouldn't stop freaking out and running to do laundry every time he spit up on you. It was very inconvenient to not only have to bring spare baby clothes in the diaper bag, but to bring spare husband clothes as well.”
“Leonard has been capable of controlling his intestinal distress for a number of years now,” Sheldon pointed out.
“Well, just about the time he'd figured that out, Marie was born,” Amy said with a shrug.
“And when she got older?”
“Oh, by then I just forgot,” Amy said casually, taking a handful of pretzels from the bowl they'd been snacking on while they played the board game. “And you looked so cute in your grown-up clothes, I guess it never occurred to me to look for them."
“Gross,” Leonard scoffed.
“Yeah, gross,” Marie echoed. She moved her piece on the board to avoid looking at her parents. “I win, I win!”
“Aw man,” Leonard moaned, pushing away from the table. “No fair.”
“Alright, both of you brush your teeth and up to bed,” Sheldon said.
“I'll be up in a little bit to say goodnight,” Amy added, as the kids relented and trotted up the stairs, one after the other.
Once they were out of earshot, Amy turned to her husband and danced her fingers up his arm, before fiddling with his collar. “You know… as much as I love you in your new clothes, there is something sentimental about seeing you in this one again.”
Sheldon placed his hand over hers. “I could wear both, you know.”
Amy thought for a moment. “You don't mean just wear these over your newer ones, do you?”
Sheldon didn't reply right away, confirming her suspicions that that was precisely what he'd had in mind.
“I could wear them on alternate days.”
Amy smiled. “I suppose I'd be okay with that.” She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. “On one condition.”
“What's that?” Sheldon eyed her warily.
“Our Christmas card this year has all three of you in those matching shirts,” Amy said. “That was so cute, especially the way it came down past Marie's knees.”
Sheldon rolled his eyes, and Amy knew his mind was swimming with comments about how much he hated Christmas, and cards, and Christmas cards, but after a moment he said, “You run a hard bargain, Amy Farrah Fowler.” He stuck his hand out for her to shake. “You've got yourself a deal.”
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shamy-fanatic · 30 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Big Bang Theory (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sheldon Cooper/Amy Farrah Fowler Characters: Sheldon Cooper, Amy Farrah Fowler, Leonard Cooper (Young Sheldon) Additional Tags: Dress Up, Discovery, Married Couple, Married Life, One Shot, Short One Shot Series: Part 3 of Shamy: Married Life Summary:
Amy's working on maternity leave and finds some (should be) embarrassing things of Sheldon on the internet.
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girlnamedangel · 7 days
For those who read my current fanfiction, here's what I use for inspiration every time I need to write a scene for Sheldon & Elliot.
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haruniven · 2 years
Idk why I didn't get the email notifs, but I'm so gladdd to be receiving these reviews. I'll be getting back to writing very soon. The last year has been so hectic. What used to mean so much, turned out to mean so little. See you all soon, Shamy fans!
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amy-harper · 3 months
Would anyone be interested In reading ff abt Shamy and the gang going to Texas after winning the Nobel Prize.
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rgbcn · 10 months
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Here's the comic I did, my patrons asked me for a 2nd part and I also drew it! And now I'm working on the epilogue. Hope you like it!
Based on the events of S11E11 "The celebration reverberation", that's my (sp1cy) take on what happens next!!
Can't wait for more? Sheldon's Revenge part 1 and 2 (and epilogue draft) is available to read FULL and UNC3NSOR3D on patreon.com/rgbcn 
Thanks to my patrons for making my content possible!
And thanks to all readers for liking and commenting and sharing my story with more people who might enjoy it.
Hugs, R
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youreanasteroid · 26 days
New fanfiction idea for whoever wants it!!
I've read a few fanfictions with Sheldon and Amy with their grad students and I genuinely enjoy reading them very much.
Amy is worried about this certain grad student being around Sheldon all the time. Getting him lunch everyday, asking weird questions, and just being around him all the time.
Turns out, his grad student doesn't really want Sheldon.
The questions she has asked is about his wife 👀👀👀
Because she has a crush on Amy
(I mean.. Come on, I already have a crush on Amy so I understand) 🤣😍
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This may be stupid but that's just how my mind works. I am so sorry lol
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fort-cozy-mcblanket · 2 months
shamy fic recs that arent urs ;)
Now that FF.Net is back I can finally answer this!
Someone else actually asked this a while back and I listed some fics. You can find that list here.
And here are some more:
Paroxysmal Paradox
Vintage Game Night
The Neighborhood Kids
Ooh, the things I've known, looks like I'm taking the hard way home
The Observation Repercussion
The Cohabitation Experiment Intermission
The Proposal Copulation
The Wolowitz Thanksgiving Fallout
The Vegas Deviation
The Celebration Experimentation Solution
The 8 point 2 Variance
The Dawn Coitus Conundrum 02
The 1-4-3 Confusion
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theawkwardanglophile · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you to the wonderful @thisnightissparkling089 for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
I have 21, and older fics on FF. My goal is to get everything I've done on Ao3 soon.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently The Rookie, but have previously written fics for The Big Bang Theory, Gilmore Girls, New Girl, and Single Parents.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
While I'm Alone and Blue as Can Be
And If You Have a Minute (Why Don't We Go)
Maybe I'm Crazy To Suppose
We Must Be Living In the Golden Age
Before I Knew It (I Became All About You)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to respond to all of them, but I know a few have probably slipped through the cracks.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I really don't have any! Yikes. I'm a sucker for happy or at least hopeful endings. Maybe the closest would be Who's Gonna Come Around When You Break? It's not exactly angsty, but it is on the sadder side.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Allll of them?? 😂 Here are a few on the fluffier side of endings:
Maybe I'm Crazy To Suppose
My Favorite Line Was "Can I Call You Sometime?"
The Opening Night Prolongation
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't. I just can't do it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Never written one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, but I'd certainly be open to a collab!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oof. I have a few in my top tier, but Chenford has probably been the most wonderful shipping experience I've ever had!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The thing is I absolutely want to finish all my fics! The most obvious answer is my Gilmore Girls multi-chapter A Tale in Prose of Fire since it hasn't been updated in *checks date* SIX years. But I know what I want to do with it, and I still plan to finish it. I also have an unpublished Single Parents fic I've been planning since 2020, and knowing literally only a handful of people would read it hasn't given me much motivation to work on it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I LOVE writing dialogue, and I think it's what hopefully stands out in my fics. I've been told several times that my dialogue sounds just like the characters, which in fanfic, I can't think of a better compliment! So that's what I always strive for.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not always the best at fully setting the scene, or getting into more minute details that can enhance the story. I also don't take enough risks in my writing, which isn't a big deal in writing a fluffy one-shot, but in some other pieces I've written over the years, I feel like the stakes could've been higher.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I haven't done it before, and probably the only language I'd feel even the slightest bit comfortable attempting would be Spanish. I'm nowhere near fluent, but know enough I could put some sentences together.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My beloved Shamy from The Big Bang Theory. It's been 10 years since I wrote my first fanfic!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
For my older ones, I love The Relationship Recalibration, especially a specific chapter that was a departure from anything I'd done before. I also love the previously mentioned A Tale In Prose of Fire even though it's still incomplete. And of more recent fics, I'm really proud of what I was able to put together in I Need Your Runway Lights To Burn For Me.
Tagging @sgtbradfords, @firstdegreefangirl, @americorys, @wanna-be-bold, and anyone else who would like to do this!
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With the ending of young sheldon coming out today, I am obliged to remind everybody that another version of their family life/dynamic does exist on the internet
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logical--dreamer · 2 years
Trying my hand at Shamy fanfics. Hope you like!
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shamy-fanatic · 2 months
Can we have a sneek peak of your next fanfiction? 👀
There is something I'm working on right now, though I don't know if I'll ever publish it. Maybe if I want to be an evil author and post a wip, sure. But here's a sneak peak of the rough draft. Not even my beta reader has ahold of this yet. :)
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bloomenvogel · 2 months
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Amy: do you think we're girlfriend-boyfriend in every universe?
Sheldon: We better be.
[insert every SHAMY fanfiction here]
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The beauty🌹 of Shadamy
Isn't it just wonderful how my dear Amy Rose gets paired romantically with every Sonic Rival in the fandom? Even Blaze! And fortunately not much with Jet 😂😂 My favorite one obviously is Shadamy, followed by Surgamy and finally with Metal Sonic but seriously, to me nothing beats THE Shadamy❤🖤🩷.
So the BEST thing about this ship to me is that it was born out of a single interaction 😆 and I don't mean the moment she colorblinded mistook him for Sonic and hugged him nooooope I mean the moment she reminded him about Maria Robotnik's 🥺 true wish by giving him a similar speech of hope and second chances and after that he said: I have to fufill my promise for Maria... And you... Me after seeing that👇👇
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(Funny this gif, casually she was also fangirling about a... SHAMY 🤣🤣 only the ones who know the show will get it)
Seriously, is fascinating how popular this ship became of that single interaction that led fans to write a HUGE amount of fanfiction of them and is always so romantic or so passionate or so angsty God I never get tired of it, one of my favorite portrayals of Shadamy is when Shadow is kind of a emo simp towards her, like he is simply adoring her even when she only looks at Sonic who is not looking at her 😭... Ah drama. 😂 I remember a few stories back when I was a pre teen... Like "el blog de Amy Rose" That's the only written fanfic name I remember and it was a total soap opera, a total and absolute telenovela full of all kinds of drama like Silver was their son and Sonic and Shadow were lost brothers 😂. Then I remember I few comics like Ternion that was an insanely passionate and angsty story with an excellent art that to contribute to my torture it was never finished... And boy I know the author had a secret smut chapter that she never posted anywhere... We know it exists because there were a few hot scenes in a video... 😭 but never happened the story didn't even reach half of what I think it was going to be🥲. In Chaos universe there's a double story in one Sonic and Amy had a daughter named Sonia but in an alternative universe we have María Rose who is Shadow and Amy's daughter... Is another tragedy were Amy is dead in both universes 😭 and of course I'm totally biased with Maria Rose's universe because the way her dad remember Amy's just hits different, seriously is way more enjoyably painful 🥲 and then the most current comics I'm addicted to of course IDOL AMY portrayed Shadow exactly how I said I like him the most 🥺 and the last one I saw is one apocalyptic where obviously Shadow survives and mourns a dead Amy: Future's Shadow... Girl this hedgehog can't catch a break they like to see him suffer 🥲🥲🥲
Now let's focus in the official interactions:
The Archie comics before the reboot kinda mistreated Amy portraying her in an annoying way most of the time just like in some games... And I wasn't a fan of a certain interaction she had with Shadow... (Those issues had a bitchy evil Rouge portrayal that I didn't like one bit🤬) I mean shadow actually kicks her in the stomach and hits her with her own hammer and... That just felt so wrong, you see I can't picture an scenario where Shadow would lay a hand on Amy in such a way as he did in those comics but I had a little comfort in this interaction at least 👇👇
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She puts her faith on him when he doesn't have much faith on himself and that is something she also did in the games, like in Shadow the hedgehog own game. Then there was a reboot and we got better interactions, here we have Amy teasing him and he pouting adorably (and finally they dropped the Rouge is a bitch portrayal thank you😤)
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We also see that they can make a good team
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Hey Shadow how it feels to be hammered by her? 🤭😇, then we had the marvelous IDW reboot but we still don't have proper interactions (and this is the best Rouge💜)
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Though honesty? This look like a romance novel scene... You know, with the bad boy being stubborn with the kind sweet girl 😂. Well Sonic IDW is still ongoing so we'll see if we get something more juicy... But I think I will be happy if they simply team up in a fight again.
And now let's talk about Twitter... Well, well, well have you noticed this tiny details in Sonic's Twitter takeovers? Someone asked "Shadow, will you marry me? " And they made Amy voice be the one reading that question 🧐, not only that the things Shadow described about what he wants in a partner for marriage were things that Amy totally would do perfectly (and to add some spice they made Sonic voice sound kind of upset to tease us with some sonadow too😂😂) and then the most precious and hilarious thing... SHADOW AND AMY ARE BOTH SWIFTIES 😆😆
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And look! He got her ticket's 😭😭 and they went together!!! 😭😭😭(that's a DATE) and then in another Twitter takeover she tells about how they had fun and got shirts and then Sonic got jealous 😭😭😭 KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and look what SEGA IS DOING 👇👇👇
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Pop Star Amy and Rock Star Shadow I can't... 😭😭 and paladin Amy and knight Shadow AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THEY MATCH!!!!!
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I'm telling you... Sonic team is indulging us with oficial Sonamy but they are also shamelessly teasing us with SHADAMY (and sonadow juju)
And seriously fellow comic artists, feel free to keep drawing Shadamy comics forever... We don't get tired... 😇 and SEGA... Don't be shy... We conform with little teasing details you don't have to confirm or deny anything but for future games... A little Shadamy won't hurt 🥺🙏, we want Shadamy in games too! IDW that goes for you too... If you are teasing Sonamy and Sonadow you can tease Shadamy too! (And Knouge too! 😫)
And all this reminds me that we should demand SEGA to reboot the Sonic Adventure games with new modern animation and also so it's playable in modern consoles! I want to play it with the Nintendo Switch!! 😤😤😤
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amy-harper · 2 months
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rgbcn · 3 months
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Regency Shamy, remember this one?? I think I saw too many #bridgerton posts around lately and made me think on this one.
Drawing from your suggestions celebrating 20k followers on IG back in the days (lol how times have changed)
Enjoy it again!
Close ups 😍
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