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nekozinha · 5 years ago
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#shampootime #bath #bathing #cat #kitty #katzen #neko https://www.instagram.com/p/B-pD24uDN70/?igshid=f0fletghwbuy
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peccatidishopping-blog · 6 years ago
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#shampootime, oggi utilizzo #shampoo nutriente di #AnticaErboristeria e #hairfoodbanana @garnieritalia anch’esso nutriente perché ho i capelli un po’ secchi, forse a causa dello scoppio del caldo. Ho utilizzato già questi prodotti e devo dire che ho trovato i miei capelli migliorati, morbidi e lisci. Ogni volta che apro l’#hairfoodgarnier è uno sprigionarsi di profumo dolce e fruttato che solletica l’appetito. Meno male che non è al cioccolato! 😆 Il profumo di rosa selvatica non mi fa impazzire ma poi viene demolito da quello delll’hairfood 😁. Voi che prodotti state usando? —— #haircare #beautycare #garnier #prodotticapelli #garnierfructis #cosmetici #cosmesi #hairfood #cosmetics #prodottinaturali #prodotticapelli #balsamocapelli #mascheracapelli #cremacapelli #shampoonutriente #hairroutine #capellisecchi https://www.instagram.com/p/ByugBqLlZWv/?igshid=hk7am2ketwra
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shampoomate · 6 years ago
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Yup that’s right @shampoomate will be hosting a few events throughout 2019. Let us know what type of events you’d like to see held in Houston! #ShampooMATE #TurnsAnySinkIntoAShampooBowl #NoMoreNeckStrain #NoMoreBackStrain #NoMoreShampooDayBlues #TheStruggleIsOver #WashDay #ShampooDay #ChildrensHair #ChildrensHairCare #ShampooTime #BlackPreneur #PitchBlack #SupportBlackBusiness #ShopBlack #BuyBlack https://www.instagram.com/p/BriSsAvF8jj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uv75dskvyebx
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daily-marrows · 8 years ago
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8月31日迄、ご来店のお客様全員にミントシャンプー無料施術実施しております。 茹だるような暑さの夏ではありませんが、湿気のもやもやを解消する心地いい冷感。 是非ご体感下さい🌿 ------------------------------- TEL:03-6274-8199 ------------------------------- #mint #mintshampoo #organicmint #organicbeauty #naturalbeauty #hairsalon #shampootime #coolsummer #staycool #herballife #tokyo #tokyohairsalon #shinjyuku #tokyometro #新宿三丁目 #新宿 #東京 #新宿の美容室 #東京 #discovertokyo #summerspecial (Marrows)
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dailyphoebedahl · 8 years ago
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tatdeleon: Super happy times w// ma babes 💦🛁🚿🎀💗 #shampootime #goodvibes #healthychoices
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shampoomate · 6 years ago
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Make it a Great Monday!!! #ShampooMATE #TurnsAnySinkIntoAShampooBowl #NoMoreNeckStrain #NoMoreBackStrain #NoMoreShampooDayBlues #TheStruggleIsOver #WashDay #ShampooDay #ChildrensHair #ChildrensHairCare #ShampooTime #BlackPreneur #PitchBlack #SupportBlackBusiness #ShopBlack #BuyBlack https://www.instagram.com/p/Brfo482ljGg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1icutkt0hnw5q
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daily-marrows · 7 years ago
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なんだか最近、ヘッドスパやシャンプー中に眠る方がとても多く感じます。皆さんお疲れなんですかね。季節の変わり目は体力奪われますからね。ひとときの癒しになれるなら幸いです😇 #新宿の美容室 #抱き枕 #tokyo #shinjyuku #shampootime #headspa #relaxin #holdyou #cushion #sleep #新宿 #美容室 #graynails #nail #tokyohairsalon #pillows #chillout #laidback #headspa #headmassage #heaven #touch #癒し #autumn #秋 (Marrows)
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shampoomate · 6 years ago
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Check out our first ad placed in a souvenir booklet since we’ve returned! Can you say EXCITED!!! #ShampooMATE #TurnsAnySinkIntoAShampooBowl #NoMoreNeckStrain #NoMoreBackStrain #NoMoreShampooDayBlues #TheStruggleIsOver #WashDay #ShampooDay #ChildrensHair #ChildrensHairCare #ShampooTime https://www.instagram.com/p/BpAtG3znChH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11j36z32whivj
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shampoomate · 6 years ago
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I simply LOVE receiving feedback on how the #ShampooMATE has made #shampootime a more enjoyable experience at home. Thanks @faithfashionfitness for your continued support of the ShampooMATE; and yes we’ve got that Blue ready for you next. #ShampooMATE #TurnsAnySinkIntoAShampooBowl #NoMoreNeckStrain #NoMoreBackStrain #NoMoreShampooDayBlues #TheStruggleIsOver #WashDay #ShampooDay #ChildrensHair #ChildrensHairCare #ShampooTime https://www.instagram.com/p/BpCXuRpnGRP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17l16wma664pz
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shampoomate · 9 years ago
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Set up and excited to meet you here at Return of the Curls Houston held at the JW Marriott! Pick up your very own #ShampooMATE #ROTC #ShampooMATE #TurnsAnySinkIntoAShampooBowl #NoMoreNeckStrain #NoMoreBackStrain #NoMoreShampooDayBlues #TheStruggleIsOver #WashDay #ShampooDay #ChildrensHair #ChildrensHairCare #ShampooTime (at JW Marriott Houston)
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shampoomate · 9 years ago
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Our co-inventor Tracey with the reigning Natural Hair Queens at Return of the Curls! It's going down here at the JW Marriott Houston. #ShampooMATE #ROTC #ShampooMATE #TurnsAnySinkIntoAShampooBowl #NoMoreNeckStrain #NoMoreBackStrain #NoMoreShampooDayBlues #TheStruggleIsOver #WashDay #ShampooDay #ChildrensHair #ChildrensHairCare #ShampooTime (at JW Marriott Houston)
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shampoomate · 9 years ago
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Had a chance to meet fellow @blackbizscope friend Nikitra of @divineluxuryatx here in Houston at Return of the Curls. Stope by to see us when you get here. #ShampooMATE #ROTC #ShampooMATE #TurnsAnySinkIntoAShampooBowl #NoMoreNeckStrain #NoMoreBackStrain #NoMoreShampooDayBlues #TheStruggleIsOver #WashDay #ShampooDay #ChildrensHair #ChildrensHairCare #ShampooTime (at JW Marriott Houston)
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shampoomate · 9 years ago
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Tried to take a group selfie of some of the attendees for Return of the Curls here in Houston. If you're in the city come on out to the JW Marriott. #ShampooMATE #ROTC #ShampooMATE #TurnsAnySinkIntoAShampooBowl #NoMoreNeckStrain #NoMoreBackStrain #NoMoreShampooDayBlues #TheStruggleIsOver #WashDay #ShampooDay #ChildrensHair #ChildrensHairCare #ShampooTime (at JW Marriott Houston)
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