#shammy thoughts
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shammers · 4 months ago
they’re such siblings
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funkylittlecrowboy · 1 year ago
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Yo the crazy cool third person moba hero shooter mentioned by Shammy in that one Paladins vs. Overwatch that was presumed dead after the severs were discontinued in 2018 and was only followed by a small yet dedicated discord server that ripped an older version of the code to keep playing the game they loved themselves is making a comeback in April?!
It’s GIGANTIC and everyone should support/play it when it comes out
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disappearinginq · 2 years ago
Magnum PI season finale: 10/10, would kiss writers if given the opportunity.  
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nap-thym3 · 7 months ago
Sebastian Solace(Pressure) x Reader/Self-Insert 🌊
Part-One /Fluff/1,886 Words
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Synopsis: In which when I first played pressure I just stood and stared at Sebastian’s character model for a solid five minutes. So this was born. yayayaya
Army crawling on your knees and elbows, your chest rattles with your wheezing breaths. Truth was, you’d never been an active person. The most legwork you’d gotten in a day was typically at work, and even then, that was minimal. Suffice to say, being thrust into this shitshow of a scenario where running from constant threats was the norm, the situation couldn’t be anymore dire.
You wave a hand about in front of yourself, fanning away the disrupted layers of dust that fluttered in the cramped ventilation shaft as your rasping coughs bounce off the walls and create a cacophony of god-awful racket. You mutter a slew of curses to yourself, clapping your palm over your nose and mouth in a pitiful attempt to stifle your coughing fit. It would be just your luck for a nearby eldritch-horror to overhear your pathetic, asthmatic-self in the vents and drag you out by the ankles. The thought alone brings an electrifying jolt of anxiety through your person, and if you had the space you’d be looking over your shoulder in paranoia. Alas, the best you could do was put your jittering nerves to use and crawl just that little bit faster. Honestly, it was an accomplishment in of itself that you managed to shimmy-shammy your adult self into such a claustrophobic passage in the first place. If you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve just marched straight past the most convenient and inviting looking vent in the world. Probably assuming it to be a blatant trap. Except, you did know better. Just a few feet ahead lay maybe the only place in the entire bowels of this hellscape where you felt you were well and truly safe.
Crawling out of the shaft like an NYC subway rat, you’re finally free to hack up your lungs in peace without fear of death by angler. At least, no death from this one in particular. Blindly you lean back to sit on your haunches, eyes straining to pick up any movement in the darkness.
“Oh. It’s you.” Your shoulder’s jump as a voice drawls from the far-side of the room. Soon after, a gentle glow begins to illuminate the occupied space.
Now with your gracious host offering you visibility, you blink your adjusting vision over to watch as Sebastian seemingly just wraps up whatever file he’d been perusing in the dark. Before you can even attempt to try and sneak a peek at whatever he’d been reading, said folder closes shut with a swift snap. The merchant then carefully tucks the item away into his inner-coat’s pocket. A shame, your snooping has been so swiftly shut down before it ever had a chance to begin- you pout at the missed opportunity. Sebastian catches your longing gaze fixated on his coat, and gives a condescending little pat to the area where you know the concealed document is to be hiding. Wordlessly daring you to even try. Cheeky fish.
“Not even a ‘Hello’ or ‘How are you’? I could’ve been dying in there!” You bemoan in a familiar way of greeting, gesticulating between yourselves wildly as you saunter forward. Sebastian, unphased by your usual eccentricities, drags an unimpressed eye over your much smaller form. Analyzing. Probably looking at your absolutely filthy diving suit- sweat-drenched and caked in dust, grime, and maybe even a little bit of blood as it was. At least you assumed so, if the distaste visibly evident in his features was anything to go by.
“I was hoping whoever it was would die a little more quickly.” Was his dry response, before turning his head in indifference; seeming to have found whatever it was he was looking for on your person.
You scoff, “I see chivalry really is dead.” You gripe without any real bite in your voice. Already beginning to survey the merchant’s wares. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch him as he begins to preen over his nails, pretending to be checking for dirt. Or blood, you didn’t know the guy well enough to say for certain what he did in his free-time. Your attention travels upwards, from his large hands up to his round face. The light emanating from his angler’s bulb casts an almost ethereal glow to his features. Especially with the way his eyes gleam that cerulean blue that’s quickly becoming a favorite color of yours. In addition to these qualities, there’s a very light sprinkling of bioluminescent freckles smattered across his cheeks. Sort of reminiscent to that of stars. Idly your fingers twitch, the sudden urge to reach up and map them like constellations startlingly strong. All these qualities make Sebastian feel so surreal, so out of this world. In juxtaposition to all of that, you’re confident to say that if he had the means, he’d be snobbishly turning his nose up at you right about now. The mental image brings a small, secretive smile to your face.
Sebastian rolls his eyes- or at least, you get the impression that he does. His lack of distinctive pupils makes it hard to tell.
“Are you going to actually buy something today?” He snips, cocking out a hip. “Or are you just going to keep gawking at me?” The merchant sneers through grit teeth(or maybe that was just his face?).
Snapping out of your reverie, caught with your hand in the proverbial cookie-jar, blood rushes to your head as you grin sheepishly up at his accusatory glare.
“Sorry, you’re just
” you wave a hand up beside yourself, willing the right words to come to you. Sebastian, amused by your silent floundering, quirks a knowing eyebrow at you. As if saying ‘Go on?’ The soundless goading sends you into a mental spiral- what did that mean? What did he think you were going to say? God- you don’t want to accidentally offend him, but you also don’t want to sound like a complete idiot. You gulp, mouth opening and closing a few times as you attempt to formulate words that will appease him.
Seemingly tired of you embarrassing yourself, Sebastian moved to speak, assumedly in an act of mercy from this sad display. Quickly, you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind, before he could beat you to the punch.
“You’re just really pretty.” Mortified, you clap your hands over your mouth. Yup. Those are. Definitely words that you just said. To his face.
Muscles tensing, you brace for his reaction. You’re not sure what you’re expecting, disgust, maybe? Mocking laughter, most probably. Any and all situations your brain can conjure up are absolutely humiliating in equal measure. However, as one moment drags into two, and the silence has still yet to be breached, you cautiously look Sebastian’s way. The sight that greets you is a rare one. The infamous Z-13, Sebastian Solace, is left speechless.
The Merchant’s smug expression falters, a look of genuine astonishment crossing his face. The dim light cast by his lure does little to mask the way his stature curls inwards slightly. A slight too much, in your opinion. You can see the muscles in his jaw clenching and unclenching- as though internally wrestling with a response. Just as you had been a moment prior. The knowledge that he was just as at a loss for words as you were eases the tension in your shoulders, if only by a hair. Miser so does love its company, after-all. There’s a brief pause, heavy and awkward, until he finally speaks, his voice softer than usual.
“Pretty?” he echoes, almost disbelievingly. He then swallows, visibly thrown off-kilter.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been called
 At-At least- that is to say, not in a good long while.” The second half of his sentence is murmured, as if mostly said to himself. But you had overheard, and he looks as if to have noticed the way your brows pinch in a confusing whirlpool of emotions. Mostly sympathy, pity, among other emotions neither of you were too entirely ready to put out on the table. God forbid you two express emotional maturity and speak plainly like adults. Sebastian flexes his long tail, the serpentine appendage looking as if it were going to either pull or push you away. However, before it can make any progress in either endeavor, Sebastian, -noticeably uncomfortable- clears his throat.
“Silly little thing.” He croons, swooping down from his towering height to give you a patronizing pinch to the cheek with his clawed index and thumb. “You should be mindful of your tongue, hmmm?” As he speaks, his usual edge returns to his voice. Your head helplessly tilts side-to-side with the motion of his ‘affection’. Affronted, and a little whip-lashed with his quick recovery, you swat the offending hand away from your face.
“Jerk! I was trying to be nice!” Despite the biting words, you can’t help but feel relieved to be set back on familiar ground. Whatever emotional vulnerability present in the moment prior was slowly ebbing away, returning to your regularly scheduled squabbling. Sebastian chuckles, bodily retreating to his previous stature and re-clasping his hands before himself with an echoing ‘clap’. You rub at your reddened cheeks, whether their heat was due to Sebastian’s rough treatment or from an entirely other emotion, was only for you to know.
Sebastian continues on distractedly, seeming to have already recollected his composure. “Flattery will get you nowhere here, you know. But
 thanks.” You think you see his eyes dart away for a brief moment, before locking onto yours again. A curl of his typical smirk splaying across his lips.
You gasp dramatically, a goofy smile erupting on your face. “The mighty Sebastian? Saying thanks?” You tease.
Sebastian waves a hand about in the air dismissively. “Yeah yeah, just don’t let it get to your head.” He says, crossing his arms defensively. He steamrolls on before you get anymore wise ideas to- eugh, compliment him. “Now hurry up and buy something already!” He snaps, motioning to the various goodies strapped to his person. Not having to be told thrice now, you hurry and make your selections. Eager to move on from everything and anything to do with word ‘cute’. Nothing major, just a few batteries for the road and a mobile hacker or two. Sebastian seems to approve of your choices, and if the price he demands of you seems a little cheaper than the usual- well. You certainly weren’t going to complain.
Getting everything tucked neatly away and ready to go, you begin to trek back towards the vent before being stopped once more by Sebastian.
“Oh! And Traveller?” He calls. With an answering hum, you look back to maybe your only friend down here. The merchant in question seems to look like he’s turning something over in his head, before continuing with a withering sigh.
“Try not to get yourself killed out there, alright? I’d hate to lose such a profitable costumer.” He sing-songs grimly. Despite the harsh words, you can’t help but notice a slight undertone of warm endearment. Feeling like a certified Sebastian-whisperer, you pride swells in your chest at being able to read between the lines. With a barely concealed snicker at his thinly-veiled concern, you toss a final farewell his way before retreating. All throughout the next dozen or so rooms, you journey forward with a skip in your step. Feeling invigorated with newfound determination knowing that a certain merchant was counting on your safe return.
eeeughh I’m so rusty with writing. Like. It’s not even funny how long this took me for just a one-shot? Idk I might continue this, I just suck so bad at staying motivated for fanfics. Anywho, hope any fellow Sebastian enjoyers out there liked this, there’s not enough content out there of him👍 please make more content guys pls I’m starved for the fics puh-LEASEE
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makingqueerhistory · 10 months ago
The Story of Sharifa Everyone called me a boy in my childhood but I eventually understood that even though my body was like that of a boy, I was actually a girl. I loved dressing up like girls. However, no one at home agreed to buy me the clothes I liked. I liked doing household chores with my mother, rather than going out with my father. I used to secretly makeover myself with my sisters’ cosmetics. If I was caught. I would be scolded or even beaten. I wanted to play with girls more. Nevertheless at home. in school. the girls did not want to take me in sports with them. Even when I went to play with the boys they used to laugh at my voice and behaviour. Everyone at school, the neighbours, and even the people at home ignored me a lot. I used to suffer a lot thinking why I was like this. I felt very alone. One day I met someone whom everyone called a girl but she thought of herself as a boy. I thought “this person is also like me.” She told me “We are not women or men. We are the third gender.” That person took me to a place where there were more people like us. And their ‘Guru Mom’ kept a watch on all of them. Going there, I did not feel alone. I did not feel that I was different from others. I began to stay with those people. There the rules and customs were different from those of our home. Still, we lived like a family, sharing all the joys and sorrows among us. We live like a family, sharing everyone’s happiness and sorrow. We also feel bad for the people at home. So we go home from time to time. I left home twenty years ago. Since then I have been earning money with my new family by blessing newborn babies and new brides and grooms. Sometimes I collect money from people by requesting them. However, we want to live like other common people in the society, to study, work and do business like them. Nevertheless, most people don’t want to mix with us, don’t want to give us work even if we have required qualifications. However, nowadays many people are sympathetic to us. Nowadays, many people like us are studying from their own homes. There are people like us in all countries of the world. In many countries. they live like the rest of the society. The condition of our country is also changing. The Bangladesh government recognised us in 2013. The government and many nongovernment organisations are working for us. They are providing education and employment. They are working to change the attitude of society. Many third gender people like Nazrul Islam Ritu, Shammi Rani Chowdhury and Bipul Barman have achieved success in social and professional life.
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 9 months ago
End Game 4
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, stalking, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your gaming buddy asks to meet up but it doesn’t go exactly as planned.
Characters: Andy Barber
Note: I'm a sleepy babay.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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There’s a finality to the tap of your thumb. You hold the block button for a moment before you let it go. The window pops up asking if you’re sure. Yes. Certain. This is just a mistake and when you’re older and wiser, you’ll be thankful you made it. If you even remember it. 
You lay back and put your phone down. Done. Over. No more Jacob. No Andy.  
Maybe you’ll go back and see Kara again, or she can come here, even if she hates this town. You can at least be thankful that it reconnected you two, and you have to be grateful to learn a hard lesson. Don’t mess with strangers online. You’re better off alone. 
You close your eyes. You’re exhausted. Mentally, emotionally, and yes, physically. Who knew scooping ice cream could be so much work? 
When you wake up, you’re sore and still groggy. The sun peers in at you brightly in the slat between the curtains. You groan and hide under the pillow. Your shift starts at noon. You can’t spend all morning doing nothing or the whole day is wasted. 
You drag yourself out of bed. Your grandma is still asleep. You’re sure she was up until dawn with her latest haul from the used book store. You clean up the cluster of wrappers around her chair and tidy up the kitchen, dumping the old coffee and brewing a new pot. 
You go to grab your phone and pause as you see an unusual notification. Your email? Huh. You don’t really use that besides for school. You open it up, thinking it might be about enrolment. No. It’s him. Andy. Holy moly. 
You scroll up and down, skimming the blocks of text. Oh god. You hit delete. You’re not reading all that. You said what needed to be said. 
You have your coffee and load the machine for whenever your mother gets out of bed. You eat and wash up, catching up on some Youtube before you make yourself get your uniform on. You head out, walking to work to enjoy the sunshine, and key in between tying on your apron and chatting with Gavin, the high schooler who does half-shifts every now and then.  
He leaves at four and you have your complimentary cone just after five. Peanut butter chocolate; classic. You eat at the window as you watch the mostly empty street. Your phone vibrates and you slide it out, hoping to take advantage of the lull. 
WhatsApp request? No way. The shammy recruiters always want a piece of you. At least you never fell for that. 
You bite into the cone and your phone suddenly blows up with Insta notifications. Bots! Ugh. So annoying. Every new follower is faceless with some generated name. You mute the notifications and put your cell away. You really are a boring person. 
As you look up, tires crush over a patch of gravel and your barely catch a glimpse of the car as it rolls just around the corner. You feel like you’ve missed something. Maybe your grandma is right about you always having your nose buried in a screen. Who is she to talk? She lives in her novels. 
Your shift ends at eight. You lock up and stop by the convenience store down the block. Nothing special, just a tray of carbonara you can shove in the nuke. As you pay at the counter, the door chimes to signal another customer. You accept your meagre meal as the other patron strides into the aisle. You don’t look over as you go directly for the door. You’re starving for more than a scoop. 
Your footsteps seem to echo through the dull streets. The frozen meal makes your hand hurt as your other holds your cell phone close. You text Kara as you finally get through the essay she wrote about Calvin’s latest antics. You wish you could convince her to play something. You feel aimless without an analog stick under your thumb. 
There’s a scuff, close behind you, loud enough to make you jump. You fumble with your phone and glance over your shoulder. You don’t see anything but the thick oak outside Luella’s. Ugh. Alright, you need to eat and lay down. It hasn’t been a busy day but still a long one. 
You pass through your grandma’s front door. She’s where she always is, in her chair, but something’s off. Something’s different. The smell of pollen hangs in the air and a pot stands on the coffee table with several white orchids tall in the soil. You frown. The last time you got her flowers, she didn’t even put them in a vase. 
“Oh, those are pretty,” you say. 
“Mph, not mine,” she grumbles, not looking up. 
“Not... who’s...” 
“Delivery man said your name. I didn’t read the card. I’m not a snoop.” 
You nod, thankful at least that she isn’t nosy. You go to the table and examine the pot. Who would send you flowers? 
You take the card off the tall pronged stick and open the envelope. You slide out the paper and unfold it. 
‘I know I’ve told you a million times, so I’ll show you how sorry I am instead. Yours always, Andy.’ 
You nearly drop your handful. Your eyes flick up to the pot and you have to stop yourself from pushing it off the table. What the hell? How... how does he know where you live? You never even mentioned what town you’re from. He only knows your college and it’s so small, he wouldn’t have heard of it. 
It’s enough to unsettle you. That he knows where you live is bad enough but the flowers themselves make a point. It’s not over. He’s not walking away but what else can you say to make him? Didn’t he get it? You think were pretty nice considering. 
“You got some boy?” Your grandma raises her eyes from the page. You can’t remember the last time she even bothered looking at you. 
“Not exactly,” you tuck the card away and put it in your pocket. “I’m going to make my dinner.” 
“Eh,” she grumbles, “fine. Get them flowers somewhere else. They stink.” 
You lift the vase, hugging it around the pot, and carry it from the room. You balance it against your hip and go into the kitchen. You use your free hand to pull open the freezer and put the pasta inside. You’re not so hungry anymore. 
The irises are pretty. The pot they came in is fancy, probably expensive. It underlines once more the gap between you and the real Jacob. Between you and Andy.
It only reminds you of how ridiculous you must have sounded. So, you just can’t understand why he’s doing this? Why is he still trying? For you? A girl with dwindling hopes of even finishing her low-tier college degree. 
You try to forget. You don’t have a shift that day but you can’t just sit around. Usually, you would. You’d hole up in your bedroom and play video games. Not anymore. He ruined that. You’re disappointed you’re letting him. 
You got down to the library for a while and wander around. There’s nothing there you’re very interested in. They still haven’t got the latest release in the series you’d read in high school. Oh well, you’ll wait around until one day you learn the fate of those revolutionary spies. 
You walk the main strip of the town. It isn’t very extensive. There’s a coffee shop and the used bookstore which also carries hobby supplies. There’s the same diner that’s been there since you were a kid and the interchangeable business that open and close year after year. 
There’s a vibe in your pocket. It’s not Kara. Another WhatsApp request, more Insta bots, and Discord. You haven’t been on the server in ages. You couldn’t keep up with all the channels and most of it was arguing about mining strategies. 
It’s Andy. Frig. You should’ve blocked him there too. You just hadn’t thought of it. 
‘Did you like the flowers?’ 
You don’t answer but he’ll see that you read it. It isn’t long before he’s typing. 
‘I am still very sorry. I wish you’d talk to me. Hear me out.’ 
Hear him out? He said everything. His son is dead and he lied to you. That’s not anything you can hash out. 
‘I know you’re not working today. I’ll make a new world and we can chat there.’ 
No. That’s not going to happen. Over. O-V-E-R. It’s done. You’re not going to be like Kara. When you cut the cord, it’s snipped. 
You won’t answer. That’s just bait. He’ll keep nibbling if you do that. You press the chat settings and block. That’s better, you can’t breathe. 
You put your phone on silent and back in your pocket. You wish you had the money to try the sushi place. It won’t last long in the bodunk town so you probably won’t ever get to. Oh well. Back on campus, they sell decent California rolls at the cafeteria. Decent, not necessarily good. 
You go home. To your grandma’s house. It doesn’t always feel like home. You know she’s counting the days until you leave. You are too. 
You wish you were brave enough to apologise. To say sorry your mom and dad didn’t want you. That she got stuck with you. It feels like saying it out loud would be worse. Just wallow in the unspoken resent, one day you won’t ever come back and maybe then you can both be happy. 
In your room, you don’t know what to do with yourself. Your Switch taunts you from across the room. You want to mine or race or even scare yourself with some Hellblade. You can’t. More Youtube. More wasted time. That’s what people like you do; people from small towns with no one who loves them and no money; waste time. 
The mindless videos help you relax but not forget. You just can’t get rid of the little tickle at the back of your head. There’s a tinge of shame that remains and a sliver of guilt. It will go. It has to, one day. 
You catch yourself staring at the orchid. You can smell it. You want to throw it away but that feels rude. Even if Andy would never know, even if you shouldn’t care. He hurt you, didn’t he? He lied. Well, you could give it to Mahalia next door, she loves flowers. 
You lay in indecision. You don’t want to do anything but lay there. Now that you’re still, you have no strength. Your day off is chipped away in your laziness.  
The next day awaits you with another shift at the booth. And the day after and the day after. 
Your fourth day in a row and you get a new Discord message. You know even before you open it, even by the blank avatar and nondescript username. It’s him. Just leave me alone. Let it go. Let me forget. 
‘I know you don’t want to hear from me but I need you to hear me. I can’t stop thinking of you and what happened. I can do better. Please, let me apologise.’ 
Blocked. Again.
Work. Again.  
You’re half asleep as you fill cones with soft serve. You smile and swallow yawns, faking it for the hyper children and cheerful couples. 
When it slows, you work on cleaning the freezer, switching out empty containers with ones from the deep freeze. As you check the soft serve, there’s a tap on the open walk-up window. Oh shoot. You should’ve been paying better attention. 
You turn back to greet the next customer but as you approach the window, your chest deflates. Frozen, like the tubs around you. You stare at Andy as he smiles at you. He wears a short-sleeve button up with blue, grey, and white stripes. His hair blows in the soft breeze. 
“Do you have butterscotch ripple?” He asks brightly. 
You blink and hesitate. You don’t know what to do. How did he get here? How did he find you? Why is he here? 
You reach for the window and before he can stop you, you shut it. You lock it from the inside and step back. His face falls and his brow arches as he stands straight. He says your name, his voice muffled by the glass, and puts his palm to the barrier. 
“Please,” he begs. 
You shake your head and turn your back to him. If your manager was here, you’d be in shit. That’s a no-no. Never turn away a customer, only shut the window when you lock up. 
You ignore him and go back to tidying. There could be a line up out there but you don’t care. Your hands are shaking and it’s not just the temperature.
You just can’t believe he’s there. You can’t believe he won’t just give up. You don’t want to believe it because you’re afraid. You’re terrified and he seems entirely clueless about how scary he’s being. 
Flowers are one thing but showing up at your job? That’s a flaming red flag that even you can see. Not only because you told him plainly that you don’t want to talk to him again, but because he’s a grown man. Fortysomething and he can’t take a hint. Why would a man his age want to talk to someone as young as you? That’s another red flag on its own. As if catfishing you wasn’t enough. 
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scremogirl · 1 year ago
☟✧ꄟ 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ✧✰☀
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 đ€đ§đžđ°
Yandere! Serial killer x reader pt 2
GN! Reader, Mentions of blood, Mentions of mutilation, Mentions of stalking. Part 1 is here part 3 is here. Read the note at the end plz, ty!
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You’re joking.
Your Uber was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago! There’s no way you're taking the bus this late and staying here is already out of the question. You’re most definitely not spending another twenty dollars on another shammy lift either. As you contemplate your predicament, you can hear the aggressive typing of a phone's keyboard as Malika writes a strongly worded review.
“Dammit! What the hell’re we supposed to do now? There’s absolutely no way I’m staying here,” you’re all out of options, maybe the best thing is just to wait here until your school bus comes back.
“Are you crazy?! I’m not-“ you cut her off before she can finish. I mean, what else are you supposed to do? You guys aren’t willing to take any of the other options presented so, all you can do is sit and wait. Look on the bright side, you’ve waited almost a full year to be here; no guy should ruin it for you. She thinks long and hard about it before lighting up again.
“You know what, fine. But if we stay you’re entering that competition and you’re gonna win,”
So here you are now. Scrambling around like a headless chicken with a stray killer on the loose. Let’s take it back some shall we?
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our animal Freak do Sheek costume competition! Our contestants have worked all year round perfecting there costumes in order to win our $800 dollar cash prize. Here’s how it works, you’ll-,”
You tune out the announcer in favor of the sound of your beating heart. You’ve never been this nervous before! You’ve done this hundreds of times and always came up on top, so why? I’ll tell you why; that same egotistical show off of an axe murder is entering the competition too.
He stands there staring at you silent and unmoving. The only thing that’s different about him is that the paper mache mask from earlier had been replaced with the face of the person who bumped into you. Man, he really thought all of this out didn’t he? You’re brought back to earth by the opening of the curtain revealing you and the rest of the contestants. The crowd cheers in excitement and this alone reminds you as to why you’re here. Malika as well as the rest of your class sit in the audience cheering you on. Hm? Your teachers not here. Whatever, it’s probably the only night he could legally get drunk at school and not have to deal with the repercussions. After the modeling is over you all recoup on stage and watch as the audience places their votes in the ballot box. Squirming in anticipation and nervous sweat beading down your forehead, you anxiously await the answer.
“The results are in! The winner is, drum roll please
” your breath stops and you can’t contain your jitters.
“Mr Axe Murder!” of course! Malika and your classmates give you a sadden smile but you don’t return it. In fact, you give them the brightest one yet. All these years you’ve been waiting for someone to match your talent, sick and tired of always expecting the best and reaching it. You needed a challenge, a thrill; and he gave it to you. Standing next to him on the podium you smile up at him. Sure he was an asshole before, but he deserved it. Looking at the camera as the three first place winners are to take a picture, he swings his axe up, presumably in a posing manner. How wrong were you? Just after the flash he brings his weapon down and with one clean swipe, lops off the head of the rando in third place.
You freeze in shock. This has to be some kinda gag, a prank or something. Everyone else screams and flees as he turns over to the announcer and gives him the same fate as your fellow contestant. The others dash off the stage and he walks towards you, reaching out to grab you. Before he can, Malika jumps on stage and drags you away faster than ever. All you see from behind your shoulder is the struggle of the security guards to hold down his hulking frame.
“What in the absolute fuck was that!” How the hell are you supposed to know!? Next thing you know you just got back into the fun of the night when an undercover serial killer decapitates someone right in front of you.
 didn’t you say that you saw that same guy hacking into someone else?” 
oh. my. god. How could you be so stupid? I mean all the signs were in front of you and you ignored it! He has their face on his for crying out loud! Wait a minute. Face? You turn to Malika and the realization hits you both. Just as you're about to speak, siren blairs throughout the festival.
“Attention! The killer known as the “Mask Maker” has made his way into the festival and has incited a rampage. It is recommended that everyone stays calm and evacuate the premises immediately. I repeat, a killer is on the loose!”
Fuck! You should’ve taken the bus! There’s nothing you can do as you rush towards the exit of the building. Pushing your way past the hoards of people trying to escape this hell house. It’s too late though. The crazed lunatic has already scoped out the area and has started slashing anyone he can get to. He makes eye contact with you and suddenly stops his pursuit of the other patrons. Sprinting his way towards you. This time, it’s your turn to grab Malika and run as fast as you can, running into the first fun house you see.
Making your way inside, you duck and cover into the darkness as you hear the door shut and lock behind you. Venturing deeper into the funhouse into a mock corn field. Malika lets out a shriek as she turns your head and there you see it. There you find the mangled body of your teacher forced into the outfit of a discarded scarecrow, face missing. While surprising, she just alerted him to where your location was.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to but what the fuck is going on,” she cried out. You’re trapped, a killer is targeting you and you don’t know why and all of your colleagues are dead. How are you gonna escape this!?
Split up? Bait him out? Call for help?
“That’s all some white people shit,” in times of need you can always count on her abrasiveness to lighten the mood. You let out a slight giggle, maybe at her brashness or maybe out of anxiousness, you couldn’t tell the difference. Just then the door clicks open and the lights flicker on. You duck further down into the fake stocks of corn and stay as silent as possible. You watch as he makes his way into the next room, but as you sprint up in the opposite direction I hand grabs at Malika's hair. He attempts to slash at her arm but only manages to make a very minimal cut after you picked up a stray rake and bashed him over the head with it. You scoot past him and run out of the maze and back into Main Street, him right on you heels.
Just in the nick of time, you two are able to make it out of the festival when the gates closed. He banged and swung at the gates but you two weren’t sticking around to see if he’d break through. Running between the parking lots looking for anyone or anything you can use to get the hell out of here. Just then your phone dings with a notification. It says you Ubers right in front of you . You whip your head around in delight only for the smile on your face to drop. Your Uber arrived a while ago,you were the ones that were late. He’s hanging out of the crashed car, blood dripping everywhere and face gone. Also leaned up against the car is Gill and the harlot he decided to give your friend up for; or what’s left of them. In the corner of your eye you can see the tiniest grin spread across your friend's face. You decide not to question it as you have more important things to do. You two agreed that your best option was to make a mad dash to the bust stop where at least one person would notice you.
Making it there you both pull out your phones and with the remaining power they have left, call the police and notify them about where you abouts. The roads are empty and it looks like a ghost town. Overwhelmed with everything you break down in the middle of the ghost town. At this point you’ve accepted your fate and thought there was no point in fighting.
“Malika, I just wanted you to know that after whatever happens tonight, I love you,” you look up at her with tears in your eyes and a sad smile.
“Thank you for being my friend,” she stares at you, silent. Her own tears forming and sliding down her cheeks as she drops to her knees and hugs you close. You two lay there sobbing for a good while before she pulls away and shouts.
“I can’t do this anymore!” huh?
“I- I’m sorry, (Y/N) I don’t know what came over me! I’ve always been so jealous of you when I had no right to be. I wasn’t thinking straight. I'm so, so sorry! This is all my fault,” what? What is she talking about?
“Woah, woah; what’re you talking about?”
“All of this! I knew he was coming. I-
 I knew he’d be after you,” you stare at her confused before giving a short giggle, but this isn’t time for jokes.
“It’s him (Y/N),” she can’t be serious right now.
“I am. I knew all along; that’s why I dragged you here. That’s why I wanted you to go to that school. That’s why I wanted- I wanted this to happen,”

“Hey! Do you mind if I sit here?” That’s how all of this started. By being nice. By being a decent human being. You don’t remember much about the school; you choose not to. You barely made it through the first semester there. All because of him. Keegan Krane. A man of the arts just like yourself, though, he focused his talents on something more traditional. Wherever he went there was at least a pencil and some acrylics tucked neatly in that tote bag he carried around. He was amazing at what he did! Best of his class, featured in shows all around the area, the whole nine yards. So, it’s reasonable for you to question why he decided to come here when he could be at the top.
“I don’t need to be at the top,” he’d tell you. Eyes locked on yours, his intense wavering in his intense gaze.
“Besides, if I would’ve never met you, I don’t know what I’d do,” ever the charmer he was. Until he wasn’t. You see, Keegan wasn’t who you thought he was. At first he was just some random guy who went to your school. Then he was some random guy who you shared almost all your classes with. Then he was the guy who sat next to you in most of them. He slowly turned into your acquaintance, then your friend, best friend, then your boyfriend. Or at least that’s what he thought.
You’ve always thought he was smart. He knew almost every painting by their name to the artist to what materials they used. He loved literature and poems and would often write them in his free time. He could cook better than anyone you’ve ever known and was exactly your type. He was perfect; maybe just a little too much.
You remember the exact day when the notes started showing up, right before college in senior year. You always wondered where and who they’d come from but anytime you’d ask, you’d never get a sufficient answer. Malika said to enjoy all the attention from your secret admirer but you couldn’t help to be creeped out. They knew what candies you liked, gave you little figurines from your favorite shows and even knew what route you took home.
Over time the notes became increasingly disturbing and the feeling of eyes on your back lingered throughout the day; no matter if you were in school or not. After the discovery of a mutilated carcass of what you assumed was a dead rat with a birds face, you went to the police. Fuck going the principal, all he would ever say was “we’ll check the cameras,” and “kids these days are always to shy to confess,”. Yea right, that was a confession enough, one of a future psychopath.
The notes turned into drawings, drawings turned into pictures, pictures turned into the mangled faces of unfortunate creatures, those turned into breaking and entering; stealing panties, used toothbrushes, the hair from your hairbrush, and that turned into a criminal case. Everything stopped after you went to the police, they most likely knew and were too afraid they’d get caught. Oh how wrong you were. Because that same person followed you to where you were now.

Just after, the man of the hour makes his way from out of the bushes, axe in hand and dragging the dead body of an officer.
“It’s him, (Y/N),” he removes his mask to reveal the face you seen in your darkest dreams.
“It’s Keegan,”
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the 2nd part of this. Ik the plot twist is a little confusing but it’ll all make sense in the third installment, trust. It may come out on Halloween it might not, I’m tryin 😭. I wasn’t confident in this but like I said it’ll all come together later. My Ao3 has been created and imma work on moving my posts there too. This was a little long so if you’re still here ty! Bye guys ( ˘ ³˘)♄
-Love, Sosa ❀
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oddballwriter · 2 years ago
Moon boys and a Ghost reader
Warnings: Reader is a ghost so of course they're dead. I made it that they died via falling off a high place on accident.  
Author’s Snip: This was kinda fun to think about
Notes: I just ran wild with this. Also this id more so of a platonic relationship than anything 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Getting a ghost companion is the last thing the boys expected to have
They freaked the fuck out when you first met because they thought someone broke in and you showed up out of nowhere
You used to be a former Moon Knight but died while still on the job. It's a long story, you and Khonshu did something dumb that pissed the other gods off and they took your abilities for a bit as punishment and a slap on the wrist. But you were too used to your powers and ended up dying while doing a mission
They felt bad and so they kind of just had you continue on as a ghost that just follows around the future Moon Knights to come or at least be able to cross over
Is it a bit shammy, yeah, but you weren't complaining
Steven Grant
Steven asks the most questions about how the whole ghost thing works and what that's like
That's actually how they found out that you can show up in mirrors too, but of course it's YOU and not one of them
It's a bit surprising though, they're so used to it just being them so when one of them sees you they get spooked a little
"Have you always been here and just watched us?" "Yeah. I didn't really want to intervene with what was happening with you guys. I thought having an actual ghost around would mess up what Marc set up. Also he's got issues so I didn't want him thinking that he was actually crazy."
He dances around the "How'd you die?" question but you were in good spirits about it. You said "I completely ate it from eight stories up. I thought I could make the jump."
He's also how the boys know how your levels of appearance works, from moving shit, to mirrors, and actually being seen and heard
Marc Spector
He sort of sees you as an unofficial member of their little group even if you're just a ghost that's sort of stuck following them around
You refer to him as being "double dead" and make to many spector jokes
You get a pass though... because he can't punch you in the throat since it just goes through
I kind of imagine it being like Sock and Jonathan from the short film Welcome to Hell, where you follow him around and sorta bug him
At least you don't back seat everything and tell him what he should be doing... even though he does that with Steven a lot
Jake Lockley
Jake admires your fly on the wall abilities since he tends to do that too
You guys get along pretty well when he's out
He actually will take your advice since "They've been a Moon Knight before and they've at least seen some others before us so they know what not to do."
I actually don't really know what he'd think of a ghost companion other than thinking it's neat
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barbatusart · 1 year ago
has Shammy ever had a single thought before or is his brain completely empty
shammy is actually subscribed to a Very rigid philosophy of being the fool! i will explain:
as is the norm with dragons & their willpower of stopping at nothing to master a skill or goal of their choosing, shammy’s chosen goal in life is to understand the world. dragonborn aren’t even from the planet toril in the first place & were kind of forcibly picked up & plopped down there, so right off the bat everything is foreign to them & they very foreign to the rest of the world. originally in the myialmiashkmiath clan specifically there was historically great significance placed on a want to understand this world they’d been placed in and its inhabitants - arguably initially as a means of survival but then as years passed something that became a means of education & betterment of the self
shammy’s philosophy is a continuation of that principle, that of wanting to humble himself entirely to fully understand how other peoples in the world live, as he feels this will make him a more well rounded dragon, a proper man & one day father, & something an inch closer to a concept of how “the gods” must feel. dragonborn famously snub the gods overall but shammy’s clan (and his father especially) feels the act of the gods taking them to toril in the first place was a far grander display of showing the dragonborn how vast life truly was, how different people are & how simultaneously similar, & overall how much there was to learn from one another’s differences. from shammy’s POV, the gods were wise to allow for the opportunity to be such a student, ie such a fool.
so he’s not actually dumb but will always take the path of most whimsy & curiosity to satisfy this principle. he is happily the fool who will always take the chance to sit & learn about food, music, culture, how people different from him love, grieve, worship, & everything he can.
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 29 days ago
Guess it was the break up :o :D!!
Asteroid that is
Ohhh noo though this does not look good 😳
Oh crap 😭😭😭😬
Still scared for them xdd
I feel better but also I still don't trust they'll all make it 😭 but maybe?? But maybe not 😭 idek know xd
I'm stressing y'all 😭 xd
Well, that's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I LOOOOOVED this episode!! It was so good! It was certainly A Lot with how much they decided to fit in, but it honestly wasn't bad and I liked seeing focus on everyone :'). I'm so sad we don't have more storylines to explore all of these cool arcs, but I'm glad we're at least getting to see them <33. Gosh, I am so not ready for this show to end 😭. And even amongst all of that, and of course the asteroid and all that 💀, the calls were still great :'). Okay guys, for the second to last time (😭😭😭😭đŸ„ș💔), let's do this :'). Now it's time for the individual parts!!
Marjan!! Her goodbye with Joe 😭😭đŸ„șâ€ïžđŸ’”. She's so right, they got so little time :'((. I mean they better be fine but still xD. For them it must be so rough and awful. Still, she was great this episode :'). I'm also just really glad we got to see their goodbye, and her playing with her ring on chain (đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș). We haven't gotten to see much of them and they only just got married, but there was so much going on that it makes sense we couldn't stay on that really. I'm just glad we got some of them since their wedding was last week/episode :')). Anyway, Marjan was amazing at her job as always <33. And just! GUYS! The shammie scene 😭😭😭😭đŸ„ș❀. I might actually die, watching my family goof around one last time :'))? I'm so happy they found each other, and I love them so much <3. Plus Marjan was just being silly with that lol. I love her đŸ„°.
Judd (and by extension, Grace - no way am I leaving her out of these last few reviews)! I'm so glad that he seems to be doing better <33 :') đŸ„°. I think the time skip has been longer than it usually would between episodes, definitely longer than a week lol, and it's good to see him doing well <33. Grace definitely helped :'). And you can't make me believe she's not finishing things up so she can be on her way home right now <33. I am so excited for all the finale fix it fics where she shows up at the very end lol. I do wish that would happen, but I know it won't 😭😭. I can hope though đŸ„șđŸ’”â€ïž xdd. Anyway, I LOVED seeing the Judd and TK scene đŸ„șđŸ„ș. Definitely something needed and it was so nice to get the reaffirmation of them being brothers :'DD. I love them so much <33. And he's so right too - just the next right thing :'). Judd was great at his job this week <33. Also him and Charlie 😭😭đŸ„ș. She's so cute <33. And she doesn't even know :'(( 😭😭. About the meteor I mean xd. Gosh </3. And of course he definitely called the rest of his family lol, you can't make me believe otherwise xD. I love him <33.
Owen! I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S ACTUALLY LEAVING 😭😭đŸ„ș. He better not (I know he probably will) xd. And MY GUY!! WHAT HAPPENED TO TELLING TK FIRST XD. Gosh, some things are always the same /lh lol. I'm not too mad at him but I find it funny xD. Genuinely though, I see why he's doing it. We already saw the reasoning about those kids that look up to him, and I get it. It's a huge thing to be looked up to, heartwarming and sometimes stressful but amazing. And, ultimately, after everything, Owen Strand is a character who helps others. What he enjoys doing is helping others. From the very beginning, his motivation has been helping others. At his best, he is helping others. And it makes sense to see him making that choice one last time <33. HE JUST BETTER SURVIVE 😭😭 XD!! My gosh xdd. You have a kinda-grandchild (soon to be), you can't be going off and dying now xdd. Anyway, seeing him watch the family, his family, play around one last time đŸ„șđŸ„ș😭. I'm so not okay <333. They really are family, and I love that so much <333. No matter what happens, they will always have chosen to be each other's family, and that will last forever :'). Loved the ending speech/speeches <33. Also Owen scrolling by Gwyn's contact was INSANE đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ˜­â€ïžâ€ïžđŸ’”đŸ„ș. She really was his love :'(. Anyway, he did great at his job this episode <3. I love him :') ❀.
Nancy!! I want to do everybody on their own since I have so far xdd. I totally see her not wanting to get married, very valid and happy for her <3 but it is definitely something that needs to be discussed lol. I love that she could tell Mateo wasn't satisfied with how that conversation ended and tried to get him to talk <33. I do get why he reacted that way though xd. I do think the marriage for green card (even if it doesn't really work like that in real life) is a real possibility, but I hope Nancy and their relationship stay the same no matter what (or at least, not bad changes) <333. Anyway, it's still amazing to see her being captain 😭đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„°. Though of course there's baggage around that but xdd. I'm just so glad she's thriving <3. Nancy really has been through it during the course of the show and I'm so glad she's happy now :')). She deserves it so much <33. The fact that she was the only one who knows about Mateo's deportation 😭😭đŸ„ș💔. I'm glad he told her <33 but gosh that scene killed me 😭😭 xd :')). They really do love each other so much <33. And the mouthed I love you's under the truck 😭😭😭đŸ„ș I'm not okay <3. Plus that final hug killed me xd. And of course, Nancy was great at her job this week :'). As always lol. I'm just so glad she's gotten to be happy and live this great life, even almost become a plant mom lol :'). No matter what happens, she was happy <33. And she better continue to be lol!! I love her <33 đŸ„°.
Mateo! I totally get why he would assume they would get married, and why he would want that! I do hope they can come up with something they're both happy with though (lol imagine if they were permanently engaged xD), and that they're in the situation to do so 😭. I so wish he hadn't gotten into that argument with the jerk dude, but I see why he did xd. Not only was he emotional after the conversation with Nancy but the dude was awful lol >:( (partly serious partly like bro). I'm SO glad they listened to him and knew that guy was a jerk, but UAAGHHH!! I was suspicious as soon as he was like FBI? like "oh no are they ICE 😭". Aaand I was right xd. And in the current world that is o.o I suppose they could've guessed but really they couldn't have known and that's just wild xd. Certainly something that needs to be said and shown and acknowledged today. I just hope it ends happily :'(( <33. Although the "I'll love you in any country" bit destroyed me 😭😭đŸ„ș. And the fact that Nancy said he's her person? UOGH, so right <33. I'm so glad they've gotten this time to be happy, like I said for Nancy :')). Mateo has also seriously gone through it over the years (they all have honestly lol), and he's such a pure soul <3. I'm just so glad he got to be happy for so long :')). NOW THAT BETTER CONTINUE LOL!! Also seeing a little bit more of his and Owen's relationship, like with the telling/not telling each other thing, was great <33. They've always been there for each other, whether that's talking or not, and I love that <33. Mateo of course also did great at his job :'). I love him <33 â€ïžđŸ„°.
Paul! My GOSH I loved his storyline this episode!!! In that very first episode Owen said "Somewhere in this town right now is a kid who's just like you were - still scared, hopeless. I'd like you to show him, her, or they, it's okay to be who you are." And UAGHH that was such a BEAUTIFUL moment, and to see it FINALLY come full circle here was just amazing. Also we love to see Paul's detective skills coming in handy!! It's just a small thing but searching through Jax's videos and picking out what was important definitely showed that. And I just- gosh. I get it. I mean, I don't get it get it, I'm not trans, but I've grown up queer in a not so progressive area for a long time. I've seen my friends shoved into the closet by the school system, or eye rolls and scoffs and pronouns and identities. Having to deal with that personally, and in Texas no less (of course Texas can be progressive but is usually rather conservative)? I totally see why Jax is doing the things they are. I so hope they get some better friends 😭đŸ„ș. They don't have to totally abandon the ones they have now or anything, but you need friends that are better for you. I'm just so glad Paul was there to talk to them 😭đŸ„șđŸ„ș <3. He waited there because he knows what it's like, how much it hurts, how dangerous it is :'(. And you can tell just how desperate he is to help Jax. And Jax not believing him that he gets it 😭 xD, understandable lol, but it's kind of funny since he does :'). Paul understands, and he's there for you :')) đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ˜­â€ïž. GOSH I'm just so not okay, the scene in the hospital was so amazing. And it was so realistic that after that, Jax still left with their friends :'((. It's hard to let go of the one thing you have. Also, random side note, I love how Judd immediately accepted once he understood what they meant with the pronouns :')). Obviously he's not transphobic it's just great to see from an ally <3. And I will say, at first I thought the clear statement was about heavy handed TV show wise lol, but it made much more sense when I realized that was a focus and not just a quick call :). Anyway, I'm SO GLAD Jax showed up at the 126 at the next đŸ„șđŸ„ș❀. I was hoping they would and thinking they might :')). The 126 has got them, and I hope after all of this they can continue to hang around there <33. Keep adopting random people 126 :'D LOL. But the fact that they (Jax) knew they could trust them and it was the best place to be <3 GOSH I'm not okay <3. Obviously, Paul was amazing at his job this episode :'D (as always). Iconic as lieutenant once again <3. And again, it's just so wonderful to see his character arc come full circle like this. I wish we'd gotten more of it earlier on, but I'm so happy to get this :'). It's the big reason (besides money lol) that convinced Paul to start working at the 126 in the first place - helping kids like him. And I'm so glad he can do that <3. In the future if he started up like a community center or something I would absolutely love that :')). But for now, he's doing great where he is <3. I love him â€ïžđŸ„°.
Carlos! Him reassuring TK with the setting up for the social worker's visit was đŸ„șđŸ„ș. TK seriously was spinning out, and it was funny xD (Carlos definitely also thought so lol), but in the end Carlos always knows how to help him calm down <333 :'). Guys, I'm so not ready to let them go xdd 😭đŸ„ș. Anyway xd. Him just working on the shelf the whole time was great lol. And the KISSS 😭 stop I'm not okay <333. Also, Carlos Reyes knows nothing if not grab TK's head or neck lol xDD. Anyway, they're the best :')). Carlos talking about his family in the interview đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ˜­â€ïž. I think it was a great way to describe all the complicated stuff of their relationship/what they went through, but I'm so glad he made sure she knew that both of his parents loved him and he had a good relationship with them (every relationship is complicated at some point, in some way, after all <3). Still hurt though :')). Just acknowledging all of that and thinking about Gabriel again :'(( <3. And UAGHHH GOSH Carlos defending TK and his sobriety 😭😭đŸ„ș it's the best thing. He barely even needed defending, it sucks but those are questions that make sense (especially societally), but Carlos absolutely would <33. And also stop when TK asked, which is almost even better lol :'). I just love how much he's immediately willing to jump TK protect him <3. But UAGH why did you have to talk about the most dangerous parts of being a Texas Ranger!! SIR WHY!!! anyway, this better get sorted out somehow 😭😭. I know most likely it'll be one of them quitting, and probably TK, but I just don't want it to end up like that xd. Still, I'll love them no matter what <3. They just better get Jonah, because Carlos is so right, they are so ready to love him (and already do of course) 😭😭đŸ„ș❀. Also Carlos's arc as a dad is just <333 I wish we got to see more of it but him honoring his dad through it as well (though obviously he wants to besides that) is just 😭đŸ„ș. And of course, "Hi baby" UAAAGHHHH 😭😭😭😭. Y'all I didn't even fully register it while watching but you were SO RIGHT it was just so UAGH, the defeat the emotion the love the resignation the emotionsss in two words 😭😭 so good <333. But everything better be fine xdd xD. I love him <33.
TK! TK spinning out was hilarious xDD. Like bro you are not offering Jonah your bedroom 💀 no xD. Once again, I love how Carlos can just so easily get through to him, help him to calm down and realize all the good and the facts :')). We've seen it time and time again and it is still just so beautiful <3. And again, the KISSSS!! It was so soft and sweet :')). I just love them so much guys <33 😭. The talking about families once again got me with TK xd. Though interesting new TK lore that it was a bike crash that started his addiction!! Good to know for fics for all of us lol :)) (though of course everybody can keep doing whatever they want lol). But I love that he talked about how much his parents loved him (and even each other honestly but yk) instead of just the divorce <33. Because truly, ultimately, in the end, they did. And that was the most important thing :'). That could reunite them from anything <33. And he is so ready to do/be that for Jonah 😭😭đŸ„ș❀ (but a little more stable lol). But WHY DID YOU TALK ABOUT THE MOST DANGEROUS PARTS OF YOUR JOB!! NO 😭😭😭 XD. TELL ABOUT THE TIMES YOU WRAP SOMEONE'S ARM AFTER A CAR ACCIDENT AND THEN DRIVE TO THE HOSPITAL WITH NO LIGHTS OR SIRENS ON BRO!! Anyway xD. Carlos is a little more excusable but dude she did not need to know how dangerous your way of being a paramedic is 😭 xD. And GOSH y'all I just will not live if they cannot adopt Jonah xdd. I'm sure it'll work out but uuoaaghh 😭😭 xd. And I know TK is probably the most likely to quit his job but I hope he doesn't 😭đŸ„ș. A I still need my 126 family, and at the 126 xD, but B I just love being a paramedic for him. Of course sacrifices have to happen for parenthood but I hope it isn't this for them :'((. Anyway, his talk with Judd was amazing 😭😭😭đŸ„ș❀ I absolutely loved it, and I loved them supporting each other and referencing the program <33 :'). TK's reaction was perfect too, surprised but immediately understanding and supportive <3. Also, I love how much TK cares about Jonah, about this, adopting him. Obviously he does, Jonah is his brother, but he went from someone who didn't care about anything at the beginning of the show, to someone who can stress about a toddler bed!! Obviously it still sucks but he has this <3 he has these feelings, he cares, and nothing can take that away from him <3. It's not just gray anymore :'). It's filled with colors <33. And I love that for him :')) đŸ˜­đŸ˜­â€ïžđŸ„°. Of course, he was great at his job this week as always <3. I love him <3 đŸ„°â€ïž.
Tommy! Of course, you know I had to save her for last. I won't make this super long right now, but I just have to say her storyline was amazing. I so wish it wasn't ending like this, and she BETTER be okay next episode 😭, but I'm not sure (especially giving how Gina talked about how she wasn't too happy with how it went down). But dang it, she gave it her all - the character in universe and Gina as an actress. Her scenes were so hauntingly beautiful - like, those sobs 😭😭😭💔? Absolutely destroyed me. The cough turned sob, too, just- wow. She has fought so hard and she absolutely deserves to rest <3. I just hope she gets to do that in her home with her babies for another 40 years 😭 xd. But, bringing Charles back was amazing. I so agree that he was her love, and she absolutely deserves to see him again <33 - as did we, as an audience. And him caring for her, welcoming her in 😭 that was so perfect for them <33. And if it truly was the end, I'm glad she got to lay down peacefully, with a smile <33. It absolutely RUINED me cinematically, that whole thing, like the ticking stopping and stuff 😭 but it was beautiful <33. She just better be okay xd. And not to get sappy about character arcs (like I haven't been doing that this whole time), but she's been through so much crap. And so much of it she's done for her kids, for her family. In the end, she did one more thing for them (even if they probably wouldn't appreciate it as much as she thinks :'(() :'((. And she also got a moment of peace, to herself <3. If this is the end, Rest in Peace Tommy Vega <33 â€ïžâ€ïžđŸ„°đŸ’”đŸ˜­đŸ˜­. But it better not be xd. She was great at her job of just, her life. I love her <333 â€ïžâ€ïžâ€ïžđŸ„°â€ïž.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode :'). It was so great to see everyone's focus and their storylines, seeing their journey wrap up. And of course, watching them be a family <33. The calls were great, the tension and the ending, final atmosphere were great (if obliterating to me not just them 😭), and it was all in all just such a good episode. I'm so not ready to let this show go :'). After everything, after having it be a comfort and focus for me when things were awful, after meeting so many wonderful people and enjoying these episodes together :'), after writing what I think was around 7 fics (not all posted) and having it be the first fandom to reach 3 published works of mine on AO3 :'). I love this show so much, and I'm so glad I got to experience it with you all <33. This episode and the emotions with it were so amazing, and even though it will be devastating I'm sure the next episode will be amazing 😭đŸ„ș❀. No matter what, it will be worth it :'). I love these characters so much and I'm glad they've gotten such a cool ending, even if I wish it was farther down the line <3. It was an amazing episode :)), with a ton of good moments.
So yeah! I loved the episode, I thought it was really great. All the emotions were on point and the tense atmosphere was so perfect. I'm scared but excited for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 5, Episode 11: Impact
It was so amazing! I really enjoyed it. I'm not ready to let them all go, but I'm still so excited for the next episode and to see how it will go. I'll be here next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 5, Episode 12: Homecoming
See you next week!
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crownsandbishops · 2 years ago
Alright for the kids:
What's the dumbest thing y'all have done.
"I've never done a 'dumb' thing in my life." "What about the time you tried to steal honey from a beehive and almost died?”
“LISTEN! I didn’t know I was allergic yet! And honey is very important for skin products and overall health!”
“At least we found out Leshy is like- immune to bees with how dense his leaves are after that”
I’m still not sposta tell Shammy Kalli throws me at bee hives right?”
“Not if you don’t want me to tell them about your rock eating dares!”
“Oh come on, Leshy can eat basically anything, it’s never hurt him!”
“Remember that time Nari tried to play with a family of bears?”
“Yeah and then you thought you could defend us when the mamma showed up!! She was like three times your size!”
“I could’ve too if Shamura hadn’t shown up!!”
“Gods were they mad!”
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shammers · 2 years ago
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If Kit was a smarter person she would have realised that Jade winning was far more fun
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meltran · 5 months ago
like, just for posterity, various macross frontier thoughts up through episode 8...
-this is structured exactly like some of my favorite anime: the main cast has their shoujo daily life while the expansive side cast moves various mysterious plot points around in the background, revealing things piece by piece. it's how eva and utena and rahxephon and star driver et al. work and i'm happy to be watching a show like that again
-speaking of characters they're all weirdos in ways the show doesn't go out of its way to point out and its awesome. sheryl is a fucking freak genius, but is kind to ranka (focusing on sheryl and ranka's connection from the beginning averts the sdf issue of how misa and minmay didn't know eachother, framing them as merely "choices" in a triangle... sheryl and ranka are clearly the protagonists maybe even more than alto is)
-and speaking of alto: ranka sees him changing and goes "ouhh so beautiful... oh im sorry i thought a naked woman was changing in front of me :)" ok thats normal. i feel like alto is probably very underrated
-why do alto's buddies have christian theme naming. moreover all the younger characters knowing eachother is Very Good they can just show up for any particular story bit
-ranka's purple glasses girl best friend .... .. . . .. . ..... .. yeah
-characters who are clearly utena and anthy are the kim and shammy of this show. love how the whole bridge crew is equivalent to SDF characters, but also the show has so much original stuff in it it's not "SDF again", it just has many pointed throwbacks
-ZENTRADI MALL NAMED AFTER EXEDOL (WHO IS PROBABLY STILL ALIVE). KLAN KLANG AND HER TWO BEST FRIENDS. zentradi actually SHOW UP REGULARLY in this show it's wild it's almost as if the merging of their species was a big part of macross or something
-ATASHI NO UTA WO KIIKE!!!!! made me yell. macross 7 skippers CANNOT understand this show (because they won't yell at that part)
-when they were training with the meltrandi in the ancient site of a zentradi battle: there is ABSOLUTELY some scrap from a supervision army derelict on screen for like 2 seconds. nobody else noticed. but i did. (and what else would the zentradi have been fighting there anyway...) and the deeplore remains intact...
i feel like every macross i watch i go "this one is the best one!" (except II which is still good) but they're all just so delightful even when they have ??? parts. but i have no complaints about this so far - well there are a lot of jokes that would have triggered me when i was younger, but i'm strong now
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magnumdays · 2 years ago
Magnum PI 5.10 ‘Charlie Foxtrot’ review
So lots of stuff happened and at the same time not that much stuff happened. Some rapid fire thoughts.
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We did get some Miggy heart eyes... never gets old!
For me I think the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes were the best.
I liked it but also preferred the season 4 ‘Higgy spy adventures - MI6 don’t care about you...I do’ mid season finale to this (I mean there was the x-mas one too but plot-wise it was the spy episode that was the season finale right?). Like IDK, more emotional impact in that one was better?
Maybe Magnum should have been the one that got snatched or shot here. Just saying.
Poor Cade! Like even though TC is the one that got shot and paralysed (:O) I feel worse for our poor baby Cade!
RIP Childs, you were just starting to grow on me. No funeral? Is that going to be the start of 5.11? Or do we just not care enough about Childs for there to be one?
Very little Miggy in this one, even if soft + banter was cute, I feel like it was a pretty quick flip from kind of feel-y end of 5.09 to start of 5.10 which was all banter though really was meant to be like what? half an hour apart?
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(Magnum being domestic and making Higgy food (or hot milk) and stuff has been like the running theme of this season and I want to nominate him for some boyfriend of the year award. Not just for the cooking but, you know, a little bit for that.)
(Higgy just keeps on going - seriously she was drugged and had crazy wacky nightmares like a few hours ago? This girl can not catch a break.)
Why is it so hard to make a villain still scary after learning their motives/backstories? 
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Higgy sharing recipes from childhood, Magnum being all ‘you’ve had a rough day, how about we take a break (from watching news stories about the lady who tried to kill you and totally drugged you up a few hours ago’ and stuff’ is adorable. We almost got the “why does Higgy not drink tea” story which now is a story I must know. Like come on! It’s almost as enticing as maybe one day learning what her tattoo is...
Juliet looking out the guest house window and noticing commandos - you cannot tell me that was legit not her worst fear coming true - and then our faves being all badass (that flip!), very much a good start.
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Then, because I’d somehow gotten it into my head we were going to have ‘Robin’s Nest under siege’ for like a good chunk of the episode, I felt a little bummed out. Because I wanted like hostage, drama, no police, gang vs, baddies. But I didn’t get that.
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Now, other than the fact that Rick is the person we’re looking for and TC is in the hospital, this case feels weirdly like just a normal case.
Don’t get me wrong, I liked it, but somehow it lacked a little of the ‘wow shocking! thrilling! excitement’ I’d hoped for in the mid-season finale. Maybe-just maybe because we kind of know Magnum, Higgins, Rick and TC and even Gordy and Kumu probably with 99% certainty aren’t going to die.
Which is nice.
But it also makes them being in danger less scary than for example say Cade had been taken or Suzy or even Childs (if he’d not gotten blown up.) Why Beth or Dennis being in danger is scarier than Rick. Because they could die. There is actual bad things that could happen.
I think that’s why Higgy in the mental hospital still felt scary and had lots of potential, because we knew she was going to be alive - we just wasn’t sure what kind of messed up visions, drugs, weird electro shock stuff that could have happened to her, right?
So I am kind of excited to see what they do with TC not being able to feel his feet/being paralyzed. Because you know, that is scary stuff, and super duper emotional and scaring to go through (good thing he rigged the chopper for Shammy to fly!)
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Bad guy (well gal) of the season instantly became less badass when she became an actual person, which is sad. If that was her backstory of falling for a terrorist, dead child or just how not scary she felt IDK. I just felt a little sad for her.
Did it all also go kind of fast?
Fast can be good, it means it’s entertaining enough the 42 minutes flew by fast. But it also maybe means it was a little unmemorable. Which I think is what this episode ended up being for me.
Also random small question - would anyone ever get found or saved or stuff figured out without Higgy’s hacking skills? Just you know, asking for a friend...
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(I’ve also been watching some K-dramas lately and IDK, I guess I wanted more melodrama and more cute-y feels and angsty accidental car accidents and evil CEO father figures than I got...)
Depressing for my Miggy heart, that this episode failed to really deal with Higgins ‘I’m scared Mangum will die’ worries and I doubt we’ll get it next “season”. Rather brought up Magnum’s worry about the gang maybe being broken up if TC or Rick didn’t pull through. Just because he said that and Rick made the video, I almost wondered if they would kill of Rick.
So when they didn’t it felt a little bland.
Mean of me to say, but that would have been pretty interesting and brave of them to do. Kill Rick I mean.
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Like that would have been something! Suzy getting that video and it would also maybe be a “ahah” moment for Magnum, making him feel a little of what Juliet have been feeling with Richard and why she’s so worried. It could have gotten us a Miggy ‘I love you’ moment too, because though we know our two idiots love each other they haven’t said it yet.
Yeah, Rick’s death would have made for character development everyone too, going forward. Like maybe suddenly super over protective Magnum in the B part of the season? TC being suddenly a sad boi and not himself and struggling with a depression sort of thing, freaking Cade out, making him consider moving with his family on the mainland, making it worse. Higgy feeling like she failed the guys and Suzy because she was too focused on Magnum’s safety. Suzy could just be a big mess and we could have Miggy babysitting moments? But it’d be sad because Rick is dead... So much potential for angst and stuff.
Whatever. I’m not considering writing a fic where Rick died. I’m really not.
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Anyways, I did like the ending with Cade and Higgy talking a lot. Higgy somehow being her normal ‘feelings?what are those’ while at the same time really saying awesome and uplifting things and just all around being the new spokes person for Happy Endings... 
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They guys all joining up and it feeling pretty hopeful was nice too. It was a nice place to end it, because while I got some angst and worries about the TC recovery plot, he’s alive and kicking and got his friends. And he’s TC! Come on, he’s going to big bear his way back to running after bad guys in no time. And if he don’t, he still awesome!
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(Though what happened to TC’s girl? Is she not his girl anymore? Did I miss something? Maybe she’ll show up in part B of the season!)
Yeah, over all I enjoyed the episode, but it did not feel super-duper much like a midseason finale. I’d also like to inform everyone that it’s 132 days until September 3rd. So basically forever! How will we ever survive!? I guess we do have some pretty epic Miggy fluff and content to re-watch...
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Anyone know when we’ll know anything about season 6? 
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rehamramzi · 1 year ago
Nostalgia- (1960s- 1970s)
Nostalgia has always been my friend. When no one was around, the feeling of nostalgia was a company. Even though I did not have the privilege of being born during the golden period, 1960s and 1970s, I don’t know what it’s to be like living in that era, yet a bittersweet nostalgia engulfs me when I think about it.
The allure of Rajesh Khanna movies, the purity of old-fashioned romance, and the timeless classics by Kishore Kumar all carry a sense of comfort and warmth.
There is a deep, emotional connection to something I’ve never witnessed, people I’ve never met, lifestyle I’ve never come close to and feelings of simplicity I don’t think I’ll ever experience.
The elegance of a cotton saree, the richness of authentic Indian culture and the modest way of life—they transport me to days gone by. I yearn for the time when people found solace in reading dusty brown books lining in cracked shelves.
Above all, i miss the significance of letters. The lost art of pouring out emotions on a piece of paper when it becomes difficult to express yourself into spoken words.
When innocent gazes from right across the street could lead to people sending love letters and igniting a lifelong love

When lifestyle was humble, cherishing valuable moments with family was appreciated and people melted their day’s exhaustion over a cup of chai and good company.
And When people lied at home and sneaked out to watch Shammi Kapoor’s latest hits.
From Trams, rickshaws, telephones to vintage cassettes on the radio, I find myself obsessing over the simplest of the retro things.
I cannot put into words how I feel when I stumble upon a 1970s cassette set or when I come across pictures clicked in 1963.
It leads me to contemplate my hypothetical existence as what my life would’ve been like if I was present in that moment. Would I have chosen a path as a teacher? Or a skilled weaver?
Perhaps, my role would have involved fostering a sense of community by hosting the neighborhood children for a cup of chai and some namkeen. My heart feels full and my eyes become blurry when I think about “what could’ve been” , “how would it feel” , “when could’ve been better” .
These feelings and thoughts occupy my mind and leave me thinking some parts of me belong to an era which has no clue about my existence.
I feel a disconnection from my own generation as if I am displaced from my people, not being able to resonate with any of them.
When the present fails to provide any of those sentiments that I ache for, I find myself engaged in the past, seeking nostalgic experiences. It is fascinating how an era we never personally encountered can have such a deep and emotional impact on our lives, resonating with us in so many ways, leaving an indelible mark on our lives.
This bittersweet feeling makes me want to wear a Banarasi silk saree and lie down on a hammock, listening to Lata Mangeshkar Ji’s “Ehsan Tera Hoga Mujhpar” .
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bishop-percival · 1 year ago
(prev) Shamura shakes their head. “I’ve got it, we just need to vinegar the beets, combine everything and serve now!“ they assure. “And thank you again for all that, Priestess,”
Miriam held up her hand as she headed to the door as a response to the thanks, and left. 
A few minutes of calm pass by. But of course, nothing in the Glornch stays calm for long. The kitchen door swung open and a deacon whose robe was covered in dust, dirt and soot excitedly trotted in. “Miss Mir, oh Miss Mir I found the forbidden mushroom you asked me to look for in the tunnels! At first I thought it wasn’t real but-”
It was Lola. She looked around the room for the priestess but only saw the spiderling. “Oh
 It’s Sham-... Rock? Hello again
Lola looked at the soup pot. “Ooh, you’re helping with dinner too? Is it ready already? Wow it smells good. What is it? Wait, I remember. It’s borscht. I’ve never had it before. I’m excited to try it. Ooh!! Chocolate milk!”
She casually went over to Miriam's glass she’d left on the counter and drank it without a care in the world.
She then dug around in her pocket and pulled out a small purple fungus. “So, Miss Mir asked me to go get this mushroom for the soup, but I don’t know if she meant it or not. I kind of want to add it anyway because it looks yummy. What do you think, Shammy?”
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