#shaking camera
postsforposting · 7 months
the god damned shaking camera in GO s2
No, literally.
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These aren't the only time the camera shakes--specifically the camera, and not the environment, like when the characters stumble and lose their footing because the actual ground is shaking. The camera is also not terribly smooth in s1 either, but it's far less noticeable. In the last gif, that's the present day--so this happens in the present too, not just the past.
Every single one of these moments where the camera shakes happen at a crucial moral, character-point: a point that changes the characters' values, who they are.
What is actually shaking, though? The camera is essentially our view; in s1 our view was god's view. That makes the camera-view the sky, aka the heavens. The heavens are shaking.
Biblically, a "shaking of the heavens and earth" is a common phrase, and it's tied to the end times. Shaking of the earth is used to indicate god's presence and power--in GO we saw Satan's arrival shake the earth, and when angels and demons arrive they often cause a little quake. The shaking of the heavens refers to the destruction of the enemies of the righteous, of Jesus (keep in mind this is about real Christianity, not GO itself):
For Hebrews, the “shaking” of heaven and earth refers to the judgment of the enemies of God. This is what God promised at the enthronement of Jesus. God said to Him: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet” (Heb. 1:13, ESV). Thus, Jesus has defeated the enemy (Heb. 2:14–16) and been enthroned (Heb. 1:5–14), but the enemies have not yet been destroyed (Heb. 10:11–14; 1 Cor. 15:23–25). But God will destroy these enemies in the future, when He will shake the heavens and the earth. The shaking of the heavens and the earth means, then, the destruction of the earthly powers that persecute God’s people and, more importantly, the destruction of the evil powers (Satan and his angels) who stand behind the earthly powers and control them. God has also announced that He will “shake” the heavens and the earth, which means that He will destroy enemy nations. Many modern translations of Hebrews 12:27 suggest that the shaking of the heavens and the earth means that they will be removed and forever gone. The Bible is clear, however, that God will create new heavens and a new earth (Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21:1–4), and we will be resurrected and have a new body (1 Thess. 4:13–17; Phil. 3:20) on this earth. Thus, the “shaking” implies the cleansing and renovation of creation, not its complete removal. What is here will be re-created, and it will be where the redeemed live. There are some things, however, that will not and cannot be shaken. They include the righteous. They will not be shaken because they trust in God. The Creator sustains them and guarantees their survival. Note that in Hebrews, permanence and stability are associated with Jesus. [...] In the final judgment, those who hold fast “in Jesus” will not be shaken (Ps. 46:5).
There are some things, however, that will not and cannot be shaken.
The characters in scenes where the camera shakes are not themselves shaken. Why not? They're not the enemies who are being destroyed.
What is, then? Who, or what, are the enemies?
Hate, distrust, bystanding, the morals of heaven, all that nasty stuff. You know, evil.
In the first gif, the angel who will be Crowley creates the stars with Aziraphale's help, shares info and concerns with him, and shields him from the fireballs. The scene gently bops around, but the true shaking is during the creation of the nebula and at the end as shown in the gif. Any angel could have happened by and could have participated up until the end, but Crowley shows us he doesn't really care for just anyone: he doesn't introduce himself. His act of shielding Aziraphale at the end, then, is meaningful and specific to Aziraphale, for specifically him, not just anyone.
During the Job flashback, there are several shakes, but it's most obvious during the ox rib temptation and feast. Crowley does not judge Aziraphale for indulging, and they both experience changes: Crowley learns he's not alone in doubting and being a black sheep, learning to trust outside himself and especially in a group that's done him harm, and that he enjoys someone else's joy; Aziraphale learns physical experience, that not everything he's been told about himself and his people is true or trustworthy--the first steps to doubt, and the first steps to trusting. What is reduced is distrust, indifference, and lack of care for people you are supposed to hate.
The demon attack on the bookshop forces Aziraphale to take drastic measures, specifically acts of war, to protect two humans. He permanently discorporates a lot of demons to protect both Gabriel and the humans. Gabriel has harmed him in the past, tried to kill him, and the humans have done nothing to help him, indeed they put themselves in this situation by refusing to leave when he told them to and who caused the problem by allowing the demons into the shop. Aziraphale is showing how far he will go to help others, even others he himself does not like, others whose predicament is both their own fault and who have put Aziraphale himself in danger. He believes it's not right to allow demons to have them: sinning, even against an angel, should not result in eternal punishment in hell, and he's willing to go to war over this. That's the final evil to be purged, of course that would shake the heavens, literally and figuratively.
What does all the Biblical stuff mean for the GO universe?
The afterlife system is an enemy of Jesus. God herself is an enemy of Jesus. Perhaps we don't hear god this season because she's being transformed, or utterly destroyed, by the second coming herself: it is written that all enemies will be destroyed, and what is written must come to pass. Will god herself be overwritten, like Gabriel was? Will god fall, like her own angels fell, and be remade? Will her identity too be lost, like Lucifer's was lost? Like Gabriel's was threatened?
Rebirth is a huge theme; it's what the second coming actually is, both for Jesus and for humanity. Jesus is reborn, and Jesus is god. Perhaps whatever happens to Jesus, also changes god herself. Perhaps the universe itself will be reborn too, with a new god, where the Fall never happened, where the horrors of the bible never happened, just like in s1 where Satan was never Adam's father. It would be a perfect symmetry, where god was never humanity's mother, and that would reach back to before the beginning to change when god originally planned it. It would change god herself, as it changed Satan himself, and rippled through all reality.
At the end of s1e6, we do hear god say: "Perhaps the recent exertions had had some fallout in the nature of reality, because while they were eating, for the first time ever, a nightingale actually did sing in Berkeley Square. Nobody heard it over the noise of the traffic, but it was there right enough."
How do you make a horrific god into a good god? You don't, unless you reboot it and utterly remake it. Perhaps that's why there is no god in s2, because the nature of reality has changed. Perhaps that's why there's weird time issues. Perhaps the nature of miracles changed, and what was previously impossible is now possible, or the opposite.
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absentcaryatid · 3 months
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edducard · 2 years
I did some voice acting for @pond-child-edd 's comic!!! It's rlly rlly good btw I HIGHLY reccomend u take a read of it!!!
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yarrowdraws · 7 months
very late to the meme, it's been done before but. here. turn on the sound pls
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nelkcats · 11 months
Vengeful Knight
When Danny moved to Gotham he didn't think that would be a problem, his rogues agreed to let him go (or at least, most of them) and it was a good opportunity to get his college degree.
Of course, you can't spend your whole life with ghosts without getting attached to them or having them getting attached to you. Although most of them had promised, Danny was well aware that not all of them were going to keep that promise.
A good example was Fright Knight, who instead of staying in the Realms decided to move in with him and provide additional "protection"; the halfa figured it made sense, since he was now "heir" or whatever, he was just setting him back a few years.
Fright Knight took his job very seriously, mostly hiding in Danny's shadow and keeping watch. That was fine until the halfa got caught in a rogue attack in Gotham and inevitably, Frighty decided to do his job and press a sword down their throats.
Danny escaped from there soon after, but this trend continued to happen (rogues, muggers, even cops, anything "dangerous" ended up with a sword around his neck).
When he read in the Gotham newspaper about the "spirit of a knight" and "Gotham's recent problem with nightmares" he knew he had to do something about it. He was almost certain that people were going to consider him a vigilante or worse, a bat.
Besides, the nightmare dimension was getting pretty crowded and Danny didn't want to be part of the trauma of half the population in Gotham.
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eddiesghxst · 7 months
being a pornstar and having an ad for a new costar because you’re looking for new talent
eddie’s low on rent this month so he sees the ad in the newspaper and calls because who’s it gonna hurt?
they actually pick up, he gets an interview, gets a screening done, actually gets the part and before you know it, he’s a stumbling mess coming in through the doors of your set and you’re like ‘great, another newbie that has no clue what he’s doing’ because eddie just looks and acts fucking clueless and honestly you’re about ready to fire your manager atp
but then you do your scene with eddie.
and god that man can fuck.
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