#shakespeare references in Good Omens
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the-ineffable-dance · 1 year ago
Holy Palmers Kiss
Throughout their history together, the romance between Aziraphale and Crowley has mostly been expressed through incredibly subtle ways. It's been centuries (if not millennia) of nothing more obvious than a surreptitious brushing of hands or yearning looks when they think no one is watching. And of course, when they have plenty of deniability.
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Good work, Aziraphale... hand on the chest of the Thin Dark Duke, and if anyone asked, you were just making sure that young lady didn't get bumped.
And this is for a very good reason. It quite literally isn't safe for them to be openly romantic with one another, even now. Demons like Hastur and Shax are constantly popping up... Michael and Uriel are always watching... eyes are everywhere.
They have certainly gotten closer to being open in the years that separate the two seasons. Crawley sprawls all over that bookshop like he has a personal vendetta against chairs - removes his glasses as soon as he steps foot inside (which is an incredibly coded action that I would love to take a more in depth look at in the future) - gives up the keys to the Bently... And Aziraphale himself has those longing looks - calls him up to talk enough that Crowley knows his "tones of voice" - and then, we get The Ball.
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Technically, The Ball is for Nina and Maggie... or at least that's what Aziraphale says. We get the lovely little moment in the pub where he and Crowley try to come up with the best ways to get humans to fall in love with each other. But the moment Aziraphale mentions Jane Austen having characters dancing with each other and realizing how in love they were, I think at least for him the focus changes to this... THE BALL IS FOR CROWLEY. And once he starts giving away books to make sure the ball will be perfect, there can be no question. The entire idea is a way for him to be able to dance with Crowley.
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That's why, for me, the most romantic moment in all of Good Omens, at least from Aziraphale's point of view, is this moment right here.
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Vavoom! Sorted! Look at the way Crowley even curls his fingers around Aziraphale's hand! This is peak Aziraphale romance as a fan of Jane Austen.
But he's also a fan of Shakespeare. Even the gloomy ones. And every time I watch this scene, I'm reminded of a different ball from one of the gloomy plays that Crowley would hate and Aziraphale would swoon over. Romeo and Juliet. A fitting parallel to an angel and a demon being in love.
In Romeo and Juliet, at the end of the first act, is another ball. Romeo tries to get Juliet to kiss him, and she turns him down with this...
"For saints have hands that pilgrim's hands do touch/ And palm to palm is holy palmer's kiss"
There's quite the back and forth here between Juliet and her Romeo about hands and lips and such, (and eventually Romeo gets his way) but the parallel for Aziraphale in this exchange is unmistakable. He, as the angel, is the saint (and stand in for Juliet), Crowley his pilgrim. Snogging in public would be absolutely out of the question for our dear prim and proper Aziraphale... but this is a chaste kiss, and one that he is showing the world. A public declaration of his love for Crowley. A Holy Palmer's Kiss.
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It's certainly debatable if Crowley would have picked up on it. Like a lot of their coded language there are times when one of them misses what the other is trying to say. But in my opinion, this was not only a public declaration, but his confession to Crowley. This is his "I love you" as much as "I forgive you" is.
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Just for fun, here's how Romeo finally gets his kisses (but let's have Crowley stand in for Romeo and Aziraphale for Juliet, shall we?)
Cro. Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged. (They kiss)
Azi. Then have my lips the sin that they have took.
Cro. Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged. Give me my sin again. (They kiss again)
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gigisgoblog · 2 years ago
You kknow what i really need to read? Fanfics of Crowley interacting with his earthly friends.
Stories of how he met Da Vinci, of how he told him his nature and showed him his eyes. Story of nights they spent engineering and designing new tools to explore the earth, and maybe later the universe. Stories of Crowley encouraging him to draw the Mona Lisa, or giving him details of the Last Supper: who was next to whom, who drank what, who ate what, and what Juda exactly did that night. Stories of them travelling together, from one patron to another, talking about science and art. And maybe a little about Aziraphale too.
I want stories of Crowley meeting Copernic, Gallileo, and the great astronomers of their time. Watching them get closer to the truth, rediscovering truths that their ancestors knew already, but Crowley loved them anyway, because they asked questions. Because they exploited loopholes. Because they stood to the Church.
I want stories with Shakespeare, where they brainstorm witty plays and romantic lines. And I want stories of Crowley and Jane Austen, going on crazy spy adventures and going home right on time for the night's ball.
I want Crowley to have been there on the moon as Appolo 11 landed, watching his protégés get closer to his stars. Hell didn't hear about it, and they didn't need to.
And stories about Crowley and his love for plants. Wouldn't it be funny, if he was in Madame de Pampadour's suite ? "Amazing gardner", remember? "I am infiltrating the french royal court to spread overspending and abuse of power", he could tell Hell. None of that would be true, of course. The french didn't need him for that. No, he was there for the gardens, the ducks, and Madame de Pampadour's delicious company. When she died, she left him a letter, and an incentive to keep care of her garden. He did, till the revolution came. And when he fled, he took the seeds and planted them in St James' park.
[Part 1][Parts 2&3]
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skyasimaru · 2 months ago
New Podfic alert! "To Make Much of Time" - written by the lovely @waywarder - A Good Omens human AU inspired by “The Dead Poets Society” (film), wherein Aziraphale hides backstage and thinks about his roommate Crowley. Link to podfic on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/62554054 Link to fic on AO3 if you would like to read it yourself: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36103855 Stay safe out there. Take good care of each other. Very Respectfully, SkyAsimaru
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mageofthepeople · 2 months ago
Writer's Guild Presents:
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Title: What You Will
Rating: T
Summary: Since their meeting at The Globe in 1601, Crowley and Aziraphale had stayed in London, each taking rooms in the rougher part of town. Aziraphale contacts Crowley to plan a night out, surprising the demon by taking him to the premiere of Shakespeare's newest comedy, Twelfth Night. Aziraphale, over the last year, had become a patron of Shakespeare's, making friends with many of the actors in his troupe. Aziraphale decides to introduce Crowley to them too. Crowley doesn't care for them.
Excerpt: Hovering near one of the bear pits, Aziraphale tried not to look too out of place, but he couldn’t quite decide where his eyes should land. On the woman entertaining behind nearby shrubbery? The circle of people surrounding the cock fight, dogfight, or perhaps the two men beating each other senseless? Aziraphale despised Paris Gardens and was not at all surprised to see a slip of black sidle up next to him, a grin on his face.
“Look at it all,” Crowley said, gazing at mankind on display over his smoked glass spectacles. “I could just cry.”
Aziraphale looked unimpressed.
Continue reading on AO3
This fic was written for @angeibody for GORL's Secret Angel Exchange
Thanks to my beta readers: @kneelbeforeyourdogbabylon and @on1occasionfork ❤️
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halemerry · 2 years ago
Back when the kiss first leaked I wrote a little speculative thing about what the context could be that I think we're finally removed enough for me to keep my promise to post.
ao3 link below but also in its entirety below the cut
hear my soul speak
"Kiss me."
Those two words brought every part of his corporation skidding to a halt. His pulse, his breathing, every neuron and atom down all stuttered in the moment Aziraphale's own lips parted, seemingly in shock at the words that had left them. The angel's eyes went wide and a light flush had begun to bloom across his face.
He felt coiled - and not in the way he was meant to, but like a string about to snap. Like an asteroid threatening to pull out of orbit. Zeroed in on one point of time and space like it was the only thing that mattered. Like the moment before a fall.
His body moved before his brain had gotten with the program, snapping forward with a sort of desperation he wasn't sure how to describe. One moment he was standing there, staring into the sun and then suddenly he was crashing into it, two celestial bodies unable to resist the pull of 6000 years worth of gravity.
It wasn't pretty or elegant or any of the things he'd managed to keep behind a well locked door of maybes and what ifs. It was awkward and their lips didn't quite fit and his damned glasses were in the way and then Aziraphale let out a little noise and none of that mattered. This was them - awkward and not quite right until they figured out how to slot into place together. It was perfect.
And why wouldn't it be? They'd already done the hard part. They'd picked each other in the face of the end of the world. They had spent a millennia building this home around them and this… well, this was just another way of coming home, wasn't it?
They drew back, staring at each other, drinking in each other's expressions with the greed of beings who knew the importance of committing something to memory. Aziraphale was flushed still, eyes filled to the brim with more emotion than he could put words too, cottonfluff hair gently tousled.
Aziraphale reached out next, slow and careful, silently asking for permission as Crowley let him pull off his glasses. The part of him that dimly registered the gentle clatter as Aziraphale set them down was drowned out immediately as those well-manicured hands reached for him and the angel cradled his jaw between those hands in the same way his own had once held star stuff. It made him feel stripped bare and exposed in a way part of him was convinced he should hate and yet-
Their lips met again, soft, lingering, more certain this time. It was as easy, falling into sync together like they always did. Aziraphale grounded a hand in his hair, an action that sent all sorts of new sensations sparking through him. Then, too fast and too slow all at once, Aziraphale drew back just enough to press their foreheads together. "Be safe," the angel demanded, tone leaving no room for argument.
A breathless chuckle left him at that, a bubbling feeling catching in his chest. He grinned, giddy and feeling lighter than he had since they fooled Heaven and Hell, and drawled out, "Angel, I'm not the one who likes playing the damsel."
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lokilokilolki · 2 years ago
Crowley admitted his feelings in Season 1
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This specific quote is in reference to Act II, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's play "Antony and Cleopatra." Which canonically had not even been written yet in the series, which IMPLIES that when Shakespeare heard Crowley's words, he interpreted them as what they truly meant and transitioned them into the play. So basically Crowley has been absolutely besotted by Aziraphale from the beginning and Shakespeare agreed so much he put it in one of the most famous romantic plays of all time.
The original quote by Shakespeare read as follows:
“Never; he will not: Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale Her infinite variety;”
This quote is spoken in the play when a follower of Mark Antony describes the appearance of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, as she rode her barge down the river Cydnus; and how Mark Antony first lays eyes on her then immediately falls head-over-heels in love with her. "Age does not wither her" means that her beauty and allure do not diminish with the passage of time. It implies that as she ages, she remains just as attractive and enchanting as ever. "Nor custom stale her infinite variety": Here, "custom" refers to familiarity or routine. The quote suggests that even familiarity or habit does not make Cleopatra's qualities or personality seem boring or less interesting. "Infinite Variety" implies that she possesses an inexhaustible range of qualities, moods, and aspects that keep her intriguing and unpredictable---Sound like someone familiar?
Now keep in mind that when Crowley said it, It was never originally about Cleopatra
Crowley said “Age does wither nor custom stale HIS infinite variety” because AZIRIPHALE is the subject.
Crowley has admitted to being captivated by Aziraphale since he first laid eyes on him; since the first ever rainfall. Through thousands of years, Aziraphale has–quite literally never aged nor withered but–remained a consistent and magnetic presence in Crowley's life; Aziraphale company never stales because he is infinite variety, the angel with 100 contradictions, who gave away their sword without hesitation and rebelled against heaven beside Crowley; who keeps surprising him at every turn. Aziraphale himself bends the effects of time and routine because no matter how many years pass Crowley will always find him as gorgeous and fascinating as he did before the light was even born.
Aziraphale obviously doesn't really understand Shakespeare or the depth of poetry at this time, (as interpreted by his reactions to the play) and Crowley realizes this and grasps the moment to confess his feelings knowing that Aziraphale likely would not look too deep past it, you can see the shift in him when he recognizes the opportunity and the sudden morose tone he has when saying it to no one in particular.
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The Good Omens writers are absolute saints, nothing they do is lazy in the least and I am positive that effort went into finding a quote that encapsulated the true depth of relations between the two.
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youryurigoddess · 10 months ago
Aziraphale’s secret investigation and overlooked Clues
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Remember this frame from Good Omens S02E06? Apparently Aziraphale had been using the empty carton box brought by Jim to store things in. It became a new home to at least two out of three “Lost Quartos” — the supposedly lost Shakespeare plays briefly but hilariously mentioned in the Good Omens book — as well as a very mysterious legal document.
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Thought probably half of the Good Omens analysts here, including the ever so wonderful @fuckyeahgoodomens, who managed to find some information about the deceased John Gibson from New Cumnock (1855 - 1905).
Unfortunately the most interesting thing about this early 20th century provincial postmaster was his youngest child James (1894 - 1973), a quite famous stage (West End!) and film actor immortalized on screen in The Master of Ballantrae (1962), Witch Wood (1964) and Kidnapped (1963).
After that particular discovery the fandom-wide search seemingly led nowhere and the topic died a premature death.
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And I almost figured it out seven months ago.
“But Yuri, you’re so clever. How can somebody as clever as you be so stupid?”, you probably want to shout across a busy London street at this point. Well, let me tell you. Much like Aziraphale, I'm blindingly intelligent for about thirty seconds a day. I do not get to choose which seconds and they are not consecutive.
Only tonight the stars have aligned in an ineffable way.
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For those of you who don’t follow this account, some time ago I’ve realized that John Gibson isn’t the only testator whose estate was being investigated by Aziraphale right before The Whickber Street Traders and Shopkeepers Association monthly meeting.
If you watch S2 finale closely enough, you should notice that Crowley not only stress cleans Aziraphale’s bookshop — he also goes through the books and papers on his desk between the last three angels leaving the bookshop and Maggie and Nina’s intervention. A seemingly permanent arrangement of the props post-shooting, visible in detail both on Radio Times tour and SFX magazine photo shoot, sheds even more light on this detail.
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The close-ups published after S2 release are legible enough to refer us to a much more prominent historical figure, Josiah Wedgwood (1730 – 1795) — an English potter, entrepreneur and abolitionist. Founding the Wedgwood company in 1759, he developed improved pottery bodies by systematic experimentation, and was the leader in the industrialisation of the manufacture of European pottery.
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Long story short, I transcribed the handwritten pages abandoned on Aziraphale’s desk, found out the source and the full text of what could be identified as Wedgwood’s last will and testament, took a walk to visit his Soho workshop, and proceeded to write a lengthy meta analysis about it.
I was today’s years old when I realized that there’s something else connecting those two dead British men.
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The Scottish Post Office Directory of 1903 recorded John Gibson from New Cumnock as a “stationer and china dealer” (above) operating from the shop located in the town’s post office building.
Indeed, a close look at his post office shop window in the Henderson Building (below, bottom left) reveals an artful display of fine china and pottery next to postcards printed by Gibson.
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There are multiple ways to connect this surprising link with possible S3 plot points, obviously, but it’s getting late, so let’s just name the two most important ones.
You’ve probably heard of the Holy Grail, maybe from Monty Python or Good Omens S01E03 1941 flashback. Depending on the version of the story, if can be a cup, a chalice, a bowl, or a saucer — but almost always a dish or a vessel connected personally, physically and metaphysically to Jesus (unless you’re partial to Wolfram von Eschenbach’s idea that the Grail was a stone, the sanctuary of the neutral angels who took neither side during Lucifer's rebellion).
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A slightly more obscure dish related to the Son of God appears in the sixteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation as a vital part of His Second Coming. The Seven Bowls (or cups, or vials) of God’s Wrath are supposed to be poured out on the wicked and the followers of the Antichrist by seven angels:
Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, “Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.” So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and harmful and painful sores came upon the people who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.
The second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it became like the blood of a corpse, and every living thing died that was in the sea.
The third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of water, and they became blood. And I heard the angel in charge of the waters say, “Just are you, O Holy One, who is and who was, for you brought these judgments. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink. It is what they deserve!” And I heard the altar saying, “Yes, Lord God the Almighty, true and just are your judgments!”
The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch people with fire. They were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God who had power over these plagues. They did not repent and give him glory.
The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in anguish and cursed the God of heaven for their pain and sores. They did not repent of their deeds.
The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, to prepare the way for the kings from the east. And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.  (“Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!”) And they assembled them at the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.
The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying, “It is done!” And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake. The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and God remembered Babylon the great, to make her drain the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath. And every island fled away, and no mountains were to be found. And great hailstones, about one hundred pounds each, fell from heaven on people; and they cursed God for the plague of the hail, because the plague was so severe.
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purpleskelet0n · 8 months ago
like could you imagine
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some folks need aggresive encouragment some are soft bitches/j like me
(slowly turning into a genuine interest check)
If I made "stay hydrated" good omens stickers for water bottles would you all want one tell me fandom/halfgenq
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melbatron5000 · 10 months ago
More crap about story rules
I dunno if this is helpful, but I read somewhere that Tumblr is just talking to yourself until someone goes, "Oh, I like this," so here goes. It helps me to get this sort of stuff out and be able to reference back to it.
I'm a novelist. I write speculative fiction, primarily urban fantasy with a dollop of mythopoeia (wanting to lean more towards the mythopoeia, but anyway). Neil is definitely a role model of mine, and has been since I was 19. Terry came a little later for me, in my mid-twenties. I'd read Good Omens by then, but believed Neil had a heavier hand in it than Terry did (Ha!). Once I finally picked up some Discworld, I was hooked for life.
I also recently learned I have ADHD, so not only is traditional institutional academia not my thing, I also have trouble sussing out meaning and details from things unless I have specific instructions on where to look. Once I have that in hand, I often go on a tear and find things that I never imagined were there, and frequently surprise not only myself but others. But I absolutely have to have that first step laid out for me in order to make more of my own.
When I first started writing in the 80s (yes, I'm old), I started looking around for the elusive "story structure" I'd heard about vaguely from other writers. I really couldn't find anything written down about what constitutes the steps of a story, the journey a hero must take for a story to be told start to finish. The other writers I'd heard discuss it didn't have concrete ideas for me (lots of hand-waving and "oh, you know"s), so I figured I'd find it in a book somewhere.
I found a little something about structure from Greek philosophy, but that mainly boiled down to stories needing a "beginning, middle, and end," like, duh, and not a lot about what made those three parts up. As a very basic story-telling model, it is incredibly concrete and important, but it's something we've known for thousands of years by now so it doesn't exactly light up the night sky with insight anymore. It's become such common knowledge that it almost doesn't seem like knowledge. I found more from Joseph Campbell, but a lot of what I found written by him was very airy and sort of dream-like, and hard to follow. So I gave up and muddled along the best I could.
About ten years ago now, I decided to try again, and found a whole ton of stuff written about story structure, from Greek philosophy decoded to Shakespear's five-act structure to The Hero's Journey first talked about by Joseph Campbell to modern Hollywood 3-act structure. Around about 2010 there was an explosion of work done on story structure, and damn if it wasn't eye-opening.
My favorite book so far on structure is The Story Grid by Shawn Coyle, because he has broken down all the various types of structure into very concrete, easy-to-comprehend steps that make sense. He talks about exactly where there is wiggle room, exactly where there is not, the general shape of a story in comparison to the general shape of the five stages of grief, what precisely constitutes a scene and what the sequence of scenes has to be to tell a whole, complete story. (In case you're interested, my next favorite book on structure is Save the Cat! Writes a Novel. It fills in a few holes that The Story Grid misses, and together they make a beautifully complete map of how to tell a good story.)
My favorite, in particular, are the Five Commandments of Storytelling. Each scene, each act (however many you want, I like 4), and the story as a whole, all have to follow the Five Commandments. These are elements that have to be present for a scene to work, and for a story to reach its beginning, middle, and end satisfactorily.
Inciting incident. This is something that happens that forces the main character to change course, take action. It has to be either an Act of God, or another character acting on the main character.
Progressive complications. The main character forms a plan to put life back in order and tries it, but is blocked. They have to regroup and form a new plan. Threes in storytelling are always good, but the main character must be blocked until they reach the Turning Point Complication, where they realize that in order to move forward and have a hope of getting where they want, they must make a hard choice. Often the hard choice is that they must do The One Thing They Didn't Want to Do, though the introduction of new information will drive this decision as well. New information can come from another character, or be realized by the main character as a result of the action.
Crisis. They reach the decision point, where they must choose one thing over another. The decision must be between two irreconcilable good things, where they can't have both; or the lesser of two evils, where they can't escape both. The Crisis can also be boiled down to a "what will they do?" question. They're going to have to pick, but they're going to resist before they choose, and that creates tension which keeps the reader invested.
Climax. They make their choice. It's really that simple. They pick.
Resolution. The consequences of their choice are laid out. In a scene, this means the inciting incident of the next scene is introduced because of the character's choice; in an overall story, this leads to the end of the tale where our hero emerges, having learned whatever it was that the author deemed they needed to learn.
For example, Aziraphale is listening to music when a knock comes at the door. (Inciting incident) He forms and enacts a plan -- answer the door, probably hoping to get rid of whoever it is quickly. It's Gabriel. (Complication) He forms and enacts a new plan -- find out what Gabriel is doing here. Gabriel says he doesn't know. (Complication) Gabriel asks to come in. (Complication) Aziraphale forms and enacts a new plan -- tell Gabriel no. Gabriel says oh-kay and turns to the people on the street. (Turning point complication) Now Aziraphale has two bad choices -- bring Gabriel inside, or leave him to wander naked around Whickber street doing God only knows what. (Crisis) He chooses what he thinks is the lesser of two evils -- he tells Gabriel to get in. (Climax) Now Gabriel, possibly Aziraphale's worst enemy, is inside his home, the book shop. (Resolution) And because this is a scene, this Resolution is also the inciting incident of the next scene.
This can go different routes, as when the inciting incident rouses curiosity or creates a promise of something the character wants, instead of inflicting discomfort -- although if a character wants something bad enough, deciding to say no to pursuing it could inflict discomfort, so that counts, too. The inciting incident just means that something happens so that the main character can no longer keep living life as it was. Something has to change, and they have to change it. In the end, it all boils down to something outside the main character knocking them off course, them deciding how to try to get back on course and failing, and what happens as a result. (Beginning, middle, end!)
A good way to create a mystery is to hide the Inciting Incident from the readers/viewers. Or at least, the Inciting Incidents of certain character and scenes. In the above example, we see Aziraphale's Inciting Incident, but we don't see Gabriel's until episode six.
I believe we haven't seen the Inciting Incident of Crowley and Aziraphale's storyline for season 2. It seems like Gabriel showing up is the Inciting Incident for the entire season, but I believe his arrival is a Complication, not the Inciting Incident. As far as what the original Inciting Incident was, well, first and foremost, the Resolution of season 1 would naturally lead into the Inciting Incident of season 2, just as a scene would do for the scene following it. So there's one Clue. As for the answer -- we just have to keep looking where the furniture isn't.
I hope this story breakdown was interesting to someone. I find it completely fascinating, but I am a story nerd, so maybe what I like and find interesting isn't up everyone's alley.
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weirdly-specific-but-ok · 1 year ago
BABYGIRLS, BITCHBOYS, AND BOYCOTTERS OF THE BINARY, HELLO MAGGOTS OF MINE. Can you tell it is past 5 am and I just took my sleep meds? We all know how well that goes for my post-making prowess *stares at my good omens part 1 update on Neil's blog*.
BUT that is a regret for post-sleep me to have. When the sun rises I'll go to bed, it's a fucked up sleep schedule but hey the sun and I can't be up at the same time we'd all combust from the hotness. Oh I'm going to regret this so much. But I feel like it's only in this state that I can do justice to that goddamn livestream.
Soooooo without further ado, or should I say much ado about nothing (see I can reference Shakespeare):
The stream starts, and we are witness to David Tennant being pointy and chaotic, Michael Sheen being adorable and enraged, and Simon looking close to tears at all times, which is a fucking mood.
I am witness to a disturbing degree of thirst every time Michael turns to the side. Michael in profile, they all swoon. I am concerned.
I'm reminiscing about my lockdown memories. David looking confused in a hoodie is very fucking relatable. Once, I started sobbing because my wardrobe looked like a wardrobe. It was a time for us all.
However, everyone else is busy yelling about different showings of Hamlet, Richard the Something Number, etc etc. No one is paying attention to me and my poor poor memories.
Now, I read original Shakespeare when I was like 13, .I like him. But I do not have this level of expertise. FRIENDS, ROMANS, COUNTRYMEN, LEND ME YOUR EARS, I beg.
No one pays attention. I am sad.
I go off to sulk.
By which I mean I actually pay attention to the show. So maggots reading this and wanting an actual summary, this is the only time you're going to get it, because it was when I was watching.
Basically, Simon (I'm gonna refer to their characters as them but for the record it's scripted, I'm being so considerate to the people who're here for an actual summary) digs himself into a hole, Michael does not like him and makes that very known, David offers to get Simon out of the hole and in the process digs both of them into an even deeper hole, and Samuel L Jackson (is that his name) and Michael become unlikely allies to get revenge on David.
Rather than an apology dance, though, David has to stand in a corner. Meanwhile, Georgia and Anna are the only ones actually functioning at their lives, Michael gets blackmailed into servitude by his neighbour, and Simon holds back tears. Judi Dench is involved (that's her name right).
Now as you can see, I am paying full attention to the show until this point. At this fucking point though, I make the poor choice of opening the stream chat.
@thescholarlystrumpet's profile picture is a certain angel. Focused on... the lower half.
Everyone in the chat is talking about Aziraphale's thighs.
This derails. Everyone is now talking about Aziraphale's dick.
Strumpet insists vehemently that the thighs are the focus.
Everyone says the thighs are only there for framing purposes.
You know me, maggots. I'm drawn to chaos, shark to blood. So I end my sulk at not being the centre of attention, and delightedly hop into the chat.
Someone (@vitrilol it was you, I believe? until confirmation, I'll refer to them as Ari) says they wish someone liked their thighs.
So naturally I say I like your thighs.
Oh, swoon, the flirting, you maggots would be scandalised. I'm quite the charmer. It is delectable. We take it to the bedroom. The bedroom is the stream chat. There are gasps.
Another maggot says that this is simply mine and Ari's room, and they're just in it. So then I tell them, why simply stand and watch? They should join in.
They say they have mixed experience with threesomes. I ask who said we're capping it at three?
They are far more comfortable with the idea of an orgy. An orgy has now been initiated. Some people express concern. Others are entirely on board.
Some say they are afraid they're too old for the said orgy, they're old enough to be my aunt. I say nonsense, you wanna orgy, you orgy.
Ari takes this opportunity to wonder if I'm old enough to be their aunt. They then hasten to assure me that they like MILFs.
I find this hysterical, because I am a nineteen year old guy whom people have said gives off tiktok fuckboy energy in real life. I make that fact known. I'm glad that being a man and being 19 does not exclude me from being a MILF, however.
At this point, Ari points out that at least people find me attractive, even if it's a tiktok fuckboy way. I am unsure that being attractive is worth giving off tiktok fuckboy energy. (Thank god, this is not my only vibe. I also have unkept stinky teenage boy, witch and Jane Austen debutante princess, but weird).
Someone else says that hey, I'm closer in age to their son than them. I am about to ask whether their son is eligible and how many pounds he has a year, when they add that the son is 12. I tell them I am glad I did not ask those things. They agree.
The show is still going on. Someone is gasping on Georgia's phone, and I assume it is labour (I learned my lesson about assuming orgasms after the good omens pilot). I am correct. A maggot says that labour and orgasms do not sound the same.
I'm a clueless aspec boy. I don't know about labour or orgasms.
There is some debate then about whether screaming in pain is a difference or a possible common ground for those two things.
The orgy is expanding. Strumpet has to step in to say that while thirsting about the actors is entirely fine, please everyone refrain from sexting in the stream chat.
I feel like I should state here for the record that no one was sexting.
Well. Okay. That's a dubious stretch of the truth, but I love dubiously stretching the truth.
David abuses chairs and beds and his limbs with his posture. I relate.
The neighbour nearly dies, then does not.
The internet gives up on the stream. This is fair. Poor internet.
But while the video is lagging, someone mentions that one of their favourite fanfic authors passed away.
Comfort is offered, as is my brand of aggressively gentle love. Basically DON'T FUCKING APOLOGISE, sweetheart, your grief is valid. Strumpet says how in case she should disappear she's given a friend the authority to post her WIPs as a precautionary measure. And now people are crying.
I ask Strumpet to pause the stream. We all get really fucking emotional about the beauty of writing, of art enduring past the lives of the artists, and whether the author knew how much they were loved. This is getting really sad, but in a beautiful way.
We go back to the stream. Who knows what happens? Not me.
But what matters to me isn't what's on the stream, it's what's in the chats. The people I get to talk to. The hope that I can, at the very least, ensure that they are never, ever unheard. That they get the love they deserve.
I'm too sleepy to reread that. Meds have kicked in. Eyes shut time. If I fucked up somewhere in the post do forgive me maggots of mine, it's past 6 am which means the sun has risen and I need to go the fuck to sleep till noon is over at least.
I love you. Love love love. Send me anything you want anytime. My ask box is open. Go wild. You will not be fucking unheard. Yeah? Good. I love you, again, for good measure.
@howmanyholesinswisscheese ya proud of me, dad?
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kneelbeforeyourdogbabylon · 3 months ago
Good Omens gift fic!
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A gift fic for @on1occasionfork! With gorgeous Chap 4 art by @sspooksart! Fantastic beta by @brenna! Forgot half my tags on this one because I'm a fool!
Chaptered, complete, ~8K words.
Rating: (Eventual) Explicit
Summary: Things washed, things cleaned, things purified.
Aziraphale and Crowley Through The Ages (Good Omens), Post-Scene: Garden of Eden (Good Omens), Post-Scene: Church in London 1941 (Good Omens), Laundry, Coin-Operated Launderette, Crowley is Bad at Being a Demon (Good Omens), Crowley is Good at Being a Demon (Good Omens), Angst, Fluff and Smut, Longing, Mutual Pining, Pining, Shower Sex, Anal Sex, Rimming, Kissing, Hair Washing, Washing lots of things, References to Macbeth - Shakespeare, Potatoes, Biting, attempts at iambic pentameter, excessive stage directions, religious connotations with cleansing/washing/purity and turning that shit on its head (hopefully), see more at AO3.
Read it at the AO3!
I didn't forget to tag @goodomensafterdark you forgot
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lickthecowhappy · 1 year ago
Good Omens season 3 and Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra
S3 speculation
This is my called shot. I see a lot of assumptions for a Persuasion plot but I don’t think we’ll get Austen again.
“Age does not wither nor custom stale his infinite variety.” - Crowley (debatable to whom he is referring) “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.” - Enobarbus (referring to Cleopatra)
For the purpose of this, I will abbreviate Antony and Cleopatra to A and C, and Egypt to E for psychological priming purposes.
A and C are living in E. They’re happy to stay there together with one another. Unfortunately, the leadership in A’s homeland recall him to sit on the ruling council. A regretfully leaves C alone on E. 
Back in his homeland, A is forced into a partnership with someone to assure his loyalty since the others in charge are concerned about his loyalty to C. C finds out and is jealous.
A and the others in charge broker an agreement with their main threat but as soon as A’s attention is elsewhere, the others in charge betray the agreement.
A is furious and leaves his homeland to go back to E and his love C. They fight for E together. 
Let Rome in Tiber Heaven above melt and the wide arch Of the ranged empire fall. Here is my space. Kingdoms are clay. Our dungy earth alike Feeds beast as man. The nobleness of life Is to do thus; when such a mutual pair And such a twain can do ‘t, in which I bind, On pain of punishment, the world to weet We stand up peerless.
The plot continues, but Antony and Cleopatra is a tragedy, and Good Omens is a comedy. There are other plot points I think could be incorporated (A believing C has died, C being captured, themes of self-sacrifice and no longer fitting the mold you were made from) but for the basic, general plot, this is where my bet is placed.
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year ago
David Tennant has been involved in/can be linked to practically everything I study in English aside from the poetry and it is starting to scare me:
Okay, SO. For reference, I have studied the following in English Literature since the beginning of high school (I am now in college):
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Romeo and Juliet
Much Ado About Nothing
Of Mice and Men
Measure for Measure
Here is how David Tennant connects to each one in a terrifying way:
A Midsummer Night's Dream - he once portrayed Puck (performed one monologue as the character) as part of a show about Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet - he played Romeo
Much Ado About Nothing - he played Benedick in a fantastic production that had Catherine Tate as Beatrice
Of Mice and Men - he was George in a BBC Radio 4 adaptation of the novel
Macbeth - he was the title role in a radio version of the play that was required listening for my class and he went on to play the role live on the West End just last year
Measure for Measure - I had to dig deep for this, but years ago he portrayed Angelo for just one scene as part of a six part documentary about the impact of Shakespeare that has now been lost to time, however I did find footage of his scene and pictures
Atonement - in the film adaptation of Atonement, Benedict Cumberbatch plays Paul Marshall, and he went on to cameo as Satan in Good Omens, which stars David Tennant as Crowley
Hamlet - he played Hamlet in both a filmed performance and live on stage, with the real skull of Tchaikovsky who donated it so he could be featured in Shakespearean productions after he died (just a fun piece of trivia), additionally, the skull was traditionally only used in rehearsals so as not to distract the audience with the presence of a real skull, but David Tennant insisted on using the skull in live performances
So there you have it - when I graduate college, I must personally track down David Tennant and shake his hand as thanks for his extensive involvement in my studies.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years ago
Hello there! Hoping it’s not too much trouble but I read a couple of actor fics (Crowley and Aziraphale are actors in shows/movies etc) and really loved them. Slow Show and That Gay Pirate Show, I loved them, the writing, atmosphere, setting! I was wondering if there were any recommendations? Also just some personally favorites with that kind of vibe would be happy additions to my list! Thank you very much
Hi! We have an #actors au tag that you can check, and you'll also find fics with a similar vibe on our #famous crowley and #famous aziraphale tags. Here are some more actor fics to add to the collection...
Let's spend the night together by HolRose (M)
Actor, A.J. Crowley is having a perfectly normal day when he is hailed in the street by someone he hasn’t seen for over thirty years. His reaction is initially one of dismay, but as the two old friends spend a revelatory night in each other’s company, facts come to light that will enable him to piece his fractured life back together, and old wounds will finally be healed.
An AU set in Northern Ireland during the Troubles, and London in 2018.
This is a human AU that can be read as a stand-alone story without reference to the other works in the series.
All the World's a Stage by Ineffable lawr (M)
Agnes, Nutter, an eccentric director with an almost prophetic ability to create hit theatrical shows brings together a cast of wonderfully talented and unique actors to create a new production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Aziraphale is a classically trained method actor, known for being a bit of a diva, and Crowley is a musical theatre actor known for being a spontaneous and bold performer with a bit of a bad reputation. The journey from audition to opening night will be a rocky one, but they might just end up finding something wonderful.
no more unhandsome by Waywarder (M)
Aziraphale and their best friend Anathema are starting their own Shakespeare Company, and Aziraphale dreams of playing Rosalind in their inaugural production of As You Like It.
But then rival actor (and admitted flash bastard) Anthony J. Crowley shows up at auditions.
Welcome to the As You Like It-inspired Good Omens Shakespeare Company AU! Thanks for being here!
To The Stars by Fyre (T)
In 1999, a television programme aired that would quickly become a cult classic. 20 years on, join the crew of the NSS Galaxy Quest as they embark on the most exciting adventure of their lives.
Galaxy Quest AU - Update schedule - every Sunday
The Only One I Still Know How to See by Furuba_Fangirl (E)
Aziraphale has been an admirer of Anthony J. Crowley for years. However, the gap between audience member and stage actor begins to thin when they are given the chance to officially meet.
All's Fair in Love, War, and Show Business by sapphose (T)
Crowley is given one last chance to save his floundering acting career when he is offered a role in a new musical adaptation of the beloved book, "The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch." Unfortunately, he'll be acting opposite Aziraphale, the ex he hasn't spoken to in over a decade and with whom he is definitely not still in love. When Crowley's past comes back to haunt him, he and Aziraphale must decide whether to repeat their actions from years prior, or to take their unexpected second chance and try again.
- Mod D
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pommedepersephone · 2 years ago
Thinking a lot about nightingales, as one does.
Like much of Good Omens, there are just LAYERS with the symbols. And the nightingale is no exception. I've been thinking about how all these meanings play into Crowley's heartbreaking line (sobs quickly). So, quick review of what we are working with here:
The song “A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square”
The lines from "Romeo and Juliet"
The meanings of nightingales in literature, specifically literature related to Christian theology
Berkeley Square, and a recognition of love
I am in agreement with @biceratops7 that "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" is meaningful not just because of their lunch at the Ritz in s1e6, but all the way back to 1941. It's a romantic wish they share, the idea of a time when they'd be free to speak to one another - not confined to clandestine meetings like a nightingale singing in the dead of night.
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And they got a taste of that...
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But the song is about more than dining at the Ritz (as much as Crowley LOVES watching Aziraphale eat). If this song reminds them of that very fateful night, it also reminds them of the power of trusting one another.
Romeo and Juliet, and a warning of danger
We all know these two love them some Shakespeare, so they'd clearly be well aware of the famous scene about nightingales vs larks.
Juliet: Wilt thou be gone? it is not yet near day: It was the nightingale, and not the lark, That pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear; Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate-tree: Believe me, love, it was the nightingale.
Romeo: It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale: look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east: Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops. I must be gone and live, or stay and die.
It's a warning, no nightingales signifies extreme danger.
Literature, and a reference to resurrection
I have to say here that I am only somewhat familiar with the Bible, so I will accept any corrections! But after reading the OWLS, I looked into the symbolism of nightingales. They don't appear in the Bible per se, but they DO appear in medieval literature, specifically John Peckham’s Philomena where a nightingale singing is used to represent the Christian soul - the bird sings a final song about the Crucifixion and dies. It symbolized Christ's resurrection and the renewal of the soul after death. This meaning persists, and given the many references to resurrection in s2, seems important.
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If we assume that the conversation at the end of s2e6 contains an element of kayfabe as outlined by @ao3cassandraic (and yes, yes I do) then Crowley's "That’s the point, no nightingales" holds SO MUCH. It's heavy stuff, and based on Aziraphale's reaction, I don't think he heard it all at once.
To be clear, I'm not team body swap. Crowley stayed on earth and Aziraphale got in that damned blessed elevator. But their positions just swapped - the serpent is now left to guard humanity, and the angel of the flaming sword is headed to seek out truth. I think what we see in that master class of microexpressions on the elevator ride up is Aziraphale processing what was ACTUALLY said in the last conversation in the bookshop. It's a reminder of their actual feelings AND a warning of danger - and Crowley isn't just talking about the danger to them individually, but to the world. And with that read, it's also a reminder that they have to trust one another, even while they are now separated, like they trusted each other that night in 1941.
I have to have faith that our idiots will hear those nightingales again.
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sliebman10 · 1 year ago
Someone you want to know better...
Thanks for the tag, @tsunderesalty.
Last Song: I Wanna Dance With Somebody...yes, my music taste is stuck somewhere in the 90's.
Favorite Color: Blue...various shades
Currently Watching: Boy Meets World season 2 (and regularly annoying Mercedes_Aria about it)...and Star Wars Rebels
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Hmm, I do have quite the sweet tooth.
Relationship Status: Married
Current Obsession: Umm...still, always HP. But I did have fun writing my Good Omens drabbles.
Last Thing You Googled: My Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet (need the reference to finish Both Alike in Dignity XD)
Tagging: @thememoryofthatday, @myheadsgonenumb, @mundrakan, @mrsmungus, @oceangirl24
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