#shakespeare humour
Crush Culture; Conan Gray x Beatrice and Benedick (Much Ado About Nothing 2011)
For me these two will always be ace icons. Thank you Shakespeare for writing Ace characters that can and do fall in love.
There's this general misunderstanding that just 'cause you're Ace ergo you're also Aro. Aro and Ace are two separate identities. Some people on the spectrum identify a both Aro and ace hence they're Aroace (simple really!)
And I think that's the same misunderstanding these two have internalized. They've been told that just because you don't like someone "like that" also means that you are not capable of loving.... that love is just "not for you".
So here's to all the Ace people who have those who will find their love, their soulmate, and whoever matches their freak. I love you all!
Lovely moots: @a-singing-lunatic @shadesofecclescakes @suburbia-and-brentwood-market @glitterypin @angie-words
@davidtennantgenderenvy @dreamsfrozenincandyland @turtleneck-crowley @dtmsrpfcringe @princeloww
@consanguinitatum @mystic-mae @cranberry-sniffer
It would mean so much to my pathetic low self-esteem ass if you checked out my edit!! Lots of love 😘
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starlight-diaries · 4 months
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A brief summary of The Comedy of Errors
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" What, my dear Lady Disdain! Are you yet living?" - Much Ado About Nothing
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anotheruserwithnoname · 6 months
With the Ides of March just passed this is a good time to feature one of the best Canadian comedy skits of all time: Rinse the Blood Off My Toga by Johnny Wayne and Frank Shuster. Originally written for radio and inmortalized in the 1950s on The Ed Sullivan Show, this is a later (abridged) performance from the 1970s. If you ever wondered where the old catchphrase "Julie, don't go!" came from, here's your answer.
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
“Happy birthday!”
“Still not my birthday, Solace.”
“Eh. One day I’ll say it and it’ll be right.”
The flowers he’s holding — pretty, ruffled deep red, although Nico doesn’t recognise them — remains extended between them, clutched fist unwavering. Nico rolls his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek, and takes them.
“Of course, you could also just tell me when your birthday is.”
“No.” A pause. He brings the flowers up to his face, pointedly ignoring Will’s wink, and inhales. They smell almost identical to the shampoo Will wears. “You’re such a loser.”
“And yet you spend all your time with me.”
“Not — all,” Nico protests, cheeks burning. “I spend —”
Time with others, he was about to say, and while it is indeed true that he does, in fact, socialize with more than one person, he realises with startling clarity that Will is almost always there.
Will grins, wide and cheeky and knowing. “Having some thoughts, there, Neeks.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Will gasps dramatically, and when that is not enough he holds up a hand, digs a string of plastic pearls out from his many pockets, clasps them around his neck, clears his throat, and gasps even more dramatically, clutching said pearls.
Nico laughs.
But he chokes it back last minute and turns it into a weird horse noise instead, so he’s victorious, basically.
“How dare,” says Will, indeed dramatically, “how dare, di Angelo, deride me, your closest friend, in such a way —”
Nico deliberates his options. Should Will have the space unimpeded to continue on than he shall do so, with increasing gusto. At the six minute mark he will graduate to elevating himself on whatever surface makes itself available, from an infirmary stool to An Actual Roof, and project his voice to make sure that everyone suffers his Elizabethan histrionics, not just Nico (or Kayla or Austin or Lou especially Cecil or Mitchell or Piper or or or or). At the nine minute mark he will be accompanied, magically, by intense background music, because Apollo deserves all of his trauma. Nico doesn’t know what the ten minute mark will bring, but frankly he’d rather walk on hot coals with open sores on his feet than find out, so.
“— good friends, sweet friends, from this group I hail, and to such a sudden flood of mutiny! To bend to the leadborn suffering —”
When Nico gestures he is graceful, obviously. And poised. When Will gestures he narrowly avoids smacking himself square in the face nine times out of ten, and sometimes, like now, he actually does smack himself in the face, but for some reason this does not deter or embarrass him. Perhaps because he, like most Apollo children, does not actually have the part of his brain that produces shame, and such gleeful shamelessness shows in his devastatingly wide eyes. Which are, Nico notices, beginning searching for the nearest climbable surface.
Ah. Level one has been exceeded.
“Hide not thy poison with such sugar’s words —”
Drastic times, drastic measures; in time of theatre kid, regress to caveman instincts. Et cetera. Nico knows the drill. He’s a twice-adorned war hero. He understands sacrifice. He understands betrayal. He knows timing, knows difficulty. He knows the burden of doing the right thing to prevent further tragedy.
He sets his flowers delicately on the ground beside him, ties his hair back out of his face, does a couple stretches, exhales peacefully, and tackles Will to the floor.
“Shut up,” he grunts, over Will’s screeching. Will, predictably, does not shut up, moaning instead about his spleen, his spine, pausing to yell, loudly, et tu, Brutus?!, moaning about his kidneys, and then once again wallowing about Brutus and betrayal.
“Someone should take away your Riverside,” Nico says solemnly, pinching Will on the arm one last time for good measure before crawling off him.
Will remains on the floor, arm thrown over his eyes. “I would sooner live without the lungs in my chest.”
“It’s gonna be me. I’m taking away your Riverside.”
Will lifts his arm, searching to meet Nico’s eyes before pouting. It is a remarkably well-planned strategy, because he has very pretty eyes, and Nico is a flaming homosexual who is openly weak to Will’s wiles. Will, who is a shit and judging by the smirk he is barely fighting back in favour of a quivering lip, knows this.
“Don’t you love me?”
“No,” Nico lies. He forces himself away from Will’s gaze, ears burning. “Go away, you walking annoyance. I never want to see you or anything about you ever again.” He scoops up his flowers and stomps off, smiling as Will cackles.
He carries around the flowers for the rest of the day.
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nymphpens · 6 months
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marionluth · 3 months
What if Peter learned about Harley's existence through a phone call Tony answered in front of him? Excerpt from my Irondad longfic that serves as an adorable stand-alone of Harley-Tony goodness!
Wordcount: 887
* Peter and Tony were discussing something, when Tony's phone rang and he asked Peter if he minded answering. Peter said it was fine. He didn't regret it. *
“After a whole week of dodging my calls, sending me texts with barely-readable Gen Z slang and abbreviations, I'm borderline worried—nevertheless, happy to finally hear your voice, terrorist,” Tony sent into the phone, causing Peter to look up at him with surprised and confused eyes.
“You know what? I’m just gonna say this, and you make what you want out of it… Black bears simply aren’t eating enough people.”
Closing his eyes and letting out a breath through his nose, Tony prayed for strength and sanity, while Peter couldn’t help but snicker at the words his super hearing easily caught. He watched his mentor waiting for his answer, curiosity peaked.
“What did you do, Harley?”
“I mean… I know Rosehill is a town and all, but, dude! Climate change! Shouldn’t they, like, come down from the mountains and look for food and stuff in towns? Desperately rummaging through trash, finding nothing but our civilization's gloriously gross junk food - that even a hungry black bear wouldn’t touch - and then randomly eating a passerby?”
Peter snorted, trying to keep his amused vocalizations at the random tirade quiet, causing Tony to shake his head in terrified resignation at the inevitability of these two eventually meeting each other.
“And when I say randomly, I may or may not mean my English teacher,” Harley continued.
“What have I told you about applying yourself, Harley?” Tony asked, his resigned tone gaining an edge.
“Something that directly contradicts what you've told me about wasting my potential on frivolous things that won't matter in my future.”
“You see, Harley... The English language we're all jabbering away in, especially in those fancy colleges you're drooling over, doesn't fall into the category of frivolous things that won't matter for your future,” Tony stated.
“It's freaking Shakespeare, mech’!” Harley's voice was a whine now. “The man was crazy! A donkey-headed guy getting it on with fairy queens… I mean, come on!”
Biting his lower lip in an effort to keep himself from laughing, Tony took a deep breath, avoiding eye contact entirely with Peter, who was chuckling and shamelessly listening in to the conversation.
"Harley, we've had this chat before. You can't just bail on everything you don't like. You can’t expect you'll just breeze through school without breaking a sweat. You think MIT or Columbia will roll out the red carpet for you if you flunk everything except math, chem, and science?"
“I already got the lecture from Ava, man. Give me a break, here.”
“I'll give you a break when you give me one, terrorist. But until then, park yourself and hit the books. It's not rocket science; we're talking about fairy tales and donkey-faced characters here. If you can crack quadratic equations without even bothering with homework, I'm pretty sure you can handle Shakespeare.”
“That's torture!”
“No, Hamlet is torture. And you know what else will be torture? Whatever your mom and I come up with if you don’t start putting in some serious effort! You got a week to start straightening things out, Harl, or Ava and I will straighten you out instead. Capiche?”
“But wouldn’t it be a lot more cost-effective if you called school -all Tony Stark and shit - and demanded that I be excused from Shakespeare altogether? Oh, I know! We can make it a religious thing… Like studying Shakespeare goes against my religious dogma! That’s dope! They won’t be able to fight that if it comes from you…”
"Alright, kid, first things first: lay off the Red Bull. Second, if you put half as much effort into hitting the books as you do trying to wriggle out of this, we wouldn't even be having this chat. There's no shortcut around it. Buckle down and get to work."
“So that’s a no to my against-my-religion master plan?”
“That’s a no!”
“I hate you more than Shakespeare hated sanity,” came the resigned answer from the other line.
“Study, donkey-head,” Tony emphasized with a roll of his eyes before hanging up.
“I knew you had a kid hidden somewhere,” Peter said with a smirk.
Letting out a snort, Tony shook his head. "Harley isn't my kid, Pete. We bumped into each other a few years ago, and we've stayed in touch since then."
“That sounded like more than just staying in touch,” Peter commented, eyeing the man. “That’s how you roast me, too."
"Smooth talk, as always, Pete," Tony smirked. "I do lend a hand with Harley, but it's a bit of a different ball game. He's down in Tennessee, so it's more of a long-distance gig. The universe is not done testing me, though, and you two will get to meet. He spends some of his school breaks and a couple of weeks in summer here.”
“So you just habitually collect kids to part-time parent?” Peter asked with a small smile and a raised eyebrow.
Tony gaped at Peter as the kid’s deadpan statement registered. “I… don't have a retort to that.
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sparklingrainbowdragon · 10 months
Tybalt: My uncle made me take fencing lessons because he hoped that would make me less gay. Now, I know how to suck dick AND stab people.
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usefulquotes7 · 1 month
It's good to write badly. Things can only get better. Alan Dapre, The Finders
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shakespearenews · 5 months
Dr Darren Freebury-Jones, a lecturer in Shakespeare studies at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in Stratford-upon-Avon, has discovered “striking similarities” between phrases recited by Thorello in Every Man in His Humour and those in Shakespeare’s Othello, Hamlet and Twelfth Night – all written between 1600 and 1603.
He told the Guardian: “What I’ve found are some really interesting connections in terms of language, which suggest that Shakespeare was, perhaps unconsciously, remembering his own lines.”
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C-sections exist:
Some guy in Scotland:
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casa-supernova · 2 years
have fun with this little dumb video i made on doctor who series 3
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writerofweird · 18 days
Dracula's Halloween Party
The following story contains references to death, murder, xenophobia and antisemitism. If only the dream I dreamt wasn’t real… Dracula is having a Halloween party! All his guests have got their invitations and are coming to his big scary castle on top of the hill! Dracula’s blown up lots of balloons – hard when you’ve got fangs as big as he has – and he’s prepared loads of yummy snacks. Who’s…
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miaaroundthecorner · 6 months
One of my professors just called Hamlet a trendy undergrad with a messed up home life and I can’t with her 😂😂😂
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nymphpens · 6 months
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larimar · 22 days
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