#shak's shitpost
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tubbytarchia · 4 months ago
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Good job Joel
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gelo-p · 5 years ago
Cycling Seasons, Fresh Skies: Memories
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I knew from a long time ago that if I’d ever go for a T10, this would be it. When the event was finally getting closer, early estimates told me I was 900 flames short; I’d have to buy stars for this event.
(WARNING: A rather image-heavy post)
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Perhaps the moment I honestly considered T10 instead of settling for T100.
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Definitely the moment I knew there was no turning back. :)))
Believe me, this was not the only purchase I made for this event.
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I needed a better Challenge Live team, so I knew getting a 4* Happy Ran is required, to complete my Happy Afterglow team. I’ve never gotten any 4* Ran before, so thank god the 4* Exchange Ticket had the perfect timing.
Yep. ^^ Well, my Multi Live team was Powerful Afterglow-based, but had only 2 4-stars, sooo I knew it wouldn’t cut it.
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There she is <3
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I’ve always stopped at Skill Level 4, but I really had to pull out all the stops. Ran is my first Skill Level 5 member. ^^ (everyone in my CL team also received the level 5 upgrade)
Alright, let’s do this! Hey Hey Hoh~!
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The event has finally begun! I initially found it amusing seeing all sorts of titles being shown off. This one in particular stood out to me. XD
(Looking back, that Sinz person would later turn out to be a serious T10 contender. I think they changed their name to Pyokun after some time)
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Here’s a screenshot of a rare T5 GeLö-P. I really wanted to share this with you guys, but I figured I’d jinx myself by revealing publicly what I was trying to do. :>
(I will doubt the existence of God Almighty, but believe in being jinxed. Life is weird sometimes.)
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Well, that’s the Grand Room for ya’. Meta songs all the way~
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How do you even react to that?
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With this. :)))
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Home Street...
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Home Street.......
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The moment I ran out of large energy drinks, and had to start spending stars. </3 Small energy drinks were still reserved for moments I can afford to wait out the 30-minute refill timer.
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The 5 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
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My first time doing the “recover waaaaay more than 10 flames” thing
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Huhehe huhehe huhehe...
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I too would like some of those Afterglow pins. T_T
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Baby Shak my as-
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Aaaand we have a dodger, ladies and gentlemen. XD
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I think this guy needs to be banned.
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Home Street? Pssh, that was so yesterday. Jumpin’ is the shit now.
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Ganbatte, P5.
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My 2nd encounter with Ghostkillers (who later become T12..?). He chose Senbonzakura the first time, so when he did it again, I thought I’d save it for posterity. ^^
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The “I too would like to live dangerously” gang 8-)
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The first time I switched away from my dua T100 titles. I figured I’d stop trying to “scare” the competition.
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First time tracking T10 scores. This would later prove to be very useful in seeing if my projection will hold (although I shifted to tracking T3 - T12).
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Taking a break, so I watched ads for free flames. :)))))
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Moca, Ran, GeLö-P, and a weird name. Huh. Okay.
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Kyu~Mai * Flower was released! Played this one on Hard.
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...this one I played on Expert...
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...and thank fuck I got it first try, because oh boy I’m not playing that beat map again. >_<
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“Ban me if you can” ?? Why??
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Aaaaand this motherfucker right here was cheating and inflating his score. I personally reported him to the game admins over on twitter, and they’ve informed me that they were already aware of this idiot. Saw him just once more after this.
Yes. That’s 91 million, 798 thousand, 346.
I actually encountered them once before this, but didn’t notice anything off about their score (was already dazed at that time). And then a discussion started over at reddit, so when I met him again, I took screenshots.
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Ganbatte :))
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Had time for a quick hey hey hoh spam ^^
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Which day was this..? Anyway I came up with my brilliant pun. Read the comment, see if you can figure it out. :3
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MocaRan and YukiLisa. Sigh. I don’t think we can be friends, P5.
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Told you, Ghostkillers only pick Senbonzakura XD
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Tomoe’s Birthday! ^^
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Even the game won’t let you have a GF, P5. XD
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(almost sure they’re famous in the competitive scene... I don’t know them tho LOL)
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I woke up one morning to find there was no internet.
I knew mobile data was going to result to multiple disconnects, but thank fuck I had lots of challenge points to spare. I passed the time productively, and by the time I was done, internet was back. Whew.
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Rank update: currently T8. ^^
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More of Ghostkillers x Senbonzakura and JFC that name tho P2
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Shitpost comment XD
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First time seeing 2 other T10 contenders in the same room: Itsuki and Ghostkillers.
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Probably the point where I started spamming Tokimeki Poporon instead of Home Street.
Also there’s a looot of interesting names in Bandori.
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As a YukiRan / MocaLisa shipper (well more of SayoLisa nowadays), it is my job to destroy players 1, 3, and 5. >:(
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...aaaaaand I immediately threw away 10k stars hoping for Megane Ran, but got shit. (This would later force me to make 2 more purchases XD Seriously though, I could have saved a lot of money with a better star purchase plan)
I got Loli Rinko tho. <3
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Which day was this...? I think this was the moment I knew Ghostkillers has given up. I was laughing my ass off reading the comments. I think everyone of us was half-dead at this point. XD
And so we’re down to the final 11.
I’ve started considering the possibility at this point that I might be the final one to bow out.
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I was feeling the despair at this point, and thus started singing Komm Susser Tod
I do mini-sprints in the morning, so I’m T6 here. I usually fall back down to ~T9 in the afternoon.
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I usually level up once per event. I started this event from Rank 193. :)))
(well it was technically 192, but I was like 2 games away from leveling up)
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There are no experts in this room :v
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Jumpin = NO FEVER, but picks meta song anyway. Okay. :v
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Hey! All Random!
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I have a lot of friend requests at this point (probably from people seeing me on the T10 list), but I don’t have enough space to accept them all :((
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Bread-themed profile!
Poppin’ Party, Puff n’ Pastry... get it?
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Itsuki started spamming BOF at this point.
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Doki doki~
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P1 is an IRL friend :))) I’d later tease her about how slow she is picking songs LOL
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Some Initial D reference for overtaking :P Of course I was badly falling behind at this point (T9 is hella dangerous), but I had no choice but to continue to believe in the math (and that early overtaking is a bad choice).
“Early moves lets your opponents recover from mental shock.” - Ryosuke Takahashi, Initial D 3rd Stage
No seriously, that’s exactly what I was thinking of. And also “Not yet, not yet, now” from Ford v Ferrari.
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P1 & P5 get married already...
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I’m down to T11, and everybody else already did 2.3M-sprints some hours earlier, and have considerably slowed down.
I, on the other, was about to go to sleep. Yes, I, the current T11, was about to let the others pull away. All I could do was believe in the Math at that point, because let me tell you-
I had 105k challenge points left. That’s 3.4M event points I had yet to sprint.
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This was during the final morning, 9 hours before event ended. When I woke up that morning, my heart was pounding like crazy. What if everybody has pulled ahead?
When I finally checked, most of the T10′s were still in the 17M-range. Itsuki was on T10, and he was only 500k away. I knew at that point that my chances were pretty good; however, I shut up about it, set my comment to “Now Playing: Running in the 90′s”, and got to work.
There was nothing else I could to but consume all the CP I had left. No more tracking. A literal 5-hour non-stop sprint to 19.2M points. If they can still catch up even after they’ve already expended their CP yesterday, then maybe I don’t deserve this T10 after all.
All I need to do was beat one of them. It was me or them.
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Holy shi-
I wasn’t out of the woods yet, had to make sure at least one of them didn’t overtake me. Of course that was more up to them, since I didn’t have any strength left (my thumb stopped working at that point, no seriously, it’s still not working properly even today). I also didn’t have any significant stars left.
I managed to sneak in a few songs, but that was it. I was done. The others managed to close the gap, but I stayed in T6.
And then the event was over.
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I fucking did it.
I would later learn that this was the bloodiest (Challenge Live) event in the history of ENdori. In one redditor’s words, I “ ...sure picked a hell of a time to go for it.”
I had no choice. This is Megane Ran we’re talking about. <3
I had some idea tbh, because I managed to read a tweet in the middle of the event, that “this was one lit T10″. Apparently we were on track to beat the previous record-holder, which was Sayo’s Umbrella event.
I’m... really glad to have been part of this event. I feel so darn proud of myself. >:3
But I couldn’t have done it without the help of the Grand Room. Seriously, I only played in the Grand Room.
Remember this?
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I don’t have (competitive) friends. :))) So thank you, all. *bow*
I’d like to thank IRL-friend otearaisu over at twitter for putting up with my excessive score projection updates. XD I have a really detailed excel sheet to check if I was on track or not, and whenever there were developments, I’d always tell him about it, even in the dead of the night. XD
Would I ever do this again? Probably not. This was the only event that I knew I really wanted to go for, and I don’t see that changing any time soon. Maybe I’ll get a couple of T100′s in the future, but that’s it. ^^
See you in the lobby~
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ytpreviews · 7 years ago
Chosen browsing habit headcanons:
Hunter: -
-Shitposts on a variety of websites
Has a subreddit dedicated to him he moderates
 Has mentioned many times he’s the one running the account but no one believes them.
 Has a seperate reddit account where he pretends to be his own obsessed fan
 Really into youtube poops and makes shitty spadinner poops at 4:00 in the morning.
Has been banned from many different websites, subreddits, and boards.
Once crytyped for a week for no reason.
Posts screamer videos.
Browses the deep web.
Makes guided meditation videos on youtube.
Listen to asmr.
Browses a lot of hobby websites/subreddits/boards/etc, switches hobbies every other month.
Smugly critiques people’s fighting skills and resorts to doing so if she gets into an arguement. (Even if it’s unrelated)
Second most likely to use smug reaction images (first being Hunter)
Watches shitty anime on legitimate websites (She refuses to use kissanime because of honour) and attempts to copy their fighting techniques.
Browses r/depression.
Barely knows how to use a computer.
Is like Alex Jones 2.0 mixed with sammyclassicsonicfan.
Runs a youtube channel which is just him ranting about XCOM and the elders for hours at a time.
Once livestreamed it for 42 hours and fell asleep.
Does not know what 4chan is.
Ocassionally does readings of the elder equivilant of the bible.
Occassionally does asmr variants of this.
Has threatened youtubers he disliked with murder.
Has acted on it once.
The assassin monitors his internet usage now.
Once tried to make a youtube poop but it was like “the king gets a new computer” except worse.
If xcom succeeds on a mission he makes a crytyping blogpost about it.
Half of the time he isn’t lying when he says “im litterA;ly shakking rn”
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soda-n-dinos-andmore · 2 years ago
i see nothing but the truth here so, sharks are better then some politicians
fun facts about sharks
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tubbytarchia · 1 year ago
I've been curating some of these things and I think it's time to let them loose into the world. My hope is that at least one of them is funny
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tubbytarchia · 5 months ago
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tubbytarchia · 13 days ago
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I'm finishing off the batch with Grian but like Im kind of losing my mind. Why did the eldritch freak monster turn cute. He's supposed to be mean and evil. What is wrong with him
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hasturs-fanboy-number-one · 2 years ago
op sexualities:
zoro: gay
usopp: straight
fanky: super straight
luffy: baby girl
nami: girlboss
sanji: male wife
robin: mommy
law: depressed
jimbe: normal
sabo: like to fuck capitalism
vivi: like girls
perona: edward cullen
hancock: bi (girls and luffy)
doflamingo: homophobic gay
shanks: alcohol
koby: milfs
ace: bi (girls and food)
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tubbytarchia · 11 days ago
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People love to clown on Skizz (and Impulse and Jimmy) but I don't think we should be letting Gem get away with this abomination called a horse
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tubbytarchia · 9 months ago
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Secret Life
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tubbytarchia · 3 months ago
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Playing with them like dolls
Model Img 1 stage Img 3 stage img 4 stage Effects: Diffusion 7 & Ray
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tubbytarchia · 4 months ago
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Someone forced me to update my Jimmy ecosystem chart. whukckh
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tubbytarchia · 3 months ago
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You guys can also have this thing that got lost in the discord DM void awhile back but I dug it out again (based on this)
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tubbytarchia · 4 months ago
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Why does Grian's thumbnail look like that
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tubbytarchia · 1 month ago
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I wasn't expecting to be into Jimmy's new video but here we are
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tubbytarchia · 1 year ago
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Im sorry if this isn't funny to anyone else but I've been crying over this for 5 minutes
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