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inkedbydave · 2 months ago
"Haunted by The Ghost of You..."
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Characters: Livvy Blackthorn & Ty Blackthorn
Series: The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare
Inspired by the flower cards: Striped Rose & Thorn Apple
(I'll love you forever if you reblog this, it's my favorite fanart so far)
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balladofbells · 10 months ago
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Gotsm, page 77
Simon: what’s that? *points to the Christopher Lightwood chasm*
Fell: *darkened expression*
Fell: anyways
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wikitpowers · 11 months ago
and that's on jem being exactly the father kit needs
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alistairlowee · 2 months ago
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whose gonna tell them
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clockwork-carstairs · 3 days ago
“Life is not a boat, bearing us far away from cruel, relentless tide from all we love. You are not lost to me on some forever distant shore. Life is a wheel. If life is a wheel, it will bring you back to me.”
remembered jem saying this to will and nearly fell to my knees because what do you MEAN . what do you mean the soulmatism is so strong even death couldn’t keep you apart . the unbelievable amount of love pouring out of jem’s words, the surety, you are not lost to me. the sheer amount of MISSING . the implicit : come back to me.
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daisymylove · 2 years ago
It's a crime that Lily Chen and Will Herondale never met, especially bc they were (un)alive during the same period.
They would've simped for Jem so hard.
Imagine all the nicknames they could've come up with together
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margareturtle · 1 year ago
Sooo something I love to do is combine my fav things
Which includes musicals and the dark artifices
So I wrote a musical song for when Kit finds out he’s a shadowhunter
If you’re interested it’s here :)
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tscclace · 2 years ago
"But she'd want you to move on. To find someone else"
"There is no one else"
Shadowhunters 3x22
"I don’t know if that’s why he is the way he is, or if it’s just the way he’s made, but he won’t get over you, Clary. He can’t."
City of Glass
So many times since Clary died, Janus had swung around thinking he would see her, hoping desperately for a ghost, for a whisper, for anything but this endless darkness without her.
Ghosts of the Shadow Market
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caterpillarinacave · 2 years ago
Got any random Fairchild family headcanons, especially ones pertaining to Matthew and Henry?
Oh, I always have headcanons!
Also, sorry I took so long to answer, I am currently withering away to sawdust. 
Matthew was one of those “nicely disobedient kids”. Someone will be like “okay, keep your shoes on okay? It’s important not to take them off in here alright?” and he's like “yeah yeah yeah! I got it!” then tears his pants and shirt away and takes off running. 
Both Matthew and Charles were those kids who just hung off their parents 24/7. Actually, all the TID gangs kids are like that. Someone is always carrying at least one child. Henry’s lap is prime real estate. So are Will’s shoulders. What are adults if not your personal chauffeur?
Henry and Matthew actually do have very similar hair, although Matthew’s is straighter. Matthew can’t tell because, you know, he styles it, and Henry absolutely does not. 
Matthew’s concern about not looking like his father in GOTSM is distressing because its so unfounded. He looks a lot like both his parents, and frankly he’s the only one who's never noticed.
Christmas is soooo fun there. Mostly because they dont do any of it at their own house, they just go to all the christmas parties they get invited to and watch shit go down. Every shadowhunter party is a madhouse. Matthew and Charles get released into the crowd of children to play, and Henry and Charlotte just kind of sit to the side and watch everything dissolve into chaos. They’ll send Matthew and Charles home with an uncle or aunt, they're staying to watch 24 year old Micheal what's his name from some corner of Britain tries to fight his 64 year old uncle over the rise of livestock taxes in liverpool. Charlotte doesnt feel morally obligated to step until chairs become involved.
Other than the entertianment of christmas chaos, holidays are fun. They come with markets and present shopping. Matthew and Charles get paired off with whatever parent, then their basically free in a christmas market (provided they stay within five feet of said parent.) Matthew goes with Henry and has the time of his life. He comes home with pockets full of peppermint candies choclaty little fingers and a whole lot of happiness. Also, did you know theres fun holiday stuff in the shadowmarket? Whats better than sitting in your dads lap while he chats with a warlock in a demon language like forty people in the world speak, then going back to the cities for a chocolate croissant. Hey, it's safer than you think, Henry's not letting Matthew go anywhere in that market lol.
Of course, there a lots of bedtime stories and songs. Matthew is big on bedtime stories, though he has a few favorites. He's quite keen on Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, and he asks for it at least once a week. That was Henry's favorite as a child, and there are several copies to pick from which may be part of why Matthew likes it so much.
When Matthew gets a little older they move onto more interesting stuff. You know, the normal books for a nine year old; like The Travels of Marco Polo. Matthew is a well educated nine year old.
There's a lot of checkers and chess. Charlotte is decent at chess, and Henry's amazing at it, though Charles Buford and Matthew are more average. Matthew does, however, enjoy the aesthetic, and can play a mean game of checkers.
Tea time is important. World might be burning down but there will be tea on the Fairchild's table.
Matthew and Charles get sent flowers on special occasions. Doesn't really matter if they want flowers, or if they are "far to old for such frivolaty, I have things to do they'll simply die-" (coughcharlesbufordcough), they get them anyway. Henry and Charlotte have had the same ancient florist from Yorkshire doing it for decades, and considering she's been ninety since Henry was about six, and shows no signs of mortality, Charles and Matthew should prepare to have flowers forever.
One good rule for the kids in that house is to a) knock, and b) if that door is locked, do NOT open it. Really a rule all the TID gang kids know. If you decide to open, or try to open, or even hang out near, a locked door (or any thin walls) may the consequences be on your own head. Look, everyone in that group loves their partner very much, 
That’s why Charles Buford is so bitter btw. Didn’t know the rule, scarred for life. Pretty much like that vine. 
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samclownchester · 2 years ago
I don't need to reread all the Shadowhunters books. I don't need to reread all the Shadowhunters books. I probably wouldn't enjoy rereading all the Shadowhunters books. I could keep reading the new ones if I want but I am already doing too many projects. I don't need to reread the Shadowhunters books.
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inkedbydave · 3 months ago
The Boyfriends and Their Not-so-normal Sisters!
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This was inspired by @aafterglvw s request!
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wikitpowers · 1 year ago
i sometimes lie awake at night thinking about that kit and julian scene in sobh when kit thinks julian doesn’t wanna see him bc he’s on “ty’s side”
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alistairlowee · 2 months ago
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vulnerable orphan boy who shields himself from the world via death stares instantly being disarmed by max lightwood (-bane) being sweet
Jace being welcomed to his new home and family by Max Lightwood
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Rafe being welcomed to his new home and family by Max Lightwood Bane
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Janus preparing to kill Max but not being able to
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clockwork-carstairs · 2 days ago
Son of the Dawn, Ghosts of the Shadow Market
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 4 months ago
Ghosts of the Shadowmarket refering to him as Brother Zachariah 90% of the time but switching back to Jem when he is thinking of Will and Tessa might be my last straw.
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cassandraclare · 1 year ago
hi!! i’m wondering just how many people know about kit being the first heir going into TLKOF? in SOBH round tom knew from the start, can we assume there are other faeries who have interacted with kit and the information is starting to spread? (on that note, is there a reason why faeries didn’t recognize him at the shadowmarket prior to the events of TDA?)
Caveat: I have Covid so I am somewhat feverish. Hopefully nothing I say is totally incoherent.
Hello! I can't tell you exactly how many people know about Kit's heritage and who they are, as that would be a major spoiler for TWP. Certainly his family and friends are trying to keep a tight lid on the information, but secrets can be hard to keep.
When Round Tom met Kit, he could obviously tell that Kit had fey heritage (he referred to him as "cousin") and that Kit had an important/royal vibe about him ("he did a little thing where he jumped in a circle and made some odd gestures in the air, then bowed towards me"), but there's no indication that Round Tom knows exactly who he is or what his deal is, and as a faerie who doesn't concern himself with politics, Tom would be unlikely to. General Winter, on the other hand, does know, but has likely been sworn to secrecy by Kieran. It would only be very ancient and powerful faeries who know a lot of history (and maybe even knew Auraline, like Mother Hawthorn did) who could recognize Kit for what he is on sight. None of the faeries Kit interacted with at the Shadow Market in L.A. fit the bill.
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