#shadow the hedgehog & child reader
lazypanartist · 11 days
HELLO i fucking LOVE ur stobotnik and their kid series!!! its what initially got me to watching the movies and into the sonic franchise as a whole!!! can i request a stobotnik and their kid whos sort of like maria.... like they genuinely love the world and humanity despite (ahem) everything Ivo says. Maybe add in a sprinkle of shadow who sees reader and is taken aback by how similar they are to maria, and now stone + ivo has to deal with their kid having a new guard dog/brother HDSHSDH love ur writing, hope u have a good day!!
*Frantically googling Shadow's personality + Maria Robotnik*
*Having a Crisis™ because WOW OKAY*
Anyways! I've been working on this since the request rolled in, and am 100% invested. Willing to take related requests ^-^
Stobotnik + Sweetheart! Child, + Guard Dog Bestie! Shadow
Note: this is long. Like, LONG long
Your fathers have always loved you, if a tad.. oddly.
Papa Ivo doesn't understand your interest with the rest of humanity.
"What if one of those disgusting cretins gets my baby sick? What if someone actually wanted to hurt you?"
"No, it's far safer for you if you stay by his or Papa Stone's side. Or in the lab. The lab is VERY safe, you know. Well idiot proofed"
Not that he's calling his baby an idiot, of course -
Baba Aban, however, seems to understand you.
Of course he respects Papa's wishes, keeps you close when you do go out, but he tries to sate your interest in humanity best he can.
Always open to questions, and will try to answer everything as age-appropriately as possible.
"What does Papa do all day?"
"He builds things for the government."
"Because it pays well enough to raise you and keeps him busy."
"Why doesn't Papa like other people?"
He.. doesn't have an answer for that one. Not really.
"Just because" sounds too shallow, and "Because people can be horrible" is almost worse.
"To keep you safe."
It's not a lie, but it's not the truth, and the way you huff lets him know you're onto him.
Lets Ivo know before you two are finished with errands, in case you bombard the older man with questions next
They both try and keep you entertained in their own ways
Papa Ivo tries to keep you interested in his machines, how they can be used to better your life
Baba Aban takes you out for errands and helps teach you in the kitchen
Life is as balanced as it can be, considering your solitude growing up
Both dads help you set up a little greenhouse in the traveling lab
"For self sufficiency!" - Papa Ivo
"To give them a new hobby." - Baba Aban
"To keep me busy." - Baby You™
You know what's up
SO since we don't yet know how Shadow calmed tf down in the movie, bare with me here.
After the events of Movie 2 and then the unearthing of Project Shadow, you and your dads are living in the Crabmeat base deep in the Pacific
You and Baba Aban still surface occasionally for groceries and supplies, while Papa Ivo throws himself into his work to distract himself from his latest defeat.
During one surface visit, looking around the Seattle streets while on the back of Baba Aban's motorcycle, you see a strangely familiar figure on a similar vehicle.
You tug on your das's sleeve before gearuring toward the hedgehog
"Baba.. that's not Sonic, is it?"
He looks, does a double take
"Uh.. no."
He's stopping near the same lot the two of you are, and Baba instructs you to message Papa
"Found another alien hedgehog, will update"
He seems wary when the two of you approach, glancing between you as Aban steps closer, an arm in front of your chest to keep you back behind him
"Who are you?"
The hedgehog glares, and you slink just a bit closer to see him
"I am the ultimate life form."
"Decided by who?"
"That's none of your concern."
The two are almost circling one another now, Baba keeping you behind him, even if just barely
"It's my concern if you're here to.. to destroy humanity, or whatever."
You eye him from behind your dad, but he just huffs a laugh
"Destroy? I was created to preserve your human lives."
Your eyes widen again, catching his own before he glanced back towards your Baba
"Is that a problem?"
You tug at Aban's sleeve again, and he slows his movement, letting you peek out more from behind him
"No.. I don't suppose it is."
You finally slip out from behind him, smiling, and Shadow is hit, mentally, with the image of Maria, smile - the same energy as your own
A certain kind of sad loneliness, with an undertone of care
He doesn't know why he thinks of it that way
All he knows is that it feels like home again
The two of you see each other a few times after that, while out on errands with Baba
Papa wants to meet him - of course - but doesn't want another Knuckles situation
(He's very glad that the echidna didn't try and go after you for revenge - after the emerald was taken away, he wasn't sure he could have saved you)
So he lets you - and Stone - approach him on the surface
Not that you know explicitly that you're helping.
Neither of your dad's know about Maria - at least not explicitly - and Shadow still hasn't voiced why he's so attached to you
He finds himself following you whenever he sees you on earth
Of course you're with Baba every time, kept at arms length from Shadow, but he keeps coming back
Papa allows it because he hasn't made any threats
Baba allows it because he seems genuinely friendly
And doesn't seem to recognize him
Finally - FINALLY - Papa asks Baba to help bring him to the base
Respectfully, if possible. He wants to keep the peace, even if it's just for your sake
You get to be the lucky one to invite Shadow to the base
You smile when you ask if he'd like to come, and all he can see is Maria inviting him to see a new breakthrough from her grandfather
He says yes
Your smile gets wider
"This is the first time I've invited a friend home!"
His poor, walled-off heart cracks just a little, and he gives Stone a Look™
Baba just glanced away before offering him a ride in a (rented) car
The two of you sit in the back, just talking to each other, while Stone contemplated how he got to driving one of the aliens.
To his home.
With his child in the backseat next to said alien.
As long as you're happy, and Ivo's happy, then he's sure he'll be fine
Shadow is still vague with answers around his past - every time you try and engage him about family, friends, childhood, home - he thinks of Maria
He still tries to answer you - he grew up in space, with his best friend and her grandfather.
She was.. sick. Very sick. And she died.
Conveniently leaving GUN out of the convo.
He sees the sadness you have for him - the same Maria held when she told him to go - and decides that he'll make space for himself in your life
If you let him.
ONLY if you let him.
The three of you make it back to crabmeat safely, and both of your dads hover, but let you interact how you want
Shadow sees a lot of Gerald in your Papa, but won't say anything.
He can't
Not yet, at least
He ends up staying the night, nested on your floor next to your own little fort, facing the door even in his sleep
Ivo tolerates it, if barely
He brought the hedgehog here to study, not to befriend his baby
"What if he has.. space rabies?!"
Stone just rolls his eyes as he shuts your door most the way, alarm systems all in place for the night
"This is the first time they've had a friend over, Ivo. We'll know if something goes wrong - just let them have this."
"This" turned into "a live-in best friend" rather quickly, to both parents' surprise (and your absolute delight)
Eventually, he caves.
He starts answering questions truthfully, the pain still rather fresh in his mind
He tells you about Maria, about GUN, about his purpose and pain
And you're there to comfort him
He's not graphic, and you don't push, and he appreciates it more than he'll voice, even to you
He figures that as long as you're willing to be there and listen, he'll be there to keep you safe company
Both dads are.. annoyed
Ivo thinks this new hedgehog is overbearing - always at your shoulder, keeping you company when he's supposed to be, never seeming to let you out of his sight
Stone thinks he's up to something, the way he lingers between streets when you're out, watching from the shadows (ha)
In reality, he's just trying to keep you safe
Your dads seem to figure that out when one of Ivo's ridiculous predictions comes true - you wander just a bit too far from Baba to look at some UV lights for your plants on Crabmeat, and someone grabs your arm as they walk past, jostling you enough that you yelp
Shadow is there in half a second, sending the aggressor to the floor before tugging on your hand, coaxing you down so he can look at the bruise forming on your bicep
Baba Aban is there a second later, lowering himself and helping Shadow turn your arm before helping you back up
"We should leave."
The three of you are silent until halfway back to the base, when Baba tilts the rearview to look at Shadow while he's druving
He always glares when he talks to anyone besides you. Typically toward the floor or their chests, but right now he's looking your Baba in the eyes through the mirror, watching your father's gaze soften
*Thank you."
And thank YOU anonymous requester for all of this!
The requests for Sonic Movieverse, and this particular headcanon set, are wide open! Please send me reqs! I'm fixating like a mofo right now!!
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Something I forgot to put in the previous post:
- Zetior and Exemper are siblings
- Exebright, Exeray, and Exefar are all siblings (though Exefar is adopted, that doesn't matter much though)
- Exeater and Exeveler are cousins
- Exebright and Exeater are ex-partners
- Exehost and Exebright are dating
- Exerver, Exever, and Exemper are all in a poly relationship
- Foen is Forgo's adopted brother
- Candy and Foen will not be accepted for romantic requests
- Once you ask about a character I can say their species, how they look, and a bit of their backstory
- I will only do angst and fluff in these oneshots
- Let me know if you want it to be romantic or platonic, and say the gender of the reader, otherwise it will be gender-neutral
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teojira · 23 days
[Click Click Boom] [Shadow x Reader short stories]
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Summary: You're set to be Shadow's companion to keep an eye on him and keep him in line, a courtesy from the goverment for him saving the world with Sonic and the others.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Can be read as platonic or romantic! Shadow/reader romance is implied though! You're human in this, age is vague but you're meant to be in your 20s.
Disclaimer: Shadow is an adult, and as for the furry debate, he's literally an adult who can consent and is sentient, don't like? Don't read!
A/N: I've literally been obsessed with this fucker since I was a literal child and it's the first time I've written for him!! The trailer yas me going insane. This is written well before the movie has come out, literally all I got to work with is Shadow in the trailer and the bits and pieces of info I psychoanalized so I don't wanna hear shit about it not being accurate tbh, this is self indulgent!!
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Shadow isn't the worst task you've been assigned, you both are more akin to awkward roommates more than anything.
I'm talking randomly lingering in the corners of the room, his bright red eyes glowing and they always seemed to be locked right onto you.
You screamed the first dozen times, but now you just glare at the black hedgehog and spit out a "fuck you." and go about your business.
He'll never admit that it brings him infinite amusement, it's hard to tell, but the huff he lets out is evidence enough.
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Shadow will never admit he cares for you, he loses everyone he cares for, and humans don't live that long. It's terrifying to think about how much he's come to like you.
He's not nearly as slick as he thinks he is.
You're sitting down at the dinner table, typing away on your laptop, editing the mission report from the other day when Shadow makes his way towards you. Sending him a nod in his direction, you don't think of anything when he moves in close.
A huge slam takes you off guard though, jumping damn near out of your skin as you twist your head to look at him.
"What the fuck-"
"Take it."
It's one of Shadow's guns, his emblem being engraved along the stock.
"What? No, I have guns." You raise an eyebrow at the hog, his face is perfectly still, eyes locking onto yours as he waits for you to grab the heckler.
"Your guns are worthless, you need something better."
"Well excuse me, I so happen to like my guns." You try and joke back, but the offense is taken.
Shadow rolls his eyes so hard you're scared that he's gonna blind himself. Jutting his chin towards the table once more to get your focus back onto it.
"If you have one of mine, I know you're safe." He doesn't elaborate. Not that he needs to.
"...Thank you, Shad."
All you get is a grunt in response, and he's on his way back to his room.
Gingerly picking up the weapon, you take in how pristine it is, a thumb caressing your small initials that you missed on the other side of the stock.
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With Shadow saving the world, the reeking of havoc makes it to where he's limited to what he is allowed to do in the public eye.
Not that he listens, he isn't supposed to be out after curfew. But to be fair, it is extremely hard to keep a teleporting hedgehog confined to a meager two-story house.
You can hear him teleport above you, he's on the roofs of the nearby building, leering down at you.
It was a small errand you were on, simply stocking up on the essentials for the house.
Namely, snacks for Shadow, he doesn't ask for a lot other than coffee beans and Doritos.
You are choosing to ignore the fact that he eats the coffee beans straight up, the crunch echoes through your head and it sends a shudder down your spine.
He was adamant against you leaving the house this late, standing in front of the front door.
"Fuck you mean no?"
"I said no."
"....I don't listen to men."
And you weaved around him to leave the house, ignoring his shout of disapproval.
That leads you both to here now, you pretending you don't see him trailing you from the rooftops as you walk your way back home from the small shopping center.
You feign surprise when he opens the house door for you, begrudgingly sticking a hand out to help you with your bags.
"Oh! Thank you my knight in shining armor~"
"Shut it."
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He's never told you his birthday, which you can understand, living for 50 years and not having your family around must be hard. No matter how he may fake that it doesn't bother him.
That doesn't stop you, not in the slightest really. You damn near kick him out of the house for the day, shoving him over to Tom and Maddie's house so he can be with the others. Despite how much he protested.
"I don't want to go over there. Not with that blue fake."
"You don't really have a choice bub, I need you out of the house."
"I don't understand why I have to-"
"Keep arguing with me and I will make it a point to not buy you shit next grocery trip."
It's an empty threat, but he grunts nonetheless.
"That's what I thought."
When he finally gets home from his long and admittedly overstimulating day with the Wachowskis, he's ready to recharge in his room.
He teleports through the house door, sighing and rubbing at his temples as he moves to kick off his shoes, knowing that if he doesn't, you'd chastise him for not doing so.
Something about tracking dirt and rocket fuel into the carpet.
After trying to massage his brain through his fur, he opens his eyes up to see a colorful banner strung across the mantle.
'Happy birthday!' It screams, in its disgustingly neon color palette.
Shadow wracks his brain for any information of it being your birthday, he knows for a fact it isn't today. A friend you're throwing a party for? Well, that makes no sense, he knows very well you don't have many friends, especially any that you'd invite your house up for.
You're antisocial to a fault, not that he has absolutely any room to talk.
He hears you before he sees you, turning the corner into the living room, carrying some balloons in your hands. A stupid little party hat on your head.
"Shadow! What are you doing back so early?"
Kicking off the last shoe, he stands at his full height, staring into your eyes with a shrug.
"I wasn't aware I had a time."
"....fair enough, anyways, fuck, goddamnit. Stay here. Okay?"
And you're off, running into the kitchen, his ears flick at the slamming of the fridge door, followed by the cabinets being no doubt, hip nudging it shut way too forcefully.
He's awkwardly standing there still until you yell for him to come in.
Shadow has half a mind to ignore you and go into his room, but curiosity kills the cat, so he takes in a deep breath and makes his way to you.
He finds you sitting at the little kitchenette, a nervous smile spread across your lips as you gesture to the plate in front of you.
The smell is apparent, it's a coffee cupcake.
The hedgehog feels his ears flick again, staring down at the desert, then trailing his eyes back to meet your own. Wordlessly asking you what was going on.
"You've never told me your birthday, but it's been a year since you've been here, with me. After the whole trying to destroy the world shit. So since you won't tell me, we can kinda treat this as it?" You keep rambling, eyes flitting around the room, very clearly nervous as to his reaction.
Shadow doesn't say anything, or move even. Just staring down at the cupcake.
It looks amateurish, the frosting is lopsided, and the toppings on it look messy. But you made it for him. You even added a big black "1" candle in the center.
He doesn't know what to say, he can feel heat rush through his body, rushing to his ears and his face, and his fur feels constricting.
What the fuck.
What the actual fuck.
You go to open your mouth again, no doubt to apologize, but he beats you to it.
Moving to scoop up the treat, he gently sniffs it before taking a cautionary bite.
A beat passes between the two of you.
"...it's good."
Shadow does his best to ignore the smile that blooms across your face, not wanting to remember just how pretty he finds you like this.
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Shadow doesn't like touch, you know it, he knows it, and everyone knows it. He's threatened to break Sonic's wrist for even so much as patting the older hedgehog on the back. Baring his sharper fangs and hissing out to not touch him ever.
He avoids group hugs from Team Sonic, avoids Tom and Maddie like the plague, dodging every invitation to be a part of the family, it makes him sick to think about it.
With you, it's a little different.
You're not like them, you don't push him to change, you don't have a problem with how closed off he is, giving him space, never once pushing his very strict boundaries.
Something churns in his chest at the sound of you crying in your room, you probably think you're being incognito, holding a pillow to your face to drown out your sobs.
The internal debate is heavy, Shadow used to be able to comfort, to provide warmth, but he hasn't done so in years. Flashes of memories where he would comfort Maria on her bad health days, letting her run her fingers over his quills, to lend an ear to Gerald when he was frustrated about treatments not working.
It's not to say he is replacing you in their place, but it's scary. To open himself up like that again. He can feel his anxiety rising as he goes over the pros and cons of crossing this line. Eyes squeeze shut forcefully as he tells himself he doesn't care about you, that you're an adult, and you don't need to be babied.
His ears twitch when a pathetic little whimper drops from your lips, and his resolve cracks.
You don't look up when he makes his way in, too stuck in your bubble.
Startling a little when two, much stronger and larger hands grab at your own, peeling them away from the pillow. Your puffy bloodshot eyes looking at the hedgehog in front of you, his face set as it usually is, stoic. But his eyes are different, and his body language is different, when has he ever looked at you so softly? It's jarring.
Oh, he's moving closer. Okay. Weird.
"Shadow? Uh, I'm ok-"
You try and lie, it's a pitiful attempt. Your voice is scratchy and the tear tracks down your cheeks aren't helping your plight.
"No, you're not."
He shuts you down immediately, hands sliding up your arms to drag you into him.
The instant your bodies touch, you feel a fresh wave of tears well up in your eyes again.
Shadow has you resting against him, your head resting on him as he wraps himself loosely in your arms, giving you the space to move away if you so choose.
It's the first time he's allowed you to hug him, the first time he's ever initiated contact with someone in years. A fact that you both are well aware of.
A sob works its way up your throat, immediately tightening your grip on the hedgehog, curling into him as you shake.
Shadow doesn't say anything, doesn't make fun of you as snot pours from your nose, doesn't point out that your mascara and eyeliner are getting everywhere, just sits there and lets you cling onto him like he's your only lifeline.
He thinks that this is okay, he's strong enough for you both, and you don't need to worry when he's here.
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vampyrixdarling · 6 months
— 「𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐓𝐇 𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦」
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ MASTERLIST
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╰┈➤ Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Scourge and Amy x reader (separate)
: ̗̀➛ synopsis; The hedgehogs just confessed their feelings for you, so how would they act once you rejected them?
: ̗̀➛ Type; Romantic headcanons (short)
: ̗̀➛ warning(s); gender neutral reader, kind of angst, Amy’s crying meanwhile Scourge is a raging man-child.
Likes/Reblogs are always appreciated!! <3
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☆ He’s a little disappointed, to be honest. He felt really strongly towards you, and he felt like you two were meant to be. To be honest, he completely thought you felt the same, which was part of the reason why he confessed to you in the first place.
☆ Regardless, he respects your choice. He just hopes you two can still be friends. After all, he’d hate to lose someone like you. Partner or not, you’re still really important to him.
☆ All he asks of you is that you don’t talk to him immediately. Let him be alone, he needs some time. He doesn’t hate you, far from it, he just needs some alone time to process this and heal.
☆ Like Sonic, he’s disappointed. He poured his whole heart out to you, only for you to reject him? He’s never felt this way for anyone, and the one time he chooses to be completely honest with you, it ends in hurt.
☆ He respects you, of course, it just hurts. He’ll swallow his feelings and try his best to support you, whether you find someone else or not. After all, you two can still be friends. It’ll just be awkward for a little while. He’d avoid you like the plague until he finally feels comfortable spending time with you.
☆ You two are formal, no hard feelings. He’ll try to act like he doesn’t care, pretending that he wasn’t really that interested in you and that it was a silly crush— even though he knew it was so much more. But those feelings for you will never fully go away. He needs time, so please don’t go after him or toy with his heart.
☆ He’s extremely hurt. What do you mean you don’t feel the same way? He was sure you did, you showed all the signs!
☆ But no matter what, Silver will support you. He’d smile and swallow his feelings, telling you it’s alright and that you two can still be friends. But inside he’s crushed. He’s fighting the urge to break down and sob, but he’s staying strong for you. You don’t deserve to see that.
☆ He’ll spend so long wondering what it was about him that you didn’t like. It’ll take a lot of comforting from both Blaze and Amy, but he’ll eventually get over it. Mostly. He respects your choice, he just wishes things would’ve been different between you two.
☆ Don’t talk to him. Please give him some time.
☆ He’s shocked. Baffled. Angry and hurt. Everybody likes him, you must be joking. He’s hot, he’s cool, he’s everything you need. Maybe you do like him and you’re just lying to him and yourself.
☆ He’d be sour. He can’t do anything to change your mind, so he’ll go out of his way to make your life hell like a full grown man-child having a tantrum. Which is exactly what’s happening. His ego can’t handle being rejected.
☆ He turns his sadness into anger in the blink of an eye. He’d act like he never wanted you in the first place, scoffing whenever you walked by and often boasting about the women he managed to swoon that— keep in mind— were not you. It’s annoying and it stings, but he’s a sore loser.
☆ Don’t talk to him. He’s not interested.
☆ She’s extremely hurt. She put her all into that confession, even going as far as baking you some deserts and buying you your favourite flowers, so she’s a bit stunned when you say no.
☆ Tears prick her eyes as she stands there, frozen. She’d force a smile, laughing and assuring you it’s okay, that she really doesn’t mind. Your feelings are always her priority, so she wouldn’t dare cry in front of you.
☆ She’d be your #1 supporter whether you found someone else or not. Amy’s your best friend, and she’s not going to let her feelings get in the way of a friendship she values so much.
☆ Please don’t talk to her immediately, she needs time.
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cherryrainn · 1 year
✶ ˚ *   ✬ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓! ✬   * ˚  ✶
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cherry here, and i'm excited to present something special to you: a masterlist! since i've been writing up quite a storm... i thought it would be fantastic to gather all of it in one convenient place. that's right, a masterlist just for you!
now you can easily find and access all the amazing stuff i've been asked to write.
thanks for your continued support. let's dive in and enjoy this exciting journey together!
commission me or consider supporting on ko-fi! ⋆
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the lorax;
click here!
click here!
hazbin hotel;
click here!
helluva boss;
click here!
teenage mutant ninja turtles;
yandere! shredder x sibling reader who likes exploring (plat) (2014)
yandere! shredder x sibling reader whos getting used to him (plat) (2014)
yandere! shredder x sibling reader who had a nightmare (plat) (2014)
tmnt x robot that donnie made! reader (plat) (2012)
yandere! shredder x brother reader (plat) (2014)
april x karai; karais injury
shredder confessing to reader who's about to jump (2014)
tmnt x mutant! turtle! reader that was raised by the shredder (2014) (plat)
donatello helping reader who's having a panic attack (2014)
tmnt x sibling! reader who is afraid of spiders (2014) (plat)
tmnt x sibling! reader who has nightmares about shredder (2014) (plat)
scooby doo;
shaggy and scoob x child reader thats afraid of the dark (mystery inc) (plat)
sonic the hedgehog;
headcanons of shadow the hedgehog with a stressed best friend/lover
headcanons of sonic, shadow and silver being your best friend
super hardcore sonadow angst (commission)
dragon ball; characters i write
pan x sibling! reader (plat)
cooler, cell, and krillin with a s/o that sacrificed themselves
broly, frieza, & raditz injuring their s/o while having a nightmare headcanons
hanzo taking care of reader
cuddle headcanons with cassidy, hanzo and junkrat
ana x reinhardt in the snow
you're the 3rd shimada sibling and you all reunite (plat)
ducktales (2017);
pocky game; scrooge x male reader
pool date with fenton (male reader)
louie comforting reader who's going through a really hard time
red dead redemption 1 & 2;
arthur morgan x self harming reader
general relationship headcanons for hosea and dutch with an s/o
stranger things;
billy hargrove x amab! reader fluff
eddie munson x reader angst to fluff
billy hargrove x reader fluff
across/into the spiderverse;
cuddle headcanons with miguel
cuddle headcanons with hobie
ivy x female! pianist reader (platonic)
mordecai has a panic attack in front of serafine and nico
disney; characters i write
cinderella, aurora, pocahontas, and moana if their noses grew like pinocchio
glamrock freddy x stressed out reader (plat)
i’m in need of love; ace frehley x reader (fic)
ace frehley x pauls sister! reader
eric carr x shy! fem! reader
ace frehley (space ace) x fem! reader that he accidentally abducted
speedin' back to my baby ; ace frehley x reader
chucky x depressed! teen! reader (plat)
headcanons of fem! teen! reader having a nightmare about chucky (plat)
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heartsoji · 1 year
omg hello! since requests are open and all, I want to request kenma, Suna and atsumu and Oikawa with a reader who gets happy over the most childish thinsg
I got a shadow the hedgehog plush backpack from one of my brothers and I was so happy for like a week straight
a/n: THIS IS LITERALLY ME. i still watch disney movies and kids shows bcs they're just so nostalgic and wonderlicious
warnings: suna's is a little ooc but wtv im in a fluffy duffy mood
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suna, atsumu, and oikawa x reader (separate)
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he finds it so cute
he loves how he can give you something like a plushie or a lollipop and you get all happy and smiley
he just loves it. he loves you!
he's addicted to the way your eyes light up and brighten the room when a funny scene comes on in the kids show you're watching
literally anyone could see the way his eyes soften whenever you get all happy over something childish
he just finds it so stinking adorable
but ofc, he also has to tease you about it
its all in good fun, he loves it so much
you giggled happily and twirled around with the cute little plushie that rin had just given you. it was soft and fluffy and warm and had the cutest ears and just made you so happy.
unbeknownst to you, rin was staring at you lovingly with a tender gaze, wondering to himself how he got someone so cute.
you were the light rin needed. when he got down and dark, you were the light that pulled him back up. and he found the fact that you loved stuff like this SO CUTE
contrary to what he was thinking, he smirked and began to tease you about it. "it makes you that happy? what are you, a baby?"
you beamed. "your baby!"
he cringed slightly, but then let out a loving sigh as he curled an arm around you.
"i guess so."
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he loves everything about you, and that includes your love for childish things
whenever you have a cute reaction to something childish, he has to fight the urge to spin you around in a tight hug and pepper your face with kisses and tell you how cute that was
he fails most of the time
he doesn't really think its weird or tease you about it or anything
i firmly believe that atsumu still sleeps with his childhood stuffie, so he thinks its cute that you guys are kinda similar in that aspect
also, hes just a ginormous child, so uh
it was a peaceful sunday afternoon, and you guys were watching bluey together. then, during the magic xylophone episode in the scene where bluey's dad played bluey like a piano and tickled her silly, he paused the show and quickly pounced on you and dug his fingers into your ribs.
"you're MY magic xylophone! ping ping ping! ping ping! pururururuing!" he shouted, kneading and knocking at your ribs
"tsuhuhumu, stahahap!" you giggled trying weakly to fight his hands off
"hmm.. i think that i should get some more practice in, don'tcha think?" he teased, continually prodding at the sensitive area.
you both paused at the little hiccup you gave. it was silent for a moment before atsumu grabbed you and spun you around, laughing as you giggled and "wheee!"'d.
"yer so freakin' cute im gonna die!" he laughed as he peppered your face with kisses.
you giggled as you two settled back down on the couch together, cuddling up with each other and your favorite stuffies.
he sighed contentedly as he leaned his head on you, melting into your warmth as you did the same.
he honestly loved moments where he could be childish without being judged like this with the person he loved most in the world. (he internally apologized to his ma)
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little brat but its ok
he really likes bubbles, as do you
sometimes when its nice out, the two of you will just blow bubbles and just watch in mesmerization
(sometimes in the shower too!)
hes also really into disney
he hid it before, but once he started dating you, one of his favorite at-home date activities is watching disney movies together!
frozen is his fav
he knows all the lyrics to all the frozen songs and sings along everytime
hes your little princess
"LET IT GOOOO" you screeched in his ear. "LET IT GO-O-O, TURN AWAY AND SLAM THE DOOOOR"
"LET THE STORM RAGE OOOOOOOOON" tooru held the high note, his voice cracking a couple times.
"the cold never bothered me anyway" *hairflip*
you two plopped your butts back down on the couch heavily, tired and out of breath from the karaoke session.
"you did really well, princess" he complimented, voice breathy.
"you... you, too." you replied, "princess."
"HEY" he cried, clinging onto you. "i'm your PRINCE, remember?"
you grinned. "i think princess suits you better."
"y/n-chaaaaaaan!" he whined, shaking you, "you're so mean!"
you couldn't help but laugh at his childish antics, hiding your face slightly with your olaf plushie
"i love you."
you stopped short, giving him a curious look.
"you're the one for me."
you simply smiled in return. "as are you for me."
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rainychaoloveshack · 3 months
゚ ⋆ ゚ ☂︎ ⋆ ゚ 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬. 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠.
you can’t control yourself, but shadow always tries to help. 
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synopsis. brother!shadow & f!sister!reader, reader has pyro powers, angst, reader is very self-critical, mentions of blood and near-death
☂︎ wc. 1k ☂︎ a/n. THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING THIS!!!
likes, reblogs, and especially comments are extremely appreciated!!!
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__________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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┊    ┊⋆     ┊   .
┊    ┊       ⋆˚              
✧. ┊         
⋆。˚ 🌨 ˚。⋆。🌩˚☽˚。⋆ 
“You need to be more careful.” Shadow mutters, wrapping bandages around the freshly made wounds set on your arm, skin set aflame already showing its damage with scarring, deep burns. Shadow winces as you flinch back, the pressure put on your arm almost too much to bear.
It’s always been a struggle to control what you have. When your emotions get all out of whack, that's when it hurts the most. It’s your biggest fear that one day you’ll hurt those closest to you, whether it be Professor Gerald, Maria, or your brother Shadow.
“Sorry.” He mutters softly, being more delicate with his patching up of your wounds. You can feel yourself dissociating, trying to distract yourself from the situation at hand as your thoughts swirl around.
Shadow was the main one of the professor's focus; the star. Not that he didn’t show you any less love than your brother, in fact, the professor went out of his way to show you the same affection as one would their child, but it was always the presumption to you that Shadow was better.
And better he was. He could control himself, he never let his emotions get the better of him, always so calm.
But here you are, being patched up by that calm hedgehog, because of the consequences of that lack of control. Luckily, this time, it was just your arm. Shadow was able to stop you in time.
But it doesn’t hurt any less, as if your entire body was set alight.
“[Name].” Shadow’s stern voice brings you back to reality, making you jump as you’re pulled out of your dissociation. “It’s done.” He mutters, running a gloved hand down the length of the bandages briefly, and a small wince forms on your face at the light pressure. How does it hurt this bad?
“Yes?” Shadow looks at you, tilting his head at the assumption that you want to ask a question due to your silence, and you look away from your bandages, ashamed of the situation present now.
It’s just a plain question. One with a hopefully plain, simple answer. Yet you can feel the words stuck in your throat as you try to get them out.
Will everything be okay?
You clench your fist, feeling the burns sting across your arm as tears prick the corners of your eyes, rolling down your cheeks rather quickly as they fall into your lap. Why are you such a miserable girl? Out of control. Flawed.
Shadow frowns at the sight, reaching over to wipe the tears away from your face, staining his glove. Your body starts to tremble slightly, looking at him with tear-filled eyes, using your unwounded hand to scratch at his other one that's stationary on his lap in an anxious habit; to fidget with. Shadow doesn’t mind.
“I don’t know what the future holds, but…” He pauses, trying to form his words correctly. After a few seconds of silence, Shadow’s frown quivers, and he settles on the words he wants to say.
“I… I hope we can stay here. Just like this.”
Who would’ve known that just that plain dream would’ve been a lie? A lie, that's all it was.
You couldn’t fight back the reminiscence as you bled out in Shadow’s arms, the same arm burned so long ago almost torn apart, leaking a pool of red, warm crimson. Also accompanied by the other various burns and scars that ache around your entire body, alongside the pitting hole in your heart.
You gave it your all to protect him, even if he didn’t need it. Even if he could’ve truly held his own, you don’t regret a single thing. Not at all. To see Shadow come out unscathed is more than enough for you.
Looking up at him silently, you tilt your head into his chest, seeking that comfort he gave you so long ago. How many times did he scream your name? Begging for you to stay awake just a little longer. To stay alive.
Despite the numbing pain as you slip from consciousness, an odd smile crawled up your face as you looked at your brother for just a little longer, taking important note of the darkness of his quills.
As dark as the sky in space, glittered in stars as far as the eye can see. Just like how you all were on the ark. A happy family, almost.
Maria and Professor Gerald must’ve been looking down on you both that day.
“[Name]!” It doesn’t even take you a second to register the black hedgehog immediately scrambling onto his feet to get a better look at you, leaning down as he blabbers frantically. “You’re awake, you’re awake!” 
It doesn’t take long to notice the clean, white walls that surround you both, along with the various medical equipment laid out throughout the entire room. The hospital…? So your wounds must’ve been taken care of too; and by the way your arm feels so numb, and the lack of noticeable movement from the limb, it looks like your arm was saved too.
“[Name], ah,” He mumbles, clenching at the hospital sheets that cover you. “You’re awake…” He repeats, almost in disbelief as his body trembles slightly, overtaken by that pure joy fueling his veins.
Ah. That smile he has… You’ve never seen him smile like that before.
If only he would smile like this more often. Finally getting to see your brother like this fills you with an indescribable warmth, causing you to start laughing at his shocked, yet excited expression at your awakening. You’re not even sure how long you’ve been out, but it doesn’t matter now. You’re back.
You’re home.
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sonicblueartist · 8 months
✧*・゚*𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠
Is this an x Reader?
hmm... probably
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"Once upon a time, in a universe far beyond the reaches of our own, there existed a child from the stars. She was full of curiosity and wonder. From the moment she was born, she longed to make friends with the other stars who filled the vast expanse of the universe.
However, as she wandered among her fellow celestial sisters, she soon realized that they were too consumed with their own egos and desires. Each star was solely focused on shining the brightest, competing with one another for attention and admiration. No one seemed interested in the gentle light that emanated from her being. She yearned for companionship, for friends who would truly care instead of pretending not to see her.
Feeling disheartened, she made a difficult decision. She left her sisters behind and venture off into the unknown in search of genuine companionship. With a renewed sense of hope, she set her sights on a new world where their sun and moon wandered idly around an enchanting planet.
As she descended towards this beautiful planet, she was mesmerized by the harmonious dance of the sun and the moon. Their presence filled her with a sense of awe and excitement. With a happy heart and eagerness in her eyes, she wished to make friends with these celestial beings who seemed to possess a unique balance of light and darkness.
Her arrival on the planet ignited an enchanting string of events that would forever alter the destinies of three extraordinary beings. Intrigued, a blue hedgehog emerged from the surface of the moon to see this radiant star's child. His playful nature and carefree spirit complemented the moon's serene atmosphere. She was entranced by his fearlessness and individualist nature, and together they discovered the mysteries of the night that falls upon the world.
Simultaneously, a golden fox came forth from the sun to meet her. With his inner fire and pure soul, he radiated warmth and light like the brilliant sun itself. She was captivated by his wit and kindness, as he showed her the wonders of daylight and the vibrant world that accompanied it.
As their friendship grew, the three companions shared moments of joy and laughter. They danced through fields of stardust and swam in oceans of moonlight, experiencing the beauty of both day and night. She felt a profound sense of belonging, knowing she had finally found friends who truly understood and cared for her.
But amidst the shared happiness, a gentle ache started to grow within the fox's heart. He had fallen deeply in love with her, unable to deny the profound connection they shared. However, in the depths of his soul, he feared that his love for her would forever remain unrequited. He knew his brother meant no harm, but she and the hedgehog seemed to grow closer each passing day, and he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of envy towards him, causing something inside him to turn petrified.
However, as fates often do, a dark cloud of sorrow loomed on the horizon. One fateful morning, as the sun prepared to illuminate their world, a sinister man emerged from the shadows, tearing apart their peaceful night like a cruel paper cut. He wickedly whispered into the fox's ear, flaming that venom inside his heart to burst out like hot lava, his words ravaging his golden essence, infecting him with corruption. Next, he turned his attention to the child of the stars, whispering poison into her innocent mind, dimming the light that once emanated from within. In horror, the hedgehog watched as their friends were consumed by the darkness that had infiltrated their souls.
With unfaltering determination, the hedgehog sprang into action, desperately trying to reach the corruption inside of his friends in hopes to purify them. He pleaded with them to see the truth, to break free from the tangle of lies, but anger and grief clouded their perception. The hedgehog's earnest cries fell on deaf ears, for the corrupted hearts of his friends refused to hear the truth. As the pain within their companions grew, the stars themselves began to dim, mirroring their sister's agony. In the same vein, the sun, witnessing the suffering of the golden fox, unleashed its wrath upon their world, scorching everything in its path. The celestial harmony crumbled, and the very fabric of the sky descended into turmoil as the sun waged war against the night.
In the midst of the chaos, the dark blue hedgehog, his soul aching with sorrow, unleashed a powerful silent cry, which pierced the surface of the moon, tearing open a deep chasm and craters. His hearts bled for their fallen friends, caught in an eternal struggle he could not halt. His pleads for reconciliation went unanswered, his pain echoing through the desolate battlefield.
And so, the selfish and relentless clash sparked a war that seemed to stretch across eternity, leaving their world in perpetual conflict. Peace became a distant dream, nothing more than an elusive memory. The moon, looming above the planet, reflected a bright light tinged with anger and sadness, once a reflection of the love shared between close friends. Her light now shone mournfully upon the planet, nestled amongst the dim, distant stars. Fearing her child would witness the pain and destruction, the moon hid her son, sheltering him from an unbearable reality. Upset, he went into a deep slumber there.
Years turned into eons, and the war claim turned into a cold war, dividing the planet into two distinct halves. The sun stubbornly clung to its pride, refusing to move from its position, casting its eternal light upon the morning side. On the other side lay the night, where the moon, ever-present and comforting, bathed its inhabitants in soft, gentle rays of hope.
Until one day, in the deepest corners of his heart, the golden fox could bear his longing for his cherished friends no longer. His body turned to stone, no longer able to burn like before. Their absence tore at his soul, tormenting him with grief untold. He dropped to his knees, seeking guidance, turning his desperate gaze to the sun. He pleaded for his assistance to reunite him with his lost friends, to let him go. Yet, the sun, scarred by the pain his child had endured, hesitated to grant such a request, fearing his beloved son would face further harm. He warned the fox of the consequences awaiting those who abandoned the light.
"If you leave, as punishment you can never come back." Sun warned his son.
But the fox, consumed by determination, turned his back on the sun's pleading cries. He vowed to find a way to reach his friends, even if he had to forsake the light forever. He set forth, distancing himself from the comforting rays, embarking on an arduous journey that led him to the night, where the stars hid, shrouded by the moon's guiding light.
With every step, the fox's heart burned with regret, acknowledging the chaos and pain he had played a part in. He searched relentlessly, desperate to find a single star, a glimmer of hope, but they remained concealed. At the brink of despair, he found himself under the moon's light, begging for assistance once more. The moon, who had witnessed the devastation caused by their meaningless fight, could no longer disregard the fox's pleas.
"You seek to reclaim that which you had a hand in extinguishing," the moon spoke softly, her voice laced with sorrow. "Your fight, born from pure selfish anger and ignorance, led us down a path from which there is no return. You must be held accountable for your actions. No star shall shine under my light. Darkness shall be your companion, forever concealing the light you now long for."
And so, the golden fox was left alone, enveloped in darkness, bearing the weight of his regret. His beloved star remained forever invisible, lost to the void, as he himself was doomed to dwell within the shadows. She was, for him, the brightness of stars. True to the moon's decree, he would never shine again, forever burdened by the absence of his dear companions.
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In the sprawling expanse of the universe, their story serves as a cautionary tale, a reminder of the consequences of selfishness and strife. The blue hedgehog, the golden fox, and the child from the stars had once been creatures of light, destined to shine together. Yet, they succumbed to the darkness that lurked within, their actions leaving behind a world shattered by their own hands.
Their tale, forever etched in the annals of the universe, serves as a somber reminder that true enlightenment lies not in the dominance of one's light but in the harmony and unity of all lights combined. And so, their story remains a timeless lesson, urging hearts to seek peace, to cherish friendship, and to guard against the eternal dusk that lurks within us all."
"That's how it ends?"
"But that's so sad! He couldn't even see the one he love again!"
"Well, not all stories end good."
"That's not fair."
"Maybe but in order for there to be a fair world, there must be dark times so that good people can learn from it. Just like light and shadow coexist. There needs to be a balance."
"But that doesn't explain why he have to stay upset forever!"
"Everyone faces the consequences of their actions, dear. Beside, this is the side we only know, we don't know what happend after. Maybe he moved on and find happiness in other things?"
"Hmm, well... that's really nice to think of."
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You blink your eyes open, slowly awakening from a strange and vivid dream. As the morning sunlight pours through your window, its gentle warmth embraces your body, providing solace against the remnants of your unconscious vision.
Your mind feels foggy, attempting to recall the intricate details of the images that had played out within your dream. They had been so tantalizingly vivid. Yet, as you struggle to grasp at the elusive fragments of memory, they slip through your fingers like sand.
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scramblescrew · 3 months
Ok so I need to make an updated version of my request list so here it is!
Be sure to read all the way through to stay informed of this blog!
Request guidelines:
Cookie Run Kingdom
Sonic the hedgehog
SCP and SCP researchers
Can and will write:
Cannibalism HCs (only for CRK Requests)
Parent and child scenarios
Can’t and Won’t write:
P*dophilia (self explanatory.)
Child x child (no exceptions)
Some Character x Character ships (DM me to double check)
Zoophilia (Zoophiles can f*ck off my page, normal furries and accepting non-furries can stay though 🥰)
Some k*nks (dm me to double check)
I am only doing One Cult of the lamb fic I’m sorry!
Remember, if you have doubts if I can write it, Feel free to DM me with any questions!
Up Next: Shadow the Hedgehog x Reader
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Have a good day! 😊
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20forty9 · 6 months
I Didn't Mean To Haunt You
Chapter II - Couloir (Intro)
Summary : The spirit wakes up in a new place, completely disoriented. Meanwhile, you and Yaga have a meeting with the higher-ups that doesn't go to plan (as usual), you meet two other students on campus, Shoko wants to practice her technique, and you take a moment to yourself to reflect on the past.
Word Count : 5.9k
Warnings : None to my knowledge
Pairings : Gojo Satoru/Reader, Geto Suguru/Reader, Everyone/Reader (Reverse Harem)
Cross-posted on Ao3
A/N : I got exactly one comment on Tumblr and that was enough to motivate me to edit this chapter and share it with you guys ASAP! No Gojo or Geto this chapter, sorry, but I promise that they show up next chapter! At least you get to meet other beloved characters in the meantime :)
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You're never going to learn something as profoundly as when it's purely out of curiosity. ~ Unknown
It wakes up, laying on its stomach in a stark white room on an uncomfortable mattress that lays in the middle of the floor. There are no windows to tell the time of day. The spirit feels discombobulated, mouth dry and throat burning as if it had been starved of food and water for days. Slowly, its arms push down on the mattress to heave its body up, but it gasps as its eyes catch the ugly mark of the curse on its left arm. It stretches along its skin, only being a few inches in diameter. It falters, falling back on its arms from the pain that flares as its body catches up to the situation. 
Reminiscent of Madame Suliman, its head snaps to look behind it at the end of the mattress, eyes landing on the door only a few feet away from it. 
Mustering the strength, it crawls over to the door, placing a hand flat against the cold metal. Closing its eyes, its brows furrow as it is unable to feel any molecule of iron, when normally it would feel everything . It tries once more, palm completely pressed up against the door, yet there’s nothing. It frowns harder, trying yet again to manipulate the molecules, having the metal bend underneath its will, but the second it tries it, its left arm flares up in pain and it nearly screams in agony – it feels like someone poured acid over its arm then threw a match to light it on fire, millions of needles pricking at its skin all at once. Short of breath, it immediately stops trying to manipulate the iron, sweaty forehead pressing against the door as it gasps for air. 
This doesn’t deter it from trying to break out. Its hands form into fists as it pounds against the door, feeling it shake against its knuckles from the force behind its punches. 
The door suddenly swings open, and the spirit’s eyes land on the form of a short person, their features shrouded in shadows as the bright surgical lights glow behind them. They step aside, letting their face be illuminated. Blue-grey eyes look down on it, an air of curiosity to them. It suddenly realizes that this is a young teenager, his golden curls sticking out at awkward angles, untamed. There’s a blue hedgehog drawing on his t-shirt, with pyjama pants to match. 
The kid’s eyes widen, jaw dropping slightly as he steps back, letting go of the handle. 
The spirit scrambles on its knees to make it through the gap before the door can close completely, slamming it shut behind it. 
The two of them look at each other, neither of them saying a word. They both size each other up – one is a curious child who opened the wrong door, the other is a weakened spirit who can barely even stand on its own two legs. 
Just as the blonde opens his mouth, probably to shout for someone for help, the spirit manages to summon enough strength to push against the floor, covering the kid’s mouth with its hand, feeling the vibrations of a muffled scream die against its palm. With its free hand, it puts a single finger to its mouth. Be quiet. 
The young teenager nods, eyes wide and pupils dilated out of fear, but the spirit doesn’t miss how his gaze quickly snapped to the hallway to the side. That must be the exit. There’s not a single person in sight besides the both of them. 
If it lets this kid go, he’ll probably go running to an adult and it’ll get thrown back into that nightmare of a room. It doesn’t want to resort to such petty behaviour, but it can’t let him snitch on it. Time to continue playing the bad guy for a bit longer.  
Standing on two shaky legs, it shoves the blonde towards the hallway, continuing to cover his mouth with its hand. 
It takes a moment to look around. The hallway is a complete contrast to the room it was once locked in. There’s only a few lights in the ceiling here, warm light shining down every so often against the dark royal red wallpaper. Floral patterns painted from gold contrast against the dark colour. There are paintings donning the walls, each showing a different landscape. The spirit tries not to dwell on the illustrations, continuing to move forward. The hallway seems to stretch on endlessly, but there’s a small bright light at the end of it – it’s getting closer and closer to escaping. 
The light at the end of the tunnel gives way to an enormous circular greenhouse, some plants stretching to the tall ceiling that seems to be about forty feet high. There’s an incredible variety of flowers and trees, some exotic birds roaming freely amongst the branches. It’s temperature regulated – sweat immediately starts to dot the spirit’s forehead again, uncomfortable humidity sticking to its skin. Natural light pours in through the hundreds of windows of the greenhouse, held together by a white frame, letting in the moonlight and painting everything in a blue hue. There’s a moment of appreciation for the beauty, care and time that has obviously been put into the building. 
Before the spirit’s mind can wander, it remembers its current situation. It notices that there are glass doors that lead to an outdoor garden; this must be the nearest exit. 
The kid held hostage in its grasp starts to realize what’s happening, and he starts to trash around, even going as far as to bite its hand. Immediately, its grip loosens on him, and the kid runs forward to block the exit with his arms spread wide. Seriously? He thinks that’ll stop me? 
It’s too dark to tell what the kid is saying to it, the shadows of the night once again swallowing his features, but the spirit is sure it’s something along the lines of it not being allowed to leave. Rolling its eyes, it takes a step forward, and it can see his body tensing as he holds his ground. Fine, if that’s the way he wants to play. 
There are plenty of plants to manipulate in this greenhouse; it’s an unfair fight, in complete honesty. The spirit flicks its hand, but the plants don’t reply to its action. Shit, I forgot. There’s not that familiar pull at the back of its mind telling it that there’s water molecules nearby, and it is sure that if it tries hard enough to reach out to those molecules, it’ll just result in the same pain it felt earlier. 
Well, what’s the worst a kid can do against a full-grown spirit, anyways? 
It strides forward, its cold, calculating eyes locking onto blue-grey ones filled with fear, and just as its arm raises above the kid’s head to press against the glass door, it feels a punch to the gut, making it double over–
– What?! 
Blood spews from its mouth, hand clutching its stomach as it staggers backwards, eyes locking onto the cursed energy surrounding the kid’s fist. He looks surprised with himself, his entire body shaking from the shock. He’s never done that before, the spirit realizes. It wipes the blood from its chin, raising its head again to look at the exit standing right behind the kid, then back at him, but he seems to be focusing on something behind the spirit. 
It turns around, coming face-to-face with a familiar woman.
Madame Suliman. 
The lights in the greenhouse turn on, bathing the building in artificial light, making the spirit’s eyes squint to try and adjust to the sudden change. It notices that Suliman must’ve been woken up by the fray, judging by her short, dark red nightgown and the matching long silk robe. Her hair is in a long braid, resting along her right shoulder, and there’s not a trace of makeup or lipstick on her face, unlike their first meeting. She doesn’t even look irritated to see that the spirit had managed to make its way out of the locked room – in fact, there’s not a single emotion shown across her face other than contempt. 
Multiple men in suits surround the three of them, different weapons held in their hands, while Suliman stands in the middle of them all. 
“I see you’ve met Maheas,” she says, her grey eyes locking onto the young boy standing behind the spirit. 
Maheas immediately runs to Suliman's side, letting two men take his place behind its back instead. 
“Madame! You’re here,” he clings to her side, burrowing his face into the soft silk sleeve covering her arm. 
“You’ve run into some trouble, I see,” she remarks, looking back at the spirit. 
“I didn’t mean to let it out, I’m sorry, Madame,” he replies, eyes following hers. “It was banging at the door, I had no clue you were keeping it there.” 
Suliman waves over one of her men, who grabs Maheas’ forearm and drags him away from the woman so she can approach the spirit. She takes slow, steady steps towards it, continuously keeping eye contact with it. 
“Why did you run?” She asks it. 
Its eyes look down towards its arm, then back at her. Isn’t it obvious?
That gets a small smile to grace her lips. “I see.” 
She makes a sudden movement, grabbing its arm and holding it in her (rather firm, it notes) grasp. She seems to be inspecting the mark left behind by their first encounter. For the first time, the spirit notices a look of pride in her eyes. It’s terrifying. 
“Well,” Suliman looks back into its eyes, “what an ugly mark. We’ll have to cover it up. We can’t have anyone seeing that monstrosity when you’re around them, can we?” 
With a snap of her fingers, a different man walks up to the two of them, a scrap of silk in hand. He gives it to Suliman, who delicately places it around the spirit’s arm. Her hands are soft against its skin, but it doesn’t fail to send shivers down its spine. She carefully wraps it, making sure to cover the curse mark, and ties a small knot to bring it all together. 
“There,” she says. “Much better.” 
“Should we bring it back to the cellar?” The spirit catches one of the men nearby asking Suliman. Anything but those white walls, it thinks to itself, nervously looking behind itself to look at the exit again. The two men standing behind it shuffle closer together to block its view of the door. 
“No, let’s bring it to the room we’ve set up,” Suliman replies. “The cellar should only be used for extreme situations.” 
Extreme? What does that even entail? 
Nevertheless, the men nod their heads, the one holding onto Maheas’ arm dragging him into a different direction than where Suliman walks towards. The spirit gets shoved forward by the men behind it, making their way down yet another hall, opposite from the one where Maheas and the spirit came from. 
It leads the way to another gigantic building, and they enter the foyer, the same dim lighting bathing the dark red curtains that cover most walls. Everything about this place screams rich, or even royalty, at this point. More paintings are strewn around, gold statues and bookcases filled to the brim pushed up against the walls. There’s a butler standing next to a pair of large elegant arched wooden doors, a maid on the opposite side. A beautiful glass chandelier hangs in the middle of the ceiling, casting small rainbow reflections across the marble floors of the mansion. There’s a grandfather clock nearby, announcing the time as ten-thirty at night, the old wood recently polished.
Suliman continues leading them up a spiral staircase, then yet another dim hallway, multiple closed dark oak doors on both sides of it. At this point, Suliman dismisses the men with a simple wave of her hand as she approaches the last door. She opens the door, gesturing to the spirit to enter first. 
Inside the room, there’s a small twin-size bed pressed against the wall, right underneath the only window in the room, made up with multiple pillows and blankets. It looks rather comfortable. The open curtains match the rest of the mansion, the same dark red silk present, a layer of white lace underneath it. Next to the door, there’s a small closet to its right, then a doorway that leads to a compact bathroom on the left. At the end of the bed sits a small desk that matches the dark oak door with a chair to pair with it. A few books lay on top of the desk, stacked on top of each other. 
Suliman makes her way over to the books, picking one up and flipping through it. 
“This is where you’ll be staying,” she says to the spirit, not looking up from the tome in her hand. “You aren’t allowed to go anywhere other than these grounds. If you leave, I will know.” 
It’s a thinly veiled threat, accentuated by the sudden move of slamming the book back down on the table, making its weak wooden legs shake. 
“We’ll talk more in depth tomorrow. You two woke me up with your kerfuffle, I don’t appreciate that.” 
And with that, Suliman takes her leave, closing the door behind her. 
A few minutes pass as the spirit stands in place, trying to process everything that has just happened. Out of curiosity, it goes to try the golden handle – just as it suspected, it is locked shut. The only ways it would be able to make another escape is either break the window open, or break the door down and most likely encounter the men (who it presumes are guards) that had escorted them to its room. However, neither of those options are appealing at the moment, especially with the vague threat Suliman had made. Just how powerful is she, really?
It huffs. It may as well inspect its surroundings a bit more, maybe there’s something in this room that will help spark another idea to get away. 
It looks in the closet first; it is completely empty, save for a few hooks and hangers. There’s a small space for storing shoes and other accessories, but otherwise that’s it. 
Next, it looks at the books on the desk. ‘ Spirits & Curses, ’ ‘ Tales of Ancient Spirits,’... blah blah blah… it seems that the woman may have an obsession with its kind. The spirit is surprised not to see ‘ How to Curse a Spirit 101,’ in complete honesty. That book would do numbers. 
Well, that was a futile attempt. It kneels down on the ground right next to the bed, looking underneath it to check if there was anything else. Yet, still nothing. 
There’s a groan building at the back of its throat but it refuses to let it loose, instead looking out the window and into the night sky. Exhaustion settles deep within its bones, the agony that it had felt when it first woke up and tried to bend the metal to its will draining it completely. 
Hands grabbing the bed frame for support, it gets back up on both legs and makes its way to the bathroom. Maybe pouring cold water over its face will help distract it from the mark on its arm. Flicking the dim light (should it even be surprised, at this point?) on, its eyes immediately land on the mirror parallel to the doorway and it nearly recoils in shock. 
It’s the first time it’s seen itself since this whole fiasco began, and it is utterly disgusted with itself.
Blank eyes stare back at it; there is absolutely no light being reflected into them. It looks dead (it feels just as much, too, when seeing the curse mark peek through the silk fabric). Not only that, but its left eye is a completely different colour. The original hue is replaced by the same colours that now wrap around its arm. Everything is suddenly all too real – it has actually been poisoned by a human, of all things. At this point, it expects its heart to beat out of its chest, but it feels nothing, strangely enough. 
…That’s weird. 
It presses its index finger and middle finger against its wrist, searching for a pulse. Odd, there’s no pulse. Maybe the shock from everything that has happened is just making it overthink. It presses the same fingers against its neck, just underneath its jaw and beside its windpipe. Still, there is no familiar thumping against the pads of its fingertips. 
Frantic, both hands press down on the left side of its chest, where its heart should be. 
Something is terribly wrong . 
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It’s been a little over a week since you have been ‘integrated’ into Yaga’s second-year class. Even with the end-of-summer heat, your group trains amongst themselves often, even if it ends with all four of you splayed out on the cool grass after a measly ten minutes of physical exertion. Gojo is still apprehensive of you, Geto has been coming around more, and Shoko is constantly glued to you and your notebook. It feels like a good friendship is forming between you two. 
Your nose is still broken. 
Currently, you and Yaga find yourselves at the monthly meeting held with the higher-ups. They set it up under the pretense of being a time for them to catch up on the latest happenings in the schools across Japan, discussing how to go forward with strengthening the jujutsu society, and any progress on your current state – codeword for ‘ if there’s even one thing wrong, we’re putting you down like a dog,’. The meetings always end on a tense note, the higher-ups never failing to glare daggers in your direction. 
And right now, it’s looking like they’ll kill you right where you stand. 
“You want to do what ?” Gakuganji asks incredulously. He’s always the first one to jump at the opportunity to verbally attack you, no matter the situation. 
“I just think it would benefit the other students and staff if everyone could understand them. They would also be able to communicate with us more easily. Not only that, Japanese Sign Language is very useful outside of just school. It’s worth the investment,” Yaga says. 
“Why would we do that just to accommodate that? It’s unnecessary,” another elder speaks up. “It can read our lips just fine. Oralism seems to be working for it.” 
“Not always. Some people mumble their words, or have beards that cover their lips. It is hard to understand most people, we’re just lucky that their eyes are keen enough to tell the difference between most words, but sometimes that’s not enough.” 
You mentally thank Yaga for explaining it. The higher-ups have never bothered trying to understand you, so it’s all up to the teacher to speak up on your behalf. 
“It’s ridiculous for you to expect us to bend to the curse’s every want or need,” the same elder says. 
“I’m not expecting you to, I’m just asking you all to consider something that could benefit everyone in the long run. What if we have another deaf jujutsu sorcerer in the future? Or a mute one?” 
That gets two elders giving each other a look. Yaga told you in the past that they’re hard of hearing, which might mean there’s a better chance of them considering the offer that he has put on the table. 
“They unbanned sign language nearly three years ago, even public elementary schools are slowly starting to implement these kinds of programs,” Yaga puts his foot down again, trying his best to push the higher-ups to see at least an ounce of reason. He crosses his arms, a pinched, unhappy expression written all over his face in dissatisfaction. “Don’t you think we should catch up to modern times as well?” 
They look around at each other, lips sealed shut. 
You feel like you’re unable to look at anyone right now, so you look down at your hands, anxious at the conclusion that the higher-ups will come to. As long as you don't read their lips, you won’t know the result until Yaga tells you after the meeting ends. 
The next time you look up, they’re discussing a completely different topic. Well, not exactly. 
“Have there been any behavioural changes with it?” Gakuganji asks. 
“Absolutely none. They have adjusted well with my students, and have been training with them daily. In fact, since we’re talking about this, I meant to bring this up as well – I want to send the four of them out on a mission. The latest Grade 2.” 
Suddenly, the table shakes as all the elders start shouting in uproar, some of them standing up and pounding their fists against the desk in anger. 
“You’re being ridiculous!” You read upon one of the elder’s lips. “First trying to bend the curriculum for it, now sending it out to fight against its own kind?! You realize how easily it could turn against your students?!” 
Yaga sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It’s more complicated than that,” he slowly says your name, as if to emphasize his point, “– they aren’t a curse, they're a cursed spirit. ” 
“There is absolutely no difference between the two,” another elder says. 
Actually, there is. Your definitions are just skewed, you bitterly think to yourself. 
“This conversation is going nowhere,” Yaga says, gently tapping you on your shoulder. “Come on, let’s head out.” 
“Where are you two going?” Gakuganji asks, offended. The frown he sports seems permanently etched onto his features. 
“You fail to see the progress ‘ the curse’ has made throughout these years. They have trained underneath me, learned to control their abilities better, and they’ve never done anything to harm us. In fact, I’d go so far to say that they’re completely harmless to us.” He gets up from his seat, motioning at you to do the same. “If you’ll excuse us, I believe this meeting is over, unless you’ve miraculously changed your mind.” 
None of the higher-ups dignify either of you with a reply. With that, you both take your leave, Yaga making sure to close the door a little harder than is necessary – you can feel it when the floorboards lightly vibrate, the doorframe shaking. 
“ Thank you for saying that, ” you sign to him. 
“I meant it. They refuse to open their eyes and see the truth in front of them, it’s driving me up the wall,” he sighs deeply, brows knitted, before a wry smile makes its way across his face. “ Goddamn, imagine if I had told them I’ve secretly been sending you out to eliminate curses for months . I’d be out of a job and they’d be down a few higher-ups, considering the heart-attacks that would give some of them,” both of you silently laugh at that. 
The pair of you walk down the hallway of the school. You attempt to teach Yaga the sign for ‘spirit’, the latter making awkward hand movements as he follows the instructions. You’re so wrapped up as you go to move Yaga’s finger in a certain way to make the sign properly that neither of you notice two figures turning the corner until it’s too late. 
You run face-first into someone’s chest, feeling the breath get slightly knocked out of your lungs. Immediately, you jump back, already quickly signing multiple apologies and bowing profusely. When you stand straight once more, you come face-to-face with two unfamiliar young men. 
One is taller than the other, his long blond bangs pushed to the right side of his face. Thin eyebrows frame his hazel eyes. He wears the school uniform along with a pair of dark brown leather chelsea boots and carries a briefcase in hand. 
The other has short dark brown hair, his burnt umber eyes full of energy and curiosity, a smile plastered to his face. He’s a few inches shorter than his friend, and wears the same uniform, although his jacket is cropped and unbuttoned. 
The brunette places his hands on his hips, motioning with his head to you. 
“Who’s this, sensei?” He asks Yaga, curiously staring at you, who awkwardly looks anywhere but into his eyes. “Never seen you around campus before.” 
“Ah,” the teacher introduces you to them, saying your name. “What are you two doing around here?” 
This area of campus is usually occupied by only staff and the higher-ups, so it’s unusual for students to be roaming the halls of the building. 
“We heard a commotion and Haibara was curious,” the blond explains, pointing at his friend. 
“ Hey ! Don’t pin the blame all on me, you were curious too, admit it!” 
“It’s quite alright. We were just in a meeting with the higher-ups…” Yaga lets his words trail off. It’s enough to explain how poorly the discussion went. “I didn’t realize they were being that loud.” 
“Ah, that explains it,” blondie simply says, nodding to himself before turning to you. “I’m Kento Nanami, it’s nice to meet you.” 
“And I’m Yu Haibara!” the energetic brunette introduces himself, holding his hand out for a handshake, which you return politely. 
If either one of them is curious as to why you don't speak to them, they don’t mention it. 
Nanami keeps his eyes trained on you for a moment too long, making you nervously look at Yaga. It feels like the former is staring directly into your being, as if he knows what hides underneath the layer of gauze wrapped around your arms. 
“ Is there something I still need to do, or…?” You let your hands trail off. 
“No, you’re free to go and make the most of the rest of your day. I’m sorry that the meeting didn’t go well for us,” the teacher replies. 
“Not that I really expected much from them in the first place. You’ve done what you can, thank you. I appreciate it.” 
You turn to face your two new acquaintances and bow before standing straight and signing at them. 
“ It was nice meeting you!” You smile at them, albeit it feels slightly forced. Haibara, clueless at the inner turmoil that you’re going through, earnestly beams back at you. 
“See you around!” 
With that, you walk away from them, making your way outside and towards the dormitories. There are a few clouds in the sky today, but the sun is still shining bright as it peeks through them. You shove your hands in the pockets of your cargo pants, eyes wandering and observing the birds flying around campus. Suddenly, you notice a shadow that passes by in the corner of your eye, and then there’s two hands that abruptly clap down on your shoulders from behind, firmly gripping you. You flinch, nearly jumping out of your skin, feeling cold sweat gather at the back of your neck. 
“Boo!” Shoko leans over, grinning widely at you. You return it with a nervous one of your own, shaking off her hands. 
“ Good afternoon, ” you quickly sign back to her, taking two steps back to put some distance between each other. You didn’t think to carry your notebook around campus today, so you’ll have to settle on simple hand gestures in the meantime.
“Oh, I know that one! I did a little research on YouTube and read a couple of blogs. That’s… good afternoon, right?” 
You nod, giving her a thumbs up, pleasantly surprised that she actually took the time out of her day to look up some sign language. 
“I nearly blanked there, not gonna lie,” she looks away awkwardly, before wringing her hands together. “Anyways, I had a favour to ask.” 
You motion her to go on, eyes trained on her mouth to read along. 
“Follow me,” she beckons instead, and so you do. She leads you into another building, one that you’ve never stepped foot inside of. You go down a flight of stairs, leading into the basement where the hallways feel colder. Concrete walls painted white greet your sight before Shoko takes a turn into one of the doorways, bringing you into a room. 
Is this… a morgue?
There are multiple autopsy tables in the room, the bright ceiling lights nearly blinding. It smells sterile, the scent of hand sanitizer weighing heavy on your nostrils. There’s a large metal cooler embedded into the wall with multiple cabinets to hold bodies. There’s a desk in the far right corner of the room with multiple files haphazardly strewn across it, a matching stool hidden underneath it. Multiple file cabinets sit on the floor next to it, one of the drawers wide open. Papers seem to have been shoved into it in a rush, small ink stains smudged across unintelligible handwriting. 
“Sit, sit here,” Shoko brings you over to one of the autopsy tables. 
You raise an eyebrow. Are you gonna perform an autopsy on me or something? The look on your face is enough to make her snort, rolling her eyes. 
“No, I want to try healing your nose. I’ve been healing Geto’s small cuts and bruises, but I want to try my hand on broken bones.” 
That explains it , you think to yourself. You hop onto the autopsy table, letting your legs swing back and forth as you lean forward, hands pressed against the cool metal. The brunette brings her hands up to rest lightly against either side of your temple, her touch careful and delicate. She closes her eyes, brows furrowing in concentration. Her nose scrunches up as she tries to focus completely on the task at hand. 
Ever since you had fallen for Suliman’s dirty trick, your radar for cursed energy vanished. You couldn’t trace anyone’s aura or feel it in the vicinity, so it comes to no surprise to you that you feel nothing as Shoko works on you, even when you can see the energy flow around her hands. 
Minutes pass, but you can still feel the dull pain of your broken nose and you notice that Shoko’s forehead is beaded with sweat, frustration written all across her face. Your arms raise to tug at her hands, which makes her eyes crack open slowly as she lets her arms fall back down to her sides. 
“Why didn’t it work?” She frowns, shoulders sagging in disappointment. “I can feel the abundance of cursed energy flowing from you, but I can’t actually pinpoint your broken nose with my technique. It’s like it doesn’t know where to focus on the point where I need to heal; like every part of you needs to be fixed.” 
You give her a halfhearted shrug. That wouldn’t be too far off, in complete honesty, you think to yourself.  
“But I know I definitely used my technique, I feel drained…” She heaves herself onto the table to sit next to you, slumping forward. 
You sigh out through your nose. You wish you could help more, but you don't have a technique or any understanding of cursed energy. Instead, you awkwardly pat her back to offer some semblance of comfort. 
Shoko slowly raises her head again, peering over at you. “Well, I have to work on a few things, sorry for bothering you for nothing.” She rubs the back of her neck, obviously unhappy with how her small experiment turned out. 
You wave her off, signing. “ It’s okay, you didn’t bother me at all. ” You know she won’t understand all of it, but it’s enough to get your message across. 
“See you later,” she says before you hop off the autopsy table, leaving the room to go back up the stairs to finally go back to your dorm. You can’t help but slump your body at the inexplicable feeling weighing heavily on your shoulders. 
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As soon as you close the door to your dorm, you flop down face first onto the bed. The familiar feeling of the sheets surrounds your body, making your shoulders sag relaxingly. You turn around to lay down on your back instead, eyeing your surroundings. The walls of the room aren’t decorated much, only having an outdated lion-themed calendar nailed right above the lamp next to your bed. It was a gift from Yaga three months after he realized you wouldn’t be leaving any time soon. 
“Lions?” You typed on the man’s phone. By this point, Yaga realized that you could read lips rather well, and lended you his flip phone to communicate a bit more efficiently. 
“Yeah, when we first met, your hair reminded me of a lion’s mane,” he replied before taking a sip of the green tea he prepared. You half-heartedly scowled at him. 
He wasn’t entirely wrong, though. You couldn’t ignore the warmth that spread throughout your chest at that memory. 
Looking back on it, that is the moment you realized you entirely trusted Yaga with your life. Three months is a long time to step on eggshells around someone who went out of his way to house you, feed you and make sure you were comfortable in a new environment. The constant feeling of discomfort and anxiety started to waver the more the two of you shared meals together, slowly learning more about each other. The gnawing fear and paranoia, having the habit to look over your shoulder, all of those things became more and more muted as time passed. It was hard to shake them off, but Yaga was strangely persistent, even though he was a rather quiet, introverted and withdrawn man. 
Masamachi Yaga was a curious human to you, at first. He was stern, but earnest. A no-bullshit kind of guy, but his patience towards you never seemed to run out. He was certainly idealistic, and never gave off the impression that he thought he was better than others, and spoke to you like an equal, even when you could barely look at him most days without getting sent into a near panic attack. 
It was like experiencing extreme whiplash when comparing it to how you were treated in the past. 
Even though the lion calendar is the only thing that shows a hint of occupancy in this room, it still gives it personality. Your old quarters at Suliman’s residency were void of life, suited to fit her tastes specifically. It felt like a prison on good days, and a torture chamber on bad ones. You could never shake the feeling of dread that formed a deep pit at the bottom of your stomach whenever you would enter the room after a long day of training, all the bad memories and experiences rushing back and hitting you hard like a tidal wave. The nausea that haunted you would refuse to leave until you would eventually fall asleep – but even sleeping was a struggle, barely able to be called an escape. Insomnia and nightmares would keep you awake for hours, like an endless cycle. 
But here, you could sink into the pillows and embrace the warm sheets of the bed, letting your eyes flutter shut, all while feeling comfortable and safe. There wasn’t that familiar dizziness that accompanied any nausea, nor a constant sinking feeling in your stomach. Besides the dull, throbbing pain of your left arm, everything felt okay. You could let yourself think and reminisce on the happenings of the day, how enjoyable the weather was, or what you would cook next for dinner. 
For a fraction of a second, you could imagine that one day, you would be completely free.
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Vylad Ro'meave?(Minecraft) vs Abed(Community)
Phineas(Phineas and Ferb) vs Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Remus and Logan (Sanders Sides)vs Aya(I Just Wanna Be Single)
Shigaraki Tomura(BNHA) vs Georgia Warr (Loveless)
Kyle Broflovski(South Park) vs Shadow the Hedgehog(Sonic)
Marco Diaz(Star vs The Forces of Evil) vs Juno McGuff(Juno)
K1-B0(Danganronpa) vs Bubby(hlvrai)
Lydia Martin(Teen Wolf) vs Mihashi Ren (Ookiku Furikabutte)
Alucard(Castlevania (games)) vs Teardrop(BFDI / BFB)
Friday(Hello from the hallowoods) vs Victor Vale(Villains Book Series)
Test Tube(Inanimate Insanity) vs Cerise Hood(Ever After High)
Phosphophyllite (Phos)(Land of the Lustrous) vs Abe Takaya(Ookiku Furikabutte (Oofuri))
Yoo Sangah(Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) vs Chell(Portal (Valve))
Barry (Pokemon) vs Paul (The Bible)
Ca Cupid(Monster High) vs Mera Chisato (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Red Son(Lego Monkie Kid) vs Hearthstone Alderman(Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard )
Onceler(Lorax) vs Hastune Miku(Vocaloid)
Fei Hargreeves(The Umbrella Academy) vs Aled Last(Radio Silence)
Cher(Clueless) vs Asterix(Asterix and Obelix)
Sakuko Kodama5&Takahashi Satoru4(Koisenu Futari) vs Death(Puss in Boots:The Last Wish)
Double Trouble(She-Ra Princess of Power) vs Suitcase(Inanimate Insanity)
Childe(Genshin Impact) vs Patrick Star(Spongebob)
Fujisaki Nozomi(Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!) vs Howl Jenkins(Howl’s Moving Castle)
Mei (Monkie Kid) vs Ichika Hoshino (Project SEKAI)
Kujou Sara (Genshin Impact) vs Abbi Singh (The Imperfects)
Takashi Natsume (Natsume’s Book of Friends) vs Tails(Sonic)
Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney) vs Chara (Undertale)
Bakugou (BNHA) vs Donatello,Mikey,Raph,Leo (TMNT)
Corey Riffin(Grojband) vs Robin Goodfellow (Na Daoine Maithe *The Good People *)
Katarina Claes (My Next Life as a Villainess) vs Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Tsunami (Wings of Fire) vs Toy Foxy (FNAF 2)
Thalia Grace (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) vs Katsuya Serizawa (Mob Psycho 100)
Zhu Chongba(She Who Became The Sun) vs Ling Chan (The Diviners)
Ruth (Covenant Webtoon) vs Mettaton (Undertale)
Percival King (Epithet Erased) vs PAC Man (Pac Man and The Ghostly Adventure)
Musa(Winx Club) vs Green Oak (Pokémon)
Link (Legend of Zelda) vs Moana (Moana)
Steve Morley (Sex Education) vs Ema Skye (Ace Attorney)
Zim (Invader Zim) vs Dewey Duck (Ducktales 2017)
Sonic(Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Mater(Cars)
Din Song and Li Na Wang (Wish Dragon) vs Floofty Fizzlebean(Bugsnax)
Hiro Hamada(Big Hero 6) vs Ena(The Ena Series)
Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run) vs Jiang Cheng (Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed)
Percy(Legend of Vox Machina) vs Makoto Sunakawa(Ore Monogatari)
Shouto Todoroki(BNHA) vs Rey(Star Wars)
Giorno Giovanna (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Kusanagi Nene (Project SEKAI)
Olivier Mira Armstrong(Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Blanche(Wikidot!Backrooms)
Kusuke Saiki vs Kusuo Saiki vs Kuriko Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
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yanderegrizzsworld · 2 years
Hiiii! Was wondering if you could do a romantic Yandere!Shadow scenario where the reader dares to strike back after an escape attempt. Shadow's response to this makes him temporarily underestimate his strength and hurts them in the process. Then the reader has no choice but to let him tend to their injury as they're being reprimanded. If you want to make adjustments, I'm totally down! I love surprises and twists! If you don't wish to write this, I understand. Keep being awesome and get plenty of sleep! X3
Yandere Shadow the Hedgehog: You've left Me no Choice (Romantic Scenario)
TW/CW: Blood, injuries & implied anxiety
A.N: Hello to you dear!
You count the ticks of the clock as you eye the door from the kitchen counter. You synchronized your breathing with each tick that you counted, your heart pounding harshly in your chest as if seeking to break through your ribcage. You've memorized at what time he'd show up but... What if it doesn't work? Having been a brief member of G.U.N, he'd explicitly detect you planning something, but like a child discarding an old toy, you toss that thought out of your skull for the moment. You take your gaze away from the door & stare out a small window momentarily watching the leaves sway lightly, the sound of the ticks swirling in your mind as you slugged towards a cabinet & take out a glass cup.
Walling towards the sink tardily, you halt your movement staring at the sink before you lift the glass & turn the faucet of the sink. Inspecting the clear liquid fill the cup, you rub your eyes as you utter a sigh, the ticks of the clock starting to irritate you the more you listen to it, closing the tab harshly. The moment your ears catch the sound of footsteps getting closer to the front door your eyes widen.
This is it, it's now or never.
You continue to tally the ticks as you examine the door opening in which a black hedgehog with red stripes walks in, eyes scanning the area before landing on you. "Hey, how have you been?" He kicks the door close, its garish thud echoing slightly. You hesitate to answer keeping your gaze on him, thinking on how to get him further away. "I've... been alright, I guess" each word felt leaden & bereft of any ardency. As you observed the hedgehog turn to the door as if to lock it your breath gets caught in your throat, panic beginning to descend within you, clambering on what to do to hinder his motion at the moment.
You stand by the kitchen counter, glancing at the now shattered glass for an instant before gawking at the ultimate life form who has now rushed in front of you. "Why did you drop it!? Are you okay?! Did you cut yourself?" He inspected your hands for any injuries in which you move your palm away before backing away slightly, he kneels towards whatever remains of the glass as if inspecting to see any blood spilled. You cautiously move around him, eyes flickering between him & the door as you strive to keep your breathing steady. "I'll go fetch the... uh..." You keep your gaze on the hedgehog as he snatches a nearby cloth & swipes away the shards to absorb the water spilled. You gradually inch closer to the entry, sentiments of Shadow hindering your plan plague your skull as you seek to keep yourself lull & tranquil.
You feel the frigid doorknob on your palm, tingling raising up your arm. "Hey" His voice that of a parent ready to scold a child, "What are you doing so close to the door?" The moment he finished the phrase you bolt it out the door as his screams of ire reach your ears.
"What did I do?! What did I do?! What did i do?!" You repeat to yourself like a chant as you avoid running into the trees in the darkness, the snapping of branches below you echoing in the quiet around you. The only source of light of the moon is hardly seen by the twisted branches & leaves clustered together by the trees that made them seem fused together. The distant sounds of steps ring in your ears but you dismiss it as a fox or a deer, anything than to imagine him behind you, searching for you. The thought of the hedgehog chasing you within the trees forces you to continue running as the adrenaline pumps through your veins rapidly. As you take a turn by a tree, a sudden force is felt by your feet before spreading to the rest of your body, the faint taste of dirt & tiny pebbles cause you to hurl in disgust, spitting rapidly while shakily attempting to get on your feet again.
"C'mon...c'mon!" You continuously look around you in a frenzy, not knowing whether the shaking is from the cold outside or the adrenaline still pumping in you.
You feel a sudden force run into you & you collapse to the dirt below, you feel whatever knocked you down on top of you as you shiver in fear knowing who it was. "When we get back you have a lot of-" you land a blow towards his nose, a groan emitting from his throat as he falls on his back. Just as you manage to lift yourself off the ground, Shadow snatches your wrist with a grip that'll surely leave a bruise. You pull against his hold in sheer panic, when you notice him getting up, you bolted into him crashing against a tree in the process. Shadow gasps & grunts in pain, letting go of your wrist & bringing his hands to the back of his head.
You make a run for it while he's distracted, trusting it'll give you enough time to make it to seek help. A blur materialized from the corner of you eye, the only glimpses you could get were some red when it ran by where the moon managed to shine through. Before you could take a guess on who or what it could be, pain shoots from your leg as you collapse against your ground violently. You attempt to hit him with your elbow, yet he catches it & forces it down to the dirt below, "Let go!" Any attempt to crawl away becomes futile when you feel his weight on top of you, hindering your movements.
"What is your problem?!" You feel his hand grip against the back of your head, you hiss in pain before being silenced by having your faced shoved into the dirt, the chalky taste invades your senses as you squirm & try to fight back the ultimate life form. You gasp when your head is liftef & inhale the fresh air quickly, fearing he'll shove your face down again. You manage to move a bit despite his essentially putting all his weight on you, the rocks & pebbles rubbing against you harshly like rubbing a cloth against skin.
"Quit moving!" Shadow takes hold of one of your arms, you slightly push yourself up with the other, striving to get him off of you. As he gets closer to snatch your other arm, you elbow him in the jaw, leading him to gasp & grunt in agony. Even as he falls to the side from your sudden attack, his grip on your arm never ceases, instead tightening. Your muscles refuse to cooperate in aiding you in lifting yourself up, of which the hedgehog takes note of as he pulls you towards him. You clash with more rocks, you feel something warm yet cold run slowly down your palm & the taste of iron enter your mouth, yet you pay it little attention, your mind more preoccupied with the abrupt pain flowing in your ankle.
Even with your heart beating painfully in your chest, your eyelids feel heavy, closing tardily with each slow blink. No! No! No! You gotta move else you'll get taken back by him! Yet you're too sore to move more than an inch. You barely catch Shadow lift himself with your blurring vision as he lifts you upper body up, feeling the same warm taste of iron drip down your chin.
"We're going to have a long talk about this" You hardly process what he said as you finally let you eyes to shut one last time.
The silence between the two of you feels suffocating. Your occasional low hisses & silent grunts are all you manage to emit, preferring to look at anything besides Shadow tending to your wounds. He moved his hands carefully, gently putting pressure on your cuts with the same cloth he used earlier, removing it from time to time to check if the bleeding ceased altogether. The sound of ripping swirls in you mind like honey in tea, every attempt to look at him fills you with dread & every glimpse just makes you quickly look away, your throat feeling dry.
That blood dripping down your nose & invading your mouth distracts you for a while, the salty taste seeping down your throat. "Done with the arms" Despite not looking at him, his gaze on you makes you momentarily squirm, your hands feeling clammy as you clench your fists against the carpet floor. You turn your head towards the windows, the sight of leaves flowing gently from the breeze outside bring you brief comfort until you recall the events that transpired.
The texture of gloves on your cheek return you to reality, your face being turned forward making you look at the black hedgehog. "Stay still, this might hurt a bit" His voice was low & quiet, almost fearful of raising it. You promptly hiss the moment the cloth came in contact with your nose, "Sorry, did I press it too hard?" You loathed moments such as this, always leading to you having mixed feelings. You shake you head slowly, swallowing a grunt when he pressed again to stop the bleeding. "...Why did you do that?" His tone going from almost soft to rough nearly arose a cough from you, swallowing heavily.
You refuse to answer, opting to play as if you didn't hear him in the hopes he'd drop it. "I'm waiting" you allow a sigh to slip through your lips before meeting his gaze again, "I...I, um..." You can't find nor think of what to say, fearing any way of explaining would result in the ultimate life form getting angry & forbidding you from leaving. "Uh...I just wanted to be outside...I guess"
You internally pray that he drops it right there, Shadow hums in acknowledgement of what you said, switching the cloth to the other end when the side got too much blood in it. "Outside? You could've asked me, you know" He rests his gloved hand on your shoulder, slightly rubbing his thumb in circular motions as if in a attempt to comfort you. "I guess" You eye his hand on your shoulder for a bit before looking straight at him, "Then why did you run then?" Your hands clench from his question, feeling your finger twitch slightly against your palm.
"I..." You look down at your bandaged arms, small blood spots painted the bandages like paint on a canvas. "If you'd just ask, none of this wouldn't have happen" You inhale slowly when Shadow removes the cloth from your nose, observing Shadow stand up with the bloodied cloth. "Do you think I liked having you try to fight me?" Each word was spoken slowly, making the swallow in your throat taste almost bitter, "Think I liked having you fight me? Make me accidentally hurt you?" His eyes, filled with sorrow & guilt, stared at you as you refused to look up at him.
"You left me no choice" His voice, laced with guilt & disappointment, felt like a stab through the chest. You squirm lightly as Shados sighs slowly turning around, "I'll make you some dinner"
You watch Shadow head towards the kitchen before turning your head out the window. The salty taste still lingering in your mouth as you watch the moonlight get absorbed by passing clouds. Your body aches of which it'll be a constant reminder, for which will consume your dreams the next following days, of tonight.
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twinkleomorashi · 17 days
Do you have any headcanons about your fic’s characters?
I actually have a whole document of these that has never seen the light of day. Until now. Some of these are canon bc that’s just how writing head canons about ur own characters works ig. Sorry this massively long!!!
I have both normal and omo/ nsfw ones of course!
Loves a fruity little drink. Any fruity little drink offered is a win in her books. Also loves diet coke. Hates drinking water.
Hates any sort of bug or animal you would call an exterminator for.
Takes obnoxiously long showers
Really terrible at not getting her way. Will have a tantrum
Youngest sibling if it wasn’t obvious.
Actually a really good cook, but nobody believes her
Possessive. It contributes to the biting / marking kink she has, but she hasn’t made that connection yet (everyone else has)
Favorite flavor of ice cream is cotton candy because Bethany Mota said it was hers in like 2014 so June forced herself to like it and is still convinced she does.
Loves gossip. Has never minded her business ever.
Kind of a klepto if we’re being honest but this is canon
TERRIBLE driver. Assigned passenger princess by others out of fear
extremely obvious blusher
sense of humor of a twelve year old boy despite trying to act more mature than she is
subconsciously collects rocks. Her pockets always have some in them that she found throughout the day. She sometimes forgets to take them and they fuck up the dryer.
Cries watching teen soap operas but nobody is allowed to know that
Terrible eyesight without her glasses
Fiddles with her glasses when she’s lying.
Scared of storms
Mommy issues so bad
Doesn’t like the taste of beer, but drinks it anyway because she thinks it makes her look more masc
honestly has terrible internanalized toxic masculinity
favorite band is The Killers
has kept a diary since she was 14
car smells like car air freshener desperately trying and failing to conceal the smell of weed
art major, makes a living drawing furry porn. Says it’s for the bit. It might not be.
Blood is probably at least 25% energy drink at this point
“Anything for the bit!” (Actively gets herself into Situations)
Terrible at budgeting
loves hot chip and charge her phone
favorite flavor of anything is green apple. Likes the light green monster because she thinks it’s green apple. It’s not.
Loves heights and climbing, is really good at it even though she’s short
sleeps in weird positions, very heavy sleeper
Exclusively wears really stupid graphic t shirts
Her one exception to her lesbianism is shadow the hedgehog and she’s dead serious about it
Massive praise kink.
Prefers coffee to tea. Has not had tea in two months because she thinks people expect her to drink tea and thus she refuses to.
Self proclaimed frigid bitch (is actually so sweet). Total defense mechanism.
Twirls her hair when she’s nervous.
Loves fruit and veg.
Avid reader, prefers non fiction. Likes to research psychology and human behavior.
High alcohol tolerance, but no where near as high as she thinks it is. “I’m completely sober right now” (is actively stumbling around and giggling)
Squeamish as hell. Can’t handle horror movies or even watch like… wrestling or something.
Psych major who has never once communicated her own feelings honestly ever so uh
Laughs really loud, is embarrassed by it
Struggles to make friends because she’s too self conscious to talk to people.
Was a horse girl as a child. Still is lowkey a horse girl but she’s embarrassed about it and refuses to discuss it.
Terrified of heights
porn specific lol both actual and piss
average sized bladder, though it’s on the weaker side
too stubborn to admit to others that she needs to pee until it becomes an emergency
Like won’t admit it until the VERY last second where she’s starting to panic about wetting herself
Squirmyyy, moves her hips a lot
Loves to give hickies. Huge marking kink. Goes along with her possessiveness.
Dominant for self-satisfying reasons. August immediately becomes more dominant if she sees June trying to be, but that’s what June wants from her anyway
Not super in-tune with her needs. Forgets to pee and ends up desperate later on as a consequence
Usually can stay pretty composed when desperate, but has her limits. Will admit it with little hesitation.
Instinctively grabs herself when desperate, though often catches and stops herself if people are around
Way more willing to pee in containers or outside than most people are
Has tried to pee standing up many times. It has never once worked. She has never told anyone this.
Loveeees to top. Puts others pleasure before her own in every situation. Has to be explicitly guided into putting her own first.
Veryy vocal most of the time, mostly unashamed
Diuretics effect her pretty bad, despite how many energy drinks she drinks
Bladder’s actually pretty big and strong under normal circumstances. She can hold it for a while if she puts her mind to it and doesn’t give into the temptation to “let some out”.
That being said, she’s not particularly strong-willed most of the time… Easily tempted by the thought of relief and that can override her logic about the consequences of giving in.
Weirdo perv. Massive praise kink. Very obedient and eager to please
Tops from the bottom.
Dangerously close to crossing too many wires in her brain about a certain something..
Embarrassed at the mere idea of someone knowing she has to pee
Will not say a goddamn word if she’s desperate
Will literally be pleading for help but doing in roundabout ways that very rarely directly mentions the problem at hand
Huge bladder, but it tends to be weak and sore for a few days if she loses control of it
Secretly a huge pervert, but will barely even admit that to herself
Once she gets the chance to be one though??? Lord..
Soft but firm domme
Bottoms from the top
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chaomother · 2 years
the chalice is filled with our blood
「lancelot (shadow t hedgehog) x gn!reader // a little suggestive」
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Standing before your gargantuan mirror, twines of ornate lace sprouted and supported its mass; each carving of fine wood reflecting its grandiose state, and yet you couldn’t help disassociate as you stared back at the person cocooned in such opulence.
Wretched sorrow flooded your chest crevice, festering around your heart until you felt bubbles of nausea coat your throat. And from behind you, the only knight entrusted with watch over King Arthur’s only child was busy unbuttoning the taut corset suffocating your body.
“I’m sorry to make you do this, Lancelot,” you contritely apologized as you felt a tremble inflict itself into your fingers, “All of the maids were occupied preparing for the prince’s arrival and—” 
“It’s fine,” Lancelot’s rough voice interjected your confession, finding it increasingly difficult to stay riveted on the task at hand with how you quivered. It was revolting, the way you were vulnerable and powerless.
As instructed by your puissant father, you were to be wed to the prince of a neighboring kingdom in efforts to expand his reach across the continent. Lancelot believed that his King’s orders were absolute, and yet…
Heaving a sigh, the sensation of Lancelot’s metal gloves trailing along your shoulders to dip down the fabric of your shirt evoking chills down the column of your spine, you gave a crushed, weak smile, “Am I not pathetic? I’m suppose to become a part of the ruling party, but I can’t even get undressed by myself.”
“What else am I here for, your grace?” Lancelot was growing agitated and irate from this conversation, this situation. “I truly don’t mind.”
Disrobing you of your garments shouldn’t have been something you’d ever asked of your beloved knight, the one who’d been protecting you since your childhood, and yet the exhaustion of this upcoming wedding had unmistakably depleted you of all your strength.
Lancelot had been staunchly by your side through everything thus far in your life, and you couldn’t truly be more grateful to have him with you through this dreadful point of life. Of course you didn’t want to marry some man you’ve only met a handful of times, but your father was insistent on this nuptials.
“You don’t think…” you started, trepidation inundating your stomach cavity at the mere notion that saying your thoughts might manifest them into reality, “... Father will make you stay here in the kingdom, do you?”
Perhaps it was simply the thought of losing Lancelot that plagued you with misery.
“I can’t say for certain,” Lancelot said as he observed attentively to how the final article of clothing plummeted to the ground around your feet, leaving you only in your undergarments before him. “But I’ll dutifully follow the King’s first order: Protect [Name].”
“Hehe, thank you, Lancelot…” you chortled feebly, the normally heavenly sound fading deep into the tension. And Lancelot couldn’t stop himself from clenching his fists by his side, seething.
Lancelot wasn’t naive—he knew you didn’t believe him when he vowed to stay with you—but the thought of following you to the ends of the world made his aching heart feel a little lighter. Even if he was staying by your side as nothing more than your knight, not lover or husband.
Was the ultimate knight really such a weak creature?
Satisfied with nothing more than empty, spurious wishes?
As he peered over your shoulder, transfixed on your dewy-eyes, Lancelot felt spirals of resolve skate over his insides in short, frenzied bursts. Impelled by the force within him, Lancelot stepped forward and encircled his arms around you tightly from behind.
“Don’t thank me for something I haven’t yet proved to you,” Lancelot murmured against the shell of your ear, eliciting a plethora of goosebumps to rise to your body. “I swear to you now, my grace, I won’t ever leave your side. Your dreams and wishes are my guiding light, they’re my priority.”
Hearing him pledge himself to your sole allegiance made your heart flutter with rapture, and you asked, “What will you do to make me trust your oath?” Lancelot truly didn’t have to do anything, you believed him with your whole being.
“This,” he breathed coolly, lips attaching themselves into the crook of your neck. With one hand on your chest, Lancelot slid the other one down to your navel; going lower, and lower…
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months
canon squicks!
oh boy do i have many. geez
chara: people tend to portray me as a terrible person, the person behind the no mercy route, all that. which isn't. true? i was a child. i was a scared child. i didn't specifically formulate a plot to kill everybody, i didn't want azzy to die, i didn't want any of that. people don't do it as much as they did in. say. 2015-2018? anymore? but. god. people also tend to ship me with asriel, who is. my adoptive brother......eugh
sun: people love to mischaracterise me specifically to make me hot?? people also make lots of x reader content and i don't understand it. it's hard to find fanart of myself because that's mostly all that pops up :(
jack: some ships in this fandom make me. so uncomfortable to see. which is expected and i just block them using the tags but. god. there's also the people who act like it's such a bad thing that people have differing designs for everyone?? who cares if someone draws me or dave with hair. in my canon we both had hair!!! some people act like that's terrible and a crime of the worst degree
shadow: people in this fandom (and the media itself tbh) LOVEEE mischaracterising me as an edgy asshole who doesn't care about others. god i am a traumatised autistic 15 year old what are you on about. also there's so many Weird People here why are half of you guys shipping me with maria. my SISTER. it's so. god.
noelle: THE WAY SOME PEOPLE ACT ABOUT ME? some people act like i'm so awful because of either snowgrave or because they think i'm a "stalker"?? which. NO!!!! what!!!! i did not stalk anybody i had a CRUSH!!!! as a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL!!!! is that so wrong!!!! also snowgrave was not my choice so.
there's more but i feel bad for how long this is
-chara dreemurr (undertale), sun (fnaf:sb), jack kennedy (dsaf), shadow the hedgehog (sonic the hedgehog), noelle holiday (deltarune), #☀🌵🎭
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