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junebalaya · 3 months ago
Another remake I cooked up! This was also reposted to @shadamyheadcanons blog back in the day. Now I’m much more confident in my abilities lol.
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killingthecringe · 9 months ago
How do you think Rouge and Omega would react to shadamy? Does her being there shake up the team dark dynamic in any way?
They tease Shadow without mercy or regret for WEEKS.
In actuality I think they'd be very happy for him. Amy is strong in all of the social areas he lacks and Shadow is attentive in a way that amy needs.
I think Amy would try her best to not butt in on Team Dark time, because she knows how valuable Rouge and Omega are to Shadow. But in situations where it's the four of them, I feel like she gets along well with Omega and Rouge.
If you want some extra reading:
@ppeachx3 I believe has a bunch of fics kind of hinting at Rouge and Omega's opinions on the matter, as does @shadamyheadcanons
I know @shadowxamyweek also has something going right now with the character asks in a similar vein.
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bearfoottruck · 1 year ago
Hey everybody, I just want to let you all know that even if I don't agree with all of you, I nevertheless understand and respect where you're coming from, and I'm grateful for the people who are genuinely kind and respectful to me. Having good people to talk to means A LOT to me. I especially wanted to give shout-outs to @shadamyheadcanons and @starlight-emiko for being some of my favorite people on here. Rock on and boogie down!
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shadowsfascination · 2 years ago
What do you think Amy "spread the love" mission at the end of Sonic Frontiers means? What will she do? Use her tarots cards to help people find their true love? Will she be kind of a coach to help people find their true passion in life? Will she gain sone new love-chaos-magic to make people feel love? I think there are a lot of possibilities, what are your headcanons?
Hmmmm, interesting question!
During Frontiers, Amy mentions she plans on sharing "this love" with the world. This is right after that flashback scene where those two Kocos reunite, just before they pass. She also says it'll take her and Sonic far apart.
Two things came to my mind:
One: It seems to me that Amy feels inspired by the type of love that was just shown to her. Amy realizes here that she's got potential to fulfill, a destiny of her own if you will.
Given her passionate, kindhearted and open minded nature, she's got a lot of love to share with the world. By simply being who she is. By letting her heart guide her wherever it leads her. By keeping an open mind to take on challenges, so she can grow as a person and be the change she wants to see in the world. Whatever that may look like. I think everything you mentioned sounds just like her cup of tea! :) She's mentored Cream before, she inspired Shadow to do the right thing on the ARK, she reunited birdie with her siblings, she became friends with a robot and many more things! She is a sucker for true love, fulfilling ones destiny, so yes. I can't picture her going anywhere without her lucky deck of Tarot cards with her. Hehe. That's the great thing about a character like Amy Rose: she's so postive and passionate and caring that whatever she'll end up doing in the future, she'll pour in her heart and soul. One of my friends once mentioned the world would be a better place of there were more people like Amy Rose. I try to remind myself of that when it feels easier and so tempting to be well... a bitch xD rather than doing the kindhearted thing.
Two: In order to explore who she is and to become independent, she needs distance from Sonic (and the others). Sometimes a completely new environment is what you need in order to break with old habits, set new bars, dream new dreams and challenge yourself. It's no secret that Amy has struggled with feeling the lesser one in Team Sonic's company. (If you'd like to read more headcanons about that, I highly recommend looking around in @shadamyheadcanons 's archive. They have written some great stuff about this subject).
I can only imagine good things (amongst some turbulence here and there ;) happen when she does what she's supposed to do.
If you are looking for a more specific 'headcanon', I'd suggest reading my (ongoing) story 'Along the Side of the Road'. Which is basically about Amy running away because she needs space from Sonic. It's a Shadamy story, though, but there are some parallels to your question, I believe.
I hope this answers your question and I hope you'll have a lovely day 😊
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hyperginger · 13 days ago
teeny bit in love with your shadamy work, do you take prompts?
Generally yes, though I can’t guarantee I’ll write all of them or reply right away.
That only goes for shadamy, btw. I only write for them these days. If you do want to send a prompt my way, it’s better if you send an ask to the shadamyheadcanons blog. This side blog is just for ignitionshipping; I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up for Pokémon fics.
I’m glad you like my stories! Thanks for writing in!
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sonougeheadcanons · 7 months ago
Cuz do you see rouge And Sonic enjoying the Sonic Paramount movies
Oh, definitely! I even made a submission on @shadamyheadcanons about how Shadow and Amy attended the red carpet premieres of the first two Sonic movies.
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shadowsfascination · 10 months ago
Thanks for tagging me @pancreasman :)
Last song I listened to: I kid you not, it was Fastest Thing Alive, the intro from Sonic the Hedgehog (it was on TV XD)
Currently watching: rewatching Jane the Virgin, just finished Maid and Baby Reindeer, which were both really good.
Spicy/sweet/savory: Sweet, but I also really like spicy chips and cheese.
Relationship status: happily married.
Current obsessions: I'm rather consistent with my obsessions, lol, so... *drum roll* ...Sonic! ;) Mainly Shadow and Amy because they are fantastic together. I also really like plants, flowers and animals.
Fav color: depends on the mood, but I'm really into all kinds of greens and blue's.
Feel free to join in on this if you see this, but for now I'm tagging @katetcake @deadrabbithq @ochako @nvrfearthefall @shadamyheadcanons
@zayphantomslayer @eddymimi @dg-darkfantasy (I know I haven't even talked to some of you guys at all before, so no pressure at all :)
People I wanna get to know a lil bit better game :))))))
Tagged by the impeccable @skyderman
Last song I listened to: Street you live on - Remi Wolf
Currently watching: a bunch of horror ARG analysis videos that are gonna give me anxiety probably
Spicy/sweet/savory: Sweet. Gimme them watermelon sour patch kids
Relationship status: never had anyone. Probably never will 🥲
Current obsessions: Sonic mostly. Also learning to 3D model, playing sudoku instead of talking to people, studying film/animation and trying to find some semblance of happiness in the godforsaken world we live in.
Fav color: favorite is a nice canary yellow followed by pink, emerald green, and sage.
Tagging these rad people!!!! @lollytea @artfartt @ilovericecakess @w0lp3rtinger @momotarotea @ppeachx3 @shadowsfascination
@halloweenorangesoda @killingthecringe
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chaoscallsdummies · 2 years ago
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This post by the @shadamyheadcanons blog really got me thinking before I started playing Frontiers. How would the other characters not involved in the game react to the main cast suddenly going missing for who knows how long? Especially with the most recent Twitter takeover making Shadow’s knowledge of the events canon! 
I personally like to think that Shadow has made some sort of effort to get along with the Sonic gang on adventures for Amy’s sake. However, with Knuckles and Tails also being stuck in Cyberspace and Sonic with the hero complex (tell me I’m wrong, please), Shadow was still left in the dark. Wondering if Amy was okay or not.  So yeah.. we can relate, Shadow. Setting boundaries is hard as hell. 
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just-a-guy119 · 2 years ago
(This was originally posted on #shadamyheadcanons as a submission but for some reason when I submitted it the paragraphs were missing, no idea why that was the case so I’ve decided to resubmit it here to make it much more easier to read)
Convoluted title I know but this one is going to be pretty jumbled up as it’s just an idea I’ve thought off and wanna see if anyone does anything with it.
You know how Amy has the rings similar to Shadows inhibitors, hers are probably weights whilst shadows are inhibitor rings, I’m not sure if this has been mentioned or something but I think this idea could be cool, though it would also deviate from the original story of SA2 quite a bit, let me explain.
My idea is that with Amy’s modern design for SA1 and SA2, her outfit would be the exact same but without the rings on her wrists (maybe replace them with the bands she has on her riders design).
Instead she doesn’t get the rings until the end of SA2 when sonic returns to the ark after him and shadow fought the final hazard. Obviously the story would have to get reworked slightly with Shadow and Amy possibly having a few more scenes together and give Amy her own character arc, she still doesn’t fully believe in herself as she isn’t treated as an equal. (because let’s be honest the early 3D days Amy was ignored and not taken seriously by almost everyone in CD, SA1 and SA2, including Sonic).
One way to make Amy more important to the story of SA2 is to have her get to the ark much quicker so there could be an extra scene or two with her and Shadow. (It doesn’t even have to be shipping stuff but Shadow having flashbacks of Maria through Amy’s words similar to the how Amy helps Shadow remember Maria’s final words in SA2)
A way I think would work best to get Amy on the Space Colony Ark quicker is during prison island, instead of Rouge being trapped fighting the R-1/A Flying Dog she fights Amy instead.
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The way this would occur is that when Amy would free sonic, he would tell her he needs to find that faker and make him pay, then runs off instantly, leaving Amy behind. In the hero story, after the stage metal harbor there would be a cutscene with Amy walking around, saying that she’s lost and she’d get annoyed and say out loud
“I would sacrifice anything for everyone to take me more seriously, even that fake hedgehog”
(Remember this)
(Also this might seem out of character for but at this point she‘s like 13? I’m not sure but she’s angry and this is something someone her age would say. Keep in mind she only sees Shadow as a Sonic copy, thinks he’s a Villain so she doesn’t really care about like, same with her and metal sonic.)
This part would be in the dark story Playthrough.
Then she runs into Rouge, Amy remembers she was with Eggman and fights her, trying to get answers however they both get locked in the room like Rouge did in SA2. The story would continue as normal with shadow showing up and surprisingly, he’d save both of them without hesitation, teleporting to the ark just before prison island blows up.
A scene would take place right after with Amy looking confused and relieved however Rouge instantly begins questioning why he saved them, Shadow says it would’ve been more hassle for him to get the emeralds off Rouge in a few seconds but Rouge counters by saying that’s a fair point but he could’ve just left her behind (pointing to amy) however he actively ran over to her and saved her too. He just walks off saying she talks too much however amy runs grabs his hand and says.
“Thank you”
Shadow just stares back for a second and says “it won’t happen again…” then walks off. (This would purely be a dark story cutscene)
To me this makes more sense as she doesn’t really do much in the story other than help shadow, maybe even have sonic and tails think she died (and in the hero story, actually have the player think she’s dead for most of the story) and have sonic realise that he should’ve treated her much kinder and as an equal and not someone who holds them back. This could even make sonic wanna go after shadow even more as he thinks that him and eggman killed her, to further set up the rivalry his shadow but that part is just me throwing ideas around for a potential SA2 rewrite I’m thinking of doing. This new concept also won’t be a typical “damsel in distress” as it’s flipped on its head since Shadow actually saved her by “kidnapping” her.
Let’s say in this hypothetical rewrite Shadow starts off like the others, he doesn’t take Amy seriously at all similar to everyone else as he’s only known her as “sonic’s fangirl” but Amy begins to learn that there’s something more to shadow, he doesn’t just want to conquer the earth like eggman, he wants revenge on everyone on earth (maybe he’d say something like “they took everything I cared about away from me” when she’d ask him why he’s doing this, I dunno) and she’d grow to understand him.
Through this, shadow would learn to treat Amy as an equal as she says she’s fed up of not being taken seriously by anyone so shadow does just that, he actually begins to listen to her closely. Through shadow treating her as an equal and talking to her, he begins to realise she’s making valid points about how no-one deserves to be killed but he doesn’t falter in his mission however she’s slowly chipping away at Shadows exterior as he acts slightly kinder to both her and Rouge.
Maybe even Rouge could get some development from Amy too with Rouge listening in on one of their convocations and amy says that
“I try to be kind to everyone, even though sonic doesn’t treat me as an equal…I know being kind works because you’ve treated me as an equal because of it…”
This causes Rouge to hold some of the master emerald shards and think…She’s used to being around selfish people so that’s all she knows but being kind…She’s never tried that.
(this could explain why Rouge gives the master emerald pieces to Knuckles after he saves her because she’s learning to be kind as well)
At the end this, all this buildup and the extra scenes would would make it more believable for Shadow to be convinced by Amy and she will also learn a lesson here, correct me if I’m wrong but shadow would be the first person to treat her as an equal. The way shadow would truly treat her as an equal is by actually thanking her, at the risk of sounding too cliché he would tell her.
“Thank you…you’re worth much more than you think, Amy Rose”
This coming from the ultimate life form himself would mean something, at least to Amy.
After that he says
“I need to keep my promise to Maria…and to you” then he runs off.
When Shadow appears to fight the Biolizard, Knuckles would ask why he suddenly changed sides, he could say something like
“That friend of yours, Amy Rose, you should all thank her…”
With sonic responding with a in a guilty tone
“Yeah…I know that now…”
And the same thing would happen, Super Sonic and Super Shadow would fight the Final Hazard and using the chaos emeralds to become super for the first time along with taking off his inhibitor rings would take its toll on shadow and cause him to fall to earth…only leaving his inhibitor rings remaining like in the original story.
The final scene of this version of SA2 would have Sonic returning aboard the ark without Shadow, he has a smile but it looks sad most of them would congratulate Sonic but Rouge would ask where’s Shadow?
Sonic would close his eyes and let out a shaky breath, saying that he couldn’t have won without Shadow…
(I do recommend that this part is best experienced whilst listening to SA2s “the last scene” OST on loop whilst reading this part for extra emotional kicks, trust me it makes a difference. this all is purely emotional but in a good way so you have been warned.)
(Each “ending scene” between the rivals would take place in this order)
Firstly a unique one, amy and rouges reaction to shadow death.
Sonic walks over to Rouge and Amy who are standing at the centre of the room, giving them Shadows inhibitor rings and says
“This is all I could get before I saw him fall to earth…”
He’d give one to both of them and say he’s sorry. Rouge would look away and walk off, holding her tears in however Amy’s eyes widen…like she’s realising something. The blue hedgehog would look at amy and speak.
“I’m sorry…I never took you seriously, even after you’d stop chasing me…I promise to listen to you like I do with Tails, Knuckles and even Eggman…”
He puts a hand on her shoulder to comfort her but she drops shadows ring and she slaps sonics hand away and shakily whispers…
This confuses everyone but this time she shouts...tears streaming from her eyes
“I did this to him…I don’t deserve any of your respect… I sent him to his death, he wanted to help because I begged him too. I killed him”
“I even said I would sacrifice anything for all of you to take me seriously, even him and…it feels like I did! It feels like I sent him to his death just to get you guys to listen to me! It’s all my fault!”
With that she runs off, running past everyone, sonic and tails would try to chase after her however surprisingly Rouge tells them to leave her, that she’ll talk to Amy.
The second “ending” scene would take place and it would be another unique one.
Rouge would find her where the convocation between Shadow and Amy took place about how she knows being kind pays off because shadow begun to treat her as an equal. She’s crying and Rouge walks over to her and just watches, unsure of what to do however Amy wipes her tears and says she can’t be weak…
Rouge nods her head and helps her up however Amy asks Rouge something…
“S-Shadows inhibitor rings… could I have them?”
Rouge at first looks confused but then after smiles and nods her head, giving them to her.
The final scene between Tails and Eggman would play.
Eggman and Tails look ahead at the stars…The fox is unsure on how to feel, they won but it feels like they lost…surprisingly Dr Eggman speaks up in a tone Tails has never heard before.
“As a child, I looked up to my grandfather because of all the great things he accomplished in his life. He was my hero, and I wanted to be a great scientist like him. But... did he really mean to destroy us? To destroy Me?”
Doctor Eggman, the most renowned genius in the world sounds so defeated, even cracking at one point, even after Tails and Sonic have stopped him time and time again, the mad Doctor has always bounced back…but now…he sounds so defeated.
Much to the doctors surprise, Tails speaks up, attempting to comfort him.
“I’m…Im not sure but one thing I know, he was tipped over the Edge, pushed to a limit that no person should ever have to endure, he lost everything and took it out on everyone…he had the right to be mad but he didn’t have the right to destroy everything… I…I don’t know what to say Eg-“
Tails stops himself
“Ivo Robotnik, I’m sorry you had to go through that, I can’t imagine what it must feel like.”
The Doctor looks down and wipes his glasses clean…
“T-Thanks… I’m going to be shutting down the Space Colony Ark in 30 minutes, that’s all the time everyone has up here, then it’s never to be set foot on again”
With that, the Doctor walks off, tails looks back to see Sonic look at Ivo Robotnik. They seem to stare at each other, almost as if they’re having a mutual understanding through their sight alone but the Doctor kneels down and sonic does something unexpected, he surprisingly hugs the Doctor, he can’t hear what they’re saying but Tails figures it’s private…but he could’ve sworn he saw the Doctor wipe his eyes…
The scene between Rouge and Sonic would play after that
Rouge walks over to the blue blur and speaks.
“I calmed Amy down…I don’t know when she’ll feel better, could you and the others…be there for her? Help her get over her grief?”
Sonic looks at the bat and slowly nods…
“I will, I promise. Me, Tails and even Knuckles will help her, or at least try as much as we can… Again I’m sorry about Shadow”
Rouge looks at him and shakes her head.
“You tried your best…in the end that’s all that matters. But do you think…that the doctor only creates him for revenge? Or something more?”
She questions with sonic looking at the planet below.
“I’m not sure…but what in do know is that he was a brave and heroic hedgehog who sacrificed his life to save everyone, that’s who he was.”
Rouge nods her head and walks away.
The scene between Knuckles and Rouge would play.
Rouge is standing, looking out to the coldness of space, uncomfortably with her Arms crossed and biting her lip, trying desperately to hold back her tears, she may not have known shadow for long or as personally as Amy did…but it still doesn’t change anything, right now all she feels is the coldness surrounding her.
“Got any plans”
A gruff but soothing and kind voice asks, Rouge slowly turns around to see the Echidna looking at her with…worry? Surely that can’t be right, the same Echidna who crashed the shuttle the heroes used to get here…
“Y-yeah, I think I’m going to give up this line of work, too much work for too little pay, plus-“
She looks at Knuckles’ reflection in the window
“I’ve got something better than jewels in mind…”
She says with a crack in her voice, she hopes that the Echidna didn’t pick up on it, that’s he’s as dimwitted as everyone thinks he is but obviously he catches on…
“Hey…are you okay?”
“Y-yeah…I’m just looking down below. It’s beautiful, don’t you think?”
She says, desperately trying to steer the conversation away from current events.
Knuckles looks down at earth and grunts…
“It was…but after today…I can’t look at anything the same way again”
He pulls out the master emerald which has shrunken down.
“Heh, Tikal helped me learn to do this, makes it much more easier to carry around, want to hold it? I know you love jewels…”
Rouge looks at him wide eyed…why had he offered to let her hold the master emerald? Surely he’d know she could easily run off with it, Knuckles opens up her hand with his own and gives it to her, letting her hold it.
“I-I think it might make you feel at least a little bit better…”
That’s when it clicks in her head…he’s trying to comfort her, in his own little odd way, he’s trying to comfort her, make her feel better, sadly at the realisation of this, here eyes begin to water up, her vision getting blurry and the facade breaks, she slowly begins to let the tears fall from her eyes…
She drops the master emerald on the floor and cries into knuckles’ shoulder, hugging him as hard as she can, expecting him to push her away or shout at her that she dropped the master emerald but…that’s not what happens, he holds her tightly and tells her.
“Don’t worry…It’s alright to cry, he was your friend”
And finally the scene between sonic and Amy would place but slightly altered.
Here it is…
Planet Earth, such a beautiful and disturbing place, after this day, after what he’s heard and seen happen, he can’t look at it the same way again, what anyone can be capable off if they are pushed enough to the edge…
Sonic looks ahead at Earth, the stars and and feels…guilty…he was there, he saw Shadow fall however he lied to everyone…
After the final chaos control on the Space Colony Ark which retuned it to its normal position in space, no longer heading towards earth, Super Sonic looked around and saw two Rings floating, he picked them up and flew over to where he saw shadow, no longer in his Super form, very slowly moving away from the ark and towards earth.
Suoer Sonic quickly flew over to shadow however what happened…was heartbreaking.
Sonic would’ve been able to catch the ultimate Lifeform, in fact he should’ve but Shadow…Shadow pushed him away, he said that he doesn’t deserve to live after what he’s done, he broke Maria’s promise, hurt so many people and almost killed everyone. Sonic told him that he deserves a second chance to make them happy but Shadow smiled…
“Sonic…it’s funny you know, I think in another time, we could’ve been friends, maybe if things turned out differently we would be…but we’re both running out of energy, my super form has already run out and yours… it’s going to run out anytime now. So this is my final gift to you…goodbye, Sonic The Hedgehog.”
Shadow ended up using his remaining energy to use chaos control on sonic to teleport him back to the Ark, which right after it happened, Sonic’s Super form ran out…
From the observation deck Tails told sonic that Eggman was going to shut down the Space colony ark in 30 minutes which was around 20 minutes ago so the teleporters from earth and the Ark wouldn’t work, Sonic said he’s gonna catch up with tails nodding and walking off, leaving Sonic alone in the observation deck…
“The Ultimate Life form…Shadow The Hedgehog”
Just as he goes to walk away he sees Amy walk over into the observation deck, her eyes are puffed from crying but he can tell she’s trying to be strong, he smiles and walks over to her.
“I’m…Im so sorry Amy…I don’t know how close you got with Shadow, but I couldn’t save him… I appreciate you easing off on the romance but I shouldn’t have just ignored you when you needed my help…”
“I forgive you”
Amy replies with a smile, a sad smile but a smile nonetheless.
“People make mistakes, we’ve seen that today…but we also know that we can change for the better…so here’s to a better tomorrow Sonic.”
Amy extends her arm for a handshake with Sonic smiles and accepts.
“Here’s to a better tomorrow”
However he looks down at her wrist and sees something…new.
“Hey…are those?
Amy looks at her wrist and let’s put another smile, but this time it’s not a sad one…
“Yeah…these were his, I asked Rouge if I could have them, she said yes. Even when Eggman saw me wear them I could’ve sworn I saw a genuine smile from him. I think they look great but I also want to remember him like I remember you.
As a hero, someone I admire and want to be like.”
Sonic closes his eyes smiles.
“Me and you both Amy…me and you both”
Amy asks if he’s ready to leave and sonic Smiles.
“Yeah, let’s go back to the planet as cool and blue as me…”
They leave the room and the lights turn off but sonic looks back one last time.
“Sayonara…Shadow The Hedgehog”
The End…
Author’s notes:
(you can skip if you want cuz this is long enough already but it gives additional context to some scenes. There are also some other submissions I’ve written noted here to)
If you haven’t noticed I have written some submissions here before as (I think?) an anonymous user but finally made an account, specifically for this blog.
Most notably
Submission #59: A take on Shadamy
I’m 60-40 on this, it’s not written the best but I think my concept of their relationship is good enough
Submission #68: Yet another take on Shadamy
Not particularly proud of this one I can’t lie, the concept is decent but I didn’t proof-read it so it’s it’s sloppily written, I might either make a part 2 as a submission or just rewrite it and make it a complete story, though there was that one person who enjoy commented that they enjoyed it, I’m glad they did
Submission #74: Yet another Shadamy Scene Rewrite
I think it’s my best Shadamy piece I’ve done, it’s a very simple SA2 (can you tell it’s my favourite sonic story/game yet?)scene rewrite based on shadow and Amy’s first encounter on prison island.
Though I kinda wish I called the title of my first submission “yet a take on Shadamy” to fit in line with my “yet _____ Shadamy _____”
I wanted those final scenes to pull at the heart strings, sure it’s possibly too emotional for a Sonic story but I really don’t care, all of those scenes were based on experiences in my life so I tried to write the characters as “realistic” as I possibly could. I even snuck in some Knuxouge because I think it’s the only sonic ship that should be canon in the games, it makes the most sense to me. I also really hope I didn’t come off as bashing Sonic, that really wasn’t my intention, I really like Sonic as a character but I think this was the most realistic character development I could’ve given him. Rouge was definitely more emotional here but I think that makes sense, I didn’t even think of knuckles consoling her until a bit after so I promise it wasn’t just for a knuxouge moment. I couldn’t really do much with Tails, best I could do is have him sympathise with Eggman and referring to him as “Ivo Robotnik” was my was of showing that tails truly cared about Eggman in that moment. Also Sonic hugging Eggman might be slightly out of character but everyone is at their emotional limit here, including Eggman himself was hurt here, he found out the man he admired, his grandfather didn’t just not care about him but was willing to kill him, if felt personal to him and sonic saw that…
What I tried to do was not to create a Shadamy story (even though it certainly comes across as such because even though I love Shadamy, I don’t want any relationships in any main sonic games, hint at them sure but not proper relationships). Instead I tried to create a story with the basis of Sonic adventure 2 (my favourite sonic story) and improve certain aspects.
It just so happened that in my eyes, giving Amy a proper role would do exactly that and filling in details such as making it even more believable that Shadow would turn good at the end, giving a proper character arc to Amy and improving on Rouge’s and giving Sonic a character Arc with both realising that people can change for the better because knuckles wasn’t evil in 3&K, he was tricked. Sonic would also learn to take Amy more seriously.
Side note but I’ve always head people say that sonic has always been a flat character however I disagree, I think that became the case after SA2 because in that game, he learned that not everyone is purely good or bad, he learned that people will do bad things for good reasons and good things for bad reasons.
Another detail this adds is making it way more believable for Sonic to go back to Eggman when he takes Amy hostage because in SA2, sonic and tails just leave amy wondering around, both creating a liability and ignoring their friend however up to this point (in the hero story), Sonic, Tails and eventually Knuckles thought Amy had died on Prison Island but hearing her alive and being taken hostage would make it a good twist from a story standpoint along with making it WAY more believable that Sonic would rush back to Eggman. (even though tails was there).
Of course I had to add a scene between sonic and shadow, making it make more sense as to why shadow fell to earth and sonic couldn’t save him, I wanted to add shadow saying that they could’ve been friends in another time because that WAS true at one point, in heroes and 06 they respected each other and were friends with a slightly rivalry. In shadow the hedgehog, minus all the “evil” paths (which I don’t seem as canon) shadow and sonic are usually on good terms. Only in Boom is where there was an active distaste between the two.
Anyway that’s enough of me rambling. I originally wasn’t going to write some scenes and just skim through them like I have done with others but the ones near the end were too important for me to just simply skip. I’ve been writing this for about close to 3 hours now on my phone and I still have a few things to say but I’m satisfied with what I’ve written for now.
I’m going to be honest but this is the most emotional piece of work I’ve ever written, (coming from a guy who doesn’t think these characters beyond a few should be all “lovey-dovey” but speak through their actions and what they’re willing so do to make friend/partner happy) like I did with knuckles here.
Anyway I’m not going to link my AO3 here because my work isn’t nearly as emotional, it doesn’t have much shadamy and I also don’t wanna self promote here as well but if I write a SA2 rewrite with this concept, if I’m allowed to link it I will however it won’t be for a while as uni is killing me.
I hope you all enjoyed me rambling, I apologise for it being so damn long but I just has WAY too much to say and just ended up writing another part of a fanfic. Leave your thoughts below and owner of the blog (is that what I call you? Idk) keep up the great work.
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junebalaya · 3 months ago
”Don’t You Dare”
(New and Improved!!!)
I made an animatic a while back titled “Don’t You Dare” and I just wanted to say that I made a totally new version!!! It’s made its rounds on Twitter but I figured I’d post the new and improved version to here. For those that recognize it, the original was posted to @shadamyheadcanons blog a while back.
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killingthecringe · 1 year ago
🎨 ✍️ 🌈
Favorite Sonic artist
@emii-c269 (sorry for the tag!) I've been following their stuff since my early sonic days, and it certainly inspired a lot of fics that have since been lost to time
Favorite fanfiction
Please don't make me pick one!! But really anything by @w0lp3rtinger , @shadowsfascination , @momotarotea , @ppeachx3, @shadamyheadcanons (not sorry for the tag)
Any ocs?
Many! Obviously I have Amy's family and the fan kids. But I have an old old oc I used to rp with kicking around who shows up in few places here and there. Mainly in the SATBK au as Percival's wife, as a little love letter to one of my favorite ships I ever wrote with her.
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nvrfearthefall · 3 years ago
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"Amy's words caught her throat when shadow swiftly leaned down to press a brief, warm kiss to her cheek.
'Merry Christmas, Rose.'"
Based on the story, "In a Pinch" by the lovely @shadamyheadcanons
Thank you so much for your overall existence! 🤧
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sonougeheadcanons · 3 years ago
All right! @shadamyheadcanons just gave us a mention! Bring on the submissions!
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rottenoodles · 3 years ago
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I read one of your story’s called shadow sensations and I just had to draw them I simply adore this ship, I haven’t colored it yet due to other stuff getting in the way but I hope you like it owo💝🖤✨
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chocobo666 · 3 years ago
Meet Shade Rose
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My Shadamy fankid and OC that has been been in my head since 2005. I finally commissioned art of him from my friend @misuki-hikotsu. I will probably go into his story another time.
Also reading posts by @shadamyheadcanons is what got me to commission and post this.
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chrry-blvssom · 3 years ago
Rules: Tag 9 people you would like to get to know/catch up with.
Tagged by: @drarreckyninja
Last song:Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran
Last TV show: Buffy the vampire slayer
Currently watching: Angel
Currently reading: You'll be the death of me. By Karen M Mcmangas
@drarreckyninja @angelfromtokyo @blackhakumen @howlsofbloodhounds @shadamyheadcanons @miraculously-irritating
@marinette-adrien @mysuperlaserpiss @movie-robotnik-positivity
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