#sh theories
Arthur Lester plays piano and composes music meaning he had to willingly endure the learning of music theory directly after his parents died was he trying to punish himself ??
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illiaccrest · 3 months
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You know what? This game isn't doing anything to discourage my theory! Did you notice that these two both have a 2nd form/character model? 🤔
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lilybug-02 · 1 year
I remember reading the most insane concept for Undertale years ago.
The premise was that when Humans created The Barrier, they decided to "give the monsters a chance". To cross The Barrier, a Monster and Human would only have to hold hands, as friends. No soul connection or anything.
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hydroelectricjaya · 8 months
Dragons Rising Season 2:
Where the ninja go on crazy adventures to unravel the mystery of the Merge.
Meanwhile, Jay is going through his sigma male arc.
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fleeglefazbeagle · 2 months
Had a thought about nearly two years ago...
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Looking at this bit in part 1 of There's Something About Amy, do you think at some point Amy gives SH Tails the Sonic plushie as a sort of gift which he would cherish very much? Since, ya know, he saw himself in her, he wanted Sonic but Sonic said "no" while Amy wanted Sonic but Sonic just keeps running.
It's random and very unlikely, I know but it would be oddly cute if that happened.
(But that's just my wishful thinking.😅)
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irrideemaple · 4 months
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Miss Robin...💕💕💕
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Bonus doodle I drew before 2.2 OTL
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dorothygale123 · 11 months
I'd say I'm becoming a nerd, but that ship sailed a long time ago. I guess I'm just expanding my nerdiness to other areas.
So in Journey to the West, the Buddha explains that there are 4 'spiritual primates' that don't fit into any categories for immortals or types of creatures. Fans of Lego Monkie Kid are likely familiar with 2, the Stone Monkey Sun Wukong and the Six Eared Macaque. The other 2, the Long-armed Gibbon and the Red-Buttocked Baboon are a lot more obscure. They only get a brief mention in JttW because the focus of the chapter they appear in is Macaque, but the idea of a set of super powerful Immortal monkeys is just too fun to pass up, you know? So I've been thunking my thinker.
What if each primate was associated with a different realm (mortal, heavenly, lunar, and underworld) and element? I know the 4 elements (earth, water, wind, fire) are a western idea rooted in alchemy and eastern mythology has 5 elements (earth, water, fire, metal, wood), but there aren't 5 monkeys and this is just a thought experiment and not me trying to force western ideas onto eastern culture.
Got it? Good.
Now, Sun Wukong is very solidly earth because he's, you know, a rock. No surprise there. He was also born in the mortal realm and spent most of his life there, so we'll call him the celestial primate of the mortal realm while we're at it.
The Six-Eared Macaque is another easy one. A lot of LMK fannon associates him with wind, inferring that his heightened hearing has something to do with wind magic. He's also very closely tied to the moon because of the line in "Shadow Play" where he directly compares the Warrior (himself) to the moon. So Macaque is the celestial primate of wind and the Lunar realm.
Now here's where we get a bit more speculative and start using information creatively. There are 2 monkeys, realms, and elements left I want to use, so let's start with the monkeys so everyone has a baseline understanding.
The Long Armed Gibbon (Gibs, from now on) is described as being able to "seize the sun and moon, shorten a thousand mountains, distinguish auspicious from inauspicious, and manipulate planets and stars."
The Red Buttocked Baboon (Babs for short) has "knowledge of yin and yang, understands human affairs, is adept I'd daily life and can avoid death and lengthen its life."
Starting with the realms because they seem easiest to assign, I would give Gibs the Heavenly realm because of its ability to move around celestial objects like the sun, moon, planets, and stars. This leaves the Underworld to Babs, which I think fits nicely because their "knowledge of yin and yang" and "understand[ing] of human affairs" would make them a good assistant to the 10 Kings of the Underworld.
Next comes the 2 remaining elements, water and fire, which are a bit tricky because it could go both ways.
Gibs could be fire because the sun and stars are giant balls of burning plasma, but also water because the sky/heavens are often associated with an ocean or other bodies of water in several different mythologies. For example, in Egyptian mythology, Ra sailed his boat through the sky every day, while in early Abrahamic belief the sky was a huge dome with water on the other side, and rain happened when floodgates were opened to let the water through. In Chinese myth specifically, the Milky Way is often depicted as a river that is sailed through by various deities.
Babs could fit with fire as well because underworlds and hell-adjacent places are often shown to have fires to torment and punish the sinful dead, no surprise there. But there is surprisingly a lot of water symbolism in the realm of the dead as well. For example, some people may be familiar with the Japanese idea of the Sanzu River, very similar in concept to the Greek River Styx, as well as the Chinese Huang Quan/Yellow springs.
Personally I would pair Babs with fire because he has red in his name, making him the celestial primate of fire and the Underworld.
That leaves Gibs to be the celestial primate of water and the Heavenly realm.
I feel pretty good about this, but if anyone else has other ideas I'd love to hear them.
Sh*tpost Masterlist
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tumblezwei · 1 month
I have the same hatred for "Stellaron Hunter Sunday" that I do for "Qrow is Ruby's Dad"
A theory that just gets worse the longer you think about it, with fans that care more about the potential angst than they do about their theory making sense
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equestriagirl16 · 1 year
TWST book 7 spoilers‼️‼️‼️
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thebisexualteen · 7 months
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I hate the f-king color theory while drawing Milky Way
We got Penumbra, Solstice, Milky Way and Researcher
Digital art is pain cause I drew all of this with my finger
@insanelyadd @milothegoat2 @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing @owhouselover
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pinkeoni · 2 years
Why The Dragon Could Represent Will's Self Harm
TW: Discussion of self harm
This is an idea I've had swimming around in my head for awhile but I didn't start seeing the evidence for it until recently.
Why the dragon is connected to Will
This point is pretty easy to explain— the dragon in Will's painting was painted by Will.
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I mean, it's a pretty simple reasoning but it's solid. Even without getting into the nitty gritty of the creation theory, you can point to the fact that since Will painted the dragon, he essentially created it. Will conjured the dragon in his painting, so he will likely conjure the dragon in some form during the climax.
It's always possible that Vecna could conjure the dragon, but dragons aren't really his MO. Vecna's into spiders, not dragons. It makes much more sense fantasy and Dungeons & Dragons to be the one to conjure the dragon. Thank you to @bylrndgm for pointing out that Will has some winged creatures (possible dragons) on his bedroom wall in Hawkinsand while looking for screenshots I found this dragon toy behind Will (in a scene where he’s being self deprecating no less)
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This could also be another Vecna/Will parallel. In season 4 we see little Henry draw his spider monster before turning it into a reality in the Upside Down. Will painted the dragon, so he'll create a real dragon. Similarly, if the spider monster (Mind Flayer) that Henry created is meant to also himself, then could the dragon that Will creates also be himself as well?
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How the dragon could represent his self harm
This part is going to take a little more explaining than the last part. I'll start with explaining Will's self harm.
Will doesn't really self harm in a traditional sense, rather we see him emotionally harm himself. While there are a few moments where we see Will stick up for himself, (the rain fight, Rink-O-Mania) there seems to be a line where Will no longer asserts his feelings outward but rather directs them inward and ends up hurting himself in the process. The rain fight results in the destruction of Castle Byers, and when Lucas tries to apologize to Will later, Will claims that it doesn't matter anymore. Something similar happened at Rink-O-Mania, where initially Will is able to defend himself but then later claims that he actually "deserved it."
And then, of course, we see Will harm himself emotionally when he gives Mike the painting under the guise of it being from El. Here we see a recurring aspect of Will's self harm, his self sacrificial nature.
In episode 1x01, Will sacrifices Will the Wise in the D&D game for the sake of the rest of the party. In episode 2x08, Will tries to sacrifice himself again when he instructs everyone to "CLOSEGATE" despite the fact that this would kill him. These two instances combined with the painting show how little regard Will has for his own self preservation, so long as others are saved.
What's interesting about all three of these instances of sacrifice is that they involve fire, burning, or even the dragon itself. The most obvious one being Will's dragon painting, which he uses to try and fix Mike and El's relationship and therefore hurts his own feelings.
When Will sacrifices himself in 1x01, he does so while casting fireball.
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In order to get the mind flayer properly out of Will in order to properly close the gate, they do so by burning it out of him (and Will even receives a physical burn from Nancy in this scene).
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Why this would manifest as the dragon
ST tends to use its supernatural and horror elements to explore themes of mental illness. The most recent and obvious example being the Vecna's Curse plot from last season, which was used to explore trauma and suicidal ideation. The NINA plot was a look at trauma and repressed memories through a sci-fi lens. In the case of Will, his true sight episodes were a supernatural spin on PTSD flashbacks. The show rarely ever has monsters just for the sake of monsters. Even the giant flesh monster from s3 was likely used as a metaphor for forced conformity and patriotism.
So then, when a big dragon gets manifested in the show, likely by Will, I don't think it would be just a big dragon for the sake of having a big dragon; I think that the dragon would likely be used to represent some kind of aspect regarding mental health. And based on what I've mentioned above, the aspect in question would likely be Will's self destruction.
How would a dragon be used to show self harm?
Something important about Will's dragon is that it has multiple heads.
It's been theorized as to exactly how many heads the dragon would have. Would it have seven heads like the dragon in revelations? Five heads like the Tiamat from D&D? Or just three heads like Will's painting? (Likely the last option) No matter how many heads, the dragon in each example has multiple heads, enough heads to be able to cause harm to another one.
Considering that the Duffers often pay homage to other sources, I was wondering if there was any examples in other media or mythology to a self destructive dragon— and then I remembered the Ouroboros
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The Ouroboros is an ancient multicultural symbol that has taken on a few different interpretations depending on the culture it comes from, but is always represented as "a serpent or dragon eating its own tail."
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The ouroboros usually represents the cycle of death and rebirth, but is also commonly seen as a symbol of self destruction.
Will doesn't realize that his self harm hurts others
Something that I don't think Will is quite aware of is that whenever he self harms or self sacrifices, he believes he is only harming himself but doesn't realize that he's harming others. When he sacrifices himself in D&D and subsequently goes missing, he doesn't see the pain and distraught that it brings to everyone. When Will gives his dragon painting to Mike under the guise of it being from El, he doesn't realize that he's actually hurting both of them through his attempt to save their relationship.
What this could mean for the dragon is that it could be harming itself, like in the case of the ouroboros, but it could also be causing damage to everything around it in the process. Imagine, for example, the dragon breathing fire on one of its other heads, but it ends up setting fire to part of the town. A dragon literally at war with itself whose self destruction spills outward, just like Will.
In the terms of how this works thematically, this is how the dragon could be used to show Will's journey toward selfishness. Contrasting his many instances of self sacrifices, Will learns that the real answer to saving others involve saving himself, and that's how they defeat the dragon.
Prediction for how this could happen in the show
Here's a rough timeline for how this could play out in the show:
We see Will's self destructing nature build up throughout the season
The dragon ends up manifesting at the climax, likely in episode 7
The dragon manifests at a point where Will is at his lowest, possibly considering sacrificing himself for the benefit of others. He doesn't realize that this would do more harm than good
The dragon tries to destroy itself but does damage to everything around it in the process
Will realizes that he was the one who created the dragon and has to contend with why it was created
Part of defeating it means Will has to have a personal realization
This point is a little less fleshed out but the party defeats the dragon together as part of the final battle before the final confrontation with Vecna
tagging: @howtobecomeadragon @smalltown-babygirl
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larynxnymphh · 21 days
please tell me about your favorite conspiracy theories!!
need a list of some to research? check below ⬇️
•china rewriting bible
•hollywood inverts
•phantom time hypothesis
•checkerboard floors
•peter scully
-daisy’s destruction
•cia document: adam and eve story
•the ice wall
•balenciaga human mannequin
•de4d bodies used in water supplies
•birthday song = evil ritual
•child traffic school textbooks/McGraw-Hill
•mountains are preserved giants
•m cave/snakebitmagee
•the cann1bal cafe
•secret masonic cave
•freemasons = b4by eaters
•disney gloves & hand signs
•fake moon landing
•celebrity clones
•panda eyes
•mandela effect
•earth pictures cgi
•child pr3dator symbols on toys
•the lol1 express
•ghislane maxwell x jon benet ramsey
•jon benet is katy perry
•reptilian elites
•major cities = burnt down through history
•epstein still alive
•reptilian in the last supper
•calendar shifts
•quantum jumping
•diego garcia
•23&me government coverup
•Phil Schneider Dulce Base
•cern portal
•biltmore mansion pool x podesta art
•hampstead christ church
•tavistock institute
•vatican traffic🤴
•club 33 elites
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sygneth · 6 months
hi hello. i just need to send an ask to someone about how Frogwares Remakes Holmes is afraid of water to the point of passing out in it, and how if I were writing a sherlock holmes/cthulhu mythos crossover i would definitely play with that concept more. can you imagine how he must have felt during the swamp chapter
YES!! I have been thinking about this definitely too much... I know this is mainly for gameplay reasons but I 100% agree it has so much potential! (Btw, I love the concept itself. It makes Holmes seem so... simply human. I think Frogwares did such a great job on Holmes' portrayal in general, they didn't go into the "cold detached logician without emotions" trope and I am SO HAPPY they didn't. This Holmes is nearly 1:1 how I see canon!Holmes, and he is so human in it. And small details like this, they just give depth to the character, and I think this is a great use of the fact that here in fact we see Holmes as he is, with all the aspects that Watson would obviously omit in the stories.... Yeah, I wouldn't miss an opportunity to write an epiphany on a great reading of Holmes)
And the swamps.... I don't think I can even imagine. Honestly, I think it would be great if they addressed that somehow in this part, even Watson asking Holmes if he is alright, would be something.
(And if I am not mistaken, the only locations when there is enough water to make his pass out are the ones where Watson is with us? So I always imagine Watson pulling Holmes out of it, and I was almost disappointed that he didn't even comment on that.)
This is one mess of an answer but! What I mean to say is I am totally with you on this, I love this aspect of the game and I only wish they played with it a little bit more
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justineangelrococo · 8 months
"We're about 80 percent sure she's harmless." Well I am 100 and 10 percent sure she isn't. This woman isn't as innocent as she seems which is always shown when anyone has to interact with her on any basis. Now my new theory which is stuck in the brain is that our dear sweet Niffty is a serial killer, a black widow one if you will and she only has a specific type she goes for bad boys. She could be I would say a yandere but she's doesn't have the traits of only one person being special to her to make her a comedic yandere no.
She is hunting for a specific type why I don't know, it could be a infatuation with the type of a bad boy, she wants someone absolutely God awful and after awhile she would end up killing them maybe her crush ended and she needs something new, but she would get rid of them and head on to the next bad boy target. Which spoilers for those who haven't gotten caught up to the show and what we know so far.
Ok let's go Husk used to be a overlord, and so that leads Niffty was she one too, and met Alastor loving he was a bad boy and well meeting and respecting him, and ending up being forced to be his servant of which we do know she enjoys. Which if so that leads to some fun and make some sense of this other part here.
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She might kill, or torture Valentino, or Adam, we already saw her interact with Valentino, and she took some fluff of his for her collection. Which seems like our little lady is getting trophies if she can of a future kill, or well kidnapping because people can't die in hell unless it's with a angel weapon, so for all we know Niffty could have a bunch of awful men in a bluebeard's bride situation in a secret room just there, and for reference in bluebeard the guy kills all of his former brides and hangs their bodies up in a secret room. Which Niffty could have done and is on the prowl for her next victims, and it would be fun to see two of the most awful guys in the show right now get taken out by a cute tiny little thing like Niffty. Look at her she's so ready and prepared for her next victim maybe, or partner she could be a girl looking for a ultimate bad boy and isn't able to find her rotten one, idk but here is the theory, last one before I go to bed. Also let's look at all the crazy behavior she displayed so far, and how ready she is to possibly attack Valentino, other then taking his neck fluff, and maybe snatch him, she ready to go for Sir Pentious when he came back to hotel, and didn't want him to leave her she may not want any of her bad boys to leave, might be a bad case of how some women and girls are fans of boy bands and singers especially back in the day and being obsessed with them, but for Niffty it's a Type one of which Lucifer was on that list too, she wanted the ultimate bad boy, but I'm sure if she knew what he was really like she would be so disappointed.
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fleeglefazbeagle · 2 months
I made a little theory vid involving Secret History Tails if you wanna take a look.⬇️
I got bored one day and ever since then, the concept got stuck in my head and I HAD to get it out.
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bunnakit · 4 months
I'm convinced ATEEZ and Halateez don't converse with each other in any of the diaries because it's fucking confusing as shit to write and deciding to write a lore compliant fic featuring all 16 of them was a terrible idea actually
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major respect to golden hour hongjoong for pulling it off
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