#sh 113
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llyfrenfys · 2 years ago
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Bad Takes in the Welsh tag vol. II- this reblog on a post about the number of Welsh speakers. (I have cropped out the username of OP and as ever, I only focus on the sentiment, not the person. If you know OP's url kindly do not send them anon hate etc.).
So I saw this take a few days ago in a reblog on a post in the Welsh tag and wanted to address this sentiment as well, since it does the opposite of that other bad take that I saw and made a post about the other day. To be clear, I don't disagree entirely with OP, but there's an element of wishful thinking that I sometimes see when it comes to Welsh / other minoritised languages which can end up doing more harm than good.
This screenshot was also discussed in the LGBTQIA+ Welsh Discord I run and the broad consensus from those of us in there who live in Wales is that OP is painting a very inaccurate picture of the status of Welsh, particularly of Welsh in North Wales. It is frustrating when you have people who value Welsh, but don't value Welsh enough to bother with accuracy in their promotion of the language. This post is intended as a gentle reminder that we can fight for the Welsh language without misrepresenting the situation on the ground so to speak.
The post itself has a 'fuck yeah, Welsh!' attitude which I personally love. But sadly this particular post is riddled with misinformation. First of all, we have "Welsh law is that all signs must have We[l]sh text on them but there is nothing in the law that says signs must also have English on them". Now the wording is kinda vague here- but I'm going out on a limb and saying that the OP is likely referencing The Welsh Language Standards Guidelines (which have been updated several times over the years). The guidance has a number of Standards relating to signs in the Welsh language, such as Standard 32, Standards 47-52, Standard 66 and Standards 111-113. The section of Interpreting the Standards also contains relevant text, such as in Part 3- Interpreting the Standards article 15:
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Plain text: "For the purposes of the standards a requirement to publish, provide or display any written material in Welsh does not mean that material should be published, provided or, displayed in Welsh only, nor does it mean that the material should be produced in Welsh first (unless that is specifically stated in the standard)"
Of the Standards listed above, Standards 47-52 are specifically designated as Standards relating to signs and notices displayed or published by a body. Which state things like "... if the same text is displayed in Welsh and in English, you must not treat the Welsh language text less favourably than the English language text" - Standard 47 and "You must ensure that the Welsh language text on signs and notices is accurate in terms of meaning and expression" - Standard 49.
Anyway, back to the point. OP is incorrect in stating that there is a loophole by which the Welsh Law forgot to specify that the signs had to have English as well as Welsh and that public bodies can get away with monolingual Welsh signs. This just isn't true. Important to note is that the law is intended for public bodies- so big companies, road signage makers etc. This guidance isn't for random farms in North Wales which have signs that say "wyau <-" pointing up the lane with no English translation.
Now, the next sentence is a little loaded, well-meant, but a little loaded nonetheless. "The Welsh nationalist dominated rural authorities in the North"- it's loadedness comes down to its vagueness I think. While it isn't wrong per se that Welsh Nationalist parties like Plaid Cymru do well in the North West, it is a little skewed to ascribe Welsh speaking status to whichever party is doing the best in a given area. It isn't that clear cut, unfortunately. To get into this issue, we have to talk maps.
So those Welsh speaker maps that have nice gradients and have the West of Wales coloured in dark, gradually getting lighter as you move East? Unfortunately, these maps can be very misleading (especially if, like in the map OP was commenting on, the source of the data was left off). But the long and short of it is- these maps tend to imply that Welsh is exclusively spoken in the NW and that everywhere East of Bangor has had it. But the data presentation is very flawed, since it tends to erase Welsh language gains in places like Cardiff, Swansea and Monmouthshire.
You've all seen maps like this right? NW in the darkest colours and SE in the lightest?
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Unfortunately when it comes to these kinds of maps, they can be very misleading from a language revitalisation point of view.
Here's some maps I actually studied at undergrad for this purpose
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On the face of it, your eyes zip up to Gwynedd and Môn on the first map and then over to the second and- 'oh no!' you might say, there's been a -2.1 to -4.0 percent decline in Welsh speakers in those areas. And of course, this is something that language revitalisation wants to address. But look at the first map again. Look at, Monmouthshire, Caerphilly, Cardiff and Swansea. Then look at the second map.
Welsh speaking is actually being increased in these areas, between 2001 to 2011.
The misleading nature of a language map like this one is not its borders, its colour or key, but its omission of the sociopolitcal forces at play in language revitalisation. Large population centres like Cardiff, Caerphilly, Newport and Swansea are actively gaining more Welsh speakers. While Gwynedd and Môn are losing some. But Welsh speaking (despite a few wobbles) is on the increase. So where did those Welsh speakers from the North go?
It isn't a hard-and-fast rule, but many rural Welsh speakers (especially those who live in areas with high amounts of holiday homes which drive up rent/cost of staying in villages in North Wales) actually end up moving to more urban areas in the South, meaning that some of the decline of Welsh speaking in North Wales is down to Welsh speakers just, moving to a different part of Wales- which in turn makes those areas see an increase in Welsh being spoken.
Of course, we actually have to address the cause of the exodus of Welsh speakers from rural areas holiday homes raising house prices making them unaffordable for locals and drives them away but the way that our data is represented is not as dire as it looks. Still not great, mind, but not apocalyptic either.
Then there's the other inaccuracies in this post. Small businesses like farm shops, high street businesses and houses can have Welsh-only signage because they are not local authorities and much of the guidance indirectly referenced by OP mostly only applies to local authorities. This is how you have farm shops advertising produce in Welsh only, or shop names in Welsh (such as Siop y Pethe and Broc-Môr in Aberystwyth) or the name of the house my flat is in. Businesses have different regulations for signage inside the shop in different situations. But the guidance indirectly referred to by OP in the screenshot mostly applies to road signage.
Big name brands such as Tesco are definitely not going to have monolingual Welsh stores and it is disinformation to suggest that they do- especially not when they've made gaffes such as "sboncen" to mean squash (the drink). "Sboncen" means squash (the sport), while they should have put "sgwash", meaning the drink.
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Or my favourite instance of these "arwyddion gwael", in which instead of offering a free ATM service, this ATM on the Tesco Express in Aberystwyth offered "codiad am ddim" (free erections):
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So I dread to think what a fully monolingual poorly translated Welsh Tesco would look like.
I don't disagree with OP on the final part, that we should celebrate Welsh's "punk ass attitude" in surviving despite attempts to eradicate it from existence. But spreading false information is definitely not the way we should be doing that.
Instead, we can celebrate things like the National Eisteddfod coming to places like Wrecsam in 2025, which aren't typically selected due to there being fewer speakers. But what bringing the National Eisteddfod to areas with low-speakers does is reestablish that yes, actually, Welsh deserves to be spoken all over Wales, not just in Y Fro Gymraeg (Welsh concept equivalent of the Gaeltacht in Ireland). It's an active, real reclamation of areas previously lost for Welsh and revitalising them by bringing the language back with the biggest Welsh language event anywhere.
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dracudogg · 1 month ago
❤🕷 Pinned Post
† About Me + Call me Kurt! I use he/they prns. I'm 20 years old ! + DID , AudHD , BPD , addiction (2 1/2 yrs sober! just talk abt how hard it is sumtimes.), TBI , the funky stuff + HW-250/113 CW-172/78 GW1-150/68 GW2-141/64 GW3-126/57 UGW-115/52 My interest R very predictable! - Res. Evil, NBC's Hannibal, Silent Hill, Dexter, Legend Of Zelda, Batman (2022) , Smoking weed , Kenomimi (im bad at spelling that gn) , Scream , TONS of types of music and basically all horror medias.
† About My Blog
+ TW for topics of ED and mental illness, obviously. DNI : Anyone below 17 (I get it if y'all like my posts, but it feels odd when i get followed LMAO), Obv DNIs ,fatphobes , endogenic systems , etc etc . If I break these, it is an accident, sorry! < 3 + Tags will be inconsistent, But the locals on this page will likely be: Andrew , he/him , 23ish Bruce , he/they , 22 Karma , he/they , 18-23 Randy , any , 19-25 Rocky , he/him , ageless adult Toby , he/him , ageless adult Tommy , he/him , 19 Val(entine) , Any (main he) , 18 Will H. G. , He/They , ageless adult
🌑.(name) - Alter fronting tag
🐾.TheTomb - Things not ed themed, like trauma, sh, other stuff
🧊.StarvingAnimal - ED related tag, ARFID snd restrictive themed.
🕷Have fun and stay safe !
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notmaplemable · 2 years ago
His Bark
Jaune: So guys, I was thinking on Saturday that we sh- *Stubs tow on his bed*
Nora: Oh no.
Pyrrha: Not again.
Ren: *Covers ears*
Jaune: *Deep inhale*
Taiyang: *Grilling a steak on the patio grill*
Jaune: *In the distance* Fuck!!!
Taiyang: ...Wonder what Nick is up to?
Fun Fact: The loudest bark by a dog ever recorded was at 113 decibels from a Golden Retriever named Charlie.
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kiweegamez · 19 days ago
If Spotify did chapters 😭
1 ||The Trials of a Leader|| (1-16)
2 ||Escalation|| (17-21)
3 ||The Art of War|| (22-37)
4 ||To Lose What You Love|| (38-41)
5 ||Goodbye ‘Home’|| (42-50)
6 ||Why Not Me Too?|| (51-56)
7 ||The Anti-void|| (57-73)
8 ||A New Start?|| (74-77)
9 ||Welcome to the Group|| (78-83)
10 ||The Mistake of Love|| (84-108)
11 ||Leaving For the Best|| (109-112)
12 ||Who are you?|| (113-116)
13 ||Healing|| (117-122)
14 ||Opposites Attract|| (123-134)
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withgirl-sq · 1 year ago
Drabble challenge
#56 - Azuatara
#113 - SwanQueen
You can pick one or do both. I just wanted to give the option
Sorry completely missed this when you sent it, hope you enjoy!
Azutara - ‘I don’t do hugs’
The inner workings of physical affection was not something that Princess Azura was ever taught in her efforts to master her element and intricacies of politics.
Becoming a member of Team Avatar didn’t change her understanding, no matter how much she wanted to change. It was more important to focus on defeating the Fire Nation before she turned her attention to everything that her royal upbringing had deprived her of.
Emerging into the Western Air Temple, she was’t at all thinking about the Fire Nation as sh researched frantically for the person who had convinced her to betray her nation, the girl who she had no idea who had survived the failed invasion. 
She was crushed by a hug by an unforeseen embrace. 
Initially, she stiffened but, as Katara cooed how happy she was that she made it into her ear, Azula forgot her objection about how she wasn’t one for hugs.
How could she when she lifted her arms and found that they fit so well together?
SwanQueen - ‘I prefer blondes’ 
Their relationship was supposed to be a secret, at least until they figured out how serious they were.
What was the sense in destroying the status quo of Storybrooke with news of the Saviour and Evil Queen dating until they were sure that they were going to last. 
Currently, Emma Swan was regretting this decision, watching the diner’s counter with her knuckles whitening around her coffee.
She’d agreed to let Cruella into town, but she now wished she had the right to banish people. 
The woman had the audacity to to trail her hand down the mayor’s arm.
Emma pushed herself up without a plan, heading over to the counter, but she was prevented from engagement as she got close enough to hear her girlfriend drawl while slipping away from the counter, “I prefer blondes.”
Cruella huffed but Emma had eyes only for the smirking mayor passing the dumbstruck saviour.
“Miss Swan,” she greeted as she went.
Cruella tilted her head at her curiously but Emma didn’t notice.
She was too busy shaking her head before deciding to go after her girlfriend.
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misadventurezz · 4 days ago
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intro post
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i'm jae/jaece
he/him (ftm, afab)
113% sure that i'm an adult!!
ur favorite gothic horror movie pierce the veil ahs obsessed puppy boy right here
i have 13 stuffies that i love sm.
dms & asks always open, please feel free to msg me!
i dont send!!
your official warning™ that i am heavily mentally ill and i will talk about my mental illnesses on this blog (with warnings ofc) this is including sh!!
(number one attention whore right here)
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bohemian-nights · 1 year ago
Hi, can you please tell me if there are actually evidences that Daemon can be the biological father of Nettles? Cause on Twitter a lot of people seems convinced of this, they say he probably had her with some wh*re in Driftmark, but wasn't Daemon fighting in the Stepstones in that period? I also don't remember this is stated anywhere in the book. Should i re-read Fire and Blood? Help, im confused.
Oh yes, twitter Dumbnyra stans 😒They are another layer to this tacky circus 🎪 that I don’t even want to get into, but don’t worry you aren’t going crazy cause is zero and I do mean zero evidence to support Daemon being Nettles father.
As always they are making sh*t up.
Dumbnyra Stans have taken the highlighted line from the book to say Daemon is Nettles father:
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That’s it. That’s their evidence. Never mind that the line specifically emphasizes that he doted on her like one might dote on their daughter. Meaning Maester Norren is literally saying that as a point of reference, aka a comparison, and not to say that she’s his actual daughter.
I can not empathize this enough, they are using a comparison, while ignoring all the rest, like how Daemon bathes and sleeps in the same bed with Nettles, to say Of course Nettles is Daemon’s daughter. He’d never cheat on my Valyran queen with a dirty Black whore😆
🤦🏽‍♀️I wish I was joking about the last part, but they’ve told on themselves so many times now.
Keep in mind that Daemon fled from Westeros for the Stepstones in 111 AC:
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He did not return until 115 AC when his first wife had died:
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And Nettles is 16 in 129AC and turned 17 sometime before the fifth moon of 130 AC(before she left Maidenpool):
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This means that she would have to have been born in early 113 AC, thus making it impossible for Daemon to be Nettles’ biological father since human gestation only lasts for 9 months.
So they are lying and the only reason why they are doing so is because of anti-Blackness and misogynoir.
After all, these are the same people who feel this way:
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Simply put, they don’t want Daemon with a Black woman whom he ends up abandoning their white self-insert for.
I stand by the statement that if Nettles were white they'd have jumped from their Titanic of a ship by now. At the very least they wouldn't be having mental breakdowns at the thought of her being on the show calling her dirty and comparing her to animals non-stop.
Now these fans are idiots, but most of them are smart enough to know not to say that since it's blatantly racist.
So they hide behind the daughter thing to make those who ship Daemon and Nettles look like perverted weirdos and while they are just concerned fans to escape the racism charges🤷🏽‍♀️
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failboy10 · 2 months ago
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Get to know me
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I’m mainly making this so I can make ed mutuals here on my side blog, especially with other POCs (I’m half black) & guys cis or trans but ofc any gender or race is welcome here :). My main is nicobutnicotine & i like & follow from there since this is a side blog.
If you are in recovery or will find my account triggering, please exit now. You’re health is the most important. Restricting & fasting is my way of SH, but I don’t encourage it & wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.
If you are non-disordered & find this account, please exit now. I need this blog to keep me from going completely insane. Reporting my account will not help me or anyone else in the slightest. I will just keep making more accounts.
Transphobes can also fuck right off :)
Now, with that out of the way…
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Height - 5’2 / 157cm
Hw + Sw - 150 lbs / ~68 kg
lw - 130 lbs / ~58.9kg
~~140 lbs / 63.5kg~~
cw 02/25/25: 132 lbs/~63.5kg
gw- 130 lbs / ~58.9kg 🔒
gw - 120lbs / ~54.4kg 🔒
gw - 113 lbs / ~51.26kg 🔒
gw- 110 lbs / ~49.8 kg 🔒
gw - 95 lbs / ~ 43kg 🔒
ugw- 80 lbs / ~36.2 kg 🔒
Don’t feel shy to message me! ^_^ I’m quite shy, but I enjoy meeting new people & chatting about anything
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sunnydaleherald · 7 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, August 16th
GROOSALUGG You and I have fought side by side on more than one occasion -- Fellow warriors, shoulder to shoulder. By now, my counsel must assuredly hold weight, so I beseech you to heed my words... ANGEL (shrugging) Mmo-kay. GROOSALUGG "Pomegranate Mist" is the wrong color for this room.
~~The Price~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Attractive by The_Crazy_Knight (Buffy/Giles, T)
Baby by The_Crazy_Knight (Buffy/Giles, G)
Cuddle by The_Crazy_Knight (Buffy/Giles, E)
Caught by Skyson (Buffy/Giles, T)
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Wei Wuxian meets Buffy at a club post resurrection for both of them by bidet-of-evil (Buffy, MoDaoZuShi crossover, not rated)
the perfect not so perfect date by specialagentlokitty (Spike/reader, not rated)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Shadow Over Hellmouth, Chapter 113 by Tuxedo_Mark (Tara/Buffy, E)
Just like magic, Chapters 1-7 by Shipper_wlw (Tara/Willow/Oz, T)
Stupid Thing, Chapter 1 by mistigrisunshine (Buffy/Spike, T)
Правильно, Chapters 1-2 (complete!) by B_E_S (Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Angel, T, in Russian)
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The Neighbor's Point of View, Chapter 122 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Under the Influence, Chapter 10 by Hostile17-1996 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Along Came Two, Chapter 5 by LilithSwan (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2], Chapter 43 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Mysterious Destinies, Chapter 2 by EnchantedWillow (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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August Fic-A-Day 2024, Chapter 16 by LadyWinterlight (Buffy, Stargate crossover, FR15)
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The Great Escape from Oz, Chapter 4 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Two sides by isevery0nehereverystoned (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: Spike by isevery0nehereverystoned (worksafe)
Artwork: Family photo by maloops (Angel, Darla, Drusilla, Spike, worksafe)
Wallpaper: Bloody Guest by revello-drive-1630 (episodic art for BtVS 2x17 "Passion", worksafe)
Collage: Willow and Oz by sunflower1109 (worksafe)
Cartoon by Paul Gadzikowski's The Hero of Three Faces (Willow, Star Trek The Next Generation crossover, worksafe)
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Fanvid: Buffy Summers - Older Than I Am by TheOverLookedOne
Fanvid: Angel And Buffy || Dusk Till Dawn by Paola Hernández
Fanvid: Buff Peaks by jaw513 (Twin Peaks crossover)
Fanvid: Buffy Summers | Burn Your Village by Lunchtime Be Damned!
Animation: Buffy the Vampire Slayer ... in LEGO | "You Made A Bear!" [Blender Animation] by Trevor Carlee
Slide show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer style analysis by nid avow
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Video: The Twisted Buffy Episode Guide S02E11: Ted by Twisted View
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 4 - Episode 5 Review: Beer Bad by The Cheshire Kiwi
Podcast: Buffy & the Shot Felt Round the World Reair | Forever Fangirls | EP #097 by Forever Fangirls Reviews
Podcast: Never Leave Me S7 E9 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by Lisa M. Lilly
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Book Review: Buffy: The Last Vampire Slayer: Special by George L. Thomas
[Recs & Search]
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Fic rec: Dreams of Otherworlds by Regata Electra (Buffy/Angel, M) recced by I Will Remember You Marathon
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Fic recs: New Spuffy Fanfic Recommendations continued by flow
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Fic search: Best angst/romance Spike/Buffy Fic recs by YummyCookies333
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Welcome to the Buffyverse Kinkmeme! by Buffyverse Kinkmeme
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[Fandom Discussions]
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That scene where Willow tries to talk to Oz after “the fluke” by confusedguytoo
Thinking about AUs in which Faith comes back to Sunnydale in Season 5 by coraniaid
if btvs was set in 2024 by edwardshundredyearoldspunk
You know what, I actually like that Nikki was a mother by redhatmeg
I do wonder how much of Spike's mother's cruelty was caused by her lacking a soul by redhatmeg
if willow and tara went to the beach together for a date what do you think they would do? Asked by lesbianmarrow, answered by softgaycontent
Man… what is it with this show having such twisted yet sweet relationships between villains? by agirlinsearchof
My thoughts on the season [season 3] by agirlinsearchof
Watching The Body after loosing a parents is definitely something else by foggy2109
Why does buffy always take a big old backpack when she goes to see angel after he's come back to life in season 3?? by true-bluesargent
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Was the biggest fallacy? [About staking vampires] by ILLYRIAN
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Fanon That Bothers You continued by Skippcomet
Rewatch thoughts and questions continued by multiple posters
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Season 6 or Season 7? by OptionNo1672
Most Endearing/Cutest/Sweetest Anya Moments! by ElephantWorldly5010
New Funko something pending… by SnooDoggos5311
Who was the most perfectly cast? by sKullsHavezzz
Buffy. Chasing. The. Helicopter. by spectacleskeptic
Did Xander just accidentally start Anya's obsession with money? by Baron_Butterfly
A list of some of my favorite songs from the series by Littledittydee
Comic Reboot [Boom! comics] by Tiny-Raccoon4664
How was reception to Willow’s sexuality during original airtime? by austinrussell24
We talk about Buffys Financials a lot but... by JoyleonSpire
How do we feel about SLAYERS now the hype has died down? by hey_jude_
If you could re-do the Season 7 premiere, which three character “ghosts” from the original Sunnydale high would you have wanted to see come back? by Jnnjuggle32
About being a Watcher by foreseethefuture
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Video: SPIKE! from hybrid vampire to BUFFY's ANTIHERO by Greg PopCulture (in French, with English subtitles)
Video: A Lukewarm Defense of "The Lie" by Cool Channel DreadTube
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progwords · 2 years ago
I'm gonna lay all of this out right now so it is on the record, and I probably should have done this last week when I actually saw that Ch115 of Black Lagoon was out (and that apparently all of the previously untranslated ones had been translated officially on Viz in like March??? Is the series ending or are they just doing this for everything?) but hear me out:
Majeur is Yukio's older sister.
Okay. I'll explain. I know, "just because they are both from Japan doesn't mean they're related!" and I agree. This would not have crossed my mind if not for the GIANT KABUKI TATTOO on her upper body.
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We're gonna circle back to this. Keep it in your brain. Also, I can't believe it but Rei Hiroe actually crafted a scenario where swimsuits were entirely necessary to the story.
That is not a joke. We're gonna get there. Need to set some things up for you.
Majeur apparently had a younger sister according to her former comrades, and the previous Auriculaire (the blonde that kept screaming Majeur was a lesbian) was someone she was so protective of she is still not okay about her death in "L'homme Sombre".
I do not have Vol 12 digitally, so trust me on this one.
I must've read 114 and 115 about fifteen times at this point because I kept finding little things that are so damned interesting (that's a different discussion but no surprise I love it) and at first I'm thinking "well this is the calm before the storm" because that's a no brainer. The comparisons between Revy and Majeur, and the little jokes about "it'll be confusing if one of us dies because we both have tattoos, are Asian women, and you want to ALSO have two guns?" and just a ton of other small and large things would, in any other story, be giant death flags for Revy.
I don't think that's where we're going. I think it's somewhere WAY more interesting considering we already know Majeur's #1 priority is survival and has no real loyalty to Balalaika.
Because all of these little pieces (the diving, teaching her to tie the rope, how the city works; basically everything she ever taught Rock and a few things she learned from Rock...) start to add up about Revy's growth as a person, and how many callbacks and connections are being made to the entirety of the story, combined with Revy breaking up a barfight before it starts between Majeur and Eda (holy shit???) and it paints a picture that is screaming right in our face.
Classic Hitchcock suspense. The bomb under the dinner table that the guests don't know about, but we do. We don't know when it will go off. Only that it will.
Gonna hit you with some stuff.
I don't think it is an accident that Revy's "dream" is wanting people to shoot her in the face and not the back, because she sure as hell lives by it.
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I don't think it is an accident that Revy explicitly mentions she has been to Japan in front of Majeur and recognizes the word kabuki (remember!!!) I don't think it is an accident that Majeur is about to say her name at the end of 113 and Rock stops her, trying to be a "cool guy" because on the one hand he is correct, you can be someone else.
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Start over. He did. Revy did. Dutch totally did. Balalaika did. Feng did. On the other hand, narratively, what is the one name that exists for a Japanese person to have that would carry any significance?
The one name that the only two people in existence would hear and have a visceral reaction to, as they are the only ones who know what actually happened?
Yukio Washimine.
It gets better, though. Remember that kabuki tattoo? I could go into what each one represents, and they're pretty neat, but more importantly...
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He's quoting the play "Sukeroku". Listen, you don't do this TWICE. You don't show us this super specific thing TWICE and not have it be a giant neon sign. This is no damned accident, and it makes sense.
Jane came back. Roberta came back. Why not Tokyo? Throw in Takenaka (this would be INSANE and I am so here for it) and you've got the full set.
Majeur asking about honor when she's taken hostage by Rock, Revy, and Shenua and Rock's response being "That's a mafia thing" suddenly has quite a bit more weight to it.
We know the Washimine group were without a proper leader for a long time, which is what lead to their desperation in calling in Hotel Moscow to deal with the Kosa Kai. A teensy bit of conjecture, but "things happened" is probably about "my dad, the Yakuza boss, was murdered and I fled the country"
Why did Yukio stay behind? Could be that they're half-sisters. Same dad, different moms. Could be a lot of things.
Yukio took up the mantle, Chaka got his hands chopped off, Balalaika holds Rock at gunpoint in a parking garage, etc. We know that story; it's absolutely amazing and needs no reiteration even this many years later.
What does this mean? Why does this matter? Well, Majeur and Ginji both went up against Balalaika and Revy. The latter is dead because he had a reason to live; he wasn't focused on survival.
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Majeur? She lost her Yukio. The first time was literal. The second time was in Nigeria. She stopped trying to go after Balalaika and Revy because there wasn't any point to it. She had no one to protect. No one to fight for.
And there's one more thing...
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Yeah, man. I think this is essentially Yukio back from hell itself to take revenge on Balalaika. Revy's just the one who shot Ginji. She isn't responsible for the complete eradication of the Washimine group, and she has been trying to help Majeur because she obviously sees way too much of who she used to be in her.
Rock helped Garcia with Roberta, and they told him to fuck off...and rightfully so. It got dark. What dragged him out of the funk? Helping himself, Feng, in a way that was far less destructive and much more productive. What I imagine some have forgotten is that Revy also had an expy (this whole series is just parallel and intersecting character arcs and foils with the strangers who come to down I love it so so much) that told her to fuck off just as much, if not much more effectively and painfully: Fabiola.
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Fabiola never needed her help. She just thought she did. Majeur actually does benefit from Revy's advice because, shockingly enough, she isn't filled with nearly as much hate or bitterness as she used to be.
Feng and Majeur were basically the 'second chances' for Rock and Revy respectively, after "The Dance of Death". Take it back further, and this whole thing really could have been trying to make up for how things went down in Tokyo, as Yukio and Ginji were far more explicit and direct foils than Roberta, Garcia, and Fabiola ever were.
And this isn't even getting into the Balalaika side of things. That's a whole other conversation. God, I love this series so damned much!
Revy making a bet with Balalaika with Majeur as the---oh, shit, right, I don't have Vol 12 digitally, but you just have to trust me that Hiroe did bring the "people are like dice" concept again, but it was REVY who did it. It was when they're driving Majeur after she starts talking, and Revy responds with something like "Why do you care? You already threw your dice."
Majeur has direct access to Balalaika at some point in the future. She has the perfect ticking time bomb of a motive to want her dead, and Revy's gamble might make Majeur too well connected and too skilled to be stopped before it is way too late.
No idea how this will pan out, but I fucking love this series.
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daintyandempty · 2 years ago
Number on the scale says 117!!!
Gross but I think I’m about 116.8 then bc I haven’t sh*t in days…
I’m so proud of myself!! I’ve been waiting for this and it wasn’t easy and I did it!! Fuck everything I’m gonna keep eating boring food until I’m 113 baby…
Back to underweight 😁
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goofyrpmaniacs · 2 years ago
Z: You texted her right, Gekko?
G: Course I did. She should be here any-
Sh: *there* I'm here!
G: *shrieks*
D: Yo, whaddup? Oh, Yakko and Max are still not here, yet.
W: Shayna, here are the snacks. I might've gotten a liiiittle peckish and ate a few candies and chips, but here are the rest.
(part 113, month 2)
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sshbpodcast · 6 years ago
Episode 113: Sensuous Baritones
TNG: "The Outcast" and "Cause and Effect"
We go from very serious to sci-fi romp this week on SSHB! First up: a member of a genderless race falls for Riker and admits she identifies as female, which is seen as an illness on her world, in "The Outcast". After that, it's Groundhog Day in space – and predating the movie, in fact – as the Enterprise keeps getting sh*tmixed in "Cause and Effect"!
Also this week: belated Christmas, Jake bores us with math, and Chris bores us with starship trivia.
Content warning: discussion of gay conversion therapy, homophobia, and transphobia.
Notes: Grinches can skip Christmas joy by going to 9:25. "Orville" spoilers are at 24:42-26:00
Timestamps: Christmas presents: 2:23; synopses: 9:25; The Outcast: 15:51; Cause and Effect: 52:53
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sylvieblogs · 3 months ago
Artist Research Blog # 7- Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger is an American conceptual artist renowned for her collage-style works. Her works typically were in black and white photographs. They were overlaid with bold. Shs has declarative captions in white on red. She usually addresses themes such as power, identity, sexuality, and consumerism. She was born on January 26th, 1945, in Newark, New Jersey. She studied at the University of Syracuse and later on, went to Parsons School of Design in the city of New York. She was then influenced by instructors Diane Arbus and Marvin Israel. She started working and started her career in graphic design, working with the head of designer at Mademoiselle magazine. This led her to have an experience that significantly shaped her approach artistically, blending visual art with graphic design elements. In the 1970s and 1980s, Kruger used her background in design to create impactful visual statements. Her work spans various audio installations. Kruger has also help multiple teaching positions throughout her career. 
Her project, “ Untitled (your body is a battleground)”  was published in 1989, the medium of this is photographic silkscreen on vinyl and her dimensions are 111” x 113” which is approximately 282cm x 287 cm. The exhibition of the venue is Courtesy of Mary Boone Gallery in New York. The piece proposes a woman's face split in half symmetrically. One side is positive and the other is negative. Two tones of layers with the text “Your Body is a Battleground”. The starkness in her pictures creates simplicity and directness and engages the viewers to reflect on feminism, societal control, and body autonomy. This mostly advocated for women's reproductive rights and embodied engagement with media culture, propaganda, and identity. One other thing she used was bold text to disrupt the passive consumption of imagery. 
I like her work because I relate to her by being a female. I like how she advocates for feminism. But I also like the techniques she uses. She uses bold and memorable aesthetics. The black and white photography combined with bold red-bordered text demands attention. I like she makes art that is relatable to everyone. She has societal norms, consumerism, power structures, manipulation, and media, and this addresses issues many people find pressing. It creates empowerment through reflection because it challenges the stereotypes of personal reflection. They resonate deeply within the communities. She addresses these in political and cultural moments that are happening at the moment, the core issues where power, inequality, and resistance remain timeless. 
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solyclaw-art-dump · 5 months ago
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This edible aint sh-
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elan-property6 · 5 months ago
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