#sgt hospital
akanshastyle · 2 years
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pyriteplates · 2 years
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hippolotamus · 6 months
it’s been a while since I’ve watched the Doug comes Back arc in S2… goddamn. that is all.
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evilhorse · 1 year
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Man, oh man—nothin’ like a good ol’ cuppa joe.
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taniushka12 · 2 years
watch venture bros where this fella
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appears only two scenes in the whole show w/o saying one single word and the two biggest and serious theories i saw so far for who they are is that its either one of the main character's future self coming back in time for some reason or its the titular venture bros(hank & dean)'s actual mother that moved to new york and became a serial killer idk, and now is watching out for her boys <3
also this character's name is Scare Bear which is just funny
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one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
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On May 19 Sgt. Michael Kunovich deemed him suspicious while outside the Super 8 motel parking lot. Aguilar Mendez was sitting down eating but started to walk away when the officer approached in his patrol vehicle. Kunovich began to question him, but Aguilar Mendez couldn't understand him or communicate well and repeated that he was sorry. That's when Kunovich decided to search him, and Aguilar Mendez resisted. Two other deputies arrived to assist in taking the 5-foot-4, 115-pound teen to the ground as Kunovich repeatedly stunned him with his taser, all seen on body-worn camera video. Aguilar Mendez can be heard screaming for his family and is seen trying to gain control of the taser as the officers note in the video. Toward the end of the 6-minute scuffle, the deputies saw that their handcuffed suspect had a small folding knife and disarmed him. Kunovich collapsed a short time later in medical distress and died at the hospital, the Sheriff's Office said. Aguilar Mendez, who came here from Guatemala, was staying with other farmworkers at the hotel. He is being detained without bail, which is the subject of another hearing as yet to be decided. (source)
I'm going to need you all to start spreading awareness about this case and sign the petition. I'm a 5'4 woman and I weigh more than him. He's only 18, indigenous and doesn't understand English nor Spanish really. I can't imagine how confused and scared he was. Tased 6 times and apologizing repeatedly and calling out for his family... he is not responsible for the police officer's death. The fact he's been held for 8 months without bail is disgusting.
Virgilio looks so small, sad and defeated in all of the images I've seen of him.
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teemhaunts · 2 years
my mood rn frfr
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herzspalter · 1 year
Real things that happen in GI Joe
My best friend forced me to watch some GI Joe and here's a few insane things that happen in it:
Baroness is so upset over Destro talking to another girl that she burns down his entire family inherited Scottish castle, and he keeps her because she's a catch
The villains are fed up with Cobra Commander being an inept shit, so they create a new guy made up from the DNA of history's greatest monsters, and are surprised when he turns out to be an asshole
In the obligatory drug episode, Duke's brother and one of the rando villain's sister both get addicted to a made up drug. The villain is very concerned, gets official sick leave from the bad guys, visits her in the hospital and promises her his support no matter what. Duke, the good guy, on the other hand is so upset at his brother for having a drug problem that he basically disowns him and shames him, telling him he's no longer his brother. A real american hero right there
The drug episode ends with the drug manifacturer dying and exploding and a shot of his mangled hand with giant red letters on screen saying "DRUGS KILL"
They meet a shirtless guy shooting a commercial in the arctic who asks them if they're his camera team. He teams up with the Joes and we never see his actual camera team so I guess they died
Cobra Commander is revealed to actually be a snake person in the movie, it's incredibly bad
There's a guy named Snowjob
The entire show is disgustingly Too American, like you'd think that's obvious, but it's even more American than you'd initially think
The animation sucks and that's what kept me going, very funny
Sgt. Slaughter is in this. The wrestler. He's just in this as himself, he says every line like a wrestling promo, he's the most powerful being in the show, it's a rampant self insert and it's kinda amazing
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
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The IDF announces the death of a soldier who succumbed to wounds sustained during fighting against Hamas in the Khan Younis area of the southern Gaza Strip on Friday.
Sgt. First Class Sivan Weil, 20, of the Commando Brigade's Egoz unit, from Ra'anana.
In the Friday incident, a Hamas terrorist fired an RPG at a building near Nasser Hospital, used by Egoz troops as an encampment, leading to the death of Sgt. First Class Alon Kudriashov and the injury of 16 other Egoz troops.
Weil was among six seriously wounded troops in the incident, succumbing to his wounds earlier today. 😢😢😢
We bow our heads in respect for this hero who was killed defending the Jewish Homeland against Hamas-ISIS.
I'm sending my deepest condolences to his family and may his memory forever be a blessing.
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 2 months
I Can Fix That... Pt 4 | Jonathan Crane x fem!character
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summary: Crane plans to return to Gotham with the young detective. Their relationship has changed from enemies to lovers, to partners in crime and it strains their ability to trust one another. Will their relationship be able to stand the pressure of Gotham's crime community? And will Crane stay sane enough to protect her?
warnings: recalls back to drugging and violence, fighting, guns, physical violence, betrayal, trust issues.
word count: 6368k
Bury a Friend- Billie Eilish 🎶
More parts to come!
Recap if needed ( I did lol):
Detective Y/N Y/L/N was one of Gotham’s finest until she overstayed her welcome in Dr. Jonathan Crane’s lab one night. After a lesson on fear and desire, Dr. Crane couldn’t let her go and introduced her to his partner in crime, Ra’s al Ghul. After being with Crane, the young detective could no longer deny the insatiable criminal desire brewing in her and decided to join the men of the League of Shadows. When she and Crane are betrayed by al Ghul, Crane falls back on his backup plan and they escape to his childhood home outside of Gotham city. A night alone together with the ghosts of his past come back to haunt them but bring them even closer together. Secrets are exposed and bonds are cemented as Crane reveals to the young detective her true identity. Learning that she was the daughter of the Arkhams who founded Arkham Asylum but were murdered by Thomas Wayne, she adopts the name her parents gave her when she was born and becomes Matilda Y/N Arkham. She learns that Crane has his own ties to the Wayne family, bringing them even closer together. And piecing her past together gives her the confidence she needed to be her own person and leave her original naiveté behind. She emerges from this conversation as Lady Arkham and agrees to return to Gotham with Crane. 
Her eyes snapped to his as he explained his strategy, his face dangerously close. 
“Ra’s failed. It's all over the news now. Batman swooped in and saved the day,” he pursed his lips. “I even got an honorable mention. ‘Dr. Jonathan Crane of Arkham Asylum escapes Gotham during mass hysteria, his whereabouts unknown!’” He donned a commercial accent of a newspaper man and went back to his desk, pulling out a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, a backup that he kept in his desk in Crane House. When he put them on she couldn’t mistake him for anyone else any longer, he was the infamous Dr. Jonathan Crane.
“Any news on Ra’s? What happened to him?” She folded her arms across her chest and puffed a strand of hair out of her face. 
“They believe he went down with the high speed rail as it carried the micro-wave emitter into a different sector of the city but who knows?” He smiled and shrugged, a hint of his old Scarecrow mannerisms came back into play as he talked. The slip in sanity or just the cool, steely composure that Crane usually donned was exciting, she felt that rush again like the night at Arkham when he had been drugged. He was the Scarecrow again even without the toxin. “They know me, of course, but you,” he pointed down at her chest, his finger brushing her sternum, “they have no idea what you’ve done.” 
“Does that mean we’re going back to Gotham city, Scarecrow?” 
“Yes, it does.” He nodded and paced the room for a moment, his forehead now creased in concentration. 
“Then what do you need me to do?” She smiled and perched on the edge of the desk, crossing her legs and leaning forward to listen. He stopped in front of her and cleared his throat, changing characters. 
“You will return to Gotham and stumble into the hospital, dazed and bewildered, still feeling the effects of the fear toxin. You will be treated and Sgt. Gordon will hear that you have turned up and change your missing person status to found,” he talked as if he were teaching a class. She recrossed her legs and he gave her a warning glance, ‘wait until he was finished,’ it said. “I will get the folders of your birth certificate and evidence to you once you leave the hospital and after a few days, you will show them to Sgt. Gordon. When he asks why and how you were able to find this information-”
“I’ll tell him that I discovered the cold case while helping the city restore their records after the chaos.”
“And by some miracle, you uncovered the truth after a little extra digging.”
“But what if Gordon doesn’t want to dig up old controversies? What if he still has a soft spot for the Waynes?” 
“If he does, take the records to the hospital and get a DNA test and run it alongside the medical records the hospital had at your birth, it's all there.” He gestured to the folder beside her and cleaned the panel of glass in his glasses before restoring them to his face. 
“And that will rightfully reestablish me as Matilda Y/N Arkham.” 
“Heir to the Arkham fortune- Arkham Asylum, which finds itself in need of a new director, one with a solid, law-abiding reputation.”
“And a good name.” She added. “Though I like yours better.” She flirted and he chuckled. 
“Then you can have it,” he cocked his head, “but only if you do this well.” 
She couldn’t tell if he was joking or not but it turned her on nonetheless. 
“That sounds manipulative to me.”
“You’d know if I was manipulating you,” he smirked darkly. 
“And that sounds like gaslighting.” 
“No, it's a lesson on basic psychology,” he licked his lips, “Now pay attention,” he scolded her and she forced herself to be quiet as Crane continued with his plan. 
“When you become Arkham’s newest director, our work will finally begin. I have some people I want you to meet but the time will come for that and first, we need to focus on getting you back to Gotham.” He smiled with a wild look in his eye and she shivered… Scarecrow. 
“Is it safe to fly back? Won’t people see us” Matilda looked down at the watch on her wrist. They both knew that it wasn’t dark enough outside to return unnoticed. 
“We aren’t going to fly back.” 
“Then how…” she trailed off. Crane crossed his arms across his chest and leaned against the large desk behind them. His crazed face ignited a strange excitement in her and suddenly, she knew exactly what he had in mind. The sewer lines. 
“Because we dried up the main waterline in Gotham, we’ll be able to travel through the empty sewers… back into Gotham.” He smirked haughtily and launched himself off of the table with the subtle quickness of a cat. 
“He was right,” Matilda smiled. Crane cocked his head to the side but before he could ask her what she meant, she answered him. 
“Ra’s. He called you a criminal mastermind that night in your apartment.” 
Crane rolled his eyes and laughed tightly, “I hope that was the only thing he was right about.” 
“What do you mean?” She furrowed her brow. Crane looked back at her and shrugged his narrow shoulders slightly. His eyes traveled down her body and then back up. 
“It all comes down to trust, detective.”
She lowered her head and nodded at her feet. She didn’t know how to respond to something like that. The topic of trust had come up countless times over the past few days and yet, could they ever really trust each other? She thought so. Crane noticed her change in behavior and clicked his tongue affectionately. “Ra’s didn’t know anything about trust. The man couldn’t even trust himself. I’ll admit, I didn’t trust you in the beginning, not even until last night, but right now in this very moment, I realize how much I’ve relied on you over the past few days. You are my sole reason for survival and I understand that now.” 
Matilda smiled and kissed Crane sharply across the mouth. Her teeth caught his bottom lip and he encouraged her by pulling her face closer to his. His fingers were pressed so harshly against her cheek that he could nearly trace the lines of teeth in her jaw. They broke apart and rested their foreheads together, exchanging breath. 
“Are you ready to earn your new title, Lady Arkham?” Crane smirked and handed her the file from his desk. 
“I’ve already earned it, doctor.” 
She didn’t pack a bag, that wouldn’t make sense in case she was busted by Gordon on her way back into the city. Instead, she changed into what she had worn the day before: black slacks and a navy sweater. She fastened her gun back into its holster around her waist and looped her police badge around her neck. The collar of the sweater managed to hide the thin necklace of bruises from where Crane had choked her while under the influence of his own fear serum. 
In her moments alone, Matilda mulled over her recent revelations. Never once could she have guessed that her parents were actually the Arkhams and in charge of Gotham’s most notorious asylum before they had been murdered. Thomas Wayne had taken everything from her and done the same to Crane. The Waynes would take and take and take until the entire city was desperate, damaged, and deplorable. Thomas Wayne had made the city like this, a place where someone needed to be the hero, and what had his son become? Bruce Wayne was a socialite and the golden boy of Wall Street locker-room talk. Who needed a real hero when a spoiled, chauvinist jerk could use haughty architecture to distract the masses? 
She would avenge her parents one way or another and she didn’t even need Crane’s help to do it. Ever since he’d introduced her to his fear serum, it had unlocked a part of her psychosis that complimented his criminal genius too well to be a coincidence. He’d seen this part of her since the very beginning, in his eyes, she’d already proven herself, she’d already become Lady Arkham. The cruel find each other and the vengeful do too. Gone were the days when she questioned the morals of Crane’s methods, now she would join him in resetting the precedent. Together, they would make a new Gotham… or tear it apart. She hadn’t decided yet. Fuck it. 
Crane wore all black, turning himself into a shadow or the hard edge of black onyx. He slipped a pistol into his front pocket and slipped his scarecrow mask into a safe place along the lining of his jacket. There were dark lines beneath his eyes and a twitch in his smile: both symptoms that his sanity was starting to slip. Ra’s had betrayed him but looking on the bright side (as if), it had provided a new perspective. He could turn his attention to a more important foe, the one Gotham called Batman. 
“I know you’re there,” Crane called out, interrupting his own thoughts.
Matilda stepped out from behind the cracked door. Crane was fixing his jacket in the mirror and brushed off his chest. 
“Why do you still feel the need to spy on me, detective?” 
“Call it a kind of kink, whatever you want, but it's an instinct at this point. Years in the Gotham police department makes you into a great eavesdropper if you want to stay informed.” 
“I’m not one to judge by any means, darling, but lurking in the shadows? How… unsettling.” Crane clucked his tongue in mock-pity. 
“Do you have a diagnosis, doctor?” She leaned against the doorframe with her hands at the small of her back. 
“I’d have to do an examination.” Crane met her at the door and brushed his pointer finger against the edge of her jaw. 
Crane rolled his eyes and switched off the light in his room, having to reach over her shoulder to do so. 
“Oh… you have no idea, detective,” Crane’s dark whisper greeted her in the dark room as he pressed his body against hers. He took her hands from behind her back and pushed them up above her head. His tone became serious as he addressed her. 
“You’re a smart girl, detective so I’m sure you’ve already surmised how important this is. Do as I say and we’ll both get back into Gotham alive, alright?” His voice was curt, like a stern warning but his lips were occupied, whispering across her cheek but never kissing her. “I’d like you better alive.” He added and pulled her through his bedroom door into the bright hallway. 
“Then keep me alive.” She retorted and blinked away the brightness of the room. She could hear Crane’s quiet chuckle behind her as she raced ahead. 
They left out the grand front door. She paused to look back at the large and beautiful house behind them, its windows dark and uninviting. She hoped she’d be back. 
“What did you tell Hobbs that we were leaving? Does he know?” She hurried to keep up with Crane who was already a few paces ahead. He paused to chuckle and shake his head, his dark hair shifting in place. 
“Your concern for others is touching, truly. They know but they don’t know everything. They know what I want them to.” 
“Do you think we’ll come back here?” She asked as they maneuvered through the high grass. Brambles snapped against their pants and she struggled to keep herself from slipping on rocks hidden in the dark ridges of Gotham’s countryside. Crane stopped in his tracks and turned to her abruptly, his eyes reflecting the light of the gibbous moon. 
“Would you like that?” He raised an eyebrow. The house had offered him no comfort before, only bad memories and nightmares, but with the girl, maybe he could learn to live with the ghosts of his past. But could it be possible? Did she like Crane House even after seeing its cold interior and brittle bones? She came to a stop and tried to catch her breath. 
“I would, yes,” she nodded and glanced back at the house, its outline barely visible without the interior lights. “I think the house is the key to understanding Dr. Jonathan Crane…” she smiled and fixed a strand of gelled hair out of Crane's pale face. 
“But do you mean it?” Crane caught her hand and held it, his heart was pounding. Honestly, it was embarrassing. She’d never seen him so desperate before. A piece of him was down on his knees before her, begging for commitment and affirmation. Even the toughest of men will break before a good woman. Matilda gave Crane a small smile and nodded. 
“I do.” 
Crane released a short breath and cleared his throat. She bit her lip to keep from giggling. Had she flustered the great Dr. Crane? 
“Well in that case. I want you to come back and live with me after this is all over.” Crane told her calmly, not asking. 
They passed the hill with the scarecrow but Crane didn’t even notice. Matilda looked over at his pace face, glowing in the offcast light. He was a villain, he was not bred to be trusted. Could she live with someone that she’d always question his loyalty? That didn’t seem like a very healthy relationship but honestly, that wasn’t the worst of their problems. Remember the lab table? The dubious consent? Whatever, she could change him. 
They approached the mouth of the sewer offshoot in cautious silence. Crane pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose but the beads of sweat dripping from his hairline acted against him. The tunnel was dark and ominous like a large open mouth ready to close at any sign of movement. Crane pulled a long flashlight from his jacket and shone it into the mouth of the tunnel. The light barely pilfered the massive darkness, making Matilda shake her head in disbelief. 
“Why do I feel like this is a very bad idea?” She whispered with a wary smile. Crane chuckled darkly and lowered his light slightly, illuminated the ground. 
“Don’t tell me you’re scared of the dark, detective?” His smirk was unmistakable even in the dark. She felt old pangs of annoyance rise inside her from dealing with the old Crane back in Gotham as a detective. She sighed curtly and pulled the gun from her holster. 
“Not scared, just careful.” 
“Well you can stop being careful now, darling. You’re playing with the big boys now.” 
“Shut it, Crane.” She shushed him and aimed into the tunnel with her gun. They slowly walked into the open sewer system and left Gotham’s countryside (and pleasantry) behind them. They tried to dampen the sound of their footsteps by treading softly but the acoustics betrayed their every move.
“While we’re down here, I should tell you a little about my friends,” Crane broke the silence with a lowered voice. Matilda could just make out his silhouette in the flashlight’s glare.  
“You have friends?” She deadpanned back and Crane sighed, shaking his head. 
“Don’t push it detective, I’m the one who knows the way to Gotham. You’d be lost down here without me.” 
“Don’t give yourself too much credit.”
“You’re feisty today… I like it,” Crane broke into a large, devilish grin and laughed despite himself. 
They continued down the series of dry, empty passageways until they reached a large rotunda. The light from the flashlight was useless in lighting the whole room but it didn’t matter because Crane switched off the light, dropping them into sudden darkness. 
“What the fuck?” She whispered but Crane didn’t respond. She could hear him walking away but the darkness and echoes disoriented her and she couldn’t tell which direction he had gone. 
“Crane,” she hissed but still no response came. And one more reason why she couldn’t fully trust the man/criminal mastermind. She imagined for a moment that he was actually leaving her in the dark. Why would he go through all of that  just to abandon her down here? That is to say unless there was a reason why they were there in that specific room. Matilda shook as she raised the pistol once again to her eye level and waited for any sign of danger. She’d prepared for this in the police academy. She’d graduated first in her class. Some hide-in-the-dark game wasn’t going to distract her from her talent as a police officer in Gotham. Whatever the hell was about to happen, she was ready. 
She felt it before she knew what hit her. 
A fist slammed into her gut, knocking her off-balance. She regained control quickly and stabilized herself, panting. The size of the hand was larger than Crane’s. Someone else was with them in the dark. She anticipated his next move which came from the side, so she ducked and used the opportunity to kick her opponent wherever she could. A grunt told her that she had been successful in landing her blow. She rolled to the side and barely avoided a kick to her ribs, nearly squealing in surprise. The gun was swept out of her hand and she could hear it skid across the crude concrete floor. It was too far away now, she’d have to fight with her fists. When she jumped to her feet, she danced around in the dark, quick on the balls of her feet to outrun whoever her attacker was. 
“This isn’t a fair fight, you know.” She growled out. She was met with frustrating silence. Where the hell was Crane? She could smell the body beside her so she threw a punch and yelled out when her knuckles came into contact with ribbed steel. It felt like a machine of some sorts but it was connected to the thing she was fighting. Shaking out her wounded hand she tried to duck the next punch but it still caught her in the shoulder. Anger was welling up inside her as she tried to dance around her opponent. She was ready to fucking kill whoever this person was. There was no way she’d die in a sewer so soon after she’d learned about her true identity. That wasn’t going to happen, not to her. 
She screamed as she punched the figure beside her, striking a bare chest and knocking the man back. She followed him as he moved backwards, landing punches against muscle and an armor-like material. He shoved her backwards with impressive strength and she fell to the ground, cringing.
When she stood, she sensed a flurry of movement and braved a blind punch. It landed but the body was different. 
“You must be kidding me, there are two of you fuckers?” She hissed and landed a second punch where she believed a jaw would be. She missed, and as her fist sailed through the air, a well-placed kick hit her between her hip and her last rib. She screamed out in pain and lashed out, punching the figure. The figure coughed from the blow but quickly recovered. In his defenseless moment, she grabbed the man’s shoulders and raised her knee to his groin, striking him with a swift movement. Unlike most men, the attacker merely hissed and cursed beneath his breath. She knew the sound of that voice. 
“Jonathan?” She whispered in disbelief. 
“You really need to stop using that mint shampoo. I can tell exactly where you are, even in the dark.” His voice was strained as he was obviously still coping from the pain. 
“Oh yeah? Then why didn’t you see that coming? Hurts, doesn’t it?” She growled and raised her fist to punch him but his hand stopped her. She could feel his body inches from hers, a familiar chemistry sparking between them. 
“Why are you doing this?” She whispered, his hand still grasped around her raised fist. Crane sighed and drew in a long breath. She could nearly feel him shrug his shoulders before answering. 
“You need to learn how to fight anyone when forced too… even me, darling.” Crane pushed her back and smiled as she fell back. “It may surprise you to hear but hand-to-hand combat is one of my many talents. Now get up and punch me harder.”
She could hear the condensation in his unmistakable voice. She rolled to the side before crouching. Crane tried to kick her but she had already moved, giving her an opportunity to elbow a tender place on his back. He cursed and swung around hitting her jaw. She covered her mouth before she could scream out in pain and alarm. Was he trying to kill her now? 
“Fuck you,” she spat and launched herself onto him, knocking him flat on his back on the floor. She was trying to hold down his arms as he smirked. 
“You already have, remember?” 
His sentence caught her off guard, giving him the last opportunity he needed to shove her off.
“If you’d turn on the fucking lights we could fight properly, you bastard,” her lip curled up as she spoke. She wiped sweat from her forehead and tried to catch her breath. 
“Good point,” a man with a strange accent grunted somewhere beside her. In the next second, large industrial lamps suspended from the tall ceiling were turned on, blinding her after so long in the dark. She tried to look around for the man but her eyes couldn’t adjust fast enough in the sudden light. She scrambled to her feet and shaded her eyes. 
Before her she saw a man of unbelievable size. He was tall and grotesquely jacked, muscles straining against his skin. On his face he wore a dark machine with ribbed metal cables fitted to the front and connected to a tank in the center of his chest. His head was shaved, a pity really, and he wore little more than a tank top and heavy cargo pants. The large man shifted his dark goggles off of his eyes and sighed deeply. 
“You were right, Crane. She’s got potential.” 
“That’s my girl,” Crane walked out from behind her, replacing his glasses onto his face and rolled his sleeves back down. She was still breathing heavily as she looked between the two men. 
“You both need some serious couple’s therapy,” the other man observed and laughed quietly to himself. His laugh was deep and unsettling. She didn’t laugh back. Instead, she wiped a layer of blood from her lip and spat a wad of bloody saliva on the ground.   
“I appreciate the concern,” she quipped sarcastically to the stranger and turned to Crane, “ but what the hell was that? If you wanted to fight me why not do it in the light?” 
Crane nodded, acknowledging her point and smiled slowly. 
“I can answer that,” the man interjected before Crane could respond, “Your boyfriend here has been working with me for a few years now. He contacted me to inform me about a young woman who could fill one of the recently-made-available roles in our organization. However, before I could formally meet you, I wanted to see what kind of potential you had.”
“You also needed to be able to attack me if required. Personal relationships are dangerous in our line of work, which is why we cut the lights. We didn’t want you to be able to see me.”
“This is insane,” she ran her hands over her face, still fuming. She didn’t even know who this other man was. What the hell was Crane thinking?
“I know,” Crane smiled widely, his plump lips pulled back into a manic grin, “and wasn’t it fun?” 
Matilda peeked through her fingers at Crane and then moved her gaze to look at the terrifying man beside him. 
“Oh I’m sorry, where are my manners? I should introduce myself.” The man slipped his hands beneath the straps of his tank top, supporting the weight of what appeared to be a respirator. “My name is Bane.” 
“Matilda… Arkham,” she managed to reply.
“There’s a few more people you need to meet before you go back into Gotham.” Crane cupped her injured cheek and wiped the remaining blood from her chin with his thumb gently. “Remember what I said? Hmmm?” 
She looked at him with narrowed, pissed-off eyes. What kind of game was he playing now? Crane chuckled when she didn’t answer and reached behind his back. He withdrew her gun and pressed the handle into her sternum, between her breasts. 
“You’re playing with the big boys now,” he whispered against her ear.
What had she gotten herself into? 
They escorted her into a different room inside the network of underground tunnels. Much to her surprise, they had converted many of the abandoned tunnels into hideouts for members of The League of Shadows. As they entered the next room, she saw half a dozen other men in various styles of dress and disguises. She was the only woman, and even though she hated Crane at that moment, she stuck close to him. 
“Don’t be scared, darling. They’re my friends.” 
“I know, that’s why I’m worried,” she growled but still stayed close by his side. He chuckled quietly and placed a protective hand on her lower back. 
“You’ll be fine.” His voice feathered against her neck, warming the core in her navel. They really did need couples therapy. 
“Ah my friends!” Crane smiled darkly and extended his free hand to show her off to the semi-circle of criminals around them. “Welcome the newest member of the League… Lady Arkham.” 
The title on his lips sounded so perfect. She was Lady Arkham. 
The men in the room nodded. 
“She used to be one of Gotham’s ‘finest’ and now, she’s one of its worst,” Crane’s grip tightened around her waist. “She’ll be going back into the city tonight and working undercover for our cause. She’s our best and most important weapon. No one knows who she is… yet.” 
“But that is going to change,” Bane’s loud voice boomed beside them. “Soon everyone will know who she is and what kind of people she represents. Her collaboration with the police and important officials in the city is crucial to the sanctity of our plan for Gotham. That being said, she will hold her own just like any one of us, but her survival is necessary… for the meantime at least,” he cleared his throat. 
“Thank you for that vote of confidence. I’m just here for vengeance,” she addressed them all with a curt voice and small shrug.
“Oh, but darling, aren’t we all?” Crane smirked and gestured to the criminals in front of them. “You question our motives so let’s make it very clear. We’re all here for vengeance. Anything else is just a lie.” 
“Then what’s the plan that I’ve already been added to?” She raised her eyebrow. Bane sighed loudly, his respirator acting as a microphone. 
“You don’t need to know that yet, all that matters now is that we have big plans for Gotham and all of your old colleagues.”
Matilda smiled slowly and nearly started to laugh. She hated the bastards down at the police station, the ones who never believed her, supported her, or even paid attention to her. For all the men that treated her like she was a worthless addition to their force, she’d make them pay. That sounded good to her. 
“I think she likes that idea,” Crane smirked and trailed his hand up her back to a lock of hair. He tugged it gently but she felt it and was comforted by the gesture. 
“Good, then let’s get on with the introductions shall we?” Bane announced and gestured for Crane to begin, “Dr. Crane?” 
Crane nodded his head, his expression returning to a serious state of business. He let go of her and paced slowly down the line of men. 
“You’ve probably heard of most of these names from your time in Gotham, detective, but now you finally get the chance to meet them. This is the remaining roster of members after Ra’s unfortunate passing,” his lip curled and his nose scrunched as he spoke.
“The Penguin, Two-Face, Killer Croc, two of Bane’s men, and of course, the Joker.” 
Hearing the Joker’s name came as a shock to the detective. She’d been hearing his name for months. Robberies in the era had been connected to the mysterious criminal nicknamed the Joker after the playing card he always left behind. But what startled her the most was the man called Two-Face. It wasn’t his appearance but his face which was so recognizable. 
“Harvey Dent…” she heard herself whisper. Two-Face grinned and placed a hand in mock-admiration to his chest. 
“Aw, you still recognize me?” His voice was too hard to be kind but she still nodded and swallowed slowly. 
“Of course. You were supposed to be Gotham’s ‘White knight,’ it's saving grace.” 
“And who says I’m not? I plan on saving Gotham in my own way, not like Batman.”
Crane looked between Matilda and Harvey Dent, a sour expression tugging at his face. He really needed to work on his jealousy problem. Seeing Dent speak to the girl was almost more than he could handle. 
“We’re going back into Gotham tonight. Police Chief Gordon needs to see that she’s alive. Once he does, the plan begins. Understood?” Crane addressed the crowd of criminals who all nodded, except for Dent. 
“Pity, I had plans to kill Gordon’s family tonight,” Dent clucked, his half-burned lips pursed. Crane kept his expression straight and unchanging. 
“Try not to let your personal needs interfere with our work, Dent.”
“Sure thing, doc.” Dent hissed back and flipped a coin, “damn,” he whispered when he checked the face against his palm. Crane didn’t  bother to ask what he was flipping for and nodded at Bane who opened up a path for them to leave. Crane walked ahead of her and practically pulled her from the underground chamber and into the next one.
“I was flipping to see whether or not I should have gone out with the girl.”
 When they had turned the corner and were back on their way into the city she spoke up. “What happened to him?” 
Crane didn’t look over as he answered, his jaw clenched tightly in anger. 
“He lost his fiancee in a fire that was intentionally set.”
“By whom?” She interjected. 
Crane paused for a moment and sighed through his nose, “the Joker.” 
“The Joker tried to kill Dent?” 
“It’s a long story.” 
“When did this all happen?” She pushed, an eyebrow raised. “He’s Harvey Dent, I should have heard about something like this.” 
“Your department covered it up because Gordon was involved. He was the one that picked up his fiancee and took her to the place where she died.” 
“Surely he didn’t know…”
“Look,” Crane shoved her against the wall, his face inches from hers as they both panted from the startling action, “you need to decide here and now which side you’re on. The faster you realize that the people you used to know are just as corrupt as we are, the faster you can realize your potential with us… with me.” 
“It’s not that fucking easy, Crane.” She whispered harshly and struggled in his strong grip. 
“Isn’t it? Tell me where your trust lies.” 
“Well it certainly doesn’t lie with you anymore,” she freed her hands and shoved Crane away from her body, “you fucking attacked me and you let Bane attack me. I mean look at me! I’m bleeding, Crane. You did this to me,” she pointed at her busted lip. “How can I trust a man who changes so quickly, who doesn’t let me in, who doesn’t tell me things like this.”
“You were the top of your class in the police academy, you could fight anyone you wanted to. You were made to be one of us, you can’t deny that. This is what life is like in the League, you can’t trust anyone… but me. You can and need to trust me.”
Matilda shook her head, tears filling her eyes. “No,” she whispered and fought away Crane’s hands as he tried to catch her. 
“Look at me, detective. Look at me,” Crane caught her harshly in his arms and held her again against the wall. His tone was gentle though his hands holding her against the wall were rough. Slowly, she looked down at his face, half hidden in shadows. His brow was furrowed as he licked his lips and spoke.
“I only did what I had to do, detective. I would never have done anything else to seriously hurt you. I took your gun so Bane couldn’t use it, he still tried however. I hit you where it would hurt but where you could still take it because I need you to be here with me. If I wanted to kill you, detective, I would have done it the day I met you. You mean too much to me now.”
Crane cupped her face not-so-softly in his hands and turned her face up to his, pressing his mouth to her ear. 
“Listen to me, Miss Arkham…” he hissed against her cold skin, “I love you.” 
He couldn’t believe that the words were leaving his mouth as he spoke them. Every chemical compound in his body was screaming against it. Bonds were broken and reactions triggered as he confessed. Finally admitting his love for her both relieved and frightened him. It would no longer be just him, now he had a woman that he loved who required his protection, love, intelligence… But it was all true, everything he said and felt. He loved her.
Her heart leapt at his words like an electrical impulse flaring to new life. She had never expected him to say those words, the man who’d never loved before. When she looked into his eyes, she could tell that he was telling the truth because for the second time, she witnessed fear in them. When he pulled away she touched her nose to his and looked up into his sterile, silver-blue eyes, her feet finally touching the ground. 
“Are love and trust the same thing?” She asked breathlessly and Crane clenched his jaw and pursed his lips.
“They have to be.” 
They stared at each other in the yellowish light of the gas lamps suspended like flashlights above their heads. Crane’s black suit jacket and blood stained shirt looked so out of place in the tunnels. She could only imagine what she looked like in her slacks and a ruined blue sweater. The disloyal detective and the (actually) criminal psychiatrist, a match made in whatever the hell Gotham was - - heaven or hell?
“So where does your trust lie, Matilda?” Crane whispered, breaking the silence. She took a deep breath, not breaking eye-contact, and tilted her head to the side. She looked stunning in the yellow light, even with her lip busted and her jaw bruised. He could feel deep bruises developing on his own body and felt a sense of pride that she’d been the one to do that to him. She was the only one who could truly hurt him.  
“With you, Crane, and no one else.” 
With a breath of relief, Crane stepped closer. Their lips were millimeters apart as Crane cupped the back of her head with his hands and pressed against her hip with the other hand. She exhaled shakily before Crane finally kissed her, gently at first. Their eyes closed and their mouths molded together into that familiar space where everything else faded away. Crane pushed his tongue into her mouth and she moaned softly in return, melting into the cement behind her. They twisted their lips against each other as they moved their heads, wanting to taste every part of one another. He pulled her into his chest and she grabbed the back of his jacket to steady herself. His kiss hardened as she bit his lip harder than she needed to, a small act of revenge and affection. He knew that she knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold back if they kept going the way they were for much longer. Even with a pair of slacks in the way, he’d take her if given the chance and enough pent of desire to fuel it. Drawing up all the strength he could to pull back, Crane broke the kiss and met her eyes once again. 
“Gotham awaits, detective. Let’s get you home.”
end of Pt 4 :)
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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1st Lieutenant James Reese Europe and the 369th Infantry Regiment Band (the Harlem Hellfighters) play for patients in the American Red Cross Hospital No. 9, Paris, France, September 4, 1918.
Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer
Series: Photographs of American Military Activities
Image description: 1st Lieutenant Europe conducts a brass band who are standing in rows outside a building. All of the men are wearing WWI Army uniforms. A sign in the background reads HOTEL TUNIS. This regiment, the “Harlem Hellfighters,” was made up of all Black soldiers. 
SUBJECT: 111SC 218880
see 20417
2nd Lt. G. E. Stone, S.C.
REC'D 10-14-18
TAKEN 9-4-18
FIRST LT. JAMES E. EUROPE OF the 369th Regt. Inf. playing for the patients of Hospital No. 9. Sgt. Wood Andrews is the first musician on the right and plays the slide trombone. American Red Cross Hospital No. 9, Paris, France.
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pinturas-sgm-aviacion · 2 months
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1940 05 10 Morane-Saulnier aces MS 406 cover- Mark Postlethwaite
Formed in December 1939, GC III/1 had few opportunities to clash with the Luftwaffe during the ‘Phoney War’ period. However, when the Blitzkrieg commenced on 10 May 1940, pilots from the unit were roused from their sleep at 0400 hrs by a low-flying aircraft that they misidentified as Junkers Ju 88.
It was in fact a Heinkel He 111P of 3./KG 27, which strafed the airfield at Norrent-Fontes and fled before a patrol of MS.406s was scrambled. Among the French pilots who took off as the day was dawning was Sgt Kléber Doublet.
In the meantime, more He 111s of KG 27 appeared over Norrent-Fontes and were immediately attacked by the French fighters. Having been unable to stay in formation due to mechanical problems, Doublet missed the melee that ensued over the airfield, but he was able to chase down the lone ‘Ju 88’ that had initially attacked Norrent-Fontes, this aircraft remaining in the area to check on the results of the bombing by the main formation from KG 27.
Doublet made several passes from dead astern, avoiding the return fire from the gunners and probably killing one of them. The He111 subsequently performed a wheel‑up landing near Hazebrouck at 0520 hrs, with one member of its crew having been killed. The remainder were captured, including Hauptmann Dr Walter-Julius Bloehm, a then famous novelist and screenwriter. He was duly released in late June 1940 following the French capitulation, and ended the war with the rank of major, having served in various headquarters.
Kléber Doublet was mortally wounded on 11 June 1940 when the engine of his MS.406 engine refused to start after GC III/1 had been ordered to retreat to Valence, in southern France. He was still standing by his crippled Morane when German bombers arrived overhead, targeting Rozay-en-Brie airfield. Doublet suffered terrible wounds to both of his legs, the six victory ace succumbing to his injuries the next day in hospital.
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love-studying58 · 8 months
happy Masters of the Air release week. In honour of the series due to release on the 26th, I wanted to list a few faces we’ll be seeing throughout the series. I want to particularly note the crewmen of the 100th in hopes this makes sense to viewers who either a) didn’t have time to read any books based on the 100th bomb group, or b) want to read Masters of the Air by Donald L. Miller during/after the tv show aires. My lovely friend on tumblr @kylaym was happy to message me on instagram regarding who’s who for most of the 100th bomb group posts. She gets that everyone in uniform looks the same; same haircut, moustaches, masks, everywhere, etc. She mentioned it is always better to remember a bunch of lads as groups and crews than as individuals!
Here we gooo..
Colonel Neil “Chick” Harding
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A West Point graduate and the school’s football coach prior to the war. Harding was a seasoned aviator who truly emulated much of the 100th’s attitude. He exhibited an appreciation for his crew’s mental and emotional well-being.
Major John C. “Bucky” Egan and Major Gale “Buck” Cleven
Two of the squadron commanders, Majors John “Bucky” Egan of the 418th Bomb Squadron and Gale “Buck” Cleven of the 350th, had piloting skills which matched their personalities. (Found top row 3rd and 4th members from left to right).
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Captain John D. Brady
He served as a pilot in the 418th bomb squadron and was shot down during the mission to Munster on October 10th, 1943. (Shown here on the far left). He flew overseas in A/C #42-30071 “Skipper” as 1st Lt. Pilot. 2nd Lt’s being Lt. John L. Hoerr [Co-Pilot] and Lt. Harry Crosby [Group Navigator and Captain].
M/Sgt. Kenneth A. Lemmons
He served on the 351st Bomb Squadron and was one of the first crew chiefs assigned to the 100th Bomb Group. After being a part of the U.S. Air Force's ground crew, he was subsequently promoted to the position of flight chief. (Shown above in the front).
Harry H. Crosby
Harry served as a navigator in the 418th Bomb Squadron and later became Group Navigator for the Hundredth, however, his struggle with airsickness often hindered his ability to navigate. (Found above beside Brady on the right). Harry Crosby replaced Lt. Payne on the crew of Douglass.
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Payne is found above on the right, beside Harry Crosby.
Lt. Howard B. “Hambone” Hamilton
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He was a bombardier mostly known for flying with Brady’s crew.
On the October 10th Munster mission, crew #32 was led by Major John C. Egan as Co-Pilot. Near the initial point “Mlle Zig Zig” was hit by Flak, resulting in the following:
- Sgt Clanton passing away
- wounding Howard Hamilton and Roland Gangwer. (Both ended up spending a long time in the hospital).
- the surviving crew members bailed out but were taken prisoner.
Hamilton is seen above on the far left. Beside him on the left is Lt. James Douglass and Captain Frank Murphy.
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Captain James Douglass
Served as a bombardier in the 418th Bomb Squadron with the Everett Blakely crew. (Seen above in the first picture beside Blakely).
Major Everett E. Blakely
Was a career officer of the United States Air Force. He was a highly decorated pilot of the B-17 bomber with the Bloody Hundredth Bombardment Group of the 8th Air Force. He is most commonly known for his crew’s plane “Just a Snappin”. On a mission to Bremen on October 8th, 1943, his plane was severely damaged by flak and enemy fighters. He later became the Group Training Officer (Shown above on the right and next to Major John Egan in the second picture above).
Blakely’s Crew:
Major John Kidd- Command Pilot
1st Lt. Everett Blakely- Pilot
2nd Lt. Charles Via- Formation Officer in the tail (SWA on the mission during Black Week)
1st Lt. Harry Crosby - Navigator
2nd Lt. James Douglass - Bombadier
T/Sgt. Edmund Forkner - Radio operator
S/Sgt. William McClelland - Ball Turret Gunner (WIA on the Black Week mission)
S/Sgt. Edward Yevich - Waist Gunner (WIA on the Black Week mission)
S/Sgt. Lyle Nord - Waist Gunner
S/Sgt. Lester Saunders - Tail Gunner (KIA on the Black Week mission)
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Lt Roy Claytor
Roy Claytor was part of the 350th Squadron. Above, he may be flying as a command pilot in this mission or practice with the Claytor Crew.
He is seen above on the left, beside Cleven.
Major Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal
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Rosie joins the unit in late 1943. He becomes one of the 100th's most reliable pilots.
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Rosenthal's Crew:
[Shown left to right; top row than bottom row]
Sgt. Loren Darling - Waist Gunner
Sgt. Michael V. Boccuzzi - Radio Operator/Gunner
Sgt. John H. Shaffer - Waist Gunner
Sgt. Clarence C. Hall - Top turret gunner/engineer
Sgt. William J. DeBlasio - Tail Gunner
Sgt. Ray H. Robinson - Ball Turret Gunner
Lt. Ronald C. Bailey - Navigator
Lt. Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal - Pilot
Lt. Clifford J. Milburn - Bombardier
Lt. Winifred 'Pappy' Lewis - Copilot
Lt. Curtis Biddick
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Lieutenant Curtis Biddick was known as a ‘hard luck’ pilot but was recognised as exceptionally expert and courageous. ‘Every time he went out something seemed to happen,’ said one of his buddies. On one raid he brought his plane back with 1,700 shell and bullet holes in it and two wounded men aboard.
He clashes due to his English colleagues embarking on night-time raids.
Richard Snyder
Biddick's co-pilot and was part of the 418th Bombardment Squadron.
Okay.... So I truly hope this helps going into Masters of the Air tomorrow. I can't wait to see all the bomber boys spread their wings and fly. This tv series is going to be an absolute wreck (in the best way possible). Thank you to everyone who enjoys my posts. Love y'all.
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strictlyfavorites · 2 months
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For the 13. They shall never be forgotten.
Marines: Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover, 31 Sgt. Johanny Rosariopichardo, 25 Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, 23 Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22 Cpl. Daegan W. Page, 23 Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez, 22 Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza, 20 Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, 20 Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum, 20 Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20 Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, 20
Navy: Hospital Corpsman Maxton W. Soviak, 22
Army: Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss, 23
Rest In Peace, warriors. You did your duty with the utmost courage and professionalism. Semper Fi. 🇺🇸
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bleedingcoffee42 · 1 month
Speirs giving Toni a gun and telling her to shoot people, her boyfriend included, if treated not well, is the most Sparky thing ever. It's the top of the tops.
And you know, this and some other stuff you posted made me thing he didn't have a "women problem", he just was that old fashioned dude who thought dating/taking a woman for a dinner = wedding bells.
It's sweet.
And weirdly suits him.
Toni's son says "It was just sooooo Speirs". Yeah, the guy who helped his niece move out of her apartment and said '"'Don't worry sweetie, I have a gun in the glovebox'. Dude was pretty upfront with his modus operandi.
He even saw a bonus of 'seeing my wife and baby!' when going back to England to the hospital in his letter to Ambrose. I'd tell the guy about chunks of shrapnel they were taking out of you or where you got em, but yeah. You get to see your girl too.
Matheson with his reason for him having 'women issues' seems to be that he thought he was collecting wives from every country in the world? Weird thing to be judgy about.
And his ex-wife marrying her POW sweetheart after divorcing him and him being really proud and supportive of his son? Thinking the new husband was a great guy? Happy to be included in their family? Legit had every reason to never see them again and he's telling people in almost every letter how proud he is of his son and grandkids.
'Come at me for the murder idc, but don't embarrass my family when you do it' has it's honest charm?
Also getting his ass kicked and tipping his hat like 'Welp, you got me' as he walks off out of breath or bleeding is just....way better than holding a lifetime grudge ya know?
Every letter from this man follows a formula: "Well that war was a long time ago and I had a 20 year career in the army (IE- I don't really remember the fine details of job I had for 4 months when I was 25 especially since I served in four wars and did cold war shit.) Sgt. Smith died in my arms in Bastogne. Why did he have to stand up that second? WHY? I am SO proud of my son and love my step-grandchildren so much. They are the light of my life. My Life which will end soon because I just had massive heart surgery and all us old guys are kicking it. Thanks for writing! ~~~~Sparky."
It's why he's so fascinating, I just don't know what's better- him being bang bang or the Easy Company guys being :/ "He's murdery and cruel" and then immediately being like "But he's OUR Captain."
Love him or hate him I guess. Or both.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
The Supreme Court on Monday turned down an appeal from California prison officials who sought immunity from lawsuits for having transferred inmates with COVID-19 to San Quentin in May 2020, setting off an outbreak that killed 26 prisoners and one guard.
The justices denied the appeals with no comment or dissent.
The transfer decision was later lambasted by state lawmakers as a "fiasco," "abhorrent" and "the worst prison health screw-up in state history."
The California Institution for Men in Chino had been hit hard by COVID-19. Nine of its inmates had died and about 600 were infected in May 2020.
San Quentin then had no known cases at that time. In an effort to prevent further harm at CIM, prison officials decided to move 122 inmates from Chino north to San Quentin.
Within days, San Quentin reported 25 COVID cases among the 122 new arrivals. Within three weeks, the virus spread to 499 others.
By early September, at least 2,100 inmates and 270 staff had tested positive.
The state now faces four major lawsuits from the families of those who died as well as from inmates and staff who were infected but survived.
Those lawsuits can proceed now that the federal courts in California and the Supreme Court have denied the state's claim that prison officials had "qualified immunity" that shielded them from being sued.
"The state has had its due process all the way to the Supreme Court. They're not getting off on a technicality," Michael J. Haddad, the attorney for the families, said in response to the court's order. "Now it's time to face the facts. Prison administrators killed 29 people in what the 9th Circuit called a ‘textbook case’ of deliberate indifference.”
The defense of qualified immunity often shields police officers from lawsuits. The justices have said that police and other government officials may be sued for violating the constitutional rights of individuals, but only if they knowingly violated a "clearly established" right.
Courts have said that police officers frequently must make split-second decisions on whether, for example, a suspect being pursued has a gun. For that reason, the courts sometimes shield officers from being sued for an "unreasonable seizure" if an officer shoots a fleeing person based on the mistaken belief that the suspect was armed.
The pending prison cases are quite different, lawyers for the families said, because prison officials decided to make the transfers without taking the precautions that were understood as needed at the time.
Sgt. Gilbert Polanco, the guard who died, was 55 years old and had worked at San Quentin for more than two decades. He had multiple health conditions, including obesity, diabetes and hypertension, which put him at high risk if he were to contract COVID-19.
His duties during the pandemic included driving sick inmates to local hospitals, but lawyers said prison officials refused to provide him or the inmates with personal protective equipment.
In late June 2020, he contracted COVID-19, and after a lengthy hospital stay, he died in August.
In Polanco's case, the lawsuit alleges he lost his life because of a "state-created danger."
The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals said prison officials had affirmatively exposed Polanco to a danger he would not have faced otherwise and failed to take steps to protect him from the danger they had created.
The Supreme Court in the past had also ruled that prisoners have a right to be protected against "the unnecessary and wanton infliction of pain," including as a result of "deliberate indifference to their serious medical needs." Lawyers for the San Quentin inmates said prison officials can be held liable under that standard.
California state attorneys urged the Supreme Court to review and reverse the 9th Circuit decisions that rejected a qualified immunity defense for the prison officials.
"The facts of these cases are undeniably tragic," they said. But in "the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, when little was known about the disease and testing supplies were limited, the defendant officials attempted to protect the lives of scores of vulnerable inmates who were confined in a prison where the virus was rampant."
With the benefit of hindsight, they agreed their actions may be judged as mistaken, but "no clearly established law placed them on notice that their alleged mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic at San Quentin prison was unconstitutional."
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