tuuneoftheday · 1 year
Datblygu - Sgorio Dafydd Iwan Dyn Eira
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28dayslater · 2 years
Wales isn't on worldwide U.K. telly either. am told it's on BBC 5 Live extra for people who can tolerate listening to that and on Sgorio TV for Welsh taxpayers/residents who can speak Welsh but everyone else who wants moving pictures live with English comms is basically forced to pirate stream. meanwhile England games are on everything all night nationwide (worldwide probably) whenever they play whether anyone wants to see it or not. when do we storm Westminster
Tbf it makes sense not putting Scotland games anywhere bc nobody is trying to see that but Wales? Very disrespectful, that's a relevant footballing nation
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meddwlyngymraeg · 3 years
Masterpost of all the vocab I've been picking up from y Timau Pêl-Droid Cenedlaethol Cymru during this amser anhygoel (in no particular order):
Diweddariad -> Update
Cyhoeddiad -> Announcement
Carfan -> Squad (mewn chwaraeon, neu'n gyffredinol: a group)
Dan -> Under Dan 18, Dan 21...
Priodi -> to marry (Ti'n gofyn, pam?? Dwi'n ateb: o Twitter: "Mewn bywyd arall, bydda i'n priodi Joe Allen. - Ti’n gwybod beth? Mewn bywyd arall, falle fi hefyd!!"
Os ychi wedi gweld eich post yma, ma flin 'da fi
falle (efallai) -> maybe)
Y Wal Goch (yn amlwg) -> The Red Wall (obviously!)
Llongyfarchiadau (!!) -> congratulations (noun, plural)
Cwpan Y Byd -> The World Cup
Gorau -> best Y diwylliant o gwmpas tîm pêl-droed Cymru yw un o’r pethe* gorau yn y byd. The culture around the Welsh football team is one of the best things in the world. *pethe -> pethau, SW
Relatedly, gorau chwarae, cyd chwarae -> (to my best abilities translates to) the best play is played together
(I'm new to Welsh football, and pretty much to all football)
Hapus -> happy :D
sgorio -> to score (verb)
gôl -> a goal
tocyn(nau) -> ticket(s)
Gyda'n gilydd, yn gryfach -> together, stronger. cryf -> strong
Cenedl -> nation Ein cenedl (probably tweeted 50 times by @/Wales) Our nation
Terfynol -> final Y sgôr terfynol ar diwedd o'r gêm. The final score at the end of the game.
Hanner amser -> half time
Ysbrydoliaeth -> Inspiration Ysbrydoli -> to inspire
Sefyll gyda'n/gyda'i gilydd -> stand together sefyll -> to stand, except with regards to a test, where it would mean to sit or take: sefyll prawf -> to sit an exam
Ymarfer -> practice, to practise (as in both the noun and the verb) Mae nhw'n ymarfer ergydion cosb. They are practising penalty shots. (not sure about ergydion cosb tbh) Mae rhaid iddo fe fynychu ymarfer pêl droed! He must attend football practice!
Targed -> target. Ma fe'n Iawn ar y darged! He's right on target!
Cyfweliad(au) -> Interview(s)
Chwaraewyr -> players
hyderus -> confident Dan ni'n hyderus iawn!
Mawr, enfawr, gormod. -> big, even bigger, too much (just up the magnitude!)
Some direct quotes (cuz I got lazy to pluck out vocab)
Da’n ni gyd mor mor browd ohonot ti! We are very, very proud of you!
Cer i warae dy 'gyts' di mas! Ti 'di llwyddo cyflawni gwyrthiau dros dy wlad. Mwynha’r ornest! Go play your guts out! You have (succeeded in?) achieving miracles for/across the country. Enjoy the match!
cer (mynd, imperative) -> go...! (SW) llwyddo -> to suceed cyflawni -> to achieve, fulfil, accomplish gwyrth(iau) -> miracle(s) mwynhau -> enjoy gornest -> match, game, competition
Arddechog! -> Excellent!
Dere 'mlaen! Come on!
Yn barod -> ready (adverb) Mae Cymru'n barod!
Diwrnod y gêm -> Match day
Pob lwc! -> Good luck! (all the luck!)
Bechgyn a merched -> Boys and girls
Ragbrofol -> preliminary
Ac, wrth gwrs,
"Ry'n ni yma o hyd, er gwaetha pawb a phopeth." We're still here, despite everyone and everything
Cymru am byth. Wales forever.
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Sgorio Cookies! These are our homemade Oeros which the kids absolutely love! Ri...
Sgorio Cookies! These are our homemade Oeros which the kids absolutely love! Ri…
Sgorio Cookies!
These are our selfmade Oeros which the youngsters completely love! Wealthy chocolate biscuits with creamy white chocolate buttercream and extra white chocolate drizzled excessive! Recipe on the weblog, seek for Sgorio- 10 home factors for anybody who is aware of what sgorio means 😆😉
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freenewstoday · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/02/13/y-bencampwriaeth-caerdydd-3-1-coventry/
Y Bencampwriaeth: Caerdydd 3-1 Coventry
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Yr Adar Gleision yn ennill adref yn erbyn Coventry gyda Kieffer Moore yn sgorio ddwywaith. Source
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welshlearner · 7 years
Vocab-List: see, hear, feel, taste, think
Good day to you all! I just wanted to provide some everyday vocabulary. I hope this is helpful and please correct me, if anything is wrong.
to listen - gwrando (stem: gwrandaw-) to hear - clywed (stem: clyw-) to see - gweld (stem gwel-) See you tomorrow - Wela i di/chi yfory to look - edrych (standard version) -> “edrych am” can be used as a alternative               to “chwilio am”              sbio North -> can’t be used as “to look for” to feel - teimlo feeling (n.) - teimlad m. (Pl.: teimladau) to taste - blasu taste (n.) - blas m. (Pl.: blasau) tasty - blasus It’s tasty - Mae’n flasus
to do - gwneud (irregular) to make - gwneud to earn - ennill (stem: enill-) to create - creu to say - dweud (stem: dwed-, dywed-, wed-) North              deud (stem: deud-, dud-) North              gweud (stem: gwed-, wed-) South  to speak - siarad to try - ceisio, trio treial try (n.) - ymgais m./f. (Pl.: ymgeisiadau) -> general attempt               cais m. (Pl.: ceisiadau) -> a try in rugby to score a try - sgorio cais to write - (y)sgrifennu                 colloquial: sgwennu to write to someone - sgrifennu at rywun to write an essay - sgrifennu traethawd to write back - sgrifennu yn ôl writing (n.) - ysgrifen f. (Pl.: ysgrifeniadau) to read - darllen  to read through something - darllen drwy rywbeth reading (n.) - darlleniad m. (Pl.: darlleniadau) to sing - canu  singer - canwr m. (Pl.: canwyr/ cantorion)              cantores f. (Pl.: cantoresau) music (n.) - cerddoriaeth f.                     the loanword miwsig is common in speech and more informal writing musical (adj.) - cerddorol musical instrument (n.) - offeryn cerdd m. (Pl.: offerynnau cerdd) musician (n.) - cerddor m. (Pl.: cerddorion)                         cerddores f. (Pl.: cerddoresau) to play - chwarae (stem: chwarae-) -> games and most musical instruments to play football with friends - chwarae pêl-droed gyda ffrindiau to play the piano - chwarae’r piano  but: to play the harp - canu’r delyn  play (n.) - drama f. (Pl.: dramâu) player - chwaraewr m. (Pl.: chwaraewyr)              chwaraewraig f. (Pl.: chwaraewragedd) game (n.) - gêm f. (Pl.: gêmau) -> Does never lose it’s initial g by soft mutation! games (n.) - chwaraeon m. (Pl.), mabolgampau f. (Pl.) -> school activities to think - meddwl (stem: meddyli-)                credu South I think it’s unfair - Dw i’n meddwl bod hi ddim yn deg to remember - cofio  I can’t think of his name - Dw i ddim yn cofio ei enw to believe - credu  to believe in something - credu yn rhywbeth belief - cred f. (Pl.: credau)             credo f. (Pl.: credau)             coel f. (Pl.: coelion)
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dyfynnu · 6 years
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿0-3🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Nikita Parris (68)@Cymru ddim yn rhedeg i Paris Sori...jôc wael...🙈
— ⚽ Sgorio (@sgorio) August 31, 2018
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meddwlyngymraeg · 3 years
Mwy o eirfa pêl droed: More football vocabulary, in light of the World Cup qualifiers involving Wales (part 1)
troed (pl: traed) -> foot/feet
ei droed de. His right foot
dechnegol -> technically
(Yn) Amlwg -> clear, obvious (adv)
Mae'n amlwg. It is clear.
Profiadol -> experienced (adj)
profiad -> experience (noun)
Chwaraewyr ifanc heb lawer o brofiad. Young players without much experience.
Cyflym/yn gyflym -> fast, quickly
Mor gyflym, Brennan Johnson. So quick, Brennan Johnson.
yn agos -> close (adv/adj?)
Mae e'n dod yn agos, ond methu sgorio. He comes close, but cannot score.
trydydd -> third
Ei drydydd cap dros Gymru. His third cap for Wales.
tro -> turn
yn enwedig -> especially
Ei gôl ryngwladol gyntaf. His first international goal
Croeso nôl i Radio Cymru, yn fyw o stadiwm Dinas y Caerdydd Welcome back to Radio Cymru, live from the Cardiff City stadium.
bob tro -> every time
yn erbyn Abertawe. against Swansea (y clwb! Does dim neb yn casáu'r dinas Abertawe, dwi'n gobeithio)
yn ystod -> during
Dwi'n methu ei weld e. (un o'r comms, am Gareth Bale)
(spoiler: wnaethon ni ei weld e)
All e sgôrio arall? Can he score another?
Awstria -> Austria
Y Weriniaeth Siec -> The Czech Republic
(this was on the Radio Cymru site, I'm realising y or yr is kind of up in the air regarding "w". Some regard it as a vowel sound to always tack 'r' before, some are cool with "y w...")
Rygbi Unedig -> Rugby United
Pencampwriaeth -> championship
Chris Gunter o Gasnewydd... Chris Gunter from Newport...
Sylwebaeth -> Commentary (yn Gymraeg, sy'n dwi wedi bod gwrando arno*, weithiau)
(*something about sentences in Welsh not being allowed to end with a 'hanging' preposition so 'ar' wouldn't work... will look it up again later)
Cynghrair Y Cenhedloedd -> Nations League
Campwaith -> A work of art, a masterpiece
Na fydd llais 'da fi ar ôl y gêm! Mae'n rhy gyffrous! I won't have a voice left after the game. It's too exciting!
Gêm gyfartal (pl: gemau cyfartal) -> drawn games (fel heddi)
disclaimer: everything was hastily scribbled *during* the game, there are probably typos
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Selection Box Biscuits Following pretty swiftly on from last week's Selection B...
Selection Box Biscuits Following pretty swiftly on from last week’s Selection B…
Choice Field Biscuits 🍫🍫🍫🍫 Following fairly swiftly on from final week’s Choice Field Tart we have now these Extreamly Chocolatey biscuits! Excellent weekend baking exercise for youths and a good way to make use of up the Christmas choccies!
We made a batch of chocolate biscuits utilizing the Sgorio cookie recipe from the weblog however quite than sandwiching we coated in a thick layer of…
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Safe Journey to the 4 Crosses tomorrow night to all involved with @CorwenFC , @sgorio and of course the best fans about #Seagulls 🕊⚽️ @CymruLeagues pic.twitter.com/FgUp74eTjl
— Colwyn Bay FC 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 (@ColwynBayFC) March 5, 2020
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scottishdreams · 8 years
Falkirk > | 'TNS are the Celtic of the Welsh Premier League' says Sgorio's Owain...
...Thistle, Hibernian and Falkirk midfielder, Owain Tudur Jones, is part ... Thistle, Hibernian a Falkirk, Owain Tudur Jones, yn rhan o dîm Sgorio... http://ift.tt/2kIRPGF
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tonpentreafc · 8 years
  Ton Pentre AFC was pleased to receive correspondence from Andrew Howard, Head of Competitions at the Football Association of Wales, earlier this week for the work that the Bulldogs volunteers did ahead of the JD Welsh Cup Round 3 match against Bangor City at Ynys Park.
The match was chosen for live television and in…
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1901ultras · 13 years
Dylan Ebeneezer calls the Genquip by it's proper name on Sgorio Cymru
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blogdroed · 14 years
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Big John turns up with yet another natty hat!
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dyfynnu · 6 years
Cân arbennig i @sgorio gan @hywelpitts, i ddathlu diwedd y tymor pêl-droed! ⚽️ pic.twitter.com/N9hmnLw5xC
— Hansh (@hanshs4c) May 23, 2018
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scottishdreams · 8 years
Inverness > | 'TNS are the Celtic of the Welsh Premier League' says Sgorio's Owain...
...commentary available. Former Inverness Caledonian Thistle, Hibernian... Bydd cyn chwaraewr canol cae Inverness Caledonian Thistle, Hibernian... http://ift.tt/2kIRPGF
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