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spacerockwriting · 3 months ago
Hi Comet! I hope you are well?
Here are some wintery questions if you feel like it but no worries if not.
- how do you think the Christmas celebrations happen for everyone post-canon?
- what do you think were the favourite Gallagher Christmas traditions for the kids?
- do you think Ian and Mickey enjoy anything about the winter or are they wishing for spring?
- what hot drinks do Ian and Mickey enjoy?
Calli!!! Oh boy do I have some Christmas headcanons for our boys!
Post canon, the Gallaghers (And select Milkoviches depending) celebrate Christmas at one of the two: Lip's house, or, when Ian and Mickey have it, their house. The older siblings spoil the kiddos with gifts, and the adults usually give each other a gift now that they can afford it. Mickey and Ian usually do one practical gift they can open in front of the kiddos, and then a sexy gift at home with just the two of them.
As kids, the Gallaghers didn't have too many traditions. Usually, they would watch some of the Christmas shows that appear on television here in the US. (Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas, are the ones that used to be on every non-cable channel in america.) In true Gallagher fashion, Kev and V would come over and they'd make popcorn and watch.
As young kids, Fiona tried really hard to not make Christmas suck. That means the kids usually got one practical gift (clothes, usually) and one "fun" gift. Or, they do a secret santa thing.
The Gallaghers do decorate, using whatever they have and find in the attic. Many of their ornaments are the homemade ones made in schools by the kids.
When Fiona, Lip, and Ian were younger, there were some Christmases where Frank went all in on the Catholic thing. He became holier than thou and signed the kids up for the nativity play and during some of his Catholic phases Fiona got First Communion, but Lip & Ian were signed up but never went. During Franks bouts of Catholicism, they all went to church pretty regularly until Frank stopped.
Ian enjoys any reason to cozy up next to his husband and do husband things. Not necessarily just sexr, but wrapping up in blankets drinking Fiona's famous hot cocoa together. Mickey enjoys the movie Home Alone at Christmas because look, the kids a badass and the taps were cool. (It was also filmed in Chicago!)
Mickey isn't as a fan of the cold, but he does enjoy fucking in front the fireplace, and he does enjoy watching movies with Ian, not that he'll admit to it.
Ian loves Fiona's famous hot cocoa, and Mickey thinks its okay. Mickey likes his warm drinks with booze, so he always pregames slightly before going to Lip's.
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from Old English forenames
Anwulf Beadbald Beadgar Beadgard Beadmun Bealda Bealfric Bealhsti Beard Bebered Beberht Beodwils Beofric Beofræd Beofsige Beofwyne Beolbeard Beold Beorce Beorceno Beord Beorh Beorht Beoric Beormon Bered Berefric Berewulf Berhthund Berhtmund Berhtri Berhtwin Birwine Burun Byrht Byrhtno Bælfherht Bælfwear...
Caterefu Catno Catwine Cearwulf Cenbe Cenhelm Cenre Cenric Cenræd Centwear Cenwild Ceofmærno Ceofno Ceofric Ceofwine Ceord Ceorht Ceort Cerhtan Cyneslaf Cynestand Cyneweald Cyneweard Cyneweat Cynewilre Cynfere Cynferht Cynfla Cynhearno Cynhere Cynherht Cynsige Cædwine Delfri Delgilm Dengulfno Denheald Deolræd Derht Derhtmund Derhtræd Derihtmun Duferecg Duffa Dunsig Dægbere Dægewulf Eadbear Eadber Eadburg Eadfric Eadfræd Eadgard Eadgiefre Eadgilric Eadhered Eadheregn Eadremund Eadræ Eadrædræd Eadsti Eadstig Eadwilm Eadwin Eagmun Eahbeald Eahbere Eahmun Eahræd Eahwulfri Ealdar Ealdelm Ealdeofwi Ealder Ealdere Ealdgifu Ealdheald Ealdhear Ealdhund Ealdric Ealdæg Ealfdeoht Ealhilre Ealhils Ealhstand Ealhswine Eardic Eardri Eardræd Eardwiht Eared Earno Earwig Eastan Ecgbeal Ecgbeard Ecgberh Ecgfræd Ecghelm Ecghelræd Ecgheric Ecgwi Ecgwigar Elberht Elfhelmær Elgard Elgild Elheregno Elhheald Elhstan Elhstat Elhstatno Elmodri Elmodwulf Elmærmeni Elsig Elsigstig Elstand Elstræd Elthere Elwac Elwald Elwean Elwige Eoflæd Eofmær Eofno Eofred Eofri Eofsig Eofstan Eofweald Eofweatno Eofwig Eofwyn Eofwyne Eolcmær Eolræd Eorceold Eordberht Eordwear Eorht Eorhtgar Eorhth Eorhtlaf Eorwine Eslac Estanræd Estida Estig Estige Esweadri Flanræd Folberd Folcwig Folcwige Foldeord Folwine Frihtlac Frugar Frunric Garnhelm Godgifu Godri Godwige Godwulf Golbered Golcmund Golric Hacerht Headfric Headgifu Headgy Headno Headryð Headræd Heald Helfstig Helgifu Helheald Helmæri Helmærmen Helre Helrefu Helwac Helwulf Heoflæd Heofstræd Herht Herhtno Herhtræd Heræd Hryth Hunderð Hygehelm Hygemær Hygenald Hysebered Hysene Hysexre Hysexrecg Ineweald Inglish Kunbeald Kunbere Kunsta Lacon Lanri Lanric Legar Legbenric Legmund Legno Legræ Leodmund Leofri Leofræd Leohstan Leohtræd Leolbeald Leold Leorhtno Leorno Leornwine Leornwulf Leorwulf Listige Milmund Milræd Milstan Modmær Munswine Obeald Oberæd Ohstida Olcbeald Olcber Onsige Ordræd Orheadgar Orhtmund Orhtno Orhtrund Orhtræ Ormun Ornheald Ornmunræd Ornwulf Orwulf Osbeald Osbeorn Osbeoræd Osber Osfric Osfræd Osgard Osgare Oslaf Oslan Oslanlan Osmodgan Osmodmær Osmodræd Osrædryð Ostan Ostand Ostanla Ostanri Oswig Oswistan Plegard Pleofno Pleolric Pleor Pleord Pleordric Rythelm Rythelno Rythere Rythræd Rædwulf Sceold Scere Scirwealf Scirwin Scmund Sebbe Seberht Senwiht Sexre Sexreno Sigeard Sigefu Sigenric Sigere Sigerð Sigewuffa Sigheald Sighelm Sigher Sighere Stand Stanræd Stmun Sweald Swilflæd Sæmun Særburgn Særburic Sæwac Sæwaceald Sæwalda Sæwaldred Sæwidfric Sæwig Sæwingui Sæwistan Sæwulfno Tigeni Tigstan Torceorht Tordburht Torht Torhtmun Torwulf Tosgar Tosgard Tosla Tostanlaf Tostatno Toswiht Toswine Ugard Wacon Wardwiht Weadfre Weadfri Weadgar Weadgy Weadwulf Weald Wealdhund Weard Wideno Widfrug Widhun Wigar Wigere Wigewulf Wihthear Wildeodræ Wilrecg Wingu Wufen Wufeno Wuleofwi Wulfgene Wulfgifu Wulfheald Wulfhelm Wulfher Wulflæd Wulfred Wulfri Wulfwyne Wynemund Wynemær Wynewulf Wynheald Wærbe Wærburgn Wærfric Ægberæge Ægeni Ægerhtgan Ægewulf Æghelacon Ægher Ælfheald Ælflan Ælflæd Ælfno Ælfre Ælfrene Ælfri Ælfric Ælfwine Ællegræd Ælleod Ælleoflæd Ælleold Æsceofri Æsceorht Æsciri Æscmun Æsculfric Ætheald Æthelac Æthelræd Æther Æthere Æthræd Æðelac Æðelaf Æðelm Æðelræd
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theuniverseawakens347 · 7 months ago
trying to post video of razz..4350 / 05 …and the corner of pico house videos blue Honda forgery in front of Masonic lodge group chat plz ..Dunlap Steve Harvey works w Duncan knock off Samuel for hoes at magnolia 4 ..unit 2 pimps! 90s sex ring continued …but if you turn in your phones for helping then you gotta show THE ACTUAL FUCK SHIT …THATS LOGGED EITHER WAY..” I’m getting fired / arrested CAUSE A TELEPATHIC ROGER N THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF LEE SLAVES BUSIC SEXRINGS” duty reporting for softy ADONDI…Dunlap stolen a wallet for Lee… Asian white shirt blk skirt walked in when I walked out …he disappeared when I came back to say IT WAS STEVE STACHE AS NOAH DECORSI WHO I SAID LOOKED LIKE SAM … Lee why’d you do that..then doofy DUNLAP MUSTACHE TOOK CAMERA OFF ME …cause IM NOT COMMITTING A CRIME, THEY ARE ON HIS PHONE PERSONAL WHITE 14 MAX AND WORK STATION 3/2 computer …U SAYING MY MIND HACKIG YA COMPUTER AND SENDING POLE VIDEOS OF ME OUT MY IPHONE 13 THATS DEAD HACKED N SHOWED LEE ON CAMERA …STUPIC
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kmp78 · 8 months ago
I can't seem to find anon's question about Sexred's belly button, but through the miracle of mesh shirts, I can confirm it's fine!! That ugly jacket picture just looks weird. Maybe he had just been sitting or something. But, all is good with that cute 'lil button 😉 Recent tour photos have confirmed!!
I'm not sure if ANYTHING is good... 😂
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korrektheiten · 1 year ago
Gibt es kompromittierende Videoaufnahmen?: Gibt es kompromittierende Videoaufnahmen? Epstein-Liste: Neue Vorwürfe gegen Bill Clinton und Prinz Andrew
Die JF schreibt: »Viele der angeblichen Kunden des Sexrings von Jeffrey Epstein bestreiten bislang, an den Taten beteiligt gewesen zu sein. Doch neu veröffentlichte Dokumente zeigen: eines der Opfer soll im Besitz von Beweismitteln sein. Dieser Beitrag Gibt es kompromittierende Videoaufnahmen? Epstein-Liste: Neue Vorwürfe gegen Bill Clinton und Prinz Andrew wurde veröffentlich auf JUNGE FREIHEIT. http://dlvr.it/T1BTx2 «
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agentfascinateur · 5 years ago
How nuclear secrets (1:20 mark) come from Maxwellian "pillow talk", and sex just bombs.
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monriatitans · 2 years ago
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"There is a slave trade still in this country—yes, the real and horrific sex and human trafficking trade run by organised criminal gangs, which is appalling and must be stopped. But there's the hidden slavery too of children exploited and used within their own families, within organised and ritual abuse." - Carolyn Spring, Living with the Reality of Dissociative Identity Disorder: Campaigning Voices
Check out Dressember to see how you can help those in need!
Interested in the book? Snag it real quick by clicking here!
Image made with the Quotes Creator App. See the original post on Instagram! Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch and YouTube!
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benisense · 2 years ago
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selfmademan33 · 3 years ago
#Ohio #sexring #busted https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf75VxTlKS2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nerdsworld · 4 years ago
Allison Mack: Role in the NXIVM Sex Cult Was Her 'Greatest Regret'
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Allison Mack to be sentenced in two weeks for her role in NXIVM cult.
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Hmmm...I don't remember this episode but I did stop watching after Petey left.
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Breaking News:06/20/2021
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Tuesday June 29,2021
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egy-lany-blogja · 4 years ago
Úgy érzem kevés vagyok neked,hiába töröm magam,márcsak arra vagyok jó,hogy legyen kinek betedd meg,hogy legyen kin levezetned a stresszt....
Értéktelennek érzem magam melletted...
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ritware1850 · 8 years ago
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#Repost @kygal10 ・・・ #voters #doomed #mars #alexjones #debunk #alexjonesdebunked #nasa #sexring #childsexring #children #spaceflight
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gay-girls-only · 6 years ago
ik u say no dms but i love ur blog a lot n id love sm to chat w u :))
Aw I’m sorry babe! I don’t like DMs anymore because I feel like I take too long to answer most of the time. And when someone just wants to sext the mood dies when it takes too long for a response.
I’d love to interact via asks, tho!!
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korrektheiten · 1 year ago
Gerichtsunterlagen veröffentlicht: Gerichtsunterlagen veröffentlicht „Epstein sagte, daß Clinton sie jung mag“
Die JF schreibt: »Die Gerichtsdokumente um den VIP-Sexring des Pädophilen Jeffrey Epstein sind jetzt öffentlich. Zeugenaussagen bieten Einblicke in die Geschehnisse auf der sogenannten „Pedophile Island“. Die Namen mächtiger Männer tauchen auf. Dieser Beitrag Gerichtsunterlagen veröffentlicht „Epstein sagte, daß Clinton sie jung mag“ wurde veröffentlich auf JUNGE FREIHEIT. http://dlvr.it/T0y3JB «
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supersleuth24 · 2 years ago
Oh my God op you're so right Steven Grant has the milo thatch energy/cuteness going on
when he’s a handsome, sweet, smart, kinda socially awkward museum worker whose intelligence in a specific subject isn’t being used to it’s full extent in his line of work:
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natsufatsu · 8 years ago
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