#sewing tins
cryoverkiltmilk · 9 months
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shrimpfriedeggs · 4 months
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modern au but raon gets miffed by alberu's danish butter cookie tins
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hervey-gervey-chip · 2 months
part III: the process
it’s been a couple weeks since i finished making the alterations i wanted to make to the bibs before waxing, but we finally had an open shop day at school where i'm not bothering my buddies over at the Lady Washinton (though let’s be honest, the only reason i’m not there now is because they’re in anacortes and i dont wanna do the whole drive-ferry-drive thing). HOWEVER, that means i got to spend 4 hours painting my overalls with hot toxic soup. as far as the soup recipe goes, I did actually end up changing it again. in my first post i said i’d do varnish, and the second post i said black paint. i was going to measure everything out nice and had oz quantities i was going to adhere to, but i forgot my measuring cup… lets be real though, it’s probably more historically accurate to just throw shit in a pot and go. I’M MEASURING BY VIBES FOR SCIENCE!! the final recipe went something like this:
1lb microcrystalline wax
~1 cup mineral spirits
~3/4 cup tung oil
~1/2 cup rust-oleum oil based enamel paint (black)
~2 tbsp pine tar
I probably could have done more pine tar but the class bucket was basically empty and i didn’t want to walk down the hill to get more. I also know that pine tar takes fucking forever to cure, and even a small amount smells incredibly strong (though i certainly don’t mind, i actually prefer to be covered in the stuff most times- it’s more a courtesy to the non-tall shippers who aren’t used to the incredibly concentrated stink of 10 campfires burning directly into your nostrils). the reason i added the pine tar is because of it’s anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties, since once the bibs are cured i really won’t be able to wash them. also, from my (limited and haphazard) research, you don’t need a lot to reap those benefits.
i put the wax in a double boiler, and once melted, added the oil, thinner, and paint/pine tar all at once. once it was all sufficiently combined, i started painting it on, let it cool a little bit, and then went back in with a heat gun and brush to help the solution impregnate the fibers of the cloth. oh also. make sure you are in a well ventilated space AND WEAR A RESPIRATOR (see the i-learned section below). i did 2 coats all over in this manner, and then a third over the knees, butt, and ankles for good measure.
oils and tar over any kind of fibrous material can take weeks to fully cure (as i have learned well from rigging), so i am expecting to leave my garment and it’s accoutrements hanging in the shop for about 3 weeks before they reach any kind of wearable or testable condition. everything seemed to soak in pretty well, but i left the shop before everything fully cooled so i’ll do another update at the beginning of next week- i’m anticipating that i over-waxed and there will be some residue i will have to deal with (though in what way is to be decided).
cleanup was pretty easy, considering my proclivity for giant messes with any project i engage in- lots of mineral spirits and several rags seemed to do the trick.
some things i learned/would do differently:
oh my god this recipe makes so much. like. so much. i had like 2 cups leftover and i did 2 coats on my overalls, pockets, AND a 1’x3’ piece of spare canvas. if you were just waxing a pair of pants, halving the recipe would still probably be more than enough
putting the cold liquids into the hot wax makes it congeal a little bit, but you can’t tell when the black paint makes the entire contents of the pot turn, well, BLACK. id put the transparent stuff in first, let it all melt together, and then add the black paint so that there wouldn’t suddenly be so many solid particles all at once
MIX FREQUENTLY. photo 3 shows the difference. i had mixed it really well at the beginning, but once it was all (presumably) a single solution, i stopped worrying about mixing it. the thing about paint/varnish/buildable coatings is that the reason they are buildable or have any sort of pigment is because of the suspended solids within it. this means that over time, the solids will coagulate at the bottom of the container, which is why you have to shake nail polish or stir paint before using it. this also means that i should have been mixing every couple minutes as i was painting it onto the bibs, so i ended up with a very pigmented mixture at the end, and a relatively translucent mix at the beginning. up until a certain point, i was getting a pigment that was not opaque but i was happy with, so i didn’t think too much of it until i was putting on coats that looked more brown than grey or black. anyways, mix your shit.
so… cotton burns. i was painting one leg at a time and then heat gunning it before moving on to the next leg. the wax/oil solution seems to make the fabric more resistant to burning, so the painted bits can take more heat than the untreated cotton next to it. if you, say, for example, (i definitely DID NOT DO THIS) get distracted by a particularly riveting tiktok your friend sent you of a snail vibing on a car windshield while your heat gun is blasting on high 2 inches from your pants, the raw canvas may or may not start smoking. i switched up to painting the Entire back or Entire front before heat gunning, and that seemed to solve the problem (also no more snail tiktoks)
respirators are kind of important. i was in a giant shop with vaulted ceilings next to a wide open garage door and i still had a bit of a headache after 4 hours of standing unprotected next to a pot of hot poison.
photo descriptions:
setup part 2: electric boogaloo
pant ass- upper section 1 coat unmixed, lower section 1 coat mixed
spare canvas in the midst of coat 2
back of spare canvas after coat 1
back of spare canvas after coat 2
waterproof test!
finished garments and spare canvas, ready to cure
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injuries-in-dust · 6 months
Hey, my local store is selling these travel size sewing kits.
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gothiccharmschool · 9 months
A different kind of Throwback Thursday: The family heirloom button tin.
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rathenarts · 3 months
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It's finished! But what is it?
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It's a case for my snips, needle minder, and spare needles! I can even swap the needle minder onto the front while I'm working if I want to, since he's attached to a hidden metal disc glued inside the case lining. When the case is closed, though, he sticks to the blades on the snips and helps make sure they won't slide out. The fastener is also magnetic, assembled using a couple of small magnets I stripped out of the fancy packaging my USB power bank came in (who puts magnetic closures in a disposable cardboard box, seriously?)
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And it even fits in my travel sewing tin with just room for a box of pins and a couple of reels of thread. Perfect!
[Design, including needlepoint pattern, all mine, for the record.]
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puddii-ng · 9 months
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matchy matchy bunny bunny
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wyvchard · 3 months
*The first time Reginald gave Phoenix a cookie tin...*
Reginald: ... Is there something wrong with this cookie tin?
Agent Phoenix: ... There aren't any needles in them, right?
Reginald: What? Why would you think I put needles in cookies?
Agent Phoenix: ... So you aren't giving me a sewing kit?
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therealnotta · 1 year
ok i thought about it and actually, the wildest thing in the wizard of oz series (to me) was when the tin man, scarecrow, and A Random Child whose name I can't remember all went to find the tin man's ex. and they stop at tin man's buddy's house, to see if he knows where said ex is these days, and buddy isn't there, so they go inside to wait for him
and the house???? is full of severed body parts?????? just everywhere, they're in a barrel by the door, they're on the table, just chunks of clearly human flesh and a mess of limbs and whatnot, tin man thinks this is fine, scarecrow is really creeped out, scarecrow opens a cabinet and finds a severed human head
tin man runs on over and is like "what the f- oh that's me lol" and it's??? HIS old severed head??? so the scarecrow is just barely recovered from this, tin man is explaining the situation of how he became tin again, etc. etc.
and then the eyes open
and long story short the tin man's soul transferred to his new tin body, but it takes more than having your soul removed to kill you in oz... so his old body is still alive, but without its memories and completely confused and disoriented
the friend comes back and casually mentions how it took a bit for the transferring to finish, and after that the head just didn't remember anything. that means there was a bit there where this head DID have all of the tin man's memories still, and as far as he knew his friend had just left him without a body in a cabinet, unable to move, while the rest of his body just... walked off without him. literally horrific and the tin man is just like "haha! how quirky!" and honestly it's not the worst thing to have happened to him so i can't fault him for that but like. i'd be a little worried if one of my oldest friends told me that they'd totally leave me in a cabinet while my soul slowly left my body and wouldn't even feel bad.
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bethanydelleman · 6 months
Look what I can do now! Butter cookie?
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The Tin of Deception is mine!
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yelena-bellova · 11 months
Life expectancy increased by 20+ years from Pedro Pascal playing the protective Hispanic mother again.
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ghostsinthecellar · 2 months
got myself a new little carry-everywhere bag and now I'm enjoying thinking of things to put in it and on it outside the realm of like. the essentials of phone and money.
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 2 years
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I don’t know why but it’s so funny to me that baby boy threw a bunch of safety pins on his vest. Like he ran out of actual band pins but was still like “no, it’s not metal enough, it needs something more” and the best he could do was raid his mama’s blue cookie tin of sewing supplies. Cracks me up.
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sassy1121 · 10 months
important seasonal question:
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crooked-corvid · 11 months
kuro kiryu stores his sewing supplies in a cookie tin and mao keeps falling for it and thinking there's cookies in there whenever he sees it and I will accept no argument
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gretagerwigsmuse · 10 months
had one too many yeti sized tequila sodas decorating my christmas tree so now i’m just laying on the floor contemplating my entire existence
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